Name of Institution: Qualification Information: Qualification Title Saqa Id NQF Level Credits
Name of Institution: Qualification Information: Qualification Title Saqa Id NQF Level Credits
Name of Institution: Qualification Information: Qualification Title Saqa Id NQF Level Credits
Annexure E
Name of
Qualification Qualification Title SAQA ID Credits
An Occupational Qualification consists of 3
components: Knowledge, Practical and Workplace. By completing this form, the institution should indicate a thorough understanding of how an
occupational qualification should be implemented. Please study the relevant qualification document, curriculum document and assessment specification
document before completing this form (available on the QCTO website
2 MODULES AND FACILITATORS/LECTURERS: (list all relevant modules; extend table as required to include all modules)
Knowledge Modules: Hours Curriculum Facilitator: ID / Passport Highest Type of Industry
on Code: (Initials & No: Qualification: experience &
time- Surname) no. of years:
2 Confirm whether your institution has all the relevant physical resources for the implementation of this qualification as per curriculum
List of required resources as detailed in the Curriculum: (Extend table as required) Module Name: YES: NO:
3 How would your institution ensure that your staff and learners have a thorough understanding of the occupational qualification, including the
final External Integrated Summative Assessment?
4 Explain how your institution would quality assure occupational qualifications offered:
5 How would your institution ensure that your staff and learners have a thorough understanding of the occupational qualification, including the
final External Integrated Summative Assessment?