Application Center Fork-Lift Trucks
Application Center Fork-Lift Trucks
Application Center Fork-Lift Trucks
Frank Rieckhof BRM-MC/VTS2
Manfred Glöckler BRM-AK/VME3
188 Mobile 2003 Fork-Lift Trucks Bosch Rexroth AG
Figure 5: Hydrostatic drive with hydraulic control and working hydraulics in the open centre
Figure 6: Hydrostatic drive with electronic control and working hydraulics in the load
sensing system.
Figure 7: Hydrostatic steering unit Figure 8: Axial piston pump A10VO Figure 9: Control block SB12LS
LAGC/LAGU/LAGZ for open circuits, mechanically operated,
for steering nominal pressure 250 bar, nominal flow 80 l/min,
maximum pressure 315 bar operating pressure 250 bar
190 Mobile 2003 Fork-Lift Trucks Bosch Rexroth AG
Figure 11: Axle drive as standard for fork lifts for use on rough ground
Figure 12: Axial piston pump Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15:
A4VG (A10VG), Radial piston motor MCR, Drive GFT Axial piston motor A6VM,
nominal pressure 400 (300) bar, nominal pressure up to 250 bar with axial piston motor A6VE nominal pressure up to 400 bar,
maximal pressure 450 (350) bar maxmimal pressure up to 450 bar
Bosch Rexroth AG Fork-Lift Trucks Mobile 2003 191
These solutions highlight the benefits Figure 16: Rexroth Anti-Slip-System for wheel drive systems
of the hydrostatic travel drive:
- Automotive travel with infinitely
variable power transmission
- Sensitive positioning of the unit
load (inching)
- Excellent acceleration and
- Rapid change of direction of travel
by reversing the pump
- Non-wearing brakes
- Maximum pulling power, even at
low speed
Extended functions provided by diesel engine. This means that, at ma- Parameter assignment, monito-
electronic fork-lift management ximum power and reduced speed, a ring and diagnostics
With the electronic fork-lift manage- drive mode can be set that is optimi- Communication with the integral
ment system (Fig. 18), these existing zed in terms of both consumption drive software is possible via the con-
functions can be extended with little and noise, according to the characteri- trol unit’s interface (Fig. 18), either
time or expenditure by setting the stic curve of the diesel engine. With using the BB-3 service module or
software parameters. eco-drive, the system automatically using the BODEM software on a lap-
detects the „Transport mode“ opera- top. This can be used to read any er-
Variable driving characteristics ting point at high speed and low load, rors that have occurred and their hi-
With the variable driving characteri- and switches the diesel engine to a story, as well as to set the drive soft-
stic system, different characteristic mode that is optimized in terms of ware parameters. The BODEM soft-
curves are stored in the driving soft- both consumption and noise. This ware is also used to record test data
ware. It is thus possible to switch bet- changeover is compensated by adjust- for the values processed by the control
ween soft and hard driving or bet- ment of the hydraulic components, unit. In drive mode, the data can also
ween work and transport mode. The which ensures that the desired drive be read on a display, particularly the
choice is made either by the driver operating point is retained. This is DI display from Rexroth. The control
while the vehicle is in use or by the particularly useful for vehicles that are unit can be incorporated into the
manufacturer or service engineer via a often operated at high transport overall electronic vehicle management
PC interface. It can be adapted for a speeds. system via the CAN bus interface.
particular driver or specific applicati-
Constant speed drive with lift Lifting Tilting Addit. Travel Drive
direction pedal
speed function Control
The constant speed drive combined +
with the lift speed function allows the Software
RS 232
Diagnostics FGR
power to be increased automatically via PC, BB-3
when the working hydraulic system is
actuated at a constant driving speed.
Environmentally-friendly drive
mode and eco-drive A4VG
Variable pump
As described above, the drive charac- for the drive
teristic can be selected as required,
which allows the operating point to be
defined for any power point of the Figure 18: Electronic drive management system (lifting, tilting, additional function)
Bosch Rexroth AG Fork-Lift Trucks Mobile 2003 193
Figure 23
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