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SM1001941 Part-II PDF

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Vocabulary plays an important role in one’s ability to The word ‘misanthrope’ has ‘anthrop’ as its root and
express oneself and understand others. The greater the therefore the word evidently has something to do with
number of words that one is familiar with, the better ‘man’ or ‘human’. The prefix ‘mis’ is a negative prefix.
placed one is to be articulate and cogent in what one Thus we have words like ‘mishap’, ‘misunderstanding’,
communicates. ‘misdemeanour’, ‘mistake’ etc that are all negative
words. Misanthrope is also a negative word and refers to
Vocabulary is one of the test areas in MBA entrance a person who hates mankind. Knowledge of the meaning
examinations like the CAT. Performance on vocabulary- of the root word ‘anthrop’ and the prefix ‘mis’ will ensure
based questions, among other things, is considered a that one need not remember the meaning of the word
good indicator of the candidate’s comfort level with the ‘misanthrope’. You can derive the meaning of the word
language. Vocabulary-based questions on MBA using your knowledge of the root word and prefix.
entrance examinations, test candidates on their
knowledge of words that are normally not used in Knowledge of the root word ‘anthrop’ is handy when
everyday conversations and on nuances of common dealing with ‘anthropomorphic’ also. The root word
words. Candidates are also tested on vocabulary in other ‘morph’ refers to form or shape (other words with this
test areas like Reading Comprehension. Reading root word are ‘morphology’, ‘amorphous’,
Comprehension passages often contain difficult words, ‘metamorphosis’). Thus one can safely conclude that the
an understanding of which is critical to gaining an word ‘anthropomorphic’ means ‘like a human being’, or
understanding the meaning of a statement or an idea ‘humanlike’ or ‘having the attributes of a human being’.
expressed in the passage. These examinations make it In fact this is very close to the dictionary definition of the
imperative to undertake an exercise in vocabulary word (suggesting human characteristics).
building so that one is able to do well on the vocabulary-
based questions. Thus the knowledge of one root word helps us derive the
meaning of several words. This certainly goes a long
way in simplifying the task of learning and recollecting
Vocabulary building
the meanings of words.
Most of us have at some point of time or the other, tried
Prefixes and suffixes
our hand at vocabulary building. Most have us have
possibly given up overwhelmed by the enormity of the Prefixes and suffixes are also useful in learning and
task and also because words are so notoriously hard to remembering the meanings of words.
remember. However, vocabulary-building need not be an
exercise in futility. Success hinges on having a sensible A prefix is an incomplete word that is placed at the
and realistic plan and working systematically. beginning of a word to change its meaning. Take for
example the prefix ‘pre’. ‘Pre’ is a Latin word that means
Refer to ‘Adding New Words’ and ‘Revising Words before. Therefore we have words like ‘premonition’,
Already Learnt’ from the introductory note in Verbal ‘presage’ and ‘prescient’. If one knows the meaning of
Ability Study Material. the prefix ‘pre’, one can guess intelligently at the
meaning of these words. Prefixes are extensively used
Words should never be learnt by rote. Words learnt that to coin antonyms of words (e.g. the Latin prefix ‘non’
way are easily forgotten. One of the best ways to learn which means ‘not’).
new words, and more importantly remember them is by
learning roots, prefixes and suffixes. A suffix is an incomplete word part that is placed at the
end of a word to change its meaning. Take for example,
Roots, prefixes and suffixes the Greek suffix ‘logy’ which means ‘study’, ‘theory’,
‘science’ etc. Thus there are words like ‘biology’,
Roots ‘anthropology’, ‘sociology’ etc that refer to the study of
certain domains.
A large number of words in the English language have
been coined from Greek and Latin words. Knowledge of It is clear from the above that knowledge of root words,
these root words is useful when learning words. Root prefixes and suffixes is essential to building a good
words contain the core meaning of the word. Consider vocabulary. You will find a list of root words in this
for example the Greek root word ‘anthrop’. ‘Anthrop’ booklet. Study these root words and the words that are
derived from them systematically. Ensure that you revise
means ‘human’. From this Greek word is derived English
these frequently in order to ensure better retention. You
words like ‘misanthrope’, ‘philanthropy’, anthropology
will also find vocabulary based questions in this booklet.
etc. If one is aware of the meaning of the root word
After you have gone through all the root words, answer
‘anthrop’ one can easily work out the meaning of all
these questions. Use your knowledge of root words to
those words that have ‘anthrop’ as its core. Thus
derive the meaning of the words you come across.
knowledge of root words frees us from the need to
memorise words. One just needs to remember the You should plan to learn about ten root words a day.
meanings of root words, and then use this knowledge to Revise the root words that you learnt over the previous
derive the meanings of words. Let us take a few days. This will help you remember these root words
examples. better.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : info@time4education.com website : www.time4education.com SM1001941/63
In this chapter, some of the most commonly used prefixes are given. Corresponding to the prefix in the first column, its
meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding prefix given in the first column.

ab, abs from, away from ABDUCT lead away, kidnap

ABJURE renounce
ABJECT degraded
ABROGATE abolish
ABSTAIN to keep from
ABSCOND run away
ABNORMAL away from normal

ad, ac, af, ag, an, ap, ar, to, forward ADIT entrance
as, at ADJURE request earnestly
ADMIT allow entrance
ACCORD agreement, harmony
ACCRETION addition
ACCRUE to add
AGGREGATION collection
ARRAIGNMENT indictment
ASSUMPTION arrogance, the taking
for granted
ATTENDANCE presence, the persons

ambi, amphi both AMBIDEXTROUS skilled with both

AMBIGUOUS of double meaning
AMBIVALENT having two conflicting
AMPHIBIOUS leading double lives

an, a without AGNOSTIC without belief in god

AMORPHOUS without any shape
AMORAL without moral sense
ANARCHY lack of government
ANAEMIA lack of blood
APATHY without feeling
ATYPICAL not typical

ante before ANTECEDENT preceding event or

ANTE-NUPTIAL before the wedding

anti against, opposite ANTAGONIZE oppose

ANTIBIOTIC substance working
against organisms
ANTIDOTE substance against a
ANTISEPTIC against infection
ANTITHETICAL exactly opposite

apo away, from, off APOSTATE one who stands away

from or forsakes faith
APOGEE farthest point away
from the earth

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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arch chief, first ARCHETYPE original
ARCHBISHOP chief bishop
ARCHAEOLOGY study of first or
ancient times

be over, thoroughly BEDAUB smear over

BEFUDDLE confuse thoroughly
BEGUILE deceive, charm

bene well BENEVOLENCE good will

bi two BICAMERAL composed of two

BIENNIAL every two years
BICYCLE two-wheeled vehicle
BIGAMY being married to two
people at the same
BINOCULARS two additional eyes

cata down CATASTROPHE disaster

CATARACT waterfall
CATAPULT hurl (throw down)

circum around CIRCUMNAVIGATE sail around

CIRCUMSPECT cautious (looking
CIRCUMSCRIBE limit (place a circle
CIRCUMLOCUTION round about way of
saying things
com, co, col, con, cor with, together COMMERCE trade with
COEDITOR joint editor
COLLATERAL subordinate,
CONTEMPORANEOUS happening at the
same time together
CONVIVIAL living, dining together,
hence joyous festive

contra, contro against CONTRAVENE conflict with

COUNTERPOISE a weight set against
COUNTERMAND order against

de down, away DEBASE lower in value

DECADENCE deterioration
DECANT pour off
DEMOLISH destruction, tear down
DETER move away

demi partly, half DEMIGOD partly divine being

di two DICHOTOMY division into two parts

DILEMMA choice between two
bad alternatives

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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dia across DIAGONAL across a figure
DIAMETER distance across a
DIAGRAM outline drawing
DIAPHANOUS which can be seen
through or across

dis, dif not, apart DISCORD lack of harmony

DIFFER disagree (carry apart)
DISPARITY condition of inequality;
DISSOLUTION breaking up of an
DISSENSION not going together,
disagreement in
DIFFIDENT not to be trusted

dys faulty, bad DYSLEXIA faulty ability to read

DYSPEPSIA indigestion
DYSTROPHY wasting of muscles
en, em in within ENCAUSTIC burnt in, having the
colour fixed by heat
epi on, upon EPITAPH an inscription as on a

eu well EUPHONY on agreeable sound

EUPHORIA a sense of well-being
EUPEPTIC having good digestion
EUGENICS the science of race
EULOGY praise

ex, e out EXPEL drive out

EXTIRPATE root out
EJECT throw out

extra, extro beyond, outside EXTRACURRICULAR beyond the curriculum

EXTRATERRITORIAL beyond a nation's
EXTROVERT person interested
chiefly in external
objects and actions

hyper above; excessively HYPERBOLE exaggeration

HYPERCRITIC one who is excessively
HYPEREMESIS excess vomiting
HYPERTENSION high blood pressure
HYPERVENTILATE breathe at an excessive

hypo beneath, lower HYPOGLYCAEMIA low blood sugar

HYPOCRISY concealment of true
character or belief
HYPOTHESIS proposition assumed for
the sake of argument

in, il, im, ir not INARTICULATE not clear or distinct

INCORRIGIBLE which cannot be
INEFFICIENT not efficient
ILLEGIBLE not readable
ILLICIT not lawful
ILLOGICAL not logical
IMPECCABLE not capable of shining;

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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IMMORTAL without death
IGNOBLE not worthy
INOPPORTUNE not timely ; poorly
IMPOTENT not effective; weak
IMPLACABLE not capable of being
INCONGRUITY without harmony;
IRREVOCABLE not able to be called
IRREPRESSIBLE not capable of being
held back
IRREMEDIABLE not capable of being
IRREFRAGABLE not to be disproved

in, il, im, ir in, on, upon INVITE call in

ILLUSTRATION something that makes
IMPRESSION effect upon mind or
IRRADIATE shine upon
IMBIBE take into, absorb into
INSCRIPTION that which written upon
something like stone

inter between, among INTERVENE come between

INTERNATIONAL between nations
INTERJECTION a statement thrown in

intra, intro within INTRAMURAL within a school

INTROVERT person who turns within

macro large, long MACROBIOTIC tending to prolong life

MACROCOSM the great world

mega great, million MEGALOMANIA delusions of grandeur

MEGATON explosive force of a
million tons of TNT

meta involving change METAMORPHOSIS change of form

METEMPSYCHOSIS the passing of soul
after death into some
other body
METAPLASIA tissue transformation as
of cartilage into bone

micro small MICROCOSM miniature universe

MICROBE minute organism
MICROSCOPIC extremely small

mis bad, improper MISDEMEANOUR minor crime; bad

MISCHANCE unfortunate accident
MISNOMER wrong name
mis hatred MISANTHROPE person hates man kind

mono one MONARCHY government by one ruler

belief in one god
MONOTHEISM a pillar or column of a
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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MONOLITH single stone
a composition
MONOLOGUE intended to be spoken by
single person
sole power or privilege of
dealing in anything
MONOPOLY the rule or custom of
marriage to one wife or
husband at a time
MONOGAMY the worship of one god
without excluding the
belief in others
MONOLATRY having a single set of


multi many MULTIFARIOUS having many parts

MULTILINGUAL pertaining to many

neo new NEOLOGISM newly coined word

NEOPHYTE beginner; novice
NEONATAL pertaining to the newly

non not NONCOMMITTAL undecided

NONENTITY person of no importance

ob, oc, of, op against OBLOQUY infamy; disgrace

OBTRUDE push into prominence
OCCLUDE close; block out
OFFEND insult
OPPONENT someone who
struggles against; foe

olig few OLIGARCHY government by a few

omni all OMNIVOROUS eating everything

OMNIPOTENT all powerful
OMNISCIENT knowing everything

pan all, every PANACEA cure-all

PANORAMA unobstructed view in all
PANDEMIC incident to a whole
PANDEMONIUM everything in very
disorderly manner

para beyond, related PARALLEL similar

PARAPHRASE restate; translate

per, pel through, completely PERMEABLE allowing passage through

spread throughout
PERVADE travelling about
PEREGRINATION completely or
PELLUCID perfectly clear

peri around, near PERIPATETIC walking around from

place to place
PERIPHRASTIC stated in a
roundabout way

poly many POLYGAMIST person with several

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : info@time4education.com website : www.time4education.com SM1001941/68
POLYGLOT speaking several
POLYCHROME many coloured
POLYARCHY a government by many
POLYGENESIS multiple origin especially
of man kind

post after POSTERITY generations that follow

after death
POSTHUMOUS a part added to a letter
POST SCRIPT after signature
after dinner

pre, pro before PREAMBLE introductory statement

PREMONITION an event preceding and
PRELUDE leading to another of
greater importance
before birth
a forecasting
PRENATAL a speech before play
PROGNOSIS to bring or draw forward;
PROLOGUE to protrude

prim first PRIMORDIAL existing at the dawn

of time
PRIMOGENITURE state of being the first
PRIMEVAL belonging to first ages
PRIMITIVE belonging to the
beginning or to the
first times

pro forward, in favour of PROPULSIVE driving forward

PROPONENT supporter

proto first PROTOTYPE first of its kind

pseudo false PSEUDONYM pen name
re again, back REITERATE repeat
REIMBURSE pay back

retro backward RETROSPECT looking back; a

backward view
RETROACTIVE effective as of a past
RETROGRESS backward movement

se away, side SECEDE withdraw

SECLUDE shut away
SEDUCE lead astray

semi half, partly SEMIANNUAL every six months

SEMICONSCIOUS partly conscious

sub, suc, suf, sug, sup, sus under, less SUBWAY underground road
SUBJUGATE bring under control
SUCCUMB yield; cease to resist
SUFFUSE spread through
SUPPRESS put down by force
SUBCUTANEOUS under the skin

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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super, sur, supra over, above SUPERNATURAL above natural things
SURTAX additional tax
SUPEREROGATORY doing more than is

syn, sym, syl, sys with, together SYNCHRONIZE time together

SYNTHESIZE combine together
SYMPATHIZE pity ; identify with
SYLLOGISM explanation of how
ideas relate
SYNDROME symptoms occurring
together or happening
SYMPOSIUM meeting or a
conference where
many people come
tele far TELEMETRY measurement from a
TELEGRAPHIC communicated over

trans across TRANSPOSE reverse, move across

TRANSMIGRATION the passing of the
soul into another body
a doze or stupor, as if
TRANCE passing beyond life

tri three TRIAD a group of three

TRIPTYCH three pictures or
carvings on folding
panels placed side by
TRAMMEL a net of three layers
which can enmesh
the feet

ultra beyond, excessive ULTRAMODERN excessively modern

ULTRACRITICAL exceedingly critical

un not UNFEIGNED not pretended; real

UNKEMPT not combed;
UNWITTING not knowing;

under below UNDERGIRD strengthen

UNDERLING someone inferior

uni one UNISON oneness of pitch;

complete accord
UNICYCLE one-wheeled vehicle
UNIQUE one of its kind

vice in place of VICARIOUS acting as a substitute

VICEROY governor acting in
place of a king

with away, against WITHHOLD hold back; keep

WITHSTAND stand up against;
WITHDRAW take back

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In this chapter, some of the most commonly used suffixes are given. Corresponding to the suffix in the first column, its
meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding suffix given in the first column.

able, ible capable of (adjective POTABLE which can be drunk

suffix) PORTABLE able to be carried
INTERMINABLE not able to be limited
LEGIBLE able to be read

ac, ic like, pertaining to (adj. CARDIAC pertaining to the heart

suffix) AQUATIC pertaining to the water
DRAMATIC pertaining to the

aclous, iclous full of (adj. suffix) AUDACIOUS full of dareness

PERSPICACIOUS full of mental
AVARICIOUS full of greed

al pertaining to (adj or MANIACAL insane

noun suffix) LOGICAL pertaining to logic

ant, ent full of (adj. or noun ELOQUENT pertaining to fluid,

suffix) effective speech

ary like, connected with DICTIONARY book connected with

(adj. or noun suffix) words
HONORARY with honour
LUMINARY celestial body

ate to make (verb suffix) CONSECRATE to make holy

ENERVATE to make weary
MITIGATE to make less severe

ation that which is (noun EXASPERATION


cy state of being (noun DEMOCRACY government ruled by

suffix) the people
OBSTINACY stubbornness
ACCURACY correctness

eer, er, or person who (noun MUTINEER person who rebels

suffix) LECHER person who lusts
CENSOR person who deletes
improper remarks

escent becoming (adj. suffix) EVANESCENT tending to vanish

PUBESCENT arriving at puberty

fic making, doing (adj. TERRIFIC arousing great fear

suffix) SOPORIFIC causing sleep

fy to make (verb suffix) PETRIFY turn to stone

BEAUTIFY make beautiful

iferous producing, bearing (adj. PESTIFEROUS carrying disease

suffix) VOCIFEROUS bearing a loud voice

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il, ile pertaining to, capable PUERILE pertaining to a boy or
of (adj. suffix) child
DUCTILE capable of being
CIVIL hammered

ism doctrine, belief (noun MONOTHEISM belief in one god

suffix) FANATICISM excessive zeal;
extreme belief

ist dealer, door (noun FASCIST one who believes in a

suffix) fascist state

ity state of being (noun ANNUITY yearly grant

suffix) CREDULITY state of being unduly
willing to believe

ive like (adj. suffix) EXPENSIVE costly

QUANTITATIVE concerned with
EFFUSIVE gushing

ize, ise make (verb suffix) VICTIMIZE make a victim of

RATIONALIZE make rational
HARMONIZE make harmonious
ENFRANCHISE make free or set free

oid resembling, like (adj. OVOID like an egg

suffix) ANTHROPOID resembling man
SPHEROID resembling a sphere

ose full of (adj. suffix) VERBOSE full of words

osis condition (noun suffix) PSYCHOSIS diseased mental

NEUROSIS nervous condition
HYPNOSIS condition of induced

ous full of (adj. suffix) NAUSEOUS full of nausea


tude state of (noun suffix) FORTITUDE state of strength

BEATITUDE state of blessedness
CERTITUDE state of sureness

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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In this chapter, some of the most commonly used Roots are given. Corresponding to the Root in the first column, its
meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding Root given in the first column.

ac, acr sharp ACRIMONIOUS bitter, caustic

ACERBITY bitterness of temper
ACIDULATE to make somewhat acid
or sour

aev, ev age, era PRIMEVAL of the first age

COEVAL of the same age or era
MEDIEVAL or of the middle ages

agog leader DEMAGOGUE false leader of people

PEDAGOGUE teacher (leader of

agaro to discuss or speak PANEGYRIC formal praise

ali another ALIAS assumed (another)

ALIENATE estrange (turn away
from another)

alt high ALTITUDE height

ALTIMETER instrument for
measuring height

alter other ALTRUISTIC unselfish, considering

ALTER EGO others
a second self

am love AMOROUS loving, especially

AMITY friendship
AMICABLE friendly

anim mind, soul ANIMADVERT cast criticism upon

UNANIMOUS of one mind
MAGNANIMITY greatness of mind or

ann, enn year ANNUITY yearly remittance

BIENNIAL every two years
PERENNIAL present all years;
praising for several

anthrop man ANTHROPOLOGY study of man

MISANTHROPE hater of mankind
PHILANTHROPY love of mankind; charity

apt fit APTITUDE skill

APT suitable

aqua water AQUEDUCT passageway for

conducting water
AQUA FORTIS nitric acid (strong water)

arch ruler, first ARCHAEOLOGY study of antiquities

(study of first things)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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MONARCH sole ruler
ANARCHY lack of government

aster star ASTRONOMY study of the stars

ASTERIK star-like type
character (*)
DISASTER catastrophe (contrary

aud, audit hear AUDIBLE able to be heard

AUDITORIUM place where people
may be heard
AUDIENCE hearers

auto self
AUTOCRACY rule by one person
AUTOMOBILE vehicle that moves by
AUTOBIOGRAPHY story of one's own life
AUTONOMY the power or right of self
AUTOMATION a self moving machine

belli war BELLICOSE inclined to fight

BELLIGERENT inclined to wage war
REBELLIOUS resisting authority

ben, bon good BENEFACTOR one who does good

BENEVOLENCE charity (wishing good)
something extra above
BONUS regular pay

biblio book BIBLIOGRAPHY list of books

BIBLIOPHILE lover of books
BIBLE The Book

bio life BIOGRAPHY writing about a person's

BIOLOGY study of living things
BIOCHEMIST student of the chemistry
of living things

breve short BREVITY briefness

BREVILOQUENT marked by brevity of

bucolics a herdsman BUCOLIC pertaining to the tending

cattle, rustic, countrified

cad, cas to fall DECADENT deteriorating

CADENCE intonation, musical
CASCADE waterfall

cap, capt, cept, cip to take CAPTURE seize

PRECEPT wise saying (originally a

capit, capt head DECAPITATE remove (cut off)

someone's head
carn flesh CARNIVOROUS flesh-eating
CARNAGE destruction of life
CARNAL fleshly

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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ced, cess to yield, to go RECEDE go back, withdraw
ANTECEDENT that which goes before
go forward

cele swift CELERITY swiftness

DECELERATE reduce swiftness
ACCELERATE increase swiftness

cent one hundred CENTURY one hundred years

CENTENNIAL hundredth anniversary
CENTIPEDE many-footed, wingless

chron time CHRONOLOGY time-table of events

ANACHRONISM a thing out of time
CHRONICLE register events in order
of time

clan secret CLANDESTINE secret, something done

in a sly manner

cid, cis to cut, to kill INCISION a cut (surgical)

HOMICIDE killing of a man
FRATRICIDE killing of a brother
INFANTICIDE killing of an infant
PESTICIDE that which kills pests
UXORICIDE killing of wife
SORORICIDE killing of a sister

cit, citat to call, to start INCITE stir up, start up

EXCITE stir up
RECITATION a recalling (or
repeating) aloud

civi citizen CIVILIZATION society of citizens,

CIVILIAN member of community
CIVIL courteous

clam, clamat to cry out CLAMOROUS loud

ACCLAMATION shouted approval

claud, claus, clos, clud to close CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of closed places


clavis key ENCLAVE territory locked within a

foreign country
CONCLAVE meeting held in a
closed room

cognosc, cognit to learn AGNOSTIC lacking knowledge,

INCOGNITO travelling in assumed
COGNITION knowledge

compl to fill COMPLEMENT that which completes

COMPLY fulfil

cord heart ACCORD agreement (from the

CORDIAL friendly
DISCORD lack of harmony
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : info@time4education.com website : www.time4education.com SM1001941/75
corpor body INCORPORATE organize into a body
CORPOREAL pertaining to the body,
CORPSE dead body

cracy rule THEOCRACY that constitution of state

in which god is
regarded as sole
GERONTOCRACY government by old men.
government by the
a system of government
BUREAUCRACY by officials, responsible
only to their
departmental chief
government by women
mob rule
GYNAECOCRACY government by the
OCHLOCRACY a form of government in
KAKISTOCRACY which property is the
quality for office

cred, credit to believe INCREDULOUS not believing, skeptical


culpa fault, blame EXCULPATE free from blame

CULPABLE which can be punished
one who is at fault

cur to care CURATOR person who has the

care of something
SINECURE position without

curr, curs to run EXCURSION journey

PRECURSOR forerunner

da, dat to give DATA facts, statistics

MANDATE command
DATE given time

deb, debit to owe DEBT something owed


dem people DEMOCRACY rule of the people

DEMAGOGUE (false) leader of the
EPIDEMIC widespread (among the

derm skin EPIDERMIS skin

PACHYDERM thick-skinned
DERMATOLOGY study of skin and its
detergere to rub or DETERGENT a cleansing agent
wipe away TERCE that which is smooth or

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di, diurn day DIARY a daily record of
activities, feelings etc.
DIURNAL pertaining to daytime

dic, dict to say ABDICATE renounce

DICTION speech

doc, doct to teach DOCILE obedient; easily taught

DOCUMENT something that provides
DOCTOR learned person
(originally teacher)

domin to rule DOMINATE have power over

DOMAIN land under rule
DOMINANT prevailing

dour hard, severe, sour OBDURATE hard to move; obstinate

(in appearance) under threat or coercion
DURESS morally hardened or

dubit doubt INDUBITABLY doubtlessly

duc, duct to lead VIADUCT arched roadway

AQUEDUCT artificial waterway

dynam power, strength DYNAMIC powerful

DYNAMITE powerful explosive
DYNAMO engine making electrical

ego I EGOIST person who is self-

EGOTIST selfish person
EGOCENTRIC revolving about self

erg, urg work ENERGY power

ERGATOCRACY rule of the workers

err to wander ERROR mistake

ERRATIC not reliable, wandering
wandering knight

eu good, well, beautiful EUPEPTIC having good digestion

EUPHEMISM substitution of pleasant
way of saying
something blunt

fac, fic, fec, fect to make, to do FACTORY place where things are
FICTION manufactured story
AFFECT cause to change

fall, fals to deceive FALLACIOUS misleading

INFALLIBLE not prone to error,

fer, lat to bring, to bear TRANSLATE bring from one

language to another
CONIFER bearing cones, as pine

fiat, fac, fig, fy, fact, fect to do or make FACTIOUS making trouble, causing
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FACTITIOUS made up or artificial,
SURFEIT overdoing, an excess
FETISH blind or unreasoning
affection; something
regarded with irrational
FEASIBLE reverence
MALFEASANCE practicable, workable
wrong doing especially
official misconduct
INDEFEASIBLE which cannot be
defeated or undone

fid belief, faith INFIDEL nonbeliever, heathen

CONFIDENCE assurance, belief

fin end, limit CONFINE keep within limits

FINITE having definite limits

flect, flex bend FLEXIBLE able to bend

DEFLECT bend away, turn aside
GENUFLECT to bend knees in prayer

fort strong FORTUITOUS strength, firmness of

FORTIFICATION strengthening
FORTRESS stronghold

fort luck, chance FORTUITOUS accidental, occurring by

FORTUNATE chance lucky

frag, fract break FRAGILE easily broken

INFRACTION breaking of a rule
FRACTIOUS unruly, tending to break
REFRACT to deflect, to break

fugere flee FUGITIVE someone who flees

REFUGE shelter, home for
someone fleeing

fus pour EFFUSIVE gushing, pouring out

DIFFUSE widespread (poured in
many directions)

gam marriage MONOGAMY marriage to one person

marriage to two people
BIGAMY at the same time
having many wives or
husbands at the same

gen, gener class, race GENUS group of animals with

similar traits
GENERIC characteristic of a class
class organized by sex
gen to give birth to GENE unit or factor of
CONGENITAL existing from birth
GENEALOGY study of the family
PSYCHOGENIC born in or caused by the

grad, gress go, step DIGRESS to astray (from the

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main point)
REGRESS go backwards
GRADUAL step by step, by

graph, gram writing EPIGRAM pithy statement

TELEGRAM instantaneous message
over great
STENOGRAPHY shorthand (writing

greg flock, herd GREGARIOUS tending to group

together as in a herd
EGREGIOUS conspicuously bad;

helio sun HELIOTROPE flower that faces the

HELIOGRAPH instrument that uses the
sun's rays to send

hemera day EPHEMERAL short lived

icon image, a statue ICONOCLAST one who attacks

cherished beliefs or one
who does not respect
conventional ideas

it, itiner journey, road EXIT way out

ITINERARY plan of journey

jac, jact, jec to throw PROJECTILE missile; something

thrown forward
TRAJECTORY path taken by thrown
EJACULATORY casting or throwing

jur, jurat to swear PERJURE testify falsely

JURY group of men and
women sworn to seek
the truth
ADJURATION solemn urging

labor, laborat to work COLLABORATE work together with

LABORIOUS difficult

leg, lect, lig to choose, to read ELECTION choice

LEGIBLE able to read
ELIGIBLE able to be selected

leg law LEGISLATURE law-making body

LEGAL lawful

liber, libr Book LIBRETTO the "book" of a musical

LIBEL slander (originally found
in a little book)

liber free LIBERATION the fact of setting free

LIBERAL generous (giving freely);

log word, study ENTOMOLOGY study of insects

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ETYMOLOGY study of word parts and
MONOLOGUE speech by one person

loqu, locut to talk SOLILOQUY speech by one

LOQUACIOUS talkative

luc light ELUCIDATE enlighten

LUCID clear
TRANSLUCENT allowing some light to
pass through

magn great MAGNIFY enlarge

MAGNANIMITY generosity, greatness of

mal bad MALEVOLENT wishing evil

MALEFACTOR evil-doer
MALIGNANT disposed to do harm

man hand MANUSCRIPT written by hand

EMANCIPATE free (let go from the

mar sea MARITIME connected with

SUBMARINE undersea craft
MARINER seaman

mater, matr mother MATERNAL pertaining to

MATRIARCH female ruler of a family,
group, or state
MATRILINEAL descended on the
mother's side

mendicus poor man MENDICANT beggar

mens measure MENSURATION the act of finding by

measurement and
calculation, the length,
area, volume of bodies
that which cannot be

mit, miss to send MISSILE projectile

TRANSMIT send across

mime an actor who mimics or MIMESIS imitation

imitates PANTOMIME acting that is
unaccompanied by

mob, mot, mov move MOBILIZE cause to move

MOTILITY ability to move
IMMOVABLE not able to be moved

mon, monit to warn ADMONISH warn

PREMONITION foreboding
MONITOR watcher (warner)

mori, mort to die MORTUARY funeral parlour

IMMORTAL not dying

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morph shape, form ANTHROPOMORPHIC in the shape of man

mut change IMMUTABLE not able to be changed

undergo a great change
MUTATE changeableness,

nat born INNATE from birth


nav ship CIRCUMNAVIGATE sail around the world

NAVAL pertaining to ships

neg deny NEGATION denial

RENEGE deny, go back on one's
RENEGADE turncoat, traitor

nomen name NOMENCLATURE act of naming,

NOMINAL in name only (as
opposed to actual)
surname, distinguishing
COGNOMEN nickname

nov new NOVICE beginner

RENOVATE make new again
NOVELTY newness

oikos dwelling ECOLOGY a study of plants or

animals or of people
and institutions in
relation to environment
general, universal
ECUMENIC study of house hold
ECONOMICS management

onoma, onyma name ANONYMOUS unnamed

HOMONYM a word having the same
sound and perhaps the
same spelling as
another but different
meaning and origin
the formation of a word
ONOMATOPOEIA in limitation of the
sound of the thing
a play upon words
PARONOMASIA derived from the name
PATRONYMIC of a father or an
a fictitious name
a word from the same
PARONYM root or having the same
sound as another

oper to work COOPERATION working together

pac peace PACIFY make peaceful

PACIFIC peaceful
PACIFIST person opposed to war

para contrary to PARADOX that which is contrary to

receive opinion

pass feel DISPASSIONATE free of emotion

IMPASSIONED emotion-filled
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IMPASSIVE showing no feeling

pater, patr father PATRIOTISM love of one's country

PATRIARCH male ruler of a family,
group or state
PATERNITY fatherhood

path disease, feeling PATHOLOGY study of diseased tissue

lacking feeling;
APATHETIC indifferent
hostile feeling

ped, pod foot IMPEDIMENT stumbling-block;

QUADRUPED four-footed animal
PEDESTAL the support of a column,
statue etc.
PEDESTRIAN on foot, of walking
(second meaning -
PEDOMETER an instrument for
counting paces and so
measuring distance
PODIUM a platform, dais

ped child PEDAGOGUE teacher of children

PAEDIATRICIAN children's doctor

pel, puls to drive COMPULSION a forcing to do

EXPEL drive out, banish

pet, petit to seek PETITION request

APPETITE craving, desire
COMPETITIVE with others

phil to love PHILANTHROPIST benefactor, lover of

ANGLOPHILE lover of everything
PHILANDERER one involved in brief
love affairs
PHILOSOPHER a lover of wisdom
PHILATELIST one who loves
collecting stamps

phoebe fear ASTRAPHOBIA fear of celestial space

BALLISTROPHOBIA fear of missiles
CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of closed place
ERGOPHOBIA fear of work
NYCTOPHOBIA fear of night
OCHLOPHOBIA fear of mob
PANOPHOBIA a form of melancholia
marked by groundless
PHOTOPHOBIA fear of light
SITOPHOBIA fear of food
XENOPHOBIA fear of strangers
TRICHOPHOBIA fear of hair

pleos full PLENARY fully attended

PLENIPOTENTIARY having full powers
PLETHORA over abundance
PLENITUDE fullness; completeness
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PLEONASM a redundancy of words
PLENUM empty
DEPLETE superfluous use of
fill again
REPLENISH filled with

pon, posit to place POSTPONE place after

POSITIVE definite, unquestioned

port, portat to carry PORTABLE able to be carried

EXPORT carry out (of country)

poten able, powerful OMNIPOTENT all-powerful

POTENTATE powerful person
IMPOTENT powerless

psych mind PSYCHOLOGY study of the mind

PSYCHOSIS mental disorder
PSYCHOPATH mentally ill person

put, putat to trim, to calculate PUTATIVE supposed (calculated)

COMPUTATION calculation
AMPUTATE cut off

pyr fire, heat, fever ANTIPYRETIC medicine used against

PYROTECHNICS the art of making
EMPYREAN formed of pure light or
fire pertaining to the
highest and purest
region of heaven
pertaining to listing of
PYROGNOSTIC minerals by flame
PYROLATRY the science of artillery

quer, ques, quir, quis to ask INQUIRY investigation

QUERY question

robor strength CORROBORATION conformation

reg, rect rule REGICIDE murder of a ruler

REGENT ruler
INSURRECTION rebellion; overthrow of
a ruler
rid, ris to laugh DERISION scorn
RISIBILITY inclination to laughter
RIDICULOUS deserving to be laughed

rog, rogat to ask INTERROGATE question


rupt to break INTERRUPT break into

BANKRUPT insolvent
RUPTURE a break
sacr holy SACRILEGIOUS impious, violating
something holy
SACRAMENT religious act

sci to know OMNISCIENT knowing all

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scop watch, see PERISCOPE device for seeing
around corners
MICROSCOPE device for seeing small

scrib, script to write TRANSCRIBE make a written copy

CIRCUMSCRIBE write around, limit

sect cut DISSECT cut apart

BISECT cut into two pieces

ced, sess to sit SEDENTARY inactive (sitting)

SESSION meeting

sent, sens to think, to feel CONSENT agree

RESENT show indignation

sequi, secut, seque to follow CONSECUTIVE following in order

SEQUEL that which follows
NON SEQUITUR something that does not
follow logically

solv, solut to loosen ABSOLVE free from blame

DISSOLUTE morally lax
ABSOLUTE complete (not loosened)

somn sleep INSOMNIA inability to sleep

SOMNAMBULIST sleepwalker

soph wisdom SOPHISTICATED worldly wise

spec, spect to look at SPECTATOR observer

CIRCUMSPECT cautious (looking

spir breathe SPIRITED full of life (breath)

string, strict bind STRINGENT strict

CONSTRICT become tight
STRICTURE limit, something that

stru, struct build CONSTRUCTIVE helping to build

CONSTRUE analyze (how
something is built)

suit (sal, sil, sault) jump or leap RESILIENT capable of gaining its
original shape
EXULTANT rejoicing, triumphant
(jumping out of one's
skin with joy)
SALIENT that which leaps at you
i.e. important
SOMERSAULT to leap or jump while
turning the heels over
DESULTORY jumping from one thing
to another without
rational or logical
ASSAULT jumping towards
(i.e. attack)

tang, tact, ting to touch TANGENT Touching

CONTINGENT depending upon

tempor time CONTEMPORARY at same time

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TEMPORAL pertaining to time

ten, tent to hold TENABLE able to be held

TENURE holding of office
RETENTIVE holding; having good

term end INTERMINABLE endless


terr land TERRESTRIAL pertaining to earth

SUBTERRANEAN underground

therm heat THERMOSTAT instrument that

regulates heat
DIATHERMY sending heat through
body tissues

tome a slice, a piece EPITOME embodiment (after

cut off cutting off non-essential
material or
ECTOMY surgical cutting
eg. appendectomy

tors, tort twist DISTORT twist out of true shape

or meaning
TORSION act of twisting
TORTUOUS twisting
RETORT to twist back a reply, to
answer sharply or wittily
to twist together or upon
CONTORT itself
to twist out by force; to
EXTORT gain by violence or
a nose twister, so
NASTURTIUM named because of its
pungent odour

tract drag, pull DISTRACT pull (one's attention)

INTRACTABLE stubborn, unable to be

trud, trus push, shove INTRUDE push one's way in

PROTRUSION something sticking out
turb trouble IMPERTURBABLE that cannot be disturbed
or troubled; calm and
TURBID disordered, troubled,
muddy, thick
urb city URBAN pertaining to a city
polished, sophisticated,
URBANE pertaining to a city
outside of a city

vac empty VACUOUS lacking content, empty-

EVACUATE compel to empty an

vad, vas go INVADE enter in a hostile

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EVASIVE not frank; eluding

veni, vent, ven to come INTERVENE come between


ver true VERACIOUS truthful

VERIFY check the truth
VERITY truth; most often used in
plural and with eternal
appearance of truth
VERISIMILITUDE a true saying; therefore
VERDICT a presumably first
judgement made on the
basis of verified

verb word VERBOSE wordy

VERBIAGE excessive use of words
word for word

vers, vert turn VERTIGO turning dizzy

REVERT turn back (to an earlier

via way VIADUCT roadway (arched)

TRIVIAL trifling (small talk at

vid, vis to see EVIDENCE things seen

VISTA view

vinc, vict, vanq to conquer INVINCIBLE unconquerable


viv, vit alive VIVISECTION operating on living

VIVACIOUS full of life
VITALITY liveliness

voc, vocat to call AVOCATION calling, minor

PROVOCATION calling or rousing the
anger of
INVOCATION calling in prayer

vol wish MALEVOLENT wishing someone ill

VOLUNTARY of one's own will

volv, volut to roll CONVOLUTION coiled state

Introduction to Building a Better Vocabulary

“A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker. The richer and more copious one's vocabulary
and the greater one's awareness of fine distinctions and subtle nuances of meaning, the more fertile and precise is likely
to be one's thinking. Knowledge of things and knowledge of the words for them grow together. If you do not know the
words, you can hardly know the thing.”
― Henry Hazlitt, Thinking as a Science

The primal fear that grips test takers of any competitive exam is the difficulty posed by the language section. Most
aspirants feel that mathematics and reasoning can be “managed”, but language calls for a little more than an extra mile.
While it is a fact that language section most often calls for a much larger preparation base, all is not lost. If you are
willing to put in consistent, purposeful, focused effort, you can keep the cake and eat it too!

Following some simple strategies and keeping a good pace with reading would be your first baby step.

1. Reading

Dedicate atleast an hour to reading. While the benefits of reading are extensively discussed in your Reading
Comprehension class, its contribution to vocabulary building cannot be overstressed. As you read, do not look up the
dictionary to know the meaning of every word the meaning of which you do not know. Cultivate the habit of

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“deciphering” the meaning. Keep a pencil in your hand and mark at the margin when you come across a difficult word.
Continue reading , and guess the meaning of the word using contextual cues. Please ensure that you read a variety of
subjects. This will help you familiarise yourself with an assortment of jargon.

2. Roots

Learning words through roots is not just enriching but also fun! So it is two birds in one stone! One can safely say that
atleast half of the words in English are derived from Greek and Latin. Knowing the meaning of one root helps to
decipher the meaning of all the words formed from that root. The word ‘vocabulary’ itself is from voc, a Latin root
meaning “word” or “name.” Advocacy, convocation, evocative, vocal, and vociferous also have the same root.

Word of caution: root words can have more than one meaning and various shades of meaning. In addition, words that
look similar may derive from different roots. So roots should be relied on only for a general guidance, and for enhancing
your repertoire. The final stop is surely the dictionary.

3. Word Groups/Collocation/Association

Words are meaningless in isolation. Understanding and recognising their collacative and associated usage helps to use
them with ease. For e.g., the word ‘eye’ – has atleast fivehundred words related to it, and more than a hundred
idioms/phrases. Here are a few :

couldn’t believe eyes eyes are out on stalks keep weather eye open
cry eyes out eyes like saucers lay eyes on
cut eyes at eyes like two burnt holes in a blanket look in the eye
cut teeth eyes pop out of head look in the face
dollar signs in eyes feast eyes make eyes at
eagle eye feast eyes on make sheep’s eyes at
eye candy Fields have eyes, and more than meets the eye
eye for an eye woods have ears naked eye
not a dry eye

4. Prefixes and Suffixes:

Knowing the meanings of prefixes and suffixes also will help you to guess the meanings of words.

Prefixes such as semi, hemi, uni, cent, milli etc denote quantity; counter, de, mis, anti etc denote negation; and so on

5. Dictionary

Be generous with use of dictionary. Make sure that you have a dictionary in every location you are likely to require it.
“I’ll look it up later” never works. Stock your car, your college bag, your study room, and your phone with dictionaries.
6. Internet

Judicious use of the internet will improve your vocabulary in leaps and bounds. The internet instantly provides you with
origins and usages of words.

7. Eponyms

They are words derived from names of real, fictional, mythical or spurious characters or people. The English language
has thousands of such words, and each has a story behind it. For e.g. Quixotic, chauvinist, malapropism, etc are all

8. Cue cards

The cue cards that you got along with the study material is a very valuable source of vocabulary enrichment. Read
through them everyday, finishing the set in a stipulated time. Then start the cycle again. You will find that with each
cycle, your familiarity with words improves.

This handout introduces roots to you. The given list is only a few of the many. Please do not limit your learning to just
these words. Please familiarise yourself with the other roots in this alphabet range.

A list of roots covered in VAHO1001607 is given below. A detailed discussion of these roots and sharing of inputs shall
take place before the discussion of the questions that follow.

1. De = down, out, away, apart

2. Dis = not, apart
3. Doc/Doct = teach
4. Dol = pain, sorrow
5. Ego = self
6. εn = in, into

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7. Err = wander
8. Eu = good, well
9. Ex, ec = out, out of
10. Fal/fals = deceive
11. Fid = faith, trust
12. Flu/flux = flow
13. Fore = before
14. Frag/frac = break
15. Fus = pour
16. Gen = birth, class, kin
17. Grad/gress = to step, to go
18. Gram = writing
19. Grat = pleasure
20. Greg = crowd
21. Hol = whole
22. Hypo = under, little
23. It/Iter = between, among
24. Ject/Jet = to throw
25. Jud = judge
26. Jur/jus = law, right
27. Liber = free
28. Lix = speak, speech
29. Loqui = speak
30. Luc = light, shine
31. Lud/ lus = play
32. Magn = great, big
33. Mal = bad
34. Mor = death
35. Mut = change, exchange

A list of roots covered in VAHO1001608 are given below. A detailed discussion of these roots and sharing of inputs
shall take place before the discussion of the questions that follow.
1. Neg = not, deny
2. Neo/Nov = new
3. Nihil = home, nothing, destroy
4. Noc/Nic /Nec/ Nox = harm
5. Ob = against
6. Path = feel, emotion
7. Pec = money
8. Ped = child, foot
9. Pend = to hang
10. Phil = to love
11. Phon = sound
12. Prob/Prov = truth, prove
13. Quie = quiet
14. Rect = straight
15. Rid/Ris = laugh
16. Rogat/Rog = ask
17. Rota = wheel, round
18. Scrib/scrip/ scriv = write
19. Sol = sun, alone, solitude
20. Solu/solv = loosen, free
21. Son = sound
22. Soph = wise, sophisticated
23. Spers/Spar = scatter
24. Struct/Stru = build
25. Sub = under
26. Summa = highest
27. Surrect = rise
28. Tang/Tact = touch
29. Term = end
30. Tim = fear
31. Topos = place
32. Tract = draw, pull
33. Trepi/Trem = shak, fear
34. Turb = shake, whirling
35. Tuit = watch over

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36. Umbr = shadow
37. Val/ Vail = value, strength
38. Van = front
39. Ven/Vent/Veni = come
40. Ver = ture
41. Vert/vers = to turn
42. Vid/vis = to see
43. Viva/Vita = life, alive
44. Voc/Voca/Vok/Vow = call, word
45. Vor = eat

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Practice Exercise – 1
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Each question has a 13. COMPLIANT : RESISTANT
word followed by four choices. From the choices, select (A) Debilitating : Enervating
the most suitable synonym (word which means the (B) Clamorous : Boisterous
same) for the main word and mark its corresponding (C) Defamatory : Complimentary
letter as your answer. (D) Incessant : Relentless


(A) integrate (B) imbue (A) Malapropos :Infelicitous
(C) buttress (D) ostracize (B) Lucid : Ambiguous
(C) Gratuitous : Prudent
(A) crossroads (B) convergence (D) Disingenuous : Veracious
(C) intersection (D) conflagration
3. EXCULPATE (A) Transitory : Impermanence
(A) extirpate (B) excoriate (B) Judicious : Prudence
(C) exonerate (D) extradite (C) Grandiloquent : Deceit
(D) Profound : Flippancy
(A) astute (B) canny Directions for questions 16 to 20: Fill in the blanks in
(C) pugnacious (D) oppressive the given sentences so as to make sense. Select the
correct pair of words from the answer choices and mark
5. INDOLENT its corresponding letter as your answer.
(A) docile (B) lugubrious
(C) intransigent (D) slothful 16. Issues of human environmental impacts today tend
to be _______, and opinions, about them tend to fall
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Each question has a on a spectrum between two _______ camps.
word followed by four choices. From the choices, identify (A) incontrovertible . . . antagonistic
the one which is opposite in meaning (antonym) to the (B) controversial . . . opposite
main word and mark its corresponding letter as your (C) contradictory . . . inimical
answer. (D) incessant . . . polemical
6. ACRIMONY 17. As a first step towards improving bilateral
(A) amiability (B) raucousness relationships the two countries decided to resolve
(C) tyranny (D) irascibility the _______dispute in a/an _______ manner.
(A) ambiguous . . . amiable
(B) contradictory . . . execrable
(A) berate (B) deplore
(C) exasperating . . . artful
(C) applaud (D) bewail
(D) acrimonious . . . amicable
(A) elevate (B) surrender 18. The team received huge _______ from the
(C) enumerate (D) resist management for its _______ handling of the crisis.
(A) adulation . . . hamfisted
9. INTERMITTENT (B) flak . . . proficient
(A) sporadic (B) steadfast (C) applause . . . adept
(C) fitful (D) incessant (D) commendation . . . slipshod

10. DOCTRINAIRE 19. All hopes of the _______ of hostilities between the
(A) moderate (B) rebellious two rival nations were quelled by the defence
(C) capricious (D) liberal minister’s _______ speech.
(A) cessation . . . inciting.
Directions for questions 11 to 15: Each question has a
pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of (B) termination . . . inflammatory.
words. Choose the pair of words that best expresses a (C) resurrection . . . conciliatory
relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized pair. (D) interruption . . . incendiary

11. AUTOCRAT : BENEVOLENCE 20. The two leaders belonging to rival parties
(A) Recidivist : Compunction
succeeded in devising a working relationship so as
(B) Ascetic : Abstemiousness
(C) Criminal : Acrimony not to _______ the differences which had emerged
(D) Connoisseur : Taste between them in the _______ election campaign
held recently.
12. COMMODIOUS : EXPANSIVE (A) amplify . . . acerbic
(A) Decadent : Repulsive (B) incite . . . zealous
(B) Squalid : Alluring (C) aggravate . . . fiery
(C) Cloistered : Confined (D) exacerbate . . . rancorous
(D) Defiled : Pristine
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Directions for questions 21 to 24: State whether the 33. SCREEN
following statements are true or false. (A) He got an opportunity to write for the screen
when he was fairly young.
21. A person who is ambivalent is indecisive. Yes/No (B) She suggested that we could screen of part of
the room and use it as a makeshift office.
22. Avionics is the science of electronics when used in (C) The investigation was conducted behind a
designing and making aircraft. Yes/No screen of secrecy.
(D) I have a strong feeling that he is trying to take
23. An abbot leads a cloistered existence. Yes /No the blame on himself in order to screen
24. An agnostic is a person who does not believe in the
existence of god. Yes/ No 34. CUT
(A) The young officer cut a fine figure in his army
Directions for question 25: Find a one–word substitute uniform.
for the following phrase. (B) Her family cut up all ties with her because she
married against their wish.
25. A person who is ungrateful (C) She desperately wants to reduce her weight so
(A) infidel she has cut out fatty foods altogether from her
(B) iconoclast diet.
(C) insurgent (D) A. R. Rehman has cut out a niche for himself in
(D) ingrate the field of music.

Directions for questions 26 to 30: In each of the 35. PIN

following questions, four words are given. Three of them (A) She combed her hair backwards and secured it
belong to the same category. Mark the letter with a pin.
corresponding with the ‘odd man’ as your answer.
(B) Jack managed to grab the thief and pin him
against the wall until the police arrived on the
26. (A) absolve (B) pardon
(C) abjure (D) reprieve scene.
(C) You can’t pin the blame at anyone without
27. (A) armistice (B) armada verifying facts.
(C) truce (D) ceasefire (D) It is imprudent to pin your hopes on someone to
help you out of this situation.
28. (A) anarchy (B) mayhem
(C) cataclysm (D) lawlessness 36. FACE
(A) The Japanese show great courage and fortitude
29. (A) concord (B) harmony in the face of danger.
(C) accord (D) combat (B) Her parents have set their face against her
decision to marry a foreigner.
30. (A) approbation (B) approval (C) Several tribal communities living on these
(C) applause (D) appropriation islands have disappeared off the face off the
Directions for questions 31 to 38: In each of the
(D) John is very frank, if he has something to say,
following questions, the word at the top is used in four
different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the he will say it to people’s face.
usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
37. RANK
31. BOUND (A) Deepak rose through the rank to become the
(A) Students are bound to feel nervous before their CEO of the company at a fairly young age.
exams even if they are well prepared. (B) The United States is in the front rank of world
(B) There is bound to be stiff opposition from powers.
people when the new bill is introduced. (C) The house was hidden from view by a serried
(C) He is bound and determined to start his own rank of trees.
business someday. (D) It was rank stupidity on his part to invest all his
(D) She is so bound in her work that she has no money in the share market.
time for any sort of relaxation.
38. ACT
32. ACCOUNT (A) Jane was chosen to act the part of Cindrella in
(A) The eye witness gave a full account of the the school play.
incident to the media persons. (B) The trapeze act was the highlight of the
(B) The teachers were asked to account for the scintillating performance put up by the circus
dismal results in the board exams. artists.
(C) On no account should this information be (C) His stint as the Head of the Department will be
divulged to anyone. a hard act to follow.
(D) On all accounts the scenic beauty of Kashmir (D) The children tend to act out whenever they are
valley is breathtaking. left in the care of a nanny.

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Directions for questions 39 to 45: Fill in the blanks in 39. (A) revered (B) institutionalized
the passage below, with the most appropriate word from (C) condemned (D) denounced
among the options given for each blank. The right words
are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the 40. (A) restrained (B) exorbitant
author’s overall style and meaning when you choose (C) ravenous (D) unwarranted
your answer.
41. (A) injudicious (B) inordinate
In Nazi Germany, dysfunctional thinking was (39) in the (C) imprudent (D) insatiable
totalitarian state, its dogma, and its war machine. Today
a different dysyfunction takes the form of (40) and (41) 42. (A) crises (B) cataclysms
consumption, its dogma, and the mechanisms by which (C) upheavals (D) incursions
ever more resources are obtained. Totalitarianism and
consumption have led to (42) peculiar to advanced 43. (A) viciously (B) amok
industrial civilization: both are examples of alienation and (C) tempestuously (D) menacingly
technology run (43). Just as totalitarianism collapses
individuals into “the state”, the new ideology of 44. (A) champions (B) cultivates
consumption collapses individuals into the desire for (C) endorses (D) fosters
what they consume, even as it (44) the assumption that
we are separate from the earth. It is this strange and (45) 45. (A) quirky (B) calamitous
way of thinking about our relationship to the physical (C) destructive (D) noxious
world that is our real enemy.

Practice Exercise – 2
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Each question has 10. PROLIX
a word followed by four choices. From the choices, (A) turgid (B) periphrastic
select the most suitable synonym (word which means (C) concise (D) discursive
the same) for the main word and mark its corresponding
letter as your answer. Directions for questions 11 to 15: In each of the
following questions, a word is given with certain letters
1. APPROBATION missing. This is followed by a synonym of what the word
(A) denunciation (B) endorsement means. Use this clue to fill in the missing letters and
(C) obsequiousness (D) condemnation complete the word.
11. c _ t _ _ l _ c (8 letters)
(A) debunk (B) refute
Clue: All embracing; of wide sympathies or interests.
(C) acquiesce (D) flout

3. ITINERANT 12. a _ _ i _ a _ e (8 letters)

(A) languid (B) capricious Clue: Give up or renounce
(C) peripatetic (D) erratic
13. f _ _ e _ i _ y (8 letters)
4. MALODOROUS Clue: Strict conformity to truth or fact.
(A) alluring (B) enchanting
(C) putrid (D) redolent 14. d _ p _ a _ i _ y (9 letters)
Clue: Moral turpitude
(A) risible (B) incredulous 15. g _ a _ u _ t _ (8 letters)
(C) disjointed (D) conceited Clue: Money given in recognition of services
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Each of the following Directions for questions 16 to 20: In each of the
questions has a word followed by four choices. From the following questions, a capitalised pair of words is given
choices identify the one which is opposite in meaning followed by four pairs of words. Three of the pairs exhibit
(antonym) to the main word and mark its corresponding the same relationship between the words as the
letter as your answer. capitalised pair of words. Identify the pair which does not
6. AGGRIEVE exhibit the same relationship as the capitalised pair and
(A) mollycoddle (B) please mark its corresponding letter as your answer.
(C) restrain (D) beguile
7. GREGARIOUS (A) Circumspect : Cautious
(A) odious (B) taciturn (B) Pugnacious : Amatory
(C) imperious (D) hubristic (C) Obsolete : Antiquated
(D) Caustic : Scathing
(A) bondage (B) coldness 17. MISANTHROPIC : RANCOUR
(C) malice (D) affinity (A) Prudent : Circumspection
(B) Embodied : Incarnation
(C) Cloistered : Seclusion
(A) prosaic (B) outstanding
(D) Incredible : Disbursement
(C) exceptionable (D) pedestrian
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18. REGICIDE : KING 27. (A) foreboding (B) caveat
(A) Fratricide : Brother (C) premonition (D) presentiment
(B) Parricide : Parents
(C) Filicide : Sibling 28. (A) entreaty (B) appeal
(D) Uxoricide : Wife (C) insinuation (D) imploration

19. TROJAN HORSE : PERFIDY 29. (A) turgid (B) diaphanous

(A) Cornucopia : Bounty (C) gossamer (D) translucent
(B) Chimera : Illusion
(C) Phoenix : Immortality 30. (A) amorphous (B) nascent
(D) Frankenstein : Candour (C) nebulous (D) vague

20. JETTISON : DISCARD Directions for questions 31 to 38: In each of the

(A) Inculpate : Absolve following questions, the word at the top is used in four
(B) Bowlderize : Expurgate different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the
(C) Elucidate : Explicate usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
(D) Disgorge : Regurgitate
31. DRAW
Directions for questions 21 to 25: Each question has (A) People in remote villages have to draw water
a sentence with two blanks followed by four pairs of from wells even to this day.
words as choices. From among the choices, select the (B) He cannot be fooled so easily, he is always
pair of words that can best complete the given sentence. quick in the draw.
(C) You cannot draw any salary for the first six
21. In spite of possessing an enviable_____, rarely does months when you are on probation.
he indulge in _____. (D) Jane Austen’s novels draw heavily on her
(A) lexis . . . logomachies personal life.
(B) deportment . . . eugenics
(C) epistemology . . . prologues 32. HOME
(D) egotism . . . polemics (A) We had to put a lot of things in place before we
were home and dry.
22. Abraham Lincoln is known to have _____ in his (B) John is content looking after the kids while his
childhood and it is no accident that he went on to wife brings home the bacon.
become a/an _____. (C) The visuals brought home to us the extent of
(A) amnesia . . . alumnus the disaster.
(B) lucubrated . . . luminary (D) Hyderabad, which is one of the most
(C) perspicuity . . . protagonist cosmopolitan cities in India, is a home to people
(D) ergophobia . . . democrat of diverse cultures.

23. In his weekly homily, the _____ cautioned us 33. EFFECT

against treating anything in creation as _____, since (A) The change in company procedure will not
every creation of God has a definite purpose. effect us in anyway.
(A) progenitor . . . congenial (B) The new interest rates come into effect from the
(B) nestor . . . stygian beginning of next month.
(C) inductor . . .defunct (C) Nicotine has an adverse effect on the
(D) lector . . . jetsam functioning of the heart.
(D) All my efforts to persuade him to change his
24. He has a _____ nature, but his job requires him to plan had little effect.
be _____.
(A) naïve . . . insouciant 34. GROUND
(B) caddish . . . judicious (A) The bank offers loans for small companies to
(C) docile . . . doctrinaire get off the ground.
(D) gregarious . . . prescient (B) The charismatic young leader’s progressive
ideas have a lot of support on the ground.
25. People with _____ alone know the difference (C) Despite all the persuasions and threats she
between confidence and haughtiness although both stood her ground.
appear _____. (D) She worked herself to the ground and in the
(A) amity . . . dour process ruined her health.
(B) sagacity . . . cognate
(C) prudence . . . morose 35. GAME
(D) declivity . . . infallible (A) Hunting game was the favourite pastime of the
Directions for questions 26 to 30: In each of the
following questions, four choices are given. Three of (B) Unlike most other games, chess which is a
them belong to the same category. Mark the letter game of skill is intellectually stimulating.
corresponding with the ‘odd man’ as your answer. (C) I was aware that the task was very challenging
but I was game for it.
26. (A) diffidence (B) reticence (D) We planned a surprise party for Jim but Susan
(C) reserve (D) effusion gave the game off by giggling.
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36. FORM Evil is not self-sustaining that which stands defiantly
(A) The team was in superb form and ready for the opposed to reality cannot survive on its own. Its enduring
tournament. existence requires the (39) of the good. Existentially, the
(B) As the fog cleared, the distant hills and trees irrational survives (40), by feeding off the rational;
began to take form. intellectually, an irrational idea gains influence (41), by
(C) Samir’s boss warned him that if he didn’t form covering itself with a/an (42) of rationality. The weapon
up, he would be dismissed. necessary to (43) ourselves against evil is justice : the
(D) True to form Sheela was late by half an hour. (44) identification of the evil as evil. This means the
refusal to grant it, by word or by deed, any moral
37. DROP respectability. It is by scrupulously withholding from the
(A) After the long and arduous trek we were ready irrational even a crumb of a moral sanction - by rejecting
to drop by the end of the day. any form of accommodation with the irrational – by
(B) There has been a sharp drop in temperatures in forcing the irrational to stand naked and unaided – that
the past two weeks. one keeps evil (45).
(C) He has decided to drop off from active politics
owing to ill health. 39. (A) ratification (B) acquiescence
(D) I shall drop in at your place on my way home. (C) corroboration (D) patronage

38. EDGE 40. (A) triumphantly (B) haplessly

(A) He always has an edge on his voice when he (C) dispassionately (D) parasitically
talks to his subordinates. 41. (A) fraudulently (B) fallaciously
(B) She lives in a quaint little cottage on the edge of (C) forebodingly (D) errantly
the village.
(C) Environmental degradation is slowly bringing 42. (A) edifice (B) modicum
the world to the edge of disaster. (C) veneer (D) protection
(D) In terms of experience Sudha has an edge over
the other members of the team. 43. (A) obscure (B) defend
(C) strive (D) conceal
Directions for questions 39 to 45: Fill in the blanks in
the passage below, with the most appropriate word from 44. (A) categorical (B) blatant
among the options given for each blank. The right words (C) covert (D) unequivocal
are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the 45. (A) indisposed (B) crippled
author’s overall style and meaning when you (C) impotent (D) incapacitated
choose your answer.

Practice Exercise – 3
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Each of the following 7. TACTILE
questions has a word followed by four choices. From the (A) robust (B) enervating
choices identify the one which is similar in meaning to (C) intangible (D) insouciant
the main word and mark its corresponding letter as your
answer. 8. TREMULOUS
(A) irresolute (B) presumptious
1. SACRILEGE (C) obdurate (D) steady
(A) disapproval (B) profanity
(C) restriction (D) castigation 9. URBANE
(A) suave (B) rational
2. SEMINAL (C) boorish (D) antiquated
(A) influential (B) hypothetical
(C) pervasive (D) pertinent 10. CONVIVIAL
(A) jovial (B) vivacious
3. INSURGENT (C) flamboyant (D) unfriendly
(A) infidel (B) rationalist
(C) pacifist (D) rebel Directions for questions 11 to 15: In each of the
following questions four choices are given. Three of
them belong to the same category. Mark the letter
(A) reticent (B) hostile
corresponding with the ‘odd man’ as your answer.
(C) hubristic (D) congenial
11. (A) metaphor (B) quintessence
5. SUBVERT (C) embodiment (D) epitome
(A) intimidate (B) undermine
(C) condescend (D) vilify 12. (A) corroboration (B) elucidation
(C) validation (D) confirmation
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Each of the following
questions has a word followed by four choices. From the 13. (A) conjecture (B) surmise
choices identify the one which is opposite in meaning (C) speculation (D) exposition
(antonym) to the main word and mark its corresponding
letter as your answer. 14. (A) commiserate (B) wheedle
(C) empathize (D) console
(A) superficial (B) methodical 15. (A) exhortation (B) premonition
(C) skillful (D) haphazard (C) foreboding (D) portent
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Directions for questions 16 to 20: Each question has 24. IMBECILE : INTELLIGENCE
a sentence with two blanks followed by four pair of words (A) Virtuoso : Ethics
as choices. From among the choices, select the pair of (B) Diplomat : Tact
words that can best complete the sentence.
(C) Felon : Erudition
16. The assault on freedom of expression on the (D) Hedonist : Abstemiousness
internet has taken on _____ forms in India, with
a regime of arbitrary arrests and censorship orders, 25. PRODIGAL : THRIFT
_____ a cherished fundamental right.
(A) Desperado : Fear
(A) drastic, undermining
(B) risible, suppressing (B) Maverick : Rebellion
(C) ludicrous, demolishing (C) Reprobate : Morality
(D) extreme, obliterating (D) Ascetic : Abstemiousness
17. _____ biodiversity and _____ of habitats exact a Directions for questions 26 to 30: State whether the
heavy toll on rural communities for whom local following statements are true or false.
ecosystem resources sustain livelihoods.
(A) Diminishing, degradation 26. A sanctuary is a shelter or a place of safety. Yes/ No
(B) Dwindling, deterioration
(C) Abating, vanishing 27. Someone who is prescient has a knowledge of
(D) Shrinking, erosion things or events before they exist or happen.
18. The _____ public persona the war coalition leader Yes / No
presents, can be quite different in this situation from
the _____ face he shows in private. 28. Proscribe is to relieve from a charge of fault or
(A) suave, stern crime. Yes / No
(B) charismatic, grim
(C) urbane, gaunt 29. A somnambulist is one who walks in his sleep.
(D) debonair, deadpan Yes/ No

19. His priority now is the business arena and his 30. Something which is contentious is controversial or
favourite _____ a business conference from where debatable. Yes/ No
he publicly warns governments that appear to be
dragging their feet on _____ economic issues. Directions for questions 31 to 38: In each of the
(A) podium, chronic following questions, the word at the top is used in four
(B) lectern, crucial different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the
(C) platform, core usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
(D) rostrum, exigent
31. KEEP
20. Very often people make the mistake of assuming
that mutually _____ qualities bear no relationship to (A) My uncle has a farmhouse in a village, where
one another but in reality these _____ continuously he keeps goats and chickens.
redefine each other. (B) The workers are demanding a salary which can
(A) exclusive, dichotomies keep up with inflation.
(B) analogous, chasms (C) My neighbour offered to keep the children, while
(C) complementary, polarities I went shopping.
(D) reciprocal, disjunctions (D) I could hardly keep out form laughing when she
told me how she fell into a puddle of water.
Directions for questions 21 to 25: Each question has
a pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of 32. MATCH
words. Choose the pair of words that best expresses (A) Shyam and Meera are a perfect match for each
a relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized other.
pair. (B) Even the best batsman of our team was not a
21. PEDAGOGUE : TEACH match for Ali who was a formidable batsman of
(A) Lyricist : Sing our rival team.
(B) Clairvoyant : Apprise (C) The film may have received rave reviews in all
(C) Pontiff : Sermonize the papers but it failed to match our
(D) Arbiter : Negotiate expectations.
(D) The account given by the two eye witnesses did
22. SEISMIC : EARTHQUAKES not match up.
(A) Fluvial : Rivers
(B) Clouds : Pluvial 33. LIGHT
(C) Insular : Rains
(A) Sometimes we light up a solution to the most
(D) Funicular : Islands difficult problem quite by accident.
23. ICONOCLAST : SCEPTICISM (B) Empirical evidence has thrown light on the
(A) Heretic : Conformism cause of the disease.
(B) Sophist : Casuistry (C) In the light of the recent bomb blasts security
(C) Jingoist : Idiosyncrasy measures have been beefed up in the city.
(D) Ideologue : Cynicism (D) I generally prefer a light meal at night.
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34. JUMP Directions for questions 39 to 45: Fill in the blanks in
(A) She is always ready to jump at her colleagues the passage below, with the most appropriate word from
even if there is a minor lapse in their work. among the options given for each blank. The right words
(B) The deal is very attractive I am sure people will are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the
jump at it. author’s overall style and meaning when you choose
(C) Renu cannot take it if someone criticizes her your answer.
son, she immediately jumps to his defence.
(D) I prefer to start for work early every morning so The greatest _(39)_ to mankind and civilization is the
that I can beat the traffic. spread of the totalitarian philosophy. Its best ally is not the
devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies.
35. LOOK To fight it, we must understand it. Totalitarianism is
collectivism. Collectivism means the subjugation of the
(A) As soon as Paul entered the room Peter gave
individual to a group – whether to a race, class or state
him a quizzical look.
does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be
(B) We need to look to ways of improving our
chained to collective action and collective thought for the
business in order to face the stiff competition.
sake of what is called the "common good". Throughout
(C) The young director hoped that critics will look history no _(40)_ ever rose to power except on the claim
kindly on his debut film. of representing "the common good". Napolean served “the
(D) I look ahead to hearing a positive reply from you. common good" of France. Hitler served “the common
good" of Germany. Horrors which no man would dare
36. ISSUE consider for his own selfish sake are _(41)_ with a clear
(A) The labour union might take an issue with the conscience by "altruists" who _(42)_ themselves by the
management on working overtime. common good. No tyrant has ever lasted long by force of
(B) As the issue is very sensitive it must be arms alone. Men have been _(43)_ primarily by spiritual
broached very tactfully. weapons. And the greatest of these is the collectivist
(C) The point at issue is whether the new policy doctrine that the supremacy of the state over the individual
implemented by the government is actually constitutes the common good. No dictator could rise if
beneficial to the people. men held as a sacred faith the conviction that they have
(D) Her photograph was on the cover page of the _(44)_ rights of which they cannot be deprived for any
latest issue of a leading fashion magazine. cause whatsoever, by any man whatsoever neither by
evildoer nor supposed _(45)_.
37. MARK 39. (A) plague (B) threat
(A) Although her stint in this organization was rather (C) torment (D) burden
short, she definitely made a mark on this place.
(B) Low sales in the past six months have forced 40. (A) tyrant (B) sovereign
companies to mark down the prices of some (C) baron (D) emperor
(C) The police were slow of the mark in nabbing the 41. (A) perpetrated (B) interpreted
culprits. (C) executed (D) wreaked
(D) I would like to give him an award as a mark of 42. (A) propitiate (B) sustain
appreciation for the commendable work that he (C) establish (D) justify
has done.
43. (A) enriched (B) embittered
38. LEAD (C) empowered (D) enslaved
(A) I think Mr. Rao is the right person to lead the
team. 44. (A) ineluctable (B) ineffaceable
(B) He offered to lead us into the auditorium. (C) inalienable (D) intangible
(C) A lead from an informer enabled the police to 45. (A) benefactor (B) reprobate
defuse the bomb on time. (C) prude (D) debauchee
(D) Team A will lead up the debate by expressing
their views.

Practice Exercise – 4

(Denotations, Connotations, Collocations, Word roots, Head words, Similar words and Dissimilar words)


(1) This handout consists of words for discussion on denotation, connotation, collocation and vocabulary
development methods (head word and root word methods).

(2) The first set of random words is to facilitate discussion on connotations.

(3) The subsequent sets are to facilitate discussion on either root-based or head word-based vocabulary

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Directions for questions 1 and 2: Discuss the denotations and positive, negative or neutral connotations of the words
given in the box below and from among them, identify the words that can logically fit in the blanks in the sentences that
follow (Choose the answer from the given words and only one answer per blank. You may use the appropriate form of
the word)


innocuous weak insipid

flat banal Innocent
unobjectionable safe painless
jejune inobnoxious sapless

1. He was so hungry that he devoured the food served to him although it was absolutely ________.

2. It was a perfectly _____ remark which was not meant to offend anyone.


Directions for questions 3 and 4: Discuss the meanings of the words in the box given below and identify, from among
them, words that can logically fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow (Choose the answers from the given words
and only one answer per blank. You may use the appropriate form of the word)


corrupt dissolute
low nefarious
decadent perverted
effete retrogressive
depraved decayed
vitiated vicious


meritorious virtuous proper

kind decent clean
uncorrupt dutiful elevated

3. The _____ criminal who remained elusive for a long time was finally apprehended by the police.

4. He was so overcome by compunction, for having led a depraved life for several years, that he decided to turn over
a new leaf and lead a/an ____ life.

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Directions for questions 5 and 6: Fill in the following WORD MAP with words related to the root in the word
‘RETROGRESSIVE’ and with other related words, and then identify words from among them that can logically fill in
the blanks in the sentences that follow (Choose the answer from the given words only, and only one answer per blank.
You must use the appropriate form of the word.

(Minimum 4 words) advancement, growth
OPPOSITE IN SENSE evolution, movement.
(Minimum 4 words)

retreat, decline,
failure, stagnation,
wrong doing, lapse,
misbehaviour, halt, hindrance


OPPOSITE IN SENSE (Minimum 4 words)

perfection, goodness,
kindness, obedience,

egress GRESS = to step,
(Minimum 4 words) to go regress

(Minimum 4 words)
(Minimum 4 words)


deviate, wander,
be direct, stay ramble, stray

5. She is very punctilious and meticulous in whatever she does and expects the same kind of _____ from her
subordinates as well.

6. You have to be extremely careful while executing this task because even a minor _______ might turn out to be

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Find below some other roots found in some of the words covered in the word map. Meanings of some words
related to such roots are provided. Can you guess the word?

Ι. Clin/cliv = slope, lean II. De = down, out, away, apart

(a) _____ : leaning, slope (a) _____ : go away, leave

(b) _____ : lay down, stretch out (b) ________ : express disapproval, criticize

(c) _____ : slant, gradient (c) ________ : reduce in quantity or numbers

(d) _____ : penchant, predilection (d) ________ : spoiling one’s reputation

(e) _____ : declination, descent (e) ________ : spoil the appearance of

ΙΙΙ. Mis = wrong, bad, hate IV. Dis = not a part, away

(a) _____ : one who hates mankind (a) _____ : clashing, inharmonious

(b) _____ : an unlucky accident (b) _____ : underrate, villify

(c) _____ : to intercept incorrectly (c) _____: prevent, hinder

(d) _____ : contrasting, diverse

(e) _____ : disperse, spread

(f) _____ : amplify, expand

(g) _____ : squander, waste


Directions for questions 7 and 8: Discuss the meanings of the words in the box given below and identify, from among
them words that can logically fit in the blanks in the sentences that follow. (Choose the answers from the given words
only, and only one answer per blank. You may use the appropriate form of the word)


affluent well–heeled plush

well–off wealthy comfortable
loaded upscale prosperous
opulent cash-rich moneyed


Indigent scanty impecunious

penurious destitute beggarly
bankrupt pauperized impoverished
hard up underprivileged unprosperous

7. His exiguous income was barely sufficient for him to lead a/an ______ life.

8. A drought like situation is looming large over the state due to the ______ rainfall received this season.

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Directions for questions 9 and 10: Fill in the following WORD MAP with words related to the root in the word
‘AFFLUENT’ and with other related words, and then identify words from among them that can logically fit in the blanks in
the sentences that follow (Choose the answers from the given words only one answer per blank. You may use the
appropriate form of the word)

easy, articulate
flowing, assured
confident, effortless


(Minimum 4 words)

retreat, decline,
failure, stagnation,
halt, hindrance

(Minimum 4 words)

Flu/Flux = flow


flowing together
meeting confluence flux
convergence, union


aberration, (Minimum 4 words) (Minimum 4 words)
separation detour,

9. We had to take a ______ in order to reach the place as the main road was blocked due to a rally organized by the
agitating students of the university.

10. Having revised all the subjects thoroughly, Renu was _______ of performing well in the forthcoming examinations

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Ι. art/ arti = skill, craft (from articulate) ΙΙ. fid = faith, trust (from confident)

(a) _____ : painting, skill (a) _____ : sure, positive

(b) _____ : false, insincere (b) _____ : shyness, reserve

(c) _____: pretense, deception (c) _____ : disloyal, treacherous

(d) _____ : crafty, devious (d) ______ : loyalty, faithfulness

(e) _____ : simple, natural

ΙΙΙ. Con/ = with, together (from confluence) ΙV. super/ sur = above (from superfluous)

(a) _____ : fellow citizen (a) _____ : arrogant, haughty

(b) _____ : unite, come together (b) _____ : succeed, displace

(c) _____ : acquiescent (c) _____ : extra, redundant

(d) _____ : involvement (d) _____ : extra, redundant

(e) _____ : agreement, treaty (e) _____ : insuperable, insoluble

(f) _____ : agree, assent , coincide


Directions for questions 11 and 12: Discuss the meanings of the words in the box given below and identify, from
among them, words that can logically fit in the blanks in the sentences that follow (Choose the answer from the given
words and only one answer per blank. You may use the appropriate form of the word)


soothing smooth still

restful amicable gentle
conciliating unruffled halcyon
peace-loving composed still


warlike rough contentious

militant quarrelsome combative
belligerent hostile sanguinary

11. He often recalls with nostalgia, the ______ days of childhood spent in his native village.

12. Most psychologists believe that people who had a ____ childhood tend to become violent and defiant adults.

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admiring, amorous, SIMILAR IN SENSE

words, ardent, AMICABLE
devoted, passionate, benevelovence,,
rapturous comity, concord,
cordiality, goodwill

hateful, unfriendly
hostile, resentful

aloofness, hostility,
disagreement, hostility,
discord, illlwill, dislike

AMI – love



(Minimum 4 words) SIMILAR IN SENSE (Minimum 4 words)

(Minimum 4 words)

(Minimum 4 words)



beguile, bewitch, annoy, bore, depress,

enthral, gratify, disappoint,
hypnotize, spellbind disenchant, disgust,
dissuade, repulse

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Ι. been = good (from benevolence) ΙΙ. cord / card = heart (from cordiality)

a) _____ : advantage; gain a) _____ : agreement; treaty

b) _____ : kindness, charity b) _____ : disagreement; dissonance

c) _____ : blessing c) _____ : pleasant, genial

d) _____ : genuine d) _____: basic, fundamental

ΙΙΙ. be = to make to have a certain quantity (from beguile) ΙV. en = in, into (from enthrall)

a) _____ : disparage, decry a) _____ : go into; go through

b) _____ : late, delayed b) _____ : attract; beguile

c) _____ : lament, bewail c) _____ : burden hamper

d) _____ : make friends with d) _____ : widespread, prevalent

e) _____ : confuse, baffle e) _____ : entrench, establish

f) _____ : leave, donate f) _____ : plead, beseech

13. He was a raconteur par excellence who could hold his audiences ________.

14. The city is a unique blend of cultures where people of different races and ethnic backgrounds live together in
perfect ________.

Practice Exercise – 5

Directions for questions 1 to 20: In each question, there 3. (1) Despite all my persuasion I could not elicit (a) /
are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of illicit (b) a favourable response from him.
words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From the (2) All citizens of the world must make a
italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most conscious (a) / conscience (b) effort to
appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. conserve the earth's finite resources
Then, from the options given, choose the best one. (3) I am now paying a heavy price for having
neglected his wise council (a) / counsel (b).
1. (1) The revised salary will come into effect (a) / (4) All of us in the team resent her official (a) /
affect (b) from January onwards. officious (b) behaviour.
(2) A delicious black currant (a) / current (b) cake (A) aaab (B) aaba (C) bbbb (D) aabb
was served as the last course of the meal.
(3) The venial (a) / venal (b) politician was caught 4. (1) Ali is such an ingenious (a) / ingenuous (b)
red-handed while accepting a bribe. person that he can make veritable pieces of art
(4) The eminent (a) / imminent (b) cardio-thoracic from the most ordinary materials.
surgeon won the Surgeon of The Year award. (2) He displayed a remarkable flair (a) / flare (b)
(A) baaa (B) aaba (C) abbb (D) abba for writing poetry even when he was a child.
(3) All his teachers and friends complimented (a) /
2. (1) The professor made an illusion (a) / allusion (b) complemented (b) him on his amazing
to Milton’s Paradise Lost in her lecture. performance.
(2) Her conscience (a) / conscious (b) prevented (4) Good communication skills have become a
her from telling a lie. perquisite (a) / prerequisite (b) for every job.
(3) The home minister laid a wreath (a) / wreathe (A) abab (B) baab (C) aaab (D) baaa
(b) at the war memorial as a tribute to the 5. (1) His turgid (a)/ turbid (b) style of writing fails to
martyrs who laid down their lives defending their appeal to the ordinary reader.
country. (2) Due to a major landslide on one of the main
(4) I cited (a) / sighted (b) a famous quotation form ghat roads we were forced to take a tortuous (a) /
Shakespeare before beginning my speech. torturous (b) route in order to reach our
(A) baaa (B) abab (C) babb (D) bbba destination.
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(3) The government intends to proscribe (a) / 11. (1) Imposing huge taxes on the poor and middle
prescribe (b) the export of life saving drugs. class was deplored as an immoral (a) / amoral (b)
(4) Being a woman of principle (a) / principal (b) act of the monarchy.
she is held in high esteem by her friends and (2) One must not become complacent (a) /
colleagues. complaisant (b) about one's achievements.
(A) aaaa (B) abab (C) baaa (D) bbab (3) On a long distance flight I always prefer the
aisle (a) / isle (b) seat rather than the window
6. (1) Some people consider the cracking of a mirror seat.
as a portent(a) / potent(b) of a great disaster. (4) We were accused by our partners of a breech (a) /
(2) Socialism advocates equable (a) / equitable (b) breach (b) in our agreement.
distribution of wealth. (A) aabb (B) aaab (C) abab (D) abba
(3) The politician’s inflammable (a) / inflammatory (b)
speech roused the patriotic spirit of the 12. (1) When he started looking at the clock I knew that
students. it was a cue (a) / queue (b) for us to leave.
(4) Since he could not sustain his family on his (2) I made a rough draught (a) / draft (b) of my
exigent (a) / exiguous (b) income he resorted speech and tried to improve on it.
to taking bribes. (3) He took a deep breath, to curb (a) / kerb (b) his
(A) aabb (B) abbb (C) baab (D) abab temper.
(4) The role of the police is to ensure (a) / insure (b)
7. (1) We were forced to alter (a) / altar (b) our plans that people abide by the law.
owing to certain insurmountable circumstances. (A) baba (B) abba (C) abaa (D) abab
(2) Her performance was so brilliant that even her
worst critics could not forbear (a) / forebear (b) 13. (1) During the medieval period many a duel (a) /
from complimenting her. dual (b) was fought over a lady.
(3) His ascent (a) / assent (b) to the top-most (2) Mr Raman, the new CEO of the company
position in the corporate ladder was due to his hails(a) / hales(b) from a remote village in
sheer diligence, tenacity and self – confidence. Tamil Nadu.
(4) The rate of inflation, which was stationary (a) / (3) During the course of the raid, the police
stationery (b) for several months, escalated discovered that the traders had been hoarding (a)
suddenly leaving the economy in a shambles. / hording (b) food grains.
(A) aaaa (B) baab (C) abab (D) bbba (4) The foreword (a) / forward (b) for my debut
novel was written by one of the most eminent
8. (1) The accused waited with bated (a) / baited (b) writers of our time.
breath for the judge to pronounce his verdict. (A) abab (B) aaaa (C) baaa (D) baba
(2) A team of experts was sent to the state to
appraise (a) / apprise (b) the damage caused 14. (1) Walking and physical exercise can militate (a) /
by the floods. mitigate (b) the ill effects of a sedentary life.
(3) The barmy (a) / balmy (b) weather of the (2) He is aspiring for a career (a) / carrier (b) in the
country side soothed the frayed nerves of the armed forces.
townsfolk. (3) Sharath was loath (a) / loathe (b) to investing
(4) The serial (a) / cereal (b) killer who remained his money in the share market.
elusive for a long time was finally apprehended (4) People who are lactose intolerant must refrain
by the police. from consuming dairy (a) / diary (b) products.
(A) aaba (B) baba (C) bbbb (D) abaa (A) baaa (B) abab (C) baba (D) bbab

9. (1) Harish tried to diffuse (a) / defuse (b) the 15. (1) The President of America held a meeting with
highly charged atmosphere in the room by his council of ministers at the capital (a) /
cracking a joke. capitol (b) today.
(2) Children should be apprised of the importance (2) Dr.Sen was a notable (a) / noticeable (b)
of oral (a) / aural (b) hygiene. professor in the university.
(3) I made discreet (a) / discrete (b) enquiries (3) Several heritage structures were razed (a) /
about his conduct and character before offering raised (b) to the ground during the road
him employment. widening operations.
(4) See that you are upto date with your lessons, (4) Teachers must device (a) / devise (b)
there is no use pouring (a) / poring (b) over innovative ways of capturing the interest of the
your books in the last minute. student in a subject.
(A) abaa (B) bbbb(C) baab (D) aabb (A) aaab (B) baab (C) abab (D) bbba

10. (1) The management censored (a) / censured (b) 16. (1) The government feels that conceding to the
him for his irresponsible behaviour. demands of the naxalites would set a dangerous
(2) The food in this restaurant caters to the taste of precedence (a) / precedent (b).
even the most discriminating palate (a) / (2) India is a statutory (a) / signatory (b) to the
palette (b). Asia Pacific Peace Treaty.
(3) I finally decided to broach (a) / brooch (b) the (3) The chief minister formally (a) / formerly (b)
subject of my salary hike with my boss. declared the sports meet open.
(4) The hostess treated us to a lavish seven (4) He attributed his defect to plain (a) / plane (b)
course (a) / coarse (b) meal. bad luck.
(A) aaab (B) baaa (C) bbaa (D) baba (A) abaa (B) bbab (C) babb (D) bbaa
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17. (1) The naxals tried to avenge (a) / revenge (b) 24. (A) manoevre (B) aggrandize
the killing of their comrades in a police (C) precipetate (D) legetimize
encounter, by indulging in arson.
(2) It was a sheer (a) / shear (b) delight to watch 25. (A) fracteious (B) froudulent
the dancers, dressed in colourful costumes, (C) acrimonious (D) narcicistic
perform gracefully to the lilt of the music.
(3) My family physician recommended (a) / 26. (A) finnesse (B) conciliation
referred (b) me to a pulmonologist. (C) virtuousity (D) sqvalour
(4) The meat was tender and succulent because it
was brazed (a) / braised (b) in the stock for 27. (A) unceremonious (B) avarecious
more than two hours. (C) adventorous (D) posthuomus
(A) aaba (B) aabb (C) bbab (D) bbba
28. (A) pussilanimuous (B) timeorous
18. (1) The demure (a) / demur (b) bride made a (C) dimunitive (D) preposterous
pretty picture in all her bridal finery.
(2) Don't venture out in the cold weather lest your 29. (A) mediveal (B) primeval
cold should get aggravated (a) / irritated (b). (C) coeveal (D) alluvieal
(3) His foster parents never revealed to him that he
was their adopted (a) / adoptive (b) son. 30. (A) stupenduous (B) deciduous
(4) I had a restful (a) / restive (b) sleep last night (C) tremenduous (D) horrenduous
after several days of insomnia.
(A) aaba (B) aaaa (C) abaa (D) baba 31. (A) tempestuous (B) conscientiuous
(C) licencious (D) maliecious
19. (1) Sir Dixon, a man of mettle (a) / metal (b),
proved to be a formidable opponent to his
32. (A) ambeguity (B) magnificense
(C) solicituousness (D) ingenuousness
(2) The failure of monsoon for the third consecutive
year does not augur (a) / auger (b) well for the
33. (A) deferenchial (B) influential
economy of the country.
(C) provedential (D) consiquential
(3) John was forced to take up another metier (a) /
meter (b) in order to supplement his income.
34. (A) peaen (B) panigyric
(4) She is very adept (a) / adopt (b) at cooking
(C) acclaimation (D) extolment
exotic meals.
(A) aabb (B) abab (C) abba (D) aaaa
35. (A) euphoneous (B) diaphanuous
20. (1) Despite his best efforts success remained (C) melliflous (D) cacophonous
effusive (a) / elusive (b) for her.
(2) The police are trying to investigate the reason Directions for question 36 to 40: Identify the correct
behind the grisly (a) / grizzly (b) murder. spelling of the given word.
(3) He plans to spend a quiet (a) / quite (b) retired
life in his native village. 36. (A) ephimeral (B) ephemeral
(4) I am a bit of a sceptic (a) / septic (b) who does (C) efimeral (D) effimeral
not trust an indigenous system of medicine.
(A) aaaa (B) bbba (C) abbb (D) baaa 37. (A) effervescence (B) effervecensce
(C) effervesence (D) efferrvescence
Directions for questions 21 to 35: Identify the word
which is correctly spelt. 38. (A) zealuosness (B) zealosuness
(C) zealousness (D) zealuousness
21. (A) persuvasive (B) unfaultering
(C) presumptuous (D) prestegious 39. (A) irresistable (B) irressistable
(C) irressistible (D) irresistible
22. (A) accomadation (B) sommersault
(C) acomplishment (D) resilience 40. (A) phlegmaticism (B) phlegmaticisum
23. (A) clamorus (B) parochieal (C) phlegmaticsam (D) phlegmaticusim
(C) precoccious (D) mammoth

Practice Exercise – 6
Directions for questions 1 to 10: Read the following 2. The company has decided to cut across expenditure
sentences and from among the options choose the best in view of the ongoing recession.
replacement for the underlined part of the sentence. (A) cut back
(B) cut off
1. The Chennai Super Kings and the Delhi Dare Devils (C) cut out
are preparing to square up, early next week, for the (D) cut in
first match, of the series.
(A) square with 3. The marriage fell over because the couple realized
(B) square off that they were totally incompatible.
(C) square on (A) fell out (B) fell off
(D) square out (C) fell apart (D) fell behind
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4. It is always prudent to lay out some money for 15. Tommy will burn himself out if he doesn't slow down.
a rainy day. (A) catch fire (B) outdo
(A) lay aside (B) lay apart (C) exhaust (D) hurt
(C) lay down (D) lay in
16. I now call upon the President to address the
5. It is advisable to keep away fatty food in order to assembly.
ward off heart attacks and other lifestyle related (A) telephone (B) invite
diseases. (C) expect (D) substitute
(A) keep off (B) keep out of
(C) keep down (D) keep back 17. The government has decided to clamp down on
smoking in public places.
6. She was visibly hurt by his remarks, I could see her (A) take strict action in order to prevent
desperately trying to hold down tears. (B) restrict mildly
(A) hold on to (B) hold up (C) facilitate
(C) hold over (D) hold back (D) make an announcement regarding

7. The two friends who met after a long time, were 18. Do people usually dress up to go to the opera in
seen catching out on each other's health and your country?
families. (A) wear very strange clothes
(A) catching with (B) catching over (B) put on a dress
(C) catching up (D) catching in (C) wear elaborate makeup
(D) wear elegant clothes
8. In our country, corruption runs right across all
sections of society. 19. Though she is talkative at home, she clams up as
(A) runs through (B) runs over soon as she reaches school.
(C) runs against (D) runs into (A) to behave very rudely
(B) to be very quiet
9. The government’s decision to pull back the heritage (C) to be very sociable
structure and build a new commercial complex in its (D) become confused
place, drew flak from the public.
(A) pull up (B) pull down 20. Local authorities backed down on their plans to
(C) pull through (D) pull aside demolish the building.
(A) supported with irrefutable evidence
10. The government decided to roll down the prices of (B) asked for help
essential commodities owing to pressure from the (C) reduced the scale of
opposition parties. (D) retracted
(A) roll in (B) roll over
Directions for questions 21 to 35: In each question, there
(C) roll back (D) roll up
are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of
Directions for questions 11 to 20: The underlined part words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From the
in each sentence is a phrasal verb which is explained italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most
correctly in one of the four choices that follow. Pick out appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences.
the correct choice. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.

21. (A) The pickpocket rifled (a)/riffled (b) through

11. Last I saw her, she was putting on the shirt.
the wallet looking for cash.
(A) hanging to dry
(B) The piquant (a) / pique (b) sauce served along
(B) dressing someone else
with the starters was delicious.
(C) in the process of wearing
(C) She is an inveterate traveler who often travels
(D) pouring something on
to exotic a) / esoteric (b) locations all over the
12. The police have now zeroed in on the possibility of world.
the father-in-law being the culprit. (D) She was ambiguous (a) / ambivalent (b) about
(A) decided her new job in an alien city.
(B) narrowed down to (A) a a a b (B) b a a b (C) a a a a (D) b b a b
(C) ruled out 22. (A) All the students are expected to abide by
(D) made famous the rules and regulations and those who
are found guilty of flouting (a)/ flaunting
13. The problem boils down to a lack of money.
(b) them are liable to be penalized.
(A) can be summarized as
(B) All citizens of the nation should make
(B) leaves as residue
a collective effort to work for mutual (a)/
(C) is caused due to
common (b) good.
(D) ultimately leads to
(C) Life in the society came to a standstill following
14. Immanuel had to brush up on his Spanish before a series of attacks perpetrated (a)/
going to Madrid. perpetuated (b) by terrorists.
(A) depend upon (D) Johnson was felicitated by the management for
(B) make perfect rendering meretricious (a)/ meritorious (b)
(C) refresh service to the organization.
(D) use extensively (A) a b a b (B) a b b a (C) a b b b (D) a a b b
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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23. (A) Beside (a) / Besides (b) being an eminent 28. (A) She endeared herself to everyone with
orator, he was a polyglot who could speak her impeccable manners and childish
21 languages fluently. (a)/ childlike (b) innocence.
(B) People belonging to various sections of society (B) Elizabeth Green was a renowned social worker
strongly opposed the government’s move to and a voracious (a)/ vociferous (b) champion
bring down the heritage structure which was of of human rights.
historic (a)/ historical (b) significance. (C) The statutes (a)/ statures (b) of several
(C) If you act indifferently and do not express your countries have banned capital punishment.
opinion, you would be conniving (a) (D) The doctors gave us a faint (a)/ feint (b) hope
/conspiring (b) in an injustice. of his recovery.
(A) a a a a (B) b b a a (C) b a a a (D) a b a a
(D) The opposition party accused the government
of pandering (a)/ pampering (b) to the 29. (A) Stress and sedentary lifestyle can have
demands of the minorities. an adverse (a)/ averse (b) effect on
(A) b b a a (B) b b b b (C) b a b b (D) b b b a one’s health.
(B) He is in a foul (a)/ fowl (b) mood because he
24. (A) The children were greatly amused (a)/ had a bad day at work today.
bemused (b) by the clown’s antics. (C) Acting on a tip-off, the police raided the place
(B) Despite being aware that life is ephemeral (a)/ and discovered a huge cache (a)/ cash (b) of
ethereal (b) people still cling to their lives. arms.
(D) Bread made of whole (a)/ hole (b) grain is
(C) As the management failed to accede (a)/
considered to be beneficial for health when
exceed (b) to their demands, the workers
decided to go ahead with the strike. compared to bread made of refined flour.
(A) a a a a (B) a a b a (C) a b b a (D) a b a a
(D) The king abdicated his throne and chose to lead
an ascetic (a)/ aesthetic (b) life. 30. (A) Extreme weather conditions are likely to
(A) a a a b (B) a a b b (C) a b b b (D) a a a a wreak (a)/ wreck (b) havoc on the economy
of the country.
25. (A) The concurrent (a)/ consecutive (b) strikes (B) The Chief Minister conducted an aerial survey
by the employees of various sectors had to estimate the damage afflicted (a)/ inflicted
a crippling effect on the economy of (b) by the floods.
the country. (C) Don’t divulge this news to anyone; this is just
(B) He advised me to make a few discrete (a)/ between (a)/ among (b) you and me.
discreet (b) enquires before signing the deal. (D) There were dissenting (a)/ descenting (b)
(C) Since he failed to mend his aberrant (a)/ views from people belonging to different
abhorrent (b) behaviour despite several sections of society with regard to the
warnings, he was fired from the organization. government order.
(D) During our college days, Jack used to regale us (A) a b b b (B) a b a a (C) a a a b (D) a b b a
with interesting anecdotes (a)/ antidotes (b).
(A) a b a b (B) a b a a (C) b a a a (D) b b a a 31. (A) I am planning to visit my friend’s place
this weekend for its (a)/ it’s (b) been a
26. (A) The minister said that the government would long time since l last met her.
take every possible step to ameliorate (a)/ (B) The audience were spellbound by the tricks
alleviate (b) the lot of the debt-ridden farmers. performed by the magician through sheer
(B) Father’s deteriorating health has been giving us sleight (a) /slight (b) of hand.
eager (a)/ anxious (b) moments for the past (C) The advent of portable laptops has rendered
few months. typewriters archaic (a)/ arcane (b).
(C) His appointment as the vice-president of the (D) He traces his line of decent (a)/ descent (b) to
organization now seems a certitude (a)/ the Kachuwaha rulers of Rajasthan.
certainty (b). (A) b b b b (B) b a a b (C) a b a b (D) b b b a
(D) Lightning (a)/ Lightening (b) strikes are
32. (A) All our efforts to persuade her to change
reported to have led to the conflagration in the
her mind were in vain (a)/ vane (b) because
forest area.
she was absolutely unrelenting.
(A) b a a b (B) b b b a (C) a a a a (D) a b b a
(B) They were altogether (a)/ all together (b)
dissatisfied by the arrangements made by the
27. (A) People generally detest his company organizing committee.
because he is known to have a viscous (C) The young lad vowed that he would avenge (a)/
(a)/ vicious (b) temper. revenge (b) his father’s murder.
(B) Several voluntary organizations came forward (D) You must broach (a)/ brooch (b) the issue with
to provide aide (a)/ aid (b) to the hapless utmost caution, as it is highly sensitive.
refugees. (A) a a b b (B) b a a a (C) b b a b (D) a a a a
(C) It is very important to consume healthy (a)/
healthful (b) food in order to keep oneself fit. 33. (A) His business expanded tremendously
over a span of five years owing to his
(D) The band of musicians received a standing hardworking nature and shrewd business
ovation for its credible (a)/ creditable (b) acuity (a)/ acumen (b).
performance. (B) A solution to the problem of environmental
(A) a b a a (B) b b a b (C) a b a b (D) b b b b degradation still remains elusive (a)/ allusive (b).
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(C) The International Conference on Foreign Trade (D) After working for six hours without a break, I
was attended by the who’s (a)/ whose (b) who stepped out to catch a breath (a)/ breathe (b)
of the business community. of fresh air.
(D) During the summer months, the people of the (A) b b b b (B) b b b a (C) a b b a (D) a a b a
drought-hit villages have to walk several
kilometers to fetch portable (a)/ potable (b) 35. (A) My conscience (a)/ conscious (b) prevented
water. me from telling a lie to my mother.
(A) a a a b (B) a b a b (C) b a b b (D) b a a b (B) The principal (a)/ principle (b) reason for the
delay in executing this project is lack of resources.
34. (A) Over a period of time, she overcame her (C) The train had all ready (a)/ already (b) arrived
initial reluctance (a)/ reticence (b) and at the platform, by the time we reached the
started mingling freely with others. station.
(B) He is a very conscientious worker and is (D) We failed to understand the rational (a)/
through (a)/ thorough (b) in whatever he does. rationale (b) behind implementing these new
(C) Despite his meteoric assent (a)/ ascent (b) to rules.
wealth and fame, he is humble and down to (A) a b b b (B) a a a b (C) a a b b (D) a b a b


Directions for questions 1 and 2: The underlined part in 4. If my younger brother refuses to ________ my plans
each sentence is an idiom which is explained correctly in one I can probably find someone else more co-operative.
of the four choices that follow. Pick out the correct choice. (A) fall in with (B) fall away
(C) fall down (D) fall for
1. The pedestrian dodged the vehicle by the skin of his
teeth. Directions for question 5: In the following question,
(A) through great effort there are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of
(B) very narrowly words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From
(C) in the manner of a hero the italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select
(D) awkwardly the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct
sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the
2. We expect Lee to get good grades again since he best one.
really keeps his nose to the grindstone.
(A) works very hard 5. (A) She balked (a)/ baulked (b) at the idea of
(B) minds his own business spending ten thousand rupees on the
(C) flatters those who matter outfit.
(D) studies according to a fixed plan (B) He gave me an incredible (a)/ incredulous (b)
look when I, revealed the secret to him.
Directions for questions 3 and 4: Fill in the blanks with (C) One can achieve perfection in whatever one does,
appropriate phrasal verbs. through constant practice (a)/ practise (b).
(D) In order to provide succor to the distressed
3. Embarassed by the expose, the Secretary of farmers, the government decided to waive (a)/
Defence offered to _______. wave (b) the taxes levied on procuring fertilizers
(A) stand in (B) stand down and farm equipment.
(C) stand over (D) stand back (A) b b a a (B) b b a b (C) a b b a (D) a b b b

Practice Exercise – 7
Directions for questions 1 to 5: There are two blanks (C) acclaimed . . . minimal
in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of (D) disproved . . . salubrious
words given below each sentence, choose the pair that
fills the blanks most appropriately. 3. _____ are among the most valuable molecules in
medicine today because of their ability to _____
1. Apart from _____ a famous victory for the Prime micro-organisms like bacteria.
Minister, the mid-term poll stratagem _____ many (A) Antibiotics . . . destroy
things for him. (B) Steroids . . . replicate
(A) garnering . . . achieved (C) Capsules . . . fortify
(B) denying . . . accumulated (D) Nutrients . . . nourish
(C) bestowing . . . rebuffed
(D) thumbing down . . . confirmed 4. The recent _____ in the United States’ interest rates
to their lowest level in four decades was an attempt
2. The connections between physical, emotional, and to _____ deflation from taking hold in the world’s
mental health are widely _____, and scientific biggest economy.
research indicates that regular exercise plays a vital (A) depletion . . . increase
role in achieving _____ health in all three areas. (B) amplification . . . deter
(A) regulated . . . maximum (C) reduction . . . prevent
(B) accepted . . . optimal (D) plummet . . . abet
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5. _____ a food recipe, the art of hospitality cannot be 12. WHITTLED DOWN : Mr. Arun Shourie has slowly and
taught through a set of instructions; it has to be steadily whittled down the opposition to privatisation.
imparted and _____ only through example. (A) consumed (B) carved
(A) Just like . . . instructed (C) eroded (D) trimmed
(B) Similar to . . . observed
(C) Like . . . learnt 13. CONCILIATORY : It was the right conciliatory note to
(D) Unlike . . . imbibed strike in a debate that has had its fair share of heat.
(A) propitiatory (B) ameliorative
Directions for questions 6 to 10: In each question, a word (C) condoning (D) propitiating
is used in four different ways, A to D. Choose the option in
which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate. 14. TROUNCE : Steve Waugh’s words were inspirational
enough to help the team trounce the Pakistanis in
6. PITCH the final.
(A) We had little hope of getting the contract as we (A) spank (B) chastise
were pitched against well-established companies. (C) lambast (D) rout
(B) The protestors pitched their tent outside the
secretariat. 15. INCONTROVERTIBLE : The weapons inspector’s
(C) You must have an ear for rhythm and pitch to report was not expected to provide incontrovertible
be a successful musician. evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
(D) We all pitched a day’s salary to help the (A) conclusive (B) disputable
tsunami victims. (C) inconvenient (D) indecisive
7. RIGHT Directions for questions 16 to 20: Each question has
(A) Driving on the right side of the road is the a pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of
normal practice in America. words. Choose the pair of words that best expresses a
(B) Parents are right to be proud of their children. relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized pair.
(C) Every woman must stand up for her rights.
(D) Arathi plays the violin with a band but she is a 16. VITUPERATIVE : SCURRILOUS
playback singer in her own rights. (A) Pristine : Immaculate
(B) Minimum : Negligent
(C) Reclusive : Melancholic
(A) There is expected to be an unprecedented
(D) Tenacious : Strident
increase in the rate of petrol in the next few months.
(B) Despite the low interest rate, fixed deposits of
nationalised banks are safe options to invest
(A) Taciturn : Stupefied
one’s money in.
(B) Ductile : Intransigent
(C) At any rate, he will be back at work in a couple
(C) Diaphanous : Awkward
of weeks.
(D) Salacious : Gratuitous
(D) The interviewer asked me how I would rate
myself on a scale of ten.
9. STOP (A) Harpoon : Spears
(A) We were forced to stop the game owing to the (B) Boomerang : Missiles
incessant rain. (C) Bazooka : Arrows
(B) After a brief stop, we resumed our journey. (D) Trebuchet : Stones
(C) He is very outspoken and nothing can stop him
from giving vent to his thoughts. 19. BUREAUCRACY : OFFICIALS
(D) The baby will not stop bawling unless he is (A) Imperialism : Aristocrats
cuddled by his mother. (B) Democracy : Constitution
(C) Hierocracy : Priests
10. ILL (D) Dictatorship : Monarch
(A) Krithika’s overt praise made me feel illl at ease.
(B) Several people were taken ill after consuming 20. VIGILANTES : MORALS
the contaminated food. (A) Abetters : Coaching
(C) Rahul is not my best friend but I wish him no ill. (B) Emperors : Directions
(D) The mother nursed her ill child with great care (C) Arbiters : Disputes
and affection. (D) Acolytes : Controversy

Directions for questions 11 to 15: For the word given Directions for questions 21 to 25: Fill in the blanks in
in each question, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the passage below, with the most appropriate word from
the word from among the choices, that is the most among the options given for each blank. The right words
appropriate substitute for the question word in the given are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the
context and mark its corresponding latter as your answer author’s overall style and meaning when you choose
your answer.
11. SPURT: The government has directed oil companies
to freeze retail prices of petrol and diesel despite a With their imposing colonial era architecture, lush lawns
spurt in the price of Brent crude. and prime locations, India’s most exclusive clubs have
(A) surge (B) cascade always been (21) of the privileged, of which diplomats
(C) torrent (D) flurry are an especially (22) tribe. Established through the 19th
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century, these clubs were used by colonists as (23) 29. (i) The eco-conscious politician strongly eschewed
refuges from the native hordes. Haughty resistance to (a) / espoused (b) the use of plastic bags.
criticism and (24) against reform means some rules will (ii) Rose had gone into the other room to minister
remain, and leave the clubs (25) in their colonial (a) / administer (b) to the needs of the guests.
affectations for quite a while yet. If you want in, get in (iii) The accused was inculpated (a) / exculpated
line, it’s a long one and straighten your tie. (b) of all charges for lack of incontrovertible
21. (A) haunts (B) preserves (iv) The tenacious pursuit (a) / perusal (b) of the
(C) resorts (D) havens documents finally yielded some concrete
22. (A) exasperating (B) galling results.
(C) hallowed (D) erudite
23. (A) philistine (B) churlish
(C) indecorous (D) urbane 30. (i) The petty criminal beseeched (a) / bespoke (b)
the judge for mercy.
24. (A) tumult (B) inertia (ii) Culture doesn't exist in a vacuum. We often
(C) potency (D) pursuit conflate (a) / conflagrate (b) elements from
25. (A) abjuring (B) ensconced various civilizations.
(C) spurning (D) abdicating (iii) A person/s indigence (a) / indolence (b) is not
always a matter of choice. Who you are born to
Directions for questions 26 to 30: In each question, there has something to do with how well you do in life
are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of financially.
words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From the (iv) The actor's inept (a) / adept (b) portrayal of
italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most Julius Caesar drew severe flak from the theatre
appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences enthusiasts.
and indicate the letters corresponding with the correct
words, in the box provided below each question.
26. (a) It was balmy (a) / barmy (b) of Steven to
Directions for questions 31 to 35: In each of the
believe that celestial movements could explain
questions below, a word with its usage is given. Select
his rather mundane mishaps.
as your answer, the word that is inappropriate as
(ii) Ravi struggled with himself as he pondered how to
a replacement to the question word in the sentence.
broach (a) / brooch (b) the topic of his romance.
(iii) The lobbyists strongly canvassed (a) /
31. COLLATE: Many disclaimers in web pages avow
canvased (b) the Republican candidate for his
that they have collected and collated the
pro-corporate policies.
information in good faith but proclaim that they are
(iv) The bough (a) / bow (b) of the Titanic was
not responsible for its accuracy.
headed for a frontal collision with the iceberg.
(A) encumbered (B) composed
(C) examined (D) mustered

27. (i) Unable to bear the censure (a) / censor (b) of 32. FRAGMENTED: We live in a world in which time
his movie by the critics the director became and space are fragmented and our attention is
reclusive. divided, continually switching back and forth
(ii) The complacent (a) / complaisant (b) nature between different streams of sensory inputs.
of Shyam appealed to his friend who was (A) shattered (B) splintered
pleased with his kowtowing. (C) immoderate (D) broken
(iii) Madhuri's wedding gown titivated (a) /
titillated (b) her beauty further. 33. BEREFT: Several areas where tiger poaching is
(iv) The epicure’s palate (a) / pallette (b) was non-existent are surprisingly bereft of the amber-
piqued by the variety of the arena on display. eyed cat because its preferred prey have become
rare or have even vanished.
(A) devoid (B) emitted
(C) robbed (D) divested
28. (i) The residents of the violence ravaged city were
immured (a) / incurred (b) to their houses by 34. BESET: The primordial ignorance which besets all
the curfew. human beings due to the Lord's power of ‘Maya’,
(ii) The dual (a) / duel (b) nature of man in can be overcome only by divine grace and not by
conflicting impulses is explained in Jewish human ingenuity.
philosophy by the yetzer tov (good impulse) and (A) encloses (B) exerts
yetzer ra (bad impulse). (C) besieges (D) perplexes
(iii) The politician laid the wreath (a) / wreathe (b) on
the tomb of the long deceased national leader. 35. STULTIFYING: Inadequate English equivalents of
(iv) The directors came up with their own Urdu words, idioms and other expressions have had
explanation for what the rating agencies a stultifying effect on the English language abilities
implied (a) / inferred (b) in their report about of some of the Urdu speaking people in the sub-
the future of the company. continent.
(A) benumbing (B) stirring
(C) constraining (D) hampering
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Directions for questions 1 and 2: There are two blanks 4. HUMANE : FIENDISH
in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of (A) Gregarious : Sociable
words given below each sentence, choose the pair that (B) Defamatory : Complimentary
fills the blanks most appropriately. (C) Risible : Ludicrous
(D) Catastrophic : Calamitous
1. In 1915, Einstein succeeded in _____ the theory of
relativity to matter in acceleration, resulting in a new Directions for question 5: In the following question,
theory of gravitation, where mass was _____ as the there are five sentences. Each sentence has pairs of
curvature of space-time. words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From
(A) relating ...considered the italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select
(B) reaching ...named the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct
(C) formulating ...classified sentences and indicate the letters corresponding with the
(D) extending ...identified correct words in the box provided below the question.
2. The dismal health and nutrition situation, implying a
5. (i) While she had realised that her father would be
poor state of food and nutrition _____ in both rural
unhappy about her decision to discontinue
and urban India, needs to be _____ on a war
studies, she did not expect him to fulminate (a)
/ culminate (b) as he did.
(A) security...addressed
(ii) It hurts to see him flounder (a) / founder (b) in
(B) value ...directed
the simplest of situations, especially when we
(C) shares ...attended
recall how self-assured he was before his illness.
(D) standard ...focussed
(iii) In his answers to the prosecutor's questions
Directions for questions 3 and 4: Each question has a about the accident, the eye-witness displayed
pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of absolute integrity (a) / honesty (b).
words. Choose the pair of words that best expresses a (iv) Locating his house (a) / home (b) took me the
relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized pair. better part of the day.
(v) He's such an egotist (a) / egoist (b), he
3. ECLAT : PANACHE actually thinks we'd be sad to see him go!.
(A) Rectitude : Probity
(B) Timorousness : Defiance
(C) Opprobrium: Perfidy
(D) Recalcitrance : Docility

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Practice Exercise – 1
1. A 7. C 13. C 19. A 29. D 35. C 41. D
2. B 8. D 14. A 20. D 30. D 36. C 42. A
3. C 9. D 15. B 25. D 31. D 37. A 43. B
4. C 10. D 16. B 26. C 32. D 38. D 44. D
5. D 11. A 17. D 27. B 33. B 39. B 45. C
6. A 12. C 18. C 28. C 34. B 40. C

Practice Exercise – 2
1. B 7. B 18. C 24. C 30. B 36. C 42. C
2. D 8. B 19. D 25. B 31. B 37. C 43. B
3. C 9. B 20. A 26. D 32. D 38. A 44. D
4. C 10. C 21. A 27. B 33. A 39. B 45. C
5. A 16. B 22. B 28. C 34. D 40. D
6. B 17. D 23. D 29. A 35. D 41. A

Practice Exercise – 3
1. B 8. D 15. A 22. A 29. Yes 36. A 43. D
2. A 9. C 16. C 23. B 30. Yes 37. C 44. C
3. D 10. D 17. A 24. D 31. D 38. D 45. A
4. A 11. A 18. A 25. C 32. C 39. B
5. B 12. B 19. C 26. Yes 33. A 40. A
6. B 13. D 20. A 27. Yes 34. A 41. A
7. C 14. B 21. C 28. No 35. D 42. D

Practice Exercise – 4
*Refer to explanatory notes

Practice Exercise – 5
1. B 6. B 11. B 16. D 21. C 26. B 31. A 36. B
2. A 7. A 12. C 17. B 22. D 27. A 32. D 37. A
3. D 8. A 13. B 18. B 23. D 28. D 33. B 38. C
4. C 9. C 14. A 19. D 24. B 29. B 34. D 39. D
5. A 10. B 15. B 20. D 25. C 30. B 35. D 40. A

Practice Exercise – 6
1. B 6. D 11. C 16. B 21. A 26. D 31. B
2. A 7. C 12. B 17. A 22. A 27. D 32. D
3. C 8. A 13. A 18. D 23. A 28. B 33. D
4. A 9. B 14. C 19. B 24. D 29. A 34. B
5. A 10. C 15. C 20. D 25. B 30. B 35. C


1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
Practice Exercise – 7
1. A 7. D 13. A 19. C 25. B 31. A
2. B 8. A 14. D 20. C 26. baab 32. C
3. A 9. B 15. A 21. C 27. abaa 33. B
4. C 10. D 16. A 22. C 28. aaaa 34. B
5. D 11. A 17. B 23. D 29. aabb 35. B
6. D 12. C 18. D 24. B 30. aaaa
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. aabaa

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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