Eutopia-Sif: Science and Innovation Fellowship Program
Eutopia-Sif: Science and Innovation Fellowship Program
Eutopia-Sif: Science and Innovation Fellowship Program
19 October 2020
1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Academic Environment: The EUTOPIA European University ........................................................ 5
2.1 The EUTOPIA Alliance ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 The EUTOPIA partner universities ............................................................................................ 5
2.3 Key research areas .................................................................................................................... 7
3 About the EUTOPIA SIF Fellowship Program ................................................................................. 8
3.1 Aims of the program ................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Host / co-host universities & secondments.............................................................................. 8
3.3 Training and career development ............................................................................................ 9
3.4 Conditions of the fellowship ................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Start date and duration of the fellowship .................................................................... 10
3.4.2 Employment conditions................................................................................................ 10
3.4.3 Working and living conditions ...................................................................................... 12
4 Application procedure ................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Eligibility criteria ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Online application system & deadline .................................................................................... 14
4.3 Application content ................................................................................................................ 15
4.4 Ethics ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5 Evaluation and selection procedure ............................................................................................ 17
5.1 Main steps of the procedure .................................................................................................. 17
5.2 Evaluation criteria and selection ............................................................................................ 19
6 Contact ......................................................................................................................................... 20
The EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Fellowship Program (EUTOPIA-SIF) has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement number
945380, and is co-funded by the member universities of EUTOPIA. It is led by CY Cergy-Paris Université.
1 Overview
The EUTOPIA European University is pleased to announce the opening of 20 post-doctoral fellowships
within the EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Fellowships Program (EUTOPIA-SIF). Positions will start in
EUTOPIA partner universities in September 2021.
The EUTOPIA European University is an ambitious alliance of six like-minded European universities:, CY
Cergy Paris Université (France), the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
(Belgium), the Göteborgs Universitet (Sweden), the Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia) and the University
of Warwick (United Kingdom). It was selected as one of the first Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ pilot
projects. The core mission of EUTOPIA is to promote a connected and inclusive academic community,
addressing global and local challenges, advancing excellence, inclusion, impact and innovation.
The aim of the EUTOPIA-SIF program is to enhance the research excellence and career perspectives
of outstanding young researchers from around the world. It will provide the opportunity for early
career researchers to develop their independent research in the scope of an interdisciplinary scientific
project and undertake training. Fellows will be hosted by one of the EUTOPIA partner universities and
will be offered extensive mobility opportunities within EUTOPIA and beyond.
EUTOPA-SIF contributes to the overarching ambition of the EUTOPIA Alliance to strengthen Europe’s
human capital base by fostering the academic development of young high-profile scientists enabling
them to produce tangible, impactful research through innovation and entrepreneurship and to prove
their capacity to address major social challenges through five Key Research Areas, while interacting
with a wide network of academic and non-academic partners of the program.
Applications are invited from all disciplines, including Science, the Social Sciences, the Humanities and
Art, in connection with the following 5 Key Research Areas:
• Materials Engineering;
• Data & Intelligence;
• Health;
• Sustainability;
• Welfare & Inclusion.
• A 2-year employment contract as a MSCA COFUND fellow with attractive financial and
working conditions in a EUTOPIA university;
• An interdisciplinary and collaborative research project at one of the EUTOPIA-SIF universities;
• A strong focus on international and intersectoral mobility, with secondment periods in at
least one other EUTOPIA-SIF university and in one of the program’s external partners;
• An opportunity for outstanding recognised researchers to develop their own independent
research ideas;
• A rich training program focused on research leadership skills and active career counselling
during the program with academic supervisors
• An individual research budget for research expenses, mobility and workshop organization.
2 Academic Environment: The EUTOPIA European University
The EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Fellowships program (EUTOPIA-SIF) is a joint initiative launched
by the EUTOPIA Alliance, a network of six universities that was awarded an Erasmus+ ‘European
Universities’ pilot project in 2019.
The core mission of the EUTOPIA Alliance is to promote a connected and inclusive academic
community, addressing global and local challenges, advancing excellence and inclusion, geared
towards impact and fostering European economic development and innovation through a deep
engagement of the Alliance with its local and regional ecosystems. The promotion of scientific
excellence, research collaboration and mobility of academics among the partner universities is a core
objective of EUTOPIA.
The following six partner universities form the EUTOPIA alliance and are the founders of the EUTOPIA-
SIF program:
● CY Cergy Paris Université (CYU) was formed in January 2020 following a merger of Université de
Cergy-Pontoise, EISTI school of engineering and Université Paris Seine. ESSEC is associated by decree
with CY Cergy Paris Université and integrated in its governance. Both institutions have joined forces
with an ambitious project, the CY Initiative, which has the objective to boost their research potential
and international attractiveness in order to be ranked within the top 200 world research universities
in the next ten years. Together, they have been selected by the French government as one of the 19
French Universities of Excellence. CYU appears in the top quartile of French institutions for several size-
adjusted indicators of research performance, including ERC nominations. It is a multidisciplinary, mid-
sized French university with significant recognition for the quality of its research and innovation. It runs
two national centers of excellence in the fields of Modelling sciences (economics, mathematics,
physics, computer science and finance) and Material heritage restoration and conservation
(experimental science and humanities). CYU is ranked in the top 300 of the THE Young Universities
ranking, in the world top 200 in Mathematics and top 300 in Economics (ARWU). ESSEC is one of the
world’s leading Business Schools, ranked in the world top 200 in Management and top 150 in Finance
(ARWU) in the world top 10 for various Master programs (QS, Financial Times and The Economist);
● Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) is a public, international and research-intensive university created
in 1990, currently among the top universities in Europe. Awarded a CEI label (International Excellence
Campus) by the Spanish Ministry of Education, the university performs very well in the most influential
rankings. It is the first Spanish university in the world Top 150 (THE2020) and the 10th-ranked young
university worldwide among those <50 years, ranked fifth in Europe and first in Spain (THE2020).
Likewise, it ranks first among Spanish universities in number of articles per researcher published in the
most influential scholarly journals in the world, first Spanish university in terms of the percentage of
papers produced in collaboration with national institutions, and second in the percentage of papers
produced in collaboration with foreign institutions (CWTS Leiden ranking 2019). It also tops the
indicator in Spain for the number of citations of articles by its researchers (QS World University
Rankings 2020).
UPF has a strong international dimension: 45% of Master’s and PhD students in 2019-2020 were
international; 43% of graduates studied abroad; and 27% of the teaching staff is international. UPF is
highly competitive in research and has been awarded over 156 projects in Horizon 2020 (>75M€),
including 31 ERC Grants and 57 Marie Curie Actions. Through the EU 7th Framework Programme, it
was awarded 145 projects and more than 75M€. These participations include a COFUND program
(UPFellows 2014-2019) co-financing 24 international fellowships with a budget of 5,48M€ and an EU
Contribution of 2,19M€. Likewise, it aims to transform education to respond to future challenges by
combining a strong dedication to excellence in research with great training capacity (first Spanish
university in doctoral theses read per researcher and first-ranked in number of Spanish Ministry
predoctoral grants (FPU and FPI) per 100 lecturers -IUNE Report, 2019). In April 2014, it was the first
Spanish University to obtain the “HR Excellence in Research” distinction.;
● Göteborgs Universitet (GU) is among the largest universities in Northern Europe with approximately
47,000 students and around 3,000 academic staff. With its eight faculties, GU is also one of the most
wide-ranging and versatile universities in Sweden. It is a powerhouse in the Health Sciences and in
Social Sciences such as Public Administration and Political Sciences, as shown by the Shanghai Subject
Rankings, but is renowned in many more fields (it is present in 31 of the 54 Subjects of the ranking).
GU has participated in 131 H2020 projects (20 ERC and 62 MSCA);
● Univerza v Ljubljani (UL) is the oldest and largest higher education and foremost scientific research
institution in Slovenia (see Shanghai ARWU ranking). It is comprises of 23 faculties and three art
academies which provide study programs in all academic fields. As with GU, Ljubljana’s wide thematic
spread and steady level of excellence is documented by the fact, that it is present in 32 Subject in the
Shanghai ranking, showing particular strengths in Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering subjects, in
Business Administration and Economics as well as in Agricultural and Food Sciences. UL has
participated in 158 H2020 projects (4 ERC and 31 MSCA);
● University of Warwick (UW) is one of the world’s leading research universities in all academic fields
and in September 2020 was ranked 77th in the THE (Times Higher Education) 2021 World University
Rankings and in the top 10 UK universities in the Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide.
The excellence of Warwick’s research environment is evidenced by its ranking of 7th in the UK in the
2014 Research Excellence Framework, with 87% of Warwick’s research rated as ‘world leading’ or
‘internationally excellent’, and 19 departments ranked in the top ten in the UK. Warwick research has
a strong record of interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international research collaborations and it is
home to many major research centres working across disciplinary and other boundaries to address
major global research priorities.
2.3 Key research areas
The EUTOPIA-SIF program focuses on 5 Key Research Areas (KRA), rooted in the Mission Statement of
the EUTOPIA Alliance, that are central to understanding and changing the future of our planet and of
the technologies that shape our lives and the societies we will live in.
More information about the EUTOPIA-SIF research groups linked to each KRA can be found here.
3 About the EUTOPIA SIF Fellowship Program
EUTOPIA-SIF fellows will be able to develop and refine their skills as leading researchers and increase
their ability to undertake a career at the interface between academia and the private economy. These
capabilities will be fostered during the EUTOPIA-SIF program as it will allow fellows to:
• Address key societal challenges identified in the Key Research Areas in multidisciplinary
research projects;
• Adopt an open perspective on their research project and career plan: reaching beyond the
boundaries of academic disciplines and engaging in intersectoral (through regular exposure to
non-academic partners, including secondment) and inter-disciplinary exchange and
collaboration (by taking part in the joint scientific activities of a large multidisciplinary group
of fellows);
• Increase their ability to impact the economic sector by developing an acute entrepreneurial
and innovation awareness;
• Develop a versatile research profile, with valuable transversal skills and research management
• Develop a strong network for future collaborations and integration in the international
research community;
• Contribute to the international outreach of the EUTOPIA Alliance, through internal and
external secondments, the participation to international symposiums and high-quality
scientific publications.
• Participate in competitive calls for proposals (incl. Horizon Europe, national funding agencies);
The quality of the research environment that EUTOPIA-SIF fellows will experience is key for attaining
these objectives. It includes:
- Over 100 research groups and departments committed to EUTOPIA-SIF Key Research Areas;
- Competent, committed and available academic supervisors;
- Excellent equipment and infrastructures in each department;
- A wide network of partners to EUTOPIA universities including international academic
institutions, private companies, government and third sector organizations.
The EUTOPIA-SIF program will allow fellows to take full advantage of this environment, thanks to
integrated mobility periods (secondments), training and career development services and attractive
employment conditions.
Each EUTOPIA-SIF fellow will be hosted by one of the EUTOPIA partner universities and co-hosted by a
second EUTOPIA university. Host and co-host institutions must be chosen by the fellows, as well as the
research groups in which they wish to realize the fellowship within each university, at the time of
application (part. 4.3).
The present call is expected to award at least 20 fellowship positions, with the following provisional
hosting capacity across EUTOPIA-SIF partner institutions:
The choice of host and co-host universities constitutes the basis for the mobility opportunities within
EUTOPIA and beyond during the program. Two compulsory secondments will allow fellows to take full
advantage of the EUTOPIA alliance network, as well as EUTOPIA partners’ numerous global academic
collaborations with leading international institutions and direct collaborations with major industrial
and institutional partners. This stimulating environment, which combines a multitude of areas of
expertise accessible to the fellows, will allow them to interact horizontally across academic disciplines
and vertically with the non-academic sector.
Fellows in the EUTOPIA-SIF program are given full freedom to undertake research on the topic of their
choice within the 5 Key Research Areas, which all have high societal relevance. The program promotes
independence of fellows in order to enable them to develop original, innovative and potentially
disruptive research projects.
In order to foster their profile as leading researchers, fellows will join a rich training program focusing
on general research skills and transferable skills, and completing their disciplinary skills. It will consist
of scientific lectures, academic and professional skills training, career and leadership mentoring.
Recognized international scientists will offer mentoring for the fellows’ research projects and career
development. Thus, academic supervision and individualized career mentoring will help each fellow
to define an ambitious yet feasible professional pathway towards a successful career as a research
leader. By exploring different options with their supervisors, fellows will be able to define their long-
term goals in a Career Development Plan. This will provide them with valuable tools to plan and
manage their career and reinforce their self-confidence. It will also improve their ability to identify the
right career, research, entrepreneurial and innovation opportunities.
Each fellow will have a primary academic supervisor from the host university. He/she will provide
guidance to the fellow in the conduct of his/her research program, act as an active mentor and assist
the fellow in identifying and revising his/her research development and training needs as well as in
implementing strategies to address them. The supervisor is expected to introduce the fellow into
faculty life and activities such as contributing to seminar series, participating in staff meetings, etc. and
assist the fellow in establishing contact with other partners if pertinent.
Each fellow will also have a secondary supervisor from the co-host university. Secondary supervisors
will provide complementary guidance, facilitate the integration of the fellow during his mobility and
provide additional diversity – interdisciplinary composition of supervisor panels is encouraged.
In addition, for external secondment(s), secondment counsellor(s) will be identified within the
secondment host(s) institutions/companies, to guide the fellow’s research activity and to provide
advice on an ongoing basis.
Read more about the EUTOPIA-SIF training and career mentoring program here.
Researchers must be dedicated full-time to the research activities and training. Parental, sick, military
and care leaves will, however, be accepted. Extension of the fellowship will not be possible, unless
duly justified beforehand (see 3.4.2).
Fellows will be appointed according to the regular fixed-duration salaried employment contract in
accordance with the national regulations of their host university. The university will pay a salary in
compliance with common practice within its institution and the same working conditions, rights and
obligations as for other employees and researchers will apply to the fellows. Employment conditions
will be in line with the European Charter and Code for Researchers 3.
Fellows will be entitled to the statutory benefits granted by national regulations (VUB, UG, UL) and/or
hosting institution rules (CY, UPF, UW) for working hours, flexi-time, paid annual leave, sick leave,
parental leave, social security coverage, unemployment, pension insurance and family allowance. In
all six universities, the social security regime in effect in each host country will cover your health
insurance, maternity, invalidity, insurance against workplace accidents, pension insurance,
unemployment insurance and family allowances4. Please note that Belgium (VUB) offers a specific
2 EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships from one call must start at the same time. This is important for the program’s functioning, and thus obligato ry.
each EUTOPIA-SIF call forms a cohort of fellows, with a certain number of joint activities and a joint training program.
3 Read more about the European Charter and Code for Researchers here:
4 Except those hosted by the University of Ljubljana, due to local regulations that do not allow extra payments for family allowance, while
all other statutory benefits are included in basic pay: social security coverage, medical insurance, basic pension scheme etc .
regime for citizens from non-EU and EEA countries and from countries with no bilateral agreement
with the host country5.
EUTOPIA-SIF partners offer flexible working conditions accommodating career breaks, part-time or
compressed hours as well as making provision for home-based activity to accommodate personal
requirements such as child-care, disability, or other care responsibilities.
To support EUTOPIA-SIF activities, fellows will be entitled to the following allowances and endowments
for the 2 years of fellowship:
Fellows will receive a monthly average living and mobility gross allowance of 4349 €. This average
amount will be adjusted across host institutions to account for differences in cost of living and payroll
taxes. Living allowances have been designed to offer attractive salary conditions to recognised
researchers, whilst harmonizing living conditions across institutions to compensate for differences in
cost of living and payroll taxes.
For more information on the employment conditions at each university, please see: https://eutopia- , MSCA fellows information package, MSCA national contact
5 According to Belgian regulations, international fellows working at Belgian universities will be paid a tax-free stipend that equals at least the
net salary of a research associate. This specific statute ‘postdoctoral fellow in the framework of international mobility’ applies for fellows that
have not resided or carried out their main activity (employment, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 24 months during the 3 years
immediately preceding the first postdoctoral assignment. Equal employment conditions apply for postdocs, whether they are app ointed with
a contract or a stipend.
6 Except for fellows hosted at UL where the relocation allowance will be included in the monthly salary and distributed throughout the 2-year
points country factsheets7 and feel free to contact the local program manager of your prospective host
university for more details (part 6).
The MSCA Special Needs Allowance will cover additional costs (e.g. adaptation of work environment,
mobility) entailed by long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments of researchers
and staff members with disabilities. Additional support is available to special-needs researchers and
Fellows will have the opportunity to conduct their research activities in excellent working conditions
in each EUTOPIA-SIF partner university.
They will be provided with office space, IT facilities and, if required, laboratory resources and access
to technology platforms within the academic department or research group relevant to their subject
Specific conditions: fellows hosted by CY Cergy Paris Université and the University of Warwick will be
jointly affiliated with their respective Institute for Advanced Studies, as well as their affiliation with the
research group relevant for their research.
They will receive support from the dedicated international relations and mobility offices at each
partner university for mobility-related queries, and will be assisted before and after their arrival at the
EUTOPIA-SIF host university with administrative matters like visas, permits, registrations and health
insurance, local educational system for children, etc. Importantly, CYU, VUB and GU host EURAXESS
centres and UL closely collaborates with one. They will help the fellows and their families to plan and
organize their move, providing assistance in all matters related to mobility and administrative issues.
All EURAXESS Network services are free of charge.
If fellows do not speak the language of their host country, they will have access to language courses at
your host university’s Center for Language, which shall be funded by the program’s training allowance
(3.4.2), unless language courses are provided for free at the fellow’s host university.
All six universities will offer support to researchers in their search for accommodation. Rental
accommodation is available relatively close to each university’s campus and all universities are
connected to an extensive public transportation network providing easy access to international
airports and railways.
7France :
curie.html#document_pcn ; for more information, please refer to EUTOPIA-SIF local program managers (part 6)
4 Application procedure
The fellowship positions are open to any researcher with a doctoral degree or with at least four years
of full-time equivalent research experience. Candidates must not have a permanent research position
and must comply with the Marie-Slodowska Curie mobility rule (table 4). No age or nationality
conditions apply.
No seniority condition will be imposed in the program. However, as fellowships are about
Seniority training and development, candidates must not have a permanent research position. 8
Research Applicants are entirely free in the design of their research project. However, they must
topics indicate one or more of the program’s Key Research Areas to characterize their project.
Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.)
in the country of the selected primary host universities for more than 12 months in the
Mobility 3 years prior to the date of appointment. Compulsory national service, short stays (e.g.
Rule holidays), and time spent applying for refugee status under the Geneva Convention are
not considered. The mobility rule need not apply to hosts of secondments.
Applicants who do not meet these criteria are not be eligible to apply for a EUTOPIA-SIF fellowship
Applicants who are offered a fellowship will be required to provide documentary evidence to prove
they meet these criteria or the fellowship offer will be withdrawn.
8Ideal candidates to the MSCA COFUND EUTOPIA-SIF program are “recognized researchers” (PhD holders or
equivalent), as defined by
In addition, the following criteria are essential in order to be considered for a fellowship award:
• Applicants should have a track record of producing research outputs such as peer-reviewed
publications in which they have played a significant role, conference & research presentations
and contributions to symposia and compiled volumes;
• Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to a research career and show how they will use
the fellowship to advance this aim.
Proposals for the EUTOPIA-SIF program MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE, via the dedicated application
Only applications that are complete and submitted before the application deadline via the online
platform will be considered.
• Go to
• Choose EUTOPIA Science & Innovation Fellowship COFUND Program
• Click on register and create an account using your email address and a personal password. It
is important that you use a valid email address, since all further correspondence will be
communicated to this email address.
• You will then receive an email with a green button that you must click on to validate your
account. If you do not complete this stage, you will be able to fill in the application but not
submit it.
• N.B. If you have used a SMApply application system in the past, your email may be recognized
and you will simply need to enter your password (and not create another account). You may
use the reset password function if necessary.
• If you encounter any problems registering on the platform please write to eutopia-sif-
• Once you have registered and logged into the system, the application can be edited until
• The reference letters must be requested via the platform for submission of the application to
be possible. Each referee will upload their letter onto the platform. If your referees have not
uploaded their letters by the application deadline, a reminder will be sent to you and the
referee. Your applications will be conditionally eligible pending reception of the Reference
letters. If the letters are not received by Friday 29 January 2021, your application will become
• All steps must be filled in and files uploaded (mandatory documents: part. 4.3). After
submission, the application can no longer be edited, and it is only possible to view the
• The application system SMApply is available in any browser and on tablets both android and
• You will receive an automatically generated email receipt from the application system when
the application is submitted correctly. The receipt may end up in the junk folder of your Inbox,
so please ensure that you have received the receipt after submission.
• You will receive an automatically generated email confirming (or not) the eligibility of your
application in the 5 working days after the submission deadline.
• You will be able to follow the progress of your application by logging onto the platform.
• At each stage of the selection process, applicants will be notified electronically (part. 5)
• Detailed CV of the candidate (section within the application platform “standardised CV”): incl.
personal information, education background (undergraduate, graduate, doctorate and other
degrees), professional activities, research activities track record and publication list;
• Choice of Key Research Area(s): They must select at least one Key Research Area relevant for
their research proposal (part 2.3);
• Choice of hosting institutions and research group(s): Applicants must submit, by order of
preference, at least one and up to three pairs of host and co-host institutions, freely chosen
among the six universities of the program. For each choice, candidates must indicate the
research group(s) that they plan to collaborate with. They may indicate prospective academic
• Research proposal (mandatory template to be used: available on the application platform and
here): research aims and methodology; relevance and added-value of proposed research
compared to the state of the art; interdisciplinary contribution of research; integration in the
EUTOPIA Alliance research environment including international and intersectoral mobility and
secondment plan; output plan including publication and dissemination activities;
• Personal statement (maximum 2 pages – no template): motivation, personal and career
development objectives; activities envisaged to enhance academic profile; collaborations
planned beyond higher education sector;
• Reference letters: two letters must be requested from referees chosen by the candidate via
the application platform assessing the applicant’s previous research activities, research
capacity and work experience.
• Ethics declaration – checklist provided in the research proposal template to identify ethical
matters relating to their research project (please check part. 4.4 for more details);
• Copy of PhD certificate (+ non-certified English translation) or proof of equivalent research
You are strongly encouraged to contact your preferred supervisors when developing your research idea,
prior to submitting your application. Please note that your research project will, among other criteria, be
assessed for the “fit with host research groups of EUTOPIA” in the REVIEW ROUND (part 5.2).
4.4 Ethics
The EUTOPIA-SIF program endorses the ethical principles of Horizon 2020 as outlined in Regulation
(EU) No 1291/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing
Horizon 2020. In particular, all activities shall comply with ethical principles including the European
Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and must comply with relevant national, EU and international
Funding will not be granted for activities carried out outside of the EU if they are prohibited in all
member states. Research activities will have an exclusive focus on civil applications and the following
fields of research will not be financed:
Ethical issues will be addressed at different stages in the application and selection process:
• As part of the application submission documentation fellows are requested to fill out an
Ethical declaration, i.e. a checklist provided for in the research proposal template, to identify
ethical matters relating to their research proposal; eventual additional elements may be
asked for by the EUTOPIA-SIF coordination team (more details in the research proposal
• All candidates invited for interview will be asked to reiterate the ethics implications of their
proposed work as part of the interview assessment and their understanding of the ethical
implications will be part of the assessment;
Successful candidates will follow up on the ethical issues with their host university via the procedures
existing in each institution:
• Successful applicants will be required to review their initial ethics checklist with their
academic supervisor within the first month of their fellowship start date. The supervisor will
confirm whether ethical approval is required and validate the checklist, guiding the fellow
through the appropriate ethical approval process by filling out a Research Ethics Application
• The Research Ethics Application form will be assessed by the relevant committee of each
university focusing on scientific merit, competency, social value, risks & benefits, harm – the
likelihood of occurrence and severity, informed consent, confidentiality, conflict of interest,
honest reporting of results;
• Any project assessed to necessitate ethical approval, must be in receipt of ethical
authorization before the corresponding element of the project may start.
5 Evaluation and selection procedure
The following figure shows the steps of the evaluation and selection process:
1. At the closing of the call, applications undergo an eligibility check under the supervision of the
Board of Directors (BoD), applying the above-mentioned requirements (application content, part
4.1 and 4.3). The Board of Directors is chaired by the EUTOPIA-SIF Program Director and includes
the Local Program Directors appointed by each partner university;
2. Eligible applications are sent to heads of prospective research groups designated by each
candidate upon application, who assess the relevance of the research project for the targeted
group, based on the research proposal (no information about the candidate is given to the heads
of research groups). This allows for feedback on the relevance of the proposal to the prospective
hosts and ensures fairness and freedom of the applicants in the design of their proposal.
3. The Review Panel (RP) reviews applications in the review stage. Each proposal is assigned to three
external reviewers, who evaluate the application based on material submitted by the applicant,
reference letters and assessments of the research groups, using evaluation criteria presented
below (part. 5.3). Reviewers are designated by the Board of Directors based on the research
specialization of the applicant.
4. After the reviews are completed, applications are ranked on the basis of an average score being
allocated to each application by the evaluations. The Board of Directors establishes the ranking
and the list of applications selected for the interview stage, based on the rank order, among
applications meeting the score threshold (table 5). The number of interviewed candidates is be
between 2.5 and 3 times the number of fellowships offered.
5. Short-listed candidates are invited for an online interview with the Interview Panel in the
interview stage. The Interview Panel comprises the Program Director, 6 external members and 6
internal members. Internal members include at least one expert of each KRA and one member of
each university. The external members include at least one expert of each Key Research Area
(KRA). This interview generates a second score based on the interview assessment criteria below
(part 5.3).
6. A final rank order list is established on the basis of the interview scores, among applications
meeting the score threshold (table 6). The board of directors validates the fellowship offers based
on the final ranking. Best-ranked candidates are offered, by ranking order, their preferred choice
of hosting institution, subject to hosting capacity in each institution. Because of capacity
constraint, some candidates may be offered their second or third hosting option. A reserve list,
by rank order, is also established to allow for additional offers in case of withdrawal
7. Formal fellowship offers are made to the successful candidates by each host institution.
Indicative timeline:
5.2 Evaluation criteria and selection
In the Review and Interview stages, proposals will be evaluated according to the criteria indicated in
the tables below. All items in the review and interview stage will be evaluated on the standard EC 0-5
scale. The overall score at each stage will be computed using weights indicated in tables below.
In the review stage, evaluation focuses on the quality of the proposed research, its suitability for
EUTOPIA-SIF, the applicants’ credentials (experience, potential to deliver original, independent work)
and their career development project (including their ability to develop their profile in a context of an
international and cross-sectoral leadership program). The review stage score determines admission in
the shortlist of candidates selected for interview. The threshold to be shortlisted is 3.00/5.00.
Short-listed candidates in the review stage will be invited to present their research proposal in an
online interview, including Q&A using a standardized format for all applicants. Application material
and RP assessments will be provided to all Interview Panel members. The interview stage score
determines the final ranking of candidates and their selection in the program. The threshold score for
selection into the program is 3.50/5.00
Table 6 – Evaluation Criteria - interview stage
Overall threshold is 3.5
Weight Criteria
Research ●Technical capability ●Experience ●Scientific knowledge and disciplinary
capability skills ●Understanding of ethical implications
Excellence of
●Scientific vision ●Quality and novelty of the research project
the research 35%
●Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan
In case of ex-aequo in the review or interview stages, the tie will be resolved in favour of equality of
opportunity (disability status, gender) and diversity (geographic origin). The Board of Directors will
examine cases where a single outlying score would exclude the applicant from further consideration
and will request an additional review in such cases.
At the end of the procedure, candidates will receive a summary assessment indicating the strengths
and weaknesses of their application.
Applicants can appeal against the decisions following the outcome of the eligibility, short-listing and
interview stages, based on administrative or procedural arguments only. Upon request, the final
consensus report of the Interview Panel will be sent to the applicant. Candidates will have the right to
submit a request for redress. A Committee comprising the BoD and the IP will examine all matters of
redress. The EUTOPIA-SIF Program Director will communicate the outcome.
Candidates will have the right to submit a request for redress to
6 Contact
Questions about the program can be sent to the following contacts: