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INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, Mar. 1998, p. 1045–1056 Vol. 66, No.

Copyright © 1998, American Society for Microbiology

Enteric "-Defensin: Molecular Cloning and Characterization of

a Gene with Inducible Intestinal Epithelial Cell Expression
Associated with Cryptosporidium parvum Infection
Division of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Departments of
Pediatrics1 and Pathology,2 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104;
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 100213; and Department of Immunology,
Gastroenterology and Colorectal Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 441954

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Received 21 August 1997/Returned for modification 21 November 1997/Accepted 10 December 1997

A growing body of evidence suggests that endogenous antibiotics contribute to the innate defense of
mammalian mucosal surfaces. In the cow, !-defensins constitute a large family of antibiotic peptides whose
members have been previously isolated from the respiratory and oral mucosa, as well as circulating phagocytic
cells. A novel bovine genomic clone with sequence related to those of these "-defensins was isolated and
characterized. The corresponding cDNA was isolated from a small intestinal library; its open reading frame
predicts a deduced sequence of a novel !-defensin, which we designate enteric !-defensin (EBD). Northern blot
analysis of a variety of bovine tissues revealed that EBD mRNA is highly expressed in the distal small intestine
and colon, anatomic locations distinct from those for previously characterized !-defensins. EBD mRNA was
further localized by in situ hybridization to epithelial cells of the colon and small intestinal crypts. Infection
of two calves with the intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium parvum induced 5- and 10-fold increases above control
levels of EBD mRNA in intestinal tissues. An anchored-PCR strategy was used to identify other !-defensin
mRNAs expressed in the intestine. In addition to that of EBD, several low-abundance cDNAs which corre-
sponded to other !-defensin mRNAs were cloned. Most of these clones encoded previously characterized
!-defensins or closely related isoforms, but two encoded a previously uncharacterized prepro-!-defensin.
Northern blot evidence supported that all of these other !-defensin genes are expressed at levels lower than
that of the EBD gene in enteric tissue. Furthermore, some of these !-defensin mRNAs were abundant in bone
marrow, suggesting that in enteric tissue their expression may be in cells of hematopoietic origin. Extracts of
small intestinal mucosa obtained from healthy cows have numerous active chromatographic fractions as
determined by an antibacterial assay, and one peptide was partially purified. The peptide corresponded to one
of the low-abundance cDNAs. This study provides evidence of !-defensin expression in enteric tissue and that
the mRNA encoding a major !-defensin of enteric tissue, EBD, is inducibly expressed in enteric epithelial cells.
These findings support the proposal that !-defensins may contribute to host defense of enteric mucosa.

A striking feature of the mammalian intestinal tract is the nisms protecting this and other mammalian mucosal surfaces
large surface area of the mucosal epithelium. This expansive (5, 30, 35, 48, 60, 66).
surface facilitates nutrient absorption but can, to the detriment Current understanding of mucosal defense suggests that the
of the host, also serve as a port of entry for invading microor- collective actions of multiple innate, nonclonal host defenses
ganisms. Colonizing microbes in the intestinal lumen continu- integrate with the specific clonal immune responses mediated
ously pose a potential threat of infection. The relatively low by lymphocytes (3, 9, 22, 23, 43, 60). In the gastrointestinal
occurrence of intestinally derived systemic infections, however, tract, examples of innate defenses include physical processes,
suggests the presence of effective host defense pathways. A such as peristalsis and shedding of epithelial cells, and chem-
more comprehensive understanding of these pathways may ical barriers, including gastric acidity, mucus, bile acids, and
define therapeutic targets for enhancing host defense. There- proteins (30). Among the proteins which contribute to local
fore, interest has focused on elucidating local defense mecha- defense against microbes are several antibiotic peptides re-
cently identified in extracts from gastrointestinal mucosa (1, 2,
17, 36, 42, 45, 50, 58). In situ hybridization analysis has dem-
onstrated that some of these peptides are synthesized by epi-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Immunol- thelial cells (32, 33, 44, 51). Other antibiotic peptides appear to
ogy, NN 10, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Research Institute, 9500 be products of leukocytes which have migrated to the bowel (1,
Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44195. Phone: (216) 444-9107. Fax: (216) 2, 36).
444-9329. E-mail: bevinsc@cesmtp.ccf.org. The "-defensin class of antimicrobial peptides was unveiled
† Present address: Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287-6940. with the discovery of tracheal antimicrobial peptide (TAP), a
‡ Present address: Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Injury peptide expressed in bovine tracheal epithelial cells (13, 15).
Sciences, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, Numerous genomic sequences related to the TAP gene were
NJ 07103. identified by Southern blot analysis (13), which suggested that


TABLE 1. Oligonucleotides used for PCR and hybridization

Oligonucleotide Sequence

EBD 242a........................................................5'-CCGCATCTCTTCCTTCTTTTACC-3'
EBD 271a........................................................5'-CGCAGTTTCTGTCTCTGCTTAGG-3'
EBD 285a........................................................5'-TTTCTGTCGAAGGCCGCAGTTTCTGTCTCTGCTTAGG-3'
EBD 9UTa ......................................................5'-AGAGGCTGCTCTTGCCTCTTTATAAAGGTCCCAGGTTCT-3'
TAP30s ............................................................5'-ATGAGGCTCCATCACCTGCTC-3'
JR335.B1 .........................................................5'-CTTTTACCACTACCTGCAGCATTTTATTTGGGGCGCT-3'
JR300.C7 .........................................................5'-GGTCCAGGGCACCTGATCAGAATACAGATGCCTCCTT-3'
#Tub-632a .......................................................5'-GTGGTGTGGGTGGTGAGGATAGAGTTGTAGGGCTCAAC-3'

a large family of "-defensin genes exists in the cow. Additional Preliminary sequence analysis indicated that one of these clones, G11, encodes
"-defensin peptides have since been isolated from bovine neu- enteric "-defensin (EBD), and this clone was selected for further analysis.

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A bovine small intestine cDNA library in lambda gt11 (Clontech BL1025a)
trophils (59), macrophages (54), and tongue (57), supporting was screened by using TAP48a. Duplicate filter lifts from 15 plates containing
this notion and suggesting a wide distribution of tissue expres- 1.5 % 104 plaques/plate were originally hybridized under the same conditions as
sion for this gene family. All characterized "-defensins have described for the genomic screening, except that the formamide concentration in
broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity (15, 57, 59). Inducible the hybridization solution was 20% and the high-stringency wash conditions were
2% SSC–0.1% SDS at 55°C for 30 min. Several dozen positive signals were
expression of "-defensins, by inflammatory mediators in vitro identified. The filters were stripped of probe and rehybridized with TAP48a in
(12, 14, 53) and near sites of inflammation in vivo (57), sup- hybridization buffer containing 50% formamide, and the high-stringency wash
ports a role for "-defensins in mucosal host defense. More temperature was increased to 65°C. One strongly hybridizing plaque, BSI-13, was
recent investigations have identified apparent homologs of bo- rescreened at progressively lower densities until pure, and recombinant phage
DNA was isolated from liquid culture. The phage insert DNA was subcloned as
vine "-defensins in horseshoe crabs (55), chickens (28), turkeys described above. The 5' 355-nucleotide sequence of BSI-13, which is not found
(20), mice (29), and humans (4, 27), indicating a evolutionary in the genomic sequence of EBD, is 98% identical to that of murine 28S rRNA.
conservation of this family of host defense peptides. Therefore, this portion of BSI-13 sequence probably is an artifact of cloning and
We have now determined that a previously uncharacterized was omitted from further analyses.
member of the "-defensin gene family is expressed in epithelial Southern blot analysis. Bovine genomic DNA (10 $g) obtained from kidney
tissue was digested overnight with restriction endonucleases, size separated by
cells of the small intestine and colon. The gene encoding this agarose gel (0.8%) electrophoresis, and transferred to a nylon filter (Zetabind;
"-defensin was isolated during our screening for the gene for CUNO, Inc., Meriden, Conn.) by standard techniques (56). The filter was hy-
TAP (13). Analysis of the gene sequence and genomic organi- bridized for 2 days in 37.5% (vol/vol) formamide–5% Denhardt solution–5%
zation and its expression in a calf model of Cryptosporidium SSC–1% SDS–100 $g of yeast RNA per ml at 42°C with 32P-end-labeled EBD
285a. The filter was washed with 2% SSC–0.1% SDS three times at room tem-
parvum infection is presented. An anchored-PCR cloning strat- perature for 45 min and then twice at 60°C for 30 min. The moist filter was
egy revealed the expression of several other "-defensin genes exposed to film in the presence of an intensifying screen for 4 weeks.
in the small intestine but at much lower levels. Northern blot Northern blot analysis. Total RNA was extracted from various tissues as
data supporting that many of the latter group of "-defensins described by Chirgwin et al. (8) and stored as an ethanol precipitate at &70°C.
RNA was electrophoresed on a 1.2% agarose–formaldehyde gel and transferred
are probably expressed in cells of hematopoietic origin are to Zetabind (CUNO, Inc.) as described previously (33). Labeled probes were
presented. Finally, the partial purification of a "-defensin pep- hybridized overnight to immobilized RNA under the same hybridization condi-
tide from intestinal extracts is described. The data of this study tions as used for Southern blots (see above) and then washed at high stringency
support that mammalian enteric epithelial cells express a "-de- in 0.1% SSC–0.1% SDS at 57°C for 30 min (6). The washed blot was exposed to
film with an intensifying screen at &70°C for 1 to 14 days. The filter was stripped
fensin peptide gene and that "-defensins may contribute to of oligonucleotide label by incubation in 0.1% SSC–0.1% SDS at 65°C for 30 min.
local host defense of the enteric mucosa. The filter was exposed to film to ensure removal of probe prior to hybridization
with another probe. The formamide concentration was 50% in the hybridization
solution with the #-tubulin cDNA probe, and the stringency of the final wash was
changed to 0.1% SSC–0.1% SDS at 65°C for 30 min.
General methodology. The general methods used were as described previously In situ hybridization. Slides of paraffin-embedded tissue were prepared as
(6, 13, 33). Bovine tissues were obtained from either a local abattoir or from described by Gilman (26). Tissue was hybridized with 35S-labeled riboprobes as
Pel-Freeze Biologicals (Rogers, Ark.). The sequences of oligonucleotides (Key- described previously (51) and then stained and photographed as described pre-
stone Labs, Menlo Park, Calif.) used for hybridization probes or PCR primers viously (13). The DNA template for riboprobe synthesis was prepared by digest-
are shown in Table 1. Oligonucleotide probes were end labeled to a specific ing the cDNA plasmid BSI-13 with SacI, which deleted the 5' section, and then
activity of ca. 107 dpm/pmol (6). A double-stranded bovine #-tubulin DNA probe religating the plasmid DNA, creating G11 (SacI cDNA. The resulting plasmid,
was labeled to a specific activity of ca. 109 dpm/$g by using [#-32P]dCTP (800 containing nucleotides 18 to 327 of EBD cDNA, and was then cut with either
Ci/mmol; DuPont) and T7 DNA polymerase with random oligonucleotide prim- SacI or EcoRV to create templates for synthesis of antisense and sense ribo-
ers (Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif.). probes, respectively.
cDNA and genomic cloning. A bovine genomic library in EMBL 3 was RACE-PCR. The 5'-RACE (random amplification of cDNA ends) protocol
screened with a TAP oligonucleotide probe, TAP48a, and numerous hybridizing was modified from that described previously (24) as follows. Total RNA (5 $g)
plaques of various intensity were identified (13). Briefly, duplicate filter lifts from bovine distal ileum was reverse transcribed in total volume of 20 $l con-
(Colony Plaque Screen; NEN/Dupont, Boston, Mass.) from 22 plates (3 % 104 taining 1 $g of oligo(dT) 15-mer (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, Ind.), 40
plaques/plate) were hybridized with the probe in 25% formamide–5% SSC (1% U of RNasin (Promega, Madison, Wis.), 10 mM dithiothreitol, 0.5 mM de-
SSC is 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate)–1% Denhardt solution–100 $g oxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTP), and 20 U of avian myeloblastosis virus
of yeast RNA per ml–1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 42°C overnight. The reverse transcriptase (Promega) in buffer supplied with the enzyme at 42°C for
filters were washed at high stringency in 2% SSC–0.1% SDS at 65°C for 1/2 h, 1 h. The excess oligo(dT) primer was removed by two sequential rounds of
followed by autoradiography over 4 days at &70°C with an intensifying screen. ultrafiltration (dilution with 10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.0] to a volume of 1 ml and
One of the positive plaques (TAPG3) was found to encode TAP (13). Six other then concentration to about 40 $l in a Centricon 100 concentrator). The result-
TAP48a-positive plaques were rescreened at a lower phage density through ing mixture was lyophilized to dryness and then dissolved in 35 $l of reaction
tertiary screens until pure. Phage DNA was isolated from liquid culture (56), and buffer containing 200 mM potassium cacodylate, 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.6), 1
EcoRI restriction enzyme fragments of phage insert DNA were subcloned by mM dATP, 1.6 mM CoCl2, 250 $g of bovine serum albumin per ml, and 50 U of
ligation into the EcoRI site of pBluescript II SK! plasmid DNA (Stratagene). terminal transferase (Boehringer Mannheim) for 30 min at 37°C. The reaction
VOL. 66, 1998 ENTERIC "-DEFENSIN 1047

was terminated by incubation at 65°C for 15 min. The solution was then diluted dried material was redissolved in 0.4 ml of 0.1% TFA and injected onto a C18
to 500 $l with 10 mM Tris-HCl–1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0). A 5-$l aliquot was reverse-phase HPLC column (220 by 4.6 mm; Vydac, Hesperia, Calif.) which had
amplified by PCR with 100 ng each of RACE dT17 adapter (24) and EBD 271a been equilibrated in 0.1% TFA in water (solvent A). The column was washed
in 2.5 mM MgCl2–50 mM KCl–200 $M dNTP–10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3) in a with 5 ml of solvent A at 1 ml/min and then eluted with a 10-min linear gradient
total volume of 50 $l. The PCR products were amplified at denaturing and to 15% solvent B (0.08% TFA in acetonitrile), followed by a 49-min gradient to
extension temperatures of 94 and 72°C, respectively, by using a modification of 30% solvent B, an isocratic elution at 30% solvent B, and finally a linear gradient
a published ramping protocol (16). The annealing temperature was 42°C for five over 5 min to 80% solvent B. Aliquots (50 $l) of each fraction were dried,
cycles and then was increased to 60°C for two cycles. The annealing temperature resuspended in 5 $l of 0.01% acetic acid, and assayed for activity. Three peaks
was decreased 1°C every 2 cycles until it reached 52°C; here, 10 cycles of of activity were observed (eluting at 39 to 41, 52, and 59 min). The first (m/z )
amplification were executed and then the product ends were fully extended at 5,494) and third (m/z ) 6,249) active fractions had a blocked N terminus. The
72°C for 7 min. Each segment of the first five cycles lasted 1 min, and the second active fraction of this separation, eluting at 52 min, was analyzed as
segments of the remaining cycles lasted 30 s. A 0.5-$l aliquot of the resulting follows.
reaction product was amplified in a second PCR with 138 ng of RACE adapter Purified peptides were analyzed by a combination of automated Edman deg-
(24) and 100 ng of EBD 242a as primers. The PCR program was 25 cycles of 30 s radation andmatrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-
at 94°C, 30 s at 55°C, and 30 s at 72°C. This product was extracted after gel TOF) mass spectrometry (18, 19). Mass analysis (with 2% aliquots) was carried
electrophoresis with Mermaid (Bio 101, La Jolla, Calif.) and then phosphory- out with a model Voyager reverse-phase MALDI-TOF instrument (PerSeptive,
lated and filled in with T4 polynucleotide kinase and T4 DNA polymerase (40). Framingham, Mass.) in the linear mode and with #-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic
The resulting products were subcloned into pBluescript II SK! at the SmaI site acid (Linear Sci., Reno, Nev.) as the matrix; a 30-kV ion acceleration voltage
and subjected to dideoxynucleotide termination sequence analysis. (grid voltage at 70%; guide wire voltage at 0.1%) and &2.0 kV multiplier voltage
For 3'-RACE, a protocol based on that described by Borson (7) was employed, were used. Chemical sequencing (on 95% of the sample) was done with a model
with reagents from Clontech Laboratories, Inc. Briefly, 1 $g of total RNA from 477A instrument from Applied Biosystems (AB) (Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk,
bovine distal ileum was reverse transcribed by using the anchor primer 5'-CC Conn.). Stepwise liberated phenylthiohydantoin amino acids were identified by

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TCTGAAGGTTCCAGAATCGATAGGAATTC(T)18(GCA)(GCAT)-3' under using an on-line 120A HPLC system (AB) equipped with a phenylthiohydantoin
the conditions described above. An aliquot (1/40 of the total) of the resulting C18 (2.1 by 220 mm; 5-$m particle size) column (AB). Instruments and proce-
cDNA product was used directly as a template in a PCR with TAP30s (0.1 $M) dures had been optimized as described previously (19, 61). Average peptide
as a "-defensin primer and the anchor primer 5'-CTGGTTCGGCCCACCTCT isotopic masses were calculated from the predicted sequence by using ProComp
GAAGGTTCCAGAATCGATAG-3' (0.1 $M). The reaction conditions were version 1.2 software (P. C. Andrews, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor).
94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 30 s, and 68°C for 2 min for 30 cycles in 3.5 mM MgCl2–75 Antimicrobial assay. The antimicrobial plate assay was based on the method
mM KCl–200 $M dNTP–10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.8). The reaction product was described by Lehrer et al. (37). Briefly, a single colony of Escherichia coli D31
isolated, digested with EcoRI to cleave the DNA at the site incorporated in the was grown overnight at 37°C in 25 ml of Trypticase soy broth (TSB) (30 g/liter).
anchor sequence, and then subcloned into the multiple cloning site of pBlue- A 25-$l aliquot of the overnight growth was then grown in 25 ml of TSB for 2 h
script II SK! for further analysis as described previously (40). at 37°C. The bacteria were pelleted by centrifugation, and the bacterial pellet was
Cryptosporidium parvum infection. Two newborn male Holstein calves were resuspended in 10 ml of cold sterile 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4. The
purchased from a local dairy on the day of birth. The calves were deprived of bacterial concentration was determined by measuring the absorbance at 620 nm,
colostrum and at 12 h of age were fed 106 C. parvum oocysts (AUCp-1 isolate) assuming that an absorbance of 1 equals 2.5 % 108 CFU/ml. Then, 2.5 % 106 CFU
suspended in 50 ml of whole milk. This dose of C. parvum results in a nonfatal was mixed with 10 ml of warmed (to 55°C) underlay agarose (1% agarose [low
infection which usually causes diarrhea for 5 to 10 days. Fecal consistency was EEO; Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.], 0.03% TSB, 0.02% Tween 20, and 10 mM sodium
monitored, and calves were euthanatized by intravenous barbiturate injection phosphate, pH 7.4); this mixture was poured into 100- by 100- by 15-mm square
12 h after the onset of diarrhea, which occurred on the fifth day after inoculation. petri dishes and allowed to harden. Sample wells were made by punching holes
Two control calves were purchased from the same dairy on the day of birth, with a 3-mm agar punch (Bio-Rad). A 4-$l sample was added to each well. In
deprived of colostrum, and euthanatized at the same age as the experimental addition, 1 $g of magainin was placed in one well as a positive control. The plate
calves. The control calves did not develop diarrhea. Immediately following eu- was incubated at 37°C upright for 3 h in order to dry the sample and maximize
thanasia, samples of ileum (10 cm proximal to ileocecal valve) and spiral colon the specific killing of bacteria by the applied samples before addition of 10 ml of
were frozen in liquid nitrogen and then stored at &70°C until analysis. Identical overlay agarose (an autoclaved solution of 60 g of TSB per liter, 10 mM sodium
regions of bowel from control and experimental animals were sampled. The phosphate [pH 7.4], and 1% agarose) which had been warmed to 42°C prior to
presence or absence of C. parvum in control and experimental subjects was pouring. The agarose was allowed to harden before incubation of the plates
confirmed by histologic examination of formalin-fixed intestinal tissue. All ex- overnight at 37°C. Antimicrobial activity was quantitated by measuring the area
periments were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the of the circular clear zones on the opaque background of bacterial growth (37).
Institutional Animal Care and Utilization Committee and the Office of Environ- Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The GenBank accession number for
mental Health and Safety of the University of Pennsylvania. the EBD genomic sequence is AF16539, and that for the EBD cDNA sequence
!-Defensin peptide isolation. Bovine distal small intestine (200 g) was ob- is AF000362. The GenBank accession numbers for the cDNA sequences are
tained at a local abattoir, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at AF016396 (BNBD-3), AF016394 (BNBD-9), and AF016395 (BBD-C7).
&70°C. The frozen tissue was broken into small pieces with a mortar and pestle
before being stirred overnight in 400 ml of 30% formic acid. The mixture was
subjected to three freeze-and-thaw cycles and then filtered through nylon mesh RESULTS
(60 $m). The filtrate was adjusted to 1 M ammonium sulfate and stirred at 4°C
for 3 h. The precipitate that formed was pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm Cloning and characterization of the EBD gene and cDNA.
in a GSA rotor for 30 min at 10°C. Aliquots (60 ml) of the resulting supernatant During the screening of a bovine genomic library for the TAP
were applied to C18 SepPak cartridges (Millipore, Inc., Bedford, Mass.) which
had been previously equilibrated by washing each with 4 ml of methanol and then gene by using a probe common to several members of the
4 ml of 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in water. After the samples were loaded, "-defensin family (13), a related clone distinct from the TAP
the cartridges were washed with 4 ml of 0.1% TFA in water and then eluted with gene was isolated. Partial sequence analysis of this genomic
4 ml of acetonitrile–0.1% TFA in water (60:40, vol/vol). The eluates were placed clone (Fig. 1) revealed an overall identity of 88% with the TAP
in polypropylene tubes and dried under vacuum at room temperature overnight.
The dried samples were dissolved and pooled in a total of 1 ml of 6 M guanid- gene, and two potential exons similar to those of the TAP gene
inium HCl–20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and filtered through a nylon filter (Cameo; were identified. Pilot studies indicated that mRNA corre-
25-$m pore size) which had been wetted with the sample buffer. The resulting sponding to this putative gene was expressed in enteric tissue
filtrate was chromatographed on a P30 (Bio-Rad, Hercules, Calif.) column (2 by (data not shown), and a corresponding cDNA clone was iso-
30 cm). The column had been equilibrated in 50 mM ammonium formate (pH
4.1), and the flow rate was 2.5 ml/min. Eighty fractions (2.5 ml/fraction) were
lated from a bovine small intestine cDNA library (Fig. 2).
collected from the column, dried under vacuum, and redissolved in 0.1 ml of Thus, we have designated the gene the EBD gene.
0.01% acetic acid. The antimicrobial activity of an aliquot (4 $l) of each fraction Analysis of EBD mRNA by 5'-RACE suggested that EBD
was determined in the assay described below. The active fractions (fractions 21 gene transcription initiates at one of two sites. Three of the
to 40) were pooled, dried under vacuum, and redissolved in 0.8 ml of water. The
sample was applied to a sulfoethyl cation-exchange high-pressure liquid chro-
RACE clones started within 2 nucleotides of the 5' end of the
matography (HPLC) column (20 by 0.46 cm; Poly LC, Inc., Columbia, Md.) with lambda cDNA clone (Fig. 2A), and this position was desig-
acetonitrile–5 mM KH2PO4 in water (3:1, vol/vol) as a loading buffer at a flow nated !1. This transcription start site was 27 nucleotides 3' to
rate of 1.0 ml/min. The column was washed with 5 ml of loading buffer and then a TATA box motif, and its position was similar to that of the
eluted with a 45-min linear gradient to 1 M NaCl in the loading buffer. Fractions
were collected at 1-min intervals, and the fractions eluting between 30 and 33
transcription start site identified for the TAP gene (13). An-
min were pooled and then dried under vacuum. Pilot experiments revealed that other RACE clone, APT131.6, contained additional nucleo-
these fractions contained significant antibacterial activity (data not shown). The tides of 5' sequence not found in the other sequences. This

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FIG. 1. Structure and sequence of the EBD gene. (A) Restriction map of the bovine EBD gene including 0.9 kb of 5' flanking sequence. E, EcoRI; H, HindIII; P,
PstI; UTR, untranslated region; SIG, signal. Also shown is a diagram of the predicted precursor structure of EBD deduced from the gene and cDNA sequences. (B)
Nucleotide sequence of the EBD gene and alignment with the TAP gene sequence (13), with carets representing nucleotide identity. Exons (capital letters) were
determined by comparison with EBD cDNA sequences (Fig. 2). Consensus sequences for TATA boxes (underlined), NF–IL-6 sites (boldface underlined), and H-APF-1
(double underlined) are indicated (see text). The consensus splice junction residues are shown in boldface. The polyadenylation signal is boxed.
VOL. 66, 1998 ENTERIC "-DEFENSIN 1049

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FIG. 2. cDNA sequence of EBD. (A) The upstream sequences of the individual RACE clones and the relevant portion of a lambda clone, BSI-13, are aligned with
the genomic sequence (SEQ); colons denote sequence identity. The major transcription start site as determined by this analysis is indicated by the thick arrow, and the
first uppercase nucleotide is designated nucleotide !1. Other possible transcription sites (&2, &3, and &47) are indicated by thin arrows. A consensus TATA box
sequence is double underlined, and a second putative TATA box is single underlined. The presumed translation initiation codon, ATG, is boxed. (B) The cDNA
sequence and the deducedprotein sequence of EBD are aligned with protein sequence of TAP. The position of the intron in the corresponding genomic sequence is
indicated by a vertical line. The brackets in the TAP sequence encompass the isolated peptide found in tracheal tissues (15).

extra 5' sequence is contiguous with the adjacent transcribed EBD gene-specific probe, EBD 285a (Fig. 3). These results
genomic sequence, ruling out an alternative 5' exon. The 5' indicate that the EBD gene is a single-copy gene and address
nucleotide of this clone (&47) was 32 nucleotides downstream the specificity of hybridization conditions employed in this
of a second TATA sequence and thus appears to be a second study. The specificity of hybridization with this probe was fur-
site of transcription initiation. We conclude that EBD gene ther demonstrated by hybridizing dot blot panels of cloned
transcription is initiated as indicated in Fig. 2A and that EBD DNAs of various "-defensin genes. Only the EBD gene among
mRNA is derived from splicing of two exons as depicted in Fig. a collection of nine "-defensin-encoding gene sequences was
1 and 2B. recognized by EBD 285a under the same hybridization condi-
The sequences of the deduced prepropeptide and predicted tions as for the Southern and Northern blots (data not shown).
mature peptide of EBD are 72 and 67% identical to those of
TAP, respectively (Fig. 2B). A shared feature of the deduced
amino acid sequence is the cysteine array inherent to the fam-
ily of "-defensins (13, 28, 59). In addition, both sequences have
particularly high similarity of the 5' cDNA sequence and the
corresponding amino acids of the putative signal sequence
encoded by this region.
A search of the genomic sequence for motifs recognized by
transcription factors revealed several possible sites of EBD
gene regulation. For example, there is an NF–interleukin-6
(NF–IL-6) consensus binding site in the 5' flanking region of
EBD positioned where a putative NF-*B site is located in the
TAP gene (Fig. 1). Both the EBD and TAP genes have two
additional NF–IL-6 consensus binding sites similarly located 5'
relative to the respective NF–IL-6/NF-*B site (Fig. 1). The
presence of a consensus binding site for H-APF-1 (Fig. 1), a
factor known to cooperate with NF–IL-6 in gene activation
(39), further supports a possible functional significance of the
putative NF–IL-6 sites. A database search with the entire EBD
gene sequence revealed the presence of several highly repeti- FIG. 3. Southern blot hybridization analysis of the EBD gene. Bovine
genomic DNA (10 $g) was digested with restriction endonucleases, and the
tive elements of the bovine genome, including nucleotides products were size separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA was
&540 to &729, &370 to &540, and !1530 to !1580. The transferred to a nylon membrane and hybridized with 32P-end-labeled oligonu-
domains between these elements had similarity to the other cleotide EBD 285a (see Materials and Methods). Hybridization conditions were
bovine "-defensin genes previously characterized, but no other 5% SSC–1% SDS–5% Denhardt solution–40 $g of RNA per ml at 42°C in the
presence of 37.5% (vol/vol) formamide. The high-stringency wash of the filter
matches were notable. was with 2% SSC–0.1% SDS at 60°C for 60 min. The autoradiographic exposure
A Southern blot analysis of bovine genomic DNA revealed a was approximately 4 weeks. Numbers on the left indicate sizes (in basepairs) of
single band with each of five restriction enzymes by using an mobility standards.

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FIG. 4. Northern blot analysis of EBD gene expression in bovine tissues. (A) Tissue distribution of "-defensins. Total RNA (20 $g) extracted from 14 different
tissues was resolved by denaturing gel electrophoresis, capillary blotted to a nylon filter, and probed with either EBD 285a as an EBD probe, TAP286a as a TAP-specific
probe, TAP48a as a common probe for "-defensins, or an #-tubulin probe. The hybridization and wash conditions were as described in Materials and Methods. Small
intestine samples designated #1 and #2 represent RNAs extracted from the tissues of two healthy cows. (B) Expression of EBD in colonic tissue and usage of the
putative upstream transcription start site. Total RNAs from the distal small (SM.) intestine, proximal colon (10 cm from the ileocecal junction), and distal colon (10
cm from the rectum) were analyzed as for panel A. The Northern blot was hybridized with EBD 285a to assess distribution of expression. The same blot was stripped
of probe and rehybridized with EBD 9UTa, a probe from the unique sequence found in the 5'-extended RACE clone (Fig. 2, clone APT131.5) (see text). (C)
Comparison of fetal and adult tissue expression of EBD. Total RNAs were isolated from the distal small intestine (S.I.) and colon of a bovine fetus at 4 months
gestational age and from corresponding tissues of an adult cow and then analyzed as for panel A. (D) Northern blot analysis of EBD mRNA in enteric tissue from a
calf infected with C. parvum. Total RNA was isolated from the distal 20 cm of small intestine from a C. parvum-infected calf and from a control uninfected calf. Analysis
was as for panel A.

Northern blot and in situ hybridization analysis of EBD colon and small intestine (Fig. 4A, EBD). The intensity of the
mRNA. Northern blot analysis of total RNAs extracted from signal detected in the distal small intestine was strong relative
several bovine tissues with EBD 285a as probe revealed a to the detectable mRNA in more-proximal segments of the
message of about 600 nucleotides abundantly expressed in the small intestine. Comparable levels of mRNA were detected in
VOL. 66, 1998 ENTERIC "-DEFENSIN 1051

the proximal and distal colon (Fig. 4B). Trace hybridization the small intestine and colon than in cells covering the small
was detected in the trachea, and EBD mRNA was not detected intestinal villi (absorptive cells) or on the surface of the colonic
in the bone marrow, adrenal gland, lung, spleen, kidney cortex, mucosa. For individual epithelial cells, the localization of EBD
or kidney medulla (Fig. 4A). Somewhat lower levels of EBD mRNA did not correlate with localization of C. parvum infec-
mRNA were detected in both the distal small intestine and tion, since the heavily infected villus tip cells produced little
colon of a bovine fetus at a gestational age of 4 months as EBD mRNA while the minimally infected crypt cells produced
compared to in an adult cow (Fig. 4C). Hybridization of the abundant EBD mRNA. Therefore, C. parvum does not appear
filter with an oligonucleotide sequence specific for mRNA to directly induce EBD mRNA production in individual in-
derived from the &47 transcription initiation site demon- fected cells but rather causes the hyperplasia of uninfected
strated an identical distribution of signal but uniformly at a crypt cells which produce EBD mRNA.
lower relative intensity (Fig. 4B, 9UTa, and data not shown). Identification of !-defensin isoforms expressed in intestinal
All samples had intact RNA as evidenced by hybridization to tissue. To investigate the possibility that additional "-defensin
an #-tubulin probe (Fig. 4A to C). Hybridization at low strin- mRNA isoforms are expressed in the bovine small intestine, an
gency with a probe from the 5' cDNA region with sequence anchored-PCR strategy was employed. Invariant nucleotide
nearly identical in all characterized members of the bovine sequences have been found in the 5' portions of all bovine
"-defensin gene family reveals the presence of abundant "-defensin cDNAs cloned to date (13, 53, 57, 65). A PCR
mRNA in several tissues (Fig. 4A, "-Defensin), consistent with primer, BTAP-27s, was selected from this region of high nu-
widespread expression of various "-defensins. The relative cleotide similarity. RNA from the distal ileum was reverse

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abundances of mRNA detected in this experiment suggest that transcribed by using a modified oligo(dT) primer which con-
"-defensin expression is highest in the bone marrow (see be- tained a flanking anchor sequence. The resulting cDNA tem-
low), trachea, and colon. One "-defensin mRNA expressed in plate was then used in a PCR amplification with the "-defensin
bone marrow encodes BNBD-4 (65). TAP gene expression primer and an anchor sequence primer. A product of approx-
accounts for a substantial part of the "-defensin gene family imately 300 bp was obtained, and Southern blot hybridization
expression in trachea (Fig. 4A, TAP), as previously observed with an internal probe also from the common sequence of
(13, 53). "-defensin cDNA (TAP48a) demonstrated strong hybridiza-
The cellular localization of the EBD mRNA was determined tion (data not shown). The PCR products were subcloned, and
by in situ hybridization. Tissue sections of intestinal mucosa 118 individual colonies that appeared to encode members of
were probed with sense and antisense 35S-labeled riboprobes. the "-defensin family were characterized. High-stringency dot
Signal was observed with the antisense riboprobe in epithelial blot hybridization analysis of these clones with oligonucleotide
cells lining the small intestinal crypts in the ileum and colon of probes which corresponded to several different "-defensins
healthy cows (Fig. 5C and G, respectively). No signal in epi- allowed us to segregate the clones into several groups. Plasmid
thelial cells was observed in parallel sections when the sense DNAs from one (or more) clones from each group were se-
riboprobe was used (Fig. 5A and E) or when the sections were quenced in entirety from both strands. Ninety-six of the 118
treated with RNase prior to hybridization with the antisense "-defensin-related clones (81%) (Table 2) hybridized with
probe (data not shown). Leukocytes present in the lamina each of two EBD oligonucleotide probes under high-stringency
propria of numerous small intestinal sections also appeared to conditions, and the nucleotide sequence obtained from five
be positive with the antisense riboprobe used in these experi- randomly selected clones from this group corresponded exactly
ments (Fig. 5C); however, the signal was not attenuated by to that of the EBD gene (Table 2). Several clones excluded
pretreatment with RNase, and the sense riboprobe appeared from this group encoded other known "-defensins whose
equally positive (data not shown). The simplest explanation cDNAs have been cloned previously, including TAP (n ) 4)
from these control experiments is that the EBD signal in these (15), TAP(S20N) (n ) 2) (54), BNBD-4(n ) 6) (65), and
leukocytes may be artifactual, as previously described (46), and lingual antibiotic peptide (LAP) (n ) 3) (53, 57). Other clones
not from specific hybridization. However, Northern blot and were found to encode previously identified "-defensins,
anchored-PCR data suggest that cells of hematopoietic origin BNBD-3 (n ) 3) and BNBD-9 (n ) 1), whose cDNAs had not
present in enteric tissue may express other "-defensin mRNAs been cloned. Two clones encoded a previously uncharacterized
(see below). "-defensin, designated "-defensin c7 (BBD-C7). Northern blot
Expression of EBD in C. parvum infection. We sought to analysis revealed that BNBD-3, BNBD-9, and BBD-C7 are
determine if expression of EBD was modulated in the presence expressed in bone marrow (Fig. 6). Previous studies have
of an inflammatory gastrointestinal infection. The calf model shown that BNBD-4 mRNA is found chiefly in bone marrow,
of C. parvum infection is characterized by invasion of intestinal but significant signal was also present in the distal small intes-
epithelial cells by the parasite, blunting of villi in the small tine, lung, trachea, and spleen (65). Other reports have local-
intestine, crypt epithelial cell hyperplasia, and an inflammatory ized TAP mRNA expression to the trachea and adjoining por-
infiltrate in the lamina propria (64). As described in Materials tions of the conducting airway (13), LAP to the tongue (57)
and Methods, tissue samples of distal small intestine and colon and trachea (53), and TAP(S20N) to alveolar macrophages
were obtained from an infected calf, as well as a healthy con- (54) and tracheal tissue (52).
trol, in each of two experiments. Total RNA was isolated from Peptide isolation. If the putative prepropeptides predicted
the distal small intestine for each specimen and analyzed by from the characterized cDNA sequences were processed sim-
Northern blot analysis (Fig. 4D). The signal for EBD mRNA ilarly to the mature TAP (15), peptides of 38 to 42 amino acids
was increased 10-fold in the infected calf intestine compared to with masses of approximately 4 kDa and net charges of !8
the control for one experiment (Fig. 4D) and was increased under acidic conditions should be detected in intestinal ex-
5-fold in the second experiment. Samples of small intestine and tracts. These properties are similar to those of TAP, which has
colon were also analyzed by in situ hybridization. Although less 38 amino acids, a molecular mass of 4,085 Da, and a net charge
quantitative, the signal for EBD mRNA was dramatically ele- of !10. We employed an antibacterial assay with the gram-
vated in epithelial cells in the sections from infected calves, for negative bacterium E. coli D31 to isolate active fractions with
both ileum (Fig. 5D versus C) and cecum (Fig. 5H versus G). chromatographic properties similar to those observed for TAP.
Hybridization appeared to be more intense within crypt cells of Numerous active fractions from the distal small intestine were

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FIG. 5. Detection of EBD mRNA by in situ hybridization. Paraffin-embedded sections of bovine ileum (A to D) and colon (E to H) were hybridized with EBD
riboprobes labeled with [35S]UTP, washed under high-stringency conditions, and processed as described in Materials and Methods. (A, C, E, and G) Normal, uninfected
intestinal tissue; (B, D, F, and H) intestinal tissue infected by C. parvum. The parasites are not visible at this magnification, but the blunting of the small intestinal villi
and the inflammation of the lamina propria induced by the infection are easily seen in panels B and D. In normal ileum and colon, EBD mRNA is localized within
epithelial cells at the base of the crypts (C and G). In C. parvum-infected ileum and colon, abundant EBD mRNA is present in epithelial cells throughout the elongated
crypt (D and H). Magnification, %80.

detected, and several were partially characterized. As de- composed of one component which had a molecular mass-to-
scribed in Materials and Methods, a combination of gel filtra- charge ratio (m/z) of 4,113 + 1.6 and minor species with m/z )
tion, ion-exchange chromatography, and reverse-phase chro- 7,220 and 14,440. The two minor species are almost certainly
matography was used to partially purify an active fraction related, with either the 7,220 species representing the doubly
relevant to this report, APT161G (Fig. 7A). This fraction was charged form of a 14,440-Da component or the 14,440 species
VOL. 66, 1998 ENTERIC "-DEFENSIN 1053

TABLE 2. 3'-RACE clone analysis DISCUSSION

No. of clonesa
cDNA clone
(% of total) Previous work in defining the structure of the TAP gene had
demonstrated the presence of several TAP gene-related se-
EBD............................................................................................. 96 (81)
quences in the bovine genome (13). We have now determined
BNBD-4 ...................................................................................... 6 (5)
TAP ............................................................................................. 4 (3) the structure of one of these related genes, the EBD gene (Fig.
LAP ............................................................................................. 3 (3) 1), which has led us to discover a new anatomical site of
BNBD-3 ...................................................................................... 3 (3) "-defensin expression. The EBD gene is expressed in the distal
BNBD-9 ...................................................................................... 2 (2) small intestine and colon (Fig. 4), and specifically in epithelial
TAP(S20N) ................................................................................. 2 (2) cells in these two sites (Fig. 5). Moreover, EBD mRNA levels
BBD-C7....................................................................................... 2 (2) are dramatically elevated in association with C. parvum infec-
A total of 118 clones were analyzed.
tion (Fig. 5 and 7). These data support the hypothesis that
EBD may contribute to host defense of the enteric mucosa.
EBD mRNA, like other "-defensin-encoding mRNAs, has a
selective tissue distribution. Abundant mRNA is detected in
epithelial cells throughout the length of the colon and the
being the dimer of a 7,220-Da component. APT161G was distal small intestine (Fig. 4 and 5). This alludes to a possible
subjected to amino-terminal sequence analysis (Fig. 7B). Two functional link for cells at these two anatomical locations that

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recognizable motifs were identified in the mixed sequence; one was not previously recognized. The location and morphology
corresponded to a "-defensin, and the other was similar (68% of the small intestinal epithelial cells expressing this mRNA
identity) to human group II phospholipase A2 (41). Of the may be analogous to those of the so-called undifferentiated
various "-defensin cDNAs identified in this study and else- crypt cells, previously described for human and rodent small
where, the presumed "-defensin component of the isolated intestinal crypts. This cell type has ultrastructural characteris-
material had a primary sequence most consistent with TAP tics of a secretory cell, including membrane-enclosed secreto-
(S20N) (54), with the sequence identical at 19 of 22 positions. ry-type granules (63). Paneth cells, another secretory cell type
Assuming that the six cysteines in the predicted primary se- of the small intestinal crypt of many mammals, were shown
quence of TAP(S20N) all participated in intracellular disulfide previously to be the site of expression of #-defensins in mice
bonds and that the amino-terminal residue was asparagine, the (44) and humans (32, 33, 49) but are not prominent in the cow
calculated mass of the peptide would be 4,112 Da, consistent (34). Paneth cells are most abundant in the ileum and are
with that obtained for the isolated material (Fig. 7). much less common in the colon. The pattern of EBD expres-
sion reported here contrasts with this distribution pattern of
Paneth cells, because colonic tissue is a major site of EBD
expression and at levels comparable to those of the distal small
intestine. Several questions that emerge from these findings
are as follows. (i) Do humans, mice, and other species with
known enteric #-defensin expression in Paneth cells also ex-
press "-defensins in enteric epithelial cells? (ii) Conversely, do
cows also express #-defensins in enteric tissue, and if so, where
are they expressed? (iii) What is the common and distinguish-
ing physiological role(s) of enteric #-defensins and "-de-
C. parvum, a protozoan parasite, has emerged as an impor-
tant mammalian pathogen whose anatomic site of infection
usually is the alimentary tract (10) but can also include other
mucosa (62). This pathogen has emerged as a significant cause
of devastating diarrheal disease in immunocompromised indi-
viduals (47). The levels of EBD mRNA are elevated in spec-
imens from calves infected with C. parvum, suggesting that this
gene may be part of a dynamic host response to inflammation
and/or infection of the enteric mucosa. While our data show a
correlation of EBD mRNA levels and parasitic infection, it is
unclear whether induction is a direct consequence of tissue
infection or the result of a general inflammatory response. The
histologic changes produced by C. parvum in the intestinal
mucosa (villus blunting, crypt cell hyperplasia, and inflamma-
tory infiltration of the lamina propria) are not unique to cryp-
tosporidiosis and may be seen in other infections, such as viral
diarrhea and giardiasis (11, 21). Crypt cell hyperplasia is widely
believed to represent an attempt to regenerate the villus epi-
thelium damaged by invading microbes (31). Our studies sug-
FIG. 6. Northern blot analysis of several low-abundance "-defensin cDNAs gest that these hyperplastic crypt cells may also play a role in
cloned from small intestine by anchored PCR. Total RNAs (20 $g) extracted immunity by producing antimicrobial peptides to defend
from 10 different tissues were resolved by denaturing gel electrophoresis, capil- against the insulting agent. It is likely that other intestinal
lary blotted to a nylon filter, and probed with either JR335.B1 as a BNBD-9
probe, BNBD2/3-189a as an BNBD-3 probe, JR300.C7 as a BBD-C7 probe,
infections which cause epithelial damage and crypt cell hyper-
EBD 285a as an EBD probe, or an #-tubulin probe. The hybridization and wash plasia also induce EBD expression.
conditions were as for Fig. 4. Analysis of EBD genomic and cDNA sequences (Fig. 1 and

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FIG. 7. Isolation of "-defensin peptide from distal small intestine. An extract of bovine distal small intestine (200 g) was fractionated by using a combination of gel
filtration and ion-exchange chromatography, and individual fractions were tested for antibacterial activity by an antibacterial plate assay (see Materials and Methods).
(A) An active fraction from ion-exchange chromatography, eluting under conditions for previously characterized "-defensins, was applied to a C18 reverse-phase HPLC
column and eluted with a gradient of acetonitrile (dashed line). The eluate was monitored by UV light absorbance (solid line), and each fraction (1 ml) was assayed
for antibacterial activity (hash marks indicate active fractions). Fraction APT161G (arrow) was subjected to mass spectral analyses (see text) and N-terminal sequence
analysis. (B) N-terminal sequence analysis. Two amino acids were identified at several positions, consistent with peptide heterogeneity within this fraction (see text).
The mixed sequence is aligned with the sequences of TAP(S20N) ("-defensin) (54) and human group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) (41).

2) indicates a two-exon gene structure, similar to that of the "-defensin genes are highly similar to one another, the genes
TAP gene. Its nucleotide identity with the TAP gene is 84% have no detectable sequence similarity to those of mammalian
across the gene. This finding is most consistent with the two #-defensins (data not shown). Recent data indicate that #- and
genes arising from relatively recent gene duplication and/or "-defensin genes are located in the same chromosomal cluster
conversion events. Yount et al. have recently determined a (38), suggesting that they are part of a single gene family which
similar two-exon structure for the gene encoding the hemato- arose from a common ancestral gene. The lack of significant
poietic "-defensin BNBD-4 (65). The nucleotide identity be- sequence similarity suggests that these two subfamilies di-
tween the EBD and BNBD-4 genes is also quite high (88%) in verged long ago and/or that sequence divergence in this gene
the 969 nucleotides of available BNBD-4 gene sequence. All family has occurred at an accelerated pace. Nevertheless, the
three of these genes have been localized to bovine chromo- expression of "-defensin genes in tissues which come in fre-
some 27 (25), further supporting an evolutionary history of quent contact with bacteria and other microbes supports the
divergence from a common ancestral gene. A striking feature idea that this gene subfamily, like the #-defensin subfamily, is
of this comparison is the high similarity of nucleotide sequence part of a first-line host defense system.
throughout these three genes, given the dramatic difference in An anchored-reverse-transcription-PCR strategy has re-
tissue expression (Fig. 4) (65). Thus, an important question vealed that several additional "-defensins [TAP, TAP(S20N),
that remains to be addressed is the identity of sequences within LAP, BNBD-3, BNBD-4, BNBD-9, and BBD-C7] are also
these genes which mediate their distinct patterns of expression. expressed in the distal small intestine but at much lower rela-
A second feature is that although the sequences of these three tive abundances. The cellular sources of these low-abundance
VOL. 66, 1998 ENTERIC "-DEFENSIN 1055

"-defensin mRNAs in enteric tissue remain to be rigorously ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

established, but Northern blot evidence (Fig. 6) showing prin- This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of
cipal expression in bone marrow supports that BNBD-3, Health (AI32738 and AI32234), the National Science Foundation
BNBD-9, and BBD-C7 are probably expressed in cells of he- (DBI-9420123), and the Irma T. Hirschl Trust (to P.T.); the Sloan-
matopoietic origin and that these cells, present in the lamina Kettering sequencing lab is supported by a National Cancer Institute
propria, contribute "-defensin mRNA to the pool of enteric Core Grant (5 P30 CA08748).
RNA analyzed here. Also, Ryan et al. (54) have shown that
lung macrophages, obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage, ex- ADDENDUM
press several "-defensins at the mRNA level, including
Stolzenberg et al. (60a) have recently also reported in situ
BNBD-4, BNBD-5, and TAP(S20N). We have previously
hybridization evidence of inducible "-defensin expression in
shown that tracheal epithelial cells express at least two differ- the bovine intestinal tract.
ent "-defensin genes, the TAP gene at high levels and the LAP
gene at much reduced levels. It is also possible that enteric REFERENCES
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Editor: J. R. McGhee
Allelic Polymorphisms at the H-2A and HLA-DQ Loci Influence
the Response of Murine Lymphocytes to the Mycoplasma
arthritidis Superantigen MAM
Division of Rheumatology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132,
and Department of Immunology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 55095

Volume 65, no. 10, p. 4191, column 1, lines 31 and 32: “. . . genes in knockout mice lacking endogenous mouse class II molecules”
should read “. . . genes in transgenic mice with a B10.M background.”

Enteric !-Defensin: Molecular Cloning and Characterization of

a Gene with Inducible Intestinal Epithelial Cell Expression
Associated with Cryptosporidium parvum Infection
Division of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Departments of
Pediatrics and Pathology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104;
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021; and Department of Immunology,
Gastroenterology and Colorectal Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Volume 66, no. 3, p. 1045, Abstract, line 4: “A novel bovine genomic clone with sequence related to those of these
"-defensins. . .” should read “A novel bovine genomic clone with !-defensin-related sequence. . .”


Expression of Anaplasma marginale Major Surface Protein 2

Variants during Persistent Cyclic Rickettsemia
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164

Volume 66, no. 3, p. 1202: Figure 2 should appear as shown:

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