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Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria: Canary Spring

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is part of Mammoth
Hot Springs in Yellowstone
National Park.

17.1 The Common-lon Effect 17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility
We begin by considering a specific example We investigate some of the factors that affect
of Le Chatelier's principle known as the solubility, including the common-ion effect and
common-ion effect. the effect of acids.

17.2 Buffered Solutions 17.6 Precipitation and Separation of Ions

We then consider the composition of buffered Continuing the discussion of solubility equilibria,
solutions, or buffers, and learn how they resist pH we learn how to precipitate ions selectively.
change upon the addition of small amounts of a
strong acid or a strong base. 17.7 Qualitative Analysis for Metallic Elements
We conclude the chapter with an explanation of
17.3 Acid-Base Titrations how the principles of solubility and complexation
We continue by examining acid-base titration in equilibria can be used to identify ions
detail, and we explore how to determine pH at qualitatively in solution.
any point in an acid-base titration.

17.4 Solubility Equilibria

Next, we learn how to use equilibrium constants
known as solubility-product constants to determine
to what extent a sparingly soluble salt will
dissolve in water.


In a sense, it is the solvent of life. It is difficult to
imagine how living matter in all its complexity could exist
with any liquid other than water as the solvent. Water
occupies its position of importance because of its abundance
and its exceptional ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances. For
example, the chapter-opening photograph shows a hot spring; this water
contains a high concentration of ions (especially Mg 2+, Ca 2+, Fe 2+, CO/- ,
and 504 2-). The ions are dissolved as the hot water, initially underground,
passes through various rocks on its way to the surface and dissolves minerals
in the rocks. When the solution reaches the surface and cools, the minerals
deposit and make the terracelike formations seen in the photograph.
The various aqueous solutions encountered in nature typically contain
many solutes. For example, the aqueous solutions in hot springs and oceans,
as well as those in biological fluids, contain a variety of dissolved ions and
molecules. Consequently, many equilibria can occur simultaneously in
these solutions.

720 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

In this chapter we take a step toward understanding such complex solu-

tions by looking first at further applications of acid-base equilibria. The idea is
to consider not only solutions in which there is a single solute but also those
containing a mixture of solutes. We then broaden our discussion to include
two additional types of aqueous equilibria: those involving slightly soluble
salts and those involving the formation of metal complexes in solution. For the
most part, the discussions and calculations in this chapter are an extension of
those in Chapters 15 and 16.


In Chapter 16 we examined the equilibrium concentrations of ions in solutions
containing a weak acid or a weak base. We now consider solutions that contain
a weak acid, such as acetic acid (CH3COOH), and a soluble salt of that acid,
such as sodium acetate (CH3COONa). Notice that these solutions contain two
substances that share a common ion CH 3Coo- . It is instructive to view these so-
lutions from the perspective of Le Chatelier's principle. 0 (Section 15.7) Sodi-
um acetate is a soluble ionic compound and is therefore a strong electrolyte.
(Section 4.1) Consequently, it dissociates completely in aqueous solution to
form Na+ and CH 3Coo- ions:
CH 3COONa(aq) ~ Na+(aq) + CH 3COO- (aq)
In contrast, CH3COOH is a weak electrolyte that ionizes as follows:
CH 3COOH(aq) ~ H +(aq) + CH 3COO-(aq) [17.1]
The CH 3Coo- from CH3COONa causes this equilibrium to shift to the left,
thereby decreasing the equilibrium concentration of H +(aq).
CH 3COOH(aq) ~ H +(aq) + CH 3COO-(aq)

Addition of CH3coo- shifts

equilibrium, reducing [H+]

In other words, the presence of the added acetate ion causes the acetic acid to ion-
ize less than it normally would.
Whenever a weak electrolyte and a strong electrolyte contain a common ion, the weak
electrolyte ionizes less than it would if it were alone in solution. We call this observation
the common-ion effect. Sample Exercises 17.1 and 17.2 illustrate how equilibrium
concentrations may be calculated when a solution contains a mixture of a weak
electrolyte and a strong electrolyte that have a common ion. The procedures are
similar to those encountered for weak acids and weak bases in Chapter 16.

• SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.1 I Calculating the pH When a Common Ion Is Involved

What is the pH of a solution made by adding 0.30 mol of acetic acid and 0.30 mol of sodium acetate to enough water to make
1.0 L of solution?
Analyze: We are asked to determine the pH of a solution of a weak electrolyte (CH3COOH) and a strong electrolyte
(CH3COONa) that share a common ion, CH 3Coo- .
Plan: In any problem in which we 1. Consider which solutes are strong electrolytes and which are weak electrolytes,
must determine the pH of a solution and identify the major species in solution.
containing a mixture of solutes, it is 2. Identify the important equilibrium that is the source of H + and therefore deter-
helpful to proceed by a series of logi- mines pH.
cal steps: 3. Tabulate the concentrations of ions involved in the equilibrium.
4. Use the equilibrium-constant expression to calculate [H+] and then pH.
17.1 The Common-Ion Effect 721

Solve: First, because CH3COOH is a weak electrolyte and CH3COONa is a strong electrolyte, the major species in the solution are
CH3COOH (a weak acid), Na+ (which is neither acidic nor basic and is therefore a spectator in the acid-base chemistry), and
CH 3Coo- (which is the conjugate base of CH3COOH).

Second, [H+] and, therefore, the pH

are controlled by the dissociation
equilibrium of CH3COOH: CH 3COOH(aq) ~ H +(aq) + CH 3COO- (aq)

(We have written the equilibrium

using H +(aq) rather than H 30 +(aq) but
both representations of the hydrated
hydrogen ion are equally valid.)

Third, we tabulate the initial and CH 3COOH(aq) H +(aq) + CH 3coo- (aq)

equilibrium concentrations as we did
in solving other equilibrium prob- Initial 0.30M 0 0.30M
lems in Chapters 15 and 16:
Change -xM +xM +xM
Equilibrium (0.30- x) M xM (0.30 + x) M

The equilibrium concentration of

CH 3Coo- (the common ion) is the
initial concentration that is due to
CH3COONa (0.30 M) plus the change
in concentration (x) that is due to the
ionization of CH3COOH.
Now we can use the equilibrium- Ka = 1.8 x 10- 5 = [H+][CH3COO- ]
constant expression: [CH3COOH]

(The dissociation constant for

CH3COOH at 25 oc is from Appendix
D; addition of CH3COONa does not
change the value of this constant.)
Substituting the equilibrium-constant
concentrations from our table into Ka = 1.8 X 10- 5 = x(0.30 + x)
the equilibrium expression gives 0.30 -X

Because Ka is small, we assume that x is

small compared to the original concen-
trations of CH3COOH and CH 3coo- Ka = 1.8 X 10-5 = x(0.30)
(0.30 M each). Thus, we can ignore the 0.30
very small x relative to 0.30 M, giving X = 1.8 X 10- 5 M = [H+]

The resulting value of x is indeed

small relative to 0.30, justifying the
approximation made in simplifying
the problem. pH = - log(l.8 X 10- 5) = 4.74
Finally, we calculate the pH from the
equilibrium concentration of H +(aq):

Comment: In Section 16.6 we calculated that a 0.30 M solution of CH3COOH has a pH of 2.64, corresponding to
[H+] = 2.3 X 10- 3 M. Thus, the addition of CH3COONa has substantially decreased [H+], as we would expect from Le Chatelier's

Calculate the pH of a solution containing 0.085 M nitrous acid (HN02; Ka = 4.5 X 10- 4) and 0.10 M potassium nitrite (KN02).
Answer: 3.42
722 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

• SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.2 I Calculating Jon Concentrations When a Common Jon Is Involved
Calculate the fluoride ion concentration and pH of a solution that is 0.20 Min HF and 0.10 Min HCI.
Analyze: We are asked to determine the concentration of p- and the pH in a solution containing the weak acid HF and the strong
acid HCI. In this case the common ion is H+.
Plan: We can again use the four steps outlined in Sample Exercise 17.1.

Solve: Because HF is a weak acid and

HCl is a strong acid, the major species
in solution are HF, H +, and Cl- . The
cl-, which is the conjugate base of a
strong acid, is merely a spectator ion
in any acid-base chemistry. The prob-
lem asks for [F- ], which is formed by
ionization of HF. Thus, the important
equilibrium is HF(aq) ~ H+(aq) + F- (aq)

The common ion in this problem is HF(aq) H +(aq) + p- (aq)

the hydrogen (or hydronium) ion.
Now we can tabulate the initial and Initial 0.20M 0.10M 0
equilibrium concentrations of each
species involved in this equilibrium: Change -xM +xM +xM
Equilibrium (0.20- x) M (0.10 + x) M xM
The equilibrium constant for the
ionization of HF, from Appendix D,
is 6.8 X 10- 4. Substituting the
equilibrium-constant concentrations Ka = 6.8 X 10- 4 = [H+][F- ] = (0.10 + x)(x)
into the equilibrium expression gives [HF] 0.20 - X

If we assume that xis small relative to (0.10)(x) = 6.8 X 10-4

0.10 or 0.20 M, this expression simpli-
fies to
0 20
x = · (6.8 X 10- 4) = 1.4 X 10-3 M = [F- ]
This p- concentration is substantially
smaller than it would be in a 0.20 M
solution of HF with no added HCI.
The common ion, H+, suppresses the
ionization of HF. The concentration of
H +(aq) is [H+] = (0.10 + x) M c:= 0.10 M

Thus, pH= 1.00

Comment: Notice that for all practical purposes, [H+] is due entirely to the HCl; the HF makes a negligible contribution by

Calculate the formate ion concentration and pH of a solution that is 0.050 Min formic acid (HCOOH; Ka = 1.8 X 10- 4) and 0.10 M
inHN03. -
Answer: [HCOO- ] = 9.0 x 10- 5; pH = 1.00

Sample Exercises 17.1 and 17.2 both involve weak acids. The ionization of a
weak base is also decreased by the addition of a common ion. For example, the
addition of NH 4 + (as from the strong electrolyte NH4Cl) causes the base-disso-
ciation equilibrium of NH3 to shift to the left, decreasing the equilibrium con-
centration of OH- and lowering the pH:
NH 3(aq) + H 20(1) ~ NH 4+(aq) + OH-(aq) [17.2]

Addition of NH4 + shifts

equilibrium, reducing [OH- ]
17.2 Buffered Solutions 723


A mixture of 0.10 mol of NH4Cl and 0.12 mol of NH3 is added to enough water to
make 1.0 L of solution. (a) What are the initial concentrations of the major species in
the solution? (b) Which of the ions in this solution is a spectator ion in any acid-base
chemistry occurring in the solution? (c) What equilibrium reaction determines [OH- ]
and therefore the pH of the solution?


Solutions such as those discussed in Section 17.1, which contain a weak conjugate
acid-base pair, can resist drastic changes in pH upon the addition of small amounts
·of strong acid or strong base. These solutions are called buffered solutions
(or merely buffers). Human blood, for example, is a complex aqueous mixture
with a pH buffered at about 7.4 (see the "Chemistry and Life" box near the end of
this section). Much of the chemical behavior of seawater is determined by its pH,
buffered at about 8.1 to 8.3 near the surface. Buffered solutions find many impor-
tant applications in the laboratory and in medicine (Figure 17.1 ..,.. ).

Composition and Action of Buffered Solutions

A buffer resists changes in pH because it contains both an acid to neutralize .6. Figure 17.1 Buffer solutions.
OH- ions and a base to neutralize H+ ions. The acid and base that make up the Prepackaged buffer solutions and
buffer, however, must not consume each other through a neutralization reac- ingredients for making up buffer
tion. These requirements are fulfilled by a weak acid-base conjugate pair such solutions of predetermined pH can be
as CH 3COOH -CH 3Coo- or NH 4 +- NH 3 . Thus, buffers are often prepared by
mixing a weak acid or a weak base with a salt of that acid or base. The
CH 3COOH -CH 3Coo- buffer can be prepared, for example, by adding
CH3COONa to a solution of CH3COOH. The NH 4 +- NH 3 buffer can be pre-
pared by adding NH4Cl to a solution of NH3 . By choosing appropriate compo-
nents and adjusting their relative concentrations, we can buffer a solution at
virtually any pH.


Which of the following conjugate acid-base pairs will not function as a buffer:
C2HsCOOH and C2HsCOO- ; HC03- and C032-; HN03 and N03- ? Explain.

To understand better how a buffer works, let's consider a buffer composed

of a weak acid (HX) and one of its salts (MX, where M+ could be Na+, K+, or
another cation). The acid-dissociation equilibrium in this buffered solution
involves both the acid and its conjugate base:
HX(aq) ~ H +(aq) + x - (aq) [17.3]
The corresponding acid-dissociation-constant expression is
[H+][X- ]
Ka = [HX] [17.4]

Solving this expression for [H+], we have

[H+] = Ka[HX] [17.5]

[X- ]

We see from this expression that [H+], and thus the pH, is determined by two
factors: the value of Ka for the weak-acid component of the buffer and the ratio
of the concentrations of the conjugate acid-base pair, [HX]/[X- ].
724 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

.,.... Figure 17.2 Buffer action. When a Buffer after Buffer with equal Buffer after
small portion of OH- is added to a buffer addition of OH- concentrations of addition of H +
consisting of a mixture of the weak acid weak acid and its
HF and its conjugate base (left), the OH- conjugate base
reacts with the HF, decreasing [HF] and ------------~---- ----+------ - -----

... ...
increasing [F- ] in the buffer. Conversely,
when a small portion of H+ is added to
the buffer (right), the H+ reacts with OH-
the F- , decreasing [F- ] and increasing H+
[HF] in the buffer. Because pH depends HF p- HF I p- HF p-
on the ratio of F- to HF, the resulting pH
change is small.

<(;+H20..__ HF + OH- 1 H++p-----+HF>

p- HF


If OH- ions are added to the buffered solution, they react with the acid
component of the buffer to produce water and x-:
OH- (aq) + HX(aq) ~ H 20(Z) + x - (aq) [17.6]
added base weak acid in buffer
This reaction causes [HX] to decrease and [X- ] to increase. As long as the
amounts of HX and x- in the buffer are large compared to the amount of OH-
added, however, the ratio [HX] I [X- ] does not change much, and thus the
change in pH is small. A specific example of such a buffer, the HF /F- buffer, is
shown in Figure 17.2 .6..
If H+ ions are added, they react with the base component of the buffer:
H +(aq) + x - (aq) ~ HX(aq) [17.7]
added base weak acid in buffer
This reaction can also be represented using H 30+:
H 30 +(aq) + x - (aq) ~ HX(aq) + H20(l)
Using either equation, we see that the reaction causes [X-] to decrease and [HX]
to increase. As long as the change in the ratio [HX]/[X- ] is small, the change in
pH will be small.
Figure 17.2 shows a buffer consisting of equal concentrations of hydrofluo-
ric acid and fluoride ion (center). The addition of OH- (left) reduces [HF] and
increases [F- ]. The addition of H + (right) reduces [F- ] and increases [HF].


(a) What happens when NaOH is added to a buffer composed of CH3COOH and
CH 3Coo- ? (b) What happens when HCl is added to this buffer?

Calculating the pH of a Buffer

Because conjugate acid-base pairs share a common ion, we can use the same
procedures to calculate the pH of a buffer that we used to treat the common-
ion effect (see Sample Exercise 17.1). However, we can sometimes take an q.l-
ternate approach that is based on an equation derived from Equation 17.5.
17.2 Buffered Solutions 725

Taking the negative log of both sides of Equation 17.5, we have

[HX]) [HX]
-log[H+] = -log ( K - - = -logK - log--
a [X- ] a [X- ]

Because -log[H+] = pH and -logKa = pKa, we have

[HX] [X- ]
pH = pKa - log [X- ] = pKa + log [HX] [17.8]

In general,
pH = pKa + log [acid] [17.9]

where [acid] and [base] refer to the equilibrium concentrations of the conjugate
acid-base pair. Note that when [base] = [acid], pH = pKa.
Equation 17.9 is known as the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Biolo-
gists, biochemists, and others who work frequently with buffers often use this
equation to calculate the pH of buffers. In doing equilibrium calculations, we
have seen that we can normally neglect the amounts of the acid and base of the
buffer that ionize. Therefore, we can usually use the starting concentrations of
the acid and bas~ components of the buffer directly in Equation 17.9.

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.3 I Calculating the pH of a Buffer

What is the pH of a buffer that is 0.12 M in lactic acid [CH3CHiOH)COOH, or HC 3H 50 3] and 0.10 M in sodium lactate
[CH3CH(OH)COONa or NaC3H50 3]? For lactic acid, Ka = 1.4 x 10- .
Analyze: We are asked to calculate the pH of a buffer containing lactic acid HC 3H 50 3 and its conjugate base, the lactate ion
(C3Hs03 -).
Plan: We will first determine the pH using the method described in Section 17.1. Because HC 3H 50 3 is a weak electrolyte and
NaC 3H 50 3 is a strong electrolyte, the major species in solution are HC 3H 50 3, Na +, and C3H 50 3-. The Na + ion is a spectator ion.
The HC 3H 50 3-C 3H 50 3- conjugate acid-base pair determines [H+] and thus pH; [H+] can be determined using the acid-
dissociation equilibrium of lactic acid.

Solve: The initial and equilibrium HC 3Hs03(aq) ...---- H +(aq) + C3Hs03 - (aq)
concentrations of the species involved
in this equilibrium are Initial 0.12M 0 0.10M
Change -xM +xM +xM
Equilibrium (0.12- x) M xM (0.10 + x) M

The equilibrium concentrations are go- _4 _ [H+][C3H 50 3] = x(0.10 + x)

verned by the equilibrium expression: Ka = 1.4 X 10 - [HC 3H 5o 3] (0.12 - x)

Because Ka is small and a common ion

is present, we expect x to be small rel-
ative to either 0.12 or 0.10 M. Thus, Ka = 1.4 x 10-4 = x(0.10)
our equation can be simplified to give 0.12

Solving for x gives a value that justi-

fies our approximation: [H+] =x= (~:~~)(1.4 X 10- 4) = 1.7 X 10- 4 M
pH = -log(l.7 X 10- 4) = 3.77

Alternatively, we could have used the [base]) (0.10)

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to pH = pKa + log ( [acid] = 3.85 + log 0. 12
calculate pH directly:
= 3.85 + (-0.08) = 3.77

Calculate the pH of a buffer composed of 0.12 M benzoic acid and 0.20 M sodium benzoate. (Refer to Appendix D.)
Answer: 4.42
726 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.4 I Preparing a Buffer

How many moles of NH4Cl must be added to 2.0 L of 0.10 M NH3 to form a buffer whose pH is 9.00? (Assume that the addition
of NH 4Cl does not change the volume of the solution.)
Analyze: Here we are asked to determine the amount of NH 4+ ion required to prepare a buffer of a specific pH.
Plan: The major species in the solu-
tion will be NH 4+, Cl- , and NH3. Of
these, the cl- ion is a spectator (it is
the conjugate base of a strong acid).
Thus, the NH4 +-NH3 conjugate
acid-base pair will determine the pH
of the buffer solution. The equili-
brium relationship between NH 4+
and NH3 is given by the base- [NH4 +][oH- ] = 1.8 X 10-5
NH3(aq) + H20(Z) ~ NH 4+(aq) + OH-(aq) Kb = [NH3]
dissociation constant for NH3:

The key to this exercise is to use this Kb expression to calculate [NH 4+].
Solve: We obtain [OH- ] from the
given pH: pOH = 14.00- pH= 14.00- 9.00 = 5.00

and so [OH- ] = 1.0 X 10- 5 M

Because Kb is small and the common

ion NH 4+ is present, the equilibrium
concentration of NH3 will essentially
equal its initial concentration: [NH3] = 0.10 M

We now use the expression for Kb to

[NH 4+] = K [NH 3] = (1.8 X 10- 5) (0. 10 M) = 0.18 M
calculate [NH4 +]: b [OH-] (1.0 X 10- 5 M)

Thus, for the solution to have pH =

9.00, [NH/ ] must equal 0.18 M. The
number of moles of NH4Cl needed to
produce this concentration is given by
the product of the volume of the solu-
tion and its molarity: (2.0 L)(0.18 mol NH 4Cl/L) = 0.36 mol NH 4Cl

Comment: Because NH 4+and NH3 are a conjugate acid-base pair, we could use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (Equation
17.9) to solve this problem. To do so requires first using Equation 16.41 to calculate pKa for NH 4+from the value of pKb for NH3.
We suggest you try this approach to convince yourself that you can us~ the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for buffers for
which you are given Kb for the conjugate base rather than Ka for the conjugate acid.

Calculate the concentration of sodium benzoate that must be present in a 0.20 M solution of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) to produce
Answer: 0.13 M

Buffer Capacity and pH Range

Two important characteristics of a buffer are its capacity and its effective pH
range. Buffer capacity is the amount of acid or base the buffer can neutralize
before the pH begins to change to an appreciable degree. The buffer capacity
depends on the amount of acid and base from which the buffer is made. The pH
of the buffer depends on the Ka for the acid and on the relative concentrations of
the acid and base that comprise the buffer. According to Equation 17.5, for ex-
ample, [H+] for a 1-L solution that is 1M in CH3COOH and 1M in CH3COONa
will be the same as for a 1-L solution that is 0.1 Min CH3COOH and 0.1 Min
CH3COONa. The first solution has a greater buffering capacity, however, be- ·
cause it contains more CH3COOH and CH 3Coo-. The greater the amounts of
the conjugate acid-base pair, the more resistant is the ratio of their concentra-
tions, and hence the pH, is to change.
17.2 Buffered Solutions 727

The pH range of any buffer is the pH range over which the buffer acts effec-
tively. Buffers most effectively resist a change in pH in either direction when the
concentrations of weak acid and conjugate base are about the same. From
Equation 17.9 we see that when the concentrations of weak acid and conjugate
base are equal, pH = pKa. This relationship gives the optimal pH of any buffer.
Thus, we usually try to select a buffer whose acid form has a pKa close to the de-
sired pH. In practice, we find that if the concentration of one component of the
buffer is more than 10 times the concentration of the other component, the
buffering action is poor. Because log 10 = 1, buffers usually have a usable range
within ± 1 pH unit of pKa (that is, a range of pH = pKa ± 1).


What is the optimal pH buffered by a solution containing CH3COOH and
CH3COONa? (Ka for CH3COOH is 1.8 x 10- 5 .)

Addition of Strong Acids or Bases to Buffers

Let's now consider in a more quantitative way the response of a buffered solu-
tion to the addition of a strong acid or base. In solving these problems, it is im-
portant to understand that reactions between strong acids and weak bases
proceed essentially to completion, as do those between strong bases and weak
acids. Thus, as long as we do not exceed the buffering capacity of the buffer, we
can assume that the strong acid or strong base is completely consumed by reac-
tion with the buffer.
Consider a buffer that contains a weak acid HX and its conjugate base x-.
When a strong acid is added to this buffer, the added H + is consumed by x- to
produce HX; thus, [HX] increases and [X- ] decreases. (See Equation 17.7.) When
a strong base is added to the buffer, the added OH- is consumed by HX to pro-
duce x-; in this case [HX] decreases and [X- ] increases. (See Equation 17.6.)
These two situations are summarized in Figure 17.2.
To calculate how the pH of the buffer responds to the addition of a strong
acid or a strong base, we follow the strategy outlined in Figure 17.3 T :
1. Consider the acid-base neutralization reaction, and determine its effect on
[HX] and [X- ]. This step of the procedure is a stoichiometry calculation.
2. Use Ka and the new concentrations of [HX] and [X- ] from step 1 to calculate
[H+]. This second step of the procedure is a standard equilibrium calculation
and is most easily done using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
The complete procedure is illustrated in Sample Exercise 17.5.

Add strong acid
x- + H 3o+ ----+ HX + H 20

Use Ka, [HX], and

[X-] to calculate [H+]

HX + oH- ----+ x- + H 20
Add strong base

I Stoichiometry calculation )I I Equilibrium calculation )I I

.6. Figure 17.3 Calculation of the pH of a buffer after the addition of acid or base. First consider how the
neutralization reaction between the added strong acid or strong base and the buffer affects the composition of the buffer
(stoichiometry calculation). Then calculate the pH of the remaining buffer (equilibrium calculation). As long as the amount
of added acid or base does not exceed the buffer capacity, the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, Equation 17.9, can be
used for the equilibrium calculation.
728 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.5 I Calculating pH Changes in Buffers

A buffer is made by adding 0.300 mol CH3COOH and 0.300 mol CH3COONa to
enough water to make 1.00 L of solution. The pH of the buffer is 4.74 (Sample
Exercise 17.1). (a) Calculate the pH of this solution after 0.020 mol of NaOH is added.
(b) For comparison, calculate the pH that would result if 0.020 mol of NaOH were
added to 1.00 L of pure water (neglect any volume changes).
Analyze: We are asked to determine the pH of a buffer after addition of a small
amount of strong base and to compare the pH change to the pH that would result if
we were to add the same amount of strong base to pure water.
Plan: (a) Solving this problem involves the two steps outlined in Figure 17.3. Thus,
we must first do a stoichiometry calculation to determine how the added OH- reacts
with the buffer and affects its composition. Then we can use the resultant composi-
tion of the buffer and either the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation or the equilibrium-
constant expression for the buffer to determine the pH.
Solve: Stoichiometry Calculation: The OH- provided by NaOH reacts with
CH3COOH, the weak acid component of the buffer. Prior to this neutralization reac-
tion, there are 0.300 mol each of CH3COOH and CH 3Coo- . Neutralizing the
0.020 mol OH- requires 0.020 mol of CH3COOH. Consequently, the amount of
CH3COOH decreases by 0.020 mol, and the amount of the product of the neutra-
lization, CH 3Coo- , increases by 0.020 mol. We can create a table to see how the com-
position of the buffer changes as a result of its reaction with OH- :

CH 3COOH(aq) + OH- (aq) ~ H 20(Z) + CH 3COO- (aq)

Buffer before addition 0.300 mol 0 - 0.300 mol

Addition - 0.020 mol -

Buffer after addition 0.280 mel 0 - 0.320 mol

p.280M Equilibrium Calculation: We now turn our attention to the equilibrium that will
CH3COOH determine the pH of the buffer, namely the ionization of acetic acid.
CH3COONa CH 3COOH(aq) ~ H+(aq) + CH 3COO- (aq)
Using the quantities of CH3COOH and CH 3Coo- remaining in the buffer, we can
pH= 4.80 determine the pH using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
0.320 moljl.OO L
Buffer pH = 4.74 + log 0.280 moljl.OO L = 4.80

Comment Notice that we could have used mole amounts in place of concentrations
0.300M in the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and gotten the same result. The volumes of
CH3COOH the acid and base are equal and cancel.
0.300M If 0.020 mol of H + was added to the buffer, we would proceed in a similar way to
CH3COONa calculate the resulting pH of the buffer. In this case the pH decreases by 0.06 units,
giving pH = 4.68, as shown in the figure in the margin.
pH= 4.74 (b) To determine the pH of a solution made by adding 0.020 mol of NaOH to 1.00 L
of pure water, we can first determine pOH using Equation 16.18 and subtracting
from 14.
pH= 14- (-log 0.020) = 12.30
Note that although the small amount of NaOH changes the pH of water significantly,
the pH of the buffer changes very little.
Determine (a) the pH of the original buffer described in Sample Exercise 17.5 after the
addition of 0.020 mol HCl and (b) the pH of the solution that would result from
the addition of 0.020 mol HCl to 1.00 L of pure water.
pH= 4.68 Answers: (a) 4.68, (b) 1.70
17.2 Buffered Solutions 729

Chemistr and Li e . BLOOD AS A BUFFERED soLUTION

any of the chemical reactions that occur in living

M systems are extremely sensitive to pH. Many of the
enzymes that catalyze important biochemical reactions,
for example, are effective only within a narrow pH range.
For this reason the human body maintains a remarkably in-
tricate system of buffers, both within tissue cells and in the
fluids that transport cells. Blood, the fluid that transports
oxygen to all parts of the body (Figure 17.4 .,.. ), is one of the
most prominent examples of the importance of buffers in
living beings.
Human blood is slightly basic with a normal pH of 7.35
to 7.45. Any deviation from this normal pH range can have
extremely disruptive effects on the stability of cell mem-
branes, the structures of proteins, and the activities of en-
zymes. Death may result if the blood pH falls below 6.8 or
rises above 7.8. When the pH falls below 7.35, the condition
is called acidosis; when it rises above 7.45, the condition is
called alkalosis. Acidosis is the more common tendency be- • Figure 17.4 Red blood cells. A scanning electromicrograph
cause ordinary metabolism generates several acids within of a group of red blood cells traveling through a small branch of
the body. an artery. Blood is a buffered solution whose pH is maintained
The major buffer system that is used to control the pH of between 7.35 and 7.45.
blood is the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system. Carbonic
acid (H2C03) and bicarbonate ion (HC03- ) are a conjugate
acid-base pair. In addition, carbonic acid can decompose into
carbon dioxide gas and water. The important equilibria in this The regulation of the pH of blood plasma relates directly
buffer system are to the effective transport of 0 2 to bodily tissues. The protein
H+(aq) + HC03- (aq) ~ H2C03(aq) ~ H20(l) + C02(g) hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells, carries oxygen.
Hemoglobin (Hb) reversibly binds both H + and 0 2. These two
[17.10] substances compete for the Hb, which can be represented ap-
Several aspects of these equilibria are notable. First, proximately by the following equilibrium:
although carbonic acid is a diprotic acid, the carbonate ion
HbH+ + 02 ~ Hb02 + H + [17.11]
(C0 32- ) is unimportant in this system. Second, one of the
components of this equilibrium, C02, is a gas, which provides Oxygen enters the blood through the lungs, where it pass-
a mechanism for the body to adjust the equilibria. Removal of es into the red blood cells and binds to Hb. When the blood
C02 via exhalation shifts the .equilibria to the right, consum- reaches tissue in which the concentration of 02 is low, the
ing H + ions. Third, the buffer system in blood operates at a equilibrium in Equation 17.11 shifts to the left and 0 2 is re-
pH of 7.4, which is fairly far removed from the pKa1 value of leased. An increase in H + ion concentration (decrease in blood
H 2C03 (6.1 at physiological temperatures). For the buffer to pH) also shifts this equilibrium to the left, as does increasing
have a pH of 7.4, the ratio [base]/ [acid] must have a value temperature.
of about 20. In normal blood plasma the concentrations of During periods of strenuous exertion, three factors work
HC03- and H 2C03 are about 0.024 M and 0.0012 M, respec- together to ensure the delivery of 0 2 to active tissues: (1) As 0 2
tively. Consequently, the buffer has a high capacity to neutral- is consumed, the equilibrium in Equation 17.11 shifts to the
ize additional acid, but only a low capacity to neutralize left according to Le Chatelier's principle. (2) Exertion raises
additional base. the temperature of the body, also shifting the equilibrium to
The principal organs that regulate the pH of the carbonic the left. (3) Large amounts of C02 are produced by metabo-
acid-bicarbonate buffer system are the lungs and kidneys. lism, which shifts the equilibrium in Equation 17.10 to the left,
Some of the receptors in the brain are sensitive to the concen- thus decreasing the pH. Other acids, such as lactic acid, are
trations of H + and C02 in bodily fluids. When the concentra- also produced during strenuous exertion as tissues become
tion of C02 rises, the equilibria in Equation 17.10 shift to the starved for oxygen. The decrease in pH shifts the hemoglobin
left, which leads to the formation of more H +. The receptors equilibrium to the left, delivering more 0 2. In addition, the de-
trigger a reflex to breathe faster and deeper, increasing the rate crease in pH stimulates an increase in the rate of breathing,
of elimination of C02 from the lungs and shifting the equilib- which furnishes more 0 2 and eliminates C02. Without this
ria back to the right. The kidneys absorb or release H + and elaborate arrangement, the 0 2 in tissues would be rapidly
HC0 3- ; much of the excess acid leaves the body in urine, depleted, making further activity impossible.
which normally has a pH of 5.0 to 7.0. Related Exercises: 17.29 and 17.90
730 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria


~ Buret containing
NaOH(aq) In Section 4.6 we briefly described titrations. In an acid-base titration, a solu-
tion containing a known concentration of base is slowly added to an acid
(or the acid is added to the base). Acid-base indicators can be used to signal
the equivalence point of a titration (the point at which stoichiometrically equiv-
alent quantities of acid and base have been brought together). Alternatively, a
pH meter can be used to monitor the progress of the reaction producing a pH
titration curve, a graph of the pH as a function of the volume of the added
titrant. The shape of the titration curve makes it possible to determine the
equivalence point in the titration. The titration curve can also be used to select
suitable indicators and to determine the Ka of the weak acid or the Kb of the
pH meter
weak base being titrated.
f~ Beaker containing A typical apparatus for measuring pH during a titration is illustrated
HCl(aq) in Figure 17.5 ~ . The titrant is added to the solution from a buret, and the pH
is continually monitored using a pH meter. To understand why titration
curves have certain characteristic shapes, we will examine the curves for three
.A. Figure 17.5 Measuring pH during a
kinds of titrations: (1) strong acid-strong base, (2) weak acid-strong base, and
titration. A typical setup for using a pH
meter to measure data for a titration (3) polyprotic acid-strong base. We will also briefly consider how these curves
curve. In this case a standard solution of relate to those involving weak bases.
NaOH (the titrant) is added by buret to a
solution of HCI. The HCI solution is
stirred during the titration to ensure
uniform composition. GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT
For the setup shown in Figure 17.5, will pH increase or decrease as titrant is added?

Strong Acid-Strong Base Titrations

The titration curve produced when a strong base is added to a strong acid has
the general shape shown in Figure 17.6 ..,. . This curve depicts the pH change that
occurs as 0.100 M NaOH is added to 50.0 mL of 0.100 M HCL The pH can be cal-
culated at various stages of the titration. To help understand these calculations,
we can divide the curve into four regions:

1. The initial pH (initial acid): The pH of the solution before the addition of any
base is determined by the initial concentration of the strong acid. For a solu-
tion of 0.100 M HCl, [H+] = 0.100 M, and hence pH = -log(0.100) = 1.000.
Thus, the initial pH is low.

2. Between the initial pH and the equivalence point (remaining acid): As NaOH is
added, the pH increases slowly at first and then rapidly in the vicinity of
the equivalence point. The pH of the solution before the equivalence point is
determined by the concentration of acid that has not yet been neutralized.
This calculation is illustrated in Sample Exercise 17.6(a).

3. The equivalence point: At the equivalence point an equal number of moles of .

the NaOH and HCl have reacted, leaving only a solution of their salt, NaCl.
The pH of the solution is 7.00 because the cation of a strong base (in this case
Na+) and the anion of a strong acid (in this case Cl- ) do not hydrolyze and
therefore have no appreciable effect on pH. cx:o (Section 16.9)

4. After the equivalence point (excess base): The pH of the solution after the
equivalence point is determined by the concentration of the excess NaOH in
the solution. This calculation is illustrated in Sample Exercise 17.6(b ).
17.3 Acid-Base Titrations 731


Initial acid Remaining acid Equivalence point Excess base

(HCl) (HCl + NaCl) (NaCl) (NaCl + NaOH)

.A Figure 17.6 Adding a strong base to a strong acid. The pH curve for titration of 50.0 ml of a 0.1 00 M solution
of a strong acid with a 0.100 M solution of a strong base. In this case the acid is HCI and the base is NaOH. The pH starts
out at a low value characteristic of the acid and then increases as base is added, rising rapidly at the equivalence point.
Both phenolphthalein and methyl red change color at the equivalence point. (For clarity, water molecules have been
omitted from the molecular art.)

• ~AMPLE EXERCISE 17.6 I Calculating pH for a Strong Acid-Strong Base Titration

Calculate the pH when the following quantities of 0.100 M NaOH solution have been added to 50.0 mL of 0.100 M HCl solution:
(a) 49.0 mL, (b) 51.0 mL.

Analyze: We are asked to calculate the pH at two points in the titration of a strong acid with a strong base. The first point is just
before the equivalence point, so we expect the pH to be determined by the small amount of strong acid that has not yet been neu-
tralized. The second point is just after the equivalence point, so we expect this pH to be determined by the small amount of excess
strong base.
Plan: (a) As the NaOH solution is added to the HCl solution, H +(aq) reacts with OH- (aq) to form H 20. Both.Na+ and Cl- are
spectator ions, having negligible effect on the pH. To determine the pH of the solution, we must first determine how many moles
of H + were originally present and how many moles of OH- were added. We can then calculate how many moles of each ion re-
main after the neutralization reaction. To calculate [H+], and hence pH, we must also remember that the volume of the solution
increases as we add titrant, thus diluting the concentration of all solutes present.

Solve: The number of moles of H + in

the original HCl solution is given by
the product of the volume of the solu-
tion (50.0 mL = 0.0500 L) and its mo-
larity (0.100 M):
(0.0500 L soln)( · ~~:~~H +) = 5.00 X 10- 3 mol H +
732 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

Likewise, the number of moles of 0.100 mol OH- )

OH- in 49.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH is (0.0490 L soln) ( L soln = 4.90 X 10- 3 mol OH-

Because we have not yet reached the H +(aq) + OH-(aq) ~ H20(Z)

equivalence point, there are more
moles of H + present than OH- . Each Before addition 5.00 X 10- 3 mol 0 -
mole of OH- will react with one mole Addition 4.90 X 10-3 mol
of H +. Using the convention intro-
duced in Sample Exercise 17.5, After addition 0.10 X 10- 3 mol 0 -
- - -

During the course of the titration, the

volume of the reaction mixture in-
creases as the NaOH solution is
added to the HCl solution. Thus, at
this point in the titration, the total
volume of the solutions is 50.0 mL + 49.0 mL = 99.0 mL = 0.0990 L
(We assume that the total volume is
the sum of the volumes of the acid ·
and base solutions.) Thus, the concen- [H+] = moles H +(aq) 0.10 X 10- mol = 1.0 X 10-3 M
tration of H +(aq) is liters soln 0.09900 L

The corresponding pH equals -log(l.O X 10- 3) = 3.00

Plan: (b) We proceed in the same way as we did in part (a), except we are now past the equivalence point and have more OH- in
the solution than H+. As before, the initial number of moles of each reactant is determined from their volumes and concentra-
tions. The reactant present in smaller stoichiometric amount (the limiting reactant) is consumed completely, leaving an excess. of
hydroxide ion.

Solve: H+(aq) + OH-(aq) ~ H20(l)

Before addition 5.00 X 10- 3 mol 0 -
Addition 5.10 X 10- 3 mol

After addition 0 0.10 X 10- 3 mol -


In this case the total volume of the so-

lution is 50.0 mL + 51.0 mL ~ 101.0 mL = 0.1010 L

Hence, the concentration of OH- (aq) moles OH- (aq) - 0.10 X 10-3 mol = 1.0 X 10-3 M
in the solution is [OH- ] = liters soln - 0.1010 L

Thus, the pOH of the solution equals pOH = -log(l.O X 10- 3) = 3.00

and the pH equals pH = 14.00 - pOH = 14.00 - 3.00 = 11.00

Calculate the pH when the following quantities of 0.100 M HN03 have been added to 25.0 mL of 0.100 M KOH solution:
(a) 24.9 mL, (b) 25.1 mL.
Answers: (a) 10.30, (b) 3.70

Optimally, an indicator would change color at the equivalence point in a

titration. In practice, however, that is unnecessary. The pH changes very rapid-
ly near the equivalence point, and in this region merely a drop of titrant can
change the pH by several units. Thus, an indicator beginning and ending its
color change anywhere on this rapid-rise portion of the titration curve will give
a sufficiently accurate measure of the volume of titrant needed to reach the
equivalence point. The point in a titration where the indicator changes color is
called the end point to distinguish it from the actual equivalence point that it
closely approximates.
17.3 Acid-Base Titrations 733

~Figure 17.7 Methyl red indicator.

Change in appearance of a solution
containing methyl red indicator in the
pH range 4.2 to 6.3. The characteristic
acidic color is shown in (a), and the
characteristic basic color in (b) .

(a) (b)

In Figure 17.6 we see that the pH changes very rapidly from about 4 to
about 10 near the equivalence point. Consequently, an indicator for this strong
acid-strong base titration can change color anywhere in this range. Most strong
acid-strong base titrations are carried out using phenolphthalein as an indica-
tor (Figure 4.20) because it dramatically changes color in this range. From
Figure 16.7, we see that phenolphthalein changes color from pH 8.3 to 10.0.
Several other indicators would also be satisfactory, including methyl red, which
changes color from pH 4.2 to 6.0 (Figure 17.7 • ). pH7
Titration of a solution of a strong base with a solution of a strong acid Equiv alence
would yield an analogous curve of pH versus added acid. In this case, however, point
the pH would be high at the outset of the titration and low at its completion, as
shown in Figure 17.8 .....


What is the pH at the equiv alence point w hen 0.10 M HN03 is added to a solution • Figure 17.8 Adding a strong acid
containing 0.30 g of KOH? to a strong base. The shape of a pH
curve for titration of a strong base with a
strong acid. The pH starts out at a high
Weak Acid-Strong Base Titrations value characteristic of the base and then
decreases as acid is added, dropping
The curve for the titration of a weak acid by a strong base is very similar in
rapidly at the equivalence point.
shape to that for the titration of a strong acid by a strong base. Consider, for ex-
ample, the titration curve for the titration of 50.0 mL of 0.100 M acetic acid
(CH3COOH) with 0.100 M NaOH shown in Figure 17.9 T . We can calculate the
pH at points along this curve, using principles we have discussed earlier. As in
the case of the titration of a strong acid by a strong base, we can divide the
curve into four regions:
1. The initial pH (initial acid): We use Ka of the acid to calculate this pH, as
shown in Section 16.6. The calculated pH of 0.100 M CH3COOH is 2.89.
2. Between the initial pH and the equivalence point (buffer mixture): Prior to reach-
ing the equivalence point, the acid is being neutralized, and its conjugate
base is being formed:
CH 3COOH(aq) + OH- (aq) ~ CH 3COO- (aq) + H 20(l) [17.12]
Thus, the solution contains a mixture of CH3COOH and CH 3Coo- .
The approach we take in calculating the pH in this region of the titra-
tion curve involves two main steps. First, we consider the neutralization re-
action between CH3COOH and OH- to determine the concentrations of
734 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

Initial acid Buffer mixture Equivalence point Excess base

(CH3COOH) (CH3COOH + CH3COO- ) (CH3coo-) (CH3COO- + OH- )

.A Figure 17.9 Adding a strong base

to a weak acid. The curve shows the CH3COOH and CH 3Coo- in the solution. Next, we calculate the pH of
variation in pH as 0.1 00 M NaOH this buffer pair using procedures developed in Sections 17.1 and 17.2.
solution is added to 50.0 ml of 0.100 M The general procedure is diagrammed in Figure 17.10 T and illustrated in
acetic acid solution. Phenolphthalein
changes color at the equivalence point, Sample Exercise 17.7.
but methyl red does not. (For clarity, 3. The equivalence point: The equivalence point is reached after adding 50.0 mL
water molecules have been omitted from of 0.100 M NaOH to the 50.0 mL of 0.100 M CH3COOH. At this point the
the molecular art.) 5.00 X 10- 3 mol of NaOH completely reacts with the 5.00 X 10-3 mol of
CH3COOH to form 5.00 X 10- 3 mol of their salt, CH3COONa. The Na +ion
of this salt has no significant effect on the pH. The CH 3Coo- ion, however,
is a weak base, and the pH at the equivalence point is therefore greater
than 7. Indeed, the pH at the equivalence point is always above 7 in a weak
acid-strong base titration because the anion of the salt formed is a weak base.
T Figure 17.10 Procedure for
calculating the pH when a weak acid The procedure for calculating the pH of the solution of a weak base is de-
is partially neutralized by a strong scribed in Section 16.7 and is shown in Sample Exercise 17.8.
base. First consider the effect of the 4. After the equivalence point (excess base): In this region of the titration curve,
neutralization reaction (stoichiometry [OH- ] from the reaction of CH 3Coo- with water is negligible compared
calculation). Then determine the pH of
the resultant buffer mixture (equilibrium to [OH- ] from the excess NaOH. Thus, the pH is determined by the con-
calculation). An analogous procedure can centration of OH- from the excess NaOH. The method for calculating pH
be used for the addition of strong acid to
a weak base.


HX +OH- ~ x- + H20
Use Ka, [HX], and
[X-] to calculate [H+]
I• Stoichiometry calculation Equilibrium calculation •I
17.3 Acid-Base Titrations 735

in this region is therefore like that for the strong acid-strong base titration
illustrated in Sample Exercise 17.6(b). Thus, the addition of 51.0 mL of
0.100 M NaOH to 50.0 mL of either 0.100 M HCl or 0.100 M CH3COOH
yields the same pH, 11.00. Notice in Figures 17.6 and 17.9 that the titration
curves for the titrations of both the strong acid and the weak acid are the
same after the equivalence point.

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.7 .I Calculating pH for a Weak Acid-Strong Base Titration

Calculate the pH of the solution formed when 45.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH is added to 50.0 mL of 0.100 M CH3COOH
(Ka = 1.8 X 10- 5).
Analyze: We are asked to calculate the pH before the equivalence point of the titration of a weak acid with a strong base.
Plan: We first must determine the number of moles of CH3COOH and CH 3Coo- that are present after the neutralization reaction.
We then calculate pH using Ka together with [CH3COOH] and [CH 3Coo-].

Solve: Stoichiometry Calculation: The 0.100 mol CH 3COOH)

product of the volume and concentra- (0.0500 L soln) ( L soln = 5.00 X 10-3 mol CH 3COOH
tion of each solution gives the num-
ber of moles of each reactant present
before the neutralization:
0 100
(0.0450 L soln{ ·
~~~~aOH) = 4.50 X 10-3 mol NaOH
The 4.50 X 10- 3 mol of NaOH con- CH 3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) ~ CH 3Coo-(aq) + H 20(l)
sumes 4.50 X 10- 3 mol of CH3COOH:
Before addition 5.00 X 10- 3 mol 0 0 -
Addition 4.50 X 10-3 mol
After addition 0.50 X 10- 3 mol 0 4.50 X 10- 3 mol -

The total volume of the solution is 45.0 mL + 50.0 mL = 95.0 mL = 0.0950 L

The resulting molarities of CH3COOH 0.50 X 10- 3 mol
and CH 3Coo- after the reaction are [CH 3COOH] = _ L ·= 0.0053 M
0 0950
[CH 3COO- ] = 4"50 X 10- 3 mol = 0.0474 M
0.0950 L
Equilibrium Calculation: The equilibrium
between CH3COOH and CH3COO-
must obey the equilibrium-constant _ [H+][CH3COO- ] _ X _
Ka- [CH3COOH] - 1. 8 10 5
expression for CH3COOH

Solving for [H+] gives + _ [CH3COOH] _ _5 (0.0053) _ _6

[H ] - Ka [CH COO- ] - (1.8
X X 10 ) X _ - 2.0 X 10 M
3 0 0474
pH = -log(2.0 X 10- 6) = 5.70

Comment: We could have solved for pH equally well using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

(a)Calculate the pH in the solution formed by adding 10.0 mL of 0.050 M NaOH to 40.0 mL of 0.0250 M benzoic acid
(C6H5COOH, Ka = 6.3 X 10-5). (b) Calculate the pH in the solution formed by adding 10.0 mL of 0.100 M HCl to 20.0 mL of
Answers: (a) 4.20, (b) 9.26

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.8 I Calculating the pH at the Equivalence Point

Calculate the pH at the equivalence point in the titration of 50.0 mL of 0.100 M
CH3COOH with 0.100 M NaOH.
Analyze: We are asked to determine the pH at the equivalence point of the titration
of a weak acid with a strong base. Because the neutralization of a weak acid produces
its anion, which is a weak base, we expect the pH at the equivalence point to be
greater than 7.
736 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

Plan: The initial number of moles of acetic acid will equal the number of moles of
acetate ion at the equivalence point. We use the volume of the solution at the equiva-
lence point to calculate the concentration of acetate ion. Because the acetate ion is a
weak base, we can calculate the pH using Kb and [CH3Coo-].
Solve: The number of moles of acetic acid in the initial solution is obtained from the
volume and molarity of the solution:
Moles = M X L = (0.100 moljL)(O.OSOO L) = 5.00 X 10- 3 mol CH 3COOH
Hence 5.00 x 10- 3 mol of CH 3Coo- is formed. It will take 50.0 mL of NaOH to reach
the equivalence point (Figure 17.9). The volume of this salt solution at the equivalence
point is the sum of the volumes of the acid and base, 50.0 mL + 50.0 mL =
100.0 mL = 0.1000 L. Thus, t,he concentration of CH 3Coo- is
[CH 3COO-] = S.OO X 10- mol = 0.0500 M
0.1000 L
The CH 3Coo- ion is a weak base.
CH 3COO- (aq) + H 20(l) ~ CH 3COOH(aq) + OH- (aq)
The Kb for CH 3Coo- can be calculated from the Ka value of its conjugate acid, Kb =
Kw/Ka = (1.0 X 10- 14)/(1.8 X 10- 5) = 5.6 X 10- 10 . Using the Kb expression, we have
= [CH3COOH][OH- ] = (x)(x) = X -10
56 10
Kb [CH3coo- ] o.osoo - x ·
Making the approximation that 0.0500 - x ~ 0.0500, and then solving for x, we have
x = [OH- ] = 5.3 X 10- 6 M, which gives pOH = 5.28 and pH = 8.72.
Check: The pH is above 7, as expected for the salt of a weak acid and strong base.

Calculate the pH at the equivalence point when (a) 40.0 mL of 0.025 M benzoic acid
(C 6H 5COOH, Ka = 6.3 X 10- 5 ) is titrated with 0.050 M NaOH; (b) 40.0 mL of 0.100 M
NH3 is titrated with 0.100 M HCL
Answers: (a) 8.21, (b) 5.28

14.0 r---:----~-~-~-~--, The pH titration curves for weak acid-strong base titrations differ
from those for strong acid-strong base titrations in three noteworthy ways:
12.0 I 1------1 1. The solution of the weak acid has a higher initial pH than a solution
of a strong acid of the same concentration. ,J

2. The pH change at the rapid-rise portion of the curve near the equiv-
alence point is smaller for the weak acid than it is for the strong acid.
8.0 l-1-- - i l - - 3. The pH at the equivalence point is above 7.00 for the weak
pH acid-strong base titration.
6.0 ... 1----1
To illustrate these differences further, consider the family of titra-
tion curves shown in Figure 17.11 ~ -Notice that the initial pH increas-
4.0 es as the acid becomes weaker (that is, as Ka becomes smaller), and
that the pH change near the equivalence point becomes less marked.
Notice also that the pH at the equivalence point steadily increases as
Strong, acid Ka decreases. It is virtually impossible to determine the equivalence
point when pKa is 10 or higher because the pH change is too small
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 and gradual.
Because the pH change near the equivalence point becomes small-
.A. Figure 17.11 Effect of K0 on
er as Ka decreases, the choice of indicator for a weak acid-strong base titration
titration curves. This set of curves is more critical than it is for a strong acid-strong base titration. When 0.100 M
shows the influence of acid strength (K0 ) CH3COOH (Ka = 1.8 X 10-5) is titrated with 0.100 M NaOH, for example,
on the shape of the curve for titration as shown in Figure 17.9, the pH increases rapidly only over the pH range of
with NaOH. Each curve represents about 7 to 10. Phenolphthalein is therefore an ideal indicator because it
titration of 50.0 ml of 0.1 0 M acid with
0.10 M NaOH. The weaker the acid, the changes color from pH 8.3 to 10.0, close to the pH at the equivalence point.
higher the initial pH and the smaller the Methyl red is a poor choice, however, because its color change occurs from 4.2
pH change at the equivalence point. to 6.0, which begins well before the equivalence point is reached.
17.4 Solubility Equilibria 737

Titration of a weak base (such as 0.100 M NH3) with a 14

strong acid solution (such as 0.100 M HCl) leads to the titra- 13
tion curve shown in Figure 17.12 ..... In this particular example 12
the equivalence point occurs at pH 5.28. Thus, methyl red 11
would be an ideal indicator, but phenolphthalein would be a 10
poor choice. 9
pH 7
Why is the choice of indicator more crucial for a weak acid-strong 5
base titration than for a strong acid-strong base titration?
Titrations of Polyprotic Acids 1
When weak acids contain more than one ionizable H atom, as I I i I
in phosphorous acid (H3P03), reaction with OH- occurs in a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
series of steps. Neutralization of H 3P03 proceeds in two stages. mLHCl
a::o (Chapter 16 Sample Integrative Exercise) .A Figure 17.12 Adding a strong acid to a base. The
blue curve shows pH versus volume of added HCI in the
H 3P0 3(aq) + OH- (aq) ~ H 2P03- (aq) + H 20(l) [17.13] titration of 50.0 ml of 0.1 0 M ammonia (weak base) with
0.1 0 M HCI. The red curve shows pH versus added acid for
H 2P0 3- (aq) + OH- (aq) ~ HP0 32- (aq) + H 20(Z) [17.14] the titration of 0.1 0 M NaOH (strong base). Both
phenolphthalein and methyl red change color at the
equivalence point in the titration of the strong base.
When the neutralization steps of a polyprotic acid or poly-
Phenolphthalein changes color before the equivalence point
basic base are sufficiently separated, the substance exhibits a in the titration of the weak base.
titration curve with multiple equivalence points. Figure 17.13 .,..
shows the two distinct equivalence points in the titration curve
for the H 3P03-H 2P03--HP032- system. 14

Sketch the titration curve for the titration of Na 2C03 with HCL 10


The equilibria that we have considered thus far in this chapter 4

have involved acids and bases. Furthermore, they have been
homogeneous; that is, all the species have been in the same 2
phase. Through the rest of this chapter we will consider the
equilibria involved in the dissolution or precipitation of ionic
compounds. These reactions are heterogeneous. 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The dissolving and precipitating of compounds are phe- mLNaOH
nomena that occur both within us and around us. Tooth enam-
el dissolves in acidic solutions, for example, causing tooth .A Figure 17.13 Diprotic acid. Titration curve for the
reaction of 50.0 ml of 0.1 0 M H3 P0 3 with 0.1 0 M NaOH.
decay. The precipitation of certain salts in our kidneys pro-
duces kidney stones. The waters of Earth contain salts dis-
solved as water passes over and through the ground. Precipitation of CaC03
from groundwater is responsible for the formation of stalactites and stalagmites
within limestone caves (Figure 4.1).
In our earlier discussion of precipitation reactions, we considered some
general rules for predicting the solubility of common salts in water.
a::o (Section 4.2) These rules give us a qualitative sense of whether a compound
will have a low or high solubility in water. By considering solubility equilibria,
in contrast, we can make quantitative predictions about the amount of a given
compound that will dissolve. We can also use these equilibria to analyze the
factors that affect solubility.
738 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

The Solubility-Product Constant, Ksp

Recall that a saturated solution is one in which the solution is in contact with
undissolved solute. c.co (Section 13.2) Consider, for example, a saturated aque-
ous solution of BaS04 that is in contact with solid BaS04 . Because the solid is an
ionic compound, it is a strong electrolyte and yields Ba2+(aq) and S0 4 2-(aq) ions
upon dissolving. The following equilibrium is readily established between the
undissolved solid and hydrated ions in solution:
BaS0 4 (s) ~ Ba 2+(aq) + SO/- (aq) [17.15]
As with any other equilibrium, the extent to which this dissolution reaction oc-
curs is expressed by the magnitude of its equilibrium constant. Because this
equilibrium equation describes the dissolution of a solid, the equilibrium con-
stant indicates how soluble the solid is in water and is referred to as the
solubility-product constant (or simply the solubility product). It is denoted
K5p, where sp stands for solubility product.
The equilibrium-constant expression for the equilibrium between a solid
and an aqueous solution of its component ions is written according to the rules
that apply to any equilibrium-constant expression. Remember, however, that
solids do not appear in the equilibrium-constant expressions for heterogeneous
equilibria. co (Section 15.4) Thus, the solubility-product expression for BaS04,
which is based on Equation 17.15, is
K sp = [Ba 2+][S0 4 2- ] [17.16]
In general, the solubility product of a compound equals the product of the concentra-
tion of the ions involved in the equilibrium, each raised to the power of its coefficient in
the equilibrium equation. The coefficient for each ion in the equilibrium equation
also equals its subscript in the compound's chemical formula.
The values of Ksp at 25 oc for many ionic solids are tabulated in Appendix D.
The value of K sp for BaS04 is 1.1 X 10- 10, a very small number, indicating that
only a very small amount of the solid will dissolve in water.

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.9 I Writing Solubility-Product (Ksp) Expressions

Write the expression for the solubility-product constant for CaF 2, and look up the
corresponding Ksp value in Appendix D.
Analyze: We are asked to write an equilibrium-constant expression for the process
by which CaF2 dissolves in water.
Plan: We apply the same rules for writing any equilibrium-constant expression,
excluding the solid reactant from the expression. We assume that the compound
dissociates completely into its component ions.
CaF2(s) ~ Ca 2+(aq) + 2 F- (aq)
Solve: Following the italicized rule stated previously, the expression for Ksp is
K sp = [Ca2+][F- ]2
In Appendix D we see that this Ksp has a value of 3.9 X 10- 11 .

Give the solubility-product-constant expressions and the values of the solubility-product
constants (from Appendix D) for the following compounds: (a) barium carbonate,
(b) silver sulfate.
Answers: (a) K sp = [Ba 2+][C032- ] = 5.0 x 10- 9; (b) K sp = [Ag+f[S0 42- ] = 1.5 x 10- 5

Solubility and Ksp

It is important to distinguish carefully between solubility and the solubility-prod-
uct constant. The solubility of a substance is the quantity that dissolves to form a
saturated solution. CXD (Section 13.2) Solubility is often expressed as grams of
solute per liter of solution (g/ L). Molar solubility is the number of moles of the
17.4 Solubility Equilibria 739

solute that dissolve in forming a liter of

Solubility Molar solubility Molar
saturated solution of the solute (mol/L). of compound of compound concentration Ksp
The solubility-product constant (K5p) is (g/L) (mol/L) ••• of ions
the equilibrium constant for the equi-
librium between an ionic solid and its .& Figure 17.14 Relationships
saturated solution and is a unitless number. Thus, the magnitude of Ksp is a between solubility and Ksp· The
measure of how much of the solid dissolves to form a saturated solution. solubility of any compound in grams per
liter can be converted to molar solubility.
The molar solubility can be used to
GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT determine the concentrations of ions
in solution. The concentration of
Without doing a calculation, predict which of the following compounds will have the ions can be used to calculate Ksp·
greatest molar solubility in water: AgCl (Ksp = 1.8 X 10- 10), AgBr (Ksp = 5.0 X 10-13), The steps can be reversed, and solubility
or Agl (Ksp = 8.3 X 10-17). calculated from Ksp·

The solubility of a substance can change considerably as the concentrations of

other solutes change. The solubility of Mg(OHh, for example, depends highly on
pH. The solubility is also affected by the concentrations of other ions in solution,
especially Mg 2+. In contrast, the solubility-product constant, K5p, has only one
value for a given solute at any specific temperature.*
In principle, it is possible to use the Ksp value of a salt to calculate solubility
under a variety of conditions. In practice, great care must be taken in doing so for
the reasons indicated in "A Closer Look: Limitations of Solubility Products" at the
end of this section. Agreement between measured solubility and that calculated
from Ksp is usually best for salts whose ions have low charges (1 + and 1-) and
do not hydrolyze. Figure 17.14.& summarizes the relationships among various
expressions of solubility and Ksp·

- .SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.10 I Calculating Ksp from Solubility

Solid silver chromate is added to pure water at 25 °C. Some of the solid remains
undissolved at the bottom of the flask. The mixture is stirred for several days to en-
sure that equilibrium is achieved between the undissolved Ag 2Cr04(s) and the solu-
tion. Analysis of the equilibrated solution shows that its silver ion concentration
is 1.3 X 10-4 M. Assuming that Ag 2Cr04 dissociates completely in water and that
there are no other important equilibria involving the Ag + or Cr0 42- ions in the solu-
tion, calculate Ksp for this compound.
Analyze: We are given the equilibrium concentration of Ag + in a saturated solution of
Ag2Cr04. From this information, we are asked to determine the value of the solubility-
product constant, K8p, for AgzCr04.
Plan: The equilibrium equation and the expression for Ksp are
AgzCr04(s) ~ 2 Ag+(aq) + Cr04 2- (aq) Ksp = [Ag+]2 [Cr0 42- ]
To calculate K 5p, we need the equilibrium concentrations of Ag + and Cr0 42-. We know
that at equilibrium [Ag +] = 1.3 X 10- 4 M. All the Ag + and Cr0 42- ions in the solution
come from the Ag2Cr04 that dissolves. Thus, we can use [Ag+] to calculate [Cr0 42- ].
Solve: From the chemical formula of silver chromate, we know that there must be
2 Ag + ions in solution for each Cr0 42- ion in solution. Consequently, the concentra-
tion of Cr0 42- is half the concentration of Ag +:
_ (1.3 X 10- mol Ag+)(1 mol Cr0 42- ) _
[CrO 42 ] = = 6.5 X 10 5 M
L 2mo1Ag+
We can now calculate the value of Ksp·
Ksp = [Ag +f[Cr04 2- ] = (1.3 X 10- 4)2(6.5 X 10- 5) = 1.1 X 10- 12

Check: We obtain a small value, as expected for a slightly soluble salt. Furthermore,
the calculated value agrees well with the one given in Appendix D, 1.2 X 10- 12 .

*This is strictly true only for very dilute solutions. The values of equilibrium constants are somewhat altered
when the total concentration of ionic substances in water is increased. However, we will ignore these effects,
which are taken into consideration only for work that requires exceptional accuracy.
740 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

A saturated solution of Mg(OHh in contact with undissolved solid is prepared at
25 oc. The pH of the solution is found to be 10.17. Assuming that Mg(OHh dissociates
completely in water and that there are no other simultaneous equilibria involving
the Mg 2+ or OH- ions in the solution, calculate Ksp for this compound.
Answer: 1.6 X 10-12

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.11 I Calculating Solubility from Ksp

The Ksp for CaF 2 is 3.9 X 10-11 at 25 oc. Assuming that CaF2 dissociates completely upon dissolving and that there are no other
important equilibria affecting its solubility, calculate the solubility of CaF2 in grams per liter.
Analyze: We are given Ksp for CaF2 and are asked to determine solubility. Recall that the solubility of a substance is the quantity
that can dissolve in solvent, whereas the solubility-product constant, K5p, is an equilibrium constant.
Plan: We can approach this problem by using our standard techniques for solving equilibrium problems. We write the chemical
equation for the dissolution process and set up a table of the initial and equilibrium concentrations. We then use the equilibrium-
constant expression. In this case we know K5p, and so we solve for the concentrations of the ions in solution.

Solve: Assume initially that none of CaF2(s) Ca 2+ + 2 F-(aq)

the salt has dissolved, and then allow
x moles/ liter of CaF2 to dissociate com- Initial - 0 0
pletely when equilibrium is achieved.
Change - +xM +2xM
Equilibrium - xM 2xM

The stoichiometry of' the equilibrium

dictates that 2x moles/ liter of p- are
produced for each x moles/ liter of
CaF2 that dissolve. We now use the ex- Ksp = [Ca2+][p- f = (x)(2x) 2 = 4x 3 = 3.9 X 10-11
pression for Ksp and substitute the
equilibrium concentrations to solve for
the value of x:
X = 13.9 X
10- 11 = 21
X 10-4 M

(Remember that -.vy= y 113 ; to calcu-

late the cube root of a number, you
can use the yx function on your calcu-
lator, with x = ~.)Thus, the molar sol-
ubility of CaF2 is 2.1 X 10-4 moljL. 4
The mass of CaF2 that dissolves in 2.1 x 10- mol CaF2)(78. 1 g CaF2) = 1.6 x 10-2 g CaF j L soln
water to form a liter of solution is ( 1 L soln 2
1 mol CaF2

Check: We expect a small number for the solubility of a slightly soluble salt. If we reverse the calculation, we should be able
to recalculate the solubility product: K sp = (2.1 X 10- 4)(4.2 X 10- 4? = 3.7 X 10- 11 , close to the starting value for K 5 p,
3.9 X 10- 11 .
Comm~nt: Because p- is the anion of a weak acid, you might expect that the hydrolysis of the ion would affect the solubility
of CaF 2. The basicity of p- is so small (Kb = 1.5 X 10- 11 ), however, that the hydrolysis occurs to only a slight extent and does
not significantly influence the solubility. The reported solubility is 0.017 g/ L at 25 oc, in good agreement with our calculation.

The Ksp for LaF3 is 2 X 10-19 . What is the solubility of LaF3 in water in moles per liter?
Answer: 9 X 1o-6 mol/ L
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 741


he concentrations of ions calculated from Ksp sometimes Another common source of error in calculating ion concen-
deviate appreciably from those found experimentally. trations from Ksp is ignoring other equilibria that occur simulta-
In part, these deviations are due to electrostatic interactions neously in the solution. It is possible, for example, that acid-base
between ions in solution, which can lead to ion pairs. equilibria take place simultaneously with solubility equilibria.
(See Section 13.5, "A Closer Look: Colligative Properties of In particular, both basic anions and cations with high charge-to-
Electrolyte Solutions.") These interactions increase in magni- size ratios undergo hydrolysis reactions that can measurably in-
tude both as the concentrations of the ions increase and as crease the solubilities of their salts. For example, CaC03 contains
their charges increase. The solubility calculated from Ksp tends the basic carbonate ion (Kb = 1.8 X 10- 4), which hydrolyzes in
to be low unless it is corrected to account for these interactions water: CO/- (aq) + H 20(Z) ~ HC0 3 - (aq) + OH- (aq). If we
between ions. Chemists have developed procedures for consider both the effect of the interionic interactions in the solu-
correcting for these "ionic-strength" or "ionic-activity" effects, tion and the effect of the simultaneous solubili7 and hydrolysis
and these procedures are examined in more advanced equilibria, we calculate a solubility of 1.4 X 10- moljL, in agree-
chemistry courses. As an example of the effect of these interi- ment with the measured value.
onic interactions, consider CaC03 (calcite), whose solubility Finally, we generally assume that ionic compounds disso-
product, K sp = 4.5 X 10- 9, gives a calculated solubility of ciate completely into their component ions when they dissolve.
6.7 X 10- 5 moljL. Making corrections for the interionic This assumption is not always valid. When MgF2 dissolves, for
interactions in the solution yields a higher solubility, example, it yields not only Mg 2+ and p- ions but also MgF+
7.3 X 10- 5 moljL. The reported solubility, however, is twice ions in solution. Thus, we see that calculating solubility using
as high (1.4 X 10- 4 moljL), so there must be one or more Ksp can be more complicated than it first appears and it requires
additional factors involved. considerable knowledge of the equilibria occurring in solution.


The solubility of a substance is affected by temperature as well as by the pres-
ence of other solutes. The presence of an acid, for example, can have a major in-
fluence on the solubility of a substance. In Section 17.4 we considered the
dissolving of ionic compounds in pure water. In this section we examine three
factors that affect the solubility of ionic compounds: (1) the presence of com-
mon ions, (2) the pH of the solution, and (3) the presence of complexing agents.
We will also examine the phenomenon of amphoterism, which is related to the
effects of both pH and complexing agents.
Common-lon Effect g 10- 4
The presence of either Ca +(aq) or F- (aq) in a solution reduces the solubility of ~ 10-5
CaF2, shifting the solubility equilibrium of CaF2 to the left. u
c 10- 6
CaF2 (s) ~ Ca +(aq) + 2 F- (aq)
:g 10- 8
~ 10-9
Addition of Ca2 +or p- shifts ro
equilibrium, reducing solubility 0
:::E 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Concentration of
NaP (mol/L)
This reduction in solubility is another application of the common-ion effect.
cx:o (Section 17.1) In general, the solubility of a slightly soluble salt is decreased by .&. Figure 17.15 Common-ion effect.
The way in which NaF concentration
the presence of a second solute that furnishes a common ion. Figure 17.15 ..,.. shows
affects the solubility of CaF 2
how the solubility of CaF 2 decreases as NaF is added to the solution. Sample demonstrates the common-ion effect.
Exercise 17.12 shows how the Ksp can be used to calculate the solubility of a Notice that the CaF 2 solubility is on a
slightly soluble salt in the presence of a common ion. logarithmic scale.
742 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.12 I Calculating the Effect of a Common Ion on Solubility

Calculate the molar solubility of CaF2 at 25 oc in a solution that is (a) 0.010 Min Ca(N03h, (b) 0.010 Min NaF.
Analyze: We are asked to determine the solubility of CaF2 in the presence of two strong electrolytes, each of which contains an ion
common to CaF2. In (a) the common ion is Ca 2+, and N03- is a spectator ion. In (b) the common ion is F- , and Na+ is a spectator ion.
Plan: Because the slightly soluble compound is CaF2, we need to use the Ksp for this compound, which is available in Appendix D:
K sp = [Ca 2+][p- f = 3.9 X 10- 11

The value of Ksp is unchanged by the presence of additional solutes. Because of the common-ion effect, however, the solubility of the salt
will decrease in the presence of common ions. We can again use our standard equilibrium techniques of starting with the equa-
tion for CaF2 dissolution, setting up a table of initial and equilibrium concentrations, and using the Ksp expression to determine
the concentration of the ion that comes only from CaF2.

Solve: (a) In this instance the initial CaF2(s) Ca 2+(aq) + 2 F- (aq)

concentration of Ca 2+ is 0.010 M
because of the dissolved Ca(N03h: Initial - 0.010M 0
Change - +x M +2x M
Equilibrium - (0.010 + x) M 2xM
Substituting into the solubility-product
expression gives K sp = 3.9 X 10- 11 = [Ca 2+][p- f = (0.010 + x)(2x) 2

This would be a messy problem to

solve exactly, but fortunately it is
possible to simplify matters greatly.
Even without the common-ion effect,
the solubility of CaF2 is very small
(2.1 X 10- 4 M). Thus, we assume that
the 0.010 M concentration of Ca 2+ from
3.9 X 10- 11 = (0.010)(2x)2
Ca(N03h is very much greater than
the small additional concentration re- 3.9 X 10- 11
sulting from the solubility of CaF2; x2 = = 9.8 X 10- 10
that is, x is small compared to 0.010 M,
and 0.010 + x ~ 0.010. We then have x = ~o- 10 = 3.1 x 10- 5 M
The very small value for x validates the simplifying assumption we have made. Our calculation indicates that 3.1 X 10- 5 mol of
solid CaF2 dissolves per liter of the 0.010 M Ca(N03h solution.
(b) In this case the common ion is F- ,
and at equilibrium we have [Ca 2+] = x and [F- ] = 0.010 + 2x

Assuming that 2x is small compared to 3.9 X 10- 11 = x(0.010?

0.010 M (that is, 0.010 + 2x ~ 0.010),
we have X = 3.9 X 10- 11 = 3.9 X 10-7 M
(0.010) 2

Thus, 3.9 X 10-7 mol of solid CaF2 should dissolve per liter of 0.010 M NaF solution.
Comment: The molar solubility of CaF2 in pure water is 2.1 X 10- 4 M (Sample Exercise 17.11). By comparison, our calculations
above show that the solubility of CaF2 in the presence of 0.010 M Ca 2+ is 3.1 X 10- 5 M, and in the presence of 0.010 M p- ion it
is 3.9 X 10- 7 M. Thus, the addition of either Ca 2+ or p- to a solution of CaF 2 decreases the solubility. However, the effect of p- on
the solubili~ is more pronounced than that of Ca 2+ because [F- ] appears to the second power in the Ksp expression for CaF2,
whereas Ca + appears to the first power.

The value for Ksp for manganese(II) hydroxide, Mn(OHh, is 1.6 X 10- 13 . Calculate the molar solubility of Mn(OHh in a solution
that contains 0.020 M NaOH.
Answer: 4.0 X 10-lO M

Solubility and pH
The pH of a solution will affect the solubility of any substance whose anion is
basic. Consider Mg(OHh, for example, for which the solubility equilibrium is
Mg(OHh(s) ~ Mg 2+(aq) + 2 OH- (aq) K sp = 1.8 X 10- 11 [17.17]
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 743

A saturated solution of Mg(OHh has a calculated pH of 10.52 and contains

[Mg 2+] = 1.7 X 10-4 M. Now suppose that solid Mg(OHh is equilibrated with
a solution buffered at a more acidic pH of 9.0. The pOH, therefore, is 5.0, so
[OH- ] = 1.0 X 10- 5 . Inserting this value for [OH- ] into the solubility-product
expression, we have
K sp = [Mg 2+][0H- f = 1.8 X 10- 11

[Mg 2+](1.0 X 10-5) 2 = 1.8 X 10-11

[M 2+] = 1.8 X 10- 11 = 0.18 M

g (1.0 X 10- 5) 2
'Y Figure 17.16 Dissolution of a
Thus, Mg(OHh dissolves in the solution until [Mg 2+] = 0.18 M. It is apparent precipitate in acid. A white precipitate
that Mg(OHh is quite soluble in this solution. If the concentration of OH- of Mg(OH)l(s) in contact with its
were reduced even further by making the solution more acidic, the Mg 2+ con- saturated solution is in the test tube on
the left. The dropper poised above the
centration would have to increase to maintain the equilibrium condition. solution surface contains hydrochloric
Thus, a sample of Mg(OHh will dissolve completely if sufficient acid is added acid. (The anions accompanying the acid
(Figure 17.16 'Y). have been omitted to simplify the art.)

The solubility of a substance whose anion is basic will be affected to some extent by the pH of the solution.
The solubility of Mg(OHh greatly increases as the acidity of the solution increases.


2 H +(aq) + Mg(OH)2(s) ~
Mg2+(aq) + 2 H20(Z)
A precipitate of The precipitate dissolves A sample of Mg(OH)z
Mg(OHh(s) upon addition of acid. will dissolve completely
if sufficient acid is
744 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

U)iJ»hiijflhhfffAI ~ SINKHOLES

principal cause of sinkholes is the dissolution of lime- The sudden formation of large sinkholes can pose a serious
A stone, which is calcium carbonate, by groundwater.
Although CaC03 has a relatively small solubility-product con- ·
threat to life and property. The existence of deep sinkholes
also increases the risk of contamination of the aquifer.
stant, it is quite soluble in the presence of acid.
CaC03(s) ~ Ca2+(aq) + C032- (aq)
K sp = 4.5 X 10- 9
Rainwater is naturally acidic, with a pH range of 5
to 6, and can become more acidic when it comes
into contact with decaying plant matter. Because
carbonate ion is the conjugate base of the weak acid,
hydrogen carbonate ion (HC0 3- ), it readily com-
bines with hydrogen ion.
C032-(aq) + H+(aq) ~ HC03-(aq)

The consumption of carbonate ion shifts the dis-

solution equilibrium to the right, thus increasing the
solubility of CaC03. This can have profound conse-
quences in areas where the ter:rain consists of porous
calcium carbonate bedrock covered by a relatively
thin layer of clay and/ or topsoil. As acidic water
percolates through and gradually dissolves the lime- .A Figure 17.17 Sinkhole formation. An underground void develops
stone, it creates underground voids. A sinkhole re- as limestone, CaC0 3 (s), dissolves. Collapse of the overlying ground into an
sults when the overlying ground can no longer underground cavity causes sinkhole formation. The large sinkhole shown
be supported by the remaining bedrock and col- here occured in Orlando, Florida and destroyed several buildings and part of
lapses into the underground cavity [Figure 17.17...,.. ]. a highway.

The solubility of almost any ionic compound is affected if the solution is

made sufficiently acidic or basic. The effects are very noticeable, however, only
when one or both ions involved are at least moderately acidic or basic. The
metal hydroxides, such as Mg(OH)2, are examples of compounds containing a
strongly basic ion, the hydroxide ion.
In general, if a compound contains a basic anion (that is, the anion of a weak acid),
its solubility will increase as the solution becomes more acidic. As we have seen, the
solubility of Mg(OHh greatly increases as the acidity of the solution increases.
6.0 ~ --··

The solubility of CaF2 increases as the solution becomes more acidic, too, be-
5.0 I II I
cause the p-ion is a weak base; it is the conjugate base of the weak acid HF. As
'4-<;:::J a result, the solubility equilibrium of CaF2 is shifted to the right as the concen-
oc; 4.0 1--- +-- t - '
tration of p-ions is reduced by protonation to form HF. Thus, the solution
~ s
,..0 .._.. process can be understood in terms of two consecutive reactions:
0,--~ CaF2(s) ~ Ca 2+(aq) + 2 F :-(aq) [17.18]
~ X
ro F-(aq) + H+(aq) ~ HF(aq) [17.19]
0~ 2.0 1-----t--+-+ -+-

The equation for the overall process is
CaF2 (s) + 2 H+(aq) ~ Ca2+(aq) + 2 HF(aq) [17.20]
7.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 Figure 17.18 <11 1! shows how the solubility of CaF2 changes with pH.
pH Other salts that contain basic anions, such as col-, POl-, CN-, or 5 2- ,
behave similarly. These examples illustrate a general rule: The solubility of slight-
.A Figure 17.18 The effect of pH on ly soluble salts containing basic anions increases as [H+] increases (as pH is lowered).
the solubility of CaF2 • The solubility
increases as the solution becomes more The more basic the anion, the more the solubility is influenced by pH. Salts
acidic (lower pH). Notice that the vertical with anions of negligible basicity (the anions of strong acids) are unaffected by
scale has been multiplied by 10 3 . pH changes.
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 745

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.13 I Predicting the Effect of Acid on Solubility

Which of the following substances will be more soluble in acidic solution than in
basic solution: (a) Ni(OHh(s), (b) CaC03(s), (c) BaF2(s), (d) AgCl(s)?

Analyze: The problem lists four sparingly soluble salts, and we are asked to deter-
mine which will be more soluble at low pH than at high pH.
Plan: Ionic compounds that dissociate to produce a basic anion will be more soluble
in acid solution.
(a) Ni(OH)2(s) will be more soluble in acidic solution because of the basicity of OH-;
the H + ion reacts with the OH- ion, forming water.
Ni(OHh(s) ~ Ni 2+(aq) + 2 OH- (aq)
2 OH-(aq) + 2 H +(aq) ~ 2 H 20(Z)

Overall: Ni(OHh(s) + 2 H+(aq) ~ Ni 2+(aq) + 2 H 20(Z)

(b) Similarly, CaC03(s) dissolves in acid solutions because CO/- is a basic anion.

CaC03(s) ~ Ca 2+(aq) + CO/- (aq)

CO/- (aq) + 2 H+(aq) ~ H2C03(aq)

H2C03(aq) ~ C02(g) + H20(Z)

Overall: CaC03(s) + 2 H +(aq) ~ Ca 2+(aq)
+ C02(g) + H20(Z)
The reaction between C0 32- and H + occurs in a stepwise fashion, first forming
HC0 3- . H 2C03 forms in appreciable amounts only when the concentration of H+ is
sufficiently high.
(c) The solubility of BaF2 is also enhanced by lowering the pH, because p- is a basic
BaF2(s) ~ Ba 2+(aq) + 2 F-(aq)
2 F-(aq) + 2 H +(aq) ~ 2 HF(aq)

Overall: BaF2(s) + 2 H +(aq) ~ Ba 2+(aq) + 2 HF(aq)

(d) The solubility of AgCl is unaffected by changes in pH because Cl- is the anion of
a strong acid and therefore has negligible basicity.

Write the net ionic equation for the reaction of the following copper(II) compounds
with acid: (a) CuS, (b) Cu(N3)2.
Answers: (a) CuS(s) + H +(aq) ~ Cu 2+(aq) + HS-(aq)
(b) Cu(N3)2(s) + 2 H+(aq) ~ Cu2+(aq) + 2 HN 3 (aq)

Formation of Complex Ions

A characteristic property of metal ions is their ability to act as Lewis acids, or
electron-pair acceptors, toward water molecules, which act as Lewis bases, or
electron-pair donors. cco (Section 16.11) Lewis bases other than water can also
interact with metal ions, particularly with transition-metal ions. Such interac-
tions can dramatically affect the solubility of a metal salt. AgCl, for example,
which has K sp = 1.8 X 10-10, will dissolve in the presence of aqueous ammonia
because Ag + interacts with the Lewis base NH3, as shown in Figure 17.19 T ..
This process can be viewed as the sum of two reactions, the dissolution of AgCl
and the Lewis acid-base interaction between Ag + and NH3.
AgCl(s) ~ Ag +(aq) + Cl- (aq) [17.21]
Ag +(aq) + 2 NH3(aq) ~ Ag(NH3h +(aq) [17.22]
Overall: AgCl(s) + 2 NH 3(aq) ~ Ag(NH 3h +(aq) + Cl-(aq) [17.23]
746 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria


Lewis bases can interact with metal ions, particularly with transition-metal ions, which can
dramatically affect the solubility of a metal salt. AgCl, for example, will dissolve in the presence
of aqueous ammonia because Ag + interacts with the Lewis base NH3.

-+ -+


AgCl(s) + 2 NH3(aq) ~
Ag(NH3)2 +(aq) + Cl- (aq)
A saturated solution of AgCl When concentrated ammonia is Removal of Ag + ions from the
in contact with solid AgCl. added, Ag + ions are consumed in the solution shifts the dissolution
formation of the complex ion equilibrium to the right, causing
Ag(NH3h +. The AgCl solid is being AgCl to dissolve. Addition of
dissolved by the addition of NH 3 . sufficient ammonia results in
complete dissolution of the AgCl

• Figure 17.19 Using NH 3 (aq) to dissolve AgCI(s).

The presence of NH3 drives the reaction, the dissolution of AgCl, to the right as
Ag +(aq) is cons:umed to form Ag(NH 3h +.
For a Lewis base such as NH3 to increase the solubility of a metal salt, it must
be able to interact more strongly with the metal ion than water does. The NH3
must displace solvating H 20 molecules (Sections 13.1 and 16.11) in order to form
Ag +(aq) + 2 NH 3(aq) ~ Ag(NH3h +(aq) [17.24]
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 747

Chemistr and Li -e ! ·TooTH DECAY AND FLUORIDATION

OH-, is much more resistant to attack by acids because the flu-

T ooth enamel consists mainly of a mineral called hydrox-
yapatite, Ca 10 (P04)6(0H)z. It is the hardest substance in
the body. Tooth cavities are caused when acids dissolve tooth
oride ion is a much weaker Bmnsted-Lowry base than the
hydroxide ion.
enamel. Because the fluoride ion is so effective in preventing cavi-
ties, it is added to the public water supply in many places to
Ca10(P04)6(0H)z(s) + 8 H+(aq) ~ give a concentration of 1 mg/ L (1 ppm). The compound added
10 Ca 2+(aq) + 6 HP0 42- (aq) + 2 H20(Z) may be NaF or Na2SiF 6. Na2SiF6 reacts with water to release
fluoride ions by the following reaction:
The resultant Ca2+ and HP0 42- ions diffuse out of the tooth
SiF62- (aq) + 2 H 20(Z) ~ 6 F-(aq) + 4 H+(aq) + Si02(s)
enamel and are washed away by saliva. The acids that attack
the hydroxyapatite are formed by the action of specific bacteria About 80% of all toothpastes now sold in the United States
on sugars and other carbohydrates present in the plaque contain fluoride compounds, usually at the level of 0.1%
adhering to the teeth. fluoride by mass. The most common compounds in toothpastes
Fluoride ion, present in drinking water, toothpaste, and are sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium monofluorophosphate
other sources, can react with hydroxyapatite to form fluoro- (Na2P03F), and stannous fluoride (SnF2).
apatite, Ca10(P04)6F2. This mineral, in which p- has replaced Related Exercise: 17.110

An assembly of a metal ion and the Lewis bases bonded to it, such as
Ag(NH 3)2 +,is called a complex ion. The stability of a complex ion in aqueous
solution can be judged by the size of the equilibrium constant for its formation
from the hydrated metal ion. For example, the equilibrium constant for forma-
tion of Ag(NH 3)2 +(Equation 17.24) is 1.7 X 107:

K = [Ag(NH3h +] = 1.7 X 107 [17.25]

f [Ag +][NH3f

The equilibrium constant for this kind of reaction is called a formation

constant, Kt. The formation constants for several complex ions are listed in
Table 17.1 T .

TABLE 17.1 • Formation Constants for Some Metal Complex Ions in Water at 25 oc
Complex Ion Kt Equilibrium Equation

Ag(NH3)z+ 1.7 X 107 Ag+(aq) + 2 NH3(aq) ~ Ag(NH3)z +(aq)

Ag(CN)z- .1 X 1021 Ag +(aq) + 2 CN - (aq) ~ Ag(CN)z - (aq)

Ag(S203)z 3- 2.9 X 1013 Ag+(aq) + 2 S203 2- (aq) ~ Ag(S203)z 3-(aq)
CdBr4 2- 5 X 103 Cd 2+(aq) + 4 Br-(aq) ~ CdBr42-(aq)
Cr(OH)4- 8 X 1029 Cr 3+(aq) + 4 OH-(aq) ~ Cr(OH) 4-(aq)

Co(SCN) 42- 1 X 103 2

Co +(aq) + 4 SCN-(aq) ~ Co(SCN) 42-(aq)

Cu(NH3)4 2+ 5 X 10 12 Cu 2+(aq) + 4 NH3(aq) ~ Cu(NH3)4 2+(aq)

Cu(CN)4 2- 1 X 1025 Cu 2+(aq) + 4 CN- (aq) ~ Cu(CN) 42- (aq)

Ni(NH 3)62+ 1.2 X 109 Ni 2+(aq) + 6 NH 3(aq) ~ Ni(NH3)6 2+(aq)

Fe(CN) 64- 1 X 1035 Fe 2+(aq) + 6 CN-(aq) ~ Fe(CN) 64-(aq)

Fe(CN) 63- 1 X 1042 Fe 3+(aq) + 6 CN - (aq) ~ Fe(CN) 63- (aq)

748 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

- SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.14 I Evaluating an Equilibrium Involving a Complex lon

Calculate the concentration of Ag + present in solution at equilibrium when concen-
trated ammonia is added to a 0.010 M solution of AgN03 to give an equilibrium con-
centration of [NH 3] = 0.20 M. Neglect the small volume change that occurs when
NH3 is added.
Analyze: When NH3(aq) is added to Ag+(aq), a reaction occurs forming Ag(NH 3h +
as shown in Equation 17.22. We are asked to determine what concentration of
Ag+(aq) will remain uncombined when the NH3 concentration is brought to 0.20 M
in a solution originally 0.010 M in AgN03.
Plan: We first assume that the AgN03 is completely dissociated, giving 0.10 MAg+.
Because Kj for the formation uf Ag(NH 3h + is quite large, we assume that essentially
all the Ag + is then converted to Ag(NH 3h + and approach the problem as though
we are concerned with the dissociation of Ag(NH 3h + rather than its formation. To facil-
itate this approach, we will need to reverse the equation to represent the formation
of Ag + and NH3 from Ag(NH 3h + and also make the corresponding change to the
equilibrium constant.
Ag(NH3h +(aq) ~ Ag +(aq) + 2 NH3(aq)
1 1
1.7 X 107 = 5.9 X 10-8

Solve: If [Ag+] is 0.010 M initially, then [Ag(NH 3h +] will be 0.010 M following

addition of the NH3. We now construct a table to solve this equilibrium problem.
Note that the NH3 concentration given in the problem is an equilibrium concentration
rather than an initial concentration.

Ag(NH3h +(aq) Ag+(aq) + 2 NH3(aq)

Initial 0.010M OM
Change -xM +xM
Equilibrium 0.010- X M xM 0.20M

Because the concentration of Ag + is very small, we can ignore x in comparison with

0.010. Thus, 0.010 - x ~ 0.010 M. Substituting these values into the equilibrium-
constant expression for the dissociation of Ag(NH 3h +,we obtain
[Ag +][NH3] 2 (x)(0.20) 2 _
. .:. . . . :. .:. . _______:__ = 5.9 X 10 8
[Ag(NH 3h +] 0.010

Solving for x, we obtain x = 1.5 X 10- 8 M = [Ag +].Thus, formation of the Ag(NH 3h +
complex drastically reduces the concentration of free Ag + ion in solution.

Calculate [Cr 3+] in equilibrium with Cr(OH) 4- when 0.010 mol of Cr(N03h is dis-
solved in a liter of solution buffered at pH 10.0.
Answer: 1 X 10- 16 M _

The general rule is that the solubility of metal salts increases in the presence
of suitable Lewis bases, such as NH3, CN- , or OH- , if the metal forms a com-
plex with the base. The ability of metal ions to form complexes is an extremely
important aspect of their chemistry. In Chapter 24 we will take a much closer
look at complex ions. In that chapter and others we will see applications of
complex ions to areas such as biochemistry, metallurgy, and photography.

Some metal oxides and hydroxides that are relatively insoluble in neutral
water dissolve in strongly acidic and strongly basic solutions. These substances
are soluble in strong acids and bases because they themselves are capable of
behaving as either an acid or base; they are amphoteric oxides and hydroxides.
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 749

Metal oxides and hydroxides that are relatively insoluble in neutral water, but dissolve in both
strongly acidic and strongly basic solutions, are said to be amphoteric. Their behavior results
from the formation of complex anions containing several hydroxides bound to the metal ion.

---+ ---+

Al(H20) 63 +(aq) Al(H20h(OH)3 (s) Al(H20h(OH)4 - (aq)

An aqueous solution of Al +. As NaOH is added, a The precipitate then dissolves as
precipitate of Al(OHh forms. more NaOH is added, demonstrating
the amphoterism of the Al(OHh

• Figure 17.20 Amphoterism.

Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides include those of Al3+. Cr 3+, Zn2+, and Sn2+
Notice that the term amphoteric is applied to the behavior of insoluble oxides
and hydroxides that can be made to dissolve in either acidic or basic solutions.
The similar term amphiprotic,· which we ·encountered in Section 16.2, relates
more generally to any molecule or ion that can either gain or lose a proton.
Amphoteric species dissolve in acidic solutions because they contain basic
anions. What makes amphoteric oxides and hydroxides speciat though, is that
they also dissolve in strongly basic solutions (Figure 17.20• ). This behavior re-
sults from the formation of complex anions containing several (typically four)
hydroxides bound to the metal ion.
Al(OHh(s) + OH-(aq) ~ Al(OH) 4 - (aq) [17.26]
Amphoterism is often explained by the behavior of the water molecules that
surround the metal ion and that are bonded to it by Lewis acid-base interac-
tions. c::co (Section 16.11) For example, Al3+(aq) is more accurately represented
as Al(H 20) 63+(aq) because six water molecules are bonded to the Al3+ in
aqueous solution. Recall from Section 16.11 that this hydrated ion is a weak acid.
750 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

As a strong base is added, Al(H 20) 63+ loses protons in a stepwise fashion, eventu-
ally forming neutral and water-insoluble Al(H20)J(OH)J. This substance then dis-
solves upon removal of an additional proton to form the anion Al(H 20)2(0H) 4-.
The reactions that occur are as follows:

Al(H20)6 3+(aq) + OH-(aq) ~ Al(H 20) 5 (0H) 2+(aq) + H 20(l)

Al(H 20) 5 (0H) 2+(aq) + OH- (aq) ~ Al(H20)4(0H)2 +(aq) + H20(Z)
Al(H20)4(0H)2 +(aq) + OH- (aq) ~ Al(H 20)J(OH)J(s) + H 20(l)
Al(H 20)J(OH)J(s) + OH-(aq) ~ Al(H20h(OH)4 -(aq) + H20(l)

Removing additional protons is possible, but each successive reaction occurs less
readily than the one before. As the charge on the ion becomes more negative, it
becomes increasingly difficult to remove a positively charged proton. Addition of
an acid reverses these reactions. The proton adds in a stepwise fashion to convert
the OH- groups to H 20, eventually re-forming Al(H 20) 63+. The common prac-
tice is to simplify the equations for these reactions by excluding the bound H 20
molecules. Thus, we usually write Al 3+ instead of Al(H 20) 63+, Al(OHh instead
of Al(H20)J(OH)J, Al(OH) 4- instead of Al(H 20)2(0H) 4-, and so forth.
The extent to which an insoluble metal hydroxide reacts with either acid or
base varies with the particular metal ion involved. Many metal hydroxides-
such as Ca(OHh, Fe(OHh, and Fe(OH)J-are capable of dissolving in acidic so-
lution but do not react with excess base. These hydroxides are not amphoteric.
The purification of aluminum ore in the manufacture of aluminum metal
provides an interesting application of the property of amphoterism. As we have
seen, Al(OHh is amphoteric, whereas Fe(OHh is not. Aluminum occurs in large
quantities as the ore bauxite, which is essentially Al20 3 with additional water
molecules. The ore is contaminated with Fe20 3 as an impurity. When bauxite is
added to a strongly basic solution, the Al20 3 dissolves because the aluminum
forms complex ions, such as Al(OH) 4-. The Fe 20 3 impurity, however, is not
amphoteric and remains as a solid. The solution is filtered, getting rid of the
iron impurity. Aluminum hydroxide is then precipitated by addition of acid.
The purified hydroxide receives further treatment and eventually yields alu-
minum metal. -oo (Section 23.3)


What kind of behavior characterizes an amphoteric oxide or an amphoteric


Equilibrium can be achieved starting with the substances on either side of a
chemical equation. The equilibrium among BaS04(s), Ba 2+(aq), and S0 42-(aq)
(Equation 17.15) can be achieved starting with solid BaS04. It can also be
reached starting with solutions of salts containing Ba2+ and S0 42-, say BaC12
and Na2S04. When these two solutions are mixed, BaS04 will precipitate H the
product of the initial ion concentrations, Q = [Ba 2+][S0 42-], is greater than Ksp·
The use of the reaction quotient, Q, to determine the direction in which a
reaction must proceed to reach equilibrium was discussed earlier. c:x:o (Section
15.6) The possible relationships between Q and Ksp are summarized as follows:

• If Q > K 5 p, precipitation occurs until Q = Ksp·

• If Q = K5p, equilibrium exists (saturated solution).
• If Q < K 5 p, solid dissolves until Q = Ksp·
17.6 Precipitation and Separation of Ions 751

-SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.15 I Predicting Whether a Precipitate Will Form

Will a precipitate form when 0.10 L of 8.0 X 10- 3 M Pb(N03h is added to 0.40 L of 5.0 X 10- 3 M Na2S04?
Analyze: The problem asks us to determine whether a precipitate will form when two salt solutions are combined.

Plan: We should determine the concentrations of all ions immediately upon mixing of the solutions and compare the value of the
reaction quotient, Q, to the solubility-product constant, K 5p, for any potentially insoluble product. The possible metathesis prod-
ucts are PbS04 and NaN03. Sodium salts are quite soluble; PbS04 has a Ksp of 6.3 X 10- 7 (Appendix D), however, and will preci-
pitate if the Pb 2+and S0 42- ion concentrations are high enough for Q to exceed Ksp for the salt.
Solve: When the two solutions are
mixed, the total volume becomes
0.10 L + 0.40 L = 0.50 L. The num-
ber of moles of Pb 2+ in 0.10 L of (0.10 L{ 8.0 X 10- 3 m~l) = 8.0 X 10- 4 mol
8.0 X 10- 3 M Pb(N0 3h is

The concentration of Pb 2+ in the 0.50-L [Pb2+] = 8.0 X 10-4 mol = 1.6 X 10-3 M
mixture is therefore 0.50 L
The number of moles of S0 42- in 0.40 L
of 5.0 x 10- 3 M Na2S04 is (0.40 L)( 5.0 X 10- 3 m~l) = 2.0 X 10- 3 mol

Therefore, [S042- ] in the 0.50-L mix- [SO 2- ] = 2.0 X 10-3 mol = 4 0 X 10-3 M
ture is 4 0.50 L .

We then have Q = [Pb 2+][S04 2- ] = (1.6 X 10- 3)(4.0 X 10- 3) = 6.4 X 10- 6

Because Q > K 5p, PbS04 will precipitate.

Will a precipitate form when 0.050 L of 2.0 X 10- 2 M NaF is mixed with 0.010 L of 1.0 X 10- 2 M Ca(N03h?
Answer: Yes, CaF2 precipitates because Q = 4.6 X 10- 8 is larger than Ksp = 3.9 X 10- 11

Selective Precipitation of Ions

Ions can be separated from each other based on the solubilities of their salts.
Consider a solution containing both Ag + and Cu2+. If HCl is added to the
solution, AgCl (Ksp = 1.8 X 10- 10) precipitates, while Cu2+ remains in solu-
tion because CuCl2 is soluble. Separation of ions in an aqueous solution by
using a reagent that forms a precipitate with one or a few of the ions is called
selective precipitation.

• SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.16 I Calculating lon Concentrations for Precipitation

A solution contains 1.0 X 10- 2 M Ag + and 2.0 X 10- 2 M Pb 2+. When Cl- is added to the solution, both AgCl (Ksp = 1.8 X 10- 10)
and PbC12 (Ksp = 1.7 X 10- 5) precipitate from the solution. What concentration of Cl- is necessary to begin the precipitation of
each salt? Which salt precipitates first?
Analyze: We are asked to determine the concentration of Cl- necessary to begin the precipitation from a solution containing Ag +
and Pb 2+ ions, and to predict which metal chloride will begin to precipitate first.
Plan: We are given Ksp values for the two possible precipitates. Using these and the metal ion concentrations, we can calculate
what concentration of Cl- ion would be necessary to begin precipitation of each. The salt requiring the lower Cl- ion concen-
... tration will precipitate first.

Solve: For AgCl we have Ksp = [Ag+][cl- ] = 1.8 X 10- 10

Because [Ag +] = 1.0 X 10- 2 M, the

greatest concentration of Cl- that can Ksp = [1.0 X 10- 2][Cl- ] = 1.8 X 10- 10
be present without causing precipita-
tion of AgCl can be calculated from [Cl- ] = 1.8 X 10- 10 = 1.8 X 10-8 M
the Ksp expression: 1.0 X 10- 2
752 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

Any Cl- in excess of this very small Ksp = [Pb 2+][cl- f = 1.7 X 10- 5
concentration will cause AgCl to pre-
[2.0 X 10- 2][Cl- f = 1.7 X 10- 5
cipitate from solution. Proceeding
similarly for PbC12, we have [Cl- ]2 = 1.7 X 10- 5 = 8.5 X 10- 4
2.0 X 10- 2
[Cl- ] = V8.5 X 10-4 = 2.9 X 10- 2 M

Thus, a concentration of Cl- in excess of 2.9 X 10- 2 M will cause PbC12 to precipitate.
Comparing the concentrations of Cl- required to precipitate each salt, we see that as Cl- is added to the solution, AgCl will
precipitate first because it requires a much smaller concentration of CC. Thus, Ag + can be separated from Pb 2+ by slowly adding
Cl- so [Cl- ] is between 1.8 X 10- 8 M and 2.9 X 10- 2 M.

A solution consists of 0.050 M Mg 2+ and 0.020 M Cu2+. Which ion will precipitate first as OH- is added to the solution? What con-
centration of OH- is necessary to begin the precipitation of each cation? [Ksp = 1.8 X 10- 11 for Mg(OH)z, and Ksp = 4.8 X 10- 20 for
Answer: Cu(OH)z precipitates first. Cu(OH)z begins to precipitate when [OH- ] exceeds 1.5 X 10- 9 M; Mg(OH)z begins to precip-
itate when [OH- ] exceeds 1.9 X 10- 5 M.

Sulfide ion is often used to separate metal ions because the solubilities of
sulfide salts span a wide range and depend greatly on the pH of the solution.
Cu2+ and Zn2+, for example, can be separated by bubbling H 2S gas through an
acidified solution. Because CuS (Ksp = 6 X 10-37) is less soluble than ZnS
(Ksp = 2 X 10- 25 ), CuS precipitates from an acidified solution (pH = 1) while
ZnS does not (Figure 17.21 T ):

Cu2+(aq) + H 2S(aq) ~ CuS(s) + 2 H+(aq) [17.27]


Separation of ions in an aqueous solution by using a reagent that forms
a precipitate with one or a few of the ions is called selective precipitation.

Remove CuS
AddH 2S increase pH

• •

Solution containing Zn2 +(aq) When H 2S is added to a After CuS is removed, the pH
and Cu2 +(aq). solution whose pH exceeds 0.6, is increased allowing ZnS to
CuS precipitates. precipitate.

• Figure 17.21 Selective precipitation.

17.7 Qualitative Analysis for Metallic Elements 753

The CuS can be separated from the Zn2+ solution by filtration. The CuS can
then be dissolved by using a high concentration of H+, shi_fting the equilibrium
shown in Equation 17.27 to the left.


What experimental conditions will leave the smallest concentration of Cu2+ ions in
solution according to Equation 17.27?


In this chapter we have seen several examples of
equilibria involving metal ions in aqueous solu-
tion. In this final section we look briefly at how
solubility equilibria and complex-ion formation
can be used to detect the presence of particular
metal ions in solution. Before the development of
modern analytical instrumentation, it was neces-
sary to analyze mixtures of metals in a sample by
so-called wet chemical methods. For example, a
metallic sample that might contain several metal-
lic elements was dissolved in a concentrated acid
solution. This solution was then tested in a sys-
tematic way for the presence of various metal ions. Group 1-Insoluble
Qualitative analysis determines only the chlorides: AgCl, Remaining cations
Hg2Cl21 PbC12
presence or absence of a particular metal ion,
whereas quantitative analysis determines how
much of a given substance is present. Wet meth-
F=-----------=41 Add H 2S,
ods of qualitative analysis have become less im-
portant as a means of analysis. They are
frequently used in general chemistry laboratory Remaining cations
programs, however, to illustrate equilibria, to
teach the properties of common metal ions in so-
lution, and to develop laboratory skills. Typically, fiiii!IIZlr:::::lliii::IIIII!IIIIIIEllllllillllllll!llllll----~-...... Add (NH4)zS,
such analyses proceed in three stages: (1) The ions
are separated into broad groups on the basis of
solubility properties. (2) The individual ions with- Group 3--Base-insolu}:)le sulfides
and hydroxides: Al(OH)~ Fe(OH)31 Remaining cations
in each group are then separated by selectively
Cr(OH)31 ZnS, NiS, COS, MnS
dissolving members in the group. (3) The ions are
then identified by means of specific tests.
A scheme in general use divides the common
I:JIIIIIIIII------------1 Add (NH4)zHP04,
cations into five groups, as shown in Figure
17.22 ~ . The order of addition of reagents is im- Group 5-Alkali metal
portant. The most selective separations-those ions and ammonium ion:
that involve the smallest number of ions-are car- Na+, K+, NH4+
ried out first. The reactions that are used must
proceed so far toward completion that any concentration of cations remaining in • Figure 17.22 Qualitative analysis.
the solution is too small to interfere with subsequent tests. Let's take a closer look A flowchart showing the separation of
cations into groups as a part of a
at each of these five groups of cations, briefly examining the logic used in this
common scheme for identifying cations.
qualitative analysis scheme.
1. Insoluble chlorides: Of the common metal ions, only Ag +, Hg/+, and Pb 2+
form insoluble chlorides. When dilute HCl is added to a mixture of cations,
therefore, only AgCl, Hg2Cl2, and PbC12 will precipitate, leaving the other
cations in solution. The absence of a precipitate indicates that the starting
solution contains no Ag+, Hg/+, or Pb 2+.
754 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

2. Acid-insoluble sulfides: After any insoluble chlorides have been removed, .

the remaining solution, now acidic, is treated with H 2S. Only the most in-
soluble metal sulfides-CuS, Bi2S3, CdS, PbS, HgS, As 2S3, Sb2S3, and SnS2-
can precipitate. (Note the very small values of Ksp for some of these sulfides
in Appendix D.) Those metal ions whose sulfides are somewhat more
soluble-for example, ZnS or NiS-remain in solution.
3. Base-insoluble sulfides and hydroxides: After the solution is filtered to remove
any acid-insoluble sulfides, the remaining solution is made slightly basic,
and (NH4 hS is added. In basic solutions the concentration of 5 2- is
higher than in acidic solutions. Thus, the ion products for many of the more
soluble sulfides are made to exceed their K sp values and precipitation
occurs. The metal ions precipitated at this stage are Al3+, Cr 3+, Fe 3+, Zn2+,
Ni 2+, Co2+, and Mn2+. (Actually, the Al3+, Fe 3+, and Cr 3+ ions do not
form insoluble sulfides; instead they are precipitated as insoluble hydro-
xides at the same time.)
4. Insoluble phosphates: At this point the solution contains only metal ions
from periodic table groups 1A and 2A. Adding (NH4hHP04 to a basic solu-
tion precipitates the group 2A elements Mg 2+, Ca 2+, Sr 2+, and Ba2+ because
these metals form insoluble phosphates.
5. The alkali metal ions and NH4+: The ions that remain after removing the in-
soluble phosphates form a small group. We can test the original solution
for each ion individually. A flame test can be used to determine the pres-
ence of K+, for example, because the flame turns a characteristic violet color
if K+ is present.


If a precipitate forms upon addition of HCl to an aqueous solution, what conclusions
can you draw about the contents of the solution?

Additional separation and testing is necessary to determine which ions are

present within each of the groups. Consider, for example, the ions of the insolu-
ble chloride group. The precipitate containing the metal chlorides is boiled in
water. The PbCl2 is relatively soluble in hot water, whereas AgCl and Hg2Cl2
are not. The hot solution is filtered, and a solution of Na2Cr04 is added to the
filtrate. If Pb 2+ is present, a yellow precipitate of PbCr04 forms. The test for
Ag + consists of treating the metal chloride precipitate with dilute ammonia.
Only Ag + forms an ammonia complex. If AgCl is present in the precipitate,
it will dissolve in the ammonia solution.

AgCl(s) + 2 NH3(aq) ~ Ag(NH3h +(aq) + Cl-(aq) [17.28]

After treatment with ammonia, the solution is filtered and the filtrate made
acidic by adding nitric acid. The nitric acid removes ammonia from solution by
forming NH 4 +,thus releasing Ag+, which re-forms the AgCl precipitate.

Ag(NH 3h +(aq) + Cl- (aq) + 2 H+(aq) ~ AgCl(s) + 2 NH 4 +(aq) [17.29]

The analyses for individual ions in the acid-insoluble and base-insoluble

sulfides are a bit more complex, but the same general principles are involved.
The detailed procedures for carrying out such analyses are given in many labo-
ratory manuals.
17.7 Qualitative Analysis for Metallic Elements 755


A sample of 1.25 L of HCl gas at 21 oc and 0.950 atm is bubbled through 0.500 L of
0.150 M NH3 solution. Calculate the pH of the resulting solution assuming that all the
HCl dissolves and that the volume of the solution remains 0.500 L.
The number of moles of HCl gas is calculated from the ideal-gas law.

n = PV = (0.950 atm)(l.25 L)
RT (0.0821 L-atm/mol-K)( 294 K) = 0.0492 mol HCl

The number of moles of NH3 in the solution is given by the product of the volume of
the solution and its concentration.

Moles NH 3 = (0.500 L)(0.150 mol NH 3/L) = 0.0750 mol NH3

The acid HCl and base NH3 react, transferring a proton from HCl to NH3, pro-
ducing NH 4+ and Cl- ions.

HCl(g) + NH3(aq) ~ NH4 +(aq) + Cl- (aq)

To determine the pH of the solution, we first calculate the amount of each reactant
and each product present at the completion of the reaction.

HCl(g) + NH3(aq) ~ NH4+(aq) + Cl- (aq)

Before addition 0.0492 mol Omol Omol Omol

Addition 0.0750 mol
After addition Omol 0.0258 mol 0.0492 mol 0.0492 mol

Thus, the reaction produces a solution containing a mixture of NH3, NH 4+,and

Cl-. The NH3 is a weak base (Kb = 1.8 X 10-5 ), NH 4+is its conjugate acid, and Cl- is
neither acidic nor basic. Consequently, the pH depends on [NH3] and [NH 4+].

0.0258 mol NH3 = 0.0516 M

[NH3] = 0.500 L soln

0.0492 mol NH4 + = 0.0984 M

[NH4+] = 0.500 L soln

We can calculate the pH using either Kb for NH3 or Ka for NH 4+. Using the Kb expres-
sion, we have

NH 3 (aq) + H20(l) ~ NH4 +(aq) + OH- (aq)

Initial 0.0516M - 0.0984M 0
Change -xM - +xM +xM
Equilibrium (0.0516 - x) M - (0.0984 + x) M xM

K = [NH 4+][oH- ] = (0.0984 + x)(x) ~ (0.0984)x = X _5

18 10
b [NH 3] (0.0516 - x) 0.0516 .

= [OH- ] = (0.0516)(1.8 X 10-
) = 94
10_6 M

Hence, pOH = -log(9.4 X 10- 6) = 5.03 and pH= 14.00- pOH = 14.00-5.03 = 8.97.
756 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria


Section 17.1 In this chapter we have considered sever- constant (or simply the solubility product), K5p, is an
al types of important equilibria that occur in aqueous so- equilibrium constant that expresses quantitatively the ex-
lution. Our primary emphasis has been on acid-base tent to which the compound dissolves. The Ksp can be
equilibria in solutions containing two or more solutes used to calculate the solubility of an ionic compound,
and on solubility equilibria. The dissociation of a weak and the solubility can be used to calculate Ksp·
acid or weak base is repressed by the presence of a strong
electrolyte that provides an ion common to the equilibri- Section 17.5 Several experimental factors, including
um. This phenomenon is called the common-ion effect. temperature, affect the solubilities of ionic compounds in
water. The solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound
Section 17.2 A particularly important type of acid-base is decreased by the presence of a second solute that fur-
mixture is that of a weak conjugate acid-base pair. Such nishes a common ion (the common-ion effect). The solu-
mixtures function as buffered solutions (buffers). Addi- bility of compounds containing basic anions increases as
tion of small amounts of a strong acid or a strong base to a the solution is made more acidic (as pH decreases). Salts
buffered solution causes only small changes in pH because with anions of negligible basicity (the anions of strong
the buffer reacts with the added acid or base. (Strong acids) are unaffected by pH changes.
acid-strong base, strong acid-weak base, and weak The solubility of metal salts is also affected by the pres-
acid-strong base reactions proceed essentially to comple- ence of certain Lewis bases that react with metal ions to
tion.) Buffered solutions are usually prepared from a weak form stable complex ions. Complex-ion formation in
acid and a salt of that acid or from a weak base and a salt aqueous solution involves the displacement by Lewis
of that base. Two important characteristics of a buffered bases (such as NH3 and CN-) of water molecules attached
solution are its buffer capacity and its pH. The pH can be to the metal ion. The extent to which such complex forma-
calculated using Ka or Kb. The relationship between pH, tion occurs is expressed quantitatively by the formation
pKa, and the concentrations of an acid and its conjugate constant for the complex ion. Amphoteric oxides and
base can be expressed by the Henderson-Hasselbalch hydroxides are those that are only slightly soluble in water
. [base] but dissolve on addition of either acid or base. Acid-base
equation: pH = pKa + log [acid].
reactions involving the OH- or H 20 groups bound to the
metal ions give rise to the amphoterism.
Section 17.3 The plot of the pH of an acid (or base) as a
function of the volume of added base (or acid) is called a
pH titration curve. Titration curves aid in selecting a Section 17.6 Comparison of the ion product, Q, with
proper pH indicator for an acid-base titration. The titra- the value of Ksp can be used to judge whether a precipi-
tion curve of a strong acid-strong base titration exhibits a tate will form when solutions are mixed or whether a
large change in pH in the immediate vicinity of the slightly soluble salt will dissolve under various con-
equivalence point; at the equivalence point for this titra- ditions. Precipitates form when Q > Ksp· Ions can be
tion, pH = 7. For strong acid-weak base or weak separated from each other based on the solubilities of
acid-strong base titrations, the pH change in the vicinity their salts.
of the equivalence point is not as large. Furthermore, the
pH at the equivalence point is not 7 in either of these Section 17.7 Metallic elements vary a great deal in the
cases. Rather, it is the pH of the salt solution that results solubilities of their salts, in their acid-base behavior, and
from the neutralization reaction. It is possible to calculate in their tendencies to form complex ions. These differ-
the pH at any point of the titration curve by first consid- ences can be used to separate and detect the presence of
ering the effects of the reaction between the acid and base metal ions in mixtures. Qualitative analysis determines
on solution concentrations and then examining equilibria the presence or absence of species in a sample, whereas
involving remaining solute species. quantitative analysis determines how much of each
species is present. The qualitative analysis of metal ions
Section 17.4 The equilibrium between a solid com- in solution can be carried out by separating the ions into
pound and its ions in solution provides an example groups on the basis of precipitation reactions and then
of heterogeneous equilibrium. The\_solubility-product analyzing each group for individual metal ions.
Visualizing Concepts 75 7

• Describe the common-ion effect.
• Explain how a buffer functions.
• Calculate the pH of a buffer solution.
• Calculate the pH of a buffer after the addition of small amounts of a strong acid or a strong base.
• Calculate the pH at any point in an acid-base titration of a strong acid and strong base.
• Calculate the pH at any point in a titration of a weak acid with a strong base or a weak base with a strong acid.
• Understand the differences between the titration curves for a strong acid-strong base titration and those when
either the acid or base is weak.
• Calculate K sp from molar solubility and molar solubility from K sp·
• Calculate molar solubility in the presence of a common ion.
• Predict the effect of pH on solubility.
• Predict whether a precipitate will form when solutions are mixed by comparing Q and Ksp·
• Calculate the ion concentrations required to begin precipitation.
• Explain the effect of complex-ion formation on solubility.


• pH = pKa + log [acid] [17.9] The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, used to calculate the pH of a
buffer from the concentrations of a conjugate acid-base pair

17.1 The following boxes represent aqueous solutions con- 16.7, estimate the pH of each solution, and explain
taining a weak acid, HX, and its conjugate base, x-. the difference. (b) Which solution is better able to main-
Water molecules and cations are not shown. Which so- tain its pH when small amounts of NaOH are added?
lution has the highest pH? Explain. [Section 17.1] Explain. [Sections 17.1 and 17.2]

=HX = x-

17.2 The beaker on the right contains 0.1 M acetic acid solu-
tion with methyl orange as an indicator. The beaker on
the left contains a mixture of 0.1 M acetic acid and 0.1 M
sodium acetate with methyl orange. (a) Using Figure
758 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

17.3 A buffer contains a weak acid, HX, and its conjugate base. 17.7 Equal volumes of two acids are titrated with 0.10 M
The weak acid has a pKa of 4.5, and the buffer solution NaOH resulting in the two titration curves shown in
has a pH of 4.3. Without doing a calculation, predict the following figure. (a) Which curve corresponds
whether [HX] = [X- ], [HX] > [X- ], or [HX] < [X- ]. to the more concentrated acid solution? (b) Which cor-
Explain. [Section 17.2] responds to the acid with the largest Ka? Explain.
[Section 17.3]
17.4 The drawing on the left represents a buffer composed of
equal concentrations of a weak acid, HX, and its conju-
gate base, x-. The heights of the columns are propor-
tional to the concentrations of the components of the 10
buffer. (a) Which of the three drawings, (1), (2), or (3), 8
represents the buffer after the addition of a strong acid? ~
0., 6
(b) Which of the three represents the buffer after the
addition of a strong base? (c) Which of the three repre- 4
sents a situation that cannot arise from the addition of 2
either an acid or a base? [Section 17.2]
0 10 20 30 40 50

rn rn
17.8 The following drawings represent saturated solutions of
three ionic compounds of silver-AgX, AgY, and AgZ.
(Na + cations, which might also be present for charge
balance, are not shown.) Which compound has the
HX x- HX x- HX x- HX x- smallest K 5p? [Section 17.4]

(1) (2) (3) = Ag+ = x-, y-, or z-

17.5 The following drawings represent solutions at various

stages of the titration of a weak acid, HA, with NaOH.
(The Na + ions and water molecules have been omit-
ted for clarity.) To which of the following regions of
the titration curve does each drawing correspond:
(a) before addition of NaOH, (b) after addition of
NaOH but before equivalence point, (c) at equivalence
point, (d) after equivalence point? [Section 17.3] AgX AgY AgZ

=HA =A- =OH- 17.9 The figures below represent the ions in a saturated
aqueous solution of the slightly soluble ionic com-
pound MX: MX(s) ~ M 2+(aq) + X2- (aq). (Only the
M 2+ and X2- ions are shown.) (a) Which figure repre-
sents a solution prepared by dissolving MX in water?
(b) Which figure represents a solution prepared by dis-
solving MX in a solution containing Na 2X? (c) If X2- is
a basic anion, which figure represents a saturated solu-
tion with the lowest pH? (d) If you were to calculate the
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) K sp for MX, would you get the same value in each of
the three scenarios? Why or why not? [Sections 17.4
and 17.5]
17.6 Match the following descriptions of titration curves

• • • ••• •
with the diagrams: (a) strong acid added to strong base,
(b) strong base added to weak acid, (c) strong base
added to strong acid, (d) strong base added to poly-
x2--. •

protic acid. [Section 17.3]
• • •• •• • • •
• • • •
~LL ~~ ~L ~~
mL titrant mL titrant mL titrant mL titrant
(a) (b)

17.10 The following graphs represent the behavior of BaC03


under different circumstances. In each case the vertical

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
axis indicates the solubility of the BaC03 and the
Exercises 759

horizontal axis represents the concentration of some 17.12 Three cations, Ni 2+, Cu2+, and Ag+, are separated using
other reagent. (a) Which graph represents what happens two different precipitating agents. Based on Figure
to the solubility of BaC03 as HN03 is added? (b) Which 17.22, what two precipitating agents could be used?
graph represents what happens to the BaC03 solubility Using these agents, indicate which of the cations is A,
as Na2C03 is added? (c) Which represents what hap- which is B, and which is C. [Section 17.7]
pens to the BaC03 solubility as NaN03 is added?
Mixture of Cation A Cations Cation B Cation

[Section 17.5]
cations A,B,C removed B,C removed A

~~ Cone

IlL_ Cone


17.11 What is the name given to the kind of behavior demon-

strated by a metal hydroxide in this graph? [Section 17.5]
Cation A e Cation B e Cation C e


Common-Ion Effect
17.13 (a) What is the common-ion effect? (b) Give an example 17.16 Use information from Appendix D to calculate the pH
of a salt that can decrease the ionization of HN02 in of (a) a solution that is 0.150 M in sodium formate
solution. (HCOONa) and 0.200 M in formic acid (HCOOH);
(b) a solution that is 0.210 Min pyridine (C5H 5N) and
17.14 (a) Consider the equilibrium B(aq) + H 20(l) ~
0.350 Min pyridinium chloride (C 5H 5NHC1); (c) a solu-
HB+(aq) + OH- (aq). Using Le Chatelier's principle,
tion that is made by combining 125 mL of 0.050 M hy-
explain the effect of the presence of a salt of HB+ on the
drofluoric acid with 50.0 mL of 0.10 M sodium fluoride.
ionization of B. (b) Give an example of a salt that can
decrease the ionization of NH3 in solution. 17.17 (a) Calculate the percent ionization of 0.0075 M butanoic
acid (Ka = 1.5 X 10-5). (b) Calculate the percent ioniza-
17.15 Use information from Appendix D to calculate the pH of
tion of 0.0075 M butanoic acid in a solution containing
(a) a solution that is 0.060 M in potassium propionate
0.085 M sodium butanoate.
(C 2H 5COOK or KC 3H 50 2) and 0.085 Min propionic acid
(C 2H 5COOH or HC3H 50 2); (b) a solution that is 0.075 M 17.18 (a) Calculate the.fercent ionization of 0.085 M lactic acid
in trimethylamine, (CH3)3N, and 0.10 Min trimethylam- (Ka = 1.4 X 10- ). (b) Calculate the percent ionization
monium chloride, (CH3)3NHC1; (c) a solution that is of 0.095 M lactic acid in a solution containing 0.0075 M
made by mixing 50.0 mL of 0.15 M acetic acid and sodium lactate.
50.0 mL of 0.20 M sodium acetate.

17.19 Explain why a mixture of CH3COOH and CH3COONa 17.21 (a) Calculate the pH of a buffer that is 0.12 Min lactic
can act as a buffer while a mixture of HCl and NaCl acid and 0.11 Min sodium lactate. (b) Calculate the pH
cannot. of a buffer formed by mixing 85 mL of 0.13 M lactic acid
with 95 mL of 0.15 M sodium lactate.
17.20 Explain why a mixture formed by mixing 100 mL of
0.100 M CH3COOH and 50 mL of 0.100 M NaOH will 17.22 (a) Calculate the pH of a buffer that is 0.105 M in
act as a buffer. . NaHC03 and 0.125 Min Na2C03. (b) Calculate the pH
of a solution formed by mixing 65 mL of 0.20 M
NaHC03 with 75 mL of 0.15 M Na2C03.
760 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

17.23 A buffer is prepared by adding 20.0 g of acetic acid addition of 0.02 mol of KOH? (c) What is the pH of the
(CH3COOH) and 20.0 g of sodium acetate (CH3COONa) buffer after the addition of 0.02 mol of HN03?
to enough water to form 2.00 L of solution. (a) Deter-
17.28 A buffer solution contains 0.10 mol of propionic acid
mine the pH of the buffer. (b) Write the complete ionic
(C 2H 5COOH) and 0.13 mol of sodium propionate
equation for the reaction that occurs when a few drops
(C 2H 5COONa) in 1.50 L. (a) What is the pH of this
of hydrochloric acid are added to the buffer. (c) Write
buffer? (b) What is thepH of the buffer after the addi-
the complete ionic equation for the reaction that occurs
tion of 0.01 mol of NaOH? (c) What is the pH of the
when a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution are
buffer after the addition of 0.01 mol of HI?
added to the buffer. ,)

17.24 A buffer is prepared by adding 7.00 g of ammonia (NH3) 17.29 (a) What is the ratio of HC03- to H 2C03 in blood of
and 20.0 g of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) to enough pH 7.4? (b) What is the ratio of HC03- to H2C03 in an '
water to form 2.50 L of solution. (a) What is the pH of exhausted marathon runner whose blood pH is 7.1?
this buffer? (b) Write the complete ionic equation for the 17.30 A buffer, consisting of I-hP0 4- and HP0 42- , helps con..,
reaction that occurs when a few drops of nitric acid are trol the pH of physiological fluids. Many carbonated
added to the buffer. (c) Write the complete ionic equa- soft drinks also use this buffer system. What is the pH
tion for the reaction that occurs when a few drops of of a soft drink in which the major buffer ingredients are
potassium hydroxide solution are ~dded to the buffer. 6.5 g of NaH2P04 and 8.0 g of Na2HP04 per 355 mL
--- of solution?
17.25 How many moles of sodium hypobromite (NaBrO)
should be added to 1.00 L of 0.050 M hypobromous acid 17.31 You have to prepare a pH 3.50 buffer, and you have the
(HBrO) to form a buffer solution of pH 9.15? Assume following 0.10 M solutions available: HCOOH,
that no volume change occurs when the NaBrO is CH3COOH, H3P04, HCOONa, CH3COONa, and
added. NaH2P04. Which solutions would you use? How many
milliliters of each solution would you use to make ap-
17.26 How many grams of sodium lactate [CH3CH(OH)COONa
proximately a liter of the buffer?
or NaC3H 50 3] should be added to 1.00 L of 0.150 M lactic
acid [CH3CH(OH)COOH or HC3Hs03] to form a buffer 17.32 You have to prepare a pH 4.80 buffer, and you have the
solution with pH 4.00? Assume that no volume change oc- following 0.10 M solutions available: formic acid, sodi-
curs wh~n the sodium lactate is added. um formate, propionic acid, sodium propionate, phos-
phoric acid, and sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Which
17.27 A buffer solution contains 0.10 mol of acetic acid and solutions would you use? How many milliliters of .each
0.13 mol of sodium acetate in 1.00 L. (a) What is the pH solution would you use to make approximately a liter of
of this buffer? (b) What is the pH of the buffer after the the buffer?

Acid-Base Titrations

17.33 The accompanying graph shows the titration curves for 17.34 How does titration of a strong, monoprotic acid with a
two monoprotic acids. (a) Which curve is that of a strong base differ from titration of a weak, monoprotic
strong acid? (b) What is the approximate pH at the acid with a strong base with respect to the following:
equivalence point of each titration? (c) How do the (a) quantity of base required to reach the equivalence
original concentrations of the two acids compare if point, (b) pH at the beginning of the titration, (c) pH at
40.0 mL of each is titrated to the equivalence point with the equivalence point, (d) pH after addition of a slight
0.100 M base? excess of base, (e) choice of indicator for determining
the equivalence point?
14 -
17.35 Predict whether the equivalence point of each of the
12 - following titrations is below, above, or at pH 7:

10 i
/ t/ -
(a) NaHC03 titrated with NaOH, (b) NH3 titrated with
HCl, (c) KOH titrated with HBr.
_l 17.36 Predict whether the equivalence point of each of the fol-
8 -
6 1-
J -
lowing titrations is below, above, or at pH 7: (a) formic
acid titrated with NaOH, (b) calcium hydroxide titrated
4 I- A
v -
with perchloric acid, (c) pyridine titrated with nitric acid.

2 B L./ 17.37 Two monoprotic acids, both 0.100 Min concentration,

~I I
are titrated with 0.100 M NaOH. The pH at the equiv-
alence point for HX is 8.8, and that for HY is 7.9.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (a) Which is the weaker acid? (b) Which indicators in
Figure 16.7 could be used to titrate each of these acids?
Exercises 761

17.38 Assume that 30.0 mL of a 0.10 M solution of a weak base 17.42 A 30.0-mL sample of 0.150 M KOH is titrated with
B that accepts one proton is titrated with a 0.10 M solu- 0.125 M HC104 solution. Calculate the pH after the fol-
tion of the monoprotic strong acid HX. (a) How many lowing volumes of acid have been added: (a) 30.0 m~,
moles of HX have been added at the equivalence point? (b) 35.0 mL, (c) 36.0 mL, (d) 37.0 mL, (e) 40.0 mL.
(b) What is the predominant form of B at the equi-
valence point? (c) What factor determines the pH at the 17.43 A 35.0-mL sample of 0.150 M acetic acid (CH3COOH) is
equivalence point? (d) Which indicator, phenol- titrated with 0.150 M NaOH solution. Calculate the pH
phthalein or methyl red, is likely to be the better choice after the following volumes of base have been added:
£or this titration? (a) 0 mL, (b) 17.5 mL, (c) 34.5 mL, (d) 35.0 mL, (e) 35.5 mL,
(f) 50.0 mL.
17.39 How many milliliters of 0.0850 M NaOH are required to
titrate each of the following solutions to the equivalence 17.44 Consider the titration of 30.0 mL of 0.030 M NH3 with
point: (a) 40.0 mL of 0.0900 M HN03, (b) 35.0 mL of 0.025 M HCL Calculate the pH after the following vol-
0.0850 M CH3COOH, (c) 50.0 mL of a solution that con- umes of titrant have been added: (a) 0 mL, (b) 10.0 mL,
tains 1.85 g of HCl per liter? (c) 20.0 mL, (d) 35.0 mL, (e) 36.0 mL, (f) 37.0 mL.
17.40 How many mllliliters of 0.105 M HCl are needed to
· titrate each of the following solutions to the equivalence 17.45 Calculate the pH at the equivalence point for titrating
point: (a) 45.0 mL of 0.0950 M NaOH, (b) 22.5 mL of 0.200 M solutions of each of the following bases with
0.118 M NH3, (c) 125.0 mL of a solution that contains 0.200 M HBr: (a) sodium hydroxide (NaOH), (b) hy-
1.35 g of NaOH per liter? droxylamine (NH20H), (c) aniline (C 6H 5NH2).

17.41 A 20.0-mL sample of 0.200 M HBr solution is titrated 17.46 Calculate the pH at the equivalence point in titrating
with 0.200 M NaOH solution. Calculate th~ pH of the 0.100 M solutions of each of the following with 0.080 M
solution after the following ·volumes of base have been NaOH: (a) hydrobromic acid (HBr), (b) lactic acid
added: (a) 15.0 mL, (b) 19.9 mL, (c) 20.0 mL, (d) 20.1 mL, [CH3CH(OH)COOH], (c) sodium hydrogen chromate
(e) 35.0 mL. (NaHCr04).

Solubility Equilibria and Factors Affecting Solubility

17.47 (a) Why is the concentration of undissolved solid not 17.52 A 1.00-L solution saturated at 25 oc with lead(Il) iodide
explicitly included in the expression for the solubility- contains 0.54 g of Pbl2. Calculate the solubility-product
product constant? (b) Write the expression for the constant for this salt at 25 oc.
solubility-product constant for each of the following
strong electrolytes: Agl, SrS04, Fe(OHh, and Hg2Br2. 17.53 Using Appendix D, calculate the molar solubility of
AgBr in (a) pure water, (b) 3.0 X 10- 2 M AgN03 solu-
17.48 (a) Explain the difference between solubility and tion, (c) 0.10 M NaBr solution.
solubility-product constant. (b) Write the expression for
the solubility-product constant for each of the following 17.54 Calculate the solubility of LaF3 in grams per liter in
ionic compounds: MnC03, Hg(OHh, and Cu3(P04h· (a) pure water, (b) 0.010 M KF solution, (c) 0.050 M
LaC13 solution.
17.49 (a) If the molar solubility of CaF2 at 35 oc is 17.55 Calculate the solubility of Mn(OHh in grams per liter
1.24 X 10-3 moljL, what is K sp at this temperature? (b) It when buffered at pH (a) 7.0, (b) 9.5, (c) 11.8.
is found that 1.1 X 10- 2 g of SrF2 dissolves per 100 mL
of aqueous solution at 25 °C. Calculate the solubility 17.56 Calculate the molar solubility of Fe(OHh when buffered
product for SrF2. (c) The K sp of Ba(I03h at 25 oc is at pH (a) 8.0, (b) 10.0, (c) 12.0.
6.0 X 10- 10 . What is the molar solubility of Ba(I03h?
17.57 Which of the following salts will be substantially more
17.50 (a) The molar solubility of PbBr2 at 25 oc is soluble in acidic solution than in pure water: (a) ZnC03,
1.0 X 10- 2 moljL. Calculate K sp· (b) If 0.0490 g of Agi03 (b) ZnS, (c) Bil3,· (d) AgCN, (e) Ba3(P04h?
dissolves per liter of . solution, calculate the solubility-
17.58 For each of the following slightly soluble salts, write the
product constant. (c) Using the appropriate K sp value
net ionic equation, if any, for reaction with acid: (a) MnS,
from Appendix D, calculate the solubility of Cu(OHh in
(b) PbF2, (c) AuCl3, (d) Hg2C204, (e) CuBr.
grams per liter of solution.
17.59 From the value of Kf listed in Table 17.1, calculate the
17.51 A 1.00-L solution saturated at 25 oc with calcium ox- concentration of Cu2+ in 1.0 L of a solution that
alate (CaC 20 4) contains 0.0061 g of CaC 20 4. Calculate contains a total of 1 X 10-3 mol of copper(II) ion and
the solubility-product constant for this salt at 25 oc. that is 0.10 Min NH3.
762 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

17.60 To what final concentration of NH3 must a solution 17.62 Using the value of Ksp for Ag2S, Kal and Ka2 for H2S, and
be adjusted to just dissolve 0.020 mol of NiC 20 4 Kt = 1.1 X 105 for AgC1 2- , calculate the equilibrium
(Ksp = 4 X 10- 10) in 1.0 L of solution? (Hint: You can ne- constant for the following reaction:
glect the hydrolysis of C204 2- because the solution will
Ag2S(s) + 4 Cl-(aq) + 2 H+(aq) ~ 2 AgC1 2-(aq) + H 2S(aq)
be quite basic.)

17.61 By using the values of Ksp for Agl and Kt for Ag(CNh - ,
calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction
Agl(s) + 2 CN- (aq) ~ Ag(CNh - (aq) + 1- (aq)

Precipitation; Qualitative Analysis

17.63 (a) Will Ca(OHh precipitate from solution if the pH of a Which metal ions discussed in Section 17.7 are possibly
0.050 M solution of CaC12 is adjusted to 8.0? (b) Will present? Which are definitely absent within the limits of
Ag2S04 precipitate when 100 mL of 0.050 M AgN03 is these tests?
mixed with 10 mL of 5.0 X 10- 2 M Na 2S04 solution?
17.70 An unknown solid is entirely soluble in water. On addi-
17.64 (a) Will Co(OHh precipitate from solution if the pH of a tion of dilute HCl, a precipitate forms. After the precipi-
0.020 M solution of Co(N03h is adjusted to 8.5? (b) Will tate is filtered off, the pH is adjusted to about 1 and H 2S
Agl03 precipitate when 20 mL of 0.010 M AgN03 is is bubbled in; a precipitate again forms. After filtering
mixed with 10 mL of 0.015 M Nai03? (Ksp of Agi03 off this precipitate, the pH is adjusted to 8 and H 2S is
is 3.1 X 10- 8 .) again added; no precipitate forms. No precipitate forms
upon addition of (NH4hHP04. The remaining solution
shows a yellow color in a flame test. Based on these ob-
17.65 Calculate the minimum pH needed to precipitate
servations, which of the following compounds might be
Mn(OHh so completely that the concentration of Mn2+
present, which are definitely present, and which are def-
is less than 1 JLg per liter [1 part per billion (ppb)].
initely absent: CdS, Pb(N03h, HgO, ZnS04, Cd(N03h,
17.66 Suppose that a 10-mL sample of a solution is to be tested and Na2S04?
for Cl- ion by addition of 1 drop (0.2 mL) of 0.10 M
17.71 In the course of various qualitative analysis procedures,
AgN03. What is the minimum number of grams of Cl-
the following mixtures are encountered: (a) Zn2+ and
that must be present for AgCl(s) to form?
Cd 2+, (b) Cr(OHh and Fe(OH)3, (c) Mg 2+ and K+,
(d) Ag+ and Mn 2+. Suggest how each mixture might be
17.67 A solution contains 2.0 X 10- 4 M Ag + and separated.
1.5 X 10- 3 M Pb 2+. If Nal is added, will Agl
(Ksp = 8.3 X 10- 17) or Pbl2 (Ksp = 7.9 X 10- 9) precipi- 17.72 Suggest how the cations in each of the following solution
tate first? Specify the concentration of r needed to mixtures can be separated: (a) Na+ and Cd 2+,
begin precipitation. (b) Cu2+ and Mg 2+, (c) Pb 2+ and Al 3+, (d) Ag+ and Hg 2+.

17.68 A solution of Na2S04 is added dropwise to a solution 17.73 (a) Precipitation of the group 4 cations (Figure 17.22) re-
that is 0.010 M in Ba 2+ and 0.010 M in Sr 2+. (a) What quires a basic medium. Why is this so? (b) What is the
concentration of S042- is necessary to begin precipita- most significant difference between the sulfides precipi-
tion? (Neglect volume changes. BaS04: Ksp = 1.1 X 10- 10; tated in group 2 and those precipitated in group 3?
SrS04: Ksp = 3.2 X 10- 7.) (b) Which cation precipi- (c) Suggest a procedure that would serve to redissolve
tates first? (c) What is the concentration of S0 42- when the group 3 cations following their precipitation.
the second cation begins to precipitate?
17.74 A student who is in a great hurry to finish his laboratory
work decides that his qualitative analysis unknown
17.69 A solution containing an unknown number of metal contains a metal ion from the insoluble phosphate
ions is treated with dilute HCl; no precipitate forms. The group, group 4 (Figure 17.22). He therefore tests his
pH is adjusted to about 1, and H 2S is bubbled through. sample directly with (NH4hHP04, skipping earlier tests
Again, no precipitate forms. The pH of the solution is for the metal ions in groups 1, 2, and 3. He observes a
then adjusted to about 8. Again, H 2S is bubbled through. precipitate and concludes that a metal ion from group 4
This time a precipitate forms. The filtrate from this solu- is indeed present. Why is this possibly an erroneous
tion is treated with (NH4hHP0 4. No precipitate forms. conclusion?
Additional Exercises 763

17.75 Derive an equation similar to the Henderson- reach the equivalence point. (a) What is the molar mass
Hasselbalch equation relating the pOH of a buffer to the of the acid? (b) After 15.0 mL of base had been added in
pKb of its base component. the titration, the pH was found to be 6.50. What is the Ka
for the unknown acid?
17.76 Benzenesulfonic acid is a monoprotic acid with
pKa = 2.25. Calculate the pH of a buffer composed of 17.83 Show that the pH at the halfway point of a titration of a
0.150 M benzenesulfonic acid and 0.125 M sodium weak acid with a strong base (where the volume of
benzensulfonate. added base is half of that needed to reach the equiva-
lence point) is equal to pKa for the acid.
17.77 Furoic acid (HCsH30 3) has a Ka value of 6.76 X 10- 4 at
25 °C. Calculate the pH at 25 oc of (a) a solution formed 17.84 Potassium hydrogen phthalate, often abbreviated KHP,
by adding 25.0 g of furoic acid and 30.0 g of sodium can be obtained in high purity and is used to determine
furoate (NaC 5H 30 3) to enough water to form 0.250 L the concentrations of solutions of strong bases. Strong
of solution; (b) a solution formed by mixing 30.0 mL of bases react with the hydrogen phthalate ion as follows:
0.250 M HC 5H 30 3 and 20.0 mL of 0.22 M NaC5H 303 and
HP- (aq) + OH- (aq) ~ H 20(Z) + P2- (aq)
diluting the total volume to 125 mL; (c) a solution pre-
pared by adding 50.0 mL of 1.65 M NaOH solution to The molar mass of KHP is 204.2 g/ mol and Ka for the
0.500 L of 0.0850 M HC 5H 30 3. HP- ion is 3.1 X 10- 6. (a) If a titration experiment
begins with 0.4885 g of KHP and has a final volume of
17.78 The acid-base indicator bromcresol green is a weak about 100 mL, which indicator from Figure 16.7 would
acid. The yellow acid and blue base forms of the indi- be most appropriate? (b) If the titration required
cator are present in equal concentrations in a solution 38.55 mL of NaOH solution to reach the end point, what
when the pH is 4.68. What is the pKa for bromcresol is the concentration of the NaOH solution?
17.85 If 40.00 mL of 0.100 M Na 2C03 is titrated with 0.100 M
17.79 Equal quantities of 0.010 M solutions of an acid HA and
HCl, calculate (a) the pH at the start of the titration;
a base B are mixed. The pH of the resulting solution is
(b) the volume of HCl required to reach the first equiv-
9.2. (a) Write the equilibrium equation and equilibrium-
alence point and the predominant species present at
constant expression for the reaction between HA and .B.
this point; (c) the volume of HCl required to reach the
(b) If Ka for HA is 8.0 X 10- 5, what is the value of the
second equivalence point and the predominant species
equilibrium constant for the reaction between HA and
present at this point; (d) the pH at the second equiva-
B? (c) What is the value of Kb for B?
lence point.
17.80 Two buffers are prepared by adding an equal number of
17.86 A hypothetical weak acid, HA, was combined with
moles of formic acid (HCOOH) and sodium formate
NaOH in the following proportions: 0.20 mol of HA,
(HCOONa) to enough water to make 1.00 L of solution.
0.080 mol of NaOH. The mixture was diluted to a total
Buffer A is prepared using 1.00 mol each of formic acid
volume of 1.0 L, and the pH measured. (a) If pH = 4.80,
and sodium formate. Buffer B is prepared by using
what is the pKa of the acid? (b) How many additional
0.010 mol of each. (a) Calculate the pH of each buffer,
moles of NaOH should be added to the solution to in-
and explain why they are equal. (b) Which buffer will
crease the pH to 5.00?
have the greater buffer capacity? Explain. (c) Calculate
the change in pH for each buffer upon the addition of [17.87] What is the pH of a solution made by mixing 0.30 mol
1.0 mL of 1.00 M HCl. (d) Calculate the change in pH for NaOH, 0.25 mol NazHP04, and 0.20 mol H 3P04 with
each buffer upon the addition of 10 mL of 1.00 M HCl. water and diluting to 1.00 L?
(e) Discuss your answers for parts (c) and (d) in light of
[17.88] Suppose you want to do a physiological experiment that
your response to part (b).
calls for a pH 6.5 buffer. You find that the organism with
17.81 A biochemist needs 750 mL of an acetic acid-sodium which you are working is not sensitive to the weak acid
acetate buffer with pH 4.50. Solid sodium acetate HzX (Kal = 2 X 10- 2; Kaz = 5.0 X 10- 7) or its sodium
j (CH3COONa) and glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH) are salts. You have available a 1.0 M solution of this acid
available. Glacial acetic acid is 99% CH3COOH by mass and a 1.0 M solution of NaOH. How much of the NaOH
and has a density of 1.05 g/ mL. If the buffer is to be 0.15 M solution should be added to 1.0 L of the acid to give a
in CH3COOH, how many grams of CH3COONa and how buffer at pH 6.50? (Ignore any volume change.)
many milliliters of glacial acetic acid must be used?
[17.89] How many microliters of 1.000 M NaOH solution must
17.82 A sample of 0.2140 g of an unknown monoprotic acid be added to 25.00 mL of a 0.1000 M solution of lactic
was dissolved iri. 25.0 mL of water and titrated with acid [CH3CH(OH)COOH or HC 3H 50 3] to produce a
0.0950 M NaOH. The acid required 27.4 mL of base to buffer with pH = 3.75?
764 CHAPTER 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria

17.90 A person suffering from anxiety begins breathing rapid- 17.96 The solubility-product constant for barium perman-
ly and as a result suffers alkalosis, an increase in blood ganate, Ba(Mn04h, is 2.5 X 10- 10 . Assume that solid
pH. (a) Using Equation 17.10, explain how rapid breath- Ba(Mn04h is in equilibrium with a solution of KMn0 4.
ing can cause the pH of blood to increase. (b) One cure What concentration of KMn0 4 is required to establish
for this problem is breathing in a paper bag. Why does a concentration of 2.0 X 10- 8 M for the Ba2+ ion in
this procedure lower blood pH? solution?
17.91 For each pair of compounds, use Ksp values to determine 17.97 Calculate the ratio of [Ca 2+] to [Fe2+] in a lake in which
which has the greater molar solubility: (a) CdS or CuS, the water is in equilibrium with deposits of both CaC03
(b) PbC03 or BaCr04, (c) Ni(OHh or NiC03, (d) Agl or and FeC03. Assume that the water is slightly basic and
Ag2S04. that the hydrolysis of the carbonate ion can therefore be
17.92 Describe the solubility of CaC03 in each of the follow-
[17.98] The solubility products of PbS04 and SrS04 are
ing solutions compared to its solubility in water: (a) in
6.3 X 10- 7 and 3.2 X 10- 7, respectively. What are the
0.10 M NaCl solution; (b) in 0.10 M Ca(N03h solution;
values of [S0 42- ], [Pb 2+], and [Sr 2+] in a solution at
(c) 0.10 M Na 2C03; (d) 0.10 M HCl solution. (Answer
equilibrium with both substances?
same, less soluble, or more soluble.)
[17.99] What pH buffer solution is needed to give a Mg 2+ con-
17.93 Tooth enamel is composed of hydroxyapatite, whose sim- centration of 3.0 X 10- 2 M in equilibrium with solid
plest formula is Ca5(P04)30H, and whose corresponding magnesium oxalate?
K sp = 6.8 X 10- 27 . As discussed in the "Chemistry and
Life" box in Section 17.5, fluoride in fluorinated water or [17.100] The value of Ksp for Mg3(As04h is 2.1 X 10- 20.
in toothpaste reacts with hydroxyapatite to form fluoroa- The As0 43- ion is derived from the weak acid H 3As0 4
patite, Cas(P04)3F, whose K sp = 1.0 X 10- 60. (a) Write (pKa1 = 2.22; pKa2 = 6.98; pKa3 = 11.50). When asked
the expression for the solubility-constant for hydroxy- to calculate the molar solubility of Mg3(As04h in water,
apatite and for fluoroapatite. (b) Calculate the molar a student used the Ksp expression and assumed that
[Mg 2+] = 1.5[As043- ]. Why was this a mistake?
solubility of each of these compounds.
[17.101] The solubility product for Zn(OHh is 3.0 X 10- 16 .
17.94 Calculate the solubility of Mg(OHh in 0.50 M NH4Cl. The formation constant for the hydroxo complex,
[17.95] Seawater contains 0.13% magnesium by mass, and has a Zn(OH) 42- , is 4.6 X 10- 17. What concentration of OH-
density of 1.025 g/ mL. What fraction of the magnesium is required to dissolve 0.015 mol of Zn(OHh in a liter
can be removed by adding a stoichiometric quantity of of solution?
CaO (that is, one mole of CaO for each mole of Mg 2+)?


17.102 (a) Write the net ionic equation for the reaction that oc- 17.105 Aspirin has the structural formula
curs when a solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is mixed
with a solution of sodium formate (NaCH02). 0
(b) Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction. II
(c) Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of Na+, Cl- ,
H +, CH0 2- ,and HCH02 when 50.0 mL of 0.15 M HCl is
mixed with 50.0 mL of 0.15 M NaCH02.
17.103 (a) A 0.1044-g sample of an unknown monoprotic acid
requires 22.10 mL of 0.0500 M NaOH to reach the end

point. What is the molecular weight of the unknown? At bod§ temperature (37 °C), Ka for aspirin equals
(b) As the acid is titrated, the pH of the solution after the 3 X 10- . If two aspirin tablets, each having a mass of
addition of 11.05 mL of the base is 4.89. What is the Ka 325 mg, are dissolved in a full stomach whose volume is
for the acid? (c) Using Appendix D, suggest the identity 1 L and whose pH is 2, what percent of the aspirin is in
of the acid. Do both the molecular weight and Ka value the form of neutral molecules?
agree with your choice?
17.104 A sample of 7.5 L of NH3 gas at 22 oc and 735 torr is bub- 17.106 What is the pH at 25 oc of water saturated with C02 at a
bled into a 0.50-L solution of 0.40 M HCL Assuming that partial pressure of 1.10 atm? The Henry's law constant
all the NH3 dissolves and that the volume of the solution for C02 at 25 °C is 3.1 X 10- 2 moljL-atm. The C02 is an
remains 0.50 L, calculate the pH of the resulting solution. acidic oxide, reacting with H 20 to form H 2C03.
Integrative Exercises 765

17.107 Excess Ca(OHh is shaken with water to produce a satu- tain an appropriate concentration of Ag + is to add a
rated solution. The solution is filtered, and a 50.00-mL slightly soluble salt to the pool. Using Ksp values from
sample titrated with HCl requires 11.23 mL of 0.0983 M Appendix D, calculate the equilibrium concentration of
HCl to reach the end point. Calculate Ksp for Ca(OHb Ag + in parts per billion that would exist in equilibrium
Compare your result with that in Appendix D. Do you with (a) AgCl, (b) AgBr, (c) Agl.
think the solution was kept at 25 °C?
[17.110] Fluoridation of drinking water is employed in many
17.108 The osmotic pressure of a saturated solution of stron-
places to aid in the prevention of dental caries. Typically
tium sulfate at 25 oc is 21 torr. What is the solubility
the p- ion concentration is adjusted to about 1 ppb. Some
product of this salt at 25 °C?
water supplies are also "hard"; that is, they contain cer-
17.109 A concentration of 10-100 parts per billion (by mass) of tain cations such as Ca2+ that interfere with the action of
Ag + is an effective disinfectant in swimming pools. soap. Consider a case where the concentration of Ca 2+ is
However, if the concentration exceeds this range, the 8 ppb. Could a precipitate of CaF2 form under these con-
Ag + can cause adverse health effects. One way to main- ditions? (Make any necessary approximations.)

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