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Keywords: Prior research has shown that acute subjective psychedelic effects are associated with both spontaneous and
Psychedelics intended changes in depression and anxiety. Psychedelics are also theorized to produce increases in psycholo-
Hallucinogens gical flexibility, which could explain decreases in depression and anxiety following a psychedelic experience.
Mechanism Therefore, the present cross-sectional survey study sought to examine whether psychological flexibility mediated
Psychological flexibility
the relationship between acute psychedelic experiences and spontaneous or intended changes in depression and
anxiety among a large international sample of people who reported having used a psychedelic (n = 985;
male = 71.6%; Caucasian/white = 84.1%; Mage = 32.2, SD = 12.6). A regression analysis showed that acute
effects (i.e., mystical and insightful effects) were significantly associated with decreases in depression/anxiety
following a psychedelic experience. A path analysis revealed that, while controlling for age and sex, increases in
psychological flexibility fully mediated the effect of mystical and insightful experiences on decreases in de-
pression and anxiety following a psychedelic experience. This suggests that psychological flexibility may be an
important mediator of the therapeutic effects of psychedelic drugs. Future prospective experimental studies
should examine the effect of psychedelic drug administration on psychological flexibility in order to gain a better
understanding of the psychological processes that predict therapeutic effects of psychedelics.
Financial support of these mental health conditions, numerous interventions have been
developed, which include combinations of psychotherapy and phar-
Effort for the authors was provided by NIH grants RO1DA03889 and macotherapy (Cuijpers et al., 2014; Otto and Hearon, 2016). Despite
T32DA07209, and from support from Tim Ferriss, Matt Mullenweg, evidence supporting the use of these interventions, many people do not
Craig Nerenberg, Blake Mycoskie, and the Steven and Alexandra Cohen have access to these treatments (Collins et al., 2004), and many people
Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection who have access will not experience symptom relief despite interven-
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. tion (Collimore and Rector, 2014; Coull and Morris, 2011;Hofmann
et al., 2012;Sinyor et al., 2010; Koen and Stein, 2011), highlighting the
1. Introduction need for more treatment options.
One emerging area of research has examined the psychotherapeutic
Depression and anxiety disorders are common mental health pro- action of psychedelic compounds (e.g., psilocybin, LSD, ayahuasca, 5-
blems (Steel et al., 2014). Global lifetime prevalence of depression and MeO-DMT) administered in clinical trials (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016;
anxiety are approximately 10% and 13%, respectively (Steel et al., Johnson and Griffiths, 2017; Palhano-Fontes et al., 2018; dos Santos
2014;Bandelow and Michaelis, 2015). The public health burden of et al., 2016) and used in naturalistic settings (Davis et al., 2018, 2019;
depression and anxiety includes occupational impairment (Birnbaum Johnson et al., 2017). These substances act primarily as agonists of
et al., 2010), and increases the risk for chronic physical conditions such serotonin (e.g., 5-HT1A/2A/C) receptors and often produce profound
as cardiovascular disease (Katon, 2011; Niles et al., 2015). Given high changes in sensory perceptions, mood, cognitions, and behavior (Araújo
prevalence rates and the substantial public health and personal burden et al., 2015; Carhart-Harris et al., 2011; Stroud et al., 2017; Carhart-
Corresponding author. The Ohio State University, 1947 College Rd, Columbus, OH, 43210, USA.
E-mail address: davis.5996@osu.edu (A.K. Davis).
Received 30 April 2019; Received in revised form 31 October 2019; Accepted 13 November 2019
2212-1447/ © 2019 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A.K. Davis, et al. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020) 39–45
Harris et al., 2017; dos Santos et al., 2016). For example, recent studies psychological flexibility are associated with positive depression and
examining psychedelics administered as an adjunct to psychotherapy anxiety outcomes (Twohig and Levin, 2017). Therefore, in a regression
have demonstrated efficacy in decreasing symptoms of anxiety and model we expect to find (Hypothesis 1: H1) acute psychedelic effects
depression (Johnson and Griffiths, 2017; Carhart-Harris et al., 2017; (mystical and insight effects) will predict changes in depression and
Ross et al., 2016; Griffiths et al., 2016; dos Santos et al., 2016). Pub- anxiety following a psychedelic experience, and in a path model we
lished reports also show that decreases in depression and anxiety occur expect to find that H2) acute psychedelic effects will be directly related
following naturalistic psychedelic use in ceremonial and recreational to increases in psychological flexibility, H3) increases in psychological
contexts (Davis et al., 2018,2019; Santos et al., 2007; Uthaug et al., flexibility will be directly related to decreases in depression/anxiety,
2018). Although more work is needed to fully understand the me- and H4) psychological flexibility will mediate the relationships between
chanisms of therapeutic action, the beneficial effects of these substances acute psychedelic effects and decreases in depression and anxiety
appear to be associated with the intensity of certain types of acute symptoms.
psychedelic effects (e.g., mystical-type phenomena, psychological in-
sight) during these experiences in both healthy (Griffiths et al., 2008, 2. Method
2011; Barrett et al., 2015) and clinical (Ross et al., 2016; Griffiths et al.,
2008, 2011, 2016; Roseman et al., 2018; Davis et al., 2018; Garcia- 2.1. Procedure
Romeu et al., 2019) populations. Potential mediators of psychedelic
effects on therapeutic outcomes have been suggested, including The current study data were collected as part of a large anonymous
changes in the entropy of brain network connectivity (Carhart-Harris internet-based cross-sectional survey of individuals who reported
et al., 2014), the importance of awe/ego dissolution (Hendricks, 2018; having a moderate to strong psychedelic experience in the past.
Preller and Vollenweider, 2018); and the possible role of changes in Specifically, people were recruited as part of a larger study examining
psychological flexibility following a psychedelic experience (Kuypers acute insight (e.g., an awareness into emotions, behaviors, beliefs,
et al., 2016; Sabucedo, 2017; Walsh and Thiessen, 2018). memories, relationships, etc.) gained as a result of a psychedelic ex-
Psychological flexibility is described as an essential set of processes perience. Recruitment from the parent study is ongoing and results will
that help people manage stressors and engage in adaptive behaviors be published in a forthcoming article. Respondents were recruited by
that promote values-driven action (Gloster et al., 2017). Psychological using electronic message postings and advertisements on several in-
flexibility is a transdiagnostic construct wherein people are thought to ternet websites (e.g., www.erowid.com; www.facebook.com; www.
have the capacity to develop skills recognizing and adapting to various reddit.com), electronic mail announcements, and via an article pub-
contextual demands, shift their mindset or behaviors during individual lished by Motherboard/VICE). Advertisements directed potential re-
and social experiences, maintain balance across important life domains, spondents to a secure web-based survey (hosted by: www.qualtrics.
and learn to be open to, aware of, and committed to behaviors that are com), and those who clicked a study link were presented with a consent
congruent with their values (Kashdan and Rottenberg, 2010). Ac- document detailing the inclusion criteria. Eligible volunteers had to
cording to this model, well-being is supported by fully contacting the endorse being at least 18 years old, able to read, write and speak
present moment as a conscious human being and changing or persisting English fluently, have taken a dose of a single psychedelic (e.g., psilo-
in a values-driven behavior regardless of what is present in each mo- cybin mushrooms, psilocybin, LSD, ayahuasca, mescaline, N,N-DMT, 5-
ment (Hayes et al., 2012). Conversely, dysfunctions in mental health, MeO-DMT, peyote, 4-Acetoxy-DMT, Salvia, Ibogaine, etc.) that pro-
including depression and anxiety disorders (Kashdan and Rottenberg, duced moderate to strong psychoactive effects, and after taking the
2010), are theorized to be the result of reduced psychological flexibility substance they must have had an experience that contributed to gaining
(or psychological inflexibility). psychological insight. Following consent, respondents completed each
Psychological interventions have been developed using this theo- study questionnaire (described below). The study was approved by the
retical framework (e.g., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Institutional Review Board and the
Hayes et al., 2006), which attempt to increase psychological flexibility full survey is available from the corresponding author. No incentives
via six interconnected processes (i.e., acceptance, defusion, being pre- were offered in this study.
sent, self-as-context, determining direction for behavior change, and
using techniques to facilitate change; Twohig and Levin, 2017). Meta- 2.2. Study recruitment flow
analyses have shown moderate to strong effects in favor of ACT inter-
ventions (compared to control conditions: waitlist, psychological pla- Respondents were recruited from June 2018 through January 2019.
cebo, and treatment as usual) in decreasing anxiety and depression Of all individuals who clicked the advertisement link (n = 14,911),
symptoms (A-Tjak et al., 2015; Hacker et al., 2016), and evidence 3080 consented and completed the survey. However, 960 of these re-
shows that the positive outcomes of this intervention are mediated by spondents were excluded because they reported using more than one
increases in psychological flexibility (French et al., 2017; Twohig and substance in their psychedelic experience. Of the remaining 2120, a
Levin, 2017). If psychedelic experiences promote increases in psycho- total of 985 were included in the final sample because they indicated
logical flexibility, then such increases could be mediating the anti- experiencing a change in anxiety or depression as a result of a psy-
depressive and anxiolytic effects observed in clinical trials (Johnson chedelic experience.
and Griffiths, 2017; Carhart-Harris et al., 2017; Ross et al., 2016;
Griffiths et al., 2016; dos Santos et al., 2016) and the associations found 3. Measures
in naturalistic psychedelic use (Davis et al., 2018, 2019; Santos et al.,
2007; Uthaug et al., 2018). This relationship could also justify a psy- 3.1. Psychedelic experience
chotherapeutic approach to psychedelic-assisted therapy that focuses
on processes of change with the psychological flexibility model. We asked respondents to report which psychedelic substance they
The present cross-sectional survey study sought to examine psy- had used (e.g., psilocybin, LSD, N,N-DMT, Ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT,
chological flexibility as a potential mediator of acute psychedelic ex- Mescaline, Salvia/Salvinorin A, peyote cactus, Iboga/ibogaine, or
periences on changes in anxiety/depression. Prior research has shown “Other”), the subjective level of dose (i.e., Low, Moderate, Moderately
that acute psychedelic effects are associated with reductions in de- high, High), route of administration (i.e., Oral, Sublingual, Smoked or
pression and anxiety (Davis et al., 2019; Griffiths et al., 2016; Ross Vaporized, Buccal, Intravenous, Intranasal), and length of time since
et al., 2016), that psychedelic effects are associated with changes in the experience (e.g., 3–6 months ago, 7–11 months ago, 1–2 years ago,
psychological flexibility (Kuypers et al., 2016), and that increases in etc.).
A.K. Davis, et al. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020) 39–45
The Mystical Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ) was used to assess The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to
subjective mystical-type phenomena that may have occurred after assess for anxiety and depression symptoms during the 3 months before
taking the psychedelic (Maclean et al., 2012; Barrett et al., 2015). Re- and 3 months after the psychedelic experience. This 21-item scale
spondents were asked to think back on their experience with a psy- (Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995) examines the core negative emotional
chedelic and then to rate the extent to which each of 30 descriptors experiences of depression and anxiety that respondents reported ex-
applied at any point during their session on a 6-point scale from periencing. The DASS-21 is comprised of three subscales: depression,
0 = “None; not at all” to 5 = “Extreme (more than ever before in my anxiety, and stress, of which we used a subscale consisting of the
life).” Similar to prior research (Davis et al., 2018, 2019), we calculated combined depression and anxiety subscales in the current study. There
a total mean score of all items on the questionnaire. Internal con- are seven items in each subscale and respondents are asked to respond
sistency reliability of the total scale was excellent (alpha = .94). to each item on a scale from 0 = “Never” to 3 = “Almost always.”
Internal consistency reliability was good for the before measures (de-
pression subscale alpha = .91; anxiety subscale alpha = .80) and
3.3. Acute insight experiences adequate-to-good for the after measures (depression subscale
alpha = .84; anxiety subscale alpha = .69). In the present study, we
The Psychological Insight Questionnaire (PIQ) was created to assess examined subjective changes in depression and anxiety following a
the degree to which respondents experienced acute insight (e.g., gained psychedelic experience by calculating a mean total change score by
an awareness into your emotions, behaviors, beliefs, memories, or re- subtracting the total depression and anxiety after scores from the total
lationships) that sometimes occurs after taking a psychedelic. depression and anxiety before scores for each respondent (e.g., negative
Respondents were asked to think back on their experience with a psy- scores represent a decrease in depression/anxiety). A single measure
chedelic and then to rate the intensity with which they experienced combining depression and anxiety subscales (depression/anxiety) was
each of 28 insight experiences at any point during their session, and analyzed as the dependent measure in analyses reported in this report.
similar to the MEQ they rated each item on a 6-point scale from Separate analyses for depression and anxiety subscales are reported in
0 = “No; not at all” to 5 = “Extremely (more than ever before in my supplementary material.
life).” A total score was calculated as the mean of the responses to each
item, and the internal reliability of this total score was excellent
3.5. Psychological flexibility
(alpha = .93). The PIQ is under development and the psychometric
properties of this questionnaire will be reported in a forthcoming
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (AAQII; Bond et al.,
manuscript. See Table 1 for items, item means (and standard devia-
2011) was developed as a measure of psychological inflexibility, and in
tions), and percent endorsement of each item ('No, not at all' = 0 and
the present survey it was used to assess the degree of psychological
all other response options = 1).
flexibility respondents experienced before and after the psychedelic
experience. The AAQII is comprised of 7 items and respondents were
asked to respond to each item on a scale from 1 = “Never true” to
Table 1
Psychological Insight Questionnaire item means and standard deviations (N = 985).
Item Mean(SD) Proportion of sample that endorsed at any intensity levela
Realized how current feelings or perceptions are related to events from my past 3.51 (1.52) 93.1%
Awareness of uncomfortable or painful feelings I previously avoided 3.17 (1.67) 88.1
Realized ways my beliefs may be dysfunctional 3.53 (1.55) 91.4
Discovered how aspects of my life are affecting my well-being 3.93 (1.21) 97.6
Gained a deeper understanding of events/memories from my past 3.48 (1.52) 93.4
Experienced validation of my life, character, values, or beliefs 3.71 (1.43) 94.5
Realized the importance of my life 3.84 (1.48) 92.8
Awareness of dysfunctional patterns in my actions, thoughts, and/or feelings 3.66 (1.43) 94.2
Discovered specific techniques for coping with difficulties 3.19 (1.57) 90.6
Realized how critical or judgmental views I hold towards myself are dysfunctional 3.58 (1.50) 93.3
Discovered I could explore uncomfortable or painful feelings I previously avoided 3.47 (1.55) 91.7
Gained a deeper understanding of previously held beliefs and/or values 3.84 (1.27) 97.1
Discovered a vivid sense of the paradoxes in life 3.63 (1.57) 92.0
Realized I could experience memories previously too difficult to experience 2.37 (1.86) 72.9
Awareness of beneficial patterns in my actions, thoughts, and/or feelings 3.29 (1.45) 93.1
Discovered a clear pattern of avoidance in my life 2.76 (1.72) 83.1
Realized the nature and/or origins of my defenses or other coping strategies 3.04 (1.63) 88.0
Discovered new insights about my work or career 2.29 (1.88) 70.6
Gained resolution or clarity about past traumas or hurtful events 2.91 (1.78) 83.6
Discovered clear similarities between my past and present interpersonal relationships 2.83 (1.74) 83.1
Discovered new feelings or perspectives about significant relationships in my life 3.65 (1.48) 93.0
Realized certain actions I should take in regards to important relationships in my life 3.42 (1.56) 91.4
Discovered new actions that may help me achieve my goals 3.28 (1.53) 91.7
Realized the point of view or actions of others that had been difficult to understand previously 3.25 (1.61) 89.7
Discovered clarity or creative solutions about how to solve a problem in my life 3.28 (1.55) 91.7
Awareness of information that helped me understand my life 4.14 (1.14) 97.8
Discovered ways to see my problems with more clarity 3.81 (1.30) 96.0
Awareness of my life purpose, goals, and/or priorities 3.77 (1.42) 94.7
A.K. Davis, et al. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020) 39–45
Data Quality. Study completion time was examined in order to 4.2. Regression analysis
identify cases of rushed and possibly careless responding. Overall, re-
spondents completed the survey in approximately 47 min. Only 3 re- Table 3 shows data from the multiple linear regression including
spondents took less than 15 min to complete the survey; 25% of the acute mystical (M = 3.81; SD = 0.89) and insight effects (M = 3.38;
sample completed the survey in less than approximately 33 min; and SD = 0.91) as predictors of decreases in depression/anxiety
75% of the sample completed the survey in less than approximately (M = −6.80; SD = 5.61). The overall model was significant
67 min. Although 3 respondents completed the survey in less than (p < .001), accounting for 10% of the variance in depression/anxiety
15 min, a review of their responses did not provide any indication of change scores (H1). Although accounting for a relatively small amount
careless responding. This pattern of response time suggests that careless of variance in this model, the intensities of both mystical and insight
responding was not a concern. effects were associated with decreases in depression/anxiety (see
Analytic Plan. First, descriptive statistics for demographic and Table 3).
background characteristics for all study variables were calculated.
Pearson and point biserial correlation coefficients were calculated to Table 3
examine the relationships among all primary study variables (age, sex, Summary of multiple linear regression showing significant predictors of
acute insight and mystical effects, depression/anxiety change score, and changes in depression or anxiety (spontaneous and intended) from before to
psychological flexibility change score). Given the large number of re- after a psychedelic experience (N = 985).
spondents in the sample, we used a coefficient cutoff of 0.20, and used Variables B SE B β t p
an alpha cutoff of p < .001, to determine whether a correlation was
both meaningful and statistically significant, respectively. Next, a re- Constant .90 .83
gression analysis was used to test (H1): acute mystical and insight ex- Mystical effects -.51 .21 -.08 −2.428 .015*
Psychological insight effects −1.71 .20 -.28 −8.395 .000***
periences will be negatively associated with depression/anxiety change Adjusted R2 .10
score. A path analysis was then used to test hypothesized direct effects
(H2–H3: Intensity of psychological insight and mystical effects have a Note. The overall model was significant, F(2, 984) = 55.675, p < .001.
direct effect on changes in psychological flexibility, and changes in *p < .05; ***p < .001.
A.K. Davis, et al. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020) 39–45
A.K. Davis, et al. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020) 39–45
and their experience of it (i.e., contact with the present moment). Al- such therapeutic effects can be further enhanced by using a psy-
though not highlighted in the qualitative reports per se, another com- chotherapeutic approach to psychedelic-assisted therapy that specifi-
ponent of the ACT model, committed action, was demonstrated in the cally targets processes of change within a transdiagnostic psychological
clinical trial by the high rates (80%) of biologically verified abstinence flexibility model.
at 6 months post-treatment (Johnson et al., 2014). These data suggest
that psychedelics appear to occasion both mindfulness/acceptance Declaration of competing interests
processes as well as commitment and behavior change processes.
However, more research is needed to systematically investigate these Dr. Griffiths is a board member of Heffter Research Institute and Dr.
processes in rigorous longitudinal trials among individuals with de- Davis is a board member of Source Research Foundation. Neither or-
pression or anxiety in order to replicate these findings in this popula- ganization was involved in the design/execution of this study or the
tion. interpretation or communication of findings.
This study has several limitations. Internet-based recruitment and
data collection procedures were anonymous. Although this likely in- Appendix A. Supplementary data
creased participation from individuals from a variety of geographical
locations, it would have excluded people who are unable or prefer not Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
to participate in research conducted on the internet. Further, a limita- doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2019.11.004.
tion of survey methods is that all reports are retrospective, increasing
the likelihood that current affect and personality bias could influence References
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creases in depression/anxiety. Future studies should examine the effect Cuijpers, P., Sijbrandij, M., Koole, S. L., Andersson, G., Beekman, A. T., & Reynolds, C. F.,
of psychedelic drug administration on psychological flexibility in a la- III (2014). Adding psychotherapy to antidepressant medication in depression and
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core processes of ACT (e.g., defusion, values, self as context, etc.) in Psychopharmacology, 32, 779–792.
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