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Factors Influencing The Students of Saint Mary's School of Dupax in Choosing Their Track in College

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Saint Mary`s School of Dupax

Dupax Del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya

Practical Research II

Factors influencing the students of Saint Mary’s

School of Dupax in choosing their track for College

A Quantitative Research presented to

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject in

Submitted by:

Tyrone Angat

Divine Charm Castañeda

Larsalden Dayag

Princess Mendoza

Kenneth Carl Reyes

Chapter 1



The freedom to choose is a form of power; it’s a form of privilege. And we are

using this power to build upon

When you boil it down, life is all about the choices we make, what career you

take, where you go to work, how you build. And each of these choices have direct impact

on how we are perceived and how we were raised these choices tell us a story of who we

are and what we believe.

Choosing and deciding on something have consequences. The results of what you

have chosen can either help you, it will hinder you in the future. It is also the same with

the course that you will have to decide. In choosing a course, there are a lot of factors

that the student must consider. According to Boyer (1987), “in taking a course, one of the

life’s major decision is being made. A lot of time, money, and effort will be involved.

The shape and excellence of the student’s life may rest on the result.” In choosing a

junior, senior academic track, a student should take a risk. F. Yates, Veinotte, & Patalano

(2003) define a decision as “…a commitment to a course of action that is intended to

produce a satisfying state of affairs.” A student will choose a course which he/she will be

studying throughout his/her college years, and decision-making should take part and

should not take for granted. The decision of which course to take is one of the farthest

decisions for a student especially those who are graduating High school students.

Making decision implies that there are choices to be considered, and in such case we

want only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that

best fits with our goals, objectives, desires, values and so on. (Harris (1980)) Decision

making is the best way to get one’s satisfaction, and considered as the best-required thing

to do to have a successful and a very satisfying life. One decent decision that a person

will do can make a huge impact in his or her life. Decision-making happens in people,

and some are for their future. This career choosing requires mature and severe discussion

since their choice will decide

What their future will be. Selecting an upcoming course consists of different

factors that will influence their decisions.

As observed, the students that usually took the course that they don’t like to affect

their grades. For example, as a researcher, we even encounter having a hard time on

deciding what course to take and ended up having the course that our parents want us to

take. At first, it was good for taking the course but as the time goes by it will become

dull finding out that it does not meet your interest. Hence, the grades will then become

little and ended up thinking of shifting from another course.

Consequently, the grades of a student will affect the performance of a child if

deciding what course to take will take for granted. This study aims to help the students

be aware that there are lots of factors that should considered before deciding what course

to take. The grade is to make the students realize that before they end up taking a certain

course, it should be well planned to avoid regrets in the end.

Choosing a career path can help you set professional goals and develop a strategy

for getting where you want to be. Part of selecting an appropriate career path involves

making an honest self-evaluation of your talents, skills, and interests. While elements of

your path may change over time due to choice or circumstance, having an overall

professional objective with which to guide yourself will help you make critical decisions

with greater clarity. Your choice of profession can dictate where you live and may affect

if and when you marry and have a family. Choosing a career path can help you make

other important life decisions. Achieving a satisfactory work-life balance can be a trial

for many professionals, but profession criticizing can

Help to minimize some of this stress. When you choose a career path, you site

yourself to look far into the future at your ultimate objectives. Taking a career path can

help you identify positions you want to hold and income stages you want to achieve. It

can also support to guide you in building your personal and professional networks in the

industry in which you’re interested. Having long-term goals in place will help you stay

focused on your decisive career objectives, rather than moving meaninglessly from job to


Students’ career success can attain if proper guidance is in choosing the right

course in college, suited to pupils’ personality, ability, and intellect. Helping student

chooses the career that suits them can be done by integrating career plan with the

curriculum so that students can make good decisions in what course to take in college. A

collaborative effort of the school administrations, guidance counselor and parents should

also be made to come up with a better career plan for every individual student.

The purpose of the study was to identify factors that influence students’ choices.

For this persistence, the existing study employed a case study to understand college

students’ choices, by selecting the students in Saint Mary`s High School.

Framework of the Study

A course can have a lot to say about the employment prospects of job seekers it is

important that incoming students take some time to evaluate options. A path can make

great impact for your future which plays a great role on what you will become, that is

why, as a graduating senior high school student, it is important to consider various

options that will affect your choices on what course to take in college.

The academic experience is a work experience obtained in an academic

environment of the respondent. Educational experience refers to the problem on the

academic knowledge of the defendants, and the general average of the grades).

Educational aspiration refers to the wants, ambition, and expectation among the

senior high students. Educational aspiration denotes the determination of a student with

the skills, capacity and abilities. Parents, in particular, have been seen as the most

significant others in shaping aspirations because they provide the opportunities,

encouragement, and support for their children are teaching (Garg et al., 2002). For

students who have aspirations and expectations for their future, they have perseverance

in pursuing their studies.The advice of others refers to the people around the students.

These are the advice of every people around among students. There can be a good advice

that student can get, and there can be a bad one also. Advice of others is one of the

factors that the students might choose whether they will base their decision from the

advice of other which includes the guidance counsellor, parents and some seek advice

from the students. This factor can either mark and may change the perspective of a


Friends/peer influence refer to the influence that friends or peer gives to the

students. This factor effects students’ decision in choosing a course since, as a teenager it

is important for you to feel accepted in a group. There are different effects when a

student refers all his/her decision on his/her peer or friends. Sometimes, friends or peers

can affect your decision like for example if most of your friends will decide to choose a

course which is related to business,

You want to belong to a group will affect your decision and tend to end up taking

a degree where they as a friend or peer wants.

Family background refers to the kind of family and kind of surroundings of the

student. Parents' education is a powerful predictor of their children's educational

attainment (Haveman, 1993). Parents’ information may affect a students’ decision in

choosing course since, studying in college requires that you are financially prepare. On

this study, parents’ information may contribute to the unlimited effect of students’

decision on what course that he/she should take. In this area, socio-economic factor will

gross place.

Conceptual Paradigm

Academic experience


College Track
Advise and advice of Others

Friends/peer influence

Family Background

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm showing the relationship between the independent and
dependent variable.

The paradigm shows the relationships of the independent variables consisting of two

boxes. The first box consist of the factors influences the choice of the respondents in

choosing their college school track such as academic experience, educational,

aspirations/expectations, advise and advice of others, friends/peer influence and family

background. The second box represents the chosen senior track.

Statement of the Problem

This study is to determine the different factors influencing the students of Saint

Mary’s School of Dupax in choosing their track for College.

Specifically, it answered the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;




income of parents?

2. What are the factors influences the respondents in choosing an academic

track in college;

Academic Experience;

Educational Aspiration/ Expectation;

Advice and advise of Others;

Friends/ Peer Influence; and

Family Background?

Significance of the Study

These studies have significance to several areas. First, the results of this study

will be beneficial to students, their parents and high school counsellor in providing

insights into college selection process. Moreover, the findings may provide a useful tool

for self-discovery by providing a framework for assessing appropriate college track. The

outcome of this study should support the students in choosing the correct and suitable

track for them aligned to what they want to become and what course they wanted in


This study helps the students who are an incoming senior high school to

determine the considerations in selecting college degree. They must consider their

interest, natural skills, abilities, aims and rewards. This study will help them to develop

their decision-making ability. Many students make the wrong decision because they

don’t take time in thinking what to choose. This research will be a big help for the

students who are confused on what to take. This exploration will serve as their awareness

and to help young people find their career direction contributes directionless of youth.

Grade 10 students use online resources to guide students into specific career clusters. It

will help the student to know the factors influence’s them in choosing college degree.

The main factors that affect them are family background, socio-economic income, and

the general average during high school and the demanding course during the year.

This study will also help the junior and senior high school guidance counsellor.

The students career success can best attained if proper guidance was given in choosing

the right course in college, suited to student’s personality, ability, and intellect. Helping

student chooses the career that suits them can finished by integrating career plan with the

curriculum enable the students can make a worthy decision in what course to take in

college. A collaborative effort of the high school guidance counsellor should also be

made to end with the better career plan for every individual student.

This study will help all the parents that serve as a main influence in their

children’s career development and career decision-making. Parents want their offspring

to find happiness and success in life, and one factor which influences happiness and

success is a career choice.  

Research also indicates that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they

have more confidence in their ability to research careers and to choose a career that

would be interesting and exciting. This is significant because studies display that

adolescents, who feel competent regarding career decision-making, tend to make more

satisfying career choices later in life. Parents influence the level of education or training

that their children achieve knowledge they have about work and different occupations.

The beliefs and attitudes they have to work, and the motivation they have to succeed.

Most of this was learned unconsciously – children and teenagers absorb their parent’s

attitudes and expectations of them as they grow up.

This paper is not only benefited to the students only but also for the parents etc.

because as observed, most students who chose the course which is not really the course

that they want affects their performance in school, mostly because they will lose their

interest and they will find it boring which causes their grades to be little. This study help

them be aware that choosing a college degree should not be taken for granted and should

consider the different factors to avoid conflicts.

Delimitation of the Study

This study deals with the factors influencing students in choosing senior academic

track at Saint Mary’s School of Dupax during the school year 2020-2021. The study was

focused on the senior high students in the said school who are having a hard time

deciding on what track to take in college.

The data will be gathered using the questionnaire on the factors influencing students’

decision in choosing a track in senior high school adopted from Bucong (2010) patterned

from the work of Beltran (1993). This questionnaire will be administered to all students

under the senior high school program.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the footings used in the study, these were defined

theoretically and operationally:

Factors in this study this refers to the circumstance, person, condition, or

influence that bring about a certain effect; family background, academic experience,

recommend of others, and educational aspiration. These are some of the factors that

could affect students’ decision in choosing a college degree.

Academic Experience- any work experience obtained in

an academic environment which may satisfy one or more areas.

Educational Aspiration/ Expectation- measures commonly used to

capture educational ambitions— specifically, they indicate the level of formal schooling

that one would like to complete.

Advice and advise of Others- a suggestions or recommendation by individuals of

a particular scenario that would help the person decide on it.

Friends/ Peer Influence- is when you choose to do something you wouldn't

otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends.

Family Background- is the kind of family you come from and the kind of education

you have had. It can also refer to such things as your social and racial origins, your

financial status, or the type of work experience that you have

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the literature relevant to the concept of the present study. It

also analyses some studies and materials from the Internet to provide sufficient

background and information essential for the accomplishment of this study. It sought to

collect claims of previous studies about Factors Influencing Students’ Choice junior,

senior academic track.

There are different factors that affect students’ choice of course in college. One

of this is family related factors. Study revealed that Filipino immigrants and non-

immigrants rely heavily on their family’s decision-making. Students cope by following

their parents’ advice. They also have to cope with an expectation of financially

supporting the family upon completing their education. Studies from other Asian

countries also show parents’ impact in decision making of students when it comes to

students’ course preference. Another study highlighted that parental involvement has

positive impact on among adolescents’ education and career choice. Furthermore, it is

reported that parents are deeply involved and influential to their high-achieving

children’s college choices. The report also found open houses, dialogue with college

friends, alumni, and admitted-student programs are extremely influential to students. The

report claimed these sources are not well known, but very powerful to student’s decision

making for their college. The study also found 26% of sampled students paid a specialist

or advisor during the college decision process. The studies presented are important to the

present study since the studies explain the importance of taking parents’ advice and

permission in choosing a college course.

Respect for family is one of the most influential factors that impact Filipino

students’ career decision. It is concurred that “Out of respect and loyalty, it may not be

appropriate to express personal desires; rather, one may alter one’s interests to maintain

harmony.” As a sign of respect, Filipino children want to do well for the sake of the

family, follow parents’ advice about choosing a job or major in college and lastly, make

sacrifices for the family. For practicality reasons, it is also reported that parents usually

encourage careers that will not cost much money, but at the same time, are stable sources

of income. Careers in nursing, accounting, and engineering are highly popular for

Filipino families. These writings discuss that the family decides in what college course

students should take is also associated with the financial status of the family.

Aside from family related factors, economic factors which includes the

employability and availability of job in the future is also considered by students.

Employability, i.e., the realistic feasibility of being employed in a stable job, then

becomes an important factor in career decision-making. Coming from a collective

culture, immigrant parents and children seek careers that will support the whole family.

Moreover, it is found that Asian American men and women tend to be more interested in

technical fields, the physical sciences, and non-enterprising business positions over

artistic, social, or socially interactive business careers.

Aside from economic factors, exposure of students to career related technical and

academic subjects also known as elective subjects in the Philippines also helps in

students’ decision making in career choices in college. It was revealed that career

technical Education (CTE) was perceived positively by middle school and high school

counselors in Tenessee, and the need for career awareness should begin in a student’s

early years before high school. However, there was a difference in perceptions of CTE

by middle school and high school counselors. Both middle school and high school

counselors felt that CTE teachers should have knowledge, skills and a teaching license.

School counselors felt that they did not have enough time to provide career counseling to

students. Being informed and ready to choose a career focus area in a student freshmen

year could help make the transition from middle school to high school easier thus help

prevent the student from dropping out of school before graduation. On the importance of

integrating the academic curriculum in students’ preparation for a college course choice,

it is explained that academics should be integrated with career-focused courses so

students can see practical application for the academic courses such as mathematics,

science, reading and writing.

Personality and interest are not the only criteria for choosing a career. An

individual’s aptitude and intellectual abilities are equally of great importance. An

aptitude is a potential for success in an area after undergoing some training but a layman

may define aptitude as a flair for something. The context in which people live, their

personal aptitudes, and educational attainment are other things that do influence people’s

career choice.

It was found that students who receive help in exploring careers and planning

programs of study related to their career interest are more likely to see school as

meaningful. High Schools That Work recommended that students as early as the eighth

grade develop a six-year plan for all four years of high school and two years after

graduation. These students should work with their parents, teachers, and school

counselors to develop high school courses and future goals. Students who see a direct

link between school and the future are more definite in their career and postsecondary

goals. Middle schools lay the foundation for career choices by getting students to explore

career fields which interest them, and then in high school, counselors help students align

the curriculum to the academic and industry standards of those careers. The involvement

of family, school administrators and guidance counselor to help students make good

career choice in the future is emphasized in the study who mentioned that parents,

teachers, and school counselors are all involved in students’ career decision-making

process. The researchers suggested that the “American education career development

plan” is to prepare students for the next formal learning experience with little opportunity

in career development activities, and students are simply encouraged to attend school

until they can go no further.

Continuity of career development program should be continuous and progressive.

In 2001 it was mentioned that as early as the third grade, students are expected to acquire

the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make

informed career decisions. In the middle school grades of six through eight, school

counselors help students identify interests and abilities through self-assessment activities,

comparing middle school with high school, and then use assessment results in academic

and career planning. When students enter ninth grade, the school counseling and career

guidance standards state that students should be able to assess the relationship between

aptitudes and interests to develop a six-year academic plan, formulate long term

educational and career goals, and correlate courses of study to long-term goals. Students

are expected to research their future options and investigate the world of work in relation

to self- knowledge and use that information to make informed career decisions. Then, in

high school, students are expected to create strategies to achieve future career success

and satisfaction by modifying their educational plans to support their career goals, to

evaluate and update their career-planning portfolios, and to apply academic and

employment readiness skills through programs such as work-based learning.

Furthermore, it was emphasized that a comprehensive and developmental view of

education and career planning, especially in middle schools. Middle school counselors

are instrumental in implementing effective education and career planning systems to help

students with their educational and career development. Research shows that the choices

middle school students make have a strong bearing on their educational and career

development for decades to come, particularly academic choices. Furthermore, it is

mentioned that school counselors and school counseling programs play key roles in

preparing students to successfully transition to the next level, whether it is some type of

postsecondary education or joining the workforce. To add with, it is emphasized that

education and career planning from a life-career perspective, with career development

and planning encompassing education, work, and leisure. Therefore, extracurricular

activities, hobbies, civic participation, and cultural experiences should be part of middle

school students’ education and career planning.

According to John Holland ( 2010 ), individuals are attracted to a given

career by their particular personalities and numerous variables that constitute their

backgrounds. First of all, career choices is an expression of, or an extension of

personality into the world of work followed by subsequent identification with

specific occupational stereotypes. Accordingly one chooses a career to satisfy

preferred modal personal orientation. Modal personal orientation is a

developmental process established through heredity and the individuals’ life history

reacting to environmental demands. If the individual has developed a strong

dominant orientation, satisfaction is probably in a corresponding occupational

environment. If, however, the orientation is on of indecision, the livelihood of

satisfaction diminishes.

According to Howard and Ill 7 stressed out that whenever students are in

their high school experience, they are the center of learning. In a traditional high

school, the center of the system is the content or subject, not student learning.

Howard and Ill presented a system to promote the shift from traditional content

or subject-centered high schools to student-centered high schools called as

Collaborative Career Pathways- a system of organizing the student learning

interests and aptitudes around career paths. It provides a structure for students to

reference their learning and comment each year of their high school experience. It

allows students to plan and practice their skills while creating a smooth and

successful transition to a post- secondary option.

Goffredson’s Developmental Theory of Occupational Aspirations describes

how people become attracted to certain occupations. Self-concept in vocation

development is the key factor to career selection and people want jobs that are

compatible with their self-image. The key determinants of self-concept are ones

social class, level of intelligence and experiences with sex typing. Roe’s need

approach emphasized that early childhood experiences play an important role in

finding satisfaction in ones chosen field. The need structure of individual,

according Roe, would be greatly influenced by early childhood frustrations and


According to Elmer ( 1989 ), career planning is a life goal-setting

without such a plan, it is a like making a journey to an unfamiliar destination

without a map. He proposed a career planning guide that will help the students in

choosing their appropriate course from planning a career, steps in planning a

career, goal-setting and self-understanding. Also, it reveals that guidance and

counseling is intervention of underemployment individuals and career preparedness

must be initiated.

According to Tiedmen ( 2002 ), career development unfolds within the

general process of cognitive development as one continuous process in which

individuals will change their courses of career action, generally by leaving a

setting or environment. Such as when a student is disoriented in his course he

have been taken that will result in decreasing eagerness on that particular field.

He decides to transfer in another school or to shift another courses that really fits

his own interests and when one is unstable in making decision, this disoriented

strategy may be repeated until achieve different bachelors’ degree which can be a

major distraction of ones future job.

According to the study of Garcez ( 2007 ), it was found out that by

increasing career development activities, which includes setting career goals,

students has a higher self-esteem.

According to the theory of vocational development by supeer

( 2005 ), the students should first become aware of the need for a career. So,

very graduating students needs a wise choice in decision making. Bautista ( 1997 )

stated that at this stage, a student must take important and vita decision in

selection of a career which will determine the future success.

According to investigation, Career selection is one of many important choices

students will make in determining future plans. This decision will impart them

throughout their lives. The essence of who the student is will revolve around what the

student want to do with their life- long work. The choice of career has been a serious

problem among the secondary school students in Nigeria. No matter what one’s age is,

the choice of career or desire is an important question for everybody. A lot of student in

secondary schools believe that their future is a glorious adventures in which they are

bound to succeed. Many of them have the idea that they would be able to work in the

public or private establishments as soon as they complete secondary school education.

How students have seen themselves in a role in which personality is a

determining factor may influence a chosen course. Some course demand that you have

the personality to match the qualities of the occupation. For example, sales people have

to be out- going. Splaver (2000) said “personality” plays an important role in the

choosing of the right course. A student’s personality must be self-motivated type, as to

investigate courses possibilities from early on in their lives, and not the procrastinating

type that waits till they are compelled to decide. Students must take seriously the role

grades play in limiting opportunities in the future. Splaver went on to say “It is important

for you to have a good understanding of yourself, your personality, if you are to make

intelligent upcoming plans”. (Splaver 2000, p. 12). Opportunity is the third factor that

has shaped career choices for students. Opportunity may influence how students have

perceived their future in terms of the reasonable probability of a future in particular

career fields. The issue of poverty has played an important determining role in the

opportunities available to all.

Socioeconomic status is a factor that influences the predisposition, search, and

choice stages of the college choice process (Cabrera & Nasa, 2000). Rendering to the

National Centre for Education Statistics’ Descriptive Summary of 2003-2004 Beginning

Postsecondary Students: Thirty percent of dependent start postsecondary students at 4-

year organizations came from peoples with annual incomes of 92,000 or more, matched

with 17 percent of those at two-year foundations and 4 percent of those at less than two

year associations. Paulsen (1990) noticed that when tuition expenses, room and board

costs, and distance from home increased; the college option became less attractive to


However, these effects are significantly bigger for students at lower income levels those

with lower ability. At higher levels of student income and aptitude, these effects become

less important (Paulsen, 1990, p. 27). Hossler (2000), reviewing several meta-analyses

on the effects of financial aid on enrollment choices.

A high school Academic resource is a factor that influences the predisposition and

search stages of the college choice process (Cabrera & Nasa, 2000). According to some

research, High School academic factor has an impact on the college choice process of all

students, with the greatest impact on minority and low SES students (Rowe, 2002).

Parental encouragement and support is a factor that influences the predisposition,

search, and choice stages of the college choice process while collegiate parental

experiences and parental saving for college affect the inclination stage (Cabrera & Nasa,

2000.). Bers and Galowtch (2002) found that research shows that parents of four-year

college students often play important roles throughout the college choice process,

regarding setting expectations for their children and taking the most positive approach of

debating college plans and redeemable for college expenses.

Related Studies

Borchert (2002 ), studied the career choice factors of high school students

and he used students as the respondents in his study. He conducted his study on

2002 at Germantown High School.

Pascual ( 2016 ), focused on factors affecting high school students career

preference: a basic for career planning program. The result of the study justifies

that career plan for students must be made in a continuous manner and should

start from an earlier grade level to help student identify thoroughly the suited

course for them. He accustomed students as the respondents on his study, used

questionnaire in collecting data and mean as the statistical treatment.

Abarro ( 2016 ), concentrated on factors affecting career track and strand

choices of grade 9 students in the division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines. He

used grade 9 students as the respondents in his study. Abarro used descriptive

survey method in gathering data and mean as statistical treatment. The result of

his study implies that sex, average monthly family income, school preference,

occupation of the head of the family and average scholastic rating in the

preceding years are factors associated to the career track choices of the students.

Witko, Bernes et. al. ( 2005 ), studied about the senior high school career

planning: what students wants. They conducted their study at University of

Lethbridge Canada and used the students as the respondents in their study. They

used comprehensive career needs survey in collecting data and mean as statistical


Japitan et. al. ( 2014-2015 ), emphasized the factors affecting senior high

school track preference of grade 9 students of Don Bosco technology center Inc.

Academic year 2014-2015: a basis for career guidance program. He accustomed

students as the respondents in his study. Also, he used mean as statistical treatment

and survey rating scale/questionnaire in collecting data.

Su, Chang et. al. ( 2016 ), focused on factors affecting the student career

decision-making of junior high school students inncetral Taiwan area. His study

showed that students career decision-making is most deeply affected by “ personal

factors ’’ . they used mean as statistical treatment and questionnaire survey in

gathering data. They invited students as their respondents.

Pendergrass ( 2008 ), studied study of career choice factors and students’

academic success at an aviation school. The students are the respondents in this

study. He used questionnaire in collecting data and mean as statistical treatment.

Fizer ( 2013 ), studied the factors affecting career choices of college students

enrolled in agriculture. In his study it is concluded that there are a lot factors

that influence students when choosing their academic careers, but family was the

one factor that had the biggest influenced on students. The respondents in this

study are college students. He used questionnaire inn collecting data and mean as

statistical treatment.

Olamide et. al. ( 2013 ), focused on the factors determining the choice of career

among secondary school students. He used choice of career questionnaire in

gathering data and mean as statistical treatment. The respondents in this study are

the students.

Edwards and Quiter ( 2011 ), studied the factors influencing students career choice

among secondary school students in Kisimu municipality, Kenya. He used

descriptive survey design n collecting data and mean as statistical treatment. He

invited students to be the respondents on this study. It is said in his study that

students career choice are influenced by numerous factors including outcome

expectancies, individual variants such as gender, personal interest, learning

experiences, environmental factors and personal contacts.

Ferry, concentrated on the factors influencing career choice of adolescents

and young adults in rural Pennsylvania. It is said that in his study that engaging

parents and community in active support of career exploration and choice

provides the context that assists adolescents in making successful transitions into

adult workplace roles. He used interview in gathering data. His respondents are

the student.


Choosing a course track should consider different factors in order to come a

virtuous decision. As observed most of the students in college has a course that been

chooses by parents they should take up. Most of them have the tendency to have lower

grades because they found the course is not interested. There are different effects on

students if the course that they take is not relevant to the development that they want. A

few of them will continue the course they have and some will decide to shift or if not,

their grades are low. Some students who have the course that they don’t want to tend not

to take the course seriously and their goal will only to graduate.

There are some factors that impact the students from high school seniors’

decision in what path they should take. Choosing a course should not be taken for

granted and this study aims to know what would be the stations of the Senior High

School students in Saint Mary’s School of Dupax in choosing a course based on the

results of the survey to be given to the respondent. In this case, the study will conclude

what could be the things that the students should consider in choosing a course.

This reviewed literature contributed facts and results from previous studies that

help in the justification of the present study. Researcher revealed that many individuals

especially students would agree that in deciding on whatever specifically on the course is

not easy and there are many factors that the student will face.

Chapter 3


This chapter will present the research design, locale of the study and the respondent

of the study, sampling procedure, research instrument, the administration instrument,

scoring procedure, and the treatment of the data. A descriptive method such as frequency

and, percentage computation, analysis of variance and analysis was used to describe the

general findings of the study. A survey instrument was too utilized to gather data. The

survey for the factors that influence students in choosing a course was administered to

senior high school students at Saint Mary`s High School. This survey instrument was

designed to obtain the topics assessment of the relative importance of major college

choice factors as well as definite demographic data.

Research Locale

In 1902, After the Spanish-american war, the first parochial school was established

in Dupax by the early Belgian missionaries. It was, However, as far back as 1954 when

Alonzo Abaloy opened the first religious school for both boys and girls, where they were

taught merely how to pray by memory. The following year,Schools exclusive for boys

and another for girls were put up for catechetical classes only. For the very first time, In

1860, Girls were allowed to be taught the “4Rs” Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and

religion. Before 1860 only boys were allowed to learn basics of reading and writing. It

was not until 1891 when the first primary school exclusive for girls was built. The edifice

had long been damaged by the ravages of war and the elements. And the school was soon

abandoned. Before the outbreak of the first world war in 1914, A catholic school was put

up by Fr. Eligio de wit. Then parish priest, who served in the parish for more than 40

years. This was housed at the catholic rectory. The school lasted only but a short time

owing to war and the lack of teachers at the time even those who finished only the

intermediate grades were asked to teach, but very few ever finish the grade. On February

10,1926, A catholic school was again opened in Dupax by bishop jurgens. Once again its

existence was short-lived meanwhile. The American occupation in 1901 saw the opening

of the first public school in Dupax, offering in English instruction. In 1914, the ogbaldon

school building was built. It remained the only elementary school helped bouts until the

end of world war.

After finishing their elementary grades, students from Dupax have to go to

bayombong, the capital town of the province, for their secondary education. This is

approximately 28 kilometers away. Before the war up to late 50’s transportation was a

big problem in the province. Parents are forced to pay more for their children’s education

for fare, board and lodging. Many low income families can’t afford to send their children

to bayombong for further studies. As a result very few were able to continue their

studies in high school. Seeing the predicament of the parents in the community and

aware of the importance of religious education, The Parish Priest, Fr. Jose Anseeuw,

CICM, decided to open a catholic high school in the parish, on February 20, 1949,

Government permit to establish a parochial school was eventually granted. Thus, Saint

Mary’s Dupax came into being in the school year 1949-1950. Only the first and second

year classes were open with an initial total enrolment of 57 students:32 in the first and 25

in second year. The third year class opened on succeeding year and the 4th year class

thereafter. Classes there were held at the sacristy and under the convent, both earthquake

hazards. There were initially only two teachers aside from the assistant parish priest, who

taught religion and mathematics.

The school produced it’s first batch of 22 graduates in March, 1952 since then. The

school has seen it’s up and downs, to survive it’s relies mostly in the good will a foreign

Benefactors and the parish priest, most notably Fr. Paul Bollen CICM, who Bequeathed

some sums of money to sustained the operations of the school. The need seems never

sport years of Christianizing and Educating. The CICM has finally seen the fruits of

labor and have felt their readiness for sufficiency and self management of parochial

school (SMD is one) of the Diocese of bayombong catholic schools association (DBSA)

in 1995, when Fr. Paul Bollen retired in 1997, Rev. Vicente T. Tiam look over the

directorships and successfully continued the service of the school operation. He initiated

the establishment of the Scholarship Foundation. A number of poor but deserving

students were financially helped, after two years FR. VIC’S stay in SMD. There were

other priest who had served the school like Fr. Orff Tonelier in 2000-2002, Fr. Jerome

Pastores 2002-2004, Fr. Nilo O. Ogaya in 2004-2006, Fr. Resty O. Valdez in 2006-2012,

Fr. Ferdinand E. Lopez 2012-2018, and Presently Msgr. Fr. Vicente B. Tugadi.

Respondents of the Study

The respondent of the study will be the grade 11-grade 12 class.

Grade 11 25
Grade 12 25

Research Instrument

For this study, the Likert scale will be used to achieve the core objective of the

study. A self-administered question will be distributed to the grade 11-12 students. The

questionnaire given to the respondents will aim to assess their knowledge about the

factors that affect in choosing their senior high school track. The study will use an

adapted questionnaire from the study of Joel P. Bet Acura, this will be used to gather the

primary information and to attain the objectives of the study and determined the factors

affecting student’s choice in choosing their track.

The researchers used the revitalized where each numeric or quantitative score has

each respective qualitative equivalent. The rating and equivalent the qualitative are as


Score Limits Qualitative Description Qualitative Statement

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree Very Influencing
4 3.41-4.20 Agree Influencing
3 2.61-3.40 Neither Moderately Influencing
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree Less Influencing
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree Not Influencing

Research Methodology

The researcher followed proper protocol in the conduct of the study. First, the

researcher asked for the approval from the instructor of the subject and to the principal to

conduct the study. After the approval, then the questionnaire will be administered to the

junior high school students. After the retrieval of the questionnaire the data gathered will

be treated using the statistical tool.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Data collected from the respondents’ responses the result were statistically treated

using the following statistical tools.

Frequency and Percentage. These was used to describe the distribution of the

respondents of Saint Mary’s School of Dupax.

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the respondents’ feedback on the

factors that influences the student’s preference in choosing a senior high school track.

Chapter 4

This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data about the

problems stated in chapter one. It further interprets the most domineering knowledge and

understandings necessary for drawing conclusions and recommendations. This part

presents the factors influencing students’ decision choosing a course.

The aim of this study was to describe some factors that powers student’s decision in

choosing a track in senior high school and to know if there were differences in the

relative importance attributed to these factors, according to demographic attributes of the


Factors that has the greatest influence on student’s decision in choosing an

academic track.

Table 1.
Academic experience Mean Qualitative
Score Description
Your interest in a certain subject
Talent, skill and ability based.
Passion affects your decision to what course to take.
High school grades can be a factor that influences the most.
Valedictorian or a salutatorian factor.

Table 2.
Educational aspiration/expectation Mean Qualitative
Score Description
Based on you wanted to become
To be engaged in an activity that will enhance your
ability and talent can give a large impact in making
When you have numeracy skill, it should be necessary to
take a track which related to your skill.

Grades can affect your decision in choosing a track
When you are worthy in literacy, it is required that you
should take a track related to your skill.

Adviced of others Mean Qualitative
Score Description
Advises can be worthy and relevant to your situation.
People offer advice just because of the simple purpose that
they think they can help you.
Some advice-givers would like to take the role of ‘more
knowledgeable person’ in the relationship dynamic, and giving
advice puts them in that position.
Some people need to be in the role of “teacher” all the time, or
perhaps just like to hear they pontificate
People who offer unsolicited advice from this motivation may
have a lot of knowledge in a firm area that pertains to your

Table 4.
Friends/peer influence Mean Score Qualitative
Friends in this new generation can be a tool in taking the
right thing included the track that you will take.
Peer influence will take you on a right path.
Friend’s choice can be a factor in taking a track.
The friend’s statement can influence career choice.
I do believe on what my friends said.

Family background Mean Qualitative
Score Description
Having degree holder parents can be a factor on deciding
what course to take.
Poor parents will be the reason on the path that I will take.
Abundant parents can be one of the factors on choosing a
track that you will take
Extended parents.
Single guardian.

Table 6
Summary of factors which have the greatest influence on Student’s Decision in Choosing
a Senior High School Track
FACTORS Mean Qualitative
Score Description
Academic Experience
Educational aspiration/expectation
Advice from others
Friends/peer influence
Family background


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