Guest Post Outreach Email
Guest Post Outreach Email
Guest Post Outreach Email
Hi [Name]
I am a big fan of your blog. You share a lot of useful tips here. I especially like your
post [add post title]. It’s both well written and useful.
I would like to contribute a unique post for your blog as well. I have read your
guidelines and will follow them while writing the post. [Confirm page points of
guidelines you'll follow, like: This will be a long-form post that is 1,500+ words long
with a lot of statistics and examples.]
If you're interested, I would love to work with you on the topics and formats that
best meet your needs for the blog. Would you prefer sample topics, a draft outline,
or a complete post? [modify based on blog's guidelines]
Thank you,
[Your signature]
Here’s a good example of a guest post pitch I received from someone who wanted to contribute
to my blog…
As you can see, it starts with some good personalization. The sender addresses me by my name
and writes a bit about some articles that she read on my blog.
She then suggests some topic ideas and ends the email with samples of her work.