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Ayurveda and Modern Medice (A Critical Study) Kaviraj A.Majumdar

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Ancient Science of Life, Vol. VIII, Nos.

3&4, January & April 1989, Page 177-190


(A critical study)


B-221 Chittaranjan Park, Kalkaji, New Delhi- 110019, India

Received: 17 June 1988 Accepted: 8 November 1988

ABSTRACT: The author highlights in this paper the differences between Ayurveda and Western
medicine in the approach to healing process. Also the paper examines relevance of Ayurveda to the
present day life style and thus, makes a critical study of both medical systems quoting references from
various modern authors.

Out of several different off-shoots of healing H.G Rawlson who states that “The Phoenicians”
methods of East, two main systems are known were the earliest connecting link between the
valid to the history of the medical world ie. Indian and Mediterranean cultures and this link
Ayurveda and Egyptian medicine, the latter has goes back to very early ties. Pythagoras was
contributed much to the Greek medicine. born about 500 B.C at the cosmopolitan island
Traditional Ayurveda in Tibetan language, of Samos, and according to his biographer
known as Tibetan approaches of healing had Lamblichus, travelled widely studying esoteric
strong dominance on the Chinese system of teachings of the Egyptians, Syrians and even the
Medicine. To verify the relationship of Brahmins. Almost all the theories-religious,
Ayurveda with Egyptian Hermetic collections, philosophical and mathematical –taught by the
one ay take a close look at the past history and Pythagoreans, were known in India in the 6th
feel astonished to find somewhat similar patterns century B.C. It has been said India suffers today,
of division of diseases in both the medical in the estimation of the world more through the
systems. world’s ignorance of her achievements than the
absence or significance of those achievements”1
Like Indians (Hindoos), Egyptians, too, covered
a wide field of healing approaches combining Similar statements of P. Johanstonsaint of the
magic and medicine with rare diagnostic welcome Historical Museum, London are also
approach that distinguishes it from Ayurveda available in his speech on “An outline of the
where the diagnostic methods dominated most history of medicines in India” delivered before
though the primitive Hindoo Medicine was not the Indian section of the Royal Society of Arts
free incantations, it had a strictly rational and a well noted orientalists, Prof. Persian and
diagnostic approach and prescriptions were Director of the school of oriental studies,
based on the nature of the ‘Diagnosis’ rather University of London, Presided over the
than on the ‘Symptom-complex’. occasion. He must call Greek not the parent of
our modern medicine but its nurse-to-day the
The uncontrovercial chronological antiquity and speculation is over and we trace how the great
its deep-rooted social impact was revealed by Pythagoras himself imbibed his mysteries from

Page 177-190
the Brahmins of India. The connection is not Before comparing the strategical difference of
difficult to trace”2 both the healing approaches, it is necessary to
have a comprehensive look into the basic
The above quoted reference may not pacify the concepts of Eastern (Ayurvedic) approach to
quest of those who are adamantly sceptic to healing.
acknowledge the oldest antiquity and the highly
methodological (Scientific) vision of Ayurveda Eastern thinkers and scientists first invented the
or the healing approach of the East but, o the basic methodology of knowing an further
sound footing of the chronological evidences, it adopted it to discover the secrets of life and
is now needless to assert more on this issue. medicaments for the diseases. Adopting the
sources of Scientifically valid knowledge, three
Without formal compassion or any repentance proofs or subdivisions of the valid knowledge,
for the adverse days of India under barbarous three proofs or subdivisions of the valid
foreign aggression from the middle-east, Europe knowledge were chartered in Ayurveda, known
and Mongols (North-Western world) and the as ‘PRAMANA” given as under:-
crushing British rule, engulfing more than a
thousand years of time span, the historians have 1) Direct sense-perception
done much damage to the progress of the (PRATYAKSHA)
medical science (Ayurveda) by twisting the 2) Logical inference (ANUMAN)
chronological order and indermining the Indian 3) And the seer’s words) (APTOPADESA)
scientific achievements to show-down the
radiant faces of Indian (Hindoo) medical experts Inference (ANUMAN), is based on invariable
and their unparalleled though power. For concomitance (VYAPTI) supported by
example, one cannot overlook the statement of agreement in presence (ANVAYA), agreement
the eminent scientist Sir P.C Ray, Kt. That, “It is in absence (VYATIREKA) and also non-
curious to reflect, that the upholders of the observance of the contrary (VYABHICHAR
“Great Culture’ are often found ready, though BHAVA).
unconsciously to twist and torture facts and
If this triple proof method does not contradict
conclusions to serve their own purpose, and
and renders support to a concept after repeated
reserve to themselves the benefit of doubt as
observations (BHOYODARSHANA) it is
regards dates; but whenever the priority of the
accepted as valid knowledge.
Hindoos is unquestionable, an appeal is made to
the theory of common origin and independent Vital-Protoplasmic-activity and Tissues
parallism of growth. These scholars seem to (DOSHA-DHATU)
smart under a sense of injury if they have to
confess that Europe owes an intellectual debt to On the basis of the valid knowledge, the seer’s
India, hence many a futile attempt to explain of the postulates of the “Sciences of Life”
away positive historical facts”.8 identified three basic – constituent –complexes-
responsib le for the state of halth or disease. In
Indological verdicts of Elphinstone, Louis Sanskrit we know them (DOSHA-DHATU)
Jacolliat, Curzon, Dr. Rudolf Hornley, Dosha-Dhatu complex is the irreducible ultimat
Neuberger ad Dr. Radha Krishnan are enough to – basic – metabolic – principle, governing the
establish the validity, authenticity ad untraceable entire psycho-somatic structure of the living
antiquity of the Eastern approach to healing. beings and its further classification into Vata
(AIR), Pitta (FIRE), Kapha (Solids), constitutes

Page 177-190
the hard core of the Ayurcedic concept about the Endomorphic,types. But, it has no bearing on
vital-proto plasmic-acticity of the living matter the Pe-Hippocratic discoverers, the champions
and Tissues. of the science of life known as ‘Agnivesh and
Sushruta’ up to some extent this somatotyping is
In the western approach to healing, no such akin to the threefold classification of huans into
conceptual background is available linear, Muscular an Fat types, as it is also
accounted by R.N Parnell. Constitution
The above mentioned three irreducible basic and
classifinable metabolic-psychosomatic- +temperamtent+Nature=Prakriti (Three – basic
constituents may be called as constituent- irreducible proteoplamic – metabolic
complexes’ of the living matter which are constitutions) In Ayurvedic treatises, a
comprehensive Ayurvedic term PARKRITI”
responsible to maintain a stat of perfect health or
(Constitution) has been mentioned for the
a state of disease.
combined morphological structure and the
Out of the two divisions of the Matter (Animate activity of the constitution+Temperament +
and inaimate) the animate is further split into Nature, instead of types. According to the
two categories ;by the ancient pioneers of applied Prakriti concept it is further subdivided
“Science of Life”. into three varieties i.e.

1) Animals (JEEVA) JANGAMA 1) VATA (AIR) Pitta (FIRE), Kapha

2) Plants (VANASPATI) STHAVARA Prakriti or acquired) are intrinsically
composed with the overlapping
Such a classification is a proof in itself about the influences of either Vata or Pitta or
profound biological insight of Hindoos which Kapha factors, no matter whether these
stretches the psychosomatic concept upto the attributes are either physical or
lowest forms of life e.g. plants. This serious psychologically exhibited in the living
though applied by the savants of the eastern way organism as a whole. True mondoshic
of healing and the task taken up by them to constitutions do not exist. The
somatotyping every form of life, evidently animatematter has to be tri-doshic (three
disqualifies the thinking of ‘Animal- basic constituent-complexes)
matabolism’ or the ‘Man-Aimed-Humours’ of responsible for health and disease. A
Hippocrafts. So, the Dosha (three irreducible perfect balance between the activities
basic classifiable metabolic psychosomatic and structures of the respective ‘Dosha’
constituents/constituent-complexes) are known (irreducible untimat basic metabolic
as the ultimate irreducible basic metabolic principles) factors constitutes the
principle of every type of protoplasm, what to Absolute- Normalcy of the constitutions
say about the man and animals only. The three which could be in a perfect noral state of
somatotype divisions of all living beings, and its ealth from the view-point of body
further reidentification on in the form of metabolism, though in reality such
TRIDOSHA, three psychosomatic types of norms do not exist, only because the
human beings, initially composed of basic Psychosmatic and the metabolic
irreducible protoplasmic-metabolic constitution, attributes are ever fixed and rigid.
bear resemblance to the observations of Dr. Energy fluctuations maintain the Life-
W.H. Sheldon, as given in his modern classic on Order, not only being of varied origin
somatotyping human constitutions into three from individual to individual but, within
basic-Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic and

Page 177-190
the individual also. Hence, the tripod (SATWA, RAJA, TAMA) or
generally predominant activity of a consciousness or knowledge (GYAN), motion or
particular ‘Dosha’ in an individual action (AIR) and inertia or (SOLIDS) is
dicides te type or Praakriti an not the invariably transmitted in all subsequent evolutes
absence or undermined state of other and intrinsically present in the five philosophical
two Dosha’. With the predominance of elementary necessities of life e.g Fire (AGNI)
one dosha, the activities of non- having heat and light, water (VARUN) the
predominent Dosha cannot fall below an analogue of the earth and water rendering the
optimal minimum. The exceeding property of cohesion, the Air-and-gas complex
imbalance to the limits of the dynamic having velocity and motion the space (first
latitudes within which the minimum evolute) provides the dimension for beings-
Dosha equilibrium should be confined to existence in the universe over-whelming in and
make the life possible, causes gradual or out of the matter (analogius of the continuity of
instaneous death of the being between the dynamic flux of the above five elements)
the lowest limit and the ‘Absolute constitutes the phenomenon of organic tripod
Normal’ stages of life, there exist complex of vital protoplasmic activity-(Vata,
innumerable permutations and Pitta and Kapha), Thoughts, actions, words,
combinations of Dosha activities occurance,substance, experiences, when come in
representing very many deviations from physical or psychic contact of a living being,
the normal. always exert an influence howsoever mild on the
‘Dosha’ equilibrium. Like all living matter,
Without understanding the concept of Dosha and human beings are essentially ‘Tri-doshic’ in its
its overbearing on the living-matter, no psychic constitutional magnitudes. Tri-doshic catagories
or physical or physiological phenomenon can be maintain a perfect ‘Dosha’ equilibrium to hold
coneptualised in action. Three organic the life though it is always within the
‘Phenomenon-Complexes’ of Vata, Pitta and equilibrium limit of Dosha. Variations in the
Kapha constitute three prakriti’s (types) of overall ‘Dosha’ balance exist or occur leading to
beings and are collectively called ‘TriDosha’. the respective changes in the physical and the
The cognition of ‘Abstract’ depends on the logic mental up-life of the living beings.
of knowing that, ‘What it is not’ rather than on
the explanations supporting that ‘What it is’, So A noted physician of India, late Pt. Shiva
it is said that Dosha are not the three humours Sharma expressed his views regarding ‘Tri-
known as Wind, bile & Phlegm. This point has Dosha’ as Under:-
been well explained in the paper on ‘the most
rational dogma of eastern approach to healing “Since every conceivable physical, physiological
(Ayurveda) establishes the homogenous nature or psychological phenomenon in its relation to
of the universe which reflects its primordial the living organism influences the three ultimate,
entity pervading through all the forms of matter irreducible and basic psychosomatic constituents
eigher in atomic structures or in the wave form of the living matter, the ’tridosha’ complex
or in the form of white corpuscles. According to could be covered by the expression “Physico-
this dogma and the philosophy of Sankhya it is physio-psychological-organismal complex or
clear that by the impact of Cheta, three forms of merely as ’Biological- Phenomenon-complex’4.
energy dormant in unmanifest primordial matter
The ‘Prakriti’ (normal state of psychosomatic
(BRAHMA) become manifest in the form of a health) changes into ‘Vikriti’, (Vitiatd normality

Page 177-190
or a diseased state) when the permutations and The healing approach of the East has not
the manifesting combinations of the disappeared from the World’s scene while that
‘Psychosomatic’ metabolic process of of its western counterparts, Egyptian and the
‘Tridosha’ undergo into the disturbances in the Greek medicines have undergone a gradual
equilibrium across certain minimum limits. hemolysis in the very bosom of their homelands.
Healthy ‘Trudooshic’ manifestations are: On the part of Ayurveda it is not due to any
Enthusiasm, Courage and Cheerfulness, and the partiality or dogma or any special concession
contrary psychic reflections like, Anger, ascribed to it but, it has survived till to-day and
Dullness and Fear are symptoms of unhealthy stands as a model to guide the future of t World
aspects. The somatic manifestations of ‘Tri- Medical system on the ground of an efficient
Dosha’ like physical agilitity and lightness of clinical and hypothetical supremacy.
limbs alongwith pain and aches in the body are
predominent ‘Vata dosha’ pathogenesis vitiating Thus, the credit goes to Ayurveda which has
body cells. emancipated the ancient Indians and the sages of
India. Its authenticity would again stand valid to
The psychic reflection may be Di-Doshic like be the fittest healing approach of the east in the
cheerfulness (a Kaphaicemotion), the intense survival game while, the modern chemotherapy
feeling of joy and happiness (also kaphaic) but with highly sophisticated electronic surgical
the keen inner thrill aroused by the feeling of assistance, struggles to provide cure against
happiness which influences sensory and motor several chronic ailments, in which patients are
nerves to voluntary or on-voluntary actions in knocking at the doors of private physicians and
the different parts of the body are positively O.P.D of renowned hospitals of the world.
‘Vatic’ predominances equally enjoyed by
beings of all the three constitutions or Prakritis. 2) The difference between the two trends
Similarly, in the steady courageous state, the or bends of minds in the field of
courage is basically “Paittic” or firey but, the scientific medical explorations render
attributes and the steadiness in Kaphaic or earth- varied meanings on the one hand, like
water complex (KAPHAIC) and so on, in the the words, scientific medicine, western
case of the attributes if enthusiasm the emotions medicine, cosmopolitan medicine,
are Vatic or belonging to the Air-Gaseous modern medicine, conventional Green
complex but they are so blended into each other medicine or Allopathy, and on the other
that the manifestation is ‘Tri-Doshic’ in its the palingenetical oxytonic firm
psychic reflections. ovations of Ayurveda disqualify such
notions of medicinal trade on the basis
The reason to go deep into the scientific ‘Tri- of the profound concept of healing
Dosha’ formulary, is only to pinpoint the healing approach.
approach pioneered by the East while the
humoural concept of Hippocrate or The word Ayurveda is free from any notion or
somatotyping methodology of Modern-Medicire inference for “pathy or “pathies” and has never
rarely account for the vital psychosomatic declared its healing approach to be contained in
constitutional factors, when the question of wire fenced storehouse for the purpose of trade
treatment, drug and nursing is under action oriented system of medicine. All the “Pathies”
considering the whole entity of the living like Naturo, Chromo, Hydro, Hypno, Magneto,
organism as target for the approach to healing. Homoeo etc. Primarily reflect the meaning about
their approach for relief from the ailments and

Page 177-190
not for the restoration of health or prevention fro 4) Ayurveda is a living medical science of
the diseases, similar to Ayurveda. The word East of an age when forth the wisdom
Ayurveda is composed of two words ‘Ayus’(r) and knowledge were reciprocally well
meaning Life and ‘Veda’ means, the Science. balanced, contrary to the structural
Ayurveda is in itself a complete and highly composition of the conventional medical
scientific term towards an approach to ‘Total- knowledge of the West, which has an
Life’. The literal mening of Ayurveda is ‘‘The enormous infrastructure of experimental
science of life”. To some it may look identical to achievements but, it is devoid of the
the cut and dried process of the study of dead comprehensive auro of the true medical
tissues, but the scientific meaning of the word wishom. Thus, being short of the
‘Biology’ (Bio-Life, Logos=Science) is entirely wisdom, magnitude and the maturity of
different and it stands no comparison with knowledge, the healing approach of the
Ayurveda which is the science of living and not west has not imbalanced the humanity
of dead tissues. Hence the terms of biological as a whole, by developing synthetic
morals and Ayurvedic morals differer in their chemicals galore causing serious side-
basic meanings. effects in the human and animal
constitutions and threats to ecological
3) The major difference of the origin of normalcy that will greatly endanger
both the Eastern & Western systems of future. Prof. Toynbee says:
medicines is remarkable. The
institutional or divine origin constitutes “Science too, is a necessity of life, but the
‘Ayurveda’ while, the modern medicine science that is indispensable is elementary.
is a well decorated, attractive – Scientific observation and reasoning were
biological –clay – model defending the required for making the earlier Paleolithic
methodological process of tools. The elementary science sufficed to
experimentations. Of course, Ayurveda secure the survival of our species. The
is also speads a super canvas of enormous subsequent advance of science
experimentation for Praman but, on the has been superfluous for the purpose of
whole it is based on the methodological survival, and it may actually end in self-
enquiry of experience supported by the destruction”6.
valid factural knowledge. The
systematic description of the Ayurveda For the protection and promotion of human
relates its descension of divine origin to values, H.G. wells emphasized the need to
the legendry endless antiquity, which invent a concept of God if found non-existent.
unfolds the mystery of its missing The role of Karma (action) as a powerful
prehistoric chronological order. Some stimulus in the generation of endeavour has been
noted traditionalists fascinate well accepted by the great physicians of the East
themselves to call the science of life, a Punarvasu-Attrey who has put forth the above
divine knowledge has been well concept as:-
honoured even by the profounder of “This capability of annihilating the dominance
Guantum Theory. Einstien said: of the past action (Purva Karma) is embedded in
“In a certain sense, therefore, I hold it to be true the powerfulendeavours of the present life,
that pure thought is competent to comprehend provided it is divine enough. The meaning of
the real as the ancients dreamed”,5. Karma (actions) cannotes the synergetic

Page 177-190
influence of the past deeds on the behavior and and irrespective of the victim being their own
the life of the individual. The deep rooted kith and kin, take to invading and destroying
actions (SANCHIT KARMA) Invariably the each other, or destroying the other only or
‘Right-Actions’ philosophy is entwined with the getting destroyed by others”8.
moral-discipline’ of the individual’s life as
advocated by the healing approach of the East”. So the impact of immoral or improper actions
(ADHARMA OR UNTRUTH) has positive
Describing the Truth and Morality as the basic influence on the individual’s psyche and soma
opinion of the healthy and peaceful individual’s (body). The inclusion of the chain oriented
life, the following text is available from the vicious circle of improper actions within the
Caraka Samhita: concepts of healing approach of East
distinguishes it from the west and the following
“As the age of truth declines, some people find text further simplifies the methodological
themselves in possessions of too much catagorisation of immorality a:- “When the
(ADANA) which leads to ‘Gaurava’ (heaviness leaders (PRADHANA), headmen or rulers or the
in body and lethargy in mind) and ‘Gaurava’ president of a country, city, town, village, tribe
leads to (SHRAMA) a sense of fatigue resulting or head of a small family units take to improper
in laziness (ALASYA). Such a state renders or immoral action or non-religious action
hoarding (SANCHAYA) to ‘Parigraha’ (ADHARAM)in their dealings with the public or
(capturing all what belongs to oters) and individuals, then the dependents, subordinates,
‘Parigraha’ leads to greed and avarice (Lobha). flatterers or sycophants surrounding them
This chain of demoralsed actions continues aggravate the cult of immorality is non-
through treachery, falsehood, Uncurbed desires, religiousness (ADHARMA). Then that improper
angers ad wrath, vanity, hatred, cruelty, shock, action (ADHARMA) eclipses the radiant hard
fear, distress, sorrow and anxiety core of morality, dutifulness, honesty, truth,
(ABHIDROHA, ANRITUACHANAWA religion (DHARMA) rendering the place or the
KAMA, KARODHA, MOHA, DVESHA, country god-for saken”9.
SHOKA, CHITTODVEG) etc. Then the bodies The heavely wrath shattering the city of Sodom
and the mind of the people deteriorate and (originally a- “Garden of Eden”, Gen 13:10) is
become an easy prey to disease. Thus, even the the most glaring record found in the history of
span of life is lowered” 7. mankind regarding the immoral cult once
flourished on this earth.
Further speculations on the chain action of the
immorality overbears a strong impact on the 5) The modern medical concept of the
masses which would change the whole west, devoid of the terrafirma of the
atmosphere. The consequences are being causative theory (Karma-Philosophy)
reproduced here from the noted ancient medical regarding the human psychosomatic
tratise the Caraka-samhita as under:- constitutions, and being short of a highly
developed powerful, Psyche’ to discover
“The ‘Epidemic of arms’ (Shastra Prabhavat- and know the orderly design of the
Janapadodhivamsanivansam) begins when universe, has been lagging behind the
greed, anger, avarice, wrath and pride and vanity healing approach of the East which has
hold over people’s minds, they despising well utilized the convergent-beam of the
(AVAMATYA- brushing, outvoting ) the weak psyehic powers over all the forms of

Page 177-190
energies and could develop a positives B.C appear to have contributed nothing to the
celluloid of God (the absolute) in the general stock of the medical knowledge.
secret caves of the Central Nervous
system organized and skillfull6 trained By way of contrast it may be noted that while in
under the tantrum of Yoga philosophy the pioneer strata of the western approach to
including herbs as medicine. healing (Egyptian Medicine), one can find the
vivid mention of a number of Indian herbs and
Ayurveda continues to inform all the spices etc., nothing is found about any Egyptian
beneficial medicinal hints equally to all. drug or products in Ayurveda.
Atheists or no-atheists, both obtain the
desired effect of Ayurvedic medicaments, The Greek medicine has appeared much later on
keeping aside any idea of dogmatic the world medical scene, quickly transforming
compulsion for its divine theme which has itself into the form of allopathy and several
been homogenized with the rigidity of allied pathies known as Modern-Medicine in this
religion and the flexibility of science. atomic age, represents the diversified western
approach to healing.
The metaphysical approach incorporating all the
aspects of physical and mental hygiene in the Before comparing the treatment or curative
day-to-day human life was advocated by the aspects of both the approaches to healing, it is
seers (Brahmins) of the East to help the ailing very necessary to understand the hypothesis of
humanity under the divine linen garb of the East first. Thus, one finds the opportunity to
orthodox rules or traditional conservatism. decode the word Ayurveda which conveys the
real meaningful essence of its humanitarian but,
Prayerful ‘Faith Healing’ of incantations have a highly scientific approach. Ayus(r) =Life,
genuine significance in the Eastern approach to Veda=Science, Literally it means “Art of living
healing assisted by herbal medicaments for the and more accurately “Science of Life”.
extrication of diseases, demons, witchcrafts etc.,
This reflects a deep rooted inter connection with Its main objective (Prayojana) is the restoration
the description of the mental diseases (MANAS- ad maintenance of the metabolic equilibrium of
ROGA) mentioned in Ayurveda. Egyptian the metabolic equilibrium on the dashboard of
reference about the demon priests and psyche and Soma of all living beings.10.
physicians (MAULVISMULLAS) to coax,
Health is also defined as a well balanced
charm or expel demons from it involuntary host
metabolism (Dhatusamya) of the living body
(by the 8th century B.C) clearly reflects the alongwith a happy state of being, (its senses-
reasons for the non-availability of medical Five perceptory and five motor organs –of
prescriptions in the early medical texts of west. actions) and the Psyche (PRASANNA-ATMA-
Several references for driving out, banishing, INDRIYA-MANAH).11
terrifying, killing such and such discases are
abundantly accountable. Worse was the case Diseased state (Dukha samyoga of the living
with the sick (Diseased) people of Babylone being is also defined as a contract with physical
2250 B,C, who had no physicians and were kept discomfort, pain or suffering, psychic outburst,
out in the public square for advice of any anguish, jealousy etc; and including all the un-
passerby who might have happened to now pleasant psychosomatic states which are caused
about indentical case. The Chaldeans, dominant by the impact of adventitious
people of the II Babylonian, Empire 600 to 539 (AGANTUKA),physical (SHARIRIKA),

Page 177-190
psychic (MANASIKA) or natural causative factor of disease, evolved a
(SWABHAVIK) for-fold processes of picture of vicious battle field in the
diseases.12 psychosomatic framework of living
beings, implanting deeply various
6) The major difference between curative incontrollable hazardous side effects. In
methods of east and west is strikingly the present times such problems are
remarkable, only because the Eastern studies in the hospital wards of Iotronic
methods deploy a process of diseases.
reinforcement and boosting up the vita
resistant activity of the tissues invaded The metaphysical or divine
by the diseases and finally swapping out strengthening service advocated in
all the unwanted infections while, the Ayurveda to increase the glow of the
western approachis determined to spiritual fancies of the diseased is not
uphold the philosophy of violent attack only an idea but a winning flight of the
and instantaneous killing of the lifeful Eastern healing approach over the
world of the infective micro and macro meticulous crafty philosophy of
organisms which are inhabitants of this vehement endeavourments of the West
vast natural world and cannot be to treat the living organism merely as
completely wiped off by the continuous the biological body-clay out-wordly or
use of synthetic chemicals. This violent superficially dismissing the vital nature
philosophy to encounter with infective of life and the spiritual psychic core of
bacterias and viruses, causing the the beings and their life process which is
disease, renders ecological changes in all the time active to counteract and
the natural strails of these organisms adjust in this material world from
helping the natural development of more within.
hard, resistant type of infective media.
So, without a serious thought to the 7) All the living bodies are maintained and
unwise hypothesis of the violence and nourished by eatables to enrich the
war oriented chemotheraphy against the protoplasmic whole of he beings. Well
gigantic genesis of natural organism, it formulated scientific hypothesis of
engineers many problems of damaging Eastern therapeutic approach is based on
side effects and repeated infections. the excellent concept of the three
Eastern curative approach befriends the irreducible-protoplasmic vital-metaolic-
patient helping with its physiological activities (TRIDOSHA) manipulating
activities to overcome the diseased state the process of life in health or diseased
of the body within its own courses of state, needs a wise assistance of
time developing a potent defensive regulated diet and methodological
mechanism through the process of raised curative measure. Prohibition of certain
enzyme potential with autoboosting eatables and drugs in the diseased state
state of ananbolic factors of the body to of the body is in total accordance with
get rid of the vitiated state of different Ayurvedic principles, so that, the
tissues. The war and violence with the unwanted energy supply to the
natural cycle of Universal-Vital stream counteracting micro-organisms could be
of life (Prana)accepting it the final arrested in time. But, the Western

Page 177-190
healing approach has not yet shown its Natural hunger, natural thirst, natural sleep,
wisdom-teeth to evolve scientific pattern old age and death.
of dietics similar to Ayurveda, though a
superfluous borrowing of diet All such ailments are well accounted in the
restrictions from Eastern treatises is healing approaches of the East, advising
now-a-days discernible among the methods of spiritual origin for cure. In
Western medical physicians in tropics short, while Eastern approach to healing still
only. “Ayurveda declares the healthy stands fast with patient-oriented hypothesis
use of drugs (AUSHADHA) diet of the treatment, the approach of the west is
(ANNA)and practices dogmatically disease-oriented.
(VIHARA),Prescribed with or without In the fundamental basis of the Eastern
other drugs, contrary to the cause of the approach to healing one can easily find, the
disease or similar to the disease or scientifically maintained relationship
similar to the both cause and disease, between irreducible basic metabolic and
constitutes treatment (UPASHAYA)”13 psychosomatic constituents (PRAKRITI) of
The western concept of physical diseases the living being and that of medicine lacking
comprises internal ailments, nutritional such a concept, the highly advanced
metabolic imbalances, inflammatory laboratory approaches of the west are unable
growths, infective diseases or tissues even to take notice of several pathologically
degeneration etc., while the Ayurvedic undiagnosable diseases which swell the
concept excludes the idea of infective hospital wards of the world. But, the
impact on the body but, does not count it our Eastern concept of the generalized
of the entity of physical diseases and points constitutional approach wisely renders a
about the real fact-of life which has its own successful service to diagnose such riddle
auto-immunity-defensive-mechanism (an and provide effective cure. The tridosha-
internal trait though the infections are of hypothesis has no problems like chemical
external origin) which makes life possible drug standardization due to its patient-
through the materialistic phenomenon. oriented approach but, the Western
Mental disorders is quite different according methodology of medicines or drugs are
to the Eastern hypotheis and the ailments unable to escape from the unmanageable
like laziness, unhappiness, state of anger and terms like Drug-Allergy, indiosyncrasy of
wrath, greed, avaricemhate fear, indiscipline chemicals, Anaphylaxis or individual
and outburst of desires anxiety, sorrow, intolerance, are the result of the inadequate
distress etc. etc., find no significant steps consequent in missing the idea of the
recognition in the healing approaches of the standardization of drug-patient response and
west. wandering for injurious basis for the
standardization of chemicals or drugs only
So also the concept of natural diseases lies administered to the weak degenerating sick
untouched by the Western approach being structure of psychosomatic origin, where a
unheeded with seriousness as it is available patient is always an unstandardisable entity.
in Ayurveda. The definition of Mental-
diseases (MANSIKAROGA) related to the Apart from the legendary references of the
feelings of unpleasantness (DUKHA). head transplant on the live body of the pre-
historic idol Lord Ganesha (the son of Lord

Page 177-190
Shankara) or the iron leg of vispata, a Hernia and Hydrocele were easily operated.
woman of vedic period or the example of Ruptures, Laparotomy, Caesarean art,
blood donation (transfusion) available in the crushing and extricating foetus, limb’s
ancient Buddhist record known as amputation, Lithotrity, lithotomy, plastic
‘Bodhisatwa-padana Kalplata’, the historic and rhinoplastic manipulations were
references of Ayurvedic surgeon ‘Sushruta’ commonly practiced before 1000 B.C in
to vedic, Epic and puranic records, dating India. Nursing was one of the most skilled
back to 600 B.C or earlier are the first-hand art in those days. It was done with complete
proof of the most advanced applied surgical human touch. Unfortunately the whole art of
achievements of Eastern way of healing. surgical skill has vanished slowly form this
There are several references of great wars in continent due to the treacherous looting and
the history of India. So, it is commonsense burning of the rare literatures by European
to know that the surgical part of the medical and middle East aggressors. The hypnotic
system of such a country would have been impact of Non-violence them and several
clinically highly advanced with an other spiritualistic ‘Vaishnava” movements
unparalleled concept in the field of diverted the attention of common man from
medicine. The book of surgery representing surgical manoeuvres. At this same time
the Eastern surgical concept alongwith with the one set of a great revolutionary ear
references of propereffective healing is the low west Rad all the privilege of techno-
known as Sushruta samhita. Anaesthesia by commerical achievements to improve and
herbs or Hypnotic manoeuvre were quick enhance the scope of surgical healing for
common in ancient India. Surgical many threatening ailments. Prof. Dr.Rudolf
instruments and accessories were also Hornle, in his book, ‘Medicine in Ancient
advanced. Dissection and study of the Inida’ testifies to our excellence skill in
orphological aspects of human skull was at Medical sciences as quotations: “Probably, it
the peak. Its impact was so serious that a will come as a surprise to many as it did to
cult of ‘Kapaliks and Aghories’ developed myself, to discover the amount of
later on. With such practices, incantations anatomical knowledge which is disclosed in
and charms, evil soul worship etc. got the works of the earliest medical writers of
automatically attached to it. India. Its extent and accuracy are surprising
when we follow for their earl age probably
A well developed methodology was 6th century B.C”14.
available for the surgical instruments in the
Eastern healing approach to perform major In the end I would like to remind about the
and minor surgery. Accessories included statements given by the celebrated German
thread (also caustic thread for anovaginal savant Prof. Max Muller in his lecture series
sutures) twine for ligatures, bandages of 14 at Oxford entitled as “India, what can it
types, dressings, abdominal binders, various teach us” He said: “If I were to look over the
types of leather bags, bands, splints made of whole world to find out the country most
bamboo and inner barks of the trees, richly endowed with all eh wealth, power an
crutches, creepers and tendrils, suture beauty that nature can bestow-in some parts
material, caustic medicines an goat’s gut. a paradise on earth-I should point to
Saintly scientists were the champions to India”.15
perform first Cataract operation in India.

Page 177-190
Further stressing on the scientific concept of entire would consists of teachers for the
human mind he said: wise and enemies for the fools. Therefore,
knowledge conducive to help, longevity,
“If I were asked under what sky human fame and excellence, coming even from an
mind has most fully developed some of its infamiliar source, should be well treated,
choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on assimilated and utilized with earnestness”.
the greatest problems of life and has found
solutions of some of them which will I may refer the famous saying of Rudyard
deserve the attention even of those who have Kipling in that, “The East is East and the
studied Plato and Kant I whould point to West is never the twain shall meet”, With a
India”.16 hope for the future that the difference of
East and West shall vanish for true and
Upholding the metaphysical banner of honest services of Scientific facts with inner
Hindoos’ reincarnation concept he love and due reverence to the East.
emphasized that:
“If I were to ask myself from what literature
we, here in Europe we, who have been 1) G.T. Garratt, “The legacy of Indian” p.
nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts 1-37 Clarendon press, Oxford (1937).
of Greeks and Romans, and of one semitic 2) Capt. P.Johnston Saint, “An outline of
race, (the Juwish) may draw that corrective the history of Medicine in India”
which is most wanted in order to make our Welcome Historical Museum, London
inner life more favourable and human, a life (1929)
not for this life only but a transfigured and 3) Kt. Sir. P.C Ray, “History of Hindoo
internal life-again I should point to India”17 Chemistry”.
4) Pt. Shiva Sharama, “An Introduction to
I wish that we may not go astray to miss the Ayurveda” Book titled Realms of
point of catching the insight of this great Ayurveda’ p.19 Publishers: Arnold
pointing finger of Prof. Max Muller towards Heineman (1979).
the soil, temples, idols, statutes or other fine 5) Quoted by Philipp Frank in “Einsteen
Art heritages of the unparalleled Hindoo His Life & Times, “p.339, Janathan
mind. This pointing finger of Prof. Max Cape, London (1953).
Muller dignifies the true recernce for the 6) Choose life-A Dialogue by Arnold
highly developed scientific methodology Toyabee & Diasaku Ikeda, Edited by
and unique achievements attained within the Rochard L. Gage, Oxford University
folds of nature that has bestowed the par- Press, Quote reproduced from ‘Yoga –
excellent medico-scientific knowledge upon Quarterly Vol.No. 1, p. 46.
the Indian culture and fine Arts and more 7) Charak samhita, Viman Sthan III/33.
especially in its true surmounting insight of 8) Charak Smita viman sthan III/26.
medical sciences. 9) Charak Smita viman sthan III/24-25.
10) Sushrut Samhita, Sutra Sthan Chap. I
I conclude with the following few lines “The
(Sri Venkateshwar press). Khetwadi,
Science of lie shall never attain finality,
therefore, humanity with relentless medical Bombay.
industry should characterize every 11) Ibid.
endeavour ad approach to knowledge. The 12) Ibid.

Page 177-190
13) Charak Samhita, Nidan Sthan Chap. 1 16) Ibid.
(Sri. V Press, Khetwadi, Bombay). 17) Ibid.
14) A.F Rudolf Hornle, “Studies in the 18) Charak Samhita, Viman sthan. Chap 14
medicine of Ancient India” Part 1. Sri Gulab Kunwarba Ayurvedic Society,
Clarendon Press, Oxford (1907) Jamnagar. (1949)
15) Prof. Max Muller, “ India, what can it
teach us”.

Page 177-190

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