Manual For Innovative Pedagogy in STEM Contents
Manual For Innovative Pedagogy in STEM Contents
Manual For Innovative Pedagogy in STEM Contents
Florence, Italy
Edited by
Massimo Amato and Anna Siri
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
Published by
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
Disclaimer / Copyright
All the contents (texts, images, graphics, layout, etc.) included in this manual are an integral part of the "Do
Well Science" project and are the property of the project manager and their authors.
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"Do Well Science" and the authors of the manual, however, declines any direct and indirect responsibility
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The texts and graphics in this manual are protected in accordance with current legislation on copyright,
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Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved
ISBN: 978-83-945213-0-1
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
This project was financed by the EU by Erasmus Programme.
We would like to express our very great appreciation to Silvia Lucci, school professor of
English language of the High school “Niccolò Machiavelli” in Florence, Italy, for the
valuable work done in linguistic revision over these two years. Her willingness to give her
time so generously has been very much appreciated.
Many thanks to all the school directors, teachers and students of the High schools SPGE
“J. Atanasov” of Sofia – Bulgaria, “Arsakeio” of Patras in Greece, “N. Machiavelli” of
Florence, “Calasanzio” of Empoli, “A. Pacinotti” of La Spezia, “C. Colombo” of Genoa, “E.
Amaldi” of Novi Ligure, “E. Fermi” of Genoa, “E. Montale” Institute of Genoa, “F. Liceti”
Institute of Rapallo in Italy, for the collaboration in testing the new outputs of this project
and for the useful and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of
this work.
We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to professor Spiros Sirmakessis of
University of Peloponneso as well as Manos Petrakis of “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra in
Greece, whose expertise was invaluable in formulating the tecnological innovation
introduced in the project.
A great thank for the collaboration to Rosanna Maselli and Simonetta Trambusti of High
school “Niccolò Machiavelli” in Florence, Italy, for their contribution in the management
and coordination during the two years of the project.
Finally, this project would not have been so successful without the collaboration with
Andrea Anzanello, Federico Innocenti, Lorenzo Martellini and Andrea Peraldo of Pixel in
Florence, Italy. Their significant support in management and coordination contributed to
the great results of “Do Well Science” project.
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
Table of Contents
2.1. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 44
2.2. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 48
2.3. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
6.1. TEACHER EDUCATION AND TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ......................................................... 114
6.2. USING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) ........................................................... 115
6.3. LINKING SCHOOL WITH COMMUNITY SCIENCE ORGANISATIONS .................................................................. 115
6.4. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 116
6.5. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 116
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
Erasmus+ “Do Well Science” project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780
1.1. Introduction
Sciences taught are based on many different aspects such as the training received by the
teachers, the content of the school programs, the standardized tests represent the main
elements, which influence, directly or indirectly, the contents, the approaches and the
scientific activities organized in the classes. The development of concepts is linked to
mental images and models that are formed in the mind. Making a model of a concept
means subsequently reworking weak and unstable images that however have to convey
to a definitive image, strong and stable. Lectures are indispensable but sometimes do not
compensate for past gaps or difficulties "of the moment" that the teacher is not always
able to satisfy for each individual student, given the high number of learners in the
"Do Well Science" is "for students with students". Its aim is to increase problem solving
skills in students, to provide resolutive methods, to get ad hoc built exercises, to actualize
the problems referred to in the classroom with videos, documents, and in general with
the resources available on the web.
"Do Well Science" wants to develop a teaching methodology and wants to provide a large
number of resources using the environments most familiar to students: websites and
dedicated applets for Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences.
"Do Well Science" allows students to:
- easily identify the support, strengthen the verification activities to be carried out
on the individual discipline;
- easily identify laboratory activities and experiments for the enhancement of the
single discipline;
- identify the references to daily life and natural phenomena related to the topics
discussed in the classroom for a fruitful study;
- search, highlight and investigate scientific issues of interest to them;
- work in groups and create moments of confrontation, relationship and positive
Existing websites, applets for tablets and smartphones in Science education are not very
user friendly and are often incomplete, approximate or without a didactically verified
"Do Well Science" wants to be a web platform and at the same time one applet that
allows users, students and teachers, to do comments, suggestions and proposals for
exercises and problems. Through the statistical analysis of the use of resources, it will be
possible to delete those exercises that are not used and deepen the topics most
requested by students. The platform will offer a good study practice, allowing the
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participation of the students, it will increase the skills by stimulating the will to do well.
The e-learning shared among the students will be allowed also through the publication of
the results obtained, through the achievement of objectives and the increase in level that
allows the earning of better badges. A championship will be created that allows the
participation into an healthy competition for a profitable and lasting learning.
The analysis and the study of the "Do Well Science" method requires a careful and
detailed analysis through skilled personnel who has been following the issues related to
learning for years: high school teachers, university professors, qualified staff of the
school's public bodies.
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students' learning activities in a stimulating and attractive manner, the "Do Well Science"
project ensures the use of functional and effective resources made available by the PNSD.
Walter Lewin, former professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "Children must
love Science and the teacher must ensure that they succeed. Clarity is essential to achieve
this goal."
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1.4. Conclusion
"Do Well Science" is consistent with the horizontal priorities identified by the European
Commission, in particular it:
- improves academic performance on the basis of the student's basic and
transversal skills, with a view to lifelong learning;
- allows the development of learning abilities of scientific subjects even for learners
who start from disadvantaged situations of language, relationship, social status, ...
but who have the possibility of using information technology, possibly even just at
- helps to develop the skills of all students, reducing the disparity in learning
outcomes in students from disadvantaged backgrounds, since it uses an innovative
and integrated method in the teaching of the single community country;
- uses an open and innovative pedagogy, based on the digitization of contents, in
which teachers and students are invited to interact for a general increase in the
quality of education;
- allows educators to keep up to date with students' requests to reduce diversity
and early school leaving, enhancing innovative pedagogies;
- allows to easily identify the gaps and to recognize and enhance the skills acquired.
"Do Well Science" is consistent with the specific priorities identified by the European
Commission, in particular:
- in the context of higher education, it:
o promotes the development of new ways of delivering learning, exploiting
and adapting to new technologies for learning and teaching.
- in school education, it:
o increases performance in basic Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Science
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1.5. References
[1] OECD 2018 - PISA 2015 in focus,
[2] Eurydice statistics,
[3] #EuFactor project,
[4] INDIRE - Italian National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational
[5] Italian National Digital School Plan – PNSD
[6] EU STEM Coalition,
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ESERA, European Science education Research Association,, was formed at the European Conference on
Research in Science education held in Leeds, England, in April 1995. It is one of the largest organizations within this field
with about 1500 participants in the biennial congresses.
The aims of ESERA are to:
- Enhance the range and quality of research and research training in science education in Europe.
- Provide a forum for collaboration in science education research between European countries.
- Represent the professional interests of science education researchers in Europe.
- Seek to relate research to the policy and practice of science education in Europe.
- Foster links between science education researchers in Europe and similar communities elsewhere in the world.
IOSTE, International Organization for Science and Technology Education,, was established to advance
the cause of education in science and technology as a vital part of the general education of the peoples of all countries
and to provide scholarly exchange and discussion in the field of Science and Technology Education.
Its origins can be traced to a Symposium on World Trends in Science education convened in August 1979 in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada. At the third symposium, held in Brisbane (Australia) in 1984, the informal circuit of 'World Trends'
was transformed into a formal organization with members from over sixty countries.
Today, IOSTE has members from about eight countries, and is officially recognized by UNESCO as a non-governmental
organization. Membership of the International Organization for Science and Technology education is open to all who
subscribe to its Constitution. About 200 persons participate in the biennial symposia.
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Tinkering is a holistic way to engage people with STEM disciplines, mixing them with art
and combining hi-tech material with low-tech and recycled material [12]. Knowledge is
not transmitted from teacher to learner, but actively constructed by the mind. Children
(6-12 years) in groups of 20 got some material and were free to play with it. The freedom
to play also resulted in challenges they tried to solve sometimes with some help. At the
end of the day they usually had overcome the challenge and built a complicated object.
The program will now also include courses for teachers.
As there are multiple learning styles in the classroom the benefits of the multimodal
approach in teaching ought to be obvious. This is discussed by Borzello [13] based on the
general knowledge of the different types of learning styles: visual (V), auditory (A),
read/write (R) and Kinesthetic (K). The main conclusion is that the VARK modalities must
be kept in mind when creating and teaching curriculum across all grades and age levels.
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the ear and hearing. Another example is the study of the nervous system and its reflexes.
Learning activities were done using a platform were students could share information,
You Tube clip on the function of the nervous system and photos. The national tests
showed good results and the teacher concluded that tasks were easier to individualize
based on prior knowledge, interest, desire and ability by using digital tools. Also,
cooperative learning was stimulated at the same time as students’ digital literacy.
Lukowicz et al. [21] showed that students wearing Smart Glasses (wearable computer
glasses) to study physical concepts such as tone frequency enhanced learning and
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achievers [27]. Visual-spatial skills are valuable for creating mental representations of
complex ideas to form new model and theories which are important for STEM. Students
with visual-spatial skills are learning by observation to see the whole before the parts and
think in images before putting words on their thoughts [27]. Thus, it is important in STEM
subjects in school to have a variation of assessments to discover other skills than
traditional verbal abilities and give creative students the possibility to present their, and
maybe unorthodox, solutions.
Another reason for creating low-achiever is the direct relation between the low successes
of students in examinations and tests resulting in low-marks. This is often a result of
arduous disciplines to teach where the students are very few properly trained in finding
and trying different paths for problem solving.
Formative assessment giving students feedback during the learning situations has been
shown to be important for the development of the capacity of lower achieving students
since they have the possibility to continuously improve their results rather than getting a
final mark [28].
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The importance of parents’ and teachers’ encouragement of male and female school
students to continue STEM careers is well established [30, 31]. Research has shown that
perceived support in early school years influences male and female differently. Male
achievements in Mathematics increased more in later school years upon perceived
support from parents in early years compared to female. However, no relationship was
seen between perceived parent support at early age and Science achievement during
later education for male or female students, only for achievement in early school years
independent of gender [30].
The solution to increase underrepresented groups in STEM profession would be to form
strong beliefs about their abilities in STEM subjects in school by teachers, parents and
career development professionals [29, 31]. Teachers should also create an atmosphere of
curiosity and avoid situations that promote stereotypes. It is also important to notice
positive role models [31]. Further, it has also been shown the importance of integration
of different languages by multicultural students in practical exercises in Science to
motivate students for STEM studies [32]. The Content and Language Integrated Learning
methodology, CLIL, was proved to be a suitable approach for enhanced learning in STEM.
Students were interacting in foreign and native languages and acquired knowledge in
STEM as well as enhanced language awareness and discovered other cultures and
increased the acceptance of migrants [32].
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of the understanding of the students. This method may be used by teachers on all levels
and is practised in teacher training programs [39]. Different methods of assessments have
to be used to to give fair results as, e.g., the mother-tongue of the students has a positive
impact on some assessment methods and a negative on others [40]. Further, the different
learning strategies used by students in their development of knowledge, understanding
and skills challenges the teacher to create learning situations suitable for most students
to become good Science teachers, maybe without deep knowledge of a specific subject,
but with a scientific overview and good tools for teaching [41]. It is also important in
teacher education to cross the, even if in reality non-existing, border among the school
subjects and encourage students to develop their ability to teach in a subject integrated
manner [42]. In addition, teacher training programs also ought to include information
about the subject content for teaching at all stages to avoid discrepancies among the
subject content between, e.g., primary and secondary school. The aim of the teaching
should be the development of a deeper understanding of processes rather than the
accumulation of facts [43].
Simple work fields in teacher training programs may be used as models for studies
performed by children at school. By letting students design repetitive field studies during
sixteen months, they developed deep understanding of research. Additionally, many
students showed strong emotions when returning the sites of their investigations, some
experienced their own development, in some cases towards becoming a teacher but also
on a more private or personal level. The simple activity of field observations in
combination with personal reflection and feedback from teacher trainers created
complicated processes beneficial for the student [44]. The achievement of useable
knowledge is enhanced by close relations between teachers and students in combination
with open and visible processes of the learning [45].
Observation skills of students may be developed to enhance the understanding of the
theories describing the reality. The concepts Studium and Punctum presented by Roland
Barthes are useful primarily used to describe the relation between an observer and an
object of art [46]. Studium may be regarded as “study”, a scientific method aiming at
stimulating the observer to make a technical description of the work studied but also to
have opinions about the aims and ambitions of the artist. Punctum could have nothing to
do with the conscious aims of the artist but may be regarded as an unconscious reaction
of the observer to something in the artwork, like an arrow thrown from the picture
pierces the observer and creates a wound or a scar. These different types of relations
between an object and its observer may be used in teaching, especially to make the
student aware of the possible different qualities of observations and the role as a subject
in the relation [47]. The use of art work in making these complex relations visible may be
used also in primary school [48] and will hopefully also promote active creative learning.
This will include a feeling of meaningful learning, ownership of the learning, control of
learning processes and innovation when new understanding is going to be realised [49].
People may exhibit different ways of seeing and representing the world, which are used
in different contexts, and they have different conceptual profiles. These profiles may be
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regarded as different ways of describing the world, none more true than the other.
Words usually have multiple meanings which may create problems but also may be
regarded as a possibility for creating deeper or wider understanding [50].
The theory of conceptual profiles may be used to assess learning outcomes [51], for
performance assessment [52] or to compare the differences in the use of concepts in
different groups of people [53].
Some specific quality markers, during the student’s assessments, are useful especially
when the depth of the understanding of the students is assessed both during the courses,
mainly as formative tools, and also at the end of courses. The 4R, Relations, Recursion,
Richness and Rigor, of Dolls are valuable [54] and they have been used in teacher training
programs for assessing the learning outcome of the students, e.g., the understanding of
evolutionary concepts [55, 56], the technological literacy [57], the personal development
[58], the depth of descriptions regarding perception [59], or the relation between
personal development during courses and the results of the examination [60].
An example of different aspects of what may be included in teacher training programs
could be teachers that usually have more than twenty students with different
perspectives and abilities in their groups, and the flexibility in their teaching has to be
enormous. To meet that challenge, in coo-operation with their students, they need own
experiences of good education. This has been presented by the teachers of the teacher
training program acting as good examples of the profession [60].
2.7. References
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ISBN 8862929765,, p. 67−70.
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[6] Mattsson, J.-E. & Mutvei, A. (2018) Surrealistic Perspectives Useful in Science
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For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 10 (co-ed. Dillon. J. &
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[44] Mattsson, J.-E. &.Mutvei, A. 2014: Aim: To practise scientific methods. Result:
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Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6 (Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference).
[45] Mutvei, A. & Mattsson, J.-E., 2015. Big ideas in Science education in teacher training
program. – Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 167, p. 190–197.
[46] Barthes, R. (1980) La chambre claire. Note sur la photographie. Cahiers du cinéma.
Éditions l’Étoile, Gallimard, Le Seuil.
[47] Mutvei, A., Lönn, M. & Mattsson, J.E., 2018. Development of observation skills in
Science education for enhanced understanding. – In Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E.,
Erduran, S., & Childs, P. (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2017 Conference.
Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education, Part 15/strand 15 (co-ed. Bodil
Sundberg & Maria Kallery), (pp. 2086–2094]). Dublin, Ireland: Dublin City University. ISBN
[48] Mattsson, J.E. & Mutvei, A. 2018. Surrealistic Perspectives Useful in Science
Education, – Conference proceedings. New perspectives in Science Education, 7th ed., p
95–99 ISBN 8862929765,
[49] Mutvei, A. & Mattsson, J.E. 2019. How to Form Creative Learners in Science. – New
Perspectives in Science Education - Conference Proceedings, publisher Filodiritto Editore.
[50] Mortimer, E.F. & El-Hani, C.N. Eds. (2014) Conceptual Profiles. A Theory of Teaching
and Learnning Scientific Concepts. Springer. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London.
ISBN 978-90-481-9245-8.
[51] Ceken, F., Mutvei, A. & Mattsson, J.-E. (2016) The use of the theory of conceptual
profiles to assess learning outcome. – In J. Lavonen, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, A. Uitto & K.
Hahl (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference. Science Education
research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future, Part 16 (co-eds. P. Kariotoglou & T.
Russell), pp. 2716–2721, Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-51-1541-6
[52] Mutvei, A. & Mattsson, J.-E. (2016) The use of conceptual profiles in performance
assessments. – In J. Lavonen, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, A. Uitto & K. Hahl (Eds.), Electronic
Proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference. Science Education research: Engaging
learners for a sustainable future, Part 11 (co-eds. J. Dolin & P. Kind), pp. 1607–1618,
Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-51-1541-6
[53] Mattsson, J.-E. & Mutvei, A. (2016) Conceptual profiles for Doll’s four R's. – In J.
Lavonen, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, A. Uitto & K. Hahl (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the
ESERA 2015 Conference. Science Education research: Engaging learners for a sustainable
future, Part 1 (co-eds. O. Finlayson & R. Pinto), pp. 72–77, Helsinki, Finland: University of
Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-
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[54] Doll jr, W.E. (1993) A post-modern perspective on curriculum. New York. Teacher
[55] Mutvei, A., Bollner, T. & Mattsson, J.-E. 2015. Evolution, Teaching and Assessment of
Students in Pre-Service Primary School Teacher Education. – Conference proceedings.
New perspectives in Science Education, 4th ed. 379–381. ISBN 978-88-6292-600-3,
[56] Mutvei, A. & Mattsson, J.E. 2018. Professional Experience of Teacher Students
Enhances their Understanding of Evolutionary Concepts. – New perspectives in Science
Education, 7th ed., 492–495.
[57] Mutvei, A., Lönn, M. & Mattsson, J.-E. 2017: Technology in Preschool: from Idea to
Product. – Conference proceedings. New perspectives in Science Education, 6th ed. 604–
[58] Mattsson, J.-E., Lönn, M. & Mutvei, A. 2017: Art Studies as Tools for Understanding
Observations in Science – Conference proceedings. New perspectives in Science
Education, 6th ed. 513–517.
[59] Mattsson, J.-E. & Mutvei, A. 2016. Forces, to visualise the invisible. – Conference
proceedings. New perspectives in Science education, 5th ed. 537–541.
[60] Mutvei A., Lönn, M., & Mattsson, J.-E. 2016. Observation not only perception but also
cognition – Conference proceedings. New perspectives in Science education, 5th ed. 365–
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1.1. Introduction
The teaching of Science subjects is as important as it is difficult in the light of new
discoveries and new teaching methods to which teachers are called to further involve
students in having a systematic and effective approach in daily study.
Teaching through ICT tools is increasingly widespread and appreciated by students.
Often, for scientific subjects, publishing houses and specialized websites present exercises
and tests that address the issues for a wide range of students, perhaps divided by type of
school or by category of the same. However, if a teacher in a particular class needs
exercises aimed at achieving certain goals, then the overview on the web drastically
reduces the possibility of identifying the desired exercise or test. Furthermore, each
teacher gives his or her own imprinting to the explanations, to the resolutive
methodologies, with some predilections because it is, he who knows his students who
can change the method of dealing with the issues addressed from year to year but also in
the same school year.
Therefore, the idea of designing a web portal with related applets for mobile devices was
born spontaneously so that individual teachers could upload exercises, problems, tests
that reflect their needs and at the same time the students are encouraged to "play" to
solve the exercises, problems and tests through the purchase of the score and the
exchange of the same through social media. In addition, students have the opportunity to
request that new exercises be uploaded.
The Erasmus + "Do Well Science" project [1] was therefore born from the idea of prof.
Amato Massimo of high school "Niccolò Machiavelli" in Florence - Italy and involves the
following partners:
- Liceo “Niccolò Machiavelli”, Florence - Italy (Project applicant)
- Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff”, Sofia - Bulgaria
- Zinev Art Technologies, Sofia - Bulgaria,
- “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra, Patra – Greece
- University of Peloponnese - Special Account for Research Funds, Tripolis - Greece
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In case of registration [6], for students the portal allows the memorization of the score
and its sharing with social media, the possibility of requesting new and targeted exercises
and if the skills turn out to be suitable to become a creator of content in all respects.
Teachers who have an interest in entering their exercises in the portal must register and
enter their first exercise which will be evaluated before making it visible to students. Each
teacher can insert his/her own exercise in the language he/she wants, but an English
translation is also preferable allowing the whole community to access the new resource.
As of today, the total number of exercises uploaded to the portal and usable by students
is 208.
The categories of exercises are presented as islands and the individual topics of the
various disciplines as villages.
Once the village has been chosen, it appears the list of planned exercises, as showed in
the figure below.
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Teachers do not have the possibility to verify, evaluate or control the students' exercises,
with the advantage of emotional tranquillity and therefore an increase in resolving
capacity. Students can devote themselves to study with dedication and tranquillity, with
the desire to do well and share the results with friends, in a technological environment,
dynamic and more appropriate to their needs and habits.
The exercises can be presented in a combination of the three modes, Explorer, Navigator
and Investigator chosen by the teacher who created the exercise. Students can earn or
lose points in performing the exercises or following their resolution.
Step by step the teacher creates the exercise according to his own criteria and the needs
of his students.
At each step you can enter a score that will be added to the one already obtained by the
student in previous exercises.
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The choice of how many steps, the difficulty, the strategy and the attribution of the score
is left to the teacher.
“Explorer” mode
In the Explorer version the teacher inserts the question and the various steps to solve it.
There is only one resolution path. Step by step, through the development and
explanations, the student is guided to the solution identified by the creator of the
exercise that he considers the most valid and effective.
“Navigator” mode
The Navigator method allows the creator teacher of the exercise to indicate more
possible solutions. The student finds himself making choices, all formally correct, but he is
called to identify the most correct one that gives him the most score.
“Investigator” mode
The creation of an exercise in Investigator mode allows the content creator to also enter
wrong answers, so the student knowing the possibility must pay attention and
concentration if he does not want to lose points.
To involve and entice the student to perform more exercises, 6 levels of use have been
established based on the total score acquired, so up to 50 points the student is classified
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The student therefore has at his disposal a new methodology to identify and / or search
for a solution to a question and can learn through exercises aimed at achieving certain
skills that the teacher considers to increase.
The idea that must always be kept in mind each content creator is the one that he must
think and develop exercises for a typology of students that he knows and through the
platform "Do Well Science" he wants to share with his students to increase the skills, skills
and problem solving.
Students have at their disposal a platform that can be used with any device, from
desktops to mobile phones, at any time of the day. The resolution of the exercises
becomes easy to use, fluent, in which it is possible to linger in the explanations or to
continue quickly, to deepen with the different types of development of the same exercise
and not lastly to share the results with friends, thus having the possibility of creating a
true and own league challenging each other.
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the process of solving problems and how to deal with different tasks and solve specific
The students from “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patras, who participated in the exercise testing,
are at the age of 14-18, in 8th -12th grades incl. Three labs of the school are used namely
the Physics, Chemistry and Biology lab where students carry out experiments. These
classrooms are fully-equipped with instruments and other appliances. All the classes of
the school include multimedia equipment (a PC, a projector, a screen and Internet
connection) available for use in class during the lesson, following the modern methods of
teaching practice. The conditions are ideal for practicing high standards of education and
keeping traditions set by the Arsakeia Schools through the years. As a result, taking part
in the exercise testing was an interesting and quite entertaining experience for the
students because it was really innovative for them to use their mobiles in the classroom.
The laboratory equipment is renewed every year and covers a wide range of experimental
practices additional to those enforced by the Ministry of Education. Thus, teachers are
enabled to carry out projects in the labs which contribute to the best possible
understanding of the taught material issued by the analytical program of the Ministry of
Education. As a result, students and teachers came to some important conclusions
concerning teaching practices, learning and assessment, infrastructure, curricula, etc. and
how to deal with different tasks and solve specific cases.
The students in Italy had been identified in high school grade, in particular scientific high
school and technical high school, in particular the “N. Machiavelli” Lyceum of Florence,
the “Calasanzio” Lyceum of Empoli (FI), the “A. Pacinotti” Lyceum of La Spezia, the “C.
Colombo” Lyceum of Genoa, the “E. Amaldi” Lyceum of Novi Ligure (AL), the “E. Fermi”
Lyceum of Genoa, the “E. Montale” Institute of Genoa and the “F. Liceti” Institute of
Rapallo (GE). At the scientific high schools enrolled in the project, the students’ age is
from 14 to 19 years old, and at the technical school the age of the students is from 14 to
15 years old. The classes are from 1st year to 5th year of the scientific high school, and 1st
and 2nd year of the technical high school. 772 Italian students registered into the web
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The answers provided by the students let us know that only half of them use web portals
and applets to study but almost all of them think that they can help, at least in Science
subjects. The "Do Well Science" project has reason to have been developed and carried in
it forward over time, so that the students benefit most from it.
The free questionnaire of the teachers "Use of App or Web" [8], to which 13 teachers
replied, even if less representative, can still be interesting to consider it for the
suggestions that can be drawn. Below are the questions and their answers.
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The teachers who answered the questionnaire say they do not use or rarely use web
applications or teaching applets but all are convinced that these methodologies can be of
help to their students and most likely would leave them even more free time from study.
1.6. References
[1] Erasmus+ Program Call 2017–KA2, project title: “Do Well Science”, project number:
[2] Project:
[3] Home-page portal:
[4] Android app “Dowellscience”:
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2.1. Overview
STEM as concept is almost never used in the curricula or other important policy
documents in the different project’s countries but there are anyhow some STEM-related
activities in all four countries. There are several international organisations promoting
STEM. As seen above Bulgaria and Greece are represented in EU STEM Coalition in
contrast to Italy and Sweden.
In another international organization, e.g. European Schoolnet [1], STEM is one of the
major thematic domains. Here Bulgaria is an observer country while Greece by Ministry of
Education, Research and Religious Affairs [2], Italy by INDIRE - National Institute for
Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research [3] and Sweden by Skolverket -
Swedish National Agency for Education [4] are members.
There are several other organisations promoting STEM but these rarely are directly
related to official national educational organisations.
In Bulgaria there is no specific policy for the development of STEM education but the
country participates in the EU STEM-Coalition [5] through the Ministry of Education and
Science [6].
According to the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science: “The Bulgarian education
system has been traditionally supportive of STEM, providing students with numerous
opportunities to broaden their experience in the STEM fields outside the curriculum.
Currently several non-government and academic organisations are responsible for the
bulk of the STE(A)M initiatives in Bulgaria and most of them work closely with
policymakers, trying to ensure the sustainability of their initiatives, some of which have
been standing for decades and have turned into an institution of their own.
The longest standing form of extracurricular STEM activities have been the various
Olympiads – Mathematics, Informatics, Information technologies, Physics, Chemistry,
Astronomy, Mathematical linguistics etc. Bulgaria has been a founding member of most
of the international Olympiads in these fields and last year founded EJOI (European Junior
Olympiad in Informatics). Bulgaria is also one of the few countries, where students
receive direct support and mentorship from active researchers. Every Olympiad has three
rounds- school, district and national, with the more popular fields, such as Mathematics
and Informatics also having additional national competitions. Schools are encouraged to
provide extracurricular courses, preparing the students for the Olympiads through various
funding programmes such as the Operative programme “Science and Education for Smart
High school research is another well-established traditional STEM activity, due to the
tradition of research organizations in mentorship and access to resources to talented high
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school students. The High School Students Institute of Mathematics and Informatics has
been functioning since 2000, initially modelling its structure and activities after the US
Center for Excellence in Education and then – gradually expanding and diversifying its
methods. Currently it organizes two annual high school conferences, an interview-based
grant initiative supporting high achieving students to participate in international research
programs, and an international summer school, which gathered 45 students from ten
countries in 2017. The summer school is three week long and each participant is provided
with a personal mentor and research topic in the field of Mathematics, Computer Science,
ICT or Astronomy.
The Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science's current priorities include:
- involvement of the three interests’ parties in STEM skills intensification –
kids/students, parents, school/education authorities;
- funding for STEM education innovations and interdisciplinary projects
development aimed at foster collaborations for sharing and co-creation of new
knowledge among High Schools or/and Education Institutions;
- better STEM through better STEM teachers: fostering change management in
education and development of education change management strategies for each
High School/education institution;
- improvement and digitalisation of STEM infrastructure (STEM Labs), facilities, and
libraries (digital STEM libraries at High Schools/education institutions);
- overcoming the inequality and better integration through learning communities
and development of STEM knowledge map and paths (STEM BUS Bulgaria);
- pragmatism, transparency, and visibility of STEM efforts: ideas and contributions
of all interest parties can be achieved through the development and sustainability
of Open Data STEM portal Bulgaria;
- integration with the foreseen EIT community hub in Bulgaria” [5].
In Greece there is not specific policy for STEM education in the upper secondary
education but Greece also participates in the EU STEM-Coalition [5] and is represented by
FORTH, the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas which is one of the largest
research centres in Greece.
“The Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), established in 1983, is one
of the largest research centres in Greece with well-organized facilities, highly qualified
personnel and a reputation as a top-level research foundation worldwide. The research
and technological directions of FORTH focus on areas of major scientific, social, and
economic interest. The Foundation, with headquarters in Heraklion, includes six Research
Institutes in different parts of the country. FORTH currently employs 1080 people
(researchers, technicians and administrative staff) and trains around 320 students from
Greece and other European countries.
The Educational Research and Evaluation (ERE) Group operates within the Institute of
Applied and Computational Mathematics (IACM), which is one of the founding institutes
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of FORTH. The Group’s research concerns are in areas of educational and social
innovation with particular focus on the aspects of gender, S&T, ICT, adult education and
leadership in education. The scope of activity is on research for modelling and the
building of understanding of the emerging social, pedagogical / training and policy trends
in Europe. The underlying concern is the identification of methods which can foster
effectiveness in social cohesion and learning for responsible decision-making and
improvement of education and lifelong learning services. This is achieved through the
design and implementation of awareness development activities with the actors of the
educational community, the carrying out of applied research, digital forms of course
design and implementation, the conduct of programme evaluations. The Group’s
research and evaluation activity is addressed under the scope of policy
comprehensiveness and coherence within and across the sector of education and related
sectors from a learning tradition perspective.
Over the years, the Group has developed conceptual tools to facilitate policy and tangible
outputs to direct self-reflection for practitioners on matters pertinent to education and
training” [8].
In Italy there is some specific policy for the development of STEM education. The most
important is INDIRE [3], where looking for innovation of the Italian school which
represents the key point for development into the school. It is also the National Agency
for Erasmus+ programs.
The INDIRE is the reference point for educational research in Italy. It develops new
didactic models, experiments with the use of new technologies in training courses,
promotes the redefinition of the relationship between spaces and times of learning and
The Institute has a consolidated experience in the in-service training of teaching,
administrative, technical and auxiliary staff and of school managers and had been the
protagonist of some of the most important e-learning experiences at European level.
Together with the INVALSI, the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education and
Training System and the inspection task of the Ministry of Education, the INDIRE is part of
the National Evaluation System on Education and Training [10]. In this context, the
Institute develops support actions for teaching improvement processes for raising
learning levels and the proper functioning of the school context.
Through quantitative and qualitative monitoring, databases and research reports, the
INDIRE observes and documents the phenomena related to the transformation of the
curriculum in technical and professional education and to the issues of school and work.
In Sweden there is not a specific policy regarding the development of STEM education but
the diploma goals for the Natural Science programme (upper secondary school,
gymnasium) may be regarded as STEM policy: “The Natural Science Programme is a
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higher education preparatory programme. With a diploma from the programme, students
should have the knowledge needed for higher education studies primarily in the Natural
Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, and in other areas. The education should develop
students’ knowledge about context in nature, about the conditions for life, about physical
phenomena and events, and about chemical processes. In Biology, Physics and Chemistry,
the surrounding world is described in models that are developed in interaction between
experiment and theory. The education should also develop students’ knowledge of
Mathematics is a subject with its own distinctive character, and is also an instrument
whose concepts and symbolic language is used for models developed to understand and
analyse relationships in other subject areas. The education should stimulate students’
curiosity and creativity, and their ability to think analytically. Through the education,
students should develop a scientific approach. This covers the ability to think critically,
reason logically, solve problems, and make systematic observations. Students should thus
be given the opportunity to develop the skill of assessing different types of sources, and
the ability to distinguish among statements based on scientific and non-scientific grounds.
Understanding of sciences is based on the interaction between theory and practical
experience. Experiments, laboratory experiments, field studies and other comparable
practical areas should thus be central elements in the education. The education should
contain a perspective from the history of ideas, which means that the ideas and theories
of the sciences are studied as parts of a historical process. Students should be given the
opportunity of developing their interest in science questions, and they should be able to
benefit from current research findings in relevant areas. The education should give an
understanding of how science and the development of society both affect and are
affected by each other and in particular highlight the role of science in questions
concerning sustainable development. Students should also be given the opportunity to
take part in ethical discussions of the role of science in society. Language is a tool for
communication, as well as for reflection and learning. The education should thus develop
students’ ability to argue and express themselves in advanced writing and speaking
situations related to Science and Mathematics. Students should also be able to
understand, read and write about, and discuss basic Science in English. In Science and
Mathematics, data collection and calculations are mainly carried out using computers.
The ability to search for, select, process and interpret information, and acquire
knowledge of new technology is important for scientists and mathematicians. The
education should thus provide good practice in using modern technology and equipment.
The education should encourage students into taking responsibility and their ability to
cooperate, and stimulate them into seeing opportunities, trying to solve problems, taking
initiatives and transforming ideas into practical actions” [11].
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2.2. Conclusion
Based on the diverse information, regarding structures, contents, aims and contexts
produced in the different countries and presented in the previous paragraph, it may be
difficult to present just and objective comparisons among the policies of the countries
included. From another point of view, the resulting knowledge and skills of the individual
students appears to be fairly similar. Thus, it may not be important to compare the
content or the structure of the goals presented in different documents or found in other
sources but to try to evaluate the outcome of the education in each country. However,
this is not the objective of this presentation.
Still some questions remain: Why do we have these similarities in the outcome of the
teaching regardless the differences in the curricula? The subject content is similar, at least
in a wide perspective; the main principles are learned although different examples,
pedagogy, etc. is used.
Focusing on STEM there are some immediate similarities. The concept STEM is rarely used
directly in the national context. This may partly be due to the acronym itself. The word
“science” in English is “ңayka” (nauka) in Bulgarian, “Επιστήμη” (epistimi) in Greek,
“scienza” in Italian and “vetenskap” in Swedish. Only in the Italian word the letter “s” is
found in the beginning. Similarly, “engineering” is “инженерство” (inzhenerstvo),
“μηχανική” (michaniki), “ingegneria”, “ingenjörskonst”. Here none of the word begins
with an “e”. Further the four words may, as it is in Swedish, belong to different groups of
words. Vetenskap or usually naturvetenskap refer primarily to the theoretical subjects’
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Teknik often refer to how to do in different situations but
also to more technical activities as building or construction. Ingenjörskonst is usually the
professional activity of construction, which may be used as a synonym to teknik.
Matematik is in Swedish a subject at school similar to Biology etc. Thus, in Swedish STEM
refers to (school) subjects or theoretical areas, how to act practical in different situations
and a specific type of professions. As STEM include all these disparate areas and activities
it is not a concept easily used outside the curricular school world.
2.3. References
[1] European Schoolnet,
[2] Greece Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs,
[3] INDIRE - Italian National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational
[4] Skolverket - Swedish National Agency for Education,
[5] EU STEM Coalition,
[6] Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science,
[7] Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas,
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- primary and secondary education programs of studies and curricula, school books
and teaching material.
The teaching of all the subjects is based on the Cross-thematic Curriculum Framework,
which sets the general principles and the curricula for every subject at each grade level.
The aims of the curricula of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for the upper
secondary education can be seen below.
In Italy the educational aims and content for all subjects are determined in a centralized
way by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research - MIUR
[4]. There are three levels of school: primary, lower secondary and upper secondary or
high school. The compulsory school are determined by the age of the students: all
students have to attend school up to 16 years old. For a regular student’s career, school is
up to the second year in high school.
The curricula for every level are developed by MIUR. Concerning the high school, the last
five years before university, the Italian national indications about what the teachers have
to teach in STEM are described below.
In Sweden the educational aims and content for all subjects is determined in a centralized
way but by the Government after directions of the Parliament
education-in-sweden [5].
The Swedish curriculum of compulsory school (year 1 to 9) also includes the preschool
class, the year before the first year of the primary school, and the recreation centre
(pedagogic activities in the early mornings and late afternoons, as most pupils belong to
families where both parents are working the whole day. The curriculum of the last three
years before university, gymnasium, includes not only programs preparatory for
university studies but also programs with more practical training and thus embraces
almost all Swedish older teens.
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Differences in structure and content do not necessarily lead to differences in the layout
and content of the courses at school.
The indications in the country curricula is presented for each discipline interesting in this
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more directly aims at the goals of the teaching. Similarly, the general principles of the
Greek curriculum focus not only on mathematical thinking and skills but underlines the
importance of students being able of using them in daily adult life. In that perspective the
Greek curriculum clearly relates to daily life. The Bulgarian curriculum, as presented here,
may be regarded as dealing with strict mathematical Science but the detailed
specifications of the abilities and knowledge, that the students are supposed to master at
the end of their studies, are often related to everyday life.
Thus, although the differences among the constructions of the curricula it is quite
possible to make consistent interpretations of their aims concerning mathematical
understanding. The ability to use Mathematics in a wider context seems to be more
strongly supported in the Greek curriculum compared to, for example, the Bulgarian. This
may lead to similarities among the abilities of students from different countries in their
strict mathematical skills but to differences in their ability to use these professionally or in
everyday life.
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The Greek curriculum has similar objectives also but here the subject content primarily is
related to the use of Physics in the society.
<<The main objective of the curriculum of Physics in General Upper Secondary is the
formation of educated citizens / future citizens, with knowledge of the principles and laws
governing the natural world, the understanding of natural phenomena and of the
technological applications of these principals and laws, but also skills for best use and
their exploitation in the society. This goal is for all students / future citizens.>>
This relation between the subject and the society is also found in the Italian curriculum:
<<In particular, the student will have acquired the following skills: […] understand and
evaluate the scientific and technological choices that affect the society in which they
Also, the Swedish curriculum has a similar goal for the student:
<<Teaching in the subject of Physics should give students the opportunities to develop
the following: Knowledge of the importance of Physics for the individual and society.>>
Although these declarations on teaching Physics are useful for the society, the main part
of the curricula focus on scholastic Physics. The subject content is similar although the
Bulgarian curriculum and Swedish syllabi are very detailed and specified. The Swedish
syllabi seems to contain more specific applications like Radiation in medicine and
technology and Climate and weather forecast.
The Greek curricula focus on literacy in Physics and the exploitation of ideas and
interconnections and the Italian one specifies also the non-mechanistic areas as Einstein’s
special theory of relativity, quantum Physics, the wave nature of matter etc …
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The Bulgarian curriculum in Biology covers five different areas:
- Biosphere (macrosystem structure and processes);
- Cell (microsystem structure and processes);
- Multicellular organism (mesosystem structure and processes);
- Biological evolution;
- Observations.
Within each of these areas, there are several goals that the students are supposed to
reach. Although more clearly specified these are partly similar and coherent to the
knowledge and the abilities included as goals of the teaching of Biology in Sweden.
In Sweden, teaching in the subject of Biology should give students the opportunities to
- knowledge of the concepts, models, theories and working methods of Biology, and
also an understanding of their development;
- the ability to analyse and find answers to subject-related questions, and to
identify, formulate and solve problems. The ability to reflect on and assess chosen
strategies, methods and results;
- the ability to plan, carry out, interpret and report field studies, experiments and
observations, and also the ability to handle materials and equipment;
- knowledge of the importance of Biology for the individual and society;
- the ability to use knowledge of Biology to communicate, and also to examine and
use information.
The Greek curriculum also covers similar areas as the others but, as for the other subjects,
the goals are clearly related to development of the understanding of structures,
processes and relations among organisms.
In addition to this dynamic perspective, also research methodology, collaboration and
communication and the use of Biology in society are important in the Greek curriculum:
- understanding key concepts, processes and phenomena;
- initiation in research processes;
- the goal is to create favourable conditions for ensuring interest and active
participation of students in exploratory learning processes such as
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The Bulgarian curricula describes a number of skills that the student should master within
five different chemical areas:
- classification of substances and nomenclature;
- structure and properties of substances;
- use of substances;
- chemical processes;
- experiment and research.
To give an idea of how the curriculum is constructed here is one example from each of
the different areas. As a result of Chemistry education at the end of the upper secondary
level, the student:
- applies the chemical nomenclature to all chemical species compounds;
- applies rules to fill the layers, sublayers, and electrons orbits;
- describes substances with special use and basic methods for their synthesis;
- uses mechanisms to explain chemical processes;
- describes methods for determining the composition and composition of
substances, as well as for their separation.
As seen from the examples above the Bulgarian curriculum describes the achieved skills
of the students at the end of their education.
In Greece, the Chemistry lessons are taught in the first and second year of the high school
and the students are encouraged to:
- conquer an adequate and coherent body of Chemistry knowledge, which, on the
one hand, will offer them conceptual and methodological tools to continue
learning autonomously and on the other to provide the future citizens with a
culture of scientific investigation of things, which will give them the opportunity to
have critical and reflective management of knowledge;
- develop skills necessary for both multilateral development and active participation
in the modern society, such as critical thinking, creativity, communication,
collaboration, excellence and wise use of information technologies and
- cultivate values, attitudes and behaviours which distinguish the educated modern
citizen and contribute positively to their progress towards the upgrading.
For the Chemistry lesson which is taught during the last year of their studies only for
students in the field of Sciences hence more emphasis and depth in:
- the conceptual part with a reduction of the corresponding descriptive and more
extensive development of the central concepts;
- the practical part with skills of development implemented knowledge and
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STEM hours
Bulgaria Greece Italy Sweden
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Regarding the students participating, in Bulgaria, Greece and Italy all students in high
school study STEM subjects.
In Sweden the Natural Science programme has about 12,000 students, about 12% of total
students. The technology programme with 10,000 students, round 10%, may also include
courses to prepare for academic studies in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. In total
about on fifth of Swedish teenagers are prepared to study STEM subjects on an academic
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In Sweden the STEM teacher qualification includes five to five and a half years of
academic studies. The studies include subject studies of three and a half years, the core of
education Science in one year and further a half year of practical work at schools. The
different courses may be spread out over several semesters which will result in a mixture
of theoretical, pedagogical and practical courses during the training. The subjects studied
normally include two subjects, usually Biology/Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics,
Biology/Natural Science (Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science), Physics/Mathematics,
Geography/Mathematics or Chemistry/Mathematics. One of these subjects is studied
during two years the other during one year and a half. The core of education Science
includes the history of the school systems, the present school organisation, basic
democratic and human rights, curriculum theory and didactics, theory and research,
development, learning and special education, social relations, conflict handling and
leadership, assessment and grading and finally evaluation and development. The practical
courses often are spread in time over the program to increase the teaching ability of the
student and adapt the training to personal requirements of the student.
3.8. Conclusion
As seen already in the introduction of this chapter there are several differences in the
structure of these curricula as well in their contents. Also, the aims or goals seem to
differ, but mainly due to the different perspectives of the curricula. It is anyhow possible
to acknowledge the possibility in similar results concerning the preparation for higher
studies in the development of theoretical understanding and practical skills of the
participating students. If there are differences in the resulting knowledge and practical
skills of the different subjects these may probably mainly appear in the practical everyday
life of the student. It may be important to learn the lesson of the Greek curriculum and
never forget to relate the subject content to everyday life whenever this is possible.
School Science may be adequate in school situations but learning should also be learning
for life, nor only for school. Together and in combination these curricula show the
necessity of the teacher to use several ways of describing goals, to vary the way of
teaching and use the individualities of the students. To facilitate this and widen the
perspectives, every teacher should not only be accustomed to the curriculum and syllabi
of the own country but also of these of others.
3.9. References
[1] Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science,
[2] Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs – MIN.EDU,
[3] Greek Institute of Educational Policy - I.E.P,
[4] Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – MIUR,
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4.1. Introduction
The development of the portal and applications for mobile devices has been carried out in
different phases. After the implementation of the portal and the app and the related
debugging phase, it was necessary to carry out a testing phase so that students and
teachers who were not initially involved in the project had the opportunity to help
partners optimizing the content and the creation methods of the exercises by the
teachers and their use by the students. Therefore, questionnaires were specifically
designed to be given to teachers and teachers to verify the use of the portal and
The development of the portal in its forms shared by the partners was tackled by
following the ideas of gamification and approach to the STEM disciplines as specified in
Part III of this manual.
The contents of the portal are presented below and how they were designed and
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initial allocation made by the program coordinator and the selection of these exercises
was done according to the educational program applied in Greece. The exercises cover a
wide range of the material taught from the third grade of the Gymnasium to the third
grade of the Lyceum.
In all the suggested exercises, the questions are of increasing difficulty. Finally, we have
chosen the types of exercises, one and three, because we believe that these types of
exercises are more acceptable to the pupils and are more suited to the current
educational system.
The exercises in Natural Sciences were distributed by two teachers and are in total 11,
seven of which are in Chemistry and four in Biology. More specifically:
- Chemistry: The topics are in the fields of periodic table of the elements and the
investigation of chemical properties (such as atomic mass for example), chemical
stoichiometry and organic Chemistry. The exercises are developed on the basis of
the suggested and approved topics of exercises by all partners. Additionally, one
exercise was prepared in Greek language for the language test needed to be
performed from the contributor of the app. Between the three types of each
exercise it seems that the third type (explorer) best suits to Chemistry because the
students directly see where they can possibly make mistakes and learn from them,
trying not to repeat them in other exercises.
- Biology: As far as the Biology exercises are concerned, in total six exercises were
created, five of them in English and one in Greek. Exercises were selected from
the following thematic sections: Genetics, Phylogeny, Ecology and Molecular
Biology. The exercises were created for students of all high school classes. The
choice of exercises was based on students’ cognitive background and all the three
types were designed to test their knowledge in an interesting way beyond the
teacher-centred teaching standard. Especially, the third type of exercises managed
to keep students motivated during Biology class.
“Machiavelli” (IT)
Italian partners developed their 44 own exercises following the project indications, so the
Italian teachers settled exercises in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics according to the
needs and the possible requirements of the students. The teachers involved into the
project had some meetings to focus which kind of exercises and of which typology. The
teacher preferred to extend their work to the most of students possible, so they choose
to write the exercises in English. Some exercise is in Italian just to help the objectives of
the project. Consequently, the decision was to create several exercises for the first, the
second and third classes of the Italian high school.
In Mathematics the exercises number is 18, in Physics is 11 and in Natural Sciences 15.
“Södertörn” (SE)
Swedish partners developed their own 28 exercises concerning the evolution of the
natural systems. This kind of exercises has been due to the type of university departments
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from which the teachers are coming. Evaluating the modality of the presentation of the
questions the teachers mainly limited to the “Investigator” mode, because it is the best
that fit the type of examination that the students are called to do. After a very brief time
where it was necessary to understand how to create and why, the teachers developed
the exercises with enthusiasm and proficiency.
4.3. Development of the web app correlated to the student test using the settled
During the development of the project, the partner would know the indications of the
users to take care of those at the moment or in the future after the project.
The partners asked their teachers to confront the idea and the methodology of “Do Well
Science” with their students, using the items and answered to the surveys, to test the
web portal and the app.
Predominantly the attention is the project but “Do Well Science” had also been an
opportunity to understand the students’ interest in STEM approach.
Students and teacher were called to answer a survey to know their relating in the project.
The surveys presented below were non-compulsory, because the project would have a
response from the students without any kind of suggestion, so the answering could be
very interesting as they are.
Using the data collected with the “DWS - Student questionnaire” [1]:
- 628 students filled in the survey in which they could answer about which kind of
app they used and how many exercises they tested.
The graphics of the portal and applications for iOS and Android are very pleasant and
interesting. The same graphic also allows teachers to make the presentation of new
exercises more appealing, since some subjects are often difficult to introduce.
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Using the data collected with the “DWS – Exercise suggestion” questionnaire [2]:
- 12 students, from Bulgaria, filled in the survey indicating new exercises only in
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The total number of teachers who tested the app were 37, 29 by the online form [3], and
8 by hand-writing form [4].
Using the answers of the survey “DWS – Teacher questionnaire.pdf” [3], the results are:
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Using the answer of the hand-writing form [4], the result is:
- for the question “STEM Teaching and Learning Package”
o general organization of structure: 8,6%
o easiness of navigation: 8,6
o scientific reliability: 8,6
o didactical Appropriateness: 8,2
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o In many exercises errors (even rough ones) are found: this makes the instrument
unreliable. The best result that can be achieved is to have students try to find and
correct errors in the proposed exercises
o The students tell me that using the app on android or iOs you see different things
o The structure of the exercises is not very intuitive
o Often English is also questionable
o I had no intention of inserting exercises, but I didn't find a way to do it
o In the questionnaire that the teachers must complete at the end, the questions
relating to the creation of exercises are mandatory, although it is not mandatory
to have entered exercises
o In the evaluation of portal and app, 3 items out of 4 are positive (very good / good
/ not bad) while one is negative (bad): this clearly pushes respondents to focus on
“not bad” even in case of judgment not positive on the project, clearly distorting
the results of the questionnaire
o The graphic is ugly (subjective judgment, therefore questionable)
o The topics (the names of the villages within the islands) are not readable
o I often disagree about "what is the best strategy" to solve a problem
o The layout of the mathematical formulas is ugly (subjective judgment, therefore
o The structuring of the exercises in the three types, above all the one that also
proposes incorrect alternatives.
o Graphic: islands, villages
- Answering to the question “What aspects of the App were most useful or valuable?”
o The app could be very interesting for the students, with the possibility to use at
any moment of the day, also in class if the teacher agrees.
o The possibility of proposing exercises in different ways than using a text. I have
not prepared and entered any exercise
o In the islands the cities sometimes develop too wide arguments and therefore it is
difficult to find, in a fast way, exercises related to the topic you want to play.
o The interface is similar to a game, and therefore closer to young people's learning
methods. In the initial phase (weather permitting) it would be useful to develop
these paths also with the children, taking advantage of the project to analyse in
depth an algorithm or a concept. Unfortunately, at this stage of the year it was not
possible, but the idea is very interesting and intrigued the students.
o The tool used a lot by young people, the game-like interface intrigued the kids and
caught their attention. It would be interesting to have time to learn more about
this app with the kids
o The graphical interface is very simple and intuitive
o The applets is definitely closer to the spirit of many kids (especially the younger
ones) and the idea of being able to use mobile phones for schooling has had an
effect of involvement and has produced curiosity. I don't know how much the
"novelty" effect counts and how long the first interest is. However, several
students have used the app. even alone at home.
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o Creating form to search the exercise by name of the teacher, name of the
exercise, number of the exercise, ...
o Creating form to search an exercise easiest.
o Sometimes the app or portal are very slow.
o The home page of the portal is not very user-friendly.
o Type 3 is suitable for training because it enables the teacher to show the possible
mistakes that are allowed in solving a particular task
o Extremely useful
o My students enjoyed working with the project as well as I did
o The user interface is easy to use as well.
o Deduction
o Reading the surveys for the students and recalling that the survey was not
compulsory, it could summarize that the students have dealt with the Maths
exercises, then those of Natural Sciences and finally those of Physics. Also, the
surveys seem to indicate that the students prefer using the mobile device instead
of the pc or laptop and to give the information that “Do Well Science” is in the
right way but it could be improved. Reading the comments, it could be found that
most of them wrote that the project idea is excellent and also the exercises. In
some case the students ask to fix the bugs into the app concerning the score,
some symbols, the English translation. They paid a lot of attention to the system
that offers them the exercises and they know that it could be done the
enhancement. The students greatly appreciated the presentation and
development methodology of the exercises.
o The exercises presented in this way are interesting, the students provide the
opportunity to solve tasks with a different approach. This could be the way that
students prefer learning and feedback, which makes exercises even more relevant.
The exercises served in this way become easy to perform, showing opportunities
to solve various problems.
By reading the surveys of teachers and students it could be concluded that the below
comparative analysis of the main common trends and most relevant differences emerged
between the traditional learning methods and the learning process based on the “Do well
Science” e-platform:
- despite the popularity of online education, vast groups of students consciously
stay away from such methods, mostly due to misconception;
- at the same time, despite the rising popularity of using the brilliant option of the
island as a mean of a specific scientific area, traditional (classroom) training is
fighting back and trying to adopt newer means of retaining learners' interest, such
as the experiments in the lab specially for the Natural Sciences courses;
- digital classroom learning helps students and teachers knowing each other in a
better manner. Increasing students’ participation in their own learning has been a
goal of educators, no matter the specific scientifically field, for a considerable
time. This allows teachers to know the students and to better evaluate their
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strengths and weaknesses, act as mentors, and guide students in their career
Summarizing the answers, there are always two sides of a coin: for some individuals
digital training is more appropriate, but for others traditional-classroom training is the
preferred delivery method. Then, teachers found the exercises useful and necessary
didactic tool in the interactive way of learning and student could learn in a different and
more useful mode.
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We received the assurance that the work is well done after the testing with students and
their satisfaction from learning.
Teachers and students together showed that learning at school can be easier and
The development of the exercises through the "Content Creator" was a very interesting
process for the teachers of “Arsakeio”.
The selection of the exercises was a challenge for the teachers. The topics were very clear
from the beginning of the project and the teachers had to choose exercises suitable for
the students of secondary education. The exercises should be relevant to their school
books, easy to understand and resolved with two or more different ways. This last part
was not easy to achieve for the exercises of Natural Sciences.
Writing exercises in the English language was another challenge for them. Since they
don't use this language in teaching, they had to recall to their memory the scientific
terminology. Of course, the help of the English teachers was very precious.
A serious difficulty that a lot of teachers encountered was writing equations with
mathematical symbols. The "Content Creator" environment was not friendly for this
process and the teachers had to make a lot of steps and moves until the equation
appeared as an image. So, writing exercises for Mathematics and Physics was a time
consuming process.
Writing the exercises in three different types was an interesting and innovative idea. The
third type (multiple choice) was the most demanding for the teachers. They had to give a
lot of different possible answers and also predict the errors which students make and
then comment on these errors to give the feedback. The third type was suitable for
exercises of Chemistry and Biology but also was a useful teaching tool for all the teachers
to increase the interest and competitiveness of the students in the classroom.
Despite those difficulties, the teachers of “Arsakeio” involved in writing the exercises,
enjoyed their participation in this process. They collaborated with teachers from Italy and
Bulgaria exchanging thoughts and opinions about common teaching issues and they are
waiting for the acceptance of their work.
The Italian teachers have found the same difficulties as the Bulgarian and Greek
colleagues because the implementation of the solutions of the exercises has a slightly
different logic from that which they usually carry out in the classroom. The main
difference was that of necessarily having to transcribe in the form of a question and
answer all those considerations that are usually made in an active discussion in the
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The Swedish teachers, since they mainly developed exercises on Biology, implemented
the exercises almost exclusively in the Navigator mode, since it was the one most suited
to the questions that they usually propose to the student and for which a draft with "Do
Well Science" which allows a different view that helps students in the skills they need to
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About 100 students of all the classes of “Arsakeio” Lyceum were involved in testing the
exercises. The teachers participating in the program informed the students of how the
application works and how the exercises are processed. The testing phase took place in
the classrooms during the lessons of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and
also some of the students worked on their own at home. At first, students were reluctant
to be involved due to some technical difficulties concerning the web portal and the App,
as well as the fact that the exercises were not written in their mother tongue. In the
following weeks, however, the students became more familiar with the philosophy of the
exercises. It is very important to mention that the third type of the exercises was more
appealing to the students. This could be attributed to the fact that they had the chance to
work in groups and their competitive spirit was challenged.
The results were particularly encouraging as students found the application useful and a
different way of approaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics. They argued that the
application could be an additional tool in the educational process and a knowledge check
on what they have been taught. Additionally, the application could be used for the final
revision before the exam. A further reason that students showed interest in the
application is the use of new technologies.
In conclusion, the “Do Well Science” web portal and the App offered a flexible, efficient
and interesting learning tool to the majority of the students.
The implementation of innovative technology in the teaching and learning process is the
basic tool in serving the objectives of the Greek educational system. Thus, new
methodologies that cultivate experiential and cooperative learning are promoted. Also,
the Greek educational system motivates the educator to make use of the possibilities
offered by the constant evolution of digital technology to facilitate and upgrade the
quality of its work,
In Greece, Digital educational content for primary and secondary education is a key pillar
of digital national policy for the incorporation and constructive utilization of Information
& Communication Technologies, ICT, in school education, The
creation of digital Open Educational Resources, development Digital repositories for the
organization, search and wide availability of educational resources in the school
community, as well as the development of a digital educational platform for pupils and
students educational and pedagogical frameworks for their use in the learning process
are the central objective of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious
Affairs actions on Digital Educational Content.
According to the “Do Well Science” Project results, this project not only helps students to
reflect on the process of solving problems, acquire skills and strengthen their critical
thinking but also offers the teachers the ability to turn the traditional lesson into a more
modern lesson, tailored to the demands and needs of the era. In conclusion, “Do Well
Science” Project constitutes an innovative pedagogical-teaching method through which
the Greek educational objectives are being served.
In Italy there is a progressive revision of the teaching methods of schools of all levels, to
increasingly integrate scientific subjects, STEM, with other disciplinary fields.
The study activities aim at identifying effective strategies, solutions, models and
approaches for the management of learning processes, taking into account the variety of
contributions coming from different research approaches: cognitive psychology,
neuroscience, social psychology, anthropology, pedagogy, and the need to make explicit
the scientific competences to be promoted.
Moreover, this research path intends to enhance all those activities that focus on the
collaboration between researchers and teachers in real learning contexts, which thus
become real "laboratories" for research. “Do Well Science” is a good practice of
collaboration among schools of same and different grades, and a possible habit for
students to improve their skills from how their teachers like to teach.
“Do Well Science” is an opportunity to help the school system improving the STEM
disciplines using the ICT as an easy and effective approach, because it is addressed
directly to the students of the teachers who would engage in the creation of the
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4.8. References
[1] “DWS - Student questionnaire.pdf”, appendix 3
[2] “DWS - Exercise suggestion.pdf”, appendix 4
[3] “DWS - Teacher questionnaire.pdf”, appendix 5
[4] “DWS – Project Evaluation by end users.doc”, appendix 6
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1.1. Introduction
The contents of this chapter deal with the issue of combining both technical and
methodological approach by illustrating the main theoretical findings emerged during the
project. These contents are also a practical guide to teachers based on the best practice in
using alternative pathways to teaching STEM based on enquiry, centred on student and
on argumentation group discussions.
The key strategy is to engage or re-engage children and youth in Science and
Mathematics in ways that are authentic and interesting and meaningful to the learners
themselves. The system currently is struggling with this regard today: the curriculum and
its assessment are dull, encourage teaching narrowly to low - level fact - based tests, fail
to encourage creativity, and switch the majority of learners off. This module touches on
the sensitive issues of how innovation can be implemented in STEM education and what
are the main questions which must be regarded by school administrations and teachers in
secondary schools.
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Some specific criteria that can be used to determine the change in traditional and
innovative educational approaches could be:
- possibility for students to design their own experiments;
- scope for students to explain their ideas;
- explain the relevance of Science in everyday life;
- use of memorization of facts and procedures as a pedagogical technique;
- using computer simulations for learning;
- using computers to practice skills and procedures.
- teacher collaboration in form of peer observation;
- teacher collaboration through teaching discussion with peers;
- professional development for fostering students’ critical thinking and problem
- availability of laptops or notebooks in schools.
- parental involvement in school activities;
- public posting of school achievement data.
At the core of successful innovation in schools is the relationship among the innovation,
the capacity and disposition of the innovator, and the environment in which the
innovation occurs [3].
Zhao et al. (2002) argues that a two-
axis scale can be used to understand
the potential success of an innovation
through the capacity of an
organization or individual to engage
with change. On the vertical axis is the
distance of the innovation from the
existing practice. They suggest that
the closer the innovation is to existing
practice, the easier it will be to adopt.
Here practice can relate to classroom
practice, pedagogy, school culture or
structures within the school
depending on the nature of the innovation. Indeed, the definition of the ‘change to
practice’ is a context bound by those who use this model. The horizontal axis shows the
degree to which the innovation is dependent on resources for success. This relates to the
resources needed for the innovation and the extent to which they differ from existing
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school resources. Resources can be a broad category including technical resources such as
equipment or web access, human resources such as extra staff to support activities and
planning time, or physical resources such as classroom space. The less demand the
innovation puts on extra school resource levels the more likely it is to succeed [11].
Additional resources on the paragraph topic can be found in [12][13][14][15].
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The language of Science is the sectorial language of which the texts produced in the field
of scientific research are typically constituted and spread. These are the texts in which the
following conditions are fulfilled: the subject of the text is exclusively the objective reality
and whatever subjective intrusion by the author is banned; at the centre of the
relationship between the text and the extra-textual reality is the principle of verifiability
or falsifiability of the statements produced; the text must be decoded on the basis of
standardized codes, therefore it should keep strong constraints on interpretation.
For Michail Bachtin: “The objective unity of cognition knows no ending as something
which possesses positive validity: it is not Science that begins and ends, but the scientist.
The end, the beginning, and a considerable number of the compositional moments of a
learned treatise reflect the activity of its author-subiectum, that is, they are aesthetic
moments, which do not penetrate into the open, infinite, and beginningless world of
cognition” [23].
The field of studies (the studied objects themselves) is, however, divided into two great
articulations. On the one hand we can consider the studies of (or based on) physical and
natural reality: and, in addition to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc., we can include in this
area the same Mathematics that - even with the maximum of abstraction which it reaches
- it is always founded and inscribed in natural reality if we remember, with Galileo, that
the universe: “It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles
and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to
comprehend a single word”.
On the other hand are the studies that concern - rather than ‘things’ - the ‘signs’, which
concern mankind (hence the term ‘human sciences’): however, not the human being in
itself, but as a producer (or receiver) of signs or, better, of texts.
In reality, each object can be studied with a scientific method, a method defined from
time to time within the epistemological status of the various fields of study, but which
often assumes as a model, as far as possible, that of the exact and experimental sciences,
considered for excellence the ‘scientific disciplines’. The adoption or the tension towards
a scientific method justifies for those subjects the term of ‘human sciences’.
Additional resources on the paragraph topic can be found in [24][25][26][27][28].
1.6. References
[1] Campbell, Coral and Chealuck, Kate 2015, Approaches to Enhance Science Learning. In
Campbell, Coral, Jobling, Wendy And Howitt, Christine (Ed), Science in Early Childhood,
Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Vic., Pp.67-84.
[2] Cheng M.Y.V. Infusing Creativity into Eastern Classroom: Evaluations Froms Students
Perspectives. Journal of Thinking Skills And Creativity. 6: 67-87, 2011 In Adzliana Mohd
Daud, Jizah Omar, Punia Turiman & Kamisah Osman, Creativity in Science Education,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 59 (2012) 467 – 474
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[3] Heidingers, U., Assessment Criteria of the Natural Sciences Concepts' Models Created
by the Students, Goscience Project, Goscience.Eu.
[4] Innovative Teaching Strategies that Improve Student Engagement: article by James
Davis on Five teaching strategies designed to challenge and engage students,
[5] Anne Jolly, Characteristics of a Great STEM, lesson, 06/17/ctq_jolly_stem.html.
[6] Innovation and Stem Education by Drs. Lynne Holt, David Colburn, and Lynn Leverty
The Reubin O.D’ Askew Institute on Politics and Society, University of Florida, article,
[7] Take a Project-Based Approach to STEM Learning, Article www.creativeeducator.
[8] George Hademenos on strategies to keep students engaged in STEM, article
[9] Vincent-Lancrin, S., G. Jacotin, J. Urgel, S. Kar and C. González-Sancho (2017),
Measuring Innovation in Education: A Journey to the Future, OECD Publishing, Paris.
[10] OECD (2017), The OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments, OECD,
Publishing, Paris,
[11] Kieron Kirkland and Dan Sutch, Futurelab, Overcoming the barriers to educational
[12] 30 strategies for education innovation,
[13] What is necessary to take into account in building school innovation strategy, article, gy
[14] Needs of building an innovation strategy in school, article
[15] Innovation strategy for education and training, OECD
[16] OECD (2017), The Oecd Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments, OECD,
Publishing, Paris, Dx.Doi.Org/9789264277274-En.
[17] Four Keys to Success at the Most Innovative Schools in the World, article,
[18] How to define a school’s innovation strategy, article, www.theeducatoronline.
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2.1. Virtual and remote Science laboratories and inquiry learning applets
In recent years, Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) has proved its efficacy in
education by expanding on “traditional” lessons and motivating students to actively
participate in Science [1]. IBSE methods and digital technologies support necessary
educational innovations and can be the catalyst for change in educational patterns (in
regard to its form, space, functions, services, tools, roles, procedures) [2]. Virtual
laboratories are an essential digital tool. In fact, many European schools are equipped
with computer classes, tablets and high-speed internet connection while using a huge
variety of web-based learning applications, simulations and visualizations [3].
Description of virtual laboratories environments
Virtual laboratory environments can be divided into the following categories [4]:
Simulations are imitations of operating systems through time, via computers. These
represent a process on the basis of a model that is cheaper, faster, less risky and more
affordable than the real process.
Network applets
The applets are experimental devices in small virtual laboratories and are quite popular in
Science subjects. They are small in size and easily transported and they can be used
regardless of the operating system type.
Virtual labs
Virtual labs (virtual laboratories) simulate a virtual operating system, the computer
screen, Science laboratories, exploiting the potential offered by modern media
technology, key feature technical interaction and direct and plausible manipulation of
objects and parameters.
Virtual Reality Laboratories (VRL)
VRL workshops are computer based and highly interactive. The user becomes a
participant in a “virtually real” world, in an artificial three-dimensional optical
environment. These workshops are essentially an high level interface including real time
three-dimensional simulations through different sensory channels.
Laboratories Controlled by Distance (Remote Labs)
Workshops controlled remotely (remote labs, otherwise known as online labs or
workbenches) include real experiments conducted from a distance with the use of
telecommunications, while the user uses this technology from another location.
Most of the virtual laboratory software consists on computing applications running on the
local user’s computer, for speed and security reasons. They can be operated remotely. An
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example is those based on applets or robotic workshops (remote labs) that can accept
commands via the Internet [5].
Benefits of using virtual labs in teaching and learning Science [6]
Virtual labs can be very useful in the teaching of Science, particularly in cases where the
experimental activities are to be done quickly and do not easily allow observation and
safe measurement, the experimental process is very slow and / or complex and not
compatible with the teaching time available, the experiments involve risks to the health
and physical integrity of learners and/or the learning activities require modelling.
Virtual labs support IBSL in learning Science:
- laws in Science arise from a detailed observation process, with clearly more
chances of clarification, understanding and acceptance if regarded in detail;
- it encourages collaboration and communication between teachers and students.
STEM teachers participate actively in the learning process: asking questions, trying
to find answers, organizing procedures and commenting on them, helping in
formulating conclusions, understanding their mistakes and highlighting any
But what are the differences between real life experiences and those formed by
representations in a computer screen?
With virtual labs, students acquire a tool with which to experiment without limitations of
space or time. They are available all year, as opposed to school laboratories, limited to a
specific place and for a limited time [7].
The use of virtual environments makes students acquire better computer skills, which can
be considered skills for lifelong learning. The use of these technologies also brings
together different STEM subjects and provides with great resources for more inclusive
workshops [8; 9].
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stories. The serious story is "impressive in quality" and "part of a thoughtful process" to
achieve learning goals [15].
In educational contexts, examples of desired student behaviour which gamification can
potentially effect include attending class, focusing on meaningful learning tasks, and
taking initiative [16].
Several researchers compare gamification of learning with game-based learning, arguing
that gamification occurs only when learning happens in a non-game context, such as a
school classroom, and when a series of game elements is arranged into a system or
"game layer" which operates in coordination with the learning in that regular classroom
[17]. Others include games that are produced to encourage learning [18; 19; 20].
Gamification activities in learning contexts acknowledge that large numbers of school-
aged children play video games, which shapes their identity as people and as learners
[21][22][23]. While the world of gaming used to be skewed heavily toward male players,
recent statistics show that slightly more than half of videogame players are male: in the
United States, 59% male, 41% female, and 52% male, 48% female in Canada [24][25].
Within games and other digital media, students experience opportunities for autonomy,
competence and relatedness [26], and these are what they have come to expect from
such environments. Offering these same opportunities in the classroom environment is a
way to acknowledge students' reality, and to acknowledge that this reality affects who
they are as learners [27; 28; 29; 30]. Including elements from games into classroom
scenarios is a way to provide students with opportunities to act autonomously, to display
competence, and to learn in relationship to others [26]. Game features are a common
language that children speak, and an additional channel through which teachers can
communicate with their students.
Jane McGonigal, a famous game designer, typifies video game players as serious optimists
who are part of a social fabric, involved in great productivity [31]. If teachers can
successfully organize their classrooms and curriculum activities to incorporate the
elements of games which facilitate such confidence, purpose and integrated sense of
mission, students may become immersed in learning and collaborating such that they do
not want to stop. The dynamic combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators is a
powerful force [26] which, if educational contexts can adapt from video games, may
increase student motivation, and student learning.
Some of the prospective benefits of successful gamification proposals in the classroom
- giving students ownership of their learning [32];
- opportunities for identity work through taking on alternate selves [33];
- freedom to fail and try again without negative repercussions [32];
- chances to increase fun and joy in the classroom [34];
- opportunities for differentiated instruction [34];
- making learning visible [34];
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2.3. References
[1] Rocard, M. (2007). Science education NOW: a renewed pedagogy for the future of
Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications for the European Commission.
Available at:
[2] Sampson, D. (2010). Instructional Design. Course Lectures. University Piraeus 2010.
[3] Dikke D., Tsourlidaki E/, Zervas P., Cao Y., Faltin N.,Sotiriou S., Sampson D., Golabz.
Towards a federation of online labs for inquiry based science education at School.
[4] Harms, U. (2000). Virtual and remote labs in Physics education. Proceedings of the
Second European Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education, Budapest,
Romania (pp. 1-6).
[5] blog article written by Argyri Panagiota, Scientix Deputy Ambassador.
[6] Niederrer et al. (2003). Research about the use of information technology in Science
Education. Education research in knowledge based Society. Kluwer Academic Puplishers.
[7] Doukeli M. (2012). Virtual labs in teaching Physics in secondary school. Research paper
for Master Degree. University of Piraeus at department of Digital Systems.
[8] Tselfes, B. (2002). Trial and error: The workshop on the teaching of Science.
Athens:Island. Education and Training Sector (TEK). Training material for teacher training
– Issue 5: Sector PE04. CTI. Available from electronics address:
[9] Buckner, E. & Kim, P. Prospects (2014) 44: 99.
[10] Kapp, Karl (2012). The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based
Methods and Strategies for Training and Education. Pfeiffer. ISBN 978-1118096345.
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[11] Shatz, Itamar (2015). Using Gamification and Gaming to Promote Risk Taking in the
Language Learning Process (PDF). MEITAL National Conference. Haifa, Israel: Technion.
pp. 227–232.
[12] Huang, Wendy Hsin-Yuan; Soman, Dilip (10 December 2013). A Practitioner’s Guide
To Gamification Of Education (PDF) (Report). Research Report Series Behavioural
Economics in Action. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
[13] Deterding,, Sebastian; Dixon, Dan; Khaled, Rilla; Nacke, Lennart (2011). From game
design elements to gamefulness: defining 'gamification'. 15th International MindTrek
Conference. New York: ACM. pp. 9–15. doi:10.1145/2181037.2181040. ISBN
[14] Kapp, Karl (2012). The gamification of learning and instruction: Game-based methods
and strategies for training and education. San Fransciso: Pfeiffer. ISBN 9781118096345.
[15] Lugmayr, Artur; Suhonen, Jarkko; Hlavacs, Helmut; Montero, Calkin; Suutinen, Erkki;
Sedano, Carolina (2016). "Serious storytelling - a first definition and review". Multimedia
Tools and Applications. 76 (14): 15707–15733. doi:10.1007/s11042-016-3865-5.
[16] Borys, Magdelena; Laskowski, Maciej (19–21 June 2013). Implementing game
elements into didactic process: A case study (PDF). Management, Knowledge and
Learning International Conference. Zadar, Croatia. pp. 819–824. ISBN 9789616914024.
[17] Werbach, Kevin; Hunter, Dan (2012). For the Win: How Game Thinking Can
Revolutionize Your Business. Philadelphia, PA: Wharton Digital Press. ISBN 978-
[18] Kapp (2012), p. 200: "result of the brainstorming process... is the creation of a
gamification design document outlining the design of the game..."
[19] Pettey, Christy; van der Meulen, Rob (27 November 2012). "Gartner Says by 2014, 80
Percent of Current Gamified Applications Will Fail to Meet Business Objectives Primarily
Due to Poor Design" (Press release). Gartner, Inc.
[20] Hamari, J.; Koivisto, J.; Sarsa, H. (2014). Does gamification work? A literature review
of empirical studies on gamification (PDF). Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences. IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.377. ISBN 978-1-4799-2504-9.
[21] Zichermann, Gabe. "How Games Make Kids Smarter". TED.
[22] boyd, danah (2014). It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens (PDF).
New Haven: Yale UP.
[23] Ito, Mizuko; et al. (2012). Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out (PDF). The
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning.
[24] Essential Facts about the Canadian Video Game Industry (PDF) (Report).
Entertainment Software Association of Canada. 2015. p. 14
[25] Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry (PDF) (Report).
Entertainment Software Association. 2016. p. 3.
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[26] Ryan, Richard M.; Deci, Edward L. (2000). "Self-determination theory and the
facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being". American
Psychologist. 55: 68–78. CiteSeerX doi:10.1037/0003-066x.55.1.68.
[27] Gee, James Paul (2007). What video games have to teach us about learning and
literacy (2nd ed.). St Martin's Griffin. ISBN 9781403984531.
[28] Gee, James Paul (2012). Video Games: What They Can Teach Us About Audience
Engagement (Report). The Neiman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard.
[29] Whitaker, Jody L.; Bushman, Brad J. (2012). "Remain calm. Be kind. Effects of relaxing
video games on aggressive and prosocial behaviour". Social Psychological and Personality
Science. 3 (1): 88–92. doi:10.1177/1948550611409760.
[30] Green, C. Shawn; Bavelier, Daphne (2012). "Learning, Attentional Control and Action
Videogames". Current Biology. 22 (6): 197–206. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.02.012. PMC
3461277. PMID 22440805.
[31] McGonigal, Jane (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they
can change the world. New York: Penguin Press. ISBN 9780143120612.
[32] Pavlus, John (2010). "The Game of Life". Scientific American. 303 (6): 43–44.
[33] Klopfer, E.; Osterweil, S.; Salen, K. (2009). Moving learning games forward (PDF)
(Report). The Education Arcade / Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[34] Lee, J.; Hammer, J. (2011). "Gamification in education: What, how, why bother?"
(PDF). Academic Exchange Quarterly. 15 (2). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-05-
[35] Li, Cen; Dong, Zhijang; Untch, Roland H.; Chasteen, Michael (2013). "Engaging
computer science students through gamification in an online social network based
collaborative learning environment". International Journal of Information and Education
Technology. 3 (1): 72–n/a. doi:10.7763/ijiet.2013.v3.237.
[36] Gooch, Daniel; Vasalou, Asimina; Benton, Laura; Khaled, Rilla (2016-01-01). Using
Gamification to Motivate Students with Dyslexia. CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems. CHI '16. New York: ACM. pp. 969–980.
doi:10.1145/2858036.2858231. ISBN 9781450333627.
[37] Kim, Amy Jo (20 December 2014). The Player's Journey. Gamification 2013. University
of Waterloo Stratford Campus.
[38] Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1997). Finding Flow: The psychology of engagement with
everyday life. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 978-0465024117.
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based on Shulman, Hill, Schilling & Ball and his doctoral dissertation. According to this
model, STEM teacher:
- has a professional level content knowledge;
- has a professional level pedagogical content knowledge;
- has the knowledge of another STEM field apart from his/her field of specialization.
This knowledge brings competency as a STEM practitioner for field education;
- develops the knowledge related to field by collaborating with the colleagues.
As a result of this collaboration, professional learning communities are formed and
collaboration among group teachers is improved. Therefore, major field teacher
education programs such as Science, Technology, Engineering (design) and Mathematics
teaching should include courses that support integrated teaching knowledge, and there
should be professional communication and collaboration opportunities for the teachers
from similar fields.
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Interdisciplinary curricula start with real world problems or issues. The essential elements
that need to be considered in an interdisciplinary curriculum include such skills and
knowledge as critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and making connections with
learning experiences that relate to personal meanings. If we treat STEM integration as a
type of curriculum integration, it manifests its expression; a curricular approach that
integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM integration offers
students one of the best opportunities to experience learning in a real-world situation,
rather than to learn bits and pieces and then to have to assimilate them afterwards.
Additionally, Morrison [3] provided the criteria for what an effective STEM instruction
should look like in a classroom. She noticed that in a STEM integration class-room, the
students should be able:
- to perform as problem-solvers;
- to perform as innovators;
- to perform as inventors;
- to perform as logical thinkers;
- to understand and develop the skills needed for self-reliance;
- to understand and develop technological literacy [1].
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STEM teacher training courses focus on enriching the STEM curriculum through
innovative activities for students, on making available learning and teaching resources as
well as on enriching educator’s skills on engaging and motivating their students. Some
courses also explore the need to involve the local community, external experts and
scientific organizations.
The resources given to this paragraph show some of the STEM teacher courses available
internationally and some of them are also available through Erasmus+ program, which
financially makes it easier for willing teachers to participate.
Information about STEM teacher training courses can be found on the links below:
Additional resources
Developing identities of STEM teachers at emerging STEM schools, article, www.ncbi.nlm.
STEM education practices in Europe,
STEM Teacher Education and Professional Development and Training: Challenges and
STEM Projects That Tackle Real-World Problems,
Real-World STEM Problems that teachers can address in STEM classes, www.middleweb.
Practical Applications of Mathematics in Everyday Life, article,
Hands-on activity Solving Everyday Problems Using the Engineering Design Cycle,
How to inspire students through real-world inquiry,
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3.4. References
[1] H.H. Wang, T.J. Moore, G.H. Roehrig, M.S. Park / Journal of Pre-College Engineering
Education Research, Vol.1, Issue 2, 2011.
[2] Nistor, A., Gras-Velazquez, A., Billon, N. & Mihai, G. (2018). Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics Education Practices in Europe. Scientix Observatory report.
December 2018, European Schoolnet, Brussels.
[3] Morrison, J. S. (2006). Attributes of STEM education: The students, the academy, the
classroom. TIES STEM Education Monograph Series. Retrieved from
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action to broaden participation over the long term. These actions will vary at each level of
the education system. Expectations and opportunities to learn STEM are set from the
moment a child enters the classroom. Creating inclusive classroom learning environments
is an essential yet underdeveloped skill. Professional learning for teachers should blend
the elements of teaching STEM and broadening participation. It can include families and
students to help educators appreciate families’ commitment to education and
understand students’ thinking about STEM. Involving administrators can increase their
awareness of the changes needed to broaden participation in STEM [6].
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4.4. References
[1] Akua Carraway, Karl Rectanus,Mark Ezzell (2012). The Do-It-Yourself Guide to STEM
Community Engagement (PDF). NC STEM Community Collaborative.
[2] Mehrabian, Albert and James A. Russell (1974). An Approach to Environmental
Psychology, Cambridge. MA: M.I.T. Press.
[3] Karns, Gary L. (2006). “Learning Style Differences in the Perceived Effectiveness of
Learning Activities”. Journal of Marketing Education, 28 (1), 56-63.
[4] Oblinger, Diana G. (2006). “Space as a Change Agent,” in Learning Space Design. Diana
G. Oblinger. Boulder, CO: Educause.
[5] Stern Neill, Rebecca Etheridge. Flexible Learning Spaces: The Integration of Pedagogy,
Physical Design, and Instructional Technology. 2008 M.E. Sharpe.
[6] Powell, A., Nielsen, N., Butler, M., Buxton, C., Johnson, O., Ketterlin-Geller, L,
McCulloch, C., (2018). Creating Inclusive PreK–12 STEM Learning Environments. Waltham,
MA: Education Development Center.
[7] Jennifer Dorsen, Bethany Carlson, Leslie Goodyear (2006). Connecting Informal STEM
Experiences to Career Choices: Identifying the Pathway. ITEST Learning Resource Center.
[8] AAUW (1999). Gender Gaps: Where schools still fail our children. New York, NY,
Marlowe & Company.
[9] Clewell, B. C. and P. B. Campbell (2002). "Taking Stock: Where we've been, where we
are, where we're going." Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 8:
[10] Xue Y, Larson RC. STEM crisis or STEM surplus? Yes and yes. Mon Labor Rev.
2015;2015:10.21916/mlr.2015.14. doi:10.21916/mlr.2015.14
[11] Langdon David, McKittrick George, Beede David, Khan Beethika, Doms Mark. STEM:
Good Jobs Now and for the Future. US Department of Commerce (2011).
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The second one is that sustainable technological development and many other possible
society applications of Science require the support of scientifically and technologically
informed citizens. Without the support and understanding of citizens, technological
progress can all too easily serve a short term and sectional interests.
Sustainable development involves societies in ways that can often interact strongly, with
traditional values, and therefore, making decisions about them involve major moral
decisions. All students need to be prepared through their science and technology
education to be able to participate actively as persons and as responsible human being.
The third imperative derives from the changes that are resulting from the application of
digital technologies that are the most rapid, the most pervasive, and probably the most
widespread effect that Science has ever had on human society. We are all part of a global
communication society. This is leading to profound changes in the World of Work and in
what is known as the Knowledge Society. Schooling is now being challenged to contribute
to the development in students of an active repertoire of generic and subject-based
competences. Science and technology education needs to be a key component in
developing these competencies.
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Technology-based teaching and learning can make many changes in school that require a
proper planning and policy [8, 9, 10]. The national ICT policies can serve several crucial
functions. They provide a rationale, a set of goals, and a vision of how education systems
run if ICT is integrated into teaching and learning process, and they are beneficial to
students, teachers, parents and the general population of a given country.
It has been shown that the use of ICT in education can help improve memory retention,
increase motivation and generally deepens understanding. ICT can also be used to
promote collaborative learning, including roleplaying, group problem solving activities
and articulated projects. ICT allows the establishment of rich networks of
interconnections and relations among individuals.
Lack of adequate ICT equipment and internet access is one of the key problems that
schools are facing now.
Several studies argue that the use of new technologies in the classroom is essential for
providing opportunities for students to learn to operate in an information age. It is
evident, as argued that traditional educational environments do not seem to be suitable
for preparing learners to function or be productive in the workplaces of today's society.
Policymakers should consider the cost, provision and maintenance of ICT across the
school system in terms of the educational benefit and equity it will bring to schooling in
general, and to Science and Technology education.
Promoting participatory research and Open Science:
- the promotion of Open Science can improve public access to scientific information
and engage scientists into the public debate. Additionally, it creates stronger links
between Science and society and increases public trust in Science by engaging the
general public in scientific activities and participatory research (Citizen Science).
- policymakers should further invest in participative research projects based on the
principles of Open Science to bring Science closer to the public, stimulate scientists to
take a more active part in science-related public debates, as well as education
activities at schools, to combat the influence of misinformation and pseudo-science.
5.4. Conclusion
The world is changing rapidly [4]. The global competition and the technological
developments have stimulated new patterns of social mobility and migration, greater
inter-connectivity between and within societies and cultures and improved individual and
community empowerment.
New demands on our institutions, businesses and civil society organisations are placing to
meet the changing needs of the society and the workplace.
To meet these scientific and technological challenges, the European Union has set
ambitious goals: to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to find pathways to
create new jobs and to offer a sense of direction to our societies. This requires significant
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strengthening of our knowledge and innovation capacity and our creative capability as
drivers for future growth.
Evidence shows that the European citizens, either young or old, appreciate the
importance of Science and want to be more informed and that citizens want more science
education. Over 40 % believe that Science and Technological innovation can have a
positive impact on the environment, health and medical care and basic infrastructure in
the future.
This is a really exciting time to create opportunities for science learning, in formal, non-
formal and informal settings.
5.5. References
[1] European Commission (2010) “Europe 2020: Commission proposes a new economic
strategy in Europe”, Press Release,
[2] European Commission (2010) EUROPE 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth, COM (2010) 2020, Brussels: European Commission, EN BARROSO 007 - Europe 2020 - EN
[3] European Commission (2014) Special Eurobarometer 419. Public Perceptions of
Science, Research, and Innovation, Brussels: (DG COMM “Research and Speechwriting”
Unit). ebs/ebs_419_en.pdf
[4] Schleicher, A. (2012), Ed., Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the
21st Century: Lessons from around the World, OECD Publishing.
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- encourage partnerships that adopt networking, sharing and applying Science and
Technology research findings amongst teachers, researchers and professionals
across different enterprises (start-ups, SMEs, large corporations).
The link between scientists, researchers, science educators and the media should be
strengthened to ensure more effective public communication, in a way that makes the
underlying issues and consequences understandable by citizens. Citizens should be
actively and directly involved in science research and innovation projects.
6.4. Conclusion
To summarize, successful developments in Science education are characterised and
driven by:
- collaborations among school-teachers and external agents such as higher
education institutions (HEIs), academies of science, research laboratories, business
and community groups, various informal science-promoting actors e.g. science
museums, enterprise and civil and society organisations etc.;
- cooperation when designing teaching-learning sequences and ICT-enhanced
learning environments [10; 11];
- robust teacher preparation and induction as well as long-term teacher
professional development initiatives, all focused on student learning;
- active student and family engagement.
There are a wide range of interesting examples of innovation in Science Education
practices, many of which have been tried out in classrooms or professional development
programmes and to a lesser extent in pre-service teacher education.
6.5. References
[1] Council of the European Union, 2016a. Council Recommendation of 30 May 2016 on
Developing Media Literacy and Critical Thinking through Education and Training. (No. OJ
2016/C 212/05). Official Journal of the European Union.
[2] European Commission, 2018i. Study on Supporting School Innovation Across Europe.
Final report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
[3] Council of the European Union, 2018a. Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 on
Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (No. OJ 2018/C 189/01). Official Journal of the
European Union.
[4] Cedefop, 2017. Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes: a European
handbook. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
[5] Dinis da Costa, P., Araújo, L., 2018. Quality of Teaching and Learning in Science (JRC
Science for Policy Report No. EUR 28865 EN). Publications Office of the European Union,
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[6] UNESCO (2017). A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education. ISBN 978-92-
[7] European Commission (2013): Survey of Schools: ICT in Education Benchmarking
Access, Use and Attitudes to Technology in Europe’s Schools,
[10] OECD (2016): Innovating Education and Education for Innovation. The Power of
Digital Technologies and Skills.
[11] European Commission (2017): A concept paper on digitisation, employability and
inclusiveness. The role of Europe,
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Laura Capelli
Mathematician, Laura has been involved in sustainability, health and wellbeing at school
for years. She has been the coordinator of several European projects in the field of
Science and she has been a lecturer in environmental science and technology education
at the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Laura is currently Contract
Professor at the University of Genova, Italy.
Emanuela De Negri
Emanuela is an Associate Professor in Commutative Algebra at University of Genoa,
Department of Mathematics. She has more than 20 years’ experience of teaching and in
supervising school and university teachers. Since 2001 member of the Orientation
Commission of the Degree in Mathematics. Since 2004 she is involved in “Piano Lauree
Scientifiche”, a project supported by Italian Government to improve the teaching
of Mathematics in the school. From 2012 she is the local leader of this project. She was
invited or involved in the organisation of many conferences and international schools
in Commutative Algebra, and its iteractions with Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry.
Nikolaos Giannakopoulos
Nikolaos is a Chemistry school professor at “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra. He has studied
carefully and implemented successfully the entire scope of project life, including project
development, implementation, reporting and organizing everybody’s work as a target
oriented team. His educational background and experience as school professor were very
valuable under the current project.
Milena Gosheva
Milena is senior teacher in Physics and Mathematics at the Vocational High School of
Electronics “John Atanasoff” in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has graduated Sofia at University "St.
Kliment Ohridski", master degree in Physics and master in Pedagogics. She has worked in
various international projects, in the field of education: Nano Teach Science Education;
Goerudio; Robotics for Bulgaria and many others. She has won first places with teams of
students in the field of Physics and Robotic at many international competitions. She has
excellent organisation and management skills.
Nikolia Iliopoulou
Nikolia is a school teacher of Biology at the “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra, Greece. She
coordinates international educational projects. Her field of interest covers work with
innovative educational methodologies in training/teaching and non-formal education.
Petros Karkoulias
Petros was awarded a Degree of Mathematics from the School of Natural Sciences of
Patras University and an MSc in Information Systems from the Greek Open University. He
has worked as an IT Manager and as a Project Manager in both private and public sectors.
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He owns advanced software development and designing skills. He has delivered several
software projects including multimedia applications, web portals, e-commerce sites and
native mobile apps. He has developed and published more than 20 iOS mobile apps in the
Jan-Eric Mattsson
Jan-Eric is senior lecturer at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden. He graduated
Systematic Botany from the University of Lund in 1994. His earlier education also includes
M.A. in Social and behavioural sciences, B.Sc. (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Philosophy), M.Sc. (Biology, Chemistry) from Stockholm University, and M.Ed. in Scientific
Subjects Education from Uppsala University. He has been working as lichen taxonomist at
Uppsala University and for the last fifteen years also as teacher in Biology, Science, and
Educational Sciences at Södertörn University. Jan-Eric is mainly teaching within teacher
training programs in courses in science and science didactics but also in educational
courses. The latter includes curriculum, assessment, pedagogic traditions, childhood
development and supervising and examination of theses. He has also been a member of
the Faculty Board for teacher training and is now a member of the curriculum committee
of the Faculty.
Miglena Molhova-Vladova
Miglena is a project coordinator at Zinev Art Technologies and a chief assistant professor
at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. She got her Ph.D. in
Economics and management in 2008. She has more than 30 publications in the field of
economics, intellectual property, technology, and e-business. She has participated
successfully in the management and implementation of more than 15 European projects
since 2005. Works for the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical
methods and tools, also in the field of science education in particular, for more than 10
years now.
Ann Mutvei
Ann is a senior lecturer at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden. She got a PhD in
Biochemistry 1988 at the Stockholm University and spent three years as a postdoc at the
EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Germany. After the postdoctoral period,
she started her own research group working on the characterization of nuclear envelope
proteins in yeast. Ann has been involved in the development of new methods of
assessments of the quality of the teaching and learning based on the 4 R’s of Doll’s,
recursion, relations, richness and rigor. She has published articles in many different
research journals in her fields as well as 17 articles on different aspects of research in
Science education.
Gianluca Olcese
Gianluca is a lecturer for Italian Language, Literature and Culture at the University of
Wrocław (Poland) since 2008; 2017-2018 Junior-Professor for Didactics of Romance
Languages at the Technical University of Dresden; since 2013 President of the Società
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Dante Alighieri of Wrocław. Research on folk culture in Silesia, cultural transfer and
difficulties in the learning process. Publications in the field of intergenerational approach
and author of photography exibitions.
Emmanouil Petrakis
Emmanouil is a Physics teacher and Headmaster “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra, Greece. He
has published more than 30 scientific papers in international scientific journals and
conferences in the fields of Fluid Mechanics, Renewable Energy Sources and Parabolic
Photovoltaic Systems.
Greta Raykovska
Greta is English school professor at the Vocational High School of Electronics “John
Atanasoff” in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has many years of experience in educational and
training project in the field of Information Technology. She participated in several
international project. She also has excellent organisation and management skills.
Georgios Theodoropoulos
Georgios is a Mathematics teacher at the “Arsakeio” Lyceum of Patra, Greece. He
graduated from the University of Patra, Department of Mathematics, in 1995. He started
working at Arsakeio School of Patra in 1998. He has been trained and certified (by the
Ministry of Education) in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) in the
teaching practice and has also participated (contributing exercises) in the creation of the
platform called "Study for Exams" ( in which students of
the last grade of high school can be prepared for the national exams.
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Appendix 1
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Appendix 2
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Appendix 3
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Appendix 4
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Appendix 5
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Appendix 6
Project Evaluation
by end users
This questionnaire is addressed to the three main target users of the project: School
Directors, Secondary School teachers, Policy Makers.
Name: (optional)
School Director Teacher Policy Maker
Other, please specify …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
General organization of structure
Easiness of navigation
Scientific reliability
Didactical Appropriateness
Usefulness and Transferability
Attractiveness for students
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The role of technology in educational settings has become increasingly prominent in recent years. When
utilized effectively, the ICT tools provide a higher quality of learning for students and a new stimuli for
The “Do Well Science” project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the
field of School education, covered ITC tools and STEM subjects aimed at increasing secondary students
learning results in Maths, Physics and Natural Sciences through the development of a new software
architecture and learning and teaching packages addressed to both teachers and students.
This guide means to present the results of the project and it is mainly designed to be relevant for all
learners of higher school worldwide and to find its application in all sorts of learning settings.
Educators can use this text as a resource when developing training on Science in formal and non formal
educational settings. Policy-makers may find it helpful to consider core ideas when developing
education policies or strategies. It can also be used to build on existing work in ESD and related areas
such as global citizenship education, environmental education and others.
Because the target group is diverse and possible uses of this guidance are manifold, while in their
concrete implementation they will, naturally, have to be adapted to the national or local context.
Massimo Amato
Massimo is graduated in Aerospace Engineering in 2001. After three years as Project Manager for an
International Company he started working as teacher in Mathematics, Physics and Information
Technologies in high schools. Over the years, he has played important roles within the schools and at
the Lyceum "Machiavelli" is responsible for two school and safety management commissions, security
and prevention. Always aware of the new technologies and the dynamics of teaching, he focuses on
student engagement for dynamic, effective and long-term learning. He had participated in the Erasmus+
"Goerudio" project, is involved in other two European projects under the Erasmus Plus KA Strategic
Partnership has been doing research in Maths teaching through music, he’s in contact with North
Caroline School of Mathematics and Science to interchange the experiences and methodologies of
Science teaching. He is the coordinator of “Do Well Science” Erasmus Plus project.
Anna Siri
Anna is a specialist in educational research. She obtained her PhD in Evaluation of Educational Processes
and Systems at the University of Genoa (Italy). Her research areas of interest include the measurement
and determinants of instruction, how educational innovations impact instruction, and how instruction
affects student learning. She has been involving in international research projects for 15 years and she
currently coordinates two European projects under the Erasmus Plus KA Strategic Partnership and a
ministerial project funded by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities under the 2018 European
Year of Culture. She has published many articles and reports mainly related to special educational
needs, assessment and evaluation, and innovative teaching methodologies, and she has actively
participated in paper presentations and symposiums at major research association meetings. She also
has many years of experience as a project manager and scientific writer. Anna is a Founder Member of
the interdisciplinary UNESCO Chair on “Anthropology of health – Biosphere and Healing systems”.
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