Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards For Rotorcraft (Helicopter & Gyroplane)
Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards For Rotorcraft (Helicopter & Gyroplane)
Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards For Rotorcraft (Helicopter & Gyroplane)
Flight Instructor
Practical Test Standards
Rotorcraft (Helicopter & Gyroplane)
December 2006
Flight Instructor
Practical Test Standards
FAA-S-8081-7B, Flight Instructor - Rotorcraft (Helicopter and
Gyroplane) Practical Test Standards, will be effective December 1,
2006. All previous editions of this book will be obsolete as of this date.
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Record of Changes
Change 1 (3/22/2016)
• Removed Note from the “Aircraft and Equipment Required for
the Practical Test” section of the Introduction which stated "A
touchdown autorotation is a required Task for the flight
instructor - helicopter practical test." (page 8).
• Added “Performance of Autorotations” section to Introduction
(pages 10 and 11).
• Added Note to Area of Operation X: Performance Maneuvers in
Section 1 (page 1-32).
Change 2 (5/23/2016)
• Revised “Performance of Autorotations” section in Introduction
(pages 10 and 11).
Change 3 (7/26/2016)
• Added a Note to Section 1, Area of Operation XI, Task B, Power
Failure at Altitude (page1-35).
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The Flight Instructor - Rotorcraft (Helicopter and Gyroplane) Practical
Test Standards (PTS) book has been published by the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish the standards for flight
instructor certification practical tests for the rotorcraft category,
helicopter and gyroplane classes. FAA inspectors and designated
pilot examiners shall conduct practical tests in compliance with these
standards. Flight instructors and applicants should find these
standards helpful during training and when preparing for the practical
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Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Practical Test Standard Concept ................................................. 2
Flight Instructor Practical Test Book Description ......................... 2
Initial Flight Instructor Certification ............................................... 2
Addition of Aircraft Category and/or Class Ratings to a Flight
Instructor Certificate .............................................................. 2
Flight Instructor Practical Test Standard Description ................... 3
Abbreviations ............................................................................... 5
Special Emphasis Areas .............................................................. 5
Use of the Practical Test Standards Book ................................... 6
Flight Instructor Practical Test Prerequisites ............................... 7
Aircraft and Equipment Required for the Practical Test ............... 8
Use of Simulators and Flight Training Devices ............................ 8
Flight Instructor Responsibility ..................................................... 9
Positive Exchange of Flight Controls ........................................... 9
Examiner Responsibility ............................................................. 10
Performance of Autorotations .................................................... 10
Satisfactory Performance ........................................................... 11
Unsatisfactory Performance ....................................................... 11
Letter of Discontinuance ............................................................ 12
Aeronautical Decision Making and Risk Management .............. 12
Single-Pilot Resource Management .......................................... 12
Section 1 Flight Instructor Rotorcraft – Helicopter
Contents ..................................................................................... 1-i
Additional Rating Task Table .................................................... 1-v
Renewal or Reinstatement of a Flight Instructor ...................... 1-vi
Applicant’s Practical Test Checklist (Helicopter)..................... 1-vii
Examiner’s Practical Test Checklist (Helicopter) .................... 1-ix
Areas of Operation:
I. Fundamentals of Instructing ............................................... 1-1
II. Technical Subjects.............................................................. 1-4
III. Preflight Preparation ........................................................... 1-9
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in
Flight ................................................................................. 1-11
V. Preflight Procedures ......................................................... 1-12
VI. Airport and Heliport Operations ........................................ 1-16
VII. Hovering Maneuvers ........................................................ 1-18
VIII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds ............................... 1-22
IX. Fundamentals of Flight ..................................................... 1-29
X. Performance Maneuvers .................................................. 1-32
XI. Emergency Operations ..................................................... 1-35
i FAA-S-8081-7B
XII. Special Operations ........................................................... 1-41
XIII.Postflight Procedures........................................................ 1-44
Section 2 Flight Instructor Rotorcraft – Gyroplane
Contents ..................................................................................... 2-i
Additional Rating Task Table .................................................... 2-v
Renewal or Reinstatement of a Flight Instructor ...................... 2-vi
Applicant’s Practical Test Checklist (Gyroplane) .................... 2-vii
Examiner’s Practical Test Checklist (Gyroplane) ................... 2-viii
Areas of Operation:
I. Fundamentals of Instructing ............................................... 2-1
II. Technical Subjects.............................................................. 2-4
III. Preflight Preparation ......................................................... 2-10
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in
Flight ................................................................................. 2-12
V. Preflight Procedures ......................................................... 2-13
VI. Airport Operations............................................................. 2-17
VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds ............................... 2-19
VIII. Fundamentals of Flight ..................................................... 2-24
IX. Performance Maneuvers .................................................. 2-27
X. Flight at Slow Airspeeds ................................................... 2-28
XI. Ground Reference Maneuvers ......................................... 2-30
XII. Emergency Operations ..................................................... 2-33
XIII.Postflight Procedures........................................................ 2-37
FAA-S-8081-7B ii
This practical test standard (PTS) book may be purchased from the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO),
Washington, DC 20402-9325, or from GPO’s web site.
This PTS is also available for download, in pdf format, from the Flight
1 FAA-S-8081-7B
Practical Test Standard Concept
Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) specifies the areas
in which knowledge and skill shall be demonstrated by an applicant
before the issuance of a flight instructor certificate with the associated
category and class ratings. The CFRs provide the flexibility that permits
the FAA to publish practical test standards containing specific Tasks in
which competency shall be demonstrated. The FAA shall revise this book
whenever it is determined that changes are needed in the interest of
safety. Adherence to provisions of regulations and the practical test
standards is mandatory for evaluation of flight instructor applicants.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2
Flight Instructor Practical Test Standard Description
Areas of Operation are phases of the practical test arranged in a logical
sequence within each standard. Tasks are knowledge areas, flight
procedures, or maneuvers appropriate to an Area of Operation. In this
practical test book, the first Area of Operation is Fundamentals of
Instructing; the last is Postflight Procedures. The examiner may conduct the
practical test in any sequence that results in a complete and efficient test;
however, the ground portion of the practical test must be completed
prior to the flight portion.
3 FAA-S-8081-7B
AC 61-115 Positive Exchange of Flight Controls
AC 61-134 General Aviation Controlled Flight Into
AC 90-42 Traffic Advisory Practices at Airports
Without Operating Control Towers
AC 90-48 Pilots’ Role in Collision Avoidance
AC 90-87 Helicopter Dynamic Rollover
AC 91-13 Cold Weather Operation of Aircraft
AC 91-32 Safety In and Around Helicopters
AC 91-42 Hazards of Rotating Propeller and
Helicopter Rotor Blades
AC 91-55 Reduction of Electrical System Failure
Following Aircraft Engine Starting
FAA-S-8081-15 Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for
FAA-S-8081-16 Commercial Pilot Practical Test Standards
for Rotorcraft
95/001 Airport Markings, Signs, and Selected
Surface Lighting
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual
POH/AFM Pilot Operating Handbook and FAA
Approved Airplane/Rotorcraft Flight Manual
Each Task has an Objective. The examiner determines that the applicant
meets the Task Objective through the demonstration of competency in
various elements of knowledge and/or skill. The Objectives of Tasks in
certain Areas of Operation, such as Fundamentals of Instructing and
Technical Subject Areas, include only knowledge elements. The Objectives
of Tasks in the Areas of Operation that include elements of skill as well as
knowledge also include common errors which the applicant shall be able to
describe, recognize, analyze, and correct.
The Objective of a Task that involves pilot skill consists of four parts. Those
four parts include determination that the applicant exhibits:
FAA-S-8081-7B 4
14 CFR Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations
ADM Aeronautical Decision-Making
AIM Airman’s Information Manual
AIRMETS Airman’s Meteorological Information
ATC Air Traffic Control
CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain
CRM Crew Resource Management
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FDC Flight Data Center
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
GPO Government Printing Office
GPS Global Positioning System
LAHSO Land and Hold Short Operations
MEL Minimum Equipment List
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NWS National Weather Service
PIREPS Pilot Weather Reports
PTS Practical Test Standard
SIGMETS Significant Meteorological Information
SRM Single Pilot Resource Management
SUA Special Use Airspace
TFR(s) Temporary Flight Restriction(s)
VFR Visual Flight Rules`
5 FAA-S-8081-7B
Although these areas may not be specifically addressed under each
Task, they are essential to flight safety and will be evaluated during
the practical test. In all instances, the applicant’s actions will relate to
the complete situation.
All of the procedures and maneuvers in the Private Pilot and Commercial
Pilot Practical Test Standards have been included in the Flight Instructor
Practical Test Standards. However, to permit completion of the practical test
for initial certification within a reasonable timeframe, the examiner shall
select one or more Tasks in each Area of Operation. In certain Areas of
Operation, there are required Tasks which the examiner must select. These
required Tasks are identified by a Note immediately following each Area of
Operation title.
In preparation for the practical test, the examiner shall develop a written
“plan of action.” The examiner will vary each “plan of action” to ensure that
all Tasks in the appropriate practical test standard are evaluated during a
given number of practical tests. Except for required Tasks, the examiner
should avoid using the same optional Tasks in order to avoid becoming
stereotyped. The “plan of action” for a practical test for initial
certification shall include one or more Tasks in each Area of Operation and
shall always include the required Tasks. The “plan of action” for a practical
test for the addition of an aircraft category and/or class rating to a flight
instructor certificate shall include the required Areas of Operation as
indicated in the table at the beginning of each standard. The required Tasks
appropriate to the additional rating(s) sought shall be included. Any Task
selected for evaluation during the practical test shall be evaluated in its
The flight instructor applicant shall be prepared in all knowledge and skill
areas and demonstrate the ability to instruct effectively in all Tasks included
in the Areas of Operation of the appropriate practical test standard.
Throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall
evaluate the applicant's ability to demonstrate and simultaneously explain
the selected procedures and maneuvers, and to give flight instruction to
students at various stages of flight training and levels of experience.
The term “instructional knowledge” means the “what,” "why,” and “how” of a
subject matter topic, procedure, or maneuver. It also means that the flight
instructor applicant's discussions, explanations, and descriptions should
follow the recommended teaching procedures and techniques explained in
FAA-H-8083-9, Aviation Instructor's Handbook.
The purpose for including common errors in certain Tasks is to assist the
examiner in determining that the flight instructor applicant has the ability to
FAA-S-8081-7B 6
recognize, analyze, and correct such errors. The examiner shall not
simulate any condition that may jeopardize safe flight or result in
possible damage to the aircraft. The common errors listed in the Task
Objectives may or may not be found in the Task References. However, the
FAA considers their frequency of occurrence justification for their inclusion in
the Task Objectives.
AC 61-65, Certification: Pilots and Flight Instructors, states that the instructor may sign the
recommendation on the reverse side of FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application,
in lieu of this statement, provided all appropriate 14 CFR part 61 requirements are substantiated by
reliable records.
7 FAA-S-8081-7B
Change 1 (3/22/2016)
FAA-S-8081-7B 8
Flight Instructor Responsibility
An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the flight
instructor applicant to acceptable standards in all subject matter areas,
procedures, and maneuvers included in the Tasks within each Area of
Operation in the appropriate flight instructor practical test standard. Flight
instructors shall use a written training syllabus containing, as a minimum,
every Task in the practical test standard when training applicants. This will
not only ensure coverage of all Tasks that may be evaluated during a
practical test but also satisfy the requirement for maintaining a copy of the
training syllabus used to train each applicant.
Commercial Pilot skill level is defined as performing a procedure or maneuver within the tolerances
listed in the FAA Commercial Pilot Practical Test Standards. If the maneuver appears only in the Private
Pilot Practical Test Standards, the term means that the applicant’s performance is expected to be more
precise than indicated by the stated tolerances.
9 FAA-S-8081-7B
Changes 1 (3/22/2016) & 2 (5/23/2016)
When the instructor wishes the student to take control of the aircraft,
he/she will say “You have the flight controls.” The student acknowledges
immediately by saying, “I have the flight controls.” The flight instructor
again says “You have the flight controls.” When control is returned to the
instructor, follow the same procedure. A visual check is recommended to
verify that the exchange has occurred. There should never be any doubt
as to who is flying the aircraft.
Examiner Responsibility
The examiner who conducts the practical test is responsible for determining
that the applicant meets acceptable standards of teaching ability,
knowledge, and skill in the selected Tasks. The examiner makes this
determination by accomplishing an Objective that is appropriate to each
selected Task, and includes an evaluation of the applicant's:
During the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall act as a
student during selected maneuvers. This will give the examiner an
opportunity to evaluate the flight instructor applicant’s ability to analyze and
correct simulated common errors related to these maneuvers.
Performance of Autorotations
Instructional knowledge must be demonstrated on the practical test in
autorotations, either straight-in or 180°, as per Area of Operation X for a
helicopter class rating.
The word "examiner" is used throughout the standards to denote either the FAA inspector or FAA
designated pilot examiner or other authorized person who conducts an official practical test.
FAA-S-8081-7B 10
Changes 1 (3/22/2016) & 2 (5/23/2016)
Satisfactory Performance
The practical test is passed if, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant
demonstrates satisfactory performance with regard to:
11 FAA-S-8081-7B
evaluated including those previously considered satisfactory. Specific
reasons for disqualification are:
Letter of Discontinuance
When a practical test is discontinued for reasons other than
unsatisfactory performance (i.e., equipment failure, weather, or illness)
FAA Form 8700-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, and, if
applicable, the Airman Knowledge Test Report, shall be returned to the
applicant. The examiner at that time shall prepare, sign, and issue a
Letter of Discontinuance to the applicant. The Letter of Discontinuance
should identify the Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks of the
practical test that were successfully completed. The applicant shall be
advised that the Letter of Discontinuance shall be presented to the
examiner when the practical test is resumed, and made part of the
certification file.
The applicant’s ability to utilize all the assets available in making a risk
analysis to determine the safest course of action is essential for
satisfactory performance. The scenarios should be realistic and within the
capabilities of the aircraft used for the practical test.
FAA-S-8081-7B 12
crewmember (the pilot) is involved. Human resources “...includes all other
groups routinely working with the pilot who are involved in decisions that
are required to operate a flight safely. These groups include, but are not
limited to: dispatchers, weather briefers, maintenance personnel, and air
traffic controllers.” Single-pilot Resource Management; is a set of skill
competencies that must be evident in all Tasks in this practical test
standard as applied to single-pilot operation.
13 FAA-S-8081-7B
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FAA-S-8081-7B 14
Section 1
1-i FAA-S-8081-7B
Task A: Preflight Inspection............................................. 1-12
Task B: Single-Pilot Resource Management .................. 1-12
Task C: Engine Starting and Rotor Engagement ............ 1-13
Task D: Before Takeoff Check ........................................ 1-14
VI. Airport and Heliport Operations ........................................ 1-16
Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals 1-16
Task B: Traffic Patterns ................................................... 1-16
Task C: Airport and Heliport Markings and Lighting ........ 1-17
VII. Hovering Maneuvers......................................................... 1-18
Task A: Vertical Takeoff and Landing ............................. 1-18
Task B: Surface Taxi ....................................................... 1-18
Task C: Hover Taxi .......................................................... 1-19
Task D: Air Taxi ............................................................... 1-20
Task E: Slope Operation ................................................. 1-20
VIII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds ............................... 1-22
Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb ........ 1-22
Task B: Maximum Performance Takeoff and Climb........ 1-23
Task C: Rolling Takeoff ................................................... 1-23
Task D: Normal and Crosswind Approach ...................... 1-24
Task E: Steep Approach ................................................. 1-25
Task F: Shallow Approach and Running/Roll-On
Landing .............................................................. 1-26
Task G: Go-Around .......................................................... 1-27
Task H: Approach and Landing with Simulated
Powerplant Failure - Multiengine Helicopter ...... 1-28
IX. Fundamentals of Flight ..................................................... 1-29
Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight .................................... 1-29
Task B: Level Turns ........................................................ 1-29
Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns .................. 1-30
Task D: Straight Descents and Descending Turns ......... 1-30
X. Performance Maneuvers .................................................. 1-32
Task A: Rapid Deceleration............................................. 1-32
Task B: Straight-In Autorotation ...................................... 1-32
Task C: 180° Autorotation ............................................... 1-33
XI. Emergency Operations ..................................................... 1-35
Task A: Power Failure at A Hover ................................... 1-35
Task B: Power Failure at Altitude .................................... 1-35
Task C: Settling-with-Power ............................................ 1-37
Task D: Low Rotor RPM Recovery ................................. 1-37
Task E: Anti-Torque System Failure ............................... 1-38
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-ii
Task F: Dynamic Rollover ............................................... 1-38
Task G: Ground Resonance ............................................ 1-38
Task H: Low “G” Conditions ............................................ 1-39
Task I: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions ............... 1-39
Task J: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear ......... 1-39
XII. Special Operations ........................................................... 1-41
Task A: Confined Area Operation ................................... 1-41
Task B: Pinnacle/Platform Operation .............................. 1-42
XIII.Postflight Procedures ....................................................... 1-44
Task A: After-Landing and Securing ............................... 1-44
1-iii FAA-S-8081-7B
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FAA-S-8081-7B 1-iv
Additional Rating Task Table
Addition of a Helicopter Class Rating (and a Rotorcraft
Category Rating, if appropriate) to a Flight Instructor Certificate
ASE Airplane Single-Engine
AME Airplane Multiengine
RG Rotorcraft Gyroplane
G Glider Powered
IA Instrument Airplane/Helicopter
IH Instrument Helicopter
1-v FAA-S-8081-7B
Renewal or Reinstatement of a Flight Instructor
Required Areas of
Number of Tasks
IV 1
V 1
VI 1
IX 1
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-vi
Applicant’s Practical Test Checklist
Appointment with Examiner
Acceptable Aircraft
Aircraft Documents:
Airworthiness Certificate
Registration Certificate
Operating Limitations
Aircraft Maintenance Records:
Logbook Record of Airworthiness Inspections and AD
Personal Equipment
Practical Test Standard
Lesson Plan Library
Current Aeronautical Charts
Computer and Plotter
Flight Plan and Flight Log Forms
Current AIM, Airport Facility Directory, and Appropriate
Personal Records
Identification – Photo/Signature ID
Pilot Certificate
Current and Appropriate Medical Certificate
Completed FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or
Rating Application
AC Form 8080-2, Airman Written Test Report or Computer
Test Report
Pilot Logbook with Appropriate Instructor Endorsements
FAA Form 8060-5, Notice of Disapproval (if applicable)
Approved School Graduation Certificate (if applicable)
Examiner's Fee (if applicable)
1-vii FAA-S-8081-7B
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FAA-S-8081-7B 1-viii
Examiner’s Practical Test Checklist
Flight Instructor – Rotorcraft
I. Fundamentals of Instructing
A. The Learning Process
B. Human Behavior
C. The Teaching Process
D. Teaching Methods
E. Critique and Evaluation
F. Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
G. Planning Instructional Activity
II. Technical Subjects
A. Aeromedical Factors
B. Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
C. Use of Distractions during Flight Training
D. Principles of Flight
E. Helicopter Flight Controls
F. Helicopter Weight and Balance
G. Navigation and Flight Planning
H. Night Operations
I. Regulations and Publications
J. Airworthiness Requirements
K. National Airspace System
L. Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
III. Preflight Preparation
A. Certificates and Documents
B. Weather Information
C. Operation of Systems
D. Performance and Limitations
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in Flight
A. Maneuver Lesson
V. Preflight Procedures
A. Preflight Inspection
B. Single-Pilot Resource Management
1-ix FAA-S-8081-7B
C. Engine Starting and Rotor Engagement
D. Before Takeoff Check
VI. Airport and Heliport Operations
A. Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals
B. Traffic Patterns
C. Airport and Heliport Markings and Lighting
VII. Hovering Maneuvers
A. Vertical Takeoff and Landing
B. Surface Taxi
C. Hover Taxi
D. Air Taxi
E. Slope Operation
VIII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
A. Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
B. Maximum Performance Takeoff and Climb
C. Rolling Takeoff
D. Normal and Crosswind Approach
E. Steep Approach
F. Shallow Approach and Running/Roll-On Landing
G. Go-Around
H. Approach and Landing with Simulated Powerplant
Failure – Multiengine Helicopter
IX. Fundamentals of Flight
A. Straight-and-Level Flight
B. Level Turns
C. Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns
D. Straight Descents and Descending Turns
X. Performance Maneuvers
A. Rapid Deceleration
B. Straight-In Autorotation
C. 180° Autorotation
XI. Emergency Operations
A. Power Failure at a Hover
B. Power Failure at Altitude
C. Setting-With-Power
D. Low Rotor RPM Recovery
E. Anti-torque System Failure
F. Dynamic Rollover
G. Ground Resonance
H. Low “G” Conditions
I. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-x
J. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear
XII. Special Operations
A. Confined Area Operation
B. Pinnacle/Platform Operation
XIII. Postflight Procedures
A. After-Landing and Securing
1-xi FAA-S-8081-7B
Areas of Operation:
I. Fundamentals of Instructing
1-1 FAA-S-8081-7B
1. Preparation of a lesson for a ground or flight instructional
2. Presentation of knowledge and skills, including the
methods, which are suitable in particular situations.
3. Application, by the student, of the knowledge and skills
presented by the instructor.
4. Review of the material presented and the evaluation of
student performance and accomplishment.
Task D: Teaching Methods
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-2
1. Major characteristics and qualifications of a professional
flight instructor.
2. Role of the flight instructor in dealing with student stress,
anxiety, and psychological abnormalities.
3. Flight instructor's responsibility with regard to student pilot
supervision and surveillance.
4. Flight instructor's authority and responsibility for
endorsements and recommendations.
5. Flight instructor's responsibility in the conduct of the
required FAA flight review.
Task G: Planning Instructional Activity
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
1-3 FAA-S-8081-7B
II. Technical Subjects
Note: The examiner shall select Task L and at least one other
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-4
Task C: Use of Distractions During Flight Training
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
1-5 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task F: Helicopter Weight and Balance
References: FAA-H-8083-1, FAA-H-8083-21.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-6
1. Factors related to night vision, disorientation, and optical
2. Weather considerations specific to night operations.
3. Preflight inspection, including windshield and window
4. Proper adjustment of interior lights, including availability of
5. Use of position and anticollision lights prior to, during, and
after engine start.
6. Hover taxiing and orientation on an airport or heliport.
7. Takeoff and climb-out.
8. Inflight orientation.
9. Importance of verifying the helicopter's attitude by visual
references and flight instruments.
10. Recovery from critical flight attitudes by visual references
and flight instruments.
11. Emergencies such as electrical failure, engine malfunction,
and emergency landings.
12. Traffic patterns.
13. Approaches and landings with and without landing lights.
Task I: Regulations and Publications
References: 14 CFR parts 1, 61, 91; NTSB Part 830; AC 00-2;
AIM, Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1. Explaining—
a. required instruments and equipment for day/night VFR.
1-7 FAA-S-8081-7B
b. procedures and limitations for determining
airworthiness of the helicopter with inoperative
instruments and equipment with and without an MEL.
c. requirements and procedures for obtaining a special
flight permit.
2. Locating and explaining—
a. airworthiness directives.
b. compliance records.
c. maintenance/inspection requirements.
d. appropriate record keeping.
Task K: National Airspace System
References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-S-8081-12, FAA-S-8081-14;
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-8
III. Preflight Preparation
1-9 FAA-S-8081-7B
3. Anti-torque system.
4. Landing gear, brakes, and steering system.
5. Fuel, oil, and hydraulic systems.
6. Electrical system.
7. Environmental system.
8. Pitot static/vacuum system and associated instruments.
9. Anti-icing systems.
10. Avionics equipment.
Task D: Performance and Limitations
References: AC 61-84, FAA-H-8083-1, FAA-H-8083-21; Rotorcraft
Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-10
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in
1-11 FAA-S-8081-7B
V. Preflight Procedures
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-12
a. proper arranging and securing of essential materials
and equipment in the cockpit.
b. proper use and/or adjustment of such cockpit items
as safety belts, shoulder harnesses, anti-torque
pedals, and seats.
c. occupant briefing on emergency procedures, rotor
blade avoidance, and use of safety belts and shoulder
d. utilization of all available human resources,
maintenance personnel, weather briefers, and air traffic
control, and other groups routinely working with the
pilot who are involved in decisions that are required to
operate a flight safely.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to crew resource management by describing—
a. failure to place and secure essential materials and
equipment for easy access during flight.
b. improper adjustment of equipment and controls.
c. failure to brief occupants on emergency
procedures, rotor blade avoidance, and use of safety
belts and shoulder harnesses.
d. failure to utilize all available human resources,
maintenance personnel, weather briefers, air traffic
control, and other groups routinely working with the
pilot who are involved in decisions that are required to
operate a flight safely.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains crew resource
management from an instructional standpoint.
Task C: Engine Starting and Rotor Engagement
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21, AC 91-13, AC 91-42;
FAA-S-8081-15, FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight
1-13 FAA-S-8081-7B
f. importance of following the appropriate checklist.
g. adjustment of engine and flight controls during engine
start and rotor engagement.
h. prevention of undesirable helicopter movement
during and after engine start and rotor engagement.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to engine starting and rotor engagement by describing—
a. failure to use or improper use of checklist.
b. exceeding starter time limitations.
c. excessive engine RPM and/or temperatures during
d. failure to ensure adequate main rotor or tail rotor
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains engine starting
and rotor engagement from an instructional standpoint.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-14
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a before takeoff check.
1-15 FAA-S-8081-7B
VI. Airport and Heliport Operations
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-16
a. operations at controlled and uncontrolled airports
and heliports.
b. adherence to traffic pattern procedures,
instructions, and appropriate regulations.
c. how to maintain appropriate spacing from other
d. how to maintain desired ground track.
e. wind shear and wake turbulence.
f. orientation with landing area or heliport in use.
g. how to establish an approach to the landing area or
h. use of checklist.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to traffic patterns by describing—
a. failure to comply with traffic pattern instructions,
procedures, and rules.
b. improper correction for wind drift.
c. inadequate spacing from other traffic.
d. improper altitude or airspeed control.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains traffic patterns
from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
traffic patterns.
Task C: Airport and Heliport Markings and Lighting
References: AIM; FAA-H-8083-25; FAA-S-8081-15, FAA-S-8081-
16. AC 150/5340-1, AC 150/ 5340-18, AC-150/5340-
1-17 FAA-S-8081-7B
VII. Hovering Maneuvers
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-18
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; AIM; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-19 FAA-S-8081-7B
a. improper RPM control.
b. improper control of heading and track.
c. erratic altitude control.
d. misuse of flight controls.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains hover taxi from
an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
hover taxi.
Task D: Air Taxi
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; AIM; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-20
1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements of a slope
operation by describing—
a. factors to consider in selection of slope.
b. planning and performance of a slope operation,
considering wind effect, obstacles, and discharging of
c. effect of slope surface texture.
d. how to maintain proper RPM.
e. control technique during descent to touchdown on a
f. use of brakes (if applicable).
g. factors that should be considered to avoid dynamic
h. technique during a slope takeoff and departure.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to a slope operation by describing—
a. improper planning selection of, approach to, or
departure from the slope.
b. failure to consider wind effects.
c. improper RPM control.
d. turning tail of the helicopter upslope.
e. lowering downslope skid or wheels too rapidly.
f. sliding downslope.
g. improper use of brakes (if applicable).
h. conditions that, if allowed to develop, may result in
dynamic rollover.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a slope
operation from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a slope operation.
1-21 FAA-S-8081-7B
VIII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
Note: The examiner shall select at least one takeoff Task and one
approach Task.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-22
Task B: Maximum Performance Takeoff and Climb
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-23 FAA-S-8081-7B
Objective: To determine that the applicant:
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-24
c. establishment and maintenance of the recommended
approach angle and rate of closure.
d. coordination of flight controls.
e. crosswind correction and ground track.
f. loss of effective translational lift.
g. how to terminate the approach.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to a normal and crosswind approach by describing—
a. improper RPM control.
b. improper approach angle.
c. improper use of cyclic to control rate of closure and
collective pitch to control approach angle.
d. failure to coordinate pedal corrections with power
e. failure to arrive at the termination point at zero
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a normal or a
crosswind approach from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a normal or a crosswind approach.
Task E: Steep Approach
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-25 FAA-S-8081-7B
c. improper use of cyclic to control rate of closure and
collective pitch to control approach angle.
d. failure to coordinate pedal corrections with power
e. failure to arrive at the termination point at zero
f. inability to determine location where effective
translational lift is lost.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a steep
approach from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a steep approach.
Task F: Shallow Approach and Running/Roll-On
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-26
e. failure to maintain a speed that will take advantage
of effective translational lift during the final phase of
f. touching down at an excessive groundspeed.
g. failure to touch down in appropriate attitude.
h. failure to maintain directional control after touchdown.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a shallow
approach and running/roll-on landing from an instructional
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a shallow approach and running/roll-on landing.
Task G: Go-Around
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-27 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task H: Approach and Landing with Simulated
Powerplant Failure - Multiengine Helicopter
Note: In a multiengine helicopter maneuvering to a landing, the
applicant should follow a procedure that simulates the loss
of one powerplant.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-28
IX. Fundamentals of Flight
1-29 FAA-S-8081-7B
b. failure to cross-check and correctly interpret
outside and instrument references.
c. faulty trim technique.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains level turns from
an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
level turns.
Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-30
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to straight descents and descending turns by describing—
a. improper coordination of flight controls.
b. failure to cross-check and correctly interpret outside
and instrument references.
c. faulty trim technique.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains straight
descents and descending turns from an instructional
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
straight descents and descending turns.
1-31 FAA-S-8081-7B
Change 1 (3/22/2016)
X. Performance Maneuvers
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-32
Objective: To determine that the applicant:
1-33 FAA-S-8081-7B
g. flight control coordination, aircraft attitude, and
autorotation airspeed.
h. proper planning and performance of the
autorotative turn.
i. deceleration, collective pitch application, and
touchdown technique, or
j. technique for performing a power recovery to a hover.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to a 180° autorotation by describing—
a. improper engine and rotor RPM control.
b. uncoordinated use of flight controls, particularly anti-
torque pedals.
c. improper attitude and airspeed during descent.
d. improper judgment and technique during the
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a 180°
autorotation to touchdown from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a 180° autorotation.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-34
Change 3 (7/26/2016)
1-35 FAA-S-8081-7B
a safe touchdown could be accomplished in the event of an
actual power failure.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-36
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
power failure at altitude.
Task C: Settling-with-Power
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-37 FAA-S-8081-7B
a. failure to recognize conditions that are conducive
to the development of low rotor RPM.
b. failure to detect the development of low rotor RPM
and to initiate prompt corrective action.
c. improper use of controls.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains low rotor RPM
recovery from an instructional standpoint.
Task E: Anti-Torque System Failure
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Helicopter Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-38
1. Aerodynamics involved and association with a fully
articulated rotor system.
2. Conditions that are conducive to the development of ground
3. Preventive actions used for takeoffs and landings on
different surfaces.
Task H: Low “G” Conditions
Reference: Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
1-39 FAA-S-8081-7B
2. Method of operation or use.
3. Servicing.
4. Storage.
5. Equipment and gear appropriate for operation in various
climates, over various types of terrain, and over water.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-40
XII. Special Operations
1-41 FAA-S-8081-7B
h. failure to consider effect of wind direction or speed,
turbulence, or loss of effective translational lift during
the approach.
i. improper takeoff and climb technique for existing
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a confined area
operation from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a confined area operation.
Task B: Pinnacle/Platform Operation
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-16;
Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-42
f. failure to select a definite termination point during
the high reconnaissance.
g. failure to change the termination point, if conditions
so dictate.
h. failure to consider effect of wind direction or speed,
turbulence, or loss of effective translational lift during
the approach.
i. improper takeoff and climb technique for existing
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a
pinnacle/platform operation from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a pinnacle/platform operation.
1-43 FAA-S-8081-7B
XIII. Postflight Procedures
FAA-S-8081-7B 1-44
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1-45 FAA-S-8081-7B
Section 2
2-i FAA-S-8081-7B
Task A: Preflight Inspection............................................. 2-13
Task B: Single-Pilot Resource Management .................. 2-13
Task C: Engine Starting................................................... 2-14
Task D: Taxiing ................................................................ 2-15
Task E: Before Takeoff Check ........................................ 2-15
VI. Airport Operations............................................................. 2-17
Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals . 2-17
Task B: Traffic Patterns ................................................... 2-17
Task C: Airport Markings, Signs, and Lighting ................ 2-18
VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds ............................... 2-19
Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb ........ 2-19
Task B: Soft-field Takeoff and Climb ............................... 2-20
Task C: Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing . 2-21
Task D: Soft-Field Approach and Landing ...................... 2-22
Task E: Go-Around .......................................................... 2-23
VIII. Fundamentals of Flight ..................................................... 2-24
Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight .................................... 2-24
Task B: Level Turns ........................................................ 2-24
Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns .................. 2-25
Task D: Straight Descents and Descending Turns ......... 2-25
IX. Performance Maneuvers .................................................. 2-27
Task A: Steep Turns ........................................................ 2-27
X. Flight at Slow Airspeeds ................................................... 2-28
Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight, Turns, Climbs, and
Descents ............................................................ 2-28
Task B: High Rate of Descent and Recovery.................. 2-29
XI. Ground Reference Maneuvers ......................................... 2-30
Task A: Rectangular Course ........................................... 2-30
Task B: S-Turns Across a Road ...................................... 2-30
Task C: Turns Around a Point ......................................... 2-31
XII. Emergency Operations ..................................................... 2-33
Task A: Lift-Off at Low Airspeed and High Angle of
Attack ................................................................. 2-33
Task B: Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) 2-34
Task C: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions ............... 2-35
Task D: Ground Resonance ............................................ 2-35
Task E: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear ......... 2-35
XIII.Postflight Procedures........................................................ 2-37
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-ii
Task A: After-Landing and Securing ............................... 2-37
2-iii FAA-S-8081-7B
(this page intentionally left blank)
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-iv
Additional Rating Task Table
Addition of a Gyroplane Class Rating (and a Rotorcraft
Category Rating, if appropriate) to a Flight Instructor Certificate
ASE Airplane Single-Engine
AME Airplane Multiengine
RH Rotorcraft Helicopter
G Glider Powered
IAH Instrument Airplane/Helicopter
2-v FAA-S-8081-7B
Renewal or Reinstatement of a Flight Instructor
Required Areas of
Number of Tasks
IV 1
V 1
VI 1
IX 1
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-vi
Applicant’s Practical Test Checklist
Appointment with Examiner
Acceptable Aircraft
Aircraft Documents:
Airworthiness Certificate
Registration Certificate
Operating Limitations
Aircraft Maintenance Records:
Logbook Record of Airworthiness Inspections and AD
Pilot’s Operating Handbook, FAA-Approved Flight Manual
Personal Equipment
Practical Test Standard
Lesson Plan Library
Current Aeronautical Charts
Computer and Plotter
Flight Plan and Flight Log Forms
Current AIM, Airport Facility Directory, and Appropriate
Personal Records
Identification – Photo/Signature ID
Pilot Certificate
Current and Appropriate Medical Certificate
Completed FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or
Rating Application
AC Form 8080-2, Airman Written Test Report or Computer
Test Report
Pilot Logbook with Appropriate Instructor Endorsements
FAA Form 8060-5, Notice of Disapproval (if applicable)
Approved School Graduation Certificate (if applicable)
Examiner's Fee (if applicable)
2-vii FAA-S-8081-7B
Examiner’s Practical Test Checklist
Flight Instructor – Rotorcraft
I. Fundamentals of Instructing
A. The Learning Process
B. Human Behavior
C. The Teaching Process
D. Teaching Methods
E. Critique and Evaluation
F. Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
G. Planning Instructional Activity
II. Technical Subjects
A. Aeromedical Factors
B. Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
C. Use of Distractions during Flight Training
D. Principles of Flight
E. Helicopter Flight Controls
F. Helicopter Weight and Balance
G. Navigation and Flight Planning
H. Night Operations
I. Regulations and Publications
J. Airworthiness Requirements
K. National Airspace System
L. Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
III. Preflight Preparation
A. Certificates and Documents
B. Weather Information
C. Operation of Systems
D. Performance and Limitations
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in Flight
A. Maneuver Lesson
V. Preflight Procedures
A. Preflight Inspection
B. Single-Pilot Resource Management
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-viii
C. Engine Starting
D. Taxiing
E. Before Takeoff Check
VI. Airport Operations
A. Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals
B. Traffic Patterns
C. Airport Markings, Signs, and Lighting
VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
A. Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
B. Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb
C. Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing
D. Soft-Field Approach and Landing
E. Go-Around
VIII. Fundamentals of Flight
A. Straight-and-Level Flight
B. Level Turns
C. Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns
D. Straight Descents and Descending Turns
IX. Performance Maneuvers
A. Steep Turns
X. Flight at Slow Airspeed
A. Straight-and-Level Flight, Turns, Climbs, and
B. High Rates of Descent and Recovery
XI. Ground Reference Maneuvers
A. Rectangular Course
B. S-Turns Across a Road
C. Turns Around a Point
XII. Emergency Operations
A. Lift-off at Low Airspeed and High Angle of Attack
B. Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated)
C. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
D. Ground Resonance
E. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear
XIII. Postflight Procedures
A. After-Landing and Securing
2-ix FAA-S-8081-7B
(this page intentionally left blank
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-x
Areas of Operation:
I. Fundamentals of Instructing
2-1 FAA-S-8081-7B
1. Preparation of a lesson for a ground or flight instructional
2. Presentation of knowledge and skills, including the
methods, which are suitable in particular situations.
3. Application, by the student, of the knowledge and skills
presented by the instructor.
4. Review of the material presented and the evaluation of
student performance and accomplishment.
Task D: Teaching Methods
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-2
1. Major characteristics and qualifications of a professional
flight instructor.
2. Role of the flight instructor in dealing with student stress,
anxiety, and psychological abnormalities.
3. Flight instructor's responsibility with regard to student pilot
supervision and surveillance.
4. Flight instructor's authority and responsibility for
endorsements and recommendations.
5. Flight instructor's responsibility in the conduct of the
required FAA flight review.
Task G: Planning Instructional Activity
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
2-3 FAA-S-8081-7B
II. Technical Subjects
Note: The examiner shall select Task L and at least one other
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-4
Task C: Use of Distractions during Flight Training
Reference: FAA-H-8083-9.
1. Cyclic control.
2. Rudder control.
3. Prerotator/rotor spin-up control.
4. Collective pitch control (if applicable).
5. Throttle control.
2-5 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task F: Gyroplane Weight and Balance
References: FAA-H-8083-1, FAA-H-8083-21; Gyroplane Flight
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-6
Task H: Night Operations
References: FAA-H-8083-21, FAA-H-8083-25; AIM; FAA-S-8081-
2-7 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task J: Airworthiness Requirements
References: 14 CFR parts 1, 27, 29, 39, 43, and 91; FAA-H-8083-
1. Explaining—
a. required instruments and equipment for day/night
Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
b. procedures and limitations for determining
airworthiness of the gyroplane with inoperative
instruments and equipment with and without an
Minimal Equipment Level (MEL).
c. requirements and procedures for obtaining a special
flight permit.
2. Locating and explaining—
a. airworthiness directives.
b. compliance records.
c. maintenance/inspection requirements.
d. appropriate record keeping.
Task K: National Airspace System
References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-S-8081-12, FAA-S-8081-14;
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-8
Task L: Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
References: 14 CFR part 61; AC 61-65, AC 61-98.
2-9 FAA-S-8081-7B
III. Preflight Preparation
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-10
4. Fuel, oil, and hydraulic.
5. Electrical.
6. Pitot static/vacuum and associated instruments.
7. Environmental.
8. Anti-icing.
9. Avionics.
Task D: Performance and Limitations
References: FAA-H-8083-1, FAA-H-8083-21, FAA-H-8083-25; AC
61-84; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-11 FAA-S-8081-7B
IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in
Note: The examiner shall select at least one maneuver from Areas
of Operation VI through XII and will ask the applicant to
present a preflight lesson on the selected maneuver, as the
lesson would be taught to a student. Previously developed
lesson plans from the applicant’s library may be used.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-12
V. Preflight Procedures
2-13 FAA-S-8081-7B
a. proper arranging and securing of essential
materials and equipment in the cockpit.
b. proper use and/or adjustment of such cockpit items
as safety belts, shoulder harnesses, rudder pedals,
and seats.
c. occupant briefing on emergency procedures, rotor
blade avoidance, and use of safety belts, and shoulder
d. utilization of all available human resources,
maintenance personnel, weather briefers, and air traffic
control, and other groups routinely working with the
pilot who are involved in decisions that are required to
operate a flight safely.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to crew resource management by describing—
a. failure to place and secure essential materials and
equipment for easy access during flight.
b. improper adjustment of equipment and controls.
c. failure to brief occupants on emergency procedures,
rotor blade avoidance, and use of safety belts, and
shoulder harnesses.
d. failure to utilize all available human resources,
maintenance personnel, weather briefers, air traffic
control, and other groups routinely working with the
pilot who are involved in decisions that are required to
operate a flight safely.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains crew resource
management from an instructional standpoint.
Task C: Engine Starting
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; AC 91-13, AC 91-42;
FAA-S-8081-15, FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-14
f. prevention of gyroplane movement after engine
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to engine starting by describing—
a. failure to use or improper use of checklist.
b. failure to monitor engine instruments.
c. improper position of flight controls during and after
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains engine starting
from an instructional standpoint.
Task D: Taxiing
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-15 FAA-S-8081-7B
1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements of a before
takeoff check by describing—
a. division of attention inside and outside the cockpit.
b. importance of following the checklist and responding to
each item.
c. reasons for ensuring suitable engine temperatures and
pressures for run-up and takeoff.
d. method used to determine that gyroplane is in a
safe operating condition.
e. importance of reviewing emergency procedures, to
include low speed/high speed blade flap situations.
f. method used for ensuring that takeoff area or path
is free of hazards or obstacles.
g. method used for ensuring adequate clearance from
other traffic.
h. rotor spin-up procedure.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to a before takeoff check by describing—
a. failure to use or the improper use of the checklist.
b. acceptance of marginal gyroplane performance.
c. an improper check of controls.
d. failure to check for hazards and other traffic.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a before takeoff
check from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a before takeoff check.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-16
VI. Airport Operations
2-17 FAA-S-8081-7B
c. how to maintain proper spacing from other traffic.
d. how to maintain proper ground track.
e. wind shear and wake turbulence.
f. orientation with runway or landing area.
g. how to establish a final approach at an appropriate
distance from the approach end of the runway or
landing area.
h. use of checklist.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to traffic patterns by describing—
a. failure to comply with traffic pattern instructions,
procedures, and rules.
b. improper correction for wind drift.
c. inadequate spacing from other traffic.
d. improper altitude or airspeed control.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains traffic patterns
from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
traffic patterns.
Task C: Airport Markings, Signs, and Lighting
References: FAA-H-8083-25; AIM; FAA-S-8081-15, FAA-S-8081-
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-18
VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
Note: The examiner shall select at least one takeoff Task and one
landing Task.
2-19 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task B: Soft-field Takeoff and Climb
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-20
Task C: Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-21 FAA-S-8081-7B
Task D: Soft-Field Approach and Landing
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-22
Task E: Go-Around
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-23 FAA-S-8081-7B
VIII. Fundamentals of Flight
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-24
b. failure to cross-check and correctly interpret
outside and instrument references.
c. faulty trim technique.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains level turns from
an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
level turns.
Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21.
2-25 FAA-S-8081-7B
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to straight descents and descending turns by describing—
a. improper coordination of flight controls.
b. failure to cross-check and correctly interpret outside
and instrument references.
c. faulty trim technique.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains straight
descents and descending turns from an instructional
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
straight descents and descending turns.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-26
IX. Performance Maneuvers
2-27 FAA-S-8081-7B
X. Flight at Slow Airspeeds
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-28
Task B: High Rate of Descent and Recovery
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-29 FAA-S-8081-7B
XI. Ground Reference Maneuvers
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-30
1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements of S-turns
across a road by describing—
a. how to select a suitable altitude.
b. how to select a suitable ground reference line with
consideration given to emergency landing areas.
c. orientation, division of attention, and planning.
d. airspeed prior to entry.
e. entry technique.
f. wind drift correction.
g. tracking of semicircles of equal radii on either side of
the selected ground reference line.
h. how to maintain desired altitude and airspeed.
i. turn reversal over the ground reference line.
j. coordination of flight controls.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to S-turns across a road by describing—
a. faulty entry technique.
b. poor planning, orientation, or division of attention.
c. uncoordinated flight control application.
d. improper correction for wind drift.
e. an unsymmetrical ground track.
f. failure to maintain selected altitude and/or airspeed.
g. selection of a ground reference line where there is
no suitable emergency landing area within gliding
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains S-turns across
a road from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
S-turns across a road.
Task C: Turns Around a Point
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15;
Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-31 FAA-S-8081-7B
g. how to maintain desired altitude, airspeed, and
distance from the reference point.
h. coordination of flight controls.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related
to turns around a point by describing—
a. faulty entry technique.
b. poor planning, orientation, or division of attention.
c. uncoordinated flight control application.
d. improper correction for wind drift.
e. failure to maintain selected altitude and/or airspeed.
f. selection of a ground reference point where there
is no suitable emergency landing area within gliding
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains turns around a
point from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
turns around a point.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-32
XII. Emergency Operations
2-33 FAA-S-8081-7B
i. drift during climb.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a lift-off at low
airspeed and high angle of attack from an instructional
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to
a lift-off at low airspeed and high angle of attack.
Task B: Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated)
References: FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15,
FAA-S-8081-16; Gyroplane Flight Manual.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-34
Task C: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
References: FAA-H-8083-21; FAA-S-8081-15, FAA-S-8081-16;
Gyroplane Flight Manual.
2-35 FAA-S-8081-7B
5. Equipment and gear appropriate for operation in various
climates, over various types of terrain, and over water.
FAA-S-8081-7B 2-36
XIII. Postflight Procedures
2-37 FAA-S-8081-7B