Installation and Quick Reference Guide: SLR-350N AIS Receiver
Installation and Quick Reference Guide: SLR-350N AIS Receiver
Installation and Quick Reference Guide: SLR-350N AIS Receiver
Quick Reference Guide
AIS Receiver
Product Support
Contents 2
Comar Systems Limited
Unit 7, Medina Court
Arctic Road
Introduction 3 Cowes
Isle of Wight, PO31 7XD
Contents of this box 4 United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1983 282400 Fax: +44 (0)1983 280402
Installing the SLR-350N receiver 4
Configuring the SLR-350N 5-8
Limited Warranty
Correct Operation 9 Comar Systems Ltd warrants this product to be free from defects in
materials and manufacture for two years from the date of purchase.
Fault Finding 9 Comar Systems Ltd will, at its sole option, repair or replace any
components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will
be made at no charge to the customer for parts and labour. The
Technical Specification 10 customer is, however, responsible for any transportation costs
incurred in returning the unit to Comar Systems Ltd.
Warranty 11
This warranty does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident
or unauthorized alteration or repairs.
The above does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer.
Configuring the Network Introduction
To install the Digi Device Discovery program on your PC run the
“Device Discovery” installation executable file in the “Device Background to AIS
Discovery” folder on the CD, and follow the set up wizard. AIS is an Automatic Identification System. For improved safety and
specifically for collision avoidance reasons, vessels need to know the
When the Device Discovery software is installed then select “Device position, details and navigational intentions of other vessels within
Discovery” from the installed applications. VHF range.
IMO regulations covering most commercial vessels worldwide, have
If you have installed the SLR350N on your local network then been passed requiring that AIS transponders are fitted to all
the device will be displayed as a Connect ME device commercial vessels over 300 grt on international voyages.
The transponders use VHF frequencies to
● Transmit details of their own vessel and
● Receive details from other vessels or navigation aids within
VHF range.
The SLR-350N
The SLR-350N is an AIS receive unit with built in Ethernet and USB
interfaces, designed specifically for coastal monitoring of AIS
equipped vessels.
Connected to an Ethernet Network and directly or via a Router to a
PC running compatible software, AIS data transmitted from ships
within range can be displayed on the screen giving a visual
interpretation of the traffic within VHF range. The unit can also be
mounted at a remote location and AIS data can be sent over the
Internet to a fixed IP address for use on a dedicated server.
A USB connection is also provided for local monitoring of AIS traffic
on a local PC.
Information transmitted from vessels fitted with AIS transponders
Contents of this Box Hint: The antenna connector type is BNC, 50 ohms.
Before proceeding with the installation of the SLR-350N, please Hint: The higher the antenna is located, the greater the range.
check the content of the box, which should include:
Hint: Mount the antenna with a relatively clear view of the horizon. Large
obstructions that might shade the antenna should be avoided.
The SLR-350N AIS receiver.
Universal 100-250VAC/12VDC Power Supply
Antenna connector adaptor Hint: A higher gain antenna will increase reception range..
Installation and quick Reference Guide.
2m Network cable. Hint: Normally a omni- directional antenna is recommended however a
directional antenna such as a 3 element yagi can be used to increase range
Installation CD. in one particular direction.
Hint: Alternatively the unit will accept 9-30VDC from an alternative source Connection to a Network.
capable of supplying 1Amp of current.. The centre pin is Positive.
The SLR350N can be connected to a standard PC, Network Router or
Switch. Note if connecting directly to a PC you will need a crossover
Installing the antenna
When connected to a network the yellow LED on the network
A VHF antenna is not supplied as the type of antenna and cable
connection should be on. If no yellow LED is shown then the unit has
requirements differ from each installation. An antenna can be
not detected a link. The green LED will blink when data is
acquired from a local marine electronics outlet.
transmitted or received.
Shore based reception is governed by local terrain, however an open
view to the sea with an antenna mounted in the clear at a height of
approximately 20 metres will achieve 25 miles plus, higher gain
The CD included with the product contains the program Digi Device
antenna can be used on shore to further increase the range.
Discovery utility program for setting up and configuring the unit.
Correct operation
Firewalls: Check to make sure that any software firewalls (common
Operation of the SLR-350N unit is fully automatic and only requires examples are Windows Firewall and most popular Anti-Virus
power, VHF and data cable connection. software) are disabled. These can block the discovery process. Also,
any physical firewall will almost certainly block the discovery process
On powering up the unit as well.
● The green light marked ON should illuminate. Trouble discovering a Digi device using Windows XP with
● The Channel lights should come on brierfly then go off. Service Pack 2: You will need to make sure that the Windows
● The channel A and B lights should flash momentarily when Firewall is disabled. By default it is enabled and will block the port
information from nearby transceivers is received. that the discovery software uses to discover Digi. To disable the
Data is then output for visual or textual viewing on compatible firewall go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Windows Firewall.
electronic charting systems or other systems or devices. Then click the off button to disable it.
● Check that a VHF antenna is fitted and correctly connected. Ethernet LED: Check the Ethernet Link LED (Light Emitting Diode)
● Check that the antenna is correctly positioned – i.e. at a on the Digi device. Is it lit solid? If not, there is not a valid network
suitable location to visibly ‘see’ vessels. connection and it will not be possible to discover the device.
Configuring the Network settings
Technical specifications
Device Discovery has the facility to quickly configure the unit
to your own network, select Configure Network Settings
this brings up a new window which will give you the choice of SLR-350N is a compact dual channel synthesized VHF receiver
letting Windows assign an IP address, or alternatively you can designed to receive and decode all transmissions from vessels fitted
give the unit a fixed IP address. with Class A or B AIS transceivers, Aids to Navigation, and SARTS.
Alternatively you can select Open web interface which will Electrical
open a login dialog box, the default username is root and Power supply range: 9 - 30 Volts DC
the default password is dbps. Once entered it will connect Power consumption: 300mA @ 12VDC
you directly to the internal web browser, and open it on its Output
home page as below: Baud rate: 38400 Baud (38.4Kb)
Format: ITU/ NMEA 0183
Output message: VDM
Frequency: Channel A 161.975 MHz
Channel B 162.025 MHz
Channel spacing: 25KHz
Sensitivity: > -112dBm @ 20% MER
Demodulation: GMSK
Data Rate: 9600
Antenna Impedance: 50 ohms
Dimensions: L 130 x W 105 x H 46mm
Weight: 600g
Mounting: 4 mounting holes in end plates
Connectors: Antenna BNC
Ethernet port: RJ-45
USB Port Type B
Power: 2.1mm Phono plug
However if you wish to use your favourite browser then Designed to meet:
simply navigate to the IP address that has been assigned to IEC 61993-2
the unit, for example CE Approval to EN 60945: EN 6100-6-1/2
Configure the device to your requirements. Use the help FCC part 15
function F1, for assistance.
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