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SAILOR H4122 Iridium Ship Security Alert System: User & Installation Manual

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SAILOR H4122 Iridium Ship Security Alert System

Thank you for choosing our equipment and Congratulations on Your Law requirement
new Iridium Ship Security Alert System. We hope everything has In the requirements for Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS) in IMO
been delivered correctly and to Your satisfaction. Resolution A9.24(22) and specified in the amendments (Dec. 2002)
to SOLAS Chapter XI, Annex 6 the new SSAS equipment requested
In order to get the maximum performance and Radio survey to be installed on the following ships were defined.
approval of Your new Iridium Ship Security Alert System, please note
and follow the installation guidelines precisely. The deadline for the affected ships is:

The Iridium Ship Security Alert System is an add-on unit connected Type of ships Deadline for implementation
to the Iridium Transceiver. All messages from the unit are transmitted Passenger ships including high- No later than first survey on or
through the Iridium transceiver. Messages are only transmitted, if the speed passenger crafts after July 1st 2004
Iridium transceiver has an Iridium subscription and a valid SIM-card Oil tankers, chemical tankers,
inserted. gas carriers, bulk carriers and No later than first survey on or
high-speed cargo crafts of 500 after July 1st 2004
gross tonnage and upwards
Please make sure Your subscription is OK, before testing the Iridium
Other cargo vessels of 500 No later than first survey on or
Security Alert System.
gross tonnage and upwards after July 1st 2006

* Ship status: Existing + Newbuildings

** ISPS CODE 2003 Edition, International Ship & Port Facility Security Code
About this Manual and SOLAS Amendments 2002, IMO, ISBN 92-801-5149-5
This manual is for the daily user of the system. Additionally, it
includes a section on the installation procedures. We highly
The objective for the above mentioned regulations is to establish an
recommend you to read the manual before you start using the
international framework for detecting and assessing security threats
and to take preventive measurements against security incidents
affecting vessels or port facilities used in international trade.
Disclaimer The SAILOR H4122 complies with these regulations and is approved
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with and certified by international classification services such as Det
the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is Norske Veritas.
disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane. The information in this manual is
provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without
notice, may contain errors or inaccuracies, and represents no
commitment whatsoever by Thrane & Thrane. This agreement is
governed by the laws of Denmark.

Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane are periodically revised and

updated. Anyone relying on this information should satisfy himself/
herself as to the most current version. Providers with access to
Thrane & Thrane’s Extranet may obtain current copies of manuals
at: http://extranet.thrane.com.

Thrane & Thrane is not responsible for the content or accuracy of

any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual
from any other source.

Introduction .......................................................................... ii
About this Manual ............................................................... ii

Abbreviations ....................................................................... 1
System Overview ................................................................. 2

Operating - How to use the SSAS ...................................... 3

Normal mode ................................................................................ 3
Alert mode ..................................................................................... 3
Test mode ...................................................................................... 4
Iridium Tracking System ................................................................ 5
Connecting a PC ........................................................................... 5

Installation ............................................................................ 6
Technical Specification ................................................................. 6
System Block Diagram ................................................................. 8
Interfaces ...................................................................................... 9
Cable Connection Diagram ......................................................... 10
Connection Scheme for push Terminals .................................... 11
Cable Dimensions ....................................................................... 11
Software Settings ........................................................................ 11
Status and Message Log ............................................................ 14
Test Procedure ............................................................................ 14
Trouble shooting .......................................................................... 15

Parts List ............................................................................. iii

GPS Global Positioning System
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (world wide web protocol)
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMS Short Message Service
SSAS Ship Security Alert System
ITS Iridium Tracking System

System Overview
Alert Iridium Satellite System
Button Box

Test E-mail, SMS

Button Box
Iridium System
Iridium Gateway


In case a ship is being attacked by pirates or terrorists the crew The system has full global radio coverage. Covers A1, A2, A3 and A4
needs a possibility to send a silent alert message to a predefined areas.
alert centre. It should be possible to activate the alert (via an alert
button) from the navigation bridge and in at least one other location. The Iridium SSAS Box will send an alert SMS/Email when the alert
Via the alert message the alert centre knows that the ship is being button is pressed for more than 2 seconds. The Iridium SSAS Box
attacked and what the ship’s position is. Immediate action can be controls the Iridium Transceiver via standard AT commands.
taken to save the ship and the crew.
When the alert is activated an SMS will be sent from the SSAS The SSAS control unit supports a Iridium Tracking System (ITS). Via
system to a predefined SMS number or Email address. The test SMS or Email the shipowner will be able to follow the position of the
button will light green when the alert is active. Green is perceived as ship. On an ITS request the system will send a pre-configured
OK and will not indicate alert or danger. message to the recipient (shipowner) containing the latest position
The alert message will be sent continuously until it is reset either by information, which the SSAS control unit retrieves from the GPS. The
the ship’s crew or from land. The alert can be deactivated from land SSAS control unit can be set to automatically sending ITS messages
by sending a reset SMS message back to the ship. continuously at a predetermined time interval or/and it can send a
position upon a request from an incoming message with the correct
Only in US SMS messages can be send to a cellular phone. In the password for ITS requesting.
rest of the world SMS messages can only be send between Iridium
satellite phones. The LAN interface on the Iridium SSAS Box supports the connection
of a service PC for configuring the Iridium SSAS Box. On the Iridium
The ship owner is responsible for setting up a security plan in which SSAS Box there is an HTTP server, which holds the configuration
he specifies who shall receive the alert message and who is to be pages made in HTML. The configuration can be used to:
- Set up Alert parameters (Email or SMS address of recipients
The H4122 SSAS system consists of a SSAS control box including plus choose light indicator behaviour)
test and alert buttons. The H4122 SSAS system is an add-on - Read status log of incoming alert resets
solution to our Iridium Transceiver Unit. - Download new software to the Iridium SSAS Box
The system allows the user to use the Iridium Transceiver for normal - Download new HTML pages for the configuration
speech and data transmission.

SIM card will be deleted in order to make room for receiving an alert
Operating - reset SMS.

How to use the SSAS Notice:

It is possible to send alert messages and make a voice call at the
same time but a data call will be interrupted when an alert is activated.
Normal mode
In normal mode the system is in stand-by. It is possible to use the The contents of the message are shown in table 1.
Iridium transceiver for normal usage (voice or data).
Name Format Length Example
Data applications on a PC can be used by connecting the data cable to Message
Xxxxxxxxxxx 13 SECURITYALERT
the PC port on the Iridium SSAS Box. See “Connecting a PC”. Code*
Xx 2 01
Power on indication number**
When the power is connected to the Iridium SSAS Box the system Ship Name xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 20 Karaboudjan
will initialise and the green light indicator will turn on. This light MMSI 041123456
indicator is also used for error indication in case there is no connec- MMSI MMSI xxxxxxxxx 13 (the 3 first digits
tion to the Iridium transceiver or the GPS. See “Trouble shooting”. are country code)
IMO IMO xxxxxxx 10 IMO 1234567
Test button light indication
Position POS DDDMM.MM,a
The test button can be used as indicator for the alert status of the 13 POS 12258.85,W
longitude Degrees and minutes
Iridium SSAS Box.
Position DDMM.MM,a
The behaviour of the test button can be set in 3 different modes: 9 3722.42,N
latitude Degrees and minutes
Per default the light in the test button is off in normal mode TIME hhmmss
and turns on when an alert is active hours, minutes and
The light will be constantly on in normal mode and turns off UTC time seconds 10 TIME 221008
INVERTED NMEA format without
when the alert is activated
OFF Turns the light off permanently
Date DATE ddmmyy 10 DATE 141103
It is recommended to use the NORMAL setting. C.O.G.
(Course Over COG ddd 6 COG274
Iridium Tracking System Ground)
The ITS can be active in normal mode. See “Iridium Tracking S.O.G.
System”. (Speed Over SOGx x.x Knots 7 SOG0 8.4
System ECI H4122 9 ECI H4122
Alert mode Table 1

*) The message code is fixed and will tell the recipients that this is
Activating the alert
an alert.
Press one of the alert buttons and hold it for minimum 2 seconds.
After 2 seconds the button will light up and the button can be
**) Each message gets a successive sequence number, which
released. Only the button, which is pressed, will light up.
makes it possible to track the ship’s route. The counter counts to
The light in the test button will now turn on constantly and the unit is
99 and starts over again counting from 1.
in alert mode.
The actual SMS body of the examples in the above template will be:
An alert message is sent immediately after pressing the alert button.
Alert messages will be sent periodically until they are reset. The time
between the messages can be set from 1x5 minutes to 255x5
minutes. The setting is made at the configuration page.
SOG08.4,ECI H4122
The message will be sent to all the predefined recipients listed in the
In case the GPS information isn’t available the message will be sent
with the data replaced by crosses (XXX).
When an alert message is sent the SMS messages stored on the
Deactivating the alert Test mode
The alert can be deactivated in two ways.
The test mode is used to check that the system is working properly.
Either by pressing the test button or by sending an SMS message to
the system.
The test message will contain the same information as the alert
message (table 1). The only difference is the message code
Press the test button to deactivate the alert
“TESTALERT” at the beginning of the messages.
The green light will turn off when the alert is deactivated.
A message will be send to the recipients that the alert has been
Test messages will be send only to the recipients listed in the
deactivated and the system is back to normal mode.
configuration setup page.
Normal mode message:
Send an SMS to deactivate the alert
When the test button is pressed the Iridium SSAS Box will send 2
Send an SMS or Email to the Iridium Transceiver using the phone
test messages. When the last test message is sent the Iridium SSAS
number on the SIM card. The SMS or Email message shall contain
Box will go back to normal mode and send a normal mode message.
the following:
The time between the 2 test messages can be set from 5 minutes to
30 minutes in intervals of 5. The setting is done at the configuration
Where the password is an 1 to 8 digit code free of choice. The
Before running the test procedure all communication to the PC port
password is set at the configuration page. Use capital letters.
must be stopped since the PC data application will occupy the data
bus to the Iridium transceiver.
Test procedure
1. Press the test button.
You can send the message in three ways:
2. The green light in the test button is flashing for 10 seconds
(the test can be stopped within these 10 seconds by
1. Send an SMS from another Iridium transceiver, which has
pressing the test button again).
either SMS service in the handset or via a PC with the
3. The green light lights constantly and the first test message is
EuroCom Industries SMS Client installed.
2. Or send an SMS from Iridium satellites homepage on the
4. Delay (according to the setting in the configuration page).
internet www.iridium.com. Chose “Send a Satellite Mes-
5. The second and final message is sent.
sages” and enter the phone number and the reset message.
6. The green light is flashing for 10 seconds and turns off.
3. Or send an Email from any Email client (like Outlook) by
7. The Iridium SSAS Box goes back to normal mode.
entering the Iridium phone number into the following generic
8. A normal mode message is sent.
address, 8816[number]@msg.iridium.com. Enter the reset
message in the text field.
When the test mode is started it is not possible to cancel the test
When the SSAS unit receives the reset message with a valid
mode. The test sequence has to be completed before the system
password the SSAS unit will go back to normal mode and send a
returns to normal mode.
normal mode message to confirm the alert deactivation. The normal
Though an alert activation has always highest priority. Pressing any
mode message will be sent to all the recipients who got the alert
of the alert activation buttons will cancel the test and alert messages
are sent instead.

Iridium Tracking System Connecting a PC
With the Iridium Tracking System the SSAS control unit can send When the Iridium SSAS Box is in normal mode the data interface of
information about the ships position. There are two ways to get the the Iridium transceiver can be used for various data applications, e.g.
position information: running the SMS PC client.
Connect a computer with a standard 9 pole RS232 serial cable to the
Automatic ITS PC port on the Iridium SSAS Box. Set PC com port to 19200 baud.
Automatic ITS mode is set and enabled at the configuration page. In
this mode the SSAS unit will send periodical tracking messages. The The Iridium SSAS Box will sense the data communication on the PC
period between messages can be set from 1x5 minutes to 255x5 port and enter a transparent mode where it will forward any data to
minutes. and from the Iridium transceiver.

ITS request In case the alert is activated the data communication will be stopped.
It is possible to send an SMS to the SSAS control unit to request
position information. Notice:
When a PC program uses the Iridium Transceiver as a modem via
Send an SMS or Email to the Iridium terminal using the phone the PC port on the SSAS control box the test mode can not be
number on the SIM card. The SMS or Email message shall contain started. The Iridium Tracking System will not be able automatically to
the following: send neither position data nor requested position data.
Stop the PC program in order to enable the use of the test mode or
ITSREQ,<PASSWORD> the Iridium Tracking System.

Where the password is an 1 to 8 digit code free of choice. The

password is set at the configuration page. Use capital letters.


When the SSAS unit receives the ITS request message with a valid
password the SSAS control unit will send one message with position

The recipients of ITS messages shall be entered at the configuration

page. It is possible to send both to an Iridium telephone number and
to an Email address.

The ITS message will be send only to the recipient listed in the
configuration page. It will not reply to the sender if this is different
from the listed recipients.

Technical Specification
Input voltage: 10 – 32 VDC

Current consumption: Max. 300 mA

Operating temperature: -15 to +55 degree Celcius


PC data port: RS232, 19200 baud

Iridium data port: RS232

GPS input: NMEA 0183 version 2.20 and 2.30

Following NMEA messages are supported:
Check sum is recommended

LAN: Ethernet TCP/IP 10/100Mbps

IP Class: IP22

Compass safe distance: 80cm

The power supply for the Iridium transceiver and the Iridium SSAS
Box must have a backup power in case of power failure on the ship’s
AC supply. This is a requirement specified by the IMO resolution
MSC.147(77) section 3.1.

Dimensions and drilling plan

Iridium SSAS Box Mounting

* 50
* 50 * 50

** min. 100
* Free space for mounting,
** Free space for cable entry.

258.5 49 39286

Iridium SSAS Alert Button Box / SSAS Test Button Box
4 pcs. ø6

Cable entry


3 pcs. ø4.50

Cable entry



91 28 12.5
9.75 239 37 15.5 60

SSAS Box 1.7 kg
SSAS Alert Button Box/
SSAS Test Button Box 0.3 kg

System Block Diagram
Antenna Unit



Iridium Transceiver

Iridium Iridium Control

SSAS Box Handset

Option A

Alert Button Box Alert Button Box

L2 L1 GPS Input Max. cable loss 3dB

Cable length max. 10m.

Alert Button Box Alert Button Box Power supply

L2 L1
PC Interface 24V DC

Option Option

Test Button Box Power Supply



Option B

Alert Button Box

Cable length max. 50m.

Alert Button Box

Cable length max. 50m. AC input

24V DC
Backup Power

NB: Option A or option B only allowed. L1+L2 < 50 metres The system is made for 2 alert buttons but can handle 2 additional
alert buttons by connecting them as option A or option B.
The GPS input can be taken from any device with NMEA output.

Option Power Supply - Refer to spare parts list.

GPS input Iridium interface (data)
Connector type: 3 pole push connector Connector type: 9 pin Sub-D Male (Data Out)

Pin: Name: Function: Specification: Pin: Name: Function:

RS422* galvanic isolated via 1 DCD Data Carrier Detect (in)
1 NMEA+ GPS positive terminal
2 RXD Receive Data (in)
RS422* galvanic isolated via
2 NMEA- GPS negativ terminal 3 TXD Transmit Data (out)
3 REF Reference Ground or reference from the GPS 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready (out)
5 GRD Ground
*) According to IEC 61162-1: Maritime Navigation and radiocommuni-
6 DSR Data Set Ready (in)
cation equipment and systems – Digital interfaces, part 1: single
talker and multiple listeners 7 RTS Request To Send (out)
8 CTS Clear To Send (in)
9 RI Ring Indicator (in)
Alert Input 1
Connector type: 3 pole push connector PC interface (data for SSAS/SMS)
Connector type: 9 pin Sub-D Female (Data In)
Pin: Name: Function: Specification:
1 CNT Contact 5V DC logical input (internal pull-up)
Pin: Name: Function:
2 LED Light LED current max 30mA
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect (out)
3 REF Reference
2 TXD Transmit Data (out)
3 RXD Receive Data (in)
Alert input 2 4 DSR Data Set Ready (in)
Connector type: 3 pole push connector 5 GRD Ground

Pin: Name: Function: Specification: 6 DTR Data Terminal Ready (out)

1 CNT Contact 5V DC logical input (internal pull-up) 7 CTS Clear To Send (in)

2 LED Light LED current max 30mA 8 RTS Request To Send (out)
3 REF Reference 9 RI Ring Indicator (out)

Ethernet LAN connector

Test button input
Connector type: RJ-45
Connector type: 3 pole push connector
Pin: Name: Function:
Pin: Name: Function: Specification:
1 TX+ Standard LAN
1 CNT Contact 5V DC logical input (internal pull-up)
2 TX-
2 LED Light LED current max 30mA
3 RX+
3 REF Reference
4 N/C
5 N/C
Power supply
6 RX-
Connector type: 3 pole push connector
7 N/C
Pin: Name: Function: Specification: 8 N/C
Voltage: 10 – 32 VDC
1 BAT + Positive power line
Current: max 300mA
2 BAT - Negative power line
3 BAT - Negative power line

Cable Connection Diagram
Fuse 1AF

DC +

DC −
DC −








Status Indicator


Alert Button Box 1 Alert Button Box 2 Test Button Box


GPS Input
24V DC Power In

Iridium Interface

PC Interface


The Iridium SSAS Box default IP parameters:
Connection Scheme for push
Terminals IP address:
Default gateway:

The IP address can be changed to fit any other local network. When
BAT + 10 -32V DC DC + changing the IP address you must make sure to write down the new
BAT - DC - POWER addresses on the IP Address Label



CNT CNT The IP address can be set back to default by switching off the power
LED LED from the Iridium SSAS Box and pressing down the test button when
REF REF ALERT 2 power is switched on again. (The Test button terminal on the board
can be short-circuited during power up).
REF REF ALERT 1 Connecting a PC to the LAN
Using a cross cable, HUB or switch:
The network settings on the computer must be set to same logical
net as the Iridium SSAS Box. The node number must be set
differently from the Iridium SSAS Box. The subnet mask must be the

Cable Dimensions
Cable for buttons 2 x 2 x 0.5mm2 Twisted pair and shielded How can I see or change the PC IP address?
Cable for power supply 3 x 0.5mm2 This description applies only for windows operating systems win95/
Cable for GPS / NMEA 2 x 0.5mm2 Shielded 98/ME.

A PC stores the IP address in the Network Neighbourhood settings.

Software Settings To see the PC IP address, right click on the Network Neighbourhood
icon on the desktop. Select the Configuration tab, scroll down the list
of network components and select the TCP/IP protocol associated
How to access the Iridium SSAS Box with the computers network card. Note that in the example below,
The service interface is made via the LAN interface. The Iridium
SSAS Box has an HTTP server with its own web pages for configu-
ration, status and software upgrading.
The Iridium SSAS Box has it own IP and MAC address.

there are several TCP/IP protocol installed. You can ignore the ones Now the Index page of the Iridium SSAS Box is shown.
that have “Dial-Up” in the name associated with an internet service
provider. In this example, the TCP/IP protocol associated with the If not then check the Internet settings and disable proxy server if this
3Com LAN network card has been selected. is set. The proxy settings can be found under – Functions – Connec-
tions – LAN settings.

Click on the Properties button, select the IP Address tab. The IP

address and the subnet mask are displayed.

Enter the IP address/subnet mask according to the figure above, and

click OK to save the new IP address specification.

To get in contact with the web pages on the Iridium SSAS Box any
Internet explorer program can be used.

Write the address for the Iridium SSAS Box in the search field:

http://192.168.2. 40

and press Enter or Search.

Configuration parameters
Parameter Range Default value Description
Message configuration
Email address lenght: Max 25/50 chars 25 chars Max limit for Email length can be set. Choosing 50 char will
Ship's Name automatically remove COG, SOG and "system" from the
MMSI number
When disabling one or more fields the additional text field will be
Course Over Ground All ON enabled.
Speed Over Ground
System Info
Ship’s Name Max 20 chars Ship’s name
MMSI number Max 10 digits Ship identification number
IMO number Max 7 digits International Maritime Organisation number
User specific text can be entered here when other parameters are
disabled via the message contents field. The remaining number of
Additional text 0-60 chars
characters can be viewed by enabling the status bar in the web
SMS Service Centre Phone Number Max 20 digits 00881662900005 The Service Centre number for the Iridium gateway.
ITS Phone Number Max 20 digits The number to which SMS ITS messages shall be sent
ITS Email Max 25/50 chars The Email address to which SMS ITS shall be sent
Alarm Phone Number 1 Max 20 digits The number to which Alarm SMS messages should be sent
Alarm Phone Number 2 Max 20 digits The number to which Alarm SMS messages should be sent
Alarm Email 1 Max 25/50 chars The Email address to which Alarm messages should be sent
Alarm Email 2 Max 25/50 chars The Email address to which Alarm messages should be sent
Test Phone Number 1 Max 20 digits The number to which Test SMS messages should be sent
Test Phone Number 2 Max 20 digits The number to which Test SMS messages should be sent
Test Email 1 Max 25/50 chars The Email address to which Test messages should be sent
Test Email 2 Max 25/50 chars The Email address to which Test messages should be sent
ON Whether or not the light pulses in the alarm button should be
Alarm button light ON
OFF shown
Test button light NORMAL NORMAL Configuration of the light in the test button
Alarm interval 1,..,255 [*5 minutes] 3 How often should the Alarm SMS be sent
1,..,6 [*5 minutes] Max
Test interval 1 How often should the Test Alarm SMS be sent
30 minutes
Alarm password Max 8 digits Password which should be included in the Alarm reset messages
ITS Password Max 8 digits Password which should be included in the ITS messages
ON Enable continuous ITS messages to be sent to ITS number at a
ITS Continuous OFF
OFF time interval
ITS Interval 1,..,255 [*5 minutes] 5 Time interval for continuous ITS message
IP address IP Address
Subnet address IP Address
Default gateway IP Address
Ethernet speed Auto/10/100Mbit Auto The Ethernet speed

Phone numbers must include the country code.
Either 0088 or +88.

Step 1
Status and Message Log Connect the Ethernet LAN cable to the RJ45 connector on the
Iridium SSAS Box.
Status log
A status log is maintained in the Iridium SSAS Box to provide Step 2
information to the user about failed connections to the GPS and the Set up the configuration table in the Iridium SSAS Box to have only
Iridium Transceiver. The status log stores the last 10 registered failed one recipient. Type the Email address in the field “Alarm Email
connections. address 1”
The information for each registration is: Date, time and a description Press the button “configure SSAS”
”19-11-2003 15:55 No contact with Iridium”. Step 3
Press the first alert activation button for minimum 2 seconds.
If date and time are not available then X is shown instead e.g.: Check that the light in the test button turns on or off according to the
”xx-xx-xxxx xx:xx No contact with Iridium”. settings.

The status log can be retrieved via the Service PC as a HTML page. Step 4
Press the test button for resetting the alert.
Check that the light in the test button turns on or off according to the
Message log settings.
A message log is maintained in the SSAS control unit to provide
information to the user about the incoming SMSITSPollReq and Step 5
SMSAlarmReset messages. Check that the Security Alert and Normal mode messages have
The message log stores the last 10 registered message of each been received at the recipient. You can check the messages on the
type. ship Email client or you can call the recipient to confirm the delivery.
The information for each registration is: Date, time, description and Check that all details in the Security Alert message are correct.
phone number e.g.:
”19-11-2003 13:09 SMSAlarmReset received from phone number Step 6
+88 10 31 01 23 45”. Press the second alert activation button for min. 2 seconds.
Check that the light in the test button turns on or off according to the
If date and time are not available then X is shown instead e.g.: settings.
”xx-xx-xxxx xx:xx SMSAlarmReset received from phone number
+88 10 31 01 23 45”. Step 7
Press the test button for resetting the alert.
The message log can be retrieved via the LAN interface as a HTML Check that the light in the test button turns on or off according to the
page. settings.

Step 8
Check that the Security Alert and Normal mode messages have
been received at the recipient. You can check the messages on the
Test Procedure ship Email client or you can call the recipient to confirm the delivery.
To test that the installation is successful the following procedure Check that all details in the Security Alert message are correct.
must be followed.
The system test is completed.
The test is done by sending messages to an Email address. After the test the E-mails and phone numbers for alert recipients
Any Email address can be used i.e. your own or e.g. the ship owners shall be entered at the configuration page.
If the ship has Email access you can use this with better result since IMPORTANT:
you can verify the message your self. It is the ship’s commanding officers responsibility that the system is
When using a remote Email address you shall have someone checked with respect to the recipients of alarm messages. Run the
helping you at the recipient end. test mode and check with the recipients that they have received the 2
test messages and 1 normal mode message.

Trouble shooting
The status LED on the Iridium SSAS Box will flash in case the
communication with the GPS or the Iridium Transceiver fails. (Refer
cable connection)

Slow flashing: No contact with Iridium transceiver unit

Fast flashing: GPS signal is missing or the check sum is wrong

Factory reset
The SSAS control box can be reset by removing power from the Unit.
Press the test button while applying power again.
All configuration parameters will be set to default and the user
settings are lost.

Possible problems
The alert is activated and the status LED is flashing slowly to
indicate that there is no contact to the Iridium transceiver. The alert
mode cannot be deactivated.
- The service centre number may be wrong for which reason the
Iridium transceiver cannot be initialised.
- Make a factory reset.

It is not possible to get in contact with the Iridium SSAS Box via the
LAN interface. The IP address is forgotten.
- Make a factory reset.
IP address is now

Test mode will not start when pressing the test button.
- Check whether a serial data cable is connected to the PC port
and whether a PC program is using the PC port. Stop the PC
program and press the test button again.

Can not receive SMS on a GSM mobile phone.

- Only in US SMS messages can be send to a cellular phone. In
the rest of the world SMS messages can only be send between
Iridium satellite phones.

Parts List

Main Units
SAILOR H4122 Iridium SSAS Box 8041220006
Data cable 3m, 9 poles D-Sub – male/female for connection to PC 56.171
H4125 Iridium SSAS Alert Button Box 8041250206
H4126 Iridium SSAS Test Button Box 8041260206
SAILOR N163S AC/DC Power Supply, Blackgrey 80119410
ATO Blade Fuse 1AF 45.657
Cable for buttons 2 x 2 x 0.5mm2 – twisted pair with shield
(specify length when ordering) 77.176

B4122GB0 Issue: G/0625

Thrane & Thrane A/S • info@thrane.com • www.thrane.com

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