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Wamos Ii: Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System Operating Manual

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WaMoS II ®

Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System

Operating Manual

Version 4.1

OceanWaveS GmbH
Vor dem Bardowicker Tore 6b
D-21339 Lüneburg
WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

1 Preface.........................................................................................................................................11
2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................13
3 WaMoS II Hardware...................................................................................................................16
3.1 WaMoS II wiring diagram...................................................................................................16
3.2 WaMoS II components........................................................................................................17
3.2.1 WaMoS PCI-card.........................................................................................................18 Components of the PCI-card...............................................................................18 Principal functions...............................................................................................18 LED's on the PCI-card.........................................................................................19
3.2.2 WIBA: WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier..................................................................20
3.2.3 WaMoS-PC..................................................................................................................20
3.3 WaMoS II connection to radar............................................................................................20
3.3.1 Radar list......................................................................................................................20
3.3.2 Radar signals...............................................................................................................21
3.3.3 Antenna Motor Control...............................................................................................21
3.4 NMEA Input........................................................................................................................22
3.4.1 NMEA Input from Navigational Instruments..............................................................22
3.5 NMEA Output.....................................................................................................................23
3.6 Failure Control....................................................................................................................24
3.6.1 WaMoS Watchdog.......................................................................................................25
3.6.2 Alarm Interface ...........................................................................................................26
3.6.3 Hardware Error Logging .............................................................................................26
4 Control program: WinWaMoS....................................................................................................28
4.1 Installation...........................................................................................................................28
4.2 Program Modes...................................................................................................................28
4.3 User Mode...........................................................................................................................29
4.3.1 Menu 'View'.................................................................................................................29
4.3.2 Menu 'Control'.............................................................................................................32 Menu Item: Goto Install Mode............................................................................33 Menu Item: Configuration User Display ............................................................33

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Menu Item: Start/Stop Automatic Recording......................................................34 Menu Item: Save Screenshot ..............................................................................35
4.3.3 Menu 'User Display'....................................................................................................36
4.3.4 Night Display / Daylight Display................................................................................36
4.3.5 Menu 'Recording Display'...........................................................................................36
4.4 Install Mode........................................................................................................................37
4.4.1 Menu Control - Menu Item: Configuration WaMoS ..................................................38 Station Setup........................................................................................................39 Measurement........................................................................................................40 Measurement Event Handling.............................................................................42 Cartesian Transformation.....................................................................................44 Radar....................................................................................................................46 PCI-Card..............................................................................................................47 Program Mode.....................................................................................................49 Quality Control....................................................................................................51 Calculation Parameters........................................................................................53 Location Limits.......................................................................................54 Radar Parameter......................................................................................55 Wave Systems..........................................................................................55 Sea State Alarm..................................................................................................55 NMEA................................................................................................................57 HRC...................................................................................................................65
4.4.2 Menu Control – Menu Item: Watchdog Buzzer (F4)...................................................65
4.4.3 Menu Analysis.............................................................................................................65
4.4.4 Menu Test....................................................................................................................66 Test WaMoS Device ... .......................................................................................67 Test NMEA Service ............................................................................................68 Test WatchDog …................................................................................................69 Test User Display ................................................................................................70 Test ADC-Level...................................................................................................71
5 Wave Analysis Software: Calcwave............................................................................................72
6 WaMoS II Data Products............................................................................................................74

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6.1 File Name Convention........................................................................................................74

6.2 WaMoS II Data Formats......................................................................................................77
6.2.1 Polar Image Files.........................................................................................................78 Data description...................................................................................................79 File Name/Date of Data Recording.........................................................79 Bit depth..................................................................................................80 Back scatter coding.................................................................................80 Format description...............................................................................................80 File header...............................................................................................81 Data section.............................................................................................82 Bearing Pulse ..........................................................................................82
6.2.2 Cartesian Image Files..................................................................................................83 Data description...................................................................................................85 File Name/Date of Data Recording.........................................................85 Bit depth..................................................................................................85 Back scatter coding.................................................................................85 Format description...............................................................................................86 File header...............................................................................................86 CAR file position and orientation...........................................................86 Data section.............................................................................................87
6.2.3 Wave spectra................................................................................................................87
6.2.4 Two-dimensional Wave Number Spectra Files...........................................................87 Data Description..................................................................................................88 File Name/Date of Data Recording.........................................................88 Data Content............................................................................................88 Format description...............................................................................................89 File Header..............................................................................................90 Data section.............................................................................................90
6.2.5 Two-dimensional Frequency-Direction Spectra Files.................................................90 Data Description..................................................................................................91 File Name/Date of Data Recording.........................................................91 Data Content............................................................................................91

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Format Description..............................................................................................92 File Header..............................................................................................93 Data section.............................................................................................93
6.2.6 One-dimensional Frequency Spectra Files..................................................................93 Data Description..................................................................................................94 File Name/Date of Data Recording.........................................................94 Data Content........................................................................................................95 Format description...............................................................................................95 File header...............................................................................................96 Data section.............................................................................................96
6.2.7 Time series: PARA / MPAR files................................................................................96 Data description...................................................................................................97 Format description...............................................................................................98 List of WaMoS II sea state parameters................................................................99
6.2.8 Time series: PEAK / MPEK files................................................................................99 Data description.................................................................................................100 Format description.............................................................................................102 List of WaMoS II sea state parameters..............................................................102
6.2.9 Time series: Wlog files..............................................................................................103 Data description.................................................................................................104 Format description.............................................................................................104 List of WaMoS II wind parameters....................................................................104
6.2.10 Time series: Clog files.............................................................................................105 Data description...............................................................................................105 Format description...........................................................................................106 List of WaMoS II vessel course and depth parameters....................................106
6.2.11 Time series: Cerr files (Calcwave 3.4 data products)..............................................106 Format description...........................................................................................107 List of WaMoS II error log parameters............................................................107
6.2.12 Configuration file: wamos.cfg.................................................................................108 wamos.cfg format............................................................................................108
7 List of Notations, Symbols and Descriptions...........................................................................109

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List of figures
Figure 1: Components of WaMoS II..............................................................................................14
Figure 2: WaMoS II industrial PC.................................................................................................14
Figure 3: WaMoS II wiring diagram..............................................................................................16
Figure 4: WaMoS II PCI-card........................................................................................................17
Figure 5: WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier (WIBA)...................................................................17
Figure 6: Block diagram of WaMoS II sampling unit....................................................................18
Figure 7: WaMoS II LED's.............................................................................................................19
Figure 8: left) WaMoS watchdog connection; right) excerpt of the board pin out........................25
Figure 9: View onto relay connection at WIBA.............................................................................26
Figure 10: Error pop-up window indicating loss of bearing signal...............................................27
Figure 11: Pop-up window indicating a pending alarm. ...............................................................27
Figure 12: User Mode menu..........................................................................................................29
Figure 13: Submenu of main menu 'View'. ...................................................................................30
Figure 14: WaMoS II Polar image on coastal site 'Helgoland'.......................................................32
Figure 15: Submenu of main menu 'Control'. ...............................................................................32
Figure 16: Configuration of the display settings............................................................................33
Figure 17: WaMoS II GUI while in automatic recording..............................................................34
Figure 18: Dialogue window to save screenshot...........................................................................35
Figure 19: Certain pre-configured User Displays to chose. ..........................................................36
Figure 20: WaMoS II GUI as night display. ..................................................................................36
Figure 21: Submenu of main menu 'Recording Display'. .............................................................36
Figure 22: Install mode menu........................................................................................................37
Figure 23: Submenu of main menu 'Control' while in install mode. ............................................37
Figure 24: Station Setup tab of WaMoS II configuration menu....................................................39
Figure 25: Measurement tab of WaMoS II configuration menu....................................................40
Figure 26: Measurement Event Handling tab of configuration menu...........................................43
Figure 27: Cartesian Transformation tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.................................44
Figure 28: Radar tab of WaMoS II configuration menu................................................................46
Figure 29: PCI-Card tab of WaMoS II configuration menu...........................................................47
Figure 30: Program Mode tab of WaMoS II configuration menu..................................................50

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Figure 31: Quality Control tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.................................................51

Figure 32: Calculation Parameters tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.....................................54
Figure 33: Sea State Alarm tab of WaMoS II configuration menu................................................56
Figure 34: Sea state alarm window................................................................................................57
Figure 35: Configuration of COM-port 1 for incoming NMEA signals........................................58
Figure 36: Selection of NMEA Service properties........................................................................59
Figure 37: Selection of NMEA service COM port connection......................................................60
Figure 38: Select NMEA service 'Compass'..................................................................................60
Figure 39: Selection of NMEA address.........................................................................................61
Figure 40: Selection of NMEA service position............................................................................61
Figure 41: Selection of NMEA service format..............................................................................62
Figure 42: Configured NMEA service...........................................................................................62
Figure 43: Input of wind sensor height..........................................................................................63
Figure 44: Selection of valid check by service field......................................................................64
Figure 45: Selection of valid check by invalid value list...............................................................64
Figure 46: HRC tab of WaMoS II configuration menu. Only activated if HRC software is
installed additionally. ..................................................................................................65
Figure 47: Submenu of main menu 'Analysis' while in install mode. ...........................................66
Figure 48: Submenu of main menu 'Test' while in install mode. ..................................................66
Figure 49: Test basic WaMoS II hardware functions.....................................................................67
Figure 50: Test NMEA service.......................................................................................................68
Figure 51: Test Watchdog Card......................................................................................................69
Figure 52: Activated Test Watchdog Card.....................................................................................69
Figure 53: Image of the test user display. .....................................................................................70
Figure 54: Test ADC-Level............................................................................................................71
Figure 55: Main directory and sub-directories of WaMoS II.........................................................76
Figure 56: Bit structure of a polar image (DABIT=12). ...............................................................83

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List of tables
Table 1: LED Description..............................................................................................................19
Table 2: NMEA Sentence Data Format Notation...........................................................................22
Table 3: NMEA Sentence Unit Notation.......................................................................................23
Table 4: NMEA not standardized Sentence Description................................................................24
Table 5: Quality index IQ...............................................................................................................53
Table 6: WaMoS II wave and current parameters and accuracy.....................................................74
Table 7: WaMoS II standard products, the sub-directories and the extensions of the data files. ..76

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1 Appendix Batch Files................................................................................................................111
1.1 Example of the file: user.bat..............................................................................................111
2 Appendix of Polar Image..........................................................................................................112
2.1 Example of Header of a Polar Image ...............................................................................112
2.2 Keywords of the Polar Header..........................................................................................114
3 Appendix of Cartesian Image....................................................................................................117
3.1 Example of Header of a Cartesian Image..........................................................................117
3.2 Keywords of the Cartesian Header....................................................................................117
4 Appendix of Wave Spectra........................................................................................................118
4.1 Example of Header of a Wave Spectrum..........................................................................118
5 Appendix Calcwave Error log file ...........................................................................................121
5.1 Example of error log file...................................................................................................121
6 Appendix Calcwave Error Codes..............................................................................................122
7 Appendix of wamos.cfg............................................................................................................126
7.1 Example of WaMoS II initialisation and configuration file..............................................126
8 Appendix Hardware Error Codes..............................................................................................130

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

1 Preface

Copyright 2011 OceanWaveS GmbH.
All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any form, without the prior consent of
OceanWaveS GmbH
(address: Vor dem Bardowicker Tore 6b, D-21339 Lüneburg, Germany).

WaMoS® II and WaMoS® II Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System1 are registered
trademarks of OceanWaveS GmbH, Lüneburg.

The WaMoS II system consists of both, hardware and a suite of software.
The WaMoS II hardware solution described in this manual here covers the detailed description
and specification of the WaMoS II PCI-card.
The suite of software comprises not only a control program called WinWaMoS but also the wave
analysis software called Calcwave.
The WinWaMoS version described here is: WinWaMoS V 4.0.0 (306)
The Calcwave version described here is: Calcwave 3.4

This manual has been validated and reviewed for accuracy. The instructions and descriptions are
accurate at the time of the production of this manual. The material in this manual is for
information only and is subject to change without notice.
OceanWaveS GmbH reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation
and without notification to its users.

WaMoS® II is a registered trademark.
In the following of the manual the notation of WaMoS® II take place without trademark label.

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This section is being used as a template to control and track any modifications made to this

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2 Introduction

Real-time information about the sea state, such as wave height, wave period, wave direction, and
surface currents is crucial for coastal protection and off-shore operations (e.g. oil platforms or
ships). On board vessels and offshore sea state measurement by the Wave and Surface Current
Monitoring System – WaMoS II – can be used to support save operations especially under
extreme environmental conditions. In coastal areas sea state measurements are mainly required to
survey port approaches to enhance safe shipping and to better understand the eroding
mechanisms along beaches.
The WaMoS II system is a state-of-the-art system developed to measure the spectral sea state and
surface current parameters remotely. The system is especially designed for operation from fixed
and moving platforms, and on board all types of ocean going vessels as well as coastal sites.
The overall advantage of WaMoS II is the continuous availability of wave data in very rough sea
conditions even under harsh weather conditions and during night with limited visibility.
The system uses the output from a standard marine X-band radar which is typically used for
traffic control and navigation purposes.
WaMoS II permits objective measurements of the sea state. By analysing the spatial and temporal
evolution of the radar back scatter from the sea surface the system allows to obtain unambiguous
directional wave information. The measurement is based on the back scatter of microwaves from
the sea surface, that is known as 'sea clutter' on common nautical radar units. One WaMoS II
measurement contains 32 radar images (32 times radar repetition per minute). This radar image
sequence is analysed by the WaMoS II wave analysis software. All sea state parameters, such as
significant wave height, wave periods, wave lengths and directions for both, sea and swell, as
well as the surface currents (speed and direction) are derived from the unambiguous directional
wave spectrum in near real time.

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Figure 1: Components of WaMoS II.

The system consists of both, hardware and software components. The hardware components are
comprised of a standard marine X-band radar, the WaMoS II Isolated Buffer Amplifier (WIBA)
and a standard industrial PC containing the WaMoS PCI-card (own hardware development). The
hardware is described in chapter WaMoS II Hardware in more detail.

Figure 2: WaMoS II industrial PC.

The WaMoS II PC is pre-configured with a suite of software programs. It contains a control

program and the wave analysis software.
The specially developed WaMoS II control program (called 'WinWaMoS') captures and stores
sequences of radar images of the sea surface. It includes the radar test routines and any
configuration facilities. The WinWaMoS is also responsible for storing of all the data, handling

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the data routines as well as displaying the data on the WaMoS II User Interface. The WinWaMoS
is described in chapter Control program: WinWaMoS in more detail.
The wave analysis is done by another software program (called 'Calcwave'). The Calcwave is
responsible to derive the wave spectra and all statistical sea state parameters in real time. The
Calcwave is described in chapter Wave Analysis Software: Calcwave in more detail.
In chapter WaMoS II Data Products the various data products of WaMoS II and their formats are
described in more detail, beginning with the polar image files, going over to the Cartesian images
files, going over to the different wave spectra files and then describing the time series including
the derived wave and current parameters.
After each measurement the wave and current data can be made available as text output (ASCII
data file). Via NMEA 0183 string protocol the data can be sent remotely via modem or internet,
Intranet to any other data base or integrated system (please also refer to chapter
3.5 NMEA Output).

The system can operate in automatic mode for unattended stand-alone wave monitoring. Data
sampling and wave analysis are carried out in user-defined time intervals (refer to chapter Measurement).

For accurate wave and surface current measurement results WaMoS II needs minimum
environmental conditions like wind speed of 3 m/s and wave height of 0.5-0-75 m. Then the
system easily detects wave lengths from 15 m – 600 m and covers periods from 4 sec-20 sec.
At coastal sites, WaMoS II can only measure the spatial wave field beyond the
wave breaking zone. The wave breaking zone can be identified as within the radar images the
radar return increases.

WaMoS II was type approved in 2001 by the classification societies Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
and Germanischer Lloyd (GL) with respect to the accuracy of the data output and functionality.
WaMoS II does not affect the navigation performance of the X-band radar from which the data
stream is taken. The radar can be used for both, wave measurements and navigational purposes.

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3 WaMoS II Hardware

The hardware components are comprised of a standard marine X-band radar, the WaMoS Isolated
Buffer Amplifier WIBA, a standard industrial PC and the WaMoS PCI-card plugged into the PC.
The OceanWaveS' specially developed hardware components are:
– PCI-card (see chapter 3.2.1)
– WIBA (see chapter 3.2.2)

In the following, the different hardware components of WaMoS II are described.

3.1 WaMoS II wiring diagram

This wiring diagram (Figure 3) will provide a general overview of the wiring and the components
of a WaMoS II.

WaMoS II hardware solution: PCI card

WIBA: WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier
Optional: mounted inside or near to the radar
galvanically isolated (display unit or interface box)
Tx/Stby Switch available
LIYY 2x0.5mm2
from X-band radar needed signals:
Video (isolating transformer)
Trigger/Sync, Heading, and
Azimuth/Bearing (optocoupler)
4x Rg174 Cable
2x RG59 Connections
Signals: Video and Sync
LIYY 8x0.14mm²
Signals: Bearing and Heading
max. length: 100m
Radar Interface Power Supply 5V and GND

PC with WaMoS PCI card Optional: NMEA Data Output

RS 232/422 Sub-D9P Connector
optical isolation required
Required for vessel installation:
NMEA Data Input
RS 232/422 Sub-D9P Connector
(Gyro, Compass, Speed, Position)
optical isolation required
Optional: Network RJ45 Connector
WaMoS II industrial PC
Mains 100 V - 240 V
containing PCI card Backside Connector

Monitor Keyboard Trackball

Drawn: J. Titze WaMoS II PCI card

schematic connection diagram
OceanWaveS GmbH
Vor dem Bardowicker Tore 6b
Checked: D. Gronholz D-21339 Lüneburg / Germany

Figure 3: WaMoS II wiring diagram.

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3.2 WaMoS II components

WaMoS II has two special hardware components. The WaMoS PCI-card (see Figure 4 and 3.2.1)
for standard industrial PC's and the WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier WIBA (Figure 5).

Figure 4: WaMoS II PCI-card.

Figure 5: WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier (WIBA).

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3.2.1 WaMoS PCI-card

The block diagram in Figure 6 shows the signal flow of the WaMoS II PCI-card.

Signal A
Video FiFo
Mem ory
ation D

Trigger Control Logic
Cloc k Logic
Heading Watc hdog integrated


Reset Relais
Connector 2 x 40 pins

Figure 6: Block diagram of WaMoS II sampling unit. Components of the PCI-card

In the following the components of the PCI-card are listed:
• A/D-Converter: High speed analog-to-digital converter
• FIFO Memory: Fast FIFO (First-in-First-out) memory for radar range bursts
• Clock Logic: Programmable clock oscillator to provide 20 – 50 MHz for sampling
• Control Logic: CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) control logic
• PCI-Bridge: Bridge to connect to the PCI bus of the PC
• Reset Relay: The integrated watchdog uses this relay to restart the PC
• Connector 2 x 40 pins: Reserved for the connection of additional circuits Principal functions

Commands are sent from the control software WinWaMoS via the PCI Bridge to the Control
Logic. This Control Logic runs the sampling independently of the WinWaMoS software. The
video signal from the radar will be aligned by the signal preparation. The Control Logic controls
the A/D-Converter to sample beams of the radar and stores these with the full sampling
frequency into the FIFO Memory. The sample frequency is provided by the Clock Logic and can

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be chosen by the software between 20 and 50 MHz in 1 MHz steps. The Control Logic also
contains a watchdog. The watchdog (see chapter 3.6.1) must be triggered by the software. If not,
it will restart the PC after a programmable time (30 sec, 20 min, 40 min or 12 h).
The required unfiltered radar signals for the sampling are provided by the WIBA. These are
Video, Sync, Heading and Bearing. On the PCI-card are two connectors for further expansions to
prepare the radar signals. The PC software sends different commands to the control unit for
setting up the hardware and controlling the sampling process. LED's on the PCI-card

On the PCI-card, a section with four LED's is located, as shown in the following picture:

Figure 7: WaMoS II LED's.

Table 1: LED Description.

Specification Description Colour LED

Heading Flashes while heading pulses Yellow
are present (approx. 0.5 Hz)
Bearing Flashes while bearing pulses are Orange
present (approx. 2 Hz)
Sync Flashes while sync pulses are Green
present (approx. 3 Hz)
Sample Shines during video data Red

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3.2.2 WIBA: WaMoS Isolated Buffer Amplifier

The WIBA connects the radar unit with the WaMoS PCI-card. The WIBA fetches the radar raw
signals unfiltered from the radar unit. This connection has a high-impedance to ensure it has no
influence to the function of the radar. The type approvals from DNV and GL are also certifying


Any cable length between WIBA and radar has to be 1 meter or less.

The connection between WIBA and WaMoS II computer (containing PCI-card)

could have a length up to 100 meter.

3.2.3 WaMoS-PC
This PC is normally prepared for rack mounting with the following minimum hardware
– Intel Core 2 Duo
– 1 GB RAM
– 500 GB Hard disk
– Operating system Windows XP
– 1 free PCI slot

3.3 WaMoS II connection to radar

3.3.1 Radar list

WaMoS II can be connected to almost any type of marine X-band radar. The minimum antenna
scanner length should be around 6 feet. The following radars have been successfully used with
• JRC JMA-5526-6
• JRC JMA-9823-7XA

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• Northrop Grumman / Sperry Marine BridgeMaster E / BridgeMaster II

• STN-ATLAS Radarpilot Atlas 1000 / Atlas 9600
• RAYTHEON Pathfinder MK I / NSC 34
• Kelvin Hughes Nucleus 2-5000/2-6000/3-5000
• Consilium / Selesmar Selux-ST

This list is only a short excerpt.

Please contact OceanWaveS if you want to use a radar different from these.

3.3.2 Radar signals

Four separate signals from the radar are required as input signals to obtain the radar images.
These signals are:
― HEADING (ARP azimuth ref. pulse)
― BEARING (ACP azimuth change pulse)

3.3.3 Antenna Motor Control

If the X-band radar to which WaMoS II is connected is a dedicated one and not used for
navigational purposes, WaMoS II is able to switch the radar automatically into transmit or
standby mode. This requires any connection between radar TX-switch and WIBA.
While 'Continuous Measurement' (please refer to chapter, the radar will
switch automatically into transmission mode after start of the system. The standby mode of the
radar will be activated after stopping the 'Automatic Recording' of WaMoS II.
If the measurement is set to intervals or in between specific time durations the radar antenna is
only switched on and off for the selected 'Measurement Duration'. This increases the life time of
the radar and its magnetron and also saves electrical power.

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3.4 NMEA Input

3.4.1 NMEA Input from Navigational Instruments

For vessel installations input from navigational instruments is needed. Input like ship speed over
ground, track over ground, Gyro compass, GPS position, GPS time, and water depth must be
made available via NMEA (comply with NMEA 0183 standard). Further information like wind
speed and direction as NMEA input is not mandatory but would be nice as additional input for
By setting up the system such NMEA input can be enabled in the WaMoS II configuration (see
chapter NMEA).
The values in NMEA sentences are separated by comma. The commas are not part of the NMEA
data. The NMEA sentence starts with '$' and ends with '∗' followed by the hexadecimal check
sum in the form of two ASCII characters. This check sum is calculated by exclusive disjunction
the 8 data bits of each character in the sentence between '$' and '∗'.
The NMEA sentence ends with <CR> and <LF>. These are single byte characters with ASCII
values 13 (0D hex) and 10 (0A hex). These characters act as the ‘end of sentence’ marker and are
not separated by a comma (i.e. they follow direct after the check sum).
The values of the NMEA sentence can have three different formats:
• numeric data,
• alpha numeric data,
• time stamps.

The data types represented in the NMEA sentence description are given in Table 2.

Table 2: NMEA Sentence Data Format Notation.

Character Description Comment

9 Required numeric character Will have leading zeroes for values less then
the maximum length. A format of 99.9 will
express the value 8.8 as 08.8.
# Optional numeric character Includes only the required number of digits.
Used in combination with 9 - a format #9.9
will express 8.8 as 8.8 and 0 as 0.0.
yyyy Four-digit year Used in time stamps only.
MM Two-digit month Used in time stamps only.

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Character Description Comment

dd Two-digit day Used in time stamps only.
hh Two-digit hour, 24 hour clock Used in time stamps only.
mm Two-digit minute Used in time stamps only.
HH Two-digit hexadecimal number Used for check sum
ss Two-digit second Used in time stamps only.
. Decimal sign

All other characters are literal. They appear in the data as noted in the format (hyphens in date
formats, colons etc.). Sentence formats also include a unit column indicating the unit of the
value. The abbreviations of used units are described in the following table:

Table 3: NMEA Sentence Unit Notation.

Abbreviation Units
deg Degrees
mm Meters
m/s Meters per second
rad Radians
s Seconds
n/a Not applicable - unit of measure does not apply to
this value.
NS Not supplied - the equipment vendor has not
supplied unit of measure for this value

3.5 NMEA Output

In the following the wave data output of not standardized NMEA sentences is described in more
After each measurement cycle the wave data can be sent via NMEA to any other database,
meteorological system or integrated system. The WaMoS II NMEA protocol is not standardized.
The sentence has the following format as described in table 4. The total length of the sentences is
around 123 characters including separating commas:

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Table 4: NMEA not standardized Sentence Description.

Field Description Format Unit Chars.

01 Header $PWAM n/a 5
02 Significant wave height 9999.9 m 6
03 Tm2 period 9999.9 s 6
04 Peak direction 9999.9 Deg 6
05 Peak period 9999.9 s 6
06 Peak wave length 9999.9 m 6
07 1st peak direction 9999.9 Deg 6
08 1st peak period 9999.9 s 6
09 1st peak wave length 9999.9 m 6
10 2nd peak direction 9999.9 Deg 6
11 2nd peak period 9999.9 s 6
12 2nd peak wave length 9999.9 m 6
13 Current direction 9999.9 Deg 6
14 Current speed 9999.9 m/s 6
15 Time stamp yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss n/a 19
16 Maximum wave height 9999.9 m 6
End-of-sentence <CR><LF> n/a 2


.0,0000.4,2007-09-06 11:41:00,0002.0

3.6 Failure Control

While booting, the WaMoS II PC executes BIOS, CPU and RAM/ROM tests. When the
WaMoS II software starts an additional hardware check is performed. This check is repeated
prior start of measurement. Any failures (e.g. radar is disconnected) result in error messages
popping-up on the screen. The error message is stored in a Log-File additionally.
Log-File: ‘HWERROR[MMyyyy].LOG’ => MM = month; yyyy = year
This file is stored in the same directory where the WinWaMoS.exe is located. This is usually
C:\WinWaMoS\. The program controls the data output for plausibility. A fail-safe potential-free

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relay (located in the WIBA) sends an alarm in case of hardware errors or power failure.
If WaMoS II sends data to another system a parity check sum test is performed.

3.6.1 WaMoS Watchdog

For an unattended WaMoS II operation, a WaMoS watchdog is integrated into the PCI-card. This
ensures that in case of a PC system error due to e.g. an electrical discharge, the system reboots
automatically. The WaMoS watchdog observes the WaMoS II control program WinWaMoS by an
independent logic part inside the control logic (see Figure 6) of the PCI-card. The WaMoS
watchdog relay is connected parallel to the reset push button of the PC.
A LED on the PC front panel indicates the WaMoS watchdog's operation:
• 2 Hertz flashing light indicates that WaMoS watchdog is set to 20 minutes.
• 0,5 Hertz flashing light indicates that WaMoS watchdog is set to 12 hours.

The WaMoS watchdog is always activated independently of the WinWaMoS program. During
start up and non-sampling mode of WaMoS II, the watchdog is set to 12 hours. In sampling mode
the watchdog is set to 20 minutes. This means, if WinWaMoS did not trigger the PC watchdog
during this time, the watchdog will reboot the PC.

A buzzer will give a warning sound 120 seconds before the WaMoS watchdog resets the
computer to give an operator the chance to save his work or to restart the application.

Figure 8: left) WaMoS watchdog connection; right) excerpt of the board pin out.


If the WaMoS II PCI-card is installed into a non-dedicated WaMoS II computer

containing also other systems software, it is not allowed to use the watchdog in this
way. The WaMoS watchdog has to be disconnected.

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3.6.2 Alarm Interface

The WIBA contains a relay connection for an alarm interface (see Figure 9). In case an error
occurs, e.g. defect of radar, the relay opens the contact. This can be used to activate an alarm
circuit or an operator bell.
Additionally, the alarm interface can be programmed to activate warnings if specified wave
conditions will be exceeded (e.g. critical wave height, wave length, period) (see chapter
Measurement Event Handling).

Figure 9: View onto relay connection at WIBA.

3.6.3 Hardware Error Logging

In case of any error occurrence during data sampling, transfer or analysis, a corresponding error
code and error message will be logged to WaMoS II error files. Two error log files are available:
one for hardware errors and the other one for software and analysis errors respectively. These
error log files are stored in the main directory of WinWaMoS. This is usually C:\WinWaMoS.
1. Hardware error => HWERROR[MMyyyy].log (MM => month, yyyy => year)
2. Analysis error => CERR[MMyy].LOG (MM => month, yy => year)

Error codes and messages are presented as red pop-up windows on the WaMoS II screen. Those
windows can be closed manually by confirming the OK button. Or it will be closed automatically
after some seconds.
The content of the red message box informs the user for a condition that could prevent the
calculation of the sea state. After 20 seconds, or if any key is pressed, the red message box
disappears. In case of if the error is still present the pop-up window opens again. Two
consecutive errors start the alarm relay and the error message is stored in the ‘HWERROR.LOG’.
Error codes and their description are listed in the Appendix Hardware Error Codes.

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In the following an example of an error pop-up windows is displayed:

Figure 10: Error pop-up window indicating loss of bearing signal.

The red message box contains the error code of the message. Additionally, a pending alarm will
be presented by a red box in the upper left corner of the main window.

Figure 11: Pop-up window indicating a pending alarm.

To show the recent alarm message the menu 'View → Alarm Messages' can be used. The box has
a self-healing effect and will hide if the error has disappeared. To see the latest error code entries
the hardware error log file in the program folder has to be viewed as all 'Infos', 'Errors' and
'Warnings' are logged with date and time, code and message.
The date and time is given in the format: MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss.

Independent what kind of error occurs, WinWaMoS is trying to repeat the measurement.
If an error occurs, the alarm relay inside the WIBA signals the error condition to a remote system
(if connected) by a potential free contact. The error relay is safe of failure, which means that
under normal operating conditions the contact is open. Hardware errors can occur when a signal
of the radar is missing or has wrong information, for example due to a bad cable connection or
internal failure of the radar or WaMoS II. If WinWaMoS is configured to receive NMEA data, the
missing input or format errors are also logged.

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4 Control program: WinWaMoS

WinWaMoS is the software that controls the WaMoS II hardware, captures and stores the
sequences of radar images, includes any radar test routines, and displays the wave measurement
results. The version described in the following is: WinWaMoS V 4.0.0 (306).
In December 2010 an extra software package has been released by OceanWaveS. This additional
software package is the WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC)
algorithm. This software is able to generate surface current maps as well as bathymetry maps on
a fine grid like 100m x 100m. Although this HRC package is implemented and shown as a tab in
the WinWaMoS configuration window it is not activated here (please refer to chapter
To activate this tab the HRC software package has to be purchased in addition.

4.1 Installation
The WinWaMoS software is already installed on the pre-configured WaMoS II computer
(e.g. industrial PC). No installation or configuration has to be done by the customer as
OceanWaveS engineers take care of it during installation of the system!

4.2 Program Modes

Two different operation modes are available for WinWaMoS:
• User mode (default mode; see chapter 4.3) and
• Install mode (see chapter 4.4).

Install mode is to be used only for experienced users!

By starting the control program the user mode will be activated automatically. This mode is the
default mode and presents the sampling activity and displays the wave measurement results. In
contrast to the user mode, the install mode allows to configure the measurement set-up.
Additionally during installation and commissioning on board, the hardware configuration will be
tested and set-up correctly by an OceanWaveS engineer.

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4.3 User Mode


The user mode is the standard mode during real time measurements. This mode
will be activated after installation and commissioning of the system. Changes of the
configuration and set-up can only be done in the 'Install mode' (chapter 4.4). But it
is essential and recommended to communicate any changes in the configuration
prior with OceanWaveS.

The user mode has five menu items (please see figure below):
• View: display of existing data sets (see chapter 4.3.1).
• Control:
▪ configuration of the display settings (see chapter,
▪ start/stop the automatic data recording and wave analysis (see chapter
▪ save screen-shots of the display (see chapter
• User Display: choose the different user settings (see chapter 4.3.3).
• Night Display / Daylight Display: switch between the daylight display and night display
(see chapter 4.3.4).
• Recording Display: switch between sea state analysis display and the different displays of
the additional software package HRC (see chapter 4.3.5).
• Exit Program

Figure 12: User Mode menu.

In the following the different menu items will be described in more detail.

4.3.1 Menu 'View'

The different WaMoS II wave data products (see Figure 13 and chapter 6 WaMoS II Data
Products) can be displayed under the menu item ‘View’.

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Figure 13: Submenu of main menu 'View'.

These data products are as follows:

• ‘Radar Image’: ... shows the radar image sequence. It is also possible to view a radar
image sequence which is compressed to a ZIP-file. To view ZIP-files the folder in which
the images are stored should not be write protected. Additionally, the drive should contain
enough free disk space to unpack the files to be displayed. Usually, the files have been
zipped by using the software PKZIP25.exe. This software is available in the WinWaMoS
folder (i. e. C:\WinWaMoS\). In general by setting up a batch job, the radar image
sequences can be zipped after each measurement to reduce data volume.
• ‘Mean Radar Image’: … shows the mean radar image averaged over the sequence.
• ‘Cartesian Area’: ... shows only specific subsections of the radar image sequence. As not
the entire radar image but cartesian boxes will be analyzed. Here, the rectangular analysis
areas (see chapter can be displayed for data controlling.

In general, the cartesian data files will be deleted after each wave analysis.

• ‘Wave Number Spectrum’: … shows the wave energy as a function of wave number
in x- and y-direction.
• ‘Frequency Direction Spectrum’: ... shows the wave energy as a function of frequency
and direction.
• ‘Frequency Spectrum’: ... shows the wave energy as a function of frequency.

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• ‘Wave Parameter History’: … shows the history of selectable wave parameters

(e.g. significant wave height and/or peak wave period). The first day of the time series
and an according number of days shall be chosen for displaying.
• ‘High Resolution Current (HRC) Map’: ... can show maps which has been generated by
the additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC) software
• ‘HRC Current and Depth History’: … can show the history of surface current and depth
parameters determined by the additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth
Analysis (HRC) for a specific chosen observation point1.
• ‘HRC Sea State History’: … can show the history of peak wave parameters determined
by the additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC) for a
specific chosen observation point.

Furthermore, two additional menu items are implemented in the ‘View’ menu :
• ‘Alarm Messages’: … shows the latest alarm message if the pending alarm box is
displayed (see 3.6.3.Hardware Error Logging).
• ‘About WinWaMoS’: .. provides information about the used WinWaMoS and Calcwave
versions and OceanWaveS' contact details.

The selection of one of these menu items opens a file-dialogue window, containing the available
data files. The selection of one or more of these data files displays sequentially the data. To stop
displaying or to select another data product use the ‘Break’ button. The display of a sequence of
polar or cartesian images can be paused by using the ‘Pause’ button and continued by using the
‘Continue’ button. The ‘Next File’ button can be used to skip to the next polar or cartesian image
in a sequence (see Figure 14).

This extra software package is not part of the standard WaMoS II software package. Thus the extra software
package must have been purchased to generate and display those maps or data.

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Figure 14: WaMoS II Polar image on coastal site 'Helgoland'.

4.3.2 Menu 'Control'

The control menu in the user mode contains 5 menu items:
• Goto Install Mode: changes the program mode (see section 4.4)
• Configuration User Display (see section
• Start/Stop Automatic Recording (see section
• Save Screenshot (see section
• Exit Program (will end the program and requires a password 'gohome')

Figure 15: Submenu of main menu 'Control'.

OceanWaveS GmbH 32 / 141 2011-08-11

WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Menu Item: Goto Install Mode

The default setting of WaMoS II is 'User Mode'. By changing to 'Install Mode' any settings of the
installation can be configured or changed (please refer to chapter 4.4).


Any changes of the configuration has to be discussed with OceanWaveS prior! Menu Item: Configuration User Display ...

The WaMoS II data display can be configured from the main menu ‘Control => Configuration
User Display’. Individual settings can be saved for an unlimited amount of users.
By clicking on the submenu a pop-up window will be activated on the screen.

Figure 16: Configuration of the display settings.

The parameters that can be displayed are 'selected' or 'deselected' in the check boxes (left side of
image). The order of the parameters can be changed by 'sort up' and 'sort down' buttons.

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If the additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC) software has
been purchased, the HRC Map View can be configured as well (here, the button below is not
activated; for further information HRC manual has to be consulted).
The type of wave spectrum shown in the middle of the standard WaMoS II GUI (see Figure 17)
can be chosen ('Wave Number Spectrum' or 'Mean Frequency Spectrum') (Figure 16: upper right
corner of the image).
For the history plot the number of days to be displayed as well as the minimum and maximum
values of the y-axis can be chosen.
Additional, the colors for daylight display or for night display can be selected individually.
Typing in a new user name and by clicking on 'Save changes' button the specific configuration
will save be saved under this specific given name. Menu Item: Start/Stop Automatic Recording

When WaMoS II is set to automatic recording, it gathers and records the radar image sequences
and calculates the wave and surface current parameters automatically.
To start the automatic recording, choose ‘Control => Start Automatic Recording’ from the main
The following figure shows the standard WaMoS II GUI while in automatic recording:

Figure 17: WaMoS II GUI while in automatic recording.

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The example of the user display shows:

• Time and status of the measurement (top left)
• Current sea state parameters such as significant wave height, peak wave period, peak
wave length, and peak wave direction (middle left)
• Radar image (bottom left).

Various types of wave spectra and spectral wave parameters can be viewed:
• Mean frequency-direction spectrum (middle top)
• Mean frequency spectrum (middle).
• Time series of wave height (blue line) and wave period (red line) for the last few days of
measurement (middle bottom)
• Current parameters and station information:
◦ Surface current parameters for speed and direction (right side on top)
◦ Position of station, and water depth of measurement region (right top)
◦ Specification of various wave systems like sea and/or swell if available (right
middle). Menu Item: Save Screenshot ...

The menu item 'Save Screenshot' enables the storage of screen shots of the current GUI. A
dialogue window pops up for indication of path and file name of the picture to be stored. The
picture will be saved as jpg in three image qualities (low, medium, high).

Figure 18: Dialogue window to save screenshot.

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4.3.3 Menu 'User Display'

If different user displays are set up (see, the display settings to be used can be chosen out
of them.

Figure 19: Certain pre-configured User Displays to chose.

4.3.4 Night Display / Daylight Display

By clicking on this menu item the colors and brightness for a glare-free night time display and
vice versa is optional to change. For a proper and easy-to-use night display it is necessary that the
monitor has a brightness turning knob at the front side.

Figure 20: WaMoS II GUI as night display.

4.3.5 Menu 'Recording Display'

In case of using the additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC)
software the display can be changed to show any results of this additional analysis while in
automatic recording. Please refer to WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis
(HRC) manual. If the additional HRC package is not installed, only the standard WaMoS II GUI
is activated and enabled.

Figure 21: Submenu of main menu 'Recording Display'.

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4.4 Install Mode

The install mode allows to configure the WaMoS II settings according the application and its
measurement set-up. The install mode is password protected to avoid unrequested changes of the
pre-configured measurement configuration. During installation of the WaMoS II system the
OceanWaveS engineer configures the system according to the measurement region, the
observation aspects, and purpose of the measurement project.
The password is required when selecting from the main menu ‘Control => Goto Install Mode’.
The install mode password is ‘wamosadmin’.
To change from user mode to install mode it is necessary to stop the automatic recording first
(see chapter
All features described in 4.3 (User Mode) are also available in the install mode.
Additional, 2 main menu items like 'Analysis' (chapter 4.4.3) and 'Test' (chapter 4.4.4) has been
added. Please see figure below.

Figure 22: Install mode menu.

Furthermore, the menu 'Control' has been extended by additional submenu items like:
• Configuration WaMoS … : for an individual station and measurement set-up
(see chapter 4.4.1).
• Turn on/off the Watchdog Buzzer (see chapter 4.4.2).

Figure 23: Submenu of main menu 'Control' while in install mode.

In the following the extended menu 'Control – Configuration WaMoS...' will be described in
more detail.

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This section of configuration WaMoS II is only for information purpose! Without

OceanWaveS advice it is not recommended to change the settings which has been
configured during installation by an OceanWaveS engineer.

4.4.1 Menu Control - Menu Item: Configuration WaMoS ...

Each WaMoS II installation has its own set-up and its own system parameters. After successful
set-up and commissioning, the systems parameters and individual configuration are saved in the
configuration file called ’wamos.cfg’. The file should be saved to an external media for backup
purpose. Previous settings are kept in backup files (e.g.: wamos.0001.cfg is conform to the first
back-up of the wamos.cfg).
The configuration file is stored in the folder C:\WinWaMoS. The file format of the wamos.cfg
file is describe in chapter 6.2.12.Configuration file: wamos.cfg.

Choosing ‘Control => Configuration WaMoS’ a pop-up window will show up (see Figure 24)
containing 12 tabs like:
1. Station Setup
2. Measurement
3. Measurement Event Handling
4. Cartesian Transformation
5. Radar
6. PCI-Card
7. Program Mode
8. Quality Control
9. Calculation Parameters
10. Sea State Alarm
11. NMEA
12. HRC

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Figure 24: Station Setup tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

In the following all individual tabs and corresponding settings are described in more detail. Station Setup

The 'Station Setup' tab (see Figure 24) contains information about the station, location and
measurement region. The location parameters can be specified manually or via NMEA input.

• Identification of station:
▪ Name of the WaMoS II station (e.g. name of vessel, platform or coastal site; here,
coastal site Helgoland island is given).
▪ Station ID (exactly 3 characters), which is used as a file extension ‘IDENT’ of the
time series files (see chapter 6.1.File Name Convention).
▪ User text: in general filled in manually by noting the type of X-band radar
connected to WaMoS II.
• Global water depth: As shallow water (typically less than 30 m) has a significant
influence on the sea state behaviour, the local water depth must be specified. In case of
vessel installation the local water depth is read from NMEA input (see chapter
In this case the offset between the water depth sensor and sea level has to be specified.

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For measurement regions presenting homogeneous water depth the appropriate constant
water depth has to be filled in. For measurement regions presenting inhomogeneous water
depth different water depths for each analysis area can be set (see chapter
Although you must set up the averaged water depth of all calculation windows in the
input field “Constant water depth”.
• Position: The geographical position of the station has to be filled in here. This
information has no influence on the wave analysis. But for vessel installations WaMoS II
requires the information from navigational instruments like Gyro compass and GPS
(see chapter Measurement
Figure 25 represents the measurement tab. Here, the type of wave analysis can be specified like
sea state or HRC analysis. Also the measurement period if continuous or as interval can be
chosen here. The directory to which all data shall be stored has to be specified here and whether
any batch job has to be activated after each measurement.

Figure 25: Measurement tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

• WaMoS II Analysis:
▪ Sea State (this check box is selected for using the standard sea state analysis)

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▪ High Resolution Current (HRC) (this check box is selected if using the
additional WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC)
software package. In this case the HRC is not installed and the box not activated.)
▪ If none is set, only recording of radar images without any wave analysis is carried
▪ Default : Sea State check box is selected
• Sea State Processing:
▪ Continuous measurement (this check box is selected for continuous monitoring
of the sea state)
▪ or manually selectable time between measurements (default: 5 min) and
measurement duration (default: 0 min). This is set when a specific monitoring
schedule is required (e.g. measurements schedule of 20 min every hour; means the
time between measurements is to be set to 60 min and the measurement duration
to 20 min). A measurement duration of 0 min means that exact one
measurement will be done.
▪ Averaging Time of 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 minutes indicates the time frame for
averaging the sea state results temporally (default: 20 min).
▪ Averaging Index is an internal parameter for the quality control (default: 0).
▪ Spatial Averaging: This check box is selected when only good/accurate
measurement is stored on the hard drive in case of more than one cartesian box is
selected. This is not selected when all measurements are stored on the hard drive
independent from disturbances in the radar images. Default: selected.
• Data Path: Indicates the directory and folder where the measurement results are stored.
Additionally, the free disk space of the selected drive is displayed. Any sub-directories for
the various WaMoS II data products will be created automatically (default: D:\Radar\).
• Hard disk space warning On: If this check box is selected, WinWaMoS will give a
warning if the corresponding directory and disk space where the wave data is stored is
running out of space. The warning will appear as a pop-up window after each
measurement. Regardless of this setting, in order to maintain sufficient hard disk
capacities WinWaMoS will delete on a regular basis the oldest radar images and wave
spectra files. Only time series files will be kept.
• Action after each measurement: If required it is possible to activate a batch job after

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each measurement. The batch file is named ‘user.bat’. The ‘user.bat’ contains console
commands which are executed after its calling (e.g. file transfers; please also refer to
Appendix 8).
• Data Backup: An automatic data backup is possible by the batch file ‘backup.bat’.
This starts automatically if free disk space is below a specified threshold (Megabyte).
Archive Data:
→ Enable/Disable data backup
older than:
→ for files older than the specified days
Start Time:
→ When to start any backup procedure
→ Data backup period


The given averaging index is for internal use only. It is not recommended to change
this index parameter! Measurement Event Handling

The WaMoS II measurement event handling is specified here. These optional settings are useful
in case WaMoS II should only measure during specified environmental conditions. The
advantage of such configuration is to reduce any monitoring and its recording during calm sea
state conditions.
• Permanent Measurement if …:
▪ Wind speed is larger than a specified value.
▪ Sign. wave height is larger than a specified value.
▪ Peak wave length is in the range between a specified range AND sign. wave
height is larger than a specified value.
▪ Encounter angle is in the range of a specified degree range AND sign. wave
height is larger than a specified value.
• Action after each measurement: After each measurement the batch file

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‘PERMANENTUSER.BAT’ is called. It contains free selectable console commands

which will be executed after a specified wave event has been occurred (e.g. file transfers).
• Increased Interval if …:
▪ Wind speed is smaller than a specified value. The measurement interval can be
increased to a user defined period (refer to: increased time and measurement
▪ Sign. wave height is smaller than a specified value. The measurement interval
can be increased to a user defined period (refer to: increased time and
measurement duration).

In Figure 26 an example setting is shown. Here, the WinWaMoS will change to permanent
measurement if the wind speed is higher than 30 m/s. It will also change into permanent
measurement mode if the encounter angle of the waves relative to the vessel is in the range
between 20 and 40 degrees and the significant wave height is larger than 4 meters. Additionally,
settings has been pre-configured that the recording will be decreased to one measurement per
hour if the significant wave height is less than 1 m and/or if the wind speed is less than 3 m/s.

Figure 26: Measurement Event Handling tab of configuration menu.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Cartesian Transformation

As not the whole radar images will be analysed a defined number of rectangular sub areas (the
’analysis areas‘ or 'cartesian boxes') are cut out from the entire polar image and are transformed
into cartesian coordinates. During this transformation a bearing correction will be done. The
number, size and position of these areas can be selected here (see Figure 27). The size of the
analysis area can be selected optional, but an area of 128 x 256 is recommended. The number of
images for each measurement cycle is specified here (default: 32 images). The figure below
presents three boxes.

Figure 27: Cartesian Transformation tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

• The number of cartesian boxes can be changed by clicking the arrow buttons, or by
entering a number in between 0 and 9 (default = 1). Each cartesian box will appear in the
list below displaying the distance from the antenna and the angle to the image top
• The size of the cartesian boxes can be selected from 128 x 128 pixels to 256 x 256
pixels (default: 128 x 256).
• The number of images to be stored can be set from 1 image up to 1024 images. To get
useful results the minimum value is 32 images (default value). This means, for one
standard WaMoS II measurement a sequence of 32 radar images is sampled. The number

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of images must be a power of 2n (for instance 25 = 32). This radar film sequence will be
directly analysed after its sampling and recording.
• The position of a cartesian box depends on the distance from the antenna and the angle
to the image top direction.
• The buttons -10 m, +10m or -50 m, +50m are used for changing the distance of the
cartesian boxes from the antenna location. One box from the list must be selected to
change the distance of all boxes as all cartesian boxes posses the same distance to the
antenna. The distance of the boxes must not overlap the maximum range of the image.
• The buttons -1°, +1° or -10°, +10° are used for changing the angle of a cartesian box.
Any changes has to be done separately for each box.
• The button 'Auto distribute' is used to auto distribute the selected number of boxes in a
uniform way over the entire polar image.
• In case the measurement area is very inhomogeneous for each box different water depths
can be specified manually here . This feature must be enabled on the tab Station Setup
(see chapter
• Deadrange: The time delay between the pulse transmission and the start of the sampling
is called dead range. The delay corresponds to the distance between the radar antenna and
the beginning of the sampling area. For shore-based installations the dead range can be
increased to sample the sea state further away from the shore line.
• The check box ‘Show last radar image’ is used to underlay the cartesian boxes by the
last polar image measured in order to simplify any placing of each box. The boxes should
be placed in areas where the sea surface is undisturbed and free of disturbances objects or
shadowed areas.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Radar
The essential parameters of the radar settings and the antenna orientation are specified in the

Figure 28: Radar tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

• Antenna settings:
▪ Antenna height above sea level in meters (default: 50 m).
▪ TX Standby: The two settings of 'Touch key' or 'Switch' can be used to control
the radar for starting and stopping by WaMoS II.
=> The 'touch key' setting sends a pulse of 0.5 sec at the beginning and the end of
each measurement (default: Touch key).
=> The 'switch' setting sends a permanent signal during the entire time of each
• Antenna orientation:
The geometric orientation of the radar image is configured in accordance to the station
and the antenna location.

For a fixed station the only required information is the Ship Compass (e.g. the direction of the

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radar heading). To set up this value the check box Constant must be chosen.
For vessel installations the vessel course is given by the compass via NMEA input (see chapter
3.4.NMEA Input and Also the orientation of the antenna in accordance to the ship's
bow needs to be considered (normally this is set to zero). If the heading signal of the radar is
different to the real heading position of the radar, the difference has to be set up in the field Bow
to Radar.
The field Picture Heading can not be changed. This was used for previous hardware versions.
A given min. Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) allows to distinguish between a pulse-length,
if the PRF of the radar differs. Please refer to the corresponding radar manual to select a PRF
between short and medium pulse. If the exact frequency is not known, select a low number.
The Image top direction considers all settings and calculates the direction of the top of the radar
image. Normally, this is the direction of the radar heading. PCI-Card

Figure 29: PCI-Card tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

In this tab the settings for sampling of radar images are configured.
• ADC Settings:

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The sampling parameters are configured here.

▪ Oscillator frequency: The Oscillator frequency can be selected between 10 and
50 MHz in steps of 1 MHz (default: 20 MHz).
• Beam Settings:
The beam sampling is configured here.
▪ Samples per Beam: The number of values which are taken per beam by the
sample frequency are specified here. The higher this value is chosen, the wider is
the sampled range of the radar image. Each value between 256 (default value) and
2048 can be chosen.
▪ Sync Pulse Divisor: This value indicates how many beams are sampled and
stored. Any choice of taking 'each', 'every 2nd', 'every 3rd' or 'every 4th' pulse is
possible (default value: every 4th pulse). But this setting depends on the radar. It is
recommended that about 1500 beams per radar rotation are stored.
E.g.: The radar is generating 4096 beams per rotation. In this case a Sync Pulse
Divisor of 3 (means: every 3rd pulse) is the best setting.
▪ Bearing Pulse Divisor: This value indicates how many bearing pulses are stored.
Any choice of taking 'each', 'every 2nd', 'every 4th' or 'every 8th' bearing is possible
(default value: each bearing). The number of bearings stored in the image must be
less than the half number of beams stored per radar rotation.
E.g.: The radar is generating 4096 beams per rotation and WinWaMoS stores
approximately 1400 beams per rotation. Here, the best setting for Bearing Pulse
Divisor is every 8th bearing.
▪ Beam Averaging: This value indicates how many beams are averaged.
E.g.: If four beams are chosen, these four beams are averaged and the resulting
one is stored (default = 1). By choosing a Beam Averaging other than 1 it has to be
considered that this will reduce the number of beams stored per radar rotation,
hence the Sync Pulse Divider has to be reduced.
• Signal Treatment
The inverting, delay and amplification of the signals are set here.
▪ Inverted Sync Pulse: The sync pulse is inverted by the hardware.
▪ Inverted Heading Pulse: The heading pulse is inverted by the hardware.
▪ Inverted Video Signal: The video signal is inverted by the hardware.

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▪ Video Offset: This value is set to reduce the noise of the video signal. The lower
this value is, the higher the video signal must be set to be recognized
(default = 20).
▪ Video Gain: This value adjusts the amplification of the video signal. The height
of this value increases the amplification (default = 128).
Any optimum setting is given, if white pixels appear in the radar back scatter
image for noticeable points like harbor constructions or buildings at land side.
▪ Sync Delay: This value corrects a delay between the sync signal and the video
signal if required.
If the video signal starts before the sync signal this value must be set negative.
The dead range is increased by this value automatically.
If the sync signal starts before the video signal this value must be set positive. An
internal delay is generated to synchronize these signals.
If the sync and video signal are synchronized this value is 0 (default value).
• Use Watchdog buzzer:
This option is set to activate the internal buzzer two minutes before the PC is restarted by
the watchdog. Program Mode

Three different program modes are available (see Figure 30):
1. Measure Mode (default mode)
2. Testing & Demo Mode
3. WaMoS Network Display

The default mode is the Measure Mode. This mode is chosen for real time measurement.

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Figure 30: Program Mode tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

The Testing & Demo Mode are only used for installation or demonstration purposes.
By running this mode, it is necessary to select priorly a directory where radar files already
recorded has been stored. By starting the demo mode, the program creates new radar images out
of the already recorded and available radar files to simulate real time measurements.
The WaMoS Network Display is used to display the WaMoS II screen on a client PC and
display (separate PC and monitor). This option gives the opportunity to set up different locations
where WaMoS II and its measurement results are displayed. It is necessary for the client PC to
have access to the hard disk of the WaMoS PC, or both PC's have access to the same directory of
a server.


The client PC cannot take control of the WinWaMoS program. No changes of the
configuration can be done from the client PC.

If Allow Window Resizing is marked, the Restore Down/Maximize button can be used for
scaling the WinWaMoS window.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Quality Control

For effective interpretation of the wave information recorded, WinWaMoS includes a quality
control function which gives a quality index to each measurement. Each data set is marked by a
quality index (IQ) to allow a reliability check of the data. Therefore, this index is an easy tool to
interpret the quality of the data. The quality control is carried out during the wave analysis and
the index is given in the header of the WaMoS II data products as well as listed for each data
measurement in the time series (please refer to chapter 6.2.7.Time series: PARA / MPAR files
and the following).
The following figure shows the quality control tab of the WaMoS II configuration menu. In this
tab all essential configurations can be set.

Figure 31: Quality Control tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

• Quality Control: There are two possibilities to adjust the quality control:
▪ Off: The quality control is switched off. This means no quality index will be given
to the measurements (default value). This setting is pre-configured during
installation and commissioning and will remain till a data check has been done by
▪ On: The quality control is switched on. Each measurement will get an IQ.

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Measurements which are marked by a quality index of IQ > 0 are automatically

removed. A quality index higher than 0 means that disturbances or other effects
have influenced the measurement (refer to table 5). Only WaMoS II output data
with a quality index of IQ = 0 are stored on the hard drive. This setting is set after
the first recommended data check done by OceanWaveS.
• The parameters that influence the quality index are:
▪ Variance of the gray level (minimum and maximum value)
(default: 1 and 50000)
▪ Energy (minimum and maximum value)
(default: 5e-008 and 4000000)
▪ Fit number (minimum and maximum value)
(default: 3 and 500)
▪ RPT Check (maximum deviation for single and all frames)
(default: 0.2 and 0.1)
▪ Graylevel (minimum, maximum value and difference)
(default: 10, 255, 255)
▪ Greylevel Mean (minimum value)
(default: 0)
▪ BGN level (minimum and maximum value)
(default: 1 and 40000)
▪ Signals (minimum and maximum value)
(default: 2 and 30000)
▪ Pdir Dev. (maximum value)
(default: 10)

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The quality index IQ is defined as follows:

Table 5: Quality index IQ

IQ Description
000 quality of the measurement is good
001 radar back scatter signal is too week
002 asymmetric distribution of the radar signal in the image sequence; e.g. oil-slick, heavy
rainfall, etc.
004 insufficient signal in spectrum; wave pattern is insufficient
010 insufficient noise in spectrum; wind is too low
020 insufficient modulation of the radar back scatter
040 peak direction variation is too high; weak wave signal
100 reflection too strong (ship, island, breakwater)
200 no reliable signal in spectrum
400 image is too dark; e.g. no sea clutter or failure of radar magnetron
999 current fit failed

The resulting quality index for the measurement is the sum of all indices.
For example IQ = 113 the quality index consists of:
• 001: weak back scatter signal
• 002: asymmetric radar back scatter distribution
• 010: insufficient noise in spectrum
• 100: reflections too strong Calculation Parameters

In this tab (see Figure 32) the essential values for the wave calculation are set. The section is
divided into three blocks:
• Location Limits
• Radar Parameter
• Wave Systems

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Figure 32: Calculation Parameters tab of WaMoS II configuration menu. Location Limits

Wave measurements by a nautical X-band radar depend crucial on the kind of radar type, the
installation geometry, and the measurement region itself. In order to ensure the best quality of the
wave measurements and to adopt WaMoS II to environmental conditions particular parameters
have to be adjusted.
The location limits values are:
• Current speed limit: Maximum current speed which is allowed
▪ for fixed stations: this value should not be higher than 5 m/s
▪ for moving vessels: 5 m/s + maximum speed of the vessel [m/s]
• Frequency minimum: The lowest frequency which is taken into account for the wave
calculation (default: 0.035 Hz).
• Frequency maximum: The highest frequency which is taken into account for the wave
calculation (default: 0.35 Hz).
• Wave length maximum: The maximum wave length which is taken into account for the
wave calculation (default: 500 m).

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Radar Parameter

To determine any wave height by using radar technology, it is important to know the type of radar
and the installation geometry. To allow the use of different types of X-band radars and to ensure
the highest quality of the wave measurements, WaMoS II requires values to be assigned to the
following parameters:
• Signal SNR: Select 1 of 4 possible Signal to Noise Ratio calculation forms
(default: SNR 4)
• Bias (default: 0.7)
• Slope (default: 0.013)
• MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) (default: 1) Wave Systems

These values are required to decide if the wave energy in the wave spectrum determined should
be treated as one system or two.
• Frequency: Minimum distance of two wave systems in frequency spoken
(default: 0.03 Hz).
• Direction: Minimum distance of two wave systems in direction spoken
(default: 25 deg).
• Energy: Minimum percentage of the maximum energy; treats wave energy as an
independent wave system
(default: 10 %).
• Swell/Sea Period: Constant threshold or variable period to decide whether a wave system
is deemed to be sea or swell. Wave systems with periods larger than the limiting period
are regarded as swell systems (default: 10 sec).

Additionally, the display of Hmax (maximum wave height) can be enabled. If this is enabled the
user has the ability to choose in “Configuration User Display ...” that Hmax will be displayed on
the GUI.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Sea State Alarm

If specific sea state conditions are exceeded WaMoS II can warn the user.

Figure 33: Sea State Alarm tab of WaMoS II configuration menu.

There are three possibilities to set a sea state alarm (optional). The sea state alarm will trigger if:
• the measured significant wave height is larger than a specified value.
• the measured peak wave length is within a specified range and the significant wave height
is larger than a specified value.
• the encounter angle between the wave system and the ship’s course is within a specified
range and the measured significant wave height is larger than a specified value.

The different sea state alarm settings can be combined in any way. In case of an alarm, a warning
window appears on the screen (see Figure 34). Additionally, the alarm interface can activate an
overall warning system (see chapter 3.6.3.Hardware Error Logging).

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Figure 34: Sea state alarm window. NMEA
The NMEA inputs (see chapter 3.4.NMEA Input) can be configured in this tab. Select the serial
port and configure, the baud rate of the interface and the number of data-, stop- and parity-bits
for each individual COM port. Most systems use 8-1-N at 4800 baud. Refer to the manual of
your device for this information.
WaMoS II can use the information provided by a navigational system like GPS or a compass
with NMEA0183 output. The NMEA0183 standard describes the data format for these
components. There is no agreement about the electrical parameters of the interface. Some
manufacturers may use a unstandardised interface. In many cases, the connection can be wired
directly to a RS-232 or RS-422 port of a PC. In other cases, an interface converter is necessary.
To configure the NMEA input and the COM port for WaMoS II following procedures has to be
done: Select the COM port of the NMEA input and click the properties button.
Figure 35 shows an example of the configuration of COM port 1.

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Figure 35: Configuration of COM-port 1 for incoming NMEA signals.

To add NMEA input press the 'Add Service ...' button. A configuration window 'Properties of
NMEA Service' will open (see Figure 36). Select the desired COM port of the NMEA input
string, the type of service, the address of the NMEA input, the position of the desired service
within the NMEA string, the format of the input string and the kind of check for valid value.

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Figure 36: Selection of NMEA Service properties.

For example, to add the NMEA service 'Compass' on COM port 1 the NMEA input string is:

In the following it is described step by step how to add the NMEA service 'Compass' to the
configuration. The first step is to select the correct COM port of the NMEA input. In this
example it is COM port 1 (COM1) (see Figure 37):

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Figure 37: Selection of NMEA service COM port connection.

Choose 'Type of Service' and select 'Compass' from the list (see Figure 38) .

Figure 38: Select NMEA service 'Compass'.

Figure 39 shows how to select the address string from the pull down menu 'Address' (the two
question marks stand for wild-card characters). It is possible to edit the text field if the needed
address string is not available.

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Figure 39: Selection of NMEA address.

The next step is to select the 'Position of Field'. In this example the compass information is at
position '2' (see Figure 40).

Figure 40: Selection of NMEA service position.

Next, the format of the field can be selected. The compass direction can be supplied in degrees or
in radians. In this example the compass information is given in degrees (see Figure 41).

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Figure 41: Selection of NMEA service format.

If all settings for each NMEA input service are selected the configuration can be confirmed by
pressing the 'OK'-button. The configuration window indicates that the compass service has been
configured (see Figure 42).

Figure 42: Configured NMEA service.

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Depending on the type of service another COM port and other values have to be specified; e.g.
wind sensor:
• Wind sensor height in meters for type of service like 'wind speed':
In Figure 43 the wind sensor is located 10 m above sea level.

Figure 43: Input of wind sensor height.

Furthermore, for each NMEA input service a specific kind of check for any valid value must be
selected. Here, this check for valid value is exemplifying described for the wind sensor:
• No value checking: The value will not be checked.
• If a status service field for the value is delivered in the NMEA string, the Value check by
service field can be activated. In this case the position of the service field in the NMEA
string and the string indicating the valid value must be chosen. In Figure 44 the wind
speed value at position 3 will be marked as valid, if the value of the status service field is
indicated with 'A' at position 5; otherwise it will be marked as invalid.

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Figure 44: Selection of valid check by service field.

• Value check by invalid value list can be used, if erroneous or default values of the
chosen NMEA service are known. In case of several erroneous and/or default values, the
invalid values must be separated by comma. If one of the values in the list appears, it is
treated as an invalid value (see Figure 45).

Figure 45: Selection of valid check by invalid value list.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 HRC
WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth Analysis (HRC) is an extra software package to
purchase. This software package is able to detect the surface currents and the bathymetry on a
fine grid like 100m x 100m. Surface current maps and bathymetry maps can be generated by this
extra algorithm if installed additionally. Here, the HRC tab is not activated. The corresponding
configuration for HRC is described in the WaMoS II High Resolution Current and Depth
Analysis (HRC) manual.

Figure 46: HRC tab of WaMoS II configuration menu. Only activated if HRC software is installed

4.4.2 Menu Control – Menu Item: Watchdog Buzzer (F4)

If the watchdog buzzer resounds it can be stopped by using this menu item or by pressing F4.
This can happen only during the watchdog tests or in case of the operating system is not
responding any more.

4.4.3 Menu Analysis

This WaMoS II feature allows post processing of the radar raw data by using three analysis

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• Cartesian Transformation: creates cartesian images (*.CAR) from polar images

• Wave Analysis Polar Files: executes full wave analysis for several analysis areas.
• Wave Analysis Cartesian Files: executes full wave analysis for one analysis area.

Figure 47: Submenu of main menu 'Analysis' while in install mode.

The HRC post processing of the radar raw data can be carried out by using:
• CPO Transformation: creates full cartesian images (*.CPO) from polar images (*.POL).
• HRC Analysis Polar Files: executes HRC analysis from polar images (the additional
HRC package is needed).
• HRC Analysis Cpo Files: executes HRC analysis from CPO images (the additional HRC
package is needed).

For more information about the various WaMoS II data files please refer to chapter 6.WaMoS II
Data Products.

4.4.4 Menu Test

In order to ensure an optimum usage of WaMoS II the system includes tools to test individual
WaMoS II hardware components. The test menu includes five items which are explained in the
following chapters.

Figure 48: Submenu of main menu 'Test' while in install mode.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Test WaMoS Device ...

The basic WaMoS II hardware functions can be tested here. The first and most important step is
to check if the software is able to connect to the hardware. By clicking on 'Test WaMoS Device...'
a window will pop-up (Figure 49).
Selecting ‘Connection to WaMoS -> Connect’ will produce a status message. A successful
connection lets appear a message ’Connection established’. Thereafter, the remaining test buttons
are active.

Figure 49: Test basic WaMoS II hardware functions.

Various tests are available like:

• Alarm Relay
• Motor Relay
• HW Version (Hardware Version)
• Last Error
• Bearing Edges per Image, Antenna repetition time RPT, Image Size
• Testgenerator
• Sync Divisor

Each test button has got current status information located next to or below the button. The
Sync Divisor (right side of the window) can be set to values between 1 and 4. It influences the

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picture size. The status window (lower part of the window) contains the history of all tests which
have been carried out. Selecting the OK button will close this window. Test NMEA Service ...

By clicking on 'Test NMEA Service...' a window will pop-up (Figure 50). It displays the currently
incoming NMEA services. The latest input values of each NMEA service are presented in the
upper part of the window. The given time shown in brackets informs about the latest update time.
In the lower part of the pop-up window the entire incoming NMEA string is displayed.


The NMEA services are pre-configured during installation and commissioning by


Figure 50: Test NMEA service.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Test WatchDog …

By clicking on 'Test WatchDog...' a window will pop-up (see Figure 51). This section is for
testing the integrated PC Watchdog. Selecting the 'Connect to Watchdog' button leads to a status
message about the kind of Watchdog which is installed.

Figure 51: Test Watchdog Card.

Selecting 'Start Watchdog' activates the countdown to reboot the PC and the 'Do Trigger' button
resets the counter time to the original value of 30 seconds. The buzzer resounds during this test.
After the countdown of 30 seconds the PC restarts.

Figure 52: Activated Test Watchdog Card.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Test User Display ...

By clicking on 'Test User Display...' a file dialog window will pop-up for selection of a data file.
The information of this selected data file will be displayed on the screen with all configured
parameters of the 'user display'.

Figure 53: Image of the test user display.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Test ADC-Level

By clicking on 'Test ADC-Level' opens a window informing about the incoming video signal
(see Figure 54).
On the left side of the window the current settings are displayed. The main part of the window
displays a polar image and below an oscilloscope view of the video signal for each beam. The
right part of the window reflects this oscilloscope view for each of the four quadrants of the
whole polar image.
It is necessary to avoid saturation and/or levels beyond the detection threshold of the video signal
to obtain radar images with best sea state information. Therefore, the ADC-Level should range
between 0 and 2 Volts to guarantee an optimum recording level.

Figure 54: Test ADC-Level.

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5 Wave Analysis Software: Calcwave

The WaMoS II wave analysis software 'Calcwave' software is the part of the system which takes
care of the determination of the sea state parameters. This software part is responsible to derive
the wave spectra and all statistical sea state parameters in real time. The version described in the
following is: Calcwave 3.4.
WinWaMoS provides the cartesian radar image sequences for each analysis area (see chapter Transformation). For each of those analysis areas the Calcwave calculates
the 2-dimensional wave number spectrum, the 2-dimensional frequency direction spectrum,
the 1-dimensional frequency spectrum, and the time series for the wave and current parameters.
Wind logs and vessel course logs can also be generated if appropriate sensors are available.

The procedure and steps of calculating from radar raw image to determine the wave and current
parameters can be separated into following:

1. Sampling of the polar radar image sequences: The hardware samples a sequence of digital
radar images of the sea surface and stores the sequence on the hard drive (chapter 6.2.1).
2. Cartesian Transformation: For the wave analysis a defined number of rectangular sub
areas, called analysis areas, are extracted from the entire polar radar image and is transformed
into cartesian coordinates. The size of the analysis area, its position and the length of the time
series is configurable in the 'install mode' (see chapter Transformation and
chapter 6.2.2).
3. Discrete Fourier Transformation: The sequence of cartesian radar images is transformed
into a 3D-wave number frequency spectrum by applying a discrete Fourier Transformation.
4. Filtering the 3D-image spectrum and surface current determination: The dispersion
relation is applied as a band-pass filter to separate the energy associated with the ocean waves
from the background noise. Additionally, the surface currents are determined.
5. Determination of the unambiguous 2D-image spectrum: The unambiguous wave number
spectrum is obtained by integrating over the frequency domain and applying a modulation
transfer function (MTF) (see chapter 6.2.4).
6. Computation of the directional wave spectrum: The 2D wave number spectrum from the
wave number domain is transformed into the frequency direction domain (see chapter 6.2.5).

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7. Determination of the frequency spectrum and all other sea state parameters: Several
statistical wave parameters are derived from the 1D-wave spectrum (see chapter 6.2.6, 6.2.7,
and 6.2.8).
8. Determination of the mean wave parameter over a chosen time interval: The mean
2D wave spectrum is determined by spectral averaging.

The results and generated data files of the different analysis steps will be stored in separate
folders on the hard drive. The file name convention and the data format are described in
chapter 6.1, 6.2 and ff.
In case of an analysis failure, the measurement is discarded. A corresponding error code and
message is stored in an error log file named ‘CERR<MMYY>.LOG’ located also in the
WaMoS II working directory (e.g. C:\WinWaMoS). Description of the analysis errors are given in
Appendix Calcwave Error log file and Appendix Calcwave Error Codes.

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6 WaMoS II Data Products

As described above WaMoS II creates different kinds of data products. These data files are saved
according a certain principle. The file names of the data products contain date and time of the
measurement and the type of the data product.

Table 6 gives the standard wave and current parameters with the corresponding accuracy as
delivered by WaMoS II. The resolution depends on the type of X-band radar which is used and
the specific installation configurations. Typical values are provided as follows:

Table 6: WaMoS II wave and current parameters and accuracy.

Wave parameter Accuracy

2D wave number spectrum n/a
2D frequency direction spectrum n/a
1D frequency spectrum n/a
Significant wave height ± 0.5m or 10% 3
Mean period (Mean zero up-crossing period) ± 0.5s
Peak period ± 0.5s
Mean wave direction ± 2°
Peak direction ± 2°
Integrated wave spreading n/a
Peak wave length ± 10%
1st and 2nd peak period4 for swell and wind sea ± 0.5s
1st and 2nd peak wave length for swell and wind sea ± 10%
1st and 2nd peak direction for swell and wind sea ± 2°
Surface current velocity ± 0.2m/s
Surface current direction ± 2°

The file name convention, the data formats and the header of the data files are described in the
following chapters.

6.1 File Name Convention

The WaMoS II data products are named with respect to the data acquisition time and the type of

Depending on which one is larger.
The first and second peak refers to the first and second energy maximum in the frequency-direction spectrum.

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product. All data file names are formed in the following format:
• YYYYMMDDHHMMSSS.EXT where the letters represent
▪ YYYY: 4 digits for the year,
▪ MM: 2 digits for the month,
▪ DD: 2 digits for the day,
▪ HH : 2 digits for the hour,
▪ MM: 2 digits for the minute of the acquisition time,
▪ SSS: 3 letters for the station identification,
▪ EXT: Extension of data file corresponding to specific data type.


The date in the file name is not exact, i.e. it can differ several seconds from the
'true' time of data recording. If needed, the true date/time (accurate to fractions of a
second) has to be obtained from the 'frame data section' of the file header (see
Appendix of Polar Image). Please note, that the accuracy of WaMoS II times
depend on the CPU clock/external timer used.

Those several data files generated by WaMoS II are stored in sub-directories (see Figure 55). The
WaMoS II data products, the corresponding extensions and the names of the sub-directories are
listed in Table 7. The sub-directories are created automatically by setting the ’Data Path’
All generated spectra and some of the time series are available as single and averaged
measurements. Single measurements are not temporally averaged but averaged over the number
of analysis areas. Single measurements are spatial mean! But to generate also statistical means
the data is also temporally averaged. The averaging time interval is selected by the user.
The default averaging time is 20 minutes.

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Figure 55: Main directory and sub-directories of WaMoS II.

Table 7: WaMoS II standard products, the sub-directories and the extensions of the data files.

WaMoS II product Directory Extension

Polar image, radar raw data D:\Radar\POLAR\ *.POL
Cartesian image, radar raw data D:\Radar\RAWDATA\ *.CAR
- single cartesian image „i“ *.CA<i>
2D-wave number spectrum D:\Radar\D2SPEC\
- single measurement of cartesian box „i“ *.D2<i>
- single measurement *.D2S
(spatially averaged over all boxes)
- averaged measurement *.D2M
(spatially and temporally averaged)
Frequency-direction spectrum D:\Radar\FTHSPEC\
- single measurement of cartesian box „i“ *.FT<i>
- single measurement *.FTH
(spatially averaged over all boxes)
- averaged measurement *.FTM
(spatially and temporally averaged)
1D-wave spectrum D:\Radar\D1SPEC\
- single measurement of cartesian box „i“ *.D1<i>
- single measurement *.D1S
(spatially averaged over all boxes)
- averaged measurement *.D1M
(spatially and temporally averaged)
Time series D:\Radar\
- single measurement of cartesian box „i“ Bin*.*, Ist*.*,
- single measurement Para*.*, Peak*.*
(spatially averaged over all boxes)

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WaMoS II product Directory Extension

- averaged measurement Mpar*.*, Mpek*.*,
(spatially and temporally averaged) wlog*.*, clog*.*

The files listed above are created while the system runs in measuring mode.

6.2 WaMoS II Data Formats

All WaMoS II data files include an ASCII header. The header starts with the WaMoS II
configuration parameters. Each line starts with a keyword of up to five characters, except for the
comment line which always starts with CC. The sixth character is always a blank (20h), followed
by the value, which may be an integer, real or ASCII, depending on the parameter.
A comment, denoted by the starting sequence CC, can follow the value describing the entry in
more detail. Missing values are set to -9, -9.0, -99.0.
The header information is divided into certain sections by comment lines. The sections are
named by the WaMoS II software modules used for generating the subsequent output
(see chapter 6.2.3 Wave spectra).
The last line of the header starts with the EOH-keyword (‘End Of Header’). Each line ends with
a carriage return followed by a new line character (0D0Ah). The first data byte is the next byte
after the new line character in the EOH line. For each data file type an example of a header and
the explanations of the keywords are given in the Appendix.
As higher the processing level of data (from radar image to 1D-wave spectrum) as more
information is added to the header.
For instance:
• The header of the radar image (*.POL) includes the according WaMoS II configuration
information parameters.
• The header of the cartesian image (*.CAR) includes the WaMoS II configuration
information as well as the information about the location and dimension of the analysis
area and the number of cartesian images.

In the following those various WaMoS II data products (polar images, cartesian images, 2D wave
number spectrum, 2D frequency-direction spectrum, etc.) are described in more detail.

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6.2.1 Polar Image Files

The ‘*.POL’ data files consist of an ASCII header generated by Calcwave including WaMoS II
configuration information and the unformatted data of full radar images (one radar image
represents one rotation of the radar antenna). The number of radar images could be set up to 2,
17, 33, 65, 129, 257, 513 or 1025. An example of the header and explanations of the header
keywords are shown in Appendix 'Example of Header of a Polar Image' and Appendix 'Keywords
of the Polar Header'.
Subsequent the ASCII header, the data section of a pol file contains a sequence of 'nt' radar raw
images. Each image in the file is stored as a matrix of 'nr' pixel in range and 'nd' pixel in
direction. Ten digits indicate the number of bytes of the following polar image. Each new image
starts with these ten digits. The polar images are stored unformatted.
The radar back scatter power is given in 'gray levels' from 0 to 4095 whereas 0 corresponds to no
radar return (black colour in the radar image) and 4095 to the maximum radar return (white
colour in the radar image). Each value (two bytes) represent one pixel of the polar image,
organized in range and azimuth. The size of the data file depends on the radar resolution and the
number of images to be saved. A *.POL file contains the bearing information, but is not bearing

General Information
Data type Radar back scatter image (POL)
Data content I(nd,nr,<nt>) uncalibrated radar back scatter
nd Number of look directions
nr Number of pixels in range
nt Number of images in files [1 to 256]
Data format: file header: ASCII data: (mainly) binary
Measure Unit
Digitized back scatter Relative back scatter, scaled to either 8bit (0-255) or 12 bit (0-4095) integer
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<data- e.g. 'D:\radar\POLAR\'
Sub directories …\POLAR\<YYYYMMD e.g.'D:\radar\POLAR\2009123108\' (optional)
File suffix(es) *.POL

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File Naming Convention

Format Code <YYYYMMDDHHmmss> e.g. 200812201938hel.POL
MM Month (01 to 12)
DD Day (1 to 31)
HH Hour (0 to 23)
mm Minute (0 to 59)
ss Seconds (0 to 59)
rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform, station ID
Time reference CPU clock Data description

The polar files contain the digitized radar raw images as a 2D matrix of look direction and range
for a single image or for a number of subsequent images that can be sequentially read into a
3D matrix from the file. Each single image in a file covers a full antenna sweep (0-360 degree)
for a fixed range. Depending of the measurement site, some sectors of the radar image might be
blanked, i.e. platform constructions. These rays are present in the file, but contain no data.
The number of images stored in a file is fixed and noted in the file header. While the number of
pixels taken in range is always the same for all images in a file. The number of look directions
recorded might differ as it depends on the radar rotation time that slightly varies for different
antenna sweeps. If the antenna rotation is slow, more rays are recorded whereas fewer rays are
stored in case of a faster sweep. File Name/Date of Data Recording

The file name is composed of a date string, the station ID (3 char ID code) and the extension
'.pol'. The date string format is specified in the list above.


The date given in the file name corresponds to the acquisition date/time of the first
radar image stored in the radar image sequence.

The date in the file name is not exact, i.e. it can differ several seconds from the

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'true' time of data recording. If needed, the true date/time (accurate to fractions of a
second) has to be obtained from the 'frame data section' of the file header (see
Appendix of Polar Image).

Please note, that the accuracy of WaMoS II times depend on the CPU
clock/external timer used. Bit depth

The back scatter data is stored as either 8 bit or 16 bit integer values, depending on the WaMoS II
hardware version. The difference is indicated in the file header. In case of 16 bit version, only
12 bit contain the radar raw data, 4 bit are reserved for additional radar information like radar
bearing pulses. In case of 8 bit hardware, all bits are used to hold image information, with the
exception of the first byte in each ray.
Thus, the data range is [0-4095] for the 16 bit hardware and [0-255] for the 8 bit hardware. Back scatter coding

As the radar back scatter received by nautical radar is not calibrated, the digitized back scatter
can not be transformed into true energy values. Instead, the stored data is a relative measure of
back scatter that depends on the particular radar and the WaMoS II set-up. Thus, radar images
taken at the same measurement site and with the X-band same radar and an identical WaMoS II
set-up can be compared directly, while the back scatter taken at different sites will always differ
in terms of back scatter values, image sizes and resolution. In addition, no corrections are applied
to the recorded brightness. The data is stored 'as received by the radar'. Thus, depending on the
radar amplifier, usually a range dependency of the received back scatter can be seen, i.e. remote
targets give a lower return than targets closer to the radar. This range dependency usually does
not obey the radar equation, as all commercial radars use internal amplifiers that partly
compensate the range dependency. In addition, the files may contain noise signals generated by
the radar. Format description

The files start with an ASCII header summarizing information on all data processing steps used
to retrieve the data in the files, starting with raw data acquisition. After the last header line, the

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data section starts. The radar raw data is stored in binary format, i.e. the data section is not
human readable.
All information needed to read polar files can be obtained from the file header and the data
section. From the file header, the number of images stored in the file, the number of samples in
range and the bit depth are needed to read the raw data while the number of radar beams (rays) in
an image can vary from image to image and needs to be taken from the data section. File header

Header information of interest can be obtained by searching for the appropriate keyword. Each
line in the header section starts with a keyword (maximal 5 chars) followed by one or more
values and a comment describing the entry after the comment marker 'CC'. Missing header values
are set to -9, -9.0; -99.0… depending on the data type. The header information is divided into
sections by comment lines naming the WaMoS II software modules used for generating the
subsequent output. Comment lines starts with 'CC' or '*'. The last header line is marked by the
keyword 'EOH' (end of header). An example of a POL file header is given in the Appendix.
To read a polar file, values for the keywords 'NUMRE', 'FIFO' and 'DABIT' need to be read:
• 'NUMRE' indicates the number of images stored in the file,
• 'FIFO' is the number of samples in range and
• 'DABIT' is needed to define the data type of the read variable.

The number of rays in an image is taken from the image size, stored in the data section. 'DABIT'
can have two different values:
• DABIT 8 : The data is stored as 8 bit integer
• DABIT 12: The data is stored as 16 bit integer, using 12 bit for data and 4 bit for
additional info.
• missing DABIT: The data was recorded by an older software version. In this case,
DABIT is always set to '8'

For interpretation of the images, a number of other header information is needed, e.g. to get the
orientation, spatial and temporal resolution or image start.

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The data section of a pol file contains a sequence of 'nt' radar raw images. Each image in the file
is stored as a matrix of 'nr' pixel in range and 'nd' pixel in direction. The first information for each
image in the file is the image size in byte. This value is stored as ASCII number.
In a first step, this image size has to be read to derive the number of rays 'nd'.


'Nd' can vary from image to image within the same file.

After the image size, the image data follows as a binary 2D matrix of 'nr' columns times 'nd'
rows. This pattern is repeated for all 'nt' single images in the file. Data storage depends on the bit
depth of the data, indicated by the 'DABIT' keyword set in the header section and has to be
accounted for while reading.

In case DABIT is set to 8 (or this key is missing), the file size is a 6 digit integer value (ASCII,
including blanks). To obtain the number of rays 'nd', the file size has to be divided by the number
of samples in range, as given by the 'FIFO' keyword in the header value:

With this information, a matrix to hold the image can be created. The read variable has
to be of type Byte (8 bit integer). Bearing Pulse

The first byte of data in each ray holds in addition the radar bearing pulse in the lowest bit, i.e.
the data in this first byte is only coded with 7 bit. The bearing pulse information in the lowest bit
can be used to correct irregularities of the antenna rotation during the sweep.
In case DABIT is set to 12, the file size is a 10 digit integer value (ASCII, including blanks). To
obtain the number of rays 'nd', the file size has to be divided by the number of samples in range,
as given by the 'FIFO' keyword in the header value. Here, the data bit depth of 16 has to be
accounted for by a factor of 2:

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With this information, a matrix to hold the image can be created. The read variable has
to be of type integer (16 bit). From the two image data bytes, the first 4 bits of the higher byte do
not contain back scatter information but are reserved for other information. When reading the
data, make sure that these bits are set to 0, always.
In the high byte of first image value of each ray, the radar bearing pulse and other radar flags are
stored (if available). The bearing pulse information in bit 5 is always available and can be used to
correct irregularities of the antenna rotation during the sweep. The figure illustrates the byte order
and usage.

Figure 56: Bit structure of a polar image (DABIT=12).

In case that more than one image is stored in a file (see keyword 'NUMRE'), use a loop to read all

6.2.2 Cartesian Image Files

From the full polar image a defined number (depending on the set-up) of rectangular sub areas,
the ‘analysis areas’, are cut out and transformed into cartesian grid. During this transformation
also a bearing correction is done. The number, size and position of these areas are selected in the
section of the WaMoS II configuration menu.
The location of the analysis area is determined by the distance from the antenna and by the
orientation in relation to the polar heading. The resulting data files are called cartesian images
and have the extension ‘*.CAR’ , respectively ‘*.CA1’ (Box 1), ‘*.CA2’ (Box 2), … .
Like the polar images, the cartesian data files start with a header including the WaMoS II
configuration parameter, followed by information about the location and dimension of the
analysis area and the number of cartesian images.

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Subsequent the ASCII header, the radar raw data is stored in binary format, i.e. the data section is
not human readable. The data section of a CAR file contains a sequence of 'nt' radar raw images.
Each image in the file is stored as a matrix of 'nx' pixel in range and 'ny' pixel in direction.
These data files are immediately deleted after the wave analysis to save hard drive space.
An example of the additional header and explanations of the additional header keywords are
described in Appendix 'Example of Header of a Cartesian Image' and Appendix 'Keywords of the
Cartesian Header'.

General Information
Data type Radar back scatter image (CAR)
Data content I(nx,ny,<nt>) uncalibrated radar back scatter
nx Image dimension in x
ny Image dimension in y
nt No. of images in files [1 to 256]
Data format: file header: ASCII data: (mainly) binary
Measure Unit
Digitized back scatter Relative back scatter, scaled to either 8bit (0-255) or 12 bit (0-4095) integer
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<data- e.g. 'D:\radar\RAWDATA\'
Sub directories …\RAWDATA\<YYYYM e.g.'D:\radar\RAWDATA\2009123108\'
MDDHH> (Optional)
File suffix(es) *.CAR
File Naming Convention
Format Code <YYYYMMDDHHmmss> e.g. 200812201938hel.CAR
MM Month (01 to 12)
DD Day (1 to 31)
HH Hour (0 to 23)
mm Minute (0 to 59)
ss Seconds (0 to 59)
rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform, station ID
Time reference CPU clock

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Data description

The CAR files contain the digitized radar back scatter for areas used for analysis as sequences of
2D matrices. Basically, the data content is the same as in polar files, but transformed from polar
coordinates into an Cartesian grid and restricted to the used analysis areas.
The number of images stored in a file is fixed and noted in the file header. File Name/Date of Data Recording

The file name is composed of a date string, the station ID (3 char ID code) and the extension
'*.CAR'. The date string format is specified in the list above. Bit depth

The bit depth of CAR files is the same as in in the full radar images (polar files), i.e. the back
scatter data is stored as either 8 bit or 16 bit integer values, depending on the WaMoS II hardware
version. The difference is indicated in the file header by the keyword 'DABIT'. In case of the
16 bit version, only 12 bit contain radar raw data, 4 bit are reserved for additional radar
information like radar bearing pulses. These 4 extra bits are not needed in CAR files and
therefore are set to 0. In case of the 8 bit hardware, all bits are used to hold image information,
with the exception if the first byte in each ray. Thus, the data range is [0-4095] for the 16 bit
hardware and [0-255] for the 8 bit hardware. Back scatter coding

As the radar back scatter received by nautical radar is not calibrated, the digitized back scatter
can not be transformed into true energy values. Instead, the stored data is a relative measure of
back scatter that depends on the particular radar and the WaMoS II set-up. Thus, radar images
taken at the same measurement site and with the X-band same radar and an identical WaMoS II
set-up can be compared directly, while the back scatter taken at different sites will always differ
in terms of back scatter values, image sizes and resolution. In addition, no corrections are applied
to the recorded brightness. The data is stored 'as received by the radar'. Thus, depending on the
radar amplifier, usually a range dependency of the received back scatter can be seen, i.e. remote
targets give a lower return than targets closer to the radar. This range dependency usually does
not obey the radar equation, as all commercial radars use internal amplifiers that partly
compensate the range dependency. In addition, the files may contain noise signals generated by
the radar.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Format description

The files start with an ASCII header summarizing information on all data processing steps used
to retrieve the data in the files, starting with raw data acquisition. After the last header line, the
data section starts. The radar raw data is stored in binary format, i.e. the data section is not
human readable.
All information needed to read CAR files can be obtained from the file header section. In the file
header the number of images stored in the file and the x and x dimension of the analysis area are
described. File header

Header information of interest can be obtained by searching for the appropriate keyword. Each
line in the header section starts with a keyword (maximal 5 chars) followed by one or more
values and a comment describing the entry after the comment marker 'CC'. Missing header values
are set to -9, -9.0; -99.0… depending on the data type. The header information is divided into
sections by comment lines naming the WaMoS II software modules used for generating the
subsequent output. Comment lines starts with 'CC' or '*'. The last header line is marked by the
keyword 'EOH' (end of header). An example of a car file header is given in the Appendix.

To read a CAR file, values for the keywords 'DABIT', 'X-LEN', 'Y-LEN' and 'NT' need to be read:
• 'NT' indicates the number of images stored in the file
• 'X-LEN' and 'Y-LEN' are the image dimensions and
• 'DABIT' is needed to define the data type of the read variable.

'DABIT' can have two different values:

• DABIT 8 : The data is stored as 8 bit integer
• DABIT 12: The data is stored as 16 bit integer, using 12 bit for data and 4 bit for
additional info.
• missing DABIT: The data was recorded by an older software version. In this case,
DABIT is always set to '8' CAR file position and orientation

The position and orientation of a CAR file is always relative to the antenna. The main axis of a
CAR file is always a radar look direction through the centre of the CAR file. A second axis is

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created perpendicular to this look direction. The header keywords R-BOX and P-BOX are used
to specify the position. R-BOX is the distance of the inner edge of a CAR file frame to the
antenna in meter, P-BOX is the orientation angle of the CAR image centre relative to image start
in degree. X-LEN is the number of samples (pixel) in range, Y-LEN gives the number of samples
on the axis perpendicular of this axis. DX is the spatial resolution in meter. Data section

The data section of a CAR file contains a sequence of 'nt' radar raw images. Each image in the
file is stored as a matrix of 'nx' pixel in range and 'ny' pixel in direction.
In case 'DABIT' is set to 8 (or this key is missing), the data image size is nx*ny. The number of
images contained in the CAR file is 'nt'. The variable to store has to be of type integer 1 byte
(8 bit).
In case 'DABIT' is set to 12, the data image size is nx*ny. The number of images contained in the
CAR file is 'nt'. The variable to store has to be of type integer 2 byte (16 bit).

6.2.3 Wave spectra

The header information of the wave spectra consist of two parts. One part is taken over from the
POL and the CAR file header as described above. The other part is written by Calcwave during
processing and generating the various wave spectra. The header is divided into:
– image and spectral resolutions
– Spectral analysis settings/limits from wamos.CFG
– IQ settings
– wind settings/values
– 2D spectrum settings/values
– statistical sea state values

An example of the header of the wave spectra is enclosed to the Appendix of Wave Spectra.

6.2.4 Two-dimensional Wave Number Spectra Files

This section contains the file format description of WaMoS II 2D wave number spectra. These
files have one of the following suffixes: '*.D2M', '*.D2S', '*.D2<x>', '*.M2<x>' ;
<x> denotes an analysis box number.

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General Information
Data type Two-dimensional wave number spectrum (D2S/D2M/D2<x>/M2<x>)
Data content Spectral energy S(kx,ky) as function of wave number
Data format ASCII
Spectral energy S(kx,ky) [m*m/(Hz*rad)]
Wave number in x kx [rad/m]
Wave number in y ky [rad/m]
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\D2SPEC\'
File suffix(es) *.D2S spatial mean
*.D2M Spatially and temporally averaged
*.D2<x> single measurement for analysis box No. x
*.M2<x> temporal mean for analysis box No. x
File Naming Convention
Format Code <YYYYMMDDHHmmss> e.g. 20081220193800hel.D2S
MM Month (01 to 12)
DD Day (1 to 31)
HH Hour (0 to 23)
mm Minute (0 to 59)
ss Second (0 to 59)
rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform; Station ID
Time reference CPU clock Data Description File Name/Date of Data Recording

The file name is composed of a date string, the station ID (3 char ID code) and the extension.
The date string format is specified in the list above. Data Content

The WaMoS II wave number spectrum S(kx,ky) contains the calibrated spectral energy in [m*m/
(Hz*rad)]. The discrete spectral energy values are derived for a fixed grid which is defined by the

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WaMoS II measurement configuration. All settings can be obtained from the header section of
the data file. The sampling grid consists of nkx equidistant steps of k and nky equidistant
steps of k.


The energy values are specified per rad.

The output files have the extensions *.D2S for spatially averaged or *.D2M for spatially and
temporally averaged spectra. Spatially averaged spectra (D2S) are averaged over all WaMoS II
analysis areas placed within the field of view of radar image (up to 9 areas can be selected;
see chapter
If 'multi' is set in the configuration, only the spectra of each analysis area (*.D21, *.D22, …,
*.D2x) and the temporal mean for each box (M2x) are stored. But only spectra that passed the
WaMoS II internal quality control are used for averaging.
Due to the natural variability of a water surface, the single measurement spectra may show
significant variations between two subsequent measurements.
The temporally averaged spectra (D2M/M2x) are calculated as a gliding average from all
D2 spectra collected in the past dt minutes to improve the statistical stability of measurement
results. The time window is specified in the WaMoS II measurement configuration.
Usually, dt=30 minutes is selected (see chapter Measurement).
Example: The file '20081231120100hel.D2M' is a temporal average of all single measurements
taken on December 31st, 2008, between 11:31:00 UTC and 12:01:00 UTC (in case dt is set
to 30 minutes) at Helgoland. Format description

The file format of D2 spectra is identical. The files start with an ASCII header summarizing
information of all data processing steps used to retrieve the data in the files, starting with raw
data acquisition. After the last header line the data section starts. D2 spectra are stored as a
matrix of ASCII numbers, i.e. the data is human readable.

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All information needed to read D2 spectra files can almost be obtained directly from the data
section. The header can be disregarded for the purpose of reading the data whereas the
information of the following header keywords is needed:
MATRIX 64 64 CC Size of Matrix

• MATRIX is followed by two integer values nky and nky define the size of data array (i.e. the
number of samples) taken in kx and ky (standard is 'MATRIX 64 64')
• DKX defines the resolution in kx direction. Unit is [2*Pi/m]
• DKY defines the resolution in ky direction. Unit is [2*Pi/m]

All additional information of the header is of interest when analysing the data. The last line of the
header section starts with the 'end of header' keyword 'EOH'; the data section starts directly in the
next line. To skip the header, ignore all lines until the marker 'EOH' is encountered. Data section

The wave number spectra are stored as a 2D matrix of ASCII values in scientific notation
(Fortran format code is '10E10.3'). The size of the matrix can be obtained from the Header
section, keyword 'MATRIX'.

6.2.5 Two-dimensional Frequency-Direction Spectra Files

This section contains a file format description of WaMoS II 2D frequency-direction spectra.
These files have one of the following suffixes: '*.FTM', '*.FTH', '*.FT<x>', '*.FM<x>';
<x> denotes an analysis box number.

General Information
Data type Two-dimensional frequency-direction spectrum (FTH/FTM/FT<x>/FM<x>)
Data content Spectral energy S(f,θ) as function of frequency f and direction θ.
Data format ASCII
Spectral energy S(f,θ) [m*m/(Hz*rad)]
Frequency f [Hz]
Direction θ [deg]

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File Information Remarks

File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\FTHSPEC\'
File suffix(es) *.FTH Spatial mean
*.FTM Spatially and temporally averaged measurement
*.FT<x> single measurement for analysis box No. x
*.FM<x> temporal average for analysis box No. x
File Naming Convention
Format Code <YYYYMMDDHHmmss>< e.g. 200812201938hel.fth
MM Month (01 to 12)
DD Day (1 to 31)
HH Hour (0 to 23)
mm Minute (0 to 59)
ss Seconds (0 to 59)
rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform; station ID
Time reference CPU clock Data Description File Name/Date of Data Recording

The file name is composed of a date string, the station ID (3 char ID code) and the extension.
The date string format is specified in the list above. Data Content

The WaMoS II frequency-direction spectrum S(f,θ) contains the calibrated spectral energy in
[m*m/(Hz*rad)]. The discrete spectral energy values are derived for a fixed grid which is defined
by the WaMoS II measurement configuration. All settings can be obtained from the header
section of the data file. The sampling grid consists of 'mf' equidistant steps of 'df' [Hz] in
frequency f and 'mth' equidistant steps of 'dth' [deg] in direction θ. The frequency data range is
fixed during measurement set-up, allowing positive values between 'fmin' and 'fmax'. The
directional grid covers the full circle from 0 degree to 360 degree. Directions are denoted
clockwise, relative to North. The wave travel direction is defined as 'coming from'.

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The energy values are specified per rad while the angular grid steps are in degree.

The output files have the extensions *.FTH for spatially averaged or *.FTM for spatially and
temporally averaged spectra. Spatially averaged spectra (FTH) are averaged over all WaMoS II
analysis areas placed within the field of view of the radar image (up to 9 areas can be selected,
see chapter Measurement).
If 'multi' is set, only the spectra of each box (*.FT1,*.FT2,..,*.FTx) and the temporal mean for
each box (FMx) are stored. But only spectra that passed the WaMoS II internal quality control are
used for averaging.
Due to the natural variability of a water surface, the single measurement spectra may show
significant variations between two subsequent measurements.
The temporal averaged spectra (FTM/FMx) are calculated as a gliding average from all
FTH spectra collected in the past dt minutes to improve the statistical stability of measurement
results. The time window is specified in the WaMoS II measurement configuration.
Usually, dt=30 minutes is selected.
Example: The file '200812311201hel.FTM' is a temporal average of all single measurements
taken on December 31st, 2008, between 11:31 UTC and 12:01 UTC (in case dt is set
to 30 minutes) at Helgoland.
In addition, in older software versions, the spectra are stored in an extra format (*.PTH or
*.PTM) for visualization purposes. This internal format is not intended for data analysis and is
described in the following. Format Description

The file format of FTH and FTM spectra are identical. The files start with an ASCII header
summarizing information of all data processing steps used to retrieve the data in the files, starting
with raw data acquisition. After the last header line the data section starts. FTH/FTM spectra are
stored as a matrix of ASCII numbers.

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All information needed to read FTH/FTM files can almost be obtained directly from the data
section. The header can be disregarded for the purpose of reading the data whereas the
information of the following header keywords is needed:
DFRE 0.0055 CC [Hz] freq. steps
F4KMN 0.0163 CC [Hz] Freq. matching kmin (lmax)

All additional information of the header is of interest when analysing the data. The last line of the
header section starts with the 'end of header' keyword 'EOH'; the data section starts directly in the
next line. To skip the header, ignore all lines until the marker 'EOH' is encountered. Data section

The frequency-direction spectra are stored in ASCII format. The first three lines contain
information on the data sampling and is followed by the measurement results.
• First line: containing the number of frequency sampling points.
Starts with a 6 char string 'mf = ' followed by an integer number of sampling points
(e.g. 'mf = 64'; Fortran format code 'a5,i3').
• Second line: containing the number of direction sampling point.
Starts with a 6 char string 'mth = ' followed by an integer number of direction sampling
point (e.g. mth = 90; Fortran format code 'a5,i3').
• Third line: containing the frequency sampling points, consisting of 'mf' floating point
values separated by blanks (Fortran format code: 'f7.4').
• 'MTH' Measurement Data Lines: Each line holds 'mf'+1 values. The first value
indicates the angle of the spectral energy (degree, relative to north), followed by 'mf'
spectral energy values for each frequency sampling point, separated by blanks. The data is
stored in scientific notation, e.g. the value '2.9' is stored as '0.29E+01' (Fortran format
code 'E16.3').

6.2.6 One-dimensional Frequency Spectra Files

This section contains a file format description of WaMoS II 1D frequency spectra. These files
have one of the following suffixes: '*.D1M', '*.D1S', '*.D1<x>', '*.M1<x>';
<x> denotes an analysis box number.

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General Information
Data type One-dimensional frequency spectrum (D1S/D1M/D1<x>/M1<x>)
Data content Spectral energy S(f), directional spreading SPR(f) and mean travel direction
MDIR(f) as a function of frequency f.
Data format ASCII
Frequency f [Hz]
Spectral energy S(f) [m*m/Hz]
Mean direction MDIR(f) [deg]
Directional spreading SPR(f) [deg/Hz]
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\D1SPEC\'
File suffix(es) *.D1S spatial mean
*.D1M spatially and temporally averaged measurement
*.D1<x> single measurement for analysis box No. x
*.M1<x> temporal average for analysis box No. x
File Naming Convention
Format Code <YYYYMMDDHHmmss>< e.g. 200812201938hel.D1S
MM Month (01 to 12)
DD Day (1 to 31)
HH Hour (0 to 23)
mm Minute (0 to 59)
ss Seconds (0 to 59)
rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform; station ID
Time reference CPU clock Data Description File Name/Date of Data Recording

The file name is composed of a date string, the station ID (3 char ID code) and the extension.
The date string format is specified in the list above.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Data Content

These WaMoS II spectra files contain 1D frequency spectra, directional spreading in [deg/Hz]
and mean wave travel direction [deg] ('coming from'). Spreading and mean directions are
calculated to estimate the homogeneity of the sea state. The discrete values are derived for fixed
frequency sampling points, the grid is defined by the WaMoS II measurement configuration. All
settings can be obtained from the header section of the data file (see
The output files have the extensions *.D1S for spatially averaged or *.D1M for spatially and
temporally averaged spectra. Spatially averaged spectra (D1S) are averaged over all WaMoS II
analysis areas placed within the field of view of radar image (up to 9 areas can be selected; see
chapter Measurement).
If 'multi' is set in the WaMoS II set-up, no spatial average is calculated. In this case, the spectrum
of each box (*.D11, *.D12, ..., *.D1x) and the temporal mean for each box (M1x) is stored. But
only spectra that passed the WaMoS II internal quality control are used for averaging (both
temporally and spatially).
Due to the natural variability of a water surface, the single measurement spectra may show
significant variations between two subsequent measurements.
The temporally averaged spectra (D1M/M1x) are calculated as a gliding average from all
1D spectra collected in the past dt minutes to improve the statistical stability of measurement
results. The time window is specified in the WaMoS II measurement configuration.
Usually, dt=30 minutes is selected.
Example: The file '200812311201hel.D1M' is a temporal average of all single measurements
taken on December 31st, 2008, between 11:31 UTC and 12:01 UTC (in case dt is set
to 30 minutes) at Helgoland. Format description

The data format of 1D spectra files is identical. The files start with an ASCII header summarizing
information of all data processing steps used to retrieve the data in the files, starting with raw
data acquisition. After the last header line, the data section starts. D1 spectra are stored as a
matrix of ASCII numbers.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 File header

All information needed to read 1D spectra files can almost be obtained directly from the data
section. The header can be disregarded for the purpose of reading the data whereas the
information of the following header keywords is needed:
DFRE 0.0055 CC freq. steps
F4KMN 0.0163 CC [Hz] Freq. matching kmin (lmax)

All additional information of the header is of interest when analysing the data. The last line of the
header section starts with the 'end of header' keyword 'EOH', the data section starts directly in the
next line. To skip the header, ignore all lines until the marker 'EOH' is encountered. Data section

The data is stored in ASCII format. It is subdivided in four columns, separated by blanks:

Column Value
1 frequency steps in Hz
2 spectral energy in m*m/Hz
3 mean wave direction in degree
4 directional spread in degree/Hz

The data is stored in scientific notation, e.g. the value 2.9 is stored as 0.29E+01 (Fortran format
code 'E16.3').

6.2.7 Time series: PARA / MPAR files

This section contains the file format description of WaMoS II time series files of the derived
statistical sea state parameters. It only covers the data content and file format description but
gives no details on measurement limits or accuracy. For this please refer to Table 6
chapter 6 WaMoS II Data Products.

General Information
Data type WaMoS II time series (PARA/MPAR/PAR<x>/MPA<x>)
Data content Various sea state parameters
Data format ASCII

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Various, depending on the individual parameters (see parameter list; chapter
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\'
File naming PARA<MMYY>.<rigid> Single measurement; but spatial mean
averaged over all analysis areas
MPAR<MMYY>.<rigid> Spatial and temporal average
PAR<x><MMYY>.<rigid> single measurement for analysis box No. x
MPA<x><MMYY>.<rigid> temporal mean for analysis box No. x
Format code for file names
Year YY (00 to 99)
Month MM (01 to 12)
Station ID rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform
Time reference CPU clock Data description

The WaMoS II PARA and MPAR files contain various statistical sea state parameters,
accompanied by some technical parameters like quality flag and threshold. Each file covers all
results of a month. The results stored in both files are in identical order. But main difference
between the data files is the kind of averaging of the data.

• PARA files contain the result of single measurements averaged spatially over all analysis
areas. That means that each entry in this file represents the average of all results from the
individual areas (up to 9 analysis areas can be configured) that passed the internal quality
check. The results are representative for the entire measurement area.
• MPAR files contain measurement results that are averaged over time additionally. An
entry represents the gliding spatial and temporal average of all measurements taken in the
past 'MTIME' minutes. The averaging time is specified in the WaMoS II set-up
(default: 30 minutes). Only data sets that passed the internal quality control are used for
averaging and storing.

The spatial averaging can be disabled by disabling the 'Spatial Averaging' check box in the
configuration set-up (see chapter Cartesian Transformation). In this case, an individual

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PAR<x>/MPA<x> file for each of the analysis areas <x> is created. The PAR<x> contains all
measurements for box <x> (no spatial average!) whereas the MPA<x> contains the temporal
mean for box<x> (no spatial but temporal average!).
The averaging time used to create the MPAR files is not indicated in the files directly. But this
value can be obtained from the WaMoS II configuration file and is also noted in the headers of
the WaMoS II data products like e.g. the 2D wave spectra. The related header keyword is
Instead, the number of spectra used to calculate the average is noted. This number can vary, as
only spectra that passed the quality control are used.
The quality index 'IQ' ranges from 0 ('good data') to 999 ('images can not be analysed'). The 'IQ'
value reflects the quality of the radar raw data. It is adapted to the conditions at a specific
measurement site. Only measurements (spectra), whose 'IQ' does not exceed a pre-set threshold
('LIMIT') are used to retrieve the parameters. Both, the actual IQ and the limit are indicated in the
PARA/MPAR files.


Most of the sea state parameters listed in PARA/MPAR files are derived directly
from wave spectra. This means, that the spectra are averaged over all boxes
(PARA) or 'MTIME' minutes (MPAR) before deriving these parameters. Therefore,
computing an average of sea state parameters from the para file over time might
result into slightly different values than the MPAR output.

Additionally, MPAR files does not overlap into the following month. At the very
beginning of a monthly new MPAR file only few spectra are available for
averaging. Spectra from the previous month are not used! Format description

The format and data content of PARA and MPAR files are in identical order. The files are
organized as ASCII list of the derived sea state parameters. Each column in the file is used for a
specific parameter that can be identified from the header line. A full list of the parameters is
given in chapter
The data columns are separated by one or more blanks. The first column stores date and time of

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the measurement in form of a time string. The following columns store the sea state and current
parameters which are either of type 'real' or 'integer'. The information for first sea and first swell
system is given, if appropriate. Missing measurements are indicated by the value '-9' or '-9.00'. List of WaMoS II sea state parameters

Column Content unit data type/format
Date, time Date and time of acquisition - string (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
Hs Significant wave height m real
Tp Peak wave period s real
Tm2 Mean wave period s real
Lp Peak wave length m integer
MDir Mean wave direction deg integer
PDir Peak wave direction deg integer
Tp1 Swell wave period s real
PD1 Swell wave direction deg integer
lp1 Swell wave length m integer
Tp2 Sea wave period s real
PD2 Sea wave direction deg integer
lp2 Sea wave length m integer
Usp Surface current speed m/s real
Udir Surface current direction deg integer
IQ Quality index - integer
NSPEC Number of averaged spectra – integer
INDEX Quality index threshold – integer
(OK: IQ<Index)
Hmax Maximum wave height m real
Tlim Limit period to separate swell/ sea s real
(NORI) (from compass or GPS) - (0 = enable 1 = disable)
ELEVL Calcwave error code returned - integer
CFG DATE Date of last changed cfg - string
(dd-MM-YYYY hh.mm.ss)

6.2.8 Time series: PEAK / MPEK files

This section contains the file format description of WaMoS II time series files of the derived
statistical sea state parameters for each wave system. Here, only data content and file format

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description is covered. No details on measurement limits or accuracy are given. For this please
refer to Table 6 chapter 6 WaMoS II Data Products.

General Information
Data type WaMoS II time series (PEAK/MPEK/PEK<x>/MPE<x>)
Data content Various sea state parameters
Data format ASCII
Various, depending on the individual parameters (see parameter list, chapter
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\'
File naming PEAK<MMYY>.<rigid> Single measurement; but spatial mean
averaged over all analysis areas
MPEK<MMYY>.<rigid> Spatial and temporal average
PEK<x><MMYY>.<rigid> single measurement for analysis box
No. x
MPE<x><MMYY>.<rigid> temporal mean for analysis box No. x
Format code for file names
Year YY (00 to 99)
Month MM (01 to 12)
Station ID rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform
Time reference CPU clock Data description

The WaMoS II PEAK and MPEK files contain various statistical sea state parameters for each
wave system, accompanied by some technical parameters like quality flag and threshold. Each
file covers all results of a month. The results stored in both files are in identical order. But main
difference between the data files is the kind of averaging of the data.

• PEAK files contain the result of a single measurements averaged spatially over all
analysis areas. That means that each entry in this file represents the average of all results
from the individual areas (up to 9 analysis areas can be configured) that passed the
internal quality check. The results are representative for the entire measurement area.
• MPEK files contain measurement results that are averaged over time additionally. An
entry represents the gliding spatial and temporal average of all measurements taken in the

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past 'MTIME' minutes. The averaging time is specified in the WaMoS II set-up
(default: 30 minutes). Only data sets that passed the internal quality control are used for
averaging and storing.

The spatial averaging can be disabled by disabling the 'Spatial Averaging' check box in the
configuration set-up (see chapter Cartesian Transformation). In this case, an individual
PEK<x>/MPE<x> file for each of the analysis areas <x> is created. The PEK<x> contains all
measurements for box <x> (no spatial average!) whereas the MPE<x> contains the temporal
mean for box<x> (no spatial but temporal average!).
The averaging time used to create the MPEK files is not indicated in the files directly. But this
value can be obtained from the WaMoS II configuration file and is also noted in the headers of
the WaMoS II data products like e.g. the 2D wave spectra. The related header keyword is
Instead, the number of spectra used to calculate the average is noted. This number can vary, as
only spectra that passed the quality control are used.
The quality index 'IQ' ranges from 0 ('good data') to 999 ('images can not be analysed'). The 'IQ'
value reflects the quality of the radar raw data. It is adapted to the conditions at a specific
measurement site. Only measurements (spectra), whose 'IQ' does not exceed a pre-set threshold
('LIMIT') are used to retrieve the parameters. Both, the actual IQ and the limit are indicated in the
PEAK/MPEK files.


Most of the sea state parameters listed in PEAK/MPEK files are derived directly
from wave spectra. This means, that the spectra are averaged over all boxes
(PEAK) or 'MTIME' minutes (MPEK) before deriving these parameters. Therefore,
computing an average of sea state parameters from the para file over time might
result into slightly different values than the MPEK output.

Additionally, MPEK files does not overlap into the following month. At the very
beginning of a monthly new MPEK file only few spectra are available for
averaging. Spectra from the previous month are not used!

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Format description

The format and data content of PEAK and MPEK files are in identical order. The files are
organized as ASCII list of the derived sea state parameters. Each column in the file is used for a
specific parameter that can be identified from the header line. A full list of the parameters is
given in chapter
The data columns are separated by one or more blanks. The first column stores date and time of
the measurement in form of a time string. The following columns store the sea state and current
parameters for both sea and swell which are either of type 'real' or 'integer'. The information for
each wave system is given, if appropriate. Missing measurements are indicated by the value '-9'
or '-9.00'. List of WaMoS II sea state parameters

Column Content unit data type/format
Date, time Date and time of acquisition - String (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
Hs Significant wave height m real
Tp Peak wave period s real
PDir Peak wave direction deg integer
Lp Peak wave length m integer
HsS Significant wave height of swell m real
Tp1 1. swell wave period s real
PD1 1. swell wave direction deg integer
lp1 1. swell wave length m integer
Tp3 2. swell wave period s real
PD3 2. swell wave direction deg integer
lp3 2. swell wave length m integer
HsW Significant wave height of sea m real
Tp2 1. sea wave period s real
PD2 1. sea wave direction deg integer
lp2 1. sea wave length m integer
Tp4 2. sea wave period s real
PD4 2. sea wave direction deg integer
lp4 2. sea wave length m integer
Us Surface current speed m/s real
Ud Surface current direction deg integer
INDEX Quality index threshold – integer

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Column Content unit data type/format

(OK: IQ<Index)
Tlim Limit period to separate swell/ sea s real
SPR Sea spreading - real
CSI Cross sea index - real
GAM Jonswap parameter gamma - real
(NORI) (from compass or GPS) - (0 = enable 1 = disable)
ELEVL Calcwave error code returned - integer
CFG DATE Date of last changed cfg - string
(dd-MM-YYYY hh.mm.ss)

6.2.9 Time series: Wlog files

This section contains the file format description of WaMoS II time series files of the wind
parameters. It only covers data content and file format description but gives no details on
measurement limits or accuracies. These monthly files are only created if NMEA wind data
is available.

General Information
Data type WaMoS II time series (Wlog)
Data content Wind parameters
Data format ASCII
Various, depending on the individual parameters (see parameter list, chapter
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\'
File naming Wlog<MMYY>.<rigid> wind log time series
Format code for file names
Year YY (00 to 99)
Month MM (01 to 12)
Station ID rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform
Time reference CPU clock

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Data description

The WaMoS II Wlog file contains wind speed and direction data, accompanied by measurement
date, time and position. Each file covers the data of one month.


The wind information is measured by an external sensor. WaMoS II does not

correct the data. It neither applies a height correction or differentiates between 'True
Wind' and 'Relative Wind'. The sensor raw data might be altered by the vessel data
processing system. To find out what kind of wind data is logged one needs to
consult the wind sensor specifications. Format description

The wind log file is organized as ASCII list of available wind parameters. Each column in the file
is used for a specific parameter that can be identified from the header line. A full list of the
parameters is given in chapter
The data columns are separated by one or more blanks. The first column stores date and time of
the measurement in form of a time string. The following columns store the wind , the parameters
are either of type 'real','character, or 'integer'. The time string comprises of year, month, day,hour,
minute and (for newer software/hardware versions) seconds.
Missing measurements are indicated by the value '-9' or '-9.00'. List of WaMoS II wind parameters

Column Content unit data type/format
Date, time Date and time of acquisition - string (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
LAT Position latitude ° ´ ´´ character
LONG Position longitude ° ´ ´´ character
WIND SPEED Wind speed m/s real
DIRECTION Wind direction deg integer
WIND SPEED10 Wind speed in 10m height m/s real
TRUE WIND DIR True wind direction ° integer

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6.2.10 Time series: Clog files

This section contains the file format description of WaMoS II time series files of vessel course
parameters. Here, data content and file format description is covered but no details on
measurement limits or accuracies are given. These monthly files are only created if NMEA data
of vessel's navigational instruments is available (e.g. Gyro and GPS).

General Information
Data type WaMoS II time series (Clog)
Data content Various vessel NMEA parameters
Data format ASCII
Various, depending on the individual parameters (see parameter list, chapter
File Information Remarks
File location <HD-label>:\<main data e.g. 'D:\radar\'
File naming Clog<MMYY>.<rigid> course log time series
Format code for file names
Year YY (00 to 99)
Month MM (01 to 12)
Station ID rigid 3 letter ID code of WaMoS II platform
Time reference CPU clock Data description

The WaMoS II Clog file contains ship speed and direction, accompanied by date, time and
position. Each file covers the data of one month.


The information in the Clog file is coming from external sensors. WaMoS II does
not process or correct the data. It is stored as received by the sensors via NMEA
string. The sensor raw data might be altered by the vessel data processing system.
The reference system (e.g. 'speed through water' or 'speed over ground') and
accuracy need to be obtained from the sensor description.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1 Format description

The course log file is organized as ASCII list of available vessel parameters. Each column in the
file is used for a specific parameter that can be identified from the header line. A full list of the
parameters is given in chapter
The data columns are separated by one or more blanks. The first column stores date and time of
the measurement in form of a time string. The following columns contain the vessel parameters
which are either of type 'real','character, or 'integer'. Missing measurements are indicated by the
value '-9' or '-9.00'. List of WaMoS II vessel course and depth parameters

Column Content unit data type/format
Date, time Date and time of acquisition - String (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
LAT Position latitude ° ´ ´´ character
LONG Position longitude ° ´ ´´ character
GYROC Ship compass heading deg integer
GPS Ship GPS heading deg integer
shipsp Ship speed kn real
Depth Water depth m real

6.2.11 Time series: Cerr files (Calcwave 3.4 data products)

This section contains the file format description for the Cerr file of WaMoS II wave analysis
software ('Calcwave'). The Cerr file is a log file in which errors are stored which might occur
during processing of the analysis software. Each file contains data per month.
In the following data content and file format without giving any details about the error codes is
described. A table of error codes is listed in the Appendix Calcwave Error log file and Appendix
Calcwave Error Codes.

General Information
Data type WaMoS II time series (CERR)
Data content Various error codes
Data format ASCII
Various, depending on the individual parameters (see parameter list, chapter

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File Information Remarks

File location <HD-label>:\<winwamos>\ e.g. 'D:\radar\'
File naming CERR<MMYY>.LOG error log time series
Format code for file names
Year YY (00 to 99)
Month MM (01 to 12)
Time reference CPU clock Format description

The error log file is organized as ASCII list of date, time, error codes and error description. Each
column in the file is used for a specific error code. A full format description is given in
A line consists of up to 5 columns, separated by one or more blanks. The first column stores date
and time of the measurement in form of a time string. After a dash ('-') the error is listed. An error
is specified by a 4 digit error code, ranging from '1000' to '6000' followed by the short error
description. In the last column, the affected data set/data product is specified, if applicable.
For system warnings, the error code is replaced by the text 'WARN'. Warnings are used to log
irregularities that are automatically compensated by the software or to give additional
information related to the error listed in the line before. Warnings are mainly related to missing
configuration parameters. If any parameters are missing in the configuration these are
automatically set to default values by WaMoS II. Such warnings are listed at the beginning of a
Cerr log file (see Appendix Example of error log file). At the start of the log file, a warning line
is used to denote the software revision. List of WaMoS II error log parameters

Column Content unit data type/format
date Date of acquisition - String (MM-dd-yyyy)
time Time of acquisition - String (hh:mm:ss)
error error code - 4 digit integer or tag 'WARN'
msg error code description - character
data data set processed - <yyyyMMddhhmmss>.<extension>

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6.2.12 Configuration file: wamos.cfg

This section describes the file format of the WaMoS II configuration file 'wamos.cfg'. Each
WaMoS II installation has its own set-up and its own system parameters. After successful set-up
and commissioning, the systems parameters and any individual configuration are saved in the
configuration file. Due to Calcwave software developments and different Calcwave versions
disparity might occur. wamos.cfg format

The wamos.cfg file contains all relevant parameters which are needed for sampling and
processing any radar images. The configuration file is organised as ASCII file. It is divided into
several sections containing certain keywords and values:
– NMEA section (read as 12 characters keyword and 4 characters value)
– Para.cfg section (read as 5 characters keyword and 15 characters value)
– Quali.cfg section (read as 5 characters keyword and 15 characters value)

An example of the wamos.cfg is enclosed in the Appendix of wamos.cfg.

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7 List of Notations, Symbols and Descriptions

ComputerNotation Symbol Description / Definition Units

k k Wave number rad/m
kx, ky kx, ky Wave number components rad/m
F f Frequency Hz
W ω Angular frequency rad/s
H h Water depth m
x, y x, y Spatial position m
T T Time s
DX, DY dx, dy Image pixel resolution in x- and y-direction m
DKX, DKY dkx, dky Wave number resolution in x- and y-direction of rad/m
the 3D-image spectrum
DOMGA dω angular frequency resolution rad/m
CURRD θU Near surface current direction in geographical degree
CURRS U Near surface current speed m/s
D2S S(kx, ky) Normalized or -
calibrated wave number spectrum m4
EFTH S(f,θ) Normalized or -
calibrated frequency direction spectrum M /(Hz*rad)

D1S S(f) Normalized or -

calibrated frequency wave spectrum m2/Hz
XMO m0 Zero order moment of S(f) m2
XM1 m1 1st moment of S(f) m2/s
XM2 m2 2nd moment S(f) m2/s
XHS Hs Significant wave height m
TP Tp Peak wave period s
TM2 Tm2 Mean period, corresponds to the buoy parameter s
zero up crossing period (Tzup)
MDIR θm Mean wave direction (coming from) degree
PDIR θP Peak wave direction (coming from) degree
LP λP Peak wave length: Determined by inserting Tp m
into the dispersions relation
TPS TPS Swell wave period s
TPW TPW Wind sea wave period s
DPS θPS Swell wave direction (coming from) degree
DPW θPW Wind sea wave direction (coming from) degree
LPS λPS Swell wave length: Determined by inserting TPS in m
the dispersion relation.
LPW λPW Wind sea wave length: Determined by inserting m
TPW in the dispersion relation.

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ComputerNotation Symbol Description / Definition Units

HSS HsS Significant wave height of swell m
HSW HsW Significant wave height of wind sea M
WIBA - WaMoS II Isolated Buffer Amplifier -

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1 Appendix Batch Files

1.1 Example of the file: user.bat

@echo off
rem It will save the newest *.pol file to drive E:\
rem %1 = Data output path
rem %2 = last file name
rem %1polar\%2.pol indicates the last polar file
REM ***************************************************************
ECHO Executing USER.BAT...
copy %1polar\%2.pol e:

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2 Appendix of Polar Image

2.1 Example of Header of a Polar Image
An example of the header for a WaMoS II data set taken on February 1, 2011, 09:51:58 UTC on
the coastal site 'Helgoland' by simulation.


CC ******* Data generated by SIMULATION *******
VINFO WinWaMoS - Version 4.0.0 (306)
TOWER Helgoland
USER Furuno FR-2125 BB
LAT 054°10.822 N CC [Degree] POSITION NORTH
LONG 007°53.005 E CC [Degree] POSITION EAST
DATE 02-05-2011
TIME 05:01:05
FIFO 256 CC Number of samples in range

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CMPOFF 0 CC Offset added to Ship's compass
WDEPF 0 CC Waterdepth from 0=global Waterdepth,
1=NMEA-Data, 2=cartesian Boxes
P_DEP 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
CC [m] Waterdepth-List in meter
CC **************** START FRAMEDATA SECTION **************
CC [deg] [kn] [s]
[deg] [m/s] [deg] [m] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s]
F0001 02-05-2011 05:01:05.000 000.0 -09.0 2.450 054°10.822
N 007°53.005 E -09 -09.0 -09 -009.0 -09.0 -09.0 -09.0
F0002 02-05-2011 05:01:07.000 000.0 -09.0 2.450 054°10.822
N 007°53.005 E -09 -09.0 -09 -009.0 -09.0 -09.0 -09.0

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F0032 02-05-2011 05:08:19.000 000.0 -09.0 2.450 054°10.822
N 007°53.005 E -09 -09.0 -09 -009.0 -09.0 -09.0 -09.0
F0033 02-05-2011 05:08:22.000 000.0 -09.0 2.450 054°10.822
N 007°53.005 E -09 -09.0 -09 -009.0 -09.0 -09.0 -09.0
CC **************** STOP FRAMEDATA SECTION **************
EOH CC ************ END OF HEADER *************

2.2 Keywords of the Polar Header

The header keywords in the polar image header are as follows:

Keyword Description
NMEASERVICES Number of NMEA services
NMEAENABLED Switch for if the NMEA service x is enabled
NMEATYPE Type of service

OWNER Owner of the original program.

VINFO WinWaMoS version information.
VERSN Compilation date and time of the program.
TOWER Specifies the location of the WaMoS II installation.
IDENT 3 character short identifier of the WaMoS II site.
USER 40 character user defined text (set by the user).
LAT latitude of the position of the WaMoS II antenna.
LONG longitude of the position of the WaMoS II antenna.

For LAT and LONG it is essential to note:

In case of vessel installation, this information is given from the navigational instruments as
NMEA string. In case of onshore installation, it has to be set by the user.

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Keyword Description
POSTV Valid flag for LAT and LONG : used if 'value check by service field' is
selected for the position NMEA service
DATE Date of WaMoS II measurement in UTC.
TIME Time of WaMoS II measurement in UTC.
ZONE Time zone, this value represents the difference in hours to the UTC time.
INTER Time interval between sampling periods.
NIPOL Number of polar images within one sampling period of WaMoS II
measurement minus one. This value is used by the program
NUMRE Number of polar images within one sampling period of WaMoS II
RPT Radar antenna revolution time in seconds.
Example: A radar with 24 rotation per minute has a RPT of about 2.5 s.
SDRNG Sample delay range in meters, defined as the distance between the
radar antenna and the beginning of the sample area.
SFREQ Sampling frequency in MHz.
FIFO Number of samples per range can be set between 256 and 2048 samples.
BO2RA Angle between bow and radar heading.
HDGDL Angle between antenna heading and picture start.
GYROC Ship’s compass heading.
GYROV Valid flag for ship’s compass heading.
VGAIN WaMoS Video gain.
CMPOFF Offset added to ship’s compass.
WDEPF Water depth is coming from 0=global water depth, 1=NMEA data,
2=cartesian boxes.
P_DEP Water depth list in meter: first value: global or NMEA water depth, for
WDEPF=2: second value: water depth for first cartesian box … .
PDEPV Valid flag for NMEA water depth.
SHIPR In case of vessel installation, the ships ground track direction is read
from the NMEA in degrees.
SHIRV Valid flag for ship ground track direction.
SHIPS In case of vessel installation, ship speed is read from the NMEA in
SHISV Valid flag for ship speed.
SPTWL In case of vessel installation, longitudinal ship speed in water is read
from the NMEA in meters/second.

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Keyword Description
SPWLV Valid flag for longitudinal ship speed in water.
SPTWT In case of vessel installation, transveral ship speed in water is read from
the NMEA in meters/second.
SPWTV Valid flag for transversal ship speed in water.
WINDS Wind speed in meters/second - can be stored if applicable.
WINSV Valid flag for wind speed.
WINDR Wind direction in degree - can be stored if applicable.
WINRV Valid flag for wind direction.
WINDT Kind of wind: 0=apparent wind, 1=true wind.
WINDH Wind sensor height.
WATSP Speed through water.
WATSV Valid flag for speed through water.
DABIT Data bits per pixel 12 bit => PCI card .
FXXXX XXXX serial number for each radar rotation (frame). For each frame the
date, time, compass, ship speed and radar repetition time are stored.
RPM Mean radar antenna revolution time in seconds.
This is the averaged revolution time of all measured antenna revolutions.

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3 Appendix of Cartesian Image

3.1 Example of Header of a Cartesian Image
The header of a cartesian image is composed of the already written polar header and the
additional part for the cartesian information as below:


CC ******* Data generated by SIMULATION *******
ADJUS 1 CC Ships course adjusting
DEPTH 10 CC Local Waterdepth for this cartesian box
EOH CC ************ END OF HEADER *************

3.2 Keywords of the Cartesian Header

The header keywords in the additional cartesian image header are as follows:

Keyword Description
ADJUS Ship course adjusting.
R-BOX Distance of the analysis area from antenna, position in meters.
P-BOX Orientation of the analysis area in relation to the radar heading, in degrees.
X-LEN Pixel length of the analysis area in azimuth direction.
Y-LEN Pixel length of the analysis area in range direction.
NICAR Number of cartesian images.
NT Number of time steps.
DEPTH Local water depth within the cartesian box.
PDEPV Valid flag for the NMEA water depth.

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4 Appendix of Wave Spectra

4.1 Example of Header of a Wave Spectrum

CC **************** END OF CAR FILE HEADER **************

CC ****ANALYSIS SOFTWARE VERSION *********************
CWVER Calcwave 3.4
CH *******c **********
CFGDT <unknown cfg date> CC Date of wamos.cfg
MULTI 0 CC [-] spatial average switch 0: calc average 1: use multi
MTIME 20 CC [min] averaging time for FTM/D2M/MPAR
CMAX 0.500E+02 CC [m/s] Maximum current speed allowed
CUT 0.200E-01 CC [-] Energy cut in filter
FICUT 0.200E-01 CC [-] Energy cut for filter
FMIN 0.350E-01 CC [Hz] Minimum frequency allowed (internally fixed limit)
FMAX 0.350E+00 CC [Hz] Maximum frequency allowed
KMIN 0.126E-01 CC [rad/m] Minimum wave number for filter
LMAX 500.0 CC [m] Maximum Wave length allowed
NFWID 2 CC [-] Filter width
D_FRE 0.300E-01 CC [Hz] freq. threshold to separate peaks
D_DIR 0.250E+02 CC [deg] Ang. thres. to separate peaks
ELOW 0.100E+00 CC [-] Energy thres. (percentage) to define a peak
SLIM 0.100E+00 CC [Hz] Freq thres. to Separate Windsea/Swell
POWER1= -1.000 POWER2= -1.000 CC MTF constants

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SNR 4 CA = 0.649 CB = 0.049 CD = 0.000E+00 CC constants for IHS

CC ****** IQ SETTINGS ***********
QON 0 CC [-] Quality control enabled/disabled
INDEX 0 CC [-] IQ limit for good measurement
MVAR 0.100E-01 CC [-] RPT check: thres. for RPT variance
MVARI 0.200E+00 CC [-] RPT check: thres. for outliers in variance
CC ****** TRUE WIND SPEED ***********
TWINR 336 CC [deg] true wind direction
TWINS 19.03 CC [m/s] 10m true wind speed
CC ****D2 Spectrum PARAMETERS *******************
NSPEC 10 CH Number of spectra for averaging
NKX 64 CC [m] Number fo spectral pixel in Kx of d2s
NKY 64 CC [m] Number fo spectral pixel in Ky of d2s
CURRD 42.2 CH [deg] SURFACE CURRENT DIRECTION (Geogr. oriented)
SSHIP 9.025 CC [m/s] current speed due to ship
DSHIP 196.0 CC [deg] current direction due to ship
ENCUD 194.8 CC [deg] E-CURRENT DIRECTIONrelativ to north
CC ******Statistical Wave Parameters ******************
XHS 8.07 4.92 6.40 CC [m] Significant wave height, Swell, WindSea
HSMAX 18.58 CC [m] maximum wave height
TP 9.63 CH [s] Peak period
MDIR 341.00 CH [deg] Mean Direction (coming from)
PDIR 359.00 CH [deg] Peak Direction (coming from)
LP 145.00 CH [m] Wave length ( with respect to Peak Period TP)
TM2 7.41 CH [s] Period (TM2 def.)
TPS 12.19 11.43 CH [s] Period of Swell Systems
TPW 9.62 -9.00 CH [s] Periods of Wind Sea Systems
DPS 258. 118. CH [deg] Direction of Swell Sytems (coming from)
DPW 354. -9. CH [deg] Direction of Wind Sea Systems (coming from)

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LPS 232. 204. CH [m] Wave length of Swell Systems

LPW 145. -9. CH [m] Wave length of the Wind Sea
XM0 4.07 CH [m**2] 0st ord. moment
XM1 0.51 CH [m**2/s] 1st ord. moment
XM2 0.07 CH [m**2/s**2] 2nd ord. moment
SPR 0.99 CH Mean wave Spreading 1= cross-sea, 1.4=omnidirec.
CSI 4.03 CH Cross-Sea-Index as function of XHS and SPR
JONSW 0.1037 0.0270 1.7164 70.7107 0.0452 CH
IQ -9 CC IQ value of box
EOH CC ************ END OF HEADER *************

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5 Appendix Calcwave Error log file

5.1 Example of error log file

07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN =====BEGIN: WARNINGS FROM WAMOS.CFG ========

07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CALCWAVE: Calcwave 3.4.3 (1028)
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CFG date: 05-18-2011 19.19.40
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Filter width missing in cfg set > nfwidth=2
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN FICUT missing, set to value of CUT
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN PHASE missing, setting shift to 0
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CKRPT not set/valid -> Check of RPT enabled
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CKSHS not set/valid -> ship speed check disabled
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CKGYR not set/valid -> ship course check disabled
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CKGCU not set/valid -> gyroc cur check enabled
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN CKSCU not set/valid -> ship sp. cur check disabled
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Gyroc dev. for current calc missing in cfg set > GCSTD=2 deg
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Gyroc abs. dev missing for current calc in cfg set > GCABS=4.
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Max gyroc change for current calc missing in cfg set >
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Number of dir in FTH in cfg not ok set > mth = 90
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN Number of freq in FTH in cfg not ok set > mf = 64
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN NKX missing in cfg set > nkx=64
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN NKY missing in cfg set > nky=64
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN No CD value set, using linear fit
07-01-2011 00:02:42 - WARN =====END : WARNINGS FROM WAMOS.CFG ========

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6 Appendix Calcwave Error Codes

Code Message
1100 No wamos.cfg found
1102 Error reading wamos.cfg
1103 ISNR missing in wamos.cfg
1104 CA missing in wamos.cfg
1105 CB missing in wamos.cfg
1106 Threshold for IQ not set
1110 GDIFF not set in wamos.cfg
1111 NBGN1 not set in wamos.cfg
1112 NBGN2 not set in wamos.cfg
1113 NSIG1 not set in wamos.cfg
1114 NSIG2 not set in wamos.cfg
1115 NVAL1 not set in wamos.cfg
1116 NVAL2 not set in wamos.cfg
1117 GMAX1 not set in wamos.cfg
1118 GMAX2 not set in wamos.cfg
1119 VAR1 not set in wamos.cfg
1120 VAR2 not set in wamos.cfg
1121 EMIN1 not set in wamos.cfg
1122 Emin2 not set in wamos.cfg
1123 NKX does not match NKY in wamos.cfg
1200 Error opening CAR-file
1201 CAR-file header is empty
1202 Error reading CAR-file header
1203 CAR-file header is too long
1204 NO RPT info in CAR Header
1205 frame data section corrupted - not readable
1206 Nx not OK Nx = ????
1207 Ny not OK Ny = ????
1208 reserved
1209 NO NT info in CAR Header
1210 Spectra size has to equal image size
1211 No RBOX (distance to radar) info in CAR header

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Code Message
1212 No Water depth info in CAR header
1213 No SFREQ info in CAR header
1214 Date error in car header
1215 File date is too old (before 1997)
1216 No compass (gyro) in CAR header
1217 No delay range in CAR header
1218 No PBOX in CAR header
1219 No Pixel in range (FIFO) not set in CAR header
1220 IO error while reading car header
1221 Missing ship speed (GPS)
1222 Invalid value for ship speed (GPS)
Note: Old data from fixed platforms can have ships speed '-9.', leading to
error 1222. Only if NMEA 3 is turned off, this can be processed
1223 Missing ship course (GPS)
1224 Invalid value for ship course (GPS)
1225 Missing position LAT LONG
1226 Invalid gyroc (ship course)
1228 RPT failure found in frame data sec
1230 More than 1 missing Parameter in CAR header
1244 RPT not valid: RPT=
1246 NX < 1 or > FIFO (Nx = ????; FIFO = ????)
1247 NY < 1 or > FIFO (Ny = ????; FIFO = ????)
1249 NT (#images) too small (NT <16)
1251 Rbox < dead range: ???? < ????
1252 Water depth lt 5m or gt 120000m: depth = ?????
1253 Sample freq < 10 or > 50 SFREQ= ?????
1257 Sample delay range < 0
1258 PBOX < 0 or > 360: PBOX = ????
1259 FIFO < 10 or > 2048: FIFO = ????
1270 More than 1 wrong value in CAR header
1280 Undefined gyroc value in frame data section
1281 Undefined ship speed in frame data section
1282 Undefined RPT value in frame data section
1290 Course change too large/unstable for analysis
1291 Ship speed too unstable for analysis
1299 water depth inconsistent (compared to clog)

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Code Message
1300 Header length inconsistent
1301 NOK DABIT = ?????
1310 Error reading 8 bit CAR image
1320 Error reading 12 bit CAR image
1330 More than 1 missing Parameter in CAR header
1335 All car file data sections defect - no analysis
1501 Error no peak in raw spectra
1509 X/y ratio of CAR not equal 2
1510 Can not shrink raw spec in KX
1511 Can not shrink raw spec in KY
2000 Error calculating HS > 50m
2004 Current speed > Umax ???? > ????
2005 Current fit failed
2006 Fmax is negative
2007 Nyquist limit exceeded
2008 reserved
2009 reserved
2010 No peak wave system found
2400 Error in Hs determination
2401 Scaling spectrum failed
2500 D2s: NKX or NKY exceeds box size
2999 Not enough wind to analyze
3000 No spectrum for spatial average
3001 Error reading D2S-file header
3002 No spectrum to analyze
3003 Not enough spectra for temporal average
3004 Peak wave direction scatters
3009 Hm0 in d2s does not match Hm0 in d1s
3010 Hm0 in d1s does not match Hs
4000 Wrong file name length
4010 Can not read d2s data section
5001 Individual wave height <0 downstream
5002 Individual wave height <0 upstream
5003 reserved
6001 Reserved for error in call of calcwave:
path or filename passed to calcwave are not ok

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Code Message
6002 Error writing peak file
6003 Error writing quali file
6004 Error writing clog file
6005 Error writing fth file
6006 Error writing wlog file
6007 reserved
6008 Error writing D2 file
6009 Error writing D3 file
6010 reserved
6011 Error writing bin file
6013 Error writing SNR file
6012 Error writing D1 file
6014 Error writing para file
6015 Can not create log files directory
6016 reserved
Note: can occur only for
'new' data folder structure

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7 Appendix of wamos.cfg
7.1 Example of WaMoS II initialisation and configuration file

/* WaMoS II initialisation and configuration file */

NMEAFORMAT Direction[deg]
USERNAME default
/* End of WAMOS2.INI */
/* Begin of Para.cfg */
MTIME 20 !! Averaging time for gave
INDEX 0 !! Control index for averaging if IQ > INDEX neglect data

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MULTI 0 !! Switch for multi window: 0= one best window, 1= all windows are kept
CMAX 5.0 !! Maximum current speed (m/s) allowed: MaxCurrs
FMIN 0.035 !! Min frequency for calc. of min freq. Plane: fmin
FMAX 0.350 !! Fixed frequency range fmax >= 1/(2*rpt)
LMAX 500.0 !! Max. wave length
SNR 4 !! SNR :
CA 0.30000 !! Bias :
CB 0.01700 !! Slope :
POWER 1.0000 !! Tiltf. Exp. :Power
D_FRE 0.030 !! frequency dist (Hz): Twinpeak : delta_th
D_DIR 35.0 !! Ang. distance (deg.)
ELOW 0.2000 !! Energy threshold: Twinpeak : elow
SLIM 0.1000 !! Hz Frequency Threshold for Swell; 0 => flexible Threshold
CUT 0.0200 !! Current fit Threshold
CKGCU 1 !! Switch to enable check of gyroc in frame data section for current calculation
GCSTD 2 !! Max allowed standard deviation of gyroc in frame data section for current calc
GCABS 4 !! Maximum allowed absolute course outlier for current calc [deg]
GCTOT 6 !! Maximum allowed total course change for current calc [deg]
CKRPT 1 !! Switch to enable check of rpt in frame data section
MVARI 2.000e-001 !! Max RPT deviation of single rpt entry (Max Single)
MVAR 1.000e-001 !! Max RPT variation (Max All)
/* END of Para.cfg */
/* BEGIN of QUALI.cfg */
QON 1 : 0= no qualify, 1= quality control on 2= sort out
GMAX1 0 < Gmax 100
GMAX2 160 > Gmax 100
GDIFF 180 > Gdif 2
VAR1 1.000e+000 < Gvar1 40
VAR2 5.700e+002 > Gvar2 40

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EMIN 1.000e+000 < Emin 1

EMAX 4.000e+006 > Emax 1
NBGN1 490000 < NBGN1 10
NBGN2 530000 > NBGN2 10
NSIG1 2000 < nsig 4
NSIG2 30000 < nsig 4
NVAL1 3 < NVAL1 200
NVAL2 300 > NVAL2 200
EOQ ================================================
/* END of QUALI.cfg */

Keyword Description
NMEASERVICES Number of NMEA services
NMEAENABLED Switch for if the NMEA service x is enabled
NMEATYPE Type of service
/* Begin of Para.cfg */
MTIME Averaging time for temporal mean spectra (D2M,D1M,etc.) and time series
INDEX Control index for averaging if IQ > INDEX (default 0) the data set is neglected
MULTI Switch for multi window 0= spatial and temporal averaged, 1= single
measurement and temporal averaged for each analysis area
CMAX Maximum current speed allowed [m/s] [default=5]
FMIN Minimum frequency for calculation of minimum frequency plane [Hz]
FMAX Fixed frequency range fmax >= 1/(2*rpt) [default=0.35]
LMAX Maximum allowed wave length [m] [default=500]
(I)SNR Signal to noise ratio definition for calculation of Hs (1;4)
CA Bias for calculation of Hs
CB Slope for calculation of Hs
POWER Tilt-function Exponent [default=1]
D_FRE Minimum frequency distance between two peaks to recognize them as two
wave systems [Hz] [default=0.030]
D_DIR Minimum angle between two peaks to recognize them as two wave systems
[deg] [default=35]
ELOW Minimum energy threshold for energy to be recognized as wave energy

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Keyword Description
SLIM Hz frequency Threshold for Swell; 0 ⇒ flexible threshold determined out of
spectra, -9⇒ function of wind speed, or fixed value for fixed threshold
CUT Current fit Threshold [default=0.02]
CKGCU Switch to enable check of gyro in frame data section for current calc
GCSTD Defines the maximum allowed standard deviation of gyroc in frame data
section for current calc [deg] [default=2]
GCABS Defines the maximum allowed absolute course outlier for current calc [deg]
GCTOT Defines the maximum allowed the total course change for current calc [deg]
CKRPT Switch to enable check of rpt in frame data section [0=off;1=on] [default=1]
MVARI Defines the maximum allowed variation in RPT in frame data section [sec]
MVAR Defines the maximum allowed deviation to RPT in frame data section [sec]
/* BEGIN of QUALI.cfg */
QON Switch for quality control [0=off;1=on]
GMAX1 Defines the minimum allowed gray value in analysis field
GMAX2 Defines the maximum allowed gray value in analysis field
GMEAN Defines the minimum allowed mean gray value in analysis field
GDIFF Defines the maximum allowed grey level difference in analysis field
VAR1 Defines the minimum allowed grey level variance in analysis field
VAR2 Defines the maximum allowed grey level variance in analysis field
EMIN Defines the minimum allowed energy level in analysis field
EMAX Defines the maximum allowed energy level in analysis field
NBGN1 Defines the minimum allowed numbers of back ground noise points in analysis
NBGN2 Defines the maximum allowed numbers of back ground noise points in analysis
NSIG1 Defines the minimum allowed numbers of signal points in analysis field
NSIG2 Defines the maximum allowed numbers of signal points in analysis field
NVAL1 Defines the minimum allowed numbers of Nval points in analysis field
NVAL2 Defines the maximum allowed numbers of Nval points in analysis field

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8 Appendix Hardware Error Codes

Error Code Description

IWAM0001 WinWaMoS application exit!
IWAM0002 WinWaMoS application started in directory ... .
EWAM0003 Can not write to Hwerror.log ...
IWAM0004 Version: ...
IWAM0005 Command line ...
EWAM0006 No WinWaMoS configuration file found.
EWAM0006 No WinWaMoS configuration file found in ... .
IWAM0007 Configuration file ... read.

EWUS0008 The Wamos RigId "..." is different from the file RigId "...".
Data processing is not allowed!
EUSD0009 ShowPTMSpectrum: File ... not found or illegal format.
EUSD0009 ShowHRCSpectrum: File ... not found or illegal format.
EUSD0010 ShowPTMSpectrum: Can not read data from file ... .
EUSD0011 ShowPolarFile: Can not read header from file ... .
EUSD0012 ShowPolarFile: Can not read data from file ... .
EUSD0013 Unsave compass info from ground course. Ship speed is to slow.
IDSE0014 Sea State Alarm
EALG0015 Allocation of memory failed!
ENMS0016 Failed to connect to port ... .
EMNS0017 Failed to start thread for port ... .
WMNS0018 StartNMEAService: Thread for ... started.
WMNS0019 StartNMEAService: Thread for <...> stopped brutally.
WMNS0019 StartNMEAService: Thread for <...> stopped normally.

WMCD0021 StartClientDisplay: Failed to start Watchdog-Card.

Error Code = ... .

WMCD0022 Watchdog DLL found, but initialization failed (res = ...).

Automatic recording will start anyway!
WMCD0023 StartClientDisplay: No Watchdog installed.
IMCE0024 StartClientDisplay: WatchDog started with

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Error Code Description

retrigger = 15 minutes.
IMCD0025 Automatic network display started (User mode).
IMCD0026 Automatic network display started (Install mode).
IMCD0027 Network display mode stopped (User mode).
IMCD0028 Network display mode stopped (Install mode).
EMCD0029 Network Display Mode: Hardware Server Problem
EMCD0030 Network Display Mode: General Server Problem
EMCD0031 OnTimer: Client display thread terminated abnormally with code ... .
EMCE0032 OnTimer: Client display thread terminated abnormally.
EMCD0033 WaMoS Server Hardware Problem : ...
EMCD0034 WaMoS Server not found
EMCD0035 WaMoS Server found, but inactive
WMCD0036 Disk Space is low.
To avoid loss of data please save the oldest files from ...
EMCD0037 Delete Polar Files: Unable to delete file
WMCD0038 No Disk Space. Loss of data occurred.
To avoid further loss of data please save the oldest files from ...
EMAR0039 StartAutoRecord: Failed to start Watchdog-Card.
Error Code = ... .
WMAR0040 StartAutoRecord: No Watchdog installed.
EMAR0041 Creation of automatic recording event handler failed.
EMAR0042 Creation of automatic recording thread failed.
EMAR0043 Automatic data recording started (User mode).
Intervall = ... min. Duration = ... min. Num.Frames ... .
EMAR0044 Automatic data recording started (Install mode).
Intervall = ... min. Duration = ... min. Num.Frames ... .
EMAR0045 OnTimer: Online thread terminated abnormally with code .. .
EMAR0046 OnTimer: Online thread terminated abnormally.
EMAR0047 Automatic data recording stopped (User mode).
No Watchdog installed.
EMAR0048 Automatic data recording stopped (User mode).
Automatic reboot in 12 h.
EMAR0049 Automatic data recording stopped (Install mode).
No Watchdog installed.
EMAR0050 Automatic data recording stopped (Install mode).
Automatic reboot in 12 h.
EMAR0051 CAR-file not found.
IMAR0052 Wave measurements are currently not possible.
Not enough data for averaging
IMAR0052 Wave measurements are currently not possible.
Not enough sea clutter available
IMAR0053 No NMEA water depth input! Last calculation failed!
EMFR0054 A box dependent water depth is not suitable for spatial averaging.

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Error Code Description

Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMAR0055 Initialization of online mode failed
EMAR0056 Delete Latest File: Unable to delete file
EMAR0057 Check Measurement Event Handling: File ... not found or illegal format.
EMAN0058 Creation of thread failed.
EMFR0059 Unable to create client area for main-frame window
EMFR0060 Can not write to WinWaMoS cfg file.
Check for write protection!
EMFR0061 A constant ship compass of ... deg is not compatible with NMEA ship compass
service. Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMFR0062 In order to use a variable ship compass,a NMEA ship compass service is required.
Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMFR0063 A constant water depth of ... is not compatible with NMEA water depth service.
Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMFR0064 In order to use a variable water depth, a NMEA water depth service is required.
Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMFR0065 A constant GPS position is not compatible with NMEA GPS position service.
Please change the configuration accordingly.
EMFR0066 In order to use a variable GPS position, a NMEA position service is required.
Please change the configuration accordingly.
IMFR0067 Watchdog will reboot in ... seconds!
Now bringing the system to a save condition (shut down).
EMFR0068 WaMoS data directory does not exist or no read permission is given: ...
EMFR0069 Failed to create WaMoS output directories or writing to these directories is not
allowed: ...
EMFR0070 Can not write to WaMoS Cfg file. Check write protection of cfg file.
EMFR0071 Unable to allocate memory for saving JPEG file.
EAUT0072 ConnectToRadar: Already connected to WaMoS device #... .
EAUT0073 Can not connect to WaMoS Device. Check communication! Retrying again ...
EAUT0073 Can not connect to WaMoS Device. Check communication! Function finally failed
EAUT0074 Failed to get HW version. Check communication!
Function finally failed
IAUT0075 ESC key was pressed. Automatic recording is stopping.
EAUT0076 Radar Error: Start of motor failed! Check communication! Retrying again ...
EAUT0076 Radar Error: Start of motor failed! Check communication! Function finally failed
EAUT0077 Radar error: Failed to switch to recording mode. Check communication!
Retrying again ...
EAUT0077 Radar error: Failed to switch to recording mode. Check communication!
Function finally failed
EAUT0078 WaMoS Error: Internal Memory Overrun. Increase Sync-Divisor to fix this problem!
EAUT0079 Start Radar: First try to start radar failed. res=... NumBytes=...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: Start of radar failed.
Check communication and heading signal!
EAUT0080 Radar Error: Start of radar failed. Check communication and bearing signal!

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EAUT0080 Radar Error: Start of radar failed. Check communication and input signals!
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and bearing signal! Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and bearing signal!
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS. Check communication and heading signal!
Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS. Check communication and heading signal!
Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
EAUT0080 Check communication and heading signal! Rotation time value is ... sec.
Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and heading signal! Rotation time value is ... sec.
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and sync signal! Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and sync signal!
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and input signals! Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS.
Check communication and input signals!
EAUT0080 Radar error: Heading control failed.
Check communication and heading signal! Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar error: Heading control failed. Check communication and heading signal!
Function finally failed
EAUT0080 Radar error: Wait for sync failed. Check communication and sync signal! Retrying
again ...
EAUT0080 Radar error: Wait for sync failed. Check communication and sync signal! Function
finally failed
EAUT0080 Radar error: Wait for heading failed. Check communication and heading signal!
Retrying again ...
EAUT0080 Radar error: Wait for heading failed. Check communication and heading signal!
Function finally failed
EAUT0081 Radar Error: Start of radar failed. Check communication and bearing signal!
EAUT0082 Radar Error: Start of radar failed. Check communication and input signals!
EAUT0083 Radar error: Stop of motor failed. Check communication! Function finally failed
EAUT0083 Radar error: Stop of motor failed. Check communication! Retrying again ...
EAUT0084 GetImage: Problems with bearing=... NumBytes=... ErrorCode=... resBearing=...
EAUT0085 Radar Error: No data input from WaMoS. Check communication and sync signal!
EAUT0086 GetImage: Failed res=... bearing=... NumBytes=... ErrorCode=... resBearing=...
EAUT0087 GetImage: Failed to get rotation time from PIC.
EAUT0088 GetImage: No data input from WaMoS.
Rotation time value is ... sec.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EAUT0089 GetImage: No data input from WaMoS.
Number of bytes is ... = ... pulses.
EAUT0090 Image size error (Number of bytes is ...
EAUT0091 DoHeadingControl: No heading or sync signal.
Error Code = ... Bearings = ...
EAUT0092 DoHeadingControl:
Unreasonable number of Bearings = ..., Error Code =
EAUT0093 Failed to create polar file ... . Maybe the hard disk is full or drive is write protected?
EAUT0094 Failed to append header to polar file ... .
Maybe the hard disk is full or file is write protected?
EAUT0095 Radar Error: Video Level too low. VIDTRIG1 = ... (< …) VIDTRIG2 = ... (< ...)
Data sampling will restart at first image
EAUT0095 Radar Error: Video Level too low. VIDTRIG1 = ... (< …) VIDTRIG2 = ... (< ...)
Data sampling finally failed
EAUT0096 Failed to append image data (... bytes) to polar file. Maybe the hard disk is full or
file is write protected?
EAUT0097 File deleted due to an previous error.
EAUT0098 ProcessData: Write protection on ... in deleted.
EAUT0099 ProcessData: Failed to finish data processing.
EAUT0100 ProcessData: Can not create file <...>.
EAUT0101 ReadNMEAData: NMEA position service failed (... sec).
EAUT0102 ReadNMEAData: NMEA ship speed service failed
EAUT0102 ReadNMEAData: NMEA long speed service failed
EAUT0102 ReadNMEAData: NMEA trans speed service failed
EAUT0103 ReadNMEAData: NMEA ground course service failed (... sec).
EAUT0104 ReadNMEAData: NMEA heading service failed.
EAUT0105 ReadNMEAData: NMEA wind speed service failed (... sec).
EAUT0106 ReadNMEAData: NMEA wind direction service failed (... sec).
EAUT0107 ReadNMEAData: NMEA water depth service failed (... sec). Assuming water
depth ... m.
EAUT0108 DoBatchJob: Failed to start batch job <...>.
EAUT0109 DoBatchJob: Batch job file <...> not found.
EAUT0109 DoBatchJob: Batch job file <...> finished with return code ... .
EAUT0109 DoBatchJob: Batch job file <...> processing interrupted
by ESC.
EAUT0109 DoBatchJob: Batch job file <...> finished.
EAUT0110 PRF Error: Pulse Repetition Frequency: ... Hz < ... Hz.
EAUT0110 PRF Error: Pulse Repetition Frequency: ... Hz < ... Hz. Radar is not working in Short
Pulse Mode
EPAR0110 LoadAsciiFile: Opening of file <...> failed.
EAUT0111 ReadNMEAData: NMEA speed through water service failed ( ... sec).
EPAR0111 LoadAsciiFile: Getting file size for <...> failed.
WPAR0112 LoadAsciiFile: Unusual number of bytes (...) left.
Expected between [...,...].

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EPAR0113 LoadAsciiFile: Failed to set file reading position to ... .
EPAR0114 LoadAsciiFile: Failed to read ... bytes from ASCII file. ... read
WPAR0115 GetNextLine: Buffer(...) for line too small. Needed at least ... . In file <...> extracted
part of line is <...>.
EPAR0116 Create: Object already in use by file <...>.
EPAR0117 Create: Creating file <...> failed.
EPAR0118 Open: Object already in use by file <...>.
EPAR0119 Open: Opening of file <...> failed.
EPAR0120 Open: Getting file size for <...> failed.
WPAR0121 Open: Failed to set file reading position to 0
EPAR0122 AppendToFile: File not ready for appending data.
EPAR0123 AppendToFile: Appending of ... bytes to file failed.
... bytes written.
EWDO0124 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetVersion>.
EWDO0125 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_Trig>.
EWDO0126 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetTr>.
EWDO0127 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_SetTr>.
EWDO0128 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_SetVar>.
EWDO0129 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetVar>.
EWDO0130 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetTicker>.
EWDO0131 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_SetTb>.
EWDO0132 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetTrig>.
EWDO0133 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_Deactivate>.
EWDO0134 IniWatchdog: Status <...> Firmware <...>.
EWDO0135 IniWatchdog: Failed to receive info from WatchDog card
EWDO0136 SetRetrigTime: ... seconds failed with code ... .
EWDO0137 SetBootFailTime to ... seconds failed.
EWDO0138 Deactivate failed with code 0x... .
EWDO0139 DoTrigger (...) failed with code 0x... .
EWDO0140 SetVar (...) failed with code 0x... .
EWDO0141 DoTrigger failed too often. No more DoTrigger()-error logout.
EWDO0142 IniWatchdog: Failed to load Antrax WatchDog-Funktion <WC_GetInfo>.
EHAR0143 ConnectToWamos(...): Connection to PCI-WaMoS device failed.
EHAR0144 OpenWamosPCI(...): PlxApi.dll could not be loaded.
EHAR0145 OpenWamosPCI(...): Can not find any PLX9056 device.
EHAR0146 OpenWamosPCI(...): Can not find WaMoS-PCI device.
OpenWamosPCI(...): Failed to open
WaMoS-PCI device. rc=...
EHAR0148 OpenWamosPCI(...): Can not get chip type and revision. rc=...
EHAR0149 Error writing PCI9056_HS_CAP_ID value ... .
EHAR0150 Error reading PCI9056_HS_CAP_ID register.
EHAR0151 PlxPciPhysicalMemoryAllocate failed. rc=...

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EHAR0152 PlxPciPhysicalMemoryMap failed. rc=...
EHAR0153 SetUserIORegister(...): Unable to write USER-IO register.
EHAR0154 SetUserIORegister(...): Unable to write USER-IO register. rc=...
EHAR0155 DisconnectFromWamos: PlxPciDeviceClose failed. rc=...
EHAR0156 SetAlarmRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0156 SaveSettingsOnDevice(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0156 SaveSettingsOnDevice(...): failed
EHAR0157 SetAlarmRelay(...): PlxBusIopWrite failed. rc=...
EHAR0157 SetAlarmRelay(...): Sending of command failed. ErrorCode=...
EHAR0158 SetTxRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0158 SetMotorRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0158 SetDetectRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0158 SetAuxiliaryRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0159 SetTxRelay(...): PlxBusIopWrite failed. ...
EHAR0159 SetMotorRelay(...): Sending of command failed. ErrorCode=...
EHAR0159 SetDetectRelay(...): Sending of command failed. ErrorCode=...
EHAR0159 SetAuxiliaryRelay(...): Sending of command failed. ErrorCode=...
EHAR0160 StartOrStopTestgenerator(...):
Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0161 StartOrStopTestgenerator(...): PlxBusIopWrite failed. ...
EHAR0161 StartOrStopTestgenerator(...): Sending of command failed. ErrorCode=...
EHAR0162 SetFPGAMode: Illegal sync divisor value ...
EHAR0163 BuzzerOnOrOff(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0164 StartOrStopTestgenerator(...): PlxBusIopWrite failed. ...
EHAR0165 SetSamplingMode(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0166 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite sampling start/stop command failed. rc=...
EHAR0167 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite set freuquecy failed. rc=...
EHAR0168 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite deadrange failed. rc=...
EHAR0169 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite syncdivisor failed. rc=...
EHAR0170 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite sync mode failed. rc=...
EHAR0171 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite heading mode failed. rc=...
EHAR0172 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite video mode failed. rc=...
EHAR0173 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite video offset failed. rc=...
EHAR0174 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite video gain failed. rc=...
EHAR0175 SetSamplingMode: illegal bearing divisor value ...
EHAR0176 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite bearing divisor failed with ...
EHAR0177 SetSamplingMode: Illegal sample dept ...
EHAR0178 SetSamplingMode(...): PlxBusIopWrite sample mode failed. rc=...
EHAR0179 GetHWErrorcode: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0180 GetHWVersion: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0181 GetHWVersion: Failed
EHAR0182 GetBearingPulses: Not connected to a WaMoS device.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EHAR0183 GetBearingPulses: No bearing pulse information available.
EHAR0184 GetRotationTime: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EHAR0185 WaitForHeading: Not connected to a WaMoS device
WHAR0186 WaitForHeading: A radar image has been probably skipped
EHAR0187 WaitForHeading failed. Problem with Sync-Signal.
EHAR0188 WaitForHeading failed. Probably no heading signal.
EHAR0189 WaitForHeading failed. No memory allocated.
EHAR0190 WaitForHeading failed. Problem with Sync-Signal ...!=... .
EHAR0191 WaitForHeading failed. Problem with Bearing-Signal ... .
EHAR0191 WaitForHeading failed. Problem with Bearing-Signal Number of Bearings = ... .
EHAR0192 WaitForHeading failed. Number of bytes in image to small ... .
EHAR0192 WaitForHeading failed. Number of bytes in image too small. Number of bytes = ... .
EHAR0193 WaitForHeadingEmulation: Emulation files not found.
EHAR0194 WaitForHeadingEmulation: Can not read data from file.
EHAR0195 IniWatchdog: Not connected to PCI-WaMoS device.
EHAR0196 IniWatchDog: Can not set WatchDog retrigger time.
EHAR0197 IniWatchdog: Can not set buzzer.
EHAR0198 DoTrigger(...): Can not set Watchdog retrigger.
EHAR0199 TimeLeft: Not connected to PCI-WaMoS-Watchdog device.
EHAR0199 TimeLeft: Not connected to WaMoS-Watchdog device.
EHAR0200 RecordingThread: <...>.
EHAR0201 ThreadProc_ReadDMA: Error: <...>.
EHAR0202 RecordingThread: <...>.
EHAR0203 ThreadProc_ReadDMA: Error: <...>.
EEPP0204 ConnectToWamos(...): Already connected to WaMoS device wamosEPP...
EEPP0205 ConnectToWamos(...): Connection to WaMoS device failed.
EEPP0206 ConnectToWamos(...): Alloaction of ... bytes for radar images failed
EEPP0207 DisconnectFromWamos: Not connected to a WaMoS device.
EEPP0208 DisconnectFromWamos: DeviceIoControl failed.
EEPP0209 SetAlarmRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0210 SetAlarmRelay(...): DeviceIoControl failed. ...
EEPP0211 SetMotorRelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0212 SetMotorRelay(...): DeviceIoControl failed. ...
EEPP0213 SetSamplingMode(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0214 SetSamplingMode(...): DeviceIoControl failed. ...
EEPP0215 SetSamplingMode(...): Failed with error code ...
EEPP0216 SetSamplingMode(...): Writing of ... byte failed. ...
EEPP0217 GetHWErrorcode: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0218 GetHWErrorcode: DeviceIoControl failed
EEPP0219 GetHWVersion: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0220 GetHWVersion: DeviceIoControl failed.
EEPP0221 GetHWVersion: Failed with error code ... PIC version is ... .

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EEPP0222 GetBearingPulses: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0223 GetBearingPulses: DeviceIoControl failed.
EEPP0224 GetRotationTime: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0225 GetRotationTime: DeviceIoControl failed.
EEPP0226 GetRotationTime: Failed with error code ... .
Rotation time = ... ms.
EEPP0227 SetHeadingDelay(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0228 SetHeadingDelay(...): DeviceIoControl failed. ...
EEPP0229 SetHeadingDelay(...): Failed with error code ...
EEPP0230 WaitForHeading: Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0231 WaitForHeading: No heading signal received. DeviceIoControl failed. ...
EEPP0232 WaitForHeading: Error code ... . Bytes in picture = ...
EEPP0233 WaitForHeading: Number of bytes in image is 0 bytes.
EEPP0234 WaitForHeading: Problem with bearing signal. WaMoS internal memory buffer
EEPP0235 WaitForHeading: Problem with heading signal. WaMoS internal memory buffer
WaitForHeading: WaMoS internal memory buffer overrun. Error Code = ... .
Increase Sync-Divisor.
EEPP0237 WaitForHeading: No memory allocated for image transfer.
EEPP0238 WaitForHeading: Image transfer failed. ... bytes of requested ... bytes transferred.
EEPP0239 TestRAM(...): Not connected to a WaMoS device
EEPP0240 TestRAM(...): Failed to allocate memory for RAM test.
EEPP0241 TestRAM(...): DeviceIoControl SET_START_ADDRESS bank ... failed.
EEPP0242 TestRAM(...): DeviceIoControl SET_START_ADDRESS bank ... returns error
code ... .
EEPP0243 TestRAM(...): Image sending failed. ... bytes of
requested ... bytes sent. ...
EEPP0244 TestRAM(...): DeviceIoControl SET_START_ADDRESS bank ... failed. ...
EEPP0245 TestRAM(...): SET_START_ADDRESS bank ... returns error code ... .
EEPP0246 TestRAM(...): Image transfer failed. ... bytes of requested ... bytes transfered. ...
EEPP0247 TestRAM(...): RAM error in bank ... at offset 0x... (SentByte 0x... != RecvByte
EEPP0248 TestRAM(...): ... RAM errors occured in bank ...
EEPP0249 WaitForHeadingEmulation: Emulation files not found.
EEPP0250 WaitForHeadingEmulation: Can not read data from file.
ENCO0251 ConnectToCom: Opening <...> failed.
ENCO0252 ConnectToCom: GetCommState for <...> failed.
ENCO0253 ConnectToCom: SetCommState for <...> failed.
ENCO0254 ConnectToCom: SetupComm for <...> failed.
ENCO0255 ConnectToCom: GetCommTimeouts for <...> failed.
ENCO0256 ConnectToCom: SetCommTimeouts for <...> failed.
ENCO0257 ConnectToCom: PurgeComm for <...> failed.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

WNCO0258 DoListenToCom: EV_ERR=... EV_DSR=... . Trying to clear this error.
ENCO0259 DoListenToCom: ClearCommError at <...> failed.
ENCO0259 DoListenToCom: ClearCommError at <...> failed dwErrors=.. .
ENCO0260 DoListenToCom: ReadFile at <...> failed ... .
DoListenToCom: m_hCom ... BytesToRead ... ReadBuffer ...
Offset ... dwBytesTransferred ...
ENCO0262 NMEA Checksum Error: <...> has Checksum ...
WNCO0263 NMEA Parsing Error: <...> variable at position ... not found.
ECFG0264 ReadWamosCfg: File does not seem to be a WaMoS configuration file. First line =
ECFG0265 WriteWamosCfg: Can not create <...>.
ReadWamosCfg: Illegal cartesian box definition.
Setting distance from ... m to ... m.
ReadWamosCfg: Illegal cartesian box definition.
Setting angle of box ... from ... deg to ... deg.
WRRE0268 Parsing error at Mth or Mf tag
ECFG0269 ReadWamosCfg: A cfg value has been corrected: SYNCDIV old=... new=...
ECFG0269 ReadWamosCfg: A cfg value has been corrected: LATITUDE old=<...> new=<...>
ECFG0269 ReadWamosCfg: A cfg value has been corrected: LONGITUDE old=<...>
ECFG0269 ReadWamosCfg: A cfg value has been corrected: RIGID old=<...> new=<...>
ERRE0269 ScaninD2Data: WRRE0315 Parsing of data failed at x=... y=..., Last Value=... .
ERRE0270 ScaninHeader: Failed to read header from file <...>.
ERRE0270 ScaninHRCHeader: Failed to read header from file <...>.
ERRE0271 ScaninD1Data: Parsing of data failed. Error occured after ... values.
ERRE0272 AppendWavePar: Can not create file <...>
ERRE0273 AppendWavePar: Can not write header to file <...>
ERRE0274 AppendWavePar: Can not append data to file <...>
ERRE0275 ScaninSwellWindParams: Can not open file <...>
ERRE0275 ScaninMParaHistory: Can not open file <...>
ERRE0275 ScaninMpekHistory: Can not open file <...>
ERRE0275 ScaninHRCHistory: Can not open file <...>
ERRE0276 ScaninSwellWindParams: Illegal file format of file <...>.
ERRE0277 ScaninSwellWindParams: Illegal time stamp in line <...>
(File <...>)
WRRE0278 ScaninMParaHistory: Time order of lines is wrong <...> <...>
WRRE0279 ScaninMpekHistory: Time order of lines is wrong <...> <...>
WRRE0279 ScaninHRCHistory: Time order of lines is wrong <...> <...>
EPOL0280 AppendImage: Illegal parameters NumberOfBytes=... pDataBuf=...
EPOL0281 ScaninNextImage: Polar file not ready for radar image transfer.
EPOL0282 ScaninNextImage: Seek to next radar image frame position ... failed. ...

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

EPOL0283 ScaninNextImage: Reading of radar image size failed. ... bytes read. ...
EPOL0284 ScaninNextImage: Illegal radar image size=...
EPOL0285 ScaninNextImage: Reading of ... bytes radar image failed. ... bytes read. ...
ECAR0288 CreateCartFiles: Reading header of source file <...> failed.
ECAR0288 CreateCpoFiles: Reading header of source file <...> failed.
ECAR0289 CreateCartFiles: illegal FPGA FiFo length ....
ECAR0289 CreateCpoFiles: illegal FPGA FiFo length ....
WCAR0290 CreateCartFiles: Not enough frames to handle evaluation over heading signal ... .
WCAR0291 CreateCartFiles: Can not create car file. Change of course exceeds ...° per sec. <...>
ECAR0291 CreateCartFiles: Memory allocation failed PolarImage=... CartImage=...
ECAR0291 CreateCpoFiles: Memory allocation failed PolarImage=... CpoImage=...
ECAR0292 CreateCartFiles: Memory allocation failed PolarImage=... CartImage=...
ECAR0292 CreateCpoFiles: Memory allocation failed PolarImage=... CpoImage=...
ECAR0293 CreateCartFiles: Illegal data depth ... (allowed is 8 or 12)
ECAR0293 CreateCpoFiles: Illegal data depth ... (allowed is 8 or 12)
ECAR0294 CreateCartFiles: Creation of file <...> failed. ...
ECAR0294 CreateCpoFiles: Creation of file <...> failed. ...
ECAR0295 CreateCartFiles: Opening of source file <...> failed.
ECAR0295 CreateCpoFiles: Opening of source file <...> failed.
WCAR0296 CreateCartFiles: Not enough frames to handle evaluation over heading signal ... ... .
ECAR0297 CreateCartFiles: Error while reading polar images from source file.
ECAR0298 CreateCartFiles: Not enough (...) polar images in source file. Needed = ... .
ECAR0299 CreateCartFiles: Error while reading polar images from source file
ECAR0300 CreateCartFiles: Not enough (...) polar images in source file. Needed = ... .
ECAR0301 CreateCartFiles: Appending of ... bytes to cartesian file failed. ... bytes written. ...
ECAR0302 CreateCartFiles: Error while reading polar images from source file.
ECAR0302 CreateCpoFiles: Error while reading polar images from source file.
ECAR0303 CreateCartFiles: Not enough (...) polar images in source file. Needed = ... .
ECAR0303 CreateCpoFiles: Not enough (...) polar images in source file. Needed = ... .
ECAR0304 CreateCartFiles: Appending of ... bytes to cartesian file failed. ... bytes written. ...
ECAR0304 CreateCpoFiles: Appending of ... bytes to cartesian file failed. ... bytes written. ...
ECAR0305 AppendCartHeader: Appending of ... bytes to cartesian header failed. ... bytes
written. ...
BuildBearingTable: WARNING: bearings not correct calculated.
No sufficient bearing pulses : ... .
BuildBearingTable: WARNING: bearings not correct calculated.
Too much bearing pulses : ... .
BuildBearingTable: WARNING: bearings not correct calculated.
Calculation of bearing table went wrong : dalp0>dalp : ...>... .
BuildBearingTable: WARNING: bearings not correct calculated.
Calculation of bearing table went wrong : Not each pulse used.

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WaMoS® II Operating Manual Version 4.1

Error Code Description

ECAR0307 ScaninHeader: Failed to scan in header.
ECAR0308 ScaninNextImage: Cart file not ready for radar image transfer.
ECAR0309 ScaninNextImage: Seek to next Cart image frame at pos ... failed.
ECAR0310 ScaninNextImage: Reading of ... bytes cartesian image failed. ... bytes read.
EWAM0311 Can not load language - dll
EAUT0312 Can not connect to WaMoS Device. Check communication! Retrying again ...
EAUT0313 Radar Error: Start of motor failed! Check communication! Start of radar finally
EAUT0314 Radar error: Stop of motor failed. Check communication! Function finally failed
WRRE0315 ScaninFTHData : Parsing of data failed at x=... y=... . Last token <...>.
WRRE0315 ScaninHRCData : Parsing of data failed at x=... y=... .
Last token <...>.
WRRE0315 ScaninWAMData : Parsing of data failed at x=... y=... .
Last token <...>.
WRRE0316 ScaninMParaHistory: Illegal file format of file <...>.
EPOL0317 Too much Framedata in Polarheader
WPOL0318 Not enough Frames in Polarheader

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