Skanti Scanbridge A3 Series Communication Consoles For GMDSS Sea Area A3 Technical Manual
Skanti Scanbridge A3 Series Communication Consoles For GMDSS Sea Area A3 Technical Manual
Skanti Scanbridge A3 Series Communication Consoles For GMDSS Sea Area A3 Technical Manual
A3 Series
Communication Consoles
for GMDSS Sea Area A3
Technical Manual
Table of Contents .............................................. 1-1 Power and Signal cables ................................. 3-29
General description ........................................... 1-3 PC and printer installation .............................. 3-32
Basic Versions .................................................. 1.4 Installation of MF/HF ATU and
Technical data ................................................... 1-6 INM-C antenna ............................................... 3-37
Test and commissioning ................................. 3-45
Battery capacity requirements ........................ 3-47
2. OPERATION Power consumption of SKANTI
Table of contents .............................................. 2-1 GMDSS equipment ......................................... 3-49
Location of the System Units: Conning Position module ................................. 3-50
SCANBRIDGE A3 CT ....................................... 2-2 Conning Position module outline
SCANBRIDGE A3 CG ...................................... 2-3 and dimensions .............................................. 3-52
SCANBRIDGE A3 DUAL CT ............................. 2-4
The Scanbridge A3 series Console Systems for GMDSS Sea Area A3 consists of 3 communication
systems designed and operated fully independently.
The Control Unit of the MF/HF system, the Transceiver Unit and printer of the Inmarsat-C system
and the VHF/DSC system are installed in the Scanbridge console along with the small Charger
Panel CP 1003.
The PC of the Inmarsat-C system and the keyboard and printer of the MF/HF telex system are
installed next to the console. In a dual Inmarsat-C console the keyboard and printer af the MF/HF
telex is replaced by a PC for the second Inmarsat-C system.
The VHF/DSC duplicate system is installed in the Conning Position Module.
The consoles are prewired and tested from the factory.
Length: 590 mm
Width: 578 mm
Power consumption: Please refer to ’Power consumption of SKANTI GMDSS equipment’ at page
The internal cabling diagram, cable specifications, and cable locations are described in chapter 4
’Technical Description’.
The VHF system of the SCANBRIDGE consists of the combined VHF/VHF DSC unit VHF 1000
DSC (pos.8), a handset (pos.7) and is supplied from the 24V to 12 V power supply PR 1206 (pos.
2). The VHF system of the Conning Position Module consists of the combined VHF/VHF DSC unit
VHF 1000 DSC (pos.15), a handset (pos.12) and is supplied from the 24V to 12 V power supply
PR 1206 (pos. 13).
The VHF 1000 DSC has a built-in channel 70 DSC receiver connected to a separate VHF antenna
dedicated to DSC reception. This enables reception of incoming DSC calls while the VHF is opera-
ting on a telephony channel.
Basic operation
b. If the handset is off hook for VHF operation, press the ‘Tel/DSC’ key to view the DSC call and
select the ‘CONNECT’ entry to be connected to the caller.
Press the handset PTT key while speaking into the handset microphone.
Voice operation
To switch to telephony operations press the ‘Tel/DSC’.
Press the required channel no.
Press the top ‘Display key’ next to the display to select the transmitter power level.
Hook off the handset and press the handset PTT key while speaking into the handset microphone.
Please refer to the VHF 1000 DSC operator’s handbook for details.
The MF/HF system consists of the externally installed 250 W transceiver unit TU 1250 or 500 W
transceiver unit TU 1500 controlled from the console installed Control Unit TCU 1000 (pos.5)
which is connected to the keyboard KBU 9000 (pos.4) and printer PRN 9000 (pos.3) forming the
GMDSS MF/HF telex terminal. The automatic antenna tuning unit ATU 1250 for 250 W or ATU
1500 for 500 W is externally installed, please refer the installation chapter for details.
MF/HF telex is not a part of a dual Inmarsat-C system.
The MF/HF transceiver has a built-in DSC / Telex modem and DSC receiver for DSC watch which
is connected to a separate MF/HF DSC antenna. Telephony and DSC communication is operated
from the Control Unit TCU 1000 and telex communication from the GMDSS telex terminal.
Basic operation
b. If the handset is off hook for voice operation, press the ‘Tel/DSC’ key to view the DSC call
and select the ‘CONNECT’ entry to be connected to the caller.
Press the handset PTT key while speaking into the handset microphone.
Voice operation
To switch to telephony operations press the ‘Tel/DSC’.
Press the required channel no.
Press ‘Power’ (shift followed by 6) to select the transmitter power level.
Hook off the handset and press the handset PTT key while speaking into the handset microphone.
Please refer to the TRP 1000 Series operator’s handbook for details.
The transceiver unit is connected to the antenna unit which is installed in the mast. The antenna
has a built-in GPS receiver providing the positioning information for the Inmarsat-C system.This
GPS information is also supplied to the VHF DSC and the MF/HF DSC. The Inmarsat-C can be
configured to operate with two printers and with the remote alarm panel AP 1003. The Inmarsat-C
is operated from the PC terminal. Please refer to the operators handbook for details.
Alarm Panel
The Alarm Panel AP 1003 (pos.14) of the Conning Position Module is a remote control panel for
initiation of distress alert transmission as well as visible and audible indication of incoming distress
and urgency calls on VHF, MF/HF and INMARSAT-C.
Battery Charger
The battery charger panel CP 1003 (pos.9) is a remote charger panel for the power supply and
battery charger unit which is externally installed. The CP 1003 has two LCD displays for voltage
and current readout. The CP 1003 has a built-in audio alarm with muting facility for low/high battery
voltage alarm and failure of AC supply.
Installation wiring diagrams ............................... 3-9
Cable specifications ......................................... 3-11
Installation wiring diagrams ............................. 3-17
Cable specifications ......................................... 3-19
As the first step, please make sure that you have received the following items.
In case any of the above-mentioned units is not included, please contact Skanti immediately.
1 x Conning Position Module (available with or without printer for EGC messages)
1 x PCH 2424 Power Supply / Battery Charger
The SCANBRIDGE is delivered as a complete system with equipment, internal power supplies,
and including all internal cables. However, the TU 1250, ATU 1250 and Inmarsat-C Antenna has to
be installed separately.
19 x cable clamp for fixing of the external coax, signal and power cables
38 x screw M4 x 18 mm for cable clamps
1 x screw M4 x 20 mm for fixing the PRN 9000 to the console
1 x nut 4 mm for fixing PRN 9000 to the console
1 x SCANBRIDGE identification label
2 x 8 A fuse
2 x 2A fuseGetting started
As the first step, please make sure that you have received the following items.
In case any of the above-mentioned units is not included, please contact Skanti immediately.
1 x Conning Position Module (available with or without printer for EGC messages)
1 x CH 2430 Power Supply / Battery Charger
1 x P 8750 Power Supply
1 x P 2408 Power Supply
2 x P 2406 Power Supply
The SCANBRIDGE is delivered as a complete system with equipment, internal power supplies,
and including all internal cables. However, the TU 1500, ATU 1500 and Inmarsat-C Antenna has to
be installed separately.
19 x cable clamp for fixing of the external coax, signal and power cables
38 x screw M4 x 18 mm for cable clamps
1 x screw M4 x 20 mm for fixing the PRN 9000 to the console
1 x nut 4 mm for fixing PRN 9000 to the console
1 x SCANBRIDGE identification label
2 x 8 A fuse
2 x 2A fuse
Please adopt the following step-by-step procedure to install the SCANBRIDGE and make it
2. External cabling
Connection of all external power, antenna and signal cables to the terminal strip and equipment
inside the SCANBRIDGE.
Before installation of the SCANBRIDGE Console on a desk, holes for fixing the SCANBRIDGE Console to the table top shall be drilled.
After preparation of the table top according to the drilling and cutting plan (see below) the SCANBRIDGE Console can be mounted on the table top.
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerances: +/- 1 mm
To get access to the holes for the four mounting bolts fixing the SCANBRIDGE to the table, the top
cover shall be removed and the front opened (please refer to the drawing below). The top plate is
easily removed after unscrewing the 10 screws fixing the top plate. The front is opened by twisting
the five quick locks on the front plate 90 degrees.
The four mounting bolts are not included. Recommended type: Hexagon head wood screws M6 x
45 mm.
The necessary cables shall be drawn through the cable inlets located on the back plate and bottom
plate of the console.
The external cable connections to the SCANBRIDGE in the basic configuration comprises antenna
cables, power cables and signal cables to the externally installed transceiver unit. When the optional
Battery Charger or the Conning Position Module is installed additional signal cables and power
cables shall be installed.
On the following pages the system wiring diagrams shows the complete SCANBRIDGE installa-
tion including the Battery Charger and the Conning Position Module, along with a cable specification
table for each of the below listed systems.
To ensure the easiest installation of the cables all power and signal cables shall be connected
before the coaxial cables.
The internal terminal strip is used for connection of the external signal and power cables. The
easiest access to the terminal strip is obtained with the top cover removed and with the front open.
All cable screens shall be connected with direct contact to the cable clamps as indicated on the
drawing below.
Connection of the cables to the terminal strip shall carefully follow the label located at the terminal
The connection to the Conning Position Module may be in one cable or, if required, individual
cables may be drawn to each unit.
An earth cable shall be connected to the earth bolt located by the cable inlet (please refer to the
drawing below). The cable shall be the braided ground wire type (multi core) and the length shall
be as short as possible.
Coaxial Cables
All coaxial cables comming from antennas and antenna units shall be fixed by the cable panel
located above the cable inlet inside the console. Independent of whether the bottom or rear cable
inlet is used, the cables shall be fixed as described on the following page. To obtain the most
convenient drawing of the coaxial cables inside the console, please follow the cable sequence
indicated on the following page.
When the antenna connectors have been mounted, the cables shall be connected directly to the
units. Please refer to the drawings of chapter 2 to locate the position of the units.
The antenna coaxial cables shall be fixed by the cable clamps on the rear bracket located at the
back plate inside the console.
When all power, signal and coaxial cables are connected and the connections have been carefully
checked, the final assembly and installation of the PC and printers may take place.
The type of printers to be installed and where to connect them are described in this table for each
version af SCANBRIDGE.
MF/HF Radio Inmarsat-C Inmarsat-C
telex printer telex printer EGC printer
PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9000 (parallel)
with CT connected to connected to Not installed
TCU 1000 Scansat-CT TU
PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9020 (serial)
with CT, EGC connected to connected to connected to
TCU 1000 Scansat-CT TU Scansat-CT TU
PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9000S (serial)
SCANBRIDGE A3 connected to connected to Not installed
with CG
TCU 1000 Scansat-CG TU
PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9000 (parallel) PRN 9010 (serial)
SCANBRIDGE A3 connected to connected to connected to
with CG, EGC
TCU 1000 Inmarsat-C PC 9000 Scansat-CG TU
2 x PRN 9000
SCANBRIDGE A3 (parallel) each
Not installed Not installed
with Dual CT connected to a
Scansat-CT TU
2 x PRN 9000
PRN 9020 (serial)
SCANBRIDGE A3 Not installed (parallel) each connected to
with Dual CT, EGC connected to a
Scansat-CT TU Scansat-CT TU
Referring to the drawings on the following pages, carry out the final assembly according to the
following procedure:
1. Dismantel the bracket from the PC 9000 and mount the bracket on the table top next to the 8. Position the top cover on the console and tighten the screws to fix the top cover.
console right side.
9. Connect the cables to the printers. The wire with the paper out connector comes from the
2. Install the PC in the bracket. paper holder, see drawing.
3. Remove the access cover from the two PRN 9000. 10. Connect the cable from the printer on the console to the Inmarsat-C transceiver of the
console, see drawing.
4. Position the printers by the console for installation.
One printer may be installed on left side of the SCANBRIDGE top cover, the second on the 11. Connect the cable from the printer on the table top to the TCU 1000 MF/HF Control Unit of
table top along with the keyboard next to the left side of the console. the console.
Refer to the PC 9000 Technical Manual for PRN 9000 installation details on marking, drilling
and use of the Velcro-tape. 12. The power cables are connected to the SCANBRIDGE terminal strip.
6. Use the M4 x 20 mm screw and nut from the Accessory Kit to fix one printer to the console 13. Fit the top cover on the cable outlet of the console.
through the hole in the center of the bottom plate of the printer. The second printer is fixed to
the table top. 14. Fill in the identification label with a standard typewriter or with a permanent ink speedmarker.
The label is included in the Accessory Kit. Affix the filled in label on the front of the console
7. Remove the Carriage Shipping Restreint inside the printer and refit the printer access cover. as shown on the following page.
1. Dismantel the brackets from the two PC 9000 and mount the brackets on the table top on 8. Connect the cables to the printers. The wire with the paper out connector comes from the
each side of the console. paper holder, see drawing.
2. Install the two PC 9000 in their brackets. 9. Connect the signal cable from each printer to the associated Inmarsat-C transceiver of the
console, see drawing.
3. Remove the access cover from the two PRN 9000 printers.
10. The power cables are connected to the SCANBRIDGE terminal strip.
4. Position a printer next to each PC 9000 for installation.
Refer to the PC 9000 Technical Manual for PRN 9000 installation details on marking, drilling 11. Fit the top cover on the cable outlet of the console.
and use of the Velcro-tape.
12. Fill in the identification label with a standard typewriter or with a permanent ink speedmarker.
6. Fix the two printers to the table top. The label is included in the Accessory Kit. Affix the filled in label on the front of the console
as shown on the following page.
7. Remove the Carriage Shipping Restreint inside the printers and refit the printer access cover.
To obtain the best performance of the TRP 1000 series we recommend to place the Antenna
Tuning Unit outside. For marine applications we recommend an antenna length between 12 and
18 metres in total, e.g. 10 metre feeder cable (wire between the ATU and the antenna) and 8 metre
whip. See drawing below. To avoid any capacitive loading on the antenna, keep the distance between
the antenna installation and any metal parts as long as possible. On the following pages there are
some installation suggestions for the ATU 1000 series.
The shown ATU-brackets are not available from Skanti, but are a recommendation.
Please refer to the Installation chapter of the Technical Manual for TRP 1000 series for more
detailed installation diagrams.
4-0-31460A 4-0-31459A
It is important to notice that the pole mount device has to be disconnected from the antenna body
when the antenna cable should be mounted. It is not possible to mount the cable without dismantling
the pole mount.
Mounting considerations.
When installing the Maritime Antenna you should find a location on the vessel that is as free from
obstructions as possible. Also you should maintain a certain distance to other antennas, especially
radar installations. Normally the best place for the antenna would be above radar scanning antennas.
The following safe distances should be maintained:
The antenna is designed to provide satellite coverage even when the vessel has pitch and roll
movements up to 15°. To maintain this coverage the antenna should be free from obstructions in
the area down to 15° below the horizon. Since this may not be possible in the fore and aft direct-
ions of the vessel, the clear area can be reduced to 5° below the horizon in the fore and aft
directions and 15° below the horizon in the port and starboard directions. Any compromise in this
recommendation will degrade performance.
If an obstruction such as a pole or a funnel is unavoidable, the following guidelines apply: The
distance to the obstruction should be so large, that the obstruction only covers 3 degrees. This
means that the safe distance is:
Safe distance = 20 * Diameter of obstruction
Example: Obstruction is a 4” pole. Diameter = 0.1 m. Safe distance is 20*0.1 m = 2m
Inmarsat-C Antenna mounting near pole or funnel
The Scansat-CG antenna may be mounted on a vertical pole or pipe. The pole mount adapter kit is
compatible with thick-walled pipes with outside diameters between 20 and 40 mm (3/4" - 1 1/2").
The pole mount adapter kit includes a pole mount bracket, two U-bolts and the hardware necessary
for securing the mount to the pole. The pole mount is illustrated in top figure on the next page.
1. Attach the pole mount bracket to the antenna mounting ring using the 3 M6-1x20 bolts
provided in the kit. Screw these bolts into the threaded holes in the top of the mounting ring.
Use a thread locking compound to secure the bolts.
2. Secure or weld the pole to the vessel. The pole shall be vertically oriented.
3. Feed the antenna cable through the pole, to the top of the pole.
4. Cut the antenna cable to the length leaving a 25 cm (10") slack. Attach the N-type
connector to the antenna cable. Follow the instructions for installing the connectors, supplied
in the cable assembly kit.
5. Slip a U-bolt into the pole mount bracket. Use the smallest possible U-bolt.
6. Loosely attach the U-bolt to the pole mount bracket using a washer, a lock washer and a
7. Slide the pole mount assembly over the pole, trapping the pole between the pole mount
bracket and the U-bolt. The pole should extend approximately 1 cm (1/4") above the pole
mount bracket. Tighten the nuts on the U-bolt evenly, until the pole mount is secure.
8. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna. Ensure that the connection is secure.
9. Place the antenna on the mounting ring, making sure that the three threaded holes on the
edge of the ring are lined up with the holes in the side of the antenna. Rotate the mounting
ring so that the RF connector is as close to the „V“ of the pole mount bracket as possible
(illustrated in the bottom figure on the next page).
Pole Mounting
The VHF 1000 DSC is programmed from a PC which has the programming application running and
is connected to the SPARC-bus of the VHF 1000 DSC via the programming dongle.
2. Test the system’s DSC functionality by entering the function menu and perform two test
Internal test call: (The call is looped back internally, no activation of transmitter or receiver
takes place). This test controls the DSC modem in the transceiver RX and TX internally.
5. The call is announced by the DSC modem. Read the call information.
External test call: (the call is transmitted and received using the aerials) This test also controls the
hardware of transmitter and receiver boards.
5. The call is announced by the DSC modem. Read the call information.
After the MMSI number has been changed it is necessary the restart the system to effect
the change: Switch supply off and on.
Check the MMSI number by selecting FUNC, ‘DSC’, ‘MMSI’ and read the number.
Please note that once the MMSI number has been stored in the DSC modem, change
of self-identification is only possible after a factory resetting
Both DSC and Telex will be reset therefore a subsequent programming of both
DSC and Telex must be performed.
(Please contact your local Skanti Service Agent for change of self-ID)
3. Perform a Test Call via a coast station that supports DSC operation.
The 5-digit call code, the MMSI number and the abbreviated ID allocated to the station
may then be entered in turn. To leave a setting unchanged or unprogrammed just press ‘¬
Enter’. Otherwise key in a new setting and press ‘¬ Enter’. The next item is then printed. After
the last item follows: Accept settings (Y/N) ?
Press ‘Y’ to save the settings or press ‘N’ to change settings.
Please note that once the self-ID has been entered, change of self-ID is only
possible after a factory resetting.
Both DSC and Telex will be reset therefore a subsequent programming of both
DSC and Telex must be performed.
(Please contact your local Skanti Service Agent for change of self-ID).
1. Time and date are automatically set when the GPS is updating.
3. A destination address must be entered for any destination to which the Inmarsat-C will be
transmitting messages. To test the installation, enter the address for your own MES. When
sending messages to yourself, enter the ocean region code as country code,
AORE-581 AORW-584 POR-582 IOR-583
and enter your own mobile number under destination.
4. Once the destination address has been entered, create and save a small test message to
send to yourself. The message can now be sent to yourself to verify the Inmarsat-C
The SCANBRIDGE console has now been commissioned an is ready for use. In case there have
been any problems or difficulties with the installation / commissioning process please contact
Skanti service department.
IMO has in Regulation 13 stated the requirements for the reserve battery and charger. For calculation
of the battery capacity please refer to the relevant paragraphs of Regulation 13 listed below:
A reserve source or sources of energy shall be provided on every ship, to supply radio installati-
ons, for the purpose of conducting distress and safety radiocommunications, in the event of failure
of the ship’s main and emergency sources of electrical power. The reserve source or sources of
energy shall be capable of simultaneously operating the VHF radio installation required by regulation
7.1.1. and, as appropriate for the sea area or sea areas for which the ship is equipped, either the
MF radio installation required by regulation 9.1.1, the MF/HF radio installation required by regulation
10.2.1 or 11.1, or the Inmarsat ship earth station required by regulation 10.1.1 and any of the
additional loads mentioned in paragraphs 4, 5, and 8 for a period of at least:
2 one hour, on ships constructed before 1 February 1995, if the emergency source of electrical
power complies fully with all relevant requirements of regulation II-1/42 or 43 including the
requirements to supply the radio installations; and
3 six hours, on ships constructed before 1 February, 1995, if the emergency source of electrical
power is not provided or does not comply fully with all relevant requirements of regulation
II-1/42 or 43 including the requirements to supply the radio installations: *)
The reserve source or sources of energy need not supply independent HF and MF radioinstallations
at the same time.
*) For guidance, the following formula is recommended for determining thelectrical load to be
supplied by the reserve source of energy for each radio installation required for distress
conditions: 1/2 of the current consumption necessar y for transmission the current
consumption necessary for reception + current consumption of any additional loads.
Note that Regulation 13 might be differently interpreted by the local authorities resulting in deviations
from the battery capacity calculations in the following.
Note that Regulation 13 might be differently interpreted by the local authorities resulting in deviations
from the battery capacity calculations in the following.
For the SCANBRIDGE solution Regulation 13 means that the following equipment shall be supplied
from the battery during emergency operation
- Inmarsat C
- Emergency light
For vessels with emergency power generator according to regulation II-1/42 or 43 the emergency
battery shall be capable of supplying the mentioned equipment for 1 hour. For vessels without
emergency generator 6 hours operation time is required.
The consumption is calculated for TRP 1250 + 2 x VHF 1000 DSC + PC 9000 + 2 x PRN 9000 +
Scansat CT + Emergency lamp. Please see the power consumptions listed in the table at the end
of this section.
= 17.5 A
The SCANBRIDGE console has now been commissioned and is ready for use. In case there have
been any problems or difficulties with the installation / commissioning process please contact
Skanti service department.
The primary VHF/VHF DSC system is installed in SCANBRIDGE console and the duplicate VHF/
VHF DSC system is installed in the Conning Position Module.
The Conning Position Module has an Alarm Panel for remote alarm reception and transmission
AP 1003 installed together with an emergency lamp. This module is also available with printer
PRN 9010 or PRN 9020 for print-out of EGC messages. It is connected to the SCANBRIDGE
The Conning Position Module may be delivered as a prewired unit for fast and easy installation.
On the following pages the appearance and dimensions of each version is described. Refer to the
technical description for the cable connections to the terminal strip and the internal cabling of the
CPM 1000
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerances: +/- 1 mm
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerances: +/- 1 mm
27 P 2408 - 534762
SCANBRIDGE Terminal Strip
28 P 2408 - 531218
SCANBRIDGE Terminal Strip
Due to the modern design of the transceiver preventive maintenance can be reduced to a mini-
mum provided the equipment is correctly installed. To ensure maximum performance and mini-
mum repair trouble we recommend you to follow the below stated headlines for preventive
1. The condition of the battery should be checked at frequent intervals. The battery must
always be fully charged and should be topped up frequently with distilled water (liquid
should be 5 to 10 mm above the plates).
2. Check the condition of antenna installation, ground connection and cables at regular
4. Ensure that no objects are obstructing the free airflow through the cooling channels of
the Transceiver Unit and keep the units free of dust accumulation to prevent overheating.
5. For cleaning use a damp cloth. Sticky dirt may be removed using a cloth with a weak
soap solution. Wipe off with a clean cloth.
The Master Oscillator frequency should be checked at least once a year. The Master Oscillator
determines the exact transmit and receive frequencies of the equipment. All oscillators age very
slowly with time, typically with the highest drift rate the first year, approaching zero drift after some
years. Adjustment should be performed by a qualified technician with the necessary test equipment
at his disposal.
1. Measuring Equipment:
2. Preparations:
2.3 Locate and disconnect X10 (green marking) carrying the 2. Local Oscillator signal
from the Synthesizer Board 911 to RX/EX Signal Path 715. Connect the frequency
counter to the X10 socket on the synthesizer.
2.4 The ambient temperature should be within 10 to 30 deg. Celsius. Do not adjust
the Master Oscillator shortly after long keying sequences of the transmitter.
Be sure that thermal equilibrium has taken place before adjustment.
3.1 Locate the Master Oscillator adjustment hole in the metal shield of Synthesizer
Board 911. Use a small screwdriver to gently adjust the frequency.
The transceiver uses fans to cool the circuitry inside the Transceiver Unit. To keep the cooling air
clean an Air Filter is placed behind the fan. The Air Filter should be cleaned frequently, especially
under dusty working conditions. A dusty Air Filter will block efficient cooling and the transmitter
output power is hence reduced to avoid over-heating.
1. Disconnect all cables between the Control Units on the front cover and the Units inside the
2. Remove the Scansat-C Transceiver Unit (s).
3. Release the locling rings located on the three hinges.
4. Pull the catches out of the hinges.
5. Remove the front cover.
Please refer to the list of agents at the SKANTI homepage on this Internet address: