The First Function of A Constitution Is To Provide A Set of Basic Rules That Allow For Minimal Coordination Amongst Members of A Society
The First Function of A Constitution Is To Provide A Set of Basic Rules That Allow For Minimal Coordination Amongst Members of A Society
The First Function of A Constitution Is To Provide A Set of Basic Rules That Allow For Minimal Coordination Amongst Members of A Society
In principle, this question, who gets to decide, can be answered in many ways:
A) In a monarchical constitution, a monarch decides;
B) in some constitutions like the old Soviet Union, one single party was given
the power to decide.
C) But in democratic constitutions, broadly speaking, the people get to decide.
The most common way of limiting the power of government is to specify certain
fundamental rights that all of us possess as citizens and which no government
can ever be allowed to violate.
For example, India aspires to be a society that is free of caste discrimination. If this
is our society’s aspiration, the government will have to be enabled or empowered
to take all the necessary steps to achieve this goal. In a country like South Africa,
which had a deep history of racial discrimination, its new constitution had to
enable the government to end racial discrimination.
The framers of the Indian Constitution, for example, thought that each individual
in society should have all that is necessary for them to lead a life of minimal
dignity and social self-respect — minimum material well being, education etc. The
Indian Constitution enables the government to take positive welfare measures
some of which are legally enforceable.
4. The fourth function of a constitution is to enable the government to
fulfil the aspirations of a society and create conditions for a just society.
This means the people as a collective entity come into being only through the basic
constitution. It is by agreeing to a basic set of norms about how one should be
governed, and who should be governed that one forms a collective identity…
Second, constitutional norms are the overarching framework within which one
pursues individual aspirations, goals and freedoms. The constitution sets
authoritative constraints upon what one may or may not do. It defines the
fundamental values that we may not trespass. So the constitution also gives one a
moral identity.
Third and finally, it may be the case that many basic political and moral values are
now shared across different constitutional traditions….
a) What is a constitution?
constitution is the document or set of documents that seeks to perform the functions that we
mentioned above.
the constitution is a document that sets limits on the powers of the government
and ensures a democratic system in which all persons enjoy certain rights.
Part three of the Constitution of India lists the Fundamental
Rights and also mentions the limits on these rights. In the past fifty years, the
scope of rights has changed and in some respects, expanded.
Machal Lalung was 23 when he was arrested. Machal Lalung was released in July 2005. He was 77 then.
freed when a team appointed by the National
Human Rights Commission intervened after an inspection of
undertrials in the State. Machal’s case shows what happens when rights granted
by the Constitution are not available in practice
democracy must ensure that individuals have certain
rights and that the government will always recognise these
rights. Therefore it is often a practice in most democratic
countries to list the rights of the citizens in the constitution
itself. Such a list of rights mentioned and protected by
the constitution is called the ‘bill of rights’. A bill of rights
prohibits government from thus acting against the rights
of the individuals and ensures a remedy in case there is
violation of these rights.
The Constitution
listed the rights that would be
specially protected and called
them ‘fundamental rights’.
1. While ordinary
legal rights are protected and
enforced by ordinary law,
Fundamental Rights are
protected and guaranteed by
the constitution of the country.