The Educational Theory of Augustine of Hippo: George J. Yogis
The Educational Theory of Augustine of Hippo: George J. Yogis
The Educational Theory of Augustine of Hippo: George J. Yogis
George J. Yogis
1. Theory of Value:
Augustine was born on November 13, 354. He was a pagan who studied many
doctrines/faiths before converting to Christianity. As a result, much of his educational
focus was on the interpretation of Scriptures and Christian beliefs. Although he became
a believer in Christian principles, his writings, "Letters of Saint Augustine", strongly
support that his ultimate faith was based on the intense study of Scriptures and other
authors' writings on religious matters. Augustine was a strong advocate of critical
thinking skills that was referred to as "skeptical philosophy" (Kirwan, C. 1999, p.16). In
his letters, he critically "tore apart" analysis of Scriptures by others that were not fully
supported by logical thinking. "The theology and philosophy of the medieval schoolmen
and the creator of medieval universities were rooted in Augustinian ideas of the relation
between faith and reason" (Chadwick, 1986, p. 1).
Language translation skills were important because books and their knowledge
were not accessible unless they could be translated. "I cannot marvel enough that
anything should still be in Hebrew texts which has escaped so many learned scholars"
(Leinenweber, 1992, p. 41). "They disturb me more who have made the translations
more recently, and who have said to have a better grasp of the style and syntax of
Hebrew words and phrases" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 41).
Augustine was a strong advocate that the written and spoken word were powerful
skills worth learning. He enjoyed "playful debates" with students and friends. "This kind
of intellectual gamesmanship is said to have been very popular among African
Christians" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 11). However, he strongly critiqued other learned
writers or speakers.
Augustine had a unique and powerful goal of education. He equated education with
happiness. "What if even the ignorant can lead a happy life? That's hardly possible. If it
were so, ignorance would have no importance, instead of being the only true
unhappiness" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 18). Also, he stated, "the soul grows by learning"
(Colleran, 1964, p.53).
2. Theory of Knowledge:
What is knowledge?
"And so, when the sight of the mind which we call reason, is directed upon some
object and sees it, that is called knowledge; but when the mind does not see, though it
focuses its sight, that is called not-knowing or ignorance" (Colleran, 1964, p. 79). Aug:
"Now, then, considering that knowledge and reason are two distinct realities, do we
attain to reason by knowledge, or to knowledge by reason?" Ev: "The two of them, to my
way of thinking, are so interconnected that it is by each that the other can be attained.
For we could not attain to reason itself, unless we knew that we should attain to it.
Therefore, knowledge came first, so that by it we might come to use reason." Aug:
What? Do we actually arrive at knowledge, which you say comes first, without reason?'
Ev: "Never would I say that; for that would be utterly unreasonable." (Colleran, 1964, p.
76) Aug: "By what means, then?" Ev: "Without any means; knowledge, you know, is
inborn in us." (Colleran, 1964, p. 76)
"But where there is awareness of something there you certainly have knowledge."
(Colleran, 1964, p. 75)
"Later in book 1 we find the suggestion that wisdom is the knowledge of those
human and divine things that pertain to a happy life (Kirwan, 1999, p. 20).
Augustine view is a that a belief is different from knowledge in that a belief is not
attained "by profound reasoning."
What is a mistake?
A lie?
"There are two things this speaker may do: (i) say what he thinks is true with the
purpose of inducing belief in what he thinks is false, or (ii) say what he thinks is false
with the purpose of inducing belief in what he thinks is true. The former purpose is
deception: and Augustine shows that the question which of these two performances is a
lie turns on two candidate conditions for lying: (a) an utterance with the will to utter a
falsehood or (b) an utterance with the will to deceive" (Kirwan, C. 1999, p.197).
Augustine states "it is possible for anyone to avoid lying if he avoids both (i) and (ii), and
chooses instead to say what he thinks is true without the purpose of inducing belief in
anything other than what he says" (Kirwan, C. 1999, p.198).
A human being differs from other species since it has a soul. Augustine believed
strongly in this premise. He wrote an entire book, The Greatness of the Soul, on this
subject. "The gospel shows this clearly in the scene where Jesus allowed the demons to
use swine as they wanted. Can we rightly say this of a human? A human is an animal,
certainly, one with reason even though mortal. A human possesses a rational soul in its
members, and this soul is punished by these great afflictions" (Leinenweber, 1992, p.
18). {Referring to afflictions as a result of evil.} "A human person is a combination of soul
and body, and the person of Christ is a combination of God and man: when God's Word
was combined with a soul having a body, he took to himself both the soul and the body"
(Leinenweber, 1992, p. 127).
"Augustine preached that people could not change their sinful ways unless helped
by the grace of God. He believed that God chooses only certain individuals to receive
His grace" (Burrell, 2001, p. 888).
4. Theory of Learning:
Ev: "Because you stated a little while ago that I must agree with you that we have
knowledge before reason, because reason proceeds from a basis in something known is
leading us to something unknown. But now we have discovered that when this occurs,
the operation should not be called reason: for a sound mind is not always performing
that operation, although it always has reason. With rather good cause, though, the
operation is called "reasoning." Thus, "reason" is in a sense mental sight, while
"reasoning" would be reason's search, that is, the moving of that sight over the objects
that are to be seen. Hence, the function of the latter is to search, that of the former, to
see. And so, when the sight of the mind which we call reason, is directed upon some
object and sees it, that is called knowledge; but when the mind does not see, though it
focuses its sight, that is called not-knowing or ignorance" (Colleran, 1964, p. 79).
Skills and knowledge are acquired through the study of written and spoken words,
and the interaction with learned people. Augustine strongly believed in the interaction
with learned people to obtain skills and knowledge. "To Vilusianus, he (Augustine) writes
as to an intelligent man who will appreciate the arguments of an educated mind; to
Discocous, a student, the aging bishop sputters out his complaints and then answers the
questions asked of him" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 11). "Correspondence with Jerome, as it
show us Augustine engaged with the most learned man of his time in a duel in which he
stood to lose much more than he could gain" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 11)
This interaction with learned people also included formal schooling. It would appear
that Augustine would view schooling as an important method of acquiring skills and
knowledge (see "What will the curriculum be?").
5. Theory of Transmission:
There is conflict between Augustine's writings and his actions with respect to this
question. In his work, The Teacher, Augustine concludes: "Men cannot teach one
another. God is the only teacher of men" (Colleran, 1964, p.117). Despite that
conclusion, he accepts that man's words are a mechanism for God to teach.
Aug: "What do you think we purpose to do when we speak?" Adeodatus: "As far as
occurs to me at this moment, we intend either to teach or to learn." … Aug:"So you see
that the purpose in speaking is solely to teach" (Colleran, 1964, p.129).
By what methods?
Augustine was a teacher of rhetoric and recognized that formal schooling was an
important method of teaching, especially, because books were limited. He seemed most
interested in the study of the written word but was frustrated by the problem of
translating writings from different languages. "It is my request, therefore, in the company
with all the members of the churches of Africa who are devoted to learning, that you not
refuse to expend care and effort to translate the writings of those who commented so
well in Greek on our holy scriptures" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 41).
"Augustine has left us no blueprint for human society on earth, the 'terrena civitas'.
We cannot suppose this an accident" (Kirwan, 1999, p.218). "If we examine St.
Augustine's own teaching more closely, we see why the notion of a temporal human
society, endowed with its own unity and including the whole human race could not
present itself to his mind" (Walsh et al, 1958, p. 32). Although The City of God focused
on moral, philosophical and religious aspects of the human race over time, it did provide
some insights into Augustine's view of temporal society. "Some passages in the City of
God give the impression of wholly discarding the Roman Empire and all political
institutions as power-hungry organizations for wicked domination and oppression by the
powerful" (Chadwick, 1986, p.99). "The mature Augustine of the City of God no longer
used such optimistic words about political structures" (Chadwick, 1986, p.100). What
institutions are involved in the educational process?
The family was critical to the educational process. Personally, Augustine spent
considerable time educating his son. "The Teacher was written as a memorial to his
clever natural son Adeodatus, in conversation with whom the ideas were worked out"
(Chadwick, 1986, p.47). Speaking about his son, Augustine states: "When he was only
fifteen years of age, he already excelled many grave and learned men in talent"
(Colleran, 1964, p.115).
7. Theory of Opportunity
Who is to be educated?
"His (Augustine's) own family background was not one of high culture. That culture
he acquired was through education" (Chadwick, 1986, p.1). Augustine clearly viewed
education as a passion and a process of opening up the mind to ideas and critical
thinking ("skeptical philosophy"). In that sense, all people, regardless of class should be
given the opportunity to be educated. "He (Augustine) was certainly no elitist, not one to
reserve his time and energy for those he considered worthy of a reply. It has been
remarked of Augustine's preaching that he never held back because some idea might go
over the heads of some of his flock" (Leinenweber, 1992, p. 13).
Although my research did not clearly determine the status of women with respect to
education, his letters "To the Nuns of Hippo" and to his sisters indicates that he treats
women as equals to men in terms of learned discussions about Christian works.
Who is to be schooled?
Although Augustine's personal experience with formal schooling at an early age was
not pleasant, {"Augustine later looked back on his school days as a miserable
experience"} (Chadwick, 1986, p.7), he saw value in formal schooling (see "What should
the curriculum be?") My research did not uncover any specific writings by Augustine on
this subject. However, nearly all comments and findings on "Who is be educated?"
would appear to be applicable.
8. Theory of Consensus
People disagree because of many of the issues raised in earlier sections. This
includes: intellectual differences (i.e., more experience such as a teacher to a student),
mistakes and lies. Also, mistakes, not in thought, but in language translation caused
disagreements. However, many disagreements were more deeply seeped in authority,
especially in religious matters. "Augustine began his anti-Doratist campaign with tact and
caution. His first letters to Doratist prelates are courteous and emphasize his faith in
good will. He assumed that reasonable men could settle this controversy peaceably. But
Augustine quickly discovered that reason and good manners would get him nowhere"
(O'Donnell, date unknown, p. 6 of 8).
Colleran, J. (1964). St Augustine The Greatness of the Soul and The Teacher.
Westminster: The Newman Press
Burrell, D. (2001). The World Book Encyclopedia, vol.1. Chicago: World Book, Inc.
O'Donnell, J. (date unknown). Augustine the African. Retrieved on 09/29/01 from
Walsh, G., Zema, D., Monahan, G. & Honan, D. (1953). Saint Augustine City of God.
Garden City: Image Books