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The Effect of Motivation On Employee Performance: Case Study in Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia

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ISSN: 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research

Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17009-17016, November, 2017




1Said Abdi Mohamud, 2Abdiaziz Ahmed Ibrahim and 3Jamal Mohamud Hussein
1Dean Faculty of Business Administration, University of Somalia (UNISO)
2Assistant Professor, University of Somalia (UNISO)
3Senior Lecturer, University of Somalia (UNISO)


Article History: This research aims to analyze the drivers of employee motivation to high levels of employee
Received 30th August 2017 performance. The Purpose of this study is to explore the effect of motivation on employee
Received in revised form performance in Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia. The study has the following
14th September, 2017 objectives; to assess the effect of monetary rewards on employee performance in Hormuud
Accepted 18th October, 2017 Company in Mogadishu Somalia, to establish the effect of job enrichment on employee
Published online 29th November, 2017 performance in Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia and to determine the effect of training
on employee performance in Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was utilized
Key Words: descriptive research design in order to describe the variables of the study. The target population
Motivation, of this study was 5000 and sample size of 60. The Data was being collected used structured
Organizational performance. questionnaire as a research instrument. The data was being analyzed using percentages,
frequencies, graphs and regression analysis with the help of Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS version 16). The results and findings indicated that monetary rewards, job
enrichment have significant and positive effects on employee performance, in while there is
positive and insignificant effect of training on employee performancealso results indicate there
were good relationship between motivation and employee performance and the research results
showed that employee motivation influences employee performance of Hormuud Company in
Mogadishu Somalia. The researcher recommends that all employees should be motivated to
ensure they are retained and this will improve performance. In this way overall organizational
productivity and effectiveness can be enhanced.
*Corresponding author

Copyright ©2017, Said AbdiMohamud et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Said AbdiMohamud, Abdiaziz Ahmed Ibrahim and Jamal Mohamud Hussein, 2017. “The effect of motivation on employee performance:
Case study in Hormuud company in Mogadishu Somalia”, International Journal of Development Research, 9, (11), 17009-17016.

INTRODUCTION organization is motivated by some different way. When talking

in term of employee motivation, it can be simply defined as
According to (Omollo, 2015), Motivation is the key of a “Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy,
successful organization to maintain the continuity of the work commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to
in a powerful manner and help organizations to survive. their jobs.” The job of a manager in the workplace is to get
Motivation is finding a need inside the employees and help to things done through employees. To do this the manager should
achieve it in a smooth process. Motivating the staff leads to be able to motivate employees. But that's easier said than
broaden their skill to meet the organizational demands. Each done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects,
branch manager should have the responsibility to work with touching on several disciplines Shahzadi et al. (2014).
the staff to find out their individual needs and put them side by Motivation is the most important matter for every organization
side to the organization needs. The only way to get people to public or a private sector. For the success of any organization
like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must motivation play an important role. All organization encounters
understand why they're working hard. Every individual in an
17010 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17001-17008, November, 2017

the matter of motivation whether they are in the public or also concluded that intrinsic rewards has a significant positive
private sector (Chintalloo & Mahadeo, 2013). According to relationship with employee performance and employee
(Chaudhary & Sharma, 2012) basically motivation word is motivation. This study concludes that employee perceived
derived from “Motive”. The meaning of “motive” is needs, training effectiveness has a negative relationship with
wants, and the desire of the persons. So that “employees motivation. It is also proved from to their responses, they were
motivation mean the process in which organization inspiring provided with the training courses but this training was
our employee with the shape of rewards, bonus etc. for notimplemented by them in their routine teaching as they
achieving the organizational goals. Today organization can considered it to be ineffective. They were not satisfied with the
easily change their material, needs, goods and services to other training provided to them and this affected their motivation to
organization, or to other countries. But the only one resource teach Shahzadi et al. (2014).
which is not easily exchangeable is human resources. So we
can say that human resources are the very important or most This study sought to examine the impact of employee
competitive assets of any organization that cannot be motivation on organizational performance in the financial
exchangeable. Human resources or human assets mean the sector in Ghana. Data for the study was obtained from staff of
workers or the employee of any organization. So the four sampled financial institutions in Ghana. A sample size of
motivation is main factor that affect the human resources of 80 respondents was used for the study. This sample was
the organization. The organization should be motivating their selected through the simple random sampling technique.
employees for the best performance or for achieving the Questionnaire was used because of its wider application, high
organizational goals. In fact motivation is the best tool for best response rate, limited time in administration and less cost.
performance. Today there are many discussions about Findings from the study suggest that leadership opportunities,
motivation and the relationship of employee’s efficiency recognition and employee appraisal, meeting employee
and the organizational efficiencies.Motivation will lead to the expectations and socialization are the key factors that motivate
fact that workers or employees of the organization will employees. The findings further revealed that managerial
seriously do his duties and responsibilities (Azar & Shafighi, standards, motivation, commitment, employee evaluations,
2013). Attractive Salaries or pays also a Valuable tool and play positive work environment, technology, lack of incentives,
an important role to increase employee’s performance and also comfort level and poor management are factors that affect
increase the productivity of an organization (MUOGBO, employees’ performance. Further, the study shows the impact
2013). of motivation on organizational performance as improving
employees’ level of efficiency, helping employees to meet
Literature review their personal goals, employee satisfaction, and helping
employees bond with the organization (Ibrahim, 2015).
This study sought to assess the effect that motivation had on Present research has been carried out for the purpose of
the job of workers of the Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori measuring the effect of work motivation on job performance
County. The study also focused on the demotivating factors of employees in Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation,
like delay of promotion, no clear career progression, which has taken place in 2013. In this study, a sample
unreasonable load, long working hours and lack of containing 70 individuals was randomly selected according to
appreciation from the managers. This study adopted a Morgantable among the statistic population of 85 employees in
descriptive design because it involved interviewing or Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation. Work motivation
administering questionnaire to a sample of individuals. Simple and job performance questionnaires were designed and the
random sampling was used as no complexities were be collected information were put into data analysis and
involved. All that was needed was a relatively small, clearly hypothesis testing by using AMOS and SPSS software and
defined population. The study employed the use of self the results show that the work motivation has a positive and
administered questionnaire to collect the required primary significant effect on job performances of employees in Islamic
data. Descriptive statistical analysis technique was Revolution Housing Foundation (Azar & Shafighi, 2013).
employed to obtain useful summary of responses. Statistical
Programme of Social Scientists (SPSS) version 17 tool was Another study was conducted to explore the relationship
used to generate data that was presented in tables and pie between the reward and employee motivation with respect to
charts as was necessary. Simple random sampling was used employee performance with mediating of training. To explore
and total sample population was forty five employees. In the relationship between the promotion and employees
conclusion, managers should know that employees are motivation with respect to employee performance with
motivated by monetary rewards. It is recommended that there mediating of training. Data is gathering from all universities in
is need for managers to have a comprehensive motivation wahcantt.30 questionnaires are distributed to each university,
scheme in all aspects of an organization as this is directly making a total of 150 questionnaires. But respondent is just
proportional to the output of the employees (Omollo, 2015). 118 from all 150. All questions are based on the five likert
Same study inquired what kind of factors influence employee scale. All are clear, simple and able to understand and float
motivation in Pakistan andfinding up to which extent after the approval of the supervisor. All questionnaire
motivation affects the employ performance. Data is collected distributed personal basis. The result indicates in the education
from 160 teachers of Government and private schools by using sectormotivation play positive results in the performance
self-administered questionnaire. Regression analysis is aswell motivation increase as well as employee performance is
applied to find the effect of employee motivation on increase. Our results also show the positive relationship (Asim,
employee’s performance involving four variables employee 2013). This paper a deeper investigation is made to identify the
motivation, employee performance, intrinsic rewards and impact of Motivation on performance of the employees.
employee perceived training effectiveness. The results of this Independent variables used to gauge Motivation are Training
study show that significant and positive relationship exists and Development, Reward and Recognition and Delegation of
between employee motivation andemployee performance. It is Authority whereas the dependent variable is employee
17011 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17009-17016, November, 2017

performance. Descriptive and explanatory design has been monetary ones to improve productivity and performance.This
adopted for this study and the survey questionnaire comprised research is one of the very few that has been made from the
of 20 questions prepared based on Likert Scale (strongly perspective of employees (Aryan & singh, 2015). Same study
disagree -1 and 5 for strongly agree). Sample size consisted of investigated the place of motivation on employees’
100 employees from electronic manufacturing company in performance in the Nigerian Banking Industry. The study was
china and used simple random probability sampling technique. conducted in the area of Lagos Island, Nigeria and population
Collected details were analyzed via SPSS employing consisted of 5 selected banks in that location. 80
regression and correlation. The most interesting aspect is questionnaires were distributed to the employees of selected
that result of this study found all the factors chosen have banks, of which 67 were returned. The study used descriptive
significant relationship with motivation. Moreover, it found statistics such as mean and standard deviation to answer the
Training and Development, Reward and Recognition, and first 2 research questions posed in the study. The main finding
Delegation of Authority has significant impact on performance of the study clearly evidenced that motivation has an effect on
of employee (Bao & Nizam, 2015). employees’ performance (Alalade & Oguntodu, 2015).

This study sought to establish the effect of motivation on Another study explored the effect of motivation on employee’s
employee performance in the Public Middle Level Technical performance of telecommunication companies in Somalia. The
Training Institutions in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive study was utilized descriptive research design in order to
research design. Sample size was 315 targeting administrators, describe the variables of the study. The target population of
heads of department, teaching staff and non teaching staff. A this study was 5000 and sample size of 98. The Data was
structured questionnaire with likert scale questions was beingcollected used structured questionnaire as a research
used to collect data from the respondents. An interview instrument. The data was being analyzed using percentages,
was also conducted with the administrators and heads of frequencies, graphs and regression analysis with the help of
department. The study used two content theories that explain Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 22). The
the specific factors that motivate people and two process results and findings indicated that financial incentives,
theories which are concerned about the psychological and employee empowerment have significant and positive
behavioral processes that motivate an individual. Most effects on employee performance while training and
employees in Public Middle Level Technical Training development have strong negative and highly significant
Institutions in Kenya nowadays hold diplomas and degrees in correlation on motivation and employee performance also
various disciplines of studies. The study found that employees results indicate there were good relationship between
are not satisfied with their pay and work environment. motivation and employee performance and The research
Limitations: the study was conducted in one county and results showed that employee motivation influences employee
therefore cannot be generalized in other public and private performance of Telecommunication Companies in Somalia.
institutions. Practical Implications: The practitioners and The researcher recommends that all employees should be
policy makers of technical institutions should use this motivated to ensure they are retained and this will improve
study in developing policies and strategies to manage their performance. In this way overall organizational productivity
human resources (EK & Mukuru, 2013). Another study and effectiveness can be enhanced (Sh. Yusuf & GICHINGA,
explored the impact of motivation on employee’s performance 2016).
of beverage industry in Pakistan. The data for present study
has been collected from five major cities of Pakistan using MATERIALS AND METHODS
structured questionnaire. Results from present study explores
that motivation plays a vital role toward the performance of The study population of this research was the employees at
employees in beverage industry of Pakistan ZAMEER et al Hormuud Company in Mogadishu-Somalia. According to (Sh.
(2014). Yusuf & GICHINGA, 2016) the Hormuud company told the
researchers the number of their employee were, 5000 of
This research examined the impact of motivation and employees which comprises both the male and female
recognition on employee’s performance in public and private employee. The sampling frame describes the list of all
sector banks of Punjab and Haryana. In the current era it is a population units from which the sample is selected (Sh. Yusuf
challenge for the managers to imply strategies which motivate & GICHINGA, 2016). For this study, the sampling frame was
employees to improve their work performance and being obtained from a list of all Hormuud staff which was
productivity.Structured questionnaire is used to collect the 5000.
required primary data from 100 respondents in public and
private sector banks in Punjab and Haryana. Descriptive Sample Size
statistics, correlation, regression analysis, factor analysis and t-
test are used as statistical tools in analysis. Thestudy found that Sloven formula was being used to this study to determine the
Performances of employees are significantly affected by the sample size. Slovene’s formula were using to obtaining the
salary and other monetary benefits provided by the sample size. Denoting by n the sample size, Slovene formula is
organization. Recognition is the most important non monetary given by n=N/ (1+ (N*e^2)).
reward which improves performance of the employees of
banks. Employees feel that their organization should provide Where
them more opportunities for personal growth and
advancement. Practical implications: The research offers a n= sample size
more precise way to understand the impact of different factors N= target population
of motivation and recognition on performance of employees of e=level of significance /marginal error 5%
banks. Management of Public and private sector banks can
recognize the importance of non monetary rewards with
17012 Said AbdiMohamud et al. The effect of motivation on employee performance: case study in hormuud company in Mogadishu Somalia

of the study and the overall aim of study is to investigate the

relationship between employee performance and motivation.
And questionnaire techniques were adopted in collecting
= = n= 370 participants primary data as it provides and efficient way of collecting
. . responses from a large sample size.
Since sample size is too large the researcher used reducing For the purpose of this study a quantitative methodology
formula to minimize sample size. involving a self administeredquestionnaire was being used as
the measuring instrument. The self administeredquestionnaires
New sample size = was distributed to groups of people simultaneously, since they
( )/ .
were less costly and less time consuming than other measuring
Nss= = = 60 instruments.
( )/ .

Data presentation, analysis and interpretation

(Sh. Yusuf & GICHINGA, 2016), suggest that where time and
resources allow, a researcher could take as a bias as possible Table 1. Respondent by Gender
sample size. However they argue that samples depend on many
factors such as, the number of variables in the study, the type
of research design, the methods of data analysis and size of the
accessible population. They also argue that there are no clear Cumulative
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
answers with regards to how large a sample shouldbe. And
they suggest the general principal of the smaller the Valid Male 43 71.7 71.7 71.7
population, the bigger the ratio of the sample size to Female 17 28.3 28.3 100.0
population size. The study’s sample size was 60. Total 60 100.0 100.0
Questionnaires were self-administered with open ended Source: Primary Data: 2017
questions. The sample was carefully selected from the whole
population of 5000 employees; the sample relayed the relevant Findings in table: 1 Shows that the Majority of the
cross cutting characteristics to represent the entire population. Respondents 43(71.7%), Were Male, while 17(28.3%).only
The researcher employed stratified sampling technique to were Female, However this Table shows that The Majority of
come up with the sample of the entire population.(Sh. Yusuf & Respondents were Male.
GICHINGA, 2016) Also argue that stratified random sampling
is anappropriate methodology in order to make proportionate, Table 2. Respondent by Age
and therefore meaningful, comparisons between sub-groups in
the population.(Sh. Yusuf & GICHINGA, 2016) Indicate that a Age
stratified random sample typicallyreflected the characteristics
of the population as a whole hence the choice of stratified Valid Cumulative
sampling method. It was convenient to administer the Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 20-30 44 73.3 73.3 73.3
questionnaires to the sample size chosen. The use of
30-40 13 21.7 21.7 95.0
stratified sampling technique chosen for it improves
40-50 2 3.3 3.3 98.3
sampling process after identifying the needed sample size. above 50 1 1.7 1.7 100.0
The researcher was use the method to divide the population in Total 60 100.0 100.0
to homogeneous subgroups (strata), each stratum is then Source: Primary Data: 2017
sampled individually this ensure more representative sample
was derived from relatively homogeneous population after Findings in table 2 Summarizesthat the age of respondents,
dividing the total number of the population with the sample which are categorized by 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 and above 50.
size to obtain the sampling fraction. The size of the sample in The ages “between’’20-30, were the most age holds, which
each stratum wastake in proportion to the size of the stratum had response rate of 44(73.3%). The second ages werethe ages
through, proportional allocation. The stratification was in “between’’ 30-40, which had therate of 13(21.7%), the third
accordance to the job group of the employees. These helped in ages were the ages “between” 40-50, which had the rate of
especially establishing which employees and at what level are 2(3.3%). The fourth ages were above 50, which had the rate of
motivated to perform well. 1(1.7%).

In this study probability sampling procedure was used Table 3. Respondent by Marital Status
particularly stratifiedrandom sampling (SPSS) was used to
select the sample. For each selected population, stratified Marital State
random sampling is method sampling where the researcher Valid Cumulative
selects a sample without bias from the target/accessible Frequency Percent Percent Percent
population. This study was used questionnaire instrument as Valid Single 26 43.3 43.3 43.3
main tool for collection data, which uses in quantitative
research and questionnaire was adapted from (Sh. Yusuf & Marriage 34 56.7 56.7 100.0
GICHINGA, 2016). Questionnaire may be defined as Total 60 100.0 100.0
technique of data collection in which each person is asked to Source: Primary Data: 2017
respond to the same set of questions in predetermined order.
The selection of this tool has been guided by the nature of data Findings in table 3 Summarizes, in Marital Status the results
to be collected, the time available as well as by the objectives shown that marriage were majorityof respondents of the
17013 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17009-17016, November, 2017

distributed questionnaire which respondent rate were competition inside the organization as indicated by the mean
34(56.7%), and the second respondents were single which of (M=2.87).
respondent rate were 26(43.3%).
Table 6. Job Enrichment
Table 4. Respondent by Educational Level
Std. Interpretation
Educational Level Statements N Mean Deviation
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent Job enrichment has a
Valid Diploma 6 10.0 10.0 10.0 good effect on skill GOOD
60 2.70 1.266
improvement of
bachelor employees
42 70.0 70.0 80.0
Job enrichment is one
master of the most influential GOOD
8 13.3 13.3 93.3 60 2.73 1.326
holder means of motivating
other employees
4 6.7 6.7 100.0
equivalent Job enrichment plays
Total 60 100.0 100.0 an important role in GOOD
60 2.85 1.287
Source: Primary Data: 2017 both social and
working life
Findings in table 4 summarizesthat the level of education and Job enrichment Leads
the respondentsare categorized by diploma, bachelor degree, the employee to use GOOD
variety of skills to 60 2.83 1.317
master holder and other equivalent. The majority of the increase the production
respondents were bachelor degree which respondent rate were of the company
42(70.0%), the second respondents were master holder which Job enrichment
respondent rate were 8(13.3%), the third respondents were expresses the general GOOD
60 3.03 1.327
attitude of the
diploma which respondent rate were 6(10.0%) and the fourth employee
were other equivalent which respondent rate were 4(6.7%). Valid N (listwise) 60
Source: Primary Data: 2017
Table 5. Monetary Rewards

Std. Interpretation According to findings in table 6 shows that the respondents

Statements N Mean Deviation were GOOD that the Job enrichment has a good effect on skill
Monetary reward is the improvement of employees as indicated by the mean of (M=
most important factor that 60 2.87 1.334 GOOD 2.70), while the respondents were GOOD that the Job
motivates employees
enrichment is one of the most influential means of motivating
The main purpose of employees as indicated by the mean of (M= 2.73), while the
monetary reward is to respondents were GOOD that the Job enrichment plays an
60 2.92 1.319
attract, retain and motivate important role in both socialand working life as indicated in
qualified employees the mean of (M= 2.85), while the respondents were GOOD
that the Job enrichment Leads the employee to use variety of
Monetary reward is one of GOOD
the most significant 60 2.87 1.308 skills to increase the production of the company as indicated
variables in explaining job by the mean of (M= 2.83), while the respondents were GOOD
performance that the Job enrichment expresses the general attitude of the
employee as indicated by the mean of (M= 3.03).
There is positive
relationship between Table 7. Training
60 2.80 1.232
monetary reward and GOOD
performance Std. Interpre
Devi tation
Statements N Mean ation
The monetary reward can GOOD
help to create positive Training provides opportunities for
60 2.87 1.295 personal growth, increased
competition inside the 60 2.75 1.434
organization. responsibility, and increased social GOOD
Valid N (listwise) 60
Job performance is the result of
Source: Primary Data: 2017
result of training employees of the 60 2.32 1.347 POOR
According to Findings in table 5 shows that the respondents
There is positive relationship
were GOOD that the monetary reward is the most important between training and perceived 60 2.38 1.379 POOR
factor that motivates employees as indicated in the mean of performance of employee
(M= 2.87), while respondents were GOOD that the main Effective training makes the
purpose of monetary reward is to attract, retain and motivate company's employees to be more 60 2.25 1.323 POOR
qualified employees as indicated by the mean of (M= 2.92), productive
followed by that the respondents were GOOD that the Job training contributes to POOR
Monetary reward is one of the most significant variables in maintaining labor peace, and
60 2.40 1.380
explaining job performance which got the mean of (M= 2.87), increasing organization's
while the respondents were GOOD that if there is positive productivity
relationship between monetary reward and performance as
Valid N (listwise) 60
indicated in the mean of (M= 2.80), and the respondents were
Source: Primary Data: 2017
GOOD that the monetary reward can help to create positive
17014 Said AbdiMohamud et al. The effect of motivation on employee performance: case study in hormuud company in Mogadishu Somalia

According to findings in table 7 shows that the respondents in while there is less effect between training and employee
were GOOD that Training provides opportunities for personal performance in Hormuud Company.
growth, increased responsibility, and increased social status as
indicated by the mean of (M= 2.75), while the respondents Table 9. Correlations between variables and DV
were POOR that the Job performance is the result oftraining
employees of the Organization which indicated by the mean of Correlations
(M= 2.32), while the respondents were POOR that the Monetary Job Employee
Effective training makes the company's employees to be more rewards enrichment Training performance
productive as indicated by the mean of (M= 2.38), while the monetary Pearson
1 .243 .188 .527(**)
respondents were POOR that the Effective training makes the rewards Correlation
Sig. (2-
company's employees to be more productive as indicated by tailed)
.062 .150 .000
the mean of (M= 2.25), and the respondents were POOR that N 60 60 60 60
the Job training contributes to maintaining labor peace, and job Pearson
.243 1 .313(*) .502(**)
enrichment Correlation
increasing organization's productivity as indicated by the mean
Sig. (2-
of (M= 2.40). tailed)
.062 .015 .000
N 60 60 60 60
Table 8. Employee Performance Training Pearson
.188 .313(*) 1 .230
Sig. (2-
Std. Interpretation .150 .015 .077
Statements N Mean Deviation N 60 60 60 60
Employee performance is employee Pearson
the result of motivated 60 2.78 1.263 GOOD .527(**) .502(**) .230 1
performance Correlation
employees Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .077
Employee performance tailed)
helps organization to be 60 2.88 1.316 N 60 60 60 60
more productive GOOD ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The goals of employee * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
performance include Source: Primary Data: 2017
employee development and 60 2.92 1.239
organizational GOOD Table 10. Correlations between motivation (IV) and employee
improvement performance (DV)
Employee performance
helps both personal GOOD
development and 60 2.87 1.346 Correlations
organizational goals Employee
Employees who are Motivation performance
satisfied with their jobs are 60 2.83 1.380 GOOD Motivation Pearson
1 .716(**)
more productive than others Correlation
Valid N (listwise) 60 Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Source: Primary Data: 2017 N 60 60
Employee Pearson
.716(**) 1
performance Correlation
According to findings in table 8 shows that the respondents Sig. (2-tailed) .000
were GOOD that the Employee performance is the result of N 60 60
motivated employees as indicated by the mean of (M= 2.78), ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
while respondents where GOOD that the Employee Source: Primary Data: 2017
performance helps organization to be more productive as
indicated with the mean of (M= 2.88), while the respondents Table 10 shows beta values which mean individual
were GOOD that the goals of employee performance include independent motivation variables influence on dependent
employee development and organizational improvement as employee performance variable. Result indicates that
indicated by the mean of (M=2.92), while the respondents motivation has the strong influence on employee’s
were GOOD that the Employee performance helps both performance in Hormuud Company with beta value. 0.716.
personal development and organizational goals as indicated by
the mean of (M= 2.87), and finally the respondents were Table 11. Model summary
GOOD that the Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are
more productive than others as indicated by the mean of (M= Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
2.83). Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .654(a) .427 .397 2.290
Table 9 shows that the first objective of the study which is a Predictors: (Constant), training, monetary rewards, job enrichment
monetary rewards has strong positive correlation with the Source: Primary Data: 2017
dependent employee performance variable with the value of
0.527, while the second objective of the study which is job Model summary is a summery that describes how far the
enrichment has strong positive correlation with the dependent independent variables explain the dependent variables that
employee performance variable with the value of 0.502, and mean the greater R value has the great number the greater
finally the third objective of the study which is training has independent variables explain with dependent variable. In
weak positive correlation with the dependent employee order to test the research hypotheses, a standard multiple
performance variable with the value of 0.230. This indicates regression analysis was conducted using employee
that monetary rewards and job enrichment have the strong performance the dependent variable, and the three
influence on employee’s performance in Hormuud Company, investigations determine effect of motivation of the employee
17015 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17009-17016, November, 2017

Table 12. Analysis of Variance

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 219.205 3 73.068 13.935 .000(a)
Residual 293.645 56 5.244
Total 512.850 59
a. Predictors: (Constant), training, monetary rewards, job enrichment
b. Dependent Variable: employee performance
Source: Primary Data: 2017
Table 13. Regression Coefficients

Un standardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta B Std. Error
1 (Constant) .223 1.539 .145 .885
monetary rewards .444 .109 .427 4.068 .000
job enrichment .297 .083 .390 3.590 .001
training .029 .111 .028 .259 .796
a Dependent Variable: employee performance
Source: Primary Data: 2017

performance: monetary rewards, job enrichment, and Training improves employee performance. Some employees were very
as the predicting variables. Table 11 present the regression little motivated as there is no recognition after good
results. From the model summary in table 12, it is clear that the performance and no feedback after performance of duties so
adjusted R2 was 0.397indicating that a combination of: the organization has to come up with strategy that can be the
monetary rewards, job enrichment, and Training explained result which the organization can use competitive strategy in
42.7% of the variation in the employeeperformance of market and also their workers become satisfied and loyal
Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia. From the ANOVA then the point of the study be reached which was
table 12, it is clear that the overall standard multiple regression employee performance those produce more and that cannot be
model (the model involving constant, monetary rewards, job true unless quality of human resource management has a
enrichment, and Training is significant in predicting how: critical influence on the performance of the company.
monetary rewards, job enrichment, and Trainingdetermine
employee performance of Hormuud Company in Mogadishu Recommendations
Somalia. The regression model achieves a degree of fit as
reflected by an R2 of 0.427 (F = 13.935; P = 0.000 < 0.05). This section was informed from the research questions that
asked possible recommendations that should be given to
Table 13 presents that the regression results on how: monetary improve the performance in each of the three research
rewards, job enrichment, and Trainingdetermine employee questions. From the study, the following are the
performance of theHormuud Company in Mogadishu Somalia. recommendations as established by the research;
The multiple regression equation was that: Y=
β0+β1X1+β2X2+ β3X3 + ε and the multiple regression 1. The Hormuud Company should also come up with
equation became: Y = 0.223+0.444X1 0.297X2 + 0.029X3 As uniform salaries of their staff because some employees
depicted in table 4.8, there was positive and significant effects were poor pay and while others were highly paid. The
of monetary rewards on employee performance (β = 0.427; t = results and findings indicated that Human Resource
4.068; p < 0.05). There was positive and significant effects of Management should come up with an effective
job enrichment on employee performance (β = 0.390; t = performance measurement system that rewards hard
3.590; p < 0.05). However, there was positive and insignificant workers and penalizes ineffective workers.
effects of training on employee performance (β = 0..028; t = 2. It is important to develop such an atmosphere where
0.259; p > 0.05). employees are well satisfied with their jobs and
cooperative with each other. In this way employees will
Conclusion be in position to utilize their full potential in their jobs.
3. The research study strongly suggests that the teamwork
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions activities must exist in the organizational environment.
were drawn. The results reveal that monetary rewards, job
enrichment have significant and positive effects on Suggestions for further research
employee performance while training have strong negative
and highly insignificant correlation on employee According to the research further studies should be undertaken
performance also results indicate there were good to establish what motivates employees, since the study pointed
relationship between motivation and employee performance out that, employees were highly motivated by monetary
and The research results showed that employee rewards yet, employers insist on other motivators like training,
motivation influences employee performance of Hormuud parties and team building.
Company in Mogadishu Somalia. The results of correlation
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