Edu 201
25 October 2020
Being in such a diverse county, I was originally under the impression that CCSD already
had a diversified team of teachers. It comes to my surprise that 11.2% of CCSD teachers are
Latino and on 7.6% of them are black. But this information does align with the claims in the
beginning of the textbook that the majority of teachers in the profession are Caucasian females.
Speaking from personal experience, I can see the importance of having teachers that
come from the same background as the students. I spent a big part of my educational career,
from 2nd grade to 9th grade, in a small private school in Thailand. At this school, I did not really
have any teachers I could identify with, as all of them were Thais. It was not until 4th grade that
the school decided to hire 3 Filipino teachers to come in a teach English. Even thought these
teachers did not come from the United States, I still found it easier to identify with them and
have them as someone I could talk to that understood my perspective more than the other
teachers. Also, they were the only people at the time that spoke English at the same level that I
did, so I had someone to help keep my English in shape. These 3 teachers became to me so much
more than jut English teachers. They were my mentors, and very close friends.
I feel like my experience is similar to the students of the World History teacher from
Valley High School that was mentioned in the article. He became someone in which his ESL
students could understand and identify with. He uses his experience of moving over here from
another country and learning English as motivation for his students to not give up. His students
have someone to look up to and someone to serve as an example that their goals are not too far
out of reach. I feel like diversity in CCSD’s teaching staff is about more than just representation.
It is about the students being able to find someone that understands them and actually has been
through what the students are going though. The article also mentions that students tend to open
up more to teachers that look like them. It is evidence that students can be better if they do not
feel singled out. It is safe to say that diversity in our schools help students feel a little less alone.
Taking a look at CCSD’s strategic plan they have claimed that they will hire Teachers
that would benefit from the District compensation package and cost of living. They plan of doing
this by recruiting though Spanish, Latino, and African American student associations, as well as,
recruiting though Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic Serving
Institutions. If they follow through with this plan, they are almost guaranteed to end up with a
more diverse team of teachers. I think it is an acceptable plan, but it is also very important for
CCSD to keep retention in mind. The children need these teachers. They can hire all the diverse
staff they want, but they also have to keep them happy enough to stay. This could be achieved
To summarize, with the increasing size of the minority population in students building a
team of teachers that is diverse is more important now than ever for Clark County school district.
Our students need teachers they can identify with. Teachers that understand what is going on
with their students outside of the classroom. Teachers that can foresee how students’
backgrounds effect their academic performance. Cultural awareness courses can never take place
of teachers that are actually part of the culture. For the sake of our students, the time for diversity
is now.