of Achievements in Materials January-February
and Manufacturing Engineering 2007
Purpose: The aim of the current study is to reveal the influence of welding conditions on structure and stress
corrosion cracking resistance of dissimilar stainless steels butt welded joints.
Design/methodology/approach: Butt joints between duplex 2205 and austenitic 316L steels were performed
with the use of submerged arc welding (SAW) method. The plates 15 mm in thickness were welded with heat
input in the range of 1.15 – 3.2 kJ/mm using duplex steel filler metal. Microstructure examinations and corrosion
tests were carried out. Slow strain rate tests (SSRT) were performed in inert (glycerin) and aggressive (boiling
35% MgCl2 solution) environments.
Findings: It was shown that place of the lowest resistance to stress corrosion cracking is heat affected zone at
duplex steel side of dissimilar joins. That phenomenon was connected with undesirable structure of that zone
consisted of great amount of coarse ferrite grains and acicular austenite precipitates. High welding inputs do not
deteriorate stress corrosion cracking resistance of welds.
Research limitations/implications: High welding heat inputs should enhance the precipitation process of
intermetallic phases in the HAZ. It is necessary to continue the research to determine the relationship between
welding parameters, obtained structures, and corrosion resistance of dissimilar stainless steels welded joints.
Practical implications: Application of more productive joining process for dissimilar welds like submerged arc
welding instead of currently employed gas metal arc welding (GMAW) method will be profitable in terms of
reduction the welding costs.
Originality/value: The stress corrosion cracking resistance of dissimilar stainless steel welded joints was
determined. The zone of the weaker resistance to stress corrosion cracking was pointed out.
Keywords: Crack resistance; Welded joints; Corrosion; Duplex stainless steel
1. Introduction
1. Introduction benefits of the two steel types has been carried out on the basis of
cost, corrosion resistance, and welding.
Utilization of duplex stainless steels in chemical tankers has
Tanks and pipelines at chemical carriers that come into direct many advantages over conventional austenitics. Duplexes give
1. Introduction
contact witch corrosive media are fabricated of different grades of higher pitting corrosion resistance, and enhanced stress corrosion
stainless steels. The most common stainless steel used has been cracking resistance. In addition, the cargo tanks form an integral
the austenitic 316LN grade, and in lesser extent, 317LN grade. part of the hull structure and the high yield strength of duplex
These steels have a good corrosion resistance are easy to form and steels > 450 MPa enables the plate thickness of the tanks to be
easy to weld. However, today the movement towards the use of reduced considerably [1, 2, 3].
duplex stainless steels (of austenitic-ferritic structure) instead of Welded joints of stainless steels can be a weak point of whole
austenitics is evident. An evaluation to establish the relative tank construction. That is why so much attention has been paid on
© Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2007 Short paper 255
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 20 Issues 1-2 January-February 2007
the weldability aspects of high alloyed stainless steels in the all cases limited to 100qC maximum. Each weld was X-rayed and
direction to extend their use to more demanding applications. crack tested, and found to be satisfactory with B quality class
Weldability of the 316L grades is not problematical. It is according to PN-EN 25817.
necessary to choose consumables that can give 5 to 10 % of delta
ferrite in the welded microstructure that is essential to prevent Table 1.
solidification cracking. Chemical composition of steels used for welding trials, wt %
In duplex stainless steels arc welding operation gives more Material C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo
or less undesired heat treatment of the area close to the weld.
The high-temperature area of heat affected zone (HAZ) is UR45N+ 0.017 0.4 1.5 21.9 5.7 3.0
brought to a temperature, where the material is almost fully 316L 0.019 0.38 1.7 16.0 11.0 2.5
ferritic. Upon cooling, a reformation of austenite starts at the
grain boundaries and then continues in the ferrite grains. The ESAB 0.02 0.46 1.6 23.0 8.6 3.1
extent of ferrite to austenite transformation depends on the steel 16.86
composition and welding conditions. When cooling is rapid,
high ferrite content can remain in the heat-affected zone. If, on Table 2.
the other hand, the heat input is too high, precipitation of Mechanical properties of austenitic and duplex stainless steel
intermetallic phases can occur and phase transformation ferrite plates (producer data)
to austenite can be suppressed [4,5]. This can significantly Material T.S. YPmin A5 min HV KV (L)
reduce mechanical properties and corrosion resistance [6]. For MPa MPa % min, J
maintain acceptable properties of the joints the ferrite content in UR45N+ 640-840 460 25 290 90
weld metal and HAZ should be in the range 25-70% [7,8].
Certain problems can arise when dissimilar austenitic- 316L 530-670 220 45 146 90
duplex welds are performed. It is important for chemical
tankers, because such welds are there unavoidable [9].
Welding of thick plates require using of more productive a)
process like submerged arc welding (SAW) instead of currently
employed gas metal arc welding (GMAW) method. The double
sided, two pass welding process for duplex and austenitic plates
was considered to be undesiredable, as the required high heat
input would generate too low a ferrite content in the weld metal
and create favorable conditions for the precipitation of b)
intermetallic phases [7]. Other opinions [10] say that thick
plates of stainless steels can be successfully welded with the use
of higher heat inputs. So far there is not clearly established the
maximum heat input limit that give joints mechanical and
corrosion properties that can meet requirements of ship
classification societies [8,11-13].
This paper describes structure and corrosion resistance of c)
dissimilar stainless steels welds obtained through the submerged
arc welding. Investigations focused on stress corrosion resistance
of welded joints.
2. Experimental
2. Experimental Fig. 1. Edge preparation for dissimilar welded joints; a) Y, b) 2Y,
c) I edge preparation
The plates 15 mm in thickness made of UR45N+ (UNS 31803,
1.4462) duplex stainless steel and AISI 316L (1.4432) austenitic steel Table 3.
were used. Chemical compositions and mechanical properties of the Welding parameters of dissimilar joints
steel plates are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Thickness Preparation Number Heat input Side/pass
Duplex stainless steel filler metal with increased nickel mm of passes kJ/mm
content relative to the base material was used. The chemical 15 Y 4 1.15 1/1
composition of the I 3,2 mm wire ESAB OK Autrod 16.86 is 1.15 1/2
presented in Table 1. Basic non-alloyed agglomerated flux (ESAB 1.50 1/3
Flux 10.93) was used. Three butt joints were performed using Y, 1.44 2/1
2Y and square edge preparations in order to obtain different dilutions 15 2Y 2 2.16 1/1
between base and welded metal (Fig. 1). 2.37 2/1
Joints were filled with two or more beds with the use of heat 15 I 2 2.6 1/1
input as indicated in Table 3. All beds were performed using 3.2 2/1
SAW method with single wire. The interpass temperature was in
3. Results andand
3. Results
3. Results discussion
and discussion
discussion Table 4.
Ferrite content in welds
Ferrite content, mean values, %
In the metallographic examinations three aspects were
considered. Firstly the general microstructure was assessed and in Y joint 2Y joint I joint
particular the presence of secondary austenite. Secondly, the Face line of the weld 55.6 41.1 45.4
width and structure of heat affected zones, and in the end, the Root line of the weld 49.0 46.8 42.7
solidification pattern of the root beds was examined with special Centerline 42.0 30.0 35.8
attention to any solidification cracking. HAZ from duplex side 72.2 65.5 69.3
The HAZ microstructure could be critical for welded joint
properties [14,15]. For examined welds the very narrow zones of The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking was
about 300-500 Pm were observed on the duplex steel side (Fig. 2). determined in slow strain rate tests (SSRT) with the strain rate
The ferrite content in that zone was significantly higher in of 2.2 x 10-6 s-1 in 35% boiling water solution of MgCl 2 at
comparison to bulk weld metal. The width of heat affected zones 125oC. The supplementary tests in an inert environment
from 316L steel side (Fig. 3) was extremely narrow and reach (glycerin) were also performed. Shape and dimensions of
100-150 Pm. The microstructure consists of lamellar ferrite specimens are shown in Fig. 4. Tested zones of specimens
precipitates that surround equiaxial austenite grains. There was no contain whole welded joint e.g. weld metal, heat affected
evidence of excessive austenite grain growth. zones and base materials.
Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of dissimilar stainless steels welded joints 257
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 20 Issues 1-2 January-February 2007
Author would like to thank the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education of the Republic of Poland for financial support
of the investigation within the project No. 3 T08C 052 28.
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