The Filament Is Enclosed in A Bulb To Protect The Filament From
The Filament Is Enclosed in A Bulb To Protect The Filament From
The Filament Is Enclosed in A Bulb To Protect The Filament From
Light bulb is made from glass bulb, wire filament, bulb socket. Wire filament gets energy
from bulb socket and heats until filament glows. The filament is enclosed in a bulb to
protect the filament from oxidation.
Light bulb invention is really important to now days. Back days, before light bulb was
invented, people used candles. But candles are dangerous and messy.
In 1800 inventor Alessandro Volta didn’t invented light bulb, but he invented electricity
current. In 1809 inventor Humphry Davy crated light bulb predecessor. He connected
carbon electrons with Volt elements to make a light bulb. This light bulb wasn’t practical to
use because bulb lighted very bright and not for long time. In 1840 British investor Warren
de la Rue made better light bulb with platinum thread. This light bulb was good, but
platinum is very expensive so it didn’t become practical. In 1850 British investor Joseph
Swan solved the puzzle of price and efficiency. He changed expencive platinum thread into
cheap soot paper thread. But it wasn‘t very practical because light bulb needs a lot of
energy. Investor Thom Edison understood, that problem in Swan‘s light bulb is soot paper
thread ant it would be better to change in thin, high electrical resistance thread. He made
with some other investors more than 3000 different light bulb variantions. In 1879 Thom
Edison offered light bulb with carbon thread. Thom Edison took 1 year ant tried 6000
natural filaments to find perfect filament. Soot bamboo filament glows for 1200 hours and it
was used for Thom Edison light bulbs.
Now, in light bulbs we are using Wolfram thread.
Today we can’t imagine life without light. In every room we have few lamps. Becouse of
light bulbs we have longer productive time, we can read, write without candles.
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