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Generalised Geometric Brownian Motion: Theory and Applications To Option Pricing

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Generalised geometric Brownian motion: Theory and applications to option


Preprint · October 2020


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5 authors, including:

Viktor Stojkoski Trifce Sandev (Трифче Сандев)

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Lasko Basnarkov Ralf Metzler

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Universität Potsdam


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Generalised geometric Brownian motion: Theory and
applications to option pricing
Viktor Stojkoski1,2, Trifce Sandev2,3,4 , Lasko Basnarkov2,5, Ljupco Kocarev2,5
arXiv:2011.00312v1 [q-fin.PR] 31 Oct 2020

and Ralf Metzler3, *

1 Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, 1000 Skopje,
2 Research Center for Computer Science and Information Technologies,

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Bul. Krste Misirkov 2, 1000 Skopje,
3 Institute of Physics & Astronomy, University of Potsdam, D-14776

Potsdam-Golm, Germany
4 Institute of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and

Methodius University, Arhimedova 3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

5 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius

University, P.O. Box 393, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

November 3, 2020

Classical option pricing schemes assume that the value of a financial asset follows a ge-
ometric Brownian motion (GBM). However, a growing body of studies suggest that a simple
GBM trajectory is not an adequate representation for asset dynamics due to irregularities found
when comparing its properties with empirical distributions. As a solution, we develop a gener-
alisation of GBM where the introduction of a memory kernel critically determines the behavior
of the stochastic process. We find the general expressions for the moments, log-moments, and
the expectation of the periodic log returns, and obtain the corresponding probability density
functions by using the subordination approach. Particularly, we consider subdiffusive GBM
(sGBM), tempered sGBM, a mix of GBM and sGBM, and a mix of sGBMs. We utilise the
resulting generalised GBM (gGBM) to examine the empirical performance of a selected group
of kernels in the pricing of European call options. Our results indicate that the performance of
a kernel ultimately depends on the maturity of the option and its moneyness.
* Corresponding author: rmetzler@uni-potsdam.de

1 Introduction
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM) frequently features in mathematical modeling. The advantage
of modelling through this process lies in its universality, as it represents an attractor of more com-
plex models that exhibit non-ergodic dynamics [1–3]. As such, GBM has been used to underlie
the dynamics of a diverse set of natural phenomena including the distribution of incomes, body
weights, rainfall, fragment sizes in rock crushing processes, etc [4, 5]. Nevertheless, perhaps the
best-known application of GBM is in finance, and in particular in terms of the Black-Scholes (BS)
model (or Black-Scholes-Merton model) [6–8] for the pricing of European options.
By construction, GBM is a simple continuous-time stochastic process in which the logarithm of
the randomly varying quantity of interest follows a Brownian motion with drift. Its non-ergodicity
is manifested in the difference between the growth rate observed in an individual trajectory and the
ensemble average growth [9]. The time-averaged growth rate is dependent on both the drift and
the randomness in the system, whereas the ensemble growth rate is solely dependent on the drift.
If only a single system is to be modeled, on the long run only the time-averaged growth rate, is
observed. This is naturally the case in financial market dynamics, for which only single time series
exist, and where individual realisations would be expected to be distinctly disparate [10].
Moreover, GBM is closely related to the problem of heterogeneous diffusion and turbulent dif-
fusion, which are represented by the inhomogeneous advection-diffusion equation with position-
dependent diffusion coefficient D(x) and velocity field v(x). It is well known that at turbulent diffu-
sion the contaminant spreads very fast. For the case of Richardson diffusion the position-dependent
diffusion coefficient behaves as D(x) ∼ x4/3 and the relative mean squared displacement (MSD)
scales as hx2 (t)i ∼ t 3 [11]. However, the fast spread of contaminants can be essentially increased
due to multiplicative noise, such that the MSD grows exponentially with time [12, 13].
Notably, in a variety of cases GBM has failed to reproduce the properties of real asset prices.
For instance, by definition, GBM is not able to adequately reproduce fat tailed distributions of
various characteristics widespread in nature [14]. As a solution, three alternating theories have
been proposed: i) stochastic volatility [15–17]; ii) utilising stochastic processes in which the
noise follows a fat-tailed distribution [18–23]; and iii) generalisations of GBM based on subdiffu-
sion [24–26]. In the first approach the volatility is a stochastic process itself. The second approach
intuitively leads to the observation of log returns which follow a fat-tailed distribution. The last
approach, differently from the first two views, assumes anomalous price dynamics. Concretely, the
observation that the distribution of log returns is fat tailed, can be attributed to prolonged periods
in which the price of the asset exhibits approximately constant extreme values. These constant
periods can be considered as trapping of particles, as is done in physical systems which mani-
fest anomalous diffusion (subdiffusion) [27, 28]. While the resulting subdiffusive GBM (sGBM)
is able to easily reproduce real-life properties, the literature lacks a extensive study in which the
exact empirical characteristics of the subdiffusive model are presented.
The purpose of this paper is to propose a unifying framework for the application of subdiffusive
GBM models in option pricing. We do this by developing the so-called generalised GBM (gGBM).
gGBM is a stochastic process whose behavior is critically determined by a memory kernel. By
choosing the appropriate kernel, we recover the standard GBM and the typically used subdiffusive
GBM models [24–26]. To understand the behavior of gGBM under various kernels, we perform
a detailed analysis and show that the dynamics of the model can be easily adjusted to mimic
periods of constant prices and/or fat-tailed observations of returns, thus corresponding to realistic

scenarios. More importantly, we utilise the properties of the model to investigate its capability to
predict empirical option values. We find that the performance of a kernel ultimately depends on
the parameters of the option, such as its maturity and its moneyness. The first property describes
simply the time left for the option to be exercised, wheres the second characteristic depicts the
relative position of the current price with respect to the strike price of the option. On the first
sight, this conclusion appears intuitive – obviously the known information for the properties of the
asset greatly impacts its price, the observation that a slight change in the known information may
drastically change the dynamics suggests that there is a need in the option pricing literature for
models that easily allow for such structural changes. We believe that the resolution to this issue
lies in applying the concepts of time-averaging and ergodicity breaking to modeling financial time-
series, and our gGBM framework offers a computationally inexpensive and efficiently tractable
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we provide an overview of GBM in the BS
model and its use in option pricing. We also give detailed results for the so-called sGBM in terms
of fractional Fokker-Planck equation and its corresponding continuous time random walk (CTRW)
model. In Section 3 we present gGBM and describe its properties by using the subordination ap-
proach. In particular, we derive the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation with a memory kernel
and obtain the respective moments and log-moments. The general function used in the Lévy ex-
ponent occurs as a memory kernel in the Fokker-Planck equation, which allows us to recover the
previously known results for GBM and sGBM. We consider generalisations of GBM and sGBM
by introducing tempered sGBM, a mix of GBM and sGBM, as well as a mix of sGBMs. An em-
pirical example of application of the gGBM in option pricing is presented in Section 4. Section 5
summarises our findings. In the Appendices we give detailed calculations as well as derivation of
the Fokker-Planck equation for the gGBM within the CTRW theory.

2 Background
2.1 Standard GBM
GBM has been applied in a variety scientific fields [9, 29–33]. Mathematically, it is represented by
the Langevin equation

dx(t) = x(t) [µ dt + σ dB(t)], x0 = x(0), (1)

where x(t) is the particle position, µ is the drift, σ > 0 is the volatility, and B(t) represents standard
Brownian motion. The solution to Eq. (1) in the Itô sense is
x(t) = x0 e(µ − 2 )t+σ B(t) , x0 = x(0) > 0. (2)

When the dynamics of the asset price follows a GBM, then a risk-neutral distribution (proba-
bility distribution which takes into account the risk of future price fluctuations) can be easily found

by solving the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation1 to Eq. (1),

∂ ∂ σ2 ∂2 2
f (x,t) = −µ x f (x,t) + x f (x,t), (3)
∂t ∂x 2 ∂ x2
with initial condition f (x,t = 0) = δ (x − x0 ). The solution of Eq. (3) is the famed log-normal
1 [log x − log x0 − µ̄ t]2
f (x,t) = √ × exp − . (4)
x 2πσ 2t 2σ 2 t

where µ̄ = µ − σ 2 /2.
From the solution, it follows that the mean value and the mean square displacement (MSD)
have exponential dependence on time,

hx(t)i = x0 eµ t , (5)

2 +2 µ )t
hx2 (t)i = x20 e(σ , (6)

respectively, and thus, the variance becomes

hx2 (t)i − hx(t)i2 = x20 e2µ t eσ t − 1 . (7)

The exact derivation of the GBM distribution and its moments is given in Appendix A.
Evidently, in GBM the diffusion coefficient scales proportionally with the square of the position
of the particle, i.e., D(x) = σ 2 x2 /2, and thus the MSD has an exponential dependence on time. A
more convenient measure instead of the MSD for geometric processes is the behaviour of the
expectation of the logarithm of x(t). In the case of GBM the expectation of the logarithm of the
particle position has a linear
dependence on time. This can be shown by calculation of the log-
moments hlog x(t)i = 0 logn x P(x,t) dx, see Appendix A. The mean value of the logarithm of

x(t) becomes

hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ t, (8)

from where for the expectation of the periodic log return with period ∆t, one finds
1 d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ µ̄ = hlog x(t)i. (9)
∆t ∆t→0 dt
The second log-moment is given by

hlog2 x(t)i = hlog2 x0 i + µ̄ 2 t 2 + 2µ̄ hlog x0 it + σ 2t, (10)

1 This Fokker-Planck equation corresponds to the Itô interpretation of the multiplicative noise. There are also
Stratonovich and Klimontovich-Hänggi interpretations, for which the corresponding Fokker-Planck equations are
slightly different, see Refs. [12, 34]. In finance math literature the Itô convention is the standard interpretation.

which for the log-variance yields

hlog2 x(t)i − hlog x(t)i2 = σ 2t. (11)

2.2 Black-Scholes formula

As previously said, perhaps the best-known application of GBM is in finance, and in particular the
BS model for pricing of European options. Formally, a European option is a contract which gives
the buyer (the owner or holder of the option) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an
underlying asset or instrument x(T ) at a specified strike price K on a specified date T . The seller
has the corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction – to sell or buy – if the buyer (owner)
“exercises” the option. An option that conveys to the owner the right to buy at a specific price
is referred to as a call; an option that conveys the right of the owner to sell at a specific price
is referred to as a put. Here we are going to consider the valuation of call options, denoted as
CBS (x,t), with the note that the derived results easily extend to put options.
In the modeling of financial assets, a standard assumption is that there is a risk-neutral distribu-
tion f (x,t) for the price of the asset. This measure is simply a probability distribution which takes
into account the risk of future price fluctuations. Once a risk-neutral distribution is assigned, the
value of the option is obtained by discounting the expectation of its value at the maturity T with
respect to that distribution [6, 35], i.e.,
Z ∞
−r(T −t)
CBS (x,t) = e (x(T ) − K) f (x, T, |x0, 0)dx, (12)

where r is the risk-free rate of return and x0 is the asset price at the beginning (t = 0). Notice that
the integral is calculated only for the region of prices where the option has positive value, since for
asset price less than K the option would not be exercised (i.e. its value is 0).
Eqs. (12) and (4) can be combined to derive an analytical formula for the value of the call
option in the BS model for the GBM as
CBS (x0 , T, K,t) = N(d1 )x(t) − N(d2)Ke−(µ − 2 )(T −t) (13)
1 x(t)
d1 = √ log + µ (T − t) (14)
σ T −t K

d2 = d1 − σ T − t, (15)
R x 2
where N(x) = √12π −∞ e−u /2 du is the cumulative distribution function of the Gaussian distribution
with zero mean and unit variance. Put simply, the two terms in the BS formula describe the current
price of the asset weighted by the probability that the investor will exercise its option at time t and
the discounted price of the strike price weighted by its exercise probability. The terms d1,2 can be
seen as measures of the moneyness of the option and N(d1,2 ) as probabilities that the option will
expire while its value is in the money. The neat BS formulation has allowed the model to be widely
applied in both theoretical investigations and empirical implementations. However, the BS model
has failed to adequately reproduce a plethora of real world properties.
The European option CBS (x,t) (12) is a solution of the Black-Scholes equation, see for example

∂ σ 2 x2 ∂ 2 ∂
+ −r+rx CBS (x,t) = 0, (16)
∂t 2 ∂ x2 ∂x

with initial condition CBS (x, T ) = max{x−K, 0}, x ≥ 0, and boundary conditions CBS (x = 0,t) = 0,
t ≥ T , and CBS (x → ∞,t) → x. By using t = 0 and T → t, one finds the equation
 2 2 2 
∂ σ x ∂ ∂
CBS (x,t) = −r+rx CBS (x,t). (17)
∂t 2 ∂ x2 ∂x

with initial condition CBS (x,t = 0) = max{x − K, 0}, x ≥ 0, and boundary conditions CBS (x =
0,t) = 0, t ≥ 0, and C(x → ∞,t) → x.
In particular, theoretically predicted option prices with fixed values for drift µ and volatility
σ via the BS model are known to significantly deviate from their respective market values in a
plethora of cases. To deal with this problem, extensions of the BS model have emerged, which
include combination of the GBM with jumps [8, 37], or with stochastic volatility [38, 39].

2.3 Subdiffusive GBM

One of the reasons why the standard GBM is not able to explain empirical data is because it fails
to explain periods of constant prices which appear on markets with low number of transactions.
The price in these constant periods can be described as a trapped particle in physical systems that
manifest anomalous diffusion (subdiffusion) [27,28]. To deal with this problem, the so-called sub-
diffusive GBM (sGBM) has been developed [24], by using the subordination approach. The cor-
responding equation for the sGBM becomes the following fractional Fokker-Planck equation [24]
(see also [25])
∂ 1−α ∂ σ2 ∂2 2
fα (x,t) = RL Dt −µ x fα (x,t) + x fα (x,t) , (18)
∂t ∂x 2 ∂ x2

Z t
ν 1 d
RL Dt f (t) = (t − t ′ )−ν f (t ′) dt ′ (19)
Γ(1 − ν ) dt 0

is the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order 0 < ν < 1 [40]2 . To avoid the strange initial
condition, alternatively, we could use the integral version of the equation
−α ∂ σ2 ∂2 2
fα (x,t) − gα (x, 0) = RL Dt −µ x fα (x,t) + x fα (x,t) , (20)
∂x 2 ∂ x2
2 The Laplace transform of the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of a given function reads
L {RL Dtν f (t)} (s) = sν L { f (t)} (s) − RL It1−ν f (0+), where RL Itν f (t) = Γ(1ν ) 0t (t − t ′ )ν −1 f (t ′ ) dt ′ is the Riemann-
Liouville fractional integral.


where L RL Dt−α f (t) (s) = s−α L { f (t)}(s). In Ref. [25] the time fractional Fokker-Planck
equation (18) for sGBM is derived within the CTRW theory for a particle on a geometric lattice in
presence of a logarithmic potential.
Here we note that the fractional Fokker-Planck equation (18) can be obtained by using the
Langevin equation approach [41], i.e., by considering a CTRW model described by a coupled
Langevin equations [42],
x(u) = µ x(u) + σ x(u) ξ (u), (21)
T (u) = ζ (u). (22)
Therefore, x(t) is parametrised inR terms of the number of steps u, and the connection to the phys-
ical time t is given by T (u) = 0u τ (u′ ) du, where τ (u) is a total of individual waiting times τ
for each step. In mathematical terms this is called subordination [43–45]. The noise ξ (u) is a
white noise with zero mean and correlation hξ (u)ξ (u′)i = 2δ (u − u′ ), while ζ (u) is one-sided
α -stable Lévy noise with the stable index 0 < α < 1. The inverse process S (t) of the one-
sided α -stable Levy process T (u) with characteristic function he−sT (u) i = e−s u is given by
S (t) = inf {u > 0 : T (u) > t}, i.e., it represents a collection of first passage times [41]. The
CTRW is defined by the subordinated process X (t) = x(S (t)). The PDF h(u,t) of the inverse
process S (t) can be found from the relation [41]

h(u,t) = − Θ (t − T (u)) , (23)
where Θ(z) is the Heaviside theta function. The Laplace transform then yields
Z ∞ 
∂ 1 ∂ 1 −sT (u) ∂ 1 −sα u α
ĥ(u, s) = − −st
δ (t − T (u)) e dt = − he i=− e = sα −1 e−s u .
∂u s 0 ∂u s ∂u s
Therefore, fα (x,t) = hδ (x − X (t))i = hδ (x − X (S (t))i = 0∞ f (x, u) h(u,t) dt, from where one
can easily arrive to the fractional Fokker-Planck equation (18).
The mean value for sGBM is given by [25, 42]

hx(t)i = x0 Eα (µ t α ) , (25)

where Eα (z) is the one parameter Mittag-Leffler (ML) function [27, 40]3

Eα (z) = ∑ , (26)
k=0 Γ(α k + 1)

with (z ∈ C; ℜ(α ) > 0), and Γ(·) is the Gamma function. The ML function is a generalization of
sα −1
3 The Laplace transform of the one parameter ML function reads L {Eα (at α )} (s) = sα −a .

the exponential function since E1 (z) = ez . The asymptotic behavior of the mean is given by4
( α
1 + µ t α /Γ(1 + α ) ∼ eµ t /Γ(1+α ) , t ≪ 1,
hx(t)i ≃ x0 1/α (27)
α −1 eµ t , t ≫ 1.

The MSD also is given through the one parameter ML function [25, 42]

hx2 (t)i = x20 Eα (σ 2 + 2µ )t α
( 2 α
2 1 + (σ 2 + 2µ )t α /Γ(1 + α ) ∼ e(σ +2µ )t /Γ(1+α ) , t ≪ 1,
≃ hx (0)i 2 1/α (28)
α −1 e(σ +2µ ) t , t ≫ 1.

From here one concludes that the sGBM is an exponentially fast process.
The first log-moment has the form [25]
Z t ′α −1
t tα
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ dt ′ = hlog x0 i + µ̄ , (29)
0 Γ(α ) Γ(1 + α )

which gives a power-law dependence with respect to time of the expectation of the log return with
period ∆t, i.e., [25]

1 t α −1
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ µ̄ . (30)
∆t ∆t→0 Γ(α )

Such models have been used, for example, to explain the dynamics of an asset before a market
crash [47]. The second log-moment becomes [25]

  tα t 2α
hlog2 x(t)i = hlog2 x0 i + 2µ̄ hlog x0 i + σ 2 + 2µ̄ 2 . (31)
Γ(1 + α ) Γ(1 + 2α )

from where for the log-variance one finds [25]

tα 2 1
hlog x(t)i − hlog x(t)i = σ2 2
+ µ̄ 2
− 2 t 2α , (32)
Γ(1 + α ) Γ(1 + 2α ) Γ (1 + α )

which in the long time limit scales as t 2α (0 < α < 1), contrary to the linear scaling t for regular
GBM (α = 1).

3 Generalised GBM
In this section we consider a generalization of GBM, under which the standard and subdiffusive
GBM arise as special cases, by using the subordination approach. The continuous time random
For the short time limit we use the first two terms from the series expansion of the ML function (26), while for
the long time limit we apply its asymptotic expansion formula [40, 46], Eα (z) ≃ α1 ez , z ≫ 1. Here we note that the
z− α
asymptotic behavior of the ML function with negative argument has a power-law form, i.e., Eα (−zα ) ≃ Γ(1− α ) for
z ≪ 1 and 0 < α < 2 [40, 46].

walk approach to the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is given in Appendix B in detail.
The same Fokker-Planck equation can be obtained by using the coupled Langevin equations
approach [41], as given by Eqs. (21) and (22), where the waiting times are given by he−sT (u) i =
e−Ψ̂(s)u , with Ψ̂(s) = 1/η̂ (s).

3.1 Subordination approach

The generalisation of GBM which we consider is in the form of the stochastic process

X (t) = x (S (t)), (33)

where X (t) is the generalised GBM (gGBM)5 , S (t) = inf {u > 0 : T (u) > t} is the operational
time, and T (u) is an infinite divisible process, i.e., a strictly increasing Lévy motion with

he−sT (u) i = e−uΨ̂(s) ,

and Ψ̂(s) is the Lévy exponent [24, 32, 51]. Here we consider Ψ̂(s) = 1/η̂ (s).
Next we find the PDF of gGBM which subordinates the processes from the time scale t (phys-
ical time) to the GBM on a time scale u (operational time). Therefore, the PDF P(x,t) of a given
random process X (t) can be represented as [24, 52–55]
Z ∞
P(x,t) = f (x, u)h(u,t) du, (34)

where f (x, u) satisfies the Fokker-Planck equation (3) for the standard GBM. The function h(u,t)
is the PDF subordinating the random process X (t) to the standard GBM. In the Laplace space,
Eq. (34) reads
Z ∞ Z ∞
P̂(x, s) = L {P(x,t)} = e P(x,t) dt = f (x, u)ĥ(u, s) du, (35)
0 0

where ĥ(u, s) = L {h(u,t)}. By considering

Ψ̂(s) −uΨ̂(s) 1 − η̂ u(s)

ĥ(u, s) = e = e , (36)
s sη̂ (s)

we then have
Z ∞  
1 u
− η̂ (s) 1 ˆ 1
P̂(x, s) = f (x, u)e du = f x, . (37)
sη̂ (s) 0 sη̂ (s) η̂ (s)
By Laplace transform of the Fokker-Planck equation (3) for the GBM, and using relation (37), one
The current process should not be confused with the Pagnini-Mainardi generalised grey Brownian motion, see
Ref. [48–50].

finds that the PDF P(x, s) satisfies
∂ σ2 ∂2 2
sP̂(x, s) − P(x, 0) = s η̂ (s) −µ xP̂(x, s) + x P̂(x, s) . (38)
∂x 2 ∂ x2

After inverse Laplace transform we arrive at the generalised Fokker-Planck equation (see Refs. [42,
51] where one-sided α -stable waiting times are considered in detail)
σ2 ∂2 2
∂ ∂ t ′ ∂ ′
P(x,t) = η (t − t ) −µ xP(x,t ) + x P(x,t ) dt ′ ,

∂t ∂t 0 ∂x 2 ∂ x2

where η (t) is a so-called memory kernel. One observes that for η (t) = 1 we arrive at the Fokker-
t α −1
Planck equation (3) for the GBM, and for η (t) = Γ( α ) at the time fractional Fokker-Planck equation
(18) for the sGBM. From Eqs. (35) and (36), we find for the PDF in the Laplace domain, see also
Ref. [42],
Z ∞   2 
1 log x − log x0 − µ̄ u 1 − η̂ u(s)
P̂(x, s) = √ × exp − e du
0 x 2πσ 2 u 2σ 2 u sη̂ (s)
  hp i
log x−log x0 2 + 2σ 2 /η̂ (s) − µ̄

 exp − σ 2 µ̄ , x > x0 ,
1/[sη̂ (s)] 
= p 1, x = x0 , (40)
x µ̄ 2 + 2σ 2 /η̂ (s) 
  hp i
 exp log x−log
 x0
µ̄ 2 + 2σ 2 /η̂ (s) + µ̄ , x < x0 ,

Remark 1: Here we note that there are restrictions on the choice of the memory kernel η (t)
since the PDF (34) should be non-negative. From the subordination integral it follows that the
subordination function h(u,t) should be non-negative, which, according to the Bernstein theorem,
means that its Laplace transform (36) should be a completely monotone function [56]. Therefore,
the PDF (34) will be non-negative if 1/[sη̂ (s)] is a completely monotone function, and 1/η̂ (s) is a
Bernstein function, see Refs. [57, 58].

Remark 2: We note that Eq. (38) can be written in an equivalent form as

σ2 ∂2 2
Z t
∂ ∂
γ (t − t ′ ) P(x,t ′
) dt ′
= − µ xP(x,t) + x P(x,t), (41)
0 ∂ t′ ∂x 2 ∂ x2
where the memory kernel γ (t) is connected to η (t) in Laplace space as γ (s) = 1/[sη (s)] [57]. From
this relation we find that for GBM (η (t) = 1, i.e., η̂ (s) = 1/s) the memory kernel γ (t) is given by
γ (t) = L −1 s η̂ −1 (s) = L −1 {1} = δ (t). For sGBM (η (t) = t α −1 /Γ(α ), i.e., η̂ (s) = s−α )
the memory kernel becomes γ (t) = L −1 sα −1 = t −α /Γ(1 − α ), and thus Eq. (41) reads

α ∂ σ2 ∂2 2
C Dt P(x,t) = −µ xP(x,t) + x P(x,t), (42)
∂x 2 ∂ x2

Z t
ν 1 d
C Dt f (t) = (t − t ′ )−ν f (t ′ ) dt ′ (43)
Γ(1 − ν ) 0 dt ′

is the Caputo fractional derivative of order 0 < ν < 1 [40]6 . We note that with the appropriate
restrictions for η (t) and γ (t) both formulations are equivalent.

t α −1
Remark 3: For η (t) = Γ(α ) , 0 < α < 1, gGBM corresponds to sGBM. From the subordination
approach one finds [24]
α −
α −1 −usα α −1 1,0
ĥ(u, s) = s e =s H0,1 us , (44)
(0, 1)
where H p,q (z) is the Fox H-function, see Appendix D. By inverse Laplace transform (D3) we
obtained [24]
−α 1,0 u (1 − α , α ) 1 1,0 u (1, α )

h(u,t) = L ĥ(u, s) = t H1,1 α = H1,1 α , (45)
t (0, 1) u t (1, 1)

where we applied property (D4). The solution in Laplace space then becomes
Z ∞   2 
1 log x − log x0 − µ̄ u α −1 −usα
P̂(x, s) = √ × exp − s e du
x 2πσ 2 u
0 2σ 2 u
  hp i

 exp − log x−log
σ 2
µ̄ 2 + 2σ 2 sα − µ̄ , x > x0 ,
s α −1 
= p × 1, x = x0 , (46)
x µ̄ 2 + 2σ 2 sα   
log x−log x0
hp i

 exp σ2
µ̄ 2 + 2σ 2 sα + µ̄ , x < x0 ,

which is obtained in Ref. [42] in a similar way. From here we can plot the PDF by using numerical
inverse Laplace transform techniques.

3.2 Generalised BS formula

If we consider that the asset price follows a gGBM, the generalised BS (gBS) formula for the
option price is [51]
Z ∞
−r(S (T )−t)
CgBS (x,t) = he (x(S (T )) − K)ix = CBS (x, u) h(u, T ) du, (47)
6 The Laplace transform of the Caputo derivative of a given function reads L {C Dtν f (t)} (s) = sν L { f (t)} (s) −
sν −1 f (0+).

where CBS (x,t) is taken from the BS formula (15), and h(x, T ) is the subordination function defined
by Eq. (36) in the Laplace domain. By Laplace transform one finds
ĈgBS (x, s) = ĈBS (x, 1/η̂ (s)). (48)
sη̂ (s)

Therefore, from Eq. (17), the corresponding equation for the option price becomes [42]
Z  2 2 2 
∂ ∂ t ′ σ x ∂ ∂
CgBS (x,t) = η (t − t ) 2
−r+rx CgBS (x,t ′) dt. (49)
∂t ∂t 0 2 ∂x ∂x

3.3 Calculation of moments

The nth moment hX n (t)i = 0∞ xn P(x,t) dx can be calculated by multiplying both sides of Eq. (39)
by xn and integration over x, see Appendix C. In the Laplace domain, this results in

hXˆ n (s)i = h i hxn0 i. (50)
1 − η̂ (s) 2 n(n − 1) + µ n

From this result we reproduce the normalization condition hx0 (t)i = hx00 i = 1. The general results
for the mean value (n = 1) and the MSD (n = 2) in terms of the memory kernel become [42],

hXˆ (s)i = x0 , (51)
1 − µ η̂ (s)

hXˆ 2 (s)i = x20 . (52)
1 − (σ 2 + 2µ )η̂ (s)
The log-moments hlogn x(t)i = 0∞ logn x P(x,t) dx, can also be calculated exactly through the
memory kernel, see Appendix C. The normalization condition is satisfied, i.e., hlog0 x(t)i = 1,
while the log-mean reads
Z t
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ η (t ′ ) dt ′ . (53)

From here, we find for the expectation of the periodic log return with period ∆t
1 1 t+∆t
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i = µ̄ η (t ′) dt ′
∆t ∆t t
I(t + ∆t) − I(t)
= µ̄ ∼ µ̄ η (t), (54)
∆t ∆t→0
where I(t) = η (t) dt, i.e., I ′ (t) = η (t). Therefore, the expectation of the periodic log returns

behaves as the rate of the first log-moment,
1 d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ hlog x(t)i, (55)
∆t ∆t→0 dt

which is proportional to the memory kernel η (t). Moreover, for the second log-moment we find

hlog2 x(t)i = hlog2 x0 i

Z t   Z t′  

+ η (t − t ) 2µ̄ hlog x0 i + µ̄ η (t ) dt + σ dt ′,
′′ ′′ 2
0 0

from where the log-variance becomes

hlog2 x(t)i − hlogx(t)i2

Z t
" Z Z t ′  Z t 2 #
2 ′ ′ 2 ′ ′′ ′′ ′ ′ ′
=σ η (t ) dt + µ̄ 2 η (t − t ) η (t ) dt dt − η (t ) dt . (57)
0 0 0 0

From all these general formulas one can easily recover the previous results for the standard
GBM (η (t) = 1, i.e., η̂ (s) = 1/s) and sGBM (η (t) = t α −1/Γ(α ), i.e., η̂ (s) = s−α , 0 < α < 1).

3.4 Exponentially truncated subdiffusive GBM

As an example for another memory kernel in gGBM we consider a power-law memory kernel with
exponential truncation,

t α −1 − t
η (t) = e τ, (58)
Γ(α )

where τ is a characteristic crossover time scale, 0 < α < 1. Such forms are important in many
real-world applications, in which the scale-free nature of the waiting time dynamics is broken at
macroscopic times t ≫ τ [57]. Therefore,

η̂ (s) = (s + τ −1 )−α , (59)

where we use the shift rule of the Laplace transform, L {e−at f (t)} = F̂(s+a), for F̂(s) = L { f (t)}.
The mean value reads,
Z t 
−1 −t ′ /τ ′−1 ′α
hx(t)i = x0 L (t) = x0 e t E α ,0 µ t , (60)
1 − µ (s + τ −1 )−α 0

and the MSD

Z t 

hx 2
(t)i = x20 e−t /τ t ′−1Eα ,0 (σ 2 + 2µ )t ′α , (61)


Eα ,β (z) = ∑ (62)
k=0 Γ(α k + β )

(z, β ∈ C; ℜ(α ) > 0) is the two parameter ML function [40]7 . From here, for the short time limit
we obtain the results for the sGBM

hx(t)i ≃ x0 Eα (µ t α ) , (63)

hx2 (t)i ≃ x20 Eα (σ 2 + 2µ )t α , (64)

since the exponential truncation has no effect for short times, e−t/τ ≃ 1 − t/τ , t/τ ≪ 1. The long
time limit (sτ ≪ 1) yields8

µ 1/α h 1/α −1
(µ −τ )t
hx(t)i ≃ x0 e − 1 , (65)
α (µ 1/α − τ −1 )
(σ 2 + 2 µ ) α n 1/α −1
 e([σ −2µ ] −τ )t − 1 .
2 2
hx (t)i ≃ x20 (66)
α [σ 2 + 2µ ]1/α − τ −1

From the general result for the log-mean, we find

γ (α ,t/τ )
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ e−t/τ t α E1,α +1 (t/τ ) = hlog x0 i + µ̄ τ α , (67)
Γ(α )
where γ (a, z) = 0z t a−1 e−t dt = Γ(a)e−z za E1,a+1 (z) is the incomplete gamma function. For the
expectation of the periodic log return with period ∆t we find

1 t α −1 −t/τ d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ µ̄ e = hlog x(t)i. (68)
∆t ∆t→0 Γ(α ) dt

This leads to a long run log return of 0, whereas on the short time scale the same observable
behaves in the same way as sGBM. As such, the model can be used to model early herd behavior
where the price of an asset grows simply as a consequence of investors following trends (short run
behavior), that last until the trade of the asset becomes congested (long run behavior). The second
 α −β
7 The Laplace transform of the two parameter ML function reads L t β −1 Eα ,β (at α ) (s) = ssα −a .
8 Here we use the asymptotic expansion formula for the two parameter ML function E 1 z1/α (1−β )/α
α ,β (z) ≃ α e z ,
z ≫ 1 [40, 46]. Here we note that the asymptotic behavior for negative arguments is given by power-law decay,
Eα ,β (−zα ) ≃ Γ(zβ −α ) , z ≫ 1 [40, 46].

log-moment is
hlog2 x(t)i = hlog2 x0 i + 2µ̄ hlog x0 i + σ 2 e−t/τ t α E1,α +1 (t/τ ) + 2µ̄ 2e−t/τ t 2α E1,2α +1 (t/τ ),

from where the log-variance becomes

hlog2 x(t)i − hlog x(t)i2 = 2µ̄ e−t/τ t 2α E1,2α +1 (t/τ )

h i
+ e−t/τ t α E1,α +1 (t/τ ) σ 2 − µ̄ e−t/τ t α E1,α +1 (t/τ ) . (70)

Here we note that for t/τ ≪ 1, the obtained results correspond to those obtained for sGBM, as it
should be since the exponential truncation has no influence on the process. We observe that on the
long run the log variance becomes constant, i.e., it is equal to σ 2 τ α + µ̄ τ 2α .
The subordination function in this case is given by

(s + τ −1 )α −u(s+τ −1 )α   −1 α
ĥ(u, s) = e = 1 + (sτ )−1 (s + τ −1 )α −1 e−u(s+τ ) ,
−t/τ 1,0 u (1, α )
1 t −t ′ /τ 1,0 u (1, α )
h(u,t) = e H1,1 α + e H1,1 ′α dt ′ , (71)
t (1, 1) τ 0 t (1, 1)

from where one can analyze the PDF P(x,t).

3.5 Combined standard and subdiffusive GBM

As another application, let us consider the combination of GBM and sGBM, represented by the
memory kernel

t α −1
η (t) = w1 + w2 , (72)
Γ(α )

where 0 < α < 1, w1 + w2 = 1, and

η̂ (s) = w1 s−α + w2 s−1 . (73)

This case combines both motions governed by Eq. (3) and (18). In this case, in a jump picture
normal GBM steps occur with weight w2 while power-law waiting time steps are realised with
weight w1 .
The mean value for this case is given by
hx(t)i = x0 L −1
1 − µ (w1 s−α + w2 s−1 )
(t) = x0 ∑ wn1 µ nt α nE1,n+1
α n+1 (w2 µ t)
∞ wn µ n t α n
= x0 ∑ Γ(α1 n + 1) 1 F1 (n + 1; α n + 1; w2 µ t) , (74)

(a)k z k
where 1 F1 (a; b; z) = ∑∞
k=0 (b) k! is the Kummer confluent hypergeometric function, and

γ (γ )n zn
Eα ,β (z) = ∑ , (75)
n=0 Γ(α n + β ) n!

is the three parameter ML function [59], (γ )n = Γ(γ + n)/Γ(γ ) is the Pochhammer symbol9. From
here we see that for w1 = 0 and w2 = 1 only the term for n = 0 in Eq. (74) survives which yields
the result for standard GBM as it should be. The opposite case, with w1 = 1 and w2 = 0, yields

µ nt α n
hx(t)i = x0 ∑ Γ(α n + 1) = Eα (µ t α ) , (76)

as it should be for the sGBM. For the second moment we find

hx2 (t)i = x20 ∑ wn1 (σ 2 + 2µ )nt α nE1,n+1
α n+1 w2 (σ 2 + 2µ )t . (77)

Following the same procedure as previous, for the log-mean we find


hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ w1 + w2 t . (78)
Γ(α + 1)

and for the expectation of the periodic log return with period ∆t,
1 t α −1 d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ µ̄ w1 + w2 = hlog x(t)i. (79)
∆t ∆t→0 Γ(α ) dt

This model introduces subdiffusive and trapping asset dynamics on short time scales (i.e., then the
part multiplied with w1 is much bigger), whereas on the long run we recover the standard GBM
dynamics. The second log-moment yields
2 2 2 w21t 2α 2w1 w2t α +1 w22t 2
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + 2µ̄ + +
Γ(2α + 1) Γ(α + 2) 2
+ 2µ̄ hlog x0 i + σ 2 w1 + w2 t , (80)
Γ(α + 1)

from where the log-variance becomes

2 2 2 tα 2 2 2α 2 1
hlog x(t)i − hlogx(t)i = σ w1 + w2 t + µ̄ w1t −
Γ(α + 1) Γ(2α + 1) Γ2 (α + 1)
2 α +1 2 1
+ 2µ̄ w1 w2t − . (81)
Γ(α + 2) Γ(α + 1)

Similarly to the behavior of the first log moment, in the log variance, for short time scales the
n o
γ sαγ −β
The Laplace transform of the three parameter ML function reads L t β −1Eα ,β (at α ) (s) = (sα −a)γ

sGBM dynamics dominates. However, we observe that on the long run the dynamics is a combi-
nation of the two kernels, since the dominant term is w1 w2t α +1 .
The subordination function for this case is given by
1 − −1 u −α
ĥ(u, s) = e w1 s +w2 s
, (82)
w1 + w2 s1−α
where the Lévy exponent is Ψ̂(s) = w1 s−1 + w2 s−α .

3.6 Mix of subdiffusive GBMs

We may further analyze the case of a mix of two sGBM with different power-law memory func-

t α1−1 t α2 −1
η (t) = w1 + w2 , (83)
Γ(α1 ) Γ(α2 )

where 0 < α1 < α2 < 1, w1 + w2 = 1, and

η̂ (s) = w1 s−α1 + w2 s−α2 . (84)

This situation corresponds to the case of two different groups of periods of constant prices. For
physical systems, this situation means that the particles are trapped in traps with different waiting
times [60], represented by the memory kernel (83).
Therefore, for the mean we find
s−1 n n α1 n n+1
hx(t)i = x0 L −1
(t) = x0 ∑ w1 µ t Eα2 ,α1 n+1 (w2 µ t α2 ) , (85)
1 − µ (w1 s−α1 + w2 s−α2 ) n=0

while for the MSD we obtain

hx2 (t)i = x20 ∑ wn1(σ 2 + 2µ )nt α1n Eαn+1
2 ,α1 n+1
w2 (σ 2 + 2µ )t α2 . (86)

Similarly, the log-mean yields

t α1 t α2
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + µ̄ w1 + w2 . (87)
Γ(α1 + 1) Γ(α2 + 1)

The expectation of the log return with period ∆t, then becomes
1 t α1−1 t α2−1 d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ µ̄ w1 + w2 = hlog x(t)i. (88)
∆t ∆t→0 Γ(α1 ) Γ(α2 ) dt

Since 0 < α1 < α2 < 1, on short times, the part of first sGBM dominates, whereas on long times
it is the characteristic of the second sGBM that determines the dynamics. The second log-moment

2 2 2 w21t 2α1 2w1 w2t α1+α2 w22t 2α2
hlog x(t)i = hlog x0 i + 2µ̄ + +
Γ(2α1 + 1) Γ(α1 + α2 + 1) Γ(2α2 + 1)
t α1 t α2
+ 2µ̄ hlog x0 i + σ w1 + w2 , (89)
Γ(α1 + 1) Γ(α2 + 1)

and for the log-variance we find

2 2 2 t α1 t α2
hlog x(t)i − hlog x(t)i = σ w1 + w2
Γ(α1 + 1) Γ(α2 + 1)
2 α1 +α2 2 1
+ 2µ̄ w1 w2t −
Γ(α1 + α2 + 1) Γ(α1 + 1)Γ(α2 + 1)
2 2 2α1 2 1 2 2 2α2 2 1
+ µ̄ w1t − + µ̄ w2t − . (90)
Γ(2α1 + 1) Γ2 (α1 + 1) Γ(2α2 + 1) Γ2 (α2 + 1)

In this case, for short times, the kernel with the smaller exponent dominates the variance. Interest-
ingly, for long times, this observable is determined by the magnitude of the larger exponent, which
is opposite from the previous kernel examples.
For the mix of subdiffusive GBMs the subordination function becomes
1 − −α u −α
ĥ(u, s) = e w1 s 1 +w2 s 2 , (91)
w1 s 1−α1 + w2 s 1−α2

where the Lévy exponent is Ψ̂(s) = [w1 s−α1 + w2 s−α2 ] .
Figure 1(a), gives an intuitive illustration of the gGBM dynamics under various choices for the
kernel. As argued, for standard GBM we observe smooth dynamics without periods of constant
prices, whereas there is more turbulence in the asset price dynamics in the gGBM case. The
periods of constant prices reproduced by gGBM depend in general on the time scale and, hence,
the measuring units of the drift and volatility, with longer time scales also corresponding to longer
periods of constant prices. In Figure 1(b) and Figure 1(c) we plot, respectively, the numerical
approximations for the first moment and the MSD for GBM, sGBM, a mix of GBM and sGBM
and a mix of sGBMs. One can easily notice the nonlinear behavior in the generalizations of GBM.
For long times all gGBMs give exponential dependence of the first moment and the MSD on
time but with smaller slope than the one of GBM. Finally, Figure 1(d) gives the empirical PDF
for the logarithmic return at t = 1. For each of the studied generalizations of GBM, the PDF is
characterised with fatter tails (which should increase as the α parameters increase), meaning that
it is more prone to producing values that fall far from the average. This can be easily observed
as from the excess kurtosis present in each GBM generalization. This is exactly what makes the
gGBM framework useful for understanding the statistical behavior of the asset price dynamics.

4 Empirical example
To illustrate the power of the gGBM framework in the description of option pricing we utilise
empirical data of American options for two companies, Tesla (TSLA) and Apple (AAPL). By

Figure 1: gGBM properties. (a) An example for simulated individual trajectories of gGBM for different
memory kernels: standard GBM (blue solid line), sGBM (red dashed line), mix of standard GBM and
sGBM (yellow dotted line), mix of sGBM (violet dot-dashed line). (b) Numerical estimation for the first
moment in GBM, sGBM, mix of standard GBM and sGBM and the mix of sGBM as a function of time.
(b) Same as (b), only for the second moment. (c) Empirical PDF for the logarithmic return at t = 1
estimated from 1000 realizations of gGBM. (a)-(c) In the simulations, µ = 0.03 and σ 2 = 0.02. Moreover,
for the sGBM case we set α = 0.8, for the mix GBM- sGBM case we set α = 0.8 and w1 = w2 = 0.5, and
for the mix of sGBM case α1 = 0.8, α2 = 0.6 and w1 = w2 = 0.5.

definition, the dynamics of American options differ from European as they allow exercising of
the option at any time before the option expires. Nevertheless, as given in Hull (2017), one can
rely on the fact that American options on non-dividend-paying stocks have the same value as their
European counterpart. This relation has allowed for the empirical examination of a pricing scheme
of European options to be widely done via data for American ones.
For our analysis we use the freely available data from the Nasdaq’s Options Trading Center.
This dataset offers daily data free of charge for options of all companies quoted there. However,
the options for most companies have small sample size. Therefore we have restricted the empirical
analysis to Tesla and Apple, whose options are more frequently traded. In our estimations, the drift
parameter µ is simply taken as the 3-Month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate at the date of
observation. The noise parameter, on the other hand, was inferred from the values of the options

on the market as the value which produces the minimum squared error in their fit. In finance, this
is known as use the famous “implied volatility” approach.
Let us now turn our attention to Fig. 2 where we use TSLA data gathered on 1st March 2018 on
options which expire on 16th March 2018 to examine the dependence of the sGBM model on the
moneyness of the option in predicting it. Moneyness describes the relative position of the current
price of TSLA (x0 ) with respect to the strike price of the option. An option whose strike price is
equal to the current price of the asset is said to be at the money; if the strike price is larger than the
current price, the option is “out of the money”; and if the strike price is smaller than the current
price, the option is described to be “in the money”. In Fig. 2 we vary the subdiffusion parameter
α , and plot the absolute difference in the estimated option price Cg and the observed option price
as a function of the strike price. We find that for in-the-money-options the best prediction is with
α = 1, which corresponds to the BS model. However, as the strike price of the option nears the
TSLA price, a transition occurs and α = 1 becomes the worst predictor of the option price, whereas
the lower the subdiffusion parameter, the better prediction we get. For options that are out of the
money, it appears that the performance of the prediction for the option price does not depend on
α . Overall, as shown in the inset plot where we plot the mean squared error of the prediction as
a function of α , this analysis suggests that the best prediction for the TSLA data is done with α
which is around 0.25, thus highlighting the subdiffusive nature of the dynamics of the TSLA stock.
Next, we use the AAPL data gathered on 28th February 2018 and examine how the maturity T
affects the performance of the same sGBM model in predicting the option price. For this purpose,
Fig. 3 depicts the mean squared error of the option price prediction as a function of the parameter
α . We observe that, in general, the best prediction occurs when α = 1. This may suggest that
the dynamics of the AAPL stock price is quite nicely explained with the BS model. However, we
also see that the mean squared error is highly dependent on the maturity, and even that for some
maturity very low subdiffusive parameter values exhibit similar performance as the BS model.
Hence, one might even argue that different gGBM kernels can lead to similar outcomes in the
pricing of options, an interesting finding as such.
Evidently, the performance of a kernel ultimately depends on the physical properties of the
option. On the first sight, this conclusion appears intuitive – obviously the known information
for the properties of the asset greatly impacts its price, the observation that a slight change in the
known information may drastically change the dynamics suggests that there is a need in the option
pricing literature for models that easily allow for such structural changes. In this aspect, we believe
that the generalised GBM approach offers a computationally inexpensive and efficiently tractable
solution to this issue. Consequently, we stress that a significant improvement of the description of
the data in the gGBM framework can be achieved with comparatively few additional parameters.

5 Conclusion
We investigated the potential of GBM extensions based on subdiffusion to model and predict the
price of options. By assuming that the price of the asset underlying the option undergoes a subdif-
fusive process, we introduced the gGBM framework as a potential model for its value.
Similar to previous works on subdiffusive GBM models, the dynamics of a particular gGBM
instance is critically determined by a memory kernel. The advantage of gGBM comes in the flavor
of allowing various forms for the functional form of the kernel. Depending on its choice, we

Figure 2: Moneyness in sGBM. The absolute difference between the predicted TSLA option price Cg and
its real value C as a function of the strike price of the option for various choices of α . The data is taken on
1st March 2020 and describe the value of TSLA options which expire on 16th March 2020. The inset plot
gives the mean squared error of the predictions as a function of α .

may end up with asset price dynamics whose behavior significantly varies on the short time in
comparison to its long run characteristics. This, in turn, may induce observations of the properties
of the asset price that more closely mimic realistic behavior than standard GBM.
We explored the ability of gGBM to fit and predict real option values. Our empirical analysis
confirmed the characteristics of gGBM, as we discovered that the performance of a certain choice
of memory kernel is uniquely determined by the parameters of the option, such as its maturity and
its moneyness. Since each kernel produces, in general, different long run and short run dynamics,
this suggests that time-averages play an important role in efficient pricing of options. Formally,
time-averaging is essential for the analysis of a single time-series (or a set of few) which is charac-
terised with non-ergodic dynamics. The non-ergodicity creates non-equilibrium dynamics which,
consequently, makes studies of the ensemble behavior irrelevant. This leads to the introduction of
novel strategies for analysing financial data [9, 61].
In line with our conclusions, we believe that the next step in uncovering the properties of gGBM
is demonstrating the ergodicity breaking of the process. Since multiplicative processes are fre-

Figure 3: Maturity in sGBM. Mean squared error of the prediction of the AAPL option price with data
taken on 28th February 2018 as a function of α for various maturity periods T (measured in years).

quently present in nature, this will not only extend the framework of gGBM in analysing financial
data, but will also provide an avenue for applying the model in other scientific domains. Another
fruitful research direction would be to incorporate the properties of gGBM in a wider framework
for financial modeling which includes the concept of “rough volatility”, where the instantaneous
volatility is driven by a (rough) fractional Brownian motion [62]. Building an explanatory model
for the volatility in terms of gGBM would bring novel insights about the theoretical and empir-
ical characteristics of the asset prices. We also leave for future analysis the problem of gGBM
with stochastic volatility, which can be treated in the framework of the Fokker-Planck equation
for gGBM with time varying volatility σ (t), in analogy of the diffusing-diffusivity models for
heterogeneous media [63–67].

The Authors acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). TS was
supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. TS acknowledges Dr. Andrey Cherstvy

for the fruitful discussions and suggestions.

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
GBM Geometric Brownian motion
sGBM Subdiffusive geometric Brownian motion
gGBM Generalised geometric Brownian motion
BS Black-Scholes
CTRW Continuous time random walk
MSD Mean squared displacement
ML Mittag-Leffler
TSLA Tesla
AAPL Apple

A Solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for standard GBM

The solution of Eq. (3) can be found by using the Laplace-Mellin transform method [68]. The
Laplace transform is defined by
Z ∞
F̂(s) = L { f (t)} (s) = f (t) e−st dt,

while the Mellin transform as [69]

Z ∞
F̃(q) = M { f (x)} (q) = xq−1 f (x) dx.

The inverse Mellin transform then reads

Z c+ı∞
f (x) = M F̃(q) (x) = x−q F̃(q) dq.
2π ı c−ı∞
Therefore, by performing Laplace transform in respect to t and Mellin transform in respect to x in
Eq. (3), we have

˜ s) = xq−1 × 1
F̂(q, 0
h i, (A1)
s− 2 (q − 1)(q − 2) + µ (q − 1)

where we use M {δ (x − x0 )} (q) = x0 . Then the inverse Laplace transform yields
  2 
1 2µ
 2 µ− 2
q−1 
F̃(q,t) = x0 × exp  q+ 2
− 3 t − 2
t , (A2)
2 2 σ 2σ

where we use L −1 s−a (t) = eat . Applying the inverse Mellin transform and looking for the
solution in the form of the convolution integral of two functions [69], M {h(x)} (q) = H̃(q) and
M {g(x)} (q) = G̃(q),
Z ∞
M H̃(q) G̃(q) (x) = h(r) g(x/r) ,
0 r
we obtain the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for GBM
h  2
 i2 !
log xr − µ − σ2 t
Z ∞ exp − 2σ 2 t
f (x,t) = δ (r − x0 ) × √
0 (x/r) 2πσ 2t r
 h   i2

x σ2
1  log x0 − µ − 2 t 
= √ × exp − 2 . (A3)
x 2πσ t 2σ t

Here we use that n o

h(x) = M −1 x0 (x) = δ (x − x0 )
    
σ 2 2

1 2µ
2 µ− 2 

−1 
g(x) = M exp  q+ − 3 t − t  (x)

 2 2 σ2 2σ 2 

 h   i2 
1  log x − µ − 2 t 
= √ × exp − .
x 2πσ 2t 2σ 2 t

We also used the properties of the inverse Mellin transform [69], M −1 { f (q + a)} (x) = xa M −1 { f (q)}
  1 x2
M −1 exp α q2 (x) = √ e− 4α .
Therefore, from the solution (A3) we conclude that the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation is
a log-normal distribution. R
The nth moment hxn (t)i = 0∞ xn P(x,t) dx of the solution of Eq. (3) can be obtained by multi-
plying the both sides of the equation with xn and integration over x. Thus, one has
∂ n σ
hx (t)i = n(n − 1) + µ n hxn (t)i, (A4)
∂t 2

from where the nth moment becomes

hxn (t)i = hxn (0)i e(σ n(n−1)/2+µ n)t .


For n = 0 one observes that the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for GBM is normalised,
i.e., hx0 (t)i = 1. The mean value (n = 1) and the MSD have exponential dependence on time,
hx(t)i = hx(0)i eµ t and hx2 (t)i = hx2 (0)i e(σ +2 µ )t , respectively, and thus, the variance becomes
2 2 2 2µ t σ t
hx (t)i − hx(t)i = hx (0)i e e −1 . (A6)
The log-moments hlogn xi = 0∞ logn xP(x,t) dx can be obtained by multiplying the both sides
of Eq. (3) with logn x and integration over x. Therefore, one finds the following equation (see
Ref. [40] for details)
∂ n σ2 σ2
hlog x(t)i = µ − n hlogn−1 x(t)i + n(n − 1)hlogn−2 x(t)i. (A7)
∂t 2 2

From here it follows that ∂∂t hlog0 x(t)i = 0, i.e., hlog0 x(t)i = hlog0 x(0)i = 1. The case n = 1 yields
the mean value of the logarithm of x(t),
∂ σ2
hlog x(t)i = µ − hlog0 x(t)i (A8)
∂t 2 | {z }

hlog x(t)i = hlog x(0)i + µ − t. (A9)

For n = 2 we obtain the second log-moment

∂ 2 σ2
hlog x(t)i = 2 µ − hlog x(t)i + σ 2 hlog0 x(t)i (A10)
∂t 2

which is given by
2 2 σ2 2 σ2
hlog x(t)i = hlog x(0)i + µ − t +2 µ − hlog x(0)it + σ 2t. (A11)
2 2

Therefore, for the log-variance one finds linear dependence on time

hlog2 x(t)i − hlog x(t)i2 = σ 2t. (A12)

B Derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation for gGBM from

CTRW theory
We use the approach given in Refs. [54, 70, 71]. Let us consider a CTRW for a particle at position
xi which can move right to the position xi+1 = h xi or to left at position xi−1 = 1h xi , h > 0. For
the CTRW on a geometric lattice we use h = 1 + u, and at the end we will find the diffusion limit

u → 0. The probability density function (PDF) for the particle to jump to right is pr (x,t), and for
jump to left pl (x,t). The total probability is pr (x,t) + pl (x,t) = 1.
We consider a multiplicative jump length PDF on a geometric lattice [54],

λ (xi ,t, x j ) = pr (x j ,t) δ (xi − [1 + u] x j ) + pl (x j ,t) δ (xi − x j /[1 + u]),

and a waiting time PDF ψ (t), related to the survival probability by

Z t
1 − ψ̂ (s)
φ (t) = 1 − ψ (t ′ ) dt ′, i.e., φ̂ (s) = .
0 s
By substitution in the master equation [54]
Z t Z t
∂ ′ ′ ′
ρ (xi ,t) = ∑ λ (xi ,t, x j ) K(t − t ) ρ (x j ,t ) dt − K(t − t ′ ) ρ (xi ,t ′) dt ′ , (B1)
∂t j 0 0

where K(t) = L −1 ψ̂ (s)/φ̂ (s) , one finds
 Z t  
∂ xi ′ xi
ρ (xi ,t) = pr ,t K(t − t ) ρ ,t dt ′

∂t 1+u 0 1 + u
Z t  ′ Zt
+ pl ([1 + u]xi ,t) K(t − t ) ρ [1 + u]xi ,t dt − K(t − t ′ ) ρ (xi ,t ′) dt ′ .
′ ′
0 0

We consider generalised waiting time PDF, which in the Laplace space has the form [57, 72]
ψ̂ (s) = ,
1 + τη /η̂ (s)

where τη is a time parameter, which depends on η (t). Therefore,

τη /η̂ (s)
φ̂ (s) = ,
s (1 + τη /η̂ (s))

K̂(s) = s × η̂ (s),
from where we find that 0t K(t − t ′ ) f (t ′) dt ′ → τ1η dtd 0t η (t − t ′ ) f (t ′) dt ′ . From Eq. (B2) then we
∂ 1 xi ′ ∂ ′ xi
ρ (xi ,t) = pr ,t η (t − t ) ρ ,t dt ′

∂t τη 1+u ∂t 0 1+u
1  Zt
′ ∂ ′ ′
 ′ 1 ∂ Zt
+ pl [1 + u]xi ,t η (t − t ) ρ [1 + u]xi ,t dt − η (t − t ′) ρ (xi ,t ′) dt ′ .
τη ∂t 0 τη ∂ t 0

Let us now consider the diffusion limit (u → 0 and τη → 0) of Eq. (B3). From the normalisation
condition of the PDF ρ (x,t) given by ∑i ρ (xi ,t) = 1 and by using position-dependent lattice spac-

ρ (x ,t) ρ (x ,t)
ing ∆xi = u xi , one finds ∑i uu xii ∆xi = 1, such that lim∆xi →0 ∑i uu xii ∆xi = 1 [54]. By defining
function Pu (x,t) = ρu (x,t)/[u x], one concludes that P(x,t) = limu→0 Pu (x,t) is normalised, i.e.,

0 P(x,t) dx = 1. By introducing Bu (xi ,t) = pr (xi ,t) − pl (xi ,t) and b0 (x,t) = limu→0 ∂ u Bu (x,t), in
the diffusion limit u → 0 and τη → 0, where we assume that B0 (x,t) = limu→0 Bu (x,t) = 0 [54],
we arrive to the following Fokker-Planck equation
∂ ∂ t ′ ∂ 2 ∂ 1 2
P(x,t) = D η (t − t ) x − x F(x) P(x,t ′) dt ′ , (B4)
∂t ∂t 0 ∂x ∂ x kB T
where D = limu,τη →0 u2 /[2 τη ], F(x) = −V ′ (x) = kB T [2 b0 (x) − 1]/x, and P(x,t) ∝ exp − VkB(x) T
is obtained from the long time steady state Boltzmann distribution [54]. For a logarithmic potential
V (x) = v kB T log x, the force becomes F(x) = −kB T v/x. By using D = σ 2 /2 and v = 2 − µ /D
the Fokker-Planck equation becomes
Z  2 2 
∂ ∂ t ′ ∂ σ x ∂
P(x,t) = η (t − t ) + [σ − µ ]x P(x,t ′ ) dt ′,
∂t ∂t 0 ∂x 2 ∂x

which can be rewritten in the form of Eq. (39).

C General results for nth moment

If we multiply both sides of Eq. (39) by xn , and integrate over x we find the nth moment hxn (t)i =
R∞ n
0 x P(x,t) dx,
 2  Z
∂ n σ d t
hx (t)i = n(n − 1) + µ n µ η (t − t ′ )hxn (t ′)i dt ′, (C1)
∂t 2 dt 0

from where in the Laplace space it reads

hx̂n (s)i = h i hxn (0)i. (C2)
1 − η̂ (s) 2 n(n − 1) + µ n

∂ 0
From this result we obtain the normalization condition, ∂ t hx (t)i = 0, i.e., hx0 (t)i = hx0 (0)i = 1.
For n = 1, we find the equation for the mean value
Z t
∂ d

hx(t)i = µ η (t − t ′ ) x(t ′ ) dt ′ , (C3)
∂t dt 0

and its Laplace pair

hx̂(s)i = hx(0)i . (C4)
1 − µ η̂ (s)

In terms of the memory kernel γ (t), Eq. (C4) reads

γ̂ (s)
hx̂(s)i = hx(0)i . (C5)
sγ̂ (s) − µ

We note that for the standard case with η (t) = 1 (η̂ (s) = 1/s) we recover the previously obtained
results for the GBM. For n = 2 we obtain the equation for the second moment, or the MSD,
Z t
∂ 2 d
hx (t)i = (σ 2 + 2µ ) η (t − t ′ )hx2 (t ′ )i dt ′, (C6)
∂t dt 0

and its Laplace pair

hx̂2 (s)i = hx2 (0)i, (C7)
1 − (σ 2 + 2µ )η̂ (s)
γ̂ (s)
hx̂2 (s)i = hx2 (0)i. (C8)
sγ̂ (s) − (σ 2 + 2µ )
We also calculate the log-moments hlogn x(t)i = 0∞ logn x P(x,t) dx, which satisfy the following
integral equation
σ2 σ2
∂ ∂ t ′
hlog x(t)i = η (t − t ) µ − n−1 ′
n hlog x(t )i + n(n − 1) hlog x(t )i dt ′.
n−2 ′
∂t ∂t 0 2 2

∂ 0
Thus, we find that ∂ t hlog x(t)i = 0, i.e., hlog0 x(t)i = hlog0 x(0)i = 1. For the mean value (n = 1),
we find
∂ σ2 ∂ t
hlog x(t)i = µ − η (t − t ′ ) hlog0 x(t ′ )i dt ′ (C10)
∂t 2 ∂t 0 | {z }

from where it follows

σ2 t
hlog x(t)i = hlog x(0)i + µ − η (t ′ ) dt ′ . (C11)
2 0

For the expectation of the periodic log return with period ∆t, we find
1 σ 2 1 t+∆t
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i = µ − η (t ′ ) dt ′
∆t 2 ∆t t
σ 2 I(t + ∆t) − I(t) σ2
= µ− ∼ µ− η (t), (C12)
2 ∆t ∆t→0 2
where I(t) = η (t) dt, i.e., I ′ (t) = η (t). Therefore, the expectation of the periodic log returns

behaves as the rate of the first log-moment,
1 d
hlog (x(t + ∆t)/x(t))i ∼ hlog x(t)i. (C13)
∆t ∆t→0 dt

For n = 2 we obtain the second log-moment

∂ ∂ t ′
hlog x(t)i = η (t − t ) 2 µ − ′
hlog x(t )i + σ hlog x(t )i dt ′
2 0 ′
∂t ∂t 0 2


hlog2 x(t)i = hlog2 x(0)i

     Z t′  
σ2 σ2
Z t

+ η (t − t ) 2 µ − hlog x(0)i + µ − η (t ) dt + σ dt ′ ,
′′ ′′ 2
0 2 2 0

and the log-variance becomes

hlog2 x(t)i − hlog x(t)i2

" Z 2 #
Z t 
σ 2 2 t
Z t ′  Z t
= σ 2 η (t ′ ) dt ′ + µ − 2 η (t − t ′ ) η (t ′′ ) dt ′′ dt ′ − η (t ′ ) dt ′ . (C16)
0 2 0 0 0

D Fox H-function
The Fox H-function is defined by [73]
(a1 , A1 ), . . ., (a p, A p ) m,n
(a p , A p ) 1
H p,q z
= H p,q z
= θ (s)zs ds,
(b1 , B1 ), . . ., (bq , Bq ) (bq , Bq ) 2π ı Ω
∏mj=1 Γ(b j −B j s) ∏nj=1 Γ(1−a j +A j s)
where θ (s) is given by θ (s) = q p
∏ j=m+1 Γ(1−b j +B j s) ∏ j=n+1 Γ(a j −A j s)
, 0 ≤ n ≤ p, 1 ≤ m ≤ q, ai , b j ∈ C,
Ai , B j ∈ R+ , i = 1, ..., p, j = 1, ..., q. The contour Ω starting at c − ı∞ and ending at c + ı∞ separates
the poles of the function Γ(b j + B j s), j = 1, ..., m from those of the function Γ(1 − ai − Ai s),
i = 1, ..., n. A special case of the Fox H-function is the exponential function [73],
−z 1,0 −
e = H0,1 z . (D2)
(0, 1)

The inverse Laplace transform of the Fox H-function reads [73]

−1 −ρ m,n σ (a p , A p )
ρ −1 m,n a (a p, A p ), (ρ , σ )
L s H p,q a s (t) = t H p+1,q σ . (D3)
(bq , Bq ) t (bq , Bq )

The Fox H-functions have the following property [73]
k m,n
(a p, A p ) m,n
(a p + kA p , A p )
z H p,q z
= H p,q z
. (D4)
(bq , Bq ) (bq + kBq , Bq )

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