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Gender Differences in Career Aspiration Among Public Secondary Schools Students in Nairobi County, Kenya

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American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development (AJMRD)

Volume 2, Issue 9 (September- 2020), PP 16-25

ISSN: 2360-821X

Research Paper Open Access

Gender Differences in Career Aspiration among Public

Secondary Schools Students in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Dr. Mwaura Margaret Nduta

Lecturer, St Paul University

Education precipitate career goals of which governments itself to achieve for economic productivity. The aim of
this study was to investigate the relationship between gender and career aspration of secondary schools’
students. The Self-determination Theory and the Social Cognitive theory formed the theoretical framework in
this study. The study took place in Nairobi County, Kenya. The sample of this study consisted of 397 form four
students who were registered by KNEC to sit for KCSE exam in 2017 in public secondary schools in Nairobi
County. Questionnaires containing career aspiration was piloted and used for data collection. The study adopted
a correlation research design while Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) aided in inferential and
descriptive statistical analysis. The data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, guided by the study
objective and the Chi-Squire tests was carried out at.05 level of significance. The findings indicated some
evidence of a significant gender difference with regard to career aspiration (X2= 9.31, df= 2, P = 0.019, P<
0.05). The study concluded that gender is a real phenomenon that affected students’ career aspirations. A major
implication and recommendation of the study was that all educational stakeholders should work together in
nurturing educational and home surroundings that can disable gender gaps and stereotypes in career choices. In
this regard, encouraging flexibility in career aspirations is likely to deflect students to other vocations that are
entirely different from their gender orientations. Further research should also consider other determinants of
career aspiration such as cognitive factors, social structure, parental and teachers’ characteristics.

Keywords: Gender, Career Aspirations, Career Choice, STEM, Femininity and Masculinity.

Career aspiration typically refers to a personal long-term career goal, plan, or dream that is far away
in the future. Career aspiration is therefore complex and unique for each individual since it depends on cognitive
factors and the social structure of the person. Self- awareness in career the process of career plan is crucial to
avoid biased and stereotypical career choices. Career aspiration takes place in Secondary schools where students
are prepared for their future occupation. However, the question of how gender differences arise in career
aspiration is a central topic in psychology. This understanding can enable the development of intervention
programs of career programs and development of educational policies (Wegemer & Eccles, 2019).
Gender is one of the most stable features that humans are born with it and upon which humans are
classified as male and female and prejudiced. It is argued that adolescents internalize gender expectations as to
what is “appropriate” male and female behavior in their gender ideology and this return affect career aspirations,
academic motivation and academic self-efficacy (Maaike, Eva, Ineke & Tanja, 2016). Despite recognition by
researchers of the importance of gender in career aspiration, relatively little attention has been given to the
secondary schools’ students in this regard. There are also scantly studies that have examined the value of gender
differences in career aspiration in developing countries and especially Kenya making this study needful.

Although both girls and boys are accorded equal educational opportunities in our modern educational
system, gender seem to fortify difference in career aspirations (Dasgupta & Stout, 2014, Wang & Degol, 2013).
Moreover, boys seem to benefit more from higher school quality (Autor et al., 2016) and perceived teacher
quality (Hochweber & Vieluf 2018) than girls. Nevertheless, the reason for this disparity has not been
adequately researched on. Women also seem to be overrepresented in traditionally feminine careers, (e.g.
clerical and service fields) and underrepresented in traditionally masculine careers (e.g. in math- and science-
related fields). For example, statistics shows that 91.9% of registered nurses are women, but women make up
only 32.3% of physicians and surgeons (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011.This is despite bargains in women
empowerment and operational barriers to the advancement of women in the labor force. Understanding career

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aspiration can mitigate this disparity. Furthermore, careers chosen by women in disproportionately large
numbers are often those careers that have lower prestige, status, and salary than their more “masculine”

Career aspirations are formed at school level (Nyugen& Blomberg, 2014). More specifically, evidence
suggests gender disparities in career aspiration appear early in adolescence, illustrating the need for early
intervention. The motivation to pursue (or not pursue) a career may begin in adolescence where a variety of
macro- and micro-level factors can inhibit later gender equity across STEM fields (Sinclair et al., 2019, Stoet &
Geary, 2018). Wang and Degol (2017) noted that career paths and preferences are often established in
adolescence, and gender frequently plays a meaningful role in this decision-making process. Therefore,
programs that cultivate aspiration towards STEM-centered learning in adolescence could lead to meaningful
decreases in the gender gap within STEM (Wegemer & Eccles, 2019).
Career aspiration has been associated with academic performance in longitudinal studies (Nabil,2015;
Galyon et al., 2012). Further, an array of studies by Rebecca et al., 2014; Hafsyan et al., 2015; Fericiano, 2014;
Igere (2017), and Mettol and Kisilu (2016) found a relationship between career aspiration and academic
performance making it necessary to investigate gender difference in career aspiration in order to facilitate the
exploitation of full potential of both boys and girls. Unfortunately, gender-based stereotype may limit students’
selection of some subject underpinned by low aspirations. Such need career information to demystify their
perceived masculine and feminine pursuits.
Several studies have investigated gender with widely differing conclusions making it worth
investigating gender differences in Kenyan context so as to offer valuable conclusions. Some studies found
gender differences in educational orientations and career aspiration (Margriet, Hek, and Gerbert, 2019; Akos
et al., 2007; Adragna, 2009; Nadeem & Khalid, 2018; 2018; Bindu & Padmanabhan, 2016; Al- Bahrani et
al.,2020, Steven & David, 2015; Kiani, Hassan & Irfan, 2013 ,Wang & Degol, 2017) while others found
gender difference insignificant (Jan-Ardies, Maeyer & Gijbels ,2015; Wairimu,2012).

Some researchers (Makarova & Herzog, 2015) found that in comparison to males, female students had
more diverse career aspirations though more inclined toward care giving careers. It is also argued that girls tend
to have lower perceived self-efficacy for careers with a strong masculine gender construct orientation, like
science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers due to gender stereotypes which has played a role of
associating men with science and women with humanities. Kang, Hense, Scheersoi, & Keinonen (2019)
confirmed that females preferred subjects such as biology, and males favored physics and chemistry. It appears
the early competencies and requisite skills sets are present in both adolescent females and males, but females
tend to engage in STEM careers at lower rates and in many cases forgo participating in a STEM centered
college major. This may represent a potential departure of talents among girls and women who could otherwise
become the next generation of scientists, engineers, and creators of technology (Dasgupta & Stout, 2014;
College Board, 2014). These gender inequalities in course enrollments may also dissuade women from
considering male-dominated STEM courses as viable options in the first place (Spencer, Logel, & Davies, 2016;
Stoet & Geary, 2018;)

An aggregate of research indicates a longstanding marginalization and absence of women from the
STEM field (Hughes et al., 2013, Wang and Degol, 2017) making it necessary to initiate career programs in the
schools to encourage girls to consider STEM oriented subjects in their future careers (Beier et al., 2018). This is
confirmed by the UNESCO statistics which indicate that; 18% of the girls take education against 11% who are
boys; there are 14% female pursuing health and welfare against 7% who are boys. 7% of the girls take science
against 12% who are male. There exist 5% girls in engineering and manufacturing against 20% who are girls.

However, research in this area is relatively scant and based primarily upon college students samples
rather than adolescents, illustrating a gap in our understanding of how these programs may decrease gender
effects on STEM career decidedness at earlier phases (Kang et al., 2019).

In contrast, a study by Sadler et al., (2012) observed that females in high schools were aspiring to
pursue health and medicine related careers which were formally dominated by males while males aspired more
for STEM related career. Kiani, Hassan and Irfan (2013) study with high school sample from both urban and
rural zones of Rawalpindi found that medicine seemed to be a favorite for both females and males. Military was
predominantly aspired by males whereas teaching was liked mostly by girls. Law was a favorite for the females
and engineering was liked mostly to boys. This study shows a clear gender disparity in career aspiration.

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Another study by Al- Bahrani et al., (2020) which examined a sample of 2717 adolescent students representing
tenth and eleventh grades revealed a statistically significant differences in the scores of aspirations among males
(M = 27.83, SD = 4.42) and females (M = 29.75, SD = 4.11).
Other researchers (O’Dea, Lagisz, Jennions, & Nakagawa, 2018; Kiani, Hassan & Irfan, 2013) reported
that the ability overlap between girls and boys is much greater in STEM, and smaller in non-STEM subjects,
meaning that there are fewer boys competing with girls in non-STEM subjects. Boys should therefore be
encouraged to venture into humanity subjects that are traditionally dominated by girls to widen their range of
potential career. Bindu and Padmanabhan’s (2016) study explored the level of career aspiration among higher
secondary school students in Kerala state, India and the results suggested that gender influence the level of
career aspiration.
A local study by Migunde, Agak and Odiwuor (2012) investigated the high schools students’ career
aspirations in Kisumu municipality, Kenya using RIASEC model by John Holland. The findings indicated social
oriented career types were more popular with females than males at 86.84%. Artistic and conventional career
types were preferred more by females than males while Realistic career types were chosen by more males at
81.8%followed by investigate and enterprising career types (Migunde et al., 2012). Gender according to this
study influences career aspiration. Career guidance should empower the girls so that they do not believe that
boys are genetically better at math for they would frustrated if they internalize that they have limited abilities in
the study of mathematics and ended their struggle to excel at it. Some intentional exposure of girls to active
scientist environments and models behaviors, may narrow the gender gap within STEM (Kang et al., 2019).
Yet, a longitudinal study on boys’ and girls’ career aspirations and interest in technology by Jan-
Ardies, Maeyer and Gijbels (2015) with first and second grade of the first cycle in general secondary education
in the North region of Belgium, Flanders, did not find any significant difference in career aspiration between
boys and girls. Consistent with this study is a local study by Wairimu’s (2012) found insignificant gender
influence in career aspiration. though in a different context. More studies are needed to clarify how career
choices are made by secondary schools’ students in relation to gender so as to prepare students to transition
successfully toward a successful future career path. The current study explored gender difference in career
aspiration among secondary public schools’ students in Nairobi County. This allows valuable comparisons and
possible effects of geographical demographics on gender in career aspirations if any.

The above literature shows discrepancy in the research findings. Some proposing gender disparity in
career aspirations of secondary school students, (Bindu & Padmanabhan’s, 2016; O’Dea, Lagisz, Jennions &
Nakagawa, 2018; Kiani, Hassan & Irfan ,2013), others found no significant gender difference in career
aspiration. More studies are recommended to bring clarity in this relationship. A number of studies carried out
have provided data that illustrates the gross under representation of females in Science subjects and careers
(Michela, 2019). Specifically, Kenya is reported at to have gender disparities in students’ enrolment in all levels
of higher education especially at higher degree levels and in sciences, with special reference to mathematics and
technical disciplines. Women academicians are concentrated in what is perceived as traditional female social
science and education disciplines. While girls in Kenya are exposed to the same curriculum as boys and taught
by qualified teachers as their male counterparts, the statistics given in the background and in the reviewed
literature shows that there is disparity in perception of career aspirations among male and female students.
Gender seem to limit the full exploitation of career potentials by influencing a wide range of career-related
attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes. Therefore, to understand students’ careers aspirations, gender must be put
into consideration. Nevertheless, when a responsive and supportive teacher is present within a STEM course,
students may tend to become more motivated and perform better (Kramer et al., 2018) since the disparity in
career aspirations might be attributed to the way students perceived certain careers. Effective career programs
can lead to greater engagement with STEM coursework, greater aspirations towards STEM college majors,
career interests, and improved self-confidence among males and females (Dieker et al., 2012, Fields, 2009,
Kong et al., 2014).


Academic performance strongly links students to positive outcomes in fulfilling a productive future
life. But from the foregoing discussion, it is clear that the problem of gender-oriented career aspiration is one of
the biggest challenges facing the modern educational institutions and labor market. There has also been an
incessant low academic performance in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects
especially among girls at form four level in Kenya over the years. This has led to shortage of local labor supply
in the field of science. Additionally, it has led to under-representation and under-achievement of girls in science
and technology subjects and in labor market. This fact discourages girls from learning efficaciously and
restricts their career choices which is a serious inefficiency in educational systems in countries whose
development depends crucially on the generation of human technological capacity.

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In Nairobi County, majority of the boys qualified for enrolment in science-based courses while majority of the
girls qualified for enrolment in arts-based courses. This is the case in most African countries. This may have far
reaching implications for the students in terms of missing more rewarding career opportunities embedded in
STEM fields and inadequate manpower to the country. If only more girls could be persuaded to take up science
and technology subjects in schools, they could perform better in them. Therefore, there is need to explore more
on the relationship between gender and career aspiration at secondary school level with a view of suggesting
possible intervention strategies and mitigate the career disparities


To establish any gender differences in career aspiration among the public secondary schools’ students in Nairobi
County, Kenya

The correlation design was adopted for this study due to its capacity in determining the strength and
direction of a relationship. According to Mugenda & Mugenda (2003), the degree of such a relationship is
expressed as a correlation co-efficient. In the current investigation gender’s influence on career aspiration was
investigated. The design was also considered appropriate for this study because it was not possible for the
researcher to manipulate the independent variables that are naturally occurring. In this study, the dependent
variable was the levels of the form four students’ career aspirations. Independent variables were the form four
students’ gender which was categorized as boys and girls

The sample was obtained through simple random and stratified sampling in case of mixed schools.
Yamane (1967) formula was used to determine a sample size of 397 participants drawn from 12 out of 84 public
secondary schools. This represents 14 % of the total numbers of public secondary schools in Nairobi County
which is considered enough in social science study which recommend a minimum of 10% (Gay, 1981). This
formula allows the calculation of an ideal sample size given desired level of precision, confidence level, and
estimate of the attribute present in the population. This formula is also considered appropriate for a large and
known population

The Yamane (1967) formula is stated as:

Where n is the corrected sample size, N is the population size and e (0.05) is the desired level of precision
(margin of error). A 95% level of confidence is assumed. Calculation of sample size was done as follows;
n .

The sample for this study (397) is slightly more than the one endorsed by Yamane (1967). Career
aspiration questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection in this study which was subjected to both
qualitative and statistical analysis for the purpose of ascertaining validity and reliability respectively. Orodho
(2004) recommend the use of questionnaire for quality and quantity information from any sample. A group of
thirty-two (32) diverse career types were also presented to the students to pick the most preferred

Both qualitative and quantitative data were obtained from the questionnaire which were then scored and coded
for statistical analysis by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences – SPSS – software. The null hypothesis
was tested at.05 level of significance using Independent Sample t-test to determine if the mean of males and
females is related to the levels of career aspiration.

Descriptive statistic of students’ gender was computed and results shown in Table 1

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Table 1 Characteristic of the Respondents by Gender, Residential Status and School Category
Variable Levels Frequency Percentage (%)
Gender Female 182 45.8
Male 215 54.2
Sub-total 397 100
Residential Status Boarder 217 54.7
Day Scholar 180 45.3
Sub-total 397 100
School Category National 62 15.6
Extra- County 126 31.7
County 49 12.3
Sub- County 160 40.3
Sub-total 397 100

The result in Table 1 shows that genders, categories of schools, and both boarding and day scholars
proportionately provided respondents for the study. This gave a reasonable representation of respondents for this
study. Nevertheless, on gender comparison, majority of the respondents were boys, indicating a lower
population of girls in public secondary schools in Nairobi County. In relation to residential status, boarders are
more (217, 54.7%) than day scholars (180, 45,3%) which could have been attributed to the conversion of all
girl’s day schools into boarding schools which are perceived to offer quality education and less prone to
distractions inherent in urban city like Nairobi.

Analysis was done to establish if there is a relationship between the respondents’ choice of career type
and their gender. The students were presented with thirty-two (32) types of careers to pick the most preferred.
The findings are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Respondents’ Career Type versus Gender

Sno Career Choice Gender
Female Male
Frequency % Frequency %
1 Medical Doctor 29 44.6 36 55.4
2 Lawyer/Magistrate 24 40.7 35 59.3
3 Teacher 11 55 9 45
4 Engineer 21 29.2 51 70.8
5 Architecture/ Interior Design 23 65.7 12 34.3
6 Agriculturalist 5 33.3 10 66.7
7 Environmental scientist 3 75 1 25
8 Food Nutrionist 18 90 2 10
9 International Relations 13 56.5 10 43.5
10 Social Worker/ HR/ Counselor 10 52.6 9 47.4
11 Military/Police 5 22.7 17 77.3
12 Accountant/ Economist 21 40.4 31 59.6
13 Journalist 23 42.6 31 57.4
14 Pharmacist 5 62.5 3 37.5
15 Theology 2 28.6 5 71.4
16 Pilot/Aviation 7 38.9 11 61.1
17 Geology 1 20 4 80
18 Musician / Artist 13 35.1 24 64.9
19 Building/ Construction 2 16.7 10 83.3
20 Commercial Farming 0 0 4 100
21 Nursing 6 50 6 50
12 Hotel Management 23 62.2 14 37.8
13 Clerk 3 60 2 40
14 Criminologist 4 25 12 75
15 Tourist Guide 9 50 9 50

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16 Business Management 16 33.3 32 66.7

27 Beautician 5 71.4 2 28.6
28 Cloth Designer 7 46.7 8 53.3
29 Whole sale/Retail trade 7 100 0 0
30 Transport Trade 5 62.5 3 37.5
31 Actuarial science 12 66.7 6 33.3
32 Financial Engineering 10 43.5 13 56.5
Note. f = frequency; %= percentage

Marked gender stereotypes are shown to have a significant influence on career choice patterns among
secondary school students in Nairobi County. For example, there were more girls than boys in care giving
oriented careers such as Nutrition (90%), Beautician (71.4%), and whole sale trade/Retail Trade (100%). Men
majored in perceived masculine careers like Building Construction (83.3%), Geology (80%), Military/ Police
(77.3%) and Theology (71.4%). Additionally, girls registered a relatively weak presence in STEM fields. A
case in point is engineering with 70.8% male and only a paltry 29.21% female. Interestingly, more females than
males chose careers that were formally dominated by men like Actuarial Science (66.7%), architecture (65.7%),
and Pharmacy (62.5%) while more men seems to prefer Cloth Design (53.3%) which was previously considered
feminine. This flexible pattern of breaking the career traditionality should be encouraged among the students to
widen their range of preferences.

Levels of respondents’ career aspiration was determined and analysis is availed in Figure 1

Figure 1: Distributions of Respondents’ Levels of Career Aspirations

Figure 1 depict a high career aspiration for majority of the respondents (62.22%) and just about a third
(34%) of the total respondents reported moderate levels of career aspiration. A marginal number of respondent
(3.8 %) registered low career aspiration suggesting that students are potentially aspiring to careers but they are
not efficacious enough to attain those career goals or they lack knowledge of academic requirements of that

Gender differences in the levels of career aspiration is examined in Table 3.

Table 3: Gender Differences in Levels of Career Aspiration of the Respondents

Gender Level of Career Aspirations Total
Low Moderate High
Girl F 2 56 124 182
% within Gender 1.1 30.8 68.1 100.0
Boy F 13 79 123 215
% within Gender 6.0 36.7 57.2 100.0
Total F 15 135 247 397
% within Gender 3.8 34.0 62.2 100.0
Note : f = Frequency; % = Percentage

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Table 3 demonstrates gender differences in the levels of career aspirations with more girls (124, 68.1%) than
boys (123, 57.2%) having high level of career aspirations. Conversely, more boys (13, 6%) than girls (2, 1.1%)
have low career aspirations. Indeed, this is a reflection of weakly professionalized career guidance among boys.
It also indicates a successful execution of affirmative actions and empowerment programs among girls which
should be extended to the boy child.
Chi- Squire inferential test was used to assess the null hypothesis relating to gender differences in
career aspiration at.05 level of significance. The gender independent variable was indicated whether male or
female in the questionnaire and tallies were cross-tabulated in relation to career aspiration variable in the study.
The findings are obtainable in Table 4

Table 4: Chi- Square Test on Gender Differences in Career Aspirations

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.310a 2 .010
Likelihood Ratio 10.210 2 .006
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.776 1 .005
N of Valid Cases 397
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected f less than 5. The minimum expected f is 6.88.
Note. Df= degree of freedom

The chi-square test in Table 4 revealed the presence of a significant differences in career aspirations in
favor of girls among the secondary school students (X2= 9.31, df= 2 P = 0.019, P< 0.05). The difference in the
career aspiration of boys and girls was statistically significant since the p-value was less than 0.05. The null
hypothesis was therefore rejected.

The current study yielded significant results concerning the perceived gender differences in career
aspiration in favor of girls. The findings are consisted with previous studies which reported differences in career
aspiration in regard to gender (Akos et al., 2007; Adragna, 2009; Nadeem & Khalid, 2018; Nadeem &
Khalid, 2018; Bindu & Padmanabhan, 2016; Al- Bahrani et al.,2020, Steven & David, 2015; Kiani, Hassan &
Irfan, 2013 ,Wang & Degol, 2017; O’Dea, Lagisz, Jennions &Nakagawa, 2018; Maarike et al (2016).
However, some studies found that levels of career aspirations are subject to the field of study. For example, boys
had higher career aspiration in STEM domains in comparison to girls who ranked high in social sciences
(Cervoni,2013; Howward et al., 2011; O’Dea et al., 2018). According to these studies, men and women may
have equal abilities, but STEM is not an equal playing field for women—and so women often go down paths
with less male competition in the same.

The gender disparity in career aspiration has been attributed to the stereotypical beliefs about what field
each gender is found to be successful (Maarike et a.,l 2016; Lane et a.,l 2011; Nosek et a., 2009) and the effects
of femininity and masculinity (Kiani et a.,l 2013; Cervoni & Ivinson, 2011) in the society. Unfortunately,
Kiani, Hassan and Irfan (2013) observed that gender disparity in relation to career choices affect performance in
that given fields. This may lead to lagging in educational performance of students and underrepresentation of
gender in some fields of work (Von-Kraaykamp &Pelzer, 2018). Kenya really needs more women to enter,
stay, and succeed in STEM areas. It is absolutely needful therefore to change the structural barriers to gender
equality, strong negative stereotypes and unconscious career biases that lead to underrepresentation of women in
STEM oriented careers.

Studies have shown that girls tend to exhibit signs of depression and anxiety in male- stereotyped tasks
(Kiran & Sunger, 2012; Spencer et al., 2016). Girls who try to succeed in these fields are often hindered by
backlash effects. Consequently, girls may hesitate toward or avoid certain educational trajectories making them
more susceptible to conforming to stereotypes in the traditionally male-dominated fields of STEM.
Nevertheless, the current study reveals that girls are slowly overcoming this by having high career aspirations
and shifting their interest to formally male dominated careers. This trend should be encouraged in order to bring
balance in the work place.
These findings, however, are contrary to a number of previous studies such as Jansen et al., (2016),
Stevens and David (2015), and Wairimu (2012) who did not find any significant gender difference in career
aspiration. This difference could be attributed to context into which the study was done and the developmental
stage of the respondents. Career aspiration is not static and that with new experiences and knowledge, the
aspirations usually change, develop or be confirmed through social interaction.

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All in all, career guidance should be inherently practiced to provide the students with indispensable information
and competence required in the world of work. More focus should be directed to the boys who exhibited low
career aspiration. Quality career aspirations and subsequent career decisions will benefit the economy by having
quality, qualified and productive personnel.

It is in secondary schools where students are prepared for their future careesr and this is generally
preceeded by their career aspiration. Nevertheless, gender seem to limit the full exploitation of career potentials.
The study showed that gender is one of the factors that may account for differences in students career aspiration.
So, gender has been influencing a wide range of career-related attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes. The study
represented gender difference in favor of girls. To mitigate this low career aspiration and boost academic
optimism, appropriate boy-targeted intervention programs should be developed. Motivational strategies that
befit the boy child should be reinforced and supplemented by the encouragement by all stakeholders by
instilling hope about present and future endeavors. Creating nurturing environment for boys’ schools with a lot
of career guidance and career related experiences will adequately prepare and equip them for academic and
career success. This will ensure equity or fairness in education by basically making sure that gender does not
become an obstacle to achieving educational labor potential

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