Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: Coaching-Assessment - HTM
Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: Coaching-Assessment - HTM
Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: Coaching-Assessment - HTM
http://www.furman.edu/sites/live well/getmoving/pages/par-q.aspx
IV. Procedure:
A. Introduction
Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions.
Read and answer the questions carefully and honestly. Write Y if your
answer is YES and N if your answer is NO.
_________ 1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and
that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
_________ 2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
_________ 3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not
doing physical activity?
_________ 7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do
physical activity?
B. Exercises for skill subjects / Analysis questions using HOTS for content
Exercise 1 Do Self-Testing Activities for Health-Related Fitness
1. Check your pulse rate before and after each activity.
2. Before starting, see to it that the space where you will perform the
activity is safe and free from any obstacles.
3. Have a warm – up exercise from head to toe properly.
4. Sip water to hydrate yourself as you go along with the activity.
5. Don’t forget to use face towel to dry yourself from sweat.
I. Anthropometric Measurement
II. Zipper Test
III. Sit and Reach
IV. 3-Minute Step Test
V. 90-Degree Push Up
VI. Curl – Up
Questions: After doing the activity, read and analyze each question carefully. Write your
answer in your Learner’s Notebook.
1. What is the first thing to do before you start the fitness test?
2. What will you do if ever you found out that you have answered yes in the PAR-
Q? Why?
3. What are the safety measures in doing the fitness test?
4. How many battery test did you performed to test your fitness level?
5. What are the different health related fitness test?
6. Which test did you find difficulty in performing them? Why?
7. How did you overcome the difficulty in performing the activity?
8. How did you feel after doing the activity?
1. Surf the net and open a website about fitness and health.
2. Print, download or copy it in your Learner’s Notebook the factors in
achieving fitness and health.
3. Make a food pyramid.
4. Make a diet plan that promotes a balanced lifestyle.
1. Give at least 3 reasons that hinders you in participating in any physical activities.
2. What motivated you in doing any physical activities?
3. Give some ways to overcome situations that hinders you to engage in physical
4. What was the use of food pyramid in one’s diet?
5. How did regular exercise affect our health?
A. Body Composition
B. Cardiovascular Endurance
C. Flexibility
D. Muscular Endurance
E. Muscular Strength
Presentation – 25%
Creativity - 35%
Skills & Timing – 30%
Music - 10%
TOTAL - 100%
C. Assessment/Application
A. Identify the health-related fitness test. Choose your answer on the box
below. Write your answer on your Learner’s Notebook.
A. Body Composition
B.Cardiovascular Endurance
C. Flexibility
D. Muscular Endurance
E. Muscular Strength
__________ 1. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to
your body tissues during sustained physical activity.
__________ 2. It refers to the muscle’s ability to generate force against physical objects. It
is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.
__________ 3. It refers to the ability of the joints to move through a full range of motion.
__________ 4. It refers to the amount of the body’s fat-free mass as compared to the
amount of body fat.
__________ 5. It refers to the muscle’s ability to generate force against physical objects.
1. Zipper test
2. Curl-Up
3. Anthropometric Measurement
4. Sit and Reach
5. 3-minute Step test
6. 90 degree push up
I. Anthropometric Measurement
Purpose: To measure body composition.
Equipment needed: weighing scale, tape measure, meter stick
Goal: To take body measurements
1. Height. Stand erect on bare feet with heels, buttocks, and shoulders
pressed against the tape measure or meter stick on the wall. Record the
reading in meter.
2. Weight. On bare feet, stand erect and still with weight evenly distributed
at the center of the scale. Record in kilograms.
3. Waist Circumference. Stand erect and wrap the tape measure around
your waist. Record the reading in centimeter.
4. Waistline. Locate your upper hipbone. Find the proper spot by placing
your hands around your waist, squeezing slightly, and then moving your
fingers downward until you feel the top curve of your hips. Place a tape
measure around your bare stomach just above the upper hipbone,
Record in centimeters.
5. Hipline. Place tape measure in the widest part of hip in line with the
6. Computations:
BMI – Body Mass Index
- Measure of body mass based on height and weight that
aid in determining weight categories.
BMI = Weight (kg) / Height in meter ²
Waist to Hip ratio - measure stored body parts percentage
by the relative measurement of waist and hip.
WHR = Waist Circumference (cm) / Hip Circumference (cm)
IV. Curl Up
Purpose: To measure the strength of abdominal muscles
Equipment needed: Exercise mat or any clean mat
Goal: To assume a lying position with your feet flat on the floor &
knees bent at about 90º
1. Complete a slow, controlled curl-up, sliding fingertips along the floor.
2. The curl up should be performed at a rate of one every 3 seconds or 20
curl-ups per minute (2 seconds going up and 1 second going down).
3. There should be no rest at the bottom position. Perform as many curl-
ups as possible without stopping.
4. Record the number of repetitions.
V. 90 Degree Push-Up
Purpose: To measure the strength of upper extremities
Equipment needed: Exercise mat or any clean mat
Goal: To perform a proper push up
1. From prone lying position, place the hands just outside the shoulders
with elbows bent.
2. Men: Support the body from the toes with back, hip and legs align.
3. Women: Support the body in a push up position from the knees instead
of toes with the back, hip and legs aligned.
4. Lower the body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor or a 90 degrees
angle of the bent elbow.
5. Repeat as many times as possible.
6. Record the number of repetitions.
Measuring your fitness level is one way to find out your level of physical fitness.
Below are references for your interpretation:
Result Classifications
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 to 24.9 Normal
25.0 to 29.9 Overweight
30.0 above Obese
1. Body Composition:
Test BMI Interpretation Analysis
Waist to Hip Ratio
2. Cardiovascular Endurance:
3-Minute Step Test Recovery PR & Implications