Dose Dependent Antidiabetic Effect of Mimosa Pudica Leaves Extract in Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model
Dose Dependent Antidiabetic Effect of Mimosa Pudica Leaves Extract in Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model
Dose Dependent Antidiabetic Effect of Mimosa Pudica Leaves Extract in Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model
properties [15] and hepatoprotective activity [16] of the plant. In as a vehicle; Group II: HFD+STZ induced diabetic control
Siddha system of medicine, powdered form of both the leaves rats; Group III, IV, V and VI HFD+STZ diabetic rats (as in
and roots of Mimosa pudica (Thottal Vadi Choornam) have group II) treated with ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica
been used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. It has also leaves at different doses of 100,200,300 and 400 mg/kg of
been reported that the plant is non-toxic and safe up to the body weight for 30 days. Group VII: HFD+STZ diabetic rats
dosage of 2000 mg/kg body weight [17]. Even though several treated with standard drug metformin at dosage of 200 mg/kg
studies have reported the antidiabetic effect of the leaves of of body weight for 30 days.
Mimosa pudica at different concentrations of 100,150 and 600
mg [18,19], most of them have tested the antidiabetic effect of Biochemical study
the drug using alloxan induced diabetic model which is most Glucose was estimated by the method of Trinder (1969) using
probably known to mimic type 1 diabetes rather than type 2 reagent kit [21] and insulin level was assayed by Solid-phase
diabetes mellitus. Hence, we began our study to arrive at the enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Glycosylated
effect dose at which the drug exerts its antidiabetic effect hemoglobin (HbA1c) level was estimated by the method of
using high fat diet streptozotocin induced type 2 diabetic Rao and Pattabiraman (1990) [22]. Total cholesterol according
model which is known to mimic the natural transition from to the method of Parkeh and Jung (1970) [23]. Triglyceride
insulin resistance to beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes (TG) in plasma was determined by the method of Rice (1970)
mellitus. based on the method of Van Handle (1961) [25]. HDL and
atherogenic index were determined.
Material and methods
Preparation of plant extract Statistical Analysis
Mimosa pudica Linn leaves were collected from The data were statistically evaluated with SPSS 21.0 software.
Kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu, India. The collected Hypothesis testing methods included one-way analysis of
Mimosa pudica leaves were dried at room temperature, variance (ANOVA) followed by least significant difference
powdered and stored at 5°C until needed. A 100 g of the (LSD) test. p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to
powder was defatted with 500 ml of petroleum ether (60– indicate statistical significance. All the results were expressed
80°C) overnight, and it was then extracted with 500 ml of as the mean ± SD for six animals in each group.
95% ethanol by soxhalation. Ethanol was evaporated in a
rotary evaporator at 40–50°C under reduced pressure. The Results and Discussion
yield of the plant extract was 3.8% w/w. Type 2 diabetes mellitus has emerged as the most common
and prevalent metabolic disorder in recent time. Hence, there
Chemicals is always an urge to screen newer drugs with lesser side
Streptozotocin was purchased from Sigma chemicals, St. effects to manage and treat the anomalies resulting from this
Louis, MO, USA. All other reagents used in the present study metabolic disorder. High fat diet and streptozotocin induced
were of analytical grade. model is known to mimic the natural transition from insulin
resistant state to frank hyperglycemia leading to the
Experimental Design development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and has also been
Healthy male Albino rats of Wistar strain were used in this known to be associated with the metabolic anomalies as well.
study. The animals were housed in large spacious cages, Hence, this model was used for our study and a dose
bedded with husk, and were given food with water ad libitum. dependent study was carried out with four different dosages
The animal room was well ventilated with a 12-h light/dark 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg to find out the effective dosage at
cycle throughout the experimental period. The animals were which the drug can bring out its maximum potential effects.
divided into seven groups of six animals each. Type 2 Diabetes is usually associated with characteristic loss of body
diabetes was induced by high fat diet (HFD) and low dose of weight, hyperglycemia, impaired glucose tolerance, increased
streptozotocin (STZ). The normal control rats were fed with glycation of hemoglobin and alterations in lipid profile.
normal pellet diet and experimental group were fed with a Hence all these parameters were studied to arrive at the
high fat diet for 2 weeks. After two weeks of high fat diet, the effective dosage at which the drug can exert its potential
animals were fasted overnight and injected with low dose of antidiabetic effect.
streptozotocin (35 mg/kg body weight in 0.1 M citrate buffer The alterations in blood glucose level, insulin and HbA1c
pH 4.5) [20]. The animal had free access to food and water after have been depicted in Table 1. The blood glucose level was
the injection. Both diabetic induced rats and normal rats raised in HFD and low dose STZ induced diabetic control rats
continued on their diet for the duration of the study. After 12 when compared to normal control (p˂0.05) rats.
hrs fast, glucose level was measured in all experimental rats. Hyperglycemia is one of the major clinical characteristic of
Rats having 250 mg/dl of fasting blood sugar were considered diabetes mellitus associated with development of long-term
as diabetic and used for the experiment. complications [26]. The capacity of beta cells to secrete insulin
and control the metabolism of glucose in major insulin
Experimental Groups sensitive tissues is linked in the progression and development
The animals were randomly divided into seven groups of six of type 2 diabetes mellitus [27].
animals each. Group I: Normal control rats receiving olive oil
The Pharma Innovation Journal
Table 1: Effect of Mimosa pudica leaf extract on blood glucose, insulin, hemoglobin of control and experimental animal
Group Glucose(mg/dl) Insulin(µU/L) HbA1c (mg/g Hb)
Normal control 84.37±8.14 16.83±1.64 0.46±0.03
Diabetic control (DC) 266.12±20.01a 11.7± 0.43a 25±0.12 a
DC+Mimosa pudica (100mg/kg b.wt) 242.42±18.34 13.82±1.32 1.12±0.08
DC+Mimosa pudica (200mg/kg b.wt) 188.28±12.87 13.95±1.04 0.94±0.08
DC+Mimosa pudica (300mg/kg b.wt) 114.81±8.21 b 15.30±1.38 b 0.47±0.04 b
DC+Mimosa pudica (400mg/kg b.wt) 105.45±8.76 b 16.26±1.66 b 0.48±0.05 b
DC+Metformin (200mg/kg b.wt) 124±4.5 b 14.16±0.47 b 0.51±0.04b
Values are expressed as mean ±SD for 6 animals. Values are which favor to increase the absorption of glucose and body’s
given statistically significance at p<0.05. a: Control Vs. sensitivity to insulin [29]. It has been reported that during
Diabetic control, DC vs. DC+Mimosa pudica(100mg)), diabetes mellitus condition a variety of derangement occur in
Mimosa pudica (200mg), Mimosa pudica (300mg), Mimosa metabolic process so that it leads to hyperlipidemia [30].
pudica (400mg), metformin (200mg). Hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia are common
Excess glucose in blood reacts with hemoglobin to form more lipid abnormalities reported in diabetic condition [31]. The
glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetes condition. It is one of the increased concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides and
important parameters in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. decreased HDL level was observed in the present study. The
Increased glycosylated hemoglobin was observed in diabetic raised level of triglycerides is important marker for insulin
control rats when compared to normal control rats. Similar resistance. Zheng et al. have been reported the similar result
results have been reported in earlier studies also [28]. in the previous study [32]. Atherogenic index, a strong
Treatment with the drug Mimosa pudica effectively predictor of atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases [33]. is
ameliorated the alterations in blood glucose, insulin and also increased in diabetes rats when compared to normal
glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic rats when compared to control rats. Both atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases
untreated rats (p˂0.05) in a dose dependent manner (from 100 are secondary complication associated with diabetes mellitus.
mg/kg of body wt to 400mg/kg of body wt). Significant Table 2 represents the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL
alteration was observed at the dosage of 300 and 400mg after and atherogenic index. The treatment with Mimosa pudica
the treatment period. leaf extract and metformin significantly altered (p˂0.05) the
The decreased level of glycosylated hemoglobin is due to level of cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL in treated rats. The
alteration of level of insulin and glucose after the Mimosa significant reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides was
pudica treatment. The antidiabetic effect of the plant is mainly observed at dosage of 300 and 400 mg of Mimosa pudica leaf
due to the presence of phenolic and flavonoid compounds extract treatment whereas the HDL concentration significantly
present in the plant Mimosa pudica. These compounds are increased at same dosage.
reason for the antioxidant’s property of Mimosa pudica,
Table 2: Effect of Mimosa pudica leaf extract on cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and atherogenic index of control and experimental animal
Group Cholesterol(mg/dl) Triglycerides(mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) Atherogenic index
Normal control 68.12±5.53 80.45±6.37 22.52±2.08 2.02±0.13
Diabetic control (DC) 145.45±10.55a 162.68±10.18 a 10.66±0.71 a 12.64±1.25 a
DC+Mimosa pudica (100mg/kg b.wt) 138.50±9.61 155.26±13.25 10.95±0.90 11.65±0.96
DC+Mimosa pudica (200mg/kg b.wt) 112.32±10.04 132.34±9.03 12.62±1.24 7.90±0.58
DC+Mimosa pudica (300mg/kg b.wt) 82.72±6.21 b 98.12±8.78 b 19.32±1.43 b 3.28±0.30 b
DC+Mimosa pudica (400mg/kg b.wt) 80.26±4.92 b 94.54±7.01 b 19.74±1.76 b 3.07±0.24 b
DC+Metformin (200mg/kg b.wt) 79.62±7.02 b 91.82±8.59 b 19.86±1.42 b 3.01±0.27 b
Values are expressed as mean ±SD for 6 animals. Values are maximum potential effect at the dosage of 300mg/kg/b.wt
given statistically significance at p<0.05. a: Control Vs. against high fat diet and streptozotocin induced type 2
Diabetic control, DC vs. DC+ Mimosa pudica(100mg)), diabetes mellitus. The phytochemical constituents present in
Mimosa pudica(200mg), Mimosa pudica(300mg), Mimosa Mimosa pudica extract might have contributed to the
pudica(400mg), metformin(200mg). hypoglycemic and hypolipedimic activity of the drug as
The results of the above study reveal that the potential anti- evidenced from the improvement in the levels of glucose,
diabetic effect of Mimosa pudica was found to be at 300 insulin and serum lipids. Further biochemical and molecular
mg/kg b.wt. as evidenced by (i) a significant decrease and studies are in progress to elucidate the molecular mechanism
increase in the levels of blood glucose and insulin behind the effect of the drug.
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