Metformin Ameliorates Diabetes With Metabolic Syndrome Induced Changes in Experimental Rats
Metformin Ameliorates Diabetes With Metabolic Syndrome Induced Changes in Experimental Rats
Metformin Ameliorates Diabetes With Metabolic Syndrome Induced Changes in Experimental Rats
International Journal of Biomedical Research
ISSN: 0976-9633 (Online); 2455-0566 (Print)
Journal DOI: 10.7439/ijbr
CODEN: IJBRFA Original Research Article
Rajesh Kumar Suman1, Ipseeta Ray Mohanty1, Ujawala Maheshwari2, Manjusha K. Borde1 and
Y A Deshmukh1
1Department of Pharmacology, MGM Medical College, Sec-01, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209
2Department of Pathology, MGM Medical College, Sec-01, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209
*Correspondence Info:
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Suman,
Tutor, Dept. of Pharmacology, MGM Medical College
Sec-01, Kamothe-410209, Navi Mumbai
Objective: Metformin is the primary glucose- lowering agent used in the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. However, there
is no experimental evidence presently available with regard to the possible beneficial effects of Metformin on metabolic
syndrome co-existing with diabetes in experimental rats. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate potential effects of
Metformin on various components of metabolic syndrome. Also to elucidate the underlying mechanisms: DPP-IV, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant pathways.
Material and Methods: A combination of high fat diet (HFD) and low dose of streptozotocin (STZ) 40 mg/kg was used to
induce metabolic syndrome co-existing with diabetes mellitus in Wistar rats. The HFD were fed to rats for 10 weeks to induce
metabolic syndrome. At the end of 3 weeks, diabetes was induced by a single STZ injection (40 mg/kg body wt). Metformin
(100 mg/kg) was administered to rat from 4th to 10th weeks daily and various parameters of Diabetes and metabolic syndrome
were studied. Also to understand the mechanisms; DPP-IV pathway, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant parameters were studied.
Biochemical indices of injury {pancreatic, liver and renal function} and histopathological assessment of injury was evaluated
in experimental groups.
Results: Metformin treatment ameliorated the deleterious effects associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Metformin
favorably modulated various parameters: anti-diabetic (reduced Blood glucose, HbA1c, HOMA-IR, increased serum insulin,
HOMA-β and restoration of pancreatic function), Central obesity (reduced body weight, abdominal circumference (AC),
thoracic circumference (TC), AC/TC ratio) and hypolipidemic (favorable lipid profile, artherogenic index). In addition
significant restoration of cardiac injury as indicated by CPK-MB levels were observed. In addition, DPP-IV pathway (reduced
serum DPP-IV), anti-inflammatory (reduced hs-CRP levels), antioxidant (reduced MDA) contributed to the beneficial effects
of Metformin in diabetes with metabolic syndrome. The histopathological assessment confirmed the protective effects of
Metformin on heart, thoracic aorta, pancreas, liver and kidney.
Conclusion: Metformin treatment ameliorated the deleterious effects associated metabolic syndrome in the setting of diabetes
mellitus. Beneficial effects of Metformin can be attributed to hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, cardioprotective and
anti-inflammatory effects.
Keywords: Metformin, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, High Fat Diet, Streptozotocin.
1. Introduction
The metabolic syndrome represents a cluster of Metformin an insulin-sensitizing biguanide, exerts
abnormalities, including obesity, insulin resistance, an anti-hyperglycemic effect, with minimal risk of
dyslipidaemia and type II diabetes, which increases the risk of hypoglycemia, and has been used to prevent type II diabetes
developing cardiovascular diseases. The Metabolic with a 31% reduction in incidence [2]. The anti-diabetic effect
Syndrome is a clinically and socially important issue which of Metformin owes to its ability to suppress hepatic glucose
has drawn the attention of many physicians and researchers. production, enhance peripheral glucose uptake and improve
Studies have demonstrated that patients with metabolic peripheral insulin sensitivity [3-5]. In fact, Metformin showed
syndrome displayed an increased risk of developing diabetes, beneficial effects in type II diabetes, including weight
cardiovascular disease and other diseases [1]. Therefore the reduction, improved lipid profiles, and enhanced endothelial
co-existence of diabetes with metabolic syndrome is a unique function. There are evidences for a potential role of
pathology that needs to be addressed as a separate entity. Metformin in the prevention of type II diabetes in obese
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patients [6]. Several studies have suggested that Metformin Ethics Committee and conforms to the Committee for the
may improve some of the features of the metabolic syndrome Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on
as it not only improves insulin sensitivity in the liver and Animals and Indian National Science Academy and
muscle, as its primary anti-hyperglycemic mechanism of Guidelines for the Use and Care of Experimental Animals in
action, but also induces additional beneficial effects on Research. Rats were kept in polyacrylic cages (38×23×15 cm)
several metabolic abnormalities associated with the metabolic with not more than four animals per cage and housed in an
syndrome [7-9]. Recent studies also reported that Metformin air-conditioned room, kept under natural light-dark cycles.
induced improvement of metabolic disorders is associated The animals were allowed free access to standard diet or high
with the energy state of the body, reduction of macrovascular fat diet as the case may be and water ad libitum.
morbidity and mortality, anti-artherogenic, anti-inflammatory 2.3 Preparation High Fat Diet
and antioxidant effects [10]. In combination with lifestyle The High Fat Diet (HFD) was prepared indigenously
modifications, Metformin is the primary glucose- lowering in our laboratory by using Normal Pellet Diet, Raw
agent used in the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus, due to Cholesterol, Mixture of Vanaspati ghee and Coconut oil (2:1).
its efficacy, safety and beneficial cardiovascular and meta- Normal Rat Pellet diet was powdered by grinding and mixed
bolic activity. However, there is no experimental evidence with 2.5% Cholesterol and Mixture of Vanaspati ghee and
presently available with regard to the mitigating effects of Coconut oil (5%). The mixture was made into pellet form and
Metformin on diabetes with metabolic syndrome (HFD-STZ put into freezer to solidify. In addition 2% raw cholesterol
induced). Also the potential of Metformin to modulate the powder was mixed in coconut oil and administered to the rats
DPP-IV Pathway has not been studied so far. The DPP-IV is by oral route (3 ml/kg) [12].
novel adipokine and to characterize the association of DPP-IV 2.4 Experimental model of diabetes with metabolic
to different parameters of metabolic syndrome and that may syndrome
impair insulin sensitivity in an autocrine and paracrine The High Fat Diet (HFD) along with 2% liquid
fashion, DPP-IV release strongly correlates with adipocyte cholesterol (3 ml/kg) was orally fed to rats for 3 weeks to
size, potentially representing an important source of DPP-IV induce metabolic syndrome. After 3 weeks of dietary
in obesity linking with metabolic syndrome[11]. manipulation, overnight fasted rats were injected
The present study was designed to evaluate potential intraperitoneally with STZ (40 mg /kg) [12]. The animals
effects of Metformin on various components of metabolic were allowed to drink 5% glucose solution overnight to
syndrome (Blood glucose, HbA1c, Seum insulin, HOMA- IR, overcome drug induced hypoglycemia. The body weight and
HOMA- β, C-peptide), Central obesity (Body weight, biochemical parameters (Blood glucose, total cholesterol)
abdominal circumference (AC), Thoracic circumference were estimated 7 days after the vehicle or STZ injection, i.e.,
(TC), AC/TC ratio) and dyslipidemic (lipid profile, on 4 weeks of dietary manipulation in rats. The rats with
artherogenic index) with diabetes as an essential component. blood glucose (>200 mg/dl), Total Cholesterol (>110 mg/dl),
Also to understand the underlying mechanisms: DPP-IV triglyceride (>150 mg/dl), change in body weight (8% of
pathway (serum DPP-IV), anti-inflammatory (hs-CRP), initial weight), Systolic Blood pressure (>130 mm/hg) and
antioxidant (MDA), cardioprotective activities (CPK-MB), reduced HDL levels (<35mg/dl) confirmed presence of
safety parameters {pancreatic function [lipase (U/L)], liver metabolic syndrome with diabetes. Thereafter the rats were
function [SGPT (U/L)], renal function [creatinine (mg/dl)]} either fed normal diet or HFD as per the protocol for 10
and histopathological indices of injury in the experimental weeks. Blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital
model of diabetes with metabolic syndrome were studied. plexus under light anesthesia at 0, 4, 7 and 10 weeks for
estimation of biochemical parameters. At the ends of
2. Material and Methods experimental period, rats were sacrificed for
2.1 Chemicals and drugs: histtopathological evaluation of injury to the Heart, Thoracic
Streptozotocin (STZ) was procured from Sigma aorta, Pancreas, Liver and Kidney.
Chemicals St Louis, USA. Cholesterol was procured from 2.5 Experimental Groups
Alfa Aesar and the test drug Metformin was obtained gift Group 1: Normal Control (NC): In Normal Control group,
sample from Cipla pharmaceuticals. All other chemicals and Rats were administered distilled water per orally using a
reagents used were of analytical grade. feeding cannula for study period 10 weeks. At the end of 3
2.2 Experimental Animal week, 0.01 M citrate buffer, pH 4.5 was injected
Adult male Wistar rats, 10 to 12 weeks old, intraperitoneally to mimic the STZ injections.
weighing 150 to 200 gm were used in the study. The rats were Group 2: High Fat Diabetic Control (HF-DC): The HFD
housed in the Central Animal Facility of our own MGM was fed to rats for 10 weeks to produce metabolic syndrome.
Medical College, Navi Mumbai, India. They were maintained At the end of 3 week diabetes was induced by a single STZ
under standard laboratory conditions in the animal house. The injection (40 mg/kg body wt, i.p. dissolved in 0.01 M citrate
study protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal buffer, pH 4.5).
Figure 1: Time course changes of Blood Glucose level of NC (n=8), HF-DC group (n=7) and Met group (n=8).
450 ***
400 *** ***
Blood glucose (mg/dl)
250 $$$
0 week 4 week 7 week 10 week
Figure 2: Time course changes of HbA1c of NC (n=8), HF-DC group (n=7) and Met group (n=8).
0 week 4 week 7 week 10 week
Time duration in week
Normal Control HF-Diabetic Control Metformin
$ $$$
0 week 4 week 7 week 10 week
Time duration in week
Normal Control HF-Diabetic Control Metformin
3.3.4 Pancreatic, Liver and kidney function markers SGPT (U/L) (p<0.01) and creatinine (mg/dl) (p<0.01) when
The Metformin group rats showed a significant compared to HF-DC group rats at 10th week. (Table 5)
reduced in the level of pancreatic lipase (U/L) (p<0.05),
Table 5: Shows Safety marker in various experimental groups
SN Variable NC HF-DC Metformin
Pancreatic Marker
1 Pancreatic Lipase(U/L) 33.66±4.62 48.26±9.36* 36.83±5.50$
Liver Marker
2 SGPT(U/L) 62.77±11.58 99.85±10.38*** 68.25±6.60$$
Kidney Marker
3 Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.32±0.07 1.27±0.43*** 0.42±0.06$$
NC: Normal Control group (n=8), HF-DC: High fat diabetic control group (n=7) and Met: Metformin group (n=8). Values are expressed as
mean ± SD. *P<0.05, ***p<0.001NC Vs HF-DC,$P<0.05,$$p<0.01 HF-DC Vs Met.
3.4 Histopathological assessment of langerhans, reduced beta cell mass and the atrophy of beta
3.4.1 Histopathological section of myocardium. cells with the loss of few nucleus and cytoplasm,
Photomicrograph of heart of NC group rat heart inflammatory infiltration more was observed (Plate 3B). In
revealed the non-infracted architecture of the myocardium the Metformin treatment group rats Pancreas shows, improve
(Plate 1A).In contrast, HF-Diabetic Control group rat heart beta cell mass less fibrosis, less inflammatory infiltration and
shows fatty infiltration in myocardial cells, hemorrhage, hemorrhage as compared to HF-DC group (Plate 3C). (H&E x
marked edema, confluent areas of myonecrosis separation of 40)
myofibers, congested blood vessels and inflammation as 3.4.4 Histopathological section of Liver
compared to the NC group (Plate 1B). In the Metformin Photomicrograph of Liver sections of NC rats shows,
treatment group rats, occasional focal myofiber loss, normal architecture of central vein, peripheral vein and no
inflammation, necrosis and edema was observed. However congestion of sinosoides (Plate 4A). In contrast, the liver of
the degree of edema, inflammation and necrosis was less as HF-Diabetic Control group rat shows Fatty liver, moderate
compared to the HF-Diabetic Control group (Plate 1C). (H&E fatty degeneration, ballooning of cell, inflammatory
x 40) infiltration more and congestion of blood vessels in central
3.4.2 Histopathological section of Aorta. vein (Plate 4B). In the Metformin treatment group rats Liver
Photomicrograph of aorta sections of Normal control shows, less fatty degeneration, less inflammatory infiltration,
rats shows no histological changes that is, normal alignment congestion of blood vessels, fibrosis, edema and necrosis as
of tunica media, tunica intima, and tunica adventitia as seen compared to HF-DC group (Plate 4C ). (H&E x 40)
(Plate 2A). In case of HF-Diabetic Control group rat aorta 3.4.5 Histopathological section of Kidney
shows, focal and vacuolated cells, inflammation, edema, Photomicrograph of Kidney sections of NC rats
necrosis were seen in aortic layer and atherosclerotic shows normal structure of the kidney. There was absence of
deposition in the vessel wall (Plate 2B). In the Metformin congestion of glomerular blood vessels, tubular necrosis,
treatment group rats aorta shows, well maintain alignment of inflammation and cloudy degeneration (Plate 5A). In contrast
aortic layer with intact intima (Plate 2C). (H&E x 40) histological assessment of the HF-DC group rat demonstrated
3.4.3 Histopathological section of Pancreas congestion of glomerular blood vessels, tubular necrosis,
Photomicrograph of Pancreas sections of NC rats inflammation and cloudy degeneration as compared to NC
shows, an organized pattern and shows normal architecture of group (Plate 5B). In Metformin treated group kidney shows
islets of langerhans and the beta cells (Plate 3A). In contrast, congestion of glomerular blood vessels, less hemorrhage, less
the Pancreas of HF-Diabetic Control group rat shows severe tubular necrosis, inflammation and focal area as compare to
degenerative changes in the pancreatic islets, damaged islets HF-DC group. (Plate 5C) (H&E x 40)
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Plate 1:Heart:1A: Photomicrograph of heart of NC group rat heart revealed the non-infracted architecture of the myocardium.
1B: HF-Diabetic Control group rat heart shows fatty infiltration in myocardial cells, hemorrhage, marked edema, confluent
areas of myonecrosis separation of myofibers, congested blood vessels and inflammation. 1C: In the Metformin treatment
group rats, occasional focal myofiber loss and the degree of edema, inflammation and necrosis was less as compared to the HF-
Diabetic Control group.
Plate 3: Pancreas:3A: Photomicrograph of Pancreas sections of NC rats shows, an organized pattern and shows normal
architecture of islets of langerhans and the beta cells. 3B: The Pancreas of HF-Diabetic Control group rat shows severe
degenerative changes in the pancreatic islets, damaged islets of langerhans, reduced beta cell mass and the atrophy of beta cells
with the loss of few nucleus and cytoplasm, inflammatory infiltration more was observed. 3C: In the Metformin treatment
group rats Pancreas shows, improve beta cell mass less fibrosis, less inflammatory infiltration and hemorrhage as compared to
HF-DC group.
Plate 4 :Liver: 4A: Photomicrograph of Liver sections of NC rats shows, normal architecture of central vein, peripheral vein
and no congestion of sinosoides.4B: In contrast, the liver of HF-Diabetic Control group rat shows Fatty liver, moderate fatty
degeneration, ballooning of cell, inflammatory infiltration more and congestion of blood vessels in central vein.4C:In the
Metformin treatment group rats Liver shows, less fatty degeneration, less inflammatory infiltration, congestion of blood
vessels, fibrosis, edema and necrosis as compared to HF-DC group.
Plate 5:Kidney: 5A: Photomicrograph of Kidney sections of NC rats shows normal structure of the kidney. 5B: In contrast
histological assessment of the HF-DC group rat demonstrated congestion of glomerular blood vessels, tubular necrosis,
inflammation and cloudy degeneration as compared to NC group. 5C: In Metformin treated group kidney shows congestion of
glomerular blood vessels, less hemorrhage, less tubular necrosis, inflammation and focal area as compare to HF-DC group.
4. Discussion inflammatory (hs-CRP levels), antioxidant (MDA) and safety
Metformin is an oral antidiabetic drug that has been parameters {pancreas [lipase (U/L)], liver [SGPT (U/L)],
used for decades to reduce plasma glucose, improve insulin renal [creatinine (mg/dl)]} contributing to the beneficial
sensitivity, increase peripheral glucose uptake, and inhibit effects of Metformin in diabetes with metabolic syndrome
hepatic glucose production. Previous studies reported that was studied.
Metformin could improve some of the features of the 4.1 Essential components of Metabolic Syndrome with
metabolic syndrome. Despite these beneficial effects, diabetes:
Metformin’s therapeutic effect in the setting of diabetes with 4.1.1 Diabetes
metabolic syndrome in experimental rats remains unknown. In our study the rats fed with HFD/STZ showed
The major finding of this study is that Metformin significant increase in blood glucose glycosylated
ameliorates diabetes with metabolic syndrome induced hemoglobin, reduced serum insulin levels, which was
deleterious changes in experimental rats. Metformin ameliorated after administration of Metformin treatment at
favorably modulated anti-diabetic (Blood glucose, HbA1c, the end of 10 weeks. The previous study by Latha P. et al.
restoration of pancreatic function), Central obesity (Body (2012) [13] showed similar results by significantly reversed
weight, abdominal circumference (AC), Thoracic the HFD/STZ induced increase in blood glucose levels. The
circumference (TC), AC/TC ratio) and hypolipidemic HOMA-IR was reduced whereas HOMA-β was increased in
(favorable lipid profile, artherogenic index), cardioprotective Metformin treated rats. Study by Dieudonne Kuate et al
(CPK-MB) parameters in the experimental model of diabetes (2015) [14] supported our finding. This observation implied
with metabolic syndrome. Also to understand the that Metformin could exert its hypoglycemic effect through
mechanisms; DPP-IV pathway (serum DPP-IV), anti- improving peripheral Insulin resistance and protecting