Sabp P 001
Sabp P 001
Sabp P 001
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose and Intended Users 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Disclaimer 4
1.4 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards 4
1.5 References 4
2. Definitions 6
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Document Responsibility: Electrical Equipment Unit/ESD/CSD SABP-P-001
Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
6. Rotor Inspection 17
6.1 Rotor Cleanliness 17
6.2 Retaining Rings 17
6.3 Fan Blades and Fan Rings 17
6.4 Bearing Condition 18
6.5 Wedge Condition 18
6.6 End Winding and Damper Winding Condition 18
6.7 Brushes and Collector Rings 18
6.8 Excitation System Inspection 19
8. Electrical Testing 23
8.1 Winding Resistance 23
8.2 Insulation Resistance 23
8.3 Polarization Index (PI) 24
8.4 Dielectric Test 25
8.5 Turn-to-Turn Insulation 25
8.6 Shorted Turns in Field Windings 25
8.7 Partial Discharge Test 25
8.8 Power Factor Tip-Up Test 26
8.9 Stator Interlaminar Insulation Test 26
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Document Responsibility: Electrical Equipment Unit/ESD/CSD SABP-P-001
Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
1 Introduction
1.2 Scope
This Best Practice is intended for surveying and assessing large electrical
generators. It applies for all generators being used within Saudi Aramco
facilities, whether in simple cycle or in Cogeneration mode. The document is
primarily prepared to cover the electrical aspects, and most sections could be
extended to apply for large electrical motors. The ultimate objective is to help
making informed decision regarding repairs/refurbishment of the generator
under evaluation, which can result in substantial savings.
1.3 Disclaimer
This Best Practice is being provided for the general guidance and benefit of
Saudi Aramco engineers and operating facilities. The information or material
contained here will not release the users from the responsibility of safeguarding
and controlling their operations within Saudi Aramco established guidelines
such as GI’s and engineering standards.
In the event of a conflict between this Best Practice and other Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirement, the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirement shall govern.
1.5 References
This Best Practice is based on the latest edition of the references below, unless
otherwise noted. In addition to IEEE / ANSI, the equivalent IEC and other
internationally recognized standards could be used.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
International Standards
IEEE Std 115 Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines
IEEE Std 56 Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Large
Alternating-Current Rotating Machinery (10,000
kVA and larger)
ANSI / IEEE Std 43 IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing
Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery
IEEE Std 95 Recommended Practice for Inuslatoin Testing of
Large AC Rotating Machinery witn High Direct
ANSI C50.10 ANSI General Requirements for Synchronous
IEEE Std 522 Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on
Form-Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-
Curerent Rotating Electric Machines
IEEE Std 286 Recommended Practice for Measurement of
Power Fator Tip-Up of Rotating Machinery Sator
Coil Insulation
IEC-34-1 Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating and
IEC-34-2 Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 2: Methods of
determining Losses and Efficiency o f Rotating
Machinery from Tests- Measurements of Losses by
the Calorimetric Method
IEC-34-3 Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 3: Specific
Requirements for Turbine-Type Synchronous
IEC-34-4 Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 4: Methods
for Determining Synchronous Machine Quantities
from Tests
IEC-34-6 Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 6: Methods of
Cooling (IC Code)
IEC-34-10 Rotating Electrical Machines – Part 10:
Conventions for Descriptions of Synchronous
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
2 Definitions
Brushless Excitation System: this system has the advantage of not using slip rings and
brushes. It has a rotating three phase windings combined to a rotating diodes bridge that
supplies the main exciter with DC current.
End Windings: also referred to as the overhang. It is the section of the stator windings
extending outside the stator slot. It has a conical shape and mechanically supported
using different configuration of ties and bracings.
Surge Rings: used to support the stator end windings and prevent them from moving
during transient and faults. They are made of insulated steel or fiberglass.
Corona: it is a high frequency discharge resulting from the ionization of a gas when
exposed to an intense electric field. In the generator, corona activity is divided into
corona activity in the end-windings, internal partial discharges, and slot discharges.
The main goal of preparing the site is to minimize the risks of contamination of the
machine with any foreign material or object, and ensure a safe environment during the
inspection. Site preparation shall be maintained from the opening of the machine for
inspection untill it is sealed again and made ready for operation.
It is important not to contaminate the machine with corrosive liquids such as solvents or
small pebbles that may be stuck below the shoes. It is also good practice not to step on
the bare coils and end windings. However, the worst situation to be avoided is the
introduction of metallic objects, such as nails, coins and screwdrivers, that are often
forgotten inside the machine or fall in inaccessible areas. Once the machine resume its
rotation, these materials may cause considerable damage to the stator and rotor
insulation, to the stator core laminations, and to other parts of the machine. Pockets
should be empty and tools carried into the machine only as needed, and should be
attached to the wrist or belt to prevent them from dropping in inaccessible places.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
Taking inventory of tools before and after accessing the machine is recommended to
avoid costly damages. Masking tape is to be applied to the holes of large turbogenerator
rotors in order to eliminate the risk of contamination of the rotor winding.
The objective is to make sure that all electrical parts are secure and not live, which
means none of them will be accidently energized during the inspection.
Some typical safety procedures include grounding both ends of the windings of each
phase, phase leads must be open, all switches that may energize any part of the machine
must be tagged, and the tag to be removed only by the person who installed it.
The set of tools depends on the objective and the part of the machine to be inspected. It
may include the following typical items:
- A flashlight, a tape, and a set of mirrors attached to the wrist with a string.
- Hammer with soft and hard heads to probe wedges. Hand-held electronic probes are
commercially available to survey the tighteness of all the wedges of the machine.
The present section includes the data information on the generator that will be collected
from different sources: nameplate; design drawings; acceptance test reports; O&M
documents; and on-site dimensional and electrical measurements.
Even if most of the data could be obtained from the original drawings and reports, it is
advisable to get the maximum information directly from the site inspection. Depending
on the objective of the data collection, some of the listed items might not be needed.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
This data could be used for diverse purposes such as conducting a generator condition
assessment; preparing a Request For Proposal (RFP); or performing different studies.
Along with an on-site visual inspection, the items included in the General Information
and Nameplate sections are the minimum information needed to perform a preliminary
assessment of the condition of the machine.
General Information
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
T’d (sec):….………..…….T”d (sec):……………...……..T’do (sec):…………….…..…
Number of coolers:…..…Air flow (m³/sec):…….………Water flow (L/sec):…………..
Cold/Hot air (°C):….…..Cold/Hot water (°C):…….Pressure drop (air & water):……….
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
This section includes typical indications for potential or existing problems in the stator
After years of operation, it is expected that the windings will have some contamination,
and their level will determine the action to be taken to avoid eventual short circuits
throug tacking.
Cleaning a winding can be done using many proven options: by mechanical means as
vacuum, compressed air, crushed corn cobs, lime dust, CO2 pellets, brushes and rags; or
by chemical methods using solvents.
The condition of the winding will affect the method to be used in order to avoid the
application of a method that could damage the winding by the mechanical impact of
The end windings are blocked to prevent their movement during transients, such as
starting, sudden load changes or faults. Blocking materials are inserted to separate the
coil sides of the end-windings and eliminate their possible rubbing. They are used in
combination with different arrangements of ties and felt soaked in resin.
During inspection, the ties and blocks have to be checked for any cracking, looseness,
dryness, missing blocks, powder, greasing, or signs of rubbing. Ties tend to dry over
time due to the evaporation of the solvents and become brittle and may exhibit powder
deposits and flaking.
The correction actions may include retying, installation of new blocks, insulation repair,
or simply cleaning and applying penetrating epoxies and resins.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
In addition to the blocking between the adjacent end windings, the later shall be
attached to the surge rings with felt material inserted around the coil. The surge rings
are made of insualted steel or fiberglass material. The same inspection procedure should
be applied to the surge ring attachements, but a special attention is to be given to steel
surge rings due to the risk of ground short circuit when the insulation is damaged. In
many cases, the use of mirrors is made necessary because the signs of deterioration are
located in restricted areas. In old windings, it is common to notice electric trackings or
burn-like spots on the insulation of the surge rings or the coil. This is usually due to
electrostatic discharges from the coils, and could be corrected by adding few layers of
impregnated insulation.
In the same area, the surge ring support assembly must be inspected to make sure it
remains in sound condition and able to transmit the coil forces to the frame of the
Resistance Temperatre Detectors (RTD) and Thermocouples (TC) are used to measure
the temperature in the windings, along the path of cooling air or hydrogen, and around
heat exchangers. The wiring has to be tightly secure along its path around the coils,
frame and casing. Broken wires during operation are identified and repaired.
The winding RTDs are inaccessible because they are embedded inside the slot between
two legs of 2 coils. Therefore, when a damaged RTD is identified it could not be
replaced. It is left in place with its wire disconnected, and a new RTD is glued close to
the damaged one, usually in the beginning of the end winding portion.
Asphalt base coils are included in the group of Thermaplastic insulation systems.
Asphalt insulation began to be used in the 1920s and 1930s to bind mica flakes asphalt
(micafolium) or to bind mica flakes to a tape (asphalt mica tape). They were used until
the 1960s, when they were replaced by Thermosetting insulation systems.
They are known to have problems related to asphalt bleeding and soft spots. This is due
to the fact that asphalt tends to migrate along the coil to areas of lower pressure, and
sometimes even to flow out of the coil. This can be seen as bulging in some areas of the
coil. The normal thermal cycling often leads to cracking and tape separation just outside
the slot portion of the coil. Insulation bulging is more often seen in the air duct, between
laminations packets, thus, whenever possible, the use of a boroscope is recommended to
ensure better evaluation of the severity of the damage.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
In addition to visual inspection of the winding, many electrical tests could be performed
on the winding to evaluate its condition, such as Hi-Pot, Polarization Index, insulation
Power Factor, and Partial Discharge Analysis.
The circuit ring buses are made of insulated copper that is square or round shaped. their
number depends on the number of parallel paths per phase. The pole-to-pole
connections are usually located behind the end windings and they connect the pole-
phase groups of each phase together. Both the circuit rings and the pole-to-pole
connections have to be inspected for insulation cleanliness, cracking, and partial
discharge activity. The integrity of their ties and supports are also to be checked.
Corona activity is defined as the ionization of a gas when exposed to an intense electric
field. It is a high speed discharge with frequencies ranging between 40 kHz and 100
MHz. The generator corona activity can be divided into three different types.
- Corona activity in the end-windings: the common sign is a white powder where the
end winding coils are at minimum distance.
- Internal partial discharges: they occur in the voids inside the insulation of the
machine, or between different layers of the insulation with tape separation. This
usually occurs in the overhang areas as the insulation is not as well compressed as in
the slot section. They are difficult to find visually, but electric testing can help to
detect them.
- Slot discharges: this occurs between the ground wall insulation and the iron core.
Discharges in the air produces ozone having a characteristic smell. They are also
difficult to identify visually, but the condition of the semiconducting tape or paint
covering the coil may indicate the probability of the existence of partial discharges.
Many electric tests can help detecting corona activity. Among them, the corona hand-
held probe test, black out test, or online partial discharge measurements. Other common
testing, such as power factor tip-up or polarization index, could also provide an
indication of partial discharge.
Wedges control the tightness of the coil inside the slot. The wedge condition is
evaluated by tapping the wedge with a small hammer to classify the sound as a tight or
hollow wedge. This is a subjective test and it takes an experienced professional to
identify the wedge condition. A loose wedge is due to coil shrinkage or loose slot
packing. During a wedge survey, all wedges are tapped and their condition is recorded
on a special form, like the sheet presented in section 4. If when more than 25% of the
wedges are loose, a complete rewedging is recommended.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
A more rapid and objective survey of the wedges was recently introduced. It consists in
a hand-held tapping electronic instrument. The machines using ripple spring in the slots
tend to have better tightness over the long run. The condition of the ripple spring itself
can be checked through pre-perforated wedges allowing the measurement of the ripple
spring compression.
Another problem related to wedges is the end wedges slipping out, even when the end
wedges have been glued. Recent designs almost eliminated this situation using special
locking end wedges. The same problem applies to the slot fillers, in particular for the
non VPI machines.
It is important to make sure that the coils are well seated in the bottom of the slot. This
can be checked using a filler gauge or a mirror that allows observation of the end core
This section includes the survey of the other major components of the stator.
An excessive discoloration and flaking of the paint on the casing, frame and the stator
bore indicates possible overheating. This may be due to oveloading or improper air flow
or any other related problem with the cooling system. While performing a visual
inspection the following situation may be encountered:
- Copper dust, sometimes mixed with oil, indicates a possible excessive pounding of the
rotor-field conductors.
- Water accumulated in the bottom is usually related to leaking in the heat exchanger.
- Presence of iron powder in the bore or frame may indicate a loose stator core.
Clogged vents restrict the flow of the cooling gas and may result in machine derating or
excessive heating. This is common in industrial generators operating in unfriendly
environments, in particular with old open air machines.
This problem can be detected as hot spots with unusual differences in temperature
readings depending on their locations. In some cases, air duct clogging could be caused
by massive accumulation of red iron oxide powder due to a very loose core.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
During inspection, a quick identification of the iron oxide deposits can be made
using a small magnet. If the powder or the mixture of powder and oil responds
to the magnetic attraction, this means that a significant proportion of iron oxide
is present. Iron oxide can result from loose laminations or loose wedges. In the
first case, the reddish powder will be spread out over a large area determined by
the cooling air path. In the second case, the powder tends to cencentrate between
the wedge and the iron.
Loose wedges may abrade themselves, then they come out of the slot groove.
This also may lead to the loss of semiconducting paint, and will be detrimental
to the coil insulation.
After years of operation, thermal cycling and vibration may lead to the abrasion
of the interlaminar insulation, broken laminations, and possible hot spots.
Particular attention should also be given to the core compression bolts, through
bolt insulation, and core compression fingers. Other detrimental effects could be
related to the deterioration of the coil insulation due to core hot spots, increasing
core losses, vibration, and audible sound levels.
Typically, during the inspection, a 10-mils blade can be used to check the
looseness of the laminations. It is a common practice that if the blade enters
more than 25 mm, the core must be retightened. Care must be taken not to
damage the coil insulation, or break the blade and leave the broken piece
between the laminations. When necessary, the core should be retorqued to the
value recommended by the manufacturer (typically around 150 psi of core
The following notes apply to the different arrangements of terminal boxes and
bushings. Lead bushings are subject to damage due to excessive vibration,
overheating of the leads, or sudden load changes. They should be inspected for
evidence of cracks, oil leaking and looseness.
The same attention should be given to the stand-off insulators sometimes used to
support the lead and neutral busses. External surfaces should be cleaned to avoid
tracking that leads to an eventual short circuit to ground.
Many lead failures are caused by the melting of the flexible connections, which
arises from fatigue cracking when they are badly supported by the stand-off
insulators. Also, cooling of the bushing has to be checked for any evidence of
clogged passages in order to avoid overheating.
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Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
The role of space heaters is to keep the moisture away from the machine when it
is out of service. By warming the surrounding air, the water vapor does not
condense on the windings.
Inspection should include checking for loose connections and general integrity
of the space heaters and their wiring. The resistance continuity is also to be
Voltages and currents are induced in the shaft during normal operation of the
machine. They have to be kept at very low values to avoid bearing failures. The
most common origin of these induced currents is the excitation spikes, in
particular with static excitation systems having high harmonic content. They
also can be caused by magnetic asymmetries affecting the reluctance path and
inducing voltages in the shaft.
Voltages as high as 150 V are not uncommon and the resulting current pitting
may damage the surface of the bearing babbit. This damage is more mechanical
than thermal and is caused by small electric discharges. These are recognized
during inspection using a magnifying glass, as they appear as shiny rounded
The bearing insulation resistance can vary in a large range from 100 kOhms to
hundreds of MegaOhms. To be on the safe side, it should be maintained in the
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
For some cases, the core laminations are bulging into the air ducts or vent areas
due to weakened lamination, which arise from vibration, or weak supports. The
position of the duct spacer, usually an I-shaped separator, has to be checked, as
it may move toward the center of the machine.
6 Rotor Inspection
This section includes the inspection of the main components of the rotor.
Copper dust, iron dust, and dirt can be mixed in the oil. Chemical analysis is
required to assess the exact portions of copper and iron.
Balance weights and bolts condition are to be checked for looseness to assure
the general integrity of the rotor.
The retaining rings are one of the most important items to be inspected, as it is
the rotor’s most stressed component. Because of their diversity, the
manufacturer recommendations for the maintenance of the retaining rings
should be followed. Because of thermal cycling, repetitive starting,
asynchronous operation, and negative sequence currents, the retaining rings are
subject to metal fatigue and risk of rupture. An initial cleaning must be followed
by a second inspection as the oily dirt may hide some imperfections.
Large turbogenerators tend to have axial fans on their rotors, with the fan blades
attached to the fan rings shrunk onto the the shaft. Knowing the serious
consequences of the failure of any rotating element, the fan blades and their
rings are to be inspected for cracks or insufficient interference fit.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
Fan blades are attached in many configurations. If they are welded, cracks are
not uncommon at the root of the axial fan blades, and if bolted, the nut-lock
condition must be checked.
The following notes apply to most bearings. In all cases, the used oil must be
inspected for dirt, discoloration, acidity, and the existence of any foreign
materials. Many problems can arise from severe vibration, insufficient oil flow,
poor cooling, or shaft currents. The babbitt metal is to be inspected for any
current pitting, and the oil temperature checked for abnormal levels.
When needed, polishing and rebabbitting the journals are common operations
during major overhauls.
Depending on their design, rotor wedges tend to migrate towards the end rings.
When this occurs, they have to be brought back in from the rings. Also, they
have to be checked for any cracks, and any sign of burning should be
Repetitive asynchronous generation with the field off, unbalanced loading, and
other transients, may lead to such problems. The weakest areas are usually
damaged by severe pitting when the induced current flowing along the rotor
body is bridging the high resistqance gaps between the wedges and the metal.
The rotor end windings are subjected to high centrifugal forces and thermal
cycling. The radial displacement is restrained by the retaining rings, however,
the axial movement is left free, as long as the distance between individual
copper turns is maintained.
Abnormal operation tends to distort the end turns, causing misalignment and
leading to shorted turn faults. In extreme cases, cracking and breaking of the
conductors are observed. When excessive copper dust is noticed, this may be an
indication of looseness of the turns and there is a risk of a short circuit between
When amortisseur windings are used, they have to be inspected for signs of
overheating, like burned spots, and the existence of cracks in the weakest areas.
The brushes and collectors, or slip rings, are among the locations where wear
and tear occurs frequently. Their condition may be affected by the following:
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
Solid state excitation with high harmonic content will also result in accelerated
wear of the brushes. The same effect is encountered with high vibration levels
exceeding 2.5 mils for 4 pole machines and 1.5 mils for 2 pole machines.
The overall performance is affected by the brush pressure, wich should be set
per the manufacturer recommendations. Discoloration of the brush pressure
springs can be a sign of overheating. The normal brush pressure is typically
between 1.75 and 2.25 psi.
The first and basic action to perform a visual inspection to evaluate the general
cleanliness of the excitation system, whether it uses a solid state excitation
system, or a brushless or DC exciter. The surrounding environment may have
introduced many contaminants leading to possible ground faults.
When brushless excitation is present, make sure the diode heat sinks are clean to
improve their cooling. It is important to disconnect the two leads from the diode
bridge if any hi-pot or megger testing is to be performed. Not doing so may
destroy the diode junctions. The connections between the diodes and the leads
are subject to vibration and centrifugal forces, therefore they must be thoroughly
checked for soundness.
For a DC generator exciter, the commutator should be inspected, and any signs
of arcing across the mica between adjacent segments should be noted. The stator
condition is to be assessed following the same guidelines applied to the main
stator. The insulation should be analyzed for any indication of everheating,
dryness, or movement. If necessary, electrical test are to be performed.
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Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
Para. A/N
Stator Notes/Corrective Actions
No. (Acceptable/Not)
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
The wedge condition can be entered using one of the three following letters:
- L: Loose wedge
- H: Hollow wedge
Slot # W1 W2 W3 W4 … … … Wn
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
Para. A/N
Rotor Notes/Corrective Actions
No. (Acceptable/Not)
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
8 Electrical Testing
This section includes the tests that are widely used to help assessing the condition of
large generators. When applicable, it is easier to perform these tests on site, however in
some cases the machine has to be brought to the shop to conduct the required testing.
It is not meant to present detailed test procedures, but more details could be found in the
pertinent standards listed in the references section.
The ohmic value of the resistance is measured at room temperature between the
winding terminals. Large machines have relatively low resistance values, so to
be significant, the resistance has to have at least 3 or 4 decimal places. The test
is performed on stator and rotor windings.
The test helps to detect shorted turns, damaged connections, or open circuits.
The results are presented as three resistance values, one per phase, corrected to a
reference temperature (usually 75°C or 90 °C) compared to the original test
values. These values are also used to calculate the I²R losses.
This test is performed on the stator and rotor windings using a Megger device to
measure the ohmic value between the conductors in different phases, and
between conductors and the iron core which is usually grounded. The windings
are subjected to a DC voltage that is a fraction of the machine nominal voltage,
for 1 minute. The readings are sensitive to humidity, surface contamination on
the coil, and temperature. Normal values are in the mega-ohm region, and are
corrected to 40°C using the following formula:
R40°C = K * Rtemp.
The measurements vary in wide ranges, but the minimum acceptable values
should be higher than:
When the three phases are measured one at a time , the other two phases must be
grounded, and the measured value is divided by 2.
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
The Polarization Index is the ratio between the insulation resistance reading at
10 minutes and the reading at 1 minute. This test is used to measure the degree
of dryness and cleanliness of a winding. The minimum PI measured values are
recommended to be higher than 2 for Class B and F insulation. But for a new
winding, many utilities require a minimum of 3 for the PI.
The PI test is usually conducted before a Hi-Pot test, to make sure that the
winding is dry, and thus avoid damaging it. It is very important to record and
store the PI measurements as a reference to be compared with future measured
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Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
The Hi-Pot objective is to make sure that the tested winding can support
operation at the rated voltage without insulation breakdown. It is conducted at
AC voltage or the equivalent DC voltage. The applied voltage depends on the
general condition of the winding, it varies from 2 times the rated phase voltage
plus 1 kV to slightly more than the line voltage. The test voltage is applied to the
three phases or to one phase at a time with the 2 others grounded.
For the field winding, the applied test voltage is specified by the manufacturer,
but it should not exceed 10 times the rated field voltage.
This test is also called the surge test or impulse test. It is designed to detect
inter-turn insulation failure of the stator windings. The imposed voltage has a
frequency of several kHz, and should generate a potential around 10 times the
nominal voltage. It is a comparative test, and when a change in the wave form is
observed, it means a short circuit between turns. The test can be conducted on
the complete windings, but the interpretation is easier when the test is performed
on individual coils.
The flux probe test is aimed to detect any short circuit between the turns of the
DC field winding. For turbogenerators, this test is the most effective way to find
shorted turns. The device maps the flux of the machine on rotation, indicating
shorts when the waveforms is no longer regular. Particular attention is to be
given to shorted turns if they are speed dependent. These may disappear at
standstill or low speeds.
The open-circuit test curve can also be used to detect shorts between turns. This
occurs when there is a decrease of the voltage at a particular field current. This
is easier to notice when many turns are shorted, as a single turn may go
unnoticed on the voltage curve.
This test is conducted on the stator winding by measuring the high frequency
pulses of the current discharges created by voids and corona. It is often based on
a capacitive link between the winding and measurement equipment. This test
can be very useful in deciding when to swap connections between the line and
neutral terminations, to increase the expected life of the machine insulation.
Other alternatives include the use of a corona camera probe, and sometimes
black out corona testing. However, the use of online P.D. monitoring is
increasing, as it can be used to avoid sudden failure and unplanned outages.
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Document Responsibility: Electrical Equipment Unit/ESD/CSD SABP-P-001
Issue Date: 31 May 2006 Guidelines for the Condition Assessment
Next Update: 31 May 2009 of Large Electrical Generators
This test reflects the density of voids in the stator winding insulation, and the
existence of the corona or slot discharge. It is presented in the form of a curve of
the power factor as a function of the line-to-ground voltage. A fast change in the
power factor tends to indicate a coil with many voids.
The test is done at 25% and 100% of rated voltage. The tip-up is the PF in % at
the higher voltage, minus the PF in % at the lower voltage. It is more indicative
when performed on individual coils rather than a complete winding.
This test is designed to evaluate the insulation between the core laminations.
The core loop test simulates the real flux densities of the machine by inducing
equivalent flux density values using turns looped around the stator core. The test
lasts between 30 minutes and one hour to allow the detection any hot spots. A
hot spot is defined as an area where the stabilized temperature is more than 5°C
higher than the surrounding average. An infra-red camera is usually used to map
the entire core temperature profile.
An alternative test is the El-CID test using a hand-held probe that is moved
along the slot. It requires only around 4% of the rated flux, therefore, there is
less risk to damage a weak stator core. This test requires less time than the core
loop test.
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