DBMS Question Bank PDF
DBMS Question Bank PDF
DBMS Question Bank PDF
11) The process of designating sub groupings within the entity set is called as _______
a) Specialization
b) Division
c) Aggregation
d) Finalization
13) _____________ Function divides one numeric expression by another and returns the remainder.
b) MOD
14) A system is in a _______ state if there exists a set of transactions in which every transaction is
waiting for another transaction in the set.
a) Deadlock
b) Starved
c) Isolated
d) None of the mentioned
15) If a transaction has obtained a __________ lock, it can read but cannot write on the item
a) Shared mode
b) Exclusive mode
c) Read only mode
d) Write only mode
16) If a transaction has obtained a ________ lock, it can both read and write on the item
a) Shared mode
b) Exclusive mode
c) Read only mode
d) Write only mode
17) Which of the following commands do we use to delete a relation (R) from a database?
a) drop table R
b) drop relation R
c) delete table R
d) delete from R
18) Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?
a) char(n)
b) String(n)
c) varchar(n)
d) float(n)
19) The _______ statement causes the statements to undo all the updates performed on the transaction
a) Undo work
b) Rollback work
c) Commit work
d) Replace work
20) In the __________ normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
Q 2.Answer in one sentence:
1) Relation
2) Cardinality
4) Information
5) Primary Key
6) Super Key
7) Foreign Key
8) Domain
9) Count
10) ORDER By
11) Group By
12) AVG
13) Deadlock
14) Growing Phase
15) Shrinking Phase
16) Starvation
17) Commit
18) Rollback
19) Redo
20) Undo
Q 3. Write Short Notes on:
1) Extended Features of ERD
2) Generalization
3) Views of DBMS
4) Structure of DBMS
5) Terms
6) Keys
7) Normalization
8) Anomalies un-normalized Database
9) DDL Command
10) DML Command
11) Aggregation Function
12) Concurrent Execution
13) ACID Properties
14) Serializability
15) Deadlock
16) Two Phase Protocol
17) Checkpoint
18) Storage Types
19) Types of Failure
20) Log-Based Recovery
Q 4. Give answers of following in Short.
1) Explain Application of DBMS
2) What are the advantages of DBMS?
3) List various users of DBMS and specify the roles?
4) What is aggregation? Explain with example?
5) Explain Select and Intersection operation of Relational Algebra with example.
6) Explain Project and Union operation of Relational Algebra with example.
7) Consider the following Relational Database.
Student (roll_no, name,city,marks,c_no)
Course (c_no,cname,fees)
Construct Queries into Relational algebra.
a) List Student Details enrolled for ‘BBA (C.A)’ Course.
b) List the Course having fees < 20000
c) Display all students living in either ‘Nasik’ or ‘Pune’ city.
d) Display Course detail for student ‘Gaurav Sharma’.
15) Following are the log entries at the time of system crash.
[start_transaction, T1]
[Write _item, T1, A, 5]
[Commit T1]
[start_transaction, T2]
[Write _item, T2, B, 10]
[Write _item, T2, D, 15]
[Commit T2]
[start_transaction, T3]
[Write _item, T3, B, 20]
[start_transaction, T4]
[Write _item, T4, C, 10] System Crash
If deferred update technique with checkpoint is used, what will be the recovery procedure?
16) Consider the following Relational Database.
Doctor (dno, dname, dcity)
Patient (opdno, pat_name,addr,disease)
The relation between patient and Doctor is many to many.
Create a RBD in 3NF and solve any five of the following.
i. Insert a row in Doctor Table.
ii. Find names of patient who are treated by ‘Dr. Deshpande.
iii. Display names of doctors who live in ‘Pune’ city.
iv. Count number of patients suffering from ‘Cancer’.
v. Add ‘Discharge Date’ Column to patient table.
vi. Display total no. of patients treated by each doctor.