1. one pn junction
2. two pn junctions
3. three pn junctions
4. four pn junctions
Answer : 2
1. four
2. three
3. one
4. two
Answer : 4
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q4. The element that has the biggest size in a transistor is ………………..
1. collector
2. base
3. emitter
4. collector-base-junction
Answer : 1
1. acceptor ions
2. donor ions
3. free electrons
4. holes
Answer : 4
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
1. current
2. voltage
3. both voltage and current
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
1. free electrons
2. holes
3. donor ions
4. acceptor ions
Answer : 2
1. lightly
2. heavily
3. moderately
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
1. 25%
2. 20%
3. 35 %
4. 5%
Answer : 4
1. a reverse bias
2. a wide depletion layer
3. low resistance
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Answer : 2
Answer :3
1. electron current
2. hole current
3. donor ion current
4. acceptor ion current
Answer : 1
IC = IE + IB
IB = IC + IE
IE = IC – IB
IE = IC + IB
Answer : 4
more than 1
less than 1
none of the above
Answer : 2
1. IB
4. βIB
Answer : 3
1. high
2. zero
3. low
4. very low
Answer : 1
Q19. In a tansistor, IC = 100 mA and IE = 100.2 mA. The value of β is …………
1. 100
2. 50
3. about 1
4. 200
Answer : 4
Q20. In a transistor if β = 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is …………
1. 100 mA
2. 100.1 mA
3. 110 mA
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
1. β = 1 / (1 – α )
2. β = (1 – α ) / α
3. β = α / (1 – α )
4. β = α / (1 + α )
Answer : 3
1. 1
2. less than 1
3. between 20 and 500
4. above 500
Answer : 3
1. common emitter
2. common base
3. common collector
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
1. common emitter
2. common collector
3. common base
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
1. common emitter
2. common collector
3. common base
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q26. The phase difference between the input and output voltages in a common base
arrangement is …………….
1. 180o
2. 90o
3. 270o
4. 0o
Answer : 4
1. common emitter
2. common base
3. common collector
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q28. The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a transistor
connected in common emitter arrangement is ………………
1. 0o
2. 180o
3. 90o
4. 270o
Answer : 2
1. common base
2. common collector
3. common emitter
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q30. As the temperature of a transistor goes up, the base-emitter resistance ……………
1. decreases
2. increases
3. remains the same
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
1. equal to 1
2. more than 10
3. more than 100
4. less than 1
Answer : 4
Q32. The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a transistor
connected in common collector arrangement is ………………
1. 180o
2. 0o
3. 90o
4. 270o
Answer : 2
2. IC
4. αIE
Answer : 3
Q34. IC = [α / (1 – α )] IB + ………….
3. IC
4. (1 – α ) IB
Answer : 1
3. IC
4. IE
Answer : 1
1. germanium
2. silicon
3. carbon
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q37. ICEO = (………) ICBO
1. β
2. 1 + α
3. 1 + β
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Answer : 1
1. 9
2. 0.9
3. 900
4. 90
Answer : 4
Answer : 2
Q41. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of ………….
Answer : 3
1. more than
2. less than
3. the same as
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Answer : 4
1. germanium
2. silicon
3. carbon
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Answer : 2
Q46. When transistors are used in digital circuits they usually operate in the ………….
1. active region
2. breakdown region
3. saturation and cutoff regions
4. linear region
Answer : 3
Q47. Three different Q points are shown on a dc load line. The upper Q point
represents the ………….
Answer : 3
Q48. A transistor has a of 250 and a base current, IB, of 20 A. The collector
current, IC, equals to …………….
1. 500 μA
2. 5 mA
3. 50 mA
4. 5A
Answer : 2
Q49. A current ratio of IC/IE is usually less than one and is called …………
1. beta
2. theta
3. alpha
4. omega
Answer : 3
Q50. With the positive probe on an NPN base, an ohmmeter reading between the other
transistor terminals should be ……
1. open
2. infinite
3. low resistance
4. high resistance
Answer : 3
1. stabilization
2. ac signal bypass
3. collector bias
4. higher gain
Answer : 1
1. an unstable Q point
2. a stable Q point
3. a Q point that easily varies with changes in the transistor’s current gain
4. a Q point that is stable and easily varies with changes in the transistor’s current gain
Answer : 2
1. collector-emitter
2. base-collector
3. base-emitter
4. collector-base
Answer : 4
Answer : 1
Q55. If VCC = +18 V, voltage-divider resistor R1 is 4.7 k , and R2 is 1500 , then
the base bias voltage is ……….
1. 8.7 V
2. 4.35 V
3. 2.9 V
4. 0.7 V
Answer: 2
1. voltage
2. current
3. resistance
4. power
Answer : 1
1. VC
2. VCC
3. VB
4. IC
Answer : 3
1. fixed resistor
2. tuning device
3. rectifier
4. variable resistor
Answer : 4
Q59. If an input signal ranges from 20–40 A (microamps), with an output signal
ranging from .5–1.5 mA (milliamps), what is the ac beta?
1. 0.05
2. 20
3. 50
4. 500
Answer : 3
1. IC/IB
2. IC/IE
3. IB/IE
4. IE/IB
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
Q62. With low-power transistor packages, the base terminal is usually the ……….
1. tab end
2. middle
3. right end
4. stud mount
Answer: 2
1. voltage-divider bias
2. 0.4 V
3. 0.7 V
4. emitter voltage
Answer: 3
Q64. What is the current gain for a common-base configuration where IE = 4.2 mA and
IC = 4.0 mA?
1. 16.8
2. 1.05
3. 0.2
4. 0.95
Answer: 4
1. ground
2. VC
3. VBE
4. VCC
Answer: 1
1. 0.001
2. 0.004
3. 100
4. 1000
Answer: 4
Answer: 2
1. collector voltage
2. base current
3. collector resistance
4. all of the above
Answer: 2
1. IE – IC
2. IC + IE
3. IB + IC
4. IB – IC
Answer: 3
Q70. Often a common-collector will be the last stage before the load; the main
function(s) of this stage is to ………….
Answer: 4
1. collector-emitter
2. base-emitter
3. collector-base
4. cathode-anode
Answer: 1
1. 270 degrees
2. 180 degrees
3. 90 degrees
4. 0 degrees
Answer: 4
Q73. If a transistor operates at the middle of the dc load line, a decrease in the current
gain will move the Q point ………….
Answer: 4
1. voltage
2. current
3. resistance
4. power
Answer: 4
Q75. What is the collector current for a CE configuration with a beta of 100 and a base
current of 30 A
1. 30
2. 0.3
3. 3 mA
4. 3 MA