This document contains questions about wireless sensor network concepts, protocols, security issues and key management. It covers topics such as the need for MAC protocols, characteristics of different MAC protocols like SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 standards, routing protocols, transport layer challenges, security requirements, common attacks against sensor networks like jamming, sybil and blackhole attacks, cryptography, key distribution approaches and secure routing protocols like SPIN.
This document contains questions about wireless sensor network concepts, protocols, security issues and key management. It covers topics such as the need for MAC protocols, characteristics of different MAC protocols like SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 standards, routing protocols, transport layer challenges, security requirements, common attacks against sensor networks like jamming, sybil and blackhole attacks, cryptography, key distribution approaches and secure routing protocols like SPIN.
This document contains questions about wireless sensor network concepts, protocols, security issues and key management. It covers topics such as the need for MAC protocols, characteristics of different MAC protocols like SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 standards, routing protocols, transport layer challenges, security requirements, common attacks against sensor networks like jamming, sybil and blackhole attacks, cryptography, key distribution approaches and secure routing protocols like SPIN.
This document contains questions about wireless sensor network concepts, protocols, security issues and key management. It covers topics such as the need for MAC protocols, characteristics of different MAC protocols like SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 standards, routing protocols, transport layer challenges, security requirements, common attacks against sensor networks like jamming, sybil and blackhole attacks, cryptography, key distribution approaches and secure routing protocols like SPIN.
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2 mark Assignment
Unit 3
WSN Network Concepts and Protocol
Part A
1. Define MAC protocol. What is the need of MAC in WSN
2. List the charectristics of MAC protocol. 3. What are the requirements and design consideration of MAC protocol 4. List the major energy problems of sensor networks. 5. Define idle listening and over hearing. 6. Define sleep and wake up period and give periodic wake up scheme 7. Define duty cycle. 8. Give the concept of choosing small duty cycle and long sleep period. 9. What are different phases in SMAC and define SYNCH phase 10. Give the scheme of SMAC. 11. What is the use of NAV mechanism. Define virtual cluster. 12. What is mediation device protocol and give its features. 13. Differntiate contention based Protocol and schedule based protocol. 14. What is PAMAS. 15. Define IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. 16. What are the topology and nodes used in IEEE 802.15.4 17. Give the superframe structure of IEEE 802.15.4 18. What is GTS management. 19. List some applications of IEEE 802.15.4 20. What is routing protocol, flooding. 21. Give the classification of enegry efficient routing. 22. What us MBCR, MMBCR, CMMBCR 23. List the design challenges in wSNź 24. List the challenges and issues in transport layer protocol. 25. What are the uses of transport protocol. 26. List example for transport layer protocol. 27. What is CSMA- CA protocol. 28. Differentiate beacon and nonbeacon mode.
Unit 4
Sensor Network Security
1. What is the for security on sensor networks.
2. Define cryptograhy. 3. List the requirements of network security. 4. What is data freshness and data integrity. 5. List out the issues and challenges in network security. 6. Classify attacks based on capability and information transit. 7. Differentiate mote class and laptop class attacks. 8. List out attacks occured in layers of network. 9. Define jamming and tappering. 10. Give counter measures fir physical layer attack. 11. What is sybil attack and in which layer it occurs. 12. What is sinkhole and black hole attack. In which layer it is possible to attack. 13. What is hello flood. 14. Give the counter measures for blackhole attack. 15. What is DOS 16. What is node capture, misdirection and homing. 17. What are different types of jammer. 18. Define key in security sensor network. 19. Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric key algorithm 20. What are the main approaches of key distribution. 21. What are the requirements of a secure routing protocol for WSN 22. What is SPIN. Mention its modules. 23. Differentiate SNEP and u-tesla.
Sri Ramanjar Engineering College Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering EC 8393 Fundamental of DATA STRUCTURE Model Exam MARKS: 100 TIME: 2hrs Part A