This course should comprehensively aim at various constituents of milk and milk products, its technology and
standards to make students competent to meet the needs of dairy industry. The course will motivate them to
carry out research and facilitate hands on training. This course should impart sound knowledge on various
aspects of dairy science, viz technology, chemistry and microbiology so as to enable the veterinary graduate to
assist the poor farmer or animal owner in augmenting his income.
Out of 120 Million tons of milk produced annually, 85 per cent of the milk comes from unorganised sector
involving poor framers owning one or two animals. The economic status of people involved in any industry is
correlated to the net income and surplus generated from its output. Thus the state of the veterinary profession
and its field is far and best decided by the income and surplus generated from its outputs viz. milk, meat and
egg. The major share is based on the performance of dairy business and it is ultimately based on the status of
dairy cattle owners. The responsibility of Indian veterinarian not only vests with animal health care and welfare
but also assuring hygienic milk production, providing adoptable processing technologies for value addition,
preservation and marketing of milk and milk products to raise the gross income. Dairying dominates veterinary
practice compared to other animal husbandry activities.
Milks and dairy products are highly nutritious and play s vital role in human diets for both children
and adults. The composition of milk varies according to the animal from which it comes, assisting for
required rate of growth and development of the young ones of that species. Thus, for human infants,
human milk is better than cows' milk or any other milk product. Exclusive breastfeeding without other
foods or liquids is the optimum means of feeding for the first six months of an infant's life . Continuing
breast feeding for many more months is of great value, while the baby is introduced to other foods. If
breast milk remains an important food for the child into the second or even third year of life, then
animal milk is not necessary in the child's diet.
Casein and whey proteins are of high biological value, are the most important constituents of cows'
milk. The carbohydrate in cows' milk is disaccharide lactose. Fat is present as very fine globules, which
on standing tend to coalesce and rise to the surface as cream layer. The fat has a rather high content of
saturated fatty acids. The calcium content of cows' milk (120 mg per 100 ml) is four times that of
human milk (30 mg per 100 ml). When a human infant is fed entirely on cows' milk . The excess
calcium does no good but causes no harm.
Milk is also a very good source of riboflavin and vitamin A. It is a fair source of thiamine and vitamin C,
but it is a poor source of iron and niacin. The mother usually provides her infant with a store of iron
before birth. If feeding of milk alone is prolonged after sixth month, iron deficiency anemia may
develop. Despite the variation in the composition of milk from different animals, all milk is rich in
protein and other nutrients and constitutes a good food for humans, especially children. Although
most animal milk for human consumption comes from cows, in certain societies the milk of buffaloes,
goats, sheep and camels is important.
In many parts of the world, milk is also consumed sour or curdled than fresh for curdled milk keeps
longer, retains its nutritive value and may be more digestible and more hygienic than fresh milk.
However, it is much safer to drink milk that has been boiled and kept in a clean container, because
milk can provide a vehicle for the transmission of some disease-causing organisms.
Pasteurization of milk greatly reduces the risk of pathological organisms spreading, provided that the
milk is placed in clean containers destined for direct delivery to the consumer. .
In many countries where cows' milk is a normal item of the diet, it is customary to wean infants from
breastmilk on to a diet in which cows' milk plays an important part.
Some people limit their milk consumption because they suffer from lactose intolerance, a condition
resulting from low levels of the digestive enzyme lactase, a lactose spiting enzyme to mono saccharides.
Research shows that most lactose-intolerant persons can in fact consume milk in moderate quantities
(perhaps three to five cups of milk per day) without developing symptoms.
To match an estimated demand of 180 million tonnes of milk by 2021-22, NDDB had drawn up a
National Dairy Plan two years ago. This plan recommends a two pronged strategy. First, doubling of
the milk production over a period of 15 years by improvement of milch animals and optimal use of feed
and fodder in order to fully realize the improved genetic potential and secondly, increasing the share of
marketable surplus of the organized sector, both cooperative and private dairies from 30% to 65%.
Milk industry in India. Layout of milk processing plant and its management,
Composition and nutritive value of milk and factors affecting composition of milk.
khoa, lassi. Dahi, ice – cream, cheddar chesses and dairy byproducts. Good
and milk products. Packaging, transportation, storage and distribution of milk and milk
products. Organic milk food products. Legal and BIS standard of milk and milk
Sampling of milk, estimation of fat, solid not fat (S.N.F) and total solids. Platform tests
Preparation of milk products like curd, ghee, paneer/channa, khoa, ice-cream, milk
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
India is transforming in to a to a developed country, while rural dairying happens to be an integral and
interwoven part of the traditionally diversified system of agricultural farming. India is predominantly
agriculture based country with more than 70% involved in agriculture.
India can take pride in some of its major achievements in the field of dairying since 1971, as under:
India holds number one position in its annual milk production among the other countries of the
world.The country‟s total milk production has gone up from 21 million tons in the early seventies to
over 120 million tones i.e., almost six folds, raising thereby the daily per capita milk consumption from
107gms to 240gms. India has the highest annual growth rate of around 5-6% in milk production
unmatched by any country of the dairy world. Especially with respect to buffalo milk production, India
remains first at the world level.
Operation flood programmes viz phase I/ II/ and III launched by NDDB, has brought out remarkable
multi-directional progress and achievements in the dairy field in several parts of the country during its
three phases of operation. Dr. V. Kurein, Former Chairman, NDDB, Anand, „affectionately referred as
father of white revolution was the chief architect. The great success lies with co-ordinate assistance and
support of the central, state governments, ICAR and concerned developmental agencies, dairy
institutions, allied R & D organizations and by the active participation of millions of rural milk
India holds 12% of the cattle population of the world, but contributes only about 11.5% to the annual
world milk production.
Though India has attained first position in world milk production, the average milk productivity per
milch cow falls far below than what has been achieved by the developed dairy countries of the world.
The per capita milk consumption figure of India has reached a level of 240gm which is still below the
ICMR recommendations of 280 g.
Although a beginning to organised milk handling was made in India with the establishment of Military Dairy
Farms (oldest; Allahabad, 1889), the salient features of the market milk industry so far have been detailed
Handling of milk in co-operative Milk Unions (oldest : Allahabad, 1913) established all over the
country on a small scale in the early stages
Long distance refrigerated rail-transport of milk from Anand to Bombay since 1945. Pasteurization and
bottling of milk on a large scale for organized distribution was started at Aarey (1950), Worli (1961),
Calcutta Haringhata, 1959), Delhi (1959), Madras (1963), etc.
Establishment of milk plants under the five year plans for Dairy Development all over India. These
were taken up with the dual object of increasing the national level of milk consumption and ensuring
better returns to the primary milk producer, their main aim was to produce more, better and cheaper
Indian Dairy sector has gained an vital position in Indian economy by providing secondary source of
income for millions of rural families and has assumed a most important role in providing employment
and income generating opportunity.
Per capita availability of milk was 252 grams per day in 2007-08 which increased from 241grams per
day in 2005-06, up from 112 grams per day in 1968-69.
India's 3.8 -4 percent annual growth of milk production between 1997-98 and 2008-09 surpasses the
1.8 per cent growth in population; the net increase in availability is around 2 per cent per year.
The total number of liquid milk processsing plants under cooperatives is 370 .
It ranks first with its 185.2 million cattle & 97.9 million buffaloes accounting for about 51 percent
of Asia‟s and about 19 per cent of world‟s bovine population.
It also ranks first internationally in milk production with a production of 110 million tonnes in 2009-
10. Contributing about 5.4 per cent to India‟s agricultural GDP, milk has become the number one
agricultural commodity contributing the highest level.
The unique feature of the system is that about 120 million rural families are engaged in milk
production activities as against big specialized dairy farmers in the west.
Another notable feature of Indian dairying sector is that buffaloes contribute more than 53 per cent of
the country‟s total milk production.
Buffaloes are known for their efficiency as converter of coarse feeds into rich milk. Similarly about 45%
of total cow milk produced is contributed by crossbred cows.
Despite India‟s position as highest producer of milk, productivity per animal is very poor. It is only
about 987 kg/lactation as against world average of 2,038 kg/lactation. This low productivity is due to
the gradual genetic deterioration and general neglect of animals over the centuries and consequent to
the rise in the population of non-descript cows (80%) and buffaloes (50%). Other factors contributing
to low productivity include continuing draughts in some parts of the country, chronic shortages of feed
& fodder coupled with their poor nutritive value and poor fertility of dairy animals.
Hence we have to face a twin challenge: increase milk productivity of animals with the limited
resources on one hand and make best use of the available milk by processing it into hygienic packaged
milk and milk products of high quality to give better returns to the farmer so that the profession
The historical co-operative movement starts as early as 1946 in Anand, a small town in the state of
Gujarat in western India. The exploitative trade practices followed by the local trade cartel like Polson
and others triggered off the cooperative movement. Anguished by unfair and manipulative practices
followed by the trade, the farmers of the district approached the great Indian patriot Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel for a solution. He advised them to get rid of middlemen and form their own co-
operative, which would have procurement, processing and marketing under their control.
In 1946, the farmers of this area went on a milk strike refusing to be cowed down by the cartel. Under
the inspiration of Sardar Patel, and the guidance of leaders like Morarji Desai and Tribhuvandas Patel,
they formed their own cooperative in 1946.
Subsequently Dr. Verghese Kurien, the World Food Prize and the Magsaysay Award winner, is the
architect of India‟s White Revolution, which helped India emerge as the largest milk producer in the
Impressed with the development of dairy cooperatives in Kaira District & its success, Shri Lal Bahadur
Shastri, the then Prime Minister of India during his visit to Anand in 1964, asked Dr. V Kurien to
replicate the Anand type dairy cooperatives all over India. Thus, the National Dairy Developed Board
was formed and Operation Flood Programme was launched for replication of the Amul Model all over
Operation Flood, the world‟s largest dairy development programme, is based on the experience gained
from the „Amul Model‟ dairy cooperatives (The Amul Model of dairy development is a three-tiered
structure with the dairy cooperative societies at the village level federated under a milk union at the
district level and a federation of member unions at the state level). The facilities at all levels are
entirely farmer-owned. The cooperatives are able to build markets, supply inputs and create value-
added processing. Thus, Amul Model cooperatives seem to be the most appropriate organizational
force for promoting agricultural development using modern technologies and professional
management and thereby generating employment for the rural masses and eradicating poverty in these
undeveloped areas. India has already demonstrated the superiority of this approach.
The Amul Model is a three-tier cooperative structure. This structure consists of a Dairy Cooperative
Society at the village level affiliated to a Milk Union at the District level which in turn is further
federated into a Milk Federation at the State level. The above three-tier structure was set-up in order to
delegate the various functions, milk collection is done at the Village Dairy Society, Milk Procurement &
Processing at the District Milk Union and Milk & Milk Products Marketing at the State Milk
Federation. This helps in eliminating not only internal competition but also ensuring that economies of
scale is achieved. As the above structure was first evolved at Amul in Gujarat and thereafter replicated
all over the country under the Operation Flood Programme, it is known as the „Amul Model‟ or „Anand
Pattern‟ of Dairy Cooperatives.
Responsible for Marketing of Milk & Milk Products
Responsible for Procurement & Processing of Milk
Responsible for Collection of Milk
Responsible for Milk Production
In 1965, the NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) was created in response to then Prime Minister Lal
Bahadur Shastri call, which drew up a project called “operation flood” in late sixties. The Amul model has
helped India to emerge as the largest milk producer in the world. More than 13 million milk producers pour
their milk in 1,28,799 dairy cooperative societies across the country. Their milk is processed in 176 District Co-
operative Unions and marketed by 22 State Marketing Federations, ensuring a better life for millions.
Operation Flood I (OF-I) was launched in 1970 following an agreement with the World Food
Programme. The Programme had laid emphasis on setting up of the “Anand Pattern” rural milk
producers cooperative organization to procure, process and market milk and to provide some of the
essential input services for increasing milk production. The main aim was to set up dairy co-operatives
in the milk sheds, so as to link them to four metro cities of Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi and Chennai to
capture a commanding share of the milk markets. The overall objective of OF-I was to lay foundation
of a modern dairy industry in India to meet the country‟s need for milk and milk products. Funds for
operation of OF-I were generated by the sale of World Food Programme aided skim milk powder
(SMP) and Butter oil (BO). A total of 116.4 crores was invested in the implementation of the
The IDA assisted dairy development projects in Karnataka, Rajasthan and Madhya pradesh were
utilized as foundations for the operation of OF-II. In this phase there were successful replication of the
Anand Pattern with a three tier cooperative structure of societies, unions and federations. The
programme had a financial outlay of Rs.273 crores, and helped to market milk in about 148 cities and
Operation Flood III (1985-96)
Major emphasis of OF-III was to consolidate the achievements gained during the earlier phases by
improving the productivity and efficiency of the dairy cooperatives and institutional strengthening in
the form of training, research, market promotion, monitoring and evaluation. The number of dairy
cooperatives societies increased to 70,000 and the capability of dairy processing infrastructure
handling up to 137 lakhs litres of milk per day. The estimated cost of this phase of the programme for
the period of 1987-96 was Rs. 1303 crores. Moreover, efforts were taken to expand the marketing
infrastructure in all major markets, linking them to milk sheds through the national Milk Grid (NMG)
to ensure year round stable milk supply.
The surge in milk production was due to White Revolution under the title Operation Flood
(OF)Programme launched in 1970. The real adoption of three tier model / Anand Pattern of dairy
cooperatives, OF envisaged sustained increase in resource productivity culminating in improved
quality of life of milk producers and assured supply of quality of milk and other dairy products to
consumers at reasonable price in a free market environment.
Following the cooperative path, market oriented milk production and modernization of dairying, milk
production, processing and marketing progressed significantly. The programme was implemented with
the assistance of World Bank and Food Aid from the European Economic Community (EEC).
The commodities assistance was also provided from the World Food Programme in the form of milk
powder and butter oil. In all, an amount of approximately Rs. 1750 crore was invested in the dairy
cooperative sector. This amount was disbursed as 30% grant and 70% loan. The milk processing
capacity established was 200 lakh litres per day and average rural milk procurement was 137 lakh litres
per day. The programme was implemented between 1970 to 1996 and covered 170 milk sheds falling
under 22 State Cooperative Federations.
As per World bank expert opinion,for an initial investment of Rs 200 crores in Operation flood II, the
net return/year to rural economy has been 2400 crore rupees. No other major development
programme all over the world has matched this inut-output ratio.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk processing,
Dairy plant requirements and its management.
Normally milk is obtained from the domesticated animals (cow or goat, sheep, or water buffalo) under
prevailing conditions at farm level . Smaller quantities, it can be used after boiling but when it is more,
processing and storage are highly essential. Milk is collected by milk vendors in milk cans from farm's
and transported to chilling centers or processing dairy plant. The milk is immediately cooled to 4°C
within 2 hours of milking or the milk should be pasteurized and packed.
The milk has to be pasteurized before marketed, except for products requiring raw milk at initial stages
and or products need direct application of heat desiccation or other heating process.
There is a consistent increasing demand for new products and processes. The major reasons are an
increase in disposable incomes, changes in consumer concerns and perceptions on nutritional quality,
hygiene and safety, arrival of foreign brands.
Demand forecast for major milk products in the organized sector expressed in metric tonne
The location of the plant should be in a non water logging , well protected / bound area with good
access for transportation.
Should have abundant water (potable) source, waste disposal facility and supply of electricity
Infrastructure requirements
Civil works with proportionate space and machinery for reception of milk, chilling, storage, separation,
pasteurization, homogenization, packaging and product manufacture. Provisions for quality control,
storage, utility units like steam generation and refrigeration control.
Selection of metals for dairy plant equipments
It should be non toxic non tainting, resistant to corrosion easy for cleaning low cost and durable. normally 18:8
stainless steel or aluminum alloys are preferred
The civil works includes factory building, quarters, office, garages, security post etc. The factory building for the
milk reception, quality control, processing, packing and storage of milk products should be as per the BIS. The
total covered area depends on the processes involved, products manufactured, the quantity of milk handled and
the equipment chosen for services and product manufacturing. About 4000 sq.ft. area of building is required
for handling 10000 liters of milk
The milk processing plant shall have the following essential facilities.
Milk Reception Dock consisting of can conveyor, can washer, weighting balance, dump tank etc.
Processing Hall - cream separator, chiller, homogenizer, pasteurizer and other related machinery are
Storage area- for milk storage tanks.
Products manufacturing area-depends upon the type of products and the quantity of milk handled, the
required equipment needs to be installed.
Packing area-for packing of liquid milk and other products.
Cold storage-for keeping the milk and milk products before sending to market.
Quality Control Laboratory-for testing the quality of milk and milk products.
Utilities area-for installing boiler, generator set, water treatment plant, maintenance and store area for
Waste water treatment plant area-for treating the dairy effluents before releasing to the fields.
Quarters and office area-for all the essential staff.
Vehicle parking area-both for the milk procurement and distribution vehicles.
Input supply area- for providing veterinary service, supply of feed, fodder seeds, etc.
Plant management
Management is the optimal utilization of scarce resources to achieve the organizational objectives like
prompt supply of quality milk, providing employment opportunities, protecting the growth and
sustainability of dairy industry. It should aim at perfect human resource utilization, minimum energy
consumption (water, electricity) and maximum utilization of equipments with assured quality
production satisfying the consumer preferences.
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is that part of quality assurance which ensures that products are
consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as required
by the marketing authorization.
GMP is aimed primarily at diminishing the risks inherent in any production, which may broadly be
categorized in two groups: cross contamination/mix-ups and false labeling. Above all, manufacturers
must not place clients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy; for this reason, risk
assessment (HACCP/ ISO certification) has come to play an important role in WHO quality assurance
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It provides the primary
source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. The early
secretion of udder immediately after parturition is known as colostrum, and carries the
immunoglobulins to the young ones. It can reduce the risk of many diseases in the new born. The exact
components of raw milk varies by species, but it contains significant amounts of fat, protein and
Milk can be defined as the whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by complete milking of udder
of one or more healthy milch animals, excluding that obtained with in 15 days before or 5 days after
calving or such periods as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrum free and
containing the minimum prescribed percentages of milk fat and milk solids not fat (SNF).
Milk serum is defined as milk plasma minus casein micelles, which is close to the composition of whey.
Water Total Solids (TS)
Fat Solid Not Fat (SNF)
Protein (Casein+ Whey Proteins+ NPN) Lactose Minerals and
Vitamins enzymes etc
FAT SNF(Solid Not Fat)
E kappa S
ii) BETA
Water : Constitutes the medium in which the other milk constituents are either dissolved or suspended.
Milk fat (lipid) The bulk of the fat in milk exists in the form of small globules, which average size of
approximately 2 to 5 microns in size (range 0.1 to 22 microns). Fat exist in oil in water type emulsion.
Chemically milk fat is composed of a number of glyceride esters of fatty acids; on hydrolysis, milk fat furnishes
a mixture of fatty acids and glycerol.
Milk proteins : Proteins are among the most complex of organic substances. Proteins are composed of a large
number of amino acids, some are essential and others are none essential Amino acids. The essential amino
acids are necessary in the diet for the formation of body proteins. The proteins of milk consist mainly of casein
and whey proteins (Beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, etc). Casein exists only in milk and is found in the
form of a calcium caseinate phosphate complex.
Lactose / Milk sugar : Lactose, a disaccharide sugar exists only in milk. It is in true solution in the milk
Minor constituents
Mineral matter of ash : The mineral matter or salts of milk, although present in small quantities, exert
considerable influence on the physico chemical properties and nutritive value of milk.
Phospholipids: In milk three types of phospholipids exist, viz., lecithin cephalin and sphingomylin,
Cholesterol: This appears to be present in true solution in the fat, as part of the fat globule membrane
complex and in complex formation with protein in the non fat protein of milk.
Pigments: These are (i) fat soluble, such as carotene and xanthophyll and (ii) water soluble, such as
Enzymes: these are biological Catalysts which can hasten or retard chemical changes themselves
participating in the reactions. The important milk enzymes and their specific actions are as follows
Analyses (diastase) is a starch splitting enzyme. Lipase is a fat splitting enzyme leading rendering
rancid flavour. Phosphatase is capable of splitting certain phosphoric acid esters (basis of phosphates
test for checking pasteurization efficiency).Protease is capable of splitting protein. Peroxidase and
catalase decomposes hydrogen peroxide.
Vitamins: Although present in foods in very minute quantities, these are vital for the health and growth
of living organisms. Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and water soluble vitamins of B complex group
(such as thiamine or B1 , rioboflavin or B2, Pantothenic acid niacin pyridoxine or B6 biotin, B12 folic
acid etc. and vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Source: http://www.dairyforall.com/composition-of-milk.php
Milk is a balanced established basic food because of its nutrients and biological value in human
nutrition. It is a good source of high quality protein, calcium, phosphorus apart from riboflavin and
other B-vitamins. The calcium and phosphorus of milk are well utilized by the body. Milk protein has a
biological value of 90 per cent. Lysine is one of the essential amino acids, which is abundant in milk
proteins. Cheese, khoa, and milk powders are in concentrated forms hence containing high amount of
nutrients per unit.
The unique milk sugar lactose, which is made up of glucose and galactose. Galactose is which is
essential for the synthesis of myelin sheath. Lactose, not being easily digestible in the stomach favours
the growth of lactic acid bacilli in the intestine, which decreases the pH. This drop in pH favour
calcium absorption and non survival of pathogenic micro organisms. Lactose also increases the
permeability of the small intestine for calcium ions.
The milk fat adds specific odour and palatability to milk and is easily digestible. It contains important
fatty acids like linoleic acid (2.1%), linolenicacid (0.5%) and arachidonic acid(0.14%). By using cream
separator , cream and skim milk can be collected. Skim milk contains only less than 0.5 % fat. Buffalo
milk contains high amount of fat.
Dairy foods are a major source of calcium because of the significant amount of the mineral present.
The calcium phosphorus ratio (1:2) in milk is regarded as most favorable for bone development. In
addition, dairy products contain other nutrients such as vitamin C and lactose, which favor calcium
absorption. The calcium requirement cannot be met easily without taking milk. Milk is a poor source of
Thiamine occurs in only fair concentration in milk, but is relatively constant in amount. Riboflavin is
present in a higher concentration in milk than the other B-vitamins and its stability to heat makes milk
a dependable source of this vitamin. In cheese making, riboflavin is present in whey. Because of its
sensitivity to light, exposure to sunlight results in 50% reduction in riboflavin. Milk is not a good
source of niacin but it is an excellent source of tryptophan. Milk is a very poor source of vitamin C. The
fat soluble vitamin A and D in milk depends on their availability in the feed.
Energy value
Milk fat 9.3 kc/g
Milk protein 4.1 kc/g
Milk sugar 4.1 kc/g
Lactose: Lactose is the milk carbohydrate which is a disaccharide comprising of glucose and galactose.
Milk contains approximately 4.9% carbohydrate that is predominately lactose with trace amounts of
monosaccharides and oligosaccharides.
Physical Properties of Lactose
o Lactose exist in solution portion/ serum phase in a dissolved form of fluid milk. Two isomeric
forms of lactose, called the α-lactose hydrate anomer and ß-lactose hydrate anomer are found
in milk. They get converted back and forth between each other.
o Crystallization of lactose occurs when the concentration of lactose exceeds its solubility. The
physical properties of lactose crystals are dependent on the crystal type and can greatly
influence thei texture of final product. Temperature affects the equilibrium ratio of the α- and
ß-lactose anomers. Lactose crystals formed at temperatures below 70°F (20°C) are mainly α-
lactose crystals. The α-monohydrate lactose crystals are very hard and form, as in ice cream
which goes through numerous warming and freezing cycles. This results in an undesirable
gritty, sandy texture in the ice cream and condensed milk. The crystal form of ß-lactose is
sweeter and more soluble than the α-monohydrate lactose and may be preferred in some
bakery applications. When a lactose solution is rapidly dried it does not have time to
crystallize and forms a type of glass. Lactose glass exists in milk powders and causes clumping
due to highly hygroscopic nature.
Influence of heat treatments on lactose properties
o Lactose is not influenced much by the normal pasteurization conditions. High temperatures
used for ultra high temperature (UHT) pasteurization of extended shelf life products and
spray drying can cause browning and isomerization reactions, which may affect product
quality and nutritional properties. Maillard reaction (The browning reaction), occurs between
the lactose and free amino group of protein in milk and produces undesirable flavors and
color, and decreases the available content of the amino acid lysine in milk protein. The
isomerization reaction is a molecular rearrangement of lactose to lactulose. Lactulose is
produced by alcoholic isomerisation of lactose and is used by the pharmaceutical industry in
pill production.
Milk fat contains approximately 65% saturated, 30% monounsaturated, and 5% polyunsaturated fatty
Milk Fats are made up of fatty acid molecules attached to glycerol. Triglyceride, or triacylglycerol is the
most common type of fat. Mono- and diglycerides are used as emulsifiers, compounds that keep the fat
and water from separating in foods such as ice cream.
Individual fatty acids can range in length from 4 to 22 carbons, and may be straight or branching
chains. Carbon atoms have 4 bonding sites. Fatty acids may be saturated, which means that each
carbon has a single bond to another carbon and 2 hydrogen atoms, or fatty acids may be unsaturated,
which means that a carbon has two bonds to the adjacent carbon, called a double bond, and a single
bond to another carbon and a hydrogen atom.
A monounsaturated fat has 1 double bond and a polyunsaturated fat has 2 or more double bonds in the
carbon chain. A method to denote fatty acids is to write the number of carbons followed by a colon and
the number of double bonds.
Other fatty compounds include phospholipids and sterols. The phosphate group, a combination of
phosphorus and oxygen, provides phospholipids with surface properties that are active at the interface
between compounds soluble in water and those that are not, like fats. Phospholipids are important
components of cell membranes. Phospholipids make up approximately 1% of the fat in milk. The two
most abundant phospholipids are phosphotidyl choline and sphingomyelin. Sphingomyelin has been
shown to have a protective effect in some cancers. Sterols, such as cholesterol, are complex chemical
compounds that are important components of hormones.
Milk contains approximately 3.4% total fat. Milk fat has the most complex fatty acid composition of the
edible fats. Over 400 individual fatty acids have been identified in milk fat. However, approximately 15
to 20 fatty acids make up 90% of the milk fat. The major fatty acids in milk fat are straight chain fatty
acids that are saturated and have 4 to 18 carbons (4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0, 18:0),
monounsaturated fatty acids (16:1, 18:1), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2, 18:3). Some of the fatty
acids are found in very small amounts but contribute to the unique and desirable flavor of milk fat and
butter. For example, the C14:0 and C16:0 ß-hydroxy fatty acids spontaneously form lactones upon
heating which enhance the flavor of butter.
The fatty acid composition of milk fat is not constant throughout the cow's lactation cycle. The fatty
acids that are 4 to 14 carbons in length are made in the mammary gland of the animal. Some of the 16
carbon fatty acids are made by the animal and some come from the animal's diet. All of the 18 carbon
fatty acids come from the animal's diet. There are systematic changes in milk fat composition that are
due to the stage of lactation and the energy needs of the animal.
Milk fat contains approximately 65% saturated, 30% monounsaturated, and 5% polyunsaturated fatty
acids. From a nutritional perspective, not all fatty acids are created equal. Saturated fatty acids are
associated with high blood cholesterol and heart disease. However, short chain fatty acids (4 to 8
carbons) are metabolized differently than long chain fatty acids (16 to 18 carbons) and are not
considered to be a factor in heart disease. Conjugated linoleic acid is a trans fatty acid in milkfat that is
beneficial to humans in many ways. These issues are discussed in the Milk and Human Health section.
The fatty acids are arranged on the triglyceride molecule (Figure 1) in a specific manner. Most of the
short chain fatty acids are at the bottom carbon position of the triglyceride molecule, and the longer
fatty acids tend to be in the middle and top positions. The distribution of the fatty acids on the
triglyceride backbone affects the flavor, physical, and nutritional properties of milk fat.
The melting point of Milk fat is over a wide temperature range, of approximately -40°F (-40°C) to
104°F (40°C). This is evident from the firmness of butter at refrigerator temperature versus room
temperature. At refrigerator temperature butter is approximately 50% solid, but is only about 20%
solid at room temperature, which is why it spreads more easily as the temperature increases. The
melting properties of milk are a result of the melting points of the individual fatty acids that make up
milk fat and their arrangement on the triglyceride molecule.
The triglycerides of milk fat are in the form of globules. The globules are surrounded by a protein and
phospholipid membrane that stabilizes the globules in the serum (water) phase of milk. The native
globules range in size from less than 1 µm to over 10 µm. The uneven size distribution allows the larger
globules to float in a process called creaming, thus resulting in a “cream line” at the top of the
container. Milk is homogenized to reduce the size of the large globules to less than 1 µm, create a
uniform distribution of globules throughout the serum phase, and minimize creaming.
Milk contains about 3.3% total protein. Milk proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids required by
humans. Milk proteins are synthesized in the mammary gland, but 60% of the amino acids used to
build the proteins are obtained from the cow's diet. Total milk protein content and amino acid
composition varies with cow breed and individual animal genetics.
There are 2 major categories of milk protein that are broadly defined by their chemical composition
and physical properties. The casein family contains phosphorus and will coagulate or precipitate at pH
4.6. The serum (whey) proteins do not contain phosphorus, and these proteins remain in solution in
milk at pH 4.6. The principle of coagulation, or curd formation, at reduced pH is the basis for cheese
curd formation. In cow's milk, approximately 82% of milk protein is casein and the remaining 18% is
serum, or whey protein.
The casein family of protein consists of several types of caseins (α-s1, α-s2 , ß, and 6) and each has its
own amino acid composition, genetic variations, and functional properties. The caseins are suspended
in milk in a complex called a micelle.
The serum (whey) protein family consists of approximately 50% ß-lactoglobulin, 20% α-lactalbumin,
blood serum albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, transferrin, and many minor proteins and
enzymes. The functions of many whey proteins are not clearly defined, and they may not have a
specific function in milk but may be an artifact of milk synthesis. The function of ß-lactoglobulin is
thought to be a carrier of vitamin A. It is interesting to note that ß-lactoglobulin is not present in
human milk. α-Lactalbumin plays a critical role in the synthesis of lactose in the mammary gland.
Immunoglobulins play a role in the animal's immune system, but it is unknown if these functions are
transferred to humans. Lactoferrin and transferrin play an important role in iron absorption and there
is interest in using bovine milk as a commercial source of lactoferrin.
The caseins in milk form complexes called micelles that are dispersed in the water phase of milk. The
casein micelles consist of subunits of the different caseins (α-s1, α-s2 and ß) held together by calcium
phosphate bridges on the inside, surrounded by a layer of 6-casein which helps to stabilize the micelle
in solution.
Casein micelles are spherical and are 0.04 to 0.3 µm in diameter, much smaller than fat globules which
are approximately 1 µm in homogenized milk. The casein micelles are porous structures that allow the
water phase to move freely in and out of the micelle. Casein micelles are stable but dynamic structures
that do not settle out of solution.
The whey proteins exist as individual units dissolved in the water phase of milk.
Vitamins in milk
Vitamins play many roles in the body, including metabolism co-factors, oxygen transport and
antioxidants. They help the body to use all nutrients.
Milk contains the water soluble vitamins thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin
B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine(vitamin B6) , Cyanocobalamin(vitamin B12 ), vitamin
C, and folate. Milk is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B12 . Milk contains small
amounts of niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and folate and is not considered a major
source of these vitamins in the diet.
Milk contains the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The content level of fat soluble vitamins in dairy
products depends on the fat content of the product. Reduced fat (2% fat), lowfat (1% fat), and skim
milk must be fortified with vitamin A to be nutritionally equivalent to whole milk. Fortification of all
milk with vitamin D is voluntary. Milk contains small amounts of vitamins E and K and is not
considered a major source of these vitamins in the diet.
Vitamins are essential for good health, growth and development. Lack of vitamins can result in deficiency
diseases. Milk is a source of many vitamins, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin D and folate.
Vitamins A and D are soluble in fat and can be stored in the body. The B vitamins and folate are soluble in
water, and as they are not stored in the body, must be obtained regularly from the foods we eat.
Minerals in milk
Minerals have many roles in the body including enzyme functions, bone formation, water balance
maintenance, and oxygen transport. The specific content of minerals in milk is listed in the Nutrient
Content Tables in the Nutrition Facts section.
Milk is a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Many
minerals in milk are associated together in the form of salts, such as calcium phosphate. In milk
approximately 67% of the calcium, 35% of the magnesium, and 44% of the phosphate are salts bound
within the casein micelle and the remainder are soluble in the serum phase.
Milk contains small amounts of copper, iron, manganese, and sodium and is not considered a major
source of these minerals in the diet.
Minerals are nutrients required by humans in small amounts for body metabolism and functions such
as body maintenance, structure and regulation. Minerals can't be made in the body and must be
obtained from foods we eat.
There are two classes of minerals: major minerals and trace elements, which are equally important for
optimal health. There are seven major minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorous, chloride and sulphur) which are required in the body in larger amounts than the trace
element minerals. Trace element minerals, such as iron, fluoride and iodine, are required in trace (very
small) amounts by humans.
Enzymes are a group of proteins that have the ability to catalyze chemical reactions and the speed of
such reactions. The action of enzymes is very specific. Milk contains both indigenous and exogenous
enzymes. Exogenous enzymes mainly consist of heat-stable enzymes produced by psychrotrophic
bacteria: lipases, and proteinases. There are many indigenous enzymes that have been isolated from
milk. The most significant group are the hydrolases:
Enzymes are proteins that have biological functions. Milk enzymes come from several sources: the
native milk, airborne bacterial contamination, bacteria that are added intentionally for fermentation,
or in somatic cells present in milk.
Each enzyme has a specific site of action on its target molecule, and optimal conditions (pH and
Lipases are enzymes that degrade fats. The major lipase in milk is lipoprotein lipase. It is associated
with the casein micelle. Agitation during processing may bring the lipase into contact with the milk fat
resulting in fat degradation and off-flavors. Pasteurization will inactivate the lipase in milk and
increase shelf life.
Proteases are enzymes that degrade proteins. The major protease in milk is plasmin. Some proteases
are inactivated by heat and some are not. Protein degradation can be undesirable and result in bitter
off-flavors, or it may provide a desirable texture to cheese during ripening. Proteases are important in
cheese manufacture, and a considerable amount of information is available in the cheese literature.
Alkaline phosphatase: Alkaline phosphatase is a heat sensitive enzyme in milk that is used as
indicator of pasteurization. If milk is properly pasteurized, alkaline phosphatase is inactivated.
Phosphatase enzymes are able to split specific phosporic acid esters into phosphoric acid and the
related alcohols. Unlike most milk enzymes, it has a pH and temperature optima differing from
physiological values; pH of 9.8. The enzyme is destroyed by minimum pasteurization temperatures,
therefore, a phosphatase test can be done to ensure proper pasteurization
Lactoperoxidase is one of the most heat-stable enzymes found in milk. Lactoperoxidase, when
combined with hydrogen peroxide and thiocyanate, has antibacterial properties. It is suggested that the
presence of lactoperoxidase in raw milk inhibits the disease causing microorganisms (pathogens)
present in milk. However, since there is no hydrogen peroxide or thiocyanate present in fresh milk,
these compounds would have to be added to milk in order to achieve the antibacterial benefits.
Lysozyme is another enzyme that has some antibacterial activities, although the amount of lysozyme
present in milk is very small.
Lactoperoxidase: Lactoperoxidase is present in cowmilk in considerable amount (30mg/ml) but is
absent in human milk. This enzymehas been found to be identical with L2 fraction of lactenin. In
bovine raw milkthe inhibitory action of this enzyme is due to formation of an anti microbialsystem or
LP system under normal conditions.
The secretion of thiocyanate component in milk is governedby nutrition of the cow. Hydrogen peroxide
can be contributed either bypolymorpho-nuclear-leucocytes (PMN) or by hydrogen peroxide producing
uddermicro flora Eg.Streptococci
The LP system is bacteriostatic to MO like Group B and GroupN Streptococci where as it is
bacteriocidal for Group A Streptococci, E.coli,S.typhimurium etc. It protects calf against enteric
problems and may have somerole in providing defence mechanism to mammary gland against
Lately attempts have been made to exploit the LP system asa method of preservation (cold
sterilization) for raw milk. Unlike in theconventional method of preservation by heat treatment, there
is no inactivationof anti microbial substances and other heat labile constituents of raw milk inthe
process (like certain vitamins). In these efforts, the two components of LPsystem viz thiocyanate and
Hydrogen peroxide are added from out side to attaintheir balanced proportions.
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL): A lipase enzyme splits fats into glycerol and free fatty acids. This enzyme
is found mainly in the plasma in association with casein micelles. The milkfat is protected from its
action by the FGM. If the FGM has been damaged, or if certain cofactors (blood serum lipoproteins)
are present, the LPL is able to attack the lipoproteins of the FGM. Lipolysis may be caused in this way.
Plasmin: Plasmin is a proteolytic enzyme; it splits proteins. Plasmin attacks both ß -casein and
alpha(s2)-casein. It is very heat stable and responsible for the development of bitterness in pasteurized
milk and UHT processed milk. It may also play a role in the ripening and flavour development of
certain cheeses, such as Swiss cheese.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk differs widely in composition. The constituents of milk are same irrespective of species, breed and
age. The vary in quantity of availability. Milk from individual cows shown greater variation than mixed
herd milk. In general, milk fat shows the greatest daily variation, then comes protein, followed by ash
and sugar.
The factors affecting the composition of milk are:
o Species: Each species yields milk of a characteristic composition eg Cow, buffalo, dog or deer
o Breed: In general there is difference in composition among different breeds of the same
o Interval of milking: Longer the interval between milking more will be the quaantity of milk
with lesser fat and vice versa.
o Completeness of milking: If the cow is completely milked, the test is normal. Incomplete milk
leads to residual milk and thus the fat content gets reduced.
o Frequency of milking: Whether a cow is milked twice, thrice or four times a day, there is
increase in volme during early lactation. ( times/day vs. 2 times/day milking. In dairy cattle,
milking 3X/day results in increased milk yield, although the observed increase is variable.
Generally 3X/day milking increases milk production by up to 25%. But, ~2/3 of this increase
is due to better feeding and management and ~1/3 is due to decreased udder pressure. 3X/day
milking must be accompanied by a compensatory feeding program; if not, then yield from the
continued 3X/d milking will decline back to that from 2X/d. Three times per day milking is
more beneficial in late lactation, for example during the first 4 mos. of lactation 3X/day
milking increases yield 7-12% over 2X/d. In contrast, during later lactation 3X/day milking
increases yield 16-90% over 2X/d. Both first lactation and older cows show increased yield in
3X/day vs. 2X/day milking. )
o Irregularity of milking: frequent changes in the time and interval of milking result in lower
o Day-to-day milking: May show variations for the individual cows.
o Disease and abnormal conditions: These end to alter the composition of milk, especially when
they result in a fall in yield
o Portion of milking: fore-milk is low in fat content (less than 1 per cent), while strippings are
highest (close to 10 per cent). The other milk constituents are only slightly affected on a fat
free basis.
o Stage of lactation: The first secretion after calving (colostrum) is very different from milk in
its composition and general properties. The change from colostrum to milk takes place within
a few days.
o Yield: For a single cow; there is a tendency for increased yields to be accompanied by a lower
fat percentage, and vice verse.
o Feeding: Has temporary effect only.
o Season: The percentages of both fat and solids not fat show slight but well defined variations
during the course of the year
o Age: The fat percentage in milk declines slightly as the cow grows older.
o Condition of cow at calving: If the cow s in good physical condition when calving, it will yield
milk of a higher fat percentage than it would if its physical condition was poor.
o Excitement: Both yield and composition of milk are liable to transient fluctuations during
periods of excitement, for whatever reason.
o Administration of drugs and hormones: Certain drug may effect temporary change in the fat
percentage, injection of feeding of hormones results in increase of both milk yield and fat
o Milk composition is affected by genetic and environmental factors.
Milk composition varies considerably among breeds of dairy cattle: Jersey and Guernsey breeds give
milk of higher fat and protein content than Shorthorns and Friesians. Zebu cows can give milk
containing up to 7% fat.
The potential fat content of milk from an individual cow is determined genetically, as are protein and
lactose levels. Thus, selective breeding can be used to upgrade milk quality.
Heredity also determines the potential milk production of the animal. However, environment and
various physiological factors greatly influence the amount and composition of milk that is actually
Herd recording of total milk yields and fat and SNF percentages will indicate the most productive cows,
and replacement stock should be bred from these.
The fat content of milk varies considerably between the morning and evening milking because there is
usually a much shorter interval between the morning and evening milking than between the evening
and morning milking. If cows were milked at 12-hour intervals the variation in fat content between
milkings would be negligible, but this is not practicable on most farms.
Normally, SNF content varies little even if the intervals between milkings vary.
Stage of lactation
The fat, lactose and protein contents of milk vary according to stage of lactation. Solids-not-fat content
is usually highest during the first 2 to 3 weeks, after which it decreases slightly.
Fat content is high immediately after calving but soon begins to fall, and continues to do so for 10 to 12
weeks, after which it tends to rise again until the end of the lactation.
As cows grow older the fat content of their milk decreases by about 0.02 percentage units per lactation.
The fall in SNF content is much greater.
Underfeeding reduces both the fat and the SNF content of milk produced, although SNF content is
more sensitive to feeding level than fat content. Fat content and fat composition are influenced more
by roughage (fibre) intake.
The SNF content can fall if the cow is fed a low-energy diet, but is not greatly influenced by protein
deficiency, unless the deficiency is acute.
Health status
Both fat and SNF contents gets altered due to disease. During mastitis the milk changes to alkalinity.
Method of milking
The first milk drawn from the udder is low in fat while the last milk (or strippings) is always quite high
in fat. Thus it is essential to mix thoroughly all the milk removed, before taking a sample for analysis.
The fat left in the udder at the end of a milking is usually picked up during subsequent milkings, so
there is no net loss of fat.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk is the physiological secretion of normally functioning udder. It is a very complex substance having many
characteristics and physical properties, the knowledge of which, is essential since it will be useful when milk is
used to prepare products and when it is subjected to many processing to make it safe.
Water is the dispersion media for other solids. It is in continuous phase of liquid to which the constituents are
dispersed. Solids exist in 3 states of dispersion. They are,
Materials in solution
Materials in solution are called materials in molecular dispersion. These include most of salts, lactose,
part of albumin, globulin. A true solution is defined as one in which the molecules are dispersed
individually. Some of the albumin and globulin, which are large in size, also exist in colloidal state.
Here the particles are microscopic but they are large enough to be held by an ultra filter. E.g. Calcium
caseinate, part of albumin and globulin and calcium phosphate. These can be separated by dialyzes
through appropriate membrane [semi permeable membrane]. For the suspension of these colloids,
certain materials are required and these are called as stabilizers. In milk, the colloids themselves
function as stabilizers to each other.
Milk acidity
pH of milk is approximately 6.6, which lies on the acid side of neutral (7). Fresh milk drawn from the
udder possesses a certain acidity termed as natural acidity, which has to be distinguished from
developed acidity in the form of lactic acid. Normal acidity or natural acidity is due to casein, acid
phosphates and citrate and to a lesser extent by albumin, globulin and CO2. Natural acidity varies from
one cow to another. It ranges from 0.08-0.30%. Colostrum has high natural acidity because of its high
protein content. Acidity is higher than normal during the early lactation period. It falls to normal in
about 2 months of lactation.
Titrable acidity or total acidity is equal to natural acidity and developed acidity. Natural acidity is also
called as apparent acidity. Developed acidity is also called as real or true acidity. Titrable acidity is used
as rapid platform test for accepting or rejecting milk and to find whether the milk is suitable for heat
processing, because the developed acidity lowers the temperature of heat coagulation of casein. 0.18 to
0.19% is taken as a deciding line between satisfactory and unsatisfactory milk samples.
Milk of high natural acidity is usually high in their total solids content. They have a fair quantity of
buffering substances like proteins, phosphates and citrate, which resist changes in pH when acids or
alkali are added. So milk of high natural acidity is highly buffered. Such milk requires more lactic acid
to develop before the pH reaches the isoelectric point of casein [pH 4.6] which means that a longer
time will be required before such samples curdle at ordinary temperature. High natural acidity
increases the keeping quality.
Characteristic white colour or white opalescence of the milk is due to scattering of light by the colloidal
particles. Yellow colour of the milk is due to the carotene. The intensity of yellow colour increases in
cow milk when they are fed with green fodder. Buffalo milk is white in colour due to the absence of
carotene which is efficiently converted to vitamin A. Dilute acid or rennet when added results in
coagulation of casein and fat and the separated whey will be having a distinct greenish yellow colour
due to the pigment riboflavin.
The colour of the opaque object is the colour it results. The colours of the visible spectrum are
absorbed. Thus an object is yellow because more yellow light is reflected to the eye than any other
colour. (A white object reflects all the colours of the light that fall on it while a black object absorbs all
of them).
A property very difficult to define. It is a combination of taste and smell. Milk has a characteristic mild,
pleasant flavour. Sweet taste of lactose is balanced against the salty taste of chlorides. Some research
workers attribute the rich flavour of milk to the fat present in milk. As lactation advances, lactose
declines while chloride increases; the taste is deflected towards salty. A similar effect is caused by
udder infections. When odouriferous substances like garlic are fed, milk gets the characteristic taste, by
its passage to the milk from the blood. Milk also absorb the volatile vapors present in the atmosphere.
Both these types can be avoided by feeding such feeds immediately after milking. Feeding molasses
and beet by-products sometimes causes fishy flavour. Metals like copper acts as a catalyst to develop
oily taints if it is present in a concentration of 3 ppm; it imparts a metallic taste. Cows suffering from
ketosis produce milk with cowy odour due to entry of ketone bodies from blood to milk. As lactic acid
develops, the flavour of milk changes towards characteristic sour odour. This is due to the production
of various by products like butyric acid, diacetyl, etc.
Specific gravity
The term specific gravity as applied to milk means the weight of the given volume of milk compared
with the weight of same volume of water at the same temperature
Average specific gravity of milk and its components at 60 ° F (15.6 ° C)
o Cow milk : 1.028-1.030
o Skim milk : 1.035-1.037
o Buffalo milk : 1.030-1.032
o Water : 1
o Fat : 0.93
o Protein : 1.346
o Lactose : 1.666
o Salts : 4.12
o SNF : 1.616
The variation in specific gravity of different individuals milk is due to the flocculation in water, fat,
protein, lactose and minerals of milk. There will be difference in specific gravity of liquid fat and solid
fat. One of the peculiarities of milk fat is that there is appreciable time lag in adjusting its physical
condition to a change in temperature. Addition of water lowers the specific gravity. High fat milk has
low density. Removal of fat results in separated milk or skim milk or defatted milk, which has a higher
specific gravity, can be restored by adding water.
Specific gravity is lowered by addition of water, addition of cream or by increasing the temperature,
while the contrary effect is caused by addition of separated milk or skim milk, removal of fat or
lowering the temperature.
Recknagel phenomenon
The specific gravity of freshly drawn milk is low. It increases by 0.001 as time advances. This is due to
Surface tension
Surface tension is due to the force of attraction between molecules. When compared to water surface
tension of milk is low. The surface tension of milk at 20 ° C is 54.5 dynes/cm. It decreases as the
temperature is raised (at 60 ° C it is about 40-45 dynes/cm). The presence of fat lowers the surface
tension. Whole milk has a slightly lower surface tension than skim milk and that of cream is still lower.
Milk and cream on aging undergo a slight decrease in surface tension. Colloidal constituents like
proteins also lower the surface tension along with fat globules. The substances, which lower the surface
tension, will get concentrated at the liquid air interspace. When milk is warmed, calcium caseinate
gather at the liquid air interspace together with small amount of fat globules, albumin & globulin. If
milk is agitated similar concentration occurs around the air bubbles & the phenomenon of frothing or
foaming occurs.
Recknagel found that the specific gravity of freshly drawn milk was lower than the specific gravity
subsequently obtained, after an hour or later. He found that the rise in specific gravity to be regular,
more rapid at lower temperatures than at higher ones and to amount on an average of 0.001. This is
called Recknagel's phenomenon.
The viscosity of a substance refers to its resistance to flow. It is a measure of friction between molecules
as they slide. Milk is considerably more viscous than water mainly on account of fat emulsion and
colloidal particles. Homogenization increases viscosity. Increase in temperature causes reduction in
viscosity. At 20 ° C, milk will be half viscous as it is at 0 ° C and at 40 ° C, it will be 1/3 rd viscous as it is
at 0 ° C.
Oxidation-reduction potential
Incase of organic materials, oxidation is defined as the uptake of oxygen or loss of hydrogen. In the
same manner, reduction may be defined as the process of loosing oxygen or gaining hydrogen. In ionic
system, it can be demonstrated that phenomenon may involve loss or gain of electrons. In practice, the
potential difference created by platinum electrode in a solution of an oxidant or reductant is measured
by completing a circuit through calomel half-cells and a potentiometer. The voltage measured under
these conditions reflects the oxidizing or reducing capacity of the solution. This potential is called as
oxidation-reduction potential or O-R potential (or) redox potential and is designated by Eh.
The O-R potential of milk normally falls within the range of +0.2 to +0.3 volts. In milk, the O-R
potential is controlled by the following substances.
o Dissolved O2
o Ascorbic acid
o Riboflavin
o Lactose
o Cysteine
o Cystine
Milk under anaerobic conditions as in udder has O-R potential of 0.13 volts. It increases to +0.3 volts
on contact with air in the atmosphere. The bacterial action reduces the O-R potential. Methylene Blue
dye Reduction Test (MBRT) is based on the principle of lowering of the O-R potential through use of
available oxygen by the microorganisms.
Refractive index
Milk has a refractive index of about 1.35 and that of water is 1.33. So addition of water lowers the
refractive index.
Boiling point
Boiling point of any liquid is the temperature at which at the given pressure the material is in
equilibrium both as a liquid and as a gas. This is the temperature at which the liquid phase will
vaporize and the gas phase condense or liquefy according to the heat supply.
Water boils at 100 ° C under normal atmospheric temperature and pressure. The presence of dissolved
substances increases the boiling point of a solution. Since milk contains several dissolved substances, it
has higher boiling temperature than that of water. Because there is variation in the dissolved
substances, the boiling point of milk also varies between 100.15-100.17 ° C [100.2-101.02].
Freezing point
The freezing point is the temperature at which, at a given pressure, a material is in equilibrium as both
a solid and as a liquid. This is the temperature at which the liquid phase may freeze or crystallize and
the solid phase may melt or liquefy.
Pure distilled water freezes at 0 ° C under normal atmospheric pressure. Milk freezes at a temperature
slightly lower than that of water due to soluble constituents like lactose, soluble salts [chlorides] which
lower and depress the freezing point [to an extent of 75% total depression]. Fat and protein, two
variable constituents of milk will have very little influence on the freezing point depression. The range
of value is –0.525 to –0.565 ° C [-0.55 ° C]. Season has no influence on freezing point. By determining
the freezing point in milk, it can be ascertained whether water is added or not. The equipment used to
determine the freezing point of milk is Hortvet cryoscope.
Percentage of water
The addition of 1% water to milk will raise the freezing point by 0.0060c.
Electrical conductivity
Adhesiveness of milk
When a piece of paper is moistened with milk, it sticks to surface of wood or glass or metal due to
casein glue.
Cream Raising
When milk is allowed to stand, fat rises to the top and eventually forms a layer packed with fat globules
called cream. This is due to the difference in the specific gravity of serum and fat. One drop of milk
contains about one lakh globules with the diameter varying from 0.3 to 10 m .
It is due to materials that lower the surface tension like milk protein and fat. Milk fat not only increases
the foaming, but also increases the stability of the foam.
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk is sterile at secretion in the udder but is contaminated by bacteria even before it leaves the udder.
Except in the case of mastitis, the bacteria at this point are harmless and few in number. Further
infection of the milk by microorganisms can take place during milking, handling, storage, and other
pre-processing activities.
The bacteria can bring in beneficial effects or spoilage to milk. Some of the beneficial bacteria
especially the lactic acid bacteria are called probiotics. These probiotics are finding a better place in the
neutraceutical dairy and other food products which bring health benefits to the consumer like control
of diarrhea, anti hypertensive, hypocholesterolemic, immunostimulatory, anticarginogenic etc
This group of bacteria are able to ferment lactose to lactic acid called homofermentative and with more end
products called heterofermentative. They are normally present in the milk and are also used as starter cultures
in the production of cultured dairy products such as yogurt. Some examples in milk are:
L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis (Streptococcus lactis )
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (Streptococcus cremoris )
Lactobacillus casei
L.delbrueckii subsp. lactis (L. lactis )
L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (Lactobacillus bulgaricus )
Other species present in milk includes strains of Bacillus, Clostridium, Cornebacterium, Arthrobacter,
Lactobacillus, Microbacterium, Micrococcus , and Streptococcus can survive pasteurization and grow at
refrigeration temperatures which can cause spoilage problems.
Coliforms are facultative anaerobes with an optimum growth at 37° C. Coliforms are indicator
organisms; they are closely associated with the presence of pathogens but not necessarily pathogenic
themselves. They also can cause rapid spoilage of milk because they are able to ferment lactose with
the production of acid and gas, and are able to degrade milk proteins. They are killed by HTST
treatment, therefore, their presence after treatment is indicative of contamination.Escherichia coli is
an example belonging to this group.
The microbial quality of raw milk is crucial for the production of quality dairy foods. Spoilage is a term
used to describe the deterioration of a foods' texture, colour, odour or flavor to the point where it is
unappetizing or unsuitable for human consumption. Microbial spoilage of food often involves the
degradation of protein, carbohydrates, and fats by the microorganisms or their enzymes.
In milk, the microorganisms that are principally involved in spoilage are psychrotrophic organisms.
Most psychrotrophs are destroyed by pasteurization temperatures, however, some like Pseudomonas
fluorescens, Pseudomonas fragi can produce proteolytic and lipolytic extracellular enzymes which are
heat stable and capable of causing spoilage.
Hygienic milk production practices, proper handling and storage of milk, and mandatory
pasteurization has decreased the threat of milk borne diseases such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, and
typhoid fever. There have been a number of foodborne illnesses resulting from the ingestion of raw
milk, or dairy products made with milk that was not properly pasteurized or was poorly handled
causing post-processing contamination. The following bacterial pathogens are still of concern today in
raw milk and other dairy products:
o Bacillus cereus
o Listeria monocytogenes
o Yersinia enterocolitica
o Salmonella spp.
o Escherichia coli O157:H7
o Campylobacter jejuni
It should also be noted that moulds, mainly of species of Aspergillus , Fusarium , and Penicillium can
grow in milk and dairy products. If the conditions permit, these moulds may produce mycotoxins
which can be a health hazard.
M. luteus, M. varians, and M. freudenreichii, are sometimes referred to as milk micrococci and
can result in spoilage of milk products.
Spoilage occurs when microorganisms degrade the carbohydrates, proteins, fats of milk and produce
noxious, end products. Milk products as follows;
Micrococcus sp.
Lipolysis Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas fluorescens Rancid odour
Achromobacter lipolyticum;
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Collection of milk,
Chilling of milk and
Standardization of milk.
In almost all developed dairying countries, production of milk is confined to rural areas, while demand
is mostly urban in nature. Hence milk has to be collected and transported from production points in
the milk-shed areas to processing and distribution points in cities.
the common systems for collection (assembling ) of milk are as follows.
o By co-operative organization. Formed by individual or collective milking societies. Suits
producers best as no profit marking middlemen are involved.
o by contractors. Less return to producers.
o By individual producers. Practical for those situated near processing in dairies.
o Note: a milk shed is the geographical area from which a city dairy received its fluid milk
supply. The allocation of definite milk sheds to individual dairies for the purpose of developing
the same is now being considered in India.
Milk collection cum chilling centers/depots. Normally attached to city dairies.
Objects: these are
o to preserve the quality of raw milk supplies, and
o to provide easy transport to the processing dairy.
Location. This is guided by
o adequate milk production
o adequate (potable) water supply
o proximity to a good road or railway station
o electric supply and
o sewage disposal facilities.
Major items of equipment
o Milk weigh tank/pan and weighing scale
o Drop (dump) tank with cover
o Cash washer
o Milk pump (sanitary type)
o Surface/plate cooler
o Refrigerating unit (of suitable capacity7);
o Cold room (of suitable capacity);
o Milk testing unit, etc.
Operational procedure. Essentially this is the same as a in a small dairy. On arrival, the milk is graded
for acceptance/rejection, weighed, sampled for testing, cooled and stored at a low temperature until
dispatch to the processing diary.
Cooling of milk
o Milk contains some microorganisms when drawn from the udder, their numbers increase
during subsequent handling. The common milk microorganisms grow best between 20 and 40
c. Bacterial growth is invariably accompanied by deterioration in market quality due to
development of off flavors, acidity etc. One method of preserving milk is by prompt cooling to
a low temperature.
Milk plate Chiller : To maintain the quality of milk received in the Dairy/Chilling Center, it is chilled to
4°C by milk chiller. The chiller consists of stainless steel plates. Chilling is done by flowing milk from
one side and chilled water from other side of the plates.
o In can or can immersion method. From carrying pails, the not only is the milk cooled, but it
also stays cool and a much smaller mechanical refrigeration unit is required.
o Surface cooler
Advantages : (i) Transfer heat rapidly and efficiently. (ii) is relatively inexpensive (iii)
also aerates the milk, thus improving its flavor.
o In tank or bulk tank cooler
Advantage: Permits collection of producers milk on alternate days.
o As soon as milk is received in the plant, it is chilled to 5 C or below and stored cool till used, to
prevent deteriorating in its bacteriological quality during the interim period.
o To maintain milk at a low temperature so as to prevent any deterioration in quality prior to
processing/product manufacture
o To facilitate building for the raw milk supply, which will ensure uniform composition
o To flow for uninterrupted cooperation during processing an bottling
o To facilitate standardization of the milk.
Importance of Chilling
Chilling of milk means rapid cooling of raw milk to sufficiently low temperature so that the growth of
micro-organisms present in milk is checked. In chilling process the temperature of milk should be
reduced to less than 10 degree Celsius preferably 3 - 4 degree Celsius. Milk inside the udder is almost
sterile and as soon as it leaves the udder, it is exposed to atmosphere. The microorganisms gain entry
into the milk, the moment it comes to atmosphere.
Various sources which contribute to the micro flora in milk are containers, udder of the animal, dust
and dirt particles, fodder, leaves, atmospheric air, the milker and the animal itself. The number and
types of microorganisms would depend upon the conditions and the sources of contamination. As soon
as microorganisms get into the milk, they start growing rapidly because milk contains all the nutrients
required for their growth,and the conditions for their growth are favorable.
If the growth of microorganisms is not checked then their growth will continue and several biochemical
changes will take place in milk. Due to these changes the quality of milk is adversely affected so much
so that sometimes milk becomes unfit for consumption as fluid milk. Since most of the milk is
produced in the rural areas under unhygienic conditions and atmospheric temperature remains fairly
high throughout the year, keeping quality of raw milk is very low.
If milk has to be transported to longer distances, considerable time is involved between production and
heating process. During this period milk must be protected from spoilage by the action of
Chilling,therefore, is considered necessary soon after it is received at the chilling canters. The most
effective means of controlling the growth of microorganisms without affecting the physico-chemical
properties and nutritive value of milk is to chill it.
Lower temperatures inhibit the growth of most of the microorganisms. It should be clearly understood
that chilling process does neither kills microorganisms nor it renders milk safe for human
consumption. It is only a means of checking the growth of microorganisms for sometime
Methods of chilling
Can Immersion
In Can Cooling
Surface Cooler
Tubular Cooler
Plate Chiller
Bulk Milk Cooler
Definition: Standardization of milk refers to the adjustment, ie., raising or lowering, of the fat and / or
solids not fat percentages of milk to desired value, so as to conform to the legal or other requirements
Problem: How many parts by weight of 40% cream and 3% milk must e mixed to make milk testing 5%
Solution: Hence, 2.0 parts of 40% cream when mixed with 35 parts of 3.0% milk will give 37 parts of
5# milk.
The Pearson Square or Rectangle Method, also called Pearson's Square or Pearson's Rectangle, is a
simplified method for solving a two variable simultaneous equation. While it is being used here with
milk it is widely used in standardization calculations for sausage manufacture, jam manufacture and
blending various drinks; anywhere where it is necessary to calculate the amounts of two components
that need to be mixed together to give a final known concentration.
Skim milk 4 21.5 Parts
22 Parts
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Pasteurization of milk,
How to produce homogenised milk?
Bactofugation and
Dehydration of milk.
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The term pasteurization has been coined after the name of Louis Pasteur of France, who
in 1860-64 demonstrated that heating wine at a temperature between 122 to 140 ° F
killed the spoilage organisms and helped in its preservation. The application of this
process resulted in coining a new term „pasteurization‟, which soon became current in
technical language. Although Louis Pasteur pioneered studies on heat treatment for
preservation of the wine, pasteurization of milk first was attributed to Dr Soxhlet of
Germany in1886.
The term pasteurization as applied to market milk today, refers to the process of heating
every particle of milk to at least 63 ° C for 30 minutes, or 72 ° C for 15 seconds or to any
temperature time, which is equally efficient, in an approved and properly operated
equipment. After pasteurization the milk is immediately cooled to 5 ° C or below.
To render the milk safe for human consumption by destruction of cent percent
pathogenic microorganism.
To improve the keeping quality of milk by destruction of almost all spoilage
organisms. (85-99 per cent.)
As Coxiella burnetti are destroyed by a heat treatment slightly lower than that for
phosphatase inactivation, pasteurization. is carried out at a heat treatment temperature
above that for phosphatase inactivation and below that for cream line reduction.
Bottle filled with raw milk and tightly sealed with special caps is held at 63-66 ° c for 30
minutes. Then the bottles pass through water sprays for decreasing temperature, which
cools both the product and the bottle.
The transfer of heat is very slow and there is greater risk of bottle breakage.
This method at present is out dated, although in bottle sterilization is widely
This is also called the low-temperature –long time –method. The milk is heated
to 63 ° C for 30 minutes and promptly cooled to 5 ° C. The pasteurizers may be of
three types
Water-jacketed vat
This is double walled around the sides and bottom in which hot water or steam
under partial vacuum circulates for heating and cold water for cooling. The outer
wall is usually insulated to reduce heat loss. The heat exchange takes place
through the wall of the inner lining. The milk is agitated by slowly moving
paddles or propellers. When heating, the vat cover is left open for escape of off-
flavours, and when holding, the cover is closed.
Advantage: Flexibility in use.
A film of water is sprayed from a perforated pipe over the surface of the tank
holding the product.
It is the modern method of pasteurizing milk and is invariably used where large
volume of milk is handled. The HTST pasteurizer gives a continuous flow of milk,
which is heated to 72 ° C for 15 sec. and cooled promptly to 5 ° C or below.
The following steps or stages are involved as milk passes through the HTST
pasteurization system: float controlled balance tank; pump; regenerative heating;
heating; holding; regenerative cooling; and cooling by chill water or brine. An
arrangement for incorporation of the filter / clarifier, homogenizer, etc., in the
circuit is also made when desired.
Float controlled balance tank (FCBT)
Maintains a constant head of milk for feeding the raw milk pump; also receives
any sub-temperature milk diverted by FDV.
Either a positive pump between the regenerative heating section and heater or a
centrifugal pump with a flow control device to ensure constant flow, after FCBT is
The plate heat exchanger, also called Para flow is a compact, simple, easily
cleaned and inspected unit. Its plate may be used for heating, cooling,
regeneration, and holding. A space of approximately 3-mm is maintained
between plates by a non-absorbent rubber gasket. These plates are designed to
provide a uniform turbulent flow of product with rapid heat transfer.
Corrugations on the plate in the form of knobs, diamonds, and channels, help to
provide the turbulent action required.
Regeneration (heating)
The raw incoming milk is partially and indirectly heated by the hot outgoing milk. This
adds to the economy of HTST process. For example,
Here, the increase from 4ºC to 34ºC is a change of 30ºC, and the decrease from 74ºC to
44ºC is also a change of 30ºC. Without regeneration, the milk would need to be heated
by hot water or steam from 4ºC to 74ºC, a difference of 70ºC. With regenerative
heating, however, hot water or steam need not be used for the temperature change
between 4ºC and 34ºC. This temperature change is brought about by use of the outgoing
hot milk. The saving of heat due to regeneration here is thus 43%. On the other hand,
without regeneration the milk would need to be cooled by chilled water from 74ºC to
4ºC, a difference of 70ºC. With regenerative cooling, however, chilled water need not be
used for the temperature change from 74ºC to 44ºC, a difference of 30ºC. This
temperature change is brought about by use of cold incoming milk. The savings of
refrigeration due to regeneration are thus 43%. Currently, as much as 90% efficiency
has been achieved by the use of counter-current flow.
Variously shaped filter units to connect directly to the HTST system are placed
after the regenerative heating section.
The holding tubes or plates ensure that the milk is held for a specified time not
less than 15 sec at the pasteurization temperature of 72 ° C or more.
This valve diverts the unpasteurized milk automatically back to the FCBT for
Regeneration (cooling)
The pasteurized hot outgoing milk is partially and indirectly cooled by the
incoming cold milk. This again adds to the economy of the HTST process.
Steam or hot water is used for the heat treatment of milk. For the cooling, chilled
water is used. The milk to be heated flows across one side of the plate and heating
or cooling medium flows across the other side in the opposite direction. Inserting
more plates can increase the capacity of this heater.
Plate Heat Exchanger and corrugated plates with gaskets controlling the flow of
Capacity of the equipment to heat treat the milk can be done quickly and
effectively, while maintaining the quality control over both the raw and finished
Less floor space is required
Lower initial cost
Milk packaging can be started as soon as pasteurization begins thus permitting
more efficient utilization of labour for packaging and distribution.
Easily cleaned and sanitized, this system adopts itself well to CIP-cleaning.
Lower operating cost. Reduced milk losses.
Development of thermophiles is not a problem.
This system is not well adopted for small quantities of several liquid milk
Gaskets require constant attention for possible damage and lack of sanitation.
Complete drainage is not possible.
Margins of safety in products sanitary control are so narrow that automatic
control precision instruments are required in its operation.
Pasteurization efficiency of high thermoduric count raw milk is not as great as it
is when the holder system is used.
Greater accumulation of milk stone in the heating section.
Electric pasteurization
This method employs electricity, as the heating agent and is fairly popular in
America. Milk is heated in a small specially constructed chamber. This
pasteurizer is a rectangular, vertical chamber of 2 feet height, and about 2 inches
in cross section, with two sides made up of carbon electrode separated by
intervening walls of plate glass.
The cold milk passes through the regenerative section on which it is preheated to
about 120 ° F by the outgoing hot milk and then pass through the electric heating
chamber, here it is heated to a temperature of 161 ° F to 163 ° F by the resistance
offered by the milk to the passage of a 110-volt alternating current. The milk is
exposed at this temperature for 15-20 sec. after which it is cooled.
Ultra high temperature pasteurization was developed in the 1950s; this usually
encompasses temperature time combination of 135 ° C to 150 ° C for no hold. The
success of UHT heat treatment of milk depends on immediate aseptic packaging.
Boiling of milk
The boiling of milk brings about important changes in milk. Milk boils at a
temperature of 212.3 ° F at sea level. At this temperature the milk sugar is burnt
causing a condition called caramelisation in which the milk is brown in colour.
The casein and albumin are somewhat hardened. The calcium, magnesium, and
phosphoric salts are partially precipitated, all of which renders milk less
digestible. The enzymes are destroyed. Prolonged heating at high temperature
causes a destruction of vitamin C, A, and D in that order, but boiling under
ordinary conditions does not destroy vitamin A. When milk is brought to the
boiling point in the air, a thin film forms over the surface due to the coagulation
of small amount of casein, albumin, small amount of calcium salts, and fat.
The term sterilization when used in association with milk means heating
continuously to a temperature of 115 ° C for 15 min. or 145 ° C for 3 sec. or
equivalent approved temperature time combination to ensure preservation of
milk at room temperature for a period of not less than 15 days from the date of
manufacture. Sterilized milk shall show absence of albumin by a negative
turbidity test. Sterilized milk shall be sold only in the container in which the milk
was sterilized.
Homogenised milk is produced by mechanically forcing milk through a small passage at high velocity.
This breaks down the fat globules in milk into much smaller ones and creates a stabile fat emulsion.
Homogenisation diminishes the tendency of the fat globules to clump together and coalesce into
Homogenised milk has many advantages
o Uniform distribution of fat, no cream layer
o Full-bodied flavour
o Whiter, more appetising colour
o Faster coagulation in the manufacture of rennet cheese
Milk is an oil-in-water emulsion, with the fat globules dispersed in a continuous skimmilk phase. If raw
milk were left to stand, however, the fat would rise and form a cream layer. Homogenization is a
mechanical treatment of the fat globules in milk brought about by passing milk under high pressure
through a tiny orifice, which results in a decrease in the average diameter and an increase in number
and surface area, of the fat globules. The net result, from a practical view, is a much reduced tendency
for creaming of fat globules. Three factors contribute to this enhanced stability of homogenized milk: a
decrease in the mean diameter of the fat globules (a factor in Stokes Law), a decrease in the size
distribution of the fat globules (causing the speed of rise to be similar for the majority of globules such
that they don't tend to cluster during creaming), and an increase in density of the globules (bringing
them closer to the continuous phase) oweing to the adsorption of a protein membrane. In addition,
heat pasteurization breaks down the cryo-globulin complex, which tends to cluster fat globules causing
them to rise.
The homogenizer consists of a high-pressure pump fitted with a minute orifice having an adjustable opening
through which fluids are forced at high pressure, thereby causing a marked change in the physical properties of
the product treated and producing a very intimate mixture of the ingredients of the fluid.
The fat globules in normal milk are usually in sizes varying from 1 to 15 microns, depending upon the
breed of cow and various other factors. By means of homogenization, the fat globules are broken up
into numerous smaller ones and all the fat globules are under 2 microns in size.
The fat globules no longer rise to the top to form a cream layer, as a normal milk, for they are so small
that few of them have the power to rise against the pull of gravity.
The curd tension of the homogenized milk is reduced.
An increase in viscosity of the milk, and an apparent increase in creaminess and richness.
The process of making a stable emulsion of milk fat and milk serum by mechanical treatment is termed as “
homogenization. The machines used for this purpose is called homogenizer. The size of the fat globules in milk
is between 1 and 20 microns, the average being 4-6 microns. When milk or cream is passed through the
homogenizer, there is desired reduction in the size of the fat globules. Most of them are reduced to 2 microns or
less. No cream line is formed on milk after homogenization or butter granules cannot be produced from the
homogenized cream by churning. Furthermore, there is an increase in the viscosity of milk like cream, which
means that the smaller fat globules encounter greater resistance. The increase in viscosity is attributed to the
fact that a larger proportion of the milk protein will be adsorbed on the surfaces of the greater number of the fat
lobules. When milk is homogenized its clotting properties are altered, so that the curd produced when rennet or
pepsin is added is said to be softer. Homogenized milk or cream may become rancid more quickly than
untreated products owing to the hydrolysis of fat by lipolytic enzymes adsorbed on the additional surfaces
furnished by the more numerous small fat globules. To avoid these changes the milk or cream must be
pasteurized immediately before or after homogenization.
The milk is usually homogenized following primary heating before it is pasteurized. Heated milk is forced
through a small valve against hard surfaces and is subjected to a pressure of 2500 psi. and in a second stage to
500 psi. The aperture through which the liquid is forced is extremely minute, having a diameter of 1/10000
In the manufacture of evaporated milk it is important that the fat globules be reduced in size to avoid churning
upon agitation. In the preparation of ice cream mix, the entire mixture is passed thorough the homogenizer
immediately after pasteurization. The result is a smoother texture in the finished ice cream.
Bactofugation is a process in which a specially designed hermetic centrifuge, the Bactofuge®, is used
to separate bacteria, and especially the spores formed by specific bacteria strains, from milk.The RPM
goes up to 60000
Bactofugation has proved to be an efficient way of reducing the number of spores in milk, since their
density is higher than that of milk.
Bactofugation normally separates the milk into a fraction that is more or less free from bacteria, and a
concentrate (bactofugate), which contains both spores and bacteria in general and amounts to up to 3
% of the feed to the Bactofuge.
The milk can be preserved by dehydrating to various degrees. The dehydrated milk has a longer "shelf-
life" than the milk preserved by pasteurization and refrigeration.
Milk from which part or all of the water as been withdrawn is termed concentrated or dried milk (milk
More than 80 percent of milk is water. The best way to preserve milk S is by removal of water. It can be
done bydrum drying or spray drying or by freeze drying.
Condensed milks are the milks obtained by evaporating part of water of whole milk, orfully or partly skimmed
milk, with or without the addition of sugar. The term „condensed milk‟ is commonly used when referring to “full
cream sweetened condensed milk” while the term evaporated milk is commonly used when referring to „full
cream unsweetened condensed milk‟. Skimmed milk products are known as “sweetened condensed skim milk”
and “unsweetened condensed skim milk”. The ratio of concentration of milk solids is about 1: 2.5 for full cream
products and 1: 3 for sweetened condensed skim milk.
According to the PFA (1976) the various condensed milks have been specified as follows:
Unsweetened condensed milk (evaporated milk) is the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a
combination therefore, or from standardized milk, by the partial removal of water. It may contain
added calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts oforthophosphoric acid and
polyphosphoric acid not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished product. Such addition need
not be declared on the label. Unsweetened condensed milk should contain not less than 8.0 percent
milkfat, and not less than 26 per cent milk solids.
Sweetened condensed milk is the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof,
or from standardized milk, by the partial removal of water and after addition of cane sugar. It may
contain added refined lactose, calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of ortho
phosphoric acid and poly phosphoric acid not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished product.
Such addition need not be declared on the label. Sweetened condensed milk should contain not less
than 9.0 percent milk fat, and not less than 31 per cent milk solids and40.0 per cent cane sugar.
Unsweetened condensed skim milk (evaporated skimmed milk) is the product obtained from cow or
buffalo milk or a combination thereof, by partial removal of water. It may contain added calcium
chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of ortho phosphoric acid and poly phosphoric acid
not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished product. Such addition need not be declared on the
label. Unsweetened condensed skim milk should contain not less than 20.0 percent total milk solids.
The fat content should not exceed 0.5 per cent by weight.
Sweetened condensed skim milk is the product obtained from cow or buffalo skimmed milk or a
combination thereof by the partial removal of water and after addition of cane sugar. It may contain
added refined lactose, calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of orthophosphoric
acid and polyphosphoric acid not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished product. Such
addition need not be declared on the label. Unsweetened condensed skim milk should contain not less
than 26.0 per cent total milk solids and not less than 40 per cent cane sugar. The fat content should
not exceed 0.5 percent by weight.
Both have high nutritive value, both are rich in fat and fat-soluble vitamins A, D E and K, body building
proteins, bone forming minerals and energy-giving sucrose,evaporated milk is suitable for infant
feeding since it makes a soft curd which is easily digested.
Physico-chemical properties
Specific gravity/density: Evaporation of water in the manufacture of condensed milks raises their
specific gravity/density, which is universally employed to control their composition. Baume
hydrometers are widely used for this purpose.
Freeing point: The freezing point of condensed milk is –14.9ºC and that of evaporated milk is - 1.3ºc
Colour and flavour: Heat treatment during manufacture of condensed milks tend to darken their color
and develop cooked flavour, the darkening/browning-discoloration results from the interaction of the
amino-compounds with sugar (casein and lactose) and is called as Maillard-type browning. The brown
pigment is called as melanoidin.
Role of Milk constituents in condensed milk
Milk fat: Imparts a rich and pleasing flavour,soft body and smooth texture to both condensed and
evaporated milks. Affects viscosity. Significant in flavour problems, such as rancidity, tallowiness, etc.
Milk-Proteins: Technologically of great importance and their physico-chemical reactions to processing-
heat largely determine the heat stability and viscosity of the condensed milks.
Milk sugar: Plays an important role in the successful control of the texture of condensed milk. The size
of the lactose crystals determines the relative smoothness of the condensed milk, and is controlled by
the procedure used for the cooling and crystallization of this product.
Mineral salts: These-particularly calcium and magnesium together with citrates and phosphates
control the salt balances and heat stability of milk. A disturbed salt-balance causes objectionable heat-
coagulation of milk.
Receiving milk
Condensing (2.5:1)
Addition of sugar
Seeded with 0.1 - 0.3% lactose
Temperature of 15 ºc reached
Storage at 10 ºc.
Details of manufacture
The basic principle in the production of condensed milk and evaporated milk is that high quality milk
is filtered /clarified, standardized, fore-warmed and condensed /evaporated to the desired level. The
concentrated product is preserved by the addition of sugar for condensed milk and by heat sterilization
for evaporated milk.
When the milk is received at the plant, its temperature should be at 10ºC or below. The milk should be
clean, sweet, and free from off-flavours and odours and reasonably free form extraneous
material.Contamination by antibiotics, pesticides and other chemical residues and metals is highly
undesirable; abnormal milk should not be accepted. Acid development is objectionable for not only
does this indicate an excessive bacterial count,but it also reduces the heat stability of milk.
The various platform tests and laboratory tests usually performed on the intake milk to determine its
acceptance /rejection are
o Alcohol test
o Clot on boiling tests.
Alcohol test: To make this test, 5 ml of milk is placed in a test tube and an equal amount of solution
with 68 % alcohol added,the mixture is shaken and any formation of clot or flake denotes a positive
test, i.e., the milk is susceptible to heat coagulation. A disturbed salt balance affects alcohol coagulation
in the same manner as heat coagulation. The test detects: abnormal milk including colostrum. Which is
high in mineral salts and developed acidity in milk,mastitis milk likely to result in sweet curdling etc.,
It is more sensitive than the COB test.
Alcohol index : determined by placing absolute alcohol in the burette and 10 ml of milk in a beaker.
The number of ml of alcohol required for flake formation is known as the Alcohol Index (AI). An AI of 7
is indicative of good stable milk for acceptance, while 3 or less shows that the milk is fit for rejection.
Alcohol alizarin test: This test not only determines the heat stability of milk but also the pH.
Clot on boiling test : In this test, 5 ml of milk is placed in a test tube and kept in a boiling water bath for
5 minutes, afterwards it is removed and examined for precipitation, if curd is observed, the milk is said
to fail the COB test and should be rejected.
This is done in order to remove the visible foreign matter at a temperature of 35-40ºC, and then
The first standardization which establishes the desired fat / SNF ratio (usually 1:2.44, done in raw
The second, which establishes the desired ratio of added sugar to the total milk solids (done prior to
The third, which adjust the concentration of the finished product to the required, total
solids Content(after finishing the batch, i.e., prior to homogenization)
Forewarming / Pre-heating
Which is done for making the finished product free from microorganisms and enzymes, to ensure
uninterrupted boiling in pan and to control age thickening in the finished product. The time
temperature combination varies over82-93ºC for 5-15 minutes. Tubular heat exchangers are
commonly used.
Addition of sugar
Sugar is added for preserving the condensed milk, without resorting to sterilization process, and cane
or beet sugar is the commonly added as sweetening agent.
This ranges from 40-45 % in the finished product, which requires 18-20 percent sugar on milk
basis. As per Hunziker, (scientist), advocated a sugar ratio (sugar-in –water concentration) of62.5 to
64.5 per cent. Sugar Ratio Determination (SR). This can be calculated either by using
Thisis done in order to remove the visible foreign matter at a temperature of 35-40ºC, and then cooled.
Standardization of the raw milk is carried outin 3 stages,
Which is done for making the finished product free from microorganisms and enzymes,to ensure
uninterrupted boiling in pan and to control age thickening in the finished product. The time
temperature combination varies over 82-93ºC for 5-15 minutes or 115 –118ºC for no hold. Tubular
heat-exchangers are commonly used.
Evaporation means the concentration of milk orliquid products: the water has to reach a boiling point:
and the steam musthave a pressure equivalent to ambient pressure. Vapour (steam) is removed by the
pressure difference. No sugar is addedhere and normally a continuous operation takes place. It is
customary to slightly over-condense themilk to facilitate standardization later.
After evaporation and before cooling, theevaporated milk is thoroughly homogenized to obtain a
uniform fat emulsion andreduce separation of fat to a minimum during storage. The temperature is
usually 49 ºC as the product is removed from the last part of the evaporator. Two-stage
homogenization is generallyrecommended, 2000 psi in the first stage and 500-psi in the second stage.
After which the samples are cooled to 7 ºCand stored.
The cans are now mechanically filled withvolumetric fillers, the types of one used for this purpose are
the sanitarycan, the can with a solder seal, and the vent hole can. The temperature of evaporated milk
whenfilling the cans should be neither high nor low, but around 5 ºC; a higher temperature cause
foaming; while a lower temperature increases the tendency towards „flipping‟. This refers to the sudden
snapping of can ends from their slightly concave contour to a convex outward bulge, which is usually
accompanied by an audible sound. The cans should be filled as nearly full aspossible.
Immediately after sealing and beforesterilization, each can is tested by means of a dependable leak
checker /detector, where the cans pass submerged in a hot-water bath. In case of leaky cans, air
bubbles rise tothe top: these cans are removed for repair. The filled and sealed cans, which have passed
the test for leaks, arenow ready for sterilization. The purpose of sterilization is to destroy all germ life
and enzymes present, thereby preserving the product permanently. During sterilization, the
temperature is raised to 116-118 ºC and held at this temperature for 15 minutes. If the cans cannot be
sterilized within an hour or two, they should be then held under refrigeration.
Batch method
This consists of a water steam boiler-like, horizontal steam drum, with hollow interior having a
revolving frame, in which the cans are loaded. The sterilizer rotates at 6-12 rpm, withuniform
distribution of heat.
Here the cans are progressively heated to a few degrees below the boiling point, andfinally enter the
sterilizing area proper. Later cooling process starts withthe cans gradually moving through
progressively less hot-water chambers andfinally through cold water.
Immediatelyafter holding time is over, the evaporated milk is cooled within 15 minutes to 27-32ºC.
Rapid and uniform cooling is important. Bulging of the cans can be avoided by usingcold water and in
continuous system, cooler operates at 10 psi.
Thisis done to break mechanically, any curd, which might have formed during theprocess of
sterilization to a homogenous smooth consistency.
Condensed milk
For reconstitution into sweet milk drinks
In tea or coffee
In ice-cream preparation
In candy and confectionery
In prepared foods
Evaporated milks
For reconstitution into milk for feeding infantsand persons with weak stomach etc.,
In ice-cream;
In tea and coffee
Plain condensed milk : This is unsweetened condensed milk, made from whole milk, partly skim milk or
entirely skim milk, and condensed to 2.5 to 4:1. It is used in ice cream factories and bakeries. The product is
neither sterile nor preserved by sugar. Its keeping quality is similar to that of high quality, efficiently
pasteurized milk.
Superheated condensed milk : This is plain condensed milk superheated byblowing live steam during
condensing, to increase the viscosity.
Frozen condensed milk : This is plain condensed milk frozen to give ita longer storage life and is used in ice-
cream factories mostly.
a. Microbial defects
Mould Contamination with and Avoiding contamination with
buttons Aspergillus sps.
growth of Aspergillus
Storage at low temperature (10-15ºC )
sps. or below
b. Non-Microbial
Sandiness Incorrect cooling and Correct cooling and
due to lactose
Crystallization Crystallization
temperature of storage
Sandiness 1. Excessive sugar ratio Optimal cooling and
due to
sucrose 2 Excessively low Crystallization
of heating.
Feathering in Excessively high viscosity Optimum viscosity
Basic principle
Theproduct to be dried is applied in a thin layer (film) onto the surface of oneor two steam heated
drums by using different application systems. The temperature on the drum surface is above100 ºC,
and heat can be transferred rapidly to the product. This helps in transferring moisture that
isevaporated to the ambient air and removing it by airflow.
Aftera three-quarter turn of the drum, the drying process is finished, and the filmis removed from the
drum by special knives (doctor blades) as a thin film,air-cooled, and milled into powder in a special
mill. After intermediate storage in silos thepowder is filled and packed. (OR)
Theprinciple of the roller drying process is that milk is applied in a thin filmupon the smooth surface of
a continuously rotating steam heated metaldrum. The film of dried product iscontinuously scraped off
by a stationary knife located opposite the point of applicationof the milk. The drier may consist of
asingle drum or a pair of drums. The milkmay be pre-concentrated before it is being applied to the
drum, and the degreeof concentration varies with the design of the dryer. The rule is that a single-drum
dryer canhandle milk of higher concentration than that of a double dryer. The dried milk film is milled
to break up thefilm. The particles of a roller drierpowder are solid, flat, irregular flakes containing no
air. The absence of occluded air retardsoxidation, resulting in good keeping quality.
Fromthe product trough, the concentrated milk is picked up by the concentrate drumand is transferred
to the applicator drum. From the applicator drum the product is delivered to the surface of thedrying
drum which is steam heated and has an inside temperature of 115-130ºC,and rotates at 10-30 RPM.
Ambient airflows over the surface of the drum, mixes with the vapor, and is sucked throughthe vapor
hood to the outside atmosphere. The process is controlled by the film thickness by adjusting
theapplicator drum and drum speed.
Herethe drying process is similar to the above explained one, but the productapplication is through
small spraying discs, which rotate in the concentratetrough and transfer a thin concentrate film, which
is transferred onto thedrying drum by the air flow. Theconcentrate droplets, which gain surface area by
this process, undergo gentleand rapid drying.
Thekey difference is the sump between the two drums resulting in directapplication of the product
onto the drum surface. Doctor knives remove the dried product as athin film from the drum surface; in
some cases the product is cooled on coolingdrums before being milled.
Technical notes
Control of drying, ratios, and capacities.
Inorder to achieve constant operation and therefore constant product quality allparameters must be kept
constant, such as
Spraydrying can be described as the instantaneous removal of moisture from aliquid. To achieve this,
the liquid isconverted into a fog-like mist (atomised), whereby it is given a large surface. The atomised
liquid is exposed to a flow ofhot air in a drying chamber. The air hasthe function of supplying heat for
the evaporation and, in addition, it acts ascarrier for the vapour and the powder. When the atomised
product is in contact with the hot air, the moistureevaporates quickly and the solids are recovered as a
powder consisting of finehollow spherical particles with some occluded air. Exhaust air is removed on
the side and passesthrough cyclones and filters (where entrained powder particles are separatedand
Flow diagram of spraydrying system
Fuel oil
Pressure in drier
Bag filter
Liquid dust collector
Electrical dust collector
Sweep conveyor
Air conveyed to cyclone
Receiving milk
This is done to adjust the ratio of fat andsolids-not-fat in raw milk to meet the legal standards for
composition in driedproduct. Raw milk is standardized byadding to it a calculated amount of skim milk
or cream. The fat: SNF ratio here is standardized to1:2.769.
The chief object of this is to remove extraneousmatter. This operation can also be donebefore
It is being done to improve the keeping qualityand prevent fat churning while reconstitution. A
pressure of 3000 psi (2500 psi on the first stage and 500 psi on thesecond) at 63 to 74ºC.
This main objective is to prolong the shelf lifeof the dried product by inactivation of lipase. The pre-
heating should also ensure pasteurization, thus reducing theviable microorganisms. A combination
of82 ºC for 15 minutes is used in practice.
Normally a concentration of 35-40 per cent totalsolids is produced, and the concentrate is
continuously removed from theevaporator with the help of a densitytester.
Thepreheated concentrate at 71º C is forced through the atomizer at a pressure of2500 psi.
Spray drying
Theconcentrated milk is dried with inlet air at 143-232º C and the exit air at 74to 93º C depending on
the product characteristics.
The dry product should be removed promptly fromthe hot air stream to maintain better flavour and
body characteristics and alsokeeping quality. The higher thetemperature and the longer the time the
product is above the melting point offat, the greater the amount of free fat obtained thus adversely
affectingkeeping quality. Hence it is essentialto cool the powder immediately to a temperature below
the melting point.
Thepowder-packaging unit should be isolated to reduce the spread of powder dust tothe drier building.
Of the severalpacking material used, fiberboard carton with an over wrap of foil laminated topaper, or
with an inner lining of foil laminated to paper. A polythene bag inside the fibreboard cartonis also
used. Plastic coated paper bagsare the latest. Powder packing should becarried out in a dry
atmosphere, sealed promptly hermetically in moisture proofpackage to prevent caking of lactose and
fat decomposition leading tooff-flavours. Usually, in packaging of milk powders, the headspaceis
reduced followed by removal of oxygen, by injecting vacuum and thenreplacing it with nitrogen.
Drying is the separation of a liquid from a compound or blend of compounds by evaporation. The
product to be dried exists either in a solid or solid–liquid phase. The separation is into a solid and a gas
phase. Dried milk products are manufactured to reduce bulk so as to reduce packaging and the
transportation costs, to improve the storage life of the product, etc.,
“Dried milk or milk powder is the product obtained by the removal of water by heat or the suitable
means, to produce a solid containing 5 per cent or less moisture. The dried product obtained from
whole milk is called Dried whole milk or whole milk powder (WMP); and that from skim milk is known
as Dried Skim Milk or Skim Milk Powder (SMP), or Non-fat Dry Milk (NFDM).
The average percentage composition of whole milkand skim milk powder is given in the following table:
Under modern methods, the nutritive value of milk is preserved to a great extent. While there appears
to be only a slight destruction of lysine in spray drying, the severe heat treatment of roller drying
destroys more lysine. Dry whole milk is a good source of vitamin A,calcium and phosphorus. It is also a
valuable source of riboflavin.
The manufacturing process consists of unit operations of milk selection and pre-treatment,
concentrate manufacture,homogenization, drying and filling/packaging. The basic difference is in the
type of drying, and can be achieved in several ways and means.
Drying milk by freezing out the water and centrifuging. This system was proposed and patented as
early as 1884 and is nowobsolete.
Drying milk by freezing and sublimation: This freeze-drying method, which seems to have been
developed in 1945, consists of freezing the product and supplying heat, so that moisture is removed by
sublimation by maintaining a vacuum in the vaporizing chamber.
Roller/Film/Drum drying
Spray drying
Dough or paste drying
Foam drying
Fluid bed drying.
Milk is selected according to the requirementsand clarified and standardized in the usual ways.
Heat Treatment
Milk or milk products must be heat treated by an officially approved pasteurization process in order to
inactivate possible pathogenic or other harmful germs and to inactivate most of the enzymes. Another
intensive preheating, such as is normal for evaporated milk, is not required here, because the
recontaminating germs cannot grow at the moisture levels available in the powders, and protein
stabilization is not necessary. On the contrary, very gentle pasteurization is required in order to have
the least whey protein denaturation.
Among the other factors, the quality of skim milk powder is measured by the non-denatured whey-
protein-nitrogen index (WPN index), which characterizes the heat treatment involved. From this heat
classification the application or utilization of the powder can be derived. For certain applications,
e.g.,baby food, the classification of the gently heated proteins by the WPN is not sufficient, and other
criteria such as the protein number (ratio of casein nitrogen and whey protein nitrogen Vs. total
protein nitrogen), organoleptic evaluation of the reconstituted milk or the coagulation and acidification
capability (e.g., for cheese manufacture) must be taken into account.
o For the manufacture of “low-heat” skim powder, the short-time heat treatment must be used;
for “high-heat” skim powder, the process temperature is90ºC for 30minutes.
o For the production of whole milk powder base,milk is heated to 90-95º C and held for 15-30
should, which is considered optimal.
To improve the fat distribution, homogenization is advantageous during the manufacture of whole
milk powder. If the base is fat-standardized by adding cream, partial-flow homogenization is possible
before concentration. Other wise the concentrate is homogenized.
The objective of concentration is to remove a maximum amount of water from the milk and obtain a
maximum dry matter content, as the drying process requires three times more energy than the removal
of water in the evaporator.
The milk is concentrated to its flow limits,i.e., dry matter will be 40-50 %.
The concentration ratio selected is controlled by the finished product and the drying process; the ratios
are as follows:-
Drum-dried milk powder 1 : 3.5-4
Drum-dried skim milk powder 1 : 4-6
Spray-dried whole milk powder 1 : 3.5
Spray-dried skim milk powder 1 : 4-5
A further increase of the concentration ratio in the evaporator is characterized by a significant increase
in viscosity and is very difficult due to the flow limits of the concentrate.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
According to the PFA rules (1976), cream, excluding sterilized cream, is the product of cow or buffalo
milk or a combination thereof, which contains not less than 25 per cent milk fat. Cream is rich in
energy giving fat and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, the contents of which depends on the fat level
in cream.
Cream may be broadly classified into Market cream, which is used for direct consumption,and Manufacturing
cream, which is used for the manufacture of dairyproducts.The three different types of cream are
Composition of cream
Water 45.45-68.2%
Fat 25-60 %
Protein 1.69-2.54 %
Lactose 2.47-3.71. %
Ash 0.37-0.56 %
Total solids 31.8-54.55 %
Solids not fat 4.55-6.80 %.
% SNF in cream = (100 - % fat in cream / 100 - % fatin milk) X % SNF in milk
Cream can be separated from milk by either „gravity‟ or„centrifugal separation‟ methods. The basic principle of
cream separation is based on the fact that milk fat is lighter than the skim milk portion (difference in densities).
The average density of milk fat is 0.93 and skim milk is 1.036. Hence when milk is subjected to centrifugal
force, the two components, viz., cream and skim milk,gets separated.
When the milk is allowed to stand undisturbed for some time,there is a tendency for the fat to rise is given by he
following equation,which is known as Stokes Law:
V = 2G (ds - df) r 2 / ù
Applying the stokes law it can be observed that theoretically,velocity is increased byIncrease in radius of fat
globules:Increase indifference in densities of skim milk and fat, Decrease in viscosity of skim milk.
Size of fat globules: as the size of fat globules increases, the rate at which cream rises also increases.
Temperature: As temperature increase, viscosity decreases and hence the velocity increases.
A clump or cluster acts like a single globule in so far as movement through skim milk is concerned.
Gravity methods being very slow, are no, longer used commercially for cream separation.
Centrifugal cream separators are similar to clarifiers in that they consists of a stack of conical discs housed in a
separator bowl and rotated at high speed by an electric motor.
The Separator
The separator is a unit, which removes most of the milk fat from milk by centrifugal force. Its principal
components are power source, a separator bowl, a set of gears and shafts, a product inlet and a product
outlet for cream and skim milk.
The separator bowl consists of an outer shell within which are a large number of cone shaped discs
constructed so that between each pair is a very small space of not more than 0.5mm. As the milk enters
the bowl,it is distributed into these spaces between the discs; it is immediately subjected to a
tremendous force. While both the fat and skim milk subjected to the centrifugal force, the difference in
density affects the heavier portion (skim milk) more intensely than the lighter portion(i.e. Cream)
thereby the skim milk is forced to the periphery while the fat portion moves towards the centre. The
skim milk and cream both form vertical walls within the bowl and are separated by being led trough
separate outlets.
Any insoluble particles in the milk, such as bits of curd or dirt etc., collects as „separator slime‟ and is
thrown outward as the bowl operates. These pass along with the skim milk into the space between the
outer edge of the discs and the inner face of the bowl shell. Such material is deposited on this face of
the bowl shell, which is removed latter. Separator bowl operate at speeds as great as 20,000 rpm. The
separator is a precision instrument andhence has to be in good condition and operated properly to get
maximum skimming efficiency.
((ds-df) / n ) X V = r2 N2.R.K.
V = velocity
n = viscosity of skim milk
r = radius of fat globule,
ds = density of skim milk
df density of fat,
N= speed of the bowl
R= distance of fat globule from the axis of rotation.
K = constant
The important factors that influence the fat percentage of cream by centrifugal cream separation methods are:
The „skimming efficiency (SE) of a cream separator refers to the „percentage total fat from milk recovered in the
cream. The higher the fat percentage in milk and/or the greater the fat loss in skim milk, the lower the
skimming efficiency and vice versa.
Temperature of milk
o The lower the temperature, higher the fat loss in skim milk and vice versa. For the efficient
separation the temperature of milk should be above the melting point of fat, so that the milk
fat in the fat globules is uniformly in liquid form. A satisfactory temperature for separation
isaround 40 ° C. The milk is heated before separation to 35-40 ° C in plate or tubular heaters
for efficient separation. This is known as „ preheating /fore warming‟of milk.
Speed of the bowl
o The lower the speed, the higher the fat loss in skim milk and vice versa. At below –rated
speed,there will be more fat loss in skim milk because insufficient centrifugal force is
generated for efficient cream separation. With above rated speeds, the skimming efficiency
will not increase greatly.
Rate of milk inflow
o The higherthe rate of inflow, the higher the fat loss in skim milk and vice versa.
Position of cream screw
o Upto 50% of fat in cream, there is little effect on the fat loss in skim milk, but when the cream
fat test is greater than 50-60% there is greater fat loss in skim milk; if above 60% of cream is
obtained still higher fat loss in skim milk results.
Mechanical condition of the machine
o Unsatisfactory mechanical condition of the cream separator causes greater fat loss in skim
milk that include, vibration of the separator, conditions of discs, amount of separator slime in
the bowl.
Size of the fat globule
o The greater the number of fat globules of less than 2 microns size, the higher the fat loss in
skim milk and vice versa, as they escape the centrifugal force and to be recovered in cream.
Degree and temperature at which milk is agitated before separation
o The higher the degree and temperature of agitation the greater the loss in skim milk and vice
Presence of air in milk
o The greater the amount of air, the higher the fat loss in skim milk.
Acidity of acidity
o The higher the acidity, the lower the efficiency of separation. The higher acidity, the lower the
stability of casein particles, which in turn get precipitated and clog the bowl, there by lowering
the efficiency of separation.
Cream is no better than the milk from which it is made. It is not possible to obtain good bacteriological quality
cream from low grade milk. In order to produce high quality cream, the following steps are needed,
Standardization of cream
This refers to the adjustment of the fat level in cream to the desired percentage conforming to standard
requirements. The fat percentage in cream is usually adjusted to the prescribed level by the addition of
calculated amount of skimmilk by Pearson‟s square method.
Pasteurization of cream
Pasteurization of cream refers to the process of heating every particle of cream to not less than 71°C
and holding it at such a temperature for at least 20 minutes, or to any suitable temperature – time
combination using approved and properly operated equipment.
Objectives of pasteurization
To destroy the pathogenic microorganism in cream so as to make it, and also resultant butter, safe for
human consumption.
To destroy undesirable micro organisms and inactivate the enzymes present , so as to prolong the
keeping quality of the cream and butter,
To complete the neutralization process.
To eliminate some of the gaseous tainting substances.
To make possible the removal of some volatile off-flavours
Holding pasteurization
o The cream is heated to 71 ° C for 20minutes and then promptly cooled.
HTST pasteurization
o The Plate Pasteurizer is better suited to freshly separated sweet cream than neutralized cream,
as the latter more easily forms burnt-on films on the plates. The maximum heating
temperature may be 95-100 ° C for 5-16seconds.
Vacuum pasteurization
o This is a continuous process and removes the off-flavours effectively. This process dilutes the
cream and it will lower the fat percentage of cream up to 6 - 8 %.
Packaging: Table cream is packaged for retail sale in units similar to those for milk such as glass bottle,
paper cartons LDPE sachets, plastic bottles etc.
Storage and distribution: cream is stored preferably at 5-10 ° C and distributed as early as possible, but
preferably within three hours of removing from, cold storage.
Cooked flavour
Feed and weed Feeding of milk-tainting I) Feeding of milk-tainting
flavour feeds and weeds within 3 feeds and weeds soon after
hours before milking milking
iii)vacuum pasteurization of
Highly acid/sour Use of sour milk for Using fresh, sweet milk for
separation. perpetration.
Vacuum pasteurization of
Rancid Fat hydrolysis due to lipase Inactivating lipase by proper
action in milk or cream. pasteurization of milk and
Miscellaneous excessive homogenization .proper homogenization
pressure pressure
Feathering on hot
coffee Using sour cream using sweet cream
Butter may be defined as a fat concentrate, obtained by churning cream, gathering the fat into compact
mass and then working it.
According to the PFA rules (1976), table creamery butter is the product obtained from cow or buffalo
milk or a combination there of, or from cream or curd from cow or buffalo milk or a combination
thereof with or without the addition of common salt and annatto or carotene as colouring matter. It
should be free from other animal fats, wax, and mineral oils,vegetable oils and fats. No preservatives
except common salt and no colouring matter except annatto and carotene may be added. It must
contain not less than 80% by weight of milk fat, not more than 1.5 % by weight of curd, and, not more
than 3% by weight of common salt. Diacetyl may be added as a flavoring agent but, if so used the total
diacetyl content must not exceed 4 ppm. calcium hydroxide , sodium carbonate,sodium polyphosphate
may be added, but must not exceed the weight of butter as whole by more than 0.2 %.
Many kinds of butter are found in the market. This differs with the type of cream from,which they are made,
and with variations in the manufacturing process. The types of butter are
According to PFA Rules (1976) Table/Creamery Butter should contain not less than 80% fat, not more than 1.5
% curd and not more than 3%common salt. The typical composition of Indian butter has been given below.
Constituent Percentage
Butterfat 80.2
Moisture 16.3
Salt 2.5
Curd 1.0
Receiving milk
Preheating (35-400C)
Cream Neutralisation Receiving cream
Standardisation for Fat (cow milk – 40%) (buffalo milk – 35%) (around 40% Fat)
Pasteurisation 82 – 88oC with out holding / 65oC for 30 mts / 74oC for15 sec.
Cooling (room Temp.)
Butter culture (0.5 to 2.0%)
Ripening (210C/15-16 hrs.)
Ageing (5-100C) (at least 2 to 4 hours) (preferably 15 to 16 hours)
Churning and Washing (9-110C)
Addition of butter colour*
(3%) Salting and Working of Butter
Packaging and storage (-23 to -29 ° C)
Overrun is caused by the presence (in addition to that of fat) of moisture, curd, salt, etc. in butter. It is a source
of profit to the butter-maker (economical aspect); and also helps to check the efficiency of factory operations
(technical aspect).
Details of manufacture
To avoid excessive fat loss in buttermilk that results from churning highly acid pasteurized cream.
When pasteurizingsour cream, the casein curdles; thereby entrapping fat globules as the bulk ofcurd
goes to butter milk this cause high fat loss.
To guard against the production of an undesirable off-flavour in cream.
To improve the keeping quality of butter made from high acid cream. Salted – acid-butter develops a
fishy flavour during commercial storage at –23 to –29ºC. Correct neutralization is done by
Adoption of a definite standard of churning acidity. Butter for longstorage, the cream acidity should be
reduced to 0.06-0.08% before churning.Butter for early consumption the cream acidity should be
reduced to 0.25-30 %before churning.
Testing correctly for acidity take a sample of cream after through mixing,
First partially neutralize acid cream with a known quantity of standardalkali, and then treat as above.
Determine the lactic acidity of cream by titration of a fixed weight with a standard alkali using
phenolphthalein as an indicator.
Correct amount of neutralizers to be added
The neutralizer should never be dry when added, but dissolved in clean, potable water and properly
diluted, mixed with 10-15 timesof its weight in water. The temperature of cream when adding the
neutralizer should be preferably is 29- 32º C. The cream acidity should be determined tocheck to
whether it has been correctly neutralized.
Pasteurization/ vacreation of cream.
Ripening of cream
This refers to fermentation of cream with the help of desirable starter cultures.
o To produce butter with a pleasing pronounced characteristic flavour,aroma,uniformly from
day to day.
o To obtainan exhaustive churning, i.e., a low fat loss in buttermilk.
The butter starter culture containing lactic acid producers such as Lactococcus lactis
subsp.lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris together with aroma (diacetyl)producers such
as Lacotcoccus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis,Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp.
dextranicum or L. citrovorum, in correctproportions, is added to the standardized, pasteurized and
cooled (20-22 ° C) cream at0.5-2.0 per cent. After being thoroughly mixed, the cream is incubated at
21 ° for 15-16hours. The typical flavour of butter from ripened cream is mainly the effect ofdiacetyl, and
to a smaller extent, of acetic acid and propionic acids. There is no diacetyl in sweet cream. The normal
diacetyl content of ripened cream butter is on average 2.5 ppm and very rarely over 4 ppm.
Judging of butter
Examine the packet of butter for the presence of molds and for neatness. Open the packet and
immediately inhale and note the odour. Cut with spatula and note the firmness of the body. Examine
the cut side for oozing of moisture and presence of water droplets and air packets. Examine for the
uniform distribution of colour on the cut surface. About 1 gm of butter is put into he mouth and
allowed to melt. Note the taste and odour. Quality of butter is graded according to score card ADSA
The characters (Flavour, body and texture, Colour, Salt, Package) and Maximum marks (45,25 15, 10
and 5 points, A for 92 Point, B for 90 points and C for 89 Points and C for 89 Points.
Flavour gets maximum score and it is the main character in butter. It is a combination of taste and
odour and odour being most important. The desired flavour in butter is described as sweet and nutty.
Flavour is also described as fishy, rancid, curdy, cooked and yeasty, Butter can absorb odours and are
desribed as unclean, fruity and etc.
Body: this includes texture. It should be recently formed, close textured and waxy. There should not be
excess moisture and should not stick on to hands.
Common defects
Churning of cream consists of agitation at suitable temperatures until the fat globules adhere, forming larger
and larger masses and until a relatively complete separation of fat and serum occurs. The object of churning is
to produce butter from cream. The fat exists in the formof emulsion i.e. a continuous phase. This emulsion is
fairly stable. As long as itremains intact, there is no formation of butter. The factors contributing towards the
stability of this fat in skim milk emulsion are:
Force of surface tension: this causes the fat globules in milk/ cream to retain their individuality and
prevent butter formation.
Phenomenon of adsorption: the surface layer of the fat globules contains an adsorbed, phospholipid
protein complex, which resists deemulsion.
Electriccharge: the fat globules have negative charge and repel each other. The charge decreases as the
cream acidity increases.
Viscosity:increased viscosity retards churning.
A greater concentration of fat globules in cream promotes amore profuse and rapid coalescence and
aggregation than milk.
Preparationof churn: a new churn requires careful pre-treatment before use. An old churn requires
proper sanitation and cooling, to render it clean.
Filling the cream into the churn: the amount of cream filled should be slightly below the rated capacity.
Addition ofbutter colour: this is done to maintain the uniformity of yellow colour in butter throughout
the year for consumer satisfaction. The amount of standard color added varies from 0 to 250 ml
ormore per 100 kg of butterfat. The butter colour should preferably be added to the cream in the churn.
Butter colourshould have the following properties: it should be harmless, free from offflavours,
concentrated, permanent, and oil soluble. Butter colours are of following types:
o Vegetableorigin: annatto and carotene. Annatto isobtained from the seeds of the annato plant
(Bixa orellana) carotene isextracted from carrots and other carotene rich vegetable matter. Its
use growing for it increases vitamin A potency.
o Mineralorigin: harmless oil soluble coal tar dyes. Examples: yellow AB ( benzene Azo b -
naphthyl-amine),Yellow OB( ortho toluene Azo- b -naphthylamine).
Churning of cream
Good churnability refers to clear breaking stage churninguntil the grains of butter are of the correct
size. Exhaustiveness of churning - refers to fatlosses in buttermilk, satisfactory washing and optimum
churning period.
Chemical composition of fat: an increase in the proportion of soft fat shortens the churning period,
diminishes the firmness of butter and increases the fat lossesin butter milk and vice versa. Fresh green
succulent feeds increase the proportion of soft fat and dry hard feeds increase the proportion of hard
Size of the fat globes; the higher the proportion of the small –sized fat globules, the longer the
churning time and the greater the fat loss in buttermilk and viceversa.
Viscosity ofcream: the greater the viscosity of cream, the greater the churning period andvice versa.
Temperatureof cream at churning: Under Indian conditions the optimum churning temperature
ranges from 9-11 ° C. A higher churning temperature causes a shorter churning time, higher fat loss
and a weak body in butter, which is difficult to wash and from which it is difficult toremove curd
particles properly. A lower churning temperature prolongs the churning period.
Fatpercentage of cream. The higher thepercentage of cream, the lower the churning period. The fat
percentage under Indian conditionswill be 40 for cow milk and 35 for buffalo milk.
Acidity ofcream: according to Hunziker, acid cream churns more rapidly and exhaustivelythan sweet
cream. However Mc Dowel believes that the reverse is the case.
Load offchurn: the butter churn should be filled with one-half to one –third of its total capacity with
cream. Overloading prolongs churning time, while under loading reduces total capacity of thechurn.
Nature ofagitation: this is influenced by he size, type, and RPM of the churn, and affects the churning
Pre-churning ageing period. Refers to cooling and ageing of cream.
Afterinitially rotating the churn for 5 –10 min., the liberated gas is removed once or twice by opening
the churn vent. Thenthe cream sample is drawn for the fat test. During the churning process there is
invariably a rise in temperaturefrom 1-3 ° C. Churning is accompanied by foaming. Then comesthe
“breaking stage”. When the creambreaks away from the spyglass, which becomes clear. At this stage
the fat in the skim milk emulsion breaks and very small butter granules of the size of pin heads
maketheir appearance, it is sometimes necessary especially in the tropics, to add break water at this
stage to reduce the temperature of churn contents, and there by control the body of the butter. The
amount and temperature ofbreakwater depends on the temperate reduction required. After the
breaking the churning is continued until the butter grains are of the desired size (viz., „ pea size‟ in
largechurns). In the tropics, addition ofbreakwater can be avoided by providing an air-conditioned
butter making room and /or chill water spray over the butter churn.
Factors affecting fat loss in buttermilk
Fatpercentage of cream: Lower the fat percentage of cream, the lower the fat percentage in butter
milk,but the greater is the percent total fat loss in buttermilk, vice versa
Size of fatglobules. the greater the proportion ofsmall sized fat globules, the greater the fat loss ,and
vice versa
Acidity ofcream at churning. According toHunziker, sour cream causes a lower fat loss than sweet
cream; but according toMc Dowell, the reverse is true.
Physical properties of fat: the softer the fat, the more the fat loss and vice versa.
Condition ofcooling and ageing: insufficient cooling and ageing i.e. improper crystallization causes
more fatloss and vice versa
Conditions ofchurn: overloading, gross under loadingand under churning all a cause a greater fat loss
in butter milk.
When the cream has been churned the churn is stopped in the proper position, adrain-plug fixed and the
buttermilk removed thorough sieve.
Remove allloose buttermilk adhering to butter grains so as to reduce the curd content ofbutter, thereby
improving its keeping quality.
To correctd efects in the firmness of butter by proper adjustment of wash watertemperatures, and
To deceasethe intensity of certain off flavours
After buttermilk has been drained chilled water is added to the butter grains in thechurn. The temperature of
water isusually1-2 ° C lower than the churning temperature of cream and an amount equal to the quantity of
buttermilk removed. Normally one wash isenough for good quality butter. The quality of water should be
physically clean and bacteriologically and chemically safe. It is better to use freshly pasteurized and cooled
The saltshould be a coarse grained and free from lump. It should pass completely through and IS sieve-
85 (aperture 842 microns).99.5 –99.85 % sodium chloride on dry matter. Bacterial counts less than
10/kg.Completely soluble. High rate of solution. Negligible sediment.
Temperature of storage
Copper and iron content the higher the content the lower the salt content of butter keeping quality.
Acidity content of butter
Curd content of butter
Air contentof butter.
Raw orpasteurized cream: pasteurization of cream increases the keeping quality.
The method ofpackaging: sanitized high quality packaging materials and sanitary methods ofpackaging
increase the keeping quality and vice versa
Exposure tolight lowers the keeping quality
Sweet cream/unsalted butter has the maximum and acid cream /salted butter the minimum keeping
quality under commercial cold storage.
Over run may be defined as the increase in the amount ofbutter made from a given amount of fat. It is
usually expressed as a percentage. Over run is caused by thepresence of moisture, curd, salt etc., in
butter. It is a source of profit to the butter makerand helps to check the efficiency of factory operations
Theoreticalover run
Maximumobtainable, viz.25%. Since the minimum legalfat content of butter is 80%, the maximum
amount of butter that can be madefrom 100 kg of fat are 100/80x100=125kg. This gives an overrun of
25 %, which is not obtainable in actualpractice.
Actualover run
On the basisof fat actually bought and butter made there from.
% OR = ( B-F / F) X 100
B= buttermade(kg)
Yield of butter
F X ((100+%OR) / Y ) x 100
Y = yield of butter(kg)
Batch type
Churner may be swinging type (cream is made to move forward and backward in a horizontal way) or
rotatory type (by rotatory jerking movements) or dash churns (only the blade kept inside the barrel
Continuous type
Barrel like containers made up of wood or insulated metal containers with lid fitted with glass
eyeholes. The churner with Gear system can be operated manually or using motors at an RPM of 45.
Materials required
Churner, Cream at churning temperature, Ice or chill water, Butter Scoop, sieve, knife and wooden
worker, Collecting vessel for butter and butter milk.
The butter churn is cleaned and sterilised as follows. Fill 1/3rd of churn with clean water at 43ºC and
run the churn for 10 min and drain. It is followed with washing water at 60ºC for 15-20 min and then
with hot water at 80ºC for 15 min.
A final rinse with chlorinated water (200 ppm) is carried out. The already weighed and sampled cream
at lower temperature of 9-11ºC is transferred to the churner to ½ or 1/3 capacity. Tightly close the lid
and the churner is operated at the RPM specified by the manufacturer (45 RPM).
The starting time of operation is noted. After 10 min, the gas liberated is released by opening the churn
vent once or twice. Foaming and rise of temperature accompany churning. Then comes the breaking
stage, when the cream breaks away from the spyglass which becomes clear. At this stage the fat in skim
milk emulsion breaks and very small butter granules of pin head size makes their appearance.
It is some times necessary to add breakwater (9-10ºC) at this stage to reduce the temperature of churn
contents and to control the body of butter.
After breaking stage, churning is continued still the granules reach maximum size (pea-size or so). The
closing time is noted to assess the time taken (normally it takes 30 min for churning good quality
The buttermilk is drained through drain-plug after positioning the churner for better drainage.
Fresh chill water at a temperature 1-2 degree less than churning temperature and a volume equal to the
volume of buttermilk drained is added for washing.
Washing is done to remove the adhering buttermilk and reduce the curd content. The washed butter is
collected and transferred to butter worker.
A good quality finely powdered salt free of bacterial contaminants is sprinkled at 2 per cent level.
For uniform mixing of salt, removal of excess moisture and to bring the butter granules together into a
compact mass, kneading of butter (working) using the wooden butter worker is done. The butter is
then packed in the required packages.
Overrun is caused by the presence (in addition to that of fat) of moisture, curd, salt, etc. in butter.
It is a source of profit to the butter-maker (economical aspect); and also helps to check the efficiency of
factory operations (technical aspect).
Average Overrun in Butter – 25% (due to moisture, curd, salt)
Butter contains only traces of lactose, so moderate consumption of butter is not a problem for
the lactose intolerant. People withmilk allergies need to avoid butter, which contains enough of the
allergy-causing proteins to cause reactions.
Butter can form a useful role in dieting by providing satiety. A small amount added to low fat foods
such as vegetables may stave off feelings of hunger
They are three main theories on the churning of cream in tobutter. Viz.
According tothis theory, churning is a process of phase reversal, i.e. changing anoil-in-water type
emulsion to a water-in-oil type emulsion such as butter. Agitation of cream in the churning
processcauses coalescence and clumping of fat globules until eventually the ratio ofthe surface area to
the volume of fat units becomes so small that it can nolonger contain all the buttermilk in stable form.
The fat-in-water emulsion then suddenlybreaks, yielding butter grains and free buttermilk.
o Butter is not true water in fat emulsion. Microscopicstudies reveal that a proportion of fat
globules in butte is still intact inthe worked butter.
According tothis theory, the presence of foam/froth is essential for churning. It also postulates that
there is a foam producing substance present in cream, which gradually solidifies as the cream,or milk
is agitated. Foam is created during the churning period. The fat globules due to surface tension effect
tend to concentrate and clump on thefoam bubbles. The foam producing substance assumes a solid
character and the foam collapses. The fat globules then coalesce and butter isformed.
o Foamformation is not required in some continuous butter making processes.
In cooledcream at churning temperature, the fat is present as clusters of fat globules;and within each
globule it is present partly in liquid and partly in solidform.
Churningbreaks up the cluster and cause foam/ froth formation. The globules become concentrated to
some extent in the film around the air bubbles in the foam and are thus brought intoclose contact with
each other.
The movementof the globules over one another in the foam film and the direct concussion between
them causes a gradual wearing away of the emulsion protecting surfacelayer of the phospholipid
protein complex. The globules then adhere together to form larger and largerparticles. Eventually these
particlesbecome visible as butter grains. As the granules form , they enclose some of the air from the
foam. The fat in thegranules is still mainly in globular form.
The working of butter grains cause the globules to move overone another, under the effect of friction
and pressure, some of them yield up aportion of liquid fat. Others are broken up during working.
Finally there is enoughfree liquid fat present to enclose all the water droplets, air bubbles andintact fat
A number of types of continuous butter making machines havebeen developed for commercial use.
Advantages of CBM
Moreeconomical due to lower capital cost, lower running cost (reduced power,labour, refrigeration,
steam, detergent etc.,).
Reduced floorspace, no expensive foundations to prepare, no time loss for fatcrystallization, less in
butter wastage, etc.,
More hygienicdue to it‟s being a closed system, free from air borne contamination.
Basic principles
The continuous methods of butter production developed since 1935 may be divided into threemain groups.
Groups I
o Fritz process or churning process: this involves the use ofhigh-speed beaters to destabilize the
fat emulsion in the chilled cream, andthus cause the formation of grains of butter in matter of
seconds. Thebuttermilk is drained away and the resulting grains worked in a kneadingsection
prior to extrusion.
Group II
o Alfa-Laval process or the concentration and phase reversalprocess. This involves a system
whereby cream of 30-40 per cent fat is concentrated in a special cream separator to 80-82%
fat. After standardization, the concentrated creamor butter mix is subjected to combined
cooling and mechanical action, whichcauses phase reversal and the formation of butter,
followed by its expulsionfrom the machine.
Group III
o Cherry Burrell process which again involves the concentration of 30-40 % cream. During
concentration, the emulsion is broken and the fat, water, and salt content are standardized.
This is followed byre-emulsification, cooling working, and finally extrusion.
Defects in butter may arise due to low quality milk or cream, and faulty method of manufacture and
storage of butter. The common defects in butter, their causes,and prevention are given below.
Uses of butter
Direct consumption .
In the preparation of sauces.
As a cooking medium
In the baking and confectionery industries.
In the manufacture of Ice cream, butter oil and ghee.
In the production of reconstituted milk.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Channa is a product obtained by acid coagulation of milk near its boiling point followed by removal of
whey. As per PFA rules, channa may be defined as a product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a
combination thereof by precipitating with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. It should not contain
more than 70 per cent moisture and milk fat should not be less than 50 per cent of the dry matter.
Channa is an indigenous milk product obtained by coagulating whole milk and by subsequent
separation of whey. This coagulation is done by addition of lactic or citric acid.
Channa differs from paneer in the method of preparation that no pressure is applied to remove the
whey. The coagulum is collected in a cloth and hung on a peg without applying pressure to drain off
the whey.
Physical Appearance
Cow milk channa is light yellow in colour has a moist surface, soft body
Smooth texture
Buffalo milk is whitish in colour.
Both buffalo and cow milk have a pleasant, sweetish mildly acid flavour.
For cow milk, generally 15 per cent and from buffalo milk the yield is higher.
Widely used in eastern parts of India and Bangladesh for the preparation of many milk-based sweets.
Channa is also produced in the rural milk sheds and transported by road or rail to larger urban
agglomerates in wicker baskets which allow further drainage of whey.
Channa so produced is usually used for the preparation of sandesh. High quality sandesh is usually
prepared from fresh channa.
It is also used for rasagolla preparation. Channa has the same legal requirements as those of paneer.
Apparaturs required
Stainless steel vessel, stirrers, balance muslin cloth, funnel container for whey.
Channa is usually prepared by mixing old channa whey with boiling hot milk. The dilution
with whey also contributes to make a smooth coagulum, which is considered desirable for
making many Bengali sweets. For channa production, cow milk is preferred since it yields a
soft bodied and smooth textured product. Both these characteristics are suitable for
production of high-grade channa sweets. Channa from buffalo milk has a slightly hard body,
a greasy and coarse texture, and does not produce good quality channa sweets. In order to
obtain a desirable body and texture in channa the pH of coagulation should be around 5.4,
the temperature of coagulation is above 80oC and the time in which coagulation is effected
should be less than a minute. The satisfactory strength of the coagulating acid solution is 1-2
per cent. The acids commonly used for coagulation are lactic and citric acids. Lactic acid
group consists of chemical lactic acid or sour whey whereas the citric acid group consists of
chemical citric acid or limejuice. While lactic acid tends to produce a granular product, citric
acid produces a pasty one. Commercial manufacturers generally use sour whey for economic
reasons. Weigh the empty container.
Milk is taken in container and weighed again. The difference in weights furnishes weight of
milk taken. Milk is brought to boiling point and 5% citric acid solution is added with
simultaneous agitation. Curdling should be effected in 1-2 minutes and sufficient amount of
acid should be added to precipitate all proteins.
Contents of vessel emptied over a piece of muslin cloth fixed on to a funnel. Whey is then
collected is a pre weighed container. No pressure is applied and Channa is transferred to
butter paper, weighed and cold stored. Yield of channa from cow milk is 16-18% and buffalo
milk is 22-24%.
Character Points
Flavour 45
Body texture 35
Colour and appearance 15
Packing 05
Total 100
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Ghee may be defined as clarified butterfat prepared chiefly from cow or buffalo milk. (To clarify means
„to make clear‟ a liquid or something liquefied, by removing unwanted solid matter or impurities.)
According to the PFA (1976), ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi
(cooking) butter or from cream to which no coloring matter is added.
Physico-chemical constants
Ghee is characterized by certain physico-chemical properties, which show some natural variations depending
on such factors as, method of manufacture, age and condition of the sample, species, breed, individuality and
animals stage of lactation, season of the year, region of the country, feed of the animal etc.,Some of the
important analytical constants or standards of mixed ghee produced under standard conditions are given
(Cotton tract refers to the areas in the states where cottonseeds are extensively fed to the cattle and so notified
by the state government concerned.)
Ghee is defined as clarified butter fat with a strong characteristic flavor prepared by heating makkhan,
in an open pan, to about 110-120ºC till all the moisture is evaporated and the characteristic flavor
develops. It can be compared to butter oil. Butter oil is the western counterpart of ghee.
Ghee originated in India much before recorded history and the name originates from the sanskrit word
meaning “bright”. The Vedas contain numerous references to ghee.
The final temperature to which ghee is heated during the manufacture depends upon the region of the
country, normally it is around 110ºC in north India and 120ºC in south India.
Granularity in ghee is considered as an important criterion of quality and even purity. Granular form of
ghee is assumed primarily to certain content of glycerides of high-melting saturated fatty acids,
esp.palmitic and stearic acid. In this regard the buffalo ghee, which is more saturated, crystallizes more
effectively than cow ghee. It has been observed that heating ghee to 60-100ºC, followed by rapid
cooling, yields small grains inghee; however, if the ghee is held for crystallization at a temperature
about1ºC above the melting point of ghee (cow ghee–29ºC; buffalo–31ºC), a large number of big grains
result. Cold storage of ghee should be avoided, as it leads to a loss of granularity and the product
develops a waxy consistency,when stored.
Renovation of Ghee
This refers to the market practice of attempting to improve the old and rancid ghee, so as to make it marketable
as a product of secondary quality.
Re-heating inferior ghee with curd, betel leaves, etc., and subsequently filtering it;
Adding a yellow substance, such saffron,annatto, turmeric juice, etc to make it as cow ghee
Blending an inferior ghee with a superior quality product.
Market ghee sometimes develops large quantities of free fatty acid (oleic), which results from faulty
methods of preparation and storage. This produces harmful effects in the body system. This is tackled
by the process neutralization. In one, the neutralizer used is sodium hydroxide, and other is lime. Lime
is more preferable than sodium hydroxide. First the high acid ghee to be refined, is heated to 60-70ºC,
and finely ground, good quality lime(shell-lime), powdered to 60 mesh is then sprinkled on the surface
@ 3 % of ghee. The temperature is quickly raised to108ºC with gentle stirring and mass is cooled and
filtered at 60ºC.
Lipidoxidation is a chain reaction involving initiation, propagation and termination stages. The
unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized to form odorless, tasteless hydro peroxides, which further degrade
to yield carbonyls and other compounds,which give out the characteristic unagreeable oxidised flavour.
The various factors which affect oxidation include, oxygen concentration, light intensity, contact with
metals etc., Anti-oxidants are substances used to inhibit the progress of lipid oxidation, and may be
either natural (e.g., Tocopherols, carotene,) or synthetic substances(Butylated hydroxy anisole,
Butylated hydroxy toluene, Hydroquinone, gallicacid esters etc.,) Metal-chelating agents, such as citric
acid and phosphoricacid, EDTA act in conjunction with anti-oxidants and inhibit fat oxidation.
Keeping quality of Ghee can be extended by the addition of antioxidants. Under the PFA Rules (1976),
BHA at not exceeding 0.02 per cent can be added. Naturally, betel leaves and curry leaves are added
while ghee making at 1 per cent level, which gives good flavour to ghee as well as it acts as antioxidant.
Literally Agmark is an insignia - AG for “agricultural” and MARK for „marketing ‟ with a view to develop the
orderly marketing of agricultural produce on all India basis, the Indian legislature had passed the agricultural
produce (grading and marketing) act 1937, this act provides for the grading of ghee on a voluntary basis.
The Agmark grading scheme was introduced mainly to achieve the following objectives.
More than 90 percent of ghee is produced by the traditional method from desi butter or makkhan and
then converting it into ghee.
Makkhan, which is produced by churning the curd, is heated in a metallic vessel and stirred over a low
fire to evaporate the moisture.
When practically all the moisture is removed, further heating is stopped and the vessel is removed
from the fire. After the residue has settled down on cooling, the clear fat is decanted into suitable
containers a ghee.
Methods of preparation
Country/Desi method
Creamery butter method
Pre-stratification method
Direct cream method
Continuous method
Desi Method
Fresh or accumulated over a few days, makkhan (butter) is taken in a suitable open mud-pot or metallic vessel,
and heated and stirred on a low fire to drive out the moisture. When practically all the moisture has been
removed, a stage judged by experience, further heating is stopped and the vessel removed from the fire. On
cooling, when the residue has settled down, the clear fat is decanted into suitable containers.
A standard method, where unsalted creamery butter is used. Butter is heated in an ghee boiler
consisting of a steel jacketed pan with a stirrer, with steam supply and control valves. The butter mass,
is cut into small pieces and heated on low heat and carefully stirred. Later after complete melting, the
steam pressure is raised to bring the liquid mass to boil at a temperature of90ºC. The contents are
constantly agitated throughout the process of conversion of butter into ghee, to prevent scorching. The
scum, gathering on the top is periodically removed, until there is profuse effervescence, followed by
crackling sound, initially. When all the moisture have been driven out, the temperature of the liquid
shoots up suddenly and end point is indicated by the appearance of effervescence for the second time
together with browning of the curd particles. At this stage, characteristic ghee flavor emanates and the
temperature now will be around 110-120ºC . Heating is then stopped, and after cooling and
sedimentation, the ghee is filtered through a muslin cloth and goes for granulation and packaging.
Saving in labour, physical exertion and exposure to uncomfortably high temperatures and humidity
during actual ghee making compared to the direct-cream heating method.
Pre-stratification method
The two above mentioned practices of ghee making has the disadvantage of poor quality of the finished
product characterized by an over-heated and smoky flavour, along with high acidity, making it greasy
and with reduced shelf life.Hence research work has led to the evolving of a newer method/technique,
which yields a higher grade product at lower cost, known as the pre-stratification process.
The basic principle of this method is that, when butter is left undisturbed 80-85ºCfor 15 to 30 minutes,
it stratifies, i.e., separates into 3 distinct layers, viz., a top layer of floating denatured particles of curd,
a middle layer of fat, and a bottom layer of buttermilk. This separation is called pre-stratification. The
bottom layer of buttermilk contains 60-70 percent of solids-not-fat and also over 80 per cent of the
moisture originally present in butter. The buttermilk is removed mechanically without disturbing the
top and middle layers. After wards, the temperature of the remaining two upper layers (of denatured
curd and fat) is raised to the usual clarifying temperature of 110-120ºC.
Direct-cream method
Here,the cream obtained by normal separation of milk is heated in the same ghee boiler described for
the creamery-butter method and the procedure for heating and moisture removal, final temperature of
clarification, cooling and sedimentation, granulation and packaging also remain the same.
Continuous method
Using optimum
clarification of the
Packaging in small
containers for retail
Oxidized/oily/Metallic Fat oxidation due to direct contact Storage of milk curd /
of milk curd/cream/butter/ghee scream / butter / ghee
with copper or iron exposure of in properly tinned or
this product to sunlight etc. aluminum alloy
/stainless steel vessels.
Avoiding storage of
ghee at high
Storage of ghee in
opaque containers.
Texture Rapid cooling of hot ghee after Slow cooling of hot
clarification. ghee after clarification
Subjecting ghee to further heating Avoiding further
and cooling treatments after heating and cooling of
preparation. ghee after preparation.
Colour Excessively high temperature of Optimum temperature
clarification of ghee. of clarification of ghee.
Sediment Incorrect straining of ghee Correct straining of
Burnt Excessively high temperature of Optimum temperature
clarification of ghee. of clarification.
Uses of Ghee
Ghee residue
This refers to the charred light to dark brown residue which is obtained on the cloth strainer after the ghee,
prepared by different methods, is filtered. It is by-product of the ghee industry. Essentially it contains heat-
denatured milk-proteins, caramelized lactose and varying proportions of entrapped fat,besides some minerals
and water.
Ghee residue is a rich source of milk fat,proteins and minerals. Methods of recovery of ghee-residue includes,
centrifugal and pressure techniques.
For direct consumption.
For preparation of ghee-toffees
For preparation of sandwich paste and 4.For preparation of burfi sweets
Though it is influenced by the method of production, the colour of ghee from cow milk is deep yellow,
while ghee from buffalo milk is white with a characteristic yellowish or greenish tinge. When mixed,
colour varies accordingly. Also the state of ghee as liquid or solid influences the colour.
It is an important characteristic small quantity of ghee is rubbed over the back of palm and smelled by
inhaling. A well-prepared sample of ghee has a pleasant, cooked and rich flavour. The taste is usually
sweet and characteristic of milk fat, although a slight acidic flavour is preferred.
Indian buyers relay on granulation for quality and purity. Granulation of ghee is partly due to
glycerides of high melting saturated fatty acids (hard fat - palmitic and stearic etc.,) and thus buffalo
ghee crystallizes more effectively than cow ghee. The desi method produces large crystals in ghee
compared to direct-cream method. Heating ghee to 60-100oC and rapid cooling yields small grains in
ghee. However if the ghee is kept at 1oC above the melting point of ghee (cow ghee –29oC: buffalo ghee
– 31oC) a large number of big graining results. Cold storage of ghee should be avoided, since it leads to
loss of granularity and the development of waxy consistency in the stored product.
Non-toxic, non-tainting material with easy availability, economical, resistance to rough handling,
suited for printing and capacity to hold desirable volume are preferred.
Khoa/ Mawa / Khava refers to the partially dehydrated (heat coagulated) whole milkproduct prepared
by continuous heating of milk in a karahi over a direct fire,while also constantly stirring-cum-scraping
by using a khunti till it reaches asemi solid consistency. Thereafter the pan contents are removed from
the fireand worked up in to a solid mass known as khoa pat.
Accordingto PFA Rules (1976), khoa is the product obtained from cow or buffalo (or goat or sheep)
milk, or a combinationthereof, by rapid drying. The milk fatcontent should not be less than 20 percent
of the finished product.
Threemain types of khoa, viz., Pindi, dhap and Danedar are prepared in the country.
Chemical composition of Khoa (percentage)
Khoa has been prepared for centuries in India as a base material for manufacturing sweets. It is
prepared by the traditional method by milk traders and halwais. A five times concentration of milk is
normally required.
The three main varieties are “pindi” for burfi, “dhap” for gulabjamun, pantooa etc., and “danedar”
used for kalakand. Khoa making has been the easiest way of preserving rurally produced milk in the
flush season.
According to PFA Khoa is a product obtained from cow, buffalo, goat or sheep or mixed milk by rapid
drying. The milk fat content should not be less than 20 per cent of the finished product. It is also called
khawa or mawa. The product is obtained by heat desiccation of milk to 65 – 69 per cent solids in an
open pan.
Khoa forms the base material for a variety of Indian sweets like gulabjamun and dishes.
Existing practice
Improved method
Continuous method
Required quantity of milk is taken as per batchand boiled in a karahi (vessel) of different shape and
size over a brisknon-smoky fire. The milk is stirredvigorously and constantly with a circular motion by
a ladle or khunti. During this operation, all parts of the panwith which the milk comes in contact are
lightly scraped to prevent the milkfrom scorching. Constant evaporation ofmoisture takes place and
the milk thickens slowly. However, no sugar is added andmilk-dehydration continues until heat-
coagulation of milk proteins begins andthe concentrate becomes insoluble in water. There is change of
colour at this stage, and heating is continued withgreater control with increased stirring-cum scraping
speed. Soon the viscous mass reaches asemi-solid/pasty consistency and begins to dry up. The final
product is ready when it showssigns of leaving the bottom and sides of the karahi and sticking
together,which is known as the khoa-pat . This isinvariably made after removing the pan from the fire
and working the contentsup and down into a single compact mass.
Improved method
This is followed in organized firms, where, theequipment, conditions of dehydration, and the quality of
the milk used aregiven importance. The karahi and openfire substituted with stainless steel jacketed-
pan or kettle, which is heated bywater or steam. Milk is boiled till itassumes pasty consistency and then
held at 85ºC and stirring at 100 rpm. Regarding the quality of the milk used, buffalo milk is preferred
overcow milk as the latter produces soft, loose body and gives smooth a granulartexture which is not
relished. The milkshould contain 4% and 5% fat respectively for cow and buffalo milk.Neutralization of
acid milk improves the texture but does not improve theflavour of khoa. Starch adulterated milkgives
hard khoa. Homogenization of milkproduces softer body and fat leakage.
Continuous method
Here milk is continuously heated in the steamjacketed drum heater, where it is partially concentrated. This is
followed by another heating andconcentration of the milk in open pans till a viscous semi-solid product
isobtained and is removed mechanically. The equipment basically consists of
The following are the changes that areencountered while milk is being converted into khoa.
Change of state :From liquid milk to solid khoa (due toconsiderable dehydration)
Change in intensity of colour :From „light‟ to a more intense shade of colourwith a tinge of brown.
Homogenization of milk fat :The fat globules are appreciably subdivided dueto vigorous agitation of
the milk at a high temperature.
Free-fat formation :Considerable free fat is produced due torupturing of the fat globule membrane by
the scraping action of the stirrer.
Heat coagulation of milk proteins :The serum proteins are coagulated by the actionof heat and
Super-saturated solution of lactose :From a dilute solution in milk, lactose ispresent in khoa as a
super-saturated solution.
Partial precipitation of milk salts :A portion of the milk salts are precipitated bythe action of heat.
Increase in Iron content :From 2 to 4 ppm in milk, the iron content inkhoa exceeds 100 ppm due to
scrapping of the pan surfaces during themanufacture.
The type of milk, cow or Buffalo, influences the yield by virtue ofits total solids content. Buffalo milk
with highertotal solids give higher yield than cow milk. Normally the yield of khoa ranges from 17 to 19
% from cow milk and 21to 23 % for buffalo milk.
Theover-run in khoa refers to the „the excess weight of khoa obtained over theamount of total (milk) solids
used. Itis influenced by the moisture chiefly. The formula for calculating overrun (OR) in khoa is:
%OR = K – TS / TS X 100
o Akhoa based sweet, it is white to light cream in colour with firm body andsmooth granular
texture. Prepared by heating khoa over a low fire with 25-35%sugar to form a smooth mass.
Nuts andflavourings may be added while heating to produce a variety of burfies.
o Khoais mixed with small amounts of wheat flour and baking powder and kneaded intouniform
dough. It is then rolled into small balls and deep fried in ghee. The balls are then put in 60%
sugar solutionand soaked for few hours before serving.
o Similarto gulabjamun but darker, it can be prepared either from channa or khoa. The kneaded
balls are deep fried to blackcolour and then soaked in 60 % sugar solution for few hours.
o Madefrom granular khoa, it is light caramel in colour with a granular texture andfirm body.
Some citric acid is addedduring khoa making process to get grains, then sugar is added and
stirred tomix the sugar. Flavourings and nuts maybe added and allowed to set, which is latter
cut into pieces.
o Thebase material is khoa, where it is mixed with sugar and flavourings. Khoa is mixed with
sugar in the ratio of 3:1and then gently heated till the mixture forms firm balls. Peda is whitish
yellow in colour and has acoarse, grainy texture. Kesar peda isone in which saffron is mixed
along with flavour and colour.
o Asweet prepared from channa, it has a firm body, a close knit texture and iscoated with sugar
or khoa. Channa iskneaded, made into balls and cooked in 50% boiling sugar syrup. Then they
are taken, cut into half and alayer of khoa is sandwiched in between two halves of the balls and
its surfaceis coated with sugar or khoa and decorated with silver foil.
o Aproduct similar to gulab jamun, it has channa as the base material as comparedto
gulubjamun which used khoa. Channa ismixed with baking powder and wheat flour, and the
mass in kneaded, made intoballs and fried in 60% sugar syrup solution.
o Thisis prepared using fresh and soft channa as the raw material, in the form ofsmall round
balls, which is cooked in sugar syrup for 15 minutes andtransferred to sugar syrup of 45-50%
o Achanna based sweet, which has firm body and smooth texture. Channa (30-35%) and sugar
are mixed togetherand kneaded and then heated after addition of colour and flavour.
o Aconcentrated and sweetened milk product, containing several layers of clottedcream.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Preparation of dahi and
Judging of dahi.
Lassi is a popular drink of India and Pakistan. It is made by blending curd/yogurt with water or milk
and Indian spices
Traditional lassi (also known as salted lassi, or, simply lassi) is a savory drink sometimes flavored with
ground roasted cumin
Sweet lassi on the other hand is blended with sugar or fruits instead of spices.
In India curd is also called Dahi. As per PFA rules, dahi is a product obtained from pasteurised or
boiled milk by souring using previously cultured milk or otherwise by using selective lactic cultures.
Apparatus required
Stainless steel wares, glass wares, water bath, incubator, refrigerator, etc.
Starter required
Good quality milk, starter culture which includes Streptococcus diacetylactis , Streptococcus cremoris,
ith an aroma producing bacteria mainly Leuconostoc citrovorum or Leuconostoc dextranicum .
Pasteurise milk at 85ºC for 10 min and cool the milk immediately (20-25ºC) by keeping the container in
running water, by simultaneous agitation. Add 0.5% of starter culture at this temperature and mix
Distribute this cultured milk into a small sterile steel or glass container taking aseptic precautions, and
fix a sterile aluminium cap.
Permit the cultured milk to remain undisturbed for 16-18 hours at 22-25ºC, or to reach the acidity of
It is done to find whether the dahi offered for sale possess desirable characters for direct consumption.
If the container is taken from cold storage, it is allowed to warm slightly without opening the lid.
Examine for the firmness of body, separation of whey at the bottom, middle or top, presence of gas
bubbles and change in colour. Open the lid and immediately examine the contents for flavour, odour,
Desirable characters of market quality of dahi includes colour, appearance, flavour, body and texture
and acidity.While examining the body and texture following defects have to be noted.
o Watery consistency: Due to low solids or due to poor quality of milk. Too high or
insufficient heat treatment can also cause this defect.
o Hard and lumpy curd: This is due to over ripening especially at high temperature and this
defect is usually found along with same amount of whey formation.
o Wheying off: Wheying off in dahi may be due to low solid content or due to deliberate
dilution with milk. Higher acidity also causes these defects. Disturbances or vibrations at the
time of curd setting also result in whey formation.
o Ropiness: Ropiness due to faulty fermentation resulting in low acid production and sweet
curdling due to certain microbes.
o Common flavour defects are,
Bitter and cheasy: due to peptonising proteolytic organisms.
Cooked defect: due to overheating
Flat: due to low acid and diacetyl production
Rancid: due to lipolytic organisms
Fruity and alcoholic: due to yeast and molds
Malty defect: due to S. lactis var. maltigenes
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Ice cream,
Method of manufacture of ice cream,
Cheddar cheese and
Varities/Defects in cheese.
Ice cream may be defined as a frozen dairy product made by suitable blending and processing of cream
and other dairy products togetherwith sugar and flavour, with or without stabilizers or colour, and with
the incorporation of air during the freezing process.
According to the PFA rules (1976) ice cream is the frozenproduct obtained from the cow or buffalomilk
or a combination thereof or from cream and or on the milk products, withor without the addition of
cane sugar,eggs, fruits, fruit juices , preserved fruits, nuts, chocolate, edible flavours and permitted
colours. It may contain permitted stabilizers and emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5 per cent by weight. The
mixture must be suitably heated before freezing. The product should contain not less than 10%milk fat,
3.5% protein, and 36% total solids. However, when any of the aforesaid preparations contains fruits or
nuts or both, the content of milk fat may be proportionately reduced but not less than 8 % by weight,
starch may beadded to a maximum extent of 5 %, with a declaration to that effect on thelabel.
Plain: Ice cream in which the colour and flavouring ingredients together amounts to less than 5 per
cent of the volume of the unfrozen ice cream. Example: vanilla and coffee ice creams.
Chocolate: Ice cream flavoured with cocoa or chocolate.
Fruit: Ice cream containing fruits with or without additional fruit flavouring or colour. Fruits such as
strawberry, apricot, pineapple, mango, banana, etc., may be fresh, frozen, frozen packed, canned or
Nut: Icecream containing nuts, such as almonds, pistachio, walnuts, cashew nut, etc.,with or without
additional flavoring or color.
Milk ices or lollies: According to the PFA rules (1976) theserefers to the frozen product obtained
from the milk or skim milk or milkproducts with or without the addition ofcane sugar, eggs, fruits,
nuts, chocolate, edible flavours, and permitted foodcolours. It may contain permitted stabilizers not
exceeding 0.5 % of the product. The mixture should be suitably heat treated before freezing. The
product should contain not more than 2.0% milk fat, less than 3.5% proteins andnot less than 20.0%
total solids.
Ices: Made of fruit juices sugar and stabilizers with or without additional fruit acid, colour, flavouring,
or water, and frozen to the consistency of ice cream. Usually contain 28 to 30 per cent sugar, 20 –
25per cent over run and no dairy products.
Sherbet: made of juices, sugar, stabilizers and milkproducts. It is similar to an ice except that milk,
either whole, skim,condensed or powdered, or ice cream mix, are used in place of all or, part of the
water in an ice.
Fancy moulded: Moulded in fancy shapes and composed eitherof one colour and flavour of ice
cream or a combination of colours and flavours, or especially decorated. Examples:are brick ice
cream, cakes, cake roll, moulds representing fruits, etc.
Novelties: Novelty ice cream or frozen is an especiallyshaped and usually low priced package
containing an individual serving whosemain appeal consists in its shape, size, colour or convenience
for eating.
Soft ice cream: Sold as drawn from the freezer without hardening.
The composition of ice cream is usually expressed as apercentage of its constituents, i.e. a percentage
of milk fat, milk solids notfat, sugar, stabilizers, total solids etc. Its composition varies in different
localities and in different markets.
Ice cream contains two to three times as much fat and slightly more protein than does milk. In addition
it may contain other food products such as fruits, nuts, eggs, and sugar which enhance its food value.
However, likemilk, it lacks iron, vitamin C, and some of the trace minerals.
Ice cream is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals of vital importance in building
good bones and teeth.
Being rich in lactose, ice cream favours greater assimilation of the calcium content on the diet.
The protein content of ice cream rates high both in quantity and quality. The milk and egg proteins are
complete, that is, they contain all the amino acids essential to animal life and are especially important
sources of tryptophan and lysine which are lacking in many plant proteins. Ice cream provides these
valuable proteins in a very palatable form. In fact, ice creamis the most palatable source of milk
proteins to vegetarians.
Ice cream is an excellent source of food energy. Having twice to three times the fat content ofmilk. And
more than half of its total solids being sugar the energy value of ice cream is very high. It is therefore, a
very desirable food itemfor growing children and persons who need to put on weight.
Ice cream, is a rich source of essential vitamins, without which normal health and growth cannot be
maintained. Thus it is an excellent source of vitamin A, a good source of vitamin Band G (riboflavin)
and a fairly good source of Niacin, vitamin E, and in fruitice cream, of vitamin C. The digestibility and
palatability of ice cream is also very high.
Milk fat:this is high in food value, but expensive. It enriches and mellows the ice cream, giving it a full,
rich, creamy flavour. If the milk fat is even slightly off-flavoured, the defect will be noticeable. The fat
also contributes to the body and melting resistance of ice cream while producing a smoothness of
texture. Fat gives stability to the ice cream but impairs whipping ability.
Milk solidsnot fat: they add very little to the smell, but improve its body and texture,however milk
sugar adds to the sweet taste. The milk proteins help to make ice cream more compact and smooth.
Milk SNF should be added in as large a quantity as possible without risking the danger of sandiness.
They are high in food value and also inexpensive.
Sugar: the main function of sugar is to increase the acceptability of ice cream. The desired sweetening
effect is only produced by sucrose. Sugars are usuallythe cheapest source of total solids in the mix.
Stabilizers: these are used to prevent the formation ofobjectionable large ice crystals in ice cream,
especially during storage. Since they are added in very small quantities, they have a negligible influence
on food value and flavor.
Emulsifiers: These are used mainly to improve upon andprovide a uniform whipping quality of the
mixture, and to produce a drier icecream with smoother body and texture.
Flavor andcolours: flavor increases the acceptability of ice cream, and colours its aesthetic appeal.
Properties of mix
The properties of practical importance on the mix are
Viscosity: This is defined as the resistance offered by liquids to flow. Viscosity is considered an
important property of the ice cream mix, and a certain amount of it seems essential for proper
whipping and the retention of air. Two types of viscosity exists in ice cream mixes:
Apparent viscosity: This is a thickened condition that disappear with agitation, and Basic viscosity:
which remains after the apparent viscosity disappears. The viscosity of ice cream mix is influenced by
composition, kind and quality of ingredients, processing and handling of the mix , total solids
concentration and temperature.
Acidity and pH
The normal acidity of ice cream mixes is dependent upon the serum solids content, and is calculated by the
The normalacidity of ice cream mix is 0.15%. The pH of ice cream mix should be 6.3. If the mix acidity is more,
it maybe neutralized with suitable neutralizers Eg. Sodium bicarbonate. It should be remembered that good ice
cream couldn't be made from a highly acidic cream.
This refers to stability or resistance toseparation by the milk proteins in an ice cream mix. Instability
results in separation of milk proteins as coagulated or precipitated material in the mix, and the
resulting ice cream has a curdled appearance on melting. Mix stability is affected by high mix acidity,
low citrate and phosphate content, high calcium and magnesiumcontinent, high homogenizing
pressure, high heat treatment, low ageing time,destabilizing effect of freezing etc.
Surface tension
This refers to the force of attraction between the moleculesof a liquid at its surface. The greater the
attraction between the molecules,the higher the surface tension and vice versa. The unit of
measurement of surface tension isdyne.
The surface tension can be readily decreased by the additionof emulsifiers. Mixes with lower
surfacetension values will have excessive whipping rate , fluffy short bodycharacteristics and
susceptibility to the shrinkage defect. the normal surface tension value of ice cream mix may range
from 48- 53dynes/sq.cm.
Freezing point
The freezing point of ice cream is dependent on the soluble constituents and varies with its
composition. The mix constituents, which affect the freezing point directly,are sugar, milk sugar, milk
salts, and any other substances that may have been added and are in true solution. Freezing point is
indirectly affected by fat,protein and any other constituents not in true solution by replacing water.
Glucose, sucrose and corn sugar depress the freezing point in the descending order. In fruit ice-cream
the freezing point will depend on the type of sugar used in fruit preparations.
An average mix has a freezing point of 27.5ºF. mixes with high sugar and milk solidsnot fat content s
may range to 26.5ºF, while high fat ,low MSNF or low sugarcontent mixes may range to 29.5ºF.
Whipping rate
A high whipping rate means the ability to whip rapidly to ahigh over run. The present hypothesis isthat
whipping ability is based on the tensile strength and the strength of the lamella (i.e. walls around the
air cells). Whipping ability is improved by a high processing temperature, proper homogenization and
ageing the mix for 2-4hours.
Smaller fat globules and less clumping of fat globulesincrease the whipping ability. Mixes made from
butter, butter oil, or frozen cream have poor whipping ability . Eggyolk solids , fresh cream, buttermilk
solids improve whipping ability. Sugar decrease the whipping ability except when added after
homogenization , in which case it increases it.
The construction and operation of freezer affect thewhipping ability.
The rate of whipping is measured by calculation the over run at one minute intervals while the mix is
being frozen in a batch freezer,normally within 3 to 5 minutes after the freezing process starts, the mix
is frozen and within 7 minutes an overrun of 90 percent is obtained. In mixes, which have a rapid
whipping rate,90 per cent overrun may be reached in 5 minutes or less. Mixes requiring 8 minutes of
more to reach 90 per cent overrun are considered to have slow whipping rate.
Method of manufacture
Selection of ingredients
The selection of ingredients is without doubtthe most important factor in successful ice cream manufacture. A
clean fresh creamy flavour of the ice cream can be secured only by the use of products, which have been
carefully selected and handled. The selection of ingredients depend on
I. dairy products
Source of fat
o Sweetcream: this is the most desirable concentrated source of fat for use in amix
o Frozen cream
o Plastic cream
o Unsalted butter
o Butter oil.
Source of milk-solids- not fat
o Skimmilk
o Skim milk powder-this is most frequently used in the spray dried or flaked form.
o Condensed skim milk
o Sweet cream buttermilk.
Sources of both fat and solids not fat
o Wholemilk.
o Wholemilk powder
o Condensedwhole milk
o Evaporatedmilk.
II.Non-dairy products
Sweetening agents
o Canesugar or beet sugar.
o Cornsugar (dextrose)
o Cornsyrup solids (dextrose+maltose)
o Cornsyrup
o Invertsugar (glucose +fructose)
o Saccharin.
o Gelatin-of animal origin .
It was one of the first of the commercial stabilizers and still used, its advantages lies in its ability to form a gel
inthe mix during the aging periods as well as during the freezing process, andeven after the frozen product is
placed in the hardening room its peculiar gelstricture and its great affinity for waste prevent the formation of
large ice crystals in ice cream and contribute to the smoothness on texture and firmnessin body of the frozen
The amount of gelatin used depends on several factors such as the source of gelatin whether from calf, pork
skin or bonematerials. Its gel structure is measured by bloom test.
Commonly gelatin is used at the rate of 0.25 to0.5 % for a 250 bloom gelatin. The ice-cream mix stabilized with
gelatin usually requires about 4 hours of ageing to develop complete stabilizing properties, while other
stabilizing materials do not require an ageingperiod.
Sodiumalginate – of vegetable origin . The basic stabilizing principle „algin‟ is extracted from ocean
kelp (seaweed) growing on the shores of California and in Japan. This product improves whipping
ability andleaves a slightly cleaner flavour in the mouth. It dissolves properly only when added to the
mix at about 68-71ºC. aslightly smaller amount is needed to produce the same stabilizing effect
Guargum –of Indian origin.
Carboxymethyl cellulose
Vanilla-this is the most popular flavour all over the world. Vanilla flavouring isobtained from the
perennial climbing plant Vanilla Planifolia Andrews, a memberof the orchid family, vanillin is the
principal flavouring material. Thetypical vanilla flavours is developed by fermenting the bean.
Chocolateand cocoa rank second only to vanilla as flavoring of ice cream. They are obtained from cocoa beans,
the fruit of the perennial tree The obroma cocoa, growing in such tropical regions as Mexico,Ghana, Brazil,
Venezuela,Nigeria, Ecuador, The West Indies, AfricanGold Coast and The East Indies etc.
Egg solids
Knowledge of calculation of ice cream mix is helpful in properly balancing the mix, inestablishing and
maintaining a uniform quality and in producing ice cream that conforms to legal standards. Ice cream
mix may be divided into two groups, namely simple and complex. Simple mixes require the least
calculation and are made of ingredients, each of which supplies one constituent. Complex mixes are
more difficult to calculate they include mixes where atleast, one constituent is obtained from two or
moreproducts. Complex mixes require the useof the Pearson‟s square, algebraic methods.
The calculations are simplified by first finding the weight of ingredients neededto make 100kg of the
desired mix. With the algebraic method, symbols such as X,Y, Z is used to represent the weightsof dairy
ingredients required for a 100 kg batch of mix. These symbols are then used in writing the three
equations that express the weight of fat serum solids (SNF) and the total weight of dairy ingredients
needed for 100kg of mix.
Making the mix
All liquid ingredients are placed in a jacketed vat provided with a power stirrer,and the agitation and
heating started at once, the dry ingredients, including skim milk powder, sugar, and stabilizers are
added while the liquid material isagitated before the temperature reaches 49ºC. Proper suspension to
avoidlumpiness of the dry ingredients may be obtained by either mixing the drymaterials thoroughly
with part of the sugar before slowly adding it to the liquid, or by sifting / slowly adding these
substances to the liquid.
If gelatin is the stabilizer used, it is best added after it is thoroughly mixed with equal volume of sugar,
and before the liquid material reaches 49ºC.Alternatively, it can be sprinkled on the surface of the cold
liquid and allowed to soak before the mixture is heated or soaked in water and the mixture heated to
completely dissolve the gelatin, which is usually added to warm(38-49ºC) mix.
If sodium alginate is used, it should not be added until the temperature of the liquid material has
reached at least 66ºC. The dry Dariloid is not allowed tosoak but is stirred up with cold water and
immediately dumped into the hot mix.
If butter, plastic cream, frozen cream, or other products are used, they should becut into small pieces
and added after time has been given to allow for complete melting before the pasteurizing temperature
is reached. With a few exceptions, colouring andflavouring materials are added when the mix is frozen.
Pasteurizationof mix
TheISI specification for pasteurization temperature – time combination for icecream mix are as follows:
In batch system the heating and holding may be accomplished in the vat used formixing the ingredients.
Homogenization of mix
The main purpose of homogenization is to make a permanent and uniform suspension ofthe fat by reducing the
size of the fat globules to a very small diameter,preferably not more than 2 microns.
Coolingthe mix immediately after homogenization to 0-5ºCis essential, after which itshould be held in
ageing tanks until used. Ageing refers to holding the mix ata low temperature for a definite time before
freezing. The ageing temperature should not exceed 5ºC. The ageing time under commercial conditions
may range from 3 to 4 hours,except for sodium alginate which requires no ageing.
Freezingis one of the most important operations in the making of ice cream for upon it depends the
quality, palatability and yield of the finished product.
The freezing process may be divided into two parts. The mix with theproper amount of colour and
flavouring materials generally added at thefreezer, is quickly frozen while being agitated to incorporate
air in such away as to produce and control the formation of small ice crystals which isnecessary to give
smoothness in body and texture, palatability and satisfactory overrun in the finished product.
When ice cream is partially frozen to a certain consistency it is drawn from the freezer into packages
and quickly transferred to cold storage rooms where thefreezing and hardening is completed without
Classification of freezers
Rapidfreezing is essential for a smooth product because ice crystals that are formedquickly are smaller
than those formed slowly. Therefore it is desirable to freeze and draw the mix from the freezer inas
short a time as possible. A continuous freezer accomplishes this in a few seconds, while batch
freezertakes 6 to 10 minutes. Since thefreezing continues after the ice cream is placed in the hardening
rooms, the ice crystal formed during the hardening period are larger because they areformed more
slowly than in the freeze. For this reason it is desirable to freeze the ice cream as stiffly as possible and
yet have it liquid enough to be able to draw it out of the freezer.
Type of freezer
Condition of freezer walls and blades
Speed of dasher.
Temperature of refrigerant.
Velocity of refrigerant passing around the freezing chamber.
Temperatureat which ice cream is frozen.
Rateat which freezer is unloaded.
Characteristics of mix.
Composition of mix.
Freezingpoint of mix.
Acidityof the mix.
Kindof ingredients, particularly those carrying fat.
Methodsby which the mix is processed.
Kindand amount of flavouring materials added.
Changesoccurring during freezing of ice cream mix.
Thefunction of freezing process is to freeze a portion of the water of the mix andto incorporate air into
the mix. Thisinvolves:
Loweringof temperature of the mix from the ageing temperature to the freezing point.
Freezinga portion of the water in the mix
Incorporatingair into the mix.
Cooling the ice cream from the temperature at which it is drawn from the freezer to hardening room
The temperature of mix, which is put into the freezer drops very rapidly, this process, takes less than a minute
or two. Mean while the rapid agitation reduces the viscosity by partially destroying the gel structure and by
breaking up the fat globule cluster. The gel structure may restore it self partially during the hardening process
in the hardening room. The rapid agitation hastens incorporation of air into the mix.
When freezing point is reached the liquid water changes to ice crystals, whichappear on the mix. These ice
crystalsare practically pure water in a solid form, and thus the sugar as well as theother solutes becomes more
concentrated on the remaining liquid water.Increasing the concentration of these solutes slightly depresses the
freezingpoint of the liquid portion, so that the temperature must be lowered before anymore ice crystals will
form. Thus, infreezing ice cream, the freezing point is continually being lowered by the formation of ice crystals
and while the temperature drops, more ice crystals are formed, increasing the concentration of sugar and other
solutes in theremaining liquid water until the concentration is so great that further freezing will not occur, thus
all the water dose not freeze even after long periods in the hardening room.
Thefirst phase of freezing process accounts for the freezing of 3 to 6 per cent the water, depending on the
drawing temperature. The second phase i.e. hardening process, this account for the freezing another 23 to 57
per cent, depending on the drawingtemperature.
Batch freezing: the batch freezer consistsmainly of a freezing chamber and a dasher. The dasher consists of
two parts viz., scraper blades and the beater,the dasher performs the followingfunctions:
Aidsin transmission of refrigeration by keeping the mix in continuous contact witthe freezer walls, scrape
freezer walls free of ice crystals, beats in air,continually pushes mix forward, which is essential for unloading
the freezer.
Overrunis usually defined as the volume of ice cream obtained in excess of the volumeof the mix. It is usually
expressed as apercentage. This increased volume iscomposed mainly of the air incorporated during the freezing
process. The amountof air incorporated depends on the composition of the mix and the way it isprocessed; and
is regulated so as to give that percentage overrun or yieldwhich will give the proper body, texture and
palatability necessary to a goodquality product. Too much air willproduce a snowy, fluffy, unpalatable ice cream
while too little, a soggy, heavy product. The desirable overrun percentage in different ice creams is given below.
Product %OR.
Ice cream packaged 70-80
Ice-cream bulk 90-100
Softy ice cerium 30-50.
Thereare two basic or fundamental methods of calculating percentage overrun, viz.,by volume and by weight.
(weight of unit volume of mix weight of unit volume of ice cream / weightof unit volume of ice cream ) ii) %O R
= x100
Cheese has been defined as a product made formthe curd obtained from milk by coagulating the casein
with the help of rennetor similar enzymes in the presence of lactic acid produced by added
oradventitious microorganisms, from which part of the moisture has been removedby cutting and /or
pressing which has been shaped in a mould, and then ripenedby holding it at some time at suitable
temperature and humidity.
According to PFA rules (hard) cheese means theproduct obtained by draining after the coagulation of
milk with a harmlessmilk-coagulating agent, under the influence of harmless bacterialcultures. It shall
not contain anyingredients not found in milk, except coagulating agent, sodium chloride.Calcium
chloride not exceeding 0.02 percent by weight , annatto or carotene colour; and may containing
certainemulsifiers and / or stabilizers, namely citric acid, sodium citrate or sodiumsalts of ortho-
phosphoric acid and poly- phosphoric acid nor exceeding 0.2 percent by weight ,wax used for covering
the outer surface should not containanything harmful to the health. In case the wax is coloured, only
permittedfood colours may be used. Hard cheeseshall contain not more than 43%moisture and not less
than 42% milk fat on drymatter. Hard cheese may contain 0.1 %sorbic acid or its sodium, potassium or
calcium salts; 0.1% nisin.
Scientific basis of cheese making
Souring /ripening
Clotting /coagulationby rennet
Cutting and drainageof whey.
Matting of the curd.
Maturing /curing
The above five steps are common for all types ofcheeses, but the conditions vary considerably
World wide there are more than 2000 types ofcheese, sometimes made by very different
manufacturing processes. Cheese can be classified according to the following systems:
Geographical considerations: country, valley,institution, town or region where first produced /
Method of manufacture: Temperature of cooking,degree of acidity, fineness of cutting etc. these affect
moisture retentionwhich in turn affect the firmness and slow the rate of ripening.
Chemical analysis: water, calcium, sodiumchloride, casein, lactose, fat, acidity contents.
France Neufchatel - gruyere( Camembert Roquefort/blue( -
p) G)
Belgium - Limburger( - - -
Italy - - Parmesan( - Gorgonzola
Germany Romadur. Munster - - -
Holland (The - - Edam - -
) Gouda
USA Cottage Brick Cheddar - Blue(G)
Cream(C) Swiss(P )
Sweden - - Herrigard(p) - -
Switzerland - - Swiss/ - -
Norway - - - - Gammelost.
Hungary Liptau - - - -
C=high fat content; G= a general name; P =propionic fermentation leading to holes (eyes) R = ripened; s=
surface slime; U= un-ripened; W = washed (plastic) VH = very hard.
Receiving of milk
Pasteurization (63ºC/30min.)
Adding startercultures (ripening)
Adding colour
Adding rennet(clotting)31ºC.
Coagulation ad setting
Cooking (up to37ºC)
Drainage of whey
Curing/ maturing.
Receiving milk
Only high-grade milk can yield high gradecheese. The quality of finished cheesedepends upon the initial quality
of milk from which it is made. Cheese is no better than the milk form, whichit is made.
Successful cheese factories follow a system ofdaily, efficient grading of all milk received. This consist of
To remove visible dirt in milk . The milk isusually preheated to 35 to 40ºC for efficient filtration and
In cheese making standardization refers toadjustment of the casein/fat ratio in cheese to 0.68 to 0.70. The
objectives are
The usual temperature time employed for pasteurization of cheese milk is holder – 63ºc for 30min. HTST –
72ºC for 15sec.
Excessive heat treatment of milk causesthe precipitation of a part of calcium salts in milk, this results
in slowerrenneting action and a weaker curd, which can be corrected by the addition of0.001 to 0.03
per cent calcium chloride to milk.
Adding starter
Ripening or souring of milk refers to thedevelopment of acidity in milk from the time it is received in
the vat untilrenneting. In cheese milk, ripening isdone by the addition of starter.
The starter is the heart of the cheese. A bad starter is almost certain to give lowquality cheese. A good
starter may makeup for other defects, such as contaminated milk; there are different kind ofcheese
starters, such as those producing acids, aroma, special effects such as„eyes‟ etc. A cheddar starter
usually contains S. lactis and /or S. cremoris .
The usual time to add the starter is before allthe milk has been received in the vat. The amount of
starter added is to theextent of 0.5 to 1 per cent of the milk, and the temperature of addition is 30to
31ºC. Before being added to the milk, the starter should be examined for itsquality; it should then be
stirred until smooth and creamy in consistency; thenstrained and added in the required quantity and
mixed thoroughly and uniformlyinto the milk.
Ripening in milk is measured by titration,rennet test and pH meter.
Adding colour
The colour of cheese is usually analkaline solution of annatto. The colour is usually diluted with
approximately20 times its volume of potable water for even distribution. The usual amount ofcolour is
30 to 200 ml or more for 1000 kg of milk.
Temperature : below 20ºC, rennin is almost inactive; from 30 to 48ºC it is about equallyactive, the
optimum temperature being 41ºC. Above 50ºC the activity falls offrapidly.
Acidity: the rate of clotting increases rapidly withsmall increase in acidity. Alkalisretard the clotting of
by rennet.
Calcium ions: coagulation of milk is very sensitive to changesin concentration of calcium ions, it is
common practice to add calcium chlorideto which has been severely pasteurized. E.g. at 80ºC for 30
seconds. Thisacts in three ways by lowering the pH value, increasing the calcium ionconcentration and
raising the colloidal calcium phosphate content.
Inhibitory substances: Many colloidal substances interfere with rennincoagulation e.g. albumin,
serum peptones, etc. Albumin and globulin retard coagulation (mastitis milk clots slowly withrennet;
the alkalinity of such milk also contribute to this effect.). Boilingof milk resulting in denaturation of the
protein removes the inhibitoryeffect. Five per cent peptone almost prevents clotting.
Homogenization: This has an accelerating effect on rennetclotting, but decreases the curd tension.
Heating the milk: Heat not only destroys rennin but also makesclotting of the milk by the enzyme
less easy. The major reason for this is the removal or precipitation of calciumion.
Rennet preparations other than calfrennet: Theseinclude goat and lamb rennets, plant enzymes
such as withania coagulans, ficus,papain etc
Difference in behavior between animal andvegetable rennet: Althoughvegetable rennet clots
cow and vegetable milks, animal rennet do not clotvegetable milks even if the calcium ion
concentration is raised to that ofcow‟s milk.
Bacterial rennet: The use of enzymes from microorganisms,particularly aerobic spore formers
(Bacillus subtilis) and some of thegram-negative rods (Serratia marcesens) is a fairly new development
in cheesetechnology.
Adding rennet: Rennet is added when it has been determined thatthe acid is developing at the
desired rate. Thus, when making cheese fromripened milk rennet is added when the acdity has
increased from initial levelby 0.02 %. The ideal temperature for setting raw milk under normal
conditionsis 30ºC and for pasteurized milk , 31ºC. The amount of rennet extract usedshould be such as
to form curd that is firmer enough to be cut in 25-30 minutesafter the addition of rennet.
Usually, liquid rennet is diluted with 20-40times its volume of (potable) water before it is added, to ensure
properdistribution for uniform coagulation. The milk is thoroughly stirred during the addition of the rennet
andalso for 3 to 5 minutes afterwards. Thevat is covered as soon as possible when the stirring is over, to keep
thesurface warm and protect it from contaminating dust particles.
This refers to liquid milk changing to asemi-solid junket. The first signs ofcoagulation are that bubbles
of air stirred into the milk surface take longerto break and a spatula dipped into the milk and
withdrawn shows small flakes ofcurd.
When a glass rod inserted at a 45º angle and lifted straight up makes a clean breakin the curd, it is
ready for cutting. Ifthe curd is cut too soon, there will be a lower yield of cheese, if cut toolate, cutting
will be difficult and moisture expulsion delayed.
Curd Knives
Theseconsist of stainless steel wires or strips, 6 or 9 mm apart, one horizontal andthe vertical.
Method of cutting
Thecurd is usually first cut with the horizontal knife lengthwise, then with thevertical knife lengthwise
and widthwise.
Thisrefers to the expulsion of whey and contraction of the curd. From the cheese-making point of view,
thefactors controlling the loss of whey and contraction of the coagulum are:cutting, temperature,
acidity, agitation, time and salt.
Afterthe curd is cut, whey begins to appear between the cubes and a film begins toform on the outer
surface of each cube. This film should not harden, i.e., become firm, too rapidly. Care hasalso to be
taken to avoid breaking this film.
Duringthe first 2-3 minutes after cutting, the curd is not stirred. Then gentle stirring starts. The speed
ofstirring increases with the gradual firming of curd cubes. Matting isindicative of inadequate stirring.
Regulation of heating
Theheat is applied slowly to begin with. If the temperature is raised too rapidly,a condition similar to
„case-hardening‟ will result, and the curd cubes will behard on the outside but soft and „water-logged‟
inside. The rate of heating issuch that the temperature rises to 32ºC in about 15 minutes and thereafter
to amaximum cooking temperature (37 to 39ºC) at the rate of 1º C every 4 minutes.
Thisdepends chiefly on the type of cheese required. For cheddar, a maximum of 37 to39ºC is normal.
Too high a temperature can reduce the souring rate and activityof the starter organisms.
This refers to the combined operations of packing, turning, piling and repiling the curd cubes.
Packing: Afterthe bulk drainage of whey, the curd cubes are kept closely together in twoheaps with a
channel in between. This is known as packing and takes 5 to 15minutes after dipping. It results in the
formation of two long slabs of curd.These are cut with a cheese knife into blocks or strips 15 to 20 cms
Turning: As soon as the blocks (strips) of curd can behandled without breaking, they are rolled
bottom-side in the vat. This iscalled turning and is carried out every 15 minutes till the curd is ready
formilling and salting.
Piling and repiling: Within 30 to 45 minutes of packing, blocks ofcurd are turned and laid one over
another in twos or threes. This is calledpiling. Then the position of the curd block is altered and this is
known asrepiling.
The cheddaring operation usually lasts for twohours or more and is very important not only for moisture
control but also forimproving body and texture. Aftercheddaring, the curd becomes drier, more mellow and
silky and changes from asorbo rubber-like material to one resembling chicken breast-meat. In the latterstages,
it tends to tear apart in fibrous shreds and develops a characteristicnutty and buttery aroma.
This refers to the mechanical operation ofcutting the blocks of cheddared curd into mall pieces with the help of
a cheesemill, with the following objectives:
Salting: This refers to the addition of common salt tothe curd pieces. Salt in cheese affects flavour, body and
texture, and keepingquality. Cheese without salt is often soft, ripen quickly and rapidly developunpleasant
When done
This depends on the amount of curd in the vatand salt desired, and generally varies from 1 to 2 %
(average 1.5 %).
Thisrefers to the curd being placed in hoops or moulds in which the cheeses curd ispressed into its final
shape. For hooping operation all the added salt shouldhave completely dissolved and the temperature
at hooping should be 30-32º C.Hooping and pressing at too high a temperature causes an excessive
loss of fat, decreased yield, development of abnormal flavours and exaggeration of bacterialdefects. On
the other hand, hooping and pressing at a too a low temperatureresult in an open texture, imperfect
rind formation and lack of whey drainage.
Thisrefers to the operation of forcing the particles of milled and salted curd inthe hoops into the
smallest possible space to give cheese its final shapes.Cheese pressing is done with the help of presses
which may be, Screw or Pneumatic or Hydraulic or spring types.
Thisis done for rind formation in cheese. It involves first taking the cheese outof the hoop and then
stamping of date, batch, variety name etc., and keeping ina drying room at 12 to 16 º C for a few days.
The cheese is turned at 24-hourintervals so that both ends and sides of the cheese can dry and form
thedesired rind.
This refers to the operation of dipping the cheese for a few seconds in a bath ofmelted paraffin,
whereby a thin coating of the paraffin is applied to thesurface of the cheese.
To reduce the loss of moisture during curing
To prevent extensive mould growth
To protect it against insects
o From a mildly acid taste and aroma in greencheese to the development of characteristic
flavour of ripened cheese which isa blend of several odours and tastes of diacetyl, traces of
butyric and caproicacid, esters of alcohol, salts of propionic and acetic acids in well
o Thecheese becomes slightly harder, due to loss of moisture. There is a gradualchange from the
rubbery body in the green cheese to a mellow and waxy body in theripened cheese.
o Curdcheese tends to acquire a fairly close to close texture.
Chemical changes
o Thechief chemical changes which occur during the curing of cheddar cheese are:fermentation
of lactose to lactic acid and small amounts of acetic acid,propionic acid and carbon dioxide;
proteolysis; and a slight fat break down.The most obvious chemical changes are the
breakdown of the proteins, the newlycreated solubility of about 25 % of total proteins in the
cured cheddar cheese. In addition to fat breakdown, the ammoniaproduced by moulds and
certain bacteria may have considerable effect on thebacteria and so assist in the growth of
other types of bacteria.
o An increase in acidity and decrease in pHtakes place for the first few days. ThepH is lowest in
cheese on about the third or fourth day after pressing, and isnormally 5.10 to 5.05. It then
decreasesslowly and steadily during the curing period.
Microbiological changes
o Incheddar cheese type, which are low in moisture and close in texture sustain asteady
changeover from Streptococci to Lactobacilli, some of which contributeto the flavour. Other
types are of course present and the higher the proportionof miscellaneous types, the quicker is
the curing and greater the possibility ofoff-flavours.
Shrinkage in Cheese
This refers to the loss in weight of cheese during curing/storage.Although a slight shrinkage is natural,
excessive shrinkage should beprevented. Shrinkage is caused mainly by „loss of moisture‟.
Ripening index
Proteindegradation measurements have been used systematically in studying the ripeningof cheese.
The rate of ripening is measured by determination of the „ripening index‟
This is affected by the quality of milk, nature of manufacturingoperations, the skill of the
manufacturer, and curing procedures.
Cottage cheese
This is a soft, unripened cheese usually made from skim milk. It has mildly acid flavour and consists
ofsmall particles or flakes or curd, which have a meaty consistency. Creamedcottage cheese has cream
mixed to it upto 4 % level. Both varieties are saltedalways.
Cottage cheese can be prepared by both, direct acidification and by starter culturemethods. In direct
acidification method, any food grade acid, phosphoric,lactic acid etc., are used.
Method of manufacture
Details of manufacture
Receiving of Milk
o The skim milk should be fresh, sweet, low in fat and bacterial count and clean inflavour. It
should be pasteurized immediately after separation preferably by LTLT method as it produces
Adding calcium chloride
o Calcium chloride is generally added to the skim milk at the rate of 1 mlsaturated solution per
100 liters of milk, with the objective of increase the concentration of calcium for better setting
Adding starter culture
o A high quality starter consisting of either S.lactis, S.cremoris,S.diacetylactis, L.dextranicum,
etc., singly or in combination is then added at1 to 2.5 % levels and thoroughly mixed into it.
Adding rennet
o Rennetis added at 2-2.5 ml per 1000 litre of milk. It is diluted with water upto 40times with
water before adding.
o The temperature is set around 29-32ºC
o Themost desirable acidity of whey at cutting is approximately 0.5 % (pH 4.6-4.7).The whey
should be clear and free from curd particles.
o This begins soon after cutting and continues for an hour or two until the temperature reaches
45ºC or until the curd becomes hard enough for removal of whey. Stirring during cooking is
done very gently and at a minimum rate.
Drainage of whey
o Wheyis removed when the curd cubes no longer have a „soft center‟ and when a handful of
them squeezed gently show slight elasticity.
Washing and draining
o The curd is washed after removing all the whey to produce desired firmness and mildness in
flavour. The wash water is at the temperature of 21ºC and after soaking for 15 minutes
thewater is drained. Second washing is done with water at 16ºC. Draining should be thorough;
the cubes areplaced in draining rack with perforations at the bottom, which can be wheeled
into cold store rooms.
o This is done when the free moisture has been drained from the curd. Salt can be added to the
curd in the vat, orit can be dissolved in the cream for creamed cottage cheese. Salt is added @
1 % of curd weight.
o This is done immediately after draining, if the product is to packed atonce. Holding the curd
overnight in acold room before it is creamed makes it more firm when creaming. The amount
of 20 % cream added is @ 4 % level of the curd weight.
Packaging and storage
o Cottage cheese, creamed or uncreamed, may be packed in waxed / polythene-coated
papercups or in polythene bags. Storage is at 5ºCor less.
Processed cheese is produced by blendingshredded natural cheeses of different types and degrees of
maturity withemulsifying agents, and by heating the blend under a partial vacuum withconstant
agitation until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In addition to natural cheeses, other dairyand non-
dairy ingredients may be included in the blend.
Reduced refrigeration cost during storage and transport, which are especially important in hot climates
Better keeping quality, with less apparent changes during prolonged storage.
Great diversity of type and intensity of flavour, e.g. from mild to sharp, native cheese flavour or specific
Adjustable packaging for various usages,economical and imaginative.
Suitability for home use as well as forsnack restaurants, e.g. in cheeseburgers, hot sandwiches, spreads
and dips forfast foods.
Processed cheeses are characterized essentially by composition, water content and consistency; according to
thesecriteria, three main groups may be distinguished; processed cheese blocks,processed cheese foods
and processed cheese spreads. More recently established sub-types ofprocessed cheeses
are: processedcheese slices and smoked processed cheese. The first sub-type belongs to the category of
processed cheese blocks,while the second could be either block or spread. In addition, another group of
processedcheese products should be mentioned, i.e., processed cheese analogues,which are usually based
on vegetable fat-casein blends. Finally, the most recent development incheese processing is processed cheese
with a completely new look, i.e. natural cheese-like appearance. Developed in France, thisproduct has an open
texture, similar to traditional cheeses, with eyes of about0.5 mm in diameter.
ii)uneven acid
development in cheese
Finish and appearance
Cracked Paraffin Excessive thickness of Correct thickness of paraffin
paraffin coating on coating
Lopsided / hill sided Incorrect filling and Correct filling and pressing of
/misshapen pressing of curd cubes curd cubes
Rind rot Excessive acidity and/or Optimum acidity and/or
moisture in cheese moisture in cheese before
before curing curing
Curdy/rubbery i)low moisture content Optimal moisture before curing
in cheese before curing
Optimal acid development
ii)Low acid development
in curd Optimal
Uses of cheese
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Dairy byproducts,
Good Manufacturing practices (GMP),
HACCP preample and definitions,
Principles of the HACCP system,
Guidelines for the application of the HACCP system and
Important by-products available from the dairy industry and their principles of utilization
Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is that part of quality assurance which ensures that products are
consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as
required by the marketing authorization.
GMP is aimed primarily at diminishing the risks inherent in any pharmaceutical production, which
may broadly be categorized in two groups: cross contamination/mix-ups and false labelling. Above all,
manufacturers must not place patients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy; for this
reason, risk assessment has come to play an important role in WHO quality assurance guidelines
The first section of this document sets out the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point (HACCP) system adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The second section provides
general guidance for the application of the system while recognizing that the details of application may
vary depending on the circumstances of the food operation
The HACCP system, which is science based and systematic, identifies specific hazards and measures
for their control to ensure the safety of food. HACCP is a tool to assess hazards and establish control
systems that focus on prevention rather than relying mainly on end-product testing. Any HACCP
system is capable of accommodating change, such as advances in equipment design, processing
procedures or technological developments.
HACCP can be applied throughout the food chain from primary production to final consumption and
its implementation should be guided by scientific evidence of risks to human health. As well as
enhancing food safety, implementation of HACCP can provide other significant benefits. In addition,
the application of HACCP systems can aid inspection by regulatory authorities and promote
international trade by increasing confidence in food safety.
The successful application of HACCP requires the full commitment and involvement of management
and the work force. It also requires a multidisciplinary approach; this multidisciplinary approach
should include, when appropriate, expertise in agronomy, veterinary health, production, microbiology,
medicine, public health, food technology, environmental health, chemistry and engineering, according
to the particular study. The application of HACCP is compatible with the implementation of quality
management systems, such as the ISO 9000 series, and is the system of choice in the management of
food safety within such systems.
While the application of HACCP to food safety was considered here, the concept can be applied to
other aspects of food quality.
Control (verb): To take all necessary actions to ensure and maintain compliance with criteria
established in the HACCP plan.
Control (noun): The state wherein correct procedures are being followed and criteria are being met.
Control measure: Any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard
or reduce it to an acceptable level.
Corrective action: Any action to be taken when the results of monitoring at the CCP indicate a loss of
Critical Control Point (CCP): A step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or
eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
Critical limit: A criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability.
Deviation: Failure to meet a critical limit.
Flow diagram: A systematic representation of the sequence of steps or operations used in the
production or manufacture of a particular food item.
HACCP: A system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant for food
HACCP plan: A document prepared in accordance with the principles of HACCP to ensure control of
hazards which are significant for food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.
Hazard: A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an
adverse health effect.
Hazard analysis: The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards and conditions
leading to their presence to decide which are significant for food safety and therefore should be
addressed in the HACCP plan.
Monitor: The act of conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements of control
parameters to assess whether a CCP is under control.
Step: A point, procedure, operation or stage in the food chain including raw materials, from primary
production to final consumption.
Validation: Obtaining evidence that the elements of the HACCP plan are effective.
Verification: The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition to
monitoring to determine compliance with the HACCP plan.
The HACCP system consists of the following seven principles and by following them HACCP can be
o PRINCIPLE 1: Conduct a hazard analysis.
o PRINCIPLE 2: Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs).
o PRINCIPLE 3: Establish critical limit(s).
o PRINCIPLE 4: Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP.
o PRINCIPLE 5: Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a
particular CCP is not under control.
o PRINCIPLE 6: Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is
working effectively.
o PRINCIPLE 7: Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to
these principles and their application.
Prior to application of HACCP to any sector of the food chain, that sector should be operating
according to the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene, the appropriate Codex Codes of Practice,
and appropriate food safety legislation. Management commitment is necessary for implementation of
an effective HACCP system. During hazard identification, evaluation, and subsequent operations in
designing and applying HACCP systems, consideration must be given to the impact of raw materials,
ingredients, food manufacturing practices, role of manufacturing processes to control hazards, likely
end-use of the product, categories of consumers of concern, and epidemiological evidence relative to
food safety.
The intent of the HACCP system is to focus control at CCPs. Redesign of the operation should be
considered if a hazard which must be controlled is identified but no CCPs are found.
HACCP should be applied to each specific operation separately. CCPs identified in any given example
in any Codex Code of Hygienic Practice might not be the only ones identified for a specific application
or might be of a different nature.
The HACCP application should be reviewed and necessary changes made when any modification is
made in the product, process, or any step.
It is important when applying HACCP to be flexible where appropriate, given the context of the
application taking into account the nature and the size of the operation.
The application of HACCP principles consists of the following tasks as identified in the Logic Sequence
for Application of HACCP
Assemble HACCP team
o The food operation should assure that the appropriate product specific knowledge and
expertise is available for the development of an effective HACCP plan. Optimally, this may be
accomplished by assembling a multidisciplinary team. Where such expertise is not available
on site, expert advice should be obtained from other sources. The scope of the HACCP plan
should be identified. The scope should describe which segment of the food chain is involved
and the general classes of hazards to be addressed (e.g. does it cover all classes of hazards or
only selected classes).
Describe product
o A full description of the product should be drawn up, including relevant safety information
such as: composition, physical/chemical structure (including Aw, pH, etc.), microcidal/static
treatments (heat-treatment, freezing, brining, smoking, etc.), packaging, durability and
storage conditions and method of distribution.
Identify intended use
o The intended use should be based on the expected uses of the product by the end user or
consumer. In specific cases, vulnerable groups of the population, e.g. institutional feeding,
may have to be considered.
Construct flow diagram
o The flow diagram should be constructed by the HACCP team. The flow diagram should cover
all steps in the operation. When applying HACCP to a given operation, consideration should
be given to steps preceding and following the specified operation.
On-site confirmation of flow diagram
The HACCP team should confirm the processing operation against the flow diagram during all stages
and hours of operation and amend the flow diagram where appropriate.
List all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any
measures to control identified hazards
o The HACCP team should list all of the hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur at
each step from primary production, processing, manufacture, and distribution until the point
of consumption.
o The HACCP team should next conduct a hazard analysis to identify for the HACCP plan which
hazards are of such a nature that their elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential
to the production of a safe food.
o In conducting the hazard analysis, wherever possible the following should be included:
o the likely occurrence of hazards and severity of their adverse health effects;
o the qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards;
o survival or multiplication of microorganisms of concern;
o production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents; and,
o conditions leading to the above.
o The HACCP team must then consider what control measures, if any, exist which can be
applied for each hazard.
o More than one control measure may be required to control a specific hazard(s) and more than
one hazard may be controlled by a specified control measure.
Determine Critical Control Points
o There may be more than one CCP at which control is applied to address the same hazard. The
determination of a CCP in the HACCP system can be facilitated by the application of a decision
tree (e.g. Diagram 2), which indicates a logic reasoning approach. Application of a decision
tree should be flexible, given whether the operation is for production, slaughter, processing,
storage, distribution or other. It should be used for guidance when determining CCPs. This
example of a decision tree may not be applicable to all situations. Other approaches may be
used. Training in the application of the decision tree is recommended.
o If a hazard has been identified at a step where control is necessary for safety, and no control
measure exists at that step, or any other, then the product or process should be modified at
that step, or at any earlier or later stage, to include a control measure.
Establish critical limits for each CCP
o Critical limits must be specified and validated if possible for each Critical Control Point. In
some cases more than one critical limit will be elaborated at a particular step. Criteria often
used include measurements of temperature, time, moisture level, pH, Aw, available chlorine,
and sensory parameters such as visual appearance and texture.
Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
o Monitoring is the scheduled measurement or observation of a CCP relative to its critical limits.
The monitoring procedures must be able to detect loss of control at the CCP. Further,
monitoring should ideally provide this information in time to make adjustments to ensure
control of the process to prevent violating the critical limits. Where possible, process
adjustments should be made when monitoring results indicate a trend towards loss of control
at a CCP. The adjustments should be taken before a deviation occurs. Data derived from
monitoring must be evaluated by a designated person with knowledge and authority to carry
out corrective actions when indicated. If monitoring is not continuous, then the amount or
frequency of monitoring must be sufficient to guarantee the CCP is in control. Most
monitoring procedures for CCPs will need to be done rapidly because they relate to on-line
processes and there will not be time for lengthy analytical testing. Physical and chemical
measurements are often preferred to microbiological testing because they may be done rapidly
and can often indicate the microbiological control of the product. All records and documents
associated with monitoring CCPs must be signed by the person(s) doing the monitoring and by
a responsible reviewing official(s) of the company.
Establish corrective actions
o Specific corrective actions must be developed for each CCP in the HACCP system in order to
deal with deviations when they occur.
o The actions must ensure that the CCP has been brought under control. Actions taken must
also include proper disposition of the affected product. Deviation and product disposition
procedures must be documented in the HACCP record keeping.
Establish verification procedures
o Establish procedures for verification. Verification and auditing methods, procedures and tests,
including random sampling and analysis, can be used to determine if the HACCP system is
working correctly. The frequency of verification should be sufficient to confirm that the
HACCP system is working effectively. Examples of verification activities include:
Review of the HACCP system and its records;
Review of deviations and product dispositions;
Confirmation that CCPs are kept under control.
Where possible, validation activities should include actions to confirm the efficacy of
all elements of the HACCP plan.
Establish Documentation and Record Keeping
o Efficient and accurate record keeping is essential to the application of a HACCP system.
HACCP procedures should be documented. Documentation and record keeping should be
appropriate to the nature and size of the operation.
Documentation examples are
o Hazard analysis;
o CCP determination;
o Critical limit determination.
Record examples are
o CCP monitoring activities;
o Deviations and associated corrective actions;
o Modifications to the HACCP system.
Multiplicity food laws, standard setting and enforcement agencies pervades different sectors of food,
which creates confusion in the minds of consumers, traders, manufacturers and investors. Detailed
provisions under various laws regarding admissibility and levels of food additives, contaminants, food
colours, preservatives, etc., and other related requirements have varied standards under these laws.
The standards are often rigid and non-responsive to scientific advancements and modernization. In
view of multiplicity of laws, their enforcement and standard setting as well as various implementing
agencies are detrimental to the growth of the nascent food processing industry and is not conductive to
effective fixation of food standards and their enforcement.
In as early as the year 1998, the Prime Minister‟s Council on Trade and Industry appointed a Subject
Group on Food and Agro Industries, which had recommended for one comprehensive legislation on
Food with a Food Regulatory Authority concerning both domestic and export markets. Joint
Parliamentary Committee on Pesticide Residues in its report in 2004 emphasized the need to converge
all present food laws and to have single regulatory body. The Committee expressed its concern on
public health and food safety in India. The Standing Committee of Parliament on Agriculture in its
12th Report submitted in April, 2005 desired that the much needed legislation on Integrated Food Law
should be expedited.
As an on going process, the then Member – Secretary, Law Commission of India, was asked to make a
comprehensive review of Food Laws of various developing and developed countries and other relevant
international agreements and instruments on the subject. After making an indepth survey of the
international scenario , the then Member-Secretary recommended that the new Food Law be seen in
the overall perspective of promoting nascent food processing industry given its income, employment
and export potential. It has been suggested that all acts and orders relating to food be subsumed within
the proposed Integrated Food Law as the international trend is towards modernization and
convergence of regulations of Food Standards with the elimination of multi-level and multi-
departmental control. Presently, the emphasis is on
o responsibility with manufacturers,
o recall,
o genetically modified and functional foods,
o emergency control,
o risk analysis and communication and
o food safety and good Manufacturing Practices and process control viz., Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point.
In this background, the Group of Ministers constituted by the Government of India, held extensive
deliberations and approved the proposed Integrated Food Law with certain modifications. The
Integrated Food Law has been named as „The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006‟. The main
objective of the Act is to bring out a single statute relating to food and to provide for a systematic and
scientific development of Food Processing Industries. It is proposed to establish the Food Safety and
Standards Authority of India, which will fix food standards and regulate/monitor the manufacturing,
import, processing, distribution and sale of food, so as to ensure safe and wholesome food for the
people. The food Authority will be assisted by Scientific Committees and Panels in fixing standards and
by a Central Advisory Committee in prioritization of the work. The enforcement of the legislation will
be through the State Commissioner for Food Safety, his officers and panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies.
The Act, inter alia, incorporates the salient provisions of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(37 of 1954) and is based on international legislations, instrumentalities and codex Alimentaries
Commission (which is related to food safety norms). In a nutshell, the Act takes care of International
practices and envisages an over-reaching policy frame work and provision of single window to guide
and regulate persons engaged in manufacture, marketing, processing, handling, transportation, import
and sale of food. The main features of the Act are:
o movement from multi-level and multi-departmental control to integrated line of command;
o integrated response to strategic issues like novel/genetically modified foods, international line
of command;
o licensing for manufacture of food products, which is presently granted by the Central Agencies
under various Acts and Orders, would stand decentralized ` to the Commissioner of Food
Safety and his officer;
o single reference point for all matters relating to Food Safety and Standards, regulations and
o shift from mere regulatory regime to self-compliance through Food Safety Management
o responsibility on food business operators to ensure that food processed, manufactured,
imported or distributed is in compliance with the domestic food laws; and
o provision for graded penalties depending on the gravity of offence and accordingly, civil
penalties for minor offences and punishment for serious violations.
The above said Act is contemporary, comprehensive and intends to ensure better consumer safety
through Food Safety Management Systems and setting standards based on science and transparency as
also to meet the dynamic requirements of Indian Food Trade and Industry and International
trade. The Act seeks to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Milk is pooled from different sources and hence Mycotoxins (Aflatoxin M1), heavy metals, pesticides residues
and veterinary residues due to several environmental reasons.
Mycotoxins(Aflatoxin M1)
Mycotoxins are metabolites of moulds like Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are
carcinogenic and can be present in grains,nuts,cotton seed and other commodities associated with
human food and animal feeds.Animals are exposed to aflatoxins by consumption of feeds that are
contaminated by aflatoxin producing fungal stains.Aflatoxin M1(AFM1) and it is quite stable towards
normal milk processing methods such as pasteurization and if present in raw milk it may persist into
final products for human consumption.Quantitative estimation of Aflatoxin M1is done by HPLC
Heavy metals
The feed of polluted ares when regularly given to milch animals there is chance of contamination of heavy
metals in milk.The contamination of arsenic,cadmium,mercury,lead in milk is reported and they cause the
following diseases.
Codex Guidelines for the establishment of a regulatory programme for control of Veterinary drug residues in
foods (CAC GL16-1993) provides useful guidelines on selection of methods of analysis for veterinary drugs.
Various antibiotics like Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Bacitracin, Cloxacillin, Kanamycin, Tetracycline in milk
can be detected by various microbial inhibition assays.
milk.The higher concentration of cleaning agents and disinfectants in milk may give false positive results.The
preservatives used to conserve milk for later analysis usually make the milk unsuitable for testing.
The Government of India has put forward definite guidelines for producer/exporters of milk and milk
products which have been made mandatory vide the Milk and Milk Product Order (MMPO) 1992 As
per the provisions of this order, any person/dairy plant handling more than 10,000 liters per day of
milk or 500 MT of milk solids per annum needs to be registered with the registering authority
appointed by the Central Government.
The main objective of the order is to maintain and increase the supply of liquid milk of desired quality
in the interests of the general public and also for regulating the production, processing and distribution
of milk and milk products. For more details regarding the standards that need to be followed during
milking, processing and exporting milk and milk products from India visit e-library.
In India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW), dealing with the subject of food
quality and safety at the national level, has been designated the nodal ministry for maintaining food
standards. The instrument for ensuring food quality and safety at the national level is through a
legislation titled Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (PFA) and Rules made thereunder as
amended from time-to-time.
PFA Standards
Milk Fat - not less than 80% by weight
Common Salt - not more than 3% by weight
Curd - not more than 1.5% by weight
Diacetyl - 4 ppm
Moisture - not more than 16%
Coliform count should not be more than 10/ ml for satisfactory quality butter.
AGMARK Standards
(40 ºC )
4. R.M. Value Not less than Not less than Not less than
28.0 23.0 21.0
5. P Value 1.0-2.0 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.0
6. Moisture (%) Not more than 0.3
7. Free fatty acid (% oleic)
a. Special grade Agmark Red Not more than 1.4
b. General Grade Agmark Not more than 2.5
Green label
R.M. Value in Tamil Nadu : 24
BIS Standards
Characteristics Requirements
Weight (g/Litre) (min) 525
Total solids (% wt) (min) 36.0
Milk fat (%wt) (min) 10.0
Acidity (% lactic acid) (max) 0.25
Stabiliser / emulsifier (%wt) (max) 0.5
Sucrose (%wt) (max) 15.0
Test Limit
Standard plate count (per g) not more than 2,50,000
Coliform count (per g) not more than 90
Phosphatase negative
BIS Standards
Microbiological standards
BIS Standards
BIS Standards
Processed organic food usually contains only organic ingredients. If non-organic ingredients are
present, at least a certain percentage of the food's total plant and animal ingredients must be organic
and any non-organically produced ingredients are subject to various agricultural requirements.
Foods claiming to be organic must be free of artificial food additives, and are often processed with
fewer artificial methods, materials and conditions, such as chemical ripening, food irradiation,
and genetically modified ingredients. Pesticides are allowed so long as they are not synthetic.
Cow's milk or indeed the milk of any creature is an ideal environmental indicator for registering the
level of pollutants and pesticides in the environment. Why? Because what goes in the mouth of a cow
gets processed into large quantities of milk. If its on the grass it's going to end up in your pint of milk.
Beyond this four main factors have led to the increasing interest by farmers and consumers in organic
dairy farming:
o consumer concerns about food safety and animal welfare
o overproduction of food (perceived as low in quality)
o the environmental effects of intensive farming
o the premium milk price and expanding market for organic milk products
As milk is a major contributor to our diet in the guises of butter, cheese, yoghurt and iceream many
peploe are now concerned about the quality of this staple foodstuff.
Milk is one of the most important components of our daily diets and is vital to healthy bones, teeth,
and general growth and development. Now through organic farming there is a new breed of dairy
products widely available.
Organic milk has been found to be even healthier than traditional milk, and demand for organic brands
has been on the rise. While many may be skeptical, a recent study conducted in Wales supports the
increased benefits, including high content of conjugated linoleic acid, also known as CLA9, and higher
levels of vitamin E, beta carotene, antioxidants, and the presence of more omega-3 fatty acids.
There are strict legal parameters around the diets of cows on organic farms which are granted
independent certification. Organic milk is produced by cows that are fed all-natural foods by grazing
and eating fresh grass, forage, and clover. Non-organic farms are allowed to use pesticides and
fertilizer for the growth of fodder, and feed hormones and antibiotics to their cows. The excessive uses
of these have resulted in some health-conscious consumers preferring organic milk.
The study released by the Nafferton Ecological Farming Group found that the summer months lead to
the biggest gap between organic and non-organic milk, because of the wider discrepancy in feeding
techniques. Gillian Butler, who led the study, stated that 84 percent of food for cows on organic farms
in the summer was provided through natural grazing, and only 37 percent for non-organic farmed
Some farms are not located in areas that allow for cows to graze year round, because of the harsh
winter weather and rainy seasons requiring them to keep cows inside and use food supplements, such
as previously cut grasses and assorted cereals or grains. This doesn't remove the value of non-organic
milk, but all naturally grazing fed cows seem to allow for even more nutritional benefits and value than
non-organic, based on the recent study.
Organic farms are more costly to operate because there is less milk produced for each unit of land. This
also causes organic milk to be more expensive.
The study was conducted to survey milk quality and ways to minimize the use of antibiotics in dairy
products. Some of the most significant finds of the new released study were the differences in organic
and non-organic milks compared seasonally. Researchers and scientist plan to take their research and
use it to help improve the nutritional composition of milk while cows are kept indoors and fed mostly
conserved grasses.
Though organic milk is double the cost of non-organic milk there are many people who have reasons
that they prefer the organic milk over non-organic. Whether it be the taste or the health benefits, yearly
there are more and more people who or switching over to the even more healthy dairy drink. Non-
organic milk is still very healthy for you, so if you are one of those who's budget or conscious won't
allow you to pay double for the organic product, know that you are still benefiting from drinking a very
healthy and necessary product when you choose to drink non-organic milk.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Packaging containers (forms) for milk and dairy products,
Packaging Materials for milk and dairy products,
Milk transport,
Storage and distribution of milk.
Packaging is the technique of using the most appropriate containers and components to protect, carry,
identify and merchandise any product. It constitutes a vital link between the manufacturer and
eventual consumer for the safe delivery of the product through the various stages of manufacture,
storage, transport, distribution and marketing. In order to deliver fresh, sound and convenient form of
milk and to minimize the losses protective packaging is necessary to withstand the hazards of climatic
changes, transportation, handling etc. The criteria by which a package is judged are usually the
o It must protect and preserve the commodity from the time it is packed to the point of
o It must be suitable for the chosen selling and distribution system.
o It must be attractive to the consumer, easy to open, store and dispose.
o It must cost no more than the market can bear.
o Packaging means placing a commodity into a protective wrapper or container for transport or
o Package has a three fold functions of containing, protecting and merchandising:
To contain the product
o Package should be large one with proper constructional features so as to avoid leakage and
spoilage. It should be as compatible as possible with the product and finally it should have
enough strength to withstand handling, transportation and storage hazards.
o To protect the product
o Protection of the product against contamination or loss and damage or degradation due to
microbial action, exposure to heat, light, moisture and oxygen, evaporation etc.
o To help in selling the product
o The shape of the package should be favourable to dispensation and reclosure, and to its
disposal and reuse.
Present status of the packaging industry
o In developed countries packaging industry has met tremendous advances. With newer
marketing systems like super markets, self services stores etc packaging technology in these
countries has risen to great heights. Newer and better packaging materials, development of
packaging machinery and appliances have all advanced in an integrated manner. In
developing countries like India, packaging is still in its infancy.
o The glass bottle still continues to be used for packaging of milk in some parts of the world.
However in several developed countries and some of the developing countries it has lost
ground to single service containers for packing milk.
o The cartons are the preferred medium or form for packaging milk. They are also used
for packaging liquid, frozen and coagulated milk products. Cartons are commonly made of
food grade paper coated on the inside with wax or plastics; or lined with paper, plastic films or
aluminium foil; or made of laminates.
o The merits include maximum space utilization in vehicles, and storage; ability to carry
attractive printing and convenience as a means for stacking milk at super market shelves.
o Retailers in the developed countries consider it the best available package for self-service
selling. Cartons also play a role in the bulk packaging of milk. Cartons are commonly available
either as preformed containers or as pre cut blanks ready to be formed in to containers. The
carton systems in common use are as follows.
Perga (preformed) U.K
Pure pak (precut) USA
Zupack, Blockpak (precut) Germany
Tetra pak (precut) Sweden
The packaging materials include paper and paper based products (coated or lined), glass, tin plate,
aluminium foil, timber (wood), plastics and laminates ( Tetra packs)
o Paper and paper based products
The paper and paper based products form an excellent packaging material for milk
and milk products. They may be kraft paper, grease proof paper, vegetable parchment
paper, glassine paper, wax coated paper, plastic coated paper, paper boards, solid
fibre boards, liner boards, box boards etc.
The papers are used in the form of boxes, bags, wrappers, cartons, cups etc. The
advantage of using paper is that it is weightless, capability for printing on the surface,
low cost and easy disposability. The disadvantages include low wet and tear strength.
o Glass
The glass may be transparent or opaque. Glass is used in the form of bottles,
tumblers, jars, jugs etc.
The advantages cited for glass as a packaging material include its strength, rigidity,
ability to have a barrier for water and gas and inertness to chemical substances.
The disadvantage is its heavy weight, and fragility.
o Tin plate
It may be made up of a thin sheet (0.025 mm thick) of mild steel coated on both sides
with a layer of pure tin. It is desirable to have an internally lacquered can, which
provides better resistance to corrosion.
The advantages cited for tin containers as a packaging material are their good
strength and excellent barrier properties. The disadvantages are their high cost, heavy
weight, difficulty in closing the lid of the container, and disposal. The containers are
mostly used in the form of can.
o Aluminium foil
The common thickness of the foil used is 0.012 – 0.015 mm. To increase corrosion
resistance, it may be lacquered (coated with lacquer) or a thin film of plastic can be
applied for packing dairy products.
The advantages of these containers are good barrier properties, grease proof, non-
absorption, shrink proof, odourless, tasteless, hygienic, non toxic, opaque to light,
bright in appearance etc. The demerits are its low tear strength, susceptibility to
strong acids and alkalis. It is mostly used in the form of wrapper, carton and box.
o Timber
The required qualities for the timber to act as a packaging material are it should be
free from odour, have an attractive appearance, and required mechanical strength. It
may be treated with casein formalin, or sprayed with paraffin wax or plastics or to
make it more water resistant and to avoid the passage of timber taint to butter. It is
generally used in the form of a box, tub, cask or barrel.
o Plastics
The use of plastics in packaging has made tremendous progress in recent years all
over the world. A wide variety of plastics can be used as thermoformed, injection
moulded or blow moulded containers, such as bottles, cartons, cups, boxes etc. The
merits of rigid plastic containers are its low cost and ease of fabrication.
The demerits cited are lack of product compatibility, low barrier properties, plastic
deterioration, lack of resistance to high heat and fragility at lower temperatures.
Flexible plastic packaging films are used as wrappers or sachets or bags or pouches
for packaging milk and dairy products. The flexible plastics can be classified in to two
o Low polymers
They include cellophane (coated with plain or nitrocellulose / saran / polyethylene),
treated with cellulose etc.
o High polymers
Polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, poly vinyl chloride, poly vinyledene
chloride (cryovac), rubber hydrochloride (pliofilm), polyester, polyamide (nylon),
saran (a mixed polymer), etc. form good packaging materials.
The merits cited for flexible packaging films are they can be easily applied and the
packaging process can be readily mechanized; loss of moisture from the dairy product
is practically nil; it confers protection to dairy products against attack by
microorganisms, insects etc. The demerits are: not all technical problems in film
packaging have been solved; failure to obtain a perfect seal and removal of all air
before packaging may lead to spoilage; the most careful attention to detail is
necessary, else faulty production will result; etc. Care has to be exercised in selecting
food grade plastics for packaging of milk and dairy products; otherwise toxicity, if
any, from the package will be transferred to the products.
o Laminates
They are formed by combining the complete surfaces of 2 or more webs of different
films with the primary object of overcoming the defects of single films.
Usually laminations are made to strengthen the film material, to improve barrier
properties, to improve grease resistance, to provide a surface that will heat seal, etc.
Some of the typical laminates available for packaging are paper-polythene,
cellophane-polythene, aluminium foil-polythene, paper aluminium foil-polythene,
polyester-polythene, etc.
Tera pack has Internal polyethylene layer seals in the liquid,
Polyethylene layer needed for lamination process
Aluminium foil provides a barrier to oxygen, flavours and light
Polyethylene adhesion layer needed for lamination process
Paperboard gives stability and strength
Polyethylene layer protects food from external moisture
The milk transportation company shall be responsible for maintaining the tank and milk
contact surfaces of a milk tank truck clean and in good repair. Milk or milk products shall
not be placed in such tanks unless the tanks have been properly cleaned and sanitized at a
milk plant, receiving station, transfer station, or other licensed milk tank truck cleaning
Suitable facilities for cleaning and milk contact surfaces of the milk tank trucks shall be
provided and the washing and sanitizing of the tanks shall be carried out by the receiving
milk plant, transfer station, receiving station, or other licensed milk tank truck cleaning
facility. The milk transportation company representative or the bulk milk hauler/sampler
shall be responsible for cleaning the hose, pump, and valves. After the cleaning and
sanitizing operation is completed, a representative of the milk tank truck cleaning facility
shall provide a suitable record identifying who washed the milk tank truck, the license or
permit identification number of the milk tank truck, the date, and the location of the facility.
The milk transportation company representative or the bulk milk hauler/sampler, after
inspection of the tank, shall indicate on the record that the tank has been cleaned to that
person's satisfaction. A copy of this record shall be kept with the vehicle until it is washed
and sanitized again.
A bulk milk hauler/sampler operating a bulk milk pickup tanker may make more than 1 trip
daily without cleaning and sanitizing the bulk milk pickup tanker. The bulk milk pickup
tanker shall be cleaned and sanitized after the final trip of the day, each day of use.
A milk transport tank shall be cleaned and sanitized each time the tank is emptied.
Milk may be picked up in the milk tank truck on the return trip to the bulk milk
hauler/sampler's home if the milk tank truck is cool enough to maintain the milk placed in it
at or below the legal storage temperature and if the pickup hose and pump are washed and
sanitized at a licensed wash facility or at a cleaning facility approved in writing by the
director on a case-by-case basis.
A milk tank truck may be used to haul potable water, or other wholesome liquid food
products, if the milk contact surfaces are properly cleaned and sanitized prior to picking up
raw milk. Certain pasteurized products, as specified in the pasteurized milk ordinance, must
be transported in milk tank trucks dedicated to hauling pasteurized products.
A milk transfer station or receiving station shall keep daily records identifying which farm
loads of milk have been commingled in each milk transport tank. These records shall be kept
at the transfer station or receiving station for not less than 30 days.
Producer samples shall accompany the milk transport tank holding the largest amount of
the farm bulk milk pickup tanker's milk unless the samples are transferred or held for testing
at other locations.
Milk storage vats or silos are refrigerated and come in various shapes and sizes. Milk is stored on farm
at 4 degrees Celsius and less for no longer than 48 hours.
Vats and silos are agitated to make sure that the entire volume remains cold and milkfat does not
separate from the milk.
After milk has been collected, storage vats and stainless steel pipes are thoroughly cleaned before the
farmer milks again
Because milk spoils so easily, it should, ideally, be distributed as quickly as possible. In many countries
milk used to be delivered to households daily, but economic pressure has made milk delivery much less
popular, and in many areas daily delivery is no longer available. People buy it chilled at grocery or
convenience stores or similar retail outlets. Prior to the widespread use ofplastics, milk was often
distributed to consumers in glass bottles, and before that in bulk that was ladled into the customer's
In rural India, milk is delivered daily by a local milkman carrying bulk quantities in a metal container,
usually on a bicycle; and in other parts of metropolitan India, milk is usually bought or delivered in a
plastic bags or cartons via-shops or supermarkets.
Milk preserved by the UHT process is sold in cartons often called a "brick" that lack the peak of the
traditional milk carton. Milk preserved in this fashion does not need to be refrigerated before opening
and has a longer shelf life than milk in ordinary packaging. It is more typically sold unrefrigerated on
the shelves in Europe than in America.
Glass milk containers are now rare. Most people purchase milk in bags, plastic jugs or waxed-paper
cartons. Ultraviolet light from fluorescent lighting can destroy some of the proteins in milk so many
companies that once distributed milk in transparentor highly translucent containers are now using
thicker materials that block the UV light. Many people feel that such "UV protected" milk tastes better.
India: Commonly sold in 500 mL plastic bags. It is still customary to serve the milk boiled, despite
pasteurization. Flavored milk is sold in most convenience stores in waxed cardboard containers.
Convenience stores also sell many varieties of milk (such as flavored and ultra-pasteurized) in different
sizes, usually in Tetra-Pak cartons.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module the learner will be able to understand the followings:
Sanitation implies the destruction of all pathogenic and almost all non athogenic micro organism
Antiseptic - an agent used against sepsis or putrefaction in connection with human beings or animals.
Disinfectant - an agent that is applied to inanimate objects; it does not necessarily kill all organisms.
Sanitizer - an agent that reduces the microbiological contamination to levels conforming to local
health regulations.
Germicide - an agent that destroys microorganisms.
Bactericide - an agent that causes the death of a specific group of microorganisms.
Bacteriostat - an agent that prevents the growth of a specific group of microorganisms but does not
necessarily kill them.
Sanitization - the process of reducing microbiological contamination to a level that is acceptable to
local health regulations.
Sterilization - the process of destroying all microorganisms.
The premises surrounding the dairy plant shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition, and shall be free from
strong or foul odors, smoke, or excessive air pollution. Construction and maintenance of driveways and
adjacent plant traffic areas shall be of cement, asphalt, or similar material to keep dust and mud to a minimum.
A suitable drainage system shall be provided which will allow rapid drainage of all water from plant buildings
and driveways including surface water around the plant and on the premises, and all such water shall be
disposed of in such a manner as to prevent an environmental or health hazard.
The immediate surroundings shall be free from refuse, rubbish, overgrown vegetation, and waste materials, to
prevent harborage of rodents, insects, and other vermin.
Alkalies :Sodium hydroxide, Sodium bi carbonate, Sodium phosphates, Sodium silicate/sulphite etc.
Acids :Mild-Phosphoric, Tartaric, Citric, Gluconic. Mild acids can be used for milk stone removal.
Polyphosphates and chelating chemicals :These are used together withacids and alkalis. Examples
Tetraphosphate, Hexa meta phosphate, Tri poly phosphate, Pyrophosphate etc
Surface active/Wetting agents: These are used either alone or in conjunction with acids or alkalies.
Examples-Teepol, Acinol N, Idet-10, common soaps etc.
Cleaning or washing of dairy equipment implies the removal of soil from the surface of each machine.
Sanitization or sterilization
Implies the destruction of all pathogenic and all most all non pathogenic micro organisms from the
surface of the equipment.
Detergent s are the substances capable of assisting cleaning.
Sanitizers are substances capable of destroying all pathogenic and almost all non pathogenic micro
Dairy detergents
Alkalies Acids Polyphosphates and Surface active
chelating agents or wetting
NaOH Tartaric, agents
Na2CO3, phospho Tetraphosphate
Sodiumphosphat ric, Hexametaphosphat Teepol
e citric, e Acenol –
Sodium bi gluconic Tripolyphosphate N
carbonate, and Pyrophosphate Idet – 10
Sodium silicate nitric All are used along Common
Strongalkalies acids with acids and soap
saponify the fat Mild alkalies Used
Weak alkalies acids alone or
dissolve protein used to in
remove conjuncti
milk on with
stone acids and
Strong alkalies
not be
used at
than 1%
Non toxic
Quick acting
Relatively non corrosive to hands and equipment
Easily and quickly applied
Relatively in expensive
The commonly used dairy sanitizers are steam, hot water and chemicals like chlorine compounds, iodophor and
quaternary ammonium compounds. The methods of chemical sanitization broadly consists of flushing,
spraying, brushing, fogging and submersion
Methods of cleaning dairy equipment: These include hand washing, mechanical washing and Clean – in –
place or CIP method.
Hand washing
Prepare 0.8 to 1.0% of detergent mixture in tap water so as to give a minimum alkalinity of 0.5% in a
wash up tank and maintain the temperature at about 500C
Thoroughly rinse the utensils with clean cold water
Introduce the detergent solution in to the equipment thoroughly brush the equipment surface, inside
and out side with a clean can brush
Wash the utensils with enough fresh cold water using a clean brush again if needed to remove all traces
of detergents
Allow the equipment to drain thoroughly and let it dry for at least one or two hours
Sanitize the equipment surface by steam or hot water after cleaning and or by rinsing with chlorine
solution (200 ppm available chlorine) just before using
Can washing
o Drainage stage for liquid milk residue
o Pump-fed pre rinsing with cold or Luke warm water
o Drainage stage
o Pump fed jetting with detergent at not less than 700C
o Drainage stage
o Rinsing stage – Pump fed or by steam and water ejector at not less than 880C
o Final fresh water rinsing with steam and water ejector at 88 – 930C
o Live steam injection
o Hot air drying at 95 – 1150C
Bottle washing
o Pre rinse using water at 32 – 380C
o Detergent wash usually with 1 – 3 % caustic soda together with chelating and wetting agents,
given preferably in two stages at different temperatures with in 60 – 750C. Sanitize the bottles
as well
o Warm water rinse: To remove all traces of detergents. Reduce the bottle temperature for next
stage. Water temperature varies from 25 – 450C and is usually re circulated.
o Cold water rinse: Normally re circulated chlorinated water (containing 35 to 50 ppm available
chlorine) is used to prevent re contamination of bottles
o Draining after the bottles come out of the machine
Cleaning – in – place: This refers to that system of cleaning and sanitization which does not require the daily
dismantling of dairy equipment.
Pre rinse with cold water till discharge water runs clear
Acid rinse with phosphoric acid solution of 0.15 to 0.60% acidity, re circulated at 65 to 71 0C for 20 to
30 minutes (wetting agent may be added to increase cleaning ability)
Drain out acid solution
Hot water rinse with water at 65 to 71ºC for 5 to 7 minutes. Rinse water should drain out
Alkali rinse with alkali detergent solution of 0.15 to 0.60% alkalinity, re circulated at 65 to 71 0C for 20
to 30 minutes (wetting agent may be added to increase cleaning ability)
Drain out alkali solution
Final hot water rinse with water at 71 to 820C till the whole system has been heated. Rinse water should
be drained out.
Ensure that all equipment receives uniform heat treatment day after day by eliminating the human
Less damage to equipment
Saving of total clean up costs and in man hours
Reduces possibility of contamination through human error
Improved plant utilization and appearance
Success factors
Eliminates the human factor
Less damage to equipment
Time saving
Reduces the possibility of contamination through human error
Improved plant utilization and appearance
Manual control
o Low level
o Medium level
o High level
Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting
board. Cleaning is accomplished using a cleaning agent that removes food, soil, rust stains, minerals, or other
Sampling of milk
Milk and its products are subjected to chemical analysis more frequently than any other food product.
Thus every lot of milk received for processing has to be examined for its chemical, microbiological and
physical quality before processing or when mixed with the lot.
A sample from the bulk should give a true picture of the bulk. Thus the sample should be a
representative portion of the milk supplied.
Errors in collecting the sample may under value or over value the bulk leading to heavy losses. Thus
sampling of milk should be done methodologically in a proper way.
The sampling and associated equipments should be sanitized and rinsed with the milk to be sampled
It is an equipment used to mix the milk or cream to make it uniform in composition throughout the
container in which milk or cream is kept.
It is made up of metal either stainless steel or any metal, which will not react with milk. It consists of a
disc with several perforations. A long handle is fixed to it at the centre with which it can be worked.
It is used to take the sample from the container. It consists of a small cup fitted to one end of a long
handle. It‟s capacity is usually 50 ml.
Tube sampler
Various types of tube sampler are in use. The advantages of samplers are
o Aliquot portion are secured in proportion to the quantity of milk to be sampled.
o A fairly representative sample regardless of how long the milk has stood / stored before
sampling can be obtained using the sampler.
o By this method a column of milk, which represents the milk from the top to bottom, is
removed from the container.
Due to the difference in specific gravity between the milk serum and fat of the milk, the fat globules are
continuously rising towards the surface of milk. So mixing is essential to make it uniform through out.
If the milk is of little quantity, by pouring from the one pail to other, mixing can be done. When larger
volumes of milk are handled plungers are used to mix it effectively, by moving the same up and down
for not less than ten times.
Another type of plunger (two pounds of weight), which is attached by means of long linked chain, is
also used. Any type of plunger, used, should be sterilized properly. Every time, before using for a
container, plunger is sterilized in antiseptic solutions.
After through mixing, usually 100-150 ml of milk is taken by means of the dipper and is transferred to
a sample bottle, which is later corked tightly by a rubber stopper. Glass stoppers will not close the
bottle tightly. Cork stoppers absorb fats from samples. They cannot be sterilized; they get cracked
during the process. So the rubber stopper, which is free from the above two defects is most preferred.
Bottles are filled leaving a space ¾ inches at the top. If it is half filled, there is the risk of churning
during the transit. If it is filled full, there is no room for efficient mixing by shaking.
The shape of the bottle is also important. Bottles with out ankles, where there is a chance for lodgment
of no solids are preferred. It is desirable that the bottle be provided with a ground area for detailed
labeling. One or two sample sites in a bigger lot are preferred for accurate results. Sampling should be
done at a temperature between 60-90ºF (15.7ºC to 32.3ºC).
Composite milk sample is one which when properly prepared represents two or more lots of milk.
When payments are made according to quality and not the quantity, quality control tests are conducted
in composite samples to reduce the cost and labor.
Composite sample is prepared by taking an adequate portion depending on the quantity of milk from
the source for a period of several days. Sample is properly bottled, labeled and tested after a week.
The results got from composite sampling, give an average value for the total amount of milk received
during the period covered. This is an accurate simple system by which labour and time are saved.
The jar used to prepare the composite sample should be air tight to prevent evaporation of moisture.
Rubber corks are prepared. Composite samples must be kept in a cool place to minimize the possible
amount of preservatives.
The contents of the jar must be mixed by a gentle rotation every time a daily sample is added. If the
sample shows any churned cream, the sample should be warmed to 105ºF to 110ºF before addition.
Since the composite samples must be kept for longer periods, preservatives are used. Preservatives are
placed in required quantity in the empty bottle before the milk is added.
The following records should accompany the sample
o Time and date of sampling
o Products
o Temperature of product(s) sampled
o Location sampling took place
o Interim transport details if any
o Samplers name and identifier
10 ml of milk is taken in a previously sterilized bottle fitted with a sterlized glass stopper.
Only sterilized equipments must be used in collecting samples for bacteriological examination.
Samples are packed in ice. No antiseptics should be used.
Since largest number of bacteria is found in the cream layer at the top of the bulk, milk should be
mixed well before collecting the sample.
Platform tests or milk reception tests are the commonly used names for the tests carried out by the
persons responsible for raw milk collection and/or reception. The tests in question are rapid quality
control tests - organoleptic tests being of crucial importance - whereby the milks of inferior or
questionable quality can be screened out before the milk leaves its original container and is mixed with
bulk milk during milk collection and/or reception. This is of crucial importance from the point of view
of processing and quality of end products, because one single lot of milk of poor quality can spoil the
rest of the milk it is mixed with. Application of platform tests does not directly involve laboratory
analysis of raw milk samples but in suspected cases a sample from milk should be taken to the
laboratory for further inspections for quality. This lot of milk should be taken aside and not mixed with
bulk milk in order to verify its quality. In case the milk does not pass the quality tests and does not
comply with previously defined quality standards it should be rejected. It is also very important that
the milk producer in question will be contacted in order to find out the reasons for spoilage of milk and
in close co-operation with him to find ways how to improve the situation in the future and how to
eliminate this problem.
At milk reception sites - during milk collection and reception at milk plant - the platform tests can be applied as
This test is used for rapid testing of increased acidity of milk. As stated above heating will precipitate
proteins of milk if it is sour. This method is slower than alcohol test but very useful where and when an
alcohol test is not available.
This test is performed simply by heating small amount of milk in a test tube over a flame or immersed
in boiling water for five minutes. The result can be seen immediately. If no coagulation occurs, it
indicates that milk can stand heating operations at the time of testing
The appearance of the surface of the milk and the lid is observed and inspected instantly after
removing the lid of incoming milk can or container. Any abnormal colour of the milk, visible dirt and
particles, changes in viscosity etc. are observed. Any abnormal smell is noticed by inhalation of air
standing above the milk in the upper part of the milk can.
Lactometer test
If the milk appears during organoleptic inspections to be too thin and watery and its colour is "blue
thin" it is suspected that milk contains added water. Lactometer test serves as a quick method for
determination of adulteration of milk by adding water. The lactometer test is based on the fact that the
specific gravity of whole milk, skim milk and water differ from each others. Alcohol In case there is any
reason to suspect that milk is sour, alcohol test is used as platform test for rapid determination of
elevated acidity of milk. Anyhow, if the result of alcohol test indicates too high acidity in milk a sample
from milk is to be taken to the laboratory for further testing of titratable acidity.
Alcohol test
It is based on fact that the proteins in milk, which has become sour, e.g. as result of lactic acid
formation by bacteria become susceptible to alcohol precipitation. If the mixing of equal quantities
(e.g. 2 ml) of milk and 68% alcohol in a test tube results in coagulation of proteins it indicates that milk
is sour. This milk is not fit for any processes applying pasteurisation, because the proteins in milks
having increased acidity have also loosed the stability to the temperatures used for pasteurisation.
For above reasons it is recommended that alcohol test is applied to every and each incoming milk can
and container if the milk is to be pasteurised.
Specific gravity is the ratio of density of any substance to the density of standard substance (water) at
Specific gravity of normal milk is 1.028 to 1.032. Specific gravity of water is one. Hence, addition of
water to milk tends to decrease the specific gravity of milk.
Fat content reduces the specific gravity since fat is the lighter portion.
Specific gravity of milk changes with temperature. It tends to decrease when there is increase in
temperature, probably, the reason may be that the proteins gets hydrated at high temperature.
Specific gravity is the relation between the mass of a given volume of any substance and that of an
equal volume of water at the same temperature.
Since 1 ml of water at 4°C weighs 1 g, the mass of any material expressed in g/ml and its specific gravity
(both at 4°C) will have the same numerical value. The specific gravity of milk averages 1.032, i.e. at 4°C
1 ml of milk weighs 1.032 g.
Since the mass of a given volume of water at a given temperature is known, the volume of a given mass,
or the mass of a given volume of milk, cream, skim milk etc can be calculated from its specific gravity.
For example, one litre of water at 4°C has a mass of 1 kg, and since the average specific gravity of milk
is 1.032, one litre of average milk will have a mass of 1.032 kg.
Lactometer – this is a hydrometer (a device for measuring specific gravity) adapted to the normal
range of the specific gravity of milk. It is usually calibrated to read in lactometer degrees (L) rather
than specific gravity per se. The relationship between the two is:
Heat the sample of milk to 40°C and hold for 5 minutes. This is to get all the fat into a liquid state since
crystalline fat has a very different density to liquid fat, and fat crystallises or melts slowly.
Mix the milk sample thoroughly but gently. Do not shake vigorously or air bubbles will be incorporated
and will affect the result.
Place the milk in the cylinder. Fill sufficiently that the milk will overflow when the lactometer is
Holding the lactometer by the tip, lower it gently into the milk. Do not let go until it is almost in
Allow the lactometer to float freely until it reaches equilibrium. Then read the lactometer at the top of
the meniscus. Immediately, read the temperature of the milk.
The total solids content of milk is the total amount of material dispersed in the aqueous phase, i.e.
SNF = TS – % fat
The only accurate way to determine TS is by evaporating the water from an accurately weighed sample.
However, TS can be estimated from the corrected lactometer reading. The results are not likely to be
very accurate because specific gravity is due to water, material less dense than water (fat) and material
more dense than water (SNF). Therefore, milk with high fat and SNF contents could have the same
specific gravity as milk with low fat and low SNF contents.
It should be noted that the relationship between Lc and TS varies from country to country depending
on milk composition. The above formulae are called the Richmond formulae and were calculated for
Great Britain.
Materials required
Sample of milk
Measuring cylinder
Dairy thermometer
The lactometer is a special type of hydrometer. It is constructed and graduated so that the lactometer
reading is related to the specific gravity of milk on the ratio of the milk to water weight of a unit volume
at a specified temperature.
The lactometer is based on the principle that a freely floating body displaces a quantity of liquid of the
same weight as the floating body and that density of a solution depends on its total solids content. Of
the several types of lactometer in use, the most accepted lactometers are,
The quevenne lactometer - designed to determine the specific gravity of milk at 15.5ºC (60ºF).
Zeal Lactometer – designed to determine the specific gravity of milk at 29º C at 84º C.
The Watson lactometer – is applied at a temperature of 39ºC.
ISI lactometer calibrated at 27ºC is used. For temperature differences the correction factor is added.
Measurement of the lactometer reading at a temperature below the melting point of milk fat leads to
erroneous result.
The milk must be kept cold (40-50ºF) atleast 1-2 hour before being tested with the lactometer.
The milk should be thoroughly mixed by being poured from one container to another until a
homogenous mixture is obtained.
The milk is then poured into a measuring cylinder having the same temperature.
The diameter of the cylinder should be atleast 1 inch greater than the largest diameter of the lactometer
and the capacity should be sufficient to float is the lactometer.
The cylinder should be filled to such a point that when the lactometer is placed in the milk, the cylinder
will over flow.
All bubbles should be brown from the surface particularly around the stem.
Note the reading from the lactometer when it becomes stationary.
It is highly essential to assess the fat content of milk intended for further processing or marketing.
Need for estimation of fat percentage.
It largely determines the food value of milk.
The payment of milk and milk products are made according to the fat content.
The fat content is useful in manufacture of butter and cheese.
It helps in the detection of adulteration, addition of water, and skimming off milk Fat content in the
sample of milk can be estimated by
o Analytical method.
o Commercial method
The analytical method comprises of
o Rose-Gottlieb‟s method
o Adam‟s method
o Mojonnier‟s method.
The normal methods commercially followed are
o Gerber‟s method
o Babcok‟s method
Apparatus required
Milk butyrometer
Acid pipette with safety bulb (10 ml)
Milk pipette
1 ml pipette
Lock stopper
Regulating pin
Gerber‟s centrifuge
Reagents prepared
Gerber‟s acid : (91-92% of con. sulphuric acid with a specific gravity of 1.8 - 1.825
at 15oC)
Amyl alcohol (specific gravity 0.815-0.818)
In this method fat alone is separated from milk by subjecting the milk to digestion by the addition
concentrated sulphuric acid and by the process of centrifugation the fat is separated and measured
Dr. Gerber devised this method. This is also known as „Fucoma test‟
Special milk bottles called Gerber‟s butyrometer are used in this method. A Gerber‟s butyrometer is
made up of glass of length 195 mm and diameter 23 mm at the cylindrical part. It is graduated from 0-
10%. Different butyrometers are used for skim milk, cream, cheese and butter. The tube with large
diameter at the flattened end is preferred because it is resistant to leakage and also the fat column will
be well defined.
The graduation of 1% in the butyrometer has an internal volume of 0.125 ml. Assuming the specific
gravity of fat the weight represented by 1% in the butyrometer, will be 0.125x0.9=0.1125 gms. If 1%
contains 0.1125 gm, 100% will contain 0.1125 x100=11.25 gm. Assuming the specific gravity of milk to
be 1.032, the volume of milk represented by 11.25 gm will be 11.25/1.032 =10.9 ml. But, since large
variations in the specific gravity for the various samples of milk are found, it is preferred to use of
pipette, which will measure only 10.75 ml. So, in Gerber‟s method only 10.75 ml of milk is used instead
of 10.9 ml.1.25 gms of fat we can declare that the
If the acid used is of higher or lower specific gravity then heat produced will affect the other effects.
Amyl alcohol of specific gravity is 0.815-0.818 is used in this experiment. Addition of amyl alcohol prevents the
partial charring of sugar and fat.
10 ml of Gerber‟s acid is pipetted out into butyrometer carefully along the side. Then 10.75 ml of well-mixed
milk is pipetted out and layered over the acid carefully so that there are two separate layers. Finally 1 ml of amyl
alcohol is added. The pipette should not be blown are shaken to discharge the last drop. A dry rubber lock
stopper without any crack should be used to close the butyrometer using regulating pin. The tube is then
inverted several times, So that the acid in the stem and in the bulb are thoroughly mixed with the milk. The
tube is then placed in water bath at 65oC for 5minutes. The butyrometer is then placed in the centrifuge with
the stem towards the centre and the centrifuge is kept well balanced. Centrifuging is done at 1100 RPM for 5
minutes and removed from the centrifuge. The tube is placed in water bath at 65oC for 5 minutes. The stopper is
adjusted to bring the lower meniscus of the fat column against „o‟ unit graduation. The lower meniscus of the
surface of the fat column is noted without any parallelex error, which gives the fat percentage.
Latest methods include use of electronic devices such as Milko tester or Milkoscan or Infrared milk analyzer
(IRMA). In these equipments the milk is a chemically modified and light ray of different wavelength /
frequency capacities are passed through the sample. Their resultant effect are electronically gauged by light
sensitive gadgets and converted to required units of measurements.
Gravimetrically Solid not fat content of milk can be estimated by assessing the total solid content and
subtracting the fat percentage. Total solid content can be estimated by
Gravimetrric method
Using Formula method (Richmonds‟s or, Babcock‟s, or Fleismann‟s method, BIS/ISI method )
Using Richmond‟s sliding rule. Originally ISI formula as given below was followed
Cream may be defined as that portion of milk in to which milk fat has been gathered or which is rich in
fat. According to PFA rules (1976) cream, excluding sterilised cream is the product of cow or buffalo
milk or combination there of which contains not less than 25 per cent milk fat. Cream is rich in fat
soluble vitamins A,D,E & K. Milk can be converted into cream and skim milk by using cream separator.
Cream can be broadly classified as Market cream (which is used for direct consumption) or
Manufacturing cream (which is used for the manufacture of dairy products). Based on the fat content it
may be Light/coffee cream (20-25 per cent), whipping cream (30-40 per cent) and heavy/plastic cream
(65-85 per cent).
Supply can
Regulating chamber with float
Cream or skim milk screw
Bowl shell
Milk distributor
Cream spout
Skim milk spout
Top disc
Discs with perforated holes and button like structures (on the upper surface of cone or inverted cup
shaped disc for allowing milk to flow in between and move upwards. The bottom disc will have buttons
on both sides)
Bowel nut with lock holes for the locking handle to fix in
Rubber ring
Set of Gears
Crank handle, etc
(Draw a neat diagram of lab model cream separator and label the parts)
Cream separation
When milk is allowed to enter the separator at controlled speed by the float, milk flows down through
the central inlet of the axis and is uniformly distributed by the milk distributor. Milk will be subjected
to tremendous force and moves towards the periphery as well as rises upwards through the holes in the
disc. Denser skim milk towards periphery and lighter cream at the centre builds up as two columns
separated by thin zone of diffusing composition. At the level with the upper disc, skim milk outlet is
located and skim milk is collected through skim milk spout. The cream still moves upwards and drains
off through the cream outlet cum screw in to cream spout. The lightest column of cream rich in fat will
be close to the axis of rotation and further proceeds outward with reduced fat content. Thus, moving
the cream screw towards the centre will allow cream with high fat content or thicker cream to flow out
and vice versa. The fat loss in skim milk increases with collection of high fat cream. Thus based on the
purpose; the position of the cream screw can be adjusted.
When milk is allowed to enter the separator at controlled speed by the float, milk flows down through
the central inlet of the axis and is uniformly distributed by the milk distributor. Milk will be subjected
to tremendous force and moves towards the periphery as well as rises upwards through the holes in the
disc. Denser skim milk towards periphery and lighter cream at the centre builds up as two columns
separated by thin zone of diffusing composition. At the level with the upper disc, skim milk outlet is
located and skim milk is collected through skim milk spout. The cream still moves upwards and drains
off through the cream outlet cum screw in to cream spout. The lightest column of cream rich in fat will
be close to the axis of rotation and further proceeds outward with reduced fat content. Thus, moving
the cream screw towards the centre will allow cream with high fat content or thicker cream to flow out
and vice versa. The fat loss in skim milk increases with collection of high fat cream. Thus based on the
purpose; the position of the cream screw can be adjusted.
Cream may be defined as that portion of milk in to which milk fat has been gathered or which is rich in
fat. According to PFA rules (1976) cream, excluding sterilised cream is the product of cow or buffalo
milk or combination there of which contains not less than 25 per cent milk fat. Cream is rich in fat
soluble vitamins A, D, E & K. Milk can be converted into cream and skim milk by using cream
Cream can be broadly classified as Market cream (which is used for direct consumption) or
Manufacturing cream (which is used for the manufacture of dairy products).
Based on the fat content it may be
o Light/coffee cream (20-25 per cent),
o Whipping cream (30-40 per cent) and
o Heavy/plastic cream (65-85 per cent).
Stokes law states that the when difference in density exists the velocity of particle (fat globule) is
directly proportional to the difference in densities of the media and gravity. It is inversely proportional
to the viscosity of skim milk.
Difference in density of fat and serum results in the upward movement of fat globules and the velocity
at which fat globules rise is given by stokes law
V = 2G(ds-df)r2 / 9 u
where ,
df – density of fat
When milk is allowed to stand for sometime, there is a tendency for the fat to rise. This method being
very slow, can not be used commercially for cream separation.
In a cream separator milk enters the rapidly revolving bowl of the cream separator, it is subjected
immediately to tremendous centrifugal force, which is 3000 to 6000 times greater than the
gravitational force.
The difference in density affects the heavier portion (skim milk) more intensely than the lighter portion
(cream). Due to this skim milk is forced to the periphery, while the fat portion moves towards the
centre to form two vertical columns in the bowl.
When Stokes law is applied to centrifugal separation, the velocity is changed as follows. The angular
velocity “w” =KwRN2 and hence
V = KR (ds-df)r2N2 / u
K: Constant
N: RPM of bowl
Clarifier also works on the same principle. It is used to remove impurities along with maximum
bacterial load.
Check the cleanliness of separator parts which is normally washed in Luke warm water followed by
detergent washing, hot water sterilization and dried.
Insert the milk distributor through the central axis fixed in the base of the cream separator and fix by
proper locking. Position the rubber ring in the base at the proper slot.
First, place the bottom disc with button structure on both the sides. Then place other discs one after
another over the bottom disc so that the holes in the discs are in line.
Finally place the top disc with cream screw. Bowel shell is fixed promptly positioning the cream outlet
and the base to sit over the rubber ring and lock.
The bowel nut is fastened and tightened. Thus, the properly positioned rubber ring and bowel nut
prevents leakage of milk at the base and top. Fix the skim milk spout and cream spout.
Regulating chamber with float and supply can with faucet are finally fixed. Keep the faucet in the
closed position so that milk is not wasted while filling the supply can with milk. After assembling the
unit, clean the separator with clean hot water.
Fill the supply can and allow the separator to rotate by operating the handle at high speed or by
switching on the motor attached to the separator. Now open the faucet and regulate the flow so that
milk does not spills over.
Skimming efficiency of cream separator = Quantity of fat in cream X 100 / Quantity of fat in milk
Fat loss in skim milk = Quantity of fat in skim milk X 10 / Quantity of fat in milk
Cream butyrometer can be used for estimation of fat in cream. By using milk butyrometer fat in cream can be
assessed as follows
Exactly the same apparatus and reagents as for milk are required.
Procedure for cream containing less than 32% of fat (Thin Cream)
o In this method ordinary milk butyrometer may be used for the determination of fat. 10 ml of
Gerber's acid is taken in butyrometer, 8.2 ml of water is added, followed by 3 ml of cream and
finally 1 ml of amyl alcohol, is added.
o The butyrometer is closed with the stopper. The contents are well mixed and then centrifuged
for 5 minutes. After centrifuging, the butyrometer is taken out and the fat percentage is read.
Procedure for a cream containing more than 32% of fat (Thick cream)
o In this method, 5 gm of cream is taken (as a standard). 10 ml of water and 10 ml of Gerber's
acid are mixed in a small beaker and this is added to the butyrometer containing the cream.
o Then 1 ml of amyl alcohol is added and the same procedure is carried out as for milk to find
out the fat percentage of the cream taken.
For the preparation of butter from cream, we require a fat percentage of 35 to 45. After estimating the
fat percentage, we can standardize the cream fat to the desired fat percentage.
When the cream is intended for long storage the acidity should be reduced (before churning) to 0.06 to
0.08 percent as lactic acid, and for early consumption a level of 0.25 to 0.35 percent lactic acid is
preferred. Acidity if excess, should be neutralised before churning.
Calcium hydroxide can be added at a level of 490 g or sodium bicarbonate can be added at a level of
830 g of per Kg lactic acid.
Heat the cream to boiling point for one minute before testing for acidity. Take 10 ml of cream in
porcelain dish to which a few drops of phenopthalin indicator is added. It is then titrated against N/10
NaOH taken in a burette.
Apparatus required: Aluminum cup, glass stirrers, balance, hot plate and tongs.
Chemical required: Petroleum ether
The weight of empty Aluminum cup with stirrer is taken and weighed as W1. Take about 10 grams of
butter and weigh it accurately as W2.
Place the cup with stirrer and contents on sand bath over a hot plate and heat the contents with
constant stirring till all the moisture is driven off. Care should be taken not to char the contents. End
point is the formation of golden brown particles of the residue.
Remove the cup; wipe the bottom to remove the sand particles. Cool it in a desiccators and weigh it as
W3. Add about 6-10 ml of petroleum ether. Stir well to dissolve the fat and allow it to stand for 2-3
minutes and decant the supernatant in the cup.
Repeat the extraction with 10 ml of petroleum ether. Dry the cup in a sand bath and keep it in
desiccators. The cup containing the curd and salt is weighed as W4.
Judging of butter
Examine the packet of butter for the presence of molds and for neatness. Open the packet and
immediately inhale and note the odour. Cut with spatula and note the firmness of the body. Examine
the cut side for oozing of moisture and presence of water droplets and air packets. Examine for the
uniform distribution of colour on the cut surface. About 1 gm of butter is put into he mouth and
allowed to melt. Note the taste and odour. Quality of butter is graded according to score card ADSA
The characters (Flavour, body and texture, Colour, Salt, Package) and Maximum marks (45,25 15, 10
and 5 points, A for 92 Point, B for 90 points and C for 89 Points and C for 89 Points.
Flavour gets maximum score and it is the main character in butter. It is a combination of taste and
odour and odour being most important. The desired flavour in butter is described as sweet and nutty.
Flavour is also described as fishy, rancid, curdy, cooked and yeasty, Butter can absorb odours and are
desribed as unclean, fruity and etc.
Body: this includes texture. It should be recently formed, close textured and waxy. There should not be
excess moisture and should not stick on to hands.
Common defects
There are many methods known for detection of adulteration in milk but the methods discussed below
are simple but rapid and sensitive methods to detect adulteration.
Formalin (40%) is poisonous though it can preserve milk for a long time.
How to detect?
Take 10 ml of milk in test tube and 5 ml of conc. sulphuric acid is added on the sides of the test tube
with out shaking. If a violet or blue ring appears at the intersection of the two layers, then it shows the
presence of formalin.
Generally sugar is mixed in the milk to increase the solids not fat content of milk i.e. to increase the
lactometer reading of milk, which was already diluted with water.
How to detect?
Take 10 ml of milk in a test tube and add 5 ml of hydrochloric acid along with 0.1 g of resorcinol. Then
shake the test tube well and place the test tube in a boiling water bath for 5 min. Appearance of red
colour indicates the presence of added sugar in milk.
Addition of starch also increases the SNF content of milk. Apart from the starch, wheat flour,
arrowroot, rice flour are also added.
How to detect?
Take 3 ml milk in a test tube and boil it thoroughly. Then milk is cooled to room temperature and
added with 2 to 3 drops of 1% iodine solution. Change of colour to blue indicates that the milk is
adulterated with starch.
Usually poor quality glucose is added to milk to increase the lactometer reading. There are two tests available to
detect the adulteration of milk with glucose.
How to proceed?
Urea is generally added in the preparation of synthetic milk to raise the SNF value.
Five ml of milk is mixed well with 5 ml paradimethyl amino benzaldehyde (16%). If the solution turns
yellow in colour, then the given sample of milk is added with urea.
Take 5 ml of milk in a test tube and add 0.2 ml of urease (20 mg / ml). Shake well at room temperature
and then add 0.1 ml of bromothymol blue solution (0.5%). Appearance of blue colour after 10-15 min
indicates the adulteration milk with urea.
Take 5 ml of milk in a test tube and add 5 ml alcohol followed by 4-5 drops of rosalic acid. If the colour
of milk changes to pinkish red, then it is inferred that the milk is adulterated with sodium carbonate /
sodium bicarbonate and hence unfit for human consumption.
This test will be effective only if the neutralizers are present in milk. If the added neutralizers are
nullified by the developed acidity, then this test will be negative. In that case, the alkaline condition of
the milk for the presence of soda ash has to be estimated.
How to proceed?
Take 20 ml of milk in a silica crucible and then the water is evaporated and the contents are burnt in a
muffle furnace. The ash is dispersed in 10 ml distilled water and it is titrated against decinormal (N/10)
hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein as an indicator. If the titre value exceeds 1.2 ml, then it is
construed that the milk is adulterated with neutralizers.
Enzymes like peroxidase, catalase, lipase and alkaline phosphatase present in milk are destroyed by
pasteurisation temperature.
Phosphatase test
Buffer solution
Disodium–p–nitrophenyl phosphate not less than 95% pure is used for the test.
Buffer Substrate
Transfer 0.15 g of substrate into 100 ml of measuring cylinder or in graduated flask and make up to
100th mark with the buffer solution. It should not be stored for a long time; but can be kept in
refrigerator up to one week. It should give the reading of less than 10 on the disc.
To 10 ml or 5 ml of buffer substrate in a test tube add 2 ml or 1 ml of milk respectively. Close the test
tube with a sterile rubber stopper.
Invert the test tube and mix gently. Prepare a blank in the same way with heated milk.
Incubate in a water bath at 370C ± 0.50C for 30 minutes
Return to the water bath and take second reading after 90 minutes. Yellow colour is read in a lovibond
all purpose comparator fitted with the phosphatase disc calibrated in microgram of p-nitrophenol.
Blank is kept on the left side of comparator and the sample on the right and the disc is rotated until the
colour matches. 30 minutes test reveals serious faults in pasteurisation and 90 minutes reveals minor
errors in pasteurization. Addition of even 0.1% raw milk can be detected.
Apparatus required
1.1 ml pipettes, Petridishes, petridish can, pipette can, conical flask, incubator, refrigerator, autoclave,
hotair oven, test tubes.
Reagents required
Tryptone - 5 g
Yeast extract - 2 g
Dextrose - 1 g
Agar - 15 g
pH - 7 ± 0.2 (approx)
Identifying plates
Each plate is identified with samples number and dilution to be used. Plating time as well as the date is
to be noted.
The sample and diluetent has to be thoroughly mixed by shaking before drawing out the sample or
dilution blank. Mechanical shaker can also be used to shake the blank for 15 seconds.
Selecting dilutions
Dilutions are set in such a way that the total number of colonies in a plate is between 30 and 300.
While removing the sterile pipette from the containers it should not be dragged over the exposed
exterior surface of the can. While transferring milk or dilution blank sufficient time should be given for
the column to drain from the graduation mark to the tip of the pipette. The pipette should not be
rinsed with dilution blank as it may increase the count.
While transferring, the pipette should be held at an angle of 1200 and the petridish cover should be
opened just enough to insert the pipette. Complete draining of the pipette should be allowed.
Melt the required amount of sterilized media in boiling water. Cool it to 40-450 C. Transfer the serially
diluted milk sample in the petridish. Then approximately 10-15 ml of the media is poured into the
petridish, time taken should not be more than 20 minutes is allowed before diluting the first sample
and pouring the last plate. The serially diluted sample of milk and medium should be thoroughly mixed
by rotating 5 times clockwise and 5 times anticlockwise and 5 times up and down and 5 times sideways,
and the plate is kept undisturbed for 10 minutes for solidification of media. Plates are inverted and
kept in the incubator maintained at 370 ± 0.50 C for 48 hrs.
Plates should be counted in such a way that the number of colonies does not exceed 300 per plate. All
the colonies irrespective of size, shape and colour should be counted.
The number of colonies is multiplied by the dilution factor gives the result and recorded as colony
forming units per ml of milk.
1 – 5 Million Fair
The presence of coliform groups shows the unsanitary condition prevailing in the areas or may be used to find
out the faecal contamination. The unsanitary condition in the place of production and at the processing site
may be due to
Presence of coliform causes souring, taints, gassiness and unclean flavour in milk and milk products.Estimation
of coliforms in milk is carried out in similar manner as that of standard plate count. Violet red bile agar is used
as the selective media for coliform count.
Apparatus required
Petridishes, Petridish can, 1.1 ml pipettes, Pipette can, conical flask, test tubes, incubator, hot air oven,
autoclave, refrigerator.
Reagents required
Composition of media
Peptone 20 g
Lactose 10 g
Bile salts 5 g
Nacl 1.5 g
Neutral red 2.25g
Agar 15 g
Distilled water to make up 1 litre pH adjusted to 7.4
As the bile salts inhibit the growth of other type of micro organisms and only coliform groups grow well in this
medium. Coliform group of organisms are present only in 1/100 and hence the dilution can be restricted upto
1/100. Coliform group will form subsurface colonies.
1 ml of milk sample is taken and serially diluted. The serially diluted sample is then transferred to a
sterile petridish and about 15 ml of media is poured. Petridish is left undisturbed for solidification and
is then followed by addition of 5 ml of agar over the solidified medium which is known as over laying.
Then the petridishes are incubated at 370 C ± 0.50 C for 20 hours. Colonies are pink in colour in the
centre surrounded by an area of discolouration or zone of precipitation which is due to precipitation of
bile salts by coliforms.
Colonies more than 0.5 mm in diameter should be counted. Sometimes the diameter of the colony may
be less than 0.5 mm when the violet red bile agar is over heated or if the plates are incubated more
than 24 hrs. In ice cream samples also the colonies will be less than 0.5 mm in dia. In such cases,
confirmatory tests have to be carried out by using broths like Brilliant green lactose peptone bile broth
or Formate ricinoleate lactose peptone broth. Durham‟s tubes have to be inserted into the broth for
detecting gas production.
Brilliant green lactose peptone bile broth helps to differentiate lactose and non- lactose fermenting
organisms. Brilliant green and sodium ricinoleate inhibit gram positive organisms and favour the
growth of gram negative organisms where as formate aids in the increased gas production.
BIS standard
This method is used for determining the total number of thermophilic bacteria in milk. The method consists of
mixing appropriate quantity of milk with suitable nutrient agar medium in a petridish and counting the
bacterial colonies developed after incubation at a specified temperature for a definite period of time. This
method is time consuming and expensive.
Apparatus required
1.1 ml of pipettes, Petridishes, Petridish can, Pipette can, Conical flask, Incubator, Refrigerator,
Autoclave, Hot air oven, Test tubes, Distilled water, SPC agar.
Each plate is identified with sample number, dilution rate, date and time of plating.
Mix the milk sample by rotating between the palms before serially diluting the sample.
Plating should be done in a presterilized area and serial dilution of sample is done.
Transfer of serially diluted sample and the media into the petridish and should be done near the flame.
1 ml of mixed milk sample is taken and is transferred to the 1st test tube containing 9 ml of sterilized
distilled water (dilution blank).
The milk sample is mixed with the dilution blank by rotating between the palms before further serial
1 ml of serially diluted sample is drawn from the 6th test tube and transferred to the petridish.
10-15 ml of sterilized standard plate count agar at a temperature of 40-450C is transferred to the
The serially diluted milk sample in the petridish is mixed with the medium by rotating gently five times
clockwise, 5 times anti clock wise, 5 times up and down and five times side ways.
Petridish is kept undisturbed for few minutes until the media gets solidified.
Then the petridish is inverted and kept inside the incubator maintained at 550C and incubated for 48
hours. All the colonies are counted. The number of colonies multiplied by the dilution factor gives
thermophiles per ml of milk.
Total Number of thermophiles = No. of organisms X Dilution factor = cfu per ml of milk.
Enterococci are index organisms which assume the safety of milk and milk products while coliforms are
indicator organisms which suggest the quality of product. The importance of enerococci as indicator organisms
for the presence of related pathogenic micro-organisms in food materials including milk and milk products is
now widely recognized. Since complete reliance can not be placed on faecal coliforms or E.coli, it has been
suggested that enterococci provide a better index of food sanitary quality than do coliforms since these
organisms are more resistant to adverse processing conditions like low and high temperature (freezing and
heating). However, subsequently, the use of both E.coli and enterococci as indicator organisms for reliable and
accurate assessment of hygienic quality of food products have been recommended. In view of considerable
importance of these organisms in dairy products, their detection in these products is also equally important.
Some of the selective media used for the presumptive isolation of enterococci in milk and milk products are
listed below.
Out of all these media, citrate azide agar appears to be the medium of choice as almost all the types
of Enterococcus group can grow on this medium.
Sodium azide citrate agar : To the medium triphenyl tetrazolium chloride at 0.01 % and sodium
azide at 0.04% concentration are added. These are added at the time of plating.
1. As per lancefield and sherman‟s classification under which group does the enterococci fall?
2. Enumerate the bacteria under enterococci group?
3. Differentiate enterococci from lactic streptococci?
Apparatus required
Sterile petridishes, 1.1 ml pipettes, BOD incubator (Biological Oxygen Demand), Pipette can, petridish
can refrigerator, conical flask, test tubes.
Medium required
The medium potato dextrose is sterilized by autoclaving at 1210 C for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure.
The pH of the medium is adjusted to 3.0 – 3.5 using 10 % lactic or tartaric acid. Yeast and mould count
is normally done in products like butter, cream and fermented milk products. About 5g of butter is
melted in water bath at 450 C to liquefy and there after 1 ml of this liquefied butter is transferred to 9ml
of the sterile distilled water and mixed gently till a uniform emulsion is formed. Serial dilution is
carried out up to 1:1000. The required dilution of serially diluted sample is transferred to a sterile
petridish followed by the addition of potato dextrose agar medium.
Mix the contents of the petridish gently and allow it to remain undisturbed for 15-20 minutes for
solidification. Then the petridish is transferred to BOD incubator and incubated for 5 days at 210C.
After 5th day take the plate and count the colonies.
Yeast appears as convex glistening surface colonies on the agar. The Mould colonies appear in different
colours viz white, black, green and are cottony, wooly and velvety in texture. The colour of mould
colonies is due to the colour of the spores and due to the aerobic nature yeast and mould form surface
Yeast and mould count per gram or ml = No.of colonies x dilution factor.
Preparation of curd
In India curd is also called Dahi. As per PFA rules, dahi is a product obtained from pasteurised or boiled milk
by souring natural or otherwise by using harmless lactic cultures.
Apparatus required
Stainless steel wares, glass wares, water bath, incubator, refrigerator, etc.
Materials required
Good quality milk, starter culture which includes Streptococcus diacetyl lactis, Streptococcus.
cremoris, ith an aroma producing bacteria mainly Leuconostoc citrovorum or Leuconostoc
Pasteurise milk at 85oC for 10 min and cool the milk immediately (20-25oC) by keeping the container
in running water, by simultaneous agitation. Add 0.5% of starter culture at this temperature and mix
thoroughly. Distribute this cultured milk into a small sterile steel or glass container taking aseptic
precautions, and fix a sterile Aluminium cap. Permit the cultured milk to remain undisturbed for 16-18
hours at 22-25oC, or to reach the acidity of 0.8-0.98
Judging of dahi
It is done to find whether the dahi offered for sale possess desirable characters for direct consumption.
If the container is taken from cold storage, it is allowed to warm slightly without opening the lid.
Examine for the firmness of body, separation of whey at the bottom, middle or top, presence of gas
bubbles and change in colour. Open the lid and immediately examine the contents for flavour, odour,
Desirable characters of market quality of dahi includes colour, appearance, flavour, body and texture
and acidity.
While examining the body and texture following defects have to be noted..
1. Watery consistency : Due to low solids or due to poor quality of milk. Too high or insufficient heat
treatment can also cause this defect.
2. Hard and lumpy curd: This is due to over ripening especially at high temperature and this defect is
usually found along with same amount of whey formation.
Whey off: Wheying off in dahi may be due to low solid content or due to deliberate dilution with milk. Higher
acidity also causes these defects. Disturbances or vibrations at the time of curd setting also result in whey
3. Ropiness: Ropiness due to faulty fermentation resulting in low acid production and sweet curdling
due to certain microbes.
Ghee is defined as clarified butter fat with a strong characteristic flavour prepared by heating makkhan, in an
open pan, to about 110-120oC till all the moisture is evaporated and the characteristic flavour develops. It can be
compared to butter oil. Butter oil is the western counterpart of ghee.
Origin: Ghee originated in India much before recorded history and the name originates from the
sanskrit word meaning “bright”. The Vedas contain numerous references to ghee.
Method of Preparation: More than 90 percent of ghee is produced by the traditional method from desi
butter or makkhan and then converting it into ghee. Makkhan, which is produced by churning the
curd, is heated in a metallic vessel and stirred over a low fire to evaporate the moisture. When
practically all the moisture is removed, further heating is stopped and the vessel is removed from the
fire. After the residue has settled down on cooling, the clear fat is decanted into suitable containers a
ghee. The composition ghee is
Cow Buffalo
Milk fat (%) 99-99.5 99-99.5
Moisture (%) Not more than 0.5 Not more than 0.5
Unsaponifiable Matter:
3.2-7.4 -
Carotene (mg/g)
19-34 17-38
Vitamin A (IU/g)
Tocopherol (mg/g) 26-48 18-37
Free fatty acid (%oleic) max. 2.8 agmark* max. 2.8 agmark
Flow Chart
Butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) as preservative cab be added at a rate of 0.02% for ghee and butter
Judging of ghee
Colour : Though it is influenced by the method of production, the colour of ghee from cow milk is deep
yellow, while ghee from buffalo milk is white with a characteristic yellowish or greenish tinge. When
mixed, colour varies accordingly. Also the state of ghee as liquid or solid influences the colour.
Flavour: (smell and taste). It is an important characteristic small quantity of ghee is rubbed over the
back of palm and smelled by inhaling. A well-prepared sample of ghee has a pleasant, cooked and rich
flavour. The taste is usually sweet and characteristic of milk fat, although a slight acidic flavour is
Texture: (grain and consistency). Indian buyers relay on granulation for quality and purity.
Granulation of ghee is partly due to glycerides of high melting saturated fatty acids (hard fat - palmitic
and stearic etc.,) and thus buffalo ghee crystallizes more effectively than cow ghee. The desi method
produces large crystals in ghee compared to direct-cream method. Heating ghee to 60-100oC and rapid
cooling yields small grains in ghee. However if the ghee is kept at 1oC above the melting point of ghee
(cow ghee –29oC: buffalo ghee – 31oC) a large number of big graining results. Cold storage of ghee
should be avoided, since it leads to loss of granularity and the development of waxy consistency in the
stored product.
Packaging: Non-toxic, non-tainting material with easy availability, economical, resistance to rough
handling, suited for printing and capacity to hold desirable volume are preferred.
heating upto 82 C
cooling to 70 C
Physical appearance
Channa from cow milk is light yellow in colour, has a moist surface, soft body and smooth texture
whereas that from buffalo milk is whitish in colour. Both have a pleasant, sweetish mildly acid flavour.
For cow milk, generally 15 per cent and from buffalo milk the yield is higher.
Widely used in eastern parts of India and Bangladesh for the preparation of many milk-based sweets.
Channa is also produced in the rural milk sheds and transported by road or rail to larger urban
agglomerates in wicker baskets which allow further drainage of whey.
Channa so produced is usually used for the preparation of sandesh. High quality sandesh is usually
prepared from fresh channa.
It is also used for rasagolla preparation. Channa has the same legal requirements as those of paneer.
According to PFA Khoa is a product obtained from cow, buffalo (goat or sheep) or mixed milk by rapid drying.
The milk fat content should not be less than 20 per cent of the finished product. It is also called khawa or
mawa. The product is obtained by heat desiccation of milk to 65 – 69 per cent solids in an open pan.
Use: Khoa forms the base material for a variety of Indian sweets and for stuffing vegetables in dishes.
Origin: Not known, but this product has been prepared for centuries in India as a base material for
manufacturing sweets. It is prepared by the traditional method by milk traders and halwais. A five times
concentration of milk is normally required. The three main varieties are “pindi” for burfi, “dhap” for
gulabjamun, pantooa etc., and “danedar” used for kalakand. Khoa making has been the easiest way of
preserving rurally produced milk in the flush season.
Method of preparation
In the traditional method, milk is taken in small lots of about 4-5 litres in an open, shallow iron pan. It
is directly heated over a non-smoky vigorous fire. Milk is slowly agitated in the beginning with a
continuous light scraping action, with a ladle (iron scraper), on the sides to avoid scorching of milk
solids sticking to sides of the pan. Continuous evaporation takes place and milk thickens rapidly. At
certain concentration, usually of 2.5 to 2.8 times, the heat coagulation of proteins begins.
Concentration now takes place faster and a change of colour is seen. The heating is turned down to
about 82-87oC and stirring and scraping intensified to avoid browning of milk solids due to scorching.
The viscous milk begins to dry up. When the khoa mass begins to leave the sides and bottom of the
pan, heating is shut off and khoa forms into pats.
The final solids content in the khoa ranges between 65 to 70 per cent. Some khoa makers add, 0.1 per
cent citric acid at the closing stage to get a granular texture which is considered desirable for certain
sweets like kalakand.
The traditional trade usually pays for milk on the basis of the yield of khoa. Cow milk usually yields 18
per cent of khoa. The yield from buffalo milk is usually 20 per cent. Buffalo milk is preferred for khoa
making since it yields a whiter product with a soft, loose body and a smooth granular texture which
makes it suitable for the preparation of high-grade Khoa sweets. A minimum fat percentage of 4.0 for
cow milk and 5.0 for buffalo milk is necessary.
The empty weight of karahi is taken. About 1 kg of milk is then taken in the karahi and weighed accurately. The
difference in weights, gives the weight of milk taken. The karahi with milk is placed over brisk fire and stirred
continuously by means of a stirrer. The milk in the vessels first will become into a viscous product, until it
reaches a pasty consistency and then begins to dry up. The flame is then reduced, however heating is
continued. Heating is stopped when the product in the pan begins to leave the sides and sticks together
forming homogenous mass known as 'khoa-pat'. Karahi with the product is then cooled and weighed. From
the difference the weight of product is obtained. It is then packed for further analysis judging and
Note the condition of the package, before taking the bag observe the khoa for uniformity of colour
outside and inside. Observe the texture of khoa for hardness, moisture and fat leakage.
Flavoured milk are milk to which some flavour have been added and when the term milk is used, the
product should contain, fat percentage atleast equal to minimum legal standard. If the fat percentage is
lower (1-2%) the term drink is used. Normally flavoured milk can have 2 % fat.
Method of manufactures
The milk on receipt is standardised and preheated to 35-45oC and filtered. To the warm milk, sugar is
added at a level of 7-8% and stirred so as to dissolve them completely. The mixture is pasteurized at
71oC/30 min and cooled rapidly to 5oC. Now to this fruit flavour, essence together with permitted /
matching colour are added. The common flavours used are rose, coco, orange, vanilla, pineapple etc.
Matching colours are rose, coco, orange, plain and yellow. For in-bottle sterilized flavoured milk heat
resistant colour and flavour are used. The contents are mixed / homogenised well and then packed and
stored at refrigerant temperature.
Using 9 point 0 Hedonic scale/score card does judging of flavour milk. The product is judged for its
colour, flavour and acceptability.
Fresh whey obtained during preparation of paneer or channa can be used to prepare whey drink.
Rasana or flavoured syrup can be added to pasteurized whey, and chilled before use. Whey can be used
in the preparation of soups instead of water.
Ice cream is also accepted as a nutritious food for the aged, sick and convalescing. Generic educational
campaigns need to be carried out to create a better awareness of ice cream as a healthful and hygienic
food that can be consumed throughout the year.
Milk contains 3.5% fat, 9% SNF, where as ice cream contains 10-11% fat, 11-12% SNF. Fat content is
increased to by addition of cream or butter. SNF content is increased by addition of skim milk powder
or WPC or protein replacers. To stabilise the mix and to prevent the ice crystal formation stabilizers
like sodium alginate at a level of 0.3% is used. For better whipping ability emulsifier like glyceryl
monostearate (G.M.S) is added at a level of 0.2%. For sweetness, sugar is added up to 15%. Equipments
like Batch freezer or softy Ice cream freezer, pasteurizing and ageing vats and homogeniser, deep
freezer are required
Whole milk, Cream, butter, oils, skim milk powder, emulsifier (glycerol mono stearate), stabilizer
(CMC, sodium alginate, guargum, gelatin), sweetening agents (cane sugar) dried fruits and nuts, total
solid replacers etc.
Thus the optimum SNF for a mix containing 10% fat, 15% sugar and 0.5% combined emulsifier/stabilizer would
The simplest situation is that in which all of the fat and all of the SNF is derived from single ingredients (eg.
Butter and skim milk powder). Butter has a fat content of 80% and skim milk powder has a SNF content of 97%
(the small amounts of SNF contributed by butter and fat contributed by skim milk powder may be ignored).
Thus for the basic formula discussed above the quantities of each ingredients may be determined by simple
developing algebraic equations with variable “X” for whole milk, “Y” for Skim milk or powder and “Z” for cream
etc. Thus for three variables three equations can be formed as
By solving equations 1, 2 and 3 the unknown variables of milk, milk powder, cream etc can be algebraically
There are different ingredients used in preparation of ice cream mix, which include whole milk, skim
milk powder, cream, sugar and stabiliser. Cream and stabiliser are heated in the vat at 110oF. At this
temperature, dissolve skim milk powder, sugar and stabiliser. Initially they are mixed separately with
little quantity of milk and then the mixture is agitated to get a uniform mix without any clumps in a
After uniform mixing, the mix can be pasteurised and cooled to room temperature, and then to 5 oC. It
is maintained at same temperature for 4-6 hours for ageing. After ageing of mix, freezing is done in an
ice cream freezer. Colour and essence are added to ice cream mix and measured quantity of the mix is
poured into the freezing table. The compressor is started and motor is switched on, which rotates the
dasher cum scrapper. The ice cream formed is checked for its consistency and later drawn into
container for use.
Prepared ice cream is packed in wax coated paper cups / plastic cups or edible wafer cones. Knowing
the volume of each cone or cup and the number of cups produced total volume of ice cream prepared is
arrived at and over run is calculated accordingly.
Milk - 800 ml
Cream - 140 g.
Skim milk powder - 50 g.
Sugar - 175 g.
Sodium alginate - 3 g.
(G.M.S.) - 2 g.
Preparation of Ice-cream
Cooling and ageing
After homogenisation, hot mix is quickly cooled in the surface cooler and transferred to ageing vats for
5-6 hours.
Freezing the mix
Colour and flavour are added before freezing. The preferable Combination of Flavour and Colour are
Green for Pista, Yellow for Mango, Pink for Strawberry and plain colour for Vanilla. The ice cream mix,
along with air, is then pumped in to the freezer where it is converted into ice cream. This process calls
for simultaneous whipping and freezing. High speed blades in the freezer whip the mix and air together
to form a creamy mix. It is at this stage that fruits, nuts and other ingredients are added.
Although frozen, the ice cream is soft enough to be poured into cones or cups or moulds at different
shapes. Ice cream would not be ice cream but for the air, without this aeration, the finish product
would be a solidly frozen mass which just could not be eaten. Whipping air into the mix helps make
sure that ice creams is smooth and easy to scoop. This exertion is called “Over run”.
The ice cream collected in cups is hardened by bringing down the temperature to ( –25oC). The “rapid
hardening process” that takes place also ensures a smoother ice cream.
Kulfi is the indigenous ice cream frozen in small containers. Usually consumed in summer and also
called malai kulfi.
Method of Preparation: Milk is sweetened by addition of sugar to boiling milk and the product is
concentrated to approximately 2:1. When the concentrate has cooled, malai (indigenous cream),
crushed nuts and the desired flavour are added and then well stirred. The mix is placed in conical or
cylindrical moulds of various capacities made of galvanized iron sheets or cylindrical earthenware pot.
The moulds are closed on top by means of a small disc and the edges made air tight with wheat dough
(modern moulds are made of plastic or aluminum, generally conical in shape with screw cap plastic
tops). The mix in the moulds is frozen using a large earthen vessel containing a mixture of ice and salt
in the ratio of 1:1.
Bacterial thickening
Defect in condensed milk due to Storage at high temperature and low sugar ratio
Its a process in which a specially designed hermetic centrifuge, is used to separate
bacteria, and especially the spores formed by specific bacteria strains, from milk.
Batch or holding pasteurization, also called the low-temperature – long time –method.
The milk is heated to 63°C for 30 minutes and promptly cooled to 5 °C.
Bureau of Indian standards covers product quality certification, consumer affairs and
development of technicalstandards.
Defect in condensed milk due to Contamination with Torula lactis and condensi and
Storage at high temperature
Clarification process
It removes impurities like blood cells from the milk that will be sold as whole milk
(milk containing all of its butterfat).
Dried milk
Dried milk is the product obtained by the removal of water by heat or the suitable
means, to produce asolid containing 5 per cent or less moisture.
Float controlled balance tank
FCBT maintains a constant head of milk for feeding the raw milk pump; also receives
any sub-temperature milk diverted by FDV.
Freezing Point
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services
produced within a country in a given period.
Bacteria which are able to ferment lactose to lactic acid and more end products .
Bacteria which are able to ferment lactose to lactic acid .
Mechanically forcing milk through a small passage at high velocity. This breaks down
the fat globules in milk into much smaller ones and creates a stabile fat emulsion.
ICMR stands for Indian Coucil of Medical Research
Bottle filled with raw milk and tightly sealed with special caps is held at 63-66°c for 30
Lactic acid bacteria
LP system
Milk sugar
Operation Flood
Organized sector
Those parts of the economy which operate through institutions which feed figures into
official statistics. This includes firms organized as companies, payments made via the
banking system, incomes reported to the tax authorities etc
Pasteurization refers to the process of heating every particle of milk to at least 63°C for
30 minutes, or 72°C for 15 seconds .
Pearson Square
Pearson Square or Rectangle Method, is a simplified method for solving a two variable
simultaneous equation.
Defect in condensed milk due to due to Excessive sugar ratio and excessively low
temperature of storage
Separation process
Skim milk powder product obtained from cow or buffalo milk by the removal of water
and not containing more than 1.5 per cent of fat and moisture not exceeding 5.0
Milk has two parts one is fat and the other is SNF. SNF stands for Solid Not Fat i.e.
apart from fat all other solids, like vitamins, minerals, protein etc.
Standardization of milk refers to the adjustment, ie., raising or lowering, of the fat and
/ or solids not fat percentages of milk to desired value.
The last milk drawn from the udderis quite high in fat
Surface tension
Water-jacketed vat
This is double walled around the sides and bottom in which hot water or team under
partial vacuum circulates for heating and cold water for cooling.
WHO stands for World Health Organization.WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health
within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping
the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options,
providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.