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Dairy Industry

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Dairy Industry :

A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting or processing (or both) of animal milk –
mostly from cows or buffaloes, but also from goats, sheep, horses, or camels – for human consumption.
A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or in a section of a multi-purpose farm (mixed farm)
that is concerned with the harvesting of milk.

As an attributive, the word dairy refers to milk-based products, derivatives and processes, and the
animals and workers involved in their production: for example dairy cattle, dairy goat. A dairy farm
produces milk and a dairy factory processes it into a variety of dairy products. These establishments
constitute the global dairy industry, a component of the food industry.

Sampling and analysis occur along the milk processing train: from collection at farm level, to intake at
the diary plant, the processing steps, and the end products. Milk has a short shelf life; however,
products such as milk powders have allowed a global industry to be developed. Quality control tests are
vital to support activities for hygiene and food standards to meet regulatory and customer demands.
Multiples of chemical and microbiological contamination tests are undertaken. Hazard analysis testing
strategies are necessary, but some tests may be redundant; it is therefore vital to identify product
optimization quality control strategies. The time taken to undergo testing and turnaround time are
rarely measured. The dairy industry is a traditional industry with a low margin commodity. Industry 4.0
vision for dairy manufacturing is to introduce the aspects of operational excellence and implementation
of information and communications technologies. The dairy industries’ reply to Industry 4.0 is
represented predominantly by proactive maintenance and optimization of production and logistical
chains, such as robotic milking machines and processing and packaging line automation reinforced by
sensors for rapid chemical and microbial analysis with improved and real-time data management. This
chapter reviews the processing trains with suggestions for improved optimization.


 dairy

 processing

 hygiene

 analytical tests

 automation

Chapter and author info

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1. Introduction

The implementation of strategies to improve and strengthen milk process optimization is of vital
importance within the dairy industry. The rapid deterioration of milk products forces dairy processors to
critically optimize and plan their production schedules. The business model is to look at the work force,
to reduce or eliminate any time or/and resource wastage, unnecessary costs, bottlenecks, and mistakes
while attaining the process objective of creating a quality product [1].

The global dairy sector is currently going through change. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the
United Nations (FAO-UN), dairy price index shows prices 26% below its peak from February 2014 [2]. The
demand for milk products from China is beginning to slow, trade sanctions on Russia and the end of
“milk quotas” within the European Union (EU) has caused a period of excess supply and low prices [3].
Notwithstanding this, the dairy sector is expanding and projected to grow at a rate of 1.8% per year over
the next 10 years, to 177 million tons of powdered milk by 2025 [4]. This increase is mainly due to rising
urbanization and growing incomes in emerging markets [5]. In the EU, however, dairy farmers have used
intervention stocks to shield themselves from poorer international prices. In September 2017, for
instance, EU farmers consigned 16,597 tons of skimmed milk powder (SMP) to the interventions stock at
Euro €1.698 [6].

In addition, changing consumer demand patterns are affecting food production. The “Traditional” value
drivers of price, taste, and convenience have been complemented by newer and “Evolving” drivers such
as health and wellness, safety, social impact, and experience. Central to all of these drivers is a need for
transparency from food companies [5]. Given the ever-changing nature of the consumer food value
drivers, dairy producers must look to their production processes to innovate with new products and to
optimize output without compromising on quality and safety.

The world’s milk is predominantly cow’s milk, followed by buffalo milk. The leading producers include,
Asia (30%), followed by the EU (28%), North and Central America (18%), South America (9%), other
European countries (9%), Africa (5%), and Oceania (5%) [7]. To be named a dairy product, food must be
produced from the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, etc. The dairy sector includes food such as liquid milk,
milk powders, cheese, butter, and yogurt, as well as ice cream. Several factors including genetics, and
breed of animal, environment, stages of lactation, parity, and nutrition, together determine the final
composition of milk [8]. Milk and dairy products are significant sources of protein, essential minerals
(calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, iodine) and several vitamins, (the fat-soluble
vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1, B3, B6, B12). In a Western diet, dairy products provide between 40 and 70%
of the recommended daily calcium intake. Cow’s milk consists of about 87% water (Table 1), and 12–
13% total solids. The solids consist of fat ~4% and solids-not-fat (SNF) ~9%, such as proteins, lactose, and
various minerals and vitamins. Milk proteins consist of whey and caseins; caseins have four different
species (αS1, αS2, β, and κ-caseins) which are separate molecules, but they do possess similarity in
structure and they comprise around 80% of total milk protein. The major whey proteins in cow and
sheep’s milk are β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin; the other proteins are serum albumin and
immunoglobulins. Minor proteins include lactoferrin (LF), an iron binding protein and β 2-Microglobulin—
part of the Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHC II), the rest are mostly enzymes including;
lactoperoxidase, an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme which breaks down
bacterial cell walls and has low activity in cow milk, proteases, protease activators, nucleases,
glycosidases, and others. The milk proteins contain the nine essential amino acids required by humans,
making it an important human food. The caseins are easily digested, while the whey proteins are
relatively less digestible in the intestine.

Cow’s Skim milk Whole milk Acid whey

milk % powder (SMP) % powder (WMP) % powder (WP) %

Moisture 85.5–89.5 3.0–4.0 2.0–4.5* 3.5–5.0

Fat 2.5–6.0 0.6–1.5 26.0–42.0 1.0–1.5

Protein 2.9–5.0 34.0–37.00 24.5–27 11.0–14.5

Lactose 3.6–5.5 49.5–52.0 36.0–38.5 63.0–75.0

0.8–0.9 8.2–8.6 5.5–6.5 8.2–8.8

Table 1.

Average composition of milk and milk powders.

The moisture content does not include water of crystallization of the lactose, the milk solids-not-fat
content includes the water of crystallization of the lactose (Source: [11, 12]).

The milk fat content varies within the same dairy products and between different dairy products. Raw
farm milk, full-fat milk, semi-skimmed milk, and skimmed milk have their own percentage of fat. Raw
milk normally has a fat content of ~4.4 g of milk fat per 100 g. This can be skimmed to obtain lower fat
varieties. Full-fat milk is standardized to 3.5% of fat and semi-skimmed milk contains ~1.5% fat.
Skimmed milk and buttermilk are very low in fat and, on average, contain 0.1 or 0.2% fat, respectively.
The fat content of milk and cream is also known as butterfat, an important factor in determining the
price to be paid for milk supplied by farmers in many countries. Milk sold to the consumer is
standardized with a range of different fat content choices. However, international variances in
standardization mean that the fat percentage for (semi)-skimmed, whole milk, and buttermilk can differ
between countries. Modifications in the composition of milk are allowed, if they are indicated on the
packing of the product, so that it can be easily seen and read, complying with the obligation as regards
nutrition labeling, laid down by the countries regulations. In the case of the EU, regulation No.
1169/2011 applies on the provision of food information to consumers [9], plus providing an indication of
origin, is considered of particular interest. The US Public Health Service (USPHS) Milk Ordinance and
Code recommends a minimum of 3.25% butterfat in farm milk, as the official national standard [10].

Milk is not necessarily a local product and has developed into a global trade with the development of
milk powders. In particular, whole milk powder (WMP) and skimmed milk powder (SMP) are the most
traded agricultural commodities globally, as percentage of production traded, while fresh dairy
products, with less than 1% of production traded are the least traded agricultural commodity [4]. The
dairy industry, however, has been targeted in the climate change debate as it has been estimated that
14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock with beef and milk production the main culprits
[13, 14]. Extreme changes in climate can affect the microbiological safety of food. Wet conditions are
favorable to pathogen growth and may result in increased risk of food contamination, including
mycotoxin. Aflatoxin M1 is the most studied mycotoxin in milk and levels exceeding the EU maximum
level (0.050 μg/kg) have been found [15]. Climate effects on animal diseases lead to increased use of
veterinary medicines resulting in drug resistance and anthropogenic (synthetic) chemicals with the
potential for transmission of chemical residues into the food chain. The more frequent and intense
rainfall that is predicted could encourage the spread of perchlorate through surface runoff with the
potential to enter the food chain via cow’s milk [16]. Perchlorate reduces thyroid hormone production in
the thyroid gland [17].

Nurpur Story

We are a tradition that started in the small village of Nurpur over 50 years ago.
Like it has been forever, we still go out every morning to collect fresh farm
milk so that we continue to bring you Nurpur’s homegrown promise of natural
freshness and purity.

Known for the best butter in Pakistan, Nurpur has fast become a favourite
when it comes to other dairy products as well. Our varied range of dairy
products gives customers the option to autonomously decide the lifestyle they
want to live. From Nurpur UHT Milk, Low Fat Milk, Flavoured Milk, Butter and
Cheese; Nurpur has something for everyone.
Our Heritage
Under the umbrella of the Fauji Group of Companies, with major shareholding
by FFBL – Fauji Foods Limited was founded in 2015 after the acquisition of
Noon Pakistan Limited, a company with an over 50-year dairy legacy in

In February 2016, Fauji Foods introduced a new brand for the masses by the
name of Dostea. Dostea is a liquid tea whitener which renders the perfect
taste and colour you require from your daily cup of tea.

Founded in 1966, the Company’s brand Nurpur has been a household name
across generations. After the acquisition, Fauji Foods relaunched the House
of Nurpur in May 2016, thus reviving an age-old tradition of wholesome

The House of Nurpur, renowned for its Butter in Pakistan is also gaining
traction across its consumer base for other wholesome additions to its product

In 2017 FFL ventured into the Juices & Nectars segment with the introduction
of MUST fruit juices in a range of exciting flavours.
The milk is brought from the farm (or collecting centre) to the dairy for processing. All kinds of
receptacles have been used, and are still in use, throughout the world, from 2 – 3 litre calabashes
and pottery to modern bulk-cooling farm tanks for thousands of litres of milk.

Formerly, when dairies were small, collection was confined to nearby farms. The
microorganisms in the milk could be kept under control with a minimum of chilling, as the
distances were short and the milk was collected daily. Today the trend is towards progressively
larger dairy units. There is a demand for a higher production and increased quality of the finished
product. Milk must be brought from farther away and this means that daily collection is
generally out of the question. Nowadays, collection usually takes place every other day, but the
interval can sometimes be three days and even four.


The milk should be chilled to + 4 °C immediately after milking and be kept at this temperature
all the way to the dairy.
If the cold chain is broken somewhere along the way, e.g. during transportation, the
microorganisms in the milk will start to multiply. This
will result in the development of various metabolic products and enzymes. Subsequent chilling
will arrest this development, but the damage will already
be done. The bacteria count is higher and the milk contains substances that will affect the quality
of the end product.


The first steps in preserving the quality of milk must be taken at the farm. Milking conditions
must be as hygienic as possible; the milking system designed to avoid aeration, the cooling
equipment correctly dimensioned. To meet the hygienic requirements, dairy farms have special
rooms for refrigerated storage. Bulk cooling tanks are also becoming more common. These tanks
(Figure 5.1) with a capacity of 300 to 30 000 litres, are fitted with an agitator and cooling
equipment to meet certain stipulations – for example
that all the milk in the tank should be chilled to +4 °C within two hours after milking. Larger
farms, producing large quantities of milk, often install separate plate coolers for chilling the milk
before it enters the tank (Figure 5.2). This saves mixing warm milk from the cow with the
already chilled contents of the tank. The milk room should also contain equipment for cleaning
and disinfecting the utensils, pipe system and bulk cooling tank.

Fig. 5.1

Bulk cooling tank with agitator and chilling unit.


Fig. 5.2

The milk flow in an instant cooling system from cow to cooling tank.


The raw milk arrives at the dairy in insulated road tankers. The milk must be kept well chilled,
free from air and treated as gently as possible. For example, tanks should be well filled to
prevent the milk from sloshing around in the container.

When milk is collected by the tanker, it must be possible to drive all the way to the farm milk
room. The loading hose from the tanker is connected to the outlet valve on the farm cooling tank
(Fig. 5.3). The tanker is usually fitted with a flow meter and pump so that the volume is
automatically recorded. Otherwise, the volume is measured by recording the level difference
which, for the size of the tank in question, represents a certain volume. In many cases, the tanker
is equipped with an air-eliminator. Pumping is stopped as soon as the cooling tank has been
emptied. This prevents air from being mixed into the milk. The tank of the bulk
collection vehicle is divided into a number of compartments to prevent the milk from sloshing
around during transportation. Each compartment is filled in turn, and when the tanker has
completed its scheduled round, it delivers the milk to the dairy.

Fig. 5.3
Bulk collection at the farm.


Milk from sick animals and milk which contains antibiotics or sediment must not be accepted by
the dairy (Fig. 5.4). Even traces of antibiotics in milk can render it unsuitable for the
manufacture of products which are acidified by the addition of bacteria cultures, e.g. yoghurt and
cheese. Normally, only a general assessment of the milk quality is made at the farm. The
composition and hygienic quality is usually determined in a number of tests on arrival at the
dairy. The outcome of some of these tests has a direct bearing on the compensation to the
farmer. The most common tests carried out on milk supplies are detailed below.

Fig. 5.4

Milk from animals treated with antibiotics must be kept separate from other milk.


In the case of bulk collection, the driver takes a sample of the milk at the farm for testing at the
dairy. Milk that deviates in taste and smell from normal milk receives a lower quality rating. This
affects the payment to the farmer. Milk with significant deviations in taste and smell should be
rejected by the dairy.

Fig. 5.5

Analysing milk samples.

The inside surfaces of farm tanks are carefully inspected. Any milk residue is evidence of
inefficient cleaning and will result in a deduction in accordance with a quality payment scheme.


The bacteria content of the milk is a measure of its hygienic quality. The Resazurin Tests are
used frequently. Resazurin is a blue dye which becomes colourless when it is chemically reduced
by the removal of oxygen. When it is added to the milk sample, the metabolic activity of the
bacteria present has the effect of changing the colour of the dye at a rate which bears a direct
relationship to the number of bacteria in the sample.
Two hygiene tests use this principle. One is a quick-screening test, which may form the basis for
the rejection of a bad churn supply. If the sample starts to change shade immediately, the
consignment is considered unfit for human consumption.
The other test is a routine test and involves storage of the sample in a refrigerator overnight,
before a Resazurin solution is added. The sample is then incubated in a water bath and held at
37,5 °C for two hours.


A large number (more than 500,000 per ml of milk) of somatic cells in the milk indicates that the
cows are suffering from udder diseases. The cell content is determined with specially designed
particle counters (e.g. a Coulter counter).

The common tests carried out on milk supplies are:

 Taste and smell 

 Cleaning 
 Hygiene 
 Somatic cell count 
 Bacteria count 
 Protein content 
 Fat content 
 Freezing point
A simplified form of bacteria count can also be used to assess the bacteria content. In this, the
Leesment method, the bacteria are cultivated at 30 °C for 72 hours in a 0.001 ml milk sample
with a nutritive substrate. The bacteria count is determined with a special screen.

Many dairies pay farmers according to the protein content of the milk. This is analysed by means
of instruments operating with infrared rays. Up to 300 analyses per hour can be performed.

Various methods can be used to determine the butterfat content. The Gerber test is the most
widely used method for whole milk.

Many dairies check the freezing point of the milk to determine whether or not it has been diluted
with water. Milk of normal composition has a freezing point of -0.54 to -0.59 °C. The freezing
point will rise if water is added to the milk. Special instruments are used for this check.

Dairies have special reception departments to handle the milk brought in from the farms. The
first thing done at reception is to determine the quantity of the milk. The quantity is recorded and
entered into the weighing system that the dairy uses to weigh the intake and compare it with the
The quantity of the intake can be measured by volume or by weight.

Tankers arriving at the dairy drive straight into a reception hall, often large enough to
accommodate several vehicles.
The milk is measured either by volume or by weight.

Fig. 5.6

Measuring milk intake in a tanker reception hall.

This method uses a flowmeter. It registers the air in the milk as well as the milk, so the results
are not always reliable. It is important to prevent air from entering with the milk. Measuring can
be improved by fitting an air-eliminator before the flowmeter (Figure 5.7).
The tanker outlet valve is connected to an air-eliminator and from this the milk – free from air –
is pumped through the flowmeter, which continuously indicates the total flow. When all the milk
has been delivered, a card is placed in the meter for recording the total volume.
The pump is started by the control equipment, which senses when the milk in the air-eliminator
has reached the preset level for preventing air from being sucked into the line. The pump is
stopped as soon as the milk level drops below a certain level.
After measuring, the milk is pumped to a storage (silo) tank.

Fig. 5.7

Measuring by volume.

1. Air-eliminator
2. Pump
3. Filter
4. Metering device

Bulk-collected milk can be measured in in two ways:

1. Weighing the tanker before and after unloading and then subtracting one value from the other
(Figure 5.8).
2. Using special weighing tanks with load cells in the feet (Figure 5.9). In the first alternative, the
tanker is driven onto a weighbridge at the dairy.

Fig. 5.8

Tanker on a weighbridge.

Fig. 5.9

Milk reception via a weighing tank.

Operation may be manual or automatic. If manual, the operator records the weight against the
driver’s code number. Where operation is automatic, the necessary data are recorded when the
driver places a card in a card scanner. Before being weighed the tanker normally passes a vehicle
washing station. This is of special importance when the weather is bad.
When the gross weight of the tanker has been recorded, the milk is delivered into the dairy. This
may take place in line with a de-aerator but not a flowmeter. When empty, the tanker is weighed
again and the tare weight is deducted from the previously recorded gross weight.

When the weighing-tank method is used, the milk is pumped from the tanker into a special tank
with load cells built into the feet. The cells supply an electric signal that is always proportional to
the weight of the tank. The strength of the signal increases with the weight of the tank as the milk
enters the tank. The weight of the contents in the tank can be recorded when all the milk has been
delivered. After this the milk is pumped to a silo tank.

Tankers are cleaned every day, as a rule at the end of a collection round. If the tanker makes
several rounds a day, cleaning should take place after each round. Cleaning can be carried out by
connecting the tanker to a cleaning system while in the reception area, or by driving it to a
special cleaning station.
Many dairies also clean the outside of their tankers every day so that they always look clean
when they are on the road. In more and more countries new rules are introduced about
disinfection of tankers to avoid spreading animal diseases.


Normally, a temperature increase to slightly above + 4 °C is unavoidable during transportation.
Therefore, the milk is usually cooled to below + 4 °C in a plate heat exchanger, before being
stored in a silo tank to await processing.


The untreated raw milk – whole milk – is stored in large vertical tanks – silo tanks – which have
capacities from about 100,000 litres up to 500,000 litres. Smaller silo tanks are often located
indoors while the larger tanks are placed outdoors to reduce building costs. Outdoor silo tanks
are of double-wall construction, with insulation between the walls. The inner tank is of stainless
steel, polished on the inside, and the outer wall is usually of welded sheet metal.


These large tanks must have some form of agitation arrangement to prevent cream separation by
gravity. The agitation must be very smooth. Extreme agitation causes aeration of the milk and fat
globule disintegration. This exposes the fat to attack from the lipase enzymes in the milk. Gentle
agitation is therefore a basic rule in the treatment of milk. The tank in Figure 5.10 has a propeller
agitator, often used with good results in silo tanks. In very high tanks it may be necessary to fit
two agitators at different levels to obtain the required effect.
Outdoor silo tanks have a panel for ancillary equipment (Fig. 5.11). The panels on the tanks all
face inwards towards a covered central control station.

Fig. 5.10

Silo tank with propeller agitator.


Fig. 5.11

Silo tank with alcove for manhole, indicators, etc.

1. Agitator
2. Manhole
3. Temperature indicator
4. Low-level electrode
5. Pneumatic level indicator
6. High-level electrode


The temperature in the tank is indicated on the tank control panel. Usually, an ordinary
thermometer is used, but it is becoming more common to use an electric transmitter, which
transmits signals to a central monitoring station.

There are various methods available for measuring the milk level in a tank. The pneumatic level
indicator measures the static pressure represented by the head of liquid in the tank. The higher
the pressure, the higher the level in the tank. The indicator transmits readings to an instrument.

All agitation of milk must be gentle. The agitator must therefore not be started before it is
covered with milk. An electrode is often fitted in the tank wall at the level required for starting
the agitator. The agitator stops if the level in the tank drops below the electrode. This electrode is
known as the low-level indicator (LL).

A high-level electrode (HL) is fitted at the top of the tank to prevent overfilling. This electrode
closes the inlet valve when the tank is full, and the milk supply is switched to the next tank.
During an emptying operation, it is important to know when the tank is completely empty.
Otherwise, any milk remaining when the outlet valve has closed will be rinsed out and lost
during the subsequent cleaning procedure. The other risk is that air will be sucked into the line if
emptying continues after the tank is dry. This will interfere with later treatment. Consequently an
electrode, lowest low level, (LLL) is often located in the drainage line to indicate when the last
of the milk has left the tank. The signal from this electrode is used to switch to another tank or to
stop emptying.
From single serving ecolean pack to family pack, all of our SKU’s offer you
Nurpur’s traditional trademark goodness. Impeccably fit for the entire
household, Nurpur’s daily dose of freshness and purity helps you enjoy the
unique taste of farm fresh dairy. Microwave-safe packaging ensures hassle-
free and safe daily use, retaining all the full cream richness.

Nurpur Original UHT Milk is available in multiple SKU’s.


Nurpur Dairy Cream is new addition in the House of Nurpur family. The brand
was launched in January 2021 and have been part of the consideration set of
consumers since its launch.

Spread it on toast or consume it with paratha or use it to add that extra bit on
your desserts. Nurpur Dairy Cream is rich, wholesome and a pure cream
delight. This smooth treat is a tasteful partner for all sweet and savory.

Tastefully Yours!

Our fan favourite. For years, Nurpur Butter has been a staple in households
across Pakistan. Uniquely crafted, Nurpur Butter is velvety in texture with a
subtly salty aftertaste. A perfect combination with bread and a tasty alternative
to oil to cook in, our butter spreads happiness through its versatility.
Nurpur Butter is available in SKUs of 10g, 50g, 100g and 200g


Colourful packaging, the healthy wholesomeness of Nurpur Milk and a unique blend of flavours. Nurpur

Flavoured Milk is not only a personal favourite for the kids but popular amongst consumers of all other

age groups as well. A fun twist on drinking milk, Nurpur Flavoured Milk is available in two exciting


 Strawberry

 Badaam & Zafran

Nurpur Flavoured Milk is available in packs of  200ml.

Add it to a sandwich or burger or use it to add that extra bit of zing to your
daily meals; our cheese will never disappoint. Creamy and natural, Nurpur
Cheese comes in two flavours: Mozzarella and Cheddar. Each being uniquely
delicious, no matter which one you try, Nurpur cheese will always leave you
craving for more.

Nurpur Cheese is packed in state of the art packaging which ensures its
freshness and original taste. Savor the wholesome goodness of our cheese
for an enriched experience.

Both Nurpur Cheddar and Mozzarella Cheese are available in multiple SKUs.

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