Atoms and The Periodic: Classifying Matter
Atoms and The Periodic: Classifying Matter
Atoms and The Periodic: Classifying Matter
Classifying Matter
Atoms and Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass.
the Periodic Most easily observed property of matter = physical state
Table i.e. solid, liquid or gas
Solid – rigid shape, fixed volume, little change with
changing temperature and pressure.
Liquid – fixed volume, no definite shape – fluid → takes
on the shape of the container.
End of Chapter exercises: 2‐
24, 2‐26, 2‐35, 2‐66, 2‐89, 2‐ Gas – volume determined by the size of the
91, 2‐93, 2‐96, 2‐101, 2‐103 container. Varies with T and P
Atomic Structure
– Electronic Charge: e– = 1.602 x 1019 C
Relative Atomic Mass
– Use multiples of this charge, i.e. 1 e– = 1 – This tells us the mass of one atom of an element relative to
– p+ = + 1.602 x 1019 C ….. 1p+ = + 1 one atom of another element.
– Chemical properties of elements and molecules depend largely on the – E.g., an O atom is approximately 16 times heavier than an H
electrons of atoms involved.
Atomic Number → rela ve mass based on Carbon‐12, i.e. a carbon atom with
– Atomic Number (Z) = 6 protons and 6 neutrons is assigned a mass of exactly 12 amu
– Atoms have extremely small masses – fundamental atomic
– The atoms of each element have a characteristic number of particles can be expressed in atomic mass units (amu*). *SI
protons → all atoms of a particular element have the same
= u
number of protons in their nucleus, e.g. Hydrogen = 1 p+ and 1 e‐
– Also indicates position elements position on the Periodic Table, – 1 u = 1/12th of mass of C – 12 atom = 1.66054 x 1024 g
e.g. 6th element = Carbon – 6 p+s and 6 e‐s (Z = 6)
relative atomic mass = 10.811 Relative Atomic mass?
– For boron atomic weight Q4: Silicon consists of 3 stable isotopes, 28Si (92.23%) with mass
= 0.199 (10.0 u) + 0.801 (11.0 u) = 10.8 u 27.97693 u; 29Si (4.68%) with mass 28.97649 u: and 30Si (3.09%)
with mass 29.97377 u. Calculate the relative atomic mass of Si.
Metalloids ‐ between metals and non‐metals (Text Book –
– have properties of both metals and non‐metals, this makes
them difficult to classify as either
metal or non‐metals.
– E.g. Silicon is a semiconductor …does not conduct electricity
under some applied voltages …becomes a conductor at higher
applied voltages
Based the model on 3 postulates: Bohr model – single quantum number, n – describes
the orbit.
• Only orbits of certain radii, corresponding to certain Quantum mechanical model – 3 quantum numbers to
definite Energies are permitted for H‐atom. describe orbital, n, ℓ, mℓ (3 dimensional)
• An e‐ in a permi ed orbit has a specific energy →
‘allowed’ Energy state. Principle quantum number – n (n = 1, 2, 3 …)
– Determines energy of orbital; increased n implies
An e‐ in allowed E state will not radiate energy and not
higher energy.
spiral into the nucleus, i.e. stable.
– Defines size of orbital; larger n implies larger orbital,
• Energy is emitted or absorbed by e‐ only as the e‐
e‐ further from nucleus.
changes from one allowed E state to another.
– Atoms with more than 1e‐, 2 or more of e‐s may have
Energy is emitted / absorbed as a photon, i.e. E is same n‐value.
quantised E = hʋ
– The lowest energy orbital of Hydrogen is 1s – Electron density is concentrated in 2 regions on either side of
– Associated with quantum numbers n = 1 and ℓ = 0 the nucleus resembles 2 lobes of a dumbbell.
Electrons assigned to 1s orbital of H-atom may have a Ground state – most stable state – electrons in
set of quantum numbers: lowest possible energy states.
n = 1, ℓ = 0, mℓ = 0 and ms = + ½ or
– Orbitals are filled in order of increasing energy.
n = 1, ℓ = 0, mℓ = 0 and ms = - ½
– Electrons assigned to shells (defined by n) of increasing energy
– n = 1, ℓ = 0, mℓ = 0 describes the 1s‐orbital. – Within a shell, electrons assigned to subshells (defined by ℓ) of
successively higher energy.
– 1s orbital, or any other orbital, can be occupied by no more than 2 – Electrons assigned to ensure total energy of atom is always as low as
electrons possible.
– Electrons must have opposite spin – Atoms with more than 1 electron, sub‐shell energies depend on
both n and ℓ.
can determine the number of electrons in each shell and subshell
Subshell energy order – 2 general rules
3 x p‐orbitals each hold 2 e‐s 6 e‐s in p‐subshell
5 x d‐orbitals 10 electrons – Electrons assigned to sub‐shells of increasing ‘n + ℓ’ value
n‐subshells in the nth electron shell n2 orbitals in a shell – For 2 sub‐shells with the same ‘n + ℓ’ value, electrons assigned
maximum 2n2 electrons in any shell. first to sub‐shell of lower n.
– All elements outer shell configuration: [noble gas]ns2np3,
Neon (Ne) and group 8A (Noble gases)
– Group 8 (except He) have 8 e‐s in shell of highest value →
– n = period in which element is located. ns2np6
Oxygen (O) and group 6A – i.e. all noble gases have filled ns and np subshells → this
explains their nearly complete chemical inertness.
– O: Z = 8 (8 p+ and 8 e‐) 1s2 2s22p4
– Ne: Z = 10 (10 p+ and 10 e‐)
– [He]2s22p4 ….4th 2p‐electron must pair up with one already – 1s2 2s22p6 ….[He]2s22p6
present – must have opposite spin to electron already there. Period 2 n = 2,
– Outer shell: [noble gas]ns2np4 ℓ = 0 s orbital mℓ = 0
ℓ = 1 p orbitals mℓ = 0, +/‐ 1
Period 3 Period 4:
– Next element, K (Z = 19), does the electron go into 4s or 3d?
– Similar electron configuration to 2nd period –
preceding noble gas neon and valence shell n = 3 – 4s (n + ℓ = 4 + 0 = 4), 3d (n + ℓ = 3 + 2 = 5) n + ℓ rule tell us
– e.g. Si (group 4 A) – compare with C 4s, also …
1s2 2s22p6 3s23p2 or [Ne]3s23p2 – Chemical properties of K indicate it is a member of the alkali
– Period 3 ends with Argon 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p6 metal group → implies outermost electron occupies an s‐
orbital and not 3d‐orbital.
– Q1. Give a set of quantum numbers for each of the – Q3. Using the periodic table, write condensed electron
valence electrons of aluminium: configurations for: (a) phosphorus, (b) cobalt, (c)
– Q2. Give a set of quantum numbers for each of the tellurium, (d) bismuth. How many valence electrons?
valence electrons of Arsenic.
Electron Configuration and Periodic Table Atomic Properties and Periodic Trends
– Electron configuration of element is related to its position
Atomic Size
on the periodic table → elements with same pa ern of – The size of an atom is determined by the size of its outermost
occupied orbital
outer – shell (valence) electrons arranged in groups – Orbital has no sharp boundary → how is size of atom defined?
(columns). → Distance between atoms in element used to determine the
– e.g. Group 3A: B: [He] 2s2 2p1 radius.
– e.g. Cℓ – Cℓ bond distance 198 pm → radius of Cℓ = 99 pm
– Aℓ: [Ne] 3s2 3p1
– C – C bond in diamond 154 pm → radius of C = 77 pm
– Ga: [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p1 – In CCℓ4, the C – Cℓ bond is predicted to be 176 pm, which
– In: [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p1 corresponds with the measured value.
– (may be variations due to different methods used to determine
– Tℓ: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1 the radii)
– Similarities in properties of elements result from similar
valence shell electron configuration.
anions are larger than atoms from which they are Compare isoelectric elements (same number of
formed → adding extra electrons causes increased e- electrons)
– e- repulsions.
N3‐ O2‐ F‐ Na+ Mg2+
No. of electrons 10 10 10 10 10
No. of protons 7 8 9 11 12
Ionic radius (pm) 146 140 133 98 79
→ electron – proton a rac on increases → radius decreases
← electron – electron repulsion increases ←