ContinuousRenalReplacementTherapyCRRTor PDF
ContinuousRenalReplacementTherapyCRRTor PDF
ContinuousRenalReplacementTherapyCRRTor PDF
not been corroborated by the current data available in the literature. The choice
of the method should be individualized. ARF, which is an integral part of MOF,
is a problem frequently encountered in critically ill patient treated in the ICU, but
outcome of these patients depends closely on the control of basic event.
Evaluation of each of the supportive procedures is therefore hindered by the
fact that the underlying disease has the crucial effect on survival and the type
of supportive procedure less so.
Acute renal failure as a rule is only a part of the problem in patients with
multiple organ failure. All supportive procedures are in the function of maintenance
of impaired organ function, and they mostly aid in overcoming acute disorders in
critically ill. The most important condition for a favorable outcome is control of the
For personal use only.
underlying disease, mainly sepsis.[1,2] In the light of this knowledge the place of
intermittent hemodialysis procedures should be viewed, compared to continuous
hemofiltration procedures and their effect on the survival of critically ill.
Sepsis 23 29 52
Septic shock 14 14 28
Sy. renopulmonale 4 1 5
Febris hemorrhagica 4 3 7
Rhabdomyolysis 3 2 5
Cardiomyopathia ishemica 4 3 7
All groups 52 52 104
Most of our patients with multiple organ failure (MOF) had sepsis and septic
shock as a etiologic event.
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IHD(N) 20.3 8.4 (52) 8.8±4.0 (52) 9.8±4.7 (52) 16.6 6.6 (48) 7.7 5.1 (48) 8.4 4.7 (48) 16.3 7.3 (44) 7.3 3.8 (44) 7.8 4.2 (44)
CRRT(N) 21.9 8.8 (52) 10.1±3.7 (52) 11.0±3.9 (52) 19.1 7.9 (46) 9.1 3.6 (46) 9.9 3.8 (46) 18.6 8.0 (43) 8.8 3.9 (43) 9.7 4.1 (43)
IHD(N) 16.4 7.5 (44) 7.1±3.8 (44) 7.7±4.6 (44) 15.5 8.2 (35) 6.1 3.9 (35) 6.6 4.3 (35) 13.9 7.7 (24) 5.4 3.7 (24) 5.9 4.1 (24)
CRRT(N) 18.3 8.2 (39) 8.1±3.7 (39) 9.3±7.2 (39) 18.2 8.5 (31) 7.3 4.1 (31) 8.5 4.6 (31) 14.7 6.9 (19) 6.0 4.1 (19) 7.3 4.7 (19)
IHD(N) 13.0 6.4 (17) 5.1±3.2 (17) 5.4±3.2 (17)
CRRT(N) 12.7 8.7 (15) 5.2±4.4 (15) 6.4±5.1 (15)
In our randomized prospective study there were no differences in scoring (APACHE II, MARSHAL, SOFA) between two groups on extra-
corporeal procedure (ECP).
858 Gašparović et al.
IHD 21 31 52
CRRT 15 37 52
36 68 104
P ¼ NS.
There was no difference in total survival rate between two groups.
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HD 52 2505.0
HF 52 2955.0
Total 104 NS
HF low 9 22 31
HF high 6 15 21
15 37 52
p NS
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that the principal indicator of the outcome is the underlying disease itself. Since
sepsis is the most frequent cause of multiple organ failure in surgical as well
as medical intensive care, only control over sepsis allows evaluation of the
procedure of extracorporeal circulation. In current literature there is no prospective
randomized study, which showed better patient survival on continuous in relation
to intermittent procedures. Although at present there is no prospective randomized
study which could show significantly better survival of patients on continuous
procedures, the majority of intensivists advocate this technique of renal function
replacement due to generally accepted opinion that it has less effect on circulation
of already hemodynamically unstable patients.[6–8] In oral communications it is not
infrequent to hear that this procedure is ‘‘probably better.’’ In order to answer the
question what is the procedure of choice in critically ill patients, one must eliminate
certain forms of intermittent hemodialysis, which by themselves carry frequent
problems during extracorporeal circulation. Since the machines with controlled
ultrafiltration and bicarbonate dialysate imply smaller incidence of complications,
only these devices can be considered comparable with continuous hemofiltration.
Meta-analysis of a number of studies, which compared biocompatible to bioin-
compatible membranes gave advantage to biocompatible membrane, we used
machines with controlled ultrafiltration, bicarbonate dialysate solution, and
biocompatible polysulfone membrane in our study. It is indisputable that hemo-
dialysis can affect hyperkalemia and volume excess faster, and it solves more rapidly
the acute threat of electrolyte and water derangements. Weekly dose of hemodialysis
in chronic renal failure is defined, mainly by the quotient Kt/V>1.2. The required
dose of extracorporeal elimination in acute renal failure is not defined well enough,
however it does not essentially differ from the said quotient. The length of inter-
mittent procedure is also not well defined. It mostly lasts 3–4 h, but some used
prolonged intermittent dialysis lasting 9 h and did not obtain different survival
860 Gašparović et al.
group of patients who underwent CRRT.[14–16] On the other side, according meta
analysis in published and unpublished trials in any language, CRRT in comparison
to IHD does not improve survival or renal recovery in unselected critically ill
patients with ARF.[17] On the other hand, continuous procedure of hemofiltration
has less effect on the stability of circulation. Comparison of value of intermittent
hemodialysis with continuous procedures of hemofiltration should therefore be
considered in the light of the mentioned fact. In our prospective randomized study
with 104 patients, we also did not observe any difference in 28 days survival, in total
survival, as well as in circulatory instability between two treatment modalities. Even
in subgroup of 80 patients with sepsis and septic shock there were no difference in
survival. Sepsis was the underlying disorder in 52 and septic shock in 28 patients out
For personal use only.
of 104 patients analyzed in this study. The statistical evaluation of the obtained data
revealed no significant difference in patient outcome between the two observed
methods of renal replacement therapy. This data is corroborated by the available
data in the literature. The number of hypotensive attacks defined by blood pressure
fall over 10 mmHg in our group of patients on continuous procedures was not
significantly smaller. However, there is a randomized prospective study, which
showed better survival with high volume hemofiltration 35 mL/kg/h compared to
low volume ultrafiltration in which 25 L of volume are replaced in 24 h.[18] We were
not able to validate this difference. When choosing the method of extracorporeal
circulation, despite the fact that prospective randomized studies did not prove better
survival using one of them, intensivists are advised to use the method with less side
effects, and of greater benefit in a given case. Our prospective randomized study did
not show a statistically significant difference between the two methods of renal
replacement therapy. Survival rates and the occurrence of hemodynamic instability
were not affected. We therefore believe that the management of the underlying
condition outweighs the choice of the procedure of renal replacement. Currently,
the use of these methods in the world varies. Almost all intensive care units in
England utilize continuous methods. In the USA intermittent procedures are used
more commonly than continuous ones, which is similar to the situation presently
found in Croatia. We believe that both methods are complementary; IHD for faster
elimination of electrolytes and waste products elimination, CRRT for regulation
of higher calories requirements and for hemodynamically unstable patients. The
expectation that one method is superior to the other in terms of better survival
have not been corroborated by the current data available in the literature. The
choice of the method should be individualized because both methods have
advantages and disadvantages. ARF, which is an integral part of MOF, is a problem
frequently encountered in critically ill patient treated in the ICU, but outcome of
CRRT and IHD 861
these patients depends closely on the control of basic event. Evaluation of each of the
supportive procedures is therefore hindered by the fact that the underlying disease
has the crucial effect on survival and the type of supportive procedure less so. It is
our opinion that these patients will more likely be treated by continuous methods by
appropriately trained ICU personnel.
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For personal use only.
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