Research Article: International Journal of Current Research
Research Article: International Journal of Current Research
Research Article: International Journal of Current Research
ISSN: 0975-833X
Graduate Trainees, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Guru Nanak Institute of
Dental Sciences and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
4Reader, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences and
Article History: One of the most challenging tasks for a pediatric dentist is the management of deleterious oral habits
Received 20th April, 2018 which severely affect the dento facial complex. However, if these habits can be intercepted and
Received in revised form diagnosed early, they can save the patient from the psychological impact of undergoing long
02nd May, 2018 treatment therapies. One such deleterious oral habit is Morsicato mucosae oris ie Chronic Cheek
Accepted 27th June, 2018 biting that affects the buccal mucosa. Presented here is a case report that describes the interception of
Published online 30th July, 2018 this deleterious habit in a 6 year old girl child who was a bilateral cheek biter with the help of an
unique design, modifying oral screen.
Key Words:
Chronic Cheek biting,
Deleterious Oral habits,
Modified Oral Screen,
Morsicato Mucosae Oris.
Copyright © 2018, Subhamay Chakraborty et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Dr. Subhamay Chakraborty, Dr. Shruti Shah, Dr. Parvin Sultana, Dr. Sudipta Kar, Dr. Prof. Gautam kumar Kundu and Dr. Abhishek Das Das. 2018. “A
conservative approach of treating morsicato mucosae oris through modified oral screen.”,
screen International Journal of Current Research, 10, (07), 71409-71412.
Figure 1B
Figure 13
Figure 2. Bilateral cheek bite intra orally Figure 5. Appliance in patients mouth.
71411 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 07, pp. 71406-71408, July, 2018
Deleterious oral habit in the form of biting of oral mucosa is
Fig 6A, 6B, 6C. Post insertion healing of the mucosa after 2
prevalent in 750 out of every one million indivuals
(Saemundsson, 1997). Females are affected more compared to
Case history: A 6year 2 months old girl reported to the males (Flaitz, 2000). In one of the largest studies conducted in
department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry, Guru a Mexican dental school clinic comprising 23,875 students,
Nanak Institute of Dental Science & Research with the chief found out that cheek biting is the fifth most common oral
complaint of irritation, occasional bleeding and ulceration in mucosal finding with a prevalence of 21.7 cases per 1,000
the cheek intra orally in approximation with posterior teeth patients (Castellanos, 2008). Repeated and recurrent biting
bilaterally (Figure- 1A). The symptoms were relieved after 1 or leads to a chronically traumatized area which is sometimes
2 days with local application of ointment but recurred again. thickened, scarred and paler than the surrounding mucosa, may
An intra oral examination of the patient revealed soft, bilateral or may not be present with sloughing, may or may not be
ulceration of 2mm x 2mm, involving buccal cheek mucosa tender and sometimes present as edema, purpura and erosions.
near retro molar region. The lesion was slightly tender on When formulating a differential diagnosis, it is important to
palpation and a partially sessile growth was at the level of keep in mind that mucosal areas that approximate the plane of
occlusion near permanent Ist molar teeth (Figure-2). Upon occlusion with clinical features such as irregular sufaces,
eliciting, parents revealed a history of pacifier sucking habit of erythematous zone, white tags of desquamated epithelium and
the patient and also informed that the patient unconsciously many more could be due to traumatic injury. A wide variety of
had cheek biting which occurred not only in daytime but also habitual biting behaviour exists and many treatment methods
during sleep. Intraoral examination revealed mixed dentition have been described and the most important consideration in
stage. Assessment of occlusion revealed class I molar relation managing self injurious behaviour if any is to plan the
bilaterally. On extraoral clinical examination, the patient treatment to the severity of the condition. Individualized
revealed mesoprosopic facial form, convex facial profile with approach is needed for each child in the management of these
type of deleterious oral habit. A variety of dental appliances
71412 Dr. Subhamay Chakraborty et al. A conservative approach of treating morsicato mucosae oris through modified oral screen