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Effects Wire Size, Loop Configuration, and Gabling On Canine-Retraction Springs

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Effects of wire size, loop configuration,

and gabling on canine-retraction

Spiro J. Chaconas, D.D.S., M.S.,* Angelo A. Caputo, Ph.D.,** and
Riley K. Hayarhi, D.D.S.***
Los Angeles Calif.

N umerous methods of canine retraction are currently in common use.

These methods employ various types of attachments; wire sizes, wire configura-
tions, sources of force application and control, and anchorage factors. The tooth
may be moved distally along a continuous arch wire, which may be round or rec-
tangular and of various sizes, The size and type of bracket affect the amount of sur-
face area offered for contact with the wire, which may or may not significantly
affect the forces transmitted to the periodontal ligament. Space closure may be
accomplished by means of buccal sectional closing loops, eliminating any pos-
sible effects of friction but sacrificing some measure of tooth control. Forces
may be applied through the use of latex elastic thread, open or closed-coil
springs, wire loops of numerous designs, and a number of headgear
types currently available. Anchorage may involve many combinations of intra-
and intermaxillary tooth units, muscular forces (lips, tongue), bone types (cor-
tical, spongy, osteoid) , and extraoral (cervical, occipital) resistance factors.

Review of all literature

The first criterion for wire usage is the capability of delivering a specific
amount of force. Several studies have been made of the amount of force required
Portions of this research were funded by the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists
and presented in part at the Afty-first general meeting of the International Associa-
tion for Dental Research, Washington, D. C.
*Associate Professor and Chairman of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University
of California at Los Angeles.
**Lecturer, Restorative Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles; Biodental Research Engineer, Veterans Administration
Hospital, Sepulveda, Calif.
***Sunnyvale, Calif.

Volume 65 E#‘ects of various factors on canine-retraction springs 59
Number 1

for specific tooth movements. Storey and Smith’ have reported that the optimum
range of force for retraction of the lower canine tooth is between 150 and 200
Gm. Burstone and Groves” retracted anterior teeth by simple tipping and
stated that optimum rates of tooth movement were observed when 50 to 75
Gm. of force was applied. Reitan3 has stated that the maximum force needed
during any stage of a continuous bodily movement of canines is approximately
250 Gm. The mechanical property which expresses the amount of force delivered
by a given wire configuration before permanent deformation occurs is the
elastic force limit and, since bodily or translatory canine movement appears to
require the greatest force, a wire configuration which exhibits an elastic force
limit of 250 Gm. or more should be acceptable for all usages. Another considera-
tion, however, would be the ability of a wire configuration to withstand forces
induced by food excursion or accidental manipulation. A higher elastic force
limit reflects a greater resistance to permanent deformation resulting from these
A force can be described as having magnitude, direction, and position and
will produce pure translation of a free body if directed through its center of
mass. Two forces which are equal in magnitude, parallel, and opposite in direc-
tion produce a couple and will have a rotational tendency upon a body on which
they act. The rotative tendency of a couple is measured by the product of
one of the equal forces and the distance between them. It is a general principal
that any system of forces acting upon a body may be replaced by a single
couple and a single force. The resultant movement of the body may be described
as a translation and a rotation.
According to Burstone, the center of resistance of a single-rooted tooth of
parabolic shape is located 0.4 times the distance from the alveolar crest to the
apex and coincides with the centroid, which is the geometric center of the
portion of the tooth between the apex and the alveolar crest. A force placed
through the center of resistance should produce bodily translation only. A
couple or pure moment placed anywhere on the tooth should cause rotation
around the centroid of the tooth. A single force placed on the crown of a
tooth produces a center of rotation somewhere between the centroid and the
apex. A combination of a force and a moment applied at the crown can produce
bodily movement of a tooth by moving the center of rotation to infinity. This is
accomplished by creating an effective force through the center of resistance.
The most critical part of producing translatory motion is the moment-to-force
ratio (M/F ratio), not the absolute values of each. The reason for incorporating
a gable bend in the wire is to produce a moment and thereby effect bodily move-
ment of the tooth.
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of wire size,
loop configuration, force, and gable angle on canine teeth during retraction

Materials and methods

A two-dimensional simulated mouth model was constructed for attachment

of the retraction springs. The model consisted of two-dimensional anatomic
60 Chaconas, Cap&o, and Hayoshi Am. J. Orthod.

Fig. 1. Test model of mandibular posterior quadrant with squashed-loop canine retraction
sectional spring engaged in edgewise brackets and tube.

Fig. 2. Gable angle demonstrated for closed vertical loop sectional canine-retraction spring.

teeth embedded in plastic which was supported by an aluminum frame (Fig. 1).
The simulated mouth condition represented a lower posterior quadrant contain-
ing a first molar, a second premolar, and a canine, with the first premolar miss-
ing. Twin 0.018 inch edgewise brackets were cemented to the crown portions of
the canine and second premolar, and a 0.018 by 0.025 inch rectangular tube
was cemented to the molar. Cementation was accomplished with a dental cyano-
acrylate cement.
The sectional retraction springs were all uniformly fabricated from 0.016
by 0.016, 0.016 by 0.022, 0.017 by 0.022, and 0.017 by 0.025 inch unheat-treated
blue Elgiloy. Each sectional was formed in an identical fashion using a
Nance closing loop plier and a Tweed three-step loop-forming plier. Care was
Volume 65 Eflects of various factors on canine-retraction springs 61

Table I. Canine-retraction sections



I 0”

I 60”

% Tested A Not Tested

taken to ensure that all loops and bends were not opened or strightened, once
they were formed. The spring configurations included a squashed loop, a closed
vertical loop, and a closed vertical loop with a helix. A preformed mandibular
canine-retraction sectional spring of 0.016 by 0.016 inch wire with double closed
vertical loops and double helices was also included in the sample. The retraction
springs’ configurations that were tested are summarized in Table I. The sectional
springs were formed with gable angles of 0, 30, 45, and 60 degrees between the
legs of wire mesial and distal to the loop, as shown in Fig. 2. The gable was bent
in such a way that the long axis of the loop portion of each spring formed equal
angles with the mesial and distal horizontal legs of the spring. For example,
a sectional with a 0 degree gable angle had the mesial and distal legs of wire
in line and the long axis of the loop portion perpendicular to this line. For
a 30 degree gable angle, the mesial and distal legs each formed 15 degree angles
within a mutual plane to a perpendicular to the long axis of the loop portion.
Force-activation tests were performed on the various sectional springs with
the mesial leg of the spring ligated into the canine bracket and the distal leg
placed in the premolar bracket and molar tube, which were well lubricated to
minimize friction. The sections were activated in a straining frame. The force
required for each increment of activation was measured by a Statham Universal
load cell attached in series distal to the posterior portion of each spring and was
recorded with a Hewlett-Packard X-Y recorder (Fig. 3). Each spring was
62 Chaconas, Cap&o, and Hayashi Am. J. Orthod.
January 19 7 4

Table II. Force-activation on test results (grams]

Wire Aoti-
Squmhed loop Closed vertical loop
size vation
(inches) (mm.) 0" 30" 60" 0" 30" 60"
0.5 385 523 746 364 364 417
0.017 1.0 637 961 1,028 650 598 598
by 1.5 896 1,170 1,261 832 806 806
0.025 2.0 1,120 1,339 1,418 1,040 963 1,013
2.5 1,198
0.5 356 514 486 338 286 286
1.0 624 879 956 572 481 468
by 1.5 832 1,066 1,131 831 663 650
0.022 2.0 1,025 1,209 1,300 1,040 858 858
2.5 1,000
3.0 1,158
0.5 369 477 559 255 260 208
1.0 554 782 832 468 468 364
0.016 1.5 740 954 988 702 663 559
by 2.0 870 1,071 1,131 909 845 728
0.022 2.5 1,000 89'6
3.0 1,040
0.5 260 369 509 182 156 156
1.0 395 525 676 403 286 286
1.5 520 676 753 533 416 416
2.0 624 780 850 689 573 533
0.016 2.5 832 676 637
by 3.0
0.016 3.5

activated only once, since preliminary testing demonstrated that repeated

activation altered the load characteristics of the sectional spring.


The test data revealed that wire size, loop configuration, and gable angle all
have marked effects on the force-activation characteristics of canine-retraction
springs. This is evident in Table II, which presents the forces required for
activation of each sectional spring tested. Force-activation curves were plotted
from the data presented in this table to facilitate comparison.
All of the data exhibited consistent trends, with the exception of the springs
fabricated from the 0.017 by 0.025 inch wire. During testing, it was observed
that, regardless of attempts at lubrication, there was considerable binding of all
the 0.017 by 0.025 inch sectional springs in the brackets and molar tubes.
Noticeable binding was not apparent with the other wire sizes.
Fig. 4 illustrates the force-activation curves comparing loop configuration
Eflects of various factors on canine-retraction spriyp 63

Closed vertical loop with helix Double closed loops with helix

0” 30” 45" 60" 0” 30" 45O 60" -

177 260 239 268

385 395 359 396
533 546 515 531
728 676 636 650
858 832 767 767
188 208 208 234
312 338 338 382
455 520 468 494
572 637 598 637
715 780 702 754
104 208 130 182
273 312 286 325
390 442 390 455
520 546 520 572
624 702 598 676
728 780
112 112 130 151 104
234 216 239 234 44 130 169 281
325 312 338 338 156
417 390 416 390 97 182 216 331
494 468 494 455 216
572 137 234 269 381
156 325

253 356

and gable angle of the 0.016 by 0.016 inch wire. This relationship was generally
observed between loop configuration and gable angle for all wire sizes except
0.017 by 0.025 inch. It can be seen that the squashed loop required the
highest activation forces, while the preformed sectional or double closed loops
with helical springs required the least amount of force for all wire sizes. The
closed vertical loop and the closed vertical loop with helix were intermediate.
It can also be seen that increased gable angle significantly increased the force
necessary for activating the squashed loop and the double-helix sectional spring.
The force required to activate the closed vertical loop decreased with increased
gable angle. There was no significant change observed in the force required to
activate the closed vertical loop with helix for various gable angles.
The general relationship between wire size and activation force that was
observed for all loop configurations tested is illustrated for the closed vertical
loop in Fig. 5. With the exception of the anomalous 0.017 by 0.025 inch sec-
tionals, increased wire size increased activation force.
64 Chaconas, Caputo, aud Hayashi Am. J. Orthod.

Fig. 3. Force-activation test apparatus illustrating test model with retraction spring attached
to load cell.


For a given wire size, the squashed loop required the highest activation
forces, with the closed vertical loop and the closed vertical loop with helix requir-
ing less force, respectively. The findings on the effects of wire size and loop
configuration were consistent with reports by Mahler and Goodwin5 and
In general, the activation forces tended to be in the upper ranges, or above
the force levels currently being advocated for canine retraction.lM3 The pre-
formed sectional spring, with its double vertical loop and double helices, proved
to require the least amount of force ‘for activation. This section provided a
force within the range that is currently deemed appropriate for canine retrac-
tion. Further, the flatness of the slope of the force-activation curve for the
double closed loops with sectional helical springs expresses the fact that
the least amount of change in force level is associated with each increment of
activation. Clinically, this would be translated into a more constant load and
greater ease in establishing a desired force level. The force-activation curves for
all the other sectional retraction springs are steeper, meaning that control in
force application is correspondingly reduced.
The effecta of gabling in the force-activation tests were apparently due to
the loop configurations and their tendency to distort as the sections were
engaged in the edgewise brackets. As the gabled squashed loop is placed in the
brackets, the mesial and distal angles formed by the vertical and horizontal legs
Vdume 65 Effects of various factors on cawke-retraction springs 65
Numbw 1


z Fig. 4
9 400

0-t 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Activation (mm.)



‘iii‘ 800

$ Fig. 5
LL 400


0 1 1 I 1 1
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Activation (mm.)
Fig. 4. Force-activation curves comparing loop configuration and gable angle (0.016 by
0.016 inch blue Elgiloy).
Fig. 5. Force-activation curves comparing wire size and gable angle (closed vertical loop).

of the loop are forced together, resulting in an opening of the loop. The loop,
therefore, tends to close, which is opposite to the effects of activation, and
thus greater forces are necessary.
The same effect was observed in the force-activation tests utilizing the double-
helix retracting spring. When the gabled legs of the section were engaged in the
bracket and tube, the mesial and distal angles formed by the vertical and hori-
zontal legs of the loops forced the two helices apart. The helices then attempted
to return to their original position, causing a force which was opposite to that of
the direction of activation, thereby necessitating greater forces.
66 Chacoms, Caputo, alad Hayashi Am. J. OrtAod.
Januan! 1974

On the other hand, the vertical legs of the closed vertical loops also open as
the gabled section was engaged in the appliance. However, because the horizontal
legs are crossed, the closing tendency is in the direction of the activation, there-
fore lessening the amount of force necessary for activation.
As in the case of the closed vertical loop, there was also a separation of
the vertical legs of the closed vertical loop with helix during engagement in
the brackets. Although there was a closing tendency in the direction of activa-
tion, it was not as strong as that of the vertical loop without helix. The in-
clusion of the helix in the gabled closed vertical loops tended to counteract the
reduction in activation force described above. Consequently, no significant
difference was observed in the force-activation characteristics of the c10~ed
vertical loops with helix for various gable angles.
One important aspect of retraction spring behavior that was not studied in
these tests concerns the capacity of the various loop configurations to produce
a torquing effect to a tooth and the degree to which a gable angle influences
bodily movement. This investigation is now being undertaken.

Summary and conclusions

The effects of wire size, loop configuration, and gable angle on activation
force were determined. Increased activation forces were produced with increased
wire size, whereas gable angle had varying effects upon activation force, depend-
ing on the loop configuration. Activation force was affected by increased gable
angle as follows :
1. Increased for the double closed vertical loops with helix sectional and
the squashed loop.
2. Decreased for closed vertical loop.
3. Little effect upon closed vertical loop with helix.
Wire size, loop configuration, and gabling have been demonstrated to effect
the force activation of canine-retraction springs. The type and amount of
tooth movement will determine the mechanics that the orthodontists will utilize.

1. Storey, E., and Smith, R.: The importance of force in orthodontics, Aust. J. Dent. 56:
291.304, 1952,
2. Burstone, C. J., and Groves, M. H., Jr.: Threshold and optimum force values for maxillary
anterior tooth movement, J. Dent. Res. 39: 695, 1966 (Abstr.).
3. R&tan, Kaare: Some factors determining the evaluation of forces in orthodontics, Aaa.
J. ORTHOD. 43: 32-45, 1957.
4. Burstone, C. J. : The biomechanics of tooth movement. In Kraus, B. LT., and Riedel, R. A. :
Vistas in Orthodontics, Philadelphia, 1962, Lea & Febiger.
5. Mahler, D. B., and Goodwin, L.: An evaluation of small diameter orthodontic wires,
Angle Orthod. 37: 13-17, 1967.
6. Thurow, R. C.: Edgewise Orthodontics, St. Louis, 1972, The C. V. Mosby company.

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