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A numerical simulation of tooth movement

produced by molar uprighting spring
Yukio Kojima,a Toshihiro Mizuno,b and Hisao Fukuic
Nagoya and Atsugi, Japan

Introduction: Uprighting a tipped molar by using an uprighting spring is a fundamental orthodontic treatment
technique. However, mechanical analyses have not been carried out for molar uprighting, and the
mechanism of tooth movement has not been clarified. The purposes of this article were to clarify these
mechanisms and to demonstrate the usefulness of mechanical simulations by which the effects of many
factors on tooth movement can be estimated quantitatively. Methods: A 3-dimensional finite element
method was used to simulate the uprighting of a second molar with a molar uprighting spring. The effects of
a retainer and spring-arm bending on the tooth movements were shown quantitatively. Results: The retainer
was useful to reduce the movement of anchor teeth. The same effect could be achieved by bending the
spring arm in the lingual direction, but the molar was greatly rotated in the occlusal plane and was tipped in
the buccal direction. Conclusions: The usefulness of a mechanical simulation method to predict orthodontic
tooth movement in clinical situations was demonstrated. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:630-8)

ne of the most fundamental orthodontic tech- the effects of many factors on tooth movement can be
niques is to upright a tipped molar by using an estimated quantitatively.
uprighting spring.1,2 In this technique, a ca-
nine and the premolars as the anchor teeth are con-
nected with a wire. To strengthen the anchorage, the MATERIAL AND METHODS
canine and the premolar of the treated side are con- Tooth element and orthodontic tooth movement
nected with a lingual retainer to those teeth of the When the force falls below 1 or 2 N, it can be
opposite side.1 Furthermore, the arm of the uprighting assumed that the teeth and the alveolar bone are
spring is bent toward the lingual side to prevent buccal undeformable, rigid bodies.8 At this level of force, the
movement of the anchor teeth and lingual movement of initial tooth movement is produced by deformation of
the molar.1 Such wire bending has been used in many the periodontal ligament (PDL). In addition, the PDL is
orthodontic tooth movements.3-5 assumed to be a homogeneous elastic film with uniform
However, mechanical analyses have not been car- thickness. Under these assumptions, the action of the
ried out for molar uprighting. The mechanism of tooth PDL is the same as an elastic spring. In other words, a
movement has not been clarified. Also, the effects of tooth supported by the PDL can be represented by a
the retainer and the bent spring arm on tooth movement spring element in a 3-dimensional (3D) finite element
have not been clarified. The main purpose of this article analysis.8 This spring element will be called the “tooth
was to clarify these effects. By using a previously element.” By using the surface model of any tooth, the
proposed method,6,7 the movements of the molar and stiffness matrix of the tooth element can be calculated
the anchor teeth produced by an uprighting spring were easily. The calculation method for tooth elements is
calculated. Another purpose was to demonstrate the shown in the Appendix (1). In this study, the surface
usefulness of such mechanical simulations, by which models of the molar and the anchor teeth were made
Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute based on a dental study model (Nissin Dental Products,
of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. Kyoto, Japan). The surface models were divided into
Research assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanagawa Insti-
tute of Technology, Atsugi, Japan.
small triangular regions as finely as possible. The
Professor, Department of Dental Materials Science, School of Dentistry, number of small regions for each tooth was about 2000.
Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan. It was further assumed that the thickness of the PDL
Reprint requests to: Yukio Kojima, Nagoya Institute of Technology, “Shikumi”
College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gokiso-cho, Showaku-ku,
was 0.2 mm, Young’s modulus was E ⫽ 0.2 MPa, and
Nagoya, 466-8555, Japan; e-mail, kojima.yukio@nitech.ac.jp. Poisson’s ratio was ␯ ⫽ 0.47. With these values, the
Submitted, April 2005; revised and accepted, July 2005. labiolingual and axial mobility values of the maxillary
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists. first premolar calculated by using the tooth element
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2005.07.035 were about 15 and 8 ␮m per newton, respectively.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui 631
Volume 132, Number 5

Fig 2. Three-dimensional finite element model for Fig-

ure 1. Wires are divided by the 3D elastic beam element
and the nodes at the tooth are connected to the tooth

Fig 1. Uprighting of the left second molar by using an

were connected to the right ones. The retainer was
uprighting spring with a helical loop. Brackets and
anchor wire are ligated firmly to prevent sliding. made with 0.04-in stainless steel round wire, which was
bonded to the teeth at the lingual tubercle.
The uprighting spring was made with 0.016-in
These values were about the same as those measured by stainless steel square wire and was incorporated with a
Goto.9 helical loop having a 2-mm diameter. The posterior end
The tooth moved as a result of absorption and of the spring was fixed to the edgewise tube with a
apposition of the alveolar bone, which was assumed to 4-mm width. The spring has a straight arm 22 mm in
occur in the normal direction on the outer surface of the length that is parallel to the length of the molar bracket
PDL. Also, it was assumed that the amount of bone in the parasagittal plane and is projected anteriorly to
remodeling was in proportion to mean stress, ␴m, in the lie passively 12 mm gingival to the anchor wire
PDL. The amount of absorption (␮m) per unit of stress between the mandibular left premolars (Fig 1, initial
(kPa) and unit of time (day) was denoted by a coeffi- position shown by broken line). To activate the spring,
cient, C (␮m/kPa/day). This coefficient was assumed to the anterior end of the spring arm was hooked to the
be the same for all teeth. Under these assumptions, the anchor wire between the left first and second premolars.
orthodontic tooth movement, ⌬U, for a small time For the calculations of the bending effect of the spring
increment, ⌬T, can be calculated as shown in the arm on tooth movement, the arm of the spring was bent
Appendix (2).6 toward the lingual side at the anterior end of the
edgewise tube. Seven simulations were carried out by
Calculation model changing the angle of spring arm, ␤, from 5° to 35°. But
Figure 1 shows a mandibular left second molar only a result of ␤ ⫽ 25° is used here to demonstrate the
uprighted with an uprighting spring. This molar is effects of bending on tooth movement.
tipped 30° in the sagittal plane. The mandibular left
canine and the first and second premolars were used as Finite element procedure
anchor teeth. These teeth were connected by using a Figure 2 shows the 3D finite element model for
0.016-in square wire made of stainless steel. Its Figure 1. The wires were divided into 3D elastic beam
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio were assumed to elements. Each element is indicated by a line with
be 200 GPa and 0.3, respectively. This wire will be nodes at both ends. It was assumed that the wire in the
called the “anchor wire.” Edgewise brackets with a bracket slot was not deformed, so the thickness of the
3-mm width were bonded to the anchor teeth. These element in the bracket was considered to be much
brackets and the wire were ligated firmly to prevent greater. The nodes at the bracket positions or bonding
sliding. Any relative movement between the bracket positions were connected to the tooth element node.
and the anchor wire is virtually impossible. For a Since the tooth element is a single node element, the
patient with a retainer, the left canine and first premolar tooth element can be connected to a beam node without
632 Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2007

an increase in the total number of nodes. The left canine

and the first premolar were connected to the retainer at
the lingual tubercle by using rigid beam elements. A
link element was used to activate the uprighting spring,
by which the anterior end of the spring arm was
constrained so as to contact the anchor wire. This link
element can transmit only the vertical and buccolingual
forces from the spring end to the anchor wire. The total
number of nodes in this model was only 74, making
calculations possible on a personal computer.
The nodal displacements at time T are calculated by
using the finite element model (Fig 2), and the stress Fig 3. Position of teeth and distribution of mean stress
distributions in the PDL of each tooth are calculated by in the PDL at an early stage (CT ⫽ 25 ␮m/kPa), without
using the tooth elements. Then the orthodontic tooth the retainer and spring-arm bending. Initial position of
movement ⌬U for each tooth is calculated by the the teeth and passive position of the spring are indi-
cated by hidden red lines. Compressive stress acted on
method shown in the Appendix (2). The wire nodes
the upper buccal surface and tensile stress acted on the
connected to the tooth elements move by ⌬U. By
lower buccal surface in the canine and the premolars.
repeating the procedure described above, the tooth This stress distribution produced a tipping movement.
positions can be calculated for any amount of time. We
developed a computer program of the finite element
method including this procedure.
As indicated in the Appendix (2), both the absorp-
tion of the alveolar bone and tooth movement are
controlled by a parameter, CT. CT is the product of the
bone absorption coefficient C (␮m/kPa/day) and time T
(day), and so the unit of CT becomes ␮m/kPa. At
present, because the value of C is uncertain, CT is used
to indicate the progress of tooth movement.

Without both the retainer and spring-arm bending
When hooking the anterior end of the spring arm to
the anchor wire, an upward force of 0.66 N was
necessary. This eruptive force and the moment tending
to upright (0.66 N · 22 mm ⫽ 15 N · mm) acted on the
second molar. The reaction force, an intrusive force of
0.66 N, acted on the anchor wire. With the uprighting
of the second molar, the initial elastic deformation of
the spring gradually returned to its original state, and
the forces acting on the teeth gradually decreased.
Figure 3 shows the teeth at an early stage of tooth
movement (CT ⫽ 25 ␮m/kPa). This figure is based on
the results of our calculations. The position of the teeth
and the configuration of the wires were calculated by Fig 4. Position of teeth after sufficient time elapsed (CT ⫽
using the finite element model (Fig 2). The stress 500 ␮m/kPa), without the retainer and spring-arm bend-
distribution in the PDL of the teeth was calculated by ing. Initial position of the teeth and passive position of the
using each surface model. Both results are shown spring are indicated by hidden red lines. a, Occlusal view:
together in Figure 3. The beam elements (anchor wire anchor teeth moved in the buccal direction. b, Sagittal
and spring) and brackets are represented by rectangular view: anchor teeth intruded and tipped.
blocks. The distribution of mean stress, ␴m, in the PDL
is indicated by color contours. The initial position of Figure 3, the force acting on the anchor wire was 0.5 N.
the teeth and the passive position of the spring are On the buccal surface of the anchor teeth, a compres-
represented by hidden red lines. At the stage shown in sive stress was produced in the upper area with a tensile
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui 633
Volume 132, Number 5

Fig 5. Position of teeth and distribution of mean stress

in the PDL at an early stage (CT ⫽ 25 ␮m/kPa), with the
retainer, but without spring-arm bending. Initial position
of the teeth and passive position of the spring are
indicated by hidden red lines. By using the retainer,
stress in the canine and premolars decreased in com-
parison with Figure 3 (without the retainer).

stress in the lower area. This stress distribution was due

to the tipping movement of the anchor teeth. On the
distal surface of the second molar, compressive stress
was produced in the upper area with tensile stress in the
lower area. The opposite stresses were produced on the
mesial surface.
Figure 4 shows the position of the teeth after a
sufficient amount of time has elapsed (CT ⫽ 500
␮m/kPa). At CT ⫽ 500 ␮m/kPa, the initial elastic
deformation of the spring has almost returned to its
original state so that the intrusive force acting on the
anchor wire and the eruptive force acting on the molar
became 0.01 N. In the sagittal view (Fig 4, b), the molar
rotated 22° and uprigthed. The center of rotation moved
upward about 0.6 mm. In the buccolingual direction,
the molar tipped slightly; ie, the tipping angle remained
within 1°. In the occlusal view (Fig 4, a), the rotational
Fig 6. Position of teeth after sufficient time elapsed
angle of the molar was small (␣ ⫽ 1.2°). The anchor
(CT ⫽ 500 ␮m/kPa), with the retainer, but without
teeth intruded 1.3 mm and moved 1.1 mm in the buccal spring-arm bending. Initial position of the teeth and
direction. As a result, the anchor teeth tipped 6° in the passive position of the spring are indicated by hidden
buccal direction. red lines. a, Occlusal view: by using the retainer, buccal
movement of the left anchor teeth decreased in com-
Effects of the retainer
parison with Figure 4, a (without the retainer). b, Sagittal
Figure 5 shows the stress distribution in the PDL at view: by using the retainer, intrusion and tipping of the
CT ⫽ 25 ␮m/kPa, when the left canine and the first left anchor teeth were decreased in comparison with
premolar are connected to the right ones with the Figure 4, b (without the retainer).
retainer. The stress distribution on the second molar
was similar to that without the retainer (Fig 3). On the tooth movements were less than those when the retainer
buccal surface of the anchor teeth, a low compressive was not used (Fig 4). In the sagittal view, the second
stress was produced over almost the entire region. molar rotated 22°, and the center of rotation moved
Figure 6 shows the position of the teeth at CT ⫽ upward about 0.6 mm. The tipping angle in the
500 ␮m/kPa. The anchor teeth intruded 0.7 mm and buccolingual direction remained within 1°. The move-
moved 0.3 mm in the buccal direction. As a result, the ment of the molar was the same as without the retainer
anchor teeth tipped 2° in the buccal direction. These (Fig 4).
634 Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2007

Fig 7. Position of teeth and distribution of mean stress

in the PDL at an early stage (CT ⫽ 25 ␮m/kPa), without
the retainer, but with spring-arm bending. Initial position
of the teeth and passive position of the spring are
indicated by hidden red lines. With the bending of
spring arm, stresses in the canine and premolars de-
creased in comparison with Figure 3 (without bending).
Stress in the second molar increased due to a lingual
force produced by spring-arm bending.

Effects of the bending angle in the spring arm

To demonstrate the effects of bending on tooth
movement, we introduced a case where the spring arm
was bent, ␤ ⫽ 25°, toward the lingual side before
activation. When the end of the arm was hooked to the Fig 8. Position of teeth after sufficient time elapsed (CT ⫽
500 ␮m/kPa), without the retainer, but with spring-arm
anchor wire, a force in the buccal direction of 0.42 N
bending. Initial position of the teeth and passive position
was necessary. The reactional force of 0.42 N acted of the spring are indicated by hidden red lines. a, Occlusal
on the anchor wire in the lingual direction. Figure 7 view: by spring-arm bending, buccal movement of the
shows the stress distribution in the PDL at CT ⫽ 25 anchor teeth decreased in comparison with Figure 4, a
␮m/kPa. The stress distribution on the root of the (without bending). Rotation of the second molar became
anchor teeth was similar to that with the retainer (Fig pronounced. b, Sagittal view: by spring-arm bending,
5). On the buccal surface of the second molar, high intrusion and tipping of the anchor teeth decreased in
compressive stress was produced in the upper mesial comparison with Figure 4, b (without bending). Buccal
region and high tensile stress was produced in the lower tipping of the second molar became pronounced.
distal region.
Figure 8 shows the position of teeth at CT ⫽ 500 decreased and ␣ increased. The magnitude of ␦ with the
␮m/kPa. The anchor teeth intruded 0.9 mm and moved retainer was about one fourth of that without the
0.1 mm in the buccal direction. As a result, the anchor retainer. The relationship between ␤ and ␣ in both
teeth tipped 1° in the buccal direction. These amounts cases (with and without the retainer) was about the
of tooth movement were smaller than those without the same.
retainer (Fig 4). In the sagittal view, the molar rotated
24°, and the center of rotation moved upward about 0.8 DISCUSSION
mm; this was about the same as without the retainer Finite element methods have been used to calculate
(Fig 4). However, in the occlusal view, the second stress in the PDL under initial tooth movement.10-15
molar rotated, ␣ ⫽ 21°. Furthermore, in the sagittal Recently, long-term orthodontic tooth movements for a
view, the molar tipped 6° in the buccolingual direction. single tooth were calculated.16,17 However, for clinical
Figure 9 shows the rotational angle of the second situations when many teeth are connected with a wire
molar in the occlusal plane, ␣, and the buccal move- and moved at the same time, simulations of long-term
ment of the anchor teeth, ␦, when changing the bending tooth movement have not been reported. In our re-
angle of the spring arm, ␤. The angles ␣ and ␤, and the search, such simulations were accomplished by using 2
movement ␦, were defined as shown in Figure 8, a. calculation techniques. The first technique is the calcu-
With or without the retainer, when increasing ␤, ␦ lation method of the tooth moving force, ⌬R, which is
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui 635
Volume 132, Number 5

a method relating the local action of bone remodeling to

the global movement of the tooth. By using ⌬R, the
amount and direction of the orthodontic tooth move-
ment, ⌬U, can be calculated. The second technique is
the tooth element, which enables the calculation to be
executed on a personal computer. Only simple assump-
tions were adopted as a first step for simulations of this
nature because including uncertain factors in the calcu-
lation would only complicate the method and the
results. The assumptions used in this method are
discussed below.
Teeth and alveolar bone were assumed to be rigid
bodies. We confirmed this assumption with calculations
before the simulation.8 The stress distribution in the Fig 9. Buccal movement of the anchor teeth, ␦, and
PDL calculated with this assumption was compared rotational angle of the second molar, ␣, when changing
with that calculated by using the finite element method the bending angle of spring arm, ␤. Buccal movement ␦
in which the tooth and the alveolar bone were elastic with the retainer was less than that without the retainer.
bodies. Both stress distributions agreed closely, when Buccal movement ␦ decreased with an increase in ␤
Young’s modulus of the PDL was assumed to be 0.2 and became 0 at ␤ ⫽ 28°. Rotational angle ␣ increased
MPa. with an increase in ␤.
The PDL has a fiber structure and anisotropy.
Furthermore, the stress-strain relationship is nonlin- Tooth movement produced by molar
ear.18 The thickness of the PDL varies at different uprighting spring
positions in the root.19 These factors are included in
In the anchor teeth, the position of the intrusive
recent calculations of the stress distribution in the
force was located away from the center of resistance to
PDL20,21; however, it has not been clarified how these
the buccal side, and a moment tending to produce
factors affect orthodontic tooth movement. Therefore, it
buccal crown movement was produced. By this mo-
was assumed that the PDL was a linear elastic film and
ment, on the buccal surface of the anchor teeth,
that its thickness was the same in all teeth.
compressive stress was produced in the upper area with
For the bone remodeling law describing the rela-
tensile stress in the lower area (Fig 3). This stress
tionship between absorption (apposition) of the alveo- distribution produced the tipping movement of the
lar bone and mechanical stimulus, various formulas can anchor teeth. The center of the tipping—ie, the center
be assumed. However, experimental data required for of rotation of the buccal crown movement—is located
this calculation were not found. Therefore, it was on the border between the compressive and tensile
simply assumed for purposes of calculation that the stresses. Its position was about one third of the root
absorption rate was proportional to the mean stress in length from the apex. By this analysis, the mechanism
the PDL. of anchor tooth movement was clarified and the amount
The parameter C—the amount of absorption of the of movement shown quantitatively. In Figure 4, the
alveolar bone per unit of stress and unit of time—is also second molar, initially tipped 30°, was uprighted by
uncertain. In the study by Ziegler and Ingervall,22 a 22°; then the anchor teeth moved 1.1 mm in the buccal
canine was retracted by a force of 2 N and moved about direction and tipped 6°. If the upright spring is reacti-
5 mm in 100 days; then C is estimated at about 10 vated and the second molar is completely uprighted
␮m/kPa per day. In addition, the data of Lee23 suggest (30°), the movement and tipping of the anchor teeth
that C is 1 to 8 ␮m/kPa per day. However, these values would be 1.5 mm and 8°, respectively. We have no data
for C are not reliable, since the exact amounts of stress to know whether this amount of anchor tooth move-
in the PDL were not estimated in these experiments.24 ment becomes a problem in clinical situations.
For these reasons, we used the parameter CT to indicate On the other hand, the molar did not tip in the
the progress of tooth movements. If the value of C is buccolingual direction. As shown in Figure 4, a, a
defined, CT can be converted to real time T. The final straight line, LC, extending from the loading point, L,
position of the tooth does not depend on C when CT parallel to the mesiodistal line of the second molar,
becomes a sufficiently large value and the wire returns passed close to the center of the second molar. In this
to its initial shape. case, the moment tending to move the molar crown in
636 Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2007

the buccolingual direction was not produced, so the results are necessary to make quantitative comparisons
molar did not tip in that direction. Buccolingual tipping with experimental results. When calculated results do
of the second molar depends on the loading position, L, not agree with experimental results, we will examine
and not on the bracket position, B. As a result of this the assumptions and improve the calculation method.
calculation, buccolingual tipping of the second molar is Since tooth movements under clinical conditions can be
not a problem. simulated by this method, the simulation results can be
compared directly with the clinical results. However,
Effects of the retainer the data required for the calculation could not be found
When the left canine and the first premolar were in previous studies. Hence, confirmation of the tooth
connected to the right ones by the retainer, the right movements predicted by our results must be left for the
teeth supported part of the intrusive force acting on the future.
anchor wire. The stress acting on the left anchor teeth
(Fig 5) was less than that without the retainer (Fig 3). CONCLUSIONS
Also, the buccal movement and the tipping angle of the The 3D finite element method was used to simulate
anchor teeth (Fig 6) was only about one third of that uprighting of the second molar with a molar uprighting
without the retainer (Fig 4). On the other hand, the spring. The effects of a retainer and spring-arm bending
movement of the molar (Fig 6) was similar to that on the tooth movements were shown quantitatively.
without the retainer (Fig 4). Thus, the effects of the The retainer was useful in reducing the movement of
retainer, recommended for clinical treatments,1 were the anchor teeth. The same effects could be achieved by
confirmed quantitatively. When the root length of the bending the spring arm in the lingual direction, but this
anchor teeth is shorter, the retainer will be especially greatly rotated the molar in the occlusal plane and
useful in preventing movement of the anchor teeth. tipped it in the buccal direction. The usefulness of such
mechanical simulations to predict orthodontic tooth
Effects of bending the spring arm movement in clinical situations was demonstrated.
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Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1989;95:99-106. The stiffness matrix of the tooth element shows the
23. Lee BW. Relationship between tooth-movement rate and esti-
relationship between the displacements of the tooth
mated pressure applied. J Dent Res 1965;44:1053.
24. Ren Y, Maltha JC, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM. Optimum force and the forces applied to the tooth. It is calculated by
magnitude for orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic litera- the procedure below.
ture review. Angle Orthod 2003;73:86-92. The position vector of the small triangular region i
from the loading position is denoted by ri. A local
APPENDIX coordinate of 1, 2, and 3 is defined in each region, and
1. Calculation of the stiffness matrix of tooth unit vectors n1i, n2i and n3i are defined along the 1, 2,
elements8 and 3 axes, as shown in Figure A1. Considering a rigid
motion of the tooth, translation u ⫽ (ux, uy, uz) and
The surface model of the tooth used in the calcula-
rotation ␪ ⫽ ( ␪x, ␪y, ␪z), the displacement vector at i
tion is shown Figure A1. As an example, a mandibular
can be written as
canine is shown. The tooth element for any tooth can be
calculated by the same procedure. d ⫽ u ⫹ ␪ ⫻ ri (A-1)
The thickness of the PDL is denoted by t. The
inner surface of the PDL is bonded to the dentin, and Then the average strains in the region i are assumed
the outer surface is bonded to the alveolar bone. The to be
PDL is divided into small triangular regions, as
␧1i ⫽ d · n1i ⁄ t, ␥2i ⫽ d · n2i ⁄ t, ␥3i ⫽ d · n3i ⁄ t (A-2)
shown in Figure A1. These regions are not the
elements used in the finite element method. In Figure where ε1i is the normal strain, and ␥2i, and ␥3i are the
A1, the surface of the tooth crown is divided into shearing strains. The deformation of the PDL along
small triangular regions, but these regions are not the tangential directions is constrained by the alveolar
necessary for calculation. Only triangular regions bone and the root of the tooth; ie, normal strains in
over the PDL are necessary. The stresses in each these directions are assumed to be 0, ε2i ⫽ ε3i ⫽ 0.
small region were assumed as shown in Figure A1, The stresses in the small region i are obtained from
where ␴1, ␴2, and ␴3 are normal stresses acting the stress-strain relations as
638 Kojima, Mizuno, and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2007

␴1i ⫽ E␧1i, ␴2i ⫽ ␴3i ⫽ ␯␴1i ⁄ (1 ⫺ ␯), ␶2i ⫽ G␥2i, given a unit displacement, ux⫽ 1. Each tooth element
has 1 node, and its degree of freedom is 6 (3 transla-
␶3i ⫽ G␥3i (A-3) tions and 3 rotations).
E(1 ⫹ ␯) E
E ⫽ , G⫽ 2. Calculation of orthodontic tooth movement6
(1 ⫹ ␯)(1 ⫺ 2␯) 2(1 ⫹ ␯)
where E is Young’s modulus and ␯ is Poisson’s ratio Denoting the mean stress acting in small region i by
of the PDL. ␴mi (⫽(␴1i ⫹ ␴2i ⫹ ␴3i)/3), the amount of bone
By multiplying the area of the small region Ai by absorption in a small time increment, ⌬T, is ⫺C ␴
these stresses, the force vector ⌬pi for each small mi⌬T, where C is the amount of absorption per unit of

region i is stress and unit of time. Absorption occurs at ␴mi ⬍0

(compressive stress), and apposition occurs at ␴mi ⬎0
⌬pi ⫽ (␶1in1i ⫹ ␶2in2i ⫹ ␶3in3i)Ai (A-4)
(tensile stress). The normal strain in the PDL produced
Summing up, ⌬pi over the PDL, the total force by this action can be written as ⌬ε1i ⫽ ⫺C ␴mi⌬T/t. At
vector P ⫽ (Px, Py, Pz), and the total moment vector M this time, the corresponding normal elastic stress
⫽ (Mz, My, Mz) applying to the tooth at the loading
position becomes ⌬␴li ⫽ E ' ⌬␧li ⫽ ⫺E ' C␴mi⌬T ⁄ t (A-6)
N N is produced in the PDL. This stress acts on the surface
P⫽ 兺 ⌬p ,
i M⫽ 兺r ⫻ ⌬p
i i of the root and moves the tooth. The forces ⌬q ⫽ (qx,
qy, qz) and the moments ⌬m ⫽ (mx, my, mz) moving the
where N is the number of the small regions over the
tooth are calculated by taking the sum of ␴1i over the
PDL as
The relationship between the displacement (rota- N N
tion) UT ⫽ [u, ␪] of the tooth and the force (moment)
applying to the tooth FT ⫽ [P, M] where the superscript
⌬q ⫽ 兺 ⌬␴ n A ,
1i 1i i ⌬m⫽ 兺r ⫻ ⌬␴ n A
i 1i 1i i

T is the transpose of matrix, can be written as KU ⫽ F. (A-7)

The matrix K is the stiffness matrix of the tooth The tooth movement produced by bone remodel-
element. Each element Kij of K can be calculated as the ing during ⌬T, denoted by ⌬U, can be calculated by
forces produced by a unit of displacement. For exam- substituting the tooth-moving force ⌬RT ⫽ [⌬q, ⌬m] into
ple, K11, K21, K31, K41, K51, and K61 are equal to Px, Py, K⌬U ⫽ ⌬R, where K is the stiffness matrix of the tooth
Pz, Mx, My, and Mz, respectively, when the tooth is element.

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