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Numerical simulation of canine retraction by

sliding mechanics
Yukio Kojimaa and Hisao Fukuib
Nagoya, Japan

Background: Bone remodeling laws have been used to simulate the movement of a single tooth, but the
calculations for simulating the movement of several teeth simultaneously are time-consuming. The purpose
of this article is to discuss a method that allows the simulation of more complex tooth movements. Methods:
A 3-dimensional finite element method was used to simulate the orthodontic tooth movement (retraction) of
a maxillary canine by sliding mechanics and any associated movement of the anchor teeth. Absorption and
apposition of the alveolar bone were produced in proportion to the stress of the periodontal ligament.
Results: In a reference case, the canine was retracted by a 2N force with 0.016-in square wire. The frictional
coefficient between wire and bracket was 0.2. The movement of both the canine and the anchor teeth could
be calculated with the elastic deformation of wire. The canine tipped during the initial unsteady state and then
moved bodily during the steady state. It became upright when the orthodontic force was removed. The
anchor teeth moved in the steady state and tipped in the mesial direction. The decrease in applied force by
friction was about 70%. The tipping of the canine decreased when the wire size was increased or when the
applied force was decreased. Conclusions: Simple assumptions were used in this calculation to simulate
orthodontic tooth movements. The calculated results were reasonable in mechanical considerations. This
method might enable one to estimate various tooth movements clinically. However, precise comparisons
between calculated and clinical results, and the improvement of the calculation model, are left for a future
study. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;127:542-51)

bone.5-7 In these methods, applying bone remodeling

hen an orthodontic force is applied to a
tooth, stresses and strains are produced in laws, the movements of a single tooth were simulated.
the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the These methods necessitate the finite element subdivi-
surrounding bone. Absorption of alveolar bone occurs sion in the tooth and the alveolar bone; thus, the
in a region of compressive stress, whereas apposition of calculation when many teeth move simultaneously
the alveolar bone occurs in a region of tensile stress. By becomes time-consuming. The general method to esti-
this bone remodeling action, the teeth move. To plan mate clinical tooth movements has not yet been estab-
tooth movement, a clinician must understand the force lished.
to be applied to the tooth and the stress distribution in We have proposed a 3-dimensional (3D) finite
the PDL. element method for calculating orthodontic tooth
Many calculations have been carried out by using movement.8,9 By this method, the change in orthodon-
the finite element method on the stress distribution in tic forces of the tooth movement can be calculated as a
the PDL. These results show that the moment to force coupled problem of teeth and appliance. In a previous
(M/F) ratio controls the pattern of tooth movement,1,2 article,9 a simple uprighting of a mandibular second
ie, tipping or bodily movement. These results have been molar was calculated, and the movements of the molar
used for appliance design.3,4 Some trials have been and the anchorage teeth were simulated.
done to estimate long-time orthodontic tooth movement The main purpose of this article is to show that a
considering absorption and apposition of the alveolar more complex case can be calculated by applying this
method. As a clinical orthodontic treatment, maxillary
Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute
of Technology. canine retraction by sliding mechanics was selected.
Professor, Department of Dental Materials Science, School of Dentistry, Some mechanical problems remain to be clarified in
Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya. this treatment. For example, the frictional force be-
Reprint requests: Hisao Fukui, Aichi-Gakuin University, School of Dentistry,
Department of Dental Materials Science, 1-100 Kusumoto-cho, Chikusa-ku, tween wire and bracket decreases the orthodontic force
Nagoya, 464-8650, Japan; e-mail, fukui@dpc.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp. and impedes tooth movement.10 Many experiments on
Submitted, March 2003; revised and accepted, December 2004. frictional force have been carried out,11-14 but the
Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Orthodontists. magnitude of the decrease in orthodontic force was not
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.12.007 clarified. Also, other mechanical factors that affect the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima and Fukui 543
Volume 127, Number 5

Fig 2. Canine retraction by sliding mechanics.

the bracket position of the tooth. This relationship

between forces and movements is considered as a
stiffness equation of the finite element method. The
tooth can be replaced by a single element, called the
tooth element. This element has 6 degrees of freedom at
the node i. This degree is the same as those of a 3D
beam element. In the calculation of the tooth element,
Fig 1. Stress in PDL and spring element. only the element subdivision of the root surface is
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the PDL
were assumed to be E ⫽ 0.2 MPa and ␯ ⫽ 0.47,
movement were not clarified. Another purpose of this respectively. With these values, the labiolingual mobil-
article is to calculate the movement of canine and ity and the axial mobility of the maxillary first premolar
anchorage teeth as well as the frictional force and to became about 20 and 10 ␮m/N respectively. These
investigate the mechanism of sliding mechanics. values of mobility are roughly the same as the mea-
sured values.16 Also, the PDL was considered to be
CALCULATION METHOD nearly incompressible material, and Poisson’s ratio was
Stress in the PDL used: as ␯ ⫽ 0.45 and ␯ ⫽ 0.49.2,7
The calculation method has been explained in A simple spring element as shown in Figure 1 was
previous articles.8,9 The important points of the method used to connect the bracket and the wire. Special
and the assumptions used in the calculation were contact elements were not used. If the spring constant is
shown. The tooth and the alveolar bone were assumed a very large value in some direction, the relative
to be rigid bodies. The validity of this assumption was displacement between wire and bracket is completely
previously confirmed.8 The stress distribution in the restricted in its direction. If the spring constant equals
PDL is calculated by the 3D finite element method. A 0, then the wire can move freely in its direction. This
remarkable point in this method is the use of a special corresponds to the bracket at the canine. The wire is
element that represents a tooth and the PDL. assumed to be an elastic body, and it is divided into the
According to an educational dental model, a model 3D beam elements. After the tooth elements, the spring
of a tooth is made as shown in Figure 1. The surface of elements (brackets) and the beam elements (wire) are
the model is divided into small triangular elements. The connected, the unknown variables are only the nodal
PDL, which is assumed to be a linear elastic film, displacements of the wire and bracket, and so the
covers the elements. The nonlinear property and the calculation time becomes very short. When many teeth
anisotropy of the PDL were not assumed to simplify the are connected with a wire and move simultaneously,
calculation model. The thickness of the PDL was t ⫽ this can be calculated simply.
0.2 mm.15 The stress state in the PDL was assumed to
be a plane strain condition. With these assumptions, the Absorption and apposition of the alveolar bone
force and moment transmitted from the PDL could be Bone remodeling is a well-known phenomenon in
calculated when a translation or rotation was given at orthopedics.17 However, the biological mechanism of
544 Kojima and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 2005

Fig 3. Frictional forces produced by force transmitted from bracket slot to wire.

bone remodeling has not been clarified. We considered action is seen as the PDL is elongated and pulls the
only orthodontic tooth movement. tooth to the moving direction. On the other hand, in the
The reassessment18 of many experiments shows bone apposition site, the PDL is compressed and
that, with orthodontic force up to about 2 N, the rate of presses the tooth. The strain produced by the elongation
tooth movement is increased by an increase in the or the compression in the PDL can be written as
force. The orthodontic force corresponds to the stress in
the PDL, and tooth movement corresponds to the ⌬␧1i ⫽ –C␴mi⌬ T ⁄ t
absorption of alveolar bone. Then, the bone absorption and the corresponding normal elastic stress
depends on the stress. By using the simplest relation-
ship, the rate of bone absorption was assumed to be E(1 ⫺ v)
proportional to the mean stress in the PDL. The mean ⌬␴1i ⫽ ⌬␧1i
(1 ⫹ v)(1 ⫺ 2v)
stress ␴mi is defined as an average of 3 normal stresses,
␴1i, ␴2i, and ␴3i. The ␴mi becomes a negative value for is generated. It is assumed that the moving forces
compressive stress. Because the stress-strain relation- produced by this stress made the tooth move. The
ship was assumed to be linear, the stress is equivalent to moving forces are calculated by integrating the stress
the strain as the bone remodeling stimulus. ⌬␴1i over the tooth root.
The absorption of the alveolar bone for a time By using the moving forces, the long-time tooth
increment ⌬T is assumed to be -C␴mi ⌬T. C is the movement is calculated as following incremental pro-
amount of absorption (␮m) per unit of time (day) and cedure. (1) At time T, the stresses in the PDL are
unit of stress (kPa). The speed of tooth movement is calculated, and the moving forces for the small-time
proportional to the coefficient C, because the relation- increment ⌬T are calculated. (2) Applying the moving
ship between bone absorption and stress is assumed to forces to the teeth, the tooth positions at time T ⫹ ⌬T
be linear. The movement is controlled by the parameter are calculated. (3) The change in the force transmitted
CT. An increase in absorption rate C is equal to the to the wire is calculated, and the stresses in the PDL are
decrease in time T. Because the value of C is unknown modified. These calculations from (1) to (3) are re-
at the present time, the progress of tooth movement is peated.
indicated by the parameter CT.
Analysis model
Incremental procedure for tooth movement Figure 2 shows the calculation model when a
A mathematical method is proposed to move the maxillary canine is retracted by sliding mechanics. As
tooth corresponding to the bone remodeling.9 In the anchorage, incisors, a premolar, and molars were con-
bone absorption site, the surface of the alveolar bone nected with a wire. Wire bending such as a gable bend
shifts to the outside from that of the tooth root. This was not used. The wire and the bracket of these teeth
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima and Fukui 545
Volume 127, Number 5

Fig 4. Translation, tipping angle, and rotational angle

with time CT.
Fig 5. Variation of frictional force with time CT.

were tightened so that they would not slide into each

other. The width of the bracket was Wb ⫽ 3 mm. It was change in translation u and rotational angle ␥ had
assumed that the wire was not deformed in the bracket almost the same tendency. The u and ␥ rapidly in-
slot. A 0.016-in square wire was selected as a reference. creased immediately after the orthodontic force was
However, this wire might not be adequate in clinical applied, and the increase rate approached a constant
situations. The wire was made of stainless steel value as time elapsed. The tipping angle ␣ rapidly
(Young’s modulus, 200 GPa; Poisson’s ratio, 0.3). increased and approached a constant value. Most of the
In an actual patient, there would be some clearance rapid change in ␥ was caused by the change in
between the wire and the bracket slot. This clearance curvature of the archwire. The change in the tangential
was not considered in the present calculation, and the direction of the wire from the canine to the first
canine bracket moved closely along the wire. Initial premolar was 10°, so the canine was rotated along the
friction produced by the ligation was assumed not to wire.
exist. Figure 5 shows the change in the frictional forces
The frictional force Fr was produced by the forces Fr1 to Fr5 and the total force Fr with time CT. The net
applied to the bracket and divided into 5 forces—Fr1, force P transmitted to the canine was obtained by
Fr2, Fr3, Fr4, Fr5—as shown in Figure 3. Fr3 and Fr4 subtracting Fr from P0. The spike-like change of the
decreased as the bracket width Wb increased. Fr5 frictional forces in Figure 5 was a calculation error
became smaller as the wire size B increased. The caused for the same reason as in Figure 4. After the
frictional coefficient ␮ between the bracket and the orthodontic force was applied, the frictional forces
wire was assumed to be 0.2 by referring to measured fluctuated and approached constant values at CT ⬎ 200.
values.11-14 Most of the total frictional force Fr was Fr4 and Fr3.
Distal and mesial forces of 2N were applied to the These forces were produced by the uprighting moment
brackets of the canine and the first molar. The magni- Mn and the antirotating moment Mz. The Fr5 was about
tude of the force was maintained constantly for the 17% of the total frictional force Fr. The Fr5 was
tooth movement. produced by the torque Mt that prevented the axial
rotation of the wire. The frictional forces Fr1 and Fr2
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION were not plotted in Figure 5 because they were very
Movement process in sliding mechanics small.
Figure 4 shows the change of translation u, tipping Figure 6, A, shows the teeth at CT ⫽ 1, immediately
angle ␣, and rotational angle ␥ of the canine with time after the orthodontic force was applied. The movement
CT. The u was defined as the movement at the bracket, of the teeth was very small, so it was magnified 20
the ␣ as the inclination angle of a vertical axis fixed in times. The stress distribution in the PDL is indicated by
the bracket, and the ␥ as the rotational angle about the color contours. The teeth drawn with blue lines show
vertical axis. The abrupt change of ␣,␥ in Figure 4 was the initial positions. The movement pattern of the
caused when the bracket node of the canine passed a canine was mainly tipping and rotation. On the distal
wire node. This change was a calculation error. The surface of the canine, compressive stress was produced
546 Kojima and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 2005

Fig 6. Tooth movement at 3 different states. A, Initial orthodontic movement (CT ⫽ 1 ␮m/kPa); B,
steady state orthodontic movement (CT ⫽ 1000 ␮m/kPa); C, recovery movement after unloading
(CT ⫽ 2000 ␮m/kPa).
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima and Fukui 547
Volume 127, Number 5

Fig 8. Change in net force transmitted to canine with

frictional coefficient ␮.

canine, and a tensile stress was produced over the

mesial one. This stress distribution indicates that the
movement pattern of the canine was almost all bodily
movement. The maximum stress was about 3 kPa. This
value was smaller than that for the tipping movement.
At CT ⫽ 1000, the frictional force Fr was 1.47N,
and the net force transmitted to the canine was 0.53N.
This was 27% of the force applied to the bracket (2N).
The same frictional force 1.47N was applied to the wire
in the distal direction, so that the total force transmitted
to the wire in the mesial direction became 0.53N. This
magnitude is the same as the force on the canine. By
this force, all anchor teeth moved about 1 mm in the
mesial direction. The incisors, the premolar, and the
first molar showed bodily movement; the second molar
showed tipping movement. The incisors extruded about
Fig 7. Forces transmitted to canine and anchor teeth. 1 mm. This extrusion was caused by the moment Mn of
A, Initial orthodontic movement (CT ⫽ 1 ␮m/kPa); B,
the canine transmitting to the wire, and an extrusion
steady state orthodontic movement (CT ⫽ 1000 ␮m/
force was transmitted to the incisors as the reaction
force. The premolar was intruded by the opposite force.
Figure 6, C, shows the teeth at CT ⫽ 2000, when
near the neck, and tensile stress was produced near the sufficient time had elapsed after the orthodontic force
apex. The rotational center, at which the stress becomes was removed at CT ⫽ 1000. In this state, the canine
0, was about 7 mm from the apex. The maximum stress became upright, and the tipping angle ␣ decreased to
in the PDL of the canine was 20 to 30 kPa. The 1.6°. The rotational angle ␥ also decreased to 7.8°. The
anchorage teeth—the incisors, the second premolar, anchor teeth moved slightly in the distal direction.
and the molars—also tipped. On the mesial or labial These phenomena were produced by the elastic recov-
surface of these teeth, compressive and tensile stresses ery of the wire. At this time, the frictional force
were produced. impeded the slide of the bracket on the canine along the
Figure 6, B, shows the teeth at CT ⫽ 1000, when wire, so that the canine could hardly move at the
the canine moved 4.5 mm. The tipping angle and the bracket. Without friction between wire and bracket, the
rotational angle of the canine were ␣ ⫽ 3.4° and ␥ ⫽ canine goes back in the mesial direction with upright-
8.7°. Most of the tipping and rotation were produced in ing. These movements occurred under a small stress
a short time (CT ⬍ 200). At CT ⫽ 1000, a compressive level.
stress was produced over the distal surface of the The process of tooth movement is considered by
548 Kojima and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 2005

Fig 9. Effect of magnitude of orthodontic force (P0 ⫽ 4N).

Fig 10. Effect of wire size (B ⫽ 0.02 in).

Fig 11. Effect of round wire.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kojima and Fukui 549
Volume 127, Number 5

using the results in Figures 4, 5, and 6. When orthodon- of C is estimated by referring to an experimental result.
tic force is applied, tooth movement consists of the Ziegler and Ingervall22 reported that the canine moved
initial unsteady state and then the steady state. In the an average of 4.67 mm for 100 days when a 2N force
unsteady state—Figure 6, A—the M/F ratio of the was applied. This time is assumed to correspond to the
canine was 1.4. This value is not sufficient to maintain case in Figure 6, B, substituting T ⫽ 100 days into CT
the bodily movement,2 and the canine indicates tipping ⫽ 1000; then the coefficient C is estimated to be
movement. However, this movement is prevented by 10␮m/kPa·day. This value is roughly the same as the
the moments Mn produced by the elastic deformation of value estimated from another experimental result.23
the wire. The tipping of the canine is gradually re-
stricted. In Figure 6, B, the M/F ratio increased to 9.8. Force transmitted to anchor teeth
The movement of the canine is changed to a bodily Figure 7 shows the movement of the anchor teeth
movement.2 The frictional force Fr4 increased with the and the forces transmitted to them. In the case of CT ⫽
increase in the moment. The net force transmitted to the 1, tooth movement is magnified 20 times. In the initial
canine decreased and approached a constant value. The unsteady state (CT ⫽ 1), the moment Mz in the xy plane
canine kept the bodily movement at constant speed. was applied to the wire by the rotation of the canine.
This is the steady-state movement. All anchor teeth The reaction forces were transmitted to the incisors in
move in the mesial direction, the incisors elongate, and the labial direction and to the premolar in the lingual
the premolar depresses by the moment transmitted to direction. In the steady-state movement (CT ⫽ 1000),
the wire. The forces applied to the teeth are changed the direction of all forces transmitted to the anchor teeth
with the movement. This change is the general phe- was approximately opposite to that of the canine. In
nomenon that occurs when the teeth are connected with both cases of CT ⫽ 1 and 1000, the largest force was
a wire. For such a case, it is difficult to estimate transmitted to the first molar; it was about twice that
long-time tooth movement by using the initial move- transmitted to the second molar.
The tooth movement pattern in the steady state is Effect of frictional coefficient
reasonable compared with clinical orthodontic tooth Figure 8 shows the net force transmitted to the
movements. Also, the tooth movement process shown canine in the steady-state movement, when the fric-
by the calculated results is reasonable in mechanical tional coefficient ␮ changed. The net force P (P0-Fr)
considerations. However, at the present time, it is decreased with an increase in ␮. At the same value of
difficult to obtain definite experimental evidence for the ␮, the ratio of net to transmitted force, P/P0, was about
unsteady-state tooth movement. For example, in the equal, regardless of applied force P0 and wire size B.
measurements by Huffman and Way,19 who measured The results show that the frictional coefficient ␮ de-
tooth movements along archwires of 2 difference sizes, pends on the material of the wire and the bracket. In the
the rapid increase of tooth movement in the unsteady stainless steel wire and bracket, it is between ␮ ⫽ 0.1
state was not observed. The incubation time for tooth and 0.3.11,13 By using the calculated result in Figure 8,
movement might be included in these measurements. the net force in a clinical situation can be estimated to
This incubation time, which is not considered in our be between 20% and 40% of the applied force. In other
calculation, misreads the unsteady-state tooth move- words, the decrease in orthodontic force by friction is
ment. In the 14 measurements of Andreasen and Zwan- between 60% and 80%.
ziger,20 the increase patterns of the tooth movement
were different with each subject. In several cases, a Effect of magnitude of orthodontic force
rapid increase of tooth movement was observed. On the Figure 9 shows the applied force P0 increased from
other hand, in frictionless mechanics, the initial in- 2N to 4N. The net force transmitted to the canine was
crease of tooth movement was observed.21 There are no 1.15N. This value was about twice that for P0 ⫽ 2N.
studies on the uprighting of canines after orthodontic The stress in the PDL increased, and the bone absorp-
forces are removed. If this recovery movement is tion per unit of time increased. Therefore, the time
realized in clinical situations, the tipped canine in the required to move the canine 4.5 mm was decreased to
sliding mechanics will be upright by removing the CT ⫽ 368. This is a natural result derived from the
force. The precise comparison between these uncertain linear relationship between stress and bone absorption.
phenomena and the clinical results is left for a future In the same range of applied force, the results measured
study. by Hixon et al24 showed that the movement rate of the
The magnitude of tooth movement is proportional canine increased with an increase in applied force.
to the coefficient of bone absorption rate C. The value However, a more precise comparison on the linear
550 Kojima and Fukui American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 2005

relationship between stress and bone absorption was siderations. This method may enable one to estimate
impossible to examine. various tooth movements in a clinical environment.
The tipping angle of the canine increased to ␣ ⫽ However, the precise comparisons between the calcu-
5.5°, and it was about 1.7 times greater than that in lated and clinical results, and the improvement of the
Figure 6, B (P0 ⫽ 2N, ␣ ⫽ 3.4°). This is because the calculation model, are left for a future study.
deformation of the wire was increased in proportion to For sliding mechanics, this mechanical simulation
the force transmitted to the wire. The movement of the showed the following results.
anchor teeth increased slightly.
1. The movement of the canine consisted of unsteady
Effect of wire state (tipping) and then steady state (bodily) move-
Figure 10 shows the calculated result when the wire ment.
size is increased from 0.016 to 0.020 in. The net force 2. The decrease in orthodontic force by friction in
transmitted to the canine was hardly changed. The clinical situations was estimated to be between 60%
tipping angle of the canine decreased to ␣ ⫽ 2.0° and 80%.
compared with the 0.016-in wire. Also, the rotational 3. After the orthodontic force was removed, the ca-
angle ␥ decreased slightly. This effect is because the nine did not return to the mesial direction and
flexural rigidity of the wire became almost double, and became upright with time.
the deformation of the wire decreased. Oppositely, 4. The tipping of the canine and the movement of the
when the wire size was decreased to 0.012 in, the anchor teeth (especially the elongation of the inci-
tipping angle of the canine increased to ␣ ⫽ 7.4°. sors) decreased when the wire size increased.
In the experiment by Huffman and Way19 with 5. The tipping of the canine increased when the
0.016-in wire, the canine moved 3.37 ⫾ 1.07 mm and orthodontic force increased.
tipped 5.30° ⫾ 2.37° over 10 weeks, and, with 0.020-in 6. The square wire was more effective to decrease the
wire, the canine moved 2.90 ⫾ 1.04 mm and tipped movement of the anchor teeth than the round wire.
1.70° ⫾ 1.35°. Assuming that the moving rate is fixed, We thank Professor Kuniaki Miyajima (Center for
these values are converted when the canine moved 4.5 Advanced Dental Education, Saint Louis University)
mm, and then the tipping angles become 7.08° ⫾ 3.16° for his helpful advice.
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Editors of the International Journal of Orthodontia (1915-1918),

International Journal of Orthodontia & Oral Surgery (1919-1921),
International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography (1922-1932),
International Journal of Orthodontia and Dentistry of Children (1933-1935),
International Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery (1936-1937), American
Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery (1938-1947), American Journal of
Orthodontics (1948-1986), and American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofa-
cial Orthopedics (1986-present)

1915 to 1931 Martin Dewey

1931 to 1968 H. C. Pollock
1968 to 1978 B. F. Dewel
1978 to 1985 Wayne G. Watson
1985 to 2000 Thomas M. Graber
2000 to present David L. Turpin

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