Comp. Lesson 7
Comp. Lesson 7
Comp. Lesson 7
Lesson: 7
Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to gain an understanding
of the following concepts:
1. An introduction to auditing IT processes
2. The various types of audits and auditors
3. Information risk and IT-enhanced internal control
4. Authoritative literature used in auditing
5. Management assertions used in the auditing process and the related audit
6. The phases of an IT audit
7. The use of computers in audits
8. Tests of controls
9. Tests of transactions and tests of balances
10. Audit completion/reporting
11. Other audit considerations
12. Ethical issues related to auditing
Accountants have an important role in the business world because they are
called upon to improve the quality of information provided to decision makers.
Accounting services that improve the quality of information are called assurance
services. Many types of services performed by accountants are considered
assurance services because they lend credibility to the underlying financial
information. An audit is the most common type of assurance service.
There are different types of audit specialization that exist in business practice
today, including internal auditors, IT auditors, government auditors, and CPA
An internal auditor is an employee of the company that he or she
audits. Most large companies have a staff of internal auditors who
perform compliance, operational, and financial audit functions at the
request of management. Some internal auditors achieve special
certification as certified internal auditors (CIAs).
IT auditors specialize in information systems assurance, control, and
security, and they may work for CPA firms, government agencies, or
with the internal audit group for any type of business organization.
Some IT auditors achieve special certification as certified information
systems auditors (CISAs).
Government auditors conduct audits of government agencies or
income tax returns. CPA firms represent the interests of the public by
performing independent audits of many types of business
Each type of auditor may perform any of the three types of audits. Only CPA
firms can conduct financial statement audits of companies whose stock is sold in
public markets. An important requirement for CPA firms is that they must be neutral
with regard to the company being audited. This requirement of neutrality allows the
CPA firm to provide a completely unbiased opinion on the information it audits, and
it is the foundation of an external audit performed by CPAs.
IT environment plays a key role in how auditors conduct their work in the
following areas:
Consideration of risk
Audit procedures used to obtain knowledge of the accounting and
internal control systems
Design and performance of audit tests
The most common way for decision makers to reduce information risk is to
rely upon information that has been audited by an independent party.
Because information users generally do not have the time or ability to verify
information for themselves, they depend on auditors for accurate and
unbiased judgments. Even if decision makers wanted to verify the
information, it may be difficult to do so when the financial information is
contained in computerized accounting systems. These are the main reasons
that a discussion of information-based processing and the related audit
function are included in the study of accounting information systems.
o Audit Planning
During the planning phase of an audit, the auditor must gain a thorough
understanding of the company’s business and financial reporting systems. In
doing so, auditors review and assess the risks and controls related to the
business, establish materiality guidelines, and develop relevant tests
The tests of controls involve audit procedures designed to evaluate both
general controls and application controls. During audit planning, auditors must
learn about the types of controls that exist within their client’s IT environment.
Then they may test those controls to determine whether they are reliable as a
means of reducing risk. Tests of controls are sometimes referred to as
“compliance tests,” because they are designed to determine whether the controls
are functioning in compliance with management’s intentions.
General Controls
General controls must be tested before application controls are. Since
general controls are the automated controls that affect all computer
applications, the reliability of application controls is considered only after general
controls are deemed reliable. In other words, even when application controls are
believed to be strong, misstatements may still exist as a result of weak general
controls. For example, if there were a lack of physical controls, a company’s
hardware and software could be accessed by an unauthorized user who could
alter the data or the programs. So even if the application controls were working
as designed, the general control deficiency could result in errors in the
underlying information. Accordingly, the effectiveness of general controls is the
foundation for the IT control environment. If general controls are not functioning
as designed, auditors will not devote attention to the testing of application
controls; rather, they will reevaluate the audit approach with reduced reliance on
There are two broad categories of general controls that relate to IT systems:
o IT administration and the related operating systems development and
maintenance processes
o Security controls and related access issues
IT Administration
IT departments should be organized so that an effective and efficient
workplace is created and supported. Auditors should verify that the company’s
management promotes high standards with regard to controlling its IT
environment. Related audit tests include review for the existence and
communication of company policies regarding the following important aspects of
administrative control:
o Personal accountability and segregation of incompatible responsibilities
o Job descriptions and clear lines of authority
o Computer security and virus protection
o IT systems documentation
Security Controls
Auditors are concerned about whether a company’s computer system has
controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to or destruction of information
within the accounting information systems. Unauthorized access may occur
internally when employees retrieve information that they should not have, or
externally when unauthorized users (or hackers) outside the company retrieve
information that they should not have. Access risks tend to escalate as
companies embrace newer technologies and allow sensitive data to be shared
via smart devices, Web and mobile applications, and social networks.
Destruction of information may occur as a result of natural disasters, accidents,
and other environmental conditions.
In order to test external access controls, auditors may perform the following
o Authenticity tests, as previously described.
o Penetration tests, which involve various methods of entering the
company’s system to determine whether controls are working as
intended. For example, auditors may search for weaknesses in a
company’s firewall by attempting unauthorized access to the system.
o Vulnerability assessments, which analyze a company’s control
environment for possible weaknesses. For example, auditors may send
test messages through a company’s system to find out whether
encryption of private information is occurring properly. Special software
programs are available to help auditors identify weak points in a
company’s security measures.
o Review access logs to identify unauthorized users or failed access
attempts. Discuss with IT managers the factors involved in rejecting
unauthorized access, and verify the consistency of the managers’
explanations with documented policies.
Application Controls
Application controls are computerized controls over application programs.
Since any company may use many different computer programs in its day-today
business, there may be many different types of application controls to consider
in an audit. Auditors test the company’s systems documentation to be sure that
adequate details exist for all application programs. The details should include a
list of all applications critical to the information being audited, along with
supporting source code that is kept up to date in the IT library. Backup copies
should be stored off-site. In addition to testing systems documentation, auditors
should test the three main functions of the computer applications, including
input, processing, and output.
o Input Controls
Auditors perform tests to verify the correctness of information input to
software programs. Auditors are concerned about whether errors are
being prevented and detected during the input stage of data processing.
o Processing Controls
IT audit procedures typically include a combination of data accuracy
tests, whereby the data processed by computer applications are reviewed
for correct dollar amounts or other numerical values. For example, limit
tests, described previously as an input control, can also be an effective
processing control. Run-to-run totals involve the recalculation of
amounts from one process to the next to determine whether data have
been lost or altered during the process. Balancing tests involve a
comparison of different items that are expected to have the same values,
such as comparing two batches or comparing actual data against a
predetermined control total. Mathematical accuracy tests verify
whether system calculations are correct.
o Output Controls
Audit tests that evaluate general controls over access and backup
procedures may also be used in the testing of specific computer
application outputs. It is important that auditors test for proper control of
financial information resulting from applications processing. Regardless of
whether the results are printed or retained electronically, auditors may
perform the following procedures to test application outputs:
Reasonableness tests compare the reports and other results with
test data or other criteria.
Audit trail tests trace transactions through the application to
ensure that the reporting is a correct reflection of the processing and
Rounding errors tests determine whether significant errors exist
due to the way amounts are rounded and summarized.
After the tests of controls and substantive audit tests have been completed,
auditors evaluate all the evidence that has been accumulated and draw
conclusions based on this evidence. This phase is the audit completion/reporting
In forming a conclusion, auditors must consider whether the evidence
supports the information presented. All of the evidence from all phases of the
audit and covering all types of accounts and transactions must be considered
collectively so that the auditors can make an overall decision on the fairness of
the information.
The completion phase includes many tasks that are needed to wrap up the
audit. For many types of audits, the most important task is obtaining a letter of
representations from company management. The letter of representations is
often considered the most significant single piece of audit evidence, because it is
a signed acknowledgment of management’s responsibility for the reported
information. In this
must declare
that it has
provided complete and
accurate information to
its auditors during all
phases of the audit.
1. Unqualified opinion,
which states that the
auditors believe the
financial statements are fairly and consistently presented in accordance with GAAP
2. Qualified opinion, which identifies certain exceptions to an unqualified opinion
3. Adverse opinion, which notes that there are material misstatements presented
4. Disclaimer, which states that the auditors are unable to reach a conclusion.
When reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls auditors must choose
between an unqualified, adverse, or disclaimer opinion. Communication is key to
the proper conclusion of an audit.
Different IT Environments
Most companies use microcomputers or personal computers (PCs) in their
accounting processes. General controls covering PCs are often less advanced
than those covering the mainframe and client–server systems. As a result,
PCs may face a greater risk of loss due to unauthorized access, lack of
segregation of duties, lack of backup control, and computer viruses. Following
are some audit techniques used to test controls specifically in the use of PCs:
o Make sure that PCs and removable hard drives are locked in place to
ensure physical security. In addition, programs and data files should be
password protected to prevent online misuse by unauthorized persons.
o Make sure that computer programmers do not have access to systems
operations, so that there is no opportunity to alter source code and the
related operational data. Software programs loaded on PCs should not
permit the users to make program changes. Also ascertain that
computer-generated reports are regularly reviewed by management.
o Compare dates and data included on backup files with live operating
programs in order to determine the frequency of backup procedures.
o Verify the use of antivirus software and the frequency of virus scans.
Security Risks:
o What damage could result if an unauthorized user accessed the
company’s data?
o How and when are data encrypted?
o How does the cloud service provider handle internal security?
Availability Risks:
o What damage could result if the company’s data were unavailable
during peak times or for an extended period?
o How does the cloud service provider segregate information between
o What disaster recovery and business continuity plans are in place?
Processing Risks:
o How are response times and other aspects of operating performance
o How does the service provider monitor its capacity for data storage
and usage?
o Is the service provider’s system flexible enough to accommodate the
company’s anticipated growth?
Compliance Risks:
o What compliance standards does the cloud service provider meet?
o What third-party assurance documentation is in place?
o What additional documentation is available to help the company
maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations?
Once an auditor has considered all the aspects of risk, an audit in a cloud
computing environment can be carried out according to a typical audit approach.
However, because there is no such thing as a standard cloud, it is not possible to
standardize a risk assessment process and audit procedures for a cloud
computing environment. Therefore, tests of controls must be specifically
designed to determine whether identified risks are being properly mitigated, and
substantive tests are used in areas where controls are deemed to be lacking.
Auditors cannot possibly evaluate every aspect of every item that impacts
reported information. Auditors rely on sampling, whereby they choose and
test a limited number of items or transactions and then draw conclusions
about the information as a whole on the basis of the results. Since audit tests
do not cover all items in the population, there is some risk that a sample, or
subset, of the population may not represent the balance as a whole. Auditors
try to use sampling so that a fair representation of the population is
evaluated. Computerized software is often employed to help auditors select
samples. Random numbers can be generated by software programs. A
sample is random if each item in the population has an equal chance of being
chosen. The use of computer programs ensures that there is no bias in
selecting the test items. Auditors may also use electronic spreadsheets to
generate random numbers or to choose sample items by other methods, such
as a selection based on item size. The choice of an appropriate sampling
technique is very subjective, and different auditors tend to have different
policies for using and selecting samples.