OBJ Datastream
OBJ Datastream
OBJ Datastream
A thesis
presented to Ryerson University
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy
An Architecture of Disassembly and Cyclical Material Life
Master of Architecture 2012
Danya Sturgess
Architectural Science
Ryerson University
This thesis explores disassembly as architectural expression and libera-
porary buildings be built for permanence, but proposes instead that they
history and theory of joints and connections in architecture and the pos-
of material waste.
I am indebted for his ideas, time, and thoughtful commentary. His vast
ing hard.
Chloe Town for the insightful discussion and comments generated at the
never alone.
Finally, I owe a deep thanks to my partner, John, for his constant support
and optimism - and his willingness to let me ignore him for days at a time.
I offer my kind regards to all those who supported me in any respect during
1 Introduction ............................................................1
Problem ..................................................................9
2 Background and literature review .....................15
2.1 Design with reused material
3.2 Pre-fabrication
5 Conclusions .......................................................199
References ..................................................................213
List of figures
Fig 1.1 Resource extraction - Mallet, Mark. (2011) Is Green Min-
ing Possible?, retrieved from http://www.greenlivingon-
line.com/, Nov 4, 2011.
Fig 1.4 Parthenon - Camarillo Dunn, Jerry Jr. (2011) The Parthe-
non and the Acropolis, retrieved from http://tlc.howstuff-
works.com, Nov 4, 2011.
Fig 1.5 Crystal Palace – 7CCV (2010, Jul 17) A relaxing way to
Crystal Palace, retrieved from http://www.7ccv.com/tag/
crystal-palace, Nov 4, 2011.
Fig 2.2.3 Layered Assembly Sketch, drawn by author
Fig 2.3.3 Yukiharu Suzuki & Assoc, Barn House – modern resi-
dential design. (2010) Barn Home Design by Yukiharu
Suzuki & Associates. Retrieved from http://www.modres-
associates/, Nov 24, 2011.
Fig 2.4.3 Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen, Mission Hill Family Estate
Winery - Ojeda, Oscar Riera & Pasnik, Mark. (2003)
Elements: Architecture in Detail, Rockport Publishers:
Massachusetts. 114.
voye, retrieved from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Savoye,
Nov 22, 2011.
Fig 3.1.1 Shigeru Ban, temporary Artek Pavilion - UPM. (2012) Im-
ages for media, retrieved from http://www.upmprofi.com/
en/media/photo-gallery/Pages/default.aspx, May 2, 2012.
Fig 3.1.2 Stan Allen, Infobox - Dezeen magazine. (2011, Nov 17)
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen, dezeen magazine. Re-
trieved from www.dezeen.com, Nov 28, 2011.
Modern Home & Interior Design, Furniture. (2010, Nov)
Outdoor Bamboo Restaurant. Retrieved from www.arch-
planner.com, Nov 28, 2011.
Fig 3.1.9 Shigeru Ban Tea House - Miyake, Riichi. (2010) Shigeru
Ban Paper in Architecture, Luna, Ian & Gould, Lauren A.
(Ed.) New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.
Fig 3.1.12 Shigeru Ban, Paper dome - Miyake, Riichi. (2010) Shige-
ru Ban Paper in Architecture, Luna, Ian & Gould, Lauren
A. (Ed.) New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.
Fig 3.2.4 Bead Brick high rise - Muslimin, Rizal. (2010) Bead Brick,
retrieved from http://www.brickstainable.com/current-
winners/technical-design.html, Dec 9, 2011.
Fig 3.3.5 Glencoe Visitor Centre, glazed link – Gaia Group. (2011)
Design Excellence Providing Access and Conservation,
retrieved from www.gaiagroup.org, Nov 22, 2011.
tee. (2011) Toga Nu, Steenwijk. Retrieved from www.
mrxnstkt.nl, Dec 9, 2011.
Fig 3.4.4 Racine Art Museum detail- Bahamon, Alejandro & San-
jines, Maria Camila. (2010) Rematerial: From Waste to
Architecture, WW Norton & Co.
ria Camila. (2010) Rematerial: From Waste to Architec-
ture, WW Norton & Co.
Fig 4.1.1 Anderson, Mark & Anderson, Peter. (2007) Prefab Pro-
totypes: site-specific design for offsite construction, New
York: Princeton Architectural Press.
Fig 4.2.1 Suburban retail concept, drawn by author
Fig 4.4.1 Site plan for Wellesley St E and Sherbourne Ave site,
drawn by author
Fig 4.4.2 Commercial land-use map for the Sherbourne Ave site,
drawn by author
Fig 4.4.3 Commercial square footage map for the Sherbourne Ave
site, drawn by author
drawn by author
Fig 4.4.14 Danforth Ave and Playter Blvd site plan, drawn by author
Fig 4.4.25 New material cycle with reusable and recyclable materi-
als, drawn by author
List of appendices
Appendix 1 Material volume estimate analysis for Sherbourne St and
Wellesley St East building iteration, created by author
1 Introduction
Fig 1.1 Resource extraction The thesis study began with the desire to address the problem of mate-
Fig 1.2 Building demolition
rial waste in architecture. The consumption of earth’s resources is es-
Fig 1.3 Material dumping
sential for the economic prosperity of developed society, but increased
terial resources in the world (Berge, 2009, p.6). The greatest amount of
waste is generated at the end of a building’s life – when they are demol-
ished to make way for new creations. Typically this act of destruction is
undertaken with little attempt to recover parts for reuse and relegates
struction and demolition creates 9.3 million tonnes of waste each year,
and in 2008 data shows that only 12% was recycled or reused. (Ontario
the building use, architects rarely design to consider their fate after the
building life is over (Berge, 2009, p.6) (Mori, 2003, p.30). Contrary to the
2002). Disposing of good material is impractical since harvesting and
reusing that which has already been sourced (Ashby, 2009, p.72). The
There are two approaches to using material effectively: the one is to de-
sign for endurance and lasting building life, while the other is to design
maintained and treasured while others are taken down and replaced.
tices usually aim to create buildings with the material life of at least 50
Fig 1.4 Parthenon as enduring
years, but many buildings are demolished after only 15 (Durmisevic &
Fig 1.5 Crystal Palace as imperma-
nent Yeang, 2003, p.134). Demolitions and renovations typically account for
more projects than new builds each year. In the United States, 1.75 bil-
lion square feet of building stock are torn down each year, 5 billion are
renovated, and 5 billion are built new (Architecture 2030, 2011). Pro-
systems, and materials are damaged and deteriorate. A 2011 CBC ar-
ticle described how the vast fields of new condominium buildings with
window wall cladding in Canada are destined to need entirely new skin
growth and change to the fabric of the built environment as needs and
(Thomsen and van der Flier, 2011, p.353). Buildings can be rendered
obsolete due to physical factors such as poor design and material wear,
factors tend to be beyond control of the owner, and external factors are
(Thomsen and van der Flier, 2011). These factors make it near impos-
sire to build lasting forms. They believe that to build for permanence
Futurists Sant Elia and Marinetti stated as far back as 1914: “The life of
Fig 1.6 SANAA, Contemporary Art a house will not be as long as it is with us, every generation will want to
Gallery avoids the expression of
construction, structure and material build its own town” (Universitat Stuttgart, p.43). It is irrational to expect
Fig 1.7 Renzo Piano, Tjibaou Cul-
tural Centre, expresses a study of that solutions derived based upon the flows, knowledge and data of to-
vernacular construction with con-
day will be successful and functional in the years to come. Architects
temporary method and materials
must come to accept that their creations are not permanent, but the
art of building, yet most contemporary edifices are dislocated from the
evidence of effort and skill from perception. For a user to take pleasure
elevate the building beyond simple form to poetics, and create compel-
1.1 Problem
Contemporary architecture leads to wasteful use of material while there
Fig 1.1.1 Traditional Architecture
Cycle with I.M. Pei’s demolished is rising demand for construction materials. Buildings today are often im-
JKK Terminal
permanent, yet even design for disassembly often does not conceive of
material life after the building. Design for disassembly attempts to mimic
Fig 1.1.2 Proposed Architecture It is critical to use resources effectively. Contemporary architecture
needs to reduce material waste by designing to liberate materials at the
end of use. Material life cycle can be extended by changing linear flow
that can be taken apart and components reused. The built form will be
about the assemblage of pieces, expressing the details that allow the
tion through visible joinery and a promotion of the reuse and recycling
elements such as structure, material, and detail that reflect the act of
Fig 1.1.3 Principles Research into disassembly architecture, building with material reuse,
other layers. Working with uncut standard forms ensures materials are
also allows for easier recycling and reuse, and easier disassembly of
the whole building. Selecting materials based upon the expected lifetime
or customize, ensures that material lives are most suited to their func-
2 Background and literature
2.1 Design with reused
Fig 2.1 (Page 9-10) aged metal sur- Many designers and architects have embraced the practice of design
Fig 2.1.1 Reused materials in Villa with used components and materials. This practice extends material life
Welpeloo by 2012 Architects in- by diverting it from the landfill for the duration of its use. However, it can-
volved significant energy input and
reconfiguration to obtain the desired not become successful until design practices adjust to enable it as an
component arrangements
endeavour. Elma Durmisevic and Ken Yeang, (2009, p.134) authors of
“Designing for Disassembly (DfD),” state that buildings are not designed
believe that there are two types of material flows in human society that
trients. The first allows for biological decomposition at the end of its life,
while the second can be recycled into industrial systems. They have
found that mixtures of the materials mean that neither can be reused
once the useful life of the product has come to an end, since then they
Fig 2.1.2 The separate material can neither biodegrade nor be recycled. Bill Addis, who wrote “Building
cycles: biological nutrient cycle and
industrial nutrient cycle With Reclaimed Components and Materials: A Design Handbook for Re-
where materials are joined together in ways that allow them to be easily
tion, such as old tires and wood skids. Custom forms do not offer as
many possibilities for new projects – and are often scrapped, even when
construction at a hotel in Asia, but the plan failed due to code issues. Pin
joint connections and tubular steel allowed the vast majority of the struc-
ture to come apart easily. The only bolts connected columns to piles that
formed a permanent foundation for a temporary structure. The entire
steel structure was recycled in England, while the piles, concrete ground
and mezzanine floor slabs, and plasterboard shaft wall were demolished
Fig 2.1.4 British Pavilion interior land for reuse would not be an ideal use of energy; building components
pinned connections on steel struc-
would ideally be able to be reused local to their original built form. More
In the book “Green building: project planning & cost estimating,” there
are said to be over 1,600 construction material reuse stores throughout
the United States and Canada. The authors found that the most sought
sort, lighting and plumbing fixtures, and often ceiling tiles and carpet
tion material life then building detailing and design will need to incorpo-
rate the means for easy separation of parts, and material properties
2.2 Design for disassembly
Fig 2.2.1 Shigeru Ban, Centre The concept of design for disassembly creates an architecture that is
d’Interpretation is designed to come
apart using custom joinery so that inherently impermanent. The impermanent building could last anywhere
parts can be replaced over time from 1 day to 1000 years, but it is understood that it will not stand for-
and hope our work will be accepted and lasting. An example of the un-
predictability of building life stood on MIT campus. Building 20 was de-
signed and built rapidly in 1943 with the intent of temporality as it was
slated for demolition after the war. It ended up lasting over 35 years
presence over time, which removes cultural and historical legacy from
world and nothing is truly permanent. The most lasting part of archite-
ture is the materails used to construct. Even if the design fails and the
tion. They are no longer the true imaginings of their originators, having
for permanence. They can contribute to memory, fulfill uses, and delight
power to achieve something more than those built with the intent to
last forever. The architect and writer Christopher Alexander claims that
every time we build we make “nine mistakes for every success,” so the
there is for feedback to learn, to correct that which fails to perform the
performance in context can lead to revisions and new iterations. The im-
and rebuilt. The architect Renzo Piano believes that most experimental
There are valuable principles to take away from the disassembly rheto-
ric including the concept of layered assemblies, and using dry connec-
Fig 2.2.3 Concept sketch for layered
cladding, structure and finishes tions. Layered assemblies divide the building into separate parts - shell,
can last for different lengths of time (Durmisevic & Yeang, 2009). Frank
Duffy and Stewart Brand both believe in the concept of dividing a build-
ing into separate systems and limiting their interaction (Brand, 1994,
Services, Scenery and Set,” while Brand expands the layers to include
“Site, Structure, Skin, Services, Space Plan and Stuff” (Brand, 1994,
p.17). Elma Durmisevic and Jan Brouwer describe the layers as sub-
further suggestions, such as separating levels of material, creating sub-
claim that there are three scenarios, the first is where the functional
durability of the material is short compared to its technical life cycle, the
the technical life cycle, and the third is where functional and technical
life cycles are equivalent. Technical life cycle can be considered the ex-
pected length of time the building will be used for its intended purpose.
and Brouwer (2002, p.14) claim that a significant part of our built envi-
ronment falls into the first scenario, that the second scenario involves
monuments that are critical to maintain and the third scenario includes
date the more likely it is open to transformation and longer life before
Buildings are required to adapt over time, whether designed with lasting
material based upon expected lifetime of the building, design for disas-
2.3 Tectonics and building
as autonomous form
Fig 2.3.1 Shigeru Ban’s Haesley An architecture that explores the expression of assembly of materials
Nine Bridges Clubhouse is expres-
sive of material properties and struc- and visible demountable joinery is inherently tectonic. Tectonic architec-
ture - a heavy stacked wall of stone ture expresses essential characteristics of construction and buildings,
beneath a flexible web of timber
members bent into elegant posts such as structure, material and the process of making, to create power-
detail. A proponent of phenomenology, architect Juhani Pallasmaa be-
buildings that were “stage sets for the eye, devoid of the authenticity
Mies believed that novel form could arise from exploring the issues of
building, but could not be the goal of architectural work (Frampton, 2001,
ment and expression of the basic elements of architecture can pull the
ing through its tectonic language. For a user to take pleasure in a work
its matter, and properties such as weight, rigidity and cohesion. He be-
lieved that:
“…if we were ‘told clearly that the building, the sight of which
please[d] us, consisted of entirely different materials of very un-
equal weight and consistency, but not distinguishable to the eye,
the whole building would become as incapable of affording us
pleasure as would a poem in an unknown language (Weston,
2003, p.44)...”
Architect Juhani Pallasmaa argued for the use of natural materials since
beyond their physical presence since they could express their age,
history, birth and human use. However, industrial materials can offer a
sense of nostalgia and history. Exposed rivets and cylinder glass win-
properties of materials were expressed for the first time in ancient Greek
mond (2008) believed that structure could also be the animator of archi-
that appreciation for a work was influenced by the expression of skill
and effort, owing to his profound respect for the “art of joining” by crafts-
bly and the final built form. It turns architectural works into autonomous
forms to be appreciated for the visible effort and skill needed for their
realization. When matter and the means of making are made visible the
Fig 2.3.4 Kengo Kuma, Bamboo user takes more pleasure in discovering a work of architecture. When
House uses the qualities of bamboo
the basic elements of architecture are embellished for expression, they
as architectural expression
can heighten the awareness of place, experience and the self in the
space. For the thesis study it will be important to create details that dis-
2.4 The architectural joint
Fig 2.4.1 Renzo Piano, UNESCO In “The Tell-the-Tale Detail,” Marco Frascari believed that “the art of
Laboratory Workshop, dry stone
stacked joints with stucco overlap detailing [was] really the joining of materials, elements, components,
Fig 2.4.2 Francois de Menil, Byzan- and building parts in a functional and aesthetic manner (Frascari, 2008,
tine Fresco Chapel Museum, metal
and glass expressed joinery p.501).” The detail was always a joint, a connector between two parts
Fig 2.4.3 Olson Sundberg Kundig
Allen, Mission Hill Family Estate (Frascari, 2008). Architects Kieran and Timberlake believed that with-
Winery, stair structure seam of hid- out separation there would be no need for joining, and ”separation in
den joint
architecture arises from the characteristics of the materials to be as-
sembled into a building or from the evolution of the site (Kieran and
details were essentially the words that were used to compose the sen-
The earliest reversible joints were knots tied in nomadic building forms
(Frampton, 2008, p.524). The structures were fully demountable and
portable in their component parts, were essential and minimal for light-
ness, and employed locally available materials. In the American tipi, tim-
ber posts delineated the space and formed the structure, skins or reed
mats acted as an outer membrane laid over the timbers, ropes held the
skins down, and wooden pegs and rope bound the timber poles togeth-
Fig 2.4.4 Frame of African nomadic er (Laublin, 1977). In some African nomadic structures, if the ground
was too tough to bury frame supports, rocks were piled around the base
to hold the structure in place (Prussin, 1995, p.156). The stones formed
believed it was the joint between the heavy base or podium, and the light
Fig 2.4.5 Demountable foundation tion techniques are appropriate precedents for an architecture of dis-
assembly, cyclical material life, and tectonic expression. Joinery and
ing of the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, was an early design
Park was quickly overturned when Paxton came forward with a design
for a structure of iron and glass that could be speedily assembled and
(Alfred, 2009). The iron columns and girders with mechanical joints sat
would require demolition (Alfred, 2009). Despite its temporary intent, the
2010). The Crystal Palace demonstrated the flexibility, easy disassem-
bly and re-assembly of a building designed for impermanence, using
standardized parts and mechanical joinery.
There have been different periods in the history of architectural move-
ments when craftsmanship and construction was expressed and also
when connections and the evidence of assembly were hidden (Daniels,
48). Despite the appearance of heavy permanence, some classical con-
structions allowed for disassembly through their realization. Doric Greek
Fig 2.4.7 The glass roof of the Crys- columns were cylinders of stacked stone with hidden wood dowel joints
tal Palace
to hold them in place, and contained both absent and expressive joints
(Miller, 1990). They appeared as monolithic forms with only a seam de-
noting the hidden joint and how it was built. The lack of permanent con-
nections meant that forms could be taken apart, allowing for the reuse of
marble and steel from classical buildings. The intention for the column
was likely to be a lasting form considering its monolithic and solid ex-
pression, but limitations of construction methods led to impermanence.
The International Style Movement deliberately hid construction details,
Fig 2.4.8 Doric column assembly with the intent to dematerialize and express the building as an idealized
image (Daniels, 48). The pure aesthetic of the Modernist forms were not
designed with time or change in mind, and their lack of material honesty
led to buildings that have weathered and decomposed in unflattering
ways (Weston, 2003). The absent or abstract detail allowed the building
to be perceived as a unified whole, and were considered the opposite of
Fig 2.4.9 Le Corbusier, Villa Sa- the expressive or articulated detail. When the articulated detail showed
voye, demonstrates an absence of
its consideration of material, weight, connection and assembly, the ab-
evidence of assembly in its detailing
stract detail denied those characteristics with an “absence of weight, an
indifference to material, a lack of apparent connection, and an apparent
disregard for the elements (Ford, (2009), p.11).” The post-postmodern
approach was to create seamless forms and hide any sense of assem-
bly or parts. Many architects designed monolithic forms out of an as-
sembly of parts, but risked damage and wear by avoiding articulated
detailing has a propensity to evidence its inherent dishonesty. Ma-
terials have different expansion coefficients, they accept or reject
water to varying degrees, some materials propagate organic or
biological infestations while others preempt them, and oxidation
and galvanic action are always waiting patiently to undo the best
laid plans an architect can come up with. Rather than age grace-
fully, most of these examples are inevitably fated to lose their
battle with the elements and time far more rapidly than those who
express both materiality and use the knowledge of weatherability
as a design criteria rather than subordinated “baggage” (Dickin-
Fig 2.4.10 Zaha Hadid, Dubai Arts son, 1997, p.ix).”
Center attempts to create seamless
joints for a continuous form
Joints between materials are also often hidden through the use of base-
(Daniels, 2003).
and formal, and can determine the success or failure of a building de-
down” design problem, they should be designed from the bottom up, and
allow the different scales to inform each other (Dickinson, 1997, p.xix).
Marco Frascari wrote that through their own order, details could impose
order and meaning of the entire construction and that “the understand-
ing and execution of details constitute[d] the basic process by which the
p.501).” In the eighteenth century, members of the École des Beaux Arts
Fig 2.4.11 Renzo Piano, UNESCO
Laboratory Workshop, the joint con- described the architectural detail like a word in a language. Through
necting column to beam blends steel its selection and ordering it gave character to a piece of writing, just
into timber structure
as building character is shaped by the meaning and order of its details
(Weston, 2003, p.148). In, “The Architectural Detail: Dutch Architects
Visualise their Concept” Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, of UN Stu-
dio, are quoted as having stated that well conceived and realized details
“Long after the idiomatic treatment of the whole has been ex-
hausted, details can provide new insights and surprising discov-
eries that determine the vitality of a building (Melet, 2002, p.7).”
(2009) believed that buildings could visually come apart into their com-
ponents. If the quantity of parts became too large and visually compli-
cated it was difficult to perceive the whole. There are countless connec-
tions in a building, and they should not all be treated the same way. Ford
lenges that the architect had to overcome. He lamented over the need
als, and the effects of even the slightest systematic marks in a surface
believed that joints were allowed to speak the most powerfully when
how it was put together. A joint was a reminder that the building was
made of parts brought together with intent to form space (Ford, 2009). If
Joints between flush stone panels or precast concrete forms could be-
poured concrete joints by making them deeper, wider or larger, and mak-
ing them an ornament captured by light and shadow, that reminded the
ture the joint can draw attention to the physical qualities of the building,
Fig 2.4.12 Peter Marino and Assoc., The joint is a key component of disassembly construction that has pow-
Datascape Corporation displays the
intentional panelization of a surface erful theoretical roots, is a critical and time consuming detailing practice
through shadows of joints
and raises a series of issues and choices for the architect. The joint can
designed joint can provide the order for a larger scale of assembly. How-
ever, joints can also dissolve a building into its component parts when
ponents and layers. For example, more rugged and heavy connections
could be used to affix the long lasting structure and site layers, while
more delicate and minimal joints could be easily removed for shorter
2.5 Fabrication and
Fig 2.5.1 Andrew Kudless, Manifold, The rhetoric against tectonic architecture and visible joinery has been
is a study in folded planar material
assembled with simple bolted con- bolstered by the high cost of skilled craftsmanship in the trades and the
nections dislocation of the contemporary architect from the act of building. The
architect creates the image and meaning, but often does not execute
disassociating it from the very alphabet from which the text emerges
(Cadwell, 2007, p.ix).” The relatively recent rise of digital fabrication has
the contractor as the mediator between the architect and the building
ponents and assemblies that are prefabricated off-site, with little ma-
assembly depends upon precise factory cut, pre-fitted, drilled and jigged
blies are also more readily reversible and can be disassembled “as
(Weston, p.151). The structural engineer for the project, Peter Rice,
stated that the central design characteristic was “making the joint the
What used to be time-consuming and skilled work that limited the ap-
terials such as metals, woods and plastics from the digital model of
Fig 2.5.3 Herzog and DeMeuron, a structural conception that involves the creation of ribs – acting as
Olympic Stadium in Beijing is a sec-
beams or columns – reminiscent of ship and aircraft construction (Iwa-
tioned structure achieving a non-
rectilinear form moto, 2009, p.010). Sectioning is often used to achieve complex forms,
since it is simply a process of deriving two dimensional cuts through a 3
dimensional model. The cross sections are then joined to create a skel-
eton of the form. The drawback to this type of digital construction is that
sections are often cut from panelized materials, creating a lot of waste
Nest Stadium, shows how bent lines of truss along sections could be
metal, thick paper and fabric. “When folds are introduced into otherwise
planar materials, those materials gain stiffness and rigidity, can span
allowing floors to become walls and ceilings. The process takes two-
Fig 2.5.4 Andrew Kudless, Manifold, dimensional surfaces, and through creasing, folding and wrapping turns
them into three-dimensional forms. A number of software programs offer
ser cutters, water-jets and plasma cutters are used to cut and perforate
Museum of Art uses the same structural method in its roof as Andrew
visitors at the bottom edge to connect the panels together. The Manifold
comb system.
Forming is the final method of fabrication that has potential for reusable
components. It allows the creation of parts from customized molds or
project created a custom acoustic panel with plaster and elastic fabric.
Fig 2.5.6 Andrew Kudless, P-wall, reusable in its panel form, and cannot be recycled or even down-cycled
once it obsolesces or is damaged (reduced to a poorer quality material
ideal mass produced material for cyclical material life, and will ultimately
are unknown.
Buildings are assembled from many parts. To simplify and speed the
process, the design can call upon precise factory prepared pieces, often
digitally produced, that are typically more open to disassembly than tra-
fers several methods that could be adopted for the study of an architec-
and the creation of components not ideal for extending material life cy-
cle, an awareness of the demand for component reuse and material life
2.6 Building typologies for
Certain building typologies and systems are more predisposed to
factors. “...The exigencies of pushing products mean that the life span
renech, 2005, p.15).” Minsuk Cho, of the firm Mass Studies, felt shocked
to see a shop design, his first project in Korea, torn down and replaced
by a larger building two years after realization (Cho, 2010, p.202). Retail
Often stores aim to draw new clients and visitors into the space through
novel displays and eye-catching design. High quality materials and de-
tail design can impart good branding for the company and product.
According to Durmisevic and Brouwer (2002) a short functional life of
architecture would be best served by recyclable and reusable materials
architecture, concerned with layout, systems and finishes. During the life-
time of an office building, there are typically ten or more tenant compa-
1994). The short functional life of interior office architecture, including the
posed of reusable or recyclable materials that could have further use after
the office was remodelled. The office building structure could be used
until it reached the end of its technical life, in which case it would ideally
buildings. The structure, services and skin would need to allow flexibility
of uses.
sites. Workers migrate to often isolated and rural sites for as long as the
camp, mining village or oil field, such as Fort McMurray, is temporary un-
design for material life cycle would avoid creating permanent buildings
that will be abandoned and decay once workers have moved on. They
home is intimate, and one must adapt to the other. Often the changes are
“Homes are the domain of slowly shifting fantasies and rapidly
shifting needs. The widows parent moves in; the teenager moves
out; finances require letting out a room (new door and outside
stair); accumulating stuff needs more storage (or public storage
frees up some home space); a home office or studio becomes es-
sential. Meanwhile, desires accumulate for a new deck, a hot tub,
a modernized kitchen, a luxurious bathroom, a walk-in closet, a
hobby refuge in the garage, a kid refuge in the basement or attic,
a whole new master bedroom (Brand, 1994, p.10)…”
Fig 2.6.1 Typical exterior renova- The home also changes occupants approximately every 6 to 8 years,
tions to post-war bungalows in East
York while most apartments receive new tenants every 3 (Brand, 1994, p.87).
Every new occupant arrives with a new outlook to how the home should
function and they typically demand a renovation. Typically there are two
attempt to increase the selling price with new features and finishes,
while the new occupants update for their requirements and aesthetic
building assembly: site, structure, skin, services, space plan and stuff
all risk change through demands put upon a single-family home. Since
domestic buildings are likely to obsolesce before they have met the end
or recyclable materials.
The functional life of a building should drive the type of materials speci-
3 Precedent review
This section will explore architectural issues that surface with the inten-
tions of disassembly and cyclical material life. The analysis of built projects
3.1 Mechanical joinery
Fig 3.1 (Page 37-38) worn wood slat The following taxonomy describes mechanical, and typically reversible,
joinery from a variety of projects, some of which are temporary and oth-
Fig 3.1.1 Shigeru Ban, temporary
Artek Pavilion at the 2007 Milan ers with unstated longevity. The method of fixing components together
Furniture Fair is designed for con-
struction and deconstruction with
is a major factor in whether they can be reused and recycled. Non-me-
lightweight members and bolted chanical joinery, such as mortars and adhesives make assemblies dif-
ficult, time-consuming and expensive to take apart and often necessi-
tate significant cleaning (Berge, 2009). The problem with adhesives and
Fig 3.1.2 Stan Allen, Infobox, 2011 ideal for both reuse and recycling.
Tied joints can use fabric, rope, and wire, are reminiscent of some
nearby. The bamboo construction is held together with nearly invisible
pressing the mass of bamboo instead of the joinery. The creators claim
the parts are to be recycled once the Infobox is taken down. (dezeen,
2010). The joints are visibly reversible since they are built from a fabric-
like material which would likely only last a limited number of years or
structure above.
Fig 3.1.6 SSM Architekten, Kunst- completed in 2008 by SSM Architekten employs weaving as its method
haus entry
of joinery for the exterior cladding. Steel rods act as a framework for pli-
strength of plywood creates a very strong slotted joint, and the notch can
Fig 3.1.8 DH1 Disaster House 2006 be extremely precise when factory-cut. The forms are highly expressive
of their assembled nature, and are reminiscent of a child’s building toy.
overlapping joint extends into the material expression and becomes the
Fig 3.1.9 Shigeru Ban, Cardboard structure, language for openings and the enclosure. The project is tec-
Tea House, 2008
tonically satisfying because it demonstrates how it was constructed and
how it works through its visual language. The details are very simple,
varying density across the different surfaces. The project would not al-
low for reuse of material because it is highly customized for its intended
purpose, but if the cardboard was still a pure material, the house could
be entirely recycled.
such as floors, ceilings and exterior cladding. They form tight, precise
would not be required if panels were fitted within a framework that held
and tenon joints for the timber in their Mount Vernon cabin (Remodelis-
ta, 2011). The tenon does not extend to the other side of the stile, so the
Fig 3.1.10 Suyama Peterson Degu- timber pieces appear to just butt up against one another in an invisible,
chi, Mount Vernon cabin
friction-fit, and impermanent joint (Woodwork Details, 2007). The detail
is minimal and removes focus from the joinery and act of assembly. The
not ideal for successful tectonic expression that relies upon the demon-
Center in Scotland in 2002. To speed assembly they used screws at
lengths along the lapped strip, instead of at the end of every individual
used fewer metal fixings and allowed for easier removal of the materi-
als. The lap joint is subtle, but expressive of the work that it is doing
and the method of assembly. The lap joint could also be used to hold
The architect Shigeru Ban often employs bolted connections for his
act as ornamentation since the metal pieces stand out from the standard
Fig 3.1.12 Shigeru Ban, Paper bamboo, cardboard or wood that they hold in place. They often appear
Dome, Japan, 1998
excessive in number and thus time-consuming to assemble and disas-
steel bolts run the full height of an aluminum frame and hold stacked
Fig 3.1.13 Renzo Piano, IRCAM ex-
tension facade detail terracotta bricks, with nylon spacers between rows (Ermanno, 1990).
for the week-long pavilion, and are not likely reusable in other projects
is more repetitive because of the bay structure than that of the Vasarely
Fig 3.1.16 Shigeru Ban, Canal Boat-
house Museum, 2002
The choice of joinery depends on many factors. The expected func-
tional life of the building must be taken into account. Temporary joinery
Notched, mortise and tenon, tongue and groove, and custom joints all
depend upon a longer functional life because they demand more energy
input into the creation of the joinery. Using recyclable materials for cus-
and labour of assembly are good tactics. Almost all of the joint types
more subtle.
3.2 Pre-fabrication
Fig 3.2.1 Dempsey and Huang, [c] Off-site fabrication creates a high degree of precision and fast assem-
space pavilion detail
bly. It could also be adapted to speed and simplify disassembly. Digital
fabrication can simplify the creation of complex joinery and allow for the
For the 2008 pavilion, [c]space by Alan Dempsey and Alvin Huang, in-
achieve friction fit joints, which are easily achievable with digital ma-
chinery. 2000 joints were made from a digital model and CNC cutting
(Iwamoto, 2009). The curved form would have been incredibly difficult
notch lay at different angles. The pavilion may have relatively simple
Fig 3.2.2 [c]space pavilion
assembly and disassembly, but its form and materials are not ideal for
do not make for easily reusable pieces. The composite material recipe
does not allow for recycling of the concrete as an aggregate. The con-
crete panels would likely become landfill waste after the temporary use.
The steel plate connectors are likely recyclable, or reusable if they are
lightening display of the capabilities of digital fabrication for disassem-
the new possibilities for expression of joinery possible with digital fab-
rication techniques. The laser-cut sheets are formed into the joining
with the precision of the tools. The joints maintain the sense of the panel,
Fig 3.2.3 Marble Fairbanks Archi-
tects, Flatform installation, 2008 while at the same time breaking the whole form down into smaller parts.
how the system is built. The decision to finish the interior surfaces in red
Forming with digital methods can allow for the creation of new standard-
Fig 3.2.4 Bead Brick shown at a
large scale in a high rise application ized materials and components. Experimental stacking bricks by MIT
student Rizal Muslimin aim to eliminate the need for mortar, creating dry
less construction. They do not carry load like standard bricks, but are
Fig 3.2.5 Bead Brick in different ar-
rangements instead strung along steel cables. They create tensile lattice works that
allow for varying levels of opacity depending on the organization. They
3.3 Design for disassembly
Fig 3.3.1 Nicholas Grimshaw, Igus Design for disassembly was not conceived as a means of safekeep-
Headquarters and Factory facade
detail. Custom removeable and re- ing materials for new buildings, so precedents have limitations when
locatable facade components allow
approached with the intended goal of reuse and recycling. Many disas-
for easy disassembly.
sembly projects try to disguise themselves as standard constructions.
by Ken Yeang and Elma Durmisevic (2009), but does not offer a radical
sembly principles. The exposed timber structure, and wooden deck can-
opy form the extent of disassembly. These components employ the con-
within the exterior walls. The canopy beams are bolted to a shared steel
Fig 3.3.3 The Adaptable House deck connector on the end of the internal roof beams. The detail permits the
canopy to be easily replaced should it weather and fail over time without
system from the interior roof beams. The interior finishes are not de-
2011). They claim to have built in independent layers, with the timber
Fig 3.3.4 Glencoe Visitor Centre
frame separated from interior partitions, to allow for future changes to
are also layers separated from the structural frame. Services, such as
electrical wiring and heating pipes, are located in voids between the
frame and finishes in floor, walls and ceilings, which are made acces-
rendered exterior finish, traditional finishes in wet areas and nail con-
form, although finishes appear slightly rough with exposed screws, and
the series of buildings are raised off of the ground with a steel frame
links have large custom joints and exposed structure, demonstrating the
layering of assemblies.
The Station Z Memorial in Sachsenhausen, designed by HG Merz and
Werner Sobek, shelters the remains of a Nazi gas chamber. The design
Fig 3.3.6 The Station Z Memorial in- needed to hold the structure together as the relationship between frame
and skin are sufficient. Werner Sobek stated that the enclosure is en-
to the user. A visitor to the site would likely more fully appreciate the
cleverness of the design and the thorough vision of the material lifecycle
if the intent of disassembly were apparent. They would also grasp the
moved in their entirety and rest on long steel legs with footpads (Kro-
2000, p.72) Joints are highly visible, almost to a fault on the interior,
Pieces can be moved over and over without compromise to their func-
nenberg, 2000). Piping and wiring is exposed and clipped to run along
tions, and the project appears to have poured concrete floors on grade,
which are permanent and inflexible (Kronenberg, 2000). The IGUS Fac-
intent of the work, but too much visible detail and joinery can be over-
3.4 Layering assemblies
The concept of layering independent systems is endorsed by propo-
layers without impacting others that have longer technical lives. Struc-
ture is typically the longest lasting layer, while cladding and interior fin-
ishes tend to wear quickly as they are exposed to weather and changes
separate accessible layers between the finish and structure to allow for
the building. The structure forms a super frame encircling the volume
of the enclosed spaces. The frame defines the space of the building,
creating outdoor rooms and extending the concept of space beyond the
shell. Joinery, such as steel bolts, is minimal and exposed, reveals are
Fig 3.4.1 Essex House timber super-
opened between connecting wood structural members to show the steel
substructure running beneath the wood. The super-frame holds the in-
terior spaces above the site, but requires secondary frame structure for
the exterior walls, having little benefit. The structure layer traditionally
lasts the longest and requires the least manipulation and updates in a
The architects claim that the support columns can be moved, along with
the exterior timber clad walls, and the interior partitions to modify the
layout according to user demands (design4deconstruction, 2011). Pre-
fabricated components are connected with screws that are left exposed
2011). The project may be capable of coming apart into large prefab-
Fig 3.4.2 Steenwijk Community Cen- scale. Joinery is visible in the main roof, timber structure and column
assemblies, but not within the wood paneled exterior walls or painted
Mechanical systems run in the space between the exposed beams and
top of the interior partitions, but it is not apparent if they are assembled
and tear of everyday use. Building skins often last half or a third as long
as the life of the building that they are shielding (Weston, 2003). The
cycle, so the materials are best used. If finishes are likely to obsolesce
In the 2003 renovation, by Brininstool + Lynch, acrylic panels were add-
ed over the existing envelope. They are held by metallic clips and offer
a significant gap between adjacent panels. The joint at the corner of the
ness and fragility to the new facade covering, that mirrors the sense
on the interior with simple, clean finishes that allow the art to be the cen-
ter of focus. The new system layered upon the old facade permitted the
Fig 3.4.4 The Racine Art Museum architects to create an intervention that made the mid nineteenth cen-
new cladding corner detail
tury building look “completely new,” and shaded existing fenestrations
the galleries (Bahamon and Sanjines, 2008, p.64). Exterior and interior
their exposure.
hind the finish and atop the structure. Architects and engineers have
Fig 3.4.5 The Racine Art Museum
evolved various solutions for access and manipulation of mechanical
new facade
and electrical systems in buildings. Several solutions incorporate the
ing systems create a plenum within which to run wiring and piping, and
finish layer separated from the structure. Wall access panels are less
electrical components between the finish and floor. Ducts and outlets
Fig 3.4.6 Open wall access panel
with outlet cover and finish strip are apparent along the length of the gap, and the reveal is finished with
a panel flush with the wall finish (Durmisevic & Linthorst, 2000). Holes
do not have to be cut into wall finishes in order to create outlet and duct
openings, and the panel creates a clean line, and easy accessibility to
blies do not need to be left accessible as layers, but in the case of the
other assemblies.
3.5 Portable and temporary
Fig 3.5.1 Renzo Piano, IBM Travel- Traditional portable structures, their contemporary iterations and tem-
ling Exhibition exterior detail, 1982-
porary pavilions offer lessons in architecture of joinery, impermanence
1984. Customized structural and
cladding components are designed and disassembly. Ideally they are portable when divided into their com-
for disassembly and reassembly at
new sites ponent parts, are essential and minimal for lightness, their joints are
nections to sites.
the space and form a solid base to anchor the other components. The
Bamboo posts slide into pre-cut holes in the base and a top ring, and
are held in by the pressure of the membrane. Simple joints make the
ment, but are thus open to manipulation by users. The wood elements
Fig 3.5.2 Ecoshack, The Nomad in- lend a warmth and beauty that is reminiscent of the traditional nomadic
structure. Component pieces are standardized, but highly specific, so if
cal materials so that they could be easily replaced from within the en-
damaging the wood panel base and the membrane appears too delicate
to last for a long period of time outdoors, so the yurt is likely meant to be
Fig 3.5.3 The Nomad kit of parts a temporary and seasonal structure.
The Artek Pavilion, by architect Shigeru Ban, was built for 5 days of the
2007 Milan Furniture Fair and was deconstructed in the same amount
extruded plastic waste and wood fibres, in a repeated truss module, and
is joined with exposed bolts (Miyake, 2010). The exterior skin is trans-
parent in places to allow light to enter the long shed-like space (Miyake,
2010). The building rests upon a timber platform and appears to be free
bly and services allow for the simple layering of cladding and structure.
vices with plywood floor panels, laminated timber arches affix into the
Fig 3.5.6 IBM Travelling Exhibition adjustable jacks that adapt to different sites (Kronenberg, 2000). The
Pavilion structural detail
design exploited disassembly by having optional added layers for great-
er insulation or sun-shading in different seasons (Kronenberg, 2000).
nents all have the potential to be recycled at the end of the temporary
Portable and temporary structures are usually built with joinery expres-
permanent bases, that avoid the use of foundations, would effective for
3.6 Building with
standardized elements
Fig 3.6.1 2012 Architects, Villa Wel- Off-the-shelf standard sizes and components are more likely to be re-
peloo facade utilizing cable reel
used in new projects. If in a design a custom form is desired it should
wood slats and reused aluminum
flashing be composed of recyclable material instead of simply reusable, since
when they are impractical for new projects. The use of repetitive stan-
in Villa Welpeloo. They sourced wood from cable reels that would oth-
Significant energy would have had to be put into the stripping of material
from the cable reels since they are assembled with permanent connec-
tions. This project illustrates an issue limiting material reuse that could
that requires de-nailing costs an additional $0.15 per linear foot regard-
less of the cross section, which adds a significant cost to small dimen-
sion lumber (Kernan, 2002). The center planks of the reel were still in
good condition and utilized for the facade of the Villa, while rotten ones
Fig 3.6.2 Villa Welpeloo exterior
were used for temporary projects due to their compromised integrity.
The unified lengths of material allowed the designers to come up with
exterior. Aluminum drip edges act as bright and clean reveals between
each course of wood. Through their clean lines they highlight the weath-
glass and metal parapets, and the sharp edge of the entrance canopy.
Corner joints are used to express the dimension and depth of the mate-
detail that does not express its ability to be removed. This project also
Fig 3.6.4 Achieving a curved form employs reused material that was likely energy intensive to harvest from
with standard lumber pieces and a existing railroad infrastructure due to permanent connections – limiting
custom curved metal angle
the potential for reuse of this kind in other projects.
together with rope and nails, demonstrates the issues and opportunities
of working with full planar material (Bahamon & Sanjines, 2010). In the
project, planes often do not meet at corners but extend beyond to form
Fig 3.6.5 Building volume with stan-
dard wood flooring curving into wall walkways and overhangs. The shadows formed by the slats are inter-
surface, and freestanding walls
esting, but lost on the pattern of striped floors and walls – their unique
valuable for avoiding wasting material but is only ideal for right-angled
yond the edges or inscribe within a non-standard geometry.
Standard building materials and components are ideal for avoiding ma-
terial waste because they are more likely to allow for reuse. However,
they are best used in their original forms by avoiding cutting, and thus
3.7 Case studies for
Werner Sobek, R128 House, Stuttgart,
Germany, 2000
Fig 3.7.1 R128 House Architect and engineer Werner Sobek writes that design and construc-
and enclosure systems to ensure recyclability (Bell & Rand, 2006). How-
ever, the floor panels are made of adhered wood and plastic, so would
erected (Stang & Hawthorned, 2005). The four storey steel structure is
1923 house (Stang & Hawthorne, 2005).” The glass facade and alumi-
num drop ceiling panels are modular, standardized and repeated based
Fig 3.7.2 R128 House bolted steel
structure on the structural bay size. Troughs in the floor around the perimeter of
the home hold the mechanical pipes, electrical and communication
wiring, and are hidden by removable laminated metal covers (Stang &
Hawthorne, 2005, p.107). When pipes rise vertically between floors they
are fully exposed in the space, and are expressed as seamless stainless
steel forms. The design avoids internal walls, except for a small wash-
room core spanning two levels, which is clad in aluminum and frosted
glass (Bell & Rand, 2006). The lack of walls reduces material, allows
Fig 3.7.3 Pipes rise behind the kitch- furniture and openings in the floors to define rooms and creates a flex-
en cabinets
ible and continuous open space (Stang & Hawthorne, 2005). Connec-
tion details are often customized and prefabricated: “fixed triplex glass
cladding panels are cradled in custom stainless steel “yokes” near each
ber membrane bounds each piece of glass (Bell & Rand, 2006).”
The R128 house is customized, which offers little opportunity for re-
little waste material. The project offers some evidence of its assembly:
floor panels, exposed mechanical pipes and steel fasteners. The project
staircases. The project could offer more evident expression of its intent
Kieran & Timberlake, Loblolly House,
Maryland, USA, 2007
Fig 3.7.4 Loblolly House The building avoided creating a permanent connection to the site by
creating a platform atop wooden piles sunk into sandy soil. Sandwich
site and formed the walls, roof, and floor framing (Pearson, 2007). A
that accepted the craned in panels. The scaffold was composed of two
tions was made to allow for standard joinery, but also allowed for the
of sliding doors along the section (Kieran and Timberlake, 2008). The
weeks on site once the piles and collar beams were installed. The archi-
tects tried to make minor assemblies from entirely off-the shelf elements
standardized kitchen cabinets were not designed for disassembly once
into one component (Kieran and Timberlake, 2008, p.84). This integra-
without having some impact on the others. Prefabricated wall, floor and
to its strapping with nails. It was built off-site and could have employed
folds were built into the stud-wall bathroom blocks (Kieran and Timber-
2008, p.104).
Kieran and Timberlake’s use of standard forms makes for easier reuse
exterior cladding are not visibly jointed and expressive of assembly and
SMV Architects, Mountain Equipment Co-op
Store, Burlington, Ontario, 2008
Fig 3.7.7 Mountain Equipment Co- The architects claim to have designed the store for material recover-
op Store
ability after the life of the building is over. They chose to explore disas-
board panels and the base structurally-insulated panels are affixed with
(Cowling, 2010). Wiring and piping is hung beneath the exposed struc-
ture in metal tracks, and lighting hangs from bolted connections in the
metal decking above. Vents are built in to poured concrete floors, mean-
cladding with mortar joints are difficult to disassemble and reuse. Poured
concrete floors on metal deck are impossible to reuse and the compos-
sembly for material life cycle, but several cases of permanent connec-
4 Design exploration
4.1 System design proposal
Fig 4.1 (Pages 67-68) worn plastic The project to explore the theories and practices of disassembly, and
Fig 4.1.1 Anderson & Anderson, material life cycle will be a system of standardized building components
system design employed in various
residential project scales
that can be assembled and disassembled for reuse and recycling. Mini-
mal programmatic distraction will allow for a focus on the intent of the
tion of waste materials and components after the life of the building.
The project will delve into detailed design of connections and material
tions as a building, and how it can be taken down and the parts reused
or recycled.
energy collection systems could be added, and how the system could
ing principle so parts can be updated without impacting more lasting
buildings are likely to demand change before they have met the end of
produce superior material life cycle and a building system that allows for
The building system is siteless, but through specific building iterations will
industrial design. The project maintains its status in the field of architec-
ture, however, because each individual part of the system depends upon
the whole for its significance. At the same time, the incorporation of an
4.2 Commercial agenda
The commercial building is not the focus of my thesis, but to establish
“In Europe, a region where high energy prices are taken for
granted, designers, developers, and retailers have historically
embraced energy savings as a cost-cutting strategy... the move
away from the enclosed shopping mall and artificial climate con-
trol is a signature of European sustainable commercial design.
Reduction of construction and demolition waste is also becoming
a widely accepted goal on a crowded continent where hauling and
disposal costs can reach the equivalent of thousands of dollars
per truckload (Hoadley, 2008, 64).”
United Kingdom in 1990 (Hoadley, 2008, 65). The first retail protocols
– such as quantifying the materials and energy utilized with new tenant
increasing its square footage by 20% between 2007 and 2012 - claimed
that it would try for carbon neutrality and allow zero waste to be sent to
material and energy use in construction, renovation and obsolescence.
Fig 4.2.1 The concept of suburban Advancing the design strategies for individual buildings cannot be inde-
pendent from a greater planning strategy to reduce waste and encour-
building cheaper and less durable structures (Platt, 66).” Most stores
are built with a technical lifespan of 15 years (Platt, 59). They utilize
Toronto big box architect who claimed that “...it was not cost effective to
reuse an older big box as they were too poorly built and... usually too
big for most other uses.” When the buildings obsolesce very little can
be salvaged for reuse. A GTA demolition company that takes down half
a dozen large grocery stores and a dozen malls and plazas every year
claimed that they would recycle all possible materials, but “the lack of
The functional life of the big box store is generally shorter than 15 years
appreciation in value as population growth reaches the area. The store
is then demolished and replaced with more profitable uses (Platt, 2009).
doned big boxes are a particular issue in the United States. In 2007,
sale (Killingsworth & Farrow, 2007, 1). In “Adaptive reuse of large sin-
row (2007) claim that very little successful adaptation of this building
type has been possible. Author of “Big Box Reuse,” Julia Christensen
(2008) claims that adaptation is difficult due to the excessive size, lack
contains more than one half of Canada’s most productive farmland, but
the Greater Toronto Area has been consistently ceding that land to de-
and 1996, followed by 600,000 acres between 1996 and 2006 (Ontario
greater reliance on food with more extensive transport, and thus higher
“They have parking lots four to seven times the size of the store
footprint with direct access to main arteries (Killingsworth & Far-
row, 2007).”
The business practices of some big box retailers are also worth scru-
Fig 4.2.2 Suburban retail parking the design of their individual buildings conscious planners and citizens
have become wise to energy-inefficient procedures (Kirck, 2006, 74).
The reduction of waste and efficient use of energy and materials must
2008, 9). Urban infill projects utilize the knowledge that there are sav-
For the purpose of this design exploration, the size of commercial build-
ings would be dictated by the urban site dimensions and zoning, while
mum floor plate for small retail and sites, and the opportunity for added
Fig 4.2.3 Concept for commercial than be overly specific and risk obsolescence. Independent tenants
infill in vacant urban land or atop ex-
isting outdoor parking lots (includes can personalize with merchandise and furnishings. Generic commercial
opposite page)
buildings may not be high-design, but nor do they have to be poor qual-
ity boxes. 19th and 20th century warehouses are adopted as housing
design and materials allowing for adaption and reuse in new locations,
instead of disposal.
untapped revenue. Durable design would allow for temporary but po-
as necessary, until a new use is slated for the site. The building would
then be taken apart into components, returned to the factory for repair
and reconfiguration and then moved to the next vacant urban site for
needs and desires, while disassembly principles would allow for flex-
ible commercial inhabitation while making use of vacant lots and declar-
“The effects of block size and form in North American and Australian
and 30 to 40 metres long. They are appropriate for small scale building
size buildings. This lot size is appropriate for Toronto’s existing grid sys-
tem divisions since it follows the allotment for secondary street access
main streets that appear to range between 5 and 10 metres wide. The
20’ ~ 6m
system module bay comes to 20’ x 24’ so that it fits within a 7.5 meter
wide narrow lot and can add up to an ideal 15m width of two bays. It
Fig 4.3.2 Bay dimensions with also functions as a structural bay for parking lot stalls should the system
building panels, overlayed with car
parking be implemented to infill the air space above an existing urban outdoor
parking lot.
The individual layers of the system are described in detail over the fol-
lowing pages.
Connections to the site are difficult to create impermanently, but there
cial building. Pre-cast concrete blocks are used often as the platform
for small modular projects (Triumph Modular, 2012). They have the ap-
earth shifts. The precedent section 3.5 Portable and temporary struc-
tures showed the use of platforms sitting directly on the site for several
penetration in certain materials, so are not ideal for use in a project that
als. Both blocks and platforms would demand a somewhat level site
since they do not penetrate the earth surface, but they usually have
the benefit of little site preparation. Screw piles offer significant advan-
like screws penetrating the soil. They are rapidly installed compared
installer claims that you can drill them in the morning and begin to build
in the afternoon (techno Metal Post, 2012). Screw piles cause minimal
disturbance to the soil, so they can be used on sites where there is risk
The building structure is a typically long lasting layer that should be
long functional life to mirror a long technical life. Since it is a layer re-
quiring little manipulation and updates over time, it can employ custom
and steel structure would have a rich material character, and be durable
and reusable in standard forms. The roof level employs lightweight steel
joists and columns since it carries less load. The post and beam sys-
tems utilize less material than load bearing walls, can be left exposed,
posts and columns become both load bearing and lateral-load bearing
members. Canted posts would act as the perimeter supports, while the
Fig 4.3.4 Timber cross-bracing at internal posts would be un-canted to allow for flexible layouts and move-
the building perimeter
ment in the floor plan.
Timber can offer significant spans and can be left exposed. To avoid
cling can extend the functional life of pine from 75 to 350 years (Berge,
Fig 4.3.5 Timber beam held to-
gether with nonaligned dowels
United States claimed that the recycling rate for structural steel was
it can be returned to the factory for recycling when its life is complete
instead of the landfill, thus eliminating the need to harvest more iron ore
from the earth. Durable steel connections would stand out visually from
bly to allow for adaptation and for the reuse of timber and steel. The
steel could be left exposed and given a fire rating of 3 hours with a
The paint is durable and easily repaired, and would allow for continued
reuse and disassembly, since it does not affect access to steel mem-
Fig 4.3.6 Exposed metal joinery The visible joinery throughout the project could become that of folded
Simple and often oversized joints would minimize the number of fasten-
ity of steel would ensure a continued ability to reuse the custom forms,
The system will take advantage of the benefits associated with a pan-
OSB or plywood adhered to a rigid insulating layer, but have been built
for low-pitch or flat roof buildings because they do not have trapped air
dard panel dimensions (Anderson & Anderson, 2007). When SIPs are
not used for their structural properties as walls and roofs, they require
In addition to using adhesives to form the panel, they are also typically
used to assemble panels into an entire wall, floor or roof system (Uni-
OSB, are not readily recycled due to their chemical compositions (Uni-
compositions and fastenings will differ based on the panel location in the
building, whether roof, wall or subfloor. The panel assemblies are de-
elements for reuse or recycling.
degradable material. The waste fibers from harvesting wheat grains are
binding resin, and are then formed into standard-sized panels (NAHB
after which the natural resin is not enough to hold the fibers together
(U.S Department of Energy, 2011). In the roof SIP, adjacent panels over-
lap and slot together like puzzle pieces, thus avoiding thermal bridging
floor joists. The roof is sloped gently to allow precipitants to drain and
be collected.
bolt and washer
metal roofing
building paper
steel angle
Fig 4.3.8 Roof panel prefabricated Wall panels are similarly constructed to roof panels. Layers of agricul-
tural fiberboard intersect in a tongue and groove fashion for thermal
ate 20 or 24 foot long sections, depending on the bay orientation, and
fixed with exterior building paper and exterior finish to reduce on-site
labour. On site, folded metal connections would hold the panels to struc-
tural beams. The sections would be connected together and the seams
tightened with folded metal strips bolted in place. The exterior seams
between adjacent panel modules would be taped atop the building pa-
per to prevent air and moisture penetration, and a final folded metal
reveal would fill the space where finishes were held back to allow the
joint to be taped at installation. Exterior finishes can vary but are limited
to the elements. Wood rainscreen is shown in the image below for its
exterior finishes
air space
building paper
layered agricultural
folded metal
reveal at seam
folded steel
finish strip
on-site bolts
exterior tape
off-site bolts
Fig 4.3.9 SIP wall section The glazing component of the building system will be a custom, unitized
as large units, for more reliable seals and assembly, less labour on-site,
Unitized curtain walls tend to have more robust dimensions than stick-
built, which ensures they are capable of travel between sites for reuse.
The vertical mullions would anchor to beams at the floor edge, and
gaskets seal between adjacent units. The market for curtain wall mul-
lion reuse is currently greater with aluminum than steel. Service life is
ized to match the dimensions of wall panels, so that solid and glazing
could be interchangeable depending upon the desire for natural light and
view. Glazing panels would have customized metal frames to slot into
vered into the channel of steel i-beam supports by crane. Once timber
joists are in place above, the panels would be bolted to them with the
and damage on the exposed underside with building paper and exterior
timber joists
steel angle with
on-site bolts
underfloor panel
steel I-beam
Volumetric prefab components would serve as vertical circulation and
low to grade to connect to water, hydro and waste, and becomes wash-
a few pieces on site and encompass an entire structural bay. It does not
require a machine room, hoistway, or overhead load but simply uses its
own weight resting on the ground as ballast (GEDA USA, 2012). Steel
Fig 4.3.11 The service-washroom On each level services run alongside the length of the structure at both
core and circulation core
floor and ceiling level. Services, such as electrical, plumbing and HVAC
would be located in a raised floor system and run in between the joists
Fig 4.3.12 Service plenum layout
Standardized furnishings would incorporate disassembly to be easily
Fig 4.3.13 An exterior planter and This category also includes canopies, exterior stairs and ramps that
shelving with folded metal con-
nections bolted to standard timber work at a smaller scale to customize the site iteration. Where site situ-
ation allows, standardized and self-contained planters and solar panels
could take advantage of open, sunny spaces to create energy and grow
Systemized disassembly
When the building iteration obsolesces all parts can be reused in a new
solved into its industrial or natural nutrients for recycling. The materials
selected for durability in the hope that they be reused after the build-
se in s tem projec
ing obsolescen
o nen
b u ild
i en
sc e n
system proj
o nen
g into nutrien
t obsolescen
ng o b s
se in
u ild i
r St
nt S
ge S
0 m
0 m
m 2
~725 0 m
2 ~120
~ 4800
4.4 Site specific design
Since the system can be used for various commercial building itera-
achieved in context.
esley S
ne S
A former gas station and donut shop lot at Wellesley Street East and
Fig 4.4.1 Aerial view of the for- sembly system. It has stood vacant since 2010 on a triangular parcel of
mer gas station site, which is now
land on a corner across from a new library, a medical building and brick
cleared of existing buildings
Fig 4.4.2 (Opposite top) General apartment building (Toronto blog, 2011). Abandoned gas stations are
commercial land-use within a 1-km
radius (8 minute walk) of the aban- frequently left vacant due to soil contamination, and often at prominent
doned lot in downtown Toronto
commercial locations. Cleanup is expensive so developers and buyers
Fig 4.4.3 (Opposite bottom) Square
footage of large chain grocery often avoid them (Konieczna, 2005).
stores within a 1-km radius (8 min-
ute walk) of the abandoned lot in
downtown Toronto
Fig 4.4.4 (Opposite top) Site photo The disassembly site connection permits building on contaminated land.
taken from the North-east corner of
Wellesley St E and Sherbourne St Where contexts permitted, the soil remediation process could be com-
in February 2012
pleted on site while the building performed, with a form raised above the
Fig 4.4.5 (Opposite bottom) Site
photo taken from the West side of earth to allow bioremediation through plantings beneath. Soil remedia-
Sherbourne St on Wellesley St E in
February 2012 tion by plantings (phytoremediation) could be attempted on portions of
the site left open, or if the building were raised to allow access to natural
types of plantings.
A proposal for a new condominium tower on the site has been circu-
town. The condominium proposal encloses the entire site footprint while
inforced by the massing of the new building. Planters and greenery are
from the street in some fashion. The integration of open space is impor-
tant to the site design. The public library at the North-East corner has
integrated seating into raised planters that pedestrians use while await-
ing transit. There is a bus stop on Wellesley Street East at the North end
of the site.
Church St and Yonge St. The site sits along a broken commercial strip
tenants, or one large retailer. Covering the footprint of the lot would
function. The building created is two storeys at 1250 square meters and
Fig 4.4.6 (Pages 170-171) Aerial
view of assembly process
To assemble the building, prefabricated members are maneuvered and
lift 0.8 to 80 tons depending on the size of truck (Hubei Fotma Machin-
ery Co., 2010). First the screw pile foundations are drilled. Then the
stick-built structure is bolted together and the cores are located. Next,
underfloor panels are slid into place bearing upon the beams. Joists are
bolted in, and window, wall, and roof panels are affixed with respective
interior, while on the exterior decks, ramps, and stairs are located and
planters and other site specific assemblies. In this building iteration, the
weighted solar panel kits that sit atop the highest roof.
conveys the existing length of retail buildings next door to the inter-
tomers, and the service and circulation cores are visible through to the
Fig 4.4.7 Simple block massing of
the building on site street as independent features in the open space.
mands, so there is ample room for outdoor gathering spaces, both shel-
and the community as a public porch for gathering and socializing. A bus
stop on Wellesley Street East at the North end of the site benefits from
grade level outdoor seating. On the interior, the bays demonstrate the
type fails then furnishings can be removed and replaced with another
layout. The optional layout is intended to keep the retail type vague, but
Street at the North end, and would be screened overtop the glass on
the East and West of a potential dining space. Most of the south end of
the volume would have solid walls around kitchen and service spaces,
but transom windows between the joists would allow natural light into
the spaces. The transom windows are ideal for shopping areas as well,
structure and the lifted canopy volume are reminiscent of the canopies
St E
Sherbourne St
uncovered deck entry
back of merchandise
dining space
back of house
Fig 4.4.10 (Opposite top)Wellesley
Street East and Sherbourne corner
Fig 4.4.11 (Opposite bottom) Sher-
bourne Street looking North towards
Wellesley Street East
Fig 4.4.12 (This page) Upper floor
interior view towards the Sher-
bourne-Wellesley intersection
The process of disassembly is
Danforth Ave and Playter Blvd
ter B
Fig 4.4.14 Aerial plan of the vacant In order to demonstrate the ability of the system to adapt to different
lot on Danforth Ave
situations another building example is developed. A vacant corner lot on
but currently stands empty. The lot acts as a significant void in the active
The site is flanked by two and three storey brick buildings with com-
The assembly process is the same as the last iteration with variations
The building mass is set back from adjacent commercial buildings along
ing floor level , which creates an exterior walkway. The building is also
significantly set back from its lot line on the west side to form a large out-
door patio – which the Danforth lacks despite its rich restaurant options.
The patio falls in line with front lawn setbacks of the large homes to the
Fig 4.4.15 (Pages 1184-185) Aerial
view of sassembly process at Dan-
forth Ave and Playter Blvd
Fig 4.4.16 (Opposite top) Ground North. The building mass is broken down on the upper level to create
floor plan
Fig 4.4.17 (Opposite bottom) Upper a terrace on the south-west corner, and to minimize the building scale
floor plan
seen in elevation from the street. A massive facade along Danforth ave
would not have been appropriate for the intimate size of the surrounding
ways. The roof structure employs shorter joists, and the roof assembly
is less one 4’ x 8’ panel to avoid the overhangs of the last iteration that
space on the upper floor that could make use of the west-facing ter-
races. Loading is achieved off of Playter Blvd, and the circulation core is
accessed directly off of the street entrance to ascend to the upper level.
The washroom-service core bridges the division between front and back
accessible from either bay direction so that they can function in various
building layouts.
The building offers less exposed structure, and appears more solid
and subdued in its possession of the corner lot – more in tune with
the heavier structures along the Danforth – but still retains its language
and visible structure. It is shown with wood cladding and screen on the
Up close, visible details, joints, and worn materials give a sense of the
loading back of house
Playter Blvd
Danforth Ave
back of house
Playter Blvd
N Danforth Ave
Fig 4.4.18 (Opposite top) View
eastward along Danforth Ave
Fig 4.4.19 (Opposite bottom) View
westward along Danforth Ave
Fig 4.4.20 (This page) Exterior
entrance view from Danforth Ave
Fig 4.4.21 Aerial view of the disas-
sembly process
Fig 4.4.22 The conventional archi- In Canada, 9.3 million tonnes of solid waste are created annually
tecture material cycle, where little or
no materials are sourced for reuse through construction and demolition in Canada (OWMA, 2011). In stan-
or recycling
dard demolition practices, a small amount of materials are salvaged due
Fig 4.4.23 The material cycle for
demolition of an obsolescent build- to their easy removal and reuse, such as windows, doors and lighting
ing in 2004, where 88% of the ma-
terial volume becomes waste and fixtures (Frisman, 2004). In the demolition of an obsolescent building
only 12% is reused or recycled
Fig 4.4.24 The material cycle for
only 12% of material volume is reused or recycled (Frisman, 2004). The
buildings constructed traditionally
current alternative to maximize reuse and recycling of buildings - decon-
but disassembled, at least 50% of
materials are reused or recycled in struction through careful hands-on disassembly - is labor-intensive and
the year 2000
time-consuming since buildings are not designed for easy disassembly,
system can achieve over 99% reuse of its components in new iterations.
99+% reusable
Building iteration
97+ % r
la b
Building iteration
If the system were to obsolesce and the building model discarded – the
parts would be over 97% recyclable to become nutrients for new indus-
trial and natural materials (Appendix 1). The parts that currently hold the
system back from reaching its full potential are membranes, gaskets
and other materials that are easily damaged and cannot be recycled.
5 Conclusions
Fig 5.1 (Pages 121-122) worn Architecture of disassembly and material life cycle was a worthwhile
metal panel
study to undertake considering the concern for wasted materials and
upon detail design and material use became a means to urge architec-
designing for disassembly and cyclical material life. By urging the use of
pleasing products and would greatly limit the accessibility of this ap-
proach for other designers. The need for reversible connections and
oped over time in the building trade, often involving material efficiency in
for the long term (such as the avoidance of adhesives). The concept of
permanent has led architects and the construction industry to ignore the
The design of a disassembly system had its own added challenges.
The pursuit of expressive assembly, detail design, and use of high qual-
als that would be appropriate for shortened functional lives and more
tions and detailing, that in traditional works can often be hidden and
system is dependent upon the whole for its significance. The added
capable of change and adaptation could extend its life. The value of
and improve. The design of the system assemblies allows for durable
needs. A city built for disassembly and cyclical material life would not
necessarily reinvent itself from the ground up every decade, but would
gradually grow, adapt and change over time in a more sustainable man-
is a wondrous thing, and the buildings that survive the tests and trials of
time should be celebrated. However, constructing architecture to make
assemble and reuse, ignores an honest truth: nothing is static, the world
more than artifacts. All architects can do is attempt to improve the built
world while they have the chance, and try to ensure the generations that
Appendix 1
Material volume estimate analysis for Sherbourne St and Wellesley St East building iteration
Steel screw piles 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
Timber posts 10.79 10.79 10.79 10.79
Steel posts 19 19 19 19
Steel beams 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
Timber joists (lower) 42 42 42 42
Steel joists (upper) 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04
Metal connectors 3 3
Underfloor panels:
Agriboard 364 364 364 364
Soffit finish 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7
ildi paper, ttape 0.88
0 88 0.88
0 88
Metal connectors
Wall panels:
Agriboard 324.1 324.1 324.1 324.1
Bio/Industrial finishes 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96
Precast concrete firewall 34.27 34.27
Building paper, tape 0.6 0.6
Metal connectors 3 3 3
Roof panels:
Agriboard 310.5 310.5 310.5 310.5
Metal roofing 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
Building paper, tape 1.2 1.2
Metal connectors
Curtain wall frame and glass 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7
Gaskets 3
Washroom/service core:
Mechanically fastened pipes
Fixtures (metal)
Steel frame
Box finish enclosure (metal) 1.5 1.5 1.5
Metal connectors
Washroom/service core:
Mechanically fastened pipes 3 3 3
Fixtures (metal) 3 3 3
Steel frame 3 3 3
Box finish enclosure (metal) 1.5 1.5 1.5
Metal connectors 3 3 3
Elevator core:
Mechanics 3 3 3
Steel frame 3 3 3
Core finish enclosure 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Lighting fixtures 3 3 3
Floor panels:
Bio/Industrial finish 28 28 28
Metal access panels 0.87 0.87 0.87
Metal connectors 3 3 3
Exterior wood deck 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3
Metal connectors 3 3 3
Interior partitions
Bio/Industrial finish 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
Metal frame 3 3 3
Metal connectors 3 3 3
Interior doors and hardware 3 3 3
Planters and furniture:
Custom metal frames 3 3
Bio/Industrial finish panels 3 3 3
Plant sacks 3 3
Metal canopies N/A N/A N/A
Metal frames 3 3
Bio/Industrial finishes 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Metal connectors 3 3
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