Reducing The Dimensionality of Data With Neural Networks: Reports
Reducing The Dimensionality of Data With Neural Networks: Reports
Reducing The Dimensionality of Data With Neural Networks: Reports
larized nearly vertically. For completeness, Fig. metamaterials would be highly desirable but is
1B shows the off-resonant case for the smaller currently not available.
SRRs for vertical incident polarization.
References and Notes
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Pretraining Unrolling Fine-tuning where vi and hj are the binary states of pixel i
Fig. 1. Pretraining consists of learning a stack of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), each and feature j, bi and bj are their biases, and wij
having only one layer of feature detectors. The learned feature activations of one RBM are used is the weight between them. The network as-
as the ‘‘data’’ for training the next RBM in the stack. After the pretraining, the RBMs are signs a probability to every possible image via
‘‘unrolled’’ to create a deep autoencoder, which is then fine-tuned using backpropagation of this energy function, as explained in (8). The
error derivatives. probability of a training image can be raised by
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