Furnace Design and Operation: Fuels
Furnace Design and Operation: Fuels
Furnace Design and Operation: Fuels
Choice of fuel is a critical decision in the furnace design process,
especially since fuel is one of the highest costs of subsequent
furnace operation
Fuel choice also has a major impact on furnace performance and
the capital cost of the overall installation
Properties of a fuel that influence its use include
Availability and cost
Calorific value
Flammability limits
Density of the fuel, especially gaseous and liquid fuels
Emissivity of flame produced
Chemical composition and the products of the combustion process
Ash content and composition (principally for solid fuels)
Effect of products of combustion on the product
Generally, but not exclusively, fuels are hydrocarbon based
Non-hydrocarbon fuels include
carbon monoxide
many of the so called bio-derived fuels
materials such as sulphide ores, while not normally considered to be fuels,
release heat when oxidised and contribute significant energy to the process
Fuels may be gases, liquids or solids and may occur naturally or be
manufactured, or in the case of bio-fuels, grown
Even naturally occurring fuels generally require some processing
prior to use
It is conventional and convenient to classify fuels by their physical
state, i.e. gases, liquids and solids
Gaseous fuels
Gases may be natural or manufactured, the latter generally from
oil, coal or bio-mass (wood)
Both natural and manufactured fuels vary widely in chemical
composition and physical characteristics
Natural gas is the most common gaseous fuel, used extensively in
industrial, commercial and domestic applications
Manufactured gases, such as towns gas, was once dominant in the
industrial world, but the relative expense means that they lost
ground to natural gas
Natural gas
Although the basis of natural gas is methane, the actual
composition depends both on the composition in the reservoir and
the degree of treatment that occurs
Natural deposits of gas typically contain higher hydrocarbons, as
well as CO2, N2, H2S, etc
Property North Groningen Kansas South Coal Bed
Sea Missouri Australia Methane
CH4 (%) 94.4 81.8 84.1 91.25 98.0
C2H6 (%) 3.0 2.7 6.7 4.53 -
C3H8 (%) 0.5 0.4 - 0.54 -
Higher CxHy (%) 0.4 0.2 - -
N2 (%) 1.5 14.0 8.4 1.4 1.5
CO2 (%) 0.2 0.9 0.8 2.0 0.5
Relative Density 0.589 0.641 0.63 0.612 0.566
(air =1)
CV gross (MJ/m ) 38.62 33.28 36.13 38.32 37.0
3 3
Air Req (m /m ) 9.751 8.402 9.16 9.644 9.33
Wobbe No (MJ/m ) 50.322 41.568 45.522 48.99 49.2
Manufactured gases
Produced as a by-product of many chemical and metallurgical
processes. These off-gases are usually utilised as fuels within the
Propane and butane (LPG), are by-products of oil refining and
natural gas treatment, and are widely distributed by tanker and
used as both transport fuels and furnace fuel
Properties Blast Coke Producer Refinery Lean Lurgi Commercial
Furnace Oven Coal Gas Reformer Crude Propane
Gas Gas Gas Gas Syngas
CH4 (%) - 28 2.6 42.9 22.7 10.3 -
C2H6 (%) 18.7 5.0 - 1.5
C3H8 (%) 4.2 - - 91.0
Higher CxHy (%) - 2 0.4 9.3 0.4 0.6 7.5
CO 24 7.4 29 0.6 2.2 24.4 -
H2 2.5 54 12 21.5 53.7 37.3 -
N2 (%) 56 5.6 52 2.8 - 1.8 -
CO2 (%) 17.5 2 4 - 16.0 25.6 -
O2 . (%) 0.4 - - - - -
Relative Density 1.04 0.38 0.87 0.69 0.593 0.732 1.523
(real air =1)
CV gross (MJ/m ) 3.18 19.89 6.14 44.75 18.92 11.76 93.87
3 3
Air Req (m /m )* 0.631 4.572 1.28 10.92 4.398 2.556 23.762
Wobbe No (MJ/m ) 3.118 32.266 6.583 53.865 27.196 13.745 76.064
Manufactured gases
The data in the tables show that a combustion system designed for
one type of gas is unlikely to operate satisfactorily on a different
Gases are broadly divided into rich and lean. Rich gases have
higher calorific values, generally above 20-25 MJ/m3, while lean
gases occupy the lower end of the scale
A major consideration is the energy relative to the density because
this affects the heat release rate of a burner. This property is
encapsulated in the Wobbe Number or Wobbe Index
Wobbe number
Most burners supply the gas through a fixed nozzle, thus the flow
rate will vary with the density
The Wobbe number or index is used to compare different gases
WI = CV/ SG0.5
Job reference
Stream name / number. Refinery gas
Gas Mole fraction Molecular Mass Gross CV Nett CV Stoiciometric Flue gas Flue gas Flue gas Flue gas Flue gas Laminar
w eight fraction air N2 CO2 H2O SO2 Ar flame speed
requirement factor
O2 0 0 0
Ar 0 0 0
CO2 0 0 0
CH4 0.429 6.882447 0.3444685 433.5045 390.6045 4.0876836 3.2296836 0.429 0.858 63.492
C2H6 0.187 5.62309 0.2814373 331.0274 302.9774 3.1181689 2.4636689 0.374 0.561 56.287
C3H8 0.042 1.8520782 0.0926971 105.8064 97.4064 1.000482 0.790482 0.126 0.168 16.716
n-C4H10 0.006 0.3487446 0.0174548 19.5816 18.6816 0.1858038 0.1468038 0.024 0.03 3.078
i-C4H10 0.005 0.2906205 0.0145456 16.318 15.568 0.1548365 0.1223365 0.02 0.025 2.565
n-C5H12 0.003 0.2164533 0.0108336 12.048 11.148 0.1143408 0.0903408 0.015 0.018 1.827
i-C5H12 0.002 0.1443022 0.0072224 8.016 7.418 0.0762272 0.0602272 0.01 0.012 1.104
22-C5H12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For a gas flame to self-propagate following initial ignition the
mixture must be within certain limits of fuel and air (oxygen)
Outside of these limits the reaction does not propagate from the
ignition source and the flame ‘goes out’
These limits are not absolute values and depend on the size and
shape for the vessel containing the mixture and the direction of
Flammability limits
Minimum Flammable Concentration
The minimum concentration or Lower Limit of flammable material which, when
suspended in air (or other oxidant), is capable of ignition and explosion
Where: P1, P2, P3 … Pn are the percentages of gases 1,2,3 etc, L1, L2, L3 are
their lower flammable limits, and U1, U2, U3 are their upper flammable limits
Flammability limits
Limits of flammability for most
combustible/oxidant systems
widen with elevated
temperature and pressure
Increasing temperature widens
the limits until the auto–
ignition temperature is reached
when almost all mixtures will
react without any additional
ignition source
Job reference
Stream name / number. Heavy fuel oil