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Licensure Examination For Teachers (Let) Professional Education

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1. Of the following, which the best describes the teaching professions?

A. Noblest professions
B. Professions for all
C. Most lucrative professions
D. Highest levelof public service
2. Which are said to be nurseries of the state?
A. Hospitals nurseries C. Homes
B. Schools D. Convents
3. Senior high school students from private schools are supported by the government when they go to private schools by
the way of.
A. Free tuition fees
B. Low tuition fees
C. Voucher system
D. Scholarships grants
4. Teacher Mars gives importance to “wellness” which needs to be developed a individual learners and so she gives focus
A. Vital values
B. Spiritual values
C. Values of the holy
D. Pleasure values
5. Outside the acceptable and effective ways of dealing with discipline problems is/are.
A. Verbal reinforcers
B. Dialogues
C. Additional homework
D. Award merits
6. Which characteristics are necessary for teachers to be able to adapt to the current demands of teaching using envolving
digital tools?
I. Openness to learn
II. Positive attitudew
III. Curiosity
IV. Perseverance
A. I only C. II and IV
B. I and III D. I, II, and IV
7. Ordinary people consider curriculum as
I. A list of subjects
II. Courses to complete
III. Subject to undertake
A. I, II and III C. III only
B. I only D. II only
8. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21st century are characterized by .
A. Initiative nd self-direction
B. Rigidity of thinking
C. Control and single mindedness
D. Individualism
9. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate utilization of learning material. What type
of curriculum is this?
A. Curriculum development is a cooperative group activity.
B. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist concurrently with newer curriculum changes.
C. Curriculum development starts from where the curriculum is.
D. Curriculum design should always be SMART.
10. Which of the pillars of learning is being described by the phrase “unity in diversity”
A. Learning to live together
B. Learning to do
C. Learning to know
D. Learning to be
11. Teacher Otem demonstrate how to work with a math app that provides paractice in adding mixed fractions. The
students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in adding mixed fraction. This shows
technologyu integration which is ______
A. Transformation-active
B. Entry-active
C. Adoption- active
D. Infusion- active
12. This curricularist has published researches, books, manuals, and other instructional materials. He/she is a/an:
A. Writter C. Implementer
B. Evaluator D. Planner

13. Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum.
A. Identifying learning goals and objectives
B. Selection of educational content
C. Organization of learning experiences
D. Evaluating educational experiences
14. The Philippine association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE) proposed a curriculum fo Teacher Education to makes
the graduates globally competitive. What type of curriculum is this?
A. Assessed curriculum
B. Supported curriculum
C. Hidden curriculum
D. Recommended curriculum
15. “Learning by doing” occurs when
A. The learner has his own style of doing things.
B. The learner explores and discovers the world around him
C. The learners is ready to respond to situations
D. The process of learning is controlled by the teacher.
16. Teacher Dada wants to test students acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is appropriate.
A. Completion type
B. Short answer test
C. Submission of a report
D. Essay
17. Which type of test measures student’s thinking, oraganizing and written communication skills?
A. Short answer
B. Essay
C. Completion type
D. Extemporaneous speech
18. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks lacks
A. Ecoliteracy C. Financial literacy
B. Cyberliteracy D. Media literacy
19. It is less interactive and requires relatively shorter period of time to cover content. Which teaching method is
A. Both inductive and deductive
B. Inductive
C. Both but more deductive
D. Deductive
20. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in class?
A. Has low level of independence
B. Relates well to classmates
C. Is supicious of others
D. Quarrels often with classmates
21. A question is raised by one student. You dont answer it but throw back the question to the class. Which is this reacting
A. Providing corrective feedback
B. Asking follow up question
C. Soliciting student’s questions
D. Redirecting questions to other pupils
22. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of her lesson. She proceeds to her
learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which priciples of
learning does teacher Rose negate?
A. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
C. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
D. Learning is an active process.
23. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualifications framework (AQRF). The asian history teacher teams up with the
economics teacher, the professional education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF from the perspective of other
disciplines, which describes the asian history teacher’s pedagogical approach?
A. Integrated
B. Reflective
C. Constructivist
D. Inquiry-based
24. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher’s presentation, the teacher
should have .
A. A short conclusion
B. A short preview
C. A summary
D. Several years of experience as a presenter
25. This concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become borderless primarily due to
A. Advances in technology
B. Teacher exchange programs
C. Use of English as medium of teaching
D. ASEAN integration
26. Teacher Dada’s lesson was on “what man can do to arrest climate change”. She made students do to the talking, the
arguing, the synthesizing. She gave her lecture after students have participated in the lively discussion. Which teaching
approach did teacher Dada employ.
A. Activity-centered approach
B. Learner-centered approach
C. Teacher-centered approach

D. Subject matter-centered approach
27. Teacher Dan requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same before a panel of
experts. In which levels of processing will the students be engaged?
I. Retrieval
II. Comprehension
III. Analysis
IV. Knowledge utilization
A. I, III, and IV
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, II, III, and IV
D. III, and IV
28. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, the teaching profession. Based on
bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are you?
A. Applying C. Creating
B. Evaluating D. Analyzing
29. Teache Beth avoids giving out-of-context drills. Instead she make use of real-world problems for her students to solve.
Doing so makes teachre Beth .
A. Reflective
B. Constructivist
C. Developmentally appropriate
D. Inquiry-based
30. For meaningful teaching and learning, its is best to connect the lesson to the life of students integrating a relevant value
in the lesson. Which principles is applied
A. Lessons objectives /intended leraning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains cognitive, skills and affective or
cognitive and affective or skills and affective
B. Write SMART lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes
C. Begin with the end in mind
D. Ahare lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes with students
31. Among thinking skills, Analysis means
A. Placing information and categories
B. Breaking down complex information
C. Comparing information for proper choices
D. Selecting relevant and important information
32. What best describe a cooperating school where respect, faireness, support and communication are present.
A. Safe environment
B. Secure environment
C. Healthy environment
D. Positive environment
33. What materials can be used when intended materials are not available?
A. Supplementary materials
B. Audio-visual materials
C. Digital materials
D. Improvised materials
34. What is a most crucial activity after simulations that can clarify skills, concepts and values to be learned?
A. Assessment of study habits
B. Practical application of ideas
C. Conformance with rules and regulations
D. Peer-learning
35. Which of the following is one of the avenues for assisting learners to acquire the thinking competence for
A. Assessment of study habits
B. Practical application of ideas
C. Conformance with rules and regulation
D. Peer-learning
36. Which of the following provide an open environment for discussing opinions without fear of being wrong nor ridiculed for
an unpopular opinion?
A. Debate C. Symposium
B. Buzz session D. Commitee
37. For good questioning that leads to higher modes of learning, the teacher should ask
A. Simple and direct questions
B. Thought provoking questions
C. Yes or no questions
D. Who, what, where questions
38. How will you describe the activities which involve questions and answers leading to discovery of an answer or solution?
A. Interdisciplinary C. Integrative
B. Innovative D. Interactive
39. Which are elements of a profession like teaching?
I. long years of initial professional education
II. passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA
III. continuing professional development
IV. adherence to a code of ethics of a professional group
A. I,II,III C. I, III, and IV
B. II,III, and IV D. I, II and IV
40. Based on the elements of a profession, can a taxi driver considered a professional?

A. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.
B. Yes, because they have a license as “professional driver”
C. No, because driving is not a college degree
D. It depends on the competence and ability of the driver
41. Which of the following statement is specifically found in RA 7836/
A. An applicant must be a good moral character
B. An applicant must have a Bachelor’s Degree
C. An applicant must be at least 18 years old
D. An applicant must be a Filipino citizen
42. Which of these rating is considered to have passed the teacher licensure examination based on PD 1006?
A. 70% average with no rating below 50%
B. 70% average with no rating below 75%
C. 75% average with no rating below 80%
D. 75% average with no failing mark
43. Which of these violations is punished with imprisonment under RA 7836?
A. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
B. Chronic inebriety habitual use of drugs
C. Malpractice, gross incompetence, gross negligence
D. Use of revoked or suspended certificate of registration
44. Why is “teaching” considered a mission?
A. Teachers are sent to accomplish an assigned task
B. Teachers respond to a calling from the society and god
C. Teachers are willing to undergo a rigorous training
D. Teacher are expected to be excited in teaching
45. Which of these statements demonstrates teaching as a mission?
A. The teacher look forward to the high salary
B. The teacher engages in research
C. The teacher is pessimistic about students
D. The teachers is motivated by incentives
46. In the context of teacher standards, what is meant by CPD?
A. Continuing personal development continuous professional delivery
B. Continuous professional delivery
C. Continuing professional development
D. Continuing program for development
47. Based on the new implementing guidelines of RA 10912, how many CPD units are required for a teacher to renew the
professional license?
A. 15 B. 25 C. 45 D. 35
48. PRC is the government agency that issues license to professionals, what does the acronym PRC stand for?
A. Philippine Regulatory Corporation
B. Professional Registration commission
C. Philippine Registration Company
D. Professional Regulation Commission
49. Which of these statements demonstrate teaching as a mission?
A. The teacher looks forward to the high salary
B. The teacher participate in seminar
C. Teaching is a response to a call
D. Teaching is a commitment to public service
50. Which of the following actions exhibits the teacher’s personal growth and professional development?
A. Delivers accurate and updated content knowledge using appropriate methodologies and approaches
B. Involves community in sharing accountability for the learner’s achievement
C. Cultivates good study habits through appropriate activities and projects
D. Articulates and demonstrate own philosophy of teaching
51. Which of the following statements supports that teaching is a profession?
A. A response to a calling
B. Task entrusted and to be accomplished
C. A commitment to excellence and morality
D. A great source of salary and better benefits
52. Which of the following is a premise of PD 1006?
A. Teachers refers to all persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels
B. There is a tremendous of the teaching population all over the country
C. The teachers must be free from any physical or mental defect
D. Teaching is perceived as a poorly esteemed profession
53. Which of the following dates was the proclamation of the Decree Professionalizing teaching?
A. January 1, 1977
B. February 14, 1972
C. December 16,1994
D. September 26, 1988
54. Which of the following is no a qualifications requirement for examination applicants in PD 1006?
A. Must have a good moral character
B. Must be an honor student in college
C. Must be free from mental disorder
D. Must be a Filipino citizen
55. Which of these is the short title of RA 7836?
A. Decree Professionalizing Teaching

B. The Magna Carta for Teachers
C. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
D. Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act
56. Which of the following is NOT true based on RA 7836?
A. Any examinee who fails twice in the licensure exam shall be required to enroll in a refresher course
B. The board for professional teachers shall report the ratings within 60 days or 2 months after exam
C. The professional oath is required to be taken before practicing as a professional teacher
D. Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars shall be a ground for cancellation of license
57. Which element of a profession pertains to the mandatory issuance of permit prior to the actual practice a certain
A. Licensing
B. Accreditation
C. Professional development
D. Professional societies
58. An education graduate without a license was accepted to teach in a private school.
A. No, provided he has taught for at least three years.
B. Yes,no one may teach without a license.
C. It depends if he passes the psychological test of the school
D. No, private schools have the freedom to hire a teacher without a license
59. Which of the following laws refers to CPD?
A. RA 7836 C. RA 10912
B. RA 4670 D. PD 1006
60. Which element of a profession ensures that university program are approved to have met certain standards so that
graduates start their professional lives with competence?
A. Accreditation
B. Licensing
C. Professional societies
D. Initial professional education
61. Which statement about “academic freedom” is CORRECT?
A. In search for truth, a professional teachers has the privilege to share the product of his research whether or not in
support of the declared state policies
B. A teachers academic freedom is absolute
C. A teachers academic freedom is limited
D. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in the tertiary level.
62. How, in the performance of duty, can a professional teacher support the state?
A. Altar research finding to favor the state
B. Instill nationalism in learners
C. Campaign for the political administration candidate
D. Use his position to influence learners to support his interest
63. Private schools teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this statement true?
A. Yes, it is true
B. No, it is false
C. It depends on the learners of the private schools
D. It depends on the teachers years of teaching experience
64. Which competence are professional teachers expected to demonstrate?
I. Personal
II. Professional
III. Scientific
IV. Psychological
A. I and IV C. III and IV
B. II and III D. I and II
65. Who is excluded in the definition of professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?
A. The schools division superintendent
B. The school librarian
C. The principal
D. The master teacher
66. Which personal trait of a teacher is demonstrate if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his methods?
A. Fairness C. Passion
B. Sense of humor D. Motivation
67. Teacher Romina claims she cares for students. Which is/are a manifestation of genuine care?
I. Knows the students
II. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere
III. Maintains professional distance with students
A. I and III C. I and II
68. Which is TRUE of a professional?
A. Completed college/ university degree
B. Acquired NC IV from TESDA
C. Demonstrate solely ethical competence
D. Abides by his personal code of ethics
69. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach boxing in highschool?
A. NO, Professional License is require both in public and private
B. NO, he has to earn 18 units of Prof. Education
C. YES, he has excelled and gained international

D. YES, recognition he is a graduate of Alternative Learning System
70. Which is/are a ground/s for the revocation of a professional teacher’s license?
I. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
II. Chronic inebriety or habitual use of drugs
III. Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars, workshops, conference or the continuing educational program
prescribed by the Board and the Commission
IV. Engaging directly in any business not affecting his duty as a teacher
A. I only C. I, II and III
C. I and II D. I,II,III and IV
71. If you want to develop HOTS, as a teacher you must go beyond this level of Bloom’s Taxonomy:
A. Recall C. Application
B. Comprehension D. Analysis
72. With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is directed to pass an undeserving student, if she is a hedonist, which
of the following will she do?
A. Don’t pass him, live her principle of justice. She will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.
B. Don’t pass him. She surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.
C. Pass the student. That will be of use to her, the student and his parents.
D. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
73. In a student conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they would prefer if given a choice. Majority of the
pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case, in which obligation relative to the stare are schools seemed to be failing?
A. Instill allegiance to the constitutional authorities
B. Promote national pride
C. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
D. Respect for all duty constituted authorities
74. Which educational levels provides for free and compulsary education as stipulated in article IV Section 2 of the
Philippine Constitution?
A. Elementary level
B. Secondary level
C. Elementary and secondary levels
D. Tertiary levels
75. Who among the following is in the category of non-academic personnel as provided for under Education Act of 1982?
A. Guidance counselors
B. School principal
C. School nurse
D. School librarian
76. What does “ teachers are persons in authority” imply?
A. Teachers cannot be changed
B. No person can assult a teacher
C. Teacher have immunity from arrest
D. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right
77. Who are covered by RA 4670?
A. Teachers in all levels
B. Teachers in all public elementary schools
C. Teacher in both public and private schools
D. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools
78. In different approaches of classroom management. Which focuses on specifying rules and consequence for disobeying
them and using firm tone of voice during orientation?
A. Behavior modification approach
B. Group Managerial approach
C. Success Approach
D. Assertive Approach
79. Every curriculum has this dimension. This both unplanned and implicit but its instructional
effects are often evident curriculum in the students’ behaviour, values and dispositions.
This dimension is referred to as:
A. Hidden curriculum C. Taught curriculum
B. Written curriculum D. Supported curriculum
80. Which Piagetian term refers to one’s inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and someone else’s?
A. Autism C. Centration
B. Conservation D. Egocentrism
81. If you believe that the child’s mind is TABULA RASA, in what processes will you engage the child to learn?
A. Sensory impressions C. Reflections
B. Reasoning D. Metacognition
82. Two identical balls of clay are shown to the child. The child agrees that they are equal. Teacher changes the shape of
one of the balls and asks the child whether they still contain equal amounts of clay. The child answer, “ No the longer
one has more”. What skill does the child lack?
A. Centration C. Reasoning
B. Intuition D. Conservation
83. Should a teacher involve her/his students in planning the instructional objectives before starting a lesson?
A. No, with cognitive objectives at the start, irrelevant questions are formulated
B. Yes, with shared objectives, they become self-motivated
C. Yes, they will give a tip on what questions to ask
D. No, they will not be ready for it at the beginning
84. Two identical beakers A & B are presented to the child. Teacher pours the liquid from B into C., which is taller, and
thinner than A & B has equal capacity with B. teacher asks if the beakers A: C have the same amount of liquid. The

child says “ No” and points to C as the beaker that has more liquid. In what cognitive developmental stage is the child?
A. Formal operational stage
B. Pre-operational
C. Concrete operational stage
D. Sensorimotor
85. What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?
A. A few students performed
B. Most students performed well excellently
C. Almost all students had average performance
D. Most students performed poorly
86. Considering the senses used in learning, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Radio C. Filmstrip
B. Audiotape recorder D. Phonograph
87. Junjun got 75 out of 100- item test equivalent to 85 Percentile rank. How many percent of his classmates got score
lower than 75?
A. 75 % C. 25 %
B. 85 % D. 15 %
88. A student gets a numerical grade of 90. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency?
A. Satisfactory C. Very Satisfactory
B. Fairly satisfactory D. Outstanding
89. Friedrich Froebel believed that education should awaken the child’s dormant potentials and stimulate them to the fullest
development. In this case, the teacher’s role is that of a:
A. Molder of character
B. Facilitator of learning
C. Dispenser of knowledge 
D. Evaluator of learning
90. In which level is identifying the authors of given literary pieces?
A. Understanding C. Remembering
B. Applying D. Synthesizing
91. Which can be an innovative solution to the problems of high rate of absenteeism in rural areas where most pupils
absent from class during the planting season?
A. Refusing readmission of pupils who have been absent for long
B. Observance of seasonal school calendar
C. Giving lectures to parents on the importance of schooling
D. Keeping a record of absences for information
92. Which learning principle marks the highlight of Multiple intelligences?
A. Learning is static and permanent
B. Intelligence is not measured in one form
C. Cognitive theory is stressed in learning
D. People have different IQ level
93. Cassy’s raw score in the Filipino class is 23, which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this imply?
A. 70% of Cassy’s classmates got a score lower than 23
B. Cassy’s score is higher than 23 of this classmates
C. 70% of Cassy’s classmates got a score above 23
D. Cassy’s score is lower than 23 of his classmates
94. The Reading teacher stays 30 minutes daily after class and teaches the slow readers how to read. What is the practice
A. Make-up class
B. Enrichment activity
C. Remedial instruction
D. Development reading
95. What is DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017?
A. Classroom Assessment in K to 12
B. National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
C. DepEd’s vision of producing Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable
them to realize their full potential
D. The implementation of National Competency-Based teacher Standards
96. All are the aims of PPST Except:
A. Set out clear expectations of teachers along well- defined career stages of professional development from beginning to
distinguished practice
B. Engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency
C. Apply uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and provide support for professional
D. Salary standardization of teachers and diminishing work loads of all teachers in the Philippines and securing their
retirement by Financial Literacy program
97. All are components of Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy except:
A. Management of Classroom structure and activities
B. Research- based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
C. Positive use of ICT
D. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other hots
98. All are components of Domain 2, Learning Environment except:
A. Learner safety and security
B. Support for learner participation
C. Learners from indigenous groups

D. Management of learner behavior
99. All are components of Domain 3, Diversity of Leaners except:
A. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
B. Relevance and Responsiveness of learning programs
C. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds
D. Leaners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
100. All are components of Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning except:
A. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
B. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
C. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
D. Feedback to improve learning
101. All are components of Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting except:
A. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies
B. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
C. School policies and procedures
D. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholder
102. All are components of Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement except:
A. Professional Ethics
B. Establishing of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
C. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
D. Professional links with colleagues
103. All are components of Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development except:
A. Classroom communication strategies
B. Dignity of teaching as a profession
C. Philosophy of teaching
D. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
104. In PPST, career stages are defined into 4 stages. What career stage when the teachers exhibit commitment to inspire the
education community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the Philippines.
A. Beginning Teachers
B. Proficient Teachers
C. Highly Proficient Teachers
D. Distinguished Teacher
105. Teacher Gandara constructed a matching type of test. In her column of description consist of triangles, polynomials, solving
problem and circles. Which rule of constructing matching type of test was NOT followed?
A. Specify the directions he basis of matching
B. Put all of the matching item on the same page
C. Include only homogenous material in each matching type item
D. Place the response in alphabetical or numerical order
106. Which criteria in Bulletin board follows when objects are arranged so stability is perceived?
A. Unity C. Attractiveness
B. Balance D. Legibility
107. It is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of
potential as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.
A. Zone of distal development
B. Zone of proximal development
C. Zone of cephalocaudal development
D. Zone of Multiple skills development
108. Teacher Bonita sells Avon and Natasha too her co-teachers to have extra income. Is her sideline practice allowable?
A. No, it is against the Code of Ethics
B. Yes, when she does it after official time
C. Yes, when she does it during her vacant period
D. No, because her primary duty is to teach not to sell
109. Teacher Romina is very excited to do her presentation about the effects of global warming to Grade 10 students. She
wants to make sure the children will be interested. While preparing her slides, she should A. put animation and slide transition
on each slide to sustain attention
B. include pictures and a short video clip that captures the effects of global warming
C. use a different slide design with nature images for each slide to sustain interest
D. put one paragraph per slide to emphasize the facts about global warming
110. Teacher Daniela is planning technology integration in her science lesson on states of matter. She is applying her
pedagogical knowledge when she _____.
A. looks into the characteristics and interests of the learners in order to choose activities that would match them
B. studies how to attach a video to her audio-visual presentation
C. researchers further on plasma as another state of matter
D. learns how to scan pictures to include in her presentation
111. Marga is planning technology integration in her social studies lesson on the EDSA Revolution. She is applying her content
knowledge when she ________.
A. considers the learners’ multiple intelligences before preparing his technology integration lesson plan
B. includes information from EDSA revolution video documentaries
C. uses Prezi as an option to using powerpoint in his presentation
D. sets up a wiki spaces account for his students to blog about the EDSA Revolution lesson
112. Cassy is implementing a technology-integration activity for 4th graders to work on multiplication of two digit numbers. Which
of the following illustrates the interaction of the teacher’s technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge?
A. The teacher checks the math standards for 4th graders and based on these standards, let her students answer multiplication
exercises on the blackboard.

B. The teacher makes the children watch a video that she downloaded from Youtube and asks the children to summarize it.
C. The teacher evaluates math apps on multiplication, matches them with her students skill level, demonstrates how the apps
used, and allows her students to explore and work on the apps.
D. The teacher makes the children play whatever math apps they find in the internet and lets them share in class about their
113. If you abide by Bruner’s three-tiered model learning, with which will you begin a lesson on the definition of fraction?
A. Write a fraction, e.g.3/4, on the board
B. Project the definition of fraction on the screen
C. Show a piece of cake divided into two
D. Ask your students to give examples of fraction
114. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work together with other Grade 7 classes in
their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao. They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about
peace. They will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology integration which is:
A. Entry- Active
B. Adoption – Constructive
C. Transformation- Constructive
D. Adaptation- Collaborative
115. I cannot help but recall the sister’s convent which served as my boarding house in high school now that am in a noisy
boarding house. Which principle of association explains this?
A. Similarity C. Contiguity
B. Frequency D. Contrast
116. The first people power wa held in February 25, 1986. What level of knowledge is presented?
A. Conceptual C. Metacognitive
B. Factual D. Procedural knowledge
117. “Very good.You are doing very well, Sarah”, says Coach Sarah. Coach was referring to Zeph’s skills in singing. Is this is
accordance with giving specific feedback?
A. Yes
B. No, it is exaggerated
C. Very much, she is so perfect
D. No
118. Teacher Dj Olmos Perpek gives the class specific topic as assignment which they have to research and pass the following
day. However, the students could not find any information about it. What method should Teacher use to teach the assignment?
A. Project method C. Lecture method
B. Discovery method D. Demonstration method
119. When enrollees cannot be accommodated in the public schools due to lack of teachers and classroom, they are referred to
the private schools under the ___.
A. Study-Now-Pay Later Plan
B. Adopt-a-School Program
C. Educational Service Contracting Scheme
D. Tutorial Program
120. Applying the principle, “the more senses that are involved, the more effective the learning becomes”
A. Workbooks C. Field trips
B. Video presentation D. Dramatization
121. In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, the domains are stated from lowest to highest level. Which of the following
objectives belongs to the lowest level?
A. To give the available resources thet could be recycled to useful things
B. To identify the character of the story
C. To differentiate active from passive voice
D. To explain the procedure in changing improper fraction to mixed number
122. This type of parenting style is very demanding, following traditional values, military approach and the strict obedience to
A. Neglectful C. Authoritarian
B. Indulgent D. Authoritative
123. Teacher Deejae wants her students to express their opinions regarding a certain government. Issue such as Charter
Change. Which of the following can she use to do this?
A. Symposium C. Forum
B. Panel discussion D. Debate
124. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most important thing a teacher should
consider in the selection and itulization of instructional materials?
A. Availability of instructional materials
B. Degree of interest on the part of the students
C. Objectives of the lesson
D. Attractiveness of instructional materials
125. What design element establishes the vertical linkage from level to level to avoid glaring gaps and wasteful overlaps?
A. Articulation C. Scope
B. Balance D. Sequence
126. Teacher Aprilyn is assigned to handle a multi-grade class. What instructional material must be used to provide the needs of
each grade?
A. Colourful, useful and durable materials
B. Materials of high level thinking skills
C. Multisensory materials
D. Differentiated materials
127. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer?
A. Learnability C. Feasibility

B. Significance D.Validity
128. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being studied, different literary
pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What curriculum design is shown here?
A. Separate subject design C. Correlation design
C. Discipline design D. Broad field design
129. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade placement and sequencing of
content. Which phase is this?
A. Curriculum planning
B. Curriculum organization
C. Curriculum implementation
D. Curriculum evaluating
130. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies being combined with
geography, civics culture and history to comprises subject area. Which design is this?
A. Core design C. Separate Subject
B. Correlated D. Broad fields
131. Ms. Savanna, as science teacher tries to enrich the content of her lesson by identifying related concepts in math. What
pattern of organizing subjects did the teacher consider?
A. Broadfields C. Core
B. Separate subject D. Correlated
132. Which design is easy to deliver because complementary books and materials are commercially available?
A. Process design C. Problem design
B. Experiences design D. Subject design
133. This is a phenomenon in Psychology wherein students perform better because they are
aware that they are being observed by their teachers.
A. With-it-ness effect C. Pygmalion effect
B. Hawthorne effect D. Rosenthal effect
134. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher set up her instructional materials for
too long?
A. Thrust C. Flip Flop
B. Dangle D. Stimulus Bound
135. Using Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which is farthest from the base?
A. Demonstration C. Field trip
B. Globe D. Dramatization
136. The difficulty index of a test item is one (0.10 - 0.20). What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it
B. The test item is very difficult
C. The test item is very easy
D. The test item is not reliable
137. A test item has a difficulty index of .50 and a discriminating index of .45. What should the teacher do?
A. Make it a bonus item C. Revise the item
B. Retain the item D. Reject the item
138. The scores of the students are concentrated at the left side of the bell curve, then it is:
A. Negatively skewed C. Skewed to the left
B. Skewed to the right D. Zero skewness
139. Your percentile rank in class in 60%. What does this mean?
A. You got 40% of the test items wrongly
B. You scored less than 60% of the class.
C. You got 60% of the test items correctly.
D. You scored better than 60% of the class
140. Which is the percentage contribution of quarterly assessment to the grade of the student from grade 1 to 10?
A. 15% C. 25%
B. 20% D. 30%
141. Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all subjects, for all tracks in Grades 11-12.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, only for the academic track
D. It depends on schools.
142. Which is the percentage contribution of written work to grade of the grade 1-10 student in science and math?
A. 50% C. 40%
B. 20% D. 30%
143. In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade?
A. Performance tasks
B. Written work
C. Quarterly assessment
D. Quarterly assessment and performance tasks
144. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning areas?
A. Retained in the same grade level
B. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark
C. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
D. Is not accepted for enrollment in the school
145. Ms. Ambisyosa, the head teacher submitted all the collected accomplishments of her co teachers to the Principal with her
name on it. Which provision of the Code of Ethics did she violate?
A. A teacher may submit to proper authorities any justifiable criticism
B. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work that is not his own

C. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom
D. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements, for moral, social,
educational, economic and civic betterment.
146. Mr. Marupok drinks heavily on weekends. He argues that he cannot be reprimanded because he doesn’t come to school
drunk and he performs his job as a teacher well. Is his argument acceptable?
A. Yes, it is right as an individual
B. No, drinking liquor is not good for the health
C. Yes, the students don’t see him when he is drunk
D. No, he should live a commendable level of conduct at all times
147. What is not embodied in Republic Act 10533?
A. Inclusion of Technical Vocation Skills in Basic Education
B. 12 year of Basic Education
C. Mandatory Kindergarten
D. Selective admission to tertiary education
148. The school Principal changes the time schedule because there is a need to catch up with the national testing time. What
category of curriculum improvement is used?
A. Alterations C. Substitution
B. Perturbations D. Restructuring
149. Most often, non-eligible teachers or those who have not acquired their licenses yet are hired in Private schools. Is this in
accordance with the Philippine Teacher’s Professionalization Act?
A. No, the license is a requirement
B. No, except when the teacher has very satisfactory performance
C. Yes, provided the teacher has at least 5 years of teaching experience
D. Yes, the Teacher’s Professionalization Act applies only to public school teachers
150. Teacher Deejae and her graduating senior high student Jhack who is already 18 years old fell in love with each other. Is
there relationship acceptable?
A. No, since the teacher is older than her student
B. No, it is against the Code of Ethics
C. Yes, in a situation where mutual attraction and love develop between the teacher and the learner, the teacher shall exercise
utmost professional discretion to avoid gossip, scandal and any preferential treatment of the learner
D. Yes, provided the teacher is accepted by the family of his student

What is your Goal?

To God be the glory.


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