Oralquestionandanswer Good
Oralquestionandanswer Good
Oralquestionandanswer Good
DG Shipping in India
Q.2) Which new LSA Code requirements apply to existing ships and which
ones apply to new ships?
Ans.2 Revised Chapter IV sections to applies to OLRRS fitted on existing ships.
For ships constructed on or after July 1, 2014, OLRRS are to comply with the revised LSA Code (complete
section Circular MSC.1/Circ.1393 encourages administrations to initiate, at the earliest opportunity,
approval processes for new OLRRS which comply with the revised LSA Code, to enable the fitting of these
mechanisms before July 1, 2014.
Q.3) what safety improvements have been introduced for existing on-load
release systems?
Ans.3) Existing OLRRS must comply with the following design criteria in Chapter IV: – To provide hook stability, the release mechanism shall be designed so that, when it is fully in the
closed position, the weight of the lifeboat does not cause any force to be transmitted to the operating
mechanism. – Locking devices shall be designed so that they can not turn to open due to forces from the hook
load. – If a hydrostatic interlock is provided, it shall automatically reset upon lifting the boat from the
Multi-Flag Fleets
If the Company operates a multi-flag fleet and already has a DOC issued by
or on the behalf of another SOLAS Contracting Government by RO to this
Administration, the RO may, upon consent of the Administration,
administratively issue a DOC whose validity should be aligned with the
mentioned DOC.
At the first annual ISM audit of the Office, the RO should verify the national
In india , Premium depend upon type of ship. Type of cargo intended to b carried,class and flag of ship and
last 3 yrs exp.with the owner of the ship
Bunker Requirement?
As per company SMS, Voyage bunker consumption i.e. Daily Consumption X No. Days, And Reserve of 3 to 5
days as per company SMS Policy manual.
Irrecoverable lien
Matter to be taken in Admiralty Court. If Lien cannot be recovered then property to be auctioned.
So purifier will get affected. And high temperature will required for purification.
But RMK is cheaper….so we can decide on that factor and also as per our plant specification.
Supercharged petrol engines also make use of a form of Miller cycle in which the inlet valve is left open
during the first part of the compression stroke, so that compression only occurs during the last 70% of the
compression stroke. Over the entire compression range required by the engine, the supercharger is used to
generate low levels of compression, where it is most efficient. The air is then cooled in the air cooler. Then,
the piston is used to generate the remaining higher levels compression, operating in the range where it is
more efficient than a supercharger. Thus the Miller cycle when used in a petrol engine uses the
supercharger for the portion of the compression where it is best, and the piston for the portion where it is
best. In total, this reduces the power needed to run the engine by 10% to 15%
Type of Lein:-
A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is
discharged is lein
Vessel will get cert for inventory of hazardous material after IHM is shown to flag..
OPRC basically tells about procuring of oil poll equipment and preparing of
emergency response plans by flag state.
Statutory Certificates are issued by Flag state or R.O. related to SOLAS and
Class issue only Certificate of Class
Types of Bulkheads
Collision Bulkhead, Watertight Bulkhead, Longitudinal Bulkhead, Transverse
Bulkhead, Corrugated Bulkhead.
Special Survey:-
FTP Code provides the international requirements for laboratory testing, type-
approval and fire test procedures for products referenced under SOLAS chapter II-2.
Enhance global maritime safety and protection of the marine environment and
assist states to implement the instruments of the organisation.
The code was developed to form the basis of the audit standard and has identified
all relevant obligations of parties to IMO Instruments.
Different states will view the instruments according to their own circumstances and
are bound only to implement those instruments to which they are contracting
governments or parties.
3[(38) “safety convention certificate” means,-
What is difference between Costal state and flag state as per III- code?
Coastal state:
Port state:
To evaluate performance
This has led to more competition between classes and a relaxation of the standards.
This has led to the shipping industry losing confidence in the classification societies.
1. Raise the standby boiler pressure equal to running boiler. Stm valve is shut here.
4. Now steam consumption started to open fd wtr manual valve (normally only
manual valve keeping shut)
6. Set the dump valve in such a position so that no dumping of stem tk place.
Life boat and Liferaft requirement is for the Survival craft reqt.
Dos(Declaration of Safety)
Docs to be carried wrt. ISPS code? International Ship and Port Facility Security
ship identification no. or IMO no thats what badwal wants along with other things.
Every annually a lrit test is to be done with the telecommunication company in india
at bangalore tata communications and a lrit test report is kept on ship to be verified
by surveyor during SRT survey.
SRT(Ship Radio Certificate) Survey is periodical but carried out every year with other
annual surveys
What is the difference in bill of lading for liner trade and that used for tankers?
Becoz bulk carriers carry cargo with high density they need tst and hopper to
compensate and adjust gm and cg. ..conditions of assignment and damage stability
bhi satisfy karna padega,
Given in manual if more than one percent(1%) elongation then may need
You can check clearance of the nuts of the tensioner, If feeler gauge showing
clearance then adjust.
Clearance check is very important,If rubber lining is worn out and you have vibration
in addition to cyclic stresses. That is the indication
In large mc engine on container ships auto hydraulic chain lightener is there with an
indicator can be seen from chain case door sight glass ..The indicator pointer move
on a graduated scale...the oil pressure of main lo act on piston to keep it equally
tight, Tensioner is thread type with double lock nut.
When chain gets elongated there is angular slippage between the crankshaft and
camshaft. So the camshaft movement lags the crankshaft movement, Due to which
all timing get retarded related to camshaft.
Fuel pump
Exhaust valve
Chain also drives counter weights so vibration level increased, chain will start
slapping against the rubber and rubber will start flaking out and break.
In india NOSDCP will fight for oil pollution. Coastal state, national oil spill disaster
contingency plan(NOSDCP)
EEDI Exemptions
Regulations 20 and 21 of this Annex shall not apply to ships which have diesel-electric
propulsion, turbine propulsion or hybrid propulsion systems.
Signature: a state expresses the intention to become a party to the convention, but is not
legally bound by it.
Ratification: an agreement is made which makes the state legally bound by the treaty. It
is after a state studies and modifies its national law.
Accession: after the treaty has come into force, a state accepts the offer to become a
party to the treaty. It is like a back door entry after the ratification time is over and treaty in
MRV(Monitoring Reporting and Verification) is a climate change mitigation action “ Mainly
GHG(Green House Gasses) emissions reductions..Shall be implemented in a Measurable,
Reportable and verifiable manner.
This term first time originated in Bali, Indonesia at the end of Year 2007.
Companies for Ships above 5000 grt aftr 1 jan 2018 has to do monitoring reporting and
verification of co2 emission in EU ports.
The Indian Government has made a voluntary international commitment to reduce the
emissions intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 20–25 percent from 2005 levels
by 2020. Domestically, India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) includes
eight national missions to support areas such as energy efficiency and solar energy.
This paper provides an overview of these and other existing national policies, as well as
policies under development, that are likely to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
India. It also identifies priorities for effective policy implementation including improved
coordination among different levels of government, institutional capacity building, and
sufficient financing.
MEPC 68 held on 11 to 15 May 2015 in Britain (London)
LLMC covers claims of loss of life, personal injuries, property claims i.e damage to ships, property
or harbour works
Since India has not yet ratified bunker convention and also since HNS convention is also not in
force so all claims will be settled under LLMC
Barik has 5 main topics.... ISM;latest developments in IMO; Seq. survey: MS act; and
Stability....mostly damage stability...Study these topics perfectly.
1. Class is a non governmental Body ( ie it is a private entity )
2. Class does not come under any convention
3. Class is not mandatory is also correct because if you don't have class you can have national laws
for ships design and construction for vessels
Class ensures that ships are built as per their standards and hence P&I makes it mandatory to have
class as P&I is a private body so it is more depends on the market standard and not on national
1914 1915
1948 1952
1960 1965
KN curve: - The purpose of the cross curve is to enable statical stability curve to be drawn for ship
in any sailing condition.
In some cases, the GZ curves are constructed for an assumed KG of zero. The curves are then
referred to as KN curves, KN being the righting lever measured from the keel.
Angle of loll: is the angle to which a ship with initial negative metacentric height will lie at rest in
still water.
Initial metacentre: for angle of heel up to about 15 deg , the vertical through the centre of
buoyancy may be considered to cut the centre line at fixed point called the initial metacentre.
“Sailing vessel” means any description of vessel provided with sufficient sail area for navigation
under sails alone, whether or not fitted with mechanical means of propulsion, and includes a
rowing boat or canoe but does not include a pleasure craft.
“Special trade” means the conveyance of large number of passengers by sea within prescribed
sea areas;
“Special trade passenger” means a passenger carried in special trade passenger ship in spaces
on the weather deck or upper deck or between decks which accommodate more than eight
passengers and includes a pilgrim or a person accompanying a pilgrim;
“Special trade passenger ship” means a mechanically propelled ship carrying more than thirty
special trade passengers;]
“Special purpose ship” means a mechanically self-propelled ship which by reason of its function
carries on board more than 12 special personnel.
“Special personnel” means all persons (who are not passengers or members of the crew) that
are carried on board in connection with the special purpose of that ship or because of special work
being carried out onboard that ship, when the ship is certified as a SPS.
"Foreign-going ship" means a ship, not being a home-trade ship, employed in trading between
any port or place in India and any other port or place or between ports or places, outside India;
"Home-trade ship" means a ship not exceeding three thousand tons gross which is employed in
trading between any port or place in India and any other port or place on the continent of India or
between ports or places in India and ports or places in Ceylon, Maladive Islands, Federation of
Malaya, Singapore or Burma;
"Coasting ship" means a ship exclusively employed in trading between any port or place in India
and any other port or place on the continent of India or between ports or places in India and ports
or places in Ceylon or Burma
“sea-going”, in relation to a vessel, means a vessel proceeding to sea beyond inland waters or
beyond waters declared to be smooth or partially smooth waters by the Central Government by
notification in the Official Gazette; ( partial smooth water is an area having a significant wave
height of 2 meters)
Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such
types as ore carriers and combination carriers. (As per SOLAS Ch XII)
Bulk carrier means a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and
hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, and
includes such types as ore carriers and combination carriers.( As per SOLAS Ch IX , ISM )
Gross tonnage (GT) is a function of the volume of all of a ship's enclosed spaces
(from keel to funnel) measured to the outside of the hull framing.
Net tonnage (NT) is based on a calculation of the volume of all cargo spaces of the ship. It
indicates a vessel's earning space and is a function of the moulded volume of all cargo spaces of
the ship.
Gross register tonnage (GRT) represents the total internal volume of a vessel, where one
register ton is equal to a volume of 100 cubic feet (2.83168 m3), a volume that, if filled with fresh
water, would weigh around 2,800 kg or 2.8 tonnes.
Net register tonnage (NRT) is the volume of cargo the vessel can carry—that is, the gross
register tonnage less the volume of spaces that do not
hold cargo (e.g.,engine compartment, helm station, and crew spaces.
There is a general average act when, and only when, any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is
intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving
from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure.
Maritime lien is a claim on a ship , her cargo or both as well as on the freight she will earn in
respect of service done to or injury caused by any of them.
Admiralty court: - admiralty law is a part of civil law mainly dealing collision, damage to cargo,
salvage, maritime liens and arrest of ships.
Hull performance index: - index at design draft, compared with new buildings.
Active substance: - substances or organism including virus or fungus that has general / specific
action against harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.
Angle of repose: max cone slope angle of free flowing granular substances. Angle between
horizontal and conical slope.
Sub standard ship: - is a ship whose hull , machinery , equipment , operational safety is
substantially below standard , required by relevant convention or whose crew is not in
conformance with safe manning document.
Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of
personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action
or the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code. ( as per ISM
code , no mention in MS act )
Wind and Water Strakes are the strakes of a ship's side shell plating between the ballast and
deepest load waterline.
Short international voyage is an international voyage in the course of which a ship is not more
than 200 miles from a port or place in which the passengers and crew could be placed in safety.
Neither the distance between the last port of call in the country in which the voyage begins and the
final port of destination nor the return voyage shall exceed 600 miles.
International voyage means a voyage from a country to which the present Convention applies to
a port outside such country, or conversely.
National Maritime Day: - 5 April (1964 )marks the National Maritime Day of India. On this day in
1919 navigation history was created when SS Loyalty, the first ship of The Scindia Steam
Navigation Company Ltd., journeyed to the United Kingdom, a crucial step for India shipping
history when sea routes were controlled by the British. In 1964 , India attained required world
“Non-persistent oil is oil which, at the time of shipment, consists of hydrocarbon fractions,
(a) at least 50% of which, by volume, distils at a temperature of 340°C (645°F). and
when tested by the ASTM Method D86/78 or any subsequent revision thereof”.
Pascal's law states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid,
there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.
Boyle's Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed
amount of gas at a fixed temperature. pV = constant
Charles' Law: - For a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure, the volume is directly proportional to
the kelvin temperature. V = constant x T
Gay-Lussac's Law states that the pressure of a sample of gas at constant volume, is directly
proportional to its temperature in Kelvin. P / T = constant
Avogadro's law states that, "equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure,
have the same number of molecules".
Protocol: - They are important treaty instrument made where major amendment are required to be
made to a convention which although already adopted has not yet enteed into force. For eg
MARPOL 73/78 is Marpol convention adopted in 1973 and protocol made on 1978 before it comes
into force.
But then the question arises that why there is a protocol for SOLAS and ILLC in 1988. In 1988 both
conventions were in force . the reason is of making some amendment in these articles. In 1988 ,
hormonisation of certificates were adopted thorugh protocol in the convention. For this the
amendemtns were done in these articles. So protocols will be called when ;
Condition of class: - A condition of class is a requirement to the effect that a specific measures ,
repairs , surveys etc are to be carried out within a specific time limit to retain class.
3) Minimum pressure at any hydrant not less 2.7 bar.( 4.0 bar for passenger ship)
4) Space containing should not be contiguous to the boundaries of machinery spaces or those spaces
containing main fire pumps. Where this is not practicable, common bulkhead between the two
spaces shall be insulated to a standard of structural fire protection equivalent to that required for
control station.
5) No direct access from engine room .( if impracticable then the access should be by air lock with
door of machinery space being of A60 class standard and the other door being at least steel , both
reasonably gas tight , self closing and without any hold back arrangement.
6) If diesel driven , should be able to start by cranking at 0 deg. If impracticable , then there should be
heating arrangement acceptable to admin. Starting at least 6 times within 30 min and at least twice
within first 10 minutes.
Fuel should be sufficient to run for 3 hrs and sufficient reserve fuel outside machinery space for 15
hrs running at full load.
1. Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be of such size and arrangements that the hypothetical outflow
Oc or Os calculated in accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of this Annex anywhere in
the length of the ship does not exceed 30,000 cubic metres or 400 3√DW, whichever is the
greater, but subject to a maximum of 40,000 cubic metres.
2. The volume of any one wing cargo oil tank of an oil tanker shall not exceed 75 per cent of the
limits of the hypothetical oil outflow referred to in paragraph 2 of this regulation. The volume of
any one centre cargo oil tank shall not exceed 50,000 cubic metres. However, in segregated
ballast oil tankers as defined in regulation 18 of this Annex, the permitted volume of a wing cargo
oil tank situated between two segregated ballast tanks, each exceeding lc in length, may be
increased to the maximum limit of hypothetical oil outflow provided that the width of the wing
tanks exceeds tc.
3. The length of each cargo tank shall not exceed 10 m or one of the following values, whichever
is the greater:
4. This regulation does not apply to oil tankers delivered on or after 1 January 2010, as defined in
regulation 1.28.8.
Goal Based standard: - 1.1. The notion of "goal-based ship construction standards" was
introduced in the Organization at the eighty-ninth session of the Council in November 2002
through a proposal by the Bahamas and Greece see footnote , suggesting that the Organization
should develop ship construction standards that would permit innovation in design but ensure
that ships are constructed in such a manner that, if properly maintained, they remain safe for
their entire economic life. The standards would also have to ensure that all parts of a ship can
be easily accessed to permit proper inspection and ease of maintenance
Parametric rolling is an unstable phenomenon, which can quickly generate large roll angles that are
coupled with significant pitch motions. The rolling occurs in phase with pitch, and on containerships
introduces high loads into the containers and their securing systems
The size of container ships is increasing drastically as companies are looking forward to monster
ships; for e.g. Maersk’s Triple-E Vessels. The new container ships coming to the market have
large bow flare and wide beam to decrease the frictional resistance which is generated when the ship
fore end passes through the water, making it streamlined with the hull.
As the wave crest travels along the hull, it results in flare immersion in the wave crest and the bow
comes down. The stability (GM ) varies as a result of pitching and rolling of the ship. The
combination of buoyancy and wave excitation forces push the ship to the other side.
The similar action takes place as the bow goes down in the next wave cycle resulting in synchronous
motion which leads to heavy rolling up to 30 degree in a few cycles. This type of rolling is known as
Parametric rolling.
This phenomenon occurs only when the sea condition is in head / stern or anywhere near to them.
There are two pitch cycles- maximum and minimum. The period of roll is half the natural rolling period
which coincides with large phase angle and maximum roll always occurs when the ship is pitching
down i.e. bow is down.
3) The ship should pitch atleast two times for every roll
There should be minimum 20 sec delay between the alarm and actual release.
Hydrostatics pressure test at 250 bars at 10 yrs. After 20 years, every 5 yrs. (check 10 %
bottles if any defective check 50% if any defective check all)
CO2 weight measured by Portable liquid level indicator /ultrasound measuring device or
radio level isotopes
Total weight of 45 kg CO2 bottle is 125 kg and 55 kg CO2 bottle is 140 kg.
Annually :- visual check co2 room + protected area sealings + nozzle obstruction by
Biannually :- All bottle level measurement + check nozzles clear + activating head ( for
passenger ships )
5 yearly :- Activating heads + safety valve pressure test + All controls , warning device
and time delay function
10 yearly :- bottles hydrostatic pressure test + renew flexible hose + lines pressure test to
maximum working pressure
Amendments to MARPOL Annex V with respect to garbage management enters into force on 1
January 2013. Ships of 100 gross tonnage and above, or certified to carry 15 persons or more,
and fixed or floating platforms are required to have on board, by 1 January 2013, a new or
revised Garbage Management Plan complying with resolution MEPC.201(62). Thus the
requirements for carriage of garbage management plan has been reduced from 400 gross
tonnage to 100 gross tonnage. The plans are not required to be approved by or on behalf of the
Administration. Additionally, ships of 400 gross tonnage and above, or certified to carry 15
persons or more engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of
another party to MARPOL, and fixed or floating platforms, are also required to carry a Garbage
Record Book
The bill of lading is the declaration of the master of the vessel by which he acknowledges that he
received the goods on board of his ship and assures that he will carry the goods to the place of
destination for delivery, in the same condition as he received them, against handing of the original
bill of lading. The definition of a bill of lading, given in the "Hamburg Rules", is the following:
"Bill of lading means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking
over of loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the
goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be
delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an
1)A receipt of the goods by the shipowner acknowledging that the goods of the stated species,
quantity and condition, are shipped to a stated destination in a certain ship, or at least received in
custody of the shipowner for the purpose of shipment;
2)A memorandum of the contract of carriage, by which the master agrees to transport the goods to
their destination; all terms of the contract which was in fact concluded prior to the signing of the bill
of lading are repeated on the back of this document;
3)A document of title to the goods enabling the consignee to dispose of the goods by endorsement
and delivery of the bill of lading.
The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury on ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 2 million
For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in calculating the limitation amount:
For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 800 SDR
For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 600 SDR
The limit of liability for property claims for ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 1 million SDR.
For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in calculating the limitation amount:
For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 400 SDR
For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 300 SDR
The limit of liability for loss of life or personal injury for ships not exceeding 500 gross tonnage is 3.33 lacs SDR.
For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in calculating the limitation amount:
For each ton from 501 to 3,000 tons, 500 SDR
For each ton from 30,01 to 30,000 tons, 333 SDR
CLC For oil pollution damage as per MS Act ( MS rule 2008 ) is same.
Small Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement (STOPIA) 2006:- 20 million SDR (£16.6 million) for
tankers of 29 548 gross tonnage or less for pollution damage in all 1992 Fund Member States.
Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement (TOPIA) 2006:- 50% of the compensation amounts paid
by it under the Supplementary Fund Protocol.
CLC 69 Protocol CLC 92
Damage caused by non-persistent oil, such as gasoline, light diesel oil, kerosene etc, is not covered by the 1992 Civil Liability
1) Bank guarantee
2) Certificate from IOPC fund
3) Insurance from P & I club
1) Limit of liability increased from 135 1) Limit of liability 750 million SDR
million SDR to 203 million SDR on 1st 2) Annual contributions to the Supplementary
November 2003. Fund will be made by any person who, in any
2) The 1992 Fund is financed by calendar year, has received total quantities of
contributions levied on any person oil exceeding 150 000 tonnes. However, the
who has received in one calendar year contribution system for the Supplementary
more than 150 000 tonnes of crude oil Fund differs from that of the 1992 Fund in
and heavy fuel oil (contributing oil) in that, for the purpose of paying contributions,
a State Party to the 1992 Fund at least 1 million tonnes of contributing oil
Convention. will be deemed to have been received each
3) In order to become Parties to the 1992 year in each Member State.
Fund Convention, States must also 3) Membership of the Supplementary Fund is
become Parties to optional
the 1992 Civil Liability Convention.
1) Ships carrying a minimum of 2,000 1) 1,000 gt regardless of the type of ship to have
tonnes of oil cargo to have insurance or financial security.
insurance or financial security. 2) limits set out by the LLMC 1967/96
2) Max. liability 89.77 million 3) Covers pollution due to bunker oil where
3) Covers pollution due to oil “Bunker Oil” is defined as“any hydrocarbon
contamination where “Oil” means mineral oil, including lubricating oil, used or
any persistent oil such as crude oil, intended to be used for the operation or
fuel oil, heavy diesel oil, lubricating propulsion of the ship, and any residues of such
oil and whale oil, whether carried oil”.
on board a tanker as cargo or fuel. This does not apply to pollution damage defined in CLC.
(b) Where the damage has been caused by packaged HNS, or where the damage has been caused by both
bulk HNS and packaged HNS, or where it is not possible to determine whether the damage originating from
that ship has been caused by bulk HNS or by packaged HNS:
1) The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the only tripartite U.N. agency with government,
employer, and worker representatives.
2) ILO has director general (elected every 5 years) who checks conduct of international labour
3) The ILO has 185 member States and is the oldest UN agency.
4) The ILO’s Secretariat has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and a global network of
technical experts and field offices in more than 40 countries.
5) The International Labour Conference (ILC) meets once a year to adopt new international labour
standards and approve the ILO’s work plan and budget.
6) The Governing Body is the executive council of the ILO and meets three times a year in Geneva.
MLC 2006:- Ships below 500 GT that do not go on international voyages or voyage between foreign ports
need not have a maritime labour certificate.
- the provisions of maritime labour convention ( 14 items) are embodied in national requirement
- These national requirements are contained in the national provisions.
- Details of “ substantial equivalent” if any
- Exemption if any
- Any ship type specific requirement
Part 2 of Declaration of maritime labour compliance: measures taken by ship-owner to ensure ongoing
compliance between inspections.
Also includes 14 points and what measures are taken by the ship-owner wrt maintaining standards
mentioned in MLC.
India hereby communicates its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) in response to
COP decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 for the period 2021 to 2030:
1. To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions
and values of conservation and moderation.
2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at
corresponding level of economic development.
3. To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level.
4. To achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from nonfossil fuel based
energy resources by 2030 with the help of transfer of technology and low cost international finance
including from Green Climate Fund (GCF).
5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional
forest and tree cover by 2030.
7. To mobilize domestic and new & additional funds from developed countries to implement the
above mitigation and adaptation actions in view of the resource required and the resource gap.
8. To build capacities, create domestic framework and international architecture for quick diffusion of
cutting edge climate technology in India and for joint collaborative R&D for such future technologies.
Whenever GOI ratifies any convention, MS act is amended accordingly to include all the provision.
1. Fill the greatest space to be protected at a rate of 1 mtr in depth per minute.
2. Quanity of foam should be sufficient to produce volume of foam equal to five times the volume
of the largest space to be protected.
3. The expansion ratio shall not exceed 1000:1.
Pg no. 83 Sherman
IMO Sub-Committees
The MSC and MEPC are assisted in their work by a number of sub-committees which are also open to all
Member States:
Under SOLAS , ships are divided into passenger ships and cargo ships.
Able seafarers whether deck or engine are given Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
Oil spill from AMOCO CARDIZ in 1978 on coast of France resulted in formation of Paris MOU.
Polar region - Arctic – 60 deg N with exception Antarctica – 60 deg N all the way round
Category A ship - ships designed for operation in polar waters at least in medium first-year ice, which
may include old ice inclusions;
Category B ship - a ship not included in category A, designed for operation in polar waters in at least
thin first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions;
Category C ship - a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice conditions less severe than those
included in Categories A and B.
A" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following criteria:
.3. they are insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the average temperature of the unexposed side
will not rise more than 140°C above the original temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any
joint, rise more than 180°C above the original temperature, within the time listed below:
.4. they are constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour
standard fire test; and
"B" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings which comply with the following
.1. they are constructed of approved non-combustible materials and all materials used in the construction and erection of
"B" class divisions are non-combustible, with the exception that combustible veneers may be permitted provided they
meet other appropriate requirements of this chapter;
.2. they have an insulation value such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 140°C
above the original temperature, nor will the temperature at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 225°C above
the original temperature, within the time listed below:
.3. they are constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of the first half hour of the
standard fire test; and
.4. the Administration required a test of a prototype division in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code to ensure
that it meets the above requirements for integrity and temperature rise.
"C" class divisions are divisions constructed of approved non-combustible materials. They need meet neither
requirements relative to the passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the temperature rise. Combustible
veneers are permitted provided they meet the requirements of this chapter.
“F” Class division" means a division formed by a bulkhead, ceiling or lining that complies with the following:
(a) is constructed to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke when subjected to the standard fire test for 30
minutes, and
(b) if either face of the division is subjected to the standard fire test, the average temperature of the other side of the
division will not rise more than 139 degrees C above the original temperature and the temperature at any one point,
including any joint, will not rise more than 225 degrees C above the original temperature during the first 30 minutes of
that test; (cloisonnement du type F) ( Defn same as B class – 30 minutes except highlighted one )
Difference between A60 & A0 :- A0 bulkheads , not having any insulations , but
suitable stiffeners but without opening , no need for testing or approval.
Derating: - A vessel’s engine and propeller are optimized and designed for a given operational
and max. speed. If the operational speed of the vessel is generally lower than the one originally
optimized for, it may be beneficial to consider derating of the main engine and propeller. Derating
as a retrofit product offers reduction of the total fuel consumption by improving the match between
the operational speed and optimization speed. Derating is usually an attractive option for fuel oil
savings if a reduction of 10-15% of the max. speed at SMCR can be accepted. A standard derating
calculation made by MAN Diesel & Turbo takes into account the benefit gained from exchanging
the original propeller with a new propeller having an optimized diameter designed for the required
optimizing speed and reduced max. speed.
List of certificates required on board ship relating to harmonized system of survey and certification (some
depend on type of ship)
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
Initial survey - A complete inspection of all the items relating to the particular certificate before the ship is put into
service to ensure they are in a satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the ship is intended.
Periodical survey - Inspection of the items relating to the particular certificate to ensure that they are in a
satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the ship is intended.
Renewal survey - As per periodical survey but leads to the issue of a new certificate.
Annual survey - General inspection of the items relating to the particular certificate to ensure that they have been
maintained and remain satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended.
Additional survey - Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after a repair
resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are made.
Coating Conditions (Good, Fair, Poor):- The condition of the coating in ballast tanks is assigned
and categorized as “GOOD”, “FAIR” or “POOR” based on visual inspection and estimated percentage of
areas with coating failure and rusty surfaces. The definitions of coating conditions “GOOD”, “FAIR” and
“POOR” are as follows:
FAIR: Condition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light
rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition.
POOR: Condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or
more of areas under consideration.
2. A‘Type 2’ ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products with appreciably
severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventive measures to preclude an escape of
such cargo.
3. A ‘Type 3’ ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products with sufficiently
severe environmental and safety hazards which require a moderate degree of containment to increase survival
capability in a damaged condition.
Thus, a type 1 ship is a chemical tanker intended for the transportation of products considered to present the greatest
overall hazard and type 2 and type 3 for products of progressively lesser hazards. Accordingly, a type 1 ship shall survive
the most severe standard of damage and its cargo tanks shall be located at the maximum prescribed distance inboard
from the shell plating.
Type I ships must be able to survive assumed damage anywhere in their length. Cargo tanks for
the most dangerous products should be located outside the extent of the assumed damage and at
least 760mm from the ship's shell.
Some of the chemicals carried on type one ships are Chlorosulphonic acid, Dodecyl phenol,
Phosphorous yellow/ white, Tricresyl Phosphate (>1% ortho-isomer), Trixylyl Phosphate.
Maximum tank size is 1250 M3.
Type II ships, if more than 150m in length, must be able to survive assumed damage anywhere in
their length; if less than 150m, the ship should survive assumed damage anywhere except when it
involves either of the bulkheads bounding machinery spaces located aft. Tanks for Type II cargoes
should be located at least 760mm from the ship's shell and outside the extent of assumed
grounding damage.
Maximum tank size is 3000 M3.
Capable of stripping tanks <100 litres.
Auto ignition temp of cargoes <200 deg C.
Explosive range >40% by volume in air.
Type III ships, if more than 125m in length, should be capable of surviving assumed damage
anywhere in their length except when it involves either of the bulkheads bounding the machinery
space. If less than 125m in length, they should be capable of surviving damage anywhere unless it
involves machinery spaces. There is no special requirement for cargo tank location. No limit for
size of tank.
Capable of stripping tanks <300 litres with tolerance of 50 litres.
Length > 125 m but < 225 m damage anywhere in length except including ER bulkheads
Length <125 m damage anywhere in length except machinery space
After 1 January 2007 vegetable oils have to be carried in chemical tankers complying with the
revised IBC Code as a Ship Type-2 (double hull) with COF as Cat Y.
Max. Tank Size 1250 m3 Max. Tank Size 3000 m3 No limit for size of tank
Capable of stripping tanks <100
litres. Capable of stripping tanks <100 Capable of stripping tanks <300 litres
litres. ( 75 litres for ships after 2007 ) with tolerance of 50 litres. ( 75 litres
( 75 litres for ships after 2007 ) for ships after 2007 )
Auto ignition temperature of cargoes Auto ignition temp of cargoes <200 ----
<65 deg C. deg C.
.2. "Category 2 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil,
heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tonnes deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above,
which complies with the requirements for oil tankers delivered after 1 June 1982, as defined in regulation 1.28.4 of this
Annex; and
.3. "Category 3 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 5,000 tonnes deadweight and above but less than that specified in
subparagraph 1 or 2 of this paragraph.
.2. Category Y: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting
operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or
other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the
marine environment;
.3. Category Z: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting
operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human health and therefore justify less
stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
.4. Other Substances: substances indicated as OS (Other Substances) in the pollution category column of chapter 18 of
the International Bulk Chemical Code which have been evaluated and found to fall outside Category X, Y or Z as defined
in regulation 6.1 of this Annex because they are, at present, considered to present no harm to marine resources, human
health, amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea when discharged into the sea from tank cleaning of deballasting
operations. The discharge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing only substances referred to
as “Other Substances” shall not be subject to any requirements of the Annex.
India acceded Bunker Convention ,Nairobi convention & Salvage convention in June
.6. material damage to marine infrastructure external to a ship, that could seriously endanger the safety of the ship,
another ship or an individual; or
.7. severe damage to the environment, or the potential for severe damage to the environment, brought about by the
damage of a ship or ships.
. However, a marine casualty does not include a deliberate act or omission, with the intention to cause harm to the safety
of a ship, an individual or the environment.
1.7.13. Group B consists of cargoes which possess a chemical hazard which could give rise to a dangerous situation on
a ship.
1.7.14. Group C consists of cargoes which are neither liable to liquefy (Group A) nor to possess chemical hazards
(Group B).
AH32 0.18 0.50 0.90-1.60 0.035 0.035 0.015 0.02 0.35 0.20 0.40 0.08
AH32 - 440 to 570 Mpa UTS FH – 510 to 600 Mpa UTS
All new and existing ships to be provided with fire control plans (or a booklet) for the assistance of
shore side fire-fighting personnel (e.g. port fire brigade) and the plans shall be permanently stowed
in a prominently marked weather tight enclosure outside the deckhouse.
The enclosure should be readily available to the shoreside fire-fighting personnel so that any
expected fire on board will not readily cut off access to it. In oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas
carriers the fire control plans should not be located on exterior boundaries of superstructures which
face cargo tanks and on the surfaces within 3 m from them along the side.
What will happen to lip clearance to the same safety valve is fitted to high pressure boiler? Ans Lip clearance
will increase.
SOLAS regulation II-1/8-1, to introduce a mandatory requirement for new passenger ships for either
onboard stability computers or shore-based support, for the purpose of providing operational
information to the Master for safe return to port after a flooding casualty;
SOLAS regulation III/20.11.2 regarding the testing of free-fall lifeboats, to require that the operational
testing of free-fall lifeboat release systems shall be performed either by free-fall launch with only the
operating crew on board or by a simulated launching;
SOLAS chapter VI to add a new regulation VI/5-2, to prohibit the blending of bulk liquid cargoes during
the sea voyage and to prohibit production processes on board ships;
ESP has been replaced by 2011 ESP code. SOLAS regulation XI-1/2 on enhanced surveys, to make
mandatory the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk
Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code, resolution A.1049(27)).
New regulation 3-12 making provisions for reduction of noise mandatory, and not only recommendatory
as previously (ref. II-1/36, now deleted). The Code on Noise levels on board ships (Res. A.468(XII)) has
also been adopted through MSC.337(91).
Low volume alarm on self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus for fire-fighter’s outfit
New requirement for carriage of two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus of explosion proof or
intrinsically safe type for fire-fighter’s communication.
Requirements for means of recharging breathing apparatus cylinders used during drills, or replacement
of suitable number of spare cylinders.
Water spray systems and foam systems complying with the FSS Code are included as alternatives to
fixed gas fire-extinguishing system for vehicle spaces and ro-ro spaces which are not special category
Ships to have ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water.
Mustering of newly embarked passengers shall take place prior to or immediately upon departure,
instead of as previously within 24 hours.
New para giving requirements to enclosed space entry and rescue drills for crew members every two
months. To be recorded in the log-books.
Tankers of 8000 DWT and upwards to be subject to fixed inert gas system according to the FSS Code as
amended by Res. MSC.367(93).
All ships irrespective of date of construction that cannot be ballasted during sea trials so that they are
on even keel and their rudder is fully submerged, may demonstrate compliance with requirements for
main and emergency steering gear with alternative methods. MSC.1 / Circ.1482 invites for early
New requirements to carriage of water mist lance/ mobile water monitors, dependent on number of
tiers of containers and ship‘s breadth. Applicable for ships designed to carry containers on or above
weather deck.
New regulation applicable for vehicle carriers carrying motor vehicles with compressed hydrogen or
natural gas in their tanks for their own propulsion as cargo. The regulation gives requirements to
electrical equipment and wiring, ventilation and other ignition sources, and provision of two portable
gas detectors
New SOLAS chapter XIII for verification of compliance with the new III Code. Every Contracting
Government shall be subject to periodic audits by the Organization (IMO) in accordance with the audit
standard to verify compliance with and implementation of SOLAS. Definitions for Audit, Audit Scheme,
Code for Implementation and Audit Standard are given.
Inchmaree Clause
Prior to 1887, the standard Lloyd’s Marine Policy on hulls, which covered losses caused by perils
of seas, such as fortuitous accidents resulting from the adverse elements at sea or any losses or
mishaps in navigation was the lynch pin of all matters marine insurance. It was widely employed all
over the globe. In that year, however, an accident occurred aboard the SS Inchmaree, a Scottish
vessel, and the House of Lords, contrary to the industry’s conventional wisdom held that such an
accident was not covered by the policy in question; it also ruled that the loss caused by a latent
defect in the SS Inchmaree’s machinery was not caused by a peril of the seas, and that therefore,
it was not covered by the policy. Not surprisingly, the marine insurance industry, particularly, the
ship-owners, were concerned that expensive accident which might take place at sea might not be
covered by the then Lloyd’s policy in vogue. Consequently, the marine industry responded by
adopting a new clause, aptly named the Inchmaree Clause, providing additional coverage for an
additional premium.
The new clause covered loss of or damage to the vessel directly caused by bursting of boilers,
breakage of shafts, or any latent defect in the machinery or hull, (excluding the cost and expense
of replacing or repairing the defective part), provided such loss or damage was not the result of the
assured’s want of due diligence. Today, the Inchmaree clause including coverage for latent
defects, explosions, negligence of master or mariners, and other special perils is now included in
marine insurance policies to supplement the coverage under the perils clause.
In the insurance context, subrogation is an equitable right acquired by an insurer upon the payment
of a claim. When an insurer pays its insured's claim, and to the extent of the amount paid, the
insurer acquires all of the rights its insured had against the party causing the loss or damage giving
rise to the claim. The insurer may pursue recovery in its own name from the wrongdoer. When
seeking a recovery from the wrongdoer, the insurer is said to "stand in the shoes" of its insured.
That means the insurer has no greater rights against the wrongdoer than its insured had, and the
insurer is subject to the same defenses the wrongdoer could have asserted against the insured.
Sue and labor clause is commonly found in cargo and hull insurance policies. It obligates the
insured to take steps to avoid a loss from a covered peril that is imminently threatened, or to
minimize a loss from a covered peril that has already occurred. It also obligates the insurer to pay,
in addition to the policy limits, the reasonable expenses incurred by the insured to avoid or
minimize a loss due to an insured peril. In the case of a threatened loss, the insured cargo or hull
need not have been actually damaged for sue and labor expenses to be payable under the
insurance policy. Conversely, the insurer may be obligated to reimburse sue and labor expenses
even if the insured's efforts were not successful in avoiding or minimizing a covered loss.
The failure of the insured to fulfill the duty to sue and labor may result in reduced, or no coverage
at all, under the policy. For example, in McGrath v. Reliance Insurance Co.,671 F.Supp. 669 (N.D.
Ca 1987), the insured vessel struck a submerged object but the insured took no steps to
immediately haul, inspect, and repair the vessel. The vessel took on water for several months
thereafter and eventually sank. The surveyor retained by the insurer attributed the damage to the
failure of the insured to repair the damage caused by the submerged object, and the failure of the
insured to maintain the hull and protect it from marine borers. The court held there was no
coverage for the sinking because the insured failed to comply with the policies sue and labor
clause which required reasonable steps to be taken to protect the vessel when a loss occurred.
There are many different types of expenditures that may be recovered from an insurer under a sue
and labor clause. For example, the expenses incurred to recondition and repackage cargo
damaged by an insured peril, to enable the cargo to be sold as intended, are normally recoverable
as sue and labor expenses under a cargo policy. And, the expenses incurred to pump a vessel
taking on water are normally recoverable as sue and labor expenses under a hull policy. The
recoverability of expenses incurred by an insured under a sue and labor clause primarily depends
on whether the peril necessitating the expense is a covered peril and whether the expenses were
reasonably incurred.
Sue and Labour Charges: Incurred short of destination. Insured incurs charges while protecting property
insured from loss/damage. Paid in full in addition to amount of loss. Encourages Insured to take all possible
steps to protect property. Essential Features:
Insured peril must have occurred; charges incurred to avert or minimize loss covered by policy.
Charges must be incurred short of destination.
Charges must be incurred for benefit of property insured.
Charges must be reasonable.
Charges must be incurred only by the Insured, his factors, servants or assigns (excludes salvage).
Charges must be incurred only in connection with insured peril (charges incurred to reduce partial
losses not recoverable on an F.P.A. policy).
Extra Charges: Expenses of proving a claim, such as survey fees, auction or sale charges; paid by
Insurer only if claim paid; not included in Particular Average to reach Franchise amount. Survey
carried out on instructions of Insurer paid regardless of claim.
It may be defined as the resolution of a dispute by one or more arbitrators appointed by the parties
in dispute. It is often resorted to by contracting parties in shipping matters (e.g. owners and
charterers, shippers and carriers, salvors and owners of salved property) in preference to litigating
in the courts. It has the following benefits over litigation:
1. speed of settlement;
2. lower costs (usually);
3. less formality;
Deductibles: - It is the amount that will have to be borne by the insured ( ie owner) before the
insurer pays any claim.
The deductible will be paid by the owner before the insurer settles his claim.
A higher deductibles means a lower premium.
This clause provides that no claims arising from an insured peril are payable unless the aggregate of all such claims
exceeds an agreed minimum, i.e. the deductible. A deductible is a value or platform, which must be reached before a
claim will be met by the insurer; and a compulsory ‘excess’ which is deducted from every claim passing this platform.
In return for agreeing to pay the first part of the claim, his premium is reduced.
The deductible will not be applied to a claim for total or constructive total loss.
Open covers
An open cover is a commonly used form of long-term cargo insurance contract covering all goods shipments
forwarded by an assured during the duration of the open cover. The assured will usually be a regular exporter or
importer. The open cover itself is an original slip, placed in the same way as an individual goods insurance policy. The
period of the open cover is usually fixed at 12 months, with a 30-day notice period for cancellation by either side,
reduced to 7 days when there are war risks. The assured is honour-bound to declare and insure all his shipments
during the term of the open cover (i.e. he cannot choose to insure some and not others) and the insurer is honour-
bound to insure all the assured’s shipments, whether a loss occurs before a declaration is made or not. There is no
aggregate limit to the value of all shipments made, but there is a set limit on the amount at risk in any one vessel, and
often on the amount at risk in any one location. The insurer allows the merchant to issue himself with a certificate of
insurance ‘of the open cover’ for each consignment shipped, as formal policy documents for each shipment would
take time to draw up. The advantage to the insurer of an open cover is that he gets steady business, while for the
merchant it means speed and simplicity in the arrangement of insurance cover. An open policy is a formal policy
issued to give legality to a long-term marine insurance contract such as a cargo open cover. Without a formal policy
document the contract may not be recognised by a, court of law. To satisfy the requirements of marine insurance law,
therefore, an open policy will be issued in which a nominal premium is specified by way of consideration.
Floating policies
A floating policy operates rather like an open cover, but has a fixed aggregate limit which is gradually reduced as each
shipment is made.
Floating Policy: Cargo policy that insures a number of shipments to be declared. In Canada & US, this policy
is continuous and covers all shipments to a limit of liability for any 1 loss.
Floating value is the total insurable amount which can be reasonably estimated but cannot be
determined accurately enough for computing correct premium until the insurance policy comes
to an end
Average value-in marine insurance ,in case of partial loss or emergency repairs to the
vessel,average value may be declared
There is no aggregate limit to the value of all shipments Has a fixed aggregate limit which is gradually reduced
made, but there is a set limit on the amount at risk in as each shipment is made.
any one vessel, and often on the amount at risk in any
one location.
.2. instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships and protection of the environment
in compliance with relevant international and flag State legislation;
.3. defined levels of authority and lines of communication between, and amongst, shore and
shipboard personnel;
.4. procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of this Code;
SEEMP? - MEPC 213(63), Reg. 22 MARPOL annex VI. told him specific measures by C/E such as A/E load
optimisation, avoidance of unnecessary dumping, Optimum bunker- depending upon lead time and usage
rate, steam consumption monitoring, look for leaky safety valves of boilers, propeller condition monitoring by
regular check on load diagram & physically on ballast port jetty when ship is down by head; engage turing
gear turn the engine, take photographs, compare with previous records, propeller polishing improve 1% in
sfoc. Go for ballast exchange by gravity if possible. Reduce lightweight by scrapping off old liners etc…
CO2 system maintenance? - As per MSC cir. 1318, monthly, annually, biannually, 5 yearly, 10 yearly,….. no
cross question.
Guys purpose of isolation v/v,1.to supply water on deck thru em Fire pp when pipe in er damaged,2.to carry
out mantainence.anyting else??
he wants to hear that in case of line rupture in er we can start emergency fire pump & give water by
shutting isolating vv bcz otherwise all water will run down in er.
356M. Oil Pollution cess-- (1) With effect from such date as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, specify, there shall be levied on every ship calling at any port in
India being a ship which carries oil as cargo, a cess to be called Oil Pollution Cess (hereafter in
this Part referred to as cess) at such rate not exceeding fifty paise,--
(a) in respect of each tonne of oil imported by a ship into India in bulk as a cargo;
(b) in respect of each tonne of oil shipped from any place in India in bulk as a cargo of a ship.
Provided that no cess shall be levied on a ship at any port if the ship produces evidence of having
paid such levy at the same or any other port in India within a period of three months immediately
preceding its present call at the port.
(2) The cess shall be collected by such officers and in such manner as the Central Government
may prescribe in this behalf and shall, after deduction of such costs of collection, if any, as the
Central Government may determine, be paid to such authority as the Central Government may
(3) The proceeds of the cess shall, after due appropriation made by Parliament by law, be utilised
for the purpose of providing oil reception facilities and equipments and materials for combating oil
pollution at various ports in India and for such other like purposes as the Central Government may,
by Notification in the Official Gazette, from time to time,
Cas came to phase out single hull tankers and cas was for 5000 gt and abv tankers.cas was mendatory as
per marpol annex but esp as per solas chapt 11-1 reg 2
Cas applicable to single hull tankers more than 15 yrs.. ESP applicable to bulk and tankers
MS Act 1958
PART I Preliminary
PART II National Shipping Board
PART III General Administration
PART IV Shipping Development Fund
PART V Registration Of Indian Ships
PART VI Certificates Of Officers
PART VIA Obligation of certain Certificate Holder To Serve Government Or In Indian Ships
PART VII Seamen And Apprentices
PART VIII Passenger Ships
PART IX Safety
PART IXA Nuclear Ships
PART X Collisions, Accidents At Sea & Liability
PART XA Limitation Of Liability
PART XB Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage
PART XC International oil pollution compensation fund
PART XI Navigation
PART XIA Prevention and Containment Of Pollution Of The Sea BY OIL
PART XIB control of harmful antifouling system onboard ship
PART XII Investigations and Inquiries
PART XIII Wreck and Salvage
PART XIV Control Or Indian Ships And Ships Engaged In Coasting Trade
PART XV Sailing Vessels
PART XVA Fishing Boats
PART XVI Penalties and Procedure
PART XVII Miscellaneous
PART XVIII Repeals and Savings
Main takeaway:
1.Reduced from 23 parts , 461 sections to 16 parts and 267 sections.
2. Various powers of Central Govt delegated to DG Shipping
3. Incorporation of Bunker Convention, Nairobi Convention, COFR, CLC, BW convention, MLC
4. Three tier form of legislation has been adopted. First one is Act and then Rules and thereafter
tertiary legislations.
5. Indian flag vessels will benefit the most with e-governance, no customs formalities etc,
6. Recruitment of Seafarers by unauthorised persons made stringent.
7. Measures of promotion of Coastal shipping.
Appreciate the big exercise for "Ease of Doing Business".
Torsion box
Torsion box in container ships can be defined as a continuous structure formed in between the top
part of a longitudinal bulkhead, freeboard deck and sheer strake. It runs from the collision bulkhead
and extends up to the aft peak bulkhead. It is heavily stiffened usually by bulb angles which
provide sufficient strength against torsional moments and other bending loads.
Container ships are highly subjected to torsional moments because of their very large hatch
openings. This leads to even higher warping stresses at the corners of the openings due to lack of
torsional rigidity. The upper part of the double hull in such ships is fitted with torsion box as
mentioned earlier. However, it is not always possible to have the large cross-sectional area, and
therefore, the Naval Architect has to increase the thickness of the plate in order to provide torsional
• It helps in preventing torsional bending on ships due to the torsional moment on ship caused by
dynamic movement of the waves.
• Helps in avoiding racking effect caused by the sheer stress on the vessel structure.
MLC Objective: - ( ?)
1. Every seafarer has the right to a safe and secure workplace that complies with safety standards.
3. Every seafarer has a right to decent working and living conditions on board ship.
4. Every seafarer has a right to health protection, medical care, welfare measures and other forms of social protection.
5. Each Member shall ensure, within the limits of its jurisdiction, that the seafarers’ employment and social rights set out
in the preceding paragraphs of this Article are fully implemented in accordance with the requirements of this Convention.
Unless specified otherwise in the Convention, such implementation may be achieved through national laws or
regulations, through applicable collective bargaining agreements or through other measures or in practice.
Section 2 begins with a chapter setting out areas that should be covered in introducing a new recruit to
safety procedures on board. It goes on to explain what individuals can do to improve their personal health
and safety.
Chapter 8 – Safety induction: Emergency procedures and fire precautions, accidents and medical
emergencies, health and hygiene, good housekeeping, environmental responsibilities, occupational health
and safety,
Chapter 9 – Fire precautions: Smoking, electrical and other fittings, spontaneous combustion, machinery
spaces and galleys
Chapter 10 – Emergency procedures: Action in event of fire, musters and drills, fire drills, survival craft drills,
drills and rescue from dangerous spaces, assisting a casualty, dangerous goods
Chapter 11 – Security on board: International terrorism, stowaways, piracy and armed robbery, drugs
Chapter 12 – Living on board: Health and hygiene, medication, working in hot climates, working clothes,
shipboard housekeeping, substances hazardous to health, common personal injuries
Chapter 13 – Safe movement: Drainage, transit areas, lighting, guarding of openings, watertight doors,
Chapter 14 – Food preparation and handling: Health and hygiene, slip, falls and tripping hazards,
refrigerated rooms and store rooms
Chapter 15 – Safe systems of work: Working aloft and outboard, portable ladders, cradles and stages,
working from punts, work in machinery spaces, boilers, unmanned machinery spaces, refrigerated machinery
Chapter 16 – Permit to work system: Entry into confined space, hot work, working aloft/overside
Chapter 17 – Entering closed or confined spaces: Oxygen deficiency, toxicity of oil cargoes, flammability,
Chapter 18 – Boarding arrangements
Chapter 19 – Manual handling
Chapter 20 – Use of work equipment: Use of tools and equipment, hand tools, portable power operated tools
and equipment, workshop and bench, abrasive wheels, ropes, lifts,
Chapter 21 – Lifting plant
Chapter 22 – Maintenance
Chapter 23 – Hot work
Chapter 24 – Painting
Chapter 25 – Anchoring, mooring and towing arrangements
Chapter 26 - Hatch covers and access slides
Chapter 27 – Hazardous substances
Chapter 28 – Use of safety signs
The G8 guidelines broadly specify approval of drawings, land-based and shipboard tests, and
environmental tests. The G8 guidelines apply to all BWT systems, whereas, the G9 guidelines
specify guidelines for systems that employ an active substance or chemical. The primary objective
of G9 is to determine the impact of the active substance on the marine environment. Systems that
employ an active substance are required to undergo both G8 and G9 approval. Systems that do
not employ an active substance are only required to obtain G8 approval.
The specific requirements for ballast water exchange are contained in Regulation B-4 “Ballast Water
Annex - Section E “Survey and Certification Requirements for Ballast Water Management”
- This section gives requirements for initial certification and renewal surveys, including examples
of Ballast Water Management Certificate and Form of Ballast Water Record Book.
.2. the oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment meeting the requirements of regulation 14 of this
.3. the oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 parts per million;
.4. the oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges on oil tankers; and
.5. the oily mixture, in case of oil tankers, is not mixed with oil cargo residues.
.2. the oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment meeting the requirements of regulation 14.7 of this
.3. the oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 parts per million;
.4. the oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges on oil tankers; and
.5. the oily mixture, in case of oil tankers, is not mixed with oil cargo residues.
4. In respect of the Antarctic area, any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from any ship shall be prohibited.
5. Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit a ship on a voyage only part of which is in a special area from discharging
outside a special area in accordance with paragraphs 2 of this regulation.
C. Requirements for ships of less than 400 gross tonnage in all areas except the
Antarctic area
6. In the case of a ship of less than 400 gross tonnage, oil and all oily mixtures shall either be retained on board for
subsequent discharge to reception facilities or discharged into the sea in accordance with the following provisions:
.2. the ship has in operation equipment of a design approved by the Administration that ensures that the oil content of the
effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 parts per million;
.3. the oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges on oil tankers; and
.4. the oily mixture, in case of oil tankers, is not mixed with oil cargo residues.
.2. the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land;
.4. the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 30 litres per nautical mile;
.5. the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not exceed for tankers delivered on or before 31 December 1979,
as defined in regulation 1.28.1, 1/15,000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed a part,
and for tankers delivered after 31 December 1979, as defined in regulation 1.28.2, 1/30,000 of the total quantity of the
particular cargo of which the residue formed a part; and
.6. the tanker has in operation an oil discharge monitoring and control system and a slop tank arrangement as required
by regulations 29 and 31 of this Annex.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this regulation shall not apply to the discharge of clean or segregated ballast.
The United Nations (UN), via the International Maritime Organization (IMO), created World
Maritime Day to celebrate the international maritime industry’s contribution towards the world’s
economy, especially in shipping. The event’s date varies by year and country but it is always on
the last week of September.
World Maritime Day focuses on the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and the
marine environment and to emphasize a particular aspect of IMO's work.
The theme for World Maritime Day 2015 is"Maritime education and training". The theme was
adopted to focus attention on the wider spectrum of maritime education and training, in particular
its adequacy and quality, as the bedrock of a safe and secure shipping industry, which needs to
preserve the quality, practical skills and competence of qualified human resources, in order to
ensure its sustainability.
One of the most important differences between LRIT and AIS, however, is that AIS is a so-called
broadcast system, i.e., is public, whereas LRIT data are only available to institutions which have a
(governmental) entitlement to the data and guarantee the confidentiality of these data.
Another main difference is that AIS is a Collision avoidance system mandated by the IMO
whereas LRIT is a Reporting system mandated by the IMO.
MRV: - Measuring, reporting and verification of GHG.
MRV regulations will apply to shipping activities
carried out from 1st Jan 2018 in relation to EU ports.
The EU system for monitoring , reporting and verifying shipping emissions is designed to contribute
to buildings and international system. First step in this direction have already been taken at the
IMO with active support from EU.
Potential to reduce the emission , the EU shipping MRV system will also provide new opportunities.
MRV regulation creates an EU wide legal framework for collecting and publishing verified annual
data on CO2 emission and energy efficiency.
From 1st Jan 2018 onboard , companies will have to monitor and report the verified amount of CO2
emitted by their ships on voyages to , from and between EU ports.
TriboPack Technology :-
1) Navigation
2) Cargo handling and cargo stowage
3) Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons onboard
4) Marine engineering
5) Electrical , electronics and control engg
6) Maintenance and repair
7) Radio communication
7. New requirement for marine environment awareness training & training in leadership and
10. New requirement for security training including training to cope up with piracy attack.
11. Introduction to new training methodology such as e-learning and distance learning.
Risk assessment :-
the nature of operations, could cause harm, so that decisions can be made as to
whether enough precautions have been taken or whether more should be done
to prevent harm. The aim is to minimise accidents and ill health on board ship.
The assessment should first establish the hazards that are present at
the place of work and then identify the significant risks arising out of the work
precautions to control the risk, such as permits to work, restricted access and
Any risk assessment must address risks to the health and safety of
OCM can read bilge fuels which include OCM can read over a wide range of bilge fuels
distillates only. which includes distillate , heavy fuel oil and
Requires a contaminant test using a 10ppm air Requires a contaminant test using water
cleaner test dust. contaminated with iron oxide in a
concentration of 10ppm followed by iron oxide
concentration of 50ppm and 100ppm
What is incoterm?
Incoterms are international rules that are accepted by governments, legal authorities and
practitioners worldwide for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in international
Incoterms are made by ICC (International Chamber of Commerce).
The scope of Incoterms is limited to matters relating to the rights and obligations of the parties to
the contract ofsale with respect to the delivery of goods sold, but excluding "intangibles".
Incoterms consist of three basic elements namely:-
1. Costs:-Who is responsible for the expenses involved in shipment at a given points of shipment’s
2. Control: - Who owns goods at the point of journey of goods.
3. Liability: - Who is responsible for the damage to goods at a given point of shipment’s transit.
Carriage Paid To
Carriage & Insurance Paid to
Delivered At Terminal
Delivered At Place
Delivered Duty Paid
Free Alongside Ship
Free On Board
Cost & Freight
Cost Insurance & Freight
Intentional torts
An intentional tort is a civil wrong that occurs when the wrongdoer engages in intentional
conduct that results in damages to another.
Careless conduct that results in damage to another is negligence.
Strict liability
Generally, liability because of a tort only arises where the defendant either intended to
cause harm to the plaintiff or in situations where the defendant is negligent. However, in
some areas, liability can arise even when there is no intention to cause harm or
For example, in most states, when a contractor uses dynamite which causes debris to be
thrown onto the land of another and damages the landowner’s house, the landowner may
recover damages from the contractor even if the contractor was not negligent and did not
intend to cause any harm. This is called strict liability or absolute liability .
2.2. The enclosure should be red and the contents of the enclosure should be indicated by
a red ship silhouette on white background. Dimensions of the location sign should not be
less than 297 × 400 mm .
Voyage charter- capital cost, Operational cost, voyage cost..all paid by owner
Bareboat charterer-
Voyage costs include- port cost port charges, stevedore charges, hold cleaning charges, cargo
claims, bunkers , canal transit etc..
How do the amendment procedure of ILO differ from those in the IMO
Conventions? Mr.Barik
The accelerated or tacit acceptance procedure under Article XV follows the IMO procedures especially with
respect to the submission of amendments to Member States and their entry into effect; the main difference
relates to the adoption of amendments: here (unlike under the IMO procedures) non-ratifying Members play
a role and amendments have to be approved by the International Labour Conference, open to all ILO
Sodium burns and with vanadium forms ASH which is very harmful to engine exhaust valve.
Vanadium and Sulphur dissolve in fuel and not possible to remove from purifier.
Basically to stop Transboundary movement(Control Transport) of hazardous waste From Developed country
to non developed countries and safe disposal of hazardous waste.
Classification of ships,- For the purpose of these rules, passenger ships shall be arranged in the following
classes namely:-
Class I- Passenger ships engaged on international voyages other than ships of Class III.
Class II- Passenger ships engaged on short international voyages other than ships of class IV.
Class IV- Special Trade passenger Ships engaged on short international voyages.
Class V- Special Trade Passenger Ships (other than ships of Class VI and VII) engaged on voyages other
than international voyages.
Class VI- Special Trade Passenger Ships engaged on voyages in the coasting trade of India during the course
of which they do not go more than 20 miles from the nearest land. Provided that such ships shall not
cease to be ships of class VI merely by reason of the fact that they cross during their voyage the
Gulf of Kutch, Cambay or Manner.
Class VII- Special Trade Passenger Ships engaged on voyages in fair season between ports in India during
the course of which they do not go more 5 miles from the nearest land.
Antifouling System is in Force inn india on 24th April 2015.Entered in Force 17th September
Ans: As per Article-12 The registered owner of a ship of 300 gross tonnage and above and flying
the flag of a State Party shall be required to maintain insurance or other financial security, such as a
guarantee of a bank or similar institution, to cover liability under this Convention in an amount
equal to the limits of liability.
Biofouling recommendations are : biofouling managemrnt plan and record book ( shipowners
to document a programme), in water inspection and cleaning ( if fouling control coating not
applied properly biofouling may accumulate at hull openings like seachest etc), biofouling
depends on design and contsruction of the vsl, to apply most appropriate fouling control
coating as per vsl operating profile ( like speed, activity, construction etc)
Together, these measures increase safety against scuffing, reduce wear of cylinder
liners, and extend the time between overhauls (TBO).
Q) Diff. between Structural Fire Control Plan and Fire Control Plan.
Normally structural fire control plan is used while vessel under construction in yard and fire
control plan is used when vessel is operational.
The structural fire protection arrangements shown on the fire control plan should clearly indicate
details of all stairways, machinery spaces, lift, vertical light and air shafts, the divisions (bulkheads
and decks) separating accommodation spaces from other spaces such as fish holds and main store
spaces. Standards of insulation for decks and bulkheads, fire resisting doors, shutters and ventilation
dampers should be shown and the plan is to be drawn to a sufficiently large scale to permit a full
and clear presentation of the required information. As the opportunity occurs the surveyor should
impress on owners and the vessel's officers the importance of the presence on board of up to date
and Comprehensive information so that the personnel responsible for fire-fighting are fully aware of
the structural protection arrangements on their particular vessel.
The Fire Control Plan is a mandatory requirement of SOLAS convention described in Regulation 15
of Chapter II. The fire control plan provides us information about fire station on each deck s, on
various bulkheads, and in spaces enclosed by “A” class division, “B” class divisions. It also
explains us the type of fire detection system and fire fighting systems available on ship.
Fire control plan tells us about various fire alarm systems, sprinkler installation, extinguishing
appliances, means of escape to different compartments and decks, and ventilation system including
particulars of remote operation of dampers and fans. The position of various dampers, their marking
and which fan is for particular compartment or deck is also explained so that required damper and
fans can be closed in case of fire.
The enclosure should be readily available to the shoreside firefighting personnel so that any
expected fire on board will not readily cut off access to it. In oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas
carriers the fire control plans should not be located on exteriror boundaries of super structures
which face cargo tanks and on the surfaces within 3 mtrs from them along the side.
Ans. The IMO developed and adopted “The International Convention for The Control
and Management of Ships Ballast Water Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004” (Ballast Water
Management Convention) with the aim of protecting the marine environment from the transfer of
harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water carried by ships.
Status of Ratification
The Convention has been ratified by 45 States having 33.64% GT of the world fleet.
(including India)
Conditions for entry into force have been met for the threshold of 30 States, but an
additional 1.36% tonnage is still needed to meet the 35% GT of the world fleet
D-1 (ballast water exchange) and
D-2 (biological standard for treatment systems)
Ans. When a ship of non contracting government to a convention is visiting a port of contracting
government to a convention, it will not be given any favourable treatment towards the requirements
of a convention just because that flag state has not ratified the convention.
• Tier 1 - Arrangements by the Individual ports and oil handling facilities to deal effectively with
small operational spills. i.e. up to 700 Tons
• Tier 2 - The pooling of government or privately owned resources at a local level to respond
incident which may exceed, either in size, complexity or due to its remote location.
•Tier 3 - Arrangements for a combined national or international response to a major oil spill that
cannot be dealt with effectively under the tier ii arrangements. cooperative arrangements have been
established between groups of oil companies for responding to such events.
Procedure to adopt M.S. Act Rules and Regulation
2.1 General Delegation of authority by a flag State to an organization shall be subject to the
confirmation of the capability of that organization to demonstrate that it has the capacity to deliver
high standards of service and its compliance with the requirements of this Code and applicable
national legislation.
The RO shall establish, publish and systematically maintain its rules or regulations, a version of
which shall be provided in the English language, for the design, construction and certification of
ships and their associated essential engineering systems as well as provide for adequate research
capability to ensure appropriate updating of the published criteria.
2.3 Independence
The RO and its staff shall not engage in any activities that may conflict with their independence of
judgement and integrity in relation to their statutory certification and services. The RO and its staff
responsible for carrying out the statutory certification and services shall not be the designer,
manufacturer, supplier, installer, purchaser, owner, user or maintainer of the item subject to the
statutory certification and services, nor the authorized representative of any of these parties. The RO
shall not be substantially dependent on a single commercial enterprise for its revenue.
2.4 Impartiality
2.4.1 The personnel of ROs shall be free from any pressures, which might affect their judgement in
performing statutory certification and services. Procedures shall be implemented to prevent persons
or organizations external to the organization from influencing the results of services carried out.
2.4.2 All potential customers shall have access to statutory certification and services provided by
the RO without undue financial or other conditions. The procedures under which the RO operates
shall be administered in a non-discriminatory manner.
2.5 Integrity
The RO shall be governed by the principles of ethical behaviour, which shall be contained in a
Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics shall recognize the inherent responsibility associated with a
delegation of authority to include assurance of adequate performance of services.
2.6 Competence
The RO shall perform statutory certification and services by the use of competent surveyors and
auditors who are duly qualified, trained and authorized to execute all duties and activities
incumbent upon their employer, within their level of work responsibility.
2.7 Responsibility
The RO shall define and document the responsibilities, authorities, qualifications and interrelation
of personnel whose work affects the quality of its services.
2.8 Transparency
2.8.1 Transparency reflects the principle of access to, or disclosure of, all information related to the
statutory certification and services carried out by the RO on behalf of a flag State.
2.8.2 The ROs shall communicate information to the flag State as described in the section on
communication/cooperation with the flag State.
2.8.3 Information concerning the status of ships certified by ROs shall be made available to the
Very high bending moment on the crankshaft due to excessive force from piston assembly
Ratification: An agreement is made which makes the state legally bound by the
treaty. It is after a state studies and modifies it's national law.
Accession: After the treaty has come into force, a state accepts the offer to
become a party to the treaty. It is like a back door entry after the ratification
time is over and treaty in force.
AQUA’s flow of feed water is taken from the flow of seawater coolant. Feed
water enters the lower (evaporator) section of the plate pack, in which the
plates are warmed by the heating medium. The heating medium is either engine
jacket cooling water or a closed circuit heated by steam. Here the water is
evaporated at around 40-60°C in a vacuum of 85-95%, which is maintained by
the brine/air ejector.
The vapour produced rises between the plates into the middle (separator)
section of the plate pack, where any droplets of entrained seawater are
removed. Gravity causes these droplets to fall back into the brine sump at the
bottom of the freshwater generator.
AQUA freshwater generator operating principle
Only clean freshwater vapour reaches the top (condenser) section of the plate
pack, which is cooled by a flow of seawater. Here the vapour is condensed into
fresh water, which is pumped out of the freshwater generator by the freshwater
Q) Action as c/e if there is less fuel oil onboard then estimated to complete
the voyage?
And:- Run Engine at the rated economic rating where the Specific Fuel Oil Consumption is the least.
Ans. Uppermost continous deck on deck line from where freeboard is measured should be freeboard deck,
super structure are decks on superstructure like A ,B, C decks and bulkhead deck is same as freeboard deck
below which all transverse bulkheads are made watertight.
1. Press SSAS( Ship security Alert System) to alert CSO(Company Security Officer)
2. Nearby Coast Guard or Port Authority
Archimedes Principle, which states that any object submerged in a fluid experiences the
same buoyant force as the weight of the liquid displaced.
Partial Loss
1. Particular Average:
It is a partial loss, proximately caused by a peril insured against and which is not a General average
loss. Thus, structural damage proximately caused by collision, grounding, heavy weather etc. (perils of the
seas) would normally be caused as a ‘PA’ loss .
2. General Average:
General average is an ancient form of spreading the risk of sea transport and existed long before
marine insurance. General average means ‘general loss’, as opposed to a particular loss under marine
Bill of lading :
- is good evidence of the existence and terms of contract between the shipper and carrier.
- is a document of title, signifying that the holder has the LEGAL RIGHT TO POSSESSION
of goods it describes.
1. Exporter / shipper makes a goods sales contract with an overseas buyer / consigner.
3. Shipping note containing details of goods (as stated by the shipper) is presented to chief mate
5. Chief mate compares ships tally or in taken cargo tonnage with details on shipping note and
issues mate's receipt from ship's TRIPLICATE BOOK. Master's receipt contains accurate and
truthful details of quantity and condition of goods i.e. their "apparent order and condition"
with reference to any shortage or damage.
6. Shipper obtains a full set of "BLANK BILLS OF LADING" from carrier, types in detail of
shipped goods exactly as stated in mate's receipt. Set most often comprises of 3 originals.
7. Shipper tenders all originals bills for signing on behalf of the carrier i.e. by carriers head
office, agent or ships master.
8. Person authorized to sign, carefully checks details inserted by shipper to see that they
correspond to those in ship's copy of mate's receipt, stamps / writes any required
endorsements, then signs all original bills in set.
9. Full set of signed original bills is issued to shipper together with copies as required. Master
retains one copy of bill of lading as on board as "captain's copy".
11. Shipper sends full set of bill of lading to consignee. At least one bill should be posted in a later
post than others. In case all are lost / stolen.
13. Consignee or receiver acting as consignee's agent proves his identity to port agent and present
one original bill of lading duly endorsed to him. Freight, demurrage or other charges owed to
the carrier are paid to the agent.
14. Agent stamps presented bill of lading "ACCOMPLISHED" all other original bills of lading in
set are now legally VOID. Agent issues delivery order to consignee or receiver to enable
collection of goods.
15. Delivery order to warehouseman (ship and goods are released into possession of consignee or
receiver and become legally delivered).
There sets of rules are in the use in international transport industry which contains minimum
terms and conditions and where a bill of lading is issued.
* To issue a bill of lading where the shipper request over carrier must before and at the
beginning of voyage exercise due diligence to (SEAWORTHINESS)
* Make the ship seaworthy.
* Make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers and all other pants of the ship in which
goods are carried fit and safe for their reception carriage and preservation.
Gadkar qst.
Q) Significance of parametric rolling to CE?
A) Due to this m/c might malfunction. Like low lube oil PR trip in Main
Engine,Aux. engine or compressors. Spares and heavy weight stowage
may be affected.
Rpm fluctuations and racing of propeller.
Gadkar on GZ Curve..
Guys first he asked cross curve of stability draw it wat is the use ? I said v
can get gz curve for a particular displacement...... Then he said wat v get
from gz curve is said all Angle of vanishing... Initial gm.....etc etc then he
asked significance to ce I said calculation of stability information he said
that is c/o thing then I said for planning distribution of bunker and fw
......after that he said nothing next question....
A flag state...
Registration of ship.
Make legislation in the national rule, and carried out ammendments
as and when required in liaison with government.
Develope coastal state...
Interact with imo on verious issues...
A part of dgshipping
Help in implementing rule.
Carried out inspection , survey, investigation, inquiry
Act as a coastal state...
Conducts exams, issue various competency certificate...
There are only a,d,e,f and ah,dh,eh and fh types are with 0.18% carbon or steel are there as per
High Tensile Structural steel is used on board ships.
Tensile steel is used because of light weight compare to Mild steel. Thinner plat can be used and
ship owner can increase his tonnage.
Buckling strength is less
Fatigue strength is less
Prone to vibration
Special welder and welding techniques required
Brittle in nature
They are distinguised by uts(ultimate Tensile Strength) and yield strength and general and high
strength steels taking into account of different concentration of
carbon,silicon,magnesium,crominum,sodium ,molybdenum, percentage. In that steel....which
affects the property of that steel.
GENEVA, 11 JUNE 2014
Standard A2.5.2 – Financial security
1. In implementation of Regulation 2.5, paragraph 2, this Standard establishes requirements to
ensure the provision of an expeditious and effective financial security system to assist
seafarers in the event of their abandonment.
Each Member shall require that ships that fly its flag, and to which paragraph 1 or 2 of Regulation
5.1.3 applies, carry on board a certificate or other documentary evidence of financial security issued
by the financial security provider. A copy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on board where it
is available to the seafarers.
“contractual claim” means any claim which relates to death or long-term disability of seafarers due
to an occupational injury, illness or hazard as set out in national law, the seafarers’ employment
agreement or collective agreement.
If u as c/e receive msg from master that rudder is giving erratic behaviour. U checked that steering
gear & rudder is okay then why ship is not moving in the direction when rudder is moving?
If vessel manoeuvring Rudder will respond less.
All tried. NFU , manual or hand steering?
If arrival to port,
Call port captain, inform superintendent, call for tugs.
If vessel is mid sea
The ‘kick ahead’ is used when a ship is moving forward at very slow speed due to minimal water
flow over the rudder and the ship is not responding to helm. It is also used to initiate a turn or to
maintain a heading. Engines are put ahead for a short burst with the objective of increasing water
flow over the rudder, but without increasing the ship’s speed. Engine power is reduced before the
ship’s longitudinal inertia is overcome and she begins to accelerate
Bernoulli’s Principle: The pressure of a fluid (liquid or gas) decreases at points where the speed of
the fluid increases.
The rudder acts as a hydrofoil. By itself, it is a passive instrument and relies on water passing over
it to give it ‘lift’ to make it more effective. Rudders are placed at the stern of a ship for this reason
and to take advantage of the forward pivot point, which enhances the effect. Water flow is provided
by the ship passing through the water and by the propeller forcing water over the rudder in the
process of driving the ship. The optimum steerage force is provided by water flow generated by a
turning propeller. Water flow is vital in maintaining control of the ship. While water flow provided
by the ship’s motion alone can be effective, the effect will diminish as speed is reduced. Obstacles
that deflect flow, such as a stopped propeller in front of the rudder, particularly when the propeller
is large, can reduce rudder
effectiveness. Reduced or disturbed flow will result in a poor response to rudder movements.
Annex 1
1. After the adoption of the OPRC convention by the IMO in 1990 with final Act and ten
resolutions and promulgation of the Convention in 1995, India became one of the few countries that
readily accepted the Convention. Immediately India started working on its provisions for
compliance, and promulgated its national contingency plan on oil spill response.
NEW DELHI: The government on 10th June 2015 approved a proposal for India's accession to an
international convention which ensures compensation for damage caused by ship bunker oil spills.
It also gave its nod to amend the Merchant Shipping Act to protect Indian waters from wreck
"The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on 10th June 2015 approved the
ministry of shipping's proposal for India's accession to the International Convention on Civil
Liability for bunker oil pollution damage, 2001, of the IMO as well as to amend the Merchant
Shipping Act, 1958, to give effect to the Bunker Convention, Nairobi Convention and Salvage
Convention," an official statement said.
The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001, known as
Bunker Convention, provides for "adequate, prompt, and effective compensation" for damage
caused by spills of oil carried as fuel in ships' bunkers.
The territorial jurisdiction for damage compensation extends to territorial sea and exclusive
economic zones, it said, adding that it applies to an Indian vessel irrespective of its location, and a
foreign flag vessel within Indian jurisdiction.
"The registered owner of every vessel has to maintain a compulsory insurance cover which allows
claim for compensation for pollution damage to be brought directly against an insurer," it said.
Every ship above 1,000 gross tonnage needs to carry a certificate on board to the effect that it
maintains insurance or other financial security such as guarantee of a bank or a similar financial
In India, the Directorate General of Shipping would issue the certificate while in foreign countries,
respective maritime authorities would do the needful, the statement said.
It added: "No vessel will be permitted to enter or leave India without such a certificate."
The Bunker Convention 2001 is already in force since November 2008 and maritime countries
accounting for 91 per cent of world shipping tonnage are signatories to this Convention.
The International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (CLC 1969) came
into force in 1975. It introduced a system to determine the liability of tanker owners (as described
below) for oil pollution damage. The CLC Protocol, 1992 (CLC 1992) was introduced in 1996. It
updated CLC 1969 and increased the amounts of compensation available.
Under CLC, the registered owner of a ship carrying more than 2,000 tonnes of persistent oil as
cargo in bulk, has strict liability for any damage caused by the escape or discharge of that oil from
his ship. This means that the owner is liable even where there is no fault on his part. The owner is
normally able to limit his liability to an amount determined by the size of his ship.
The owner of a tanker registered in a CLC Contracting State (which carries more than 2,000 tonnes
of persistent oil as cargo in bulk) is obliged to maintain insurance to cover his CLC liabilities. This
insurance is evidenced by a document known as a Blue Card. It is issued by the ship’s P&I insurer
to the Flag State registry and they, in turn, issue a CLC Certificate to the registered owner of the
tanker. CLC tankers must carry a CLC Certificate on board, attesting the insurance coverage.
Effectively, this gives claimants a right of direct action against the insurer. Where a ship is
registered in a State that is not party to the CLC Convention, the registered owner can nominate a
State that is party to the Convention to issue the certificate.
The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution, 2001 (the Bunker
Convention) came into force in 2008. The Convention provides a liability, compensation and
compulsory insurance scheme for the victims of damage caused by the escape or discharge of
bunker oil.
The Convention applies to any seagoing ship or seaborne craft over 1,000 gross tons of any type
whatsoever. The owner of a ship registered in a State Party, or entering a port in the territory of a
State Party is required to maintain insurance to cover his Bunker Convention liabilities and to
obtain a Certificate from a State Party attesting that the requisite insurance is in place.
The procedure for obtaining a Bunker Convention Certificate is similar to that in place for CLC
Certificates. The registered owner requests his P&I insurer to issue a Bunker Convention Blue Card
(in electronic format) to the relevant Flag State and they, in turn, issue a Bunker Convention
Certificate. The ship must carry a Bunker Convention Certificate on board, attesting the insurance
coverage, whenever it calls at a port or facility located in a State Party. Effectively, this gives
claimants a right of direct action against the insurer.
Where a ship is registered in a State that is not party to the Bunker Convention, the registered owner
is required to obtain a State-issued Certificate from a State that is party to the Convention.
The XTS-W Bearing Condition Monitor is a unique system that provides advanced warning of wear
in the crank train bearings of 2-stroke slow speed diesel engines. It indicates wear in the main,
crankpin and crosshead bearings and can also monitor both water in oil content and electrical
potential between the propeller shaft and hull, both of which have an adverse effect on bearing life.
Improved measures to prevent fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and
strengthen the
evaluation process (monitoring of Parties’ compliance with the Convention);
- Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new requirements for the prevention of drug
and alcohol abuse, as
well as updated standards relation to medical fitness standards for seafarers;
- New certification requirements for able seafarers;
- New requirements relating to training in modern technology such as electronic charts and
information systems (ECDIS);
- New requirements for marine environment awareness training and training in leadership and
- New training and certification requirements for electro-technical officers;
- Updating of competence requirements for personnel serving on board all types of tankers,
including new requirements for
personnel serving on liquefied gas tankers;
- New requirements for security training, as well as provisions to ensure that seafarers are properly
trained to cope if
their ship comes under attack by pirates;
- Introduction of modern training methodology including distance learning and web-based learning;
- New training guidance for personnel serving on board ships operating in polar waters; and
- New training guidance for personnel operating Dynamic Positioning Systems.
According to class
Adjustment and accumulation tests
All safety valves are to be set under steam to a pressure not greater than the approved pressure of
the boiler. As a working tolerance the setting is acceptable provided the valves lift at not more than
103 per cent of the approved design pressure. During a test of 15 minutes with the stop valves
closed and under full firing conditions the accumulation of pressure is not to exceed 10 per cent of
the design pressure. During this test no more feed water is to be supplied than is necessary to
maintain a safe working water level
10 deficiency rectified
30 detainable deficiency
Iopp ,Statement of compliance, Ispp nls, Ispp ,Grb, Grp, Iapp, Eiapp, Nox tec file, Ieec
Illc ,
Illc exemption
Afs cert
Cert of registry
Nairobi wreck
P and I
Dg duties
Pollution prevention
Mmd ka role
To issue SID
ANS: don't tell what is written in imo site. He doesn't accept that answer. He want the points
that's is there in RO code.
ANS: some how scraped through the answer telling him about coating technical file and all.
ANS: as discussed in group so many times. Jod jad ke bol diya. Didn't cross questions any
more. So was saved.
That's it guys. Oral was for 20 minutes. He said u r passed. I thanked him and left.
Smpep becoz for chemical spill and hazards related to it u need for more combating
equipment like chemical suit etc and it is more dangerous than oil hence smpep required as
per annex 2 Reg 17
Propeller and Shaft
As in keyless propeller the thrust is transferred by the friction between the boss and shaft to
get the right value to transfer the power we use propeller push graph
2.the materials of shaft and boss is different so expansion rate is different for both....so we
take this also in account to get the proper interference fit
3.if v push less chances of slippage if v push more the boss becomes overstressed
Class societies suggest to take 2.2 safety factor for frictional force that should be there in boss
and shaft
Two def becoz- previously only ch-12 def and it created confusion for all bulk cargo ships
since ism cert only to bulky as per 1998 ism, so while inspecting there was no clear Diff
between gen.cargo, containers and bulk carrier since all carry cargo in bulk so heavy fines
were imposed on shipsfor non compliance of ism hence to avoid chaos and confusion new def
of bulk carrier was made which defines it in ch-9 , so tht inspectors can differentiate between
the vessels
Structural fire control plan is used when the ship is in yard under construction & later same
plan after approval is called fire control plan
Bassel Convention
Signatories 53[1]
Parties 183[1]
The Convention was opened for signature on 22 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May
1992. As of January 2015, 182 states and the European Union are parties to the Convention.
Haiti and the United States have signed the Convention but not ratified it.[1][2]
Complete list of emergency stop for fo pumps engine room fans...cargi hold fans.
A. Sleeping room separate for all sleeping berth size 198* 80 cms.
5.5 m2 3000-10,000 gt
7 m2 above 10,000 gt
3. 11 m2 above 10,000
Passenger ships :
Not officers
1. 7.5 m2 2 seafrers
EEBD pe waise bhi indicator hota hai so no interval . To be refilled if used or indicator
pointing in red zone.
Oprc states that the parties to the convention will cooperate in dealing with the oil spill
And intervention says that if oil pollution occurs in high seas then the state whose coast is
getting affected can take action and try to mitigate or try to stop the pollution.
For Eg. A foreign flag vessel is causes an oil spill off mumbai coast then the coastal state will
not wait for the vessel's flag state to interrogate the matter. The coastal state has to take
immediate action to mitigate the oil pollution. The intervention convention gives power to
intervene the matters of foreign flag vessel is the vessel is polluting Indian Coast.
OPRC is completely different. Its Preparedness for oil pollution and rescue plans. Basically
there is a agreement between the member states. India has agreement with Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Srilanka and Maldives.
Spills from ships other than oil tankers : The International Convention on Civil Liability for
Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001, provides for owners of ships over 1000 gross tons to be
strictly liable for fuel oil spills and requires them to carry compulsory insurance to cover any
pollution damage following such spills. This convention is known as the “Bunkers
Convention” and is modelled on the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil
Pollution Damage 1992, as mentioned above. The main difference is that the Bunkers
Convention does not have its own limits of liability: instead, it requires insurance be
maintained to limits specified in a separate instrument – the Convention on the Limitation of
Liability for Maritime Claims. The liability limit depends on the size of the vessel.
The amendments to CSC 1972 adopted by resolution MSC.355(92) entered into force on 1
July 2014 and include:
• new definitions at the beginning of annexes I and II, along with consequential amendments
to ensure uniform usage of terminology throughout CSC 1972;
• the introduction of a transitional period for marking containers with restricted stacking
capacity, as required under the relevant standard; and
• the inclusion in annex III of the list of deficiencies which do not require an immediate out-of-
service decision by the control officer but do require additional safety measures to enable safe
ongoing transport.
For tankers
If ship is yard deliverd or coming out of dry dock and if oil spill then bc(BUNKER
Blue card in case state not ratified bc(bunker convention) to ensure Insurance is in place.
The Bunker Convention Blue Card is issued by an insurer as proof that you have taken out
insurance that will fully meet the liability claims set out in the Bunker Convention. This Blue
Card states the name of the vessel, the vessel’s call sign, its port of registry and its IMO
number, as well as the name and full address of the registered owner’s principal place of
business. In addition to a Blue Card, vessels over 1000 GT will also need to have a Bunker
Convention certificate issued by one of the states within the Bunker Convention as proof that
such insurance is in place.
India's position
1. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 as amended SOLAS ((Amended)
1974)) 25.5.1980 Ratified
2. Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
1.5.1982 Ratified
3. Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
(SOLAS PROT (HSSC)1988) Not Yet In Force
4. Convention of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 as amended
(COLREG (amended) 1972) 15.7.1977 Ratified
5. The protocol relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of pollution from Ships,
1973 as amended (MARPOL(Amended)73/78) 2.10.1983 Ratified
8. Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Loadlines, 1966 (LL PROT(HSSC)
1988) Not Yet In Force
10. International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Oil Pollution
Casualties 1969 (Intervention 1969) 6.5.75 Under Consideration.
11. Protocol relating to Intervention on High Seas in cases of pollution by substances other than oil
1973 (INTERVENTION PROT 1973) 30.3.83 --
12. International Convention on Civil Liability for oil pollution damage, 1969 (CLC 1969) 19.6.75
13. Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969
(CLC PROT 1976) 8.4.81 Ratified
14. Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution
Damage 1969 (CLC PROT 1992) 30.5.96 --
15. Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971 (STP 1971) 2.1.74 Ratified
16. Protocol on Space Requirement for Special Trade Passenger Ships 1973 (SPACE STP 1973)
2.6.77 Ratified
17. Convention relating to Civil Liability in the field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material,
1971 (NUCLEAR 1971) 15.7.75 Considered and decided not to ratify.
18. International Convention on the establishment of an International Fund for compensation of Oil
Pollution Damage 1971 (FUND 1971) 16.10.78 Ratified
19. Protocol to the International Convention on the establishment of an International Fund for
compensation for oil pollution damage 1971(FUND PROT 1976) 22.11.94 Ratified
21. International Convention for Safe containers, 1972 as amended (CSC (Amended) 1972) 6.9.77
22. Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their luggage by Sea 1974 (PAL
1974) 28.4.87 --
23. Protocol to the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their luggage by
Sea 1974 (PAL PROT 1976) 30.4.89 --
24. Protocol of 1990 to amend the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and
their luggage by Sea 1974 (PAL PROT 1990) Not Yet In Force
27. Convention on limitation of liability for Maritime Claims 1976 (LMC 1976) 1.12.86 --
29. International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 (SAR 1979) 22.6.85 Under
30. Convention for suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SWA
1988) 1.3.92 Under Consideration.
31. Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms located on
the Continental She
Nagement Practices (BMP) for protection against Somalia based piracy was approved, which called
for the amendment of the HRA co-ordinates in BMP 4, following a proposal by Egypt to remove
the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea from the HRA definition.
The circular noted that the HRA as defined in the BMP is susceptible to change based on changes in
the actual threat circumstances. Currently, for the purpose of BMP, the HRA is set as ‘an area
bounded by Suez and the Strait of Hormuz to the North, 10 deg S and 78 deg E.’
MSC also approved revised interim recommendations for flag States regarding the use of privately
contracted armed security personnel on board ships in the HRA to recommend that private maritime
security companies (PMSC) employing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on
board ships should hold valid, accredited, certification to ISO 28007-1:2015 (Ships and marine
technology – Guidelines for PMSCs providing PCASPs on board ships) or meet applicable national
The meeting also approved the following, for adoption at a future session:
• Draft amendments to the STCW Convention and part A and B of the STCW Code related to
revised training requirements for Masters and deck officers on board ships operating in polar
• Draft amendments to chapter 8 of the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)
regarding prevention of internal corrosion and clogging of sprinklers and draft new chapter 17 of
the FSS Code, containing mandatory requirements for helicopter facility foam fire-fighting
In addition, MSC approved a plan for continued work on goal-based standards safety level approach
(GBS-SLA), over the next three sessions. The outcome of the development of functional
requirements for SOLAS chapter III (life-saving appliances) by the sub-committee on ship systems
and equipment (SSE) will be considered.
Progress was also made during the session on developing the draft interim guidelines for the
application of the GBS-SLA, and the MSC asked member governments and international
organisations to submit comments and proposals on them to the next session.
The circular on the generic guidelines for developing IMO goal-based standards was approved. The
revised guidelines specify structure and contents of functional requirements to be used in GBS and
give examples. The MSC noted that, by the end of March, 2015, all five GBS verification audit
teams had delivered their interim reports, which included 13 reports on relevant recognised
organisations (ROs); and two interim reports on IACS common packages.
Five audit teams are scheduled to provide their final reports to the secretary general and relevant
ROs by the end of this month. The secretariat will then submit these reports to MSC 96 for
Under the GBS standards, construction rules for tankers of classification societies, which act as
ROs, or national administrations, must be verified, based on the guidelines for verification of
conformity with goal-based ship construction standards for tankers.
The new mandatory code for ships fuelled by gases or other low-flashpoint fuels (IGF Code) was
adopted by IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at its recent 95th session.
MSC also placed unsafe mixed migration by sea on its agenda and considered cyber security
matters. It adopted new ships’ routeing measures and a number of circulars arising from items put
forward by the sub-committees.
As for the IGF Code, the use of gas as fuel, particularly LNG, has increased in recent years, due to
lower sulphur and particulate emissions than fuel oil or marine diesel oil. However, gas and other
low-flashpoint fuels pose their own set of safety challenges, which need to be properly managed. As
a result,the code aims to minimise the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment, having regard
to the nature of the fuels involved, the IMO said.
Amendments to SOLAS chapter II-1 (Construction – structure, subdivision and stability, machinery
and electrical installations), include amendments to Part F, to provide a methodology for alternative
design and arrangements for machinery, electrical installations and low-flashpoint fuel storage and
distribution systems; plus a new Part G - Ships using low-flashpoint fuels, to add new regulations to
require ships constructed after the expected date of entry into force of 1st January, 2017 to comply
with the requirements of the IGF Code, together with related amendments to chapter II-2 and
Appendix (certificates).
The new code contains mandatory provisions for the arrangement, installation, control and
monitoring of machinery, equipment and systems using low-flashpoint fuels, focusing initially on
It addresses all areas that need special consideration for the use of low-flashpoint fuels, with goals
and functional requirements specified for each section forming the basis for the design, construction
and operation of ships using this type of fuel.
The MSC also adopted related amendments to STCW, and STCW Code, to include new mandatory
minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of Masters, officers, ratings and other
personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code. The amendments will also enter into force on 1st
January, 2017, in line with the SOLAS amendments related to the IGF Code.
MSC also adopted amendments to SOLAS regulations II-2/4.5 and II-2/11.6, clarifying the
provisions related to the secondary means of venting cargo tanks in order to ensure adequate safety
against over- and under-pressure in the event of a cargo tank isolation valve being damaged or
inadvertently closed, and SOLAS regulation II-2/20 relating to performance of ventilation systems.
The expected entry into force date is again on 1st January, 2017.
During a special session, the committee agreed that urgent action was needed to prevent huge losses
of life given the forecast increase in unsafe mixed migration by sea. The meeting stressed the need
for the international community to make greater efforts to address unsafe migration through more
safe and regular migration pathways, and taking action against criminal smugglers.
To progress work on aspects of this problem that come under the auspices of IMO, the committee
agreed to place an agenda item on its work programme.
MSC also asked the sub-committee on navigation, communications and search and rescue (NCSR)
to review the industry-developed guidance on ‘Large-scale rescue operations at sea: Guidance on
ensuring the safety and security of seafarers and rescued persons’, to promulgate it as an IMO
Cyber security was also discussed. The meeting considered a number of submissions, agreeing that
it was an important and timely issue. The MSC noted that the shipping industry round table was
developing guidance on cyber security on board ships, to be submitted to the next Facilitation
Committee (FAL 40) and MSC 96 in 2016.
The Committee urged member states and international organisations to collaborate on proposals for
guidance on maritime cyber security and submit them to the next session.
1) Audit always forecasts on past activities and then detect the fault and propose the corrective
5) Audit of entire system is not possible as it is done on sampling basis like surveillance audit
6) For example an auditor will check satisfactory repair of pump and will enquire, find and analyze
as to when pump was last inspected, why deficiency not found before survey etc.
1) Survey focuses on future activities so that equipment continues to function for next survey.
5) Survey of entire system is possible like safety equipment survey, main engine performance
survey etc
6) For example in a survey of fire pump surveyor will check satisfactory repair of pump and noted
deficiency removed.
(1) This system covers internal examinations, close-up surveys and thickness measurements
(2) This system is not applicable to oil tankers, bulk carriers, ships carrying dangerous
chemicals in bulk and general dry cargo ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage.
(3) For ships more than 10 years of age, the ballast tanks are to be internally examined twice
in each five-year class period, ie. once within the scope of the intermediate survey and
once within the scope of the continuous system for the special survey.
In other words CHS is not applicable to ESP ships (For ESP ships refer A.744(18)
1. ENHANCED SURVEY PROGRAMME………………………………………………………………………. 4
2. CONDITION ASSESSMENT SCHEME………………………………………………………………………. 7
3. CONTINUOUS SURVEY OF HULL……………………………………………………………………………. 8
4. LIST OF CONVENTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
5. SOLAS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
6. MARPOL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
7. AMMENDMENTS: SOLAS and MARPOL………………………………………………………………… 20
9. BASEL CONVENTION …………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. NAIROBI WRECK REMOVAL CONVENTION…………………………………………………………….
13. LONDON CONVENTION………………………………………………………………………………………….
14. AFS CONVENTION………………………………………………………………………………………………….
15. LOADLINE CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
16. FAL CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
17. SUA CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
18. STCW……………………………………………………………………….
19. BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………………….
20. UNCLOS……………………………………………………………………….
21. IMSO and IMSAR……………………………………………………………………….
22. OPA 90 and OPRC……………………………………………………………………….
23. CLEAN AIR ACT……………………………………………………………………….
24. GOAL BASED SHIPPING……………………………………………………………………….
25. POLAR CODE……………………………………………………………………….
26. III CODE……………………………………………………………………….
27. NOISE CODE………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
28. IMSBC and BLU CODE……………………………………………………………………….
29. MS ACT……………………………………………………………………….
30. SAFE MANNING……………………………………………………………………….
31. UNFCCC and COP21, KYOTO and DOHA Protocol
32. HUMAN ELEMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………….
34. DEFINITIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
36. HAGUE RULE, HAGUE-VISBY RULE, ……………………………………………………….………………
37. REGISTRATION OF SHIP…………………………………………………………………………………………
38. PSC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
39. SAFCON SURVEY……………………………………………………………………………………………………
40. CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD…………………………………………………………………………
41. ISPS CODE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
42. DERATING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
43. IACS AND CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY……………………………………………………………………
44. LLOYD’S OPEN FORM AND SCOPIC CLAUSE…………………………………………………………
45. MARPOL ANNEX VI CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………………
46. EEDI, EEOI, SEEMP……………………………………………………………………………………………….
47. STRATEGY AND TACTIS……………………………………………………………………………………….
48. RISK ASSESSMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
49. PSSA……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………
50. ARBITRATION and MEDIATION……………………………………………………………………………
51. ICS AND BIMCO SHIPPING…………………………………………………………………………………….
52. ENGINE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT………………………………………………………………………
53. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGER……………………………………………………………………………….
54. WELFARE SOCIETY……………………………………………………………………………………………….
55. GALILEO SATELLITE………………………………………………………………………………………………
56. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………………….
57. CYBER SECURITY………………………………………………………………………………………………….
58. TAILSHAFT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
59. CHARTERER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
i. P and I INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
ii. H and M INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
iii. CARGO INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
61. COST of SHIPPING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 124
62. MLC……………………………………………………………………….
64. FSI and PSC……………………………………………………………………………………………….
65. CO2 SYSTEM……………………………………………………………………………………………….
66. SHIP CONSTRUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. MULTIPLE LOADLINE……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii. RUDDER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. DRYDOCKING……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. BULK CARRIER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
v. TANKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. CHEMICAL TANKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. STABILITY BOOKLET……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. RESISTANCE and POWER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. CE and BUDGETING……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii. TMSA……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. GMDSS SEA AREAS……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. LRIT ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
v. SHIP AQUISITION……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. BUNKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
viii. EQUIPMENT NUMBER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ix. DUTIES OF MMD AND DG……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. VIT and SUPER VIT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. NDT TECHNOLOGY……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. CO2 CAPTURE……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. CORIOLIS EFFECT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. PROPELLER CURVE……………………………………………………………………………………………….
x. BWM……………………………………………………………………………………………….
xi. FRAMO PUMP……………………………………………………………………………………………….
xii. ALTERNATE FUEL……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Enhanced survey programme is a guideline for shipping companies and owners to prepare their ship for
special surveys to maintain the safety of the ship while at sea or at port.
A new chapter XI is added for special measures to enhance maritime safety under this resolution.
According to these guidelines, it has 2 Annexes
o Annex A: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection during survey of bulk carrier.
Has 2 parts:
Part A: Single Sking
Part B: Double skin construction
o Annex B: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection during survey of oil tankers.
Has 2 parts:
Part A: oil tankers with double Hull Tankers
Part B: Oil tankers other than double hull
Each Part A & B has 9 chapters which are almost similar. The only dissimilarities being operational and
constructional aspects of both type of vessels i.e. oil tankers and bulk carriers
The chapters
o Chapter 1: General application, documentation onboard to be completed prior to the
inspection which is to be served as basis for surveys
o Chapter 2: Renewal Survey.
o Chapter 3: Annual Survey
o Chapter 4: Intermediate Survey
o Chapter 5: Preparation of Survey
o Chapter 6: Documentation on board.
o Chapter 7: Procedure for thickness
o Chapter 8: Reporting and evaluation.
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-
second session and the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its thirty-fourth session
o the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers, set
out in Annex A to the present resolution, and
o the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Oil Tankers, set
out in Annex B to the present resolution
o The Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo
holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo length area and all ballast tanks.
The surveys should be carried out during the surveys prescribed by the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, as amended.
o The Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo
holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo length area and all ballast tanks.
The surveys should be carried out during the surveys prescribed by the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, as amended.
o Bulk carrier is a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper
side tanks in cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk and includes such
types as ore carriers and combination carriers
o Representative spaces are those which are expected to reflect the condition of other spaces of
similar type and service and with similar corrosion prevention systems. When selecting
representative spaces account should be taken of the service and repair history on board and
identifiable critical and/or suspect areas.
o Close-up survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within the close
visual inspection range of the surveyor, i.e. normally within reach of hand
o Suspect areas are locations showing substantial corrosion and/or are considered by the
surveyor to be prone to rapid wastage.
o Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern
indicates a wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits
o Coating condition is defined as follows:
GOOD - condition with only minor spot rusting;
FAIR - condition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners
and weld connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under
consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition
POOR - condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of
areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.
o Critical structural areas are locations which have been identified from calculations to require
monitoring or from the service history of the subject ship or from similar or sister ships to be
sensitive to cracking, buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the
o For bulk carriers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above, two surveyors should jointly carry out
the first scheduled renewal survey after the bulk carrier passes 10 years of age (i.e. third
renewal survey), and all subsequent renewal surveys and intermediate surveys.
Age ≤ 5 years 5 < Age ≤ 10 years 10 < Age ≤ 15 years Age > 15 years
transverse web RING – in a – in a ballast wing tank, RINGS – in all referred to in
frame ring ballast wing tank, if any, or a cargo wing ballast tanks column 3
including if any, or a cargo tank used primarily for Additional
adjacent wing tank used water ballast transverses
structural ALL WEB FRAME included as
members RINGS – in a cargo deemed
wing tank necessary by
A minimum of 30% Administration
of all web frame
rings in each
remaining cargo
wing tank
BULKHEAD – in two
cargo centre tanks
Additional As considered
complete necessary by the
transverse web Administration
ring frame
Age ≤ 5 years 5 < Age ≤ 10 years 10 < Age ≤ 15 years Age > 15 years
One section of deck Within the cargo area: Within the cargo area: Within the cargo area:
plating for the full beam
.1 each deck plate .1 each deck plate .1 each deck plate
of the ship within the
cargo area (in way of a .2 one transverse section .2 two transverse .2 three transverse
ballast tank, if any, or a sections sections .3 each bottom
cargo tank used plate
primarily for water .3 all wind and water
ballast) strakes
Selected wind and water Selected wind and water All wind and water
strakes outside the cargo strakes outside the cargo strakes in full length
area area
The Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) as a mandatory requirement under the revised regulation
13G of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 enter into force on 1st September 2002
Category of Tanker
o Category 1 oil tanker:
Oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel
oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil
other than the above, which does not comply with the requirements for new oil
tankers as defined in Regulation 1(26) of Annex1 of MARPOL 73/78.
o Category 2 of oil tanker:
Oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heave diesel
oil or lubricating oil as cargo, out of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil
other than the above, which complies with the requirements for new oil tankers
o Category 3 oil tanker
Oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above but less than than specified as Category
1 and Category 2 oil tanker.
It has been developed on the basis of Annex B of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of
Inspections, which are carried out in accordance with Chapter XI-1 of the SOLAS convention
It applies to surveys of the hull structure in way of cargo tanks, pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels,
void spaces within the cargo tanks, and all ballast tanks.
The first CAS survey shall be carried out along with the enhanced programme of inspections,
concurrent with the intermediate or renewal survey after 05-04-2005 or when the ship reaches 15
years of age, whichever occurs later. Thereafter it shall be carried out at intervals of 5 ½ years
It shall be carried out by the Flag State or by RO.
o Ship owner shall notify the Flag State and RO of its intention to proceed with the CAS
o RO shall issue a Survey Planning Questionnaire to the owner in the prescribed format
o The owner shall complete the questionnaire and send it to the RO and the Flag State.
o Owner shall prepare a Survey Plan for the CAS, in co-operation with the RO and the Flag State,
and submit it to both of them
o The plan shall be developed using the Model Survey Plan set out in the appendix to this
o Extent of the survey shall be in accordance with this Scheme and the enhanced programme of
inspections, including close-up surveys and thickness measurements
o The survey shall be conducted safely in accordance with the mandatory requirements stated in
the appendix to this Scheme.
o At least 2 qualified exclusive surveyors of the RO, who have been trained and are experienced
in carrying out intermediate or renewal surveys, shall carry out this survey. They shall also
supervise the taking of the thickness measurement
o To ensure safe and efficient execution of the survey, a meeting shall be held between the
surveyors, owner’s representative, thickness measurement firm operator and Master.
o All recommendations and conditions of class shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the RO.
o Surveyor/s shall prepare the CAS Survey Report, as stated in this Scheme, and forward it to RO
headquarters for review, along with photographs, sketches, scantlings, etc.
o After review, the RO shall prepare the CAS Final Report, as stated in this Scheme, and submit it
to the Flag State.
o The RO shall issue an Interim Statement of Compliance to the tanker in the prescribed format,
valid for 5 months or till the Statement of compliance is issued by the Flag State, whichever is
o The Flag State shall review the final report and prepare a Review Record.
o On satisfactory completion of the above actions, the Flag State shall issue a Statement of
Compliance to the tanker in the prescribed format, valid for £ 5 ½ years, along with the final
report of the RO and the review record of the State. On issue of this statement, the interim
statement issued by the RO shall expire.
Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil (entered into force 2 October 1983)
o Covers prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental
discharges; the 1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil tankers to have
double hulls and brought in a phase-in schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls, which
was subsequently revised in 2001 and 2003.
o Special Areas
the Mediterranean Sea area
the Baltic Sea area
the Black Sea area
the Red Sea area
the Gulfs area
the Gulf of Aden area
the Antarctic area
the North West European waters include the North Sea and its approaches, the Irish
Sea and its approaches, the Celtic Sea, the English Channel and its approaches and part
of the North East Atlantic immediately to the west of Ireland.
the Oman area of the Arabian Sea
o An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued, to any oil tanker of 150
gross tonnage and above and any other ships of 400 gross tonnage and above which are
engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the
present Convention.
o Regulation 17 - Oil Record Book, Part I (Machinery space operations)
Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnage
and above other than an oil tanker
It shall be preserved for a period of three years after the last entry has been made.
o Regulation 19 - Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers delivered on or
after 6 July 1996.
Wing tanks or spaces
w= 0.5 + (DW/20000) m
o w = 2.0 m, whichever is the lesser
o The minimum value of w = 1.0 m.
Double bottom tanks or spaces
At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom tank or space shall be
such that the distance h between the bottom of the cargo tanks and the
moulded line of the bottom shell plating measured at right angles to the
bottom shell plating
o h = B/15 (m) or
o h = 2.0 m, whichever is the lesser
o The minimum value of h = 1.0 m.
Turn of the bilge area or at locations without a clearly defined turn of the bilge
When the distances h and w are different, the distance w shall have preference
at levels exceeding 1.5h above the baseline
o Regulation 26 - Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks
Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be of such size and arrangements that the hypothetical
outflow Oc or Os calculated in accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of this
Annex anywhere in the length of the ship does not exceed 30,000 cubic metres
or , whichever is the greater, but subject to a maximum of 40,000 cubic
The volume of any one wing cargo oil tank of an oil tanker shall not exceed 75 per cent
of the limits of the hypothetical oil outflow
The volume of any one centre cargo oil tank shall not exceed 50,000 cubic metres.
o Regulation 29 - Slop tanks
The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop tanks shall have a capacity
necessary to retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks shall not be less than 3 per cent of the oil-
carrying capacity of the ship, except that the Administration may accept:
2% for such oil tankers where the tank washing arrangements are such that
once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is
sufficient for tank washing
2% where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are
o This capacity may be further reduced to 1.5% for such oil tankers
where the tank washing arrangements are such that once the slop tank
or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
tank washing
1% for combination carriers where oil cargo is only carried in tanks with
smooth walls. This capacity may be further reduced to 0.8% where the tank
washing arrangements are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged
with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and, where
applicable, for providing the driving fluid for eductors, without the introduction
of additional water into the system
Oil tankers of 70,000 tonnes deadweight and above delivered after 31 December 1979
shall be provided with at least two slop tanks.
o Regulation 37 - Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnages and above and every ship other than an oil
tanker of 400 gross tonnages and above shall carry on board a shipboard oil pollution
emergency plan approved by the Administration
Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered into
force 2 October 1983)
o Details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid
substances carried in bulk; some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list
appended to the Convention; the discharge of their residues is allowed only to reception
facilities until certain concentrations and conditions (which vary with the category of
substances) are complied with.
o In any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious substances is permitted within 12
miles of the nearest land.
o Regulation 6: Categorization and listing of noxious liquid substances and other substances
Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank
cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either
marine resources or human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the
discharge into the marine environment;
Acetone Cyanohydrin, Carbon Di Sulphide, Nonyl Phenol, Di Butyl Pthalate,
Epichlorohydrin, Ethyl Acrylate Monomer, Vinyl Toluene, Butyl Benzyl Pthalate,
Alpha Methyl Styrene, Calcium Naphthalate
Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank
cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine
resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the
sea and therefore justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into
the marine environment;
Acrylonitrile, Biodiesels, Carbon Tetrachloride, Caustic coda, Ethylene di
Chloride, MDI, Lub Additives, Phenol, Sulphuric acid, Benzene, Toluene, Xylene,
Ethylene Glycol, Methanol, Lard, Palm Oils, All VEG OILS and FATS, Hexane,
Vinyl acetate
Category Z: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank
cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either
marine resources or human health and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on
the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
Acetone, Acetic acid, Dodecyl Benzene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, MTBE, Phosphoric
acid, Urea
Other substances: Substances indicated as OS (Other substances) in the pollution
category column of chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code which have
been evaluated and found to fall outside category X, Y or Z
apple juice, clay slurry, coal slurry, dextrose solution, glucose solution, kaoline
slurry, molasses, water
o An International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances
in Bulk shall be issued to any ship intended to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk and which
is engaged in voyages to ports or terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the
o Regulation 12: Pumping, piping, unloading arrangements and slop tanks
Every ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986 but before 1 January 2007 shall be
provided with a pumping and piping arrangement to ensure that each tank certified for
the carriage of substances in category X or Y does not retain a quantity of residue in
excess of 100 litres in the tank and its associated piping and that each tank certified for
the carriage of substances in category Z does not retain a quantity of residue in excess
of 300 litres in the tank and its associated piping
Ships certified to carry substances of category X, Y or Z shall have an underwater
discharge outlet
o Regulation 13: Control of discharges of residues of noxious liquid substances
the ship is proceeding enroute at a speed of at least 7 knots in the case of self-
propelled ships or at least 4 knots in the case of ships which are not self-propelled
the discharge is made below the waterline through the underwater discharge outlet(s)
not exceeding the maximum rate for which the underwater discharge outlet(s) is (are)
the discharge is made at a distance of not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest
land in a depth of water of not less than 25 metres
Discharge of residues of category X
A tank from which a substance in category X has been unloaded shall be
prewashed before the ship leaves the port of unloading. The resulting residues
shall be discharged to a reception facility until the concentration of the
substance in the effluent to such facility, as indicated by analyses of samples of
the effluent taken by the surveyor, is at or below 0.1% by weight.
Discharge of residues of category Y and Z
If the unloading of a substance of category Y or Z is not carried out in
accordance with the Manual, a prewash shall be carried out before the ship
leaves the port of unloading, unless alternative measures are taken to the
satisfaction of the surveyor.
The resulting tank washings of the prewash shall be discharged to a reception
facility at the port of unloading or another port with a suitable reception facility
provided that it has been confirmed in writing that a reception facility at that
port is available and is adequate for such a purpose
In the Antarctic Area any discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances or
mixtures containing such substances is prohibited.
o Regulation 14: Procedures and Arrangements Manual
The main purpose of the Manual is to identify for the ship’s officers the physical
arrangements and all the operational procedures with respect to cargo handling, tank
cleaning, slops handling and cargo tank ballasting and deballasting which must be
followed in order to comply with the requirements of this Annex.
o Regulation 15: Cargo Record Book
Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form (entered
into force 1 July 1992)
o Contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing, marking,
labelling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and notifications.
o For the purpose of this Annex, “harmful substances” are those substances which are identified
as marine pollutants in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) or
which meet the criteria in the Appendix of Annex III.
Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (entered into force 27 September 2003)
o Contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage into
the sea is prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment
plant or when the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved
system at a distance of more than three nautical miles from the nearest land; sewage which is
not comminuted or disinfected has to be discharged at a distance of more than 12 nautical
miles from the nearest land.
o Sewage means
drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals;
drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs
and scuppers located in such premises
drainage from spaces containing living animals; or
other waste waters when mixed with the drainages defined above
o The provisions of this Annex shall apply to the following ships engaged in international voyages:
new ships of 400 gross tonnage and above; and
new ships of less than 400 gross tonnages which are certified to carry more than 15
existing ships of 400 gross tonnages and above, five years after the date of entry into
force of this Annex
existing ships of less than 400 gross tonnages which are certified to carry more than 15
persons, five years after the date of entry into force of this Annex.
o Regulation 4 – Surveys
An initial survey before the ship is put in service or before the Certificate which shall
include a complete survey of its structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements
and material in so far as the ship is covered by this Annex. This survey shall be such as
to ensure that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and materials
fully comply with the applicable requirements of this Annex.
An additional survey, either general or partial, according to the circumstances, shall be
made after a repair resulting from investigations prescribed in paragraph 4 of this
regulation, or whenever any important repairs or renewals are made. The survey shall
be such as to ensure that the necessary repairs or renewals have been effectively
made, that the material and workmanship of such repairs or renewals are in all
respects satisfactory and that the ship complies in all respects with the requirements of
this Annex.
o An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued, after an initial or
renewal survey
o Regulation 11 - Discharge of sewage
the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using a system at a
distance of more than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land, or sewage which is not
comminuted or disinfected at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the
nearest land, provided that, in any case, the sewage that has been stored in holding
tanks shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate when the ship is
enroute and proceeding at not less than 4 knots; the rate of discharge shall be
approved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the Organization;
the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant which has been certified
by the Administration to meet the operational requirements
the test results of the plant are laid down in the ship's International Sewage Pollution
Prevention Certificate
additionally, the effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration
of the surrounding water
Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships (entered into force 31 December 1988)
o Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the manner in
which they may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the complete ban
imposed on the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics.
o Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and operational waste excluding fresh fish and
parts thereof, generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of
continuously or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in other
Annexes to the present Convention.
Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005)
o Sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits
deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances; designated emission control areas set
more stringent standards for SOx, NOx and particulate matter. A chapter adopted in 2011
covers mandatory technical and operational energy efficiency measures aimed at reducing
greenhouse gas emissions from ships.
o Regulation 12 - Ozone-depleting substances
Regulation 12 does not apply to permanently sealed equipment where there are no
refrigerant charging connections or potentially removable components containing ODS
Each ship is to maintain a list of equipment containing ODS and also an ODS Record
Book, recording each occasion of actions affecting that equipment such as servicing,
maintaining, repairing or disposing of the system or the equipment containing ODS.
Entries in the ODS Record Book are to be recorded in terms of mass (kg) of the
substance and be completed without delay on each occasion with respect to the
Recharge, full or partial, of equipment containing ODS
Repair or maintenance of equipment containing ODS
Discharge of ODS to atmosphere - deliberate and non-deliberate
Discharge of ODS to land-based facilities
Supply of ODS to ship
o Regulation 13 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
This regulation shall apply to:
each diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW which is installed
on a ship constructed or undergone major conversion on or after 1 January
2000; and
The control of diesel engine NOx emissions is achieved through the survey and
certification requirements leading to the issue of an Engine International Air Pollution
Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate
The Tier III controls apply only to the specified ships while operating in Emission
Control Areas (ECA)established to limit NOx emissions, outside such areas the Tier II
controls apply.
A marine diesel engine that is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2016
and operating in the North American ECA and the United States Caribbean Sea ECA
shall comply with the Tier III NOx standards.
I 1 January 2000 17.0 9.8
e.g., 720 rpm – 12.1
II 1 January 2011 14.4 7.7
e.g., 720 rpm – 9.7
III 1 January 2016* 3.4 2.0
e.g., 720 rpm – 2.4
Consequently, a diesel engine having an EIAPP Certificate is approved, by, or on behalf
of (since almost all engine certification work is delegated to Recognized Organizations),
the flag State of the ship onto which it is to be installed, to a stated Tier for one or
more duty test cycles, for a particular rating or rating range, and with
defined NOx critical components, settings and operating values including options if
applicable. Any amendments to these aspects are to be duly approved and
For each NOx certified diesel engine there must be onboard an approved Technical
File, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation 2.3.4, which both defines the engine as
approved and provides the applicable survey regime together with any relevant
approved amendment documentation.
o Regulation 14 - Sulphur oxides (SOx)
Ships trading in designated emission control areas will have to use on board fuel oil
with a sulphur content of no more than 0.10% from 1 January 2015,
Outside the emission control areas, the current limit for sulphur content of fuel oil is
3.50%, falling to 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020. The 2020 date is subject to a
review, to be completed by 2018, as to the availability of the required fuel oil.
Depending on the outcome of the review, this date could be deferred to 1 January
an exhaust gas cleaning system, approved by the Administration taking into account
guidelines to be developed by the Organization, is applied to reduce the total emission
of sulphur oxides from ships, including both auxiliary and main propulsion engines, to
6.0 g SOx/kW·h or less calculated as the total weight of sulphur dioxide emission. Waste
streams from the use of such equipment shall not be discharged into enclosed ports,
harbours and estuaries unless it can be thoroughly documented by the ship that such
waste streams have no adverse impact on the ecosystems of such enclosed ports,
harbours and estuaries, based upon criteria communicated by the authorities of the
port State to the Organization.
o Regulation 15 - Volatile organic compounds
This regulation only applies to tankers. However, this regulation also applies to gas
carriers only if the types of loading and containment system allow safe retention of
non-methane VOCs on board or their safe return ashore
There are two aspects of VOC control within this regulation.
In the first, regulations 15.1 – 15.5 and 15.7, control on VOC emitted to the
atmosphere in respect of certain ports or terminals is achieved by a
requirement to utilize a vapour emission control system (VECS).
The second aspect of this regulation, regulation 15.6, requires that all tankers
carrying crude oil have an approved and effectively implemented ship specific
VOC Management Plan covering at least the points given in the regulation.
o Regulation 16 - Shipboard incineration
Shipboard incineration of the following substances shall be prohibited:
Annex I, II and III cargo residues of the present Convention and related
contaminated packing materials;
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
garbage, as defined in Annex V of the present Convention, containing more
than traces of heavy metals; and
refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.
Shipboard incineration of sewage sludge and sludge oil generated during the normal
operation of a ship may also take place in the main or auxiliary power plant or boilers,
but in those cases, shall not take place inside ports, harbours and estuaries.
Monitoring of combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be required at all times and
waste shall not be fed into a continuous-feed shipboard incinerator when the
temperature is below the minimum allowed temperature of 850 degrees Centigrade.
For batch-loaded shipboard incinerators, the unit shall be designed so that the
temperature in the combustion chamber shall reach 600 degrees Centigrade within five
minutes after start-up.
o Regulation 18 - Fuel oil quality
details of fuel oil for combustion purposes delivered to and used on board shall be
recorded by means of a bunker delivery note which shall contain at least the
information specified
Name and IMO number of receiving ship
Date of commencement of delivery
Name, address, and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplier
Product name(s)
Quantity (metric tons)
Density at 15°C (kg/m3)
Sulphur content (% m/m)
A declaration signed and certified by the fuel oil supplier's representative that
the fuel oil supplied is in conformity with regulation
The bunker delivery note shall be kept on board the ship in such a place as to be readily
available for inspection at all reasonable times. It shall be retained for a period of three
years after the fuel oil has been delivered on board.
The sample is to be sealed and signed by the supplier's representative and the master
or officer in charge of the bunker operation on completion of bunkering operations and
retained under the ship's control until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, but in any
case, for a period of not less than 12 months from the time of delivery.
o Chapter 4 Annex 6
The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnages and above. However, under
regulation 19, the Administration may waive the requirements for new ships up to a
maximum of 4 years
o SOLAS regulation II-1/29 on steering gear, to update the requirements relating to sea trials.
For a number of ship types, such as container ships, it is impractical to demonstrate
compliance with the requirement during sea trials at its deepest seagoing draught and
running ahead at the speed corresponding to the number of maximum continuous
revolutions of the main engine and maximum design pitch.
the IMO has adopted the alternative way to demonstrate the requirements of steering
gear. Where it is impracticable to demonstrate the requirement for steering gear with
the ship at its deepest seagoing draught, ships may demonstrate compliance with the
requirement by one of the following methods:
1. The ship is at even keel and the rudder fully submerged whilst running ahead at
the speed corresponding to the number of maximum continuous revolutions of
the main engine and maximum design pitch
2. Where full rudder immersion during sea trials cannot be achieved, an
appropriate ahead speed shall be calculated using the submerged rudder blade
area in the proposed sea trial loading condition. The calculated ahead speed
shall result in a force and torque applied to the main steering gear which is at
least as great as if it was being tested with the ship at its deepest seagoing
draught and running ahead at the speed corresponding to the number of
maximum continuous revolutions of the main engine and maximum design
3. The rudder force and torque at the sea trial loading condition have been
reliably predicted and extrapolated to the full load condition
o to introduce mandatory requirements for inert gas systems on board new oil and chemical
tankers of 8,000 dwt and above, and for ventilation systems on board new ships; related
amendments to the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) on inert gas
o SOLAS regulation II-2/10, concerning fire protection requirements for new ships designed to
carry containers on or above the weather deck.
All new ships designed to carry containers on or above the weather deck shall be fitted
with at least one water mist lance, in addition to all other fire protection arrangements
that should be provided on board as per existing regulations
All new ships designed to carry five or more tiers of containers on or above the weather
deck shall also be provided with mobile water monitors, in addition to the water mist
lance mentioned above and all other fire protection arrangements that should be
provided on board as per existing regulations. Ships with a breadth up to 30 m should
be provided with at least two mobile water monitors and ships with a breadth
exceeding 30 m or more should be provided with at least four mobile water monitors
o SOLAS implement new regulation II-2/20-1, which improves requirements for safety
measures for vehicle carriers with Ro-RO ships, used for carriage of motor vehicles with
compressed hydrogen or compressed natural gas in their tanks for their own propulsion
o amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code related to the testing of
o Amendments to number of treaties to make the use of the IMO Instruments Implementation
Code (III Code) mandatory.
Compensation for pollution damage caused by spills from oil tankers is governed by an international
regime elaborated under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization
Adoption: 29 November 1969;
Entry into force: 19 June 1975;
Being replaced by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992;
Entry into force: 30 May 1996
o The Civil Liability Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate compensation is available
to persons who suffer oil pollution damage resulting from maritime casualties involving oil-
carrying ships.
o The Convention places the liability for such damage on the owner of the ship from which the
polluting oil escaped or was discharged.
o The Convention requires ships covered by it to maintain insurance or other financial security in
sums equivalent to the owner's total liability for one incident.
o The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually carrying oil in bulk as cargo, but only
ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil
pollution damage
o The 2000 Amendments
Adoption: 18 October 2000
Entry into force: 1 November 2003
o The amendments raised the compensation limits by 50 percent compared to the limits set in
the 1992 Protocol, as follows:
For a ship not exceeding 5,000 gross tonnages, liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR
For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR plus
631 SDR for each additional gross tonne over 5,000
For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR plus
631 SDR for each additional gross tonne over 5,000
Adoption: 18 December 1971;
Entry into force: 16 October 1978;
o superseded by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992; Entry into force: 30 May 1996
o The 1969 Brussels Conference considered a compromise proposal to establish an international
fund, to be subscribed to by the cargo interests, which would be available for the dual purpose
of, on the one hand, relieving the shipowner of the burden by the requirements of the new
convention and, on the other hand, providing additional compensation to the victims of
pollution damage in cases where compensation under the 1969 Civil Liability Convention was
either inadequate or unobtainable
o Under the first of its purposes, the Fund is under an obligation to pay compensation to States
and persons who suffer pollution damage, if such persons are unable to obtain compensation
from the owner of the ship from which the oil escaped or if the compensation due from such
owner is not sufficient to cover the damage suffered.
o Under the Fund Convention, victims of oil pollution damage may be compensated beyond the
level of the shipowner's liability. However, the Fund's obligations are limited. Where,
however, there is no shipowner liable or the shipowner liable is unable to meet their liability,
the Fund will be required to pay the whole amount of compensation due. Under certain
circumstances, the Fund's maximum liability may increase
o The Fund can also provide assistance to Contracting States which are threatened or affected by
pollution and wish to take measures against it. This may take the form of personnel, material,
credit facilities or other aid.
o The Fund is not obliged to indemnify the owner if damage is caused by his wilful misconduct or
if the accident was caused, even partially, because the ship did not comply with certain
international conventions
o The 1992 Fund is financed by contributions levied on any person who has received in one
calendar year more than 150 000 tonnes of crude oil and/or heavy fuel oil (contributing oil) in a
Member State of the 1992 Fund..
o The maximum compensation payable by the 1992 Fund is 203 million SDR for incidents
occurring on or after 1 November 2003, irrespective of the size of the ship.
o The 2003 Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary
Fund was adopted by a diplomatic conference held at IMO Headquarters in London
o The 2003 Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary
Fund was adopted by a diplomatic conference held at IMO Headquarters in London
o The total amount of compensation payable for any one incident will be limited to a combined
total of 750 million Special Drawing Rights (SDR) including the amount of compensation paid
under the existing CLC/Fund Convention.
o The supplementary fund will apply to damage in the territory, including the territorial sea, of a
Contracting State and in the exclusive economic zone of a Contracting State.
o For the purposes of the Protocol, there is a minimum aggregate receipt of 1,000,000 tons of
contributing oil in each Contracting State.
Adoption: 23 March 2001;
Entry into force: 21 November 2008
o The Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is
available to persons who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships'
o a key requirement in the bunkers convention is the need for the registered owner of a vessel to
maintain compulsory insurance cover.
o The Convention requires ships over 1,000 gross tonnage to maintain insurance or other
financial security, such as the guarantee of a bank or similar financial institution, to cover the
liability of the registered owner for pollution damage in an amount equal to the limits of
liability under the applicable national or international limitation regime, but in all cases, not
exceeding an amount calculated in accordance with the Convention on Limitation of Liability
for Maritime Claims
o "bunker oil" is defined as "any hydrocarbon mineral oil, including lubricating oil, used or
intended to be used for the operation or propulsion of the ship, and any residues such as oil."
o The shipowner (including the registered owner, bareboat charterer, manager and operator) is
liable under the Convention
o A P&I Club is a protection and indemnity association of shipowners or operators, offering
mutual insurance, generally for third-party liability risks and the defense of claims. There are 13
Clubs that are a member of the International Group of P&I Clubs, which insure the majority of
the world's tonnage. A "Blue Card" is issued by the P&I Club to provide evidence that there is in
place insurance meeting the liability requirements of the Bunkers Convention.
o The certificate will state the duration of its validity but, in any case, it will not be valid for more
than twelve calendar months
Adoption: 19 November 1976; Entry into force: 1 December 1986;
Protocol of 1996: Adoption: 2 May 1996; Entry into force: 13 May 2004
Amendments to 1996 Protocol
Adoption: 19 April 2012; Entry into force: 8 June 2015
o Shipowners and salvors may limit their liability, except if "it is proved that the loss resulted
from his personal act or omission, committed with the intent to cause such a loss, or recklessly
and with knowledge that such loss would probably result".
o The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury
ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 3.02 million SDR
For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 1,208 SDR
For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 906 SDR
For each ton in excess of 70,000, 604 SDR
o The limit of liability for property claims for ships
For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 604 SDR
For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 453 SDR
For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 302 SDR
Adoption: 29 November 1969; Entry into force: 6 May 1975
o The Convention affirms the right of a coastal State to take such measures on the high seas as
may be necessary to prevent, mitigate or eliminate danger to its coastline or related interests
from pollution by oil or the threat thereof, following upon a maritime casualty.
o The coastal State is, however, empowered to take only such action as is necessary, and after
due consultations with appropriate interests including, in particular, the flag State or States of
the ship or ships involved, the owners of the ships or cargoes in question and, where
circumstances permit, independent experts appointed for this purpose.
o The 1969 Intervention Convention applied to casualties involving pollution by oil. In view of the
increasing quantity of other substances, mainly chemical, carried by ships, some of which
would, if released, cause serious hazard to the marine environment, the 1969 Brussels
Conference recognized the need to extend the Convention to cover substances other than oil.
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
was adopted on 22 March 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Basel, Switzerland,
Awakening environmental awareness and corresponding tightening of environmental regulations in the
industrialized world in the 1970s and 1980s had led to increasing public resistance to the disposal of
hazardous wastes – in accordance with what became known as the NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard)
syndrome – and to an escalation of disposal costs. This in turn led some operators to seek cheap
disposal options for hazardous wastes in Eastern Europe and the developing world, where
environmental awareness was much less developed and regulations and enforcement mechanisms
were lacking. It was against this background that the Basel Convention was negotiated in the late
1980s, and its thrust at the time of its adoption was to combat the “toxic trade”, as it was termed. The
Convention entered into force in 1992.
o The overarching objective of the Basel Convention is to protect human health and the
environment against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes.
o Its scope of application covers a wide range of wastes defined as “hazardous wastes” based on
their origin and/or composition and their characteristics, as well as two types of wastes defined
as “other wastes” - household waste and incinerator ash.
Aims and provisions:
o the reduction of hazardous waste generation and the promotion of environmentally sound
management of hazardous wastes, wherever the place of disposal;
addressed through a number of general provisions requiring States to observe the
fundamental principles of environmentally sound waste management
o the restriction of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes except where it is perceived
to be in accordance with the principles of environmentally sound management;
hazardous wastes may not be exported to Antarctica, to a State not party to the Basel
Convention, or to a party having banned the import of hazardous wastes.
Parties may, however, enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements on hazardous
waste management with other parties or with non-parties, provided that such
agreements are “no less environmentally sound” than the Basel Convention.
o a regulatory system applying to cases where transboundary movements are permissible
In all cases where transboundary movement is not, in principle, prohibited, it may take
place only if it represents an environmentally sound solution, if the principles of
environmentally sound management and non-discrimination are observed and if it is
carried out in accordance with the Convention’s regulatory system
o The Convention also provides for the establishment of regional or sub-regional centres for
training and technology transfers regarding the management of hazardous wastes and other
wastes and the minimization of their generation to cater to the specific needs of different
regions and sub regions
Hazardous Items
o waste may fall under the scope of the Convention is if it is defined as or considered to be a
hazardous waste under the laws of either the exporting country, the importing country, or any
of the countries of transit.
o Clinical wastes from medical care in hospitals, medical centers and clinics
o Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products
o Waste pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines
o Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals
o Wastes from heat treatment and tempering operations containing cyanides
o Waste substances and articles containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) and/or polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) and/or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
o Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which
are not identified and/or are new and whose effects on man and/or the environment are not
o Wastes of an explosive nature not subject to other legislation
enter into force on 14 April 2015
The Convention will provide a sound legal basis for States to remove, or have removed, shipwrecks
that may have the potential to affect adversely the safety of lives, goods and property at sea, as
well as the marine and coastal environment.
It will make shipowners financially liable and require them to take out insurance or provide other
financial security to cover the costs of wreck removal.
It will also provide States with a right of direct action against insurers.
Articles in the Convention cover:
o reporting and locating ships and wrecks - covering the reporting of casualties to the nearest
coastal State; warnings to mariners and coastal States about the wreck; and action by the
coastal State to locate the ship or wreck;
o criteria for determining the hazard posed by wrecks, including depth of water above the
wreck, proximity of shipping routes, traffic density and frequency, type of traffic and
vulnerability of port facilities. Environmental criteria such as damage likely to result from
the release into the marine environment of cargo or oil are also included;
o measures to facilitate the removal of wrecks, including rights and obligations to remove
hazardous ships and wrecks - which sets out when the shipowner is responsible for
removing the wreck and when a State may intervene;
o liability of the owner for the costs of locating, marking and removing ships and wrecks - the
registered shipowner is required to maintain compulsory insurance or other financial
security to cover liability under the convention; and settlement of disputes.
o Enough structural strength
o Enough reserve buoyancy
o Safety and Protection of crew
o Enough intact stability
o Prevent water entry into hull
o Provision for drainage
o A ship will be subject to the following surveys:
Initial survey before the ship is put into service;
Renewal survey at intervals not exceeding five years;
Annual survey within 3 months either way of the anniversary date of the load line
o The preparation for a load line survey will involve ensuring that the hull is watertight below the
freeboard deck and weathertight above it
o The following checks should be conducted prior to survey:
Check that all access openings at the ends of enclosed superstructures are in good
condition. All dogs, clamps and hinges should be free and greased. Gaskets and other
sealing arrangements should not show signs of perishing (cracked rubbers).
Check all cargo hatches and accesses to holds for weather tightness. Securing devices
such as clamps, cleats and wedges are to be all in place, well-greased and adjusted to
provide optimum sealing between the hatch cover and compression bar on the
coaming. Replace perished rubber seals as necessary. Hose test hatches to verify
weather tightness.
Check the efficiency and securing of portable beams.
Inspect all machinery space openings on exposed decks
Check that manhole covers on the freeboard deck are capable of being made
Check that all ventilator openings are provided with efficient weathertight closing
All air pipes must be provided with permanently attached means of closing.
Inspect cargo ports below the freeboard deck and ensure that they are watertight.
Ensure that all non-return valves on overboard discharges are effective.
Side scuttles below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed superstructures
must have efficient internal watertight deadlights. Inspect deadlight rubber seals and
securing arrangements.
Check all freeing ports, ensure shutters are not jammed, hinges are free and that pins
are of non-corroding type (gun metal).
Check bulwarks and guardrails are in good condition.
Rig life lines (if required) and ensure they are in good order.
De-rust and repaint deck line, load line mark, load lines and draught marks
The Convention was adopted by the International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime Travel
and Transport on 9 April 1965. It entered into force on 5 March 1967.
To facilitate maritime transport by reducing paper work, simplifying formalities, documentary
requirements and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged on
international voyages
General Contents:
1. Definitions and general provisions;
2. Arrival, stay and departure of the ship;
3. Arrival and departure of persons;
4. Stowaways;
5. Arrival, stay and departure of cargo and other articles;
6. Public health and quarantine, including sanitary measures for animals and plants;
7. Miscellaneous provisions.
Annex to the Convention
It reduces to nine the number of declarations, which can be required by public authorities.
Seven of them were approved by the IMO.
The Annex contains "Standards" and "Recommended Practices"
IMO has developed Standardized Forms for seven of these documents. They are the:
· IMO General Declaration
· Cargo Declaration
· Ship's Stores Declaration
· Crew's Effects Declaration
· Crew List· Passenger List
· Dangerous Goods
Two other documents are required under the Universal Postal Convention and the International
Health Regulations.
Procedure for Approval of BWM systems that make use of Active Substances (G9)
o The G9 Guidelines describe the approval process for systems that make use of ‘active
o ‘Active substances’ are defined by the Convention as “substances or organisms, including a
virus or a fungus, that have a general or specific action on or against harmful aquatic organisms
and pathogens”.
o Active substances and preparations may be added to the ballast water or be generated
onboard ships within the BWM system.
o These substances must comply with the BWM Convention. To comply with the Convention,
BWM systems that make use of active substances (or preparations containing one or more
active substances) need to be approved by IMO, based on a procedure developed by the
o The objective of this procedure is to determine the acceptability of the active substances in
ballast water management systems concerning ship safety, human health and the aquatic
o The procedure is thus provided as a safeguard for the sustainable use of active substance, and
is not intended for the evaluation of the efficacy of the active substances (the efficacy of BWM
systems, including those that make use of active substances, should be evaluated in accordance
with the G8 Guidelines).
o The proposal for approval of an active substance must include:
data on effects on aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish and other biota, including sensitive
and representative organisms,
data on Mammalian Toxicity,
data on environmental fate and effect under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,
physical and chemical properties of the active substance and preparations and the
treated ballast water,
analytical methods at environmentally relevant concentrations
Different types of Ballast water exchange
o Sequential: In this method the ballast tanks are emptied until the ballast pumps lose suction
and then the tanks are further stripped by eductor systems. This is followed by taking fresh
ballast into the tank.
o Flow through method: In this method water in pumped into the tank and to allow it to
overflow through the air vent or dedicated overflow vents. Three times the volume of the tank
is to be pumped through to get a 95 percent efficiency of exchange.
o Dilution Method: In this method the tank has two openings; water is pumped in from one
opening and flows out through the other.
Role of Chief Engineer Officer in implementation of the Ballast Water Management Plan
o The operational duties of the ballast water management plan lies with the Chief Officer and the
other Deck Officers as calculation and change in stability is an important issue.
o He can provide a valuable service in the implementation of the Ballast Water Management plan
by the following:
The Chief Engineer Officer must familiarize the Officers and the crew about ballast
water management.
As ballast water exchange timings depends of the calculated capacities of the ballast
pumps, the Chief Engineer Officer must ensure that the pumps are maintained properly
and operated as per correct procedures.
The Chief Engineer Officer must make sure that the piping and overflow arrangements
of the tanks are in good order and working. An un-vented tank may be subjected to
great pressure if the overflow vent is blocked.
o The Chief Engineer Officer must render full co-operation as it is a critical operation for the
o In ballast pumps with gland packing stuffing boxes, the gland packing can overheat due to
unavailability of cooling and lubricating water.
o In ballast pumps with mechanical seals, the mechanical seals can be damaged due to
overheating due to a shortage of cooling and lubricating water.
o The Chief Engineer Officer must instruct all the junior engineers and subordinates regarding the
same and ensure compliance while protecting the pumps. Effective look out and watch should
be posted near the pumps.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the Sea
Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty, is the international agreement that resulted from the third
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), which took place between 1973 and
The Law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their
use of the world's oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the
management of marine natural resources.
This leads to the need for establishing an internal law to determine the status of sea areas and the
governance or the inter relationship of countries using the world’s ocean
UNCLOS is a treaty document of 446 articles grouped under 17 headings and 9 Annexes
Part XII of the UNCLOS deals with the issue of marine environment conservation.
o States shall take, individually or jointly as appropriate, all measures consistent with this
Convention that are necessary to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine
environment from any source, using for this purpose the best practicable means at their
disposal and in accordance with their capabilities, and they shall endeavor to harmonize their
policies in this connection.
o States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that activities under their jurisdiction or
control are so conducted as not to cause damage by pollution to other States and their
environment, and that pollution arising from incidents or activities under their jurisdiction or
control does not spread beyond the areas where they exercise sovereign rights in accordance
with this Convention.
o The measures taken pursuant to this Part shall deal with all sources of pollution of the marine
environment. These measures shall include, inter alia, those designed to minimize to the fullest
possible extent:
the release of toxic, harmful or noxious substances, especially those which are
persistent, from land-based sources, from or through the atmosphere or by dumping;
pollution from vessels, in particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with
emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, preventing intentional and
unintentional discharges, and regulating the design, construction, equipment,
operation and manning of vessels
pollution from vessels, in particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with
emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, preventing intentional and
unintentional discharges, and regulating the design, construction, equipment,
operation and manning of vessels
pollution from installations and devices used in exploration or exploitation of the
natural resources of the seabed and subsoil, in particular measures for preventing
accidents and dealing with emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, and
regulating the design, construction, equipment, operation and manning of such
installations or devices;
pollution from other installations and devices operating in the marine environment, in
particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with emergencies, ensuring
the safety of operations at sea, and regulating the design, construction, equipment,
operation and manning of such installations or devices.
In taking measures to prevent, reduce or control pollution of the marine environment, States shall
refrain from unjustifiable interference with activities carried out by other States in the exercise of their
rights and in pursuance of their duties in conformity with this Convention
Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not
exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in accordance with
this Convention
If this would overlap with another state's territorial sea, the border is taken as the
median point between the states' baselines, unless the states in question agree
otherwise. A state can also choose to claim a smaller territorial sea.
Conflicts still occur whenever a coastal nation claims an entire gulf as its territorial
waters while other nations only recognize the more restrictive definitions of the UN
According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a nation's internal
waters include waters on the landward side of the baseline of a nation's territorial
waters, except in archipelagic states.
It includes waterways such as rivers and canals, and sometimes the water within small
In inland waters, sovereignty of the state is equal to that which it exercises on the
The coastal state is free to make laws relating to its internal waters, regulate any use,
and use any resource.
In the absence of agreements to the contrary, foreign vessels have no right of passage
within internal waters, and this lack of right to innocent passage is the key difference
between internal waters and territorial waters.
When a foreign vessel is authorized to enter inland waters, it is subject to the laws of
the coastal State, with one exception: the crew of the ship is subject to the law of
the flag State. This extends to labor conditions as well as to crimes committed on board
the ship, even if docked at a port
The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from
which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous zone, the coastal
State may exercise the control necessary to:
prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and
regulations within its territory or territorial sea
punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed within its
territory or territorial sea.
The exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the
baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has
sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing
the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the
seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the
economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy
from the water, currents and winds;
The establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures
marine scientific research
the protection and preservation of the marine environment;
The continental shelf of a coastal State comprises the seabed and subsoil of the
submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural
prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the continental margin, or to a
distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the
territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does not
extend up to that distance
Line of the outer limits of the continental shelf on the seabed, either shall not exceed
350 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is
measured or shall not exceed 100 nautical miles from the 2,500 metre isobath, which is
a line connecting the depth of 2,500 metres.
The coastal State exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose
of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources
The rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf do not depend on occupation,
effective or notional, or on any express proclamation.
all parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic zone, in the
territorial sea or in the internal waters of a State, or in the archipelagic waters of an
archipelagic State
Freedom of the high seas is exercised under the conditions laid down by this
Convention and by other rules of international law. It comprises, inter alia, both for
coastal and land-locked States:
freedom of navigation;
freedom of overflight;
freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines, subject to Part VI;
freedom to construct artificial islands and other installations permitted under
international law;
freedom of fishing;
freedom of scientific research
OPA 90
AN ACT to establish limitations on liability for damages resulting from oil pollution, to establish a fund
for the payment of compensation for such damages, and for other purposes.
Consists of 9 titles
On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled over 11 million gallons of Alaskan crude into the water of
Prince William Sound. There were many lessons learned the aftermath of the Valdez oil spill. Two of the
most obvious were:
The United States lacked adequate resources, particularly Federal funds, to respond to spills, and
The scope of damages compensable under federal law to those impacted by a spill was fairly narrow.
Although the environmental damage and massive clean-up efforts were the most visible effects of this
casualty, one of the most important outcomes was the enactment of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990
(OPA), which addressed both these deficiencies.
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2701-2761) amended the Clean Water Act and addressed the
wide range of problems associated with preventing, responding to, and paying for oil pollution
incidents in navigable waters of the United States. It created a comprehensive prevention, response,
liability, and compensation regime to deal with vessel- and facility-caused oil pollution to U.S. navigable
waters. OPA greatly increased federal oversight of maritime oil transportation, while providing greater
environmental safeguards by:
o Setting new requirements for vessel construction and crew licensing and manning,
o Mandating contingency planning,
o Enhancing federal response capability,
o Broadening enforcement authority,
o Increasing penalties,
o Creating new research and development programs,
o Increasing potential liabilities, and
o Significantly broadening financial responsibility requirements.
Title I of OPA established new and higher liability limits for oil spills, with commensurate changes to
financial responsibility requirements. It substantially broadened the scope of damages, including
natural resource damages (NRDs), for which polluters are liable.
The total of the liability of a responsible party under section 1002 and any removal costs incurred by, or
on behalf of, the responsible party, with respect to each incident shall not exceed—
o for a tank vessel, the greater of—
(A) $1,200 per gross ton; or
(B)(i) in the case of a vessel greater than 3,000 gross tons, $10,000,000; or
(ii) in the case of a vessel of 3,000 gross tons or less, $2,000,000;
o for any other vessel, $600 per gross ton or $500,000, whichever is greater;
o for an offshore facility except a deepwater port, the total of all removal costs plus $75,000,000;
o for any onshore facility and a deepwater port, $350,000,000
Adoption: 30 November 1990; Entry into force: 13 May 1995
Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation
(OPRC) are required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in
co-operation with other countries
Ships are required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan. Operators of offshore units under
the jurisdiction of Parties are also required to have oil pollution emergency plans or similar
arrangements which must be co-ordinated with national systems for responding promptly and
effectively to oil pollution incidents.
Ships are required to report incidents of pollution to coastal authorities and the convention details the
actions that are then to be taken.
The Convention calls for the establishment of stockpiles of oil spill combating equipment, the holding of
oil spill combating exercises and the development of detailed plans for dealing with pollution incidents.
Parties to the convention are required to provide assistance to others in the event of a pollution
emergency and provision is made for the reimbursement of any assistance provided.
o Purpose:
The IMO Member State Audit Scheme is intended to provide an audited Member State
with a comprehensive and objective assessment of how effectively it administers and
implements those mandatory IMO instruments which are covered by the
Scheme.review the rights and obligations of States emanating from the IMO treaty
assess, monitor and review the current level of implementation of IMO instruments by
States in their capacity as flag, port and coastal States, with a view to identifying areas
where States may have difficulties in fully implementing them;
identify the reasons for the difficulties in implementing provisions of relevant IMO
instruments, taking into account any relevant information collected through, inter alia,
the assessment of performance, the investigation of marine casualties and incidents
and port State control (PSC) data, while paying particular attention to difficulties faced
by developing countries;
consider proposals to assist States in implementing and complying with IMO
instruments by the development of appropriate instruments, guidelines and
analyse investigation reports into marine casualties and incidents and maintain an
efficient and comprehensive knowledge-based mechanism to support the identification
of trends and feed into the IMO rule-making process;
review IMO standards on maritime safety and security and the protection of the marine
environment, to maintain an updated and harmonized guidance on survey and
certification related requirements; and
promote global harmonization of PSC activities
o Instruments
Loadline 66/ Protocol 88
Colreg 72
Tonnage 69
1 Annex and 7 Chapter and 4 appendix
The Code is intended to provide standards to prevent the occurrence of potentially hazardous noise
levels on board ships and to provide standards for an acceptable environment for seafarers.
Requirements and recommendations are made for:
o measurement of noise levels and exposure
o protecting the seafarer from the risk of noise-induced hearing loss under conditions where at
present it is not feasible to limit the noise to a level which is not potentially harmful;
o limits on acceptable maximum noise levels for all spaces to which seafarers normally have
o verification of acoustic insulation between accommodation spaces
o provide for safe working conditions by giving consideration to the need for speech
communication and for hearing audible alarms, and to an environment where clear-headed
decisions can be made in control stations, navigation and radio spaces and manned machinery
o protect the seafarer from excessive noise levels which may give rise to a noise-induced hearing
loss; and
o provide the seafarer with an acceptable degree of comfort in rest, recreation and other spaces
and also provide conditions for recuperation from the effects of exposure to high noise levels.
o The Code applies to new ships of a gross tonnage of 1,600 and above
o The Code does not apply to:
dynamically supported craft;
high-speed craft;
fishing vessels;
pipe-laying barges;
pleasure yachts not engaged in trade;
ships of war and troopships;
Measuring Equipment
o Measurement of sound pressure levels shall be carried out using precision integrating sound
level meters
o Octave filter set
o Microphone wind screen
o This person conducting measurements shall have
knowledge in the field of noise, sound measurements and handling of used equipment;
training concerning the procedures
o Operating conditions at sea trials
Measurements should be taken with the ship in the loaded or ballast condition
Noise measurements shall be taken at normal service speed and, unless otherwise
addressed in the provisions below, no less than 80% of the maximum continuous rating
All machinery, navigation instruments, radio and radar sets, etc., normally in use at
normal seagoing condition and levels, including squelch shall operate throughout the
measurement period.
Measurements in spaces containing emergency diesel engine driven generators, fire
pumps or other emergency equipment that would normally be run only in emergency,
or for test purposes, shall be taken with the equipment operating
Mechanical ventilation, heating and air-conditioning equipment shall be in normal
Ships fitted with bow thrusters, stabilizers, etc., may be subject to high noise levels
when this machinery is in operation. For thrusters, measurements shall be made at
40% thruster power and the ship's speed shall be appropriate for thruster operation
o Operating conditions in port
When the noise from the ship's cargo handling equipment may lead to noise above
maximum levels in duty stations and accommodation spaces affected by its operation,
measurements should be taken
Where the ship is a vehicle carrier and noise during loading and discharging originates
from vehicles, the noise level in the cargo spaces and the duration of the exposure
should be considered
o Environmental conditions
The readings obtained may be affected if the water depth is less than five times the
draught or if there are large reflecting surfaces in the ship's vicinity
The meteorological conditions such as wind and rain, as well as sea state, should be
such that they do not influence the measurements. Wind force 4 and 1 m wave height
should not be exceeded.
Care shall be taken to see that noise from extraneous sound sources, such as people,
entertainment, construction and repair work, does not influence the noise level on
board the ship at the positions of measurement.
Measurement procedures
o During noise level measurement, only seafarers necessary for the operation of the ship and
persons taking the measurements shall be present in the space concerned
o Sound pressure level readings shall be taken in decibels using an A-weighting (dB(A)) and C-
weighting (dB(C)) filter and if necessary also in octave bands between 31.5 and 8,000 Hz.
Measurement positions
o If not otherwise stated, measurements shall be taken with the microphone at a height of
between 1.2 m (seated person) and 1.6 m (standing person) from the deck.
o The distance between two measurement points should be at least 2 m, and in large spaces not
containing machinery, measurements should be taken at intervals not greater than 10 m
throughout the space including positions of maximum noise level.
o In no case shall measurements be taken closer than 0.5 m from the boundaries of a space.
o Measurements shall be taken at positions where the personnel work, including at
communication stations
o Measurements shall be taken at the principal working and control stations of the seafarers in
the machinery spaces and in the adjacent control rooms, if any, special attention being paid to
telephone locations and to positions where voice communication and audible signals are
o Measurements from machinery which constitutes a sound source should be taken at 1 m from
the machinery
o Measurements shall be taken on both navigating bridge wings but should only be taken when
the navigating bridge wing to be measured is on the lee side of the ship.
o The number of measurement cabins shall be not less than 40 per cent of total number of
cabins. Cabins which are obviously affected by noise, i.e. cabins adjacent to machinery or
casings, must be considered in any case.
Noise level limits
o Machinery spaces 110
o Machinery control rooms 75
o Workshops other than those forming part of machinery spaces 85
o Navigating bridge and chartrooms 65
o Cabin and hospitals 60
o Messrooms 65
Noise Exposure Limits
o within each day or 24-hour period the equivalent continuous noise exposure would not exceed
80 dB(A)
o In spaces with sound pressure levels exceeding 85 dB(A), suitable hearing protection should be
used, or to apply time limits for exposure
o No seafarer, even when wearing hearing protectors, should be exposed to levels exceeding 120
international Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)
The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), and amendments to SOLAS chapter
VI to make the Code mandatory, were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), 85th session,
in 2008. The amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2011.
The IMSBC Code will replace the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code), which was first
adopted as a recommendatory code in 1965 and has been updated at regular intervals since then.
The aim of the mandatory IMSBC Code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk
cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of cargo
and instructions on the appropriate procedures to be adopted.
The international Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) includes recommendations to
Governments, ship operators and shipmasters. Its aim is to bring to the attention of those concerned
an internationally-accepted method of dealing with the hazards to safety which may be encountered
when carrying cargo in bulk.
The Code highlights the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of bulk cargoes; gives
guidance on various procedures which should be adopted; lists typical products which are shipped in
bulk; gives advice on their properties and how they should be handled; and describes various test
procedures which should be employed to determine the characteristic cargo properties.
The Code contains a number of general precautions and says it is of fundamental importance that bulk
cargoes be properly distributed throughout the ship so that the structure is not overstressed and the
ship has an adequate standard of stability. A revised version of the Code was adopted in 2004 as
Resolution MSC.193(79) Code of safe practice for solid bulk cargoes, 2004
Being concerned about the continued loss of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, sometimes without a
trace, and the heavy loss of life incurred, and recognizing that a number of accidents have occurred as a
result of improper loading and unloading of bulk carriers, the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods,
Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) at its first session (February 1996) developed a draft code of
practice for the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers, with the aim of preventing such accidents.
The resulting Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code) was
approved by the MSC at its 68th session (June 1997) and adopted by the Assembly at its 20th session
(November 1997) by resolution A.862(20).
The BLU Code, which provides guidance to masters of bulk carriers, terminal operators and other
parties concerned with the safe handling, loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes, is also linked to
regulation VI/7 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended by resolution MSC.47(66).
o Is to ensure the efficient maintenance of an Indian Mercantile marine and for that for purpose
a National Shipping Board was created with an aim to provide registration, certification, safety
and security of Indian Ship
PART I Preliminary
PART II National Shipping Board
PART III General Administration
PART IV Shipping Development Fund
PART V Registration Of Indian Ships
PART VI Certificates Of Officers
PART VIA Obligation of certain Certificate Holder To Serve Government Or In Indian Ships
PART VII Seamen And Apprentices
PART VIII Passenger Ships
PART IX Safety
PART IXA Nuclear Ships
PART X Collisions, Accidents At Sea & Liability
PART XA Limitation Of Liability
PART XB Civil Liability For Oil Pollutin Damage
PART XIA Prevention And Containment Of Pollution Of The Sea BY OIL
PART XII Investigations And Inquiries
PART XIII Wreck And Salvage
PART XIV Control Or Indian Ships And Ships Engaged In Coasting Trade
PART XV Sailing Vessels
PART XVA Fishing Boats
PART XVI Penalties And Procedure
PART XVII Miscellaneous
PART XVIII Repeals And Savings
the principles of minimum safe manning set out in section 3 to ensure the safe operation of ships to
which article III of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, applies, and the security of ships to
which chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended,
the capability to
maintain safe navigational, port, engineering and radio watches in accordance with
regulation VIII/2 of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, and also maintain
general surveillance of the ship;
moor and unmoor the ship safely;
manage the safety functions of the ship when employed in a stationary or near-
stationary mode at sea;
perform operations, as appropriate, for the prevention of damage to the marine
maintain the safety arrangements and the cleanliness of all accessible spaces to
minimize the risk of fire;
provide for medical care on board ship;
ensure safe carriage of cargo during transit;
inspect and maintain, as appropriate, the structural integrity of the ship; and
operate in accordance with the approved Ship's Security Plan; and
The minimum safe manning of a ship should be established taking into account all relevant factors,
including the following
size and type of ship;
number, size and type of main propulsion units and auxiliaries;
level of ship automation;
construction and equipment of the ship;
method of maintenance used;
cargo to be carried;
frequency of port calls, length and nature of voyages to be undertaken;
trading area(s), waters and operations in which the ship is involved;
extent to which training activities are conducted on board;
degree of shoreside support provided to the ship by the company;
applicable work hour limits and/or rest requirements; and
the provisions of the approved Ship's Security Plan
The UNFCCC objective is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that
would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system"
The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to
assess progress in dealing with climate change.
Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992, then entered into force on 21 March 1994:
o The framework set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and
contains no enforcement mechanisms. Instead, the framework outlines how specific
international treaties (called "protocols" or "Agreements") may be negotiated to set binding
limits on greenhouse gases.
The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to
assess progress in dealing with climate change.
In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol
o was concluded and established legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce
their greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008-2012
o The Protocol’s first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.
The 2010 Cancun agreements
o state that future global warming should be limited to below 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) relative to the pre-
industrial level.
Doha Amendment
o The Protocol was amended in 2012 to encompass the period 2013-2020 in the Doha
Amendment, which -as of December 2015- not entered into force.
In 2015 the Paris Agreement was adopted, governing emission reductions from 2020 on through
commitments of countries in ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11
o was held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015.
o The agreement will enter into force when joined by at least 55 countries which together
represent at least 55 percent of global greenhouse emissions
o According to the organizing committee at the outset of the talks the expected key result was an
agreement to set a goal of limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) compared
to pre-industrial levels.
o The agreement calls for zero net anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to be reached during
the second half of the 21st century.
o In the adopted version of the Paris Agreement, the parties will also "pursue efforts to" limit the
temperature increase to 1.5 °C.
o The 1.5 °C goal will require zero emissions sometime between 2030 and 2050, according to
some scientists
Market-Based Measures
o MBMs place a price on GHG emissions and serve two main purposes:
providing an economic incentive for the maritime industry to reduce its fuel
consumption by investing in more fuel efficient ships and technologies and to operate
ships in a more energy efficient-manner (in-sector reductions)
offsetting in other sectors of growing ship emissions
o Leveraged Incentive Scheme (LIS) (Japan (MEPC 60/4/37)):
GHG Fund contributions are collected on marine bunker. Part thereof is refunded to
ships meeting or exceeding agreed efficiency benchmarks and labelled as “good
performance ships”
o Port State Levy (Jamaica (MEPC 60/4/40)):
Levies a uniform emissions charge on all vessels calling at their respective ports based
on the amount of fuel consumed by the respective vessel on its voyage to that port
o Ship Efficiency and Credit Trading (SECT) (United Sates
Subjects all ships to mandatory energy efficiency standards. As one means of complying
with the standard, an efficiency-credit trading programme would be established.
The safety and security of life at sea, protection of the marine environment and over 90% of the world's
trade depends on the professionalism and competence of seafarers
The IMO's International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW), 1978 was the first internationally-agreed Convention to address the issue of
minimum standards of competence for seafarers. In 1995 the STCW Convention was completely revised
and updated to clarify the standards of competence required and provide effective mechanisms for
enforcement of its provisions.
The amendments, now referred to as the Manila amendments, which provide enhanced standards of
training for seafarers, entered into force on 1 January 2012
In 1997, IMO adopted a resolution setting out its vision, principles and goals for the human element.
The human element is a complex multi-dimensional issue that affects maritime safety, security and
marine environmental protection involving the entire spectrum of human activities performed by ships'
crews, shore based management, regulatory bodies and others. All need to co-operate to address
human element issues effectively.
One key STCW Convention provision requires Parties to provide information to allow others to check
the validity and authenticity of seafarers' certificates of competency. This is important as unqualified
seafarers holding fraudulent certificates of competency are a clear danger to themselves, others on
board and the marine environment.
Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new requirements for the prevention of drug and
alcohol abuse, as well as updated standards relating to medical fitness standards for seafarers;
New requirements for marine environment awareness training and training in leadership and
o To significantly enhance maritime safety and the quality of the marine environment by
addressing human element issues to improve performance
o the Organization, when developing regulations, should honour the seafarer by seeking and
respecting the opinions of those that do the work at sea
o effective remedial action following maritime casualties requires a sound understanding of
human element involvement in accident causation. This is gained by a thorough investigation
and systematic analysis of casualties for contributory factors and the causal chain of event
o rules and regulations addressing the seafarers directly should be simple, clear and
o to have in place a structured approach for the proper consideration of human element issues
for use in the development of regulations and guidelines by all committees and sub-committees
o to promote and communicate, through human element principles, a maritime safety culture
and heightened marine environment awareness;
o to have in place a system to discover and to disseminate to maritime interest studies, research
and other relevant information on the human element, including findings from marine and
non-marine incident investigations; and
o to provide material to educate seafarers so as to increase their knowledge and awareness of
the impact of human element issues on safe ship operations, to help them do the right thing
FATIGUE: The most common causes of fatigue known to seafarers are lack of sleep, poor quality of rest,
stress and excessive workload. There are many other contributors as well, and each will vary depending
onthe circumstance (i.e. operational, environmental).
o There are many ways to categorise the causes of fatigue. To ensure thoroughness and to
provide good coverage of most causes, they have been divided into 4 general categories.
Crew-specific factors
Management factors (ashore and aboard ship)
Ship-specific factors
Environmental factors
o Crew Specific Factors
The crew-specific factors are related to lifestyle behaviour, personal habits and
individual attributes.
However, fatigue varies from one person to another and its effects are often
dependent on the particular activity being performed.
The crew-specific factors include the following:
Sleep and rest
quality, quantity and duration of Sleep
sleep disorders/disturbances
rest breaks
Biological clock/circadian rhythms
Psychological and emotional factors, including stress
monotony and boredom
skill, knowledge and training as it relates to the job
personal problems
interpersonal relationships
Ingested chemicals
drugs (prescription and non-prescription)
Shift work and work schedules
Workload (mental/physical)
Jet lag
o Management Specific Factors
The management factors relate to how ships are managed and operated. These factors
can potentially cause stress and an increased workload, ultimately resulting in fatigue.
These factors include:
Organisational factors
staffing policies and retention
paperwork requirements
schedules-shift, overtime, breaks
company culture and management style
rules and regulations
upkeep of vessel
Voyage and scheduling factors
frequency of port calls
time between ports
weather and sea condition on route
traffic density on route
nature of duties/workload while in port
o Ship Specific Factors
These factors include ship design features that can affect/cause fatigue. Some ship
design features affect workload (i.e. automation, equipment reliability), some affect the
crew’s ability to sleep, and others affect the level of physical stress on the crew (i.e.
noise, vibration, accommodation spaces, etc.).
The following list details ship-specific factors:
ship design
level of automation
level of redundancy
equipment reliability
inspection and maintenance
age of vessel
physical comfort in work spaces
location of quarters
ship motion
physical comfort of accommodation spaces
o Environmental Specific Factors
Exposure to excess levels of environmental factors, e.g. temperature, humidity,
excessive noise levels,can cause or affect fatigue.
Long term exposure may even cause harm to a person’s health. Furthermore,
considering that environmental factors may produce physical discomfort, they can also
cause or contribute to the disruption of sleep.
Ship motion is also considered an environmental factor. Motion affects a person’s
ability to maintain physical balance. This is due to the extra energy expended to
maintain balance while moving, especially during harsh sea conditions. There is a direct
relation between a ship’s motion and a person’s ability to work. Excessive ship
movement can also cause nausea and motion sickness Environmental factors can also
be divided into factors external to the ship and those internal to the ship.
o Within the ship, the crew is faced with elements such as noise, vibration and temperature
(heat,cold, and humidity).
Mitigate Fatigue
o Steps such as the following are important in the prevention of fatigue on board ship, and are
within the Ship Officer’s ability to influence and implement:
o Ensure compliance with maritime regulations (minimum hours of rest and/or maximum hours
of work)
Take strategic naps
Develop and maintain good sleep habits, such as a pre-sleep routine (something that
you always do to get you ready to sleep)
Eat regular, well-balanced meals (including fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and
Exercise regularly
Drink sufficient amount of water
Use rested personnel to cover for those travelling long hours to join the ship and who
are expected to go on watch as soon as they arrive on board (i.e. allowing proper time
to overcome fatigue and become familiarised with the ship
Create an open communication environment (e.g. by making it clear to crew members
that it is important to inform supervisors when fatigue is impairing their performance
and that there will be no recriminations for such reports
Schedule drills in a manner that minimises the disturbance of rest/sleep periods
Establish on board management techniques when scheduling shipboard work and rest
periods, and using watch-keeping practices and assignment of duties in a more efficient
manner (using, where appropriate, IMO and ILO recommended formats – “Model
format for table of shipboard working arrangements” and “Model format for records of
hours of work or hours of rest of seafarers”)
Assign work by mixing up tasks to break up monotony and combining work that
requires high physical or mental demand with low-demand tasks (job rotation)
Schedule potentially hazardous tasks for daytime hours
Emphasis the relationship between work and rest periods to ensure that adequate rest
is received; this can be accomplished by promoting individual record keeping of hours
rested or worked. Using (where appropriate) IMO and ILO recommended formats in
“IMO/ILO Guidelines for the Development of Tables of Seafarers’ Shipboard Working
Arrangements and Formats of Records of Seafarers’ Hours of Work or Hours of Rest”
Re-appraise traditional work patterns and areas of responsibility on board to establish
the most efficient utilisation of resources (such as sharing the long cargo operations
between all the deck officers instead of the traditional pattern and utilizing rested
personnel to cover for those who have travelled long hours to join the ship and who
may be expected to go on watch as soon as they arrive)
Ensure that shipboard conditions, within the crew’s ability to influence, are well
maintained i (e.g. Maintaining heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) on
schedule, replacing light bulbs, and contending with sources of unusual noise at the
first possible opportunity)
Establish shipboard practices for dealing with fatigue incidents and learning from the
past (as part of safety meetings)
Increase awareness of long term health benefits of appropriate lifestyle behaviour (e.g.
exercise, relaxation, nutrition, avoiding smoking and low alcohol consumption)
o Situation and risk assessment: to understand the influence of a situation and risk assessment
in the principles and practice of decision making at an operational level.
o Situational awareness: how to acquire and maintain situational awareness and accidents and
increasing safety margins.
o Communication: how to recognise and apply best practice in communication, and be aware of
barriers to communication and how these may adversely affect situational awareness.
o Shipboard training: to understand the aim of shipboard training, the principles of learning and
methods of developing human potential.
o Culture: how to recognise and respond to cultural issues including cultural awareness and bias
including national, organisational, departmental and personal cultural approaches.
o Team working: to recognise team working models and conflict management style.
o Leadership and management: to recognise and demonstrate effective leadership behaviours.
o Workload management: understand the concept of task and workload management and be
able to apply it. Recognising fatigue and stress in yourself and others, and developing
strategies for dealing with them.
As per STCW
o Table A-II/1, A-II/2, A-III/1 and A-III/2
Competency : Application of leadership and team working skills
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency :
Ability to apply task and workload management, including:
o planning and co-ordination
o personnel assignment
o time and resource constraints
o prioritization
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
o allocation, assignment and prioritization of resources
o effective communication onboard and ashore
o decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
o assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
o obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
o situation and risk assessment
o identify and consider generated options
o selecting course of action
o evaluation of outcome effectiveness
A harmonized system of survey and certification covering international shipping regulations adopted by
IMO entered into force on 3 February 2000
The system covers survey and certification requirements of SOLAS 1974, the International Convention
on Load Lines, 1966, and MARPOL 73/78, as well as the IBC Code, BCH Code and IGC Code.
All of these instruments require the issuing of certificates to show that requirements have been met,
and this has to be done by means of a survey, which can involve the ship being out of service for
several days.
The harmonized system will alleviate the problems caused by survey dates, and intervals between
surveys, which do not coincide, so that a ship should no longer have to go into a port or repair yard for
a survey required by one convention shortly after doing the same thing in connection with another
The harmonized system provides for:
o a one-year standard interval between surveys, based on initial, annual, intermediate, periodical
and renewal surveys as appropriate;
o a scheme for providing the necessary flexibility for the execution of each survey with the
provision that the renewal survey may be completed within three months before the expiry
date of the existing certificate with no loss of its period of validity;
o a maximum period of validity of five years for all certificates for cargo ships
o a maximum period of validity of 12 months for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
o a system for the extension of certificates limited to three months to enable a ship to complete
its voyage (or one month for ships engaged on short voyages);
List of certificates required on board ship relating to harmonized system of survey and certification
(some depend on type of ship)
o Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
o Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o International Load Lines Certificate
o International Load Lines Exemption Certificate
o International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
o International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in
o International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
o International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
o Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
o Audit always forecasts on past activities and then detect the fault and propose the corrective
o Audit always focuses on system operation, system procedure and documentation.
o Audit always looks only on the system.
o Audit is focused on software items.
o Audit of entire system is not possible as it is done on sampling basis like surveillance audit
o For example, an auditor will check satisfactory repair of pump and will enquire, find and
analyze as to when pump was last inspected, why deficiency not found before survey etc.
o Survey focuses on future activities so that equipment continues to function for next survey.
o Survey focuses on physical status of machinery or equipment.
o Survey looks on product.
o Survey is focused on hardware
o Survey of entire system is possible like safety equipment survey, main engine performance
survey etc
o For example, in a survey of fire pump surveyor will check satisfactory repair of pump and noted
deficiency removed.
o an identifiable deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or a serious
risk to the environment and requires immediate corrective action; in addition, the lack of
effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code, is also considered
as a major non conformity
o A non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-
fulfilment of a specified requirement of the ISM code.
o Tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign
plan, which may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that lead
to tactical execution
o Strategy: To identify clear broader goals that advance the overall organization and organize
o Tactics: To utilize specific resources to achieve sub-goals that support the defined mission
o Angle of Repose is the maximum slope angle of non-cohesive (i.e. free-flowing) granular
o It is the angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material
o The angle of repose is a characteristic of non-cohesive bulk cargoes, which is indicative of cargo
stability, and the purpose of which is to minimize the risk of bulk material shifting; the cargo
should be trimmed reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space
o An average adjuster is a marine claims specialist responsible for adjusting and providing the
general average statement.
o Average Adjusters are expert in the law and practice of general average and marine insurance.
o They prepare claims under marine insurance policies which generally involve loss or damage to
marine craft, their cargoes or freight
o The damage or loss should be of a particular subject matter in which case the damage suffered
cannot be partially shifted to others and the loss would be borne by the persons directly
affected by the damage to the said cargo.
o refers to a loss that directly affects two or more interest in a common marine adventure unlike
particular average loss which affects a particular interest only.
o This loss involves an extraordinary sacrifice reasonably made during a peril for the sole purpose
of preserving other properties in a common marine adventure.
o This sacrifice could include throwing of some cargo over board (jettison), using cargo as fuel,
cutting away of spare or sails etc.
o The act must however be extraordinary, beyond the normal routine work of the ship crew and
master and the peril or danger that warrants such a sacrifice must also be more than the
ordinary perils of the sea.
o There is a general average act when and only when, any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure
is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for preserving from
peril the property involved in common maritime adventure
o refers to the amount paid by the charterer of a ship as a compensation to the ship owner for
any damage that may occur due to the charterer’s inability to complete operations on a vessel
(loading and offloading) within the allowable period (lay-days)
o the money that would be paid to the charterer when he is able to ensure that loading and off-
loading of a chartered vessel is completed before the elapse of the allowable time (lay days)
this is however dependent on the charter party agreement between both parties.
o Period during which the shipowner must tender notice of readiness to the charterer that the
ship has arrived at the pod of loading and is ready to load.
o This period is expressed as two dates, for example laydays 25 March cancelling 2 April or, when
abbreviated as laycan, laycan 25 March/2 April. The charterer is not obliged to commence
loading until the first of these dates if the ship arrives earlier and may have the option of
cancelling the charter if the ship arrives after the second of the dates, known as cancelling date
o Time allowed by the shipowner to the voyage charterer or Bill of Lading holder in which to load
and / or discharge the cargo.
o Clause in a voyage Charter-Party which entitles the shipowner to exercise a lien on the cargo,
that is, to retain control of the cargo until any freight, dead freight or demurrage which is owing
is paid.
o Clause in a voyage Charter-Party which seeks to relieve the charterer of all responsibility under
the contract once the cargo has been shipped.
o provides that the shipowner is entitled to recover in general average even when the loss is
caused by negligent navigation.
o The need for such a clause arises from the decision of an American court that, while American
law exempted a shipowner from liability for loss or damage to cargo resulting from negligent
navigation, this did not entitle the shipowner to recover in general average for such a loss.
o Standing charges are those which remain constant whether voyage is token or not but these
expense have to be paid. It is known as fixed charges. For example: salary, depreciation,
interest, repairs, insurance, etc. The proportionate expense regarding period of voyage are
debited to voyage account.
o is a contract between a ship-owner and another person (called the charterer), in which the
ship-owner agrees to carry goods for the charterer in the ship, or to give the charterer the use
of the whole or part of the ship's cargo-carrying space for the carriage of goods on a specified
o Protective clause inserted into a Charter-Party or Bill of Lading which provides that the
shipowner is entitled to recover in general average even when the loss is caused by negligent
o There shall be levied on every ship calling at any port in India being a ship which carries oil as
cargo, a cess to be called Oil Pollution Cess at such rate not exceeding fifty paise, --
in respect of each tonne of oil imported by a ship into India in bulk as a cargo;
in respect of each tonne of oil shipped from any place in India in bulk as a cargo of a
o the inlet cross-sectional area divided by the radius from the turbo centerline to the centroid of
that area.
o The loss ratio is calculated by dividing the total incurred losses by the total collected insurance
o The losses are added to adjustment expenses and then divided by total earned premiums.
o Delta tuning is for wartsila engines. Every unit has 3 fuel valves. So at lower loads only 1 fuel
valve is functional, as the load increases then two fuel valves and then 3 at max load. This
combination of fuel valves in use keeps changing
o An actual total loss occurs where the damages or cost of repair clearly equal or exceed the
value of the property.
o A constructive total loss is a situation where the cost of repairs plus the cost of salvage equal
or exceed the value.
Liner Trade
o Liner Service – is a service that operates within a schedule and has a fixed port rotation with
published dates of calls at the advertised ports.
Tramp Service
o A Tramp Service or tramper on the other hand is a ship that has no fixed routing or itinerary or
schedule and is available at short notice (or fixture) to load any cargo from any port to any port
o Maritime tort is an injury to person or property of which admiralty will take jurisdiction
because of its origin on navigable waters in a maritime matter.
o It includes torts resulting from malfeasance or negligence, as well as those committed by direct
o Right to keep the property belonging to another person till debt owed is paid
o A ship whose hull, machinery, equipment, or operational safety is substantially below the
standards required by the relevant convention or whose crew is not in conformance with the
safe manning document
o means under mentioned items of the ship are such as to make it unfit for the proposed voyage
or service
the materials of construction,
her construction,
the qualification of master, the number, description and qualification of the crew
including officers,
the weight, description and stowage of the cargo and ballast,
the condition of her hull and equipment, boilers and machinery
o means under mentioned items of the ship are such as to make the ship unfit to proceed to sea
on the intended service without endangering human life
Defective condition of her hull, equipment or machinery,
Over loading or improper loading,
o Unified Requirements are minimum requirements. Each Member remains free to set more
stringent requirements.
o Unified Requirements are adopted resolutions on matters directly connected to or covered by
specific Rule requirements and practices of classification societies and the general philosophy
on which the rules and practices of classification societies are established
o Procedural Requirements are adopted resolutions on matters of procedures to be followed by
o Procedural Requirements adopted shall be incorporated in the practices and procedures of the
members within the periods agreed by the IACS General Policy Group.
o This is a term used to define changes in draught and trim which occurs when the depth of
water beneath the vessel is less than one and a half time the draught of the vessel when
travelling at a significant speed
o When there is a limited clearance under the keel the restriction increases the velocity of water
flow which causes a drop in pressure thereby reducing the buoyancy force on the vessel. This
effect is increased still further when vessel is in the confined channel since the velocity of water
flow must increase due to further restriction.
o Since the weight of the vessel remains unchanged the ship will have to sink further thereby
increasing her draught in order to restore equilibrium
o A letter of credit is a document, typically from a bank (Issuing Bank), assuring that a seller
(Beneficiary) will receive payment up to the amount of the letter of credit, as long as certain
documentary delivery conditions have been met. In the event that the buyer (Applicant) is
unable to make payment on the purchase, the Beneficiary may make a demand for payment on
the bank.
o Ship carrying more than 12 passenger
o Any person onboard except
A person employed or engaged in any capacity on board the ship on the business of the
A person onboard the ship either in pursuance of the obligation laid upon the master to
carry ship wrecked distressed or other persons or by reason of any circumstances
which neither the master nor the charterer, if any, could have prevented or forestalled
Child under the age of 1
o “tanker” means a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of
an inflammable nature
Structure of IMO
o The Organization consists of
an Assembly,
a Council and
five main Committees:
a number of Sub-Committees support the work of the main technical committees.
o Assembly
This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization.
It consists of all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular sessions,
but may also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary.
The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, voting the budget and
determining the financial arrangements of the Organization.
The Assembly also elects the Council.
o Council
The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning after each regular
session of the Assembly
The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for
supervising the work of the Organization.
Between sessions of the Assembly the Council performs all the functions of the
Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments on
maritime safety and pollution prevention
coordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization;
consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and
submit them to the Assembly;
appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly;
o Committees:
Maritime Safety Committee
The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization.
It consists of all Member States. The functions of the Maritime Safety
Committee are to “consider any matter within the scope of the Organization
concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels,
manning from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions,
handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and requirements,
hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine casualty
investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting
maritime safety
Maritime Environmental Protection Committee
The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to consider any
matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and
control of pollution from ships.
In particular, it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions
and other regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.
Technical Committee
The Technical Cooperation Committee is required to consider any matter
within the scope of the Organization concerned with the implementation of
technical cooperation projects for which the Organization acts as the executing
or cooperating agency and any other matters related to the Organization’s
activities in the technical cooperation field.
Legal Committee
The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within the
scope of the Organization.
Facilitation Committee
It consists of all the Member States of the Organization and deals with IMO’s
work in eliminating unnecessary formalities and “red tape” in international
shipping by implementing all aspects of the Convention on Facilitation of
International Maritime Traffic 1965 and any matter within the scope of the
Organization concerned with the facilitation of international maritime traffic.
o Sub Committee
Human Element Training and Watch keeping (HTW)
Implementation of IMO Instruments (III);
Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR);
Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR);
Ship Design and Construction (SDC);
Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE); and
Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC).
o Normally the suggestion is first made in one of the committees, since these meet more
frequently than the main organs.
o If agreement is reached in the committee, the proposal goes to the Council and, as necessary,
to the Assembly.
o If the Assembly or the Council, as the case may be, gives the authorization to proceed with the
work, the committee concerned considers the matter in greater detail and ultimately draws up
a draft instrument. In some cases, the subject may be referred to a specialized sub-committee
for detailed consideration.
o Work in the committees and sub-committees is undertaken by the representatives of Member
States of the Organization. The views and advice of intergovernmental and international non-
governmental organizations which have a working relationship with IMO are also welcomed in
these bodies. Many of these organizations have direct experience in the various matters under
consideration, and are therefore able to assist the work of IMO in practical ways.
o The draft convention which is agreed upon is reported to the Council and Assembly with a
recommendation that a conference be convened to consider the draft for formal adoption.
o Invitations to attend such a conference are sent to all Member States of IMO and also to all
States which are members of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies. These
conferences are therefore truly global conferences open to all Governments who would
normally participate in a United Nations conference
o Before the conference opens, the draft convention is circulated to the invited Governments and
organizations for their comments. The draft convention, together with the comments thereon
from Governments and interested organizations is then closely examined by the conference
and necessary changes are made in order to produce a draft acceptable to all or the majority of
the Governments present. The convention thus agreed upon is then adopted by the conference
and deposited with the Secretary-General who sends copies to Governments. The convention is
opened for signature by States, usually for a period of 12 months. Signatories may ratify or
accept the convention while non-signatories may accede.
o The drafting and adoption of a convention in IMO can take several years to complete although
in some cases, where a quick response is required to deal with an emergency situation,
Governments have been willing to accelerate this process considerably
o Each convention includes appropriate provisions stipulating conditions which have to be met
before it enters into force. These conditions vary but, generally speaking, the more important
and more complex the document, the more stringent are the conditions for its entry into force.
oWhen the appropriate conditions have been fulfilled, the convention enters into force for the
States which have accepted - generally after a period of grace intended to enable all the States
to take the necessary measures for implementation.
o Accepting a convention does not merely involve the deposit of a formal instrument. A
Government’s acceptance of a convention necessarily places on it the obligation to take the
measures required by the convention. Often national law has to be enacted or changed to
enforce the provisions of the convention; in some case, special facilities may have to be
provided; an inspectorate may have to be appointed or trained to carry out the functions under
the convention; and adequate notice must be given to ship owners, shipbuilders and other
interested parties so they make take account of the provisions of the convention in their future
acts and plans.
o At IMO, Maritime resolutions are issued by the Assembly, The council and by each of the
o Each committee brings resolutions to amend part of International convention that they are
associated with. Like Maritime safety committee handles conventions related to safety.
o the resolution MSC.374(93) refers to the MSC resolution number 374 which was adopted in the
93rd session of the MSC.
o For a resolution to come into effect, there are 4 main steps
A contracting government need to propose a resolution.
IMO or its respective committee need to review the resolution proposal
Resolution need to be adopted in the IMO and finally
Resolution need to be accepted by the contracting governments
After a fixed time from acceptance, a resolution enters into force
o Adoption of a resolution
Resolutions are adopted by voting in Maritime safety committee or Maritime
Environment Protection Committee. There are 2 conditions for a resolution to be
Atleast one-third of the contracting governments should be present for voting.
On this date, there are 174 countries that are members to the IMO. So for a
resolution to be adopted, at least 58 countries should be present.
At least two-third of the contracting governments present, should vote in
favour of resolution. So if 60 countries were present, at least 40 countries
should vote in favour of the resolution.
o Acceptance of the resolution
A resolution once adopted, it is passed to all contracting governments for acceptance.
The Secretary general communicates the adopted resolution to all contracting
the amendment will be accepted by tacit acceptance or explicit acceptance. The
acceptance of a resolution to amend SOLAS convention is only done by tacit
o Tacit Acceptance of a resolution
In simple terms “tacit acceptance” means “accepted unless objected”. It is opposite of
earlier process of “rejected unless accepted”.
Under tacit acceptance, a resolution is accepted on an agreed time interval from
adoption unless it is objected by a number of contracting governments.
The committee decides the agreed interval during adoption of resolution.
However, there is minimum interval that is set in respective conventions.
For example, as per Marpol convention, the minimum interval between adoption and
acceptance has to be 10 months. Same way, as per SOLAS the minimum interval should
not be less than one year. SOLAS convention has also specified maximum interval
between adoption and acceptance as 2 year
At the end of the deadline, if a contracting government has not taken any action
(accepting or rejecting the proposed resolution), it is implied (tacit) that government
has accepted the resolution.
o I am a country representative and I am presented few resolutions. I sign a proposed resolution.
By signing I am only agreeing to discuss it with at my home country in the parliament. I am not
legally bound by that signature. I go to my home country and discuss this in parliament and
parliament accepts this to be included in the local laws. I have ratified the convention. Once the
required number of states ratifies the convention, it comes in force. Once the convention is in
force, another state (country) decides to be part of the convention and they discuss it in their
parliament and agrees to make it a domestic law in their country. Since this convention is
already ratified, the process will not be called ratification but it is called accession. The only
difference between ratification and accession is that ratification is the act involved in
conventions not yet ratified and accession is the act involved in the conventions already
o "Carrier" includes the owner or the charterer who enters into a contract of carriage with a
o "Contract of carriage" applies only to contracts of carriage covered by a bill of lading or any
similar document of title, in so far as such document relates to the carriage of goods by sea,
including any bill of lading or any similar document as aforesaid issued under or pursuant to a
charter party from the moment at which such bill of lading or similar document of title
regulates the relations between a carrier and a holder of the same
o International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading
o The Hague Rules represented the first attempt by the international community to find a
workable and uniform means of dealing with the problem of shipowners regularly excluding
themselves from all liability for loss or damage to cargo.
o The objective of The Hague Rules has to establish a minimum mandatory liability of carriers
which could be derogated from
o Under The Hague Rules the shipper bears the cost of lost/damaged goods if they cannot prove
that the vessel was unseaworthy, improperly manned or unable to safely transport and
preserve the cargo, i.e. the carrier can avoid liability for risks resulting from human errors
provided they exercise due diligence and their vessel is properly manned and seaworthy.
o The carrier shall be bound before and at the beginning of the voyage to exercise due diligence
Make the ship seaworthy
Properly man, equip and supply the ship
Make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in
which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.
o Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting
Act, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in
the navigation or in the management of the ship. Fire, unless caused by the actual fault
or privity of the carrier. Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable
waters. Act of God. Act of war. Act of public enemies. Arrest or restraint or princes,
rulers or people, or seizure under legal process.
o The Rules increase the maximum amount for limitation of liability of a carrier and introduce a
new weight-based criterion
o The unit of account is the
o Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
o The Rules incorporate a container clause in recognition of the new cargo packaging techniques
adopted throughout the shipping industry. Container Bills of Lading are normally received for
‘shipment bills’ and not ‘ship on board bills’ and it could not be otherwise where the goods are
received at a container freight station inland
o The Hamburg Rules constitute a new Convention on maritime transport agreed under the
auspices of the United Nations at a conference at Hamburg on 31 st March 1978.
o Their official title is the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978.
o The Rules were devised with the intention that they should supersede the 1924 Hague Rules
together with the 1968 Visby amendment
o The rules apply to all outward shipments from the U.K. but to imports only if the carriage is
from one of the states has referred to above or the bill of lading was issued in one of those
states or clause paramount in the bill of lading expressly applies them.
o If no bill of lading is issued the carrier is not legally bound to apply them and can be subject to
the applicability of national law.
o These rules do not apply to charter parties (Article V)
o Hamburg Rules applies to all contracts for the carriage of goods by sea between two states
(Article II).
o It can be seen that the application of rules does not depend on issue of bill of lading and it is
likely to apply for imports as well as exports. The Hamburg rules too are not applicable to
charter parties
o Notice of loss or damage must be given in writing by the consignee or carrier no later than 1
working day after the goods were delivered to consignee, or where the loss or damage is latent,
within 15 consecutive days after delivery to the consignee (Article 19).
o A failure to give such notice is prima facie evidence of delivery in accordance with the
document of transport, of if no such document has been issued in good condition.
o Compensation for loss resulting from delay in delivery may not be provided unless notice has
been given in writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after delivery to the consignee
Article 5(1) of the Geneva Convention on the High Seas of 1958, which came into effect in 1962,
requires that "the state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical
and social matters over ships flying its flag." There are 63 states party to that Convention.
The principle was repeated in Article 91 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of
1982 (UNCLOS), which came into effect in 1994.[2] That Convention has 167 parties.
A ship entitled to fly the flag of a country needs to be registered in that country.
The object of registration is to ensure that persons who are entitled to the privilege and protection of
the Indian flag get them.
The registration affords evidence of title off the ship to those who deal with the property in question.
It also gives protection to the members of the crew in case of casualties involving injuries and/or loss of
life to claim compensation under the provisions of the Indian Acts in Indian courts
Part V of this MS Act deals with exclusively with the registration of Indian ships
Ships which qualify to be registered are required to be registered only at ports designated as ports of
registry. At present Mumbai, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin and Mormugao have been notified as ports of
registry and principal officers of Mumbai, Calcutta & Madras and Surveyor in charge of Cochin and
Mormugao have been notified as Registrar of Indian ships.
In their capacity as registrar of Indian ships, the principal officers are required to maintain a complete
record of Ships on register indicating status of the ship on a particular date
The Director General of Shipping, at the request of owners of Indian ships, desiring to be known at sea,
allots signal letter & controls the series that may be so issued.
The conferment of status of Indian ships is restricted to:
o Ships owned by a citizen of India
o Ships owned by a company or body established by or under any central or state Act which has
its principle place of business in India
o Ships owned by a co-operative society which is registered or deemed to be registered under
the Co-operative Society Act, 1912, or any other law relating to Co-operative Societies for the
time being in force in any state.
o Sea going ships fitted with mechanical means of propulsion of 15 tons’ net and above
howsoever employed and those of less than 15 tons’ net employed otherwise than solely on
the coasts of Indian qualify for registration
o Not more than 10 individuals are entitled to be registered as an owner of a fractional part of a
share in a ship, but a maximum of 5 persons could be registered as joint owners of a ship or of
any share and shares therein.
o The owner of a ship wishing to have it registered at a port in India has to submit to the
concerned Register
o A declaration of ownership whether he is a sole proprietor, joint owner or a company made
before a Registrar,
o A certificate signed by the builder (builder’s certificate) of the ship containing a true account of
the proper denomination and of the tonnage of the ship as estimated by him and the time,
when and the place where the ship was built, (for new ship).
o The instrument of sale under which the property of the ship was transferred to the applicant
who requires it to be registered in his name, (for second-hand ships).
o On being satisfied that the ship, on the strength of the evidence placed before him, is entitled
to be Indian ship, the Registrar arranges for survey of the ship by a surveyor for the
determination of her tonnage in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage
Measurement) Rules, 1987 as amended from time to time, for the purpose of issue of a
Certificate of Survey
oAfter the formalities enumerated above have been gone through, the Registrar issues a carving
and marking note. This note is to be returned to the Registrar after carving and marking have
been duly carried out on the ship in the prescribed manner and certified by a Surveyor.
o Traditional Registry: Some nations only allow vessels that are owned by companies or persons
that are residents of that country. These registries are known as “traditional” or “national”
o Open Registry: Other nations, on the other hand, allow companies and persons from many
other countries to register their vessels under that nation's flag. These are known as “open”
registries. Ships registered under open registries are sometimes said to fly under “flags of
o Bareboat Registry: Bareboat charter registration, in essence, temporarily permits a vessel to fly
the flag of another country while ownership continues to be registered in the underlying
o Offshore registries: Shipowners can register their ships under the national flag but are able to
operate their ships with a high degree of flexibility concerning production and employment
conditions. The state retains administrative control over the ship that operates under
conditions similar to those preferred by the open registries. It permits an economic incentive,
the hiring of foreign crews at wages lower than those payable to domestic crews.
o Hybrid registries: To counter the trend of the reduction of the national fleet some European
countries have established international registries. International registries are second national
registries allowing ships to fly the flag of that state. They are easier to access and have fewer
entry requirements than
most national registries. They tend to maintain a nationality link between beneficial owner or
management of the vessel and the flag State. In general, hybrid registries tend to offer financial
incentives and advantages similar to open registers.
o Every declaration of ownership shall be made before a registrar, a Justice of the Peace, a
Commissioner of Oaths, or an Indian Consular Officer and where a declaration of ownership is
made at a place other than the port of registry, the place of attestation shall be stated in the
o The registrar, on receipt of an application for registry shall apply to the Director-General for
allotment of an official number
o Where in respect of a ship an official number has been allotted and the name approved by the
Director General and the certificate of survey granted by the surveyor, the registrar shall issue
to the owners a Carving and Marking Note which shall be returned to the registrar after the
carving and marking have been duly carried out and certified by a surveyor
o Every ship shall, before registry, be marked permanently and conspicuously to the satisfaction
of the registrar as follows –
her name shall be marked on each of her bows, and her name and the name of her
intended port of registry shall be marked on her stern, on a dark background in white
or yellow letters or on a light background in black letter which shall be not less than
one decimetre or four inches in height and 1.3 centimetres or half an inch in breadth.
her official number and the number denoting her registered tonnage shall be cut in on
her main beam.
Her scale of draught marks shall be cut or welded in feet and inches and in metres and
decimetres in two columns side by side both forward and aft on the port and star board
side respectively. The relative position of the two rows of markings should be
separated by a reasonable distance in order to avoid errors in reading them.
In the case of modern type of ships having a raked soft stem and cruiser stern, the
marks shall be cut in or welded as close and aft of the stem as possible following the
contour of the stem. The marks aft or at the stern shall be cut a few feet forward of
the after perpendicular in two columns parallel to each other.
Port State Control
Port Stare Control is a system of harmonized inspection-procedures designed to target substandard
vessels with the main objective being their eventual elimination
In March 1978 the grounding of the supertanker “Amoco Cadiz” off the coast of Brittany (France)
resulted in a massive oil spill, causing a strong political and public outcry in Europe, calling for more
stringent regulations with regard to the safety of shipping
Basic principle of PSC
o The prime responsibility for the compliance with the requirements laid down in the
international maritime conventions lies with the ship-owner/operator; responsibility for
ensuring such compliance remains with the flag State;
o The member- countries agree to inspect a given percentage of their estimated number of
individual foreign merchant vessels entering their ports;
o As a general rule, ships will not be inspected within six months of a previous inspection in a
MOU port, unless there are “clear grounds” for inspection (see “Selection of ships for
o All possible efforts are made to avoid unduly detaining or delaying a vessel;
o Inspections are generally unannounced.
o International Convention on Load Lines 1996, as amended, its 1998 protocol, (LOADLINES
o International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, its Protocol of 1978, as
amended, and the Protocol of 1998, (SOLAS 74/78/88);
o International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the
Protocol of 1978, as amended (MARPOL 73/78);
o International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for
Seafarers 1978, as amended (STCW 78);
o Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972, as amended
(COLREG 72);
o International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969 (TONNAGE 1969);
o Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO Convention No. 147).
“Clear grounds” for a more detailed inspection are:
o Vessels whose statutory certificates on the vessel’s construction or equipment, issued in
accordance with the conventions, and the classification certificates have been issued by an
organization which is not recognized by the authority;
o Ships that have deficiencies to be rectified in the next port;
o Ships that have deficiencies to be rectified within 14 days;
o Ships flying the flag of a non-Party to a relevant instrument;
o Ships that are in a category for which “expanded inspection” has been decided, i.e.: oil tankers
older than 20 years, bulk carriers older than 12 years, gas and chemical carriers older than 10
years, and passenger ships;
o During examination of the certificates and documents inaccuracies have been revealed or the
documents have not been properly kept updated;
o Indications that the crew members are unable to communicate with each other, or that the
ship is unable to communicate with shore- based authorities;
o Evidence of cargo and other operations not being conducted safely or in accordance with IMO
o Failure of the master of an oil tanker to produce the record of the oil discharge monitoring and
control system for the last ballast voyage;
o Absence of an up to date muster list, or crew members not aware of their duties in the event of
fire or an order to abandon ship;
o The emissions of false alerts not followed by proper cancellation procedures;
o The absence of principal equipment or arrangements required by the conventions;
o Evidence from the PSCO’s general impression and observations that there are serious hull and
structural deteriorations or deficiencies that may jeopardize the structural, watertight or
weather tight integrity of the vessel;
o Excessively unsanitary conditions on board the vessel;
o Information or evidence that the master or crew is not familiar with essential shipboard
operation relating to the safety of the vessel or the prevention of pollution, or that such
operations have not been carried out.
Action codes
o Each deficiency is commonly given in a codified form in the inspection report, called “action
o The action codes most frequently used are:
10 deficiency rectified
15 to be rectified at the next port of call;
16 to be rectified within 14 days;
17 master instructed to rectify deficiency before departure;
30 grounds for detention;
40 next port of call informed;
50 flag State/ consul informed;
70 classification society informed
o In several regions around the world, coastal countries have signed an agreement,
“Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control, often abridged “MOU on PSC”.
o At present there are the following Regional Agreement on PSC
Paris MOU for the European Region.
The Acuerdo de Viña del Mar (Latin America Agreement),
Tokyo MOU for the Asian Region signed in 1993,
Caribbean MOU for the Caribbean Region signed in 1996 in Barbados;
Mediterranean MOU for the Southern Mediterranean Region
Indian Ocean MOU signed in 1998 in Pretoria and comprising:
West and Central Africa MOU signed in Abuja (Nigeria).
Persian Gulf Region;
Black Sea Area,
In the United States PSC is carried out by US Coast Guard.
o Information exchange
Whether deficiencies are found or not, all details from each inspection report are
entered in an advanced central computer database
This database can be accessed by PSC authorities, for consulting inspection files,
inserting new inspection reports or using the electronic mail facility
A monthly list of detentions is published. This list contains, amongst others, the ship
name, the owner, the Classification society and the port and date of detention
o According to the Ship Risk Profile vessels will be classified as Low Risk Ships (LRS) and High Risk
Ships (HRS). If a vessel is neither Low Risk nor High Risk it will be classified as a Standard Risk
Ship (SRS).
o The Ship Risk Profile will be based on the following criteria, using details of inspections in the
PMoU area in the last 3 years:
type of ship
age of ship
performance of the flag of the ship (including undertaking Voluntary IMO Member
State Audit Scheme (VIMSAS)
performance of the recognised organisation(s)
performance of the company responsible for the ISM management
number of deficiencies
number of detentions
o HRS: between 5-6 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region
o SRS: between 10-12 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region
o LRS: between 24-36 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region
o The banning criteria for the first and second ban will be amended as follows:
If the ship flies a black listed flag it will be banned after more than 2 detentions in the
last 36 months
if the ship flies a grey listed flag it will be banned after 2 or more detentions in the last
24 months.
o Any subsequent detention after the second banning will lead to a ban, irrespective of the flag.
o Moreover, a time period until the banning can be lifted will be introduced as follows:
3 months after the first ban
12 months after the second ban
24 months after the third ban
permanent ban.
Salvage mean “rescue a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo from loss at sea”. The party rescuing is
called “Salvor” and the wrecked or disabled ship is called “Property being salvaged”. Simply put, as per
salvage convention Salvor does a work to salvage the property and he gets a reward / Compensation
for his efforts to save the property.
The introduction and historical developments in salvage convention apart from listing the duties of
various parties, has been based upon the question of when and how much monetary benefits the
salvor should get for his efforts.
In the late 80s, with few of the infamous oil pollution incidents, it became a necessity to encourage
salvor to take up the high risk salvage contract where potential oil pollution and marine environment
was involved and for this reason a special compensation under article 14 was introduced in salvage
convention which was also the main distinguishing thing from Brussel’s convention.
As per Article 14 “if the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimised damage to the
environment, salvor is entitled for a special compensation equivalent to his expenses which can be
increased up to 30% to 100% of the expenses under certain circumstances. These expenses were to be
born by ship owners and this was the first time when P&I clubs were also involved in salvage operation
as they had to pay these expenses on owners behalf.”
Both Salvor and the ship owners had few concerns with Article 14. Shipowners and P&I clubs were
concerned that Salvor could unnecessarily prolong the salvage operation to claim more expenses under
special compensation. Also the the Hull underwriters might delay the decision to declare the vessel as
“Total Constructive loss” as they would have nothing to loose by delaying their decision.
Salvor’s concerns mainly were to the applicability of article 14 as this was only applicable in coastal and
inland waters and it only applied if there was a threat to the environment which they had to prove.
That is when SCOPIC clause came into play.
There were number of discussions to solve the limitations of article 14 and various solutions were
discussed including a revision of existing salvage convention but it was finally decided to incorporate
SCOPIC clause in the Lloyds open form (LOF) with no changes in the salvage convention. LOF is the
contract form between the salvor and owner of the ship.
SCOPIC clause once invoked substitutes article 14. SCOPIC clause solved two concerns for salvors.
o One, SCOPIC once invoked was applicable in all geographical locations and was not limited to
coastal and inland sea.
o Also SCOPIC was applicable even if there was no threat to the environment and
o second, SCOPIC clause required security of USD 2 millions which made the salvor sure of the
o if SCOPIC clause is invoked and the salvor was able to save property and hence was eligible for
award as per article 13, his reward would be reduced by 25%. So if the salvor is very much
certain for success of salvage, he would not invoke SCOPIC clause.
Article 13 - Criteria for fixing the reward
o The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations, taking into account
the following criteria:
the salved value of the vessel and other property;
the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimising damage to the
the measure of success obtained by the salvor;
the nature and degree of the danger;
the skill and efforts of the salvors in salving the vessel, other property and life;
the time used and expenses and losses incurred by the salvors;
the risk of liability and other risks run by the salvors or their equipment;
the promptness of the services rendered;
the availability and use of vessels or other equipment intended for salvage operations;
the state of readiness and efficiency of the salvor's equipment and the value thereof.
o Payment of a reward fixed according to above criteria shall be made by all of the vessel and
other property interests in proportion to their respective salved values. However, a State Party
may in its national law provide that the payment of a reward has to be made by one of these
interests, subject to a right of recourse of this interest against the other interests for their
respective shares
o The rewards, exclusive of any interest and recoverable legal costs that may be payable thereon,
shall not exceed the salved value of the vessel and other property."
"Article 14 - Special compensation (safety net)
o If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vessel which by itself or its cargo
threatened damage to the environment and has failed to earn a reward under article 13, he
shall be entitled to special compensation from the owner of that vessel equivalent to his
expenses as herein defined.
o If the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimised damage to the environment,
the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph I may be
increased up to a maximum of 30% of the expenses incurred by the salvor. However, in special
cases it may increase such special compensation further, but in no event shall the total increase
be more than 100% of the expenses incurred by the salvor.
o salvors ('Contractors') could receive Special Compensation (ie their expenses and a fair rate for
tugs and equipment used in salvage operations) in certain circumstances where the salved fund
was insufficient to allow them to recover adequate remuneration under Article 13
o If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimise damage to the
environment, he may be deprived of the whole or part of any special compensation due under
this article.
o Salvage claims which have arisen in circumstances where there is no threat to the environment
are settled in accordance with the criteria set out under Art.13.
Only the owner of the ship is liable to pay special compensation. Cargo interests are not liable for
special compensation but will contribute to the overall payment to the salvors in the event of an award
under Art.13.
P&I Clubs extended their cover to provide for reimbursement of a shipowners' liabilities under Art.14.
LOF 2000
o Lloyd’s Form of Salvage Agreement or “LOF” was first introduced in 1892.
o LOF 2000 comprises a single sheet of paper incorporating essential information as given below
Name of the salvage Contractors: (referred to in this agreement as “the Contractors”)
2. Property to be salved.
The vessel: her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon but
excluding the personal effects or baggage of passengers master or crew (referred to in
this agreement as “the property”)
Agreed place of safety:
Agreed currency of any arbitral award and security (if other than United States dollars)
Date of this agreement:
Place of agreement:
Is the Scopic Clause incorporated into this agreement? State alternative : Yes/No
Person signing for and on behalf of the Contractors Signature:
Captain or other person signing for and on behalf of the property Signature:
o Contractors’ basic obligation: The Contractors agree to use their best endeavours to salve the
property and to take the property to a place of safety.
o Environmental protection: While performing the salvage services the Contractors shall also use
their best endeavours to prevent or minimise damage to the environment.
Duties of property owners: Each of the owners of the property shall cooperate fully with the
Contractors. In particular:
o the Contractors may make reasonable use of the vessel's machinery gear and equipment free
of expense provided that the Contractors shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice
any property on board;
o the Contractors shall be entitled to all such information as they may reasonably require relating
to the vessel or the remainder of the property provided such information is relevant to the
performance of the services and is capable of being provided without undue difficulty or delay;
o the owners of the property shall co-operate fully with the Contractors in obtaining entry to the
place of safety
o Rights of termination: When there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result
leading to a salvage reward either the owners of the vessel or the Contractors shall be entitled
to terminate the services hereunder by giving reasonable prior written notice to the other.
Deemed performance: The Contractors' services shall be deemed to have been performed when the
property is in a safe condition in the place of safety
For the purpose of this provision the property shall be regarded as being in safe condition
notwithstanding that the property (or part thereof) is damaged or in need of maintenance if (i) the
Contractors are not obliged to remain in attendance to satisfy the requirements of any port or habour
authority, governmental agency or similar authority and (ii) the continuation of skilled salvage services
from the Contractors or other salvors is no longer necessary to avoid the property becoming lost or
significantly further damaged or delayed.
Arbitration and the LSSA Clauses: The Contractors' remuneration and/or special compensation shall be
determined by arbitration in London in the manner prescribed by Lloyd's Standard Salvage and
Arbitration Clauses (“the LSSA Clauses”) and Lloyd’s Procedural Rules.
Salvage security: As soon as possible the owners of the vessel should notify the owners of other
property on board that this agreement has been made. If the Contractors are successful, the owners of
such property should note that it will become necessary to provide the Contractors with salvage
security promptly.
New ship" means a ship:
o for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2013;
o Or
o in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 July 2013; or
o the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015.
The International Energy Efficiency Certificate shall be valid throughout the life of the ship
Regulation 19
o Application
shall apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above
ships solely engaged in voyages within waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction
of the State the flag of which the ship is entitled to fly
Regulation 20 and regulation 21 shall not apply to ships which have diesel-electric
propulsion, turbine propulsion or hybrid propulsion systems
the Administration may waive the requirement for a ship of 400 gross tonnages and
above from complying with regulation 20 and regulation 21; but waiver clause is only
for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2017; or
in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a
similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2017; or
the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2019
Regulation 20: Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (Attained EEDI)
o Attained EEDI shall be calculated for new ships and ship has undergone a major conversion
o EEDI = (CO2 from propulsion system+CO2 from auxiliary -CO2 emission reduction)/ (DWT x
o EEDI = (PME x (CF x SFCME)) + (PAE x (CF x SFCAE)) - CO2 emission reduction
o Any innovative power (electric) generation devices on board such as electricity from waste heat
recovery or solar power. These are represented by the third term in the nominator
o Innovative technologies that provide mechanical power for ship propulsion such as wind power
(sails, kites, etc.). This is the last term in the nominator
Regulation 21: Required EEDI
o Required EEDI = (1-X/100) × Reference line value
X is the reduction factor
Phase 0 1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2014 0%
Phase 1 1-Jan-2015 to 31-Dec-2019 10%
Phase 2 1-Jan-2019 to 31-Dec-2024 20%
Phase 3 1-Jan-2025 onwards 30%
Reference Line = a ×b
a and c constants depending on ship types
b dwt of ship
Regulation 22: SEEMP
o Each ship shall keep on board a ship specific Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).
o Management tool to monitor the CO2 emission performance of ships, or fleets, with regards to
CO2 emissions
o Directly relates the ratio of mass of CO2 emitted per unit transport work
EEOI = Mass of CO2 / (transport work)
o Objective – to provide an indicator for the energy efficiency of a ship in operation
o In order to establish the EEOI, the following main steps are described as being needed.
define the period for which the EEOI is calculated*;
define data sources for data collection;
collect data;
convert data to appropriate format;
calculate EEOI
o The purpose of the EEDI is to establish the minimum efficiency of new ships depending on ship
type and size, provide a fair basis for comparison and to stipulate the development of more
efficient ships in general.
o ”Attained Index” for specific ships to be calculated per ship on design data, and to be less than
”Required Index”.
o Attained and Required EEDI shall be recorded on the International Energy Efficiency Certificate
(IEE Certificate) of the ship
o Ship Design
Hull Form Optimization
Longer ship reduces wave-making resistance
Reduction of wetted surface area reduces frictional resistance for slow ship
Bow and aft optimization for the operational speed
Minimizing resistance of hull openings
Use of lightweight material can reduce the ship weight
Propeller Design
Application of appendages to the propulsion system at the stern of a vessel
improves the water flow and reduces the total resistance of ship
o Kort nozzle
o Mewis Duct
o Wake equalizing duct
o Pre-swirl stator
o Propeller boss cap fins
Selection of propeller depends on hull resistance and design speed
Modification of number of blades and diameter of propeller affects the final
selection of the main propulsion system.
various optimization techniques and new technologies can improve the
efficiency of the ship
o Counter floating propellers (CRPs)
o Propeller-hull interaction
o Propeller-rudder combination
o Advanced propeller blade sections
o Propeller tip winglets
Innovative Technology
Air cavity system provides a thin layer of air over the flat bottom of hull,
decreasing hull friction.
Use of micro-bubbles air lubrication (disadvantages on stability and bubble
Hull surface texturing pattern
Different type of wind propulsion technologies may be used to reduce GHG
o Towing kites
o Flettner rotor sails, windmills
Use of photovoltaic power generation system (Solar)
Heat recovery system
Propulsion Machinery
Electronic Engines
MEG Engines
ME-GI Engines
Improved Turbochargers
o Hybrid
o EEDI verification is carried out by flag Administration (and most likely on their behalf by the by
the ROs), using corresponding data and documents and observing the ship’s model tank tests
and ship’s commissioning sea trials.
o Accordingly, the EEDI verification takes place in two stages
Pre-verification is done at the ship’s design stage whereas final verification is
carried out after construction and as part of the ship’s commissioning sea trials;
at the end of ship construction. Relevant ship design data, tank test data and
speed trial data will be subject to scrutiny and verification by ROs.
Final Verification
Sea trails and verification of ship’s speed-power curve is an essential element
of the final verification. As part of the final verification, all relevant aspects of
EEDI calculation will be re-visited and verified. Aspects that need to be
considered for sea trail are elaborated further here using the relevant IMO
o Purpose is to establish a mechanism for a company and/or a ship to improve the energy
efficiency of a ship’s operation that is preferably linked to a broader corporate energy
management policy
o Four step process suggested:
a set of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) are identified and documented as
part of the planning phase.
The SEEMP planning activities do not stop at identification of EEMs but includes
dealing with all aspects of planning for implementation, monitoring and self-
assessment of the identified EEMs
A system for implementation of the selected EEMs needs to be defined via
developing the procedures, tasks and assigning roles and responsibilities. The
SEEMP should describe how each measure should be implemented and who
the responsible person(s) is.
According to IMO guidelines, the planned EEMs should be carried out in
accordance with the predetermined implementation system. Record-keeping
for the implementation of each EEM is beneficial for self-evaluation and should
be encouraged.
To allow for meaningful and consistent monitoring, the monitoring system,
including the procedures for collecting data and the assignment of responsible
personnel, should be developed. The development of such a system can be
considered as a part of planning, and therefore should be completed at the
planning stage
To allow for meaningful and consistent monitoring, the monitoring system,
including the procedures for collecting data and the assignment of responsible
personnel, should be developed. The development of such a system can be
considered as a part of planning, and therefore should be completed at the
planning stage
o Ship operational aspects
Route planning
Passage speed management
Weather routing
Cargo operations
Ship trim
Electric power management
Use of autopilot
Thruster operation
o EEOI is one element of the IMO regulatory framework that is intended to act as an “energy
efficiency performance indicator” during the operational phase of the ship and be used to
monitor overall ship energy efficiency performance.
o The EEOI is expected to assist ship-owners and ship operators in the evaluation of the
operational performance of their fleet
o To help with consistent estimation of EEOI, the following definitions are provided in the EEOI
Fuel consumption: Fuel consumption is defined as all fuels consumed at sea and in port
or for a voyage or period in question (e.g., a day), by main, auxiliary engines, boilers
and incinerators
Distance sailed: Distance sailed means the actual distance sailed in nautical miles (deck
log-book data) for the voyage or period in question.
o The EEOI should be a representative value of the energy efficiency of the ship operation over a
consistent period which represents the overall trading pattern of the vessel. In order to
establish the EEOI, the following main steps will generally be needed:
Define the period for which the EEOI is calculated
Define data sources for data collection
Collect data
Convert data to appropriate format; and finally
Calculate EEOI.
Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can
carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization
Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager
undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance
They should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they
should make best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use
of arising opportunities from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats.
Strategy :
o A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or
solution to a problem.
o To identify clear broader goals that advance the overall organization and organize resources
o an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal
o To utilize specific resources to achieve sub-goals that support the defined mission.
o Strategy: Be the market share leader in terms of sales in the mid-market in our industry.
Tactics: Offer lower cost solutions than enterprise competitors without sacrificing white-glove
service for first 3 years of customer contracts.
o Strategy: Improve retention of top 10% of company performers. Tactics: Offer best in market
compensation plan with benefits as well as sabbaticals to tenured top performers, source ideas
from top talent
o is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or
assembly process, or a product or service.
o “Failure modes” means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail. Failures are any
errors or defects, especially ones that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual.
o “Effects analysis” refers to studying the consequences of those failures.
o When to Use FMEA
When a process, product or service is being designed or redesigned, after quality
function deployment.
When an existing process, product or service is being applied in a new way.
Before developing control plans for a new or modified process.
When improvement goals are planned for an existing process, product or service.
When analysing failures of an existing process, product or service.
Periodically throughout the life of the process, product or service
A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is an area that needs special protection through action by IMO
because of its significance for recognized ecological or socio-economic or scientific reasons and which
may be vulnerable to damage by international maritime activities.
The criteria for the identification of particularly sensitive sea areas and the criteria for the designation
of special areas are not mutually exclusive.
The association’s main objective is to protect its global membership through the provision of quality
information and advice, and while promoting fair business practices, facilitate harmonisation and
standardization of commercial shipping practices and contracts.
o It is concerned with all regulatory, operational and legal issues.
ICS is unique in that unlike other international shipping trade associations it represents the global
interests of all the different trades in the industry: bulk carrier operators, tanker operators, passenger
ship operators and container liner trades, including shipowners and third party ship managers
BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Council
o BIMCO’s core objective is to facilitate the commercial operations of our members by
developing standard contracts and clauses, and providing quality information, advice and
o BIMCO promotes fair business practices, free trade and open access to markets and we are a
strong advocate for the harmonisation and standardisation of all shipping related activity.
o BIMCO actively promotes the application of globally agreed regulatory instruments – we are
accredited as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with all relevant United Nations
agencies and other regulatory entities.
ICS – International Chamber of Shipping.
o The aim of ICS is to promote the interests of shipowners and operators in all matters of
shipping policy and ship operations.
o To that end ICS will:
Encourage high standards of operation and the provision of high quality and efficient
shipping services.
Strive for a regulatory environment which supports safe shipping operations,
protection of the environment and adherence to internationally adopted standards and
Promote properly considered international regulation of shipping and oppose unilateral
and regional action by governments.
Press for recognition of the commercial realities of shipping and the need for quality to
be rewarded by a proper commercial return.
Remain committed to the promotion of industry guidance on best operating practices.
Co-operate with other organisations, both intergovernmental and nongovernmental, in
the pursuit of these objectives.
Anticipate whenever possible and respond whenever appropriate to policies and
actions which conflict with the above.
ICS is unique in that unlike other international shipping trade associations it represents the global
interests of all the different trades in the industry: bulk carrier operators, tanker operators, passenger
ship operators and container liner trades, including shipowners and third party ship managers
Major difference
o ICS intergovermental organisation
o BIMCO pvt organisation
ICS is consulative member of IMO
Bimco has shipowner and various other people as members.
Ics has shipowner association as member.
Is an approach to achieve a safe navigation by appropriately managing the resources of personnel,
equipment and information in the machinery space and by effectively utilising them
To integrate non-technical skills with technical skills so as to maximise the technical skills
Principles based on STCW Chapter A-III/1
Human elements such as communication, leadership, situational awareness, and others are
indispensible in practicing effective ERM
o Personnel Resources:
Personnel in resources are a human resource to be allocated for safe navigation and
are required to have competency to manage and utilize other personnel as well as
appropriate qualification for performing tasks
the personnel are required to be well versed in the functions of equipment upon
his/her position, to have the capability to utilize information from the equipment and
to confirm the functions are being demonstrated
o Equipment:
Equipment should be set up and run as required to meet all of the requirements for the
safe operation of the ship and all of the equipment required should be fully functional
o Information
Information comes from many sources: external to the ship, personnel, running and
maintenance records, drawings, instruction manuals and equipment.
There are two types of information from the equipment:
the information such as alarms and operation data that automatically comes
from equipment, like a monitoring system, and
the information such as leaking, running sounds and vibrations detected by
personnel using their five senses.
All information must be appropriately understood, shared and utilized for the safe
navigation of the ship.
Requirements of ERM
o Allocation and assignment
It indicates that personnel being assigned tasks upon his/her position should
appropriately be allocated in order to maintain safe navigation
o Prioritization
personnel need to make a prioritization, taking into account its safeness, urgency and
o Communication
information exchange, there are forms of order, response, provision of information and
report according to the scenes of ship’ s operation, and effective communication
means that this information exchange is being fully carried out
o Assertiveness
Assertiveness generally means a human element that enables personnel to sincerely
and equally communicate with others without violating the right of others
having made a judgment necessary for maintaining safe navigation, personnel have to
assert their judgment without any hesitation, notwithstanding their position and
hierarchical relationship within the workplace.
o Leadership
Leadership is an essential human element necessary for practicing ERM.
Leadership is a skill necessary to achieve joint tasks and requires situational awareness
and the competence to lead, understanding how to influence and motivate other
o Situational awareness
Situational awareness is a competence available to act proactively in various situations
and to precisely determine the existence of risks, the possibility of environmental
pollution, illegal situations and the likelihood of incidents.
It is essential to have a complete awareness of the situation so that necessary
measures and actions can be taken proactively, in order to prevent the occurrence of
incidents and environmental pollution
o Consideration of team experience
Consideration of team experience means taking into account the experience of all
members of the team in order to achieve safe navigation and watchkeeping.
It may be the case that even a new joiner may have certain experience and skills that
could be useful to the team leader in a certain situation.
It is therefore necessary that the team leaders understand the background and
experience of all members of their team
The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while
managers have people who work for them
Leadership is about getting people to understand and believe in your vision and to work with you to
achieve your goals while managing is more about administering and making sure the day-to-day things
are happening as they should
The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people
The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
Qualities of Leader
o Honesty & Integrity: are crucial to get your people to believe you and buy in to the journey you
are taking them on
o Vision: know where you are, where you want to go and enroll your team in charting a path for
the future
o Inspiration: inspire your team to be all they can by making sure they understand their role in
the bigger picture
o Ability to Challenge: do not be afraid to challenge the status quo, do things differently and
have the courage to think outside the box
o Communication Skills: keep your team informed of the journey, where you are, where you are
heading and share any roadblocks you may encounter along the way
Qualities of Manager
o Being Able to Execute a Vision: take a strategic vision and break it down into a roadmap to be
followed by the team
o Ability to Direct: day-to-day work efforts, review resources needed and anticipate needs along
the way
o Process Management: establish work rules, processes, standards and operating procedures
o People Focused: look after your people, their needs, listen to them and involve them
The Core of the Leadership
o Ability to instil respect and command authority
o Ability to lead the team by example
o Ability to draw on knowledge and experience
o Ability to remain calm in a crisis
o Ability to practice tough empathy
o Ability to be sensitive to different cultures
o Ability to recognize the crew’s limitations
o Ability to create motivation and a sense of community
o Ability to place the safety of crew and passenger above everything
o Ability to communicate and listen clearly
The Seafarer's Welfare Fund Society is a Central Organisation for Welfare of Indian seafarers and their
It is registered under the societies Registration Act 1960 and as a Trust under the Bombay Public Trust
Act 1950.
The main objects of the Society are as under
o To provide and maintain a fund by the name of the Seafarers' Welfare Fund
o To provide welfare facilities in general to seamen at ports in India
The Society represents various interests connected with Indian shipping, which includes representative
of Indian and foreign shipowners, representatives of Seafarers' Unions separately for officers and
Seamen and the Government nominees.
Galileo is Europe’s Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS), providing improved positioning and
timing information with significant positive implications for many European services and users
Galileo allows users to know their exact position with greater precision than what is offered by other
available systems.
Critical, emergency response-services benefit from Galileo
Until now, GNSS users have had to depend on non-civilian American GPS or Russian GLONASS signals.
With Galileo, users now have a new, reliable alternative that, unlike these other programmes, remains
under civilian control.
Galileo is positioned to enhance the coverage currently available – providing a more seamless and
accurate experience for multi-constellation users around the world.
the high degree of conventionality of vessels allowed a complete and effective structural scantling
based on experienced and consolidated rules
Particular emphasis is devoted to the fluid-structure interaction, which represents one of the most
recent numerical application in the field of ship design
Global strength evaluation: evaluation of the stress levels related to the hull girder idealisation
Considers the main global load effects due to both wave and still water conditions acting on the hull as
o longitudinal bending moment, both hogging and sagging;
o shear force;
o torque moment.
the actual geometry of the examined structure should be completely defined in the initial mesh. In fact,
it is not effective to deal with very fine meshes if the geometric shapes and details do not correspond to
the actual structure.
FEA is an open-ended, general-purpose tool that is used to varying degrees and levels of details ranging
from the general global structural responses to very fine detail stress concentrations.
The analysis scope and level of details must be matched to the acceptance criteria.
The Rules include acceptance criteria associated with certain levels of the analysis performed on
different FE models
The global 3D FEA model is a representative of the hull structures of three cargo holds (or tanks, in the
case of an oil carrier) with the middle cargo hold within 0.4L amidships. It is used to determine both the
global response of the hull girder and local behavior of the main supporting structures. The stress
results from such models must be suitable for strength evaluation of the watertight boundaries of
cargo holds (or tanks) and non-tight main supporting structures. The global 3D FE analyses establish the
scantling requirements of plates and stiffeners, and they are sufficient for establishing the steel weight
estimate. Structural details are evaluated by the subsequent local 3D FE analyses
The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-sixth session (11 to 20 May 2016), having considered the
urgent need to raise awareness on cyber risk threats and vulnerabilities, approved the Interim
guidelines on maritime cyber risk management,
maritime cyber risk refers to a measure of the extent to which a technology asset is threatened by a
potential circumstance or event, which may result in shipping-related operational, safety or security
failures as a consequence of information or systems being corrupted, lost or compromised.
Cyber technologies have become essential to the operation and management of numerous systems
critical to the safety and security of shipping and protection of the marine environment
Vulnerable systems could include, but are not limited to
o Bridge systems;
o Cargo handling and management systems;
o Propulsion and machinery management and power control systems;
o Access control systems;
o Passenger servicing and management systems;
o Passenger facing public networks;
o Administrative and crew welfare systems; and
o Communication systems
Vulnerabilities can result from inadequacies in design, integration and/or maintenance of systems, as
well as lapses in cyber discipline. In general, where vulnerabilities in operational and/or information
technology are exposed or exploited, either directly (e.g. weak passwords leading to unauthorized
access) or indirectly (e.g. the absence of network segregation), there can be implications for security
and the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Additionally, when operational and/or
information technology vulnerabilities are exposed or exploited, there can be implications for safety,
particularly where critical systems (e.g. bridge navigation or main propulsion systems) are
o Senior management should embed a culture of cyber risk awareness into all levels of an
organization and ensure a holistic and flexible cyber risk management regime that is in
continuous operation and constantly evaluated through effective feedback mechanisms.
o Define personnel roles and responsibilities for cyber risk management and identify the systems,
assets, data and capabilities that, when disrupted, pose risks to ship operations.
o Implement risk control processes and measures, and contingency planning to protect against a
cyber event and ensure continuity of shipping operations.
o Develop and implement activities necessary to detect a cyber event in a timely manner.
o Develop and implement activities and plans to provide resilience and to restore systems
necessary for shipping operations or services impaired due to a cyber event.
o Identify measures to back-up and restore cyber systems necessary for shipping operations
impacted by a cyber event.
o The MSC approved interim guidelines on maritime cyber risk management, aimed at enabling
stakeholders to take the necessary steps to safeguard shipping from current and emerging
threats and vulnerabilities related to digitization, integration and automation of processes and
systems in shipping.
o The interim guidelines are intended to provide high-level recommendations for maritime cyber
risk management, which refers to a measure of the extent to which a technology asset is
threatened by a potential circumstance or event, which may result in shipping-related
operational, safety or security failures as a consequence of information or systems being
corrupted, lost or compromised.
o The guidelines include background information, functional elements and best practices for
effective cyber risk management.
Tailshaft Condition Monitoring System:
o Complete tailshaft survey will be required if the last complete tailshaft survey was carried out
more than five (5) years prior to the initial survey
o For vessels with TCM notation, tailshaft survey interval required by 7-2-1/13.1.3 will be
extended up to 15 years provided:
Annual surveys are carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor, and
The following are carried out at each tailshaft survey due date required
Bearing wear down measurement
Verification that the propeller is free of damage which may cause the propeller
to be out of balance
Verification of effective inboard seal
Renewal of outboard seal in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation
o Complete tailshaft survey may be waived subject to satisfactory review of the following
records for appropriate period as considered necessary
Stern bearing oil analysis records
Stern bearing oil consumption records
Stern bearing temperature monitoring records
Tailshaft, stern bearing assembly and propeller operation and repair records
Stern bearing clearance and wear down measurement records
Tailshaft Survey
The survey is to consist of:
Drawing the shaft and examining the entire shaft, seals system and bearings
For keyed and keyless connections
o Removing the propeller to expose the forward end of the taper,
o Performing a non-destructive examination (NDE) by an approved
surface crack detection method all around the shaft in way of the
forward portion of the taper section, including the keyway (if fitted).
For shaft provided with liners the NDE shall extended to the after edge
of the liner.
For flanged connection:
o Whenever the coupling bolts of any type of flange-connected shaft are
removed or the flange radius is made accessible in connection with
overhaul, repairs or when deemed necessary by the surveyor, the
coupling bolts and flange radius are to be examined by means of an
approved surface crack detection method
Checking and recording the bearing clearances.
Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the
propeller to be out of balance.
Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals during
the reinstallation of the shaft and propeller.
Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals during
the reinstallation of the shaft and propeller.
The survey is to consist of:
For keyed and keyless connections:
o Removing the propeller to expose the forward end of the taper,
o Performing a non-destructive examination (NDE) by an approved
surface crack detection Method all around the shaft in way of the
forward portion of the taper section, including the keyway (if fitted).
For flanged connection:
o Whenever the coupling bolts of any type of flange-connected shaft are
removed or the flange radius is made accessible in connection with
overhaul, repairs or when deemed necessary by the surveyor, the
coupling bolts and flange radius are to be examined by means of an
approved surface crack detection Method
Checking and recording the bearing wear down measurements.
Visual Inspection of all accessible parts of the shafting system.
Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the
propeller to be out of balance.
Seal liner found to be or placed in a satisfactory condition.
Verification of the satisfactory re-installation of the propeller including
verification of satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals
Review of service records.
Review of test records of:
o Lubricating Oil analysis (for oil lubricated shafts), or
o Fresh Water Sample test (for closed system fresh water lubricated
Oil sample Examination (for oil lubricated shafts), or Fresh Water Sample test
(for closed system fresh water lubricated).
Verification of no reported repairs by grinding or welding of shaft and/or
The survey is to consist of:
Checking and recording the bearing wear down measurements.
Visual Inspection of all accessible parts of the shafting system.
Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the
propeller to be out of balance.
Seal liner found to be or placed in a satisfactory condition.
Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals.
Review of service records.
Review of test records of:
o Lubricating Oil analysis (for oil lubricated shafts), or
o Fresh Water Sample test (for closed system fresh water lubricated
Oil sample Examination (for oil lubricated shafts), or Fresh Water Sample test
(for closed system fresh water lubricated).
Verification of no reported repairs by grinding or welding of shaft and/or
Green Channel
o All certificates valid
o No NC, No FSI deficiencies in last 2 years
o No PSC deficiencies within 2 years
o No suspension of DOC in last 2 years
o No Major NC in last 3 audits
o Not more than 3 COC without extension
o No NC in the area of extension requested
o Max permissible Dry Dock interval 36 months
o Extension
Under genuine situations & meeting conditions of Green Channel only for vessels less
than 15 years of age (1to 5 – 1 year & no.6- 6months)
Class should make this as memoranda & admin informed if extension by R.O
o an agreed deal, whereby the shipowner puts his ship or a part of it at the disposal of the
charterer, for the carriage of goods between named ports.
o Chartering = an agreed deal, whereby the shipowner puts his ship or a part of it at the disposal
of the charterer, for the carriage of goods between named ports.
o The charterer can in turn, sublet the ship or a part of it to a third party, who now becomes the
“Disponent Owner”.
o The chartering agreement is contained in a document, called “Charter Party”.
Voyage Charter, (in the tramp trade) =
o in which a cargo ship is chartered for a one-way sailing trip/voyage between specified seaports,
with a specified cargo at a negotiated and agreed rate of freight (the price per weight ton or
volume cbm).
Time Charter=
o the charterer undertakes to hire the ship for a stated agreed period of time or for a specified
round-trip sailing or, occasionally but rare, for a stated one-way voyage, the rate of hire being
expressed in terms of so much per ton deadweight per month, or otherwise agreed.
o Whereas on a voyage charter the ship-owner bears all the expenses of the cargo ship voyage,
on time charter the charterer will be responsible for these bills, (subject to contract terms-
Contract of Affreightment-COA, =
o is a contract between the shipowner and the charterer in which the shipowner agrees to carry
the goods (the loaded quantities are not taken into account, but the cargo ship space
availability) in a certain lump-sum/fixed price amount from loading location/s to discharging
location/s as agreed and accepted by the parties in the contract.
o General Charter Conditions (agreement), or Gencon Charter Party, is the most commonly form
of voyage charter party used worldwide, and particularly known also as “Gencon 1994”.
o Gencon, first issued in 1922 and revised in 1976 and 1994.
o “Gencon 1994” includes two parts.
Part 1;
Is the “box form” which all the necessary information to be completed by the
Part 2;
Contains all the standard terms and conditions which are usually non-
o Is a written contract between the Shipowner and the charterer.
accompanied by explanatory notes to provide the user with a clear understanding of the
contractual provisions.
o GUARDCON is designed to be a contract between the owners of the vessel and the security
contractors and that the liability, insurance and other important provisions are constructed on
this basis.
o SUPPLYTIME: The charterer remains fully responsible for all losses suffered by all sides as a
result of the carriage of any hazardous or noxious substances as ordered by the charterer
o The SHIPMAN 98 Agreement follows the traditional layout used by BIMCO in the preparation of
modern charter parties and other contract forms for various trades.
Marine Insurance is the method whereby one party, called the assurer or underwriter, agrees, for a
stated consideration known as a premium, to indemnify another party, called the insured or assured
against a loss, damage or expense in connection with the commodities at risk if caused by peril
enumerated in the contract known as policy of insurance.
"maritime perils" means the perils consequent on or incidental to navigation, including perils of the
seas, fire, war perils, acts of pirates or thieves, captures, seizures, restraints, detainments of princes
and peoples, jettisons, barratry and all other perils of a like kind and, in respect of a marine policy, any
peril designated by the policy
A specified perils policy is one in which the insurer agrees to indemnify the assured for losses caused by
specific perils that are identified in the policy.
Underwriters are the entities that agree to indemnify the assured upon the happening of an insured
loss. They are also called insurers. Underwriters can be individuals or corporations
Underwriting agents are entities that have the authority to enter into or sign insurance policies on
behalf of the underwriters
Brokers play an important role in marine insurance. They are the agents of the assured. The broker will
meet with the assured to determine its insurance requirements. The broker will then canvass the
market to find underwriters willing to insure the assured and will negotiate terms with those
underwriters. The broker may also become involved in the event of a loss by presenting the loss to
underwriters and negotiating on behalf of the assured.
The Marine Insurance Act,1963 of India is substantially a reproduction of its English counterpart, The
Marine Insurance Act, 1906
Basic Principles of Marine Insurance:
o Insurable Interest:
The Insured must have financial interest in the object of insurance.
A person has insurable interest in property when he will be financially prejudiced by its
loss or damage and when he will financially benefit from its continued existence.
Every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure.
o Indemnity:
If a loss occurs, the Insured will be put back into the same financial position as just prior
to the loss.
The Insured must not profit from the loss.
o Utmost Good Faith
Insurer must deal with all claims fairly and expeditiously and be able to pay for
potential claims.
Only Insured knows all the facts; he is required to give full information of every
material fact in respect to the risk;
o Subrogation:
The right of an Insurer, after paying a loss, to assume the rights of the Insured to
recover this loss from the responsible party
o Warranty:
Promise by Insured as part of contract that a specified state of affairs will continue to
exist for duration of policy; breach of warranty makes policy voidable from time of
Warranty may be express or implied;
Implied warranties:
Seaworthiness: Vessel must be seaworthy at commencement of voyage and at
start of each stage of the voyage if conducted in stages. Vessel must be
reasonably fit in all respects to encounter ordinary perils of the insured voyage.
After a loss, the onus is on the Insurer to prove vessel was unseaworthy.
Legality: Voyage must be lawful and, so far as the Insured can control, carried
out in lawful manner.
Express Warranty:
Trading Limits
Ice Zones
War Zones
Types of Policies:
o Time Policy: Insures property for a period of time.
o Voyage Policy: Insures property from 1 place to another, may include a date limit.
o Mixed Policy: Covers both a voyage and period of time of voyage and in port after arrival.
o Construction Policy (Building Risk): Insures vessel while in course of construction, not for
period of time.
o Floating Policy: Cargo policy that insures a number of shipments to be declared.
Cause of Loss
o Proximate Cause:
Immediate and effective cause of loss. Not necessarily the last event before the loss.
Coverage exists only if the proximate cause is an insured peril.
o Remote Cause: A cause other than the proximate cause.
o Immediate Cause: Last event before the loss.
Excluded Losses
o Wilful Misconduct: Loss/damage by wilful misconduct of Insured never recoverable, although
cause may be an insured peril (e.g., Insured deliberately set fire to own vessel). However, other
parties will not be prejudiced by this exclusion
o Negligence: “the omission to do something which a reasonable man would do guided by those
considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or the doing
something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do”. Loss/damage due to
negligence is covered as long as not wilful act of Insured.
o Delay: Loss/damage caused by delay not covered unless specifically included by policy.
o Wear & Tear: Loss/damage from wear & tear, ordinary leakage & breakage, inherent vice, and
vermin not covered unless specifically included by policy
o Injury to Machinery: Loss/damage to machinery caused by insured peril covered; caused by
defect in machinery itself not covered
o Sympathetic Damage: Damaged cargo taints other cargo; covered only if original damage from
insured peril and no intervening cause.
o Sentimental Damage: Fear of damage--not covered; cargo that has suffered a casualty will sell
at a lower price even though not damaged as buyers fear it may have been damaged.
o The International Group arranges a market reinsurance contract to help the Pool deal with
claims which exceed $80 million. This is the largest single contract in the world's marine
insurance market
o Practice where an insurance company (the insurer) transfers a portion of its risks to another
(the reinsurer). Legal rights of the policyholders (insureds) are in no way affected by
reinsurance, and the insurer remains liable to the insureds for insurance policy benefits and
Types of Loss:
o Total Loss:
Actual Total Loss:
Loss/damage to entire property (physical total loss)
Loss/damage to entire property (physical total loss); Can occur 3 ways:
o All property is destroyed.
o Loss of Specie: All property so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the
kind insured (cement damaged by water, becoming concrete).
o Insured irretrievable deprived of all property, even though not
Constructive Total Loss:
Cost to repair/replace exceeds policy limit (commercial total loss).
Insured may claim for a partial loss or abandon the property and claim a total
Property must be reasonably abandoned because actual total loss appears
inevitable or to prevent total loss requires an expenditure exceeding the saved
It is a condition precedent to a claim that the Insured unconditionally abandons
his interest to the Insurer.
Insurer is entitled to take over the property if desired.
o Partial Loss: Loss is less than total amount of insurance; loss/damage to some of property
Particular Average:
This is a partial loss or damage caused to any particular cargo or property
where the damage is suffered by a particular interest. The damage or loss
should be of a particular subject matter in which case the damage suffered
cannot be partially shifted to others and the loss would be borne by the
persons directly affected by the damage to the said cargo.
Remember that it is a partial loss hence not the entire cargo or property would
be damaged but a part of it. The damage could either be to the cargo or the
With regards the ship (hull or machinery), the damage must be caused to just a
part of the ship and not a loss of the entire ship. For instance, damage to the
propellers of a ship would be considered a particular average loss and the
insured would be indemnified to tune of the damage caused.
Sue and Labour Clause
A standard clause in a maritime insurance policy which allows the insured to
recover from the insurer any reasonable expenses incurred by the insured in
order to minimize or avert a loss to the insured property, for which loss the
insurer would have been liable under the policy
General Average
There is a general average act when, and only when, any extraordinary sacrifice
or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the
common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved
in a common maritime adventure
Double Insurance:
o 2+ policies issued on behalf of 1 insurable interest, and total sums insured exceeds indemnity
o Usually, both Insurers pay for 50% of claim.
o Can occur in 2 ways:
Purposely: Rare; sometimes a bank refuses to accept policy unless provided by
particular Insurers--another policy is required. No return of unearned premium.
Inadvertently: Sometimes an agent will purchase coverage and principle already has
coverage. Both Insurers return 50% of unearned premium in event of loss.
o After a claim has been settled and paid, the Insurer is entitled to place himself in the position of
the Insured, to the extent of acquiring the Insured’s rights & remedies in respect of the loss.
o This prevents Insured from collecting for his loss twice, and reduces the total cost of the claim.
o The Insurer will sue a responsible party in the Insured’s name for the loss/damage up to the
amount of the settlement.
o The Insured must not relinquish any rights that he may have against other parties.
Running Down Clause
o Provides limited coverage for liability for damage and legal costs from collision (actual contact
only) with another ship, with a maximum indemnity of 3/4 of the insured value.
o Right of recovery restricted to liability for:
Loss/damage to any other vessel or property on other vessel.
Delay/loss of use of other vessel or property on other vessel.
General Average/Salvage of other vessel or property on other vessel.
o Separate contract from marine policy; claims under clause paid in addition to those recoverable
under policy. Deductible still applies; other restrictions do not.
o No coverage under clause for loss of life/BI, loss/damage to insured vessel, removal of wreck,
pollution liability
Inchmaree Clause
o Protects shipowner against loss/damage directly caused by negligence of master or crew
o Cost to replace component with latent damage not covered--resultant damaged covered.
o Extended to cover other forms of damage by listing additional perils:
o Part (a):
Accidents in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel
Explosions on shipboard or elsewhere
Bursting of Boilers, other pressure vessels, by insured peril
Breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors on shipboard or
Latent Defect
Negligence of master, officers, crew or pilots, repairers
o Part (b):
Contact with aircraft
Contact with land conveyance, dock, harbour equipment or installation
Earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning
o Insurer cedes part or whole of risk insured to reinsurer.
o Purposes:
Relieve Insurer of excessive liability in any 1 risk or location (spreads the risk, although
in most cases marine policies are on a subscription basis and each underwriter only
accepts percentage of risk desired).
To secure foreign business through reciprocal reinsurance (rare in marine insurance).
Insurer may reinsure for Total Loss only or Free of Particular Average only, so that he is
able to accept more business.
Change in risk due to seasonal or political conditions.
Limitation of Liability
o The following are some typical contracts that a ship owner undertakes and Ship owner may
limit his liability covering: -
Contract with employees:
undertakes that he will provide the safe plant, equipments and safe
environment and their due care, hence he would like to limit the liabilities with
regards to
o Their medical expenses
o Compensations to be paid in case of injury or death
o Breaches to anything intentionally or unintentionally caused by his
employees which could land him in trouble
Contract with flag State administration
He registers his vessel under flag state administration, hence he undertakes the
responsibility for safe operation and compliances with relevant conventions
rules and regulations.
Hence he will like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Any breaches caused by the ship
o Any fines imposed for non-compliance with regards to documents or
violation of rules & regulations
o Oil pollution caused in their territory
o Other expenses involved in landing people and stoways
o Expenses occurred for rendering those states service to ship and its
Contract with local agents and agency
He himself land up in this contract in order to meet local requirement at port of
call. He takes their service, which a ship requires at port of call.
He would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Agency fees
o Claims by agents
o Claim arises when agent breaches the contract
o Any dame injury caused to their personnel
Contract with salver or tug hire:
These services are required by a ship owner during a port of call to assist their
ship and during distress when the ship loses its main propulsion plants.
Hence he would like to limit his liabilities with regard to
o The hire rate
o Damage cause3d to the tug and their personnel
o Salver ‘s award
o Any other claims made by salver in rendering his service
Contract with stevedores and work shops
In case the ship requires shore personnel services then ship owner land up in
these service contract and would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Their hire rate
o Injury medical expenses etc.
o Damage or loss to their equipments
o Any other claims placed by them
Contract with the cargo owner (shipper)
He undertakes this ―contract of carriage that will carry the goods in a manner
received to the agreed destination within the agreed time frame
During such contracts he would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Loss/ leakage/ damaged caused due the negligence of his employees
o Losses caused to the cargo owner due to delay
o Losses caused to the cargo owner due to delivering the cargo other
than agreed destination
o Any other claim made by cargo owner in this regard. i.e, damage/ loss/
delay to cargo during the duration when it was under the custody of
ship owner.
The ship owner makes contract with others such as class, charterer, pilotage, repair
contract etc.
In all the cases he will limit his liabilities. Apart from these he has to take care
of himself. i.e.,
o Damaged caused to his own ship
o Total or constructive total loss of his vessel
o Freight not paid
The Average Adjuster
o When a casualty occurs, the adjuster should immediately be contacted for advice on what
steps should be taken in connection with the hull and machinery claim and also as to what
needs to be done with regard to other aspects of the casualty, e.g. salvage, collision and third
party liabilities.
o It is essential that the adjuster be kept advised of developments as they occur, so that he may
provide guidance from the earliest stages of the casualty. This can greatly reduce the number
of problems which arise subsequently
o Advise owners to inform their underwriters of the casualty direct, or through their brokers, in
order that underwriters may appoint a surveyor to act on their behalf.
o Recommend the appointment of lawyers to advise interested parties on their position vis-a-vis
the salvage under Lloyd's Open Form and the salvage of containers/cargo by local dhow
owners. Recommend appointment of lawyers also regarding collision aspects
o Obtain details of quantity and type of cargo and number of bills of lading evidenced by
manifest in order that the collection of general average security can be put in hand
o Instruct agents or own offices at ports of discharge regarding collection of general average
security and arrange for formal declaration of general average if necessary
o To ensure Protection & Indemnity Association is aware of casualty and advised of its possible
o To recommend/arrange insurance on cargo whilst stored ashore.
o Correspondence with underwriters' surveyor to confirm agreement to cause of damage and
approval of accounts
o Drawing up of adjustment detailing general average/particular average claim on hull insurers.
o FD&D facility was formed in response to the growing demand by shipping companies for a
'stand alone' insurance coverage for legal services, loss prevention, claims assistance and cost
containment in the area of shipping disputes. Under the trade name 'British European &
Overseas FD&D' the facility offers a classic freight, demurrage and defence cover for a very
reasonable fixed annual premium.
o Whereas P&I cover insures actual liabilities as well as the legal costs of defending such
liabilities, the FD&D cover insures ship-owners and charterers for legal and other costs incurred
in establishing and defending claims arising out of their business operations, as well as
providing claims handling and general advisory services.
o An Owner faces a large, complex claim in London arbitration proceedings brought by a
Charterer, for example, concerning the deviation of a vessel under a time charter-party. The
FD&D Cover will reimburse the Assured for:
Legal costs necessarily incurred
These may include:
The costs incurred in retaining an English law firm to represent the Assured in
the arbitration proceedings;
The Charterer’s recoverable costs should the Assured be unsuccessful in
defending the claim;
The costs of the arbitration proceedings.
Other costs incurred
These may include:
The costs of any experts retained to provide evidence and
The costs involved in investigating and obtaining evidence (e.g. the costs of
instructing the FD&D Facilities correspondents world-wide).
Protection and Indemnity insurance, or “P&I” as it is usually called, is a shipowner’s insurance cover for
legal liabilities to third parties.
“Third parties” are any person, apart from the shipowner himself, who may have a legal or contractual
claim against the ship.
P&I insurance is usually arranged by entering the ship in a mutual insurance association, usually
referred to as a “club”.
Shipowners are members of such clubs.
Legal liability is decided in accordance with the laws of the country where an accident takes place.
P&I insurance is an indemnity type of insurance, which means the shipowner (or member of the club)
must demonstrate his loss before the club will pay out (or indemnify him) under the terms of the
insurance policy.
It is important to bear in mind that the club never assumes the owner’s liability, therefore technically
the owner (or member) is always responsible for payments (the “pay to be paid” principle).
In practice, the club takes over the business of handling claims and ensuring that payments are
correctly made.
o Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of crew members
o Personal injury to or loss of life of stevedores
o Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of passengers and others
o Loss of personal effects
o Diversion expenses
o Life salvage
o Collision Liabilities
One-fourth collision liability
The English form of hull policy requires the ship's hull underwriter to pay three-
fourths only of the liability of the insured ship in respect of loss or damage to
another ship or her cargo as a result of the collision
The remaining one-fourth of such liability is insured by the shipowners Club.
This one-fourth usually makes the Club the largest single insurance interest,
and in practice the managers of the Club will usually be asked by the hull
underwriters to handle the issue of collision liability with the other ship and her
cargo on behalf of all the underwriting interests
Other risks excluded from the Running Down Clause
There are a number of important exclusions from the liability of the hull
underwriters in the Running Down Clause.
For instance, wreck removal liabilities are excluded, as is consequent damage
to shore side structures or to the cargo in the insured ship herself, and
pollution from and loss of life or personal injury on board any ship is involved.
o Loss or damage to property other than cargo
o Pollution
It is well known that there has in recent years been a huge increase in the exposure of
shipowners to liability claims in respect of pollution caused by cargoes from their
vessels, in particular cargoes of oil.
Most such liabilities are imposed by international convention such as CLC, domestic
statute such as OPA 90 or common law, but some have been voluntarily assumed by
shipowners in accordance with schemes such as STOPIA.
All these liabilities are insured by the Clubs, although with a limit in respect of oil
pollution claims which presently stand at US$1bn each entered ship each accident or
This oil pollution limit does not apply only to claims that are made directly against the
entered ship by those who suffer the oil pollution, but also embraces those which come
indirectly, as, for example, those which form part of the collision claim of another
o Towage contract liabilities
o Liabilities under contracts and indemnities
o Wreck liabilities
o Cargo liabilities
o Cargo's proportion of general average or salvage
o Certain expenses of salvors
o Fines
o "Omnibus" cover
o The P&I cover may include liability for collisions (“RDC”), for example when the member’s ship
is in collision with another ship, or when the entered ship strikes a fixed object, i.e. a quay, dock
or buoy (“FFO”).
o However, collision and striking liabilities are often included in the ship’s hull and machinery
o Therefore, it is important for a Master to ascertain whether his vessel’s collision insurance
(collision between ships) and striking insurance (i.e. when a ship strikes a fixed or floating
object which is not another ship) is covered under his P&I policy or under his hull and
machinery policy.
o To be safe, it is always wise for a Master to inform the P&I club, or the club correspondent, if
his vessel is in collision with another vessel or a fixed object.
Exclusion of war risks
o The Clubs' cover does not include liabilities arising from the war risks listed in the Lloyd's Free
of Capture and Seizure Clause.
o Consequently, it is usual for shipowners to attach to their war risks hull insurance policies a
special clause giving cover for P&I risks to the extent that these may arise from such a risk and
thus be excluded from the Club insurance.
o Mutual insurance means that the members of the club are its owners and share in its results.
o Therefore, premiums are also mutual and estimated for a given policy year and finally decided
when the year is closed which is minimum (but also normally) three years later.
o Premiums are therefore referred to as “calls”.
o An Estimated Total Call is calculated for any given ship. Calls may be charged all in advance, the
full Estimated Total Call or divided into Advance and Supplementary Calls.
o The benefit of charging Estimated Total Call the first policy year is that the member may be able
to fully budget his costs.
o Before the policy year is finally closed, the club can decide to cover the claims and to charge an
Additional Supplementary Call.
o The reason why accounts are kept open is that cases continue to develop and could over time
become more, or less, expensive than initially anticipated.
o Accordingly, Estimated Total Calls could also be reduced.
o A mutual club may wish to increase its reserves, but does not make “profits “since there are no
owners other than the members themselves.
o The club has a Board of Directors who, naturally, expect the managers to do a best possible job.
In practice, this means providing insurance cover and first-class service, at the lowest possible
o When a shipowner requires P&I insurance for a ship, the club underwriter will ask for
information so that he can make a risk profile of the vessel
o The underwriter is trying to understand what sort of risk or risks the vessel will represent in its
current trading pattern
o Some of the information he will require is:
The tonnage of the ship in GT (premiums are expressed in USD per GT)
Year of build
Number of crew members
Type of vessel (tanker, dry bulk, reefer, heavy-lift, container, passenger, ro-ro etc)
Type of cargoes to be carried (if a tanker is clean or dirty)
Areas of trading
Liner trade or tramp
Classification society
Management expertise
Compliance with national and international legal requirements
How many ships in the company?
Previous P&I history
o information necessary for the underwriter to assess the risk and calculate a fair rate or
o The premium should represent a fair charge to cover the risk involved and to make sure that
the other members of the club do not have to subsidise or lose benefits as a result of the new
o The club will often make a company audit with the management company of the ship. This is a
very good opportunity to find out how the management of the ships is carried out and will add
valuable information for the club underwriter.
o It also creates very good contact between the club and the new member which will facilitate
future services when there is a claim or when the club is assisting in loss prevention measures.
o In addition, the club will often require a survey of one or more ships in the new fleet to ensure
the quality and technical standard of the ships.
o Entry into the club is often dependent upon the ship being found satisfactory on inspection. For
the club this is positive information since it will be easier to assist if it should later be involved
in a casualty.
o A P&I club will keep records for each individual ship entered with the club. These records are
normally based on the last fi ve insurance years and provide an accurate record of all payments
made by the member in the form of premiums, all monies collected by the member in the form
of compensation paid to him by the club and all other costs.
o The loss record, and more specifically the loss ratio, is often considered as a performance
indicator of a member’s account with the club
o The loss ratio will therefore only be one of the elements that form the basis of the annual
renewal process, where the P&I premiums for the coming year are fixed.
o A high level of claims, and hence a high loss ratio, will indicate that premiums may need to be
increased and vice versa, but other risk measures are also used to establish the revised
premium level.
OBTAINING H and M Insurance
o This insurance covers the ship and her machinery against damage and/or loss up to an agreed
value of the ship and is usually valid for one year between renewals. This policy is contracted
through a broker between the Owner and various underwriters, each one being listed at the
end of the policy on a “slip” along with a share of risk he has undertaken shown as a
percentage. The underwriter who has accepted the highest percentage of risk is known as the
lead underwriter.
o Hull and machinery cover is often arranged and placed in the insurance market by a
professional insurance broker. It is quite common that the insurance cover is spread to many
insurers in various countries.
o The insurers in the hull and machinery market are either companies or syndicates. The
company or the syndicate will have an underwriter who signs the policy or the slip produced by
the broker for his share of the cover. The biggest single market for marine insurance is Lloyd’s
in London. Lloyd’s consists of a number of syndicates writing shares on insurance covers.
o The company market is dominated by Norway and Scandinavia, but also insurers in USA,
France, Italy, Japan and Korea are very active in the marine market.
• It depends on mainly two things.
• First is How the ship is financed. If financed by loan, then it will depend on
Size of loan
Source of loan
Interest rate
Terms of loan
Final price of the ship will be; Final Price= Cash price + Interests= Cash price+
• Second capital cost is
Depreciation- Deprecation refers to two very different but related concepts. First is
decline in value of assets and Second is allocation of the cost of tangible assets to
periods in which the assets are used.
Depreciation cost depends on
o Cost of asset
o Expected salvage value of asset
o Estimated useful life of asset
o A method of apportioning the cost over such life
• It consists of the following
Crew Cost: - Crew cost includes direct and indirect costs.
o Direct cost includes
• Wage cost
• Travel cost
• On Board victualing
• Training
• Union fee
o Indirect cost includes
Recruitment/ Selection of process
Medical test
Social dues
Communication/ Bank charges
Crew accident insurance payment
Sick pay
Port expenses
Agency fee
o Total crew cost depends on
Size of crew
Employment policy of owner/ Operator
Ships flag
Repair and Maintenance: - It consists of
o Routine maintenance- Maintenance of engine and equipment, Painting etc
o Break downs-- Mechanical failures resolved in repair yards (Loss of trading
o Spares, replacement parts cost
o Periodic Maintenance- In repair yards/ Dry dock to maintain
seaworthiness(Class) and obtain certification (for insurance)
o Regular maintenance leads to less breakdowns. This cost increases with ships
age and in average accumulates for 14% of operating cost.
Insurance: - It varies from ship to ship. This we know in details
o 2/3 H&M (obtained from Marine insurance company)
o 1/3 Third party liability (Obtained from P&I club)
o Shore based administration and management charges
o Communication cost
o Agents in ports
o Flag state fee
o It basically comprises of following
Fuel Cost- It depends on
o Fuel Price
o Engine Power and efficiency-- Only 23% of energy consumed is applied to
propelling the vessel. Rest is lost for cooling the engine, lost as exhaust
emission, lost at the propeller & Hull friction.
o Design and state of Hull
o Ships speed
Port charges: - Fees for the use of facilities and services provided by the port.
o Port dues - General use of port facilities. It depends on
Volume of cargo
weight of cargo
Gross Tonnage
Net Tonnage
o Service charges include
Cargo handling
o Canal Charges
Suez Canal: - Charges are calculated in terms of the Suez Canal net ton.
Panama Canal- Flat rate per Panama Canal net ton is used.
• Chief engineer role of optimizing the costs incurred in a ship operation basically plays a
important role in reducing the Operating cost by maintaining the engine efficiency and
maintenance of all equipment so that there is no trading time loss.
• He can also optimize the voyage cost by running the engines on economical speed.
o The convention entered into force on 20 August 2013, one year after registering 30 ratifications
of countries representing over 33 per cent of the world gross tonnage of ships
o India acceded 9 Oct 2015, will enter into force on 9 Oct 2016.
o It contains seafarers' rights to decent conditions of work and creates conditions of fair
competition for shipowners. It will be globally applicable, easily understandable, and up to date
and uniformly enforced and become the global 4th pillar of the international regulatory regime
for quality shipping, alongside SOLAS, STCW and MARPOL.
o Consists of 16 articles and 5 titles
o The MLC comprises three sections:
Articles: setting out broad principles and obligations followed by
Regulations and a Code: relating to areas of seafarers working and living conditions,
inspection and compliance.
The Regulations, are complemented by a more detailed Code: Part A Standards and
Part B Guidelines.
The provisions are all arranged by subject thus a title comprises Regulations, then the
Standard and finally the Guidelines.
o The Articles contain:
general statements of principles, obligations and rights with specific details within the
Regulations and Code;
provisions relating to legal aspects of operation and application such as definitions,
amendments and entry into force and establishment of the Special Tripartite
Why was a new Convention needed?
o Seafarers have not always worked under acceptable conditions, affecting their health and
safety, well-being, and safety of board ships.
o Since their working lives are spent outside the home country and their employers are also
often abroad, effective international standards are necessary.
o Standards must be implemented nationally, particularly by governments with a ship registry
authorizing ships to fly their flag (flag States). This is used to ensure safety and security of ships
and protecting the marine environment.
o Many flag States and shipowners actively provide their seafarers with decent conditions of
work but face unfair competition by being undercut by shipowners operating substandard
o ILO was asked to develop an instrument consolidating most of its existing instruments to make
them more relevant to all stakeholders needs.
o The plethora of existing maritime Conventions were very detailed, difficult for governments to
ratify and enforce, out dated and did not reflect contemporary working and living conditions on
board ships.
o Many were poorly ratified and there was a need for more effective enforcement and
compliance to eliminate substandard ships to work within the established IMO enforcement
system of international standards. The MLC specifically addresses these concerns and protects
seafarers through national level implementation
o To ensure comprehensive worldwide protection of the rights of seafarer’s rights;
o To establish a level playing field for countries and shipowners committed to providing decent
working and living conditions for seafarers, protecting them from unfair competition from
substandard ships.
o This tries to ensure a level playing field for ships of ratifying countries not to be competitively
disadvantaged by ships from non- ratifying countries. Although it could apply in various
situations, it primarily relates to port State control, for ships flying a foreign flag and calling at a
port of a ratifying country.
o dampers are used to damp or reduce the frequency of oscillation of the vibrating components
of the machine by absorbing a part of energy evolved during vibration
o Axial vibrations: When the crankthrow is loaded by the gas force through the connecting rod
mechanism, the arms of the crank throw deflect in the axial direction of the crankshaft, exciting
axial vibrations which, through the thrust bearing, may be transferred to the ship’s hull
o Torsional vibration: The varying gas pressure in the cylinders during the working cycle and the
crankshaft/connecting rod mechanism create a varying torque in the crankshaft
o Axial Damper:
The Axial damper is fitted on the crankshaft of the engine to dampen the shaft
generated axial vibration i.e. oscillation of the shaft in forward and aft directions,
parallel to the shaft horizontal line.
It consists of a damping flange integrated to the crankshaft and placed near the last
main bearing girder, inside a cylindrical casing. The casing is filled with system oil on
both side of flanges supplied via small orifice. This oil provides the damping effect.
When the crankshaft vibrates axially, the oil in the sides of damping flange circulates
inside the casing through a throttling valve provided from one side of the flange to the
other, which gives a damping effect.
o Torsional Damper:
It is a twisting phenomenon in the crankshaft which spreads from one end to other due
to uneven torque pulses coming from different units ‘pistons.
consist of an inertia ring added to the crankshaft enclosed in a thin layer of highly
viscous fluid like silicon.
The inertia ring is free to rotate and applies a lagging torque on the crankshaft due to
its lagging torsional motion.
When the crankshaft rotates, the inertia ring tends to move in radial direction but the
counter effect is provided by the silicon fluid damping the vibration
o De-tuners are used to alter the frequency of the vibrating machinery reducing the vibration of
the engine
o Guide force moments: When the piston is not exactly in its top or bottom position, the gas
force, transferred through the connecting rod, will have a component acting on the crankshaft
perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Its resultant is acting on the guide shoe and, together,
they form a guide force moment
o Side Bracing:
Normally fitted on the top of the engine which increases the stiffness and raises the
natural frequency beyond the working range
o Flexible Coupling:
If the engine has a Power turbine connected to its crankshaft via a reduction gear, then
flexible coupling is used to compensate for the vibration occurring during motion
transfer. The Flexible elements are mainly spring or special material rubber for de
tuning the vibration.
o compensator comprises two counter-rotating masses running at the same speed as the main
engine crankshaft
o The external moments are known as the 1 st, order moments (acting in both the vertical and
horizontal directions) and 2nd order moments (acting in the vertical direction only, because they
originate solely in the inertia forces on the reciprocating masses.
o The counterweights on the chain wheel produce a centrifugal force which creates a moment,
the size of which is found by multiplying the force by the distance to the node.
o Port State control is a system of harmonized inspection procedures designed to target sub-
standards ships with the main objective being their eventual elimination.
o A port State control authority undertakes inspections to satisfy itself that the foreign ships
visiting its ports meet the required international standards laid down in the conventions, and to
check on the actual condition of specific ships whose ability to meet those standards is in
o Ships trade internationally and have to call at various ports all over the world. many ships may
not call at any of their home ports for a considerable period and it is possible that during a
certain period of time Ship's Certificates may not have been renewed or maintenance in
general has suffered due to various reasons. Therefore, it is imperative that ships must be
inspected at various ports to ensure compliance with rule requirements as regards safety,
maintenance, manning, etc. This control is termed as Port State Control
o Flag State Inspection
o The flag State of a commercial vessel is the State, under whose laws, the vessel is registered
o The flag State has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered
under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification, and of issuance of safety and
pollution prevention documents
o The Country of registration is termed as the 'Flag State'.
o It is the duty of the Flag State to ensure that a vessel entitled to fly its flag is safely constructed,
equipped and subsequently properly maintained & manned as per relevant regulations based
on International Conventions developed by International Maritime Organization.
o For this purpose, the Flag state carries out surveys & Inspections on the vessels under its
Registry for issue of various statutory Certificates.
o These Certificates are mandatory for the vessels, intended trading
Requirements of CO2 Flooding System
o Discharge requirement is, at least 50% of CO2 discharge to be carried out in 1 minute and at
least 85% discharge in 2 minutes.
o Capacity of CO2 in the system to be,
30% of the gross volume of the largest protected cargo space,
40% of the gross volume of machinery space excluding engine casings,
35% of the gross volume of machinery space including engine casings for vessels GT <
Total amount of CO2 cylinders depends on the highest gross volume out of above 1,2,3
in a particular ship.
o Safety procedures must be there against unauthorized use of the system.
o Machinery space to be fitted with audio-visual alarm and ventilation blower trip.
o Alarm must trigger well before operation of CO2 flooding system.
o Permanent piping arrangements should be made.
o Manifold, distribution piping to be pressure tested. See Pressure Testing of CO2 Flooding
System below.
o Diameter of associated pipe lines in the system should not be less than 20 mm.
o Copper and flexible pipes are allowed between CO2 cylinder and common manifold.
o Distribution pipes to cargo spaces should not pass through engine room.
o All stop valves to be checked every month to ensure their working and position.
o The CO2 flooding system installation to be checked monthly for any leakages.
o All control valves to be tested annually
Maintenance of CO2 Flooding System
o Fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems should be kept in good working order and
readily available for immediate use. Maintenance and inspections should be carried out in
accordance with the ship’s maintenance plan having due regard to ensuring the reliability of
the system. The on board maintenance plan should be included in the ship’s safety
management system and should be based on the system manufacturer’s recommendations.
o Monthly
Alarms, Machinery trips, Door alarm, Quick closing valves, Flaps, Skylights, Ventilation
fan trips to be tested.
o Yearly
o 2 Yearly
Blow through the system with 6-7 bar air with plastic air bags at the nozzle ends.
o 5 Yearly
The servo cylinders and any remote controlled stop valves to be tested by opening one
pilot cylinder. The main CO2 bottles must be uncoupled for this purpose.
Spring loaded relief valves to be checked and pressure tested at 180 bar.
Section of CO2 which can be shut off must be tested with air at 25 bar.
o 10 Yearly
CO2 bottles to be inspected internally. Siphon tube or dip tube to be checked. Cylinders
to be pressure tested at 250 bar. If permanent change in volume is observed, those
cylinders to be discarded. After 20 years of installation of CO2 flooding system, these
tests to be carried out every 5 years thereafter
Pressure test HP pipes, stop valves to engine room, pump room, purifier room,etc. at
190 bar (hydraulic), medium pressure pipes at 80 bar (hydraulic) and low pressure
pipes at 7 bar air.
Low Pressure Section Branch Pipe to Nozzles Galvanized Seamless 7 Bar Air Blowing Test
Manganese Steel
Medium Pressure Master Valve to Main Galvanized Seamless 80 Bar Pressure Test
Section Pipe Branches Manganese Steel
High Pressure Section CO2 Cylinder to Master Galvanized Seamless 190 Bar Pressure Test
Valve Manganese Steel
Pilot Control Line Control Lines Copper Tube 58 Bar Pressure Test
Balanced Rudder
In balanced rudders, (which spade rudders generally are) the rudder stock is at
such a position such that 40 percent of the rudder area is forward of the stock
and the remaining is aft of it.
Unbalanced Rudders
rudders have their stocks attached at the forward most point of their span.
Semi- Balanced Rudder:
A rudder with a small part of its area, less than 20%, forward of the turning
Aspect Ratio = (Depth of Rudder / Width of Rudder)
its value is generally 2.
High aspect ratio is used in large vessels, where depth is not a constraint.
Higher aspect ratio reduces the astern torque considerably.
o Detecting ingress of water into rudder
If we find some wet area in the rudder platet, it is likely that cracks have occurred in
the rudder plate and sea water has ingressed.
If we strike the rudder plate with a test hammer, we can detect the ingress of water
from the sound. In large ships, the rudder is high above the dock floor; if we cannot
strike it with a test hammer, pick up a stone or something in the dry dock and throw it
agsinst the rudder. We can find the ingress of water from the sound made by the stone
hitting the rudder.
o Pintle clearance
For a ship in service, Maximum allowable clearances between pintle and bush is 6 mm.
IF the actual clearance exceeeds 6mm, the bush should be renewed
o Stages In Dry-docking
Pre- docking preparations
Job list with priority
Scope of jobs
Job schedule
Survey & certifications –statutory, COC,CSM ,CSH & ESP
New regulation requirement & modifications
Special tools
Precision instruments
Dry dock meeting with officers & crew
While Docking Precautions.
Change over to DO
Keep ready tanks to be cleaned
Sufficient care w.r.t Critical Period
At Dry Dock Execution
Proceed as per plan
Time Schedule, Budget – not crossed
Priority job & Max no. of jobs in qualitative manner
Un-Docking precautions
Ensure all drain plugs are in place secured & cemented
Oil level in stern tube tanks
All shore connections are removed & meter reading if any
Tank soundings
When S.W level cover the sea chest, sea v/vs → open all sea v/vs → check leak
Purge the air fm. all C.S.W P/P, run the P/Ps 'n' check the pressure
Cut-out the shore power supply Start the ship gen.
Record the time 'n' KW-hr. meter unit
Check all leakage 'n' abnormalities, all repair jobs, etc. must be corrected B4
leaving from dock.
Take M/E C/S deflection 'n' compare è previous record
Prepare M/E
Take All Tank sounding 'n' record
Prepare for docking-report
5.Post Dock checks
Water leaks from Sea water Interface Items
Oil leak from Shaft.
Specific work related condition
o Plans, Drawings & procedures
Docking plan
Shell expansion plan
Propeller extraction file
Tail shaft extraction file
Anode locations
Overboard valve details
o Documents
Job list with priority
Scope of jobs
Job schedule
Survey & certifications
Previous Measurements
Hull coating reports
o Dry dock Measurements
Hull Plate gauging
Paint thickness measurement
Deflection before & after dry dock
Tank soundings before & after DD
Propeller drop
remove rope guard
Take-out check-plug (oiling hole) 'n' drain plug.
turn the Tail shaft until the '0' mark on simplex seal 'n' T/S coincide Or #1 unit
Measure @ plug (Top & bottom) thro' 180°C by wear down gauge.
compare the last record measurement (every D/D)
Records are kept in wear down gauge box.
Rudder jumping & pintle bearing
o Dry dock Inspection
Condition of underwater hull up to load water line i.e., bottom and side shell for
damages, shell-opening edges for wasted and corners for possible cracks
Rudder for damage and leakage, drain plugs to be opened to find evidence of leakage,
locate the leak by air/hydro-test, repair and retest, rudder bearing condition including
pintles, lock nut tightness and pintle clearance and smoothness of rudder movements
to ascertain if rudder is required to be removed for necessary repairs. Rudder trunk
and stern frame for general condition and possible damages/cracks.
Condition of oil seals for stern glands, rope guards, extent of shaft drop and condition
of propeller blades, condition of storm valves, sea tubes, sea inlet and outlet tubes and
Condition of sea chest gratings, compressed air/steam pipe condition should be
checked and condition of sacrificial anodes in sea chests should be checked.
Condition of forward part of the vessel for chaffing with chains/damages with anchors
including those on bulbous should be verified.
Condition of bilge keel for damages, possible cracks in way of bilge keel butts and
anodes should be verified.
Chain cables if ranged and anchors if lowered should be examined.
If docking coincides with the special survey (i.e. within 15 months of due date of Special
Survey) the following SS items normally examined in dry dock should be surveyed and
credited towards special survey:
Shell plating and TM (thickness measurement) of bottom shell if required.
Anchors & chains including calibration of cables.
Chain lockers.
Scuppers, sanitary discharges and valves
Check the; last anchor chain report and accordingly prepare for anchor and anchor
chain inspection
o Crude oil means any liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the earth whether or not
treated to render it suitable for transportation and includes:
crude oil from which certain distillate fractions may have been removed; and
crude oil to which certain distillate fractions may have been added.
o Oil tanker means a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil in bulk in its cargo spaces
and includes combination carriers,
oTypes of Oil Tanker Based on Size
VLCC: Known as Very Large Crude Carriers, these tankers have a cargo carrying
capacitance of 2,50,000 tons
ULCC: They are known as Ultra Large Crude Carriers and have a cargo hauling
capacitance range up to 5, 00,000 tons.
Panamax: The classification of tankers that can pass through the Panama Canal is
known as the Panamax.
Aframax: The Aframax cargo tankers are that type of tanker ships which are mainly
used in the Mediterranean, China Sea and the Black Sea. These tankers have a dead
weight tonnage (DWT) between 80,000 and 1, 20,000 tonnes
the Suezmax vessels are so called because of their ease in passing through the Suez
o Chemical tanker is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any
liquid product listed in either:
chapter 17 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
chapter VI of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
o Types:
A type 1
ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with very
severe environmental and safety hazards which require maximum preventive
measures to preclude an escape of such cargo
The quantity of cargo required to be carried in a Type 1 ship should not exceed
1,250 m3 in any one tank
Double side width B/5 or 11.5 mtrs whichever is less.
DB depth B/15 or 6 mtrs at centre line, but not < 760mm
A type 2
ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with
appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant
preventive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo
The quantity of cargo required to be carried in a Type 2 ship should not exceed
3000 m3 in any one tank
Tanks for Type II cargoes should be located at least 760mm from the ship's
shell and outside the extent of assumed grounding damage
A type 3
ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with
sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards which require a moderate
degree of containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition
There is no filling restriction for chemicals assigned to Ship Type 3
There is no special requirement for cargo tank location. No limit for size of
o Damage Stability:
In any stage of flooding
the waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the
lower edge of any opening through which progressive flooding or downflooding
may take place.
the maximum angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not exceed
25°, except that this angle may be increased to 30° if no deck immersion occurs
the residual stability during intermediate stages of flooding shall be to the
satisfaction of the Administration
At final equilibrium after flooding
the righting-lever curve shall have a minimum range of 20° beyond the position
of equilibrium in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at least
0.1 m within the 20° range; the area under the curve within this range shall not
be less than 0.0175 m radians
the emergency source of power shall be capable of operating.
o “margin line” means a line drawn at least 76 mm. below the upper surface of the bulk head at
the side of a ship and assumed for the purpose of determining the floodable length of the ship;
o Permeability” in relation to a space means the percentage of that space below the ships margin
line which can be occupied by water;
o “sub-division load line’ means the load line indicating the depth to which a ship can be loaded
having regard to the extent to which she is sub-divided and to the space for the time being
allotted to passengers
o Stability: Stability is the tendency of a vessel to rotate one way or the other when forcibly
o INITIAL STABILITY - The stability of a ship in the range from 0� to 7�/10� of inclination.
o OVERALL STABILITY - A general measure of a ship's ability to resist capsizing in a given
condition of loading.
o DYNAMIC STABILITY - The work done in heeling a ship to a given angle of heel.
o Metacenter: As the ship is inclined through small angles of heel, the lines of buoyant force
intersect at a point called the metacenter.
o Block Coefficient:
The block coefficient is the ratio of underwater area divided by the multiplication of the
maximum waterline length, breadth and draught. It is an indication of hull fullness.
Cb= ∇/LBd
Higher block coefficients suggest indicate a hull with more interior volume, but very full
ends and a flat bottom—great for a cargo vessel.
Smaller block coefficients suggest a hull with more rounded bilges and/or finer bow
and stern sections.
Hulls with large block coefficients also tend to have poorer directional stability. In other
words, they are harder to keep going on a straight course
The purpose is to determine a vessels most economic hull design for its intended use,
and to determine a hull's flair and amount of freeboard.
Block coefficient affects resistance and ships that favour block coefficient hull designs
have vertical sidewalls below the waterline. Block works best with tankers, as tankers
are required to have double walls and the block method keeps the ballast lower.
o Prismatic Coefficient (Cp)
The prismatic coefficient is the underwater area, divided by the area of a midship
section, times the length of the ship.
It is an indication of hull fineness, and may be broken down into fore & aft
This formula can be written as Cp= ∇/AmL
Prismatic coefficient creates a hull with a flared sidewall below the waterline (more
trapezoidal shaped) and a bit smaller wetted surface area
o Midship Sectional Coefficient (Cm)
The midship sectional coefficient is the multiplication of waterline breadth and draught
divided by the area below the waterline of the midship section. This formula may be
written as Cm= Am/Bd
o initial unstable ship will not be upright. While heeling one side, the angle at which the G & B
coincides in neutral equilibrium.
o If GZ=0 then angle of Equilibrium = angle of loll
o How to Recognize
Vessel will not remain upright and will assume a list to either port or starboard.
Vessel "flops" to port or starboard.
Vessel will have a very long, slow roll period about the angle of list.
A small GM is known to exist, plus any of the above.
+ve GM
Stable Equilibrium.
G off the Centreline.
Corrected by moving G back to the Centreline by moving/loading weights towards the
“high side”.
o Angle of Loll
-ve GM
Unstable Equilibrium.
G on the Centreline.
Corrected by lowering G below M
Moving cargo to a lower position;
Jettisoning top-weight (in an emergency);
Reducing FSE by pressing up/emptying tanks;
Filling low ballast spaces such as DB tanks
top up tanks that are already slack.
Start with the smallest tank on the LOW side first. (If a tank on the high side is filled
first, the ship will start to right herself but will then tend to roll over suddenly in an
uncontrolled fashion as she passes through the upright. She will then „whip‟ through
to a larger angle of loll on the other side. She may even capsize if the momentum
gathered is sufficient.) When the low side is filled first, the angle of list will increase
initially, but in a slow and controlled fashion. After some time, the weight of the ballast
water added will be sufficient to lower the ship’s COG (despite the extra FSE), to cause
the angle of list to decrease. By this method the inclining motions of the v/l take place
in a gradual and controlled manner
now fill the opposite tank on the high side.
fill tanks alternately, low side first, until the v/l returns to positive GM.
ensure that all tanks are completely filled.
o The Cross Curves Of Stability are used to determine the length of the righting arm at any angle
of inclination for a given displacement.
o To draw the curve of statical stability, we need GZ values for various angles of heel.
o For this we use the GZ cross curves of stability.
o These curves are provided for an assumed KG, tabulating GZ values for various displacements
and angles of list.
o Called cross curves because the various curves actually ‘cross’ each other.
o Since the curves are plotted for an assumed KG, if the actual KG differs from this a correction
(GG1Sineθ) needs to be applied.
o This correction is positive if the actual KG is less than the assumed KG and vice-versa.
o After obtaining the GZ values at various angles, the curve of statical stability is prepared
o Same as the GZ cross curves and also used to get the GZ values for making the curve of statical
o The only difference being that here the KG is assumed to be ZERO.
o This solves the problem of a sometimes positive and sometimes negative correction, as now
the correction is always subtracted.
o GZ = KN – KG Sine θ
o Curve plotted on lines plan of ship is calls bonjean curve, here the longitudinal section of the
vessel is divided in 10 stations.
o At each station transverse section and each draft, we calculate e area and moment of area.,
these moments then plotted on the lines plan....
o Use: fo calculation of hydrostatics like displacement block coefficient centre of floatation TPC
o Enable the users to calculate the displacement and the centre of buoyancy for a given
waterline, in an upright condition
o curves of areas of transverse sections and their moments about the baseline of a ship used in
making calculations (as to determine the force of buoyancy during launching)
o The Bonjean curve had as its ordinate the cross sectional area at that section, up to the
waterline concerned. Each curve was usually plotted with its axis The vertical axis was
traditionally at ship scale.
o Their main uses were for launching (end launching) and longitudinal strength.
o For launching, prior to stern lift, the progressive waterlines would be set up on the ship profile
with the Bonjean curves.
o Where this waterline cut the vertical axis was the local draft at that section. Bonjean area was
read at each such intersection, and then integrated longitudinally for both volume and
o These gave the volume of buoyancy and its longitudinal moment about the fore poppet for
each successive waterline, to match against moment of weight force about the fore poppet,
defining the point of stern lift.
A series of graphs drawn to a vertical scale of draught and a base of length, which gives values such as
the centre of buoyancy, displacement, moment causing unit trim, and centre of flotation.
In practice tables with hydrostatic parameters calculated for different draughts are used. However, only
having traditional graphs it is possible to observe character of hydrostatic curves and understand ship
In port, the initial metacentric height GMo, corrected for the free surface measured at 0° heel,
shall be not less than 0.15 m;
o At sea, the following criteria shall be applicable:
A-area under curve up to 30 degrees to be not less than 0.055 metre-radian.
B-area under curve up to x degrees to be not less than 0.09 metre-radian
C-area between 30 degrees and x degrees to be not less than 0.03 metre-radian.
x-40 degrees or any lesser angle at which the lower edges of any openings in the hull,
superstructure or deckhouses which lead below deck and cannot be closed
weathertight, would be immersed
E-maximum GZ to occur at angle not less than 30 degrees and to be at least 0.20 metre
in height
the maximum righting arm shall occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but
not less than 25°
the initial metacentric height GM o, corrected for free surface measured at 0° heel, shall
be not less than 0.15 m
o Oil tankers shall be regarded as complying with the damage stability criteria if the following
requirements are met:
The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the lower
edge of any opening through which progressive flooding may take place.
In the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not
exceed 25°, provided that this angle may be increased up to 30° if no deck edge
immersion occurs.
The stability in the final stage of flooding shall be investigated and may be regarded as
sufficient if the righting lever curve has at least a range of 20° beyond the position of
equilibrium in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 0.1 m
within the 20° range; the area under the curve within this range shall not be less than
0.0175 m·rad.
The Administration shall be satisfied that the stability is sufficient during intermediate
stages of flooding
Equalization arrangements requiring mechanical aids such as valves or cross-levelling
pipes, if fitted, shall not be considered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or
attaining the minimum range of residual stability to meet the requirements
o For Bulk Carrier: SOLAS CHAPTER XII
Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single side skin construction, designed
to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on
or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand
flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a
satisfactory condition of equilibrium
Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single side skin construction, carrying
solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July
1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the
foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory
condition of equilibrium
The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding of the cargo hold space.
The permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an
empty hold shall be assumed as 0.95, unless a permeability relevant to a particular
cargo is assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and a
permeability of 0.95 is assumed for the remaining empty volume of the hold
The damage stability calculations are performed for a limited no. of drafts and relevant
GM values in order to draw a minimum GM curve, where the attained subdivision index
– A achieves the minimum required level of safety R.
For cargo ships, each case of damage is not required to comply with the applicable
criteria, but the attained index – A, which is the sum of contribution of all damage
cases, is to be equal or greater than R.
The subdivision of a ship is considered sufficient if the attained subdivision index A is
greater than the required sub division index R.
The partial indices As, Ap, Al should not be less than 0.9R for passenger ships and 0.5R
for cargo ships.
Requirement for sub-division and damage stability Attained sub-division index – A >
Required sub-division index – RAttained sub division index A
The attained sub division index A is obtained by the summation of the partial indices
calculated for the drafts ds, dp & dl as per below formula.
A = 0.4As + 0.4Ap + 0.2A1
Where ds = deepest sub division draft
dp = partial sub division draft
dl = light service draft
Each partial index is a summation of contribution of all damage cases taken into
consideration using the below formula
Where A = ∑ Pi x Si
o i = represents each compartment or group of compartment under
o Pi = accounts for probability that only the compartment or group of
compartments under consideration may be flooded disregarding
horizontal sub-divisions.
o Si = accounts for the probability of survival after flooding of
compartments or group of compartments under consideration
including effects of horizontal sub-divisions.
Required sub division index R
The degree of subdivision to be provided shall be determined by the required
sub division index R which is as follows:
For cargo ships greater than 100m in length (Ls)
R = 1 - (128 / Ls + 152)
Which is fixed for the ship as per the size and no of
o a general description of the ship, including:
o the ship's name and the Society classification number
o the ship type and service notation
o the class notations
o the yard, the hull number and the year of delivery
o the Flag, the port of registry, the international call sign and the IMO number
o the moulded dimensions
o the draught corresponding to the assigned summer load line, the draught corresponding to the
assigned summer timber load line and the draught corresponding to the tropical load line,
o instructions on the use of the booklet
o general arrangement and capacity plans indicating the assigned use of compartments and
o a sketch indicating the position of the draught marks referred to the ship's perpendiculars
o hydrostatic curves or tables corresponding to the design trim,
o cross curves (or tables) of stability
o tank sounding tables or curves showing capacities, centres of gravity, and free surface data for
each tank
o intact stability results (total displacement and its centre of gravity co-ordinates, draughts at
perpendiculars, GM, GM corrected for free surfaces effect, GZ values and curve
o information on loading restrictions
o information concerning the use of any special cross-flooding fittings with descriptions of
damage conditions which may require cross-flooding, when applicable
o information about openings (location, tightness, means of closure), pipes or other progressive
flooding sources
o Total Resistance = Frictional Resistance + Residuary Resistance
o Frictional Resistance
The frictional resistance RF of the hull depends on the size of the hull’s wetted area AS,
and on the specific frictional resistance coefficient CF. The friction increases with
fouling of the hull, i.e. by the growth of, i.a. algae, sea grass and barnacles.
Rf = f S Vn
f = coefficient of friction = 0.417 + .773/(L+2.862)
L= length
S= wetted surface
V= ship speed in knots
n= index=1.825
o Residuary Resistance
Residual resistance RR comprises wave resistance and eddy resistance. Wave resistance
refers to the energy loss caused by waves created by the vessel during its propulsion
through the water, while eddy resistance refers to the loss caused by flow separation
which creates eddies, particularly at the aft end of the ship.
Wave resistance at low speeds is proportional to the square of the speed, but increases
much faster at higher speeds.
o The Admiralty coefficient A is constant for a given hull and gives the approximate relationships
between the needed propulsion power P, ship speed V and displacement ∇.
o Thus, the constant A is defined as follows:
A = (∇2/3 х V3)/P = (∇2/3 х V3) /P
o Indicated Power, ip: power produced in engine
o Shaft Power, sp : power transmitted to shaft
sp = ip x mech efficiency
o Delivered Power, dp: power developed to propeller
dp = sp x transmission efficiency
o thrust power, tp: thrust exerted by propeller to exceed the total resistance
tp = dp x propeller efficiency
o effective power, ep
Hull Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the effective power for a hull with appendages
to the thrust power developed by propellers
ep = tp x hull efficiency
o Quasi Propulsion Factor: “Quasi-propulsion” coefficient is defined as the ratio of the effective
horsepower to the delivery horsepower.
ep = dp x QPC
o Fuel oil price- proper bunker planning and optimum ordering of bunker
o L.O. Price- optimum Quantity to order
o Spare cost- order spare as such to maintain minimum stock of expensive parts
o Maintenance cost- reduce breakdown with proper maintenance and reduce use of shore
o Insurance- proper maintenance of machinery and equipment and avoid breakdown
o Dry docking- proper planning
o New regulation- find need for any new installation and changes to comply
o Piracy- maintain security level and security items
o Surveys/ audits/ inspection- ensure all systems in order to avoid any deficiency and delays
o OCIMF’s Tanker Management and Self-Assessment programme was introduced in 2004 as a
tool to help vessel operators assess, measure and improve their safety management systems.
o It complements industry quality codes and is intended to encourage self-regulation and
promote continuous improvement among tanker operators.
o The TMSA programme offers a standard framework for assessment of a vessel operator’s safety
management systems.
o The framework is based on 12 elements of management practice, each one associated with a
clear objective and a set of supporting KPIs to help operators assess the level of attainment in
their company.
o The benefits of the TMSA to vessel operators are clear:
Helps to drive up the standards of safety management systems, leading to fewer
Encourages a continuous improvement approach to safety management.
Embeds a preventative approach to maintenance, reducing unplanned stoppages and
delays for repairs.
The reduced the risk of incidents and delays/breakdowns feeds back over time into
higher performance in terms of safety and environmental protection and enhances the
reputation of the company.
Companies that incorporate the TMSA guidelines into their management systems are
considered to have an active assessment process, even if not being inspected under
SIRE or having adopted ISM.
Reduced risk of incidents feeds back over time into lower insurance costs and higher
The process is not imposed upon vessel operators from outside. It is owned and
managed by the operators themselves and the resulting data remains fully under their
o As ship owner forecast the growth of their business to accomplish this they order ship or ships.
The building of ships involves the expenditures of enormous amounts of money. Ships are
usually built in lot sizes of several or more.
o The individual cost of ships drops dramatically with the first seven to ten identical ships. Ship
owners often order ships 4, 8, 10, 12 or even 20 at a time. Hence if each ship costs tens or
hundreds of millions of dollars, an order for a fleet of ships can be monumental.
o It is therefore necessary that the acquisition be carried out in a very disciplined, business like
and well planned manner, using all the best practices of project and program management
a = distance, in metres, from the Summer Load Waterline amidships to the upper deck
hi = height, in metres, on the centerline of each tier of houses having a breadth greater
than B/4
o Once we find the equipment number, we can decide the size of anchors, chains, winches etc.
o As per equipment number, the total length of anchor chain is given. Say for particular EN, the
min length of cable required is 21 shackles. One side of anchor is given 10 shackles and another
is 11 shackles.
o Formulation of shipping policy and legislation for development of shipping and augmentation
of shipping tonnage.
o Formulation of policy on promotion of maritime education and training.
o Supervision and control of the examination and certification of the merchant navy officers in
various grades.
o Regulation of employment of seamen and their welfare.
o Formulation of policy on development of coastal shipping and sailing vessel industry.
o Supervision and control of implementation of various International Conventions relating to
safety of ships, prevention of pollution and other mandatory regulations of the International
Maritime Organization.
o Representing India in international forums relating to shipping, maritime training and allied
o Supervision and control of quality assurance in all areas of shipping, merchant navy training,
o At present the UN has in total 15 specialized agencies that carry out various functions on behalf
of the UN.
1. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations leads international efforts
to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries
2. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the
planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly
3. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries
4. International Labour Organization (ILO)
The International Labour Organization (ILO) deals with labour issues.
5. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
to coordinate international maritime safety and related practices.
6. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
provides monetary cooperation and financial stability and acts as a forum for advice,
negotiation and assistance on financial issues.
7. International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
established to standardize and regulate international radio and telecommunications.
8. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international
collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal
respect for justice, the rule of law, and the human rights and fundamental freedoms
proclaimed in the UN Charter.
9. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries
and countries with economics in transition and the promotion of international
industrial cooperation
10. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
coordinates postal policies between member nations
11. World Bank Group (WBG)
is to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results and to help
people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing
12. World Health Organization (WHO)
acts as a coordinating authority on international public health and deals with health
and sanitation and diseases and sends medical teams to help combat epidemics
13. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
encourage creative activity and to promote the protection of intellectual property
throughout the world
14. World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
for modern meteorology (weather and climate), operational hydrology and related
geophysical sciences
15. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
serves as a forum for tourism policies and acts as a practical source for tourism know-
P and I insurance
Loss of life, injury and illness of crew, passengers and other persons
Cargo loss, shortage or damage
Damage to docks, buoys and other fixed and floating objects
Wreck removal
Fines and penalties
Mutiny and misconduct by crew
Crew repatriation and substitution
Damage to property on board the insured vessel
Vessel Diversion Expenses
Unrecoverable General Average contributions
Vessel's proportion of General Average
The breakpoint is the point where the maximum cylinder pressure has been reached and the
injection timing is advanced the most. Above the breakpoint the injection timing is gradually
retarded back until it reaches its original setting at 100% MCR load.
The position of the breakpoint is determined by the layout of the engine. Formerly it was
generally considered to be at approximately 85% MCR load, but it also has to be ensured that
the maximum pressure rise from compression to maximum cylinder pressure is 35 bar or less
(recommended by MAN B&W Diesel A/S).
Variable injection timing or VIT is the term used to define a fuel injection pump which alters the
timing of the start of fuel injection.
With jerk type injection pump this can be done by following methods:
By altering the position of the barrel with respect to the plunger.
Using a fuel pump with two plungers.
Altering the fuel cam or cam follower position.
By using specially designed fuel pumps such as sulzer fuel pumps.
VIT is employed to advance fuel injection timing so that maximum combustion pressure or
Pmax is reached at about 85% load. This gives a more efficient engine by lowering the fuel
consumption. See the diagram below.
Action of VIT starts at about 40% of engine load. From this load, start of fuel injection is
advanced to increase the Pmax gradually. As the engine load reaches 85%, value of Pmax will
be corresponding to the 100% load of the engine, as shown in the figure. From 85% load, start
of fuel injection retards to keep the Pmax constant.
Hence the purpose of VIT on ships are:
Improve the specific fuel consumption of the engine.
Optimizing the combustion process for different quality fuels
The super VIT system, fulfil the requirement of maintaining the MCR Pmax under part load, in
order to save fuel
This is achieved by a mechanism which automatically adjust the commencement of fuel
injection, such that MCR Pmax, is kept constant as engine load is reduced from 100%, down
from pre-specified part load, known as breakpoint
The pump barrel is moved up and down (relative to plunger) by means of rack and pinion, in
combination with a double thread
Low Viscosity
As result internal leakage in FO Pump, increase in flowability of fuel from the fuel
injection nozzle
Low Lubricity
As low sulphur emissions became mandatory, fuel refiners have had to develop new
technologies to reduce the sulphur content in order to meet the emission standards.
The issue is in the refining process used to remove the sulphur. The most cost effective
way is to use a chemical process called hydro-processing.
During hydro-processing the sulphur in the fuel is removed and replaced by hydrogen
resulting in a cleaner burning fuel with improved performance.
Unfortunately, as hydrogen is a highly reactive element it also reacts with other
components in the fuel removing the polar and aromatic compounds that provide
conventional diesel fuel with adequate lubricating capability.
Often relying on hydrodynamic lubrication, the pumps are lubricated by the fuel. Other
components such as injectors, unit injectors, unit pumps and in-line pumps typically
consists of a plunger or needle operating in a sleeve or bore and are boundary
In fuel of questionable lubricity, the amount of wear or scarring that will occur between
the two metals can be much greater, leading to higher wear thereby reducing
emissions and shortening the component life.
So ironically, as the sulphur levels have decreased in an ECA so too has the lubricity and
a lack of lubricity can result in increased emissions through wear. A conundrum in itself.
Taking this together with increased fuel consumption from excessive pump wear and
even potential catastrophic failure means that vessel managers are duty bound to do
something to aid lubricity as a fundamental of responsible vessel management, this is
no longer a ‘nice to have’ it’s a must have.
Inspectors regularly test the sulphur content in fuels ensuring suppliers are meeting the
low sulphur legislation; however, they are not duty bound to check the level of
lubricity, leaving the supplier to honour the specifications. Responsible suppliers will
add lubricity to the minimum specification but as in many cases for every one
responsible supplier there are many irresponsible suppliers focusing more on the
bottom line than on the specification especially with today’s oil prices with low
Lubricity can be checked using equipment called an HFRR. Producing a “Wear Scar”
result. In Europe this is 460 microns, but most manufacturers would want to see 400
microns as the repeatability of the test is +/- 60 microns. So although a responsible
supplier has added the minimum additive to meet the ISO specification of 460 microns
the fuel could still fall short of having adequate lubricity. (The lower the number the
better the lubricity).
Ensuring your Fuel Maintains Lubricity
DieselAid-L : is a lubricant additive to combat the known problems with Low
Sulphur Diesel as discussed above, specifically for ships that bunker frequently
and do not hold fuel in storage for long. For approx. 0.3% increase in the cost
of fuel it can save many thousands of dollars in worn components.
DieselAid LD: as above but also a deposit control to keep the fuel system clean
and efficient to maintain fuel consumption and an essential component to help
meet ECA legislation after a passage on heavy fuel.
Ships equipped with large diesel tanks only need lubricity although with today’s
modern common rail engines and extremely fine tolerances whilst DieselAid L
will keep them lubricated DieselAid LD deposit control stops gumming,
trumpets and the new IDID from forming on nozzles, but that’s a whole new
With reduction in sulphur content, the amount of sulphuric acid generated also
When cylinder oil with high alkali base number for heavy oil is continuously, deposits
may be formed and abnormal wear of sulphur will occur
Traditional Methods
Visual Inspections
Magnetic Particle
Penetrant Testing
Eddy Current Testing
Painting and coating Inspection
Advanced Technology
Phased Array Ultrasonics Time of Flight Diffraction
OFD is usually performed using longitudinal waves as the primary detection
method. Ultrasonic sensors are placed on each side of the weld.
One sensor sends the ultrasonic beam into the material and the other sensor
receives reflected and diffracted ultrasound from anomalies and geometric
TOFD provides a wide area of coverage with a single beam by exploiting
ultrasonic beam spread theory inside the wedge and the inspected material.
When the beam comes in contact with the tip of a flaw, or crack, diffracted
energy is cast in all directions.
Measuring the time of flight of the diffracted beams enables accurate and
reliable flaw detection and sizing, even if the crack is off-oriented to the initial
beam direction.
During typical TOFD inspections, A-scans are collected and used to create B-
scan (side view) images of the weld.
Analysis is done on the acquisition unit or in post-analysis software, positioning
cursors to measure the length and through-wall height of flaws.
Automated and Remote Ultrasonic Testing
AUT works by using a scanner which is held on to the equipment with magnetic
wheels, emitting ultrasonic waves that propagate through the vessel.
These waves then travel through the material until they encounter a surface;
this causes some of the energy to be reflected.
Once acquired, the amount of reflected energy can then be measured and,
from this, the thickness of the component and the size of any flaws can be
Compared to other inspection techniques, AUT has a high degree of
repeatability and multiple scans can be taken over time to track the progress of
Magnetic Flux Leakage
Internal Rotation Inspection Testing
Computerized Radiology
Alternative Current Field Measurement
Guided wave Ultrasonics
Acoustic Pulse Reflectometer
Rapid Gear Scan
Carbon capture and storage is a complex, emerging process currently being put through its
paces at various pilot power plants around the world. In its originally intended form, the basic
CCS process involves the separation of CO2 from a fossil fuel power station's post-combustion
flue gas, removing its emission from the power generation cycle and transmitting it for storage
or industrial use.
"The big challenges are that you have a limited amount of space, a limited availability of
resources, and of course the constant movement of the vessel,"
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology that can capture up to 90% of the carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and
industrial processes, preventing the carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere
CCS includes a portfolio of technologies, involving different processes for CO 2 capture,
separation, transport, storage and monitoring
There are three main CO2 capture systems associated with different combustion processes,
namely, post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel combustion.
This process removes CO2 from the flue gas after combustion has taken place.
Post-combustion technologies are the preferred option for retrofitting existing
power plants.
In this process, the fuel (normally coal or natural gas) is pre-treated before
CO2 separation technologies
the main CO2 separation technologies that can be applied to isolate the CO 2 from the
flue/fuel gas stream prior to transportation.
Advanced technologies, such as wet scrubber, dry regenerable sorbents, membranes,
cryogenics, pressure and temperature swing adsorption, and other advanced concepts
have been developed.
A liquid sorbent is used to separate the CO 2 from the flue gas. The sorbent can
be regenerated through a stripping or regenerative process by heating and/or
One important challenge for the large deployment of this technology for CCS is
its potential amine degradation, resulting in solvent loss, equipment corrosion
and generation of volatile degradation compounds, while that atmospheric
degradation has not been included.
Moreover, amine emissions can degrade into nitrosamines and nitramines,
which are potentially harmful to the human health and the environment.
Chilled ammonia process uses aqueous ammonium salts (such as ammonium
carbonate) to capture CO 2 that can make use of waste heat to regenerate the
CO2 at elevated temperature and pressures to reduce downstream
compression [42].
This process will generate less problem as compared to those that amine is
facing with degradation
In contrast to absorption processes which use a liquid absorbent, a solid sorbent is
used to bind the CO2 on its surfaces.
Large specific surface area, high selectivity and high regeneration ability are the main
criteria for sorbent selection.
Membrane separation
Membranes can be used to allow only CO2 to pass through, while excluding other
components of the flue gas.
The most important part of this process is the membrane which is made of a composite
polymer of which a thin selective layer is bonded to a thicker, non-selective and low-
cost layer that provides mechanical support to the membrane
Membrane/solvent systems employ membranes to provide a very high surface area to
volume ratio for mass exchange between a gas stream and a solvent resulting in a very
compact system.
This results in a membrane contactor system in which the membrane forms a gas
permeable barrier between a liquid and a gaseous phase.
In general, the membrane is not involved in the separation process.
In the case of porous membranes, gaseous components diffuse through the pores and
are absorbed by the liquid; in cases of non-porous membranes they dissolve in the
membrane and diffuse through the membrane.
The contact surface area between gas and liquid phase is maintained by the membrane
and is independent of the gas and liquid flow rate.
The selectivity of the partition is primarily determined by the absorbent (solvent).
Absorption in the liquid phase is determined either by physical partition or by a
chemical reaction.
Operational problems avoided include foaming, flooding entrainment and channelling,
and result in the free choice of the gas and liquid flow rates and a fixed interface for
mass transfer in the membrane/solvent system. Furthermore, the use of compact
membranes results in smaller equipment sizes with capital cost reductions
The ‘G’ prefix before an engine means it has a design that follows the principles of the large-
bore, Mark 9 engine series that MAN Diesel & Turbo introduced in 2006 with an ultra-long
stroke that reduces engine speed, thereby paving the way for ship designs with unprecedented
Specification of G-80ME-C9
Power kW/cyl : 4,450
Engine speed rpm : 68
Stroke mm : 3.720
MEP bar : 21
Mean piston speed m/s : 8.43
Length mm (7 cylinder) : 12.500
Dry mass ton (7 cylinder) : 960
SFOC, L1 (g/kWh) : 167
The G-type achieves SFOC reductions through a combination of several factors, such as:
increased scavenge-air pressure
reduced compression ratio (twostroke Miller timing)
increased maximum combustion pressure
adjustments of compression volume and design changes.
The G-type engine is characterised by:
low SFOC and superior performance parameters thanks to variable, electronically
controlled timing of fuel injection and exhaust valves at any engine speed and load
appropriate fuel injection pressure and rate shaping at any engine speed load
flexible emission characteristics with low NOx and smokeless operation
perfect engine balance with equalised thermal load in and between cylinders
better acceleration in ahead and astern operation and crash stop situations
wider operating margins in terms of speed and power combustions
longer time between overhauls
very low speed possible even for extended duration and Super Dead Slow operation
individually tailored operating modes during operation
fully integrated Alpha Cylinder Lubricators, with lower cylinder oil consumption
an engine design lighter than its mechanical counterpart.
In the Miller cycle, the intake valve is left open longer than it would be in an Otto cycle engine.
In effect, the compression stroke is two discrete cycles: the initial portion when the intake valve
is open and final portion when the intake valve is closed. This two-stage intake stroke creates
the so-called "fifth" stroke that the Miller cycle introduces.
As the piston initially moves upwards in what is traditionally the compression stroke, the
charge is partially expelled back out through the still-open intake valve. Typically this loss of
charge air would result in a loss of power.
However, in the Miller cycle, this is compensated for by the use of a supercharger. The
supercharger typically will need to be of the positive displacement (Roots or Screw) type due to
its ability to produce boost at relatively low engine speeds. Otherwise, low-rpm power will
In the Miller cycle engine, the piston begins to compress the fuel-air mixture only after the
intake valve closes; and the intake valve closes after the piston has traveled a certain distance
above its bottom-most position: at around 20% to 30% of the total piston travel of this upward
So in the Miller cycle engine, the piston actually compresses the fuel-air mixture only during the
latter 70% to 80% of the compression stroke.
During the initial part of the compression stroke, the piston pushes part of the fuel-air mixture
through the still-open intake valve, and back into the intake manifold.
When the fluid is flowing, it is led through two parallel tubes. An actuator (not shown) induces
a vibration of the tubes. The two parallel tubes are counter-vibrating, to make the measuring
device less sensitive to outside vibrations. The actual frequency of the vibration depends on the
size of the mass flow meter, and ranges from 80 to 1000 vibrations per second. The amplitude
of the vibration is too small to be seen, but it can be felt by touch.
When no fluid is flowing, the vibration of the two tubes is symmetrical, as shown in the
When there is mass flow, there is some twisting of the tubes. The arm through which fluid
flows away from the axis of rotation must exert a force on the fluid to increase its angular
momentum, so it is lagging behind the overall vibration. The arm through which fluid is pushed
back towards the axis of rotation must exert a force on the fluid to decrease the fluid's angular
momentum again, hence that arm leads the overall vibration.
The inlet arm and the outlet arm vibrate with the same frequency as the overall vibration, but
when there is mass flow the two vibrations are out of sync: the inlet arm is behind, the outlet
arm is ahead. The two vibrations are shifted in phase with respect to each other, and the
degree of phase-shift is a measure for the amount of mass that is flowing through the tubes.
The relation between power and propeller speed for a fixed pitch propeller is as mentioned
above described by means of the propeller law, i.e. the third power curve:
Pb = c x n3 , in which:
Pb = engine power for propulsion
n = propeller speed
c = constant
The power functions Pb = c x ni will be linear functions when using logarithmic scales.
Therefore, in the Layout Diagrams and Load Diagrams for diesel engines, logarithmic scales are
used, making simple diagrams with straight lines.
In general, the larger the propeller diameter, the lower is the optimum propeller speed
and the kW required for a certain design draught and ship speed, see curve D
The maximum possible propeller diameter depends on the given design draught of the
ship, and the clearance needed between the propeller and the aft-body hull and the
Once an optimum propeller diameter has been chosen, the pitch in this point is given
for the design speed
Line 3 represents the maximum acceptable speed for continuous operation, i.e. 105%
of A.
During trial conditions the maximum speed may be extended to 107% of A, see line 9.
The above limits may in general be extended to 105%, and during trial conditions to
107%, of the nominal L1 speed of the engine, provided the torsional vibration
conditions permit
Line 4: Represents the limit at which an ample air supply is available for combustion
and imposes a limitation on the maximum combination of torque and speed.
Line 5: Represents the maximum mean effective pressure level (mep), which can be
accepted for continuous operation
Line 7: Represents the maximum power for continuous operation.
Line 8: Represents the overload operation limitations
Before the propeller
Pre-swirl Stator (PSS)
It consists of a set of blades right infront of the propeller. The aim is to reduce
the rotational losses in the propeller slipstream by introducing a rotation in the
inflow to the propeller. PSS increases the hull efficiency and hence the total
propulsive efficiency. DNV classification society has reported a 6% power saving
Becker Mewis Duct
It is a Pre-swirl Stator with Accelerating Duct. The role of the duct is to
homogenize the axial wake component. It increases the efficiency of the pre-
swirl fins by providing a more important water inflow to the stator. Also the
duct contributes to the total thrust by virtue of the lift created by the
accelerating flow over its walls.
Schneekluth Wake Equalising Duct (WED)
It aims to improve the overall propulsive efficiency by reducing the amount of
separation over the afterbody of the vessel by helping to establish more
uniform inflow into the propeller by accelerating the flow in the upper part of
the propeller disc and minimizing the tangential velocity components in the
wakefield. It also helps in the selection of largest possible propeller diameter
At the propeller
Propeller Boss Cone Fins (PBCF)
The idea of fitting fins to the cone of the propeller, is to enhance the efficiency
of the screw propeller by reducing the energy loss associated with the
propeller hub vertex
Unconventional Propellers (Kappel propeller)
The pressure on the suction and discharge side of the propeller at the tip
equalises due to the tip vortex and hence the efficiency of the tip region is low.
Kappel propeller minimises the flow over the tip and the outer region of the
propeller therefore retains high efficiency. The efficiency of Kappel propeller is
appreciably more than the efficiency of the conventional propellers.
Behind the propeller
Rudder Bulb
It comprises of a large bulb having a diameter of about 30-40% of the propeller
diameter which is placed on the rudder close behind the propeller boss. It is
aimed to prevent flow separation and excessive vorticity behind the hub by
effectively extending the propeller boss.
Measures for improving the Propulsion Engine Efficiency
Optimisation of Performance at Low load operation
Slow steaming of the vessels is the most efficient measure to save fuel. Traditionally
engines have been optimised at 85% MCR.
Main engine Derating
The concept here is to fit the engine on its lower MCR than its design MCR.
Exhaust Gas Bypass (EGB)
The concept here is to optimise the turbocharger for gas flow at low load
Variable Turbine Area (VTA) technology
The concept here is to optimise the turbocharger efficiency by increasing the
charge air pressure on low loads by adjustable vane nozzle rings.
Electronically Controlled Engine
These are common rail direct injection system that features high pressure fuel
rails feeding individual valves. Electronic control unit governs the injection. This
unit allows load independent control of injection timing and exhaust valve
Waste Heat Recovery
A waste heat recovery system in the form of economiser is very popular on vessels and
it provides all the heating steam in sea passages. Waste heat recovery system is also
designed to produce electrical power by using the exhaust gas from the engine to
generate steam for a turbine-driven generator.
Measures to improve the operational efficiency
Voyage speed optimisation
Weather Routing
Engine tuning
Performance Monitoring
“VTA” (Variable Turbine Area) technology
The VTA system consists of a nozzle ring, equipped with adjustable vanes which
replaces the fixed-vane rings used in MAN Diesel’s standard TCA and TCR
Adjusting vane pitch regulates the pressure of the exhaust gases impinging on the
turbine to vary compressor output.
The quantity of charge air can be more precisely matched to the quantity of injected
fuel, resulting in reduced specific fuel consumption and emissions, in combination with
improved dynamic behaviour of the engine-turbocharger system
In order to minimize thermal hysteresis and improve adjustment accuracy, each vane
has a lever, which is directly connected to a control ring.
The control ring is actuated by an electric positional motor with integrated reduction
gear whose development was an integral part of MAN Diesel’s VTA solution
Hybrid turbochargers utilize a portion of the rotational output of the turbocharger
turbine (derived from exhaust gas energy) to drive a generator, thus providing a type of
waste heat recovery system.
The generator is positioned within the turbocharger silencer, but since the silencer
itself lacks sufficient rigidity to support the generator, a two-part (upper and lower)
cast steel shell is attached to the compressor scroll to compensate for this
The increasing efficiency of modern turbochargers means that there is a portion of
unused exhaust energy available. The Turbo Compound System Power Turbine and
Generator (TCS-PTG) makes use of that excess exhaust energy.
The system diverts excess exhaust, up to 13 per cent of exhaust gas flow, from the
exhaust gas receiver to a power turbine that is inserted parallel to the turbochargers.
The turbo performance and main engine output is not affected by the use of the PTG
which can extract up to five per cent of additional power with a maximum of 4,700 kW,
depending on the size of the main engine.
The auxiliary blower performance, reliability and economic efficiency had not been very
important because the engine operation at such a low load had been limited to the
time of departing and arriving in port. Slow steaming has become the main stream of
shipping for the reduction of fuel oil cost, and the continuous operation of the auxiliary
blower is sometimes required.
The EAT unit consists of a specially designed high speed permanent magnet motor
directly mounted to the turbocharger rotating assembly. The high speed motor applies
torque to the turbocharger rotor enabling it maintain or vary rotor speed at low engine
exhaust flow rates in order to supply sufficient charge air to maximize engine
Framo is a double lip seal teflon ring.
Purging to be carried out at regular intervals for the purpose of:
Leakage rate detection
Condition monitoring of the shaft seal system
Avoid that leakages are blocking the cofferdam
Place a suitable container underneath the exhaust trap to collect the leakage.
Check that drain valve at bottom of exhaust trap is not blocked.
Drain the purging medium supply line for condensed water.
Connect purging hose (max. supply pressure 7 bar)
Start the purging by opening the valve at purging medium supply line.
Purge cofferdam in several sequences if required. Drain exhaust trap between
each sequence.
Disconnect purging hose.
Close exhaust trap drain valve.
Log the amount of leakage, -evaluate the result
Purge cofferdam, before during and after use.
Check back pressure in return filters and in oil cooler.
Refill the oil tank through the filter box.
Drain off any water or sediment in the oil tank.
Slow down pump when tank cleaning.
Air in the system is indicated by –
Back flow into the system when at standstill
Great difference in tank level at low and high system pressure
Discoloured oil
Currently, there are liquid fossil fuels, liquid biofuels, and gaseous fuels that are in use or can
be used by ships for compliance with the existing and forthcoming environmental air pollution
There are liquid biofuels and fossil fuels that are low in sulphur and can satisfy the fuel sulphur
requirements of the ECAs and MARPOL Annex VI. In lieu of using low‐sulphur fuels, another
option is to use scrubbers fitted in the engine exhaust to remove the SOx.
The Effship Project investigates methanol and dimethyl ether (DME) as alternative fuels. The
fuel options mentioned are LNG, methanol, DME, and gas‐to‐liquids (GTL) formulations.
Liquid biofuels available for marine use are biodiesel, FAME, algae fuels, methanol,
hydrogenation‐derived renewable diesel (HDRD), which is also known as second‐ generation
biodiesel, and pyrolysis oil.
Soy bean oil has been used by the Mols Linien (Ferry line) in Denmark. Fish and chicken oils
have also been tested.
Drawbacks of these fuels are limited miscibility with IFO fuel, sensitivity to frost, and the
problem of conservation.
Biodiesel (FAME), algae fuel, methanol, HDRD, and pyrolysis oil are virtually sulfur free. The
algae and HDRD fuels are compatible with diesel engines and their associated shipboard fuel
systems. Biodiesel (FAME) is not compatible with certain nonmetallic and 25 metallic materials
and usually requires modification of current engines and shipboard fuel systems.
FAME is a well‐known and proven blending component for road‐based diesel machines
but has not found its way into use as a marine fuel.
Within the ISO 8217 framework, FAME is currently being adapted as a blending
component for heavy marine fuel.
Fatty acid methyl esters are a refined version of vegetable oils or animal fats
The main problem with FAME is sustainability because FAME production relies heavily
on palm oil production, which is often in conflict with the preservation of natural rain
forests. Therefore, FAME is generally not seen as a viable long‐term option.
Biocrude (Pyrolysis Oil)
The feedstock can be either solid biomass or sludge. Like fossil crude, biocrude can also
be refined into gasoline or diesel‐like products
The main challenges are its:
Low cetane number
High water content
Poor lubricity
Gaseous Fuels
Gaseous fuels available for marine use are natural gas and propane (i.e., LPG).
These fuels are not only very low in sulfur content but they also combust such that
NOx, PM, and CO2 are reduced.
Natural gas can be carried in a compressed state called compressed natural gas (CNG)
or in a liquid state called liquefied natural gas (LNG).
propane is heavier than air and thus presents an explosive safety hazard if it were to
accumulate in the bilges or low sections of a ship’s engine room in the event of a leak in
the fuel system; thus, it is not considered safe for shipboard use
LNG is one of the most promising alternative marine fuels. It takes up about 1/600th of
the volume of natural gas in the gaseous state. Hazards include its flammability and low
freezing temperature (−163°C (−260°F), such that marine regulations require extra
safety precautions like double wall piping, gas detections systems, etc., in engine rooms
For economic reasons, LNG conversions generally require that 30–40% of the operation
is located within ECA areas. Otherwise, the capital investment will be too heavy
Exhaust Gas Treatment Systems (EGTSs)
An alternative to using low‐sulfur fuels for reducing the SOx emitted in the exhaust is to
clean the exhaust gas using scrubber technology.
This technology is proven for use at shore-side power stations worldwide.
These systems can clean the exhaust to the SOx level that is equivalent to the required
fuel sulfur content.
Using a SOx scrubber offers shippers the flexibility of using either a low‐sulfur fuel or
higher‐sulfur fuel.
Algae Fuels Advantages
When hydrotreated, it is a drop‐in fuel in terms of compatibility with the fuel system
and engine components.
Algae fuels have slightly lower heating values than those of petroleum diesel and lower
aromatics. Blending with petroleum diesel negates these drawbacks so the blended
fuel’s performance compares favorably with petroleum diesel
Commercial availability is limited.
The current cost is prohibitive for general commercial use
Hydrogenation‐Derived Renewable Diesel (HDRD)
HDRD is produced by refining fats or vegetable oils in a process known as fatty acids‐to‐
hydrocarbon hydrotreatment.
Diesel produced using this process is called renewable diesel to differentiate it from
biodiesel, which is a product of the transesterfication of animal fats and vegetable oils
HDRD has an identical chemical structure with petroleum‐based diesel as it is free of
ester compounds and, when produced from animal fat wastes, has low carbon intensity
and is referred to as “advanced” renewable diesel.
Current availability is limited.
We all have studied the scientific techniques of Inventory Management at some stage.
However, they are lost in the class rooms, in books and in the Group Discussions. We
do not see them applied in real situations so effectively especially on the ships and
the purchasing functions ashore. Here is an attempt to show simple techniques that
would influence the way ship board inventory can be managed with a fraction of the
efforts. When it comes to managing the inventory on board ships, we simply do not
distinguish an O’ ring from a piston ring. Or for that matter a used bicycle tube from
a gas detector tube! Both are treated equally. And badly, more often than not.
Maintaining a record of inventory, in short ROB (Remaining On Board) has become
a daunting task. Crew number on board is dwindling and suitable aids are simply not
there to help. By following simple techniques and small effort, a huge amount of time
and energy can be saved while improving the accuracy and vastly increasing the
efficiency of doing this task.
A-B-C Analysis:
Herein lies the differentiator. We need to spend some time in deciding the “value” of
each item. Value of two item of same direct cost may be high or low depending on
the criticality. An item that is vital for ship’s operation will possess a high
opportunity cost. For example, a spare liner for the Main Engine (high cost & vital)
or a navigation lamp (low cost & vital). Although a big difference in cost, both items
demand centralized and focused monitoring. So let us categorize all such items as
‘Category A’. At the other end is the 'Category C’ items. These are the desirable
items (low value). These may be expensive items (such as a digital crankshaft
deflection gauge) or cheap (hand cleaner, floor wax etc). Decentralized monitoring,
fixed period replenishment with a monetary cap is a suitable method of inventory
management for such items. (trivial many).
Studies have shown that the top 70 to 80% of the total ‘value’ of goods typically
accounts for only 10 to 20% of the total inventory items. So the aim is to focus on
those 10 to 20% items only while effectively managing the rest.
Enforce strict centralized monitoring and control of the ‘A’ items. Suggest ideas such
as maintaining a high security ‘store’, a locked place where these items are stored.
‘Critical’ spare parts as identified can also be included in this category. A two-bin
method of ordering needs to be followed for these items as this will eliminate the risk
of item shortage. Effective means for periodic and automatic stock checking to be
provided that are hassle-free and reliable. Bar coding and direct communication with
the Purchasing software system is recommended. Robust safety stock and high
reorder levels matched with frequent review period is essential for such items.
‘C’ items: Suggest de-centralized monitoring of the category ‘C’ items. Almost 80 to
90% of the inventory items account for only about 20% of the total value of goods.
Fixed time period model to be adapted for arranging delivery of supplies as far as
practicable subject to the ship’s schedules. Say for example the quarterly supply of
consumables. Annual or 6-monthly stock checking is usually acceptable for
correcting the skew. Bulk of these items to be stored separately from the category A
items in a separate store (Store ’C’)
Similarly, ships can have Store ‘B’ as well. 'Category B' items are those 30% of the
inventory items that accounts for about 15 to 25 percent of the annual consumption.
These items can be ordered once or twice a year, thereby saving on ordering cost and
logistics and carrying costs without blocking substantial capital. Sea stock paint,
gases and chemicals are examples of items suitable for including under this category.
a. Reduce expenses: Under ABC analysis, the expensive items from category 'A' are
purchased in lower quantities as much as possible.
b. Strict control: under ABC analysis, strict control can be exercised to the items in
category 'A' that have higher value and thus reduce wastage.
c. Minimum storage cost: since the items from category 'A' are purchase in lower
quantities as much as possible, it reduces the storage cost as well.
d. Saving in time: Since a signification effort is made for management of the items
from category 'A', it helps to save time as well.
e. Economy: This method is economical, since equal time and labor is not needed for
all categories of items.
The purpose of this categorization is to ensure that the purchasing staff use their
resources to maximum efficiency by concentrating on those items that (a) have the
greatest potential savings and (b) that are vital to ship operation → selective control
will be more effective than an approach that treats all items equally.
Inventory management is an intrinsic part of your business that you definitely don’t
want to mess around with. The following are some common inventory management
techniques and best practices deployed by organisations - along with their inventory
holding costs and potential profits. You’d probably require a mix of different
inventory control techniques for the best approach for your business.
Just in time
The Just In Time (JIT) method works to lessen the volume of inventory that a
business has on hand. It is considered a risky technique because you only purchase
inventory a few days before it is needed for distribution or sale so that the items
arrive just in time for use.
JIT helps organisations save on inventory holding costs by keeping stock levels low,
and eliminates situations where deadstock sit on shelves for months on end. You need
to conduct thorough research into customer buying habits, seasonal demand, and
source for reliable suppliers and channels of transportation before implementing JIT
into your business operations to minimise risks and screw ups.
ABC analysis
Based on the Pareto Principle (also known as the 80-20 rule stating that 80% of the
overall consumption value is based on only 20% of the total items), ABC analysis is a
popular technique for dividing on-hand inventory into three categories: A, B, and C,
based on annual consumption unit, inventory value, and cost significance.
*the values and number of items of each category are expressed as a percentage of
the total
The trick is to manage each category separately and as required, as not every category
needs the same amount of attention and effort. ABC Analysis allows for the
prioritization in terms of managing different goods and inventory, where selective
control and allocation of funds and human resources is deployed.
For instance, A Items should be eyeballed constantly and put under special and tight
inventory control because the need for reordering will be more frequent and
continuous. On the other hand, items in Category C require minimum attention and
can be kept under simple observation, employing a rather hands-off approach.
A technique similar to dropshipping where both methods rule out the need for
warehouses or labour costs and risks involved with inventory handling, cross-docking
is a practice where incoming semi-trailer trucks or railroad cars unload materials
directly onto outbound trucks, trailers, or rail cars with little or no storage in between.
Essentially, it means you move goods from one transport vehicle directly onto
another with minimal or no warehousing. You might need staging areas where
inbound items are sorted and stored until the outbound shipment is complete and
ready to ship though. Also, you will require an extensive fleet and network of
transport vehicles for cross-docking to work.
Bulk shipments
This method banks on the notion that it is almost always cheaper to purchase and ship
goods in bulk, so you plan to reorder products and replenish your inventory less
frequently than you usually would. Bulk shipping is one of the predominant inventory
management techniques in the industry, which can be applied for goods with high
customer demand.
The downside to bulk shipping is that you will need to lay out extra money on
warehousing the inventory, which will most likely be offset by the amount of money
saved from purchasing products in huge volumes and selling them off fast.
Now, the hard truth is, you can use any inventory management technique to control
your inventory, but without a good in inventory management software to optimise
your strategy, you’re fighting an uphill battle.
Having a solid order management system in place ensures that you go into battles
well prepared because it will recognize the financial impact of your inventory
management techniques.
Make inventory management easier by setting “par levels” for each of your products.
Par levels are the minimum amount of product that must be on hand at all times.
When your inventory stock dips below the predetermined levels, you know it’s time
to order more.
Ideally, you’ll typically order the minimum quantity that will get you back above par.
Par levels will vary by product based on how quickly the item sells, and how long it
takes to get back in stock.
Although it requires some research and decision-making up front, setting par levels
will systemize the process of ordering. Not only will it make it easier for you to make
decisions quickly, it will allow your staff to make decisions on your behalf.
Remember that conditions change over time. Check on par levels a few times
throughout the year to confirm they still make sense. If something changes in the
meantime, don’t be afraid to adjust your par levels up or down.
Cylinder Liner in any kind of marine engine is an integral part of the combustion
chamber, through which, power is generated on board. Like all other machinery and
engine parts on ships, it also has to be overhauled after specific interval as described
by the engine makers
Previously we have discussed Reasons for Cylinder Liner wear and ways to measure
it, in this article we will discuss the liner removing procedure of Main two-stroke
marine engine.
The liner is an enclosed area and a part of the combustion chamber where the fuel is
burnt and heat energy is transmitted to kinetic energy by use of piston, crosshead,
bearings and crankshaft. For an engineer, it is important to know various ways to
check the condition of the liner to ensure the combustion chamber is efficiently
producing the required pressure.
1. Scavenge inspection
2. Routine Liner Ovality check
3. Piston Overhaul
4. Problem involving Liner
After the cleaning is done, 2nd engineer or a responsible engineer must go inside the
scavenge space to check the general liner condition using the following method:
In order to inspect a larger area of the cylinder liner and piston, it is expedient
to enter the scavenge air receiver and make observations from the “exhaust side”
Dismount the small covers on the scavenge air boxes, and clean the openings
When the piston has been turned below the level of the scavenge air-ports,
inspect the cylinder liner walls and the piston crown
A “tilt-able” mirror fixed to a telescopic rod can be used as illustrated. Use a
powerful light source for inspection
2. Routine Liner Ovality check: As explained in the article, readings are taken at
port and starboard position in different levels to calculate the change in the ovality of
the liner.
3. Piston Overhaul: When the piston is overhauled as per the planned maintenance
or due to breakdown reasons, the liner ovality must be checked and liner surface must
be inspected for various defects.
4. Problems like leaking liner water ‘O’ ring, cracked liner, blow-past from piston
and liner etc. will require an immediate action of checking and changing the piston
and liner. After proper measurement and inspection of the liner, the problem source
can be determined and a decision can be taken whether to change the liner or
continue with the same.
Overhauling schedule of liner: The normal overhauling schedule of the liner will
depend on the efficient operation of the engine, it’s operator, type of fuel used in the
engine and how all the important engine parameters (temperature, pressure etc.) are
maintained by the operator.
If the liner is working fine, the planned maintenance schedule is followed and the
liner will be checked and gauged after completion of certain running hours as
prescribed by the engine makers.
12000 to 16000 hrs are the normal running hours schedule to open and inspect/ gauge
the liner of 2 strokes marine main engine, depending upon the maker of the engine.
The general lifetime of a cylinder liner will again depend on the way engine is
operated and type of fuel oil used for combustion. The normal lifetime running hours
of the liner will vary from 40000 RHs to 90,000 RHs. The size of the liner bore is
directly related to the lifetime of the liner hence liner with small bore will have less
lifetime with a liner with large bore and size.
Following Procedure has to be followed when opening Liner (common for all)
16) Ensure the Liner lifting tool is well maintained. Two lifting screws are used with
a lifting hook connected via chain. Ensure chain, screw and lifting hook are fastened
together with no deformation.
17) Ensure the safety strap in the lifting hook is working properly.
18) Tighten the two lifting tool screws in the liner as per the rated torque is given in
the manual on both sides.
19) Measure that there is no gap between liner surface and screw landing surface
after tightening, using a 0.05mm feeler gauge.
20) Disconnect the cylinder oil pipe connections. And screw of the non-return valves.
21) Dismount the four cooling water pipes between the cooling jacket and cylinder
cover and clean them carefully.
22) Remove the screws of cooling water inlet pipe.
23) Attach the crossbar to engine room crane. This completes the lifting arrangement
for cylinder liner.
24) Hook the chain from the lifting cross bar on the lifting screws and lift the cylinder
liner with the cooling jacket out of the cylinder frame.
A common way to remove a stuck cylinder liner is to use hydraulic jacks on the
bottom of the cylinder liner and apply hydraulic pressure. Once the liner is slightly
moved out of the stuck engine structure, it may be then lifted with the help of engine
room crane and lifting tool
ake sure to inspect the liner for cracks and other defects
Planning must begin at least 24 hours prior to work commencing. That is, it should be
raised at the morning committee meeting the day prior to the work commencing as a
minimum to allow time for “permission to immobilise” from appropriate authority.
The International safety management (ISM) code ensures the safety of life and ship at
sea by implementing various safe practices on board ships.
ISM code works with the motive of satisfying three important goals:
For implementing ISM code on ships, all the three – the shipping company, the
governing authority, and the ship’s crew together play an important role. Every
seafarer should know the important aspects of the ISM code in order to create a safe
working environment while at sea.
1) Plans and checklists form the most integral part of the implementation procedure
of the ISM code on ships. Checklists for safe starting and stopping of shipboard
machinery, along with plans to carry of various work procedures on board ship
ensures safety of the ship and marine environment. All the checklist should be
available on board. Different files are made to keep respective checklist.
2) Plans and checklists also include accurate defining of tasks to be carried out by
each crew member of the ship
4) Various important poster and company policy are pasted on the ship.
7) DPA name and phone number pasted at various place on the ship.
10) muster list is updated and all crew knows their duties.
11) ORB, garbage record book, logbook, bell book available on board.
Q. Types of audits ?
a. Interim
b. Initial
c. Annual
d. Renewal
e. Additional audits.
f. Surveillance audits
a. Interim Audit
b. Initial audit
c. Intermediate audit
d. Renewal
e. Additional audit
The company is eligible to apply for Initial DOC Audit on implementation of SMS
for at least 3 months on the vessel and in company
The DGS issues DOC for a maximum period of 5 years on receipt and scrutiny of
initial DOC Audit report from the audit team
This DOC is valid subject to annual verification of SMS (Annual DOC audit).
Companies in possession of DOC are required to apply for annual verification audit
within 3 months before or after each anniversary date of validity.
On receipt of application, ISM Cell, DGS nominates auditors and there after the
procedure given at. Lead Auditor of the audit team endorses the DOC for annual
verification on satisfactory completion of audit.
Companies in possession of DOC are required to apply for renewal verification audit
before the expiry of validity of the DOC for obtaining fresh DOC.
On receipt of application, ISM Cell, DGS will nominate auditors and there after the
procedure given at Para B have to be followed.
The DGS issues DOC for a maximum period of 5 years on receipt and scrutiny of
renewal DOC Audit report from the audit team. This DOC is valid subject to annual
verification of SMS (Annual DOC audit).
Company in possession of DOC are required to apply for Additional DOC Audit
Companies in possession of interim DOC valid for 12 months but were unable to
obtain management of ship during the period of validity can apply for surveillance
DOC audit prior to their expiry of interim DOC to revalidate their existing interim
DOC beyond 12 months
On receipt of application, auditors are nominated, and thereafter, the procedure given
in para B is to be followed.
The DGS issues interim DOC for a maximum period of 12 months on receipt and
scrutiny of surveillance DOC Audit report from the audit team.
Company in possession of Interim DOC or DOC is eligible to apply for Interim SMC
audit for ship when
On satisfactory completion of SMC audit, IRS issues short term Interim SMC valid
for 3 months and recommends to ISM Cell, DGS for issuance of Interim SMC valid
for 6 months. On receipt and scrutiny of audit reports received from IRS, an Interim
SMC valid for 6 months is issued to the vessel so as the case when DGS carries out
Interim SMC audits. In special cases ISM Cell extends the validity of an Interim
SMC for a further period but not exceeding 6 months.
Company in possession of DOC (not Interim DOC) and having implemented SMS on
board the ship for at least 3 months is eligible to apply for Initial SMC audit of that
On satisfactory completion of Initial SMC audit, IRS issues SMC valid for 5 months
with recommendation to ISM Cell, DGS for issuance of SMC valid for a period not
exceeding five years.
On scrutiny of audit report received from IRS, SMC valid for a period not exceeding
5 years is issued to the vessel so as when DGS carries out Initial SMC audit. This
SMC is valid subject to at least one Intermediate verification, which should take
place between second and third anniversary dates of the SMC.
Company should apply for Intermediate SMC Audit of their vessel to maintain the
validity of SMC. The Intermediate SMC Audit is required to be carried out between
second and third anniversary dates of SMC.
Lead Auditor of the audit team endorses the SMC for Intermediate verification on
satisfactory completion of audit.
Companies are required to apply for renewal verification audit before the expiry of
validity of the existing SMC for obtaining fresh SMC, preferably when the window
period commences i.e., within six moths prior to expiry of SMC.
On satisfactory completion of Initial SMC audit, IRS issues SMC valid for 5 months
with recommendation to ISM Cell, DGS for issuance of SMC valid for a period not
exceeding five years.
On scrutiny of audit report received from IRS, SMC valid for a period not exceeding
5 years is issued to the vessel so as when DGS carries out Initial SMC audit. This
SMC is valid subject to at least one Intermediate verification, which should take
place between second and third anniversary dates of the SMC.
Company in possession of interim SMC or SMC for their ships is required to apply
for additional SMC audit on imposition by audit team or DGS. The audit team
endorses the SMC for addl.verification on satisfactory completion of audit.
In the event of the vessel grounding or stranding, the actions to be taken by ship’s
personnel will inevitably depend of the seriousness of the incident and the damage
that it may have caused to the vessel’s structure and systems.
For example, the grounding might have occurred under pilotage with tugs in
attendance, whereby the ship has left a channel and taken to ground on a soft sand
bank where the only damage is to the bottom paintwork and slight indentation to the
hull. Conversely it could be that the ship has run onto a coral shoal in the middle of
nowhere, head on, at full speed and occasioned substantial damage to the hull,
possibly causing severe flooding to the engine room, ingress of water to other
compartments and damage to the cargo systems, tank structure and insulation.
The engineering staff may not be in a position to ascertain that the ship is aground
and in normal circumstances will be informed by the bridge. However any grating
noises along the ships hull in the machinery space should be considered a possible
grounding or collision. In the event of grounding no attempt to re-float the ship will
be made without first carrying out a thorough inspection to ascertain any damage.
The following actions should be taken if the bridge informs the engine room that the
ship is aground.
1) The initial response may be to Stop the Main Engine as quickly as possible and
secure it, simultaneously with this start the Main Diesel Generator. Please note
though with regard to the Main Engine it is our duty to obey Telegraph Orders as
long as it possible and sensible to do so.
2) Stop and secure the steering gear, be aware that the Rudder may be
3) Carry out a thorough inspection of the machinery space for structural damage and
ingress of water. Due to the double bottom structure in the machinery space it may
not be possible to see any structural damage clearly.
4) Sound all the machinery space tanks that have the ships hull forming part of there
boundary. Careful when unscrewing any caps, as there might be water pressure
present. This should include Fuel, Water, L.O. and double bottom tanks and dry
5) Inform the bridge of your findings and take further soundings at regular intervals.
7) Check all sea inlets/outlets, their associated pumps and coolers are working
correctly and not fouled.
8) Keep a close eye on the stern tube L.O. tank for loss of oil.
9) Engage turning gear and try to turn shaft. If any strain is shown by the turning gear
it must be assumed that the propeller is also aground and the bridge informed of this.
No further attempt to turn the shaft should be made until the propeller is clear. check
crankshaft deflection to check bearing alignment.
10) A grounding could cause rapid fouling of Sea Suctions, Pumps and Coolers, with
silt, resulting in a Blackout, as such the only power available would be that from the
Diesel Generator and the Emergency Generator. Staff must be prepared to respond to
situations and priorities which may change quickly.
When the ship is afloat and the engines are ready for use again a close eye should be
kept on the shaft bearing and stern tube for overheating or unusual vibrations in case
the hull structure has been deformed, causing misalignment.
Today the world needs engines that can cope up with the stringent emission norms
and higher demands for robust, reliable and smart engines with low operational cost.
To achieve the above possibilities, a whole new generation of engine is being
developed with a comprehensive use of electronics, hardware and software in large 2
stroke low speed cross head engines known as “Intelligent Engines”.
The intelligent engine concept widens the reliability of traditional engines to facilitate
new applications and concepts. The initial cost of such engine is quite high but the
operational cost is lower than other engine used with proper operating procedure and
trained crew.
The first intelligent engine in the maritime world was delivered in October-1998 and
was introduced in a chemical carrier M/T Bow Cecil.
– A central electronic control system is incorporated which is the brain of the
system and which monitors and evaluate the general condition to keep the operating
parameter within limits and maintain the performance of the engine at the higher side.
– Central control system operates Engine control unit (ECU) and cylinder
control unit (CCU).
– ECU controls the overall protection and efficient performance of the whole
engine. CCU controls the each cylinder of the engine for safe and efficient working.
– This control system saves the engine from damage due to overloading,
malfunctioning, maladjustment and lack of maintenance.
– The central system consists of a program in which the protection system can
be override in case of emergency.
Main goals
The basic aim for developing intelligent engine is to reduce the operational cost of
the propulsion plant, to have high fluctuation in operation and to cope up with the
stringent emission norms imposed by regulating authorities under IMO . Apart from
this, the following points to be considered for intelligent engines:
1) ME-GI
The environmentally friendly GI concept is class approved and ME-GI engines are
already powering numerous vessels at sea. With 200 engines ordered, the ME-GI
engine sets the new industrial standard for two-stroke propulsion engines in liquefied
natural gas (LNG) carriers, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) carriers and container
vessels. One of the benefits of the diesel-type combustion utilised in the ME-GI is
the ability of the two-stroke engine to run on almost any fuel gas quality with no or
limited decrease in efficiency. The ME-GI engine is thus not vulnerable to gas
quality, low methane number and knocking does not pose a risk.
The high degree of fuel flexibility is provided by operating the ME-GI engine in three
different modes: The dual fuel mode, which maximises the amount of fuel gas and
minimises the pilot oil consumption, the specified fuel gas mode, where almost any
mixture of fuel oil and gas can be specified, and finally the fuel oil only mode GI
requires high-pressure (HP) fuel gas, i.e. 300 bar at 45ºC, and the DF gensets require
low-pressure (LP) fuel gas, i.e. approx. 6 bar at 0-60ºC
This opens for new applications of the engine in for example VLCCs and shuttle
tankers and for power generation in remote power plants or in off-shore applications,
such as floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs), where VOC is
abundant and poses a potential environmental hazard. Today, handling of crude oil on
board crude oil carriers and in ports gives rise to economic losses and environmental
hazard. To control the cargo tank pressure, VOC is discharged to the atmosphere,
where the non-methane part may react with nitrogen oxide in the presence of light
and create ozone and smog.
Shaft speed (RPM). The larger the diameter of the propeller, the slower the shaft
speed RPM that is required to absorb the same power. Therefore, for an efficient
propeller, not only should the diameter be as large as possible but, as a result, the
shaft speed needs to be slow.
Q. Condition monitoring
Condition monitoring (or, colloquially, CM) is the process of monitoring a
parameter of condition in machinery (vibration, temperature etc.), in order to identify
a significant change which is indicative of a developing fault. It is a major component
of predictive maintenance. The use of condition monitoring allows maintenance to be
scheduled, or other actions to be taken to prevent failure and avoid its consequences.
Condition monitoring has a unique benefit in that conditions that would shorten
normal lifespan can be addressed before they develop into a major failure. Condition
monitoring techniques are normally used on rotating equipment and other machinery
(pumps, electric motors, internal combustion engines, presses),
Vibration and shock pulse data measured from all machinery. On the spot
analysis and interpretation of results.
Thermo graphic inspection of all electrical and some critical mechanical
Pressure and vacuum leak detection using passive ultrasonic frequency
Thickness measurement of critical machinery systems.
Main and auxiliary engines performance test and power balance analysis.
Detailed machinery health assessment report.
Help maximize the availability of your critical and auxiliary machinery
Simplify maintenance and reduce maintenance costs
Give an early indication of possible problems
When a machine is operating properly, the vibration is small and constant, however,
when faults develop and some of the dynamic process in the machine changes, there
will be changes in vibration spectrum observed.
When a fault takes places, some of the machine parameters are subjected to change.
The change in the machine parameters depends upon the degree of faults and the
interaction with other parameters. In most cases, more than one parameter are
subjected to change under abnormal condition. Condition monitoring can be carried
out when the equipment is in operation, which known as on-line, or when it is off-
line, which means when it is down and not in the operation. While on-line, the critical
parameters that are possible to monitor are speed, temperature, vibration, and sound.
These may be continuously monitored or may be done periodically. Off-line
monitoring is carried out when the machine is down for whatever reason. The
monitoring in such would include crack detection, a thoroughly check of alignment,
state of balancing, the search for tell-tale sign of corrosion, pitting, and so on.
Vibration signals are the most versatile parameters in machine condition monitoring
techniques. Periodic vibration checks reveal whether troubles are present or
impending. Vibration signature analysis reveals which part of the machine is
defective and why. Although a number of vibration analysis techniques have been
developed for this purpose, still a lot of scope is there to reach a stage of expertise.
Greenhouse gases are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation in the wavelength
range emitted by Earth.
Greenhouse gases are a group of compounds that are able to trap heat (longwave
radiation) in the atmosphere, keeping the Earth's surface warmer than it would be if
they were not present. These gases are the fundamental cause of the greenhouse
effect. Increases in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere enhances the
greenhouse effect which is creating global warming and consequently climate
The ability of these gases to trap heat is what causes the greenhouse effect. So the
more greenhouse gases you have in the atmosphere, the more heat stays on Earth.
This process, which is very similar to the way a greenhouse works, is why the gases
that can produce this effect are collectively known as greenhouse gases.
Non-greenhouse gases
The major atmospheric constituents, nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and argon (Ar), are
not greenhouse gases because molecules containing two atoms of the same element
such as N2 and O2 and monatomic molecules such as argon (Ar) have no net change
in the distribution of their electrical charges when they vibrate. Hence they are almost
totally unaffected by infrared radiation.
Global Warming Potential
GWP values are calculated as a ratio of the combined effect of these factors if 1 kg of
the gas in question is injected into the atmosphere compared to the effect if 1 kg of
kilogram of CO2 is injected. CO2 is assigned a value of unity,
Although the production and use of CFCs has been phased out, they have substantial
lifetimes in the atmosphere and will persist through the 21st century. Similarly, the
HFCs, whose phase-out is ongoing, will continue to build up during the century.
These halogenated gases have very high GWPs, largely because they have multiple
intense absorptions in the thermal IR region. However, the actual contribution of a
greenhouse gas to atmospheric warming depends not only on its GWP, but also on its
concentration. At present, the concentrations of halogenated gases in the atmosphere
are low and their combined radioactive forcing is only about one-fifth that of CO2.
Because of overlapping absorptions, total radioactive forcing and GWPs are not
simple sums of values for individual gases, but require calculating the effects for
individual gases over narrow wavelength ranges and summing these over the whole
thermal IR spectral region.
GWPs for water vapour and tropospheric O3 are not calculated because their
atmospheric lifetimes are only days long and their concentrations highly variable.
More to the point for water vapour is that human activities have almost no direct
influence on its tropospheric concentration, which is controlled by the temperature of
the atmosphere and the liquid water from which it evaporates (or ice from which it
sublimes). Rising planetary temperature increases the amount of water vapor in the
atmosphere, which increases its warming effect.
The development of the draft amendments followed many years of work aimed at
preventing explosions on oil and chemical tankers that transport low-flashpoint
cargoes and follow recommendations made by an Inter-Industry Working Group
(IIWG) that was established to study incidents of fires and explosions on chemical
and product tankers.
For tankers fitted with exhaust gas inerting systems, the application of inert gas must
be carried out during loading, on passage, unloading, tank cleaning and purging prior
to gas freeing.
However, for chemical tankers, the application of inert gas may take place after the
cargo tank has been loaded, but before the commencement of unloading (only if
nitrogen is used as the inerting medium) and shall continue to be applied until that
cargo tank has been purged of all flammable vapours before gas freeing.
The oxygen limit (all tankers) for inert gas supplied to cargo tanks has also been
lowered from 8% to 5% for new systems.
Chemical Tankers
The exemption for existing chemical tankers with tank volumes not exceeding 3,000
m3, fitted with tank cleaning machines with a throughput not exceeding 17.5 m3/h
(per nozzle) and a total combined throughput not exceeding 110 m3/h, does not apply
to chemical tankers delivered after 1st January 2016.
Related draft amendments to the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS
Code) were also agreed, resulting in a complete replacement of chapter 15 (Inert Gas
Oil tankers:
- must have IG capacity not less than 125% of unloading rate
- must have deck water seal
There are several types of inert gas systems that can be used on chemical carriers.
The most common are:
Most nitrogen used as inert gas on chemical tankers is not used for safety reasons but
for cargo quality control. Shippers often have their own special requirements to
ensure cargo quality, which can require inert gas of extreme purity, and may specify
that nitrogen for initial inerting of cargo systems prior to loading a cargo will be
supplied from the loading terminal.
Smaller amounts of pure nitrogen can come from compressed or liquid nitrogen
containers stored on board, and refilled from shore when required, but a very high
quality can be produced on board by nitrogen generators based on membrane
separation, or swing adsorption generators.
When using an oil fired inert gas generator, an oxygen level of less than 5% can
generally be obtained, depending on the quality of combustion control and the load
on the boiler. The gas must be cooled and scrubbed with water to remove soot and
sulphur acids before being supplied to the cargo tanks. But certain cargoes, for
instance chemically reactive cargoes, are sensitive to oxygen concentrations as low as
2.0% by volume.
While ensuring protection against explosion using the I.G System, several individual
systems combine to make an efficient inert gas plant whose output must be 4-8 % of
oxygen and majority of nitrogen.
One of the major components of an IG plant is its blower which acts as supplier of
inert gas to cargo holds of the ship. Without the blower the whole system will fail to
perform. An efficient IG blower is thus required to supply inert gas as per the
requirements of a cargo tanker.
Blowers in an I.G plant must be approved by the administration and must comply
with the following:
The capacity of each blower must be 1.25 times the overall capacity of the
cargo discharge system fitted on board. This is to ensure that Inert Gas is
always present in the cargo hold.
Cargo tanks are pressure tested at 2500 mm water gauge and 700mm water
gauge on the vacuum side. The blower pressure must not exceed the test
pressure else the tank will get damage.
The driving media for blower can be either steam or electrical power.
The blowers must be located at aft of the cargo tanks and cargo pump room of
the ship.
Trips in IG System
a. High Casing Temp. trip
b. Low lube oil pressure trip.
c. Low/ no flow scrubber water
d. Low / no flow deck seal water.
e. High boiler pressure trip.
f. Low boiler pressure trip.
What is the low pressure setting for IG and what happens if there is a low
pressure ?
Low pressure alarm is at 200 mm of Water Column. Low low pressure trip is at 100
mm of Water Column. At this pressure cargo pumps are tripped.
For practical purposes we can take 1000 mm of water column = 0.1 bar
On chemical tankers which carry water sensitive ( like meg fg ) and water aggressive
cargoes ( sulphuric acid )-- it is obvious that ship cannot have a deck seal with water
If cargo vapours enter the nitrogen membrane system/ CMS system -- the plant will
be damaged.
Hence Nitrogen plants piping system will have a Block and Bleed arrangement.
Company policy requires that the Block and Bleed valves, be require properly
maintenaned at regular intervals and all the valves (Regulating valve, Block valves,
Bleed valve, Non-Return valve and the Deck Main Isolating valve) be regularly
tested for proper operation and tightness.
Unlike the fool proof deck seal, this arrangement requires close monitoring and
testing alarms for safety.
When chemical tankers with a Nitrogen plant carries both chemical and Annex 1
cargoes, a BLOCK AND BLEED arrangement is used instead of a deck seal, to
prevent backflow from cargo tank into IG plant and safe non-cargo spaces.
The size of the bleed valve should be such that it will not allow pressure build-up
from back-flow of hydrocarbons in the event that the block and bleed arrangement
and the non return valve) fail to achieve their function. Block and Bleed arrangement
is triggered by zero flow condition. The differential pressure arrangement will sense
the difference between the pressure in the line upstream of the pressure regulating
valve and the pressure in the IG main.
If the pressure in the IG main is higher than the pressure upstream of the control
valve, the system will close the gas regulating valve and shut down automatically.
Indication of this condition should be provided in the Engine Control Room and the
Cargo Control Room. The measuring points should be arranged to preclude bypass of
hydrocarbons from the tanks into the engine room via the sensing lines by, for
example, using secondary 3 to 15 p.s.i. loop signal in lieu of direct signal or by using
other suitable electronic sensors. A timing mechanism, providing a few seconds
delay, should be included into the starting sequence to permit the blower to start
while the pressure in the tanks is higher than the pressure at the blower discharge.
Samuel Plimsol is the person who has a great contribution to the maritime industry.
Long back the ships used to sail fully loaded and with hardly any freeboard. These
ships were also known as Coffin ships. Coffin ships because these ships were over-
insured and it was more beneficial for the owner if the ship sinks. He would load the
ship with hardly any freeboard and these ship would obviously sink in usual bad
Samuel Plimsol worked really hard to pass a bill in the British parliament for
minimum freeboard to maintain for the ships. The words "plimsoll marks" were
derived from his name.
When we say "freeboard", from what point we need to measure the freeboard ?
Can we say we should measure the freeboard from the top most point of the side
plating ? If it was so, I as the owner can increase the fish plate height and will be able
to load more cargo. Does increasing the height of the fish plate make the ship more
seaworthy ? Absolutely not.
The deck line is a horizontal line marked amidships on each side of the ship. Its upper
edge shall normally pass through the point where the continuation outwards of the
upper surface of the freeboard deck intersects the outer surface of the shell plating.
In Simple words, Deck line is line from where freeboard is measure and is drawn at a
point on midship where deck plate meets the side shell plate.
The deck line is fixed and marked when the vessel is built in the yard. It is not
changed during the life of the ship. The deck line marking is 300 mm long and 25
mm in width.
There can be many reasons why loadlines are changed on ships with dual loadlines.
Let us discuss two of these reasons.
Imagine there is an Oil / chemical tanker of 22000 T deadweight. This ship has
been carrying chemical for whole of its life. The vessel do not have inert gas system
as chemical tankers are not required to have one (though this requirement has
recently changed).
Now suddenly the ship has to load oil cargo. As per SOLAS oil tankers of more than
20000 deadweight need to have inert gas fitted.
The easiest solution for the ship owner is to increase the freeboard and reduce the
deadweight of the ship to 19999. Now the ship will not need to have inert gas system
on board and ship can load the oil cargo.
As class issues the load line certificate to the ship, to change the loadlines, ship owner
need to make a request to the class to attend the vessel for change of loadline.
Many ports of the world has limitation on the size of the ship they can berth. If a ship
does not fit in that range, ship owner can reduce the deadweight of the ship by
changing the loadlines. This way ship would be fit to enter and berth in that port as
now the official deadweight of the ship would have changed.
The ship’s weight, for all normal purposes would not change as much, but the
different densities mean that the pressure would vary from seawater to freshwater,
and so the immersed volume and draughts would change accordingly. The vessel
would float to deeper depth in fresher water than in seawater. Now from certain
calculations, we can find out the depths for each climatic or geographic condition
directly from one primary load line. This primary load line as in almost all cases is
the Summer load line. Together these are a shorthand representation of the freeboard
of the same ship in different seas on Earth.
Type ‘A’ vessel: Aship that is designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk,
and in which cargo tanks have only small access openings, closed by watertight
gasketed covers of steel or equivalent material.
The exposed deck must be one of high integrity.
It must have a high degree of safety against flooding, resulting from the
low permeability of loaded cargo spaces and the degree of bulkhead subdivision
usually provided.
Type ‘B’ vessels: All ships that do not fall under the provisions for Type ‘A’
vessels. For these ships it may be based on:
Type (B-60) vessels: The vessel must have an LBP of between 100 and
150 m. It must survive the flooding of any single compartment (excluding
the machinery space). If greater than 150 m LBP, the machinery space must
be considered as a floodable compartment. A typical ship type for a Type
(B-60) vessel is a bulk carrier.
Type (B-100) vessels: The vessel must have an LBP of between 100 and
150 m. It must survive the flooding of any two adjacent fore and aft compartments
(excluding the machinery space). If greater than 150 m LBP, the
machinery space must be considered as a floodable compartment. Such a
vessel may be classified as a Type ‘A’ vessel.
Certain formulae are used to correct this freeboard accounting for block co-efficient,
height of superstructures, etc. For the purpose of such calculations, ships have been
classified as type A & B. There are certain factors which decide this like the type of
cargo, watertight spaces, permeability of cargo compartments, etc.
Q. Loadline
The loadlines and freeboard deck line must be painted in white or yellow
on a dark background, or in black on a light coloured background. The letters
on each side of the load Line disc, indicating the assigning authority,
should be 115 mm in height and 75 mm in width.
This is the primary load line from which the other load lines are derived, the
International Maritime Organization under the Load Lines Convention specifies
certain rules for calculation of freeboards and their implementation under supervision
of classification societies and flag states. This load line mark’s position depends on
many factors such as length of ship, superstructures, terms linked with overall raking
of the fore body, safety of crew, block coefficient and so on. These have
been standardized and can be obtained from Freeboard Tables which look somewhat
like this.
Fresh Water Allowance (FWA)
When a vessel is floating in water, the underwater part of the hull displaces a quantity
of water which is equal to the weight of the vessel. The hull actually displaces a
volume of water measured in cubic metres, which is equal to the underwater volume
of the hull.
FWA is measured as the distance between the top of the Summer (S) line and the top
of the Fresh (F) line.
When a vessel loads in a brackish waters harbour, the specific gravity of the dock
water must be tested with a hydrometer. The amount that the summer load line can be
immersed is then calculated as a percentage of the FWA. The example below shows a
vessel with a FWA of 50cms loading in dockwater of SG 1005. This water is only
four fifths fresh so the vessel can only use 40 cms of its 50cms FWA if it must float
at the summer loadline out at sea.
SEAWATER – 1025 – 20
DOCKWATER = 1005 = = 4 x 50 = 40
SEAWATER – 1025 – 5
The tropical, summer and winter are the marks which must not be submerged when
the vessel is trading in a designated tropic zone, summer zone or winter zone.
The names of the zones are only loosely related to the seasons of the year. It is
possible to have summer zones in winter and vice versa.
Bad sea and weather conditions are associated with winter zones; better weather with
summer zones, and good conditions with tropical zones. As a result, a greater
freeboard is required for the bad weather zones than for the good weather zones.
3. LBP the ship, relative to a demarcation value of 100 m.
Q. Draft surveys
In addition to the association with reserve buoyancy and stability, load lines make it
possible to determine, with reasonable accuracy by draft survey, the amount of cargo
on board a ship.
A draft survey is used to determine the weight of any materials being loaded into or
discharged from a vessel. It measures the displacement of the water both before and
after the loading or unloading, with the resulting difference between the two
displacements representing the weight of the cargo. A draft survey is based on solid
mathematics but usually involves one of the ship’s officers gauging the draft of the
vessel from visual reference to the vessel’s forward, amidships and aft draft marks
along with the estimation of any list the vessel may have
As weights are loaded on board a vessel, it will gradually sink lower in the water.
The amount of weight which will sink the vessel 1 cm deeper in the water, that is, the
weight which will increase the draft by 1 cm is called the tonnes per centimetre
immersion (TPC).
A noon report is a data sheet prepared by the ship’s chief engineer on a daily basis.
The report provides the vessel’s position and other relevant standardised data to
assess the performance of the ship based on its speed and environmental forces
including weather conditions.
Noon report is also used by ship managers to assess the difference in the performance
of the vessels or between two similar types of ships (sister ships) to outline solutions
for underperformance or possible issues.
The chief engineer is responsible for preparing the noon report and it is sent by the
master to the company and shore management at a fixed time on daily basis
(normally it is sent during noon, hence it’s called noon report).Deck officer (normally
2nd officer) assists the chief engineer in providing the required data, which are used to
complete the noon report. The master has the overall responsibility to ensure that the
noon report is sent to the company on time.
Below is a general overview of the content of a noon report and how they are
The noon report is used to analyse the following parameters and performance:
Distance run by propeller in nautical miles = Pitch(m) x total engine revolution per day
When the vessel is moving ahead the propeller exerts pressure on the water to create
the forward motion. propeller slip occurs because water is not a solid medium and
there is some slip related to it.
Slip may be considered as the difference between the speed of the vessel and the
speed of the engine. It is always expressed as a percentage.
Propeller Slip = Actual forward speed/ Theoretical forward speed.
The calculated value of slip will be increased when the wind and sea are ahead and if
the vessel has a fouled bottom. The differing values of slip are especially noticeable
after a vessel has been cleaned in drydock.
Theoretically a vessel should never have negative slip, but this may occur in one or
more of the following conditions:-
- A strong following sea.
- A following current or a strong following wind.
Example:- During 24 hrs of a period ship's propeller shaft was observed to turn 87
RPM. the pitch of the propeller was 3.8 m. the observed ships speed over ground was
10 knts. Calculate the value of the propeller slip during this period. ( A nautical mile
equals 1852 m.)
Slip (percent) = Engine distance - ship's distance/ Engine's distance X 100.
Engine distance = Pitch X RPM X 60 X 24 / 1852.
= (3.8 X 87 X 60 X 24)/1852
= 257.054.
Ship's distance = 24 X 10
= 240.
Therefore slip = (257.054-240)/257.054 x 100
= +6.6%
The World Health Organization is currently composed of 193 members, of which 191
are independent countries and members of the United Nations.
The other two members are the Cook Islands and Niue, which are territories of New
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the world’s leading organization devoted
to the improvement of the health of the world’s nearly seven billion people.
Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health Organization is affiliated
with the United Nations.
1) to maintain peace and security for all of its member states. Though the UN does
not maintain its own military, it does have peacekeeping forces which are supplied by
its member states.
4) provides food, drinking water, shelter, and other humanitarian services to peoples
displaced by famine, war, and natural disaster.
A double evaporation boiler uses two independent systems for steam generation and
therefore avoids any contamination between the primary and secondary feedwater.
The primary circuit is in effect a conventional watertube boiler which provides steam
to the heating coils of a steam-to-steam generator, which is the secondary system.
The main reason for the adoption of this design of boilers is to allow use of modern
high efficiency watertube boilers witghout fear of damage through contamination by
cargo or fuel oils.
The basic design consists of a D-Type boiler design upon which is mounted a
Steam/Steam generator drum. The steam generated by the main boiler heats water in
the Steam/Steam generator which produces steam requirements.
The primary drum is initially filled with high quality feed water and suitably dosed.
The main reason for the adoption of double evaporation boilers in tankers are
concerned of damage caused by oil and sulphur which enters the feed
systems through leaky steam heating coils used for heating the oil in cargo
Q. M/E detection of piston overheating in a marine diesel engine ?
1) Slow down the engine to a very low speed but NOT complete shutdown. This
results in considerable reduction of heat in the relevant piston.
2) Since not all pistons would likely develop this fault simultaneously (unless you are
totally out of luck that day) so first identify the particular cylinder in which the
problem has occurred using parameters such as temperatures, sound etc.
3) The fuel supply to the affected cylinder should be cut-down from the fuel pump
4) Lubrication to that cylinder should be increased from the appropriate arrangement
depending on the specific engine under consideration
5) Only stop the engine when it is sufficiently cooled to avoid any thermal stresses.
Even after stopping the turning gear should be used to keep it moving for some time
while cooling and lubrication is continued.
6) Finally the piston needs to be dismantled and checked and this is a detailed
procedure which we might take up in future
2. Fuel Valve/Supply
- Exhaust gas temperature rises due to the enlarged nozzle hole of the fuel injection
valve due to poor maintenance or inferior HFO supply.
3. Exhaust Valve Passing
- Valve head or seat badly damaged/worn causing blow-by of exhaust gasses on
4. Fouling of Exhaust Gas Passageways
- Combustion products build-up on the turbocharger nozzle and the surface of turbine
blades, clogging the exhaust gas passage and reducing turbocharger efficiency.
- Clogging also increases back-pressure in the passageways to the turbocharger,
restricting the efficient removal of the gasses.
5. Fouling of the Scavenge Air Passageways
- Fouling of the air-side due to oil mist on suction casing and the diffuser of the
- Clogging of cylinder liner scavenge port by combustion products.
6. Leakage of the Scavenge Air.
- Scavenge air supply can leak between the turbo-blowers and scavenge tableau,
decreasing air supply pressure to ports.
7. Scavenge Fire
- A fire occurs in scavenging chamber due to build-up of lube-oil being ignited by a
spark from a blow-by of piston rings
8. Insufficient /Unsatisfactory HFO Treatment.
- HFO requires extensive treatment through filtration, heat exchangers and
centrifuging to remove water and particles.
9. Insufficient Air Supply to Blower
- Blower compressor suction filters clogged
- Insufficient air supply to blower
10. Exhaust Valve Timing Problem
- This can be caused by timing gear slipping of hydraulic/pneumatic supply to
operating components
11. Stuck Fuel Rack
The engine is designed and balanced to run with all cylinders as well as all
turbochargers working. If a breakdown occurs which disables one or more cylinders,
or turbochargers, repair should preferably be carried out immediately.
One unit may need to be disabled when any of these conditions exist:
If immediate repair is not possible, the engine can be operated with one or more
cylinders or turbochargers out of operation, but with reduced speed owing to the
The following sequence would be carried out for ships which use the MAN B&W
slow speed engine:
When one engine cylinder is isolated, then one problem that may occur is a “dead
spot” during manoeuvring. This is due to the air start valve being isolated for that
unit, and is more likely when a smaller number of cylinders are present. The Master
must be informed that this could occur, and the remedy would be to kick the engine
in the opposite direction, and then restart in the required direction.
Lifting of Exhaust valve actuator
Q. Main Engine liner cracked and action as CE?
The engine cannot be run long in this condition. The leaking water is finding its way
into the lubricating oil. The liner has to be changed.
The most logical step to take then is to isolate the faulty cylinder. It can be done.
The usual practice is to open up the cylinder head, remove the piston, and close back
the cylinder head. All the passages that are connected to other parts of the engine will
have to be blanked, so that the whole cylinder is completely isolated from the engine
Since there is no piston in one of the cylinders of the engine, the crankshaft will be
temporarily off-balanced. The engine has to be run at a much slower speed to avoid
excessive vibration and unnecessary stress that can cause further damage.
4) Response times
Emergency response services should be available at all times. Vessel staff should be
able to contact the service, via a dedicated telephone line. The minimum time period
for mustering of the response team should be stated in the service agreement. It is
recommended that the full ERS team should be available and capable of responding
to the vessel within less than two hours.
Key Drawings
•General arrangement drawing
•Capacity plan
•Hull lines drawing (or off-set tables)
•Midship section drawings
•Profile and decks drawings
•Shell expansion drawings
•Cargo holds structure drawings
•Engine room structure drawings
•Fore part structure drawings
•Aft part structure drawings
Since the inception of merchant ships, bulk carriers have been used extensively for
transporting cargo across oceans. A wide range of commodities is carried in bulk that
includes coal, grain, ore, cement, sulphur, bauxite, aluminium, steel coils, rice, sugar
etc. Prior to the Second World War, most of these commodities were carried by
general cargo ships but as time progressed, bulk carriers came into being.
The common bulk carrier consists of a double bottom, hopper sides and deck wing
tanks used to carry ballast or cargo. Loading arrangements in bulk carriers cause high
shear forces at the end of the holds and that requires additional strengthening of the
side shell in way of the bulkheads. Hatches with large capacities are provided to
facilitate rapid loading and unloading of bulk cargo; this is in place owing to the
many voyages undertaken by a bulk carrier.
With the passage of time, bulk carriers have been improvised to enhance both the
cargo carrying capacity and safety of the cargo and crew.
However, several maritime accidents in the past have involved bulk carrier ships
mainly because of the failure of ship’s structure which resulted from deterioration of
ship’s hull, corrosion, fatigue, effects of cargo, water ingress etc. Throughout the late
1990s, the issue of safety of bulk carriers received consideration from IMO and other
regulatory bodies. The up-gradation of the integrity of bulk carriers had more focus
put on the structural hull details, stress experienced due to cargo operations, structural
and protective coatings, cargoes, maintenance and inspection of the ship structure.
In order to safeguard from these factors, bulk carrier ships are now added to the
enhanced survey program (ESP) along with oil tanker ships. In this article, we
mention some important points that help in improving the overall safety of the ship.
The water ingress alarm is in place seeing as the ingress of water may taint or corrupt
the cargo/commodity being carried on a bulk carrier. For example, SOLAS states that
“In each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water level
above the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5m and another at a height
not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold but not more than 2.0 m”. Also,
check and maintain water ingress alarm in the area located at the forward of the cargo
Hull Survey
A complete hull survey of bulk carriers as per IACS condition to maintain the
strength of the ship’s hull. This is done as per the ESP and ensures that the IACS
standards are complied with.
Being exposed to the sea at all times, it impossible to have a dry deck at any given
second! However, what can be done is that the deck can be kept dry to an extent that
is practically possible. Protection from the weather in general and the spray is
essential to the carriage of cargo on a bulk carrier. Increasing the Integrity of fore-
deck fittings on bulk carriers to avoid the problem of deck wetness i.e. flowing water
on ship’s deck due to rough weather, also known as green water loading
Fitting Bulwark
Bulwark is the extension of a ship’s sides above the level of the deck. Not only does
it fulfil the purpose of strengthening but it also prevents the outflow of water or, God
forbid, oil! The planking along the sides of a ship, above the upper deck and below
the gunwale, also protect the crew from falling overboard. Fitting of suitable bulwark
in the fore part of the ship as per the requirement to avoid green water condition
Hatch covers are the primary arrangement for protecting the cargo being carried
onboard; also, to maintain the watertight integrity as well as to protect the cargo from
the sea, sun and the weather in general. During cargo operations in port (or at
anchor), hatch covers are opened and closed often which means that they should be in
optimum working condition. The most common type of hatch cover is the McGregor
hatch. Reinforce the hatch cover which is located at the forward of the ship within
0.25L, where L is length of the ship.
Existing ships will not be required to replace or reinforce their hatchcovers forward
of 0.25L.
Maintaining water tightness of all the hatch covers to avoid water ingress. This can be
done by the use of Ramneck hatch cover tapes used for good sealing of hatch covers.
A fire hose may be used on high pressure to subject the hinges to a water jet at full
force that can be used to determine the watertight integrity of the hatch.
Side shell frame to be double skin ensuring extra safety in case of structural damage.
In layman terms, if one layer is compromised or breached, there is another layer to
ensure that the hull is not entirely breached which might result in a lot of damage to
the ship and its contents
Double Hulls
Double side-skin (DSS) construction for new builds over 150 m LOA will be
required, probably after 2007. No decision was taken on the minimum width of the
double hull space or any other specifications.
Installation of an alarm system for opening and closing of hatch cover for additional
safety. When there is sudden downpour in port it is essential to close the hatch swiftly
to ensure that the cargo does not get tainted due to the water. The presence of an
alarm system is essential for the safety of crew as well as the cargo
A good anti corrosive coating on the ship’s structure to avoid damage due to
corrosion. The ship is subjected to great stresses from the sea which might result in
causing the structure to reduce in strength. Not just the hull, but the entire vessel is
vulnerable to constant forces of nature (as well as internal stresses due to the cargo)
which renders the anti corrosive paint essential to the structural integrity of the
vessel. It is important to remember that whichever part is being painted must be de-
rusted and cleaned prior to such application. Painting on top of rust is only going to
add to the misery later on!
A free fall lifeboat is now a requirement in all bulk carrier ships. All crew must know
the emergency evacuation procedure from free fall lifeboat. Aside from the launching
and evacuation procedure, the system holding the lifeboat in places such as the davit,
gripes and other such moving parts must be maintained regularly so that they do not
get jammed when they need in case of an emergency.
1. SOx
This is one of the components that Annex VI aims to reduce from burning of ship’s
SOx is the short form of Sulpher oxides and the most common sulphur oxides gases
are Sulpher dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3).
In the third IMO Green house gases study, MEPC noticed that shipping contributes to
the 13% of the total SOx emissions.
When averaged for the years 2007 to 2012, a total of 11.3 million tonnes of SOx
gases were emitted from the ships.
The question is, how SOx emission from the shipping can be reduced.
Though optimizing speed for better fuel efficiency is encouraged by all the
stakeholder, it is something that cannot be enforced upon.
The thing that can be enforced is the use of low sulphur fuel on board ships.
The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed the following
Of course, the first limit of 4.5% m/m is no more valid as we are already past 1
January 2012 deadline.
These limits are reduced when the ship is operating within an emission control area.
When a ship is going to emission control area, it needs to change the fuel
consumption to the low sulphur fuel as required.
This change over requires that before entering into the ECA, all the components of
the fuel system must be using low sulphur fuel.
Ship’s staff should be aware of the time required for this change over and how this
fuel change over is to be executed.
Each ship shall carry a written procedure showing how the fuel oil changeover is to
be done. This shall allow sufficient time for the fuel oil service system to be fully
flushed of all fuel oils exceeding the applicable sulphur content prior to entry into an
emission control area.
Marpol annex VI also requires that record is maintained for all fuel oil change-over
carried out before entry into ECA and after exit from ECA.
2. NOx
In the third IMO Green house gases study, MEPC noticed that shipping contributes to
the 15% of the total NOx emissions.
But unlike SOx, NOx gases are not generated by burning the fuel but by the process
of burning the fuel.
NOx gases are produced from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen gases present in
the air during the combustion process.
This reaction takes place at the high temperatures which the combustion of fuel in the
engine provides.
So how the NOx can be reduced from the ship’s diesel engine?
Well, I do not have a technical bone in my body so I won’t go into detail of what
design changes can produce lesser NOx.
But for the purpose of understanding the requirements of Annex VI, we just need to
know that NOx emission can be reduced by the better design of the ship’s engine.
Now there are certain NOx emission levels set by the MARPOL Annex VI. The
requirements of these emission levels are divided into three tiers.
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III
for the ships operating in an emission control area designated for Tier III NOx
for the ship is constructed on or after 1 January 2016 and is operating in the
North American Emission Control Area or the United States Caribbean Sea
Emission Control Area
We have so far seen what NOx is and what Marpol Annex VI requires in terms of
NOx emissions.
But the question is, how do we know if the amount of NOx gases emitted by the
ship’s engine is within the required levels?
Compliance with NOx emission involves few parameters and records. Let us discuss
this one by one.
Hearing about this certificate for the first time? Get your hands on this certificate next
time you are on board.
EIAPP certificate must be present on board. And this certificate needs to be for each
of the diesel engines more than 130KW on board.
Why 130KW?
Because the NOx requirements are applicable for diesel engines more than 13oKW
Now say, the ship is fitted with one main engine and three auxiliary engines
(generators). There needs to be EIAPP certificate for all these.
EIAPP certificate is issued after the engine is found to be complying with the NOx
emission requirements during the pre-certification survey.
The pre-certification means the survey done before fitting the engine on board the
Having an EIAPP certificate on board shows that the engine fitted on board was
complying with the NOx parameters and an engine of correct specifications was
fitted on board.
After the engines are fitted on the ship, the test is again done on the engines for
compliance with the NOx criteria.
This test is required because when the engine is fitted on board ships, some
changes/modifications might have been done on the engines.
This test proves that the engine still complies with the NOx requirements even after
fitting on the ship.
4) will you show PSC that you are complying with NOX requirement? what are three
methods to show it?
NOx on board Verification
Having EIAPP and AIPP certificates on board proves that the engine of the correct
specification is fitted on board.
It proves that when the engine was fitted on board, the NOx emissions from the
engine were within limits and as required by MARPOL annex VI.
But how can we prove that even after 10 or 20 years in operation, the ship’s engines
still comply with these requirements?
There are three ways in which ship can prove that it still complies with the NOx
And the procedure to verify on board compliance (and using the certified method) is
provided in the NOx technical file that accompany the EIAPP certificate of the
These two methods are rarely used for NOx on board verification.
Mostly seen is the Engine parameter check method used on the ships for NOx on
board verification. May be because of the simple principle it is based upon.
This method is based on the principle that if the engine complied with the NOx
parameters at the time it was fitted on board, it should continue to comply if there are
no modifications/adjustment made to the engine.
And as there are absolutely no extra costs involved to use this method, this method is
most common among ship owners.
So there are few things that are required from this method that we must know.
We must know the engine parts that contribute to the NOx emission.
Modification and adjustments of these parts must be as per the Maker’s
If any of these spare parts of the engine need to be changed, it must be changed
with the original part supplied by the maker.
Any adjustments made to these parts must be within the range specified by the
maker of the engine.
A record must be kept of all the replacements of the spare parts and all the
adjustments made to these parts.
Durning annual, intermediate and renewal survey of the Air pollution prevention
certificate, these records, and engine parameters are checked by the class surveyor.
The international air pollution prevention certificate is endorsed or renewed on the
basis of these verifications by the class surveyor.
So I said for the NOx compliance with engine parameter check method, the
parameters of the engines need to be same throughout the life of the engine.
But where can we find these parameters for the engines fitted on board?
Where can we find the list of components that affect the NOx emission from the
So there is one NOx technical file for each engine for which an
EIAPP certificate is issued.
Marpol annex VI requires that ship must comply with the SOx and NOx emission
requirements set out in the convention.
Seafarers must be aware of how to ensure compliance with SOx and NOx emissions.
Compliance with SOx is simple. Just use the fuel with sulphur content as per the
limitation set for the area the ship is trading. Ship staff must have the procedures to
change over from high sulphur to low sulphur fuels.
the ship has EIAPP certificate for each of the diesel engine fitted on board
The ship has a valid Air pollution prevention certificate
All the components of the engine are maintained as per the NOx technical file
provided on board for each diesel engine.
Q. Three associate member of IMO?
The three associate members of the IMO are the Faroe Islands, Hong Kong and
Macao172 member states of the IMO, which includes 171 of the UN member states
plus the Cook Islands. The first state to ratify the convention was the United
Kingdom in 1949. The most recent member to join was Belarus, which became an
IMO member in November 2016.
India has been re-elected to the Council of the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) under Category ‘B’ at 29th session of the IMO Assembly held in London.
India’s membership of the IMO Assembly supports India’s status as one of the
countries with the largest interest in international seaborne trade.
Advantages as follows.
To offer operators the opportunity to avoid withdrawing the tail shaft if indications
show that the tail shaft and stern tube bearing and its systems are working
1. Avoids time-consuming operations during dry docking
2. Avoids the risk of damaging to the system during withdrawal
3. Reduces costs
4. Achieves an opportunity to monitor that the condition of the stern tube bearing
and tail shaft are in good condition due to the system being followed up. When
the system is properly implemented, the crew will be able to foresee possible
damage and take preventive action
This class notation is applicable to conventional propulsion systems. Tail shaft
monitoring implies monitoring of the stern tube bearing, water content of the lub oil
and litre lub oil refilled:
The stern tube bearings are oil lubricated.
A high-temperature alarm is fitted on the aft stern tube bearing.
Where one interchangeable sensor is fitted, one spare sensor is to be stored on
The setting of the stern tube high-temperature alarm should not exceed 65°C.
The sealing rings in the stern tube sealing box must be replaceable without
having to withdraw the shaft or remove the propeller.
A system for measuring bearing wear must be fitted.
Electrical grounding of the shafting is mandatory.
The system must allow representative oil samples to be taken for an analysis of
the oil quality under running conditions.
A written procedure for how to take oil samples is to be evaluated.
TMON gives the owner the opportunity to leave the tail shaft in position without
pulling it out of the stern tube provided:
1. The technical requirements are met.
2. The TMON Record File is kept updated.
3. Oil samples are regularly analysed and found to be satisfactory by a recognised
4. All stern tube bearing temperature values are within the manufacturer's
recommended or limit values.
A vacuum is maintained in the condenser so that steam can easily flow and more
work can be extracted from the steam in the turbine.
A carbon footprint is defined as: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to
directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons
of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which
were induced by your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is
calculated for the time period of a year.
Q. How much more fuel efficient will EEDI ships have to be, and by when?
Different classes and sizes of ships will have different standards to meet. Standards
are compared to the baseline, set as the average efficiency of ships built between
Phase II: ships built between 2020 and 2024 will have to improve their energy
efficiency by 15 and 20%, depending on the ship type;
Phase III: Ships delivered after 2025 will have to be 30% more efficient;
The Third IMO GHG Study (2014) estimated that for the period 2007–2012, shipping
emitted 1,000 Mt CO2, equaling approximately 3.1% of annual global CO2
emissions. Shipping now makes up around 2.2 percent of world emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming, and that
share is forecast to rise dramatically if nothing is done to slow it. The latest update to
the study by CE Delft projects shipping emissions to increase by up to 120% by 2050
if other sectors decarbonise successfully. Under a business-as-usual scenario and if
other sectors of the economy reduce emissions to keep global temperature increase
below 2 degrees Celsius, shipping could represent some 10% of global GHG
emissions by 2050.
Discussions related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions are being held by the
Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) at the IMO. Methods for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions discussed at the MEPC until now, and
instruments for promoting these methods are discussed. CO2 accounts for a major
part of the greenhouse gases emitted from ships.
For this reason, CO2has become a target for reduction in the international shipping
arena. In this document, “greenhouse gas” is assumed to be the same as CO2.
The emission of CO2 from ships is proportional to the quantity of fuel actually
burned on the ship and depends on the type of fuel used. Therefore, in order to reduce
CO2 either the amount of fuel used has to be reduced or the energy efficiency of the
ship (fuel consumption per activity) has to be improved. Since the amount of activity
is closely linked to the economic growth of the whole world, including that of
developing countries, discussions are being held at the IMO with the focus on
enhancing the energy efficiency of ships considering a proper balance between the
reduction in CO2emissions and economic development.
Technical measures
IMO has proposed the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) as the index for
evaluating the technical measures. EEDI is an index expressing the energy efficiency
of new ships, and is estimated by the equation below.
the equation above, the EEDI is a value calculated taking design values as
parameters, and it expresses the CO2 emission reduction potential. EEDI is likely to
be required to satisfy the IMO standard value (set according to DWT of each type of
ship) for new ships to be built henceforth.
Operational measures
. The operational measures are applicable to individual ships. There are various kinds
of operational measures including those that go beyond the scope of efforts of
individual ship management companies and necessitate coordination with relevant
personnel. Specific examples of the operational measures are given below.
•Weather routing
•Machinery maintenance
IMO has proposed the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) and the Ship
Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) as tools for promoting the
implementation of operational measures.
The EEOI also expresses the CO2 emission rate of the ship, similar to the EEDI.
However, it differs from the EEDI in that it is calculated from values measured
during an actual voyage (the EEDI is calculated from the design value. As seen from
the equation above, the EEOI readily varies according to the difference in operation
(route, load, etc.), and thus it is not appropriate generally to use the obtained value for
comparison with the EEOI values of other ships.
A relief valve is fitted in the system to prevent over pressure in the hydraulic system
due to shock loading of rudder. Shock loading of the rudder could occur in a variety
of cases such as bad weather.
This valve is only operated when there is a failure of the one of the systems.
It stops the hydraulic pump when the position of the rudder turning is at an angle of
36o. It automatically cuts of the supply because it is the maximum turning angle of
rudder. (It normally operates at 35o angle).
In case of electrical stopper fails, the mechanical stopper is provided so that it stops
the tiller arm after 36o angle of rudder
Whenever hydraulic motor or helesaw pump motor draws excessive current during
bad weather, the steering should not fail. Instead it gives an alarm about excessive
current being drawn by the motor. Continued recurrence of this alarm could mean
that the electrical motor might burn up.
The full power failure alarm will be raised if the power fails in black out condition.
Emergency power should be arranged with in 45 seconds and the emergency
generator .
3) Taking such measures as are necessary to preserve and protect the maritime
environment and to prevent and control marine pollution.
5) Such other matters, including measures for the safety of life and property at sea
and collection of scientific data, as may be prescribed
1) A large amount of power is generated by the system and the excess power can be
utilised by supplying it to cargo pumps, fire pumps and other important auxiliary
2) The space required for installation of electrical propulsion machinery is very less
and compact as compared to conventional system.
3) There is no direct connection of propeller shaft and prime mover and hence
transmission of severe stresses such as torsional and vibration is restricted.
3) Different and improved training for ship’s crew as the system is completely
different from mechanical system and involves major automation.
The Maritime liens securing claims for reward for the salvage of the vessel shall take
priority over all other maritime liens. After salvage the priority is a,b,c and d.
c) Claims for port, canal, and other waterway dues and pilotage dues;
Inflatable life jacket: This jacket needs inflation for buoyancy and is automatically
inflated when immersed in water. It normally consists of two different buoyancy
Non inflatable life jacket: These jackets are fitted with buoyant materials and they
don’t need to inflate.
Q. How many life jackets should be there on a ship and its requirements?
On Passenger Ships
Life jacket for each child or 10 % of the total number of passenger which ever is
On Cargo ships
There must be a life jacket for all the crew and their families, if onboard.
Since officers carry their family with them, infant life jacket must be provided in
cargo ships.
The number of life jackets must be carried in excess as in case of damage to any, it
can be replaced with spare one.
4) Jacket must not sustain burning or melting when exposed to fire for a period of 2
5) It is clearly capable of being worn in only one way or, as far as is practicable,
cannot be donned incorrectly.
6)When jumped from a height of at least 4.5 m into the water no injury and
dislodging or damaging the lifejacket.
7)Should have buoyancy which is not reduced by more than 5% after 24 hour
submersion in fresh water
b) Buoyancy test
The buoyancy of the lifejacket should be measured before and after 24 h complete
submersion to just below the surface in fresh water. The difference between the initial
buoyancy and the final buoyancy should not exceed 5% of the initial buoyancy
c) Fire test
A lifejacket should be subjected to the fire test. The lifejacket should not sustain
burning for more than 6 s or continue melting after being removed from the flames.
All the materials, other than buoyancy materials, used in the construction of the
lifejacket, including the cover, tapes, seams and closures should be tested to an
international standard acceptable to the Organization
e) Donning test
At least 75% of persons, who are completely unfamiliar with the lifejacket, can
correctly don it within a period of one min without assistance, guidance or prior
demonstration; after demonstration, all persons can correctly don it within a period of
one minute withoutassistance;
f) Swimming test - can a person swim for 25m.
g) Jump and drop test - jumping from height of 4.5 m by a person wearing life jacket.
checked for any injury and damage to life jacket. a person should hold the life jacket
hold while jumping.
h) Righting test - lift the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious person not less than
120 mm clear of the water with the body inclined backwards at an angle of not less
than 20° from the vertical position; turn the body of an unconscious person in the
water from any position to one where the mouth is clear of the water in not more than
5 s.
The TPC is the mass which must be loaded or discharged to change the ship s mean
draft by 1cm. When the ship is floating in salt water it is found by using the formula:
Q. Boiler survey
Boilers are inspected to maintain the regulatory requirement. Regular internal and
external examination during such survey constitutes the preventive maintenance
schedule the boiler goes through to have a safe working condition.
Boilers require to be surveyed at 2-year intervals until they are 8 years old, thereafter
they become due for survey annually.
Discuss with Master and Chief Engineer to confirm time available, manpower and
time required and steam requirement for next port.
Past reports and manual for special attention need to be take care
Stop firing
Switch off power, off the circuit breaker and remove fuses for FD fan, FO pumps,
feed pumps and control panel.
Open air vent when boiler pressure drop until 2 bar to prevent vacuum formation
Prepare to open top manhole door when boiler is cooled and at atmospheric pressure
Knock manhole door gently with long stick. Do not open fully because hot steam or
water might gush out.
Allow further cooling of boiler before open the bottom manhole door. This is to
prevent thermal shock
Open the bottom manhole door with the same precaution as with the top manhole
Ventilate the boiler both water and fire side for 12-24 hours
Prepare to entry
Investigate from outside make sure it is clear from obstruction before entering boiler
Remain communication
Boiler Inspection
Wire brush and hose down may be sufficient to prepare for survey in well maintained
If traces of oil are found in boiler, chemical means may have to be adopted to remove
Route of inspection
i. Gas Side
Exterior of drums for signs of tube roll, leakage, corrosion, soot erosion and
Exterior of all tubes for corrosion, carbon build up, erosion, blisters and sagging
Condition of refractory
Soot blower for distortion, worn bearings, rubbing of tubes, condition of nozzles,
cracks, freedom of movement and effective lubrication
ii. Water side
Steam drum for corrosion scaling and pitting
Condition of all fee, chemical feed, blowdown lines and inside pressure parts for
choking, security and leaks
iii. Safety Valve
Condition of valve internal parts for signs of corrosion, galling and wear
Check spindle for straightness and adjusting ring thread for freedom of movement
iv. Check dampers to ensure that linkage are secured and well greased
vi. Wind-box dampers and vanes for sign of corrosion and erosion
viii. Check feed water controller and control valve connection lines and ensure
proper functioning
ix. Examine the foundation and bracing bolts of boiler for corrosion, fretting
and rusting
Operate all mounting valves to ensure they work freely and leave all valves in close
Replace top manhole door
Open gauge glass steam and water cocks and shut drain cock
Switch on power for control panel, feed pump, FD fan and FO pump
Flashing Up
Continue firing intermittently e.g. 1min. fire, stop 10min. for 1st hour, 2min fire, stop
10min. for 2nd hour and so on….
As boiler heats up, water level will rise to normal level, top up if necessary
Continue fire until a continuous stream of steam comes out from air vent
Crack open main steam stop valve, slowly open until its full open
Check all safety cut outs and alarms before putting boiler on Auto
They have less thickness for same strength compared to normal steel.
Strength is increased by adding grain refining elements such as (% Al: 0.015 min, %
Nb: 0.02 – 0.05, % V: 0.05 – 0.10, % Ti: 0.02)
The number represents minimum yield strength in N/mm2 (32 means minimum
315 N/mm2, 36 means minimum 355 N/mm2, 40 means minimum 390 N/mm2)
Ultimate Tensile Strength for the above three numbers are: 32 —-> 440 –
590 N/mm2, 36 —-> 490 – 620 N/mm2 and 40 —-> 510 – 650 N/mm2
It should be noted that for Grade A steel temperature for impact test is not applicable.
At the same time for Grade AH steel impact test to be carried out at zero degree
2) The In-water Survey is to be carried out with the ship in sheltered water and
preferably with weak tidal streams and currents. The in-water visibility and the
cleanliness of the hull below the waterline is to be clear enough to permit a
meaningful examination which allows the surveyor and diver to determine the
condition of the plating, appendages and the welding. The Classification Society is to
be satisfied with the methods of orientation of the divers on the plating, which should
make use where necessary of permanent markings on the plating at selected points.
3) The equipment, procedure for observing and reporting the survey are to be
discussed with the parties involved prior to the In-water Survey, and suitable time is
to be allowed to permit the diving company to test all equipment beforehand.
4|) The In-water Survey is to be carried out by a qualified diver under surveillance of
a Surveyor. The diver is to be employed by a firm approved as a service supplier
according to requirements (refer to IACS UR Z17).
6) If the In-water Survey reveals damage or deterioration that requires early attention,
the Surveyor may require that the ship be dry-docked in order that a detailed survey
can be undertaken and the necessary repairs carried out.
The industry for which we carry the cargo, employs inspectors who screen every
vessel before it is allowed to perform a voyage for them
Oil Majors have implemented a Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) programme and
established a Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) that sums up all items to be
checked in a SIRE vetting.
SIRE vettings are performed by professional inspectors with experience in the
maritime world. The interval between SIRE vettings may not exceed 6 months.
The chemical industry uses a similar system, established by the Chemical
Distribution Institute (CDI). The chemical industry may require a CDI vetting every
Q. MLC applicable to which ships
1) The MLC, 2006 applies to all vessels ordinarily engaged in commercial activities.
2) The competent authority may make determinations with respect to vessels of less
than 200 gross tonnes not engaged on international voyages.
This will also include leisure and commercial yachts, which are engaged on
international voyages besides a few exceptions as stated in their circular discussing
application of MLC on types of vessels. Vessels must be over 500 GRT to carry the
MLC certificate. For vessels under 500 GRT, guidelines recommend the vessels to be
voluntarily complying with the convention and as documented by the flag states.
Despite the generic charter parties which may be used in a coal trade, there are also
specific charter parties which are related with the coal trade and they are related with
the geographic area of the trade
Power to Weight ratio is the ratio of horsepower produced to the weight of the engine
itself. With high-speed or high-performance vessels, it is the most important criterion
to use when comparing engines between two different makers since weight on these
vessels is often critical, with vessel speed being the most important aspect of many
military missions. Higher weight always equals higher displacement equals lower
speed On commercial vessels, displacement is critical due to cost. Higher
displacement requires more fuel to move the vessel. More fuel means higher cost of
Q. Maritime liens
Q. Maritime tort
Maritime law torts is a term covering cases where injury, loss or damage is caused to
a person or their interests by another party’s action or negligence. The word “tort"
derives from a Latinate Middle English word meaning “injury".
Q. High voltage
1) Higher power requirements onboard vessels is the foremost reason for the
evolution of HV in ships.
2) Higher power requirements have been necessitated by development of larger
vessels required for container transort particularly for reefer containers.
3) Gas carriers needing extensive cooling electrical propulsion.
4) For ships with a large electrical power demand it is necessary to utilize the benefits
of a high voltage HV installation.
5) The design benefits relate to the simple ohms law relationship that current (for a
given power)is reduced as the voltage is increased. Working at high voltage
significantly reduces the relative overall size and weight of electrical power
P= V I cosΦ
Copper Loss = I2 R
1. For a given power, Higher voltage means Lower current, resulting in Reduction in
size of generators, motors, cables etc.
2. Saving of Space and weight
3. Ease of Installation
4. Reduction in cost of Installation
5. Lower losses — more efficient utilisation of generated power.
1. Higher Insulation requirements for cables and equipment used in the system.
2. Higher risk factor and the necessity for strict adherence to stringent safety
3. Trained crew.
The PURIMAR System has been designed and manufactured to meet IMO’s
requirements for Ballast Water Management Systems. At ballasting the ballast water
treatment process performed by the PURIMAR System comprises two main unit
operations: mechanical separation (filtering) and disinfection (electrolysis based
chlorination). In the first step, the filters (50 μm filter fineness) remove particles,
sediments and organisms of the larger size
class. This allows the following disinfection step to minimize the use of NaOCl, a
chlorine compound. In the second step, the sodium hypochlorite solution generated
from the electrolysis unit is injected into the filtered influent ballast water to
effectively disinfect organisms of the smaller size class and bacteria remaining in the
filtrate. At de-ballasting, neutralization unit decreases the total residual oxidants
(TRO) concentration if required before the ballast water discharge.
Q. Types of BWTS
Q. Revised G8 guidelines
Testing Facilities Any laboratories holding the As per Revised G8. High
required certificates (ISO) for Independed Laboratories
Testing is to be carried out performing biological and (ILs) have undertaken this
by an independent facility microbiological analysis for role.
accepted by the the D2 standards could
Administration. Facilities perform such tests. However,
a specific Quality Assurance
should implement a rigorous Management Plan (QAMP)
quality control/quality had to be approved from the
assurance program that certifying administration
addresses appropriate prior each testing.
challenge water, sample
collection, ample analysis
and method detection limits
Testing at temperatures Such temperature range was No specific temperature Moderate
ranging from 0°C to 40°C not specified. range is mentioned. Instead
Testing must include
The new guideline requires temperate, semi-tropical, or
BWMS performance should tropical locations and for all
be checked in the above BWMS, temperature must be
given temperature range. measured either
BWMS unable to
continuously during or at the
demonstrate successful
performance across these beginning, middle, and end
salinity and/or temperature of the period of ballast water
ranges will be assigned uptake, as appropriate and
Limiting Operating practicable for the
Conditions on the Type parameters to be measured.
Approval Certificate
Consecutive Testing In this guideline no such For Land Based at least five High
requirement existed. For consecutive, valid, and
Land-based testing is to Land Based the vendor had successful replicate test
consist of five consecutive to reach five successful tests cycles per water salinity.
valid test cycles that show D- in two water salinities
2 compliance. Shipboard irrespectively the total tests For ship board test 5
testing is to reflect actual consecutive test have be
he had to perform.
ballast operations and consist performed in period not
of at least three consecutive less than 6 months.
valid tests, which show D-2 For shipboard testing the
compliance spanning a vendor had to achieve
three consecutive The number of required
period of not less than six ship board tests for USCG
months. successful tests at period
not less than 6 months. is double than revised G8.
In spite of this however, USCG regulation asks that any organisms dumped into their
waters be already dead, whereas IMO refers to "viable" organisms, meaning those
who cannot survive the transition or are unable to reproduce in the new environment.
Q. ISO 8217:2017
The sixth edition introduces DF (Distillate FAME) grades DFA, DFZ and DFB which
allow up to 7% fatty acid methyl ester(s) (FAME) content by volume. Other than the
7% FAME allowance, these grades are identical to the traditional DMA, DMZ and
DMB grades for all other parameters.
2.Sulphur limits
Sulphur limits have been reduced for several distillate grades. The sulphur limit for
DMA and DMZ has dropped from 1.50% to 1.00% by mass. The same limits apply to
the bio-blend equivalent DFA and DFC. DMX is unchanged at 1.00% maximum
The sulphur limit has been reduced from 2.00% to 1.50% by mass for DMB, and the
bio-blend equivalent, DFB, has also been given a 1.5% sulphur limiT
3.Controlling cold flow the sixth edition has introduced a requirement to report
cloud point (CP) and cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in DMA/DFA and DMZ/DFZ
winter grades. There is no limit specified; only a requirement to report to let the
operator know in advance if the fuel will need heating.
(ISO 8217:2017 has not been able to address some of the issues arising from the
introduction to the market of several marine fuels that do not fit into the ISO 8217
marine distillate table, designed for designed for operation in emission control areas
(ECAs) with maximum 0.10% sulphur fuels.")
Q. Parametric Rolling
- It is a phenomenon and seems especially likely to affect large container ships. Its
occurrence depends on the wave conditions in relation to the dimensions of the ship,
and leads to especially pronounced variations in stability as the ship sails through
critical head or following seas. In addition to buoyancy changes, as the wave moves
along the vessel it is alternately pushed from side to side, and quickly – in only five
cycles – large rolling angles of more than 35° can be excited. This generates
extremely high loads in the lashings and containers. In the case of parametric rolling,
even the breaking load of lashings and containers could be exceeded. As a result the
cargo and vessel could be damaged and/or containers could be lost. For this
phenomenon special conditions for critical vessel types have to be considered.
• flat aftership,
In general parametric rolling occurs only under the following critical conditions:
• when the natural period of roll is nearly twice the wave encounter period, resulting
in two pitch cycles per roll cycle
Purpose: To ensure that seafarers have regulated hours of work or hours of rest
1. Each Member shall ensure that the hours of work or hours of rest for seafarers are
2. Each Member shall establish maximum hours of work or minimum hours of rest
over given periods that are consistent with the provisions in the Code.
(a) hours of work means time during which seafarers are required to do work on
account of the ship;
(b) hours of rest means time outside hours of work; this term does not include short
7. Musters, fire-fighting and lifeboat drills, and drills prescribed by national laws and
regulations and by international instruments, shall be conducted in a manner that
minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue.
10. Each Member shall require the posting, in an easily accessible place, of a table
with the shipboard working arrangements
12. Each Member shall require that records of seafarers' daily hours of work or of
their daily hours of rest be maintained to allow monitoring of compliance with
paragraphs 5 to 11 inclusive of this Standard.\.
14. Nothing in this Standard shall be deemed to impair the right of the master of a
ship to require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary for the immediate
safety of the ship, persons on board or cargo, or for the purpose of giving assistance
to other ships or persons in distress at sea. Accordingly, the master may suspend the
schedule of hours of work or hours of rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours
of work necessary until the normal situation has been restored. As soon as practicable
after the normal situation has been restored, the master shall ensure that any seafarers
who have performed work in a scheduled rest period are provided with an adequate
period of rest.
1. At sea and in port the following provisions should apply to all young seafarers
under the age of 18:
(a) working hours should not exceed eight hours per day and 40 hours per week and
overtime should be worked only where unavoidable for safety reasons;
(b) sufficient time should be allowed for all meals, and a break of at least one hour
for the main meal of the day should be assured; and
(c) a 15-minute rest period as soon as possible following each two hours of
continuous work should be allowed.
(a) they are impracticable for young seafarers in the deck, engine room and catering
departments assigned to watchkeeping duties or working on a rostered shift-work
system; or
3. Such exceptional situations should be recorded, with reasons, and signed by the
4. Paragraph 1 of this Guideline does not exempt young seafarers from the general
obligation on all seafarers to work during any emergency as provided for in Standard
A2.3, paragraph 14
Continuous synopsis record is a special measure under Safety of life at sea (SOLAS)
for enhancing the maritime security at the sea. According to SOLAS chapter i, all
passenger and cargo ships of 500 gross-tonnage and above must have a continuous
synopsis record on board.
The continuous synopsis record provides an onboard record of the history of the ship
with respect to the information recorded therein.
Continuous synopsis record (CSR) is issued by the administration of the ship, which
would fly its flag.
Any changes made related to the above mentioned points should be mentioned in the
continuous synopsis record. Officially, the record should be in English, Spanish, or
French language; however, a translation in the language of the administration may be
The continuous synopsis record shall always be kept on board ship and shall be
available for inspection all the time.
Enhanced Survey Program. Requirements for planning, execution and reporting for
hull surveys of oil/chemical tankers, obo and bulk carriers.
Close-up Survey
A Close-up Survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within
the close visual inspection range of the surveyor, i.e. normally within reach of hand.
1. General average is incurred for the benefit of all interests but the particular average
is in connection with any of the interests.
2. General average is always voluntary and intentional but the particular average is an
accidental or fortuitous.
3. General average is shared by all those who are benefited by the general average
act. Particular average is paid by the insurer.
4. General average may include expenditure and sacrifice along with loss, whereas
the particular average results from a loss or damage.
Particular average loss. This is a partial loss or damage caused to any particular
cargo or property where the damage is suffered by a particular interest. The damage
or loss should be of a particular subject matter in which case the damage suffered
cannot be partially shifted to others and the loss would be borne by the persons
directly affected by the damage to the said cargo. Remember that it is a partial loss
hence not the entire cargo or property would be damaged but a part of it. The damage
could either be to the cargo or the ship.
A particular average loss with regards a cargo may either be depreciation in value of
the cargo or a total loss of a part of it. For instance when part of a cargo is destroyed
by say sea water or about 4 out of 10 of a number of cargoes are destroyed.
With regards the ship (hull or machinery), the damage must be caused to just a part
of the ship and not a loss of the entire ship. For instance, damage to the propellers of
a ship would be considered a particular average loss and the insured would be
indemnified to tune of the damage caused. Indemnity may however depend on certain
clauses in the insurance contract example “New for Old” in which case a new
equipment would be acquired to replace the old one.
General average loss on the other hand refers to a loss that directly affects two or
more interest in a common marine adventure unlike particular average loss which
affects a particular interest only. This loss involves an extraordinary sacrifice
reasonably made during a peril for the sole purpose of preserving other properties in a
common marine adventure. This sacrifice could include throwing of some cargo over
board (jettison), using cargo as fuel, cutting away of spare or sails etc. The act must
however be extraordinary, beyond the normal routine work of the ship crew and
master and the peril or danger that warrants such a sacrifice must also be more than
the ordinary perils of the sea. The sacrifice in itself should be aimed at preserving the
whole marine adventure and should be made for the common safety of all other
(2)In the case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given.
(1)Subject to any express provision in the policy, there is a constructive total loss
where the subject-matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual
total loss appearing to be unavoidable, or because it could not be preserved from
actual total loss without an expenditure which would exceed its value when the
expenditure had been incurred.
Part of the Ocean Marine Insurance policy that states that if a ship (vessel) collides
with another ship due to the negligence of both, owners and shippers of both vessels
must share in the losses in accordance with the monetary values of their cargo and
interests before the collision. The owners of the cargo and company responsible for
shipment are both required to pay for losses.
Apart from the risks above Hull & Machinery policy may also include additinal
cover, such as:
The VIT(variable injection timing) systems are installed on large slow speed two
stroke diesel engines to overcome the shortcoming of a conventional jerk type pump,
which has a constant beginning of injection, which is timed such that the maximum
peak pressure is obtained at 100% MCR . This setting causes the engine to lose out
on higher peak pressures at part loads due to the delayed ignition , this is further
compounded on larger engines using fuels having longer ignition delays.
VIT helps overcome this problem by advancing the injection when the engine
operates between 40% and 85 to 90% MCR (break point). after the break point it
retards the injection such that the original setting of injection timing is attained at
100%mcr , the peak pressure is maintained constant between break point and
100%mcr. since the maximum peak pressure is attained even at part loads ( break
point) the specific fuel consumption of engine decreases .
Before the Super VIT was introduced variable injection timing was obtained by
means of a special profile on the fuel pump plunger. Upper helix to control the start
of injection and lower helix to control end of injection. For one particular fuel index
start and end of injection was fixed. With change in fuel Index, start and end of
injection will change which depends on helix profile. Hence there was a fixed
relationship between the injection timing and the fuel index. Thus it was not possible
to adjust the fuel index of the individual pumps without also altering the injection
timing. For this reason the Super VIT was introduced, where it is possible to adjust
the fuel index and the injection timing independently.
BIMCO today
BIMCO is now the world’s largest international shipping association, with more than
2,200 members globally. We provide a wide range of services to our global
membership – which includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers and agents.
BIMCO is also recognised worldwide for the clarity, consistency and certainty of its
standard maritime contracts.
Our aim is to produce flexible commercial agreements that are fair to both parties.
We work with industry experts to produce modern contracts tailored to specific trades
and activities. Our world recognised contracts are widely used and this familiarity
provides greater certainty of the likely commercial outcome - helping members
manage contractual risk.
Rules regarding acceptance of delivery by the buyer. The duty of a buyer in the
performance of the contract of sale is to accept the goods and pay the price. The term
'acceptance of goods' may be defined as the final assent of the buyer that he has
accepted the goods delivered.
The Acceptance clause details all aspects of the how the buyer will accept the goods,
completeing the seller's obligations to sell and deliver. This can include the
specifications the parties agree the Deliverables must meet, the buyer's opportunity to
inspect and/or test the deliverables to make sure they meet the specifications, and
how rejection is handled if the Deliverables do not the specifications.
Indicator definition
In its most simple form the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator is defined as the
ratio of mass of CO2(M) emitted per unit of transport work:
Indicator = MCO2 /(transport work)
Ballast voyages, as well as voyages which are not used for transport of cargo, such as
voyage for docking service, should also be included. Voyages for the purpose of
securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea should be excluded.
LNG, LPG, Methanol & Ethanol, Synthetic fuels, Biodiesel, Biogas, Cold Ironing,
Hydrogen, Nuclear fuel.
Q. Load line survey items in engine room? what are the imp points.
Q. The difference between London convention and Marpol which came just
after one year? And when London convention is in place why there is need of
The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) annual meetings for both the 1972
London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes
and Other Matter (the "London Convention") and the 1996 Protocol to the London
Convention (the "London Protocol") established a global regime for the protection of
the marine environment from pollution caused by ocean dumping and incineration at
Unlike the London Convention, which lists substances that may not be dumped in the
ocean, the Protocol prohibits ocean dumping of any waste or other matter except for
those specifically allowed to be considered for dumping (a "reverse list").
"Draft Guidance on Best Management Practices for Removal of Anti-Fouling
Coatings from Ships, including TBT Hull Paints," and the "Draft Guidance on
Managing Spoilt Cargoes,"
The London Convention consists of 22 Articles and three Annexes. It follows a
"black list/grey list" approach to regulating ocean dumping; Annex I materials (black
list) generally may not be ocean dumped (though for certain Annex I materials
dumping may be permissible if present only as "trace contaminants" or "rapidly
rendered harmless" and Annex II materials (grey list) require "special care". Annex
III lays out general technical factors to be considered in establishing criteria for
issuance of ocean dumping permits.
Is one of the first global conventions to protect the marine environment from human
activities and has been in force since 1975. Its objective is to promote the effective
control of all sources of marine pollution and to take all practicable steps to prevent
pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matter. Currently, 87 States are
Parties to this Convention.
1) Ocean Fertilization
2) Carbon sequestration
Carbon sequestration is the process involved in carbon capture and the long-term
storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide.[1] Carbon sequestration involves long-term
storage of carbon dioxide or other forms of carbon to mitigate or defer global
warming. It has been proposed as a way to slow the atmospheric and marine
accumulation of greenhouse gases, which are released by burning fossil fuels.
" One boundary issue between the London Convention/Protocol and MARPOL is the
handling of spoilt cargoes
The disposal of spoilt cargo at sea is subject to regulation under MARPOL only if it
constitutes "garbage" as defined in MARPOL Annex V, Regulation 1.Otherwise, it is
subject to regulation as "dumping" under the London Convention/Protocol.
–Deliberate disposal at sea of wastes generated on land and using vessels, aircraft
or offshore installations as the ‘platform’ for dumping.
–Deliberate disposal of obsolete vessels, aircraft and offshore installations
–Storage of wastes in the seabed and the subsoil thereof
–Abandonment or toppling at site of platforms
–Pipeline discharges from land
–Operational discharges from vessels (MARPOL is about operational discharge of
oil) or offshore installations
London convention only covers deliberate discharge from land or vessel and marpol
covers operational discharge from the vessel.
Assignment of class
Class will be assigned to a vessel when applicable requirements have been met. The
assignment of class is documented by the issuance of a class certificate or an interim
class certificate and the entry of the vessel’s main particulars and details of class in
the Society’s “Register of Vessels”.
The class will be retained on the condition that the requirements applicable for
retention of class are complied with. Retention of class is confirmed by annual
endorsements and renewal of the class certificate at5-year intervals
The interim certificate will be replaced by a full term class certificate when the
Society has confirmed that applicable requirements have been met. validity for an
interim class certificate: to a date not exceeding 15 months from assignment of class.
A vessel shall retain class when transferred to another owner or manager. The
previous customer shall give the Society immediate notice, in writing, of such
transfers. Obligations according to the rules shall remain with the previous customer
until the Society is in receipt of such notice, in writing.
1) The vessel shall be adequately manned, and the hull, machinery, systems and
equipment shall be competently handled at all times.
2) Operation of the vessel shall comply with the assumptions and conditions stated in
the “Appendix to the Class Certificate”
3) The vessel, its hull structure, machinery, systems and equipment shall be
maintained at a standard complying with the requirements of the rules
4) Installed systems and equipment carried onboard in excess of the minimum
required for main class shall either be maintained to applicable standards, or be
removed or disconnected in such a way as to ensure that the installed system or
equipment cannot be used.
5) The statutory certificates required by applicable international conventions and/or
national legislation shall be valid at all times and shall be issued by the Society, the
flag administration itself, or by a third party approved by the flag administration,
In order to retain a vessel's class with the Society, the customer shall:
1) at all times, ensure that the vessel is maintained to the rule standard
2)submit complete and correct information related to the vessel and its use, which is
of significance to the Society for its assessment of the condition of the vessel in
relation to the rules
3) subject the vessel to surveys as required by the rules, and provide the necessary
facilities for safe executioncof surveys
4) Submit complete and correct information on the ownership and management of the
vessel, addresses and corresponding administrative information pertinent
to the register of vessels
5) submit correct information on the registration of the vessel
5) pay all fees and expenses due to the Society.
6) notify the Society when the vessel is laid up or otherwise taken out of service for a
period of more than 3months.
A) Main Plans
- General Arrangement
- Capacity Plan
- Hydrostatic Curves
- Loading Manual, where required
- Damage stability calculation, where required
B) Steel plans
- Midship Section
- Scantling Plan
- Decks
- Shell Expansion
- Transverse Bulkheads
- Rudder and Rudder Stock
- Hatch Covers
- Stern frame
Q. Loadicator functions?
If a country not ratified a convention, flag state will ask All RO's registered with it to
issue "STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE" after carrying out all inspections and
surveys that ship is complying with the convention. It can be issued by IRS, NK,
LLyods etc to Indian vessels. Flag cant Issue Statutory Certificate since convention
not yet passed in Parliament.
They have to maintain all the survey as per normal conventions
The Ship Security Assessment (SSA) is to be carried out before developing the Ship
Security Plan(SSP), and is a major element in the process of developing or updating
the SSP.It is the responsibility of the Company Security Officer (CSO) to ensure that
the SSA is carried out by persons with appropriate skills, for each ship in the
company fleet. Bureau Veritas or any other class acting as a Recognized Security
Organization (RSO) may carry out the SSA. In that case, Bureau Veritas will not be
the RSO undertaking the review and approval of the SSP. SSA and SSP will be send
The SSA shall include the following steps, which should than be adapted to each type
of ship
I) Identification of key shipboard operations
As an example:
The critical operations may include the cargo handling, the ship stores handling, and
the navigation
II) Identification of existing security measures and procedures
As an example, security procedures may include (but are not limited to):
- Procedures for response to emergency conditions (fire, flooding...)
- Procedures for security patrols
- Procedures for handling surveillance equipment, if any
- Procedures for handling security communication systems
- Procedure for handling security doors, barriers and lighting
Shipping companies must submit for each of their ships the relevant SSP
accompanied by the documented SSA for approval. class will review the SSP and,
if the SSP is in compliance with the relevant provisions of SOLAS and the ISPS
Code, class will approve the SSP on behalf of the flag State administration.
If the review process identifies that the SSP is lacking compliance with the
requirements, class will inform the shipping company on the detected deficiencies. It
is then to the shipping company to correct the deficiencies and to provide class with
evidence of the corrective action undertaken, prior the review and approval process
can be finalized.
When the shipping company considers the approved SSP to be well implemented on
board the ship, a request for ISPS Code verification should be sent to class, who will
appoint a qualified auditor for an onboard verification at a convenient time and place
in co-operaton with the company. During the verification the following steps will be
carried out:
I. Verification that the approved SSP, any amendments to the plan and associated
procedures are being implemented effectively.
II. Verification that the security system and all associated security equipment
complies with applicable requirements and is in all respects satisfactory.
International Maritime Organization (IMO) legislation states that the ship’s security
alert system shall:
SSAS is not part of the GMDSS communication requirements but its equipment can
be used to support the system.
SSAS regulations is that security alerts are required to be routed only to the Company
Security Officer and the Flag.
SSAS resetting after take over with change vessel particulars email address and flag
contact address
It is a test which is carried out to find, wear down of the sleeve bearing of the deck
crane on ships.
This measures the play (or relative movement) between the inner and outer bearing
race, to give an indication of the wear taking place.
(Wear down of the sleeve bearing can be found by analyzing the grease sample.
The metal content of the sample may give indication of wear down.)
Measurements are typically taken in four positions on the slew bearing, with the jib
Crane manufacturers generally recommend that ‘rocking tests’ are carried out every
six months in accordance with their instructions, and that the results are recorded and
monitored in order to ensure the wear tolerances remain within the limits permitted
by the designers.
Test on winches
Illustration Description
Identification tags
Every ship is supplied with a brake testing kit (in this case
bracket type brake test kit) to test the brake at least once in a
year. The break testing kit simulates the load on the line by
means of hydraulic pressure producing a torque on the winch
drum as shown in the figure below. For a particular load, the
pressure can be calculated as shown in an example below.
In this example:
Now the setting is made as per the drawing with the bracket
connected on the drum flanges (setup above). The turn
handle is used to tighten the brake as the brake band screw
tighten with respect to the brake nut. The pressure is
increased in the hydraulic jack using a manual pump. After
the pressure reaches the calculated value (here 230.5 bar), a
marking is made on the brake band. It is held for a minute
and the marking is checked to see if there is any slip.
Clutch operation
The clutch is used to engage the drums with the main shaft.
There is slot in the drum where the clutch slides and locks in.
Once engaged, the drum turns with the main shaft. The main
shaft is connected to the two drums (in this case) and one
end connected to the warping drum and other to the gear
wheel. This gear wheel is driven by another gear that is
connected to the hydraulic motor.
Q. Multiple load lines. why are they required by an owner of the vessel?
from ships is on the rise and global emission standards are getting stringent every
year. MARPOL Annex VI limits the main air pollutants contained in ships exhaust
gas, including sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrous oxides (NOx), and prohibits
deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances.
NOx Tier III emission standards are 80% less than NOx Tier I emission standards.
The emission value for a diesel engine is to be determined in accordance with the
NOx Technical Code 2008 in the case of Tier II and Tier III limits.
For Engine speed 130 and above but less 2000 rpm – 9*n-0.2 gNOx/kwh
Tier III standards will also be applicable to ships built on or after 1 Jan 2016.
To comply with this Tier III requirements ships shall have to be installed or
retrofitted with equipment/systems which can reduce NOx below Tier III standards.
In this system, urea or ammonia is injected in the exhaust gas before passing it
through a unit, which consists of special catalyst layer, at a temperature between 300
and 400 Deg C. Chemical reaction between Urea/ammonia and NOx in exhaust gases
reduces NOx (NO and NO2) to N2. SCR unit is installed between the exhaust
manifold/receiver and the turbocharger.
High efficiency turbocharger is required for this system as there is pressure drop
across SCR Reactor. Engine load should be 40% and above, as NOx is reduced to N2
within specific temperature window ( 300-400 Deg C).
If temperature is above 400 Deg C, ammonia will burn rather than reacting with NOx
which will lead the system to be ineffective. If the temperature is below 270 Deg C,
the reaction rate will be low and the ammonium sulphates formed will destroy the
More than 90% reduction is achieved by using SCR technology to comply with Tier
III emission standards.
NOx reduction takes place due to reduction in excess air (oxygen content) used for
combustion, addition of CO2 and water vapour reduces peak temperatures as both
have higher specific heat than air.
EGR system along with combination of one of the technologies such as altered
(delayed) injection method, new design fuel valve, common rail injection principle,
electronic engines , Scavange Air Moisturizing, can be used to comply with Tier III
Air from the turbocharger, after passing through the compressor, has high
temperature. Seawater is injected to this high temperature air for cooling and making
it saturated. Distillation process makes it possible to use sea water instead of fresh
water. Humidification of air is controlled by maintaining scavenge air temperature
between 60-70 Deg C. Water in saturated air reduces the peak temperature as water
has higher heat carrying capacity than air.
4. Miller Cycle :
By making use of Miller cycle in 4-Stroke engines along with high efficiency
turbocharger, that is, early closing of inlet valves before BDC, causes expansion and
cooling of intake air which reduces NOx production. This NOx reduction method will
require two turbochargers ( 2-Stage turbocharging).
This method along with Direct Water injection (DWI) Principle and other methods
such as fuel water emulsion can bring NOx well below Tier III standards.
New marine engines using low pressure LNG as marine fuel will have greater
importance in meeting Tier III standards. Wartsila has developed 2-stroke DF
technology engine which makes use of low pressure LNG as fuel. It is based on lean-
burn principle (relatively high air/fuel ratio), in which, the pre-mixed air/fuel charge
is ignited by pilot fuel. One of the most important aspects of this engine is that the
emission are below NOx Tier limit, and this is achieved without use of exhaust gas
treatment system.
6. CSNOx : Ecospec have developed a system known as CSNOx which uses fresh
water or seawater to pass through Ultra Low Frequency Electrolysis system. This
treated water is further mixed with to react with the exhaust gas to reduce NOx
content. The system reduces CO2, SOx and NOx in one compact equipment. This
technology along with other NOx reducing methods mentioned above can be used for
compliance with Tier III standards. CSNOx has an advantage of achieving high
efficiency with low maintenance and power consumption.
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is the document which details all the terms
and conditions of the crew employed on the ship. CBA contains discrimination,
Hiring Partners, expenses related to employement and travelling, medical certificates,
length of contract, termination, hours of work and rest, wages and overtime,
insurance coverage, medical treatment, sick wages, public holidays, maternity,
accommodation, food, work in war zones, health and safety, dispute resolution and
annual leave.
CBA is ITF agreement. ITF Agreements are signed by a maritime union and shipping
company, either the beneficial owner or the operator or the manager of the ship. The
union must be affiliated to the ITF.
Article of agreement is issued under MS act and is for indian flag vessels.
Article of agreement is the legal document agreed and signed between owner and or
master or its agent and the seaman who is being employed by the owner.
The agreement with the crew shall contain the following particulars:-
1) The name, of the ship on board which the seaman undertakes to serve.
2) Either the nature and, as far as practicable, the duration of the intended voyage,
and the places or parts of the world, if any, to which the voyage or engagement is not
to extend.
3) The number and description of the crew of different categories in each department.
4) The time at which each seaman is to be on board or begin work.
5) The capacity in which each seaman is to serve.
6) The amount of wages which each seaman is to receive.
7) A scale of provision which are to be furnished to each seaman.
8) A scale of warm clothing and a scale of extra provision to each seaman in
specified cold regions.
9) Any regulation as to conduct on board and as to fines or other lawful punishments
for misconduct which is sanctioned by central government and agreed by parties.
10) Payment of compensation for personal injury or death caused by accident arising
out of and in course of employment.
11) Stipulations relating to such other matters as may be prescribed.
Flue gas of DG normally consists 13% oxygen which does not fulfil the requirement
of IG O2 %. For good combustion air is 200% more of stoichiometric ratio in DG.
In maritime law, a sea protest is a notarized statement obtained after a ship enters
port after a rough voyage. Its purpose is to protect the ship's charterer or owner from
liability for damage to the cargo, the ship or to other ships in a collision, where this
was caused by the perils of the sea
(Master wording written by notary public against unsure damage of cargo at sea due
to rough weather or during loading also is letter of protest.Same can be extended till
next port by master in case of rough weather which is I guess isextended letter of
For eg like a container is damaged and master declares 5% cargo is damaged and he
declares a lop. And for that for after opening the container it is found 15% cargo is
damaged....then obviously 10% claim will come on owner.then master can extended
lop for the same.....that is what I understood
Not in force.
The Convention
Shipowners are obliged to buy insurance cover of up to SDR 100 million, depending
on the size of their vessel(s).
When considering the fate of spilled oil at sea, a distinction is frequently made
between persistent oils and non-persistent oils.
As a rule, persistent oils break up and dissipate more slowly in the marine
environment and usually require a clean-up operation. Persistent oils typically include
crude oils, fuel oils, lubricating oils and heavier grades of marine diesel oil. These
oils pose a potential threat to natural resources when released, in terms of impacts to
wildlife, smothering of habitats and oiling of amenity beaches.
Persistent oil will dissipate rapidly through evaporation. As a result, spills of these
oils rarely require an active response. Non-persistent oils include gasoline, light
diesel oil and kerosene.
Impacts from non-persistent oils may include effects on paint coatings in marinas and
harbours and, at high concentrations, acute toxicity to marine organisms.
Persistence oil is defined by non-persistent oils. Oil which are not non persistent are
persistence oil.Oil is considered non-persistent if at the time of shipment at least 50%
of the hydrocarbon fractions, by volume, distil at a temperature of 340°C (645°F) and
at least 95% of the hydrocarbon fractions, by volume, distil at a temperature of 370°C
Q. Anti-fouling paints
Antifouling coatings are specialized paints applied to the ship’s hull to slow the
marine growth on the underwater area which can affect the vessels performance and
durability. In addition to preventing marine growth, the hull coating can also act as a
barrier against hull corrosion that will degrade and weaken the metal. It also
improves the flow of water passing the hull of a fishing vessel or high-performance
racing yacht.
Antifouling paint, applied to the underwater hull of ships, discourages or prevents the
growth of organisms that attach to the hull. Its self-polishing resin and biocide, such
as cuprous oxide along with a booster biocide, help to prevent biofouling organisms.
The self-polishing activity is very dependent on the speed and activities of the
vessels. Based on various studies, the polishing rate of anti-fouling paint reduces
almost by half when it is stationary as compared to when the vessel travels at 14
knots. Hence, the duration of the vessel staying stationary will enable the colonizing
of micro- and macrofouling as explained below.
Ballast Tanks
Coating systems for ballast tanks should be resistant to (polluted) seawater, corrosion
inhibiting, free from pores, and resistant to the side effects of cathodic protection.
According to the classification societies, the life-determining factor for a ship is the
condition of its ballast tanks. Serious corrosion damage in them is a main reason
for taking a ship out of service, and a ship’s second-hand price is large-ly determined
by the condition of its ballast tanks. The inner water ballast tank area of a ship is
extremely large .Modern systems for ballast tanks usually consist of at least two coats
of high-solids coal tar epoxy, straight epoxy, or modified epoxy. Because of the
decreasing popularity of coal tar, modified epoxy often is used, preferably in light
colours to enhance the ease of inspection
with a total DFT ( dry film thickness) of at least 250 μm.
Cargo Tanks
Crude oil tanks of VLCCs often are left uncoated (apart from shop priming), or only
the bottom area (on which acidic water settles) and the deckhead area (on which
water condenses) are coated. A cathodic protection system also is often installed.
However, crude oil tanks of smaller tankers are usually completely coated with a
system consisting of two coats of polyamine- or polyamide-cured coal tar/epoxy with
a total DFT of at least 250 μm.
For clean petroleum products (e.g., white oils, aliphatic hydrocarbons, etc.), systems
for crude oil tanks are used except for products containing coal tar.
For more aggressive products (e.g., chemicals, vegetable and animal oils, and
aromatic hydrocarbons), the system often consists of two coats of (high-build)
polyamine (adduct)-cureepoxy with a DFT of at least 250 μm. Polyurethane and
isocyanate-curing epoxy systems are available but not commonly used now because
of the trend toward isocyanate-free coatings. Shop primer usually is removed from
these tanks by blasting to at least Sa 21/2 for good adhesion and to avoid undesired
inter-action of the cargo with the shop primer.
Paint systems for decks should be every resistant to corrosion and theinfluences of
weather. They should be non-slip (even when the decks are wet) and resistant to
impact, scratching, and abrasion, as well as resistant to (sea) water, fuel
oils,lubricating greases, cleaning agents, and cargo spills.
The need to lower fuel consumption and to reduce CO2 emission has become a
strong driving force for paint companies to develop new technologically-advanced
antifouling coatings for ship’s hulls which reduces the fuel consumption.
Foul-release technology, which also results in substantial fuel savings, is particularly
useful for large cargo ships, which consume a lot of fuel. Many companies are
investing time and money in developing eco-friendly products such as low friction
coatings, metal-free antifouling coatings, etc. Most recent participants now offer
silicone- or fluororesin-based foul-release products.
The present working principle for most of the marine paint systems is based on a
slow release of toxins (self-polishing coatings). Although the antifouling performance
of such systems is excellent, the amount of toxin released per ship may be quite
substantial. The impact of such toxins on nature can be detrimental. Because of this
impact, the use of organotins, such as tributyltin (TBT), on ship hulls was completely
banned in 2001. In addition, the use of other toxins in antifouling coatings is
restricted by law.
Although the use of copper-based paints is not yet prohibited it may be banned in the
near future. Recently, the use of copper-based coatings for recreational boats has
been banned in the ports of San Diego and Washington. This drives both science and
industry to evaluate new types of antifouling mechanisms.
The following systems are commonly suggested and are also applied as alternatives
to self-polishing coatings. Hydrophilic antifouling coatings prevent or slow down
adherence of marine organisms to ship hulls. (The latest solutions that are provided
by a marine coating manufacturer formulates anti-fouling paint based on hydrogel
technology which is comprised of a network of advanced polymer chains that absorb
high amounts of water to create a water-like boundary layer. This water-like layer
misguides the fouling organisms into believing that the hull is a liquid and solid
surface and this minimizes protein and bacterial adhesion to the hull.)
Current antifouling technologies for ship hulls are based on metals such as cuprous
oxide and co-biocides like zinc pyrithione. Due to the adverse effect of these biocides
on the environment, enzyme-based antifouling paints are proposed as a bio-based,
non-accumulating alternative. Scientists tested a hydrogen peroxide-producing
system composed of hexose oxidase, glucoamylase and starch for the chemical and
physical functionalities necessary for successful incorporation into a marine coating.
The activity and stability of the enzymes in seawater was evaluated at different
temperatures, and paint compatibility was assessed by measuring the distribution and
activity of the enzymes incorporated into prototype coating formulations. The
scientists used a biomimetic encapsulation procedure for HOX through
polyethylenimine-templated silica co-precipitation. Silica co-precipitation
significantly improved the stability and performance of the antifouling system in
marine-like conditions.
Non-stick fouling release coatings are based on a technology which prevents the
adhesion of fouling organisms by providing a low-friction, ultra-smooth surface on
which organisms have great difficulty in adhering. The coatings do not inhibit the
fouling settlement, but provide self-cleaning when sailing at a certain speed at a
certain activity, typically minimally 15 knots at minimum 75 percent of the time.
Fouling release coatings have their origin in the desire for a biocide-free system and
have been in existence for 30 years. On these types of coatings fouling is not
prevented from settling, as in the case of traditional antifouling, but in practice the
bond between the fouling organisms and the coating surface is so weak that it breaks
by the weight of the organism itself or by the water pressure and current to which it is
CuO is a still a very effective biocide but it requires a high concentration to give fully
effective protection against most types of marine fouling. Paints that contain less
copper metal, or use less powerful ingredients such as copper thiocyanate, often
contain extra biocides such as zinc pyrithione or organic algaecides to cope with
slime and weed growth. It is these organic boosters that are currently causing a stir, as
some people think they could cause similar problems to TBT.
The ‘eSHaRk’ (eco-friendly Ship Hull film system with fouling Release and fuel-
saving properties) project aims to bring to the market a fouling-protection technology
which not only maintains the current state-of-the-art fouling-protection standards, but
is superior to existing paint-based solutions in terms of eco-friendliness, ease of
application, robustness and drag-reduction effects, all of which will lead to fuel
savings and the reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.
Among these are Teflon- and silicone-based nanotech coatings, using technology
already found in marine gel coat polish. Cornwall-based Nanotech Marine is working
on a self-cleaning nanotech antifoul and the first three-year test results look
promising. It’s only intended for motorboats at the moment, but the company is
looking into ways of applying the same principles for sailing boats.
Proper surface preparation is essential for the success of any marine coating scheme.
The importance of removing oil, grease, old coatings and surface contaminants (such
as millscale and rust on steel, and zinc salts on zinc containing primers or galvanised
surfaces) cannot be over emphasised.
The performance of any paint coating is directly dependent upon the correct and
thorough preparation of the surface prior to coating. The most expensive and
technologically advanced coating system will fail if the surface preparation is
incorrect or incomplete.
By far the most effective method for removal of millscale, rust and old coatings,
Wet abrasive blasting uses a slurry of water and abrasive rather than dry
abrasive alone. This has the advantage that the hazards of dust and
associated health problems are largely overcome. abrasives such as garnet, grit or
shot under high pressure
Hydroblasting is a technique for cleaning surfaces, which relies entirely on
the energy of water striking a surface to achieve its cleaning effect.
Abrasives are NOT used in hydroblasting systems
The document called "Green Passport" for ships is envisaged to accompany the
ship throughout its working life and contain an inventory of all materials
potentially hazardous to human health or the environment, used in the
construction of a ship. Produced by the shipyard at the construction stage and
passed to the purchaser of the vessel, the document would be in a format that
would enable any subsequent changes in materials or equipment to be recorded.
Successive owners of the ship would maintain the accuracy of the Green
Passport and incorporate into it all relevant design and equipment changes, with
the final owner delivering it, with the vessel, to the recycling yard.
There are six types of fibrous minerals called asbestos. Exposure to asbestos fibers is
the leading cause of mesothelioma lung cancer.
Chrysotile Asbestos
Also called white asbestos, chrysotile asbestos is unique in that it has a serpentine
fiber-formation (curled fibers) compared to the amphibole fiber-formation (straight,
needle-like fibers) of the other five asbestos types. Chrysotile asbestos is less friable
(less-likely to be inhaled) than other types of asbestos. Chrysotile asbestos is less
likely to be inhaled and therefore viewed by many to be the safest of the asbestos
Crocidolite Asbestos
Also called blue asbestos, crocidolite asbestos is an amphibole mineral that can be
found in Africa and Australia. On the opposite end of the spectrum than chrysotile
asbestos, crocidolite is viewed to be the most dangerous type of asbestos.
don’t use high-pressure water jets to wet surfaces as this may increase the
spread of loose fibres or dust
don’t slide one sheet over the surface of another as this may abrade the surface
of the materials, and increase the likelihood of releasing fibres and dust
don’t use power tools, abrasive cutting or sanding discs, or compressed air on
asbestos cement, as these will contribute to airborne dust and debris
don’t dry-sand, wire-brush or scrape surfaces to be painted
Do Not use power tools
Do Not use abrasive cutting or sanding discs
Do Not use compressed air
Do Not use high-pressure hoses
- Ensure the material is thoroughly wet down and kept wet during work to minimise
the release of fibres and dust
- pull out any nails first to help remove sheeting with minimal breakage
-carefully lower (not drop) the sheets to the ground and stack on two layers of
polythene sheeting at least 0.2 mm thick (e.g. heavy-duty builders’ plastic)
Ransom to secure the release of seized ships, crew and cargo – who pays?
We would normally expect the cost of ransoms for ships to be reimbursable under
either the ship’s hull and machinery (H&M) marine risks or war risks insurance
policy. A marine kidnap and ransom (K&R) insurance
policy also covers ransom.
Both H&M marine risks insurers and war risks insurers have reimbursed ransom
payments on policies that include the risk of piracy. Reimbursement has been
forthcoming because underwriters accept that payment of ransom to secure the
release of a ship seized by pirates is justified as a general average (GA) expense,
although in practice, in most if not all cases,
claims have been settled without GA having been formally declared.
General average can usually only be declared where parties other than the owner of
the ship, such as cargo owner or charterer, have a financial interest in the safe
conclusion of the voyage. Therefore it might not be possible to declare GA if the ship
was seized while unchartered and on a ballast voyage. In these circumstances we
would expect ransom payments to be reimbursed as a “sue and labour” expense.
Under policy forms in use today covering both H&M marine risks and war risks, a
ship owner that has been deprived of use of the insured ship can ultimately claim a
constructive total loss. Payment of a ransom to avoid the prospect of a constructive
total loss would certainly appear to be justified as sue and labour, but this is less
tested in practice.
On occasion, as was seen with the boarding of the m/v Leopard in January 2011,
pirates have abducted the crew but abandoned the ship. In these circumstances,
because they have no financial interest in the wellbeing of the crew, we believe it
unlikely that the ship’s H&M marine risks or war risks insurers will readily
participate in the reimbursement of a ransom to free crew alone. It is possible that the
underwriters covering a ship owner’s liabilities to crew might be asked to contribute
to a ransom to secure the release of crew members. This could be the ship owner’s
P&I insurer or alternatively an underwriter that covers crew P&I war risks.
Typically this will be the ship’s war risks insurers who customarily also cover P&I
war risks on the ship. However, a requirement to reimburse ransom payments follows
legal liability and it is unlikely that the ship owner will have a legal liability to pay a
ransom. Indeed, the P&I clubs have made it clear that they do not cover ransom
payments – a stance considered in greater detail later in this report.
Q. Why PSC is it required when you have flag state. Why MOU?
Flag state can be biased as they get revenue from the ship registered under their flag
so for stricter control psc is required.
The reasons for choosing an open register are varied and include tax avoidance, the
ability to avoid national labor and environmental regulations, and the ability to hire
crews from lower-wage countries. National or closed registries typically require a
ship be owned and constructed by national interests, and at least partially crewed by
its citizens. Conversely, open registries frequently offer on-line registration with few
questions asked. The use of flags of convenience lowers registration and maintenance
costs, which in turn reduces overall transportation costs.
The environmental disaster caused by the 1978 sinking of the MV Amoco Cadiz,
which flew the Liberian flag, spurred the creation of a new type of maritime
enforcement. Resulting from strong political and public outcry over the Amoco Cadiz
sinking, fourteen European nations signed the 1982 Paris Memorandum of
Understanding on Port State Control or Paris MOU. Under port state control, ships in
international trade became subject to inspection by the states they visit. In addition to
shipboard living and working conditions, these inspections cover items concerning
the safety of life at sea and the prevention of pollution by ships.
Many nations with open registries are criticized for having substandard regulations.
Some ships with flags of convenience have been found engaging in criminal activity,
offering substandard working conditions, and spewing pollution into the environment
or illegally fishing. As a result, ships flying under these flags are now targeted by
other nations for special enforcement when they make call in one of the host nation's
To avoid duplicity of efforts and target only those ships which are not inspected
There must be a "genuine link" between a vessel and its flag state. Article 5(1) of the
Geneva Convention on the High Seas of 1958, which came into effect in 1962,
requires that "the state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in
administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag.". The principle
was repeated in Article 91 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of
19 82 (UNCLOS), which came into effect in 1994.
At present Mumbai, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin and Mormugao have been notified as
ports of registry and principal officers of Mumbai, Calcutta & Madras and Surveyor
in charge of Cochin and Mormugao have been notified as Registrar of Indian ships.
Procedure to be followed:-
Company should be registered with MMD and DGS by applying on a letter head to
PO, MMD and DGS respectively for ID and Password.
3. Always note in the survey report accurately on whether existing butts are utilized
or new butts established. This becomes very important in assessing future gauging.
4. Avoid use of a replacement insert plate more than about two millimeters or 10%
“t” under or over original thickness in order to minimize stress concentration effect
of abrupt change of section.
5. Whenever plates are cut out for renewal, always check the four edges of
surrounding plating to make sure there is sufficient remaining thickness for proper
6. Small damage areas, say under 450 mm diameter. may satisfactorily be repaired by
use of a circular insert plate, but since a small closed circle of weld is prone to
cracking, the weld should be made alternating from one side lo the other (back-step)
and closely checked for cracks.
7. Adhere to the general rules of plate renewals such as to release seams beyond new
butts before welding the butts, weld internals to renewal plate before welding plate
joints, weld plate butt before the seams, weld seams toward free end, and not welding
seams across an unwelded butt, etc.
9. On steel repair Jobs it is particularly important to check fit-up and back chipping.
UT or Radiograph finished welding if practicable.
10. Where extensive plating renewals are made, extreme care must be taken with the
welding sequence to prevent compressive buckling of the existing plating on the
opposite side of the hull girder, and to minimize hull distortion (and consequent
effect on machinery alignment).
11. Where extensive renewals are made to bottom shell plating in way of machinery,
steps must be taken to insure the maintenance of machinery and shafting alignment.
Afloat alignment checks and gear tooth contact records should be made before and
after repairs
12. Doublers or strength straps should normally not be thicker than the plating on
which they are fitted. Local doublers on side shell, deck or bottom shell are allowed
as a temporary repair only, except as original compensation for openings. Any such
doublers over damage or wastage must be removed before crediting the Special
13. Make certain that replacement plating material and welding electrodes used are
the correct grade or type. If the proper Class Society steel is not available, clear
identification against the mill sheet and possibly confirmatory tests may be required
for equivalent substitutes certified by another society. Change of steel grade or
substitution of welded joints for riveting must have prior to your Office approval.
There are three main stages in determining the remediation of a fracture: inspection
of the fracture, evaluation of the fracture and consideration of repair options.
If the fracture is found during the inspection of the hull, the nature of the fracture and
its location should be noted for evaluation purposes. These details may indicate the
potential cause of the fracture and determine the criticality of the fracture.
At the evaluation phase, based on the information obtained during the inspection, the
following are to be given proper consideration in order to determine the appropriate
fracture repairs to be carried out:
•Potential consequences of a found fracture (or criticality of fracture)
•Causes and nature of fracture
Afterward, the team doing the examination would recommend the action to be taken;
temporary repair or permanent repair. In cases where temporary repair is considered,
the team should take into account the vessel’s intended route and service and identify
any potential risk.
Criticality of Fractures
The method of assigning a criticality class to structural failures within certain
structural members allows one to identify the importance of the member. This
permits the more critical elements to be targeted ensuring that these elements have a
lower probability of failure than less critical elements. The criticality is
normally based on the effect to people, environment and serviceability, each of which
can be affected differently by the different structural failure mechanisms.
The criticality classes “High”, “Medium”, “Low” take into account the intended
purpose of a structural member and its impact to the safety of the vessel, life and
Basel conv. Came after industrial revolution, eg. USA use to dump nuclear waste
near antartica or africa, Africa being a poor country din know what hazards nuclear
waste had, so basel conv talks abt areas where u cant dump em. And countries buying
such waste should have technology to process them. London conv. Follows a reverse
list( came on 24th march 2006), to control all source for marine pollution. If ur waste
in under this list, you need special permit from national authority. Items not
mentioned under reverse list are prohibited for incineration or dumping @ sea
London convention specially 1996 protocol is prohibition of all the waste into Sea not
transboundary except the permitted substances as per annex
3. Measures taken by state to minimize the marine pollution to the full extent in the
territorial, coastal, EEZ, contizuous zone.
Q. Difference between audit and survey
Audit only for paper work. Survey includes condition checking along with related
papers verification
1) Audit always forecasts on past activities and then detect the fault and propose the
corrective action.
6) For example an auditor will check satisfactory repair of pump and will enquire,
find and analyze as to when pump was last inspected, why deficiency not found
before survey etc.
1) Survey focuses on future activities so that equipment continues to function for next
5) Survey of entire system is possible like safety equipment survey, main engine
performance survey etc
6) For example in a survey of fire pump surveyor will check satisfactory repair of
pump and noted deficiency removed.
66) What is difference between IMSBC Code and BLU code looks same
The primary aim of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code,
which replaces the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code), is to
facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by providing
information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of solid bulk
cargoes and instructions on the procedures to be adopted when the shipment of solid
bulk cargoes is contemplated.
The IMSBC Code were applied from 1 January 2009 on a voluntary basis,
anticipating its envisaged official entry into force on 1 January 2011, from which date
it will be mandatory under the provision of the SOLAS Convention.
To keep pace with the expansion and progress of industry, in recent years, the Code
has undergone many changes, including:
Fully updated individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes
New individual schedules for such cargoes as spent cathodes and granulated
tyre rubber
New provisions about sulphur
References to the most recent SOLAS amendments
Updated information from the 2008 edition of the IMDG Code
This publication presents additional information that supplements the IMSBC Code,
such as the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
(BLU Code) and Recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships applicable
to the fumigation of cargo holds.
70) What is the main difference between the EU MRV and the IMO DCS (Data
Collection System for fuel oil consumption of ships)?
1.The EU MRV regulation requires reporting of actual cargo carried, whereas the
IMO DCS only requires reporting of DWT (as cargo proxy). The EU MRV
regulation entered into force on 1 July 2015, while the EU DCS will enter into force
on 1 March 2018.
3. The EU MRV only applies to voyages to, within and from an EU port, while the
IMO DCS will be for all voyages.
4. The EU MRV requires a distinct Monitoring Plan in a special format, while the
IMO DCS requires a Part II of the SEEMP, named Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data
Collection Plan with its own given format.
EU MRV is more stringent as compared to IMO DCS and increasing burden on ship
owner to comply with two reporting mechanisms for same purpose. In mepc70 there
were discussions to go with only one mechanism at a time but EU mrv said that they
will phase out their mechanism if IMO develops and implement a mechanism of
same or above eumrv standards.
Q. ODME working
A step by step guide of how to operate ODME and principle of its operation
These two valve will never be open or close together. If one is open, the other will be
in close position.
Now if ODME need to measure IRD, it surely need values for oil content in PPM
and Flow rate. Speed connection is usually given either from log or GPS.
All these values are fed to the computing unit of the ODME. Computing unit does all
the mathematical calculations to get the required values. Most of the times you will
find the computing unit in Cargo control room. Now lets see how and from where the
computing unit gets these values
Flow rate
ODME computing unit gets the flow rate from flow meter. A small sample line goes
from the main line, pass through the flow meter and goes back to the main line. Flow
meter calculates the flow in m3/Hr and gives this value to the computing unit through
a signal cable.
Measuring PPM
Measuring cell is the component that measures the amount of oil (in ppm) in the
water. Measuring cell is located in a cabinet called “Analysing unit”. Most of the
times you will find “Analysing unit” in the pump room.
The measuring principle relies upon the fact that different liquids have different light
scattering characterstics. Based on the light scattering pattern of oil, measuring cell
determines the oil content.
The sample water is passed through a quartz glass tube. And the oil content is
determined by passing this sample water in different detectors in series.
But to measure PPM in a water sample, a sample from the discharge water need to
pass through the measuring cell. This job is done by a sample pump.
Sample pump draws the sample from the discharge line before the discharge valves.
This sample is sent to the measuring cell (in analysing unit) for measuring the oil
content and then sent back into the same discharge line.
To clean the measuring cell, ODME runs cleaning cycle in pre-defined interval
during its operation. The cleaning cycle involves flushing the cell with fresh water.
If the ODME has provision for detergent injection, the required amount of
detergent will be injected during the cleaning cycle
We need to make sure that the detergent tanks is not empty and we use maker
recommended detergent only.
Now that we are clear on what ODME is made up of and about the components of
ODME, lets see how senior deck officer should operate ODME.
We will wash the tanks and collect the slops in slop tank. But before we can start
pumping out oily water through ODME, we need to allow a minimum of 36 hours
settling time. This settling time ensures that the oil has separated completely from the
We may argue that if our discharge is limited to 30L/NM, then what difference does
it make with settling time ? But the fact is that even when we can use the ODME to
discharge oily water, we must ensure that the oil is minimum in the water.
IMO Convention
An overload test to be made at 110% of the max cont.rating for 1/2 Hrs. It is done
during shop trial test.
III code
The objective of the audit is to determine to what extent Member States are
implementing and enforcing the applicable mandatory IMO instruments. The
mandatory audit of all Member States commenced from 1 January 2016, with the aim
of determining the extent to which they give full and complete effect to their
obligations and responsibilities contained in a number of IMO treaty instruments
An audit will not proceed until a memorandum has been signed and exchanged.
The scope of the audit, consistent with the applicable IMO instruments and the audit
standard, is to be concluded between the Member State and the Secretary-General
and included in a Memorandum of Cooperation. The Memorandum of Cooperation
should outline the responsibilities of IMO and the Member State in all phases of the
1. An audit will not proceed until a Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed
and exchanged between the Member State and the Secretary-General.
2. The Memorandum of Cooperation will confirm, inter alia, that the audit is to be
conducted in accordance with the procedures contained therein.
3. The audit of a Member State should be planned in accordance with an agreed
4. The audit team leader will discuss and agree with the Member State the detailed
audit timetable, within the context of the Framework.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem solving used for identifying the
root causes of faults or problems.
The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound
Recycling of Ships, 2009 (the Hong Kong Convention), was adopted at a diplomatic
conference held in Hong Kong, China, from 11 to 15 May 2009, which was attended
by delegates from 63 countries.
The Convention is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after reaching
the end of their operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risks to human health,
safety and to the environment.
The responsibility for developing a comprehensive SRP rests with the Ship Recycling
Facility, although development of the SRP is a cooperative effort between the Ship
Recycling Facility and the ship owner. The Ship Recycling Facility should have safe
and environmentally sound management of all Hazardous Materials and wastes
generated during recycling, of the skills and capabilities of its workforce and the
availability of local support services, and of the relevant national laws and regulations
that apply to the facility and its activities, including the activities which it is approved
to perform under its DASR(or Document of Authorization to conduct Ship Recycling
The SRP should describe how the Ship Recycling Facility will recycle the specific
ship in a safe and environmentally sound manner, covering the recycling process
steps and their sequence over the entire process. Any processes or procedures that
deviate from the SRFP
and are specific to the ship should be described in detail in the SRP.
Where more than one Ship Recycling Facility is used, SRPs should be prepared
separately, in principle, by each of the Facilities involved, according to their
respective duties and indicate the order in which the activities will occur.
In the case of a tanker, the ship should arrive at the Ship Recycling Facility with
cargo tanks and pump room(s) in a condition that is ready for certification as Safe-
for-entry, or Safe-for-hot work, or both.
Arrival of ship
The SRP should describe the procedures that the Ship Recycling Facility will follow
to conduct a walk-through (on-board check) of the vessel in an effort to identify any
potential environmental or safety issues. The Ship Recycling Facility should verify
whether safe access and egress have been provided for and that the SRP is in place
throughout the ship recycling process.
Dismantling sequence
An important component of the dismantling sequence is the removal of Hazardous
Materials to the maximum extent practicable prior to and during cutting activities.
Depending on a number of factors, including the age of the ship and the quantity of
Hazardous Materials present, it may be impossible to remove all Hazardous Materials
prior to the start of cutting
activities. The SRP should include a dismantling sequence that is ship-specific and
takes into account the cutting operations and locations of Hazardous Materials
Basel Convention
The regulatory regime under the Basel Convention requires that the state of export or
the generator or exporter of the waste must provide advance written notification to
the relevant authorities in the state of export and import, and obtain the necessary
consent(s) before the movement can commence.
As ships destined for dismantling will rarely fly the flag of the state in which they are
to be recycled, this activity can represent a transboundary movement of hazardous
The exact regulatory requirements, however, are dependent upon the national law of
each contracting state party which enacts the principles of the Basel Convention. The
Basel Convention also permits party states to impose additional requirements to those
laid down by the Basel Convention in order to better protect human health and the
environment. As such, it is essential when considering the scrapping or recycling of a
unit/vessel that comprehensive legal advice is obtained in all relevant jurisdictions. It
is also important to bear in mind that the consent process in some jurisdictions can be
long and protracted.
Unlike the Basel Convention, which can place onerous consent requirements on the
exporter/seller of a drilling unit or vessel, the Hong Kong Convention focuses
primarily on environmentally sound recycling. The main requirements under the
Hong Kong Convention are:
Despite the Hong Kong Convention not being in force, the IMO has issued several
guidelines to assist states with the early implementation of the Hong Kong
Convention’s technical standards.
Load density of a cargo tank defines how much cargo we can load in a tank. This depends
upon how strong the tank top is. The load density of a tank is provided by the class during
yard delivery of the ship.
For dry cargo ships the load density of the tank top is given in t/Sq Meter. That is how many
tonnes can be loaded in one square meter of tank top area.
Let us take a simple example. Say load density of tank top of a bul carrier is 12 tonnes/sq
meter. The length of the cargo hold is 30 meters and breadth of the cargo hold is 20 meters.
So how much total cargo we can load in this tank.
Total cargo that can be loaded in this tank = Length x Breath x Load density
So the volume of the cargo that can be loaded in tank will be 7200 x 0.9 m3. That mean we
can load 6480 m3.
We know the length and breadth of the tank, so we can calculate the maximum height to
which this cargo can be loaded.
On tankers, load density is given as to the maximum density of the cargo that can be loaded.
For example, if load density of a tanker ship is given as 1.2 t/m3, it means that we can load
the tank to full if the load density is lesser than or equal to 1.2 t/m3.
Let us say that volume of the tank is 3000 m3. This means that in this tank we can load
maximum 3600 tonnes (3000 x 1.2 tonnes). Now it does not matter which cargo we load,
we can never load more than 3600 tonnes of cargo in this tank.
Now if we have to load a cargo of density 1.4 t/m3, we can load only 2571 m3 (3600/1.4
m3) of this cargo. From the ullage table (or sounding table) we can calculate to what level
we have to load this cargo.
Cargo system operator on board of a tanker should take into account the properties of
pumped liquid cargoes when planning the unloading operation in fuel terminal.
• Density of the pumped liquid cargo has a significant influence on the higher loading
of the cargo pump drive and hydraulic motor characteristics.
• In the case of liquid cargo temperature changes, the cargo system operators on the
boards of tankers should include the corrected value of the density depending on
liquids temperature in the calculation procedure.
In case an intervention by Port State is necessary and vessel is detained due to serious
deficiencies the Administration is required inform the Embassy/Consulate of the Flag
State and Classification Society with which the vessel is classed. In due course this
information along with list of deficiencies is also to be conveyed to the International
Maritime Organization for further action. IMO in turn scrutinizes the Information and
forward the same to the concerned Flag State for removing deficiencies in future. The
report received from the Maritime authorities around the world regarding Indian
vessels are checked by the Maritime Administration of the country and suitable steps
are taken up to improve the overall deficiency of the ship in consultation with the
respective shipping companies
Flag state comes under IMO. Flag state acts as a port state for foreign flag vessel. So
PSC do comes under IMO.
GMDSS was developed through the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and
represents a significant change in the way maritime safety communications are
conducted. While it is mandatory for all ships subject to the International Convention
for the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) (cargo ships 300 gross tons or greater and all
passenger vessels, on international voyages), GMDSS will impact on all radio-
equipped vessels, regardless of size. The global implementation of GMDSS services
became effective on February 1, 1999.
GMDSS was developed to SAVE LIVES by modernizing and enhancing the current
radiocommunications system. By utilizing satellite and digital selective calling
technology, GMDSS provides a more effective distress alerting system. It improves
the current system by:
increasing the probability that an alert will be sent when a vessel is in distress;
increasing the likelihood that the alert will be received;
increasing the ability to locate survivors;
improving rescue communications and coordination; and
providing mariners with vital maritime safety information.
GMDSS Equipment
The traditional marine radio (VHF/MF/HF) has been enhanced with the addition of a
feature known as DSC. This feature enables vessels to automatically maintain the
required watch on distress and calling channels instead of the current aural listening
watch. A DSC receiver will only respond to the vessel's unique Maritime Mobile
Service Identity number (MMSI#), similar to a telephone number, or to an "All
Ships" DSC call within range. Once contact has been made by DSC, follow-up
communications take place by voice on another frequency.
When a ship uses GMDSS, it basically sends a distress signal via a satellite or radio
communication equipment. It’s also used as a medium for sending or receiving
maritime safety information and general communication channel.
GMDSS sea areas
GMDSS sea areas serve two purposes: to describe areas where GMDSS services are
available, and to define what radio equipment GMDSS ships must carry (carriage
requirements). Prior to the GMDSS, the number and type of radio safety equipment
ships had to carry depended upon its tonnage. With GMDSS, the number and type of
radio safety equipment ships have to carry depends upon the GMDSS areas in which
they travel.GMDSS sea areas are classified ito four areas :area1,area2,area3 and area
In the GMDSS framework, there are different Sea Areas to allot the working equipment in the
respective area. They are as follows:
To understand the above table further, following are the ranges with regard to the
frequencies in a specific band:
When the ship enters a dry dock, it must have a positive metacentric height; and is
usually trimmed by stern. The floor of the dry dock is lined with keel blocks, which
are so arranged such that they can bear the weight of the ship. When the ship enters
the dry dock, her centerline is first brought in line with the centerline of the keel
blocks by using a combination of plum lines and Leica theodolite.
The dock gates are then closed and the water is pumped out of the dock in stages.
Since the ship has a trim by stern, the stern of the ship will first sit on the keel blocks.
The rate of pumping out water is reduced as the stern is almost about to touch the
keel blocks. The reason is, it is from this stage of the docking procedure when the
stability of the ship starts getting critical. The interval of time from when the stern
takes the blocks to the moment when the entire ship’s weight is borne by the blocks is
called Critical Period. We will understand the details a little later.
When the stern of the ship takes the blocks, it is fixed to the shores (sides of the
dock). This is carried out from aft to forward so that by the time the entire ship takes
the blocks, it is fixed to the shores. When the ship is completely borne by the blocks,
water is pumped out quickly from the dock.
When the ship’s stern just touches the keel blocks, part of the ship’s weight is being
borne by the keel blocks. The contact between the stern and the keel block creates a
normal reaction or upthrust. The magnitude of this upward normal reaction increases
as the water level in the dry dock reduces. It is this upthrust that creates a virtual
reduction in the metacentric height of the ship. Hence it is very crucial to maintain
sufficient positive metacentric height before docking, lacking which, the ship may
heel over to either side, or even slip off the keel blocks and capsize.
What we have now, are three vertical parallel forces acting on the ship:
The upthrust force (P) can be considered to have an effect similar to that of removal
of a weight from the ship. This has the virtual effect of rising the center of gravity of
the ship from the point ‘G’ to ‘G1’. The metacentric height therefore reduces from
GM to G1M, as shown in the diagram below:
The virtual reduction in metacentric height at any stage of the docking process can be
calculated by the following expression:
This calculation must be carried out for the condition when the ship has just touched
the keel blocks throughout its length. It is at this point that the keel block upthrust is
maximum, and the risk of tipping over or slipping from keel blocks is most likely if
the metacentric height is too low or negative.
Q. Letter of Credit
A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller
will be received on time and for the correct amount. In the event that the buyer is
unable to make payment on the purchase, the bank will be required to cover the full
or remaining amount of the purchase. Due to the nature of international dealings,
including factors such as distance, differing laws in each country, and difficulty in
knowing each party personally, the use of letters of credit has become a very
important aspect of international trade.
6.For containerships, 70 per cent of the deadweight (70% DWT) is used as capacity
for calculating the estimated index value for each containership as follows
For all ship types to which these guidelines apply, parameters "a" and "c" are
determined from a regression analysis undertaken by plotting the
calculated estimated index values against 100 per cent deadweight (100% DWT).
• “If the design of a ship allows it to fall into more than one of the above ship type
definitions, the required EEDI for the ship shall be the most stringent (the lowest)
required EEDI”.
• “For each ship to which this regulation applies, the installed propulsion power shall
not be less than the propulsion power needed to maintain the maneuverability of the
ship under adverse conditions as defined in the guidelines to be developed by the
• “At the beginning of Phase 1 and at the midpoint of Phase 2, the IMO shall review
the status of technological developments and, if proven necessary, amend the time
periods, the EEDI reference line parameters for relevant ship types and reduction
rates set out in this regulation”
Ship plans
The following plans and drawings are required to be submitted to the shipyard for
their use to enable the ship to be dry docked safely. To be submitted before ship
enters dry dock
(1) G.A. plan
(2) Docking plan
(3) Capacity plan with Dwt and displacement /draft scale. After ship has docked.
(4) Shell Expansion
(5) Mid-ship Section For structural repairs as ordered.
(6) Detailed location plans of areas where repairs and renewals are required. For
propeller shaft withdrawal and survey if ordered.
(7) Assembly drawing of propeller shaft ,propeller and stern tube.
- all the deck in superstructure and engine room is shown with division of
compartment and its names.
- all the tank arrangement in ER like where is MGO tank, FW tank, ME lo sump tank,
bilge tank etc.
-shows location steering gear, emergency fire pump space, 1st deck of er, bottom
platform etc
- on deck different crane, manhole of cargo tank, location of cargo tank and ballast.
- frame space of cargo tank, actually frame space of entire ship tank.
- ship particulars
- it has a the table showing ship deadweight, displacement, tpc, at various ship draft.
- it shows loadline mark of ship with mutiple loadline if alloted to ship. At each
loadline marking what is ship draft, deadweight and displacement.
- capacity of all cargo tank, ballast tank, fresh water tank, fuel oil tank, lube oil tank
and other miscellaneous with frame space number.
- location of cargo tank and ballast tank. layout of engine room with tank location.
with frame number
- ship particulars
- accommodation space various fan flap location. same for engine room and cargo
- the fire men outfit boxlocation and what all its content with quantity.
- location of fire fighting appliance with quantity like foam system, portable
extinguisher, international shore coupling, foam monitor, fire blanket, fire control
plan, fire hose, foam applicator, fire men box, air compressor for breathing
compressor,co2 release control station, eebd etc.
- location of fire detector with type, local call point, control panel.
- ship particulars
- life saving equipment location like muster station, muster list , sart, epirb, vhf, Line
throwing appliance, rocket, hand flares, training manual, medical locker, life jacket,
life buoy, immersion suit, life raft, life boat,
- the location of vent on deck with coaming height, vent height, frame no. amd type
of vent.
- steel door location deck weather or water tight, with frame number.
- ship particular
- action to be taken in case damage to ship like reduce speed, check sounding
- ship particulars
Damage Criteria
1) Criteria Type 1 (FLOODING)
2) Criteria Type 2 (MAX HEEL)- 30 deg
3) Criteria Type 3 (MAXGZ)
- ship particulars
- explain of ballast water management plan like purpose, usage, crew training, port
state requirements
- ballast water tank, its line, pump capacity
- safety consideration like hazards in sequential method, condition under which
ballast water exchange shouldn't be carried out.
- duties of ballast water management officer.
- control and disposal of sediment
- ballast water reporting form.
- crew training
- ballast water exchange procedure
- ballast water record book, BWTS
9) Docking plan
- list of bottom plugs with location and type
- docking weight
- min no. of blocks
-no. of block at side and keel
- painting scheme of hull
- ship particulars
- low and high sea chest location
- bilge keel details
- ship hull stiffener specification at side, inner hull and inner bottom
- hexagon bottom plug is for oil tank and square is for ballast and void tank.
Q. Engine derating
vsl engine and propeller are optimised for operational and max speed but if
operational speed is less than optimised speed than for beneficial derating is
considered. it is techno commercial concept done at a time when shipping industry
was in bad shape
Engine de-rating
The main engines of almost all existing vessels are both designed and optimized for
one specific vessel speed and engine load. The introduction of slow steaming in many
ship segments has drastically lowered the actual transit speed from design levels, thus
leaving the vessel and its engines operating at none-optimized load levels. De-rating
the engine offers the possibility to lower the vessel’s maximum speed, specified
maximum continuous rating (MCR), and thereby optimize actual load point with
design load point. This results in higher efficiency with reduced specific fuel oil
consumption (SFOC) at the new optimum design point.
This measure is suitable for all ship types and ages where a top speed reduction of
10% to 15% can be expected, and the principle of de-rating an engine for vessels is
equally important for when in operation as for choosing the engine type and propeller
design for new ships.
installing shims between the crosshead and piston rod to reduce stroke length
cutting out one or several turbochargers, either with permanent or flexible
cutting out/deactivating cylinders
various tuning methods/settings of the engine, incl. slow steaming kits (also for
The main principle behind the fuel saving benefits from de-rating an engine is
derived from maximizing the engine’s maximum cylinder pressure (Pmax) ratio to
their cylinders’ mean effective pressure (MEP). A de-rated engine can also be further
tuned to optimize the efficiency at the lower operating points. This may be
complemented by reduction in cooling capacity of auxiliary systems, or by installing
variable frequency drives on pumps, etc.
De-rating an engine will have an impact on the turbochargers and the engine’s NOx-
emissions, and requires an evaluation by engine makers and regulatory bodies. New
torsional vibration assessments are also typically needed for engine de-rating studies.
Some de-rating measures, especially for mechanically controlled engines, may
require additional NOx reduction measures that increase the SFOC.
De-rating the engine also opens up for a beneficial propeller exchange, as optimizing
the propeller characteristics for better performance at lower engine speeds can
shorten the payback time of the de-rating. This however typically also increases the
project’s capital investment substantially.
It is possible to achieve a reduced RPM with the same power output for certain load
ranges when de-rating, enabling a larger and slower propeller, which typically
increases the propulsion efficiency.
De-rating is usually performed during docking and is expected to take approx. 7 to 10
days in dock, dependent on de-rating option. Main challenges are machining of liner
and delivery of necessary equipment in time for docking.
Before de-rating it is normal that either makers or other consultancy firms perform
engine specific studies to evaluate the potential for de-rating, and the most optimal
point, including new turbocharger matching, torsional vibration calculation, and a
new propeller design performance evaluation.
Cost of implementation
For reference, turbocharger cut out with permanent blinds represents the lower end of
the cost implementation scale, while de-rating via more complex and universal
measures is estimated at around $1,000,000 (USD) for 5 to 7 cylinder engines. For
the largest engines around $2,000,000 (USD) is estimated, and taking into account
fitting of a new propeller the high end of the cost scale is reached, i.e. $3,000,000
Reduction potential
Vessels designed around 2008 were designed for high service speeds. Many of these
vessels are now becoming increasingly uneconomical in today’s slow-
steaming market. Derating offers the possibility of changing the specified maximum
continuous rating
Reduced SFOC at all loads
New refurbished turbocharger
Reduced power consumption (propeller exchanged).
Derating is the procedure of changing the rating (power and speed) of an engine.
Choosing the optimum engine rating (or layout) is today, as standard, performed on
newbuildings in order to ensure that the required vessel speed is reached by an
combination of propeller and engine layout. In retro-fit applications, derating is
offered to ensure that the engine rating (layout) is changed to meet the current ship
speeds in today’s slow steaming market. Changing the SMCR of an already built
engine (derating) permanently changes the performance of the engine by limiting
the power output and thereby the vessel’s
maximum speed.
Engine modifications
Derating will involve changing/modifying the below main engine components:
Fuel and exhaust cam positions (timing) & size
Fuel atomisers
Fuel valves (slide fuel valves must be installed)
Shim’s height between x-head and piston rod
Wave cut of cylinder liner (removal of wear edge)
Re-matching turbocharger(s)
New technical file
NOX measurements on
Q. Derating of boiler?
1. Safety valve to change bcoz of specific volume will increase at lower pressure.
2. Outlet pipe from safety valve to be changed to handle more volume steam.