Evaluation of Corrosive Degradation in Coated Steel Using Alternating Current Impedance Spectros
Evaluation of Corrosive Degradation in Coated Steel Using Alternating Current Impedance Spectros
Evaluation of Corrosive Degradation in Coated Steel Using Alternating Current Impedance Spectros
Alternating current (AC) impedance spectroscopy was Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has
applied to measure the degradation of steel coatings been used widely and successfully to study the
previously exposed to corrosive solutions such as tap behavior of coated metals immersed in electrolyte
water and 3% sodium chloride (NaCl). The method used solutions.1-6 Simpson, et al., utilized an atmospheric
was simple and quick and did not utilize electrochemical
electrochemical monitor that used EIS to detect paint
(potentiostatic) control. Previously immersed specimens of
three types of coated steel were sandwiched between degradation in the atmosphere.7 EIS can determine a
metallic foil electrodes and connected to the impedance number of fundamental parameters related to the
measurement instrumentation. Typical Nyquist and Bode electrochemical kinetics of coating degradation from
plots were obtained showing progressive losses in coating water and ion absorption.8 Conventional EIS methods
resistance with exposure time. The advantage of the use a frequency response analyzer, an electrochemi-
method was that immersion in the electrolyte solution was cal interface (potentiostat), and a computer controller.
not necessary during measurements for atmospherically In the present work, a simplified method referred
exposed coatings, as required in electrochemical to as alternating current (AC) impedance spectros-
impedance spectroscopy (EIS). As a result, weathered and
copy was used to evaluate the degradation of coated
otherwise degraded coatings in previous atmospheric
exposures could be evaluated without the additional effects steel that previously had been subjected to a corro-
present during electrolyte immersion in EIS. The method sive environment. In this method, test samples of
successfully discriminated between low- and intermediate- coated steel were sandwiched between copper (Cu)
resistance alkyd and high-resistance epoxy coatings. foil electrodes and connected directly to a dynamic
signal analyzer (DSA) controlled by a computer
KEY WORDS: alkyd coatings, alternating current,
workstation. No potentiostat was necessary.
atmospheric corrosion, coatings, degradation, epoxy
coatings, impedance, resistance, sodium chloride, steels Three types of coatings were evaluated. The first
was a high-resistance, epoxy-based coating. The
second was an intermediate-resistance, low-solids,
Submitted for publication January 1994; in revised form, July 1994. alkyd-based coating. The third was a low-resistance,
* Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV,
89557. Present address: Cermetek, Sunnyvale, CA. high-solids, alkyd-based coating. Nyquist and Bode
** Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, plots obtained for these coated samples under
*** Department of Chemical/Metallurgical Engineering, ENGR 170,
various immersion conditions were analyzed to obtain
University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 89557. equivalent circuit representations of the electrical
CORROSION–Vol. 51, No. 2 NACE International 97
Vin – Vout
i= (1)
Trade name. Rst
Z= (2)
FIGURE 6. Nyquist plots for the specimen coated with a primer FIGURE 7. Bode magnitude plots for the specimen coated with
of high-solids alkyd immersed in tap water. a primer of high-solids alkyd immersed in tap water.
FIGURE 10. Nyquist plots for the specimen coated with a FIGURE 11. Bode magnitude plots for the specimen coated
primer of low-solids alkyd immersed in tap water. with a primer of low-solids alkyd immersed in tap water.
FIGURE 12. Nyquist plots for the specimen coated with a FIGURE 13. Bode magnitude plots for the specimen coated
primer of low-solids alkyd immersed in 3% NaCl. with a primer of low-solids alkyd immersed in 3% NaCl.
Rc and Visual Observations of the Coating Surface(A)
Immersion Time Rc Coating
Sample Solution (days) (kΩ) Surface
Rc = 1 MΩ for all the as-received samples.
Coating film peeled off the steel surface. No measurements could be made.
Rg Values for the Specimen
Coated with the Primer of High-Solids Alkyd
Immersion Time Rg (kΩ) Rg (kΩ)
(days) in 3% NaCl in Tap Water
5 9.3 6.1
10 7.8 5.4
20 2.3
Coating film peeled off the steel surface. No measurements could
be made.
FIGURE 17. Nyquist plots for the specimen coated with epoxy FIGURE 18. Bode magnitude plots for the specimen coated
primer immersed in tap water (long-term immersion). with epoxy primer immersed in tap water (long-term immersion).
FIGURE 19. Nyquist plots for the specimen coated with epoxy FIGURE 20. Bode magnitude plots for the specimen coated
primer immersed in 3% NaCl (long-term immersion). with epoxy primer immersed in 3% NaCl (long-term immersion).