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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

ISSN: 2203-4714
Vol. 7 No. 6; December 2016
Flourishing Creativity & Literacy
Australian International Academic Centre, Australia

A Comparative Study of Cross-cultural Gratitude Strategies

among Hausa, the Case of Arab and Chinese Students
Hassan Isyaku (Corresponding Author)
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: Hassan.isyaku@yahoo.com

Ma Yuepeng
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: amandacai0329@gmail.com

Qusay Mahdi
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: lm3qusay@gmail.com

Gassan Sarhan
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: ghasaansarhan@yahoo.com

Nahid Salih
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: abdokoubas@gmail.com

Shamala Paramasivan
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia
E-mail: shamala@upm.edu.my

Doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.7n.6p.137 Received: 11/08/2016

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.7n.6p.137 Accepted: 25/10/2016

The research investigated the thanking/gratitude strategies of three distinct cultures; Hausa, Chinese and Arabic
languages with the aim of finding out the different strategies used by them and how different they are in their use of
such strategies. The study employs Cheng (2005) Taxonomy of gratitude strategies in analyzing the data which was
obtained from 15 participants among the Hausa, Chinese and Arabic students in UPM through the use of DCT
(discourse completion Task) which were translated by the researchers into the three languages respectively before
retranslated in to English language for analysis. The findings show a significant relationship in the use of “Simple
Thanking strategy” among the three cultures as this strategy is utilized in 71.60% of the responses in the Hausa
version of the DCT, 62% of the Arabian responses in the Arabic version of their DCT and 63.75% of the responses in
the Chinese version of the DCT and were all found to be in the “thanking alone and thanking followed by the favor
strategies” consistently. While the least used strategy is the “recognition of imposition” which was only realized by
Arabian students and none was found among the Hausa and the Chinese students.
Keywords: Cross-cultural, gratitude, discourse completion task, taxonomy
1. Introduction
According to Crystal (1999) “Pragmatics is the study of language from the point of view of the
user especially of the choices they make, the constraint they encounter in using language in social interaction and the
effects of their use of language on other participants in the act of communication” As an aspect of Pragmatics, speech
acts can be seen as one of the most fundamental in the study of pragmatics and discourse analysis in general. For that
fact, Searle (1976) see it as “a basic unit of discourse analysis” just like the sentences and other linguistic units are to
the grammar. Austin (1962) defines speech act “as actions performed by saying something”.
Man in his desire to express himself in the real world does not merely make utterances with any grammatical or lexical
functions but also makes some acts through the utterances. E.g. the act of saying:
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 138
“thank you, apologizing refusing or complaining” According to Bodman and Eisenstien (1988), the strategies of
saying “thank you” is not onlydifficult to the second language users of the language but also to the native speakers
with eachemploying his/ her peculiar strategies when saying “thank you” depending on the situation.
This study will examine and compare the thanking strategies used by the Hausa, Chinese and
Arabian students in UPM. The data for the study is going to be collected using DCT (discourse
completion Task) which the students will complete. In order to compare the participants’ “thanking strategies”, the
participants will complete the same version of DCT questionnaire adopted from Bodman and Eisenstein (1988) which
will be translated into the different languages of the participants and later in to English for the analysis.
There have been quite a number of weaknesses in relation to the use of the DCT and one among
which is that, the data obtained from DCT is unnatural and it does not capture the true responsive situation of the
participants. As far as the study is concern, the use of DCT is considered as most suitable as it simplifies the task of the
researchers (The task of observing the natural occurrences of such strategies in a natural situation) and also it saves
time and cost. Therefore, the data elicited from such way will be consistent with the naturally occurring data in most
aspects or situations.
1.1 Research Objectives
The aims of the study are:
1. To investigate and analyze the thanking/gratitude strategies used by Nigerian, Chinese and Iraqi students in
2. To examine if Nigerians, Chinese and Arabians differ in expressing gratitude to people of different ages.
1.2 Research Questions
1. What are the common thanking/gratitude expressions used by Nigerian, Chinese and Iraqi male and female
2. How do Nigerian, Chinese and Iraqi speakers differ in expressing thanks/gratitude to their age-peers, old men
and young subordinates?
2. Methodology
2.1 Participants
This research will use 15 participants 5 from Hausa (a Nigerian tribe considered the most populous in the country and
here in UPM), 5 from Chinese (from china and not Malaysian Chinese but living in Malaysia) and 5 from Iraqis (who
are also living in Malaysia) Their ages can range from 18-60 because our study will see whether age is a determining
factor in using some thanking strategies. (Among the 5 participants for each language, 3 males and 2 females will be
employed with each participant given a number identification).
2.2 Instrument of data collection
This research will use DCT (discourse completion test) which the participants will be asked to complete some open
ended questionnaires which will be adopted from a modified version of DCT designed by Eisenstein and Bodman
(1993) the questionnaires will be translated in to the three languages in question into Hausa, Chinese and Arabic
before issuing to the participants. The reason for the translation is to get an objective data that is unaffected by the
second language influence. The questionnaire will be modified to contain sixteen separate question-paragraphs
describing various situations that are close to reality. The participants will be asked to give their responses for each
situation described in the blank space that is going to be provided to them after every scenario question. These sixteen
scenarios varied on the contextual factors of interlocutor’s familiarity, social status, gender and age. After the data is
collected, the data will be translated back to English for the analysis.
2.3 Data Analysis
This study will adopt Cheng’s (2005) strategies of thanking and gratitude. After the data is collected, it will be
identified, interpreted and explained based on the 8 thanking/ gratitude taxonomies adopted from Cheng (2005). The
data will further be analyzed using descriptive statistics for a frequency count.
2.4 Sampling
Quota sampling technique will be adopted in selecting the population for the study. This sampling technique suggests
that only a portion of the population that fulfills certain requirements or features will be selected to serve as the
representative of the whole larger population (Black 1999) in this study, the researchers intend to use the postgraduate/
undergraduate students of University Putra Malaysia for sourcing the data.
3. The Context of the Study
In order to place the work in its relevant context, the researchers adopted Hyme’s SPEAKING model which according
to Inayah (2009) can be applied to different types of discourses. Hymes categorizes the sixteen components of different
types of discursive contexts into an Acronym of S P E A K I N G which include: message form, message content,
setting, scene, speaker/ sender, addresser, hearer, receiver, audience, addressee, purpose (outcomes), purpose goals,
(key channels) form of speech, norms of interaction, norms of interpretation and genre.
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Analysis of the Written DCT and The Study
3.1 Setting
The setting or scene according to Hymes (1971) is the time, place and psychological setting of a conversation. The time
when the study was conducted was during the period of one week, but the application of the DCT to the participants and
the collection of it by the researchers were in a period of one day. For the place setting, the study was conducted in a
laboratory situation, where the participants were given the DCT questionnaires to respond in convenient places such as
the library and the graduate students study room which are all within the larger setting of the University and Malaysia.
Psychologically, the participants assume themselves as the major agents of different situations within the DCT and as
such, they find themselves in the houses, on the bus, or in a shopping store etc.
3.2 Participants
The participants here include both the researchers and the respondents or listeners. Five researchers took part in the
present study, among them are: one Nigerian, a Chinese, and three Arabians. On the other hand, 15 participants are
chosen from the three languages of the participants to take part in the study.
3.3 Ends
The ends which are purposes or the desired expected outcomes of the study are: To analyze the thanking strategies used
by Nigerian, Chinese and Arabian Students and to also compare if they differ in expressing gratitude to their male and
female counterparts. Or to the interlocutors of different ages (e.g. the Old and the young)
3.4 Act
The act here is the form and order of the event. First, the participants were issued with a 3-page DCT in their native
languages. The DCT includes the instruction, background information and paragraphs of 16 situational questions
which require the participants to place themselves in the different situations and answer the questions. The respondents
were given enough time to fill in their responses. In that process, they made use of many illocutionary speech acts of
gratitude/ thanking and locutionary acts which are the statements they used. And as the DCT prompts the participants
to write their own responses, the perlocutionary act was also used.
3.5 Key
It is the overall manner of speech, the mood or the spirit of the discourse according to Hymes (1971). The discourse
that prompted the participant’s responses was in some way semi-formal and neither in a serious mood or spirit nor in
jocular spirit. It gives them a “light and open feeling” by placing the participants in everyday normal situation.
3.6 Instrument
It is the form and style of the speech. The form and style of this discourse is “written and face-to face” as the
researchers were there to assist the participants. Therefore, the written Hausa, Arabic and Chinese DCTs are the main
instruments available.
3.7 Norm
The rule governing this study was for the respondents to read each situation and place themselves in each situation
which will afterwards warrant them to answer some questions using gratitude strategies they deemed fit for the
situation. Similarly, the researchers did not lead or give the responses to their participants and so they maintain the rule
of only talking when asked to do so by the respondents.
3.8 Genre
Because the research is a cross-cultural pragmatic study, the genre used was predominantly a written informal
traditional genre of gratitude among different cultures which according to Hymes (1971) is transcribed or written in
different genre. Generally, it belongs to the genre of pragmatic tests (Testing).
4. Data Analysis
4.1 Framework of Data Analysis
Table 1. Theoretical framework [Cheng’s (2005) taxonomy for 8 strategies of expressing gratitude]
1) Thanking A. simple thanking by only using the word "thank you"
B. thanking by stating the favor (thank you for your
help, and thank you for your notice exemplify this sub-
C. thanking and mentioning the imposition caused by the
favor (Thank you for helping me cleaning the room)
2) Appreciation A. using the word "appreciate" (e.g. I appreciate it!)
B. using the word "appreciate" and mentioning the
imposition caused by the favor (e.g. I appreciate the
time you spent for me)
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 140
3) Repayment A. offering services, food… (next time is my turn)
B. feeling indebted (I owe you one)
C. promising future self-improvement (it won't happen
4) Recognition of imposition
4) Recognition of imposition A. by acknowledging the imposition (exemplified by
statements such as I know you are not allowed to give
me extra time)
B. stating or diminishing the need for the favor (you
shouldn’t do that)
5) Apology A using the apologizer words (I am sorry)
B. using apology by stating the favor (I am sorry for the
problem I made)
C. expressing embarrassment (I feel embarrassed)
D. criticizing oneself (I am such a fool…)
6) Positive feeling A. expressing positive reaction to a person (You are a
life saver)
B. expressing positive feeling to action (such as This
book was really helpful)
7) Other Expressions that do not belong to the above strategies
are categorized as other Strategies. There are four
subcategories under the other strategy:
A. here statement (e.g. Here you are!)
B. small talk (e.g. Your face is very familiar to me but I
can’t remember where I saw you. What do you study?)
C. leave-taking (e.g. Have a nice day!)
D. joking (e.g. Don’t forget to pay again next time)
8) Attention getter In the thanking situations, attention getter and address
term are likely to occur in the same utterance. The
alerters include:
A. Attention getter (e.g. Hey, Hi, Well)
B. Title (e.g. Dr., Professor! Sir!)
C. Name (e.g. John, Mary)

5. The Thanking strategies Among Hausa Students of UPM

5.1 Thanking Alone
Thanking Alone
28 responses made by the participants portray “thanking alone” strategy. They use “thank you” alone in situations
where the favor done is very little and usual.
E.g. Nagode Thank you
Thanking by stating the favor done/ Moral attachment
90% of the Hausa speakers are predominantly Muslims. Out of the 30 responses of the participants using this strategy,
17 tend to attach strong moral religious values after saying thank you. E.g.
Nagode, Allah ya saka da alkhairi Thank you, may god shower on you his blessings.
While 13 responses were made stating the favour done after the use of “Thank You”
e.g. Nagode dayimin taimakonnan Thank you for helping me.
5.2 Appreciation
Using the word appreciate alone
None of the participants used the word “I appreciate alone”, and this is because according to the culture, it sounds
impolite and ungrateful to the other party.
Using the word "appreciate" and mentioning the imposition caused by the favor
Nayi murna kwarai, dajin haka kuma nagode I really appreciate for hearing this and thank you
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Feeling Indebted
Only 1 participant made use of this thanking strategy in his response. Only participant No. 3 made use of this strategy
when he was offered a loan of $500 by his friend. E.g.
Nagode, zan biyaka da izinin ubangiji Thank you, I will pay you by Allah’s will
Promising Future Self-improvement
Here, only participant No.3 made use of future self-improvement when being added salary. E.g.
Naji dadi kwarai, zan kara zage damtse I appreciate it, I will add more effort.
5.4 Recognition Oof Imposition
None of the respondents used this strategy.
5.5 Apology
Using Apology by stating the Favor
Only participant no.1 made use of this strategy in one response and this is because Hausa culture doesn’t use apology so
often where a favor is made. E.g
Nagode, kayi hakuri da wannan wahalar dana sakaka aciki Thank you, I am sorry for putting you through this.
Expressing Embarrassment
Participant no.2 decided not to say thank you to the elderly driver as he said:
He was embarrassed for showing his impatience (naji kunyane na nuna rashin hakuri na)
5.6 Positive Feelings
Expressing Positive Feeling
Participant no. 3 and no. 2 made use of this strategy in their five responses towards the favor done to them. E.g
Da kyau, aikinka yayi kyau kwarai that’s good, your work is awesome
5.7 Others
Leave taking
Among the strategies for expressing “thank you” here, only the Leave taking strategies are used by participant no 2.
And no.4 in 3 responses, this according to the Hausa culture shows that the participants are not attached personally to
the interlocutors. e.g., in the shopping stores, when he was about to leave, participant no. 2 said this to the salesman.
E.g. sai anjima later
5.8 Attention Getter
5 responses by three participants used five exclamatory attention getters. Participant no. 2, after returning from work
and finding the house clean made use of an attention getter. E.g
Kai! Abu yayi kyau, Allah yasaka Wow! Everything looks good, may god bless.

Table 2. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among Hausa students
Strategy Number percentage
Thanking 58 71.60%
Appreciation 6 7.41%
Repayment 2 2.47%
Apology 2 2.47%
positive feeling 5 6.17%
Attention getter 5 6.17%
Other 3 3.70%
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 142

Chart 1. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the Hausa participants
5.9 Conclusion
From the table above, one can fathom that the most used gratitude strategy is the “thanking strategy” with 71% of the
participant’s responses including it, followed by Appreciation which is close to saying “thank you” in Hausa with
7.41%. The next most used strategy according to the data is “Expressing positive feeling” with 6.17% next after that is
the use of “attention getters” within another structure with 6.17%. Finally, “repayment” and “Apology” strategy for
gratitude are the least used strategies among the Hausa Graduate students of UPM with only 2.47% each.
6. The Thanking Strategies among Arabian Students of UPM
6.1 Thanking Strategy
a) Thanking alone
Since “thanking alone” strategy comprises utterances made up of thanking words such as ‘thank you’ or ‘thanks’. There
were 32 that were made using thanking alone strategy among the participants.
E.g. ‘Shukran’ thank you
b) Thanking by stating the favor done
Out of (50) thanking responses. 18 responses have been utilized to display thanking and stating the Favor as a strategy
to express gratitude.
E.g. Shukran li ahtimamk, ant falan sadiq wafi
Thanks for your interest; you are absolutely a best friend.
6.2 Appreciation
a) Using the word “appreciate alone”
Only one of the participants used this strategy, since using the word appreciate alone doesn’t bear a heavy gratitude in
its meaning.
E.g. Ana oqder laka ha`a I appreciate it
b) Using the word "appreciate" and mentioning the imposition caused by the favor
Four participants in their responses employed the word "appreciate" and mentioning the imposition caused by the favor.
This reveals to what extend that the people used to utilize such expressions among them.
E.g. Ana uqader hatha, hatha lotf mink, atmnh lak al najah aldaeem fi hayatok.
Appreciate it. That is so nice of you, I wish you all success in your life.
6.3 Repayment
a) Offering or promising service
Participants no. 5 and no. 1 have used this strategy in their responses towards the favor of Offering or promising
E.g. Ana aml an yakun dawri fi al mara al qadima, ba al faal ant tamtalk qalb kabeer.
I hope to turn it back to you at a nearest time. You absolutely have a good heart.
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6.4 Recognition Of Imposition
a) Acknowledging the imposition
Only one participant “acknowledged the imposition” in his response to the action which expresses a kind of modesty I
a given situation
E.g. ana uaked lak ina telka al ziyada fi ratbi stjaaalni akther mthabra.
I admit this increase in my salary will push me to be more persistent.
6.5 Apology
Using Apology by stating the Favor
This strategy was used by only one participant, although this strategy has a broader use in Arabic conversation. It could
be attributed to the type of questions that is included in the DCT which elicits an apology strategy.
E.g. lakad ahsant al ammal, ana jidaa usef li adm musaadatak.
You did a great job and I am sorry for not helping you.
6.6 Positive Feelings
Expressing Positive Feeling
Five Arab respondents made use of this strategy in framing 19 responses over the total no of 80 responses.
E.g. inaka tamaal besorah jayadah, hafeth ala thalek.
You are doing a great job, thank you my friend.
6.7 Others
None of the participants used this strategy.
6.8 Attention Getter
a) Attention getter
Only in two situations that two responses out of all responses demonstrated the use of “attention getter”.
E.g. ma asedek saraha areed ahethnak alaa ali sawetah.
Wow! I really want to hug you for what you did, thank you so much.
Table 3. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the Arabian participants
Strategy Number Percentage
Thanking 50 62.50%
Appreciation 5 6.25%
Repayment 2 2.50%
Recognition of imposition 1 1.25%
apology 1 1.25%
positive feeling 19 23.75%
Attention getter 2 2.50%

Chart 2. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the Arabian participants
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 144
6.9 Conclusion
Figure and Table illustrate that the thanking strategy with (62.50%) is the most frequently used strategy. The second
most commonly used strategy by the Arab participants was positive feeling with (23.75%). Appreciation takes the third
most frequently used strategy with the percentage of (6.25%). The fourth most frequently used strategy with (2.50%) is
Attention getter. Finally, Arab speakers use of Repayment strategy is only (2.50%), and Apology together with
Recognition of imposition with only (1.25%) consistently.
7. The Thanking strategies Among Chinese speakers
7.1 Thanking Alone
Thanking Alone
17 responses were found to include “thanking alone” strategy. They use of “thank you” alone is usually made based
on the Chinese culture in situations where the favor done is very little and when they received messages from a
common friend.
E.g. 谢谢你。 (Thank you in Chinese)
Thanking by stating the favor done/ Moral attachment
51 responses were made to include the favour done to the participants after the use of “Thank You”. This tend to show
the degree and extent to which they show how grateful they are. This usually comes before or after saying “Thank you”
E.g. 非常谢谢你,我真的很喜欢这个礼物。 (Thank you very much, i really like this present)
7.2 Appreciation
Using the word appreciate alone
None of the participants used the word “I appreciate alone”, and this is because Chinese people do not have the habit to
use the word I appreciate alone.
Using the word "appreciate" and mentioning the imposition caused by the favor
6 participants made use of this strategy in their 6 responses. This shows the respect to the other person.
E.g. 非常感谢你,你真的是帮了我大忙了。(I really appreciate it. You really helped me.)
7.3 Repayment
There are 17 responses that made use of repayment strategy. Among them, only 10 responses used repayment strategy
to show “offering service”.
E.g. 谢谢你,下次我请你吃饭。(Thank you . Next time is my turn to pay for dinner.)
The rest of 7 responses are “Promising Future Self-improvement” by using repayment strategy.
E.g. 谢谢你,我下次会做的很好。(Thank you. I will do even better next time. )
7.4 Recognition of Imposition
None of the respondents used this strategy.
Using Apology by stating the Favor
Only participant no.5 made use of this strategy for once in responding to getting off the car.
对不起,我想在这里下车。(Am sorry! I want to alight here.)
Expressing Embarrassment
Only Participant no.3 used the apology strategy instead of “thank you” to decrease embarrassment between him and
his friend.
唉呀!不是说好了我做这部分家务的吗?真的是麻烦你了。(Aya! I wanted to do that; u should have let me do the
housework at this time. It is really nice of you to help me. )
Expressing Positive Feeling
Only Participant no.3 used this strategy for one time.
啊真是太感谢你了,帮了我个大忙。(A!I really thank you. You really helped me a lot.)
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7.7 Others
Small talk
Only Participant no.3 using this strategy also for one time.
天呢,你怎么会知道我想要这件毛衣,你真的是太了解我了。(Oh My God. How do you know that i want this
blue sweater? You really know me. )
7.8 Attention Getter
None of the respondents used this strategy.
Table 4. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the Arabian participants
Strategy Number Percentage
Thanking 51 63.75%
Appreciation 6 7.5%
Repayment 17 21.25%
Recognition of imposition 0 0%
apology 1 1.25%
positive feeling 1 1.25%
Other Small talk 1 1.25%
Attention getter 0 0%

Chart 3. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the Chinese participants
7.9 Conclusion
From the information above, we can conclude that the mostly used gratitude strategy is “thanking strategy” with
63.75%, followed by Repayment strategy with 21.25%. The next is “appreciation” strategy with 7.5% which we can
see all from the chart above. Among all the strategies, “apology”, “positive feeling”, and “other” (small talk) are all
realized with only 1.25%. Finally, both “recognition of imposition” and “attention getter” have 0%.
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 146
8. Findings and Conclusion

Chart 4. Frequency and percentage of overall strategy use among the three Language

It can be fathomed according to the findings that, there is a strong relationship between the three cultures (Hausa,
Chinese and Arabic) in their use of “Simple Thanking” strategy as 71.60% of the responses in the Hausa version of the
DCT, 62% of the Arabian responses in the Arabic version of their DCT and 63.75% of the responses in the Chinese
version of the DCT among the participants in UPM all were found to be in the “thanking alone and thanking followed
by the favor strategies” consistently. This finding is in conformity with that of Fariba and Sanaz (2014) whose research
in the use of thanking strategies among the Iranians shows 80% of their intermediate subjects using “simple thanking”
strategy in their English sample of their DCT.
For “Appreciation strategy”, 7.41% responses among the Hausa participants, 6.25% responses among the Arabians
and 7.5% responses among the Chinese respondents have been made using “appreciation” strategy. This shows that in
the use of appreciation strategy, there is no any significant difference between the three cultures.
However, in the use of “Repayment strategy”, a significant difference was seen between the responses of the Chinese
participants which was 21.25% and the other two cultures who only recorded 2.47% for Hausa and 2.50% for Arabic
participants which made the researchers to conclude that there is a significant relation between the Hausa and Arabic
cultures in their use of “repayment strategy”.
Only 2.47% responses use “apology strategy” for Hausa, 1.25% among the Arabian and the Chinese responses
consistently. This indicates that there is also a strong correlation among the two cultures in the use of “apology
There wasn’t any use of “recognition of imposition” strategy among the Hausa and Chinese culture while Arabic only
recorded 1.25% use.
For “Positive feeling” strategy, 6.17% among the responses in the Hausa version of the DCT made use of this strategy
while Chinese recorded only 1.25% but Arabic recorded up to 23.75% making a significant difference between their
use of “positive feelings” as compared to Hausa and Chinese.
Finally, in their use of “other strategies” only 3.70% of the responses were recorded in the Hausa version of the DCT
while 2.5% was recorded in the Arabic Version and 0% in the Chinese version of the DCT
9. Conclusion
One can conclude therefore that, the most frequently used strategy among the three cultures is the “simple thanking”
and this is in conformity with several researches done in the same field. While the least used strategy is the
“recognition of imposition” which was not found to be used in the Hausa and Chinese versions of the DCT and with
only 1.25% in the Arabic version of the DCT. There is no any significant difference in the use of Gratitude strategies in
addressing either females/males or young/old interlocutors among the three cultures.

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Yoosefvand, A., & Rasekh, A. E. (2014). Gender Differences in the Expression of Gratitude by Persian
Speakers. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 1(1), 100-117.

Sample of the DCT adopted from a modified version of DCT designed by Eisenstein and Bodman (1993)
Dear participant,
Thank you for participating in this survey. This study is intended to explore cross cultural speech
behavior. The information you provide below will be used for this study only and will remain confidential. In the
following section, please fill in the blank spaces with the correct information.
Background information:
Name: …………………………..

You will find the following scenarios involve being placed in a situation where you may feel, to different degrees,
obliged or grateful to someone who has done something for or requested of/from you. Please imagine yourself in each
situation and respond accordingly based on your immediate reaction. If you feel that a specified situation does not
warrant a response, please provide an explanation.
1. It is Friday. You look into your wallet and notice that you only have $2.00. your good friend at work notices this and
hears you say,’ I’ll have to go to the bank.’ Your friend asks if you need money, and you say that you forgot to go to the
bank. Your friend says, ‘I have plenty. How much do you need?’ You say, ‘Could you lend me $5.00? I’ll pay you back
on Monday.’ Your friend says, ’Sure. Are you sure you don’t need more than that?’ You say you don’t. Your
friend gives you the $5.00. (Your friend is a male)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

2. You board a bus, pay your money and take a seat near the front of the bus. Just before you stop, you guess that the
driver is not going to stop. You move to the front, and ask the driver to stop and he stops. (The driver is an old man)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

3. It is your birthday, and you’re having a few people over for dinner. A friend brings you a present. You unwrap it and
find a blue sweater that you wish to have. (Your friend is a female)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 148
4. You work for a large company, which is usually very busy. You send your manager a request for some days off. The
vice-president of personnel calls you into his office. He tells you to sit down. You feel a little nervous, because you
have only been working there for six months. The vice-president says, “You’re doing a good job. In fact, we are so
pleased with you that I am going to give you a raise”. (Your boss is younger than you and a female)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:
Today is your birthday. X sends you a text, wishing you a happy birthday
5. In the supermarket, you ask the cashier to bag your groceries. He does this, and then turns to begin serving the next
costumer. You pay and pick up your bags to leave. (The cashier is an old man)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

6. At the table in a restaurant a friend says, you have something on your face.’ You ask where. Your friend tells you.
You rub your face and ask,’ Is it off?’ your friend says that it is. (your friend is young and male)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

7. You find yourself in sudden need of money--$500. You mention this to a friend. Your friend immediately offers to
lend it to you. At first you say, ’Oh no, I didn’t mean it as a request. I couldn’t take it.’ Your friend says,’ really, it’s all
right. What are friends for?’ Your friend insists again, and you take the check. (Your friend is a male)
You would say:
You would say nothing because

8. You are studying in another city. Both you and your roommate work. You come home late from work and find that
your roommate has done some work around the house that you had promised to do, but had not had a chance to do.
(Your roommate is old and a male)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

9. Your friend suggests going out to lunch. You say that you’d like to go, but you only have $2. Your friend says. ‘Ah,
don’t worry. I‘ll treat you today.’ Your friend takes you to a very nice restaurant –a much more expensive one than you
usually go to. You have a wonderful meal. Your friend pays, and you get up to leave.( Your friend is older and a
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

10. You have just gotten an admission from a foreign university. A close friend in the university tells you she has
organized a farewell party for you.
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

11. You have just gotten your hair cut in a new style, and you like it better than the old one. Your friend sees it and you
ask him what he thinks. He says, ’Hey, you‘ve got a new haircut. It looks nice.’
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

12. You share an apartment with a friend. You’re both sitting and relaxing in the living room. You ask your friend to
hand you the newspaper which is nearby. Your friend gives you the newspaper. (Your friend is a male and younger)
You would say: Thanks.
You would say nothing because:

13. You enter a parking garage. As the parking attendant gives you the parking voucher, You hand him the money and
ask him about the empty space. (He is middle age and older than you)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

14. You have been invited to the home of a rather new friend. You have dinner with him and his family and a few other
friends of theirs. The food was great, and you really enjoyed the evening. As you leave, your hosts accompany you to
the door. (He is same as your age)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 149
15. Today is your birthday. X sends you a text, wishing you a happy birthday. (X is a male)
You would say:
You would say nothing because:

16. You have just got a job offering from a company. X knows about it and X congratulates you. (X is a female and
You would say:
You would say nothing because:


Zuwaga mairubutun Amsoshi,
Muna godiyar yarda dakayi kazamo/kizamo daya daga cikin masu taimakawa wajen yin wannan bincike na ilimi.
Wannan binciken dai yana so ya gano dabi’un mutane ne a wajen jawabi-tamkar aiki a cikin al’adu daban daban
wadanda suka shafi na Hausawa, yan kasar Sin da kuma larabawa.. Rahoton da zaka bayar zaa yi amfani da shine kadai
ta wajen wannan binciken sannan muna masu tabbatar maka da cewa sirrinka bazai bankada ba. A cikin sashen da zai
biyo baya, muna so kacike gurbin da aka bari da bayani na kwarai.

Bayani akan masu Amsa Tambayoyi

Suna: …………………………..
Kasa: ………………………….
Yare: ……………………………
Sashen Fakolti…………………………..
Shekaru: …………………………………
Jinsi: ………………………….

Zaka sami kanka a cikin yanayi daban-daban a bisa ga tambayoyin da zasu biyo baya. Anaso kasaka kanka a cikin
kowanne irin yanayi sannan ka amsa tambayoyin da suka shafi wannan yanayin yazamo idan kaine wani yamaka wani
aiki, ko yabaka wani abu, ko ya tayaka murnar samun wani abu to tayaya zaka gode masa? kuma wanna irin kalmomi
zakayi amfani dasu na godiya domin ka nunamasa cewa kagode? Idan kuma kana ganin abinda akayi maka watakila
bai kamata kace kagode ba, to kafadi dalilin fadin hakan a kowanne irin yanayi. Kagane cewa amsa wadannan
tambayoyi babu daidai ko kuskure a ciki. Saboda haka kasaki jikinka ka amsasu batare da wata tantama ba.
1. Yau ranar Jumma’a ce, kaduba aljuhunka kaga baka do komai sai dala biyu. Babban abokinka a wajen aiki da ya
fahimci halin da kake ciki bayan yaji kace kanaso kajeka banki sai ya tambayeka ko kana son aron kudi a wajensa. Sai
kai kuma kace kamanta bakaje banki ba amma yabaka aron dala biyar zaka biyashi a ranar Litinin. Sai yace “katabbata
baka neman fiye da hakan?” sai kace/kikace “a’a” sai abokinka yadauko kudin yabaka. (kaddara abokink/ki
Zaka ce masa…………………………………………………………………………….
Baza kace komai ba saboda………………………………………………………………….

2. Kaddara bayan kashiga mota, ka biya kudin motar sannan kasamu wuri ka zauna. Gab da zuwa wajen da zaka sauka,
sai kayi tsammanin cewa direban bazai tsaya ba. Sai kayi sauri kataho wajen dayake zaune kafada masa ya tsaya zaka
sauka. Sai direban ya tsaya. (Direban tsohone)
Zakace masa: ………………………………………………………….
Bazakace masa komai ba saboda: …………………………………………………….

3. Kaddara yau ranar haihuwarkace, ka gayyaci mutanen dabasu da yawa yin liyafa. Sai abokiyarka ta kawo maka
kyauta a cikin takarda, bayan ka bude sai kaga wata rigar sanyi ce koriya mai kyau da kake ta muradin saya.
Zak ace mata………………………………………………
Bazakace mata komai ba saboda……………………………………………………..
4. Kana yiwa wani babban kamfani aiki wanda hakan yasa baka samun lokacin kanka. Watarana, sai ka turawa manajan
ka takardar neman hutu. Turawarka keda wuya sai mataimakiyar shugaban fama da matsalolin maaikata ta kiraka zuwa
cikin ofishinta ta baka wuri tace kazauna. Bayan ka zauna sai tace “Nasan cewa a tsorace kake saboda watan ka shida
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 150
kawai anan amma kana neman hutu ko? Sai taci gaba da cewa “lallai muna masu farinciki da irin aikin da kake yi mana
a nan saboda haka nema nake maka bushara da munyi maka Karin albashinka”
Zakace mata………………………………………………………………………….
Bazakace mata komai ba saboda…………………………………………………………….
5. A cikin kasuwa bayan ka gama sayayya, sai kacewa mai karbar kudin ya saka maka duk abin daka saya a cikin jaka.
Nan take ya saka maka komai sannan ya ci gaba da alamuransa. Sai kabiya shi kudinsa na kaya zaka tafi.
Zaka ce masa……………………………………………………………………………………………
Bazaka ce komai ba saboda…………………………………………………………………………

6. A kan teburi a cikin otel, abokinka yace maka akwai wani abu akan fuskarka, sai kace “a ina?” sai yafada maka
sannan ka goge kasake tambayar sa “yafita?” sai abokin ka yace maka eh! (Abokimnka yarone kamar ka)
Zakace masa…………………………………………………………………………….
Baza kace masa komai ba saboda…………………………………………………………

7. Kasamu kanka a cikin wani irin yana yi na rashin kudi kuma kana neman kudi har dala dari biyar. Sai kafada wa
abokinka halin dakake ciki. Nan take yace zai baka aro. Da farko kace masa bawai kana nufin yabaka aro bane saboda
haka bazaka karba ba amma sai abokinkan yace bakomai kakarba amfanin abokantakar kenan. Sanan bayan kun danyi
jayayya sai ka karbi chek din kudin.
Zaka cemasa………………………………………………………….
Bazakace masa komai ba saboda………………………………………………………….

8. Kasamu kanka kana karatu a wata kasa. Kai da abokin zaman dakinka dukkaninku kuna aiki a kasar. Bayan kadawo
gida daga wajen aiki sai kaga abokin zamanka yayi wasu ayyuka da kace zakayi da jumawa amma baka samu damar yi
ba (Abokin dakinka ya girme ka sosai)
Zakace masa………………………………………………………………………………
Bazaka ce masa komai ba saboda……………………………………………………………

9. Abokiyarka ta kawo shawarin fita aci abincin rana. Sai kace mata zakaso kaje amma dala biyu ce kadai a aljihunka.
Sai tace karka damu “zan biya mana na yau” sai ta kaiku wani kayataccen wajen cin abinci kuka ci kuka sha ga abincin
da yafi wanda kake ci ada tsada. Bayan kunci kun more, abokiyarka ta biya kudin kuka tashi zaku tafi.
Zak ace mata…………………………………………………………………………………….
Bazaka ce mata komai ba saboda………………………………………………………………

10. Kasamu damar yin karatu a kasar turai. Abokiyarka ta kusa dakai takiraka tace maka ta hada maka gaggarumar
liyafar ban kwana
Zaka ce mata…………………………………………………………………..
Bazakace mata komai ba saboda………………………………………………………….

11. Bayan kayi aski mai kyau an yi maka ado na fada a gani kayi kyau sosai, sai abokinka yagani sai katambayeshi ko
yayi kyau sai yace “kayi sabon askine? Kai kayi kyau sosai”
Zakace masa………………………………………………………………………………..
Bazakace masa komai ba saboda: …………………………………………………………….

12. Kuna zaune tare da abokin zamanka a gida. Kuna cikin hutawa a cikin falo sai kace masa ya miko maka jaridar
datake kusa da shi. Bayan ya miko maka,(abokinka bai kaika shekaruba)
Zaka ce masa……………………………………………………………………….
Bazakace masa komai ba saboda …………………………………………………………

13. Kashiga cikin babban garejin da ake ajiye motoci na kudi. Bayan mai lura da wajen ya baka tikitin ajiye motarka,
sai kabashi kudinsa ka tambayeshi wajen da babu kowa saboda ka ajiye motarka. Sai ya nuna maka. (Mai lura da
wajen ya grime ka)
‫‪ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016‬‬ ‫‪151‬‬
‫…………………………………………………………………………… ‪Zaka ce masa:‬‬
‫‪Bazaka komai ba saboda: ………………………………………………………………….‬‬
‫‪14. Abokinka da baku jima da haduwa ba ya gaiyace ka gidansu. Bayan kunci abinci da iyayenshi tare da wasu‬‬
‫‪abokananshi. Abincin yayi maka dadi sosai gami da haka, kaji dadin wannan yammacin. Da katashi zaka tafi, abokinka‬‬
‫)‪ya rakoka har wajen bakin kofa (shekarunku daya da shi‬‬
‫………………………………………………………………………………… ‪Zakace masa:‬‬
‫………………………………………………………………… ‪Bazakace komai ba saboda:‬‬

‫)‪15. Yau ranar haihuwarka ce, sai X ya/ta aiko maka sakon murnar ranar haihuwa. (X namijine‬‬
‫‪Zakace masa…………………………………………………………………..‬‬
‫………………………………………………………‪Bazakace komai ba saboda‬‬

‫‪16. Bakajima da samun aiki a wani babban kamfani ba. X taji labari sai tayi maka murna. (X yarinya ce wacce ka‬‬
‫)‪girma sosai‬‬
‫‪Zakace mata………………………………………………………………………..‬‬
‫……………………………………………………………‪Bazaka ce komai ba saboda‬‬


‫السالم عليكم ورحمة ال وبركاته‪,,,‬‬

‫في البداية اود أن اشكركم على الوقت والجهد الذي سوف تبذلونه في مل هذا االستبيان وأن يجزيكم هللا على تعاونكم معي في انجاز هذا العمل‪ .‬حيث‬
‫ارغب أن وضح لكم أن اهتم امكم وحرصكم على مل هذا االستبيان بجدية تامة هو محل شكرنا وتقديرنا‪ ،‬ان الغاية من هذا االستبيان هو لمعرفة انواع‬
‫التعبير الخطابي المستخدم بين الثقافات المختلفة‪.‬‬

‫الجنسية __________________‬ ‫االسم‪______________________ :‬‬

‫الكلية __________________‬ ‫اللغة _______________________‬

‫العمر __________________‬ ‫القسم _______________________‬

‫انثى‬ ‫ذكر‬ ‫الجنس‬

‫الموقف االول‪:‬‬
‫في احد االيام واثناء وقت العمل‪ ,‬فكرة في شراء شي ما‪ ,‬لكن عندما نظرت داخل المحفظة لم تجد سوى فكات قليلة وهي غير كافية للشراء‪ ,‬في تلك االثناء‬
‫سمعك احد اصدقاءك المقربين في العمل انك تريد ا لتوجه الى المصرف لسحب بعض النقود‪ ,‬حينها عرض غلى اقراضك بعض النقود كونه يحمل كمية كافية‬
‫منها‪ ,‬جوابك كان‪ ,‬حسنا اعطني خمسون رنكت وسوف اعيدها اليك الحقا‪ .‬ارجوك اتريد المزيد كان سؤال صاحبك‪.‬‬
‫ما هو ردك كون صاحبك اقرضك خمسون رنكت؟‬
‫الموقف الثاني‪:‬‬
‫احد االيام استقلي ت الباص‪ ,‬وبعد ان اعطيت نقود للجابي جلست في وسط الباص‪ ,‬لكن قبل ان يتوقف الباص في المكان المقصود انتابك شعور بان السائق لن‬
‫يتوقف بالمحطة المقبلة‪ ,‬قتوجهت الى السائق وطلبت منه التوقف في المحطة المقبلة‪ (.‬السائف رجل كبير بالسن)‬
‫ماهو جوابك للسائق بعد التوقف؟‬
‫الموقف الثالث‪:‬‬
‫في يوم عيد ميالدك‪ ,‬واثناء االحتفال تقدم احد االصدقاء وقدم لك هدية‪ .‬عند فتحك للهدية وجدة في داخلها قميص ازرق جميل جدا كنت ترغب بشراءه منذ‬
‫وقت‪(.‬صديقك هو امراة)‬
‫‪ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016‬‬ ‫‪152‬‬
‫ماهو جوابك لها؟‬
‫الموقف الرابع‪:‬‬
‫انت تعمل في مؤسسة كبيرة‪ ،‬وهي عادة ما تكون مزدحمة جدا‪ .‬في احد االيام قدمت طلب للحصول على اجازة بسبب االرهاق‪ .‬عندها طلب المدير في‬
‫استدعائك واثناء اللقاء اشادة بجهودك ومثابرنك بالعمل‪ .‬وقرر على منحك زيادة في المرتب‪(.‬المدير هو امراة)‬
‫ماهو جوابك لها؟‬

‫الموقف الخامس‪:‬‬
‫عتد انتهائك من التبضع‪ ,‬طلبت من الكاشير ان يضع جميع اغ راضك في االكياس‪ ,‬وبالفعل تم وضع جميع االشياء وتقديمها اليك بعد ان تم دفع الحساب‪.‬‬
‫‪(.‬الكاشير رجل كبير بالسن)‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف السادس‪:‬‬
‫اثناء جلوسك في المطعم مع احد االصدقاء‪ ,‬اشارة الى ان هنالك شي ما على جبينك‪ .‬ثم انت سالته اين بالضبط فأجابك‪ ,‬وبعد ان مسحت وجهك جبدا سالته هل‬
‫ازيلت‪ .‬فأجب بنعم‪( .‬صديقك من الشباب المقربين)‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف السابع‪:‬‬
‫اثناء اكمالك الدراسة في بلد اخر‪ ,‬وفي احد االيام بعد رجوعك من الجامعة تفاجئة بقيام زميلك في البيت بتنظيف باحة المنزل والتي كان من المفروض ان‬
‫تنطفها انت‪ ,‬لكن لكثرة ا لواجبات المكلف بها في الجامعة‪ .‬نسيت القيام بتنطيفها‪(.‬رفيقك رجل كبير بالسن)‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف الثامن‪:‬‬
‫في احد االيام اقترح عليك زميلك في العمل بتناول الغداء في احد المطاعم‪ .‬انت كنت ترغب بالذهاب معه لكنك التملك سوى بعض الفكات‪ ,‬اجابك بعدم‬
‫االكتراث للموضوع وانه سيدفع الحساب عنك‪ ,‬بالفعل اصطحبك الى احد المطاعم الفاخرة وبعد تناول الغداء دفع الحساب‪(.‬زميلك امراة كبيرة بالسن)‬
‫ماهو جوابك لها؟‬
‫الموقف التاسع‪:‬‬
‫كنت قد حصلت للتو على قبول من إحدى الجامعات األجنبية ‪ .‬فقرر احد اصدقاءك المقربين على تنظيم حفلة وداع لك‪.‬‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف العاشر‪:‬‬
‫بسبب تسريحت شعرك التقليدية‪ ,‬قمت بتغير التسريحة الى شكل اكثر جاذبية‪ .‬وعند سؤالك احد اصدقاءك المقربين عن رأيه بالتسريحة الجديدة‪ .‬أجابك بمدى‬
‫أعجابه بالتسريحة ومنطرك الجذاب‪.‬‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬

‫الموقف الحادي عشر‪:‬‬

‫انت تعيش مع احد االصدقاء في شقة‪ .‬واثناء جلوسكم في الصالة لقضاء بعض الوقت معا‪ .‬انت سألته ان يعطيك المجلة التي بجانبه‪ .‬ومن ثم اعطاءك المجلة‪.‬‬
‫(صديقك من الشباب المقربين)‬
‫‪ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016‬‬ ‫‪153‬‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف الثاني عشر‪:‬‬
‫أثناء دخولك احد مواقف السيارات‪ .‬بادر المشرف على الموقف بأعطاءك بطاقة الدخول‪ .‬ثم سألته عن مكان مناسب إلقاف السيارة فأجابك بكل احترام‪(.‬الرجل‬
‫اكبر سننا ً منك)‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬
‫الموقف الثالث عشر‪:‬‬
‫في احد االيام تم دعوتك من قبل احد اصدقائك الجدد‪ ,‬وبالفعل استجبت وامضيت وقت جميل برفقت صديقك وعائلنه باالضافة الى بعض اصدقاء عائلته‪ ,‬وبعد‬
‫انتهاء السهرة الجميلة وعند توديعهم لك‪ ,‬اصروا جميعا على مرافقتك الى الباب‪.‬‬
‫ماهو جوابك لهم؟‬
‫الموقف الرابع عشر‪:‬‬
‫فجأة حصلت على فرصة عمل في احدى الشركات الكبرى‪ .‬احد االصدقاء علم بموضوع العمل وقدم لك التهاني‪(.‬صديقك هو امراة)‬
‫ماهو جوابك لها؟‬

‫الموقف الخامس عشر‪:‬‬

‫اليوم هو عيد ميالدك‪ ,‬صديقك بعث اليك رسالة‪ ،‬متمنيا لكم عيد ميالد سعيد‪( .‬صديق هو من الذكور)‬
‫ماهو جوابك له؟‬




ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 154
场景 1

你 的 朋 友 给 你 借 了 五 美 元 后 , 这 时 你 什 么 都 没 有 说 , 原 因 是 :

场景 2


场景 3


场景 4


场景 5
钱 , 提 起 你 的 袋 子 , 准 备 离 开 。 ( 假 设 这 位 收 营 员 是 位 很 年 老 的 人 )


场景 6

ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 155
场景 7


场景 8


场景 9


场景 10


场景 11


场景 12


场景 13
ALLS 7(6):137-156, 2016 156


场景 14


场景 15
今天是你的生日。朋友 X 给你发送了一条祝福生日快乐的短信。(假设朋友 X 是位男性)


场景 16
你刚得到一个公司的录取通知书。朋友 X 知道此消息后,对你表示了祝贺。(假设朋友 X 是位年龄比你小的


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