Maximization of Customer Values
Maximization of Customer Values
Maximization of Customer Values
Business Analytics
Contents: Whether you call solving the business problems related to customer
profitability “customer relationship management” or just good business,
1 Introduction
you know that strengthening customer relationships is imperative for
4 The five predictive imperatives business success for one simple reason: customers drive profits.
SPSS was one of the pioneers in the field of data analysis; it was first on
the scene and continues to be one of the most popular and widely used
software applications. As a new member of the IBM organization, SPSS
brings its leading-edge analytic products and solutions to an even
greater number of organizations worldwide.
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
Which cities
were they Real-time
located in?
How many personal-
Business value
did we lose?
Data ization
What should
Query & we offer this
Reporting Which customer
customer right now?
types are
at risk
and why?
Figure 1: Every organization has data about its customers. Reporting and OLAP
provide information about past customer interactions. Data mining and real-time
personalization are forward-looking and can be used to guide future interactions.
Over time, as companies move toward these predictive technologies, they increase
the business value of their CRM information.
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
More profit
Grow relationships
Keep good customers
Loss Win customers cost-effectively
Figure 2: Predictive analytics improves customer profitability from the very beginning
by allowing companies to acquire customers more cost effectively, as this graphic
shows. Then, throughout the customer life cycle, predictive analytics helps companies
design more attractive offers and conduct more effective marketing campaigns,
leading to increased sales. Predictive analytics also helps companies retain custom-
ers, increasing the revenues and profits they obtain from these relationships.
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
Deployment family:
IBM® SPSS® Decision Management for Customer Interactions –
Leverage all of your customer information including transactions,
purchases, call histories and website visits to recommend the best
actions your staff should take in real time.
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
Modeling family:
IBM® SPSS® Modeler Professional – Solve any business challenge
faster with more accurate results with this comprehensive data mining
workbench and its powerful data preparation, visualization and
predictive modeling capabilities.
Statistics family:
IBM® SPSS® Statistics – Enable business users, analysts and statistical
programmers to work together to support data-driven decision-making.
IBM® SPSS® Amos™ – Test and confirm the validity of claims such as
“value drives loyalty” in minutes, not hours, with this powerful and
easy-to-use structural equation modeling (SEM) software.
IBM Software Customer Intimacy
Business Analytics
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