Applsci 10 02429 PDF
Applsci 10 02429 PDF
Applsci 10 02429 PDF
Ultrawideband Low-Profile and Miniaturized Spoof
Plasmonic Vivaldi Antenna for Base Station
Li Hui Dai 1 , Chong Tan 2 and Yong Jin Zhou 1, *
1 Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200444, China;
2 Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shanghai 200050, China;
* Correspondence:
Received: 23 February 2020; Accepted: 31 March 2020; Published: 2 April 2020
Abstract: Stable radiation pattern, high gain, and miniaturization are necessary for the ultra-wideband
antennas in the 2G/3G/4G/5G base station applications. Here, an ultrawideband and miniaturized
spoof plasmonic antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA) is proposed, which is composed of the AVA and the
loaded periodic grooves. The designed operating frequency band is from 1.8 GHz to 6 GHz, and the
average gain is 7.24 dBi. Furthermore, the measured results show that the radiation patterns of the
plasmonic AVA are stable. The measured results are in good agreement with the simulation results.
1. Introduction
The fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication systems have found various applications, such as
autonomous driving [1], telemedicine [2], and virtual reality [3]. Considering radio wave propagation
and available bandwidth, the bands between 3 and 5 GHz have been allocated for 5G services in many
regions, such as 3.4–3.8 GHz in Europe, 3.7–4.2 GHz in the USA, and 3.3–3.6 and 4.8–4.99 GHz in
China [4]. Hence, in the 2G/3G/4G/5G base station applications, the wide bandwidth covers the 2G, 3G,
and 4G bands (1.7–2.7 GHz) and the new sub-6 GHz 5G frequency bands. It is urgent to investigate and
design ultra-wideband antennas to cover the aforementioned bands and maintain good impedance
matching within the entire frequency bands of interest, with a stable half-power bandwidth (HPBW)
and a smaller structure.
Crossed dipole antennas are widely used in wireless communication systems due to their
advantages of wide bandwidth, stable radiation patterns, and ease of fabrication [5]. Various crossed
dipoles were utilized to achieve a wide impedance bandwidth, such as magnetoelectric dipole
antennas [6], bow-tie dipole [7], fan-shaped dipole [8], octagonal loop dipole [9], and double-loop
dipole [10]. For most of them, the wide impedance bandwidth only covers 2G/3G/4G bands.
Furthermore, the antenna profile is not low due to the necessary broadband feeding part.
The microstrip antennas have advantages of low profile, light weight, and ease of conformability.
However, their impedance bandwidth and isolation are not good enough. Some attractive techniques
have been proposed to broaden the impedance bandwidth by using parasitic patches [11], loading
H-slot [12] and U-slot [13], using a multiresonant structure [14], and using a fractal structure [15].
Although the shorted-dipoles printed antenna fed by integrated baluns [16] and the dual-band folded
dipole antenna [17] cover 2G/3G/4G/5G frequency band, the gain and radiation pattern of these
antennas are unstable over the operating frequency band.
Another typical ultra-wideband antenna is based on tapered slot technique. As one of the most
typical types, Vivaldi antenna was firstly introduced in [18] and has found many applications [19,20].
2. Methods
Methods and
and Principles
The typical
monopoleantenna antennaand andthe
monopole antenna
antennaareareillustrated in Figure
illustrated 1a.
in Figure
Usually, the plasmonic monopole antenna is composed of the corrugated
1a. Usually, the plasmonic monopole antenna is composed of the corrugated monopole antenna monopole antenna with
grooves alongalong
with grooves the metal wire.wire.
the metal Here,Here,
we usewemeander
use meanderwireswires
to simulate the effects
to simulate the effectsof the
of grooves for
the grooves
simplicity. The dispersion relations of both antennas are calculated and plotted
for simplicity. The dispersion relations of both antennas are calculated and plotted in Figure 1b. in Figure 1b. When the
When thedepth b is 0depth
groove mm, it is 0the
b is typical
mm, monopole
it is the typical antenna.
monopoleFrom Figure
antenna. 1b, itFigure
From can be1b,seen thatbewhen
it can seen
when depth is increased
the groove depth (from 0 mm to(from
is increased 3.6 mm),
0 mm thetocorresponding
3.6 mm), the asymptotic
corresponding frequencies are
decreased and the dispersion curves are lowered. It can be concluded that when
frequencies are decreased and the dispersion curves are lowered. It can be concluded that when the the wave vector β
is fixed, the operating frequency is lower for the plasmonic monopole antenna
wave vector β is fixed, the operating frequency is lower for the plasmonic monopole antenna with with deeper grooves.
deeper the electrical
grooves. size of
Hence, thetheelectrical
plasmonic monopole
size antenna would
of the plasmonic be smaller,
monopole antenna compared
would with that of
be smaller,
the traditional monopole antenna.
compared with that of the traditional monopole antenna.
Figure (a)The
and plasmonic
plasmonic monopole
monopole antenna.
antenna. TheThe dimensions
dimensions ofantennas:
of the h = 25h mm,
the antennas: = 25
= 0.65
amm, a =mm, = 1.4
0.65 bmm, b =mm,
1.4 mm, = 0.5
and rand r =mm.
0.5 mm. (b) The
(b) The dispersion
dispersion relations
relations of both
of both antennas.
The efficiencies
monopole antennas
antennas areare
calculated and illustrated
and in
Figure 2. Figure 2b shows the efficiencies of the plasmonic monopole antenna
in Figure 2. Figure 2b shows the efficiencies of the plasmonic monopole antenna with different with different groove
groove from
depths1 mm
fromto 14 mm
mm.toFrom 4 mm. Figure
From 2b,Figure
it can 2b,
be seen
it can that
be the
that the frequencies red-shifts
operating frequencies
(corresponding to longer wavelengths)
red-shifts (corresponding when the groove
to longer wavelengths) whendepth is increased
the groove depth for the fixed height
is increased for theoffixed
monopole antenna
height of the (25 mm).
monopole Especially,
antenna (25 mm).the Especially,
efficiency curves corresponding
the efficiency to three typicalto
curves corresponding groove
typicalare plotted
groove in Figure
depths 2c. It can
are plotted inbe clearly2c.
Figure observed
It can bethat the central
clearly observedoperating
that thefrequency red-shifts
central operating
when the groove
frequency depth
red-shifts when b isthe
0 mm (typical
groove depthmonopole
b is 0 mm antenna), 1.4 mm, and
(typical monopole 3.6 mm,
antenna), 1.4 respectively.
mm, and 3.6
Meanwhile, we canMeanwhile,
mm, respectively. observe thatwe there
an optimized efficiency
that there is an when tuning
optimized the groove
efficiency depth.
when Hence,
tuning the
indicates thatHence,
depth. the plasmonic
it indicates theory
that provides
the plasmonica scheme
theory forprovides
a schemeand for optimization
miniaturization of
the antenna.
and optimization of the antenna.
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Figure 2. (a) The efficiencies of the typical monopole antenna with different lengths (h); (b) the
efficiencies of the plasmonic monopole antenna with different groove depths (h = 25 mm); and (c) the
Figure 2. (a)
(a) The
The efficiencies
efficiencies of
of the
the typical
typical monopole
monopole antenna
antenna with different lengths (h); (b) the
efficiencies of the plasmonic monopole antenna when the groove depth b is 0 mm, 1.4 mm, and 3.6
efficiencies of the plasmonic monopole antenna with different
different groove
groove depths
depths (h (h =
= 25 mm); and (c) the
efficiencies of
of the
antenna when
when thethe groove
groove depth
depth b is b0 is
mm,0 mm, 1.4 mm,
1.4 mm, andmm.
and 3.6 3.6
3. Design
Plasmonic Antipodal
Antipodal Vivaldi
Vivaldi Antenna
3. Design
The of Plasmonic
The typical
typical AVA Antipodal
illustrated inVivaldi
in Figure
Figure Antenna
3a, 3a,
which which is denoted
is denoted by Structure
by Structure A, where
A, where the metal
the metal layers
are on are on
both sidesboth
of sides
the of the 0.8-mm-thickness
0.8-mm-thickness F4B substrate F4B
(ε =substrate
2.65, tanδ( ε
= = 2.65,
0.001) tanδ=
with 0.001
a ) with
dimension a
The typical AVA is illustrated in Figure 3a, which isr denoted by Structure A, where the metal r
layers × 70of
94 mm are on 94both
mm. mm × 70 mm.
A microstrip
sides theA microstrip
of feeding line is adopted
0.8-mm-thickness feedingfor line
F4B is adopted
substrate ( for
impendence broadband
εr =2.65, impendence
tanδ= 0.001 ) The
width of The
the port width
microstrip of
feedingthe microstrip
line is fixed feeding
to 1.35 line
mm. is
dimension of 94 mm × 70 mm. A microstrip feeding line is adopted for broadband impendencefixed to 1.35
exponential mm. The
profile exponential
curves profile
employed in
curves employed
this design beincalculated
canport this design bycan
the be calculated
following by the following equations:
matching. The width of the microstrip feeding line is fixed to 1.35 mm. The exponential profile
curves employed in this design can be calculated y c1by Rx
eRx c following equations:
the (1)
y = c1 e + c22 (1)
y c1ye Rx y c2 (1)
c Ryx222 − yRx 1
1 (2)
c1 1= eRx
e − e12 1
c1 RxRx22 Rx (2)
yy11eeeRx2 −eyy22eeRx1
2 1 Rx1
c2 = eRx (3)
y1ee Rx22
2 Rx Rx
2 1
e Rx
c2 (3)
The tentative
The tentative plasmonic
plasmonic AVA AVA is shown in Figure e Rx2 e Rx3b,1
named as Structure
which is named Structure B. The final final
plasmonic AVA
plasmonic AVAisisshown
shown in in
Figure 3c, 3c,
whichwhichis denoted by Structure C, where periodic elliptic grooves
The tentative plasmonic AVA is shown in is denoted
Figure 3b, whichby Structure
is named C,aswhere periodic
Structure B. Theelliptic
are cut from
grooves are the
cut feeding
from the section to the
feeding terminal
section to of thetheterminal
antennaof forthe
both structures.
antenna for Furthermore,
both structures. the
plasmonic AVA is shown in Figure 3c, which is denoted by Structure C, where periodic elliptic
rectangular gradual grooves with a width of 1 mm around the
Furthermore, the rectangular gradual grooves with a width of 1 mm around the feeding section arefeeding section are further etched to
grooves are cut from the feeding section to the terminal of the antenna for both structures.
realize the
further miniaturization
etched to realize theofminiaturization
the AVA for Structure of with
the AVA C. Thefor detailed
C. Thethe of the gradual
detailed grooves
structures of
Furthermore, the rectangular gradual grooves a width of 1 mm around feeding section are
are gradual
the shown ingrooves
the insetsareof Figure
shown in3b,c.
the insets of Figure 3b,c.
further etched to realize the miniaturization of the AVA for Structure C. The detailed structures of
the gradual grooves are shown in the insets of Figure 3b,c.
Figure 3.3. (a)
The typical
typical antipodal
(AVA). (b)
(b) The
The tentative
tentative plasmonic
AVA. (c) TheThe
final plasmonic
plasmonic AVA.
AVA. The dimensions
dimensions of
of the
the antenna:
antenna: RR==0.16,
mm,ww= =7070
mm, =
l1 =l1 26 mm,
26 d1
Figure 3. (a) The typical antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA). (b) The tentative plasmonic AVA. (c) The
= mm,
=d12.5 2.5 mm, =
d2 =d1.25 mm,
1.25 l
mm,2 = l =
8.02 mm,
8.02 and
mm, dand
3 = 2d =
mm.2 mm.
final plasmonic2 AVA. The dimensions2 3
of the antenna: R = 0.16, h = 94 mm, w = 70 mm, l1 = 26 mm, d1
= 2.5 mm, d2 = 1.25 mm, l2 = 8.02 mm, and d3 = 2 mm.
The numerical
The numerical simulations
simulations were
were performed
performed by using CST Microwave
Microwave Studio. The simulated
Studio. The simulated
return losses
losses changing
changingwith the grooves
with the were are
grooves shown in
are shown Figure 4. First,
in Figure from Figure 4a, it can be itobserved
The numerical simulations performed by using CST 4. First, fromStudio.
Microwave FigureThe4a, simulated
can be
that the impedance
observed matching atmatching
that the impedance lower frequencies
at lower is better for Structure
frequencies is better C,forcompared
Structure with Structure
C, compared
return losses changing with the grooves are shown in Figure 4. First, from Figure 4a, it can be
observed that the impedance matching at lower frequencies is better for Structure C, compared
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B, andStructure
with the operating B, and frequency red-shifts.
the operating Thus, loading
frequency red-shifts.theThus,
loading gradual grooves can
the rectangular make
the AVA
grooves further miniaturized. Then, the typical parameters of structures
can make the AVA further miniaturized. Then, the typical parameters of structures4 Bof and B and C are the maximum C
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9
are the depth
maximum l1 andgroove
the groove
depthgap d2 . It
l1 and thecan be seen
groove that
gap d2. the operating
It can be seenfrequency red-shiftsfrequency
that the operating when the
red-shifts groove
with Structure andl1the
B,maximumis bigger,
operating while
depth thel1 groove
frequency gap
is red-shifts.
bigger, dThus,
while2 mainly
the affects
loading the
thegap dinput impedance
2 mainly
rectangular at
affects the
higher frequency.
impedance The
can make optimized
the AVA
at higher maximum groove
further miniaturized.
frequency. The optimized depth
Then, l and the groove
the1 typicalgroove
maximum parameters gap
depth d are set
of structures to be
l12 and theBgroove 26 mm
and C gap
and are
d2 are to maximum
mm, 26 mm groove
and to depth
1.25 1 andthatthe groove togap
the lowest
respectively, doperating
make 2. It can befrequency
sure thatseen
thethat the
lowest operating
is 1.8 frequency
GHz when
operating the S11 is
not red-shifts
larger than when
−10 the
dB. maximum groove
1.8 GHz when the S11 is not larger than −10 dB. depth l1 is bigger, while the groove gap d2 mainly affects the
input impedance at higher frequency. The optimized maximum groove depth l1 and the groove gap
d2 are set to be 26 mm and 1.25 mm, respectively, to make sure that the lowest operating frequency is
1.8 GHz when the S11 is not larger than −10 dB.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. (a)
(a) Simulated
Simulated reflection
reflection coefficients
coefficients of
of Structure
Structure B B and
and Structure
Structure C,
C, (b)
(b) SS11 for different
11 for different
maximum groove
depths ll11 reflection
4. (a) Simulated
of Structure
Structure C, and
C, and (c)
of S
11 for
for different
groove gaps
B and Structuregaps d2 of
C, (b)2Sof
Structure C.
11 for different
maximum groove depths l1 of Structure C, and (c) S11 for different groove gaps d2 of Structure C.
It is expected
expected that the etched grooves would change the surface currents and then the effective
impedance. In
It isIn order to
expected to understand
that the etched the the operating
grooves principle
would principle
change of
theof theAVA
surfaceAVA and and
currents plasmonic
plasmonic AVA,
then theAVA, surface
current In order
distributions at to
GHz, 4 GHz, the operating
and 6 GHz principle
are of the AVA
illustrated and
in plasmonic
GHz are illustrated in Figure 5. 5. AVA,
First, it surface
can be seen
current distributions at 1.8 GHz, 4 GHz, and 6
that the surface currents distribution at the region A of the AVAGHz are illustrated
AVA is in Figure
is larger
larger than5. First,
than that it
that of can
of the be seen
the plasmonic
AVA at theGHz.
at 1.8
1.8 surface currents
GHz. After distribution
loading the at the region
the periodic
periodic slots,Aelectromagnetic
slots, of the AVA is larger
electromagnetic than that
waves are of the plasmonicat the
AVA at 1.8 GHz. After loading the periodic slots, electromagnetic waves are concentrated at the
end of the coupling section and the inner end of the tapered slots (region B), as shown shown in in Figure
Figure 5a.
end of the coupling section and the inner end of the tapered slots (region B), as shown in Figure 5a.
Hence, radiated electromagnetic energy can be concentrated in the axial direction of the tapered slot
Hence, radiated electromagnetic energy can be concentrated in the axial direction of the tapered slot
(y-direction). The
(y-direction). same
same thing
samething isistrue
thing is forfor
true the cases
the of the
cases plasmonic
of the
of the AVA
plasmonic at 4atGHz
AVA 4 and
4atGHz GHz
and6 GHz,
6 GHz,6asGHz,
as as
in Figure
shown in 5b,c.
shown Figure 5b,c.
in Figure 5b,c.
Figure 5. Surface
5. Surface current
current distributionsof
distributions ofStructure
Structure C
C (a)
4 GHz, andand
4 GHz, (c) at
(c)6 at
6 GHz.
Figure 5. Surface current distributions of Structure C (a) at 1.8 GHz, (b) 4 GHz, and (c) at 6 GHz.
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4. Results
4. Results
order totovalidate the proposed antenna, the
the plasmonicAVA AVA hasbeen
been fabricated and tested.
In order
order to validate
validate the
the proposed
proposed antenna,
antenna, the plasmonic
plasmonic AVA has has been fabricated
fabricated and
and tested.
A 50-Ω
A SMA connector was used to feed the antenna. The fabricated plasmonic AVA is shown in
A 50-Ω SMA connector was used to feed the antenna. The fabricated plasmonic AVA is shown in
50-Ω SMA connector was used to feed the antenna. The fabricated plasmonic AVA is shown in
Figure6a,b. The
Figure 6a,b.
6a,b. The
The antennas
antennas were
were measured
measured by
by using
by using
using vector
vector network
network analyzer
(Keysight 8722ES),
the anechoicchamber
anechoic chamber operates
chamber operates from
operates from 600
from 600 MHz
600 MHz
MHz toto 40
to 40 GHz.
40 GHz.
Figure 6.6.
Figure (a)
6.(a) The
(a)The top
Thetop view
topview and
viewand (b)
(b) the
and (b) the bottom
the bottom view
bottom viewof
view ofthe
of thefabricated
the fabricatedplasmonic
fabricated plasmonic AVA.
plasmonic AVA.
The simulated
simulated andand
and measured
measured reflection
reflection coefficients
coefficients are
are illustrated
are illustrated in Figurein
in Figure
Figure 7a.
7a. It
7a. It can It can
be can bebe
observed that
that the
the lowest
lowest operating
operating frequency
frequency (S
(S 11 ≤
≤ −10
−10 dB)
dB) of
of Structure
that the lowest operating frequency (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of Structure A (typical AVA) is 2.4 GHz, while it is
11 AA (typical
(typical AVA)
AVA) is
is 2.4
2.4 GHz,
GHz itit
while foris 1.8
1.8 GHz
isStructureGHz forfor Structure
Structure C
C (plasmonic (plasmonic
(plasmonic AVA).
AVA). The
The corresponding The corresponding
electrical sizeselectrical
electrical sizes
are 0.75λ and0.75λ
are 0.75λ
and 0.56λ
0.56λ 00,, respectively,
respectively, where
where λλ00 is
is the
the wavelength
wavelength in
in the
the air
air corresponding
corresponding to
to the
the lowest
lowest operating
respectively, where λ0 is the wavelength in the air corresponding to the lowest operating frequency.
frequency. Hence, itit can be
be seen that
that the electrical size size ofof the plasmonic AVA has
has been reduced by
Hence, it can Hence,
be seen that canthe seen
electrical the
of the plasmonic theAVA
has beenAVA reduced beenbyreduced by
25.3 percent,
25.3 percent, compared with that of the typical AVA. The measured S11 of the plasmonic AVA is
percent, compared with that of the typical AVA. The measured S11 of the plasmonic AVA is also
compared with that of the typical AVA. The measured S11 of the plasmonic AVA is also plotted in
plotted in in Figure
Figure 7a. 7a. ItIt can
can be
be observed
observed that that the
the measured
measured resultsresults agree
agree well
well with with the
the simulation
Figure 7a. It can be observed that the measured results agree well with the simulation results. The
results. TheThe simulated
simulated and and measured
measured gains gains ofof the the AVAAVA and and thethe plasmonic
plasmonic AVA AVA are are shown
shown in in
simulated and measured gains of the AVA and the plasmonic AVA are shown in Figure 7b. Compared
Figure 7b. Compared to the gains of the AVA, it can be seen that
Figure 7b. Compared to the gains of the AVA, it can be seen that the gain of the plasmonic AVA has the gain of the plasmonic AVA has
to been
the gains of the AVA, it can be seen that the gain of the plasmonic AVA has beenhigher increased at the
been increased
increased at at the
the frequencies
frequencies lower lower thanthan 5.5
5.5 GHzGHz and and decreased
decreased at at frequencies
frequencies higher than than 5.5
GHz. lower than 5.5 results GHz and decreased at frequencies higher than 5.5 GHz. The measurement
GHz. TheThe measurement
measurement results agree agree well well with
with the the simulated
simulated results
results for
for the
the plasmonic
plasmonic AVA. AVA. The The
gain agree
gain is
is larger well
larger than with
than 5.5 the
5.5 dBi simulated
dBi over
over the results
the operating for the
operating frequency plasmonic
frequency from AVA.
from 1.81.8 GHzThe
GHz to gain
to 66 GHz. is
GHz. Thelarger than
The measured
measured5.5 dBipeak
gain is
is 9.12
9.12 dBifrequency
dBi at
at 5.4 from
5.4 GHz. 1.8
GHz. The GHz
The measured to 6 GHz.
measured average The
average gain measured
gain isis 7.24 peak
7.24 dBi gain
dBi over is
over the 9.12 dBi
the operating at 5.4
operating frequencyGHz.
frequency The
band, whichaverage
which gain2G/3G/4G/5G
covers is 7.24 dBi over
2G/3G/4G/5G bands.the operating frequency band, which covers 2G/3G/4G/5G bands.
Figure 7. 7.
Figure 7. (a)
(a) (a)
The simulated
simulated andand
and measured
measured reflection
reflection coefficients
of of
coefficients of structures
structures AAA and
andand C
C (the
C (the(the typical
typical AVA
andAVA and the plasmonic
and the plasmonic
the plasmonic AVA);
AVA); (b) (b) the simulated
(b) the simulated
the simulated and measured
and measured
and measured gains
gains of of structures
of structures
structures A and
A andAC. C.
and C.
Table 1. Simulated half-power bandwidth (HPBW) of the AVA and plasmonic AVA.
Figure andMeasured
Figure 8. Simulated and Measuredradiation
thethe plasmonic
plasmonic AVA
AVA at1.8
at (a) (a)GHz,
1.8 GHz,
(b) 4 (b)
and (c)
GHz, and6 GHz.
(c) 6 GHz.
Table 1. Simulated half-power bandwidth (HPBW) of the AVA and plasmonic AVA.
5. Discussion
The quantitive comparison Typical AVA
of similar antennas Plasmonic
has been given AVA
in Table 2. For the 2G/3G/4G/5G
base station applications,1.8theGHz
wide bandwidth113.5
is necessary to cover 52.3
the 2G, 3G, and 4G bands and
2.0 GHz bands. Hence,
the new sub-6 GHz 5G frequency 66.6only sub-6 GHz frequency
54.7 band of the proposed
3.0 GHz 61 52.9
antenna is shown here. Besides, the gain, HPBW, and the electrical size should be considered
4.0 GHz 52.2 52.6
simultaneously for the base station antenna. From
5.0 GHz 48.1 Table 2, we can47.1see that the lowest operating
frequency of the proposed plasmonic AVA is 41
6.0 GHz the lowest (1.8 GHz).66.9The electrical size is 0.56λ0,
which is a little larger than that of Refs. [31–33], where λ0 is the wavelength in the air corresponding
to the lowest operating frequency. The minimum gain (5.5 dBi) is the highest, since high gain is
5. Discussion
necessary for the base station antenna.
The quantitive comparison of similar antennas has been given in Table 2. For the 2G/3G/4G/5G
base station applications, the wide bandwidth is necessary to cover the 2G, 3G, and 4G bands and the
new sub-6 GHz 5G frequency bands. Hence, only sub-6 GHz frequency band of the proposed antenna
is shown here. Besides, the gain, HPBW, and the electrical size should be considered simultaneously for
the base station antenna. From Table 2, we can see that the lowest operating frequency of the proposed
plasmonic AVA is the lowest (1.8 GHz). The electrical size is 0.56λ0 , which is a little larger than that of
Refs. [31–33], where λ0 is the wavelength in the air corresponding to the lowest operating frequency.
The minimum gain (5.5 dBi) is the highest, since high gain is necessary for the base station antenna.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 2429 7 of 9
Reference (Year) Physical Size (mm2 ) fmin (GHz) Gain (dBi) Electrical Size
[31] (2018) 71 × 50 2.0 4–7.5 0.47λ0 × 0.3λ0
[32] (2018) 50 × 40 2.8 5.5–9 0.46λ0 × 0.37λ0
[33] (2011) 60 × 48 2.4 3.8–10 0.48λ0 × 0.38λ0
[34] (2019) 90 × 80 3.76 5–7 1.13λ0 × 1.0λ0
[35] (2019) 186 × 77 2.5 4–16 1.55λ0 × 0.64λ0
[36] (2018) 60.7 × 57.5 3.3 3.8–12.6 0.67λ0 × 0.63λ0
[37] (2017) 104 × 100 2.0 2.2–8 0.69λ0 × 0.67λ0
Structure A 94 × 70 2.4 3–9 0.75λ0 × 0.56λ0
Structure B 94 × 70 2.1 4.5–8 0.66λ0 × 0.49λ0
Structure C 94 × 70 1.8 5.5–9 0.56λ0 × 0.42λ0
6. Conclusions
Here, a broadband and miniaturized plasmonic antipodal Vivaldi antenna is designed and
measured, where plasmonic metamaterials are loaded on the antipodal Vivaldi antenna to improve the
antenna performance. Compared of the typical AVA, the electrical size of the plasmonic AVA is reduced.
The operating frequency is from 1.8 GHz to 6 GHz, which covers the 2G/3G/4G/5G communication
band. The simulated and measured results of the plasmonic agree well. The measured results show
that the radiation pattern of the plasmonic AVA is stable and the average gain of the antenna is 7.24 dBi.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.J.Z.; data curation, L.H.D.; formal analysis, L.H.D.; methodology,
L.H.D.; resources, C.T.; writing—original draft preparation, L.H.D.; writing—review and editing, Y.J.Z.; supervision,
Y.J.Z.; project administration, Y.J.Z.; funding acquisition, C.T. and Y.J.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 61971469,
and by Science and Technology Commission Shanghai Municipality (STCSM), grant numbers 18ZR1413500
and SKLSFO2017-05.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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