EUVE Press Kit
EUVE Press Kit
EUVE Press Kit
JUNE 1992
GENERAL RELEASE................................................................. 3
SCIENCE OBJECTIVES............................................................. 4
RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................. 5
MISSION TIMELINE................................................................ 6
SPACECRAFT OPERATIONS..................................................... 9
SPACECRAFT SCHEMATIC...................................................... 10
MISSION OPERATIONS ............................................................ 11
Michael Braukus
Office of Space Science and Applications
NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
(Phone: 20Y453-1549)
Dolores Beasley
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone: 30l/286-2806)
George Diller
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
(Phone: 407/867-2468)
Camille Trentacoste
University of California, Berkeley
(Phone: 510/642-9319)
Capt. Kenneth Warren
Public Affairs Office
45th Space Wing
Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.
Release: 92-XX
The extreme ultraviolet is one of the least-studied portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Now, with the launch of NASA's Extreme
Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite, this new window on the Universe will
be opened to detailed study.
EUVE, NASA's 67th Explorer mission, will be the first satellite to make
both spectroscopic and wide-band observations over the entire extreme
ultraviolet (EUV) region. It is scheduled for launch aboard a McDonnell
Douglas Delta I1 expendable launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air
Force Station, Fla., on June 4, 1992. EUVE is designed to operate for at least
18 months from a 340-mile (550km)Earth orbit and will orbit the Earth
every 96 minutes.
This unique satellite consists of four telescopes--the most powerful set of
EUV telescopes ever flown. Three of these instruments will map the entire
sky to determine the existence, direction, brightness and temperature of
sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation. The fourth instrument is designed
to make spectroscopic observations to determine the composition and
temperature of the EUV sources discovered during the sky mapping. Some
of the objects EUVE is likely to detect and study are white dwarf stars,
binary star systems and the hot outer atmospheres (coronae) of stars
similar to our Sun.
From the many objects of astronomical interest discovered during the
EUVE all-sky survey and other objects already thought to be observable in
the extreme ultraviolet, guest observers will propose to study targets using
the spacecraft's fourth instrument, the extreme ultraviolet spectrometer.
The EUVE is one of a long line of relatively low-cost, small-to-moderately
sized missions that make up the Explorer program. Since the Explorer
Program began in 1958, these missions have given scientists worldwide a
new understanding of astronomy and astrophysics, providing them an
opportunity to probe nearly every region of the electromagnetic spectrum,
from infrared radiation to gamma rays.
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., is responsible for the
design, construction, integration, checkout and operation of EUVE. The
spacecraft's science instrumentation was designed, constructed and
calibrated by the Space Science Laboratories of the University of California,
Berkeley. The EUVE is managed by Goddard for NASA's Office of Space
Science and Applications.
- end -
Astronomers use the term "extreme ultraviolet" (EUV) to refer to the
high-energy end of the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Like other forms of light such as infrared and X-rays, EUV light is blocked
by the Earth's atmosphere. It must be studied from space. In fact, even the
very low density gas found between the stars can block EUV light. Initially
astronomers thought it would be impossible to detect EUV rays from
sources beyond our solar system.
However, our Sun is now known to lie within an unusually hot
transparent region of interstellar space. This region, about 250 light-years
in diameter, is often called the local bubble. Apart from a few small wisps
of cold, opaque gas, it is mostly transparent to EUV radiation. EUV light
from very distant stars beyond the local bubble is unlikely to reach the
Earths vicinity, and thus E W E will mostly detect sources in our own
stellar neighborhood.
The scientific mission of EUVE will initially consist of a six-month all-
sky survey, together with a highly sensitive "deep" survey of a limited
portion of the sky. This will then be followed by a spectroscopy phase of at
least one year. In the spectroscopy phase, individual targets, whether
discovered in the all-sky survey o r identified from other information, will be
analyzed in detail through selected observations made with an on-board
extreme ultraviolet spectrometer.
The EUVE surveys will be conducted by astronomers from the Center for
Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics (CEA) a t the University of California,
Berkeley, while the spectroscopic studies will be performed by guest
observers, selected through peer review.
As in the case of earlier Explorer missions, the most exciting discoveries
may be those that are unexpected. Objects thought to be well understood
may display surprising properties at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, and
it is even conceivable that entirely new classes of celestial objects may be
Time Altitude
(Min:Sec) (St.Miles)
Liftoff 0:o 0 0
Six solid rocket
motors jettison 1:02 8.75 1,929
14.08 km 3,104.3 k m h
The Explorer platform spacecraR, plus the science payload, comprise the
Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer observatory. The observatory is thermally
controlled to protect the science payload from extreme temperature
changes. This protection is especially important because orbital night and
day occur about 16 times each Earth day as the satellite circles the planet.
Like most satellites, the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer is solar powered.
Photovoltaic cells on the satellite's solar array panels convert solar energy
into electricity, which is stored in rechargeable batteries. At the beginning
of the mission, the arrays will provide the spacecraft with more than 1,000
watts of power during its journey around Earth. Three hundred watts will
be allotted to power the science payload -- one-fourth the power needed to
operate a typical microwave oven.
During the mission, Goddard's Payload Operations Control Center
(POCC) will be responsible for communications with the observatory,
transmitting commands and receiving science and engineering data. The
center will then route all science-related information to the University of
California, Berkeley.
NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) plays an
integral role in mission communications. The observatory first transmits
data to a relay satellite, located 22,300 miles above the Earth in
geostationary orbit, which sends the information to the TDRSS ground
station at White Sands, NM. From there, the data are relayed up to a
commercial communications satellite, also in geostationary orbit, and
down to Goddard. Finally, the scientific data are sent over telephone lines
to Berkeley.
While the Goddard Space Flight Center controls mission operations, the
Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics (CEA) will coordinate science
operations, monitor instrument performance and collect data.
CEA, which operates from a dedicated building near the Berkeley
campus, includes a Science Operations Center and a Science Data Analysis
Facility. The Science Operations Center will work closely with Goddard
mission planners to coordinate the acquisition of scientific measurements
and command the instruments. The satellite's raw science telemetry and
processed data will be archived at the Science Data Analysis Facility.
There, Berkeley scientists will produce the all-sky survey catalog and sky
map and study data from the mission's deep survey.
In addition, Berkeley will support the NASA-sponsored Guest Observer
Program during the mission's spectroscopy phase. One of Berkeley's tasks
will be scheduling spectroscopic observations for the Guest Observers, who
can interpret data either at their home institutions or at the Berkeley
-.. -
The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer flight elements arrived at Hangar AE
on Cape Canveral Air Force Station (CCAF'S) at the end of January. The
Payload Module was flown into the CCAFS Skid Strip by an Air Force C-5
aircraft on Jan. 27, 1992 and the Explorer Platform was delivered by truck
on Jan. 28. Processing was accomplished in Hangar AE, a NASA facility
on CCAF'S by the Goddard Space Flight Center's E W E NASNcontractor
team with support fiom the Kennedy Space Center's Payload Operations
Directorate. After initial checkout, the Explorer Platform was mated with
the science payload module on Feb. 24.
A milestone was reached on March 6 when the first "Countdown plus
early orbit" mission simulation was successfully completed. This exercise
began at a simulated Launch minus 18-hours and continued through
Launch plus 48 hours. A second simulation was successfully completed on
April 21.
After achieving a simulated orbit, the EUVE Payload Operations Control
Center (OCC) at Goddard and the EUVE Science Operations Center (ESOC),
located at the University of California, Berkeley, sent simulated commands
to the spacecraft. The spacecraft was to be moved to the launch pad in mid-
May for mating and integration with the Delta I1 launch vehicle.
The U. S. Air Force's 1st Space Launch Squadron, 45th Operations
Group, 45th Space Wing, is responsible for the preparation and launch of
the Delta I1 which will carry the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer into orbit.
* -
Guidance Section
Nitrogen Spheres
Centerbody Section
Oxidizer Tank
First Stage
Thrust Augmentation Solids
A U. S. Air Force Delta I1 6920-10 expendable launch vehicle will lift the
EUVE into low-Earth orbit for NASA. Built by McDonnell Douglas Space
Systems Company (MDSSC) of Huntington Beach, Calif., the Delta I1 has a
perfect launch record.
The EUVE flight will be the second time a 10-foot (3 meters) diameter
fairing has been used on a Delta vehicle. Its first use was in 1990 for
launch of the Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) mission. The fairing, built in
three sections, is based on the Titan family of fairings MCSSC has built for
NASA fbnded the development of the 10-foot fairing to accommodate the
ROSAT, EUVE and other payloads requiring a larger volume than offered
by the 9.5-foot and 8-foot (2.8 meters and 2.3 meters) fairings regularly flown
on Delta.
The EUVE launch is scheduled to be the 24th flight for the Delta 11.
Delta's origins reach back to the mid-1950s when the U. S. Air Force
developed the Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile. NASA later
modified the Thor, a single-stage, liquid-fueled missile for the Delta launch
The two-stage Delta I1 carrying EUVE consists of four major assemblies,
the first stage, including nine strap-on solid rocket motors, the interstage,
the second stage and the payload fairing.
The Delta I1 is 123.4 feet tall and 8 feet (37.4 meters and 2.3 meters) in
diameter. The payload fairing is 26 feet tall and 10 feet (7.8 meters and 3
meters) in diameter. The first stage main engine has a liftoff thrust of
207,000 pounds (93,150 kilograms) and each of the nine solid strap-on
motors has a sea-level thrust of 97,070 pounds (43,681 kilograms). The
main engine and six of the nine solid motors are burning at liftoff,
providing a total thrust of 789,420 pounds (355,239 kilograms).
The second set of three solid strap-on motors is ignited during the first
stage burn. The second stage engine has a vacuum-rated thrust level of
9,645 pounds (4,340 kilgrams).
Several major subcontractors to MDSSC contributed to the Delta vehicle.
The Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell, Canoga Park, Calif., is responsible
for the first stage engine. Aerojet Techsystems Co. of Sacramento, Calif.,
builds the second stage engine. Morton Thiokol of Huntsville, Ala.,
manufactures the solid rocket boosters and Delta Systems of Goleta, Calif.,
produces the guidance computer.
NASA Headquarters:
Dr. Lennard A. Fisk, Associate Administrator, Office of Space Science and
Dr. Charles J. Pellerin, Jr., Director, Astrophysics Division
John Lintott, Program Manager
Dr. Robert Stachnik, Program Scientist
Charles Gunn, Director, Expendable Launch Vehicle and Upper Stages
Goddard Space Flight Center:
Dr. John Klineberg, Center Director
James Barrowman, Project Manager, Explorers and Attached Payloads
Frank Volpe, Associate Project Manager for EUVE
Dr. Yoji Kondo, Project Scientist
Pete O’Neill, Project Manager, Satellite Servicing Project
Llewellyn Nicholson, EUVE Flight Operations Director
Robert Spiess, EUVE Spacecraft Manager
John Beckham, Delta Project Manager